#anti anti-semitism
alwaysbewoke · 11 months
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shit the western media won't show you
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animentality · 1 year
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jadeseadragon · 10 months
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"Today marks one year since the death of the People’s Bubbie Shatzi Weisberger. Before she passed, she said, “I’ll fight like hell for a free Palestine until the day I die. Then I’ll keep fighting. Your queer ancestor is with you.”
If you’ve been rising up in solidarity with Palestine these past two months, your queer ancestor is indeed with you, along with countless other antizionist Jewish ancestors. For many, family and community rifts may be especially painful right now. No matter what, you are not alone. Remember that you have a long lineage of elders and ancestors at your back.
Last night, Israel resumed its brutal bombing of Gaza and has already killed dozens of people. Shatzi would encourage all of us to do everything we can right now for a permanent, lasting ceasefire. To mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living.
Shatzi died on World AIDS Day, which was b’sheret ("destined”) because in addition to being a lifelong organizer, she was a nurse for 47 years who cared for people living and dying with AIDS.
From ACT UP’s organizing to end AIDS to the movement for Palestinian freedom, we honor the ancestors and movements who made us possible."
We will be forever grateful to the ancestors who paved the path before us. May their memories fuel us to work towards freedom for all people — no exceptions."
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tjmystic · 10 months
Other people have said this more eloquently than I have and will continue to do so, but, on the off chance that my small smattering of followers might need to see it said from someone else (and are sick of the pity party I've been throwing because of my latest breakdown), I thought I'd share my thoughts.
First off, let's get the annoying argument out of the way: I don't hate Jewish people. I don't hate Judaism. I'm not going to throw some garbage in here about how I have Jewish family and friends or that some of my favorite celebrities are Jewish or anything that white (or white passing, in my case) people tend to use as a reason why they can't hate a certain group. I don't hate the people, their race, or their religion because they're people, full stop. I feel the same way about Muslims and Islam, Christianity (if not all Christians, but, as a Christian, I feel I'm allowed to say this), atheists, agnostics, people of all religious beliefs and non-beliefs.
Likewise, I don't deny the Holocaust. I fully acknowledge the systematic murder of more than 17 million people (military included), over 6 million of whom were Jewish and killed specifically for being Jewish. The fact that this was allowed to happen will never not be a blight on humanity, and the fact that anti-semitism is still a problem that leads to the murders of Jewish people and Jewish allies harrows me to my core.
None of this, however, has anything to do with Israel, nor does it serve as an excuse for what Israel is currently doing to Palestine and has done since 1948. To repeat the phrase I've seen most frequently about this matter, "Surviving one genocide doesn't give you the right to commit another."
Another factor: Israel would not exist without the Allied Forces of World War II. What England (because I refuse to lump in the rest of Britain with this abhorrent decision) and America did was take a deeply traumatized people who had narrowly "escaped" -- if you can even call it that -- the largest genocide the modern world has ever seen (I know Wikipedia isn't the most reputable source, but the sources used in this entry are good, and it's just easier to link there than list each of those stats individually) and shove them off onto a separate continent. Instead of owning the choices that we (America, especially) made to allow this genocide to happen and actually trying to make reparations for it, to tell the remaining Jewish population, "You can return to your actual homes, your actual home countries, and we're going to do everything possible to make those places feel like home for you once again," we said, "Actually, it's really awkward if you're still here and we have to be reminded of what we did to you, so we're sending you somewhere else. Good luck!" That the "somewhere else" happened to be the the Jewish Holy Land is irrelevant. Especially considering that Jewish people were already living there and had been for upwards of 2000 years of recorded history.
But even that isn't fully accurate, because Holocaust survivors aren't the ones doing this. More often, Holocaust survivors are also victims of Israel.
Jewish people have more than enough justification to be afraid. They have equal justification to want a safe space where they can be Jewish however they want. They have a deep connection to the part of the Middle East in which Israel sits, as do Muslims, Christians, and many other world religions, and they should feel safe and respected in traveling to or living in that part of the world.
And none of this justifies Israel's existence as a state or the continued murder of thousands and thousands of innocent Palestinians.
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nando161mando · 8 months
While America is distracted with who Taylor Swift is sitting next to and watching zionist paid commercials, Israel is busy bombing 1.6 million people in Rafah.
Just so everyone understands: these are displaced civilians with absolutely NO WHERE to go.
And Israel has given them 2 options: Be ethnically cleansed or die.
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eroticcannibal · 4 months
You have got to all stop calling Jews zionists just because they are Jews.
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mysharona1987 · 4 months
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spale-vosver · 19 days
For every person who, in their pursuit of Palestinian freedom, has become a virulent antisemite, I hope you know that there will be no forgiveness for you when you eventually drop this trend like you did with Ukraine.
You don't get to come up to Jews and go "oops! I'm so super duper sorry I accused you of raping Palestinians and drinking the blood of babies! So like, how about that new season of Good Omens?"
In Judaism, sins are forgiven not through the grace of G-d, but by the affected party.
And we will not forgive you.
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politijohn · 6 months
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A lot of people (going by follow/unfollow patterns since October 7, 2023; a date which, speaking as a Jewish historian with a literal Masters degree in Modern Jewish History, will be permanently engraved in Jewish memory for as long as the Jewish people exist, regardless of whether or not that makes non-Jewish users upset) seem to take the simple statement: "In the 1930s anti-Semites were saying that exact same shit, except back then, they were telling us to go to Palestine," as a political statement, or an entry into the discourse.
It is simply a fact; in terms of modern European Jewish History, American Jewish History, and the intellectual history of anti-Semitism. If that causes a cognitive dissonance temper tantrum, that is on you. You get to decide whether you will use that dissonance as an opportunity to learn, or whether you will use it as an opportunity to scream your William of Norwich of the Twenty-First Century shit even louder.
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akajustmerry · 1 year
It's so fucking annoying that every time people advocate for Palestinians, we have to emphasise we're not being anti-semitic because of how white supremacists co-opt anti-Israel sentiment as anti-semitism (including zionists themselves). we will literally say an objective fact like, "Israeli defence forces have killed 100s of Palestinian families and that's a war crime" and motherfuckers with 10 brain cells in their entire gene pool will accuse you of hating Jewish people when a) there are Palestinian Jewish people killed and dispossessed by Israel and b) Israel is not and never has been supported by all Jewish people. I'm just no longer arguing with or educating grown tax paying adults who have fallen for Zionist and white supremacist rhetoric. I'm refusing to accommodate assholes who actually believe that advocating for a group of people with next to no water, food, safe housing, military, or electricity living in a slaughterhouse to be free is somehow oppressing anyone. Grow the fuck up. Advocating for the human rights of one oppressed group is not an adversarial action. This is real life, not tumblr in the mid 2010s.
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wanderrnest · 8 months
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Also from "Me too" to "Rape of jewish women can be excused as an act of palestinian resistance".
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animentality · 1 year
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alwaysbewoke · 9 months
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You can’t operate a capitalistic system unless you are vulturistic. You show me a capitalist, I’ll show you a bloodsucker. - Malcolm X
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shitswiftiessay · 5 months
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Swifties shut the fuck up challenge!!!
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ghoulcri · 6 months
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it’s the bare minimum
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