#anti bnha hero society
ignitification · 2 years
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I need a moment for you to understand the sheer pain of having to see Tomura’s world warped, to see his words twisted and his will trampled upon - to be transformed and used for a dream that is not his, and that has never been the vision that Shigaraki projected onto the future.
The absolute refusal to look a little deeper inside what Shigaraki has always, without a fail preached and the way AfO has been slowly gathering his own hate, his rage, the range of emotions heroes and hero society evoke in Tomura and sell them for something that they are not.
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And it’s hilarious to see it explained in such a panel, where apparently everything seems Shigara-esque enough to be passed as his own words, but the undertone reflects the exact same thing AfO has used to manipulate both Tomura, and now is using to manipulate the other into doing: mistrust, as AfO correctly says, brings misunderstandings and that brings in turn a gap between people and that in the end are filled with fear and rejection (but it could work also in the other way: a gap, a difference might bring to a misunderstanding, which brings fear and in the end shapes up as rejection).
It has happened to Dabi.
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It has happened to Toga.
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It has happened to Shigaraki. (It has happened do Izuku, too.)
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It’s all about the why did they not come back?
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Because again, and again and again, the difference, the gap, the diverging opinions seem insurmountable, doom-bringing and perpetrating a cycle of hatred and illusion that has never enough. Not until there is something broken that decides it’s way past the time to strive and fill the space in between and rather accept it as it is and live in it. Not until the loop interests someone that instead of letting the dichotomy go and be as such, decides that there is value, there is importance, there is worth in filling the misunderstanding.
There is meaning in understanding.
There is purpose in extending a hand, and believe there might be change, there might be something worthy to be fighting for. And this is exactly why the words AfO says, taunting: asking whether isn’t this a step forward in the society heroes want is telling and daunting for both heroes and villains. There will be no more distinction under AfO, sure - but it will an equality that no one strives for, as everyone is miserable enough. It’s exactly the reason why it does not fit with the way Shigaraki has been portrayed so far and why, it is also painful to see it all come back in a different shade.
Words are powerful, after all, and what is more powerful than someone who uses word at their wish?
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itsnothingofinterest · 8 months
I actually find it funny when people will say the heroes need to kill more villains instead of arresting them when, from where I'm looking, every instance of the heroes killing a villain(s) has led to some consequence that would've been avoided had they just been taken in alive. (Which evidence has often shown them quite capable of doing.)
Lady Nagant was made to kill loads of people, driving her crazy and leading her to kill her boss and deprive the hero side of one of it's best. Her case feels like a big reason why killing on the regular would be incompatible with the rest of the hero shtick; 'cause it turns out people with lots of blood on their hands have trouble using them to then shake the hands of children.
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People say All Might should've killed AFO; but you can tell both from All Might's dialogue in Kamino & from how AFO regrew his head that that's exactly how their first fight ~7 years ago ended. AFO's brains met the pavement that day. And I can only assume this allowed his body to be easily recovered & revived, letting him lay low for the next 6 years to mould Tomura into a successor and orchestrate a good portion of the conflicts we've seen in this series. Just saying, that sounds much harder to do from Tartarus. And at least the heroes knew when he broke out of jail way faster then when he broke out of the grip of death. Heck, it could easily be argued he only broke out of jail thanks to that 6 years of set-up.
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Oh and where to start with Hawks killing Twice? Maybe how it enraged Toga & Dabi to make them more crazy & dangerous, maybe how it affected people's trust in heroes? Oh but the big one has to be how leaving Twice as a corpse let his blood be collected for Toga to get a parade off anyway; one the heroes were unprepared for too, which distracted a lot of the pros meant to keep AFO in Gunga. All of which could've been avoided if Hawks had just taken Twice in alive. (Which I must reiterate he easily could have done; I mean his quirk was shown pretty easily countering a Parade.) The heroes wouldn't have had to deal with a Parade in this war at all if Twice was sitting pretty in a jail cell next to Compress & Geten.
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I can't help but think those last two cases could be a surprisingly common occurrence too if heroes killed as much as some readers say they should. Like, could you imagine if every dangerous villain in Japan's history was killed and then just dumped somewhere for a guy like Dr. Garaki to get his hands on them the same way he got Shirakumo?
So anyway, between the mental health issues it causes, combined with how villains keep finding ways to perform necromancy; I'm just not seeing a lot of evidence that things go well for the heroes when they kill villains, or that they'd go much better if the heroes were kill-happy soldiers of the war on villainy all the time.
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kurokoros · 8 months
I've been seeing the "endeavor is the best written character in BNHA" take for a while and regardless of if that's true or not (because that's an opinion, not a fact) do the people saying this not think it's questionable or off-putting that the "best" written character is a middle aged man discovering after over two decades that neglecting, abusing, and overall traumatizing his wife and children is BAD and he wants to be a better person now???
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mangasstuffcomics · 2 years
Hero society is pure garbage
What's is going on first the civilians and there dehumanizition of the heores treating them like protection robots and ignoring those that do need help( tenko) and all might himself was pushed to his limit
The childhood soldier stuff including the situation with hawks lady nagant
The lack of mental health services for those who loose there parents due to hero work e.g endeavor Kota and kotaro infact the whole situation with the todoroki family could have been avoided if enji was taken to see actual therapist the way he talked about himself in mha 356 and Mha 357 is not the way anyone should speak about themselves ever
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And all might himself has degraded himself so much he broke himself to help people I can't imagine his mental health at this point
That and every student that fight sin this war and sore all that death and lost teachers and the whole situation with toga as well
Now today hero society did not start mutant discrimination that stated way before then and this new chapter ellarbating on that there genocides death threats and genuine discormatiion and then they said something about how some mutants wished they be better of without a quirk and I'm like no you wouldn't deku and aoyama where bullied and treated awfully due to there lack of quirk
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It's the main reason aoyama parents went to all for one two stop there son being shunned by everbody everbody else
Hero society is awful for everybody involved honestly
And the villains and mutants your not making things better by committing mass murder and attacking a hospital and attacking other mutant s who are kids by the baby Koda and shoji
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gonnagobankai · 2 years
”The lov hasn’t even done anything bad, how can you call them villains when they only fight against the system?”
Maybe because off the brutally torturing and murdering children thing, but you do you I guess
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best thing about shigaraki being back in control is that deku (or nana and the vestiges) is probably gonna pull some talk no jutsu ‘youre free from AFO’s influence, you can be better person now!’ shit and hes gonna look him dead in the eye as he says ‘actually, i’m going to be worse’ and tries to decay the entire planet or smthn
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marunalu · 2 years
Bakugou stans are even mad with Izuku too OMG, they're like "b.. bu.. but Midoriya didn't want to save Tomura before the vestiges". Midoriya got the same shit from the villian stans for not understanding Tomura and from the hero stans for thinking only of saving him. Therefore the Bakugou stans should suck it up and accept what is happening now, it isn't Horikoshi's fault that they made their own canon where Bakugou is some kind of sweet and empathic human being who was going to be the one who would help Midoriya understand that Tomura was being hurt by society or that he understands how hard it is to be discriminated against by hero society.
Accept it Endeavor and Bakugou are the same their story is only going to repeat itself at this point, the heroes are going to lose to Tomura as Endeavor lost to AFO for the simple fact that their reactions are going to make everything worse, Horikoshi decided that only Shoto, Uraraka and Midoriya have a greater understanding of the villains enough to generate some empathy towards them even if that understanding doesn't mean absolution for their actions, Bakugou and the rest of class 1a don't understand it, surely they will understand it in the long run but not now. However, if Bakugou's big moment is realizing that he screwed up as Endeavor with AFO, then Horikoshi is finally going to be right and the antis might actually expect a little more from the character and if he adds to that rubbing past mistakes like he did it with Enji possibly even make me feel bad for Bakugou.
All of this. Shoto has a very personal reason wanting to safe dabi - he is his brother! I think thats the only connection between a hero and a villain that bakugou would actually get. Ochako trying to safe toga or espicially izuku trying to safe shigaraki is something bakugou wouldnt understand. He still doesnt get that villains need saving too! Dont get me wrong what the lov did to so many innocent people is unforgiveable and it would be absolutely unfair to all their victims if shiggy, touya, toga, spinner etc. just get a second chance and a happy ending after all the terrible things they did. But there is still the problem that all of them are victims of hero society, which plays a big part why they ended up the way they are. As long as hero society will not change to the better and reform, more people like the lov will be created by it. Its a never ending circle. To the heroes of the current hero society villains are just bad people that need to be stopped under all costs or even killed. To some extent thats understandable because villains like afo, the lov etc. are akin to terrorists. They need to be stopped. The problem is that the heroes dont try to get rid of the problem by the roots - the reason WHY people end like villains! And the reason for that is how hero society is oppressing people who arent part of the norm (people with "villain" quirks, mutant quirks, weak quirks, quirkless and even try to tell non hero people that they arent allowed to use their quirks - by that stealing a part of peoples freedom). Non hero people arent even allowed to use their quirks to help someone who is in danger, because thats a heroes job! Thats why their society clings so much to the hero ideology and nobody thinks on his own anymore. Thats why nobody helped little tenko when he needed it. Because thats a heroes job afterall.
And bakugou like many others, still thinks the way hero society wants him to think. Villains cant be victims, villains need to be stopped under all costs, even killed if there is no other choice, villains are the problem and not what turned them into villains in the first place (hero society), there is no reason to feel sympathy with villains, because they dont have feelings. Bakugou has still the same mindset like all the old pro heroes. They believe in what hero society told them to believe. He still lives in the past and sees the problems in others and not the ideology he believes in. But to be fair, the only "new heroes" so far who seem to understand that hero society isnt perfect are izuku, ochako, shoto and I would argure iida. I dont see this realization in the rest of class a including bakugou, most likely because non of them has his own personal villain foil, he learns to understand over time.
The fact that bakugou has no own villain foil, the fact that he doesnt see a reason why he should feel sorry for them, his trust in the old ways, his own ego and desire to become the nr 1 hero which blind him from the real problems of hero society and people like him, is the reason why he is still so far behind izuku, ochako and shoto when it comes to "changing hero society for the better." Thats why he goes for the kill against shigaraki!
He still doesnt get what izuku, ochako and shoto do! That a hero safes everyone, including villains. That izukus desire to safe everyone including villains makes him a true hero and him not, because right now current bakugou would never safe a villain! He still only gets the "win to safe" part and not the "safe to win" part. Izuku has learnt to understands both over time!
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sapphic-agent · 9 months
I think one of my main annoyances in Hori writing is him trying to redeem every villain and hero that some of them just doesn’t deserve that redemption.
Like; it’s reminds me too much of Naruto. But the difference is Naruto isn’t being held by modern standards since it set in a fictional world with ninjas while bnha is set in 200+ years in the future in modern japan.
I absolutely despise Endeavor and how he abused his family as a whole; in modern society he would have been put in jail, and yet he still gets a redemption arc. It’s feels like it’s cheapen all of the todorokis trauma.
And shoto being bakugo friend is another thing, since bakugo is so much like endeavor… like, if I had a classmate that act so much like my abusive parent that I absolutely despise I wouldn’t be close to them at all.
It’s gave me bad feeling how Hori just brushes all of the trauma the characters have from the actions of other characters selfish acts.
When I started reading the manga in 2015 I thought the concept is really good and having a main character with anxiety and socialization problems (in the start) made me hooked, because I had those things too. But looking at it now 8 years later I just feel so much dissatisfaction and disappointments..
You have a great point about Naruto. I mean, I'm not a fan of Naruto because of reasons, but it's the same concept as to why I like Vegeta better than Bakugou despite Vegeta technically being a worse person. Because MHA and DBZ are two very different shows. One is about becoming stronger and being able to face any threat to the world no matter what, the other is trying to push a narrative about morality and being a "true hero." The Z Fighters do have their own moral compasses, but it varies between every character. So there's no overarching theme that's beating us over the head.
Someone described this problem with MHA perfectly; it's constantly preaching about morality while willfully being tone deaf about its own overlaying issues. And that wouldn't even be so bad if so many of these issues weren't set up in the beginning to be addressed later.
I talk a lot about Bakugou, but I think we should focus on Endeavor like you mentioned. Not only are they similar in nature (temperamental, overzealous, dangerously ambitious), they're also two characters who benefit the most from the system in MHA.
...And it's barely ever acknowledged.
I mean sure, Dabi calls Endeavor out and it leads to the public losing faith in heroes. But not only does the family he abused and/or neglected choose to help him (I can't get over Fuyumi and Natsu taking blame for Touya when they were LITERAL CHILDREN wtf, not to mention Rei), why he was allowed to do this is never addressed. People knew he wasn't the kind hero All Might was, and it was something his fans admired along with his strength. Because as long as you have a strong quirk, you're admired in the MHA world and allowed to get away with whatever you want. Yet this is overlooked so easily.
(I like Hawks (because of Zeno Robinson mainly), but him dismissing this is so weird?? Why on Earth would Horikoshi go out of his way to introduce a character with an abusive father and make him an Endeavor fan? With no moment of clarity either?? There's something really off about that)
Bakugou's apology (one day I'll make a post critiquing this scene) is a little better in this regard as he does acknowledge that he was enabled because of his quirk. But again, it's really just skimmed over and only referenced to give Bakugou an excuse.
And the people who do question society and its system are either villains who are use it as an excuse to cause destruction and hurt people (the LOV and Overhaul) or bloodthirsty murderers (Stain). I would have loved for Horikoshi to introduce a group of vigilantes or anti-heroes who work outside of the HPSC and call out how discriminatory their system is.
Someone's talked about this before, but the Todoroki and Bakugou "friendship" was so forced and unnecessary. Bakugou has, at every turn, been completely unsympathetic towards the fact that Todoroki was abused and yelled at his sister for talking about it in her own home (but sure, let's call Bakugou an abuse victim I guess). Todoroki should have at the very least remained indifferent towards Bakugou like he was in the beginning.
Izuku deserves so much better than how Horikoshi treats him. He's either used as a tool to make Bakugou better or he's shoved into the background of his own show. He was so relatable in the beginning of the series only for the plot to suck his character dry.
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kitsunefyuu · 6 months
the way i see it is that izuku's views arent challenged bc if kh were to write an arc where izuku begins to see society's idea of heroism in a critical lens, his adoration of katsuki would inevitably (for this arc to make sense) fall apart. katsuki reads like an anti-sas*k*. barely provides anything useful to bnha's messages and is an overall inorganic component to the story. even katsuki's 'win to save' theme is contained (and poorly constructed); just an excuse to keep inking him
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Basically, if Horikoshi allowed himself to write Izuku's view on Bakugou like in depth he be forced to write negatively. Hell we got ONE incident of his thoughts and Izuku called himself a worthless Deku after leaving Ochaco to Toga and stuff. Showing Hori can't really justify Izuku's behavior without mentioning the trauma he endured.
It not POSSIBLE to be able to keep Katsuki in a good light if was to see Izuku POV and think critically. Because Heroism is basically just celebrities, a show to prove who is top dog. Which is why Katsuki Bakugou had such a pride issue he needed to be the best. He is part of the problem but instead of being used to deconstruct he just kinda... There.
Making him USELESS to the plot when having him analyzed and Izuku realizing he shouldn't admire Bakugou. That all he is doing is perpetrating the cycle that forces villains into the shadows but put heroes on pedastals. I WANTED that I wanted Izuku to lose the admiration so can treat Bakugou as an equal.
To be like, I used to admire but I realize that isn't right you are no better then anyone else. And Bakugou having to realize, he ain't BETTER then other people. This would be good for both sides!
But I guess that too much to ask that both get character development. Let just Bakugou suddenly admiring Izuku for honestly no reason while Izuku NEVER reflects on their relationship or his unhealthy admiration. Stagnation is great, only cool power ups with no emotional investment in them totally better.(Being sarcastic clearly)
Maybe if Hori took that vacation maybe he realize this potential that was needed instead of clearly showing burn out.
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quidfree · 11 months
hear me out…. todobaku as villains???
im going to disappoint you anon bc i am not a like... dark & twisted fantasy villain au person. as per quidfree canon what keeps me going is good characterisation and so you will find no undercut tattoo-laden bad boys here.
if you want my two cents on what todobaku villain au would most likely look like though it's under the cut
this one is easy right? touya exists. shouto already has his villain backstory: his dad is a bigshot hero uplifted by society and also an abusive bastard in private. his motivations in hero-oriented society are obvious.
i think shouto probably distinguishes himself from touya in a number of ways, one of which being style of villainy. touya was a lot more unstable emotionally (?tied to his quirk self-harm stuff) and undiscerning in his resentment (see: woman hater) even before he ran away. i think shouto would be a more classic anti-hero type villain, less quick to cause chaos and death to unrelated civilians or high schoolers. they would have an uneasy relationship if and when shouto figured out who dabi was- i think he would retain his empathy for his siblings and mother, but he would disagree with touya’s choices.
i see him as a loner villain, not likely to join the league. early UA shouto appeared to have literally never spoken to another person in ten years, so if he around that age veered off the expected path and went MIA, i think the whole ice prince thing would solidify pretty definitely. and that’s the kind of personality he’d have too- icy, controlled superiority over a core of red-hot rage. no quips here. though some dramatics. he hides it but shouto always has flair.
shouto is a practical guy first and foremost. i think he’d just wear something similar to his plumber fit. maybe something akin to a balaklava to mask his identity, but maybe not, if he wants to make his father aware of his actions. i do think touya-style he might go for a hairdye, but in his case it’d probably be bleach, as a sort of obvious reclaiming of rei’s heritage and rejection of enji’s.
overall as villains go if we are keeping to a world close to canon shouto is probably one of the more morally upright people you will encounter. very scary motherfucker but pretty targeted enemies, so unless you’re involved in maintaining the hero justice system at some pivotal level you’re probably safe. if you are though? rip i guess. prepare to have your home frozen, your limbs stuck to the ground, and an icepick summarily driven through your skull by a teenager.
katsuki is tough because for him it very much depends on setting, and at a basic level when you’re looking at. katsuki fundamentally is not a fuck the system guy- he’s a guy the system loves, and he’s interested in winning it, not destroying it, at least until character development kicks his ass. so really if you want to go early canon for both of them, villain bakugou is just hero bakugou. a katsuki from the start of bnha left to continue on his presumed arc uninterrupted, no deku or kidnapping or war to force him to question himself. arrogant and cruel and uncaring of what heroism is meant to be about. saving big numbers, sure, or at least defeating big ones, but when your defeats involve death or as good as, hard to draw the line.
similarly, in a universe where for some reason heroes have lost their relevance and villains reign, teen katsuki would have very easily risen in that direction, with similar traits.
who would his targets be? whoever’s in his way, pretty much. even in a more anti-hero slant, villain’s goons would not be safe. and anyone who tried to recruit / hire / ally him would inevitably face some kind of betrayal bc katsuki simply got sick of orders and believes he can handle the fall-out.
in terms of looks, katsuki is more style conscious than shouto is, but as lord explosion murder doesn’t necessarily look very heroic i think he wouldn’t look that different. maybe more of the black and winter-suit vibes.
for as insufferable as he would be, he would also be horrifying, yes. i mean, the guy is a starter kit terrorist. even if he was in tantrum ego mode he could level a street. collateral would be nasty if katsuki didn’t care to contain himself.
todobaku villain interaction ???
if we’re going with the above sort of setting? would not stand each other. for bakugou it’s obvious stuff (think sports fest and general canon), but todoroki genuinely would not tolerate villain bakugou at all, given the obvious alarm bells of similarity to endeavor. it’s not his focus but if bakugou died he would not be displeased.
as in any universe they could be begrudgingly forced into cooperation and then be privately disgusted by how well they worked together after the initial predictable faux pas. all of their other villain colleagues are like “can’t we just call that guy in for an assist again” and theyre like *breathing exercises* no.
they are both despite appearances and villainy-amplified dramatics fairly pragmatic so theyd probably not actively seek to cross each other unless they seemed to be getting in the way of their respective goals. they can recognise that this would be getting into it w an unnecessarily big distraction/threat. but i can imagine the “keep out of this” warnings would be fairly inventive. todoroki negligently thwarts one of bakugou’s plots and bakugou turns his entire hideout to rubble. a bunch of todoroki’s contacts are collateral during one of bakugou’s attacks and bakugou wakes up to find all of his security died of hypothermia overnight. lest we forget they both have petty streaks.
hero x villain interaction would be. very funny and very bad. hero todoroki would be So Tired of villain bakugou bc of how frustrating it is that hes actually hard to stop and villain bakugou in turn would resent him immensely. hero bakugou dealing w villain todoroki? that would be (psychologically bizarre) fun. i think for some reason that would be the closest we get to a bakugou w ‘doodling hearts against their own volition’ crush energy. but theyd get along a lot better than the reverse, mainly bc hero bakugou is like a decent person and villain todoroki respects moral integrity. in both duos in a lighter setting the villain of the two might start getting a mild kick out of messing w the hero despite their focus on other things just bc 1) it gives villain todoroki the mildest of entertainment to look forward to every blue moon given he doesn’t necessarily wish bakugou any active harm 2) villain bakugou feels he’s owed some todoroki suffering considering how annoying he personally finds him.
that’s my two cents on it anyways. idk what everyone else has in mind!
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ominleyy-san · 1 year
The HPSC Reality (Spoilers for MHA/BNHA!!)
This post is inspired by @insomniac-headcanons , who made me rage type for a good 30 minutes.
Can we all take a moment to realize that in all realness, hero society is really fucked up? So far, there have been two pro heroes who were trained to kill. 
Lady Nagant really just wanted to be a hero, to help and save people, but the HPSC said “Nope, nuh uh. Do this, it’s fine” to the point where it would take a toll on her mental health. And then, when she finally lost it, they threw her in jail. Hawks on the other hand was never given a choice, yes he left his mother with no hesitation, but he was a five year old, traumatized, and abused. He is quite literally the product of r@pe. Not only that, but he lived in a literal hell hole, and was basically homeless. When he joined the HPSC, he thought that’d he’d SAVE people like the heroes on television, not be trained to get information and kill people. Meanwhile, we have the HPSC sending literal HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS to fight a war, they knew for a damn fact couldn’t win. And they also knew damn well that the students would say “Uh fuck that” and not go, so they masked it as “Work Study Training”. And notice how the only students there, were from UA. I’m thinking that they must’ve thought “Oh they’ve dealt with it before, they can do it again” or something like that, because holy shit this isn’t the first time they’ve done this. In the Overhaul arc, they brought UA students, who had just gotten their license to fight mind you, into a suicide mission. But this time they covered it with, “It’s a part of your Work Study”. I’m starting to think that these “Work Studies” are just a front to get more help cause everybody else said no. Now don’t get me started on the movies. In “Heroes Rising” they send they ENTIRETY of 1-A to go be heroes for some island while the HPSC finds some actual pros to go there. I shit you not, the entire time they’re there, not a singular adult pro is there watching them. And while they’re there, shit goes down. Some villain dude “Nine” tried to take the quirk of a 4 year old for his own selfish gain, and where are the heroes? No where. Who needs to save this island? 1-A. Mostly my guy Deku, BUT 1-A TOO. In the 3rd Movie “World Heroes Mission” there are these anti-quirk fuckers who said “Hey, lets just KILL everybody with a quirk, using EXTREMLY POWERFUL MURDEROUS GAS.” What does the HPSC do? Send UA students with the pros for “WORK STUDIES”. But in this movie, they have to LEAVE JAPAN and go to other countries, to find the gas bombs, to save the world. Long story short, the trailer is deceiving.  To say the least, you can imagine my extreme happiness when “mAdAm president” was killed. Okay, thank you for reading, goodbye.
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itsnothingofinterest · 2 months
Man but does it not just figure that the heroes and reporters filling in for medical personnel would so urgently prioritize Ochako and not even mention Toga, despite her likely having the least blood of the two?
We mustn’t forget how half the reason Toga did her blood transfusion stunt was because everyone there besides the unconscious Uraraka (and maybe Tsuyu?) is neutral towards her survival at best, and then only if they believe she’ll be locked up for life. I can't say there's been much reason for that to change in the past hour either.
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Please don't misunderstand, I of course want Toga to live; and what's more, I'm confident she will live since there's no good ending to Ochako's arc where she doesn't. But that doesn’t mean I wanted the whole conflict that caused her to fear for her life for years, lead her to this situation in the first place, to be brushed aside because these heroes and civs are all of a sudden such good people who of course will save her. No they aren't; Hawks told everyone there to murder her like half an hour ago. Ochako may find her as cute as us villain stans, but she's somewhere between Moonfish & AFO to the rest of them.
I can't see these heroes being the ones to ultimately save her without at the very least seeing someone feel the need to ask "what do we do with the villain losing blood?"
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So apologies if I missed a post regarding this, but what your thoughts on the canon LOV regarding “found family?” Especially in the newer chapters, I’ve seen meta writers different pov’s of how they are a found family, or that they were never one (I think you may know some of them lol.) I know you do many head canons of them being one which I absolutely love reading. The way I see it is in a sense they could be one, but obviously not a healthy one in a way you would see one normally act. With today’s chapter on Toga’s “love” for the LOV, I’ve seen opinions of how that solidified their disconnect, but they also say they cared for each other in the first place. Which I agree, but in a way I find they do have some form of “care” for each other, but since they are all so mentally unstable right now, they can’t really help each other out since they need someone to help themselves first, hence the kids they are paralleled to (if that makes sense?) But I feel it doesn’t take away the fact that they are friends in a way. I would love to see the LOV at the end of the manga be together again, but build a healthy friendship together and truly start to understand each other, because it is Toga’s turmoil right now in this new chapter even though she does care for them. I guess looking back at what I wrote it isn’t a “found family” perspective I’m viewing, but just friends that are to broken to see each other until they are healed. But anyway, what are your thoughts on the topic and new chapter?
I'm currently not in the best condition to be riding this meta, since my right hand is broken and the cast doesn't allow me to properly cry like I wish I could. I'll try to do my best with the voice to text function of my phone board, so please forgive me for whatever crazy mistakes or misspells I'm about to make.
First of all, I think the complications come from what every person believes is the definition of a "found family".
For me the trope doesn't have to be pure or be innocent, you know? A found family is not the "healthiest" version of a family. What it means for me, it's a group of people you decide to stick with because you feel you belong with them. You feel better with them, you decide to take their side for wherever reason instead of your biological family or whatever. In turn, those people's welcome you in. They give you a place among them, they treat you like you're one of them and they value you.
I don't know when along the line people decide found families were only for heroes and "stable" people characteres? And honestly doesn't make sense. Found families started with the weirdos, the outcasts, the ones who didn't belong or felt like rejected by society. It was for the ones who were deemed dangerous, even. For me it is more a villain/anti-heroes trope on its roots.
Important addition: having a found family doesn't erase the importance of the biological family. It's not a game of one or the other, okay?
So, what that being said, let me deep dive in the complex dynamic of the League of Villains and why they are my favorite bnha group <3
There are different levels of affection.
That's a fact.
Among the big kinds, there's romantic affection, platonic affection for your close friends, familial affection, etc. There are the little specifics, like the affection you may have for your pets or for your belongings, or for your favorite movies or foods, that affection you may have for your teachers or for your neighbors... I think you get me.
Toga's struggle comes from not knowing the difference between the affections she feels. She doesn understand the variations in her dinamics with different numbers of the League of Villains and even with different heroes. Of course you can argue that she grew up with her biological family and with her classmate and friends— so she must know, right? I will say no, because her love is (in her mind) tied with her quick. We know she pretty much repressed her quick for all her childhood and for half of her teenage years, until she ran away.
She knows when she's not feeling affection but does she understand that not all her love is the same?
This chapter tell us that she wants to feel as strongly with Tomura and Dabi as she fell with Twice. She was hoping for it, she was upset when she couldn't use the quirks, she's crying because of that. There's definitely affection there. Even when the member's of the LoV weren't mentally stable or good relationships of any type, there's manga evidence that they care for each other. The went out of their way to do stuff for each other that wasn't really justified even if they tried to lie about their intentions.
I've said before that Spinner is the best example, but he's far from being the only one.
The manga paralleled Overhaul and Tomura in the way they treated their subordinates. Overhaul did not care, they were sacrifices to be made for him to achieve his goal. Tomura took it personal, as the League did. Compress and Tomura reacted immediately after Magne died, not just in their defense, something Tomura confirmed when he told Overhaul Magne lost wasn't the equivalent of one of Overhaul's dead men, she was worth so much more. Toga threatened Tomura when she thought he'd treat them like Overhaul treated his people. Jin and Toga want to take revenge on Magne's behalf and corrected Overhaul when he misgendered Magne on purpose or because he really didn't care. Tomura and Compress cut both his arms for it. Every member of the LoV helped ruin Overhaul.
That's just one arc —not even the arc that solely focus on their dynamic, I must mention.
I want you to think about how many mangas create a whole arc to explore the dynamic of the group of villains. An arc just for them, because the heroes has nothing to do with the arc!
My Villain Academia aims to get the readers and watchers to be more invested, more emotionally involved in the dynamic of this group of villains. Direct parallel to class 1A and Deku, to the plus ultra value, to the origin story explanation of the MCs. Twice overcame his greatest trauma to save Toga. Toga was fighting following Tomurq's values and that's the arc that made a Spinner is so close emotionally tomorrow. That arc was strategically made to give greater impact to all that'd later happen in the War Arc: Twice's death, Toga's despair, Mr. Compress sacrifice, Dabi's big reveal, Spinner desperation to save Tomura and Tomura losing control of his own body.
I can continue listing every single evidence that Horikoshi wrote the League of Villains to be a very fucked up found family, but I prefer to invite everyone reading this to re-read the manga and try to see for themselves.
So there's affection between the members of the League? There is, canonically. It's not a take, the manga says it itself. Is it enough to make of them a found family? Following my definition, it is.
Most members were rejected/isolated by society. They decided to join the League, they decided to stay with them, they sacrificed themselves to save their teammates... So listen carefully: the League was a pit of Insanity, but the only member who actively purposely tried to harm his partners was Dabi. Threats were a common thing, yes, but only one person went as far as to use the League and let one of them died and state he didn't consider himself as part of the whole .
Dabi is a tricky case, since he felt affection but he wouldn't let it get in the way of his revenge or his very suicidal, self-destoying fantasy-plan where he gets to punish his father and at some extent himself to death. Seriously, with how similar is his case to Sasuke from Naruto, I'm not surprised the fandom found a way to misinterpreted his whole character. That's another post, tho.
Like I say, we know the League wanted to be with each other, respected each other in their own way, were willing to protect and cheer and listen to each other... They had alternatives they could— no, would have taken if they wanted to.
It's NOT healthy, they were all making it worse. They actively made each other worse. A fact.
They ruined each other.
And I want people to finally get that love can destroy. Genuine love has no morals, it is not a person taking decisions, it doesn't subscribe to your belief system or culture, it has no agenda of its own. Affection, as a sublevel of love, is just the same. You'd do anything for the people you love and I'd do anything for the people I love and we could kill each other, start a war, whatever, all because we held our love higher than others' love.
Back to square one: Toga's affection and quirk.
Twice was genuinely gentle. It was easy for him to feel affection, to consider someone a friend. That was his downfall with Hawks, both loyal to the end to a group of friends or a cause.
That's not Toga's case. She's emotional, she's selective, she doesn't know how to connect with others after so many years repressing herself. She's desperate to become someone else in the sense she's desperate to connect.
As much as Dabi and Tomura connected with Toga, they weren't that close, were they? Their traumas couldn't allow it. Like you said, they were incapable of moving forward, getting closer. On the other hand, Toga's relationships with Ochako and Twice felt personal.
Twice got past the only thing holding him back, cementeing his friendship with Toga MVA. They were absolute best friends, no doubt.
During the War Arc, Toga and Ochako held a conversation that changed them both forever, a leap in their character progression. But even in the MVA arc, Toga's absolute desperation and desire to more like Ochako drove her to achieve a new quirk level.
The League is Toga's found family. Look back at the War Arc and how they worried about her. Look at how Tomura has treated her through the manga, at Dabi cheering her up and burning her old house. That's more than anyone ever did for her, as fucked up as it is. They care about her.
However, they've reach their limit.
There's no much they can improve in their current state. There's not getting closer, not evolving in their dynamic. In the villain path, the only thing left to do is die for each other.
Enter the heroes and redemption, in the sense they all need to heal if they want to ever continue their relationship.
Now, I believe Tsuyu's theory is roughly explained. "Not enough love" could be simply "not enough intimacy / not as personal as it could be". As a demiaro-demiace, I personally hate when people express love differences in terms of more/less. I don't believe in best friends, don't believe that romantic involvement means "being more than friends", etc. It's stupid for me.
I'm not looking forward to the discourse this will generate. The LoV dynamic is my favorite 'cause it's messy and complex and has many layers and grey areas. I don't enjoy when people erase those facts so it'd match their opinions.
Still, I hope this answers your post? This took me way to long to write with one hand and the voice to text function. Sending you all my love and thanks for sending me this!!!!
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
"And now this girl has the power to undo this tragedy." This foreshadowing hint at bnha 374 that getting through to Himiko Toga peacefully is one of the key points to ending this conflict. It will be difficult since Hawks refuses to let go of his anti hero phase to realize he is only creating martyrs with the league of villains. It makes them feel more vengeful and justified to continue fighting against the hero society that will only cause the war be extended further. Himiko's angry right now.
I am fully convinced Toga is the beginning of the shift in tide.
Shouto and Midoriya have the right idea, but haven’t figured out what to do yet. Lots of things still need to happen on those fronts—new information is needed, things to be seen and heard etc.
So I think Ochacko will figure it out first out of the three.
But I think that because Toga has been trying to help her figure it out. She’s open about everything. She hasn’t minced words. She can’t express what her ideal world is because she doesn’t know what that would even look like since she’s been treated like shit her whole life. And that’s why Ochacko hasn’t figured it out either. The more I look at their conflict the more I feel like they need each other to figure out what kind of world Toga is trying to achieve. Because context tells us that Toga isn’t wanting to just slice people freely without consequence. If there is anything we have learned about what she wants, it’s certainly not that.
Also Toga is the most independent out of the remaining villains.
Touya is letting his fate entirely depend on his dad. If his dad hasn’t seen him yet, Touya is still burning, and still suicidal.
Shigaraki, well, honestly not much of an explanation is needed. Zero independence there.
Spinner also. We saw the effects of that recently. He had a little bit of recent development in a more positive direction for himself, but for the villains as a group I’m not so sure. We’ll see how the butterfly effect of Kurogiri waking up affects things.
Kurogiri may be slowly dissipating in favor of Shirakumo coming through, but we learned this chapter with the chip in Nana’s hand that he’s still operating under AFO’s command and influence. He’s still a pawn and hasn’t shown us that he’s fully broken free from that yet. I suspect an encounter with Aizawa will help, but not before things get worse, but we’ll see.
But TOGA? She pretty much has never really depended on anyone, or lost herself to someone else’s influence. She’s separated herself from the League numerous times to seek answers for herself. She’s diverted from plans to do what she wants—which in the past has involved getting close to the hero kids. She’s still operating under AFO’s command over all, but within those parameters she has been doing her own thing. I doubt trying to talk to Izuku and hoping for an understanding was within AFO’s plans (even though it didn’t work out, she still tried).
She’s the one openly seeking for someone to help her change, even if she isn’t saying it exactly like that.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all if she’s the first to take the helping hand offered to her.
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xinhua-jun · 8 months
I'm honestly thinking of writing an anti-hero Izuku that fights the government, hero society, and anyone else who hurts civilians for their own benefit. I would think he'd enlist multiple people to play the role of the same villain, modifying the suit to leave any differences in body shape or type, while still having his hero identity and a civilian identity. He'd be the type to bring hell to anyone who hurts people and he'd most definitely believe that society as it is in bnha hurt people if he had been taught about the horrors of it. He'd be smart, ruthless, and kind, I think.
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andypantsx3 · 10 months
andie, im roughly plotting a multichapter fic rn -- and im curious how you go about writing your main conflicts/storylines? ive been writing for ages, but am relatively out of practice with multichaptered fics, and somewhat worried about coming up with conflicts that suit the setting/characters (rather than being able to really toy with both when writing original content.) obviously, you dont need to get super in depth, im just curious about how you come up w a main conflict for a fic, and how central/present it is (like a somewhat subdued conflict that is almost somewhat passive in comparison to a very present conflict, like a fight scene written and shown with detail.) feel free to ignore this/this isnt super pressing, but im just sorta curious + looking for some motivation. i love your work, and think youre Incredibly talented <3 have a lovely day and eat some good veggies for me
Hello my love!! Omg sending you my best plotting vibes and hoping you come up with something good!!
I have to say the conflict really varies from story to story and depends on the kind of story I want to tell. A lot of my fics are lighter, so they don't have much in the way of central conflict. So I'm not sure I will have great answers here, but I will try my best.
For the lightest level of fun, feel-good fic, I think the things that work best are common struggles that the average person faces, and/or ridiculous situations, because those are not very mentally taxing to read or work through along with the reader, except in terms of second-hand embarrassment lol.
For example, I've previously gone for project deadlines and working with a difficult partner (savvy, statistically significant), overcoming self-doubt/obliviousness and realizing someone loves you (if i could keep cool, fingerprints, vested interest, unconventional).
Or I've given the characters some ridiculous prop/costume (just my (blood) type, baby are you playing tricks 'cause you look like a treat?) or situation like a quirk accident that actually facilitates a confession rather than prevents one (damage, all in a day's quirk).
For fics of like, intermediary lightness, I think some sort of situational obstacle that prevents the characters being together works well, just because it is a more complicated situation, but you can get kind of fun/ridiculous with how absurd the situation is as well. I obviously have a super huge thing for class differences so that is usually my main bag (Deceiving the Duke, in cinders), and I will throw in some hidden identity element on the side to complicate it just a little bit further.
Only on rare occasions do I try my hand at a larger-scale external conflict. I'm not quite sure how to give tips on how to pick one out. I generally tend towards a sort of case fic/mystery approach to these, like, who is committing a string of crimes? (ab intra, war paint) or how do we confirm someone is doing bad stuff? (something in the water), and lastly, how do we keep someone alive in the face of targeted hate? (incendiary). It's these kinds of fics where the fight scenes generally come into play, and act as a sort of pay-off or climactic moment in the fic.
What I have never tried my hand at but I think makes a truly amazing conflict is a combination of case fic plus some societal snapshot/commentary, like Mermie does in her fics.
The throughline in Mermie's fics for the big three (surrender, something (just like this), and the eventual Shouto fic), is an anti-quirk terrorist group targeting quirkless civilians and attempting to give them quirks, which typically results in them being unable to handle the new power and either accidentally killing themselves or hurting others around them. The pro heroes are constantly working the case, trying to figure out who is behind these efforts, while also trying to protect the Reader characters who inadvertently get involved.
It's really consistent with the themes of BNHA as a whole and serves as a similar snapshot of a society still struggling with the concept of quirks. And it allows for a very strong throughline of tension as you have opportunities to lay out a mystery, grow the tension, and insert fight scenes or other scenes of societal devastation.
Anyway I'm not sure how helpful this was, but these are my general thoughts!! Please let me know if you're looking for more specific pointers, though, and I'm happy to try to dig more into some of this!!
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