#anti boggs
madeofjules · 7 months
Boggs to Katniss: "I'm planning for you to have a long life"
Boggs, 2 secs later: *sends Katniss on a suicide mission to assassinate the president, which has no chance of happening*
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Do you know, all I keep thinking about re these negative anon asks is how all of what Jimin supposedly said was filmed probably April 23, when he was in NYC. Did he seem unhappy to anyone in that video? Did he seem unhappy in 2023 as a whole. No.
So after this interview (no we have it) we got Jimin travelling to NY to meet with JK, (all waxed.. sorry I digress), to go in a date on silver day to a very romantic looking restaurant, to then spend time travelling around CT, including a stay in a very romantic LGBTQ+ friendly cabin, camping under the trees, to them flirting in front of our salads a week or so later, JK naked in bed, as you do. Then we got the back selca of the century from Jimin on JKs birthday (everyone say thank you to Jimin), to Jimin posting a picture of a whale they both drew, and now we know they did that in the back of a boat watching a very romantic sunset. Then we got JK walking in on Jimins production diary live, and Jimins smile that could light up the sky it was that big and bright. Then if that wasn’t all, we got 2017 Jikook cosplayers going to Japan together all cosy in the airports, and then, then, the biggest most loudest thing they have done in my opinion, the buddy enlistment. 
I mean seriously people. We may not know, or ever know, the true nature of the relationship between them but do you know what? We don’t need to know do we. Mainly because it’s non of our business, but also because no matter what, the love and devotion these two have is unparalleled. They have a truly beautiful bond that is unique to them. They know what they mean to one another, we get to peak when they let us, but that’s all. It’s not our right to debate and seek the truth, that’s their right. It’s not up to us to decide what they are, or what the truth is, that’s up to them. It’s called plausible deniability for a reason, they allow us in a bit, but then pull back equally as fast. As is their right. 
I’ve been watching BV3 to pass some time and even in the short clips we see of them in that season, you can see their special bond. They say it themselves in their ending interviews. They click, they are similar. In AYS we are going to see hours of just them, no other members to pan to, or Segway to, just them, together. Do people realise what a privilege that is? I hope so. 
I for one wish people would just stop with speculation and inane asks and either bogg off if you are an anti, or stay and appreciate what they do allow us to see if themselves, especially during AYS, because if that twitter op is anything to go by, we are in for something really special. 
Hey, you know anon. I love you. I adore you. Come be my friend? 💜💜
Thanks for sharing!
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On this day, 24 June 1973, an arsonist ignited a fire that engulfed the LGBT+ bar called the Up Stairs Lounge in New Orleans, killing 32 people and injuring 15. The fire was the deadliest attack on a gay bar in American history prior to the 2016 Pulse Nightclub Massacre. In a city where LGBT+ culture was largely hidden, the Up Stairs Lounge was one of the few establishments catering to the gay community and one of the only gay bars that welcomed Black men and lesbians. On the fourth anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, patrons assembled at the bar for the weekly beer bust. Sixty-five people remained when Bartender Buddy Rasmussen heard the doorbell ring and asked friend Luther Boggs to answer it. As Luther opened the door, flames rushed into the lounge. Buddy led 20 survivors onto the roof of a nearby building while others unsuccessfully attempted to escape through barred windows. The fire department arrived at 7:58 and extinguished the fire quickly, but the powerful flames had already overpowered many patrons. Among the victims were 12 members of Metropolitan Community Church, the first church serving LGBT+ individuals. They included Rev. William "Bill" Larson, associate pastor Duane "Mitch" Mitchell, and Mitch's boyfriend Horace Broussard. Unlike other tragedies, the Up Stairs fire did not amass community support. Although newspapers reported the fire, journalists enflamed anti-gay sentiment by perpetuating vulgar rhetoric and harmful stereotypes. Articles painted the victims as "thieves, burglars, and queers," while other reports named the tragedy a "fruit fry." Eyewitnesses told author Johnny Townsend that they overheard either police or firefighters saying: "Let the f*****s burn". No formal memorials were planned, and churches refused to provide services. This reaction galvanised the New Orleans' LGBT+ community to organise for gay rights as they mourned those who died in the tragic fire. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=649971757176043&set=a.602588028581083&type=3
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79 years ago this week [29AUG23], Staff Sergeant Lafayette Pool set the standard for American tank commanders over the course of three days in the late summer of 1944. As commander of the M4A1(76)W medium tank nicknamed "In the Mood", Pool skillfully led his tank crew and the rest of I Company, 3rd Battalion, 32nd Armor Regiment through enemy held terrain. Starting in Braisne, France on the morning of 29 August, S/SGT Pool led a company advance against three defending German Panther tanks. Pool and his well-trained crew destroyed one of the Panthers with two rounds, forcing the remaining pair of enemy tanks to retreat. Pool continued to lead the American column in a flank attack over a low water crossing and into a German-held town that resulted in overwhelming and destroying the enemy with complete surprise. The next night on 30 August, Pool was leading I company once again into their bivouac positions when he came under fire from another German Panther. The incoming round ricocheted off the side of “In the Mood”, and Pool immediately actioned his tank onto the threat, causing the German crew to evacuate their tank after being hit. S/SGT Pool coordinated for the other tanks in his platoon to cover him as he moved “In the Mood” forward to destroy the Panther. As “In the Mood” set the German tank in flames, other German Panthers appeared as the sun set. Fighting in the dark, Pool ordered his gunner to engage the flashes of the enemy tank guns, while continually maneuvering his own tank to avoid incoming fire. After destroyer another Panther, the remaining German tanks withdrew. The next day on 31 August, “In the Mood” once again led the 3rd Armored Division, engaging and destroying two German anti-tank teams armed with Panzerschrecks (bazookas) and then destroying an anti-tank gun literally hiding in a haystack. After these engagements, Pool twice made contact with retreating German columns, destroying two more tanks, another anti-tank gun, dozens of lighter vehicles, and an untold number of enemy casualties. For his actions commanding “In the Mood”, Staff Sergeant Lafayette Pool was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. Pool’s battalion commander, LTC Walter B. Richardson, attributed his success to his focus on training and developing his crew to strict standards. Today, Pool is looked at as the exemplar of the American tank commander. Crew of "In The Mood" 29-31 August: Staff Sergeant Lafayette Pool-Tank Commander Corporal Willis Oller-Gunner Corporal Wilbert Richards-Driver Technician Fifth Grade Del Boggs-Loader Private First Class Bert Close-Assistant Driver/Bow Gun
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weaselbeaselpants · 11 months
From my last rb.
nah I'm serious helluvaverse fandom/standom/criticals/antis whatever you are do not let Lily Orchard in to play.
Look at what she does with corporate, company backed media for children and general audiences: she unapologetically called Rebecca Sugar a fascist, wrote a foalcon fic in her MLP days, thinks all anime is perverted even when it's made for kids. If Courtney is right about her, and Lily really is all bark and no bite, then that explains everything but whatever side she takes on being "pro" or "anti" anything, everyone else in her vicinity looses. Girl makes even her Family Guy opinions controversial.
She'd burn up in the sun the second one of those stan artists or critical bloggers touch her.
Anyway, the reason ILoveKimPossibleALot is trying to get Michael Boggs, an animator at Spindlehorse, fired is because when he was a minor Michael was a mod on a hate blog for ILoveKimPossibleALot. Lily wants ILoveKimPossibleALot's loyalty and is sticking her hand into the vivziepop controversy ring over it.
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kittyscurvycorner · 2 years
Shame-Free Fitness Resources
This is a post I added to a reblog from someone who was looking for inclusive fitness options that won't stigmatize them based on their bodies. I am adding and refining what I originally put in that post.
I, personally, have been on a journey to find genuinely body positive, anti-diet exercise channels for a while now. Please note, the costs of classes below will vary, but many of them will do a trial class or have at least some free content up on youtube or instagram. I really do encourage financially supporting people who do this work if you can!
If you're into instagram, I definitely recommend following the instructors over there and reading their posts as well, especially if you're interested in shifting your mindset regarding exercise. I know instagram and social media has a reputation for being toxic to your mind and self-image, but if you really curate your feed and intentionally follow people who are putting out body positive and anti-diet messaging it might be actually helpful instead (at least, it is for me!)
General Fitness/Providers with a variety of classes
Joyn I don’t have as much experience with them, but they are a Youtube channel specifically dedicated to joyful, body inclusive movement, they have a variety of videos from yoga to pilates to dance classes and more. There are some seated options.
Fitragamuffin is specifically non-diet, non-weight loss though may not be accessible seated. I really like her instagram, and her affirmations and mentality towards exercising has really helped me
Enlightenwell is also specifically non-diet, and non-weight loss. She has a variety of videos available and can also work one-on-one. There are at least a couple seated classes.
Specific Classes (non-yoga):
Body Positive Barre is my personal favourite instructor to follow along with, partially because I really enjoy barre apparently! She has all virtual classes and does First Class Free so you can try it out. Some seated classes available.
Yoga Instructors
Tiffany Crow does mostly yoga flow, some seated/chair options, definitely body positive.
Fringeish is another mostly yoga channel, they have a lot of options for modifications.
The Underbelly virtual yoga, comes with a 2-week free trial. I follow Jessamyn on instagram and enjoy her content.
Dianne Bondy is not someone that I have experience with firsthand, but she was linked by Meg Boggs who I've followed for a while now. I want to try out her core strength video.
Nourished Natasha is someone I've followed for a while and I enjoy her gentle, affirming style of delivery. I will admit, her aesthetic also draws me in personally.
Reyna Cohen is another yoga instructor who I follow and I've personally done some of her flows and enjoyed them.
Other Resources
I have the book Plus Size Knee Pain Solutions (formerly known as Easy Fitness for the Reluctant Exerciser). It’s not just for knee pain, it’s more like a how-to on starting from the ground up with exercise, doing a little bit every day, finding what works for your body and developing a new mentality towards movement. I didn’t actually finish the whole thing, but the exercises I did start from seated and give seated options.
I also have the e-book Weightless by Maggie McGill (full disclosure, I won it in an instagram giveaway so i did not spend money) it’s got a personal touch, encourages considering your relationship to the concept of exercise. It helped me with the idea of how exercise interacts with life and recognizing that what works in one season might not work as well when we get busy or have other stuff going on.
Superfit Hero makes really good plus size workout pants, I also did win them in the giveaway, but finding workout gear that actually fits fat bodies can be just another damn challenge to trying to move and exercise more. It’s rare that brands cater to larger bodies, and this one does.
Meg Boggs is a blogger and author who writes a lot about size inclusive fitness. Another person I mainly follow on instagram, I find her content delightful.
Overall, like, it can be very difficult hard to find good exercise resources while avoiding weight loss talk like the plague. I personally won’t settle for people/channels/resources who “only mention it a little bit”.
However, this list is not exhaustive at all. This stuff does exist out there- it's frustrating that it can be hard to find, but it's been worth it to me to find them and follow them for sure,
I hope this list helps literally even one person! If you’re not interested in the type of exercise any of the above links, I’d recommend maybe even looking at the individual’s instagrams and seeing other people they interact with might, it could lead you to something more genuinely body inclusive than the mainstream?
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readingsquotes · 4 months
"Within Black politics, the global project of decolonization provided a powerful imaginative backdrop, one that fed internationalist sensibilities. Socialists like Hubert Harrison emphasized in the ’10s and ’20s that Black people should make their alliances with a global world of color that was fighting the mutually constitutive frameworks of capitalism and empire. W. E. B. Du Bois argued, in a 1944 speech in Haiti, that while Black people were not situated in precisely the same way as, say, Native nations, and so may not have “form[ed] a separate nation,” they nevertheless “resemble[d] in their economic and political condition a distinctly colonial status.” Indeed, such ideas became linked to Black radical critiques of American foreign policy, which activists viewed as structurally inclined to defend imperial interests in Asia and Africa. This was because, they argued, US foreign policy tended to be an expression of internal inequalities. Black radicals didn’t use the term “settler colonial,” but they were articulating how the American experience had long bound self-government and economic prosperity for insiders to projects of land expropriation, vis-à-vis Indigenous nations, and coerced labor, vis-à-vis groups like enslaved Black people. Unless the country genuinely dealt with these internal and colonial dynamics, beyond the formal end of segregation alone, it would inevitably project destructive hierarchies onto the global stage. By the mid-century, figures like Du Bois or the great labor activist James Boggs declared that it wasn’t a coincidence that even as the US claimed to be on the side of decolonization, its Cold War practices were thickly embedded in close alliances with imperial powers."
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sstabhmontown · 1 year
One-roll turn undead
I read Marcia's notes at Traverse Fantasy about one-roll turn-undead house rules with great interest. The second roll for HD turned we have, passed down via Swords & Wizardry variants, is one of the sticking points for new players, as well as just being unaesthetic. Asking someone to roll the same dice again to find the actual result, ugh.
However, I don't want to use Marcia's solution directly. Roll-under is a neat tool here but I don't think it's the one I want. In particular, I've come around to seeing the Turn Undead roll explicitly as a variant reaction roll (I even call for a Charisma modifier), and I don't want to break that relationship. So I dug in a little more.
I quickly noticed a few things about OD&D, that like many other things from the supposed "retro-clone" S&W and other variants we've based the rules on, are quite different. We've long-since ditched the ugly 3d6 turn roll that tries to walk the line between AD&D's d20 and OD&D/Basic's 2d6, but here are the rest:
OD&D has 2d6 as number turned, not HD turned as in later versions. A better rule!
In fact though, 2d6 is only listed as the result for a T or D, an auto-turn. While the default reading of the text seems to be to use it for all successful results, using a single roll seems valid here, as does saying only a single undead is turned on a successful role!
The turn chart we have been using, which I believe I swiped from Labyrinth Lord, does not closely resemble OD&D or even B/X. Both of these sources are considerably more generous with auto-turn and destroy results. No wonder a whole generation of OSR people think Clerics are bad!
Yes you can turn every round. It's your main thing, go for it. Anyone who says otherwise is being silly.
So we are trying a new rule. Here I am writing it out for the first time. I've included a new, wholly original turning chart that I hope feels about right—if you are viewing this post on the tumblr dashboard, you'll have to go to the blog to view it. There are some trade-offs here vs. the older version: a low-level Cleric is going to turn slightly fewer foes, but is given better odds against solo powerful ones, and generally spends fewer rounds doing nothing. A high-level Cleric is maybe slightly stronger against most encounters.
It's possible that we may find this slightly too strong, in which case we will perhaps fall back to the OD&D chart with this rule. Not sure yet.
It's worth noting that my interpretation is also influenced by some historical reading like the one by D.H. Boggs.
Turn Undead
Clerics use their holiness to drive off otherworldy evils. Stand your ground and make a recitation, holding forth your symbol, and then roll a reaction check (2d6), and consult the Turning table for the result. If you score the number required, one of that monster will be forced to turn away from you—plus one for each point you score over. These monsters may still approach your unguarded friends if you break ranks, however the effect last as long as your presence does, and further attempts may add to the count of those affected.
A “T” indicates automatic success—the number you roll on your check are Turned. On “D”, they are struck down and destroyed instead.
If mixed undead are present, turn the lowest type first. If you turn them all, subtract the score you used for their number and target, and apply your remaining roll against the next type up.
The feared Anti-clerics instead awaken the dead that not have had last rites. Skeletons and Zombies mindlessly follow commands until dawn, or permanently on a “D” result, but other undead must be bargained with.
Cleric level: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Skeleton 5 T T D D D D D D D Zombie 7 5 T T D D D D D D Ghoul 9 7 5 T T D D D D D Wight 11 9 7 5 T T D D D D Wraith 11 9 7 5 T T D D D Mummy 11 9 7 5 T T D D Spectre 11 9 7 5 T T D Vampire 11 9 7 5 T T Accursed* 11 9 7 5 T Demon† 11 9 7 5
* Accursed dead include Ghosts, Liches, Banshees, or other unique haunts tied to a specific place or thing.
† Demons can also be turned, but apply their Type as a penalty against the Cleric.
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eyekissyourlips · 4 years
lol just saw a post talking about how to fight anti-asian racism and the options they listed were just so.. fucking stupid and ineffective. how is supporting organizations like nextshark or reading fuckign joy luck club supposed to do shit. calling legislators for state solutions?? more aapi representation? only serves to reify the imperialist racial state. all violence is state violence and people are wasting their time with neoliberal responses. identity politics is a fucking joke and what we need is organizing straight and simple. stop funneling your money to national nonpr*fits and donate to more mutual aid funds. get looped into the actual communities y’all live in and support on the ground orgs. understand that all oppressed people must be in solidarity together. understand that what we are working towards is a transformative liberated future, and not a replica of amerikkka but with more “div*rsity and incl*sion” efforts lmao. we need a broad-base multi-ethnic coalition that is working to end the state, not reinforce it.
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
Descendants monsters inc au
Jay. Sully
Doug. Mike
Evie. Celia
Dizzy. Boo
Harry. Randall
Adam. Waternoose
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arthropooda · 4 years
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So, I was sent a post made by a T/amlin anti that i would like to not politely disagree with. Since the post is ignoring actual stuff that happened in the first book for the sake of demonizing T/amlin and justifying S/JM's bad writing (though that's not anything new). There are things to dislike T/amlin for, but the things listed in the post just isn't it.
The post stated that T/amlin didn’t make a complete 180 in A/COMAF (even though he totally did, going from “I don’t want to be like my father.” To “We have to do this because tradition.” For absolutely no reason), and T/amlin’s carelessness regarding F/eyre’s trauma wasn’t because of his own  trauma under the mountain, and that “while the rest of P/rythian was suffering under A/marantha’s reign he was allowed to leave her court and essentially hold his own court. Celebrating Calanmai and the summer solstice and lord knows what else for 50 years.” Before I continue let me unpack just those two sentences. With quotes from the actual book to back me up.
 One, did this person forget that him having to leave A/marantha’s court was part of the whole curse thing? How was he supposed to fulfill the demands of the curse from her court? Also, why are they acting like the spring court also wasn’t suffering as well? They were low on sentries because of T/amlin having to send them out in hopes of breaking the curse, and constantly under attack from creatures A/marantha sent.
 “There is no Blight but her. The borders were collapsing because she laid them to rubble. She found it amusing to send her creatures to attack our lands, to test whatever strength Tamlin had left.”
 - Alis, A/COTAR Page 278, last paragraph 
 And we see this stuff happen, like with the Bogge showing up and the Naga. And it’s not like T/amlin didn’t do anything about any of this. He is shown, and were are told that he helps his sentries to protect his land. 
T/amlin was called away to one of the borders hours after I found that head.
 - A/COTAR Page 220, first paragraph 
L/ucien told him. T/amlin threw a glance in my direction before stalking out of the room and shutting the door behind him with unnerving gentleness. 
 L/ucien loosed a breath, pushing away his half-eaten food and rubbing at his temples.
“Where is he going?” I asked, staring toward the door. 
 “To hunt the Bogge.”
 - A/COTAR Page 93, bottom of the page  
“T/amlin has been here, defending his borders as chaos and disorder ruled in other courts under A/marantha’s thumb.”  
A/COTAR Page 284 Bottom of the third Paragraph. 
Secondly, Calanmai is an essential celebration for every court according to S/JM’s own world building that her and stans conviently like to forget. 
“Here, our crops depend upon the magic we regenerate on Calanmai—tonight.” 
 I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my pants. T/amlin had said something similar two days ago. Lucien shuddered, as if shaking off an invisible touch. “We do this by conducting the Great Rite. Each of the seven High Lords of P/rythian performs this every year, since their magic comes from the earth and returns to it at the end—It’s a give-and-take.” 
- A/COTAR Page 193
“Ah” Lucien chuckled. “Well, Tam’s not the only one who gets to perform the rite tonight. Once he makes his choice, we’re free to mingle. Though it’s not the Great Rite, our own dalliances will help the land, too” 
- A/COTAR Page 194 
So T/amlin would only be hurting his people by not celebrating it.  
 And regarding the Summer Solstice, that isn’t even a Spring Court Holiday. It’s celebrated more for all the Summer Court Refugees he has in his land.
 Yet despite the creeping malice, I awoke the next day to the sound of merry fiddling, and when I looked out the window I found the garden bedecked in ribbons and streamers. On the distant hills, I spied the makings of fires and maypoles being raised. When I asked Alis—whose people, I’d learned were called the urisk—she simply said, “Summer Solstice. The main celebration used to be at the Summer Court, but. . .things are different. So now we have one here, too. You’re going.”
 - A/COTAR Page 220-221
And we're not given any indication there is any other parties that he has because as we learn in A/COMAF he isn't a big fan of them.
He assured me that he hated the gatherings as much as I did, and that Lucien was the only one who really enjoyed himself, but. . .I caught T/amlin grinning sometimes.
-ACOMAF Chapter 4
(In response to the last bit) Because heaven forbid the man try to have fun after everything despite him being in a situation he's not fond of.
Now on to the rest of the post: "you cannot tell me this isn't the same approach he used with F/eyre: instead of dealing with the core of the situation in a timely manner, he continued acting like there was nothing wrong and held parties."
How, please explain how in the first book how he acted like nothing was wrong? Is it because he didn't tell F/eyre outright about the curse? Because he couldn't, none of them could. He was up front with F/eyre that things weren't all okay in the form of telling her there was a blight effecting P/rythian.
“I--I. . .” I lifted my hands, exposing my palms to her. “I didn’t know.”
“You couldn’t know,” Alis said bitterly, her laugh harsh as she entered the pantry again. “It was part of Tamlin’s curse.”
-A/COTAR Page 281
And as discussed earlier, T/amlin. Doesn't. Like. Parties. The only reason he held them outside of normal P/rythian celebrations (In A/COMAF anyway, since like I said we aren’t given much indication that he held any non holiday related parties during A/marantha’s reign) such as the Winter Solstice was to introduce F/eyre to the rest of his court. There are many amazing posts made by other Antis explaining how this is a good idea, and how it is a much better way to introduce her to a court then a certain high lord who dressed her up like UTM again and presented her as a play thing to one part of his court all for the sake of his MAsK.
T/amlin endured it all—in that quiet, near-feral way of his—and told me again and again that the parties were a way to introduce me to his court, to give his people something to celebrate.
-A/COMAF Chapter 4
Also, he didn't have time to focus on F/eyre's trauma or even his own because he had a court to rebuild and protect still. Since A/marantha's creatures could still terrorize them.
(I wont be able to provide pages for these quotes, since I don't own a physical copy of A/COMAF, I will provide the chapter though)
"There's no point in rebuilding anything if A/marantha's creatures tear through the lands and destroy it again."
"The wards are up—
"Some slipped in before the wards were repaired. Lucien hunted down five Naga yesterday."
-A/COMAF Chapter 2
Part of F/eylin's downfall is the miscommunication and neglect coming from both T/amlin and F/eyre. Since both seemed to take on the "nothing is wrong" thing in regards to their mental health.
It had become our unspoken agreement—not to let A/marantha win by acknowledging that she still tormented us in our dreams and waking hours.
-A/COMAF Chapter 1
I hated the bright dresses that had become my daily uniform, but didn't have the heart to tell T/amlin—not when he'd bought so many, not when he looked so happy to see me wear them."
A/COMAF Chapter 2
(Despite the fact its I/anthee getting her these dresses not T/amlin they're just bought with his money, but that's a whole other rant. T/am tends to get blamed for a lot of things she does).
I'm sure there are probably more examples in the text but I don't have the energy to list all of them, and there are so many other posts to be made but those are for another day.
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davidkeane17 · 2 years
100 Cartoon Villains Of All Time
The Evil Queen Skeletor Scar Shredder Joker Jafar Ursula Cruella De Vil Gaston Mr Burns Plankton Elmer Fudd Maleficent Shan Yu Lex Luthor Hades Queen Of Hearts Magneto Claude Frollo Captain Hook Lady Tremaine Riddler Venom Sideshow Bob Mojo JoJo Him Chernabog Marvin the Martian Zira Sid Doctor Facilier Zim Vector Jessie And James Yzma Shredder 2012 Lots-o'-Huggin Bear Hans Angelica Kingpin Prowder Madam Mim Gothel Drizella Doctor Doofenshmirtz Doctor Doom Feathers McGraw Vegeta Doctor Octopus El Macho Tai Lung Smee Lord Shen Kai Anastasia Bill Cypher Ice King Slade Wilson The Lich Bane Cound Dooku Yellow Diamond Vitani Screenslaver Queen Beryl Ratigan Shenzi, Banzai & Ed Ra's Al Ghul Riddler Taskmaster Cell Light Yagami Fire Lord Ozai Darth Vader Maul Cad Bane Yosemite Sam Loki Frieza Eric Cartman The Giant Chicken Lust Rize Kamlshlro Scott Tenorman Trigon Azula Terrence Syndrome Princess Morbucks Green Goblin Will E. Ckyote Lord Farquaad Mongol Penguin Harley Quinn Poison Ivy Catwoman Vandal Savage Skullmaster Joker 2010 Riddler 2004 Sabretooth Lady Deathstroke Omega Red Deadpool Black Manta Ultron Modok Man Ray Cthulhu Stewie Griffin Ren Dr Lorre Grand Inquisitor Deadshot Charles Muntz Fairy Godmother Randall Boggs Mr Freeze Electro Ernesto De La Cruz Emperor Zurg The Father Mandark Kang And Kodos Thanos Skrulls Red Skull Baron Zemo Galactus Kraven Krang Kang The Conqueror Enchantress Mystique Magneto Yost Universe Sinister Six Red X Injustice League Kuvira Woodland Critters Delightful Children Viper Snowball Boggis, Bunce & Bean Rasputin Mom Robot Devil Jenner Doomsday Red Hood Hexxus Soto Vexus Sakharine Apocalypse Blackfire The Brain Brother Blood Robot Santa Larr Fat Tony Springfield Mafia Professor Chaos Sedusa Evil Morty Galactic Empire Galactic Federation Clayton Darth Sidious Queen La Hive Five Brotherhood Of Evil Gideon Blendin Blandin Masters Of Evil Juggernaut Abomination Giffany Frank Grimes Mister Ruckus Sir Crocodile The Major Envy Nagato Uzumakl Yohan Liebert DIO Alzen Vicious Uncle Ruckus Colonel H. Stinkmeaner Tom Cruise Barbra Streisand Krombopulos Michael Tammy Guetermann Lucius Needful Council Of Ricks Diane Simmons James Woods Evil Stewie Snake Jailbird Hank Scorpio Black Cat Count Vertigo Asajj Ventress The Monarch Phantom Limb The Son Barriss Offee Embo Bossk Savage Opress Darth Bane Inquisitorius Thrawn Van Kleiss Tiger Claw Bebop & Rocksteady Cheshire Suicide Squad Killer Croc Victor Quartermaine Winter Soldier The Hunter Black Cat Stinky Pet Darla Sherman Mad Mod Control Freak Terra Mumbo Fabrication Machine Klarion The Witch Boy Granny Goodness Sportsmaster Queen Bee Lobo Ocean Master Icicle Atomic Skull Black Beatle Prison Berry Duchess Nemesis Bendy Amoeba Boys Lenny Baxter Gangreen Gang Rowdyruff Boys Inque Shriek Blight Talia al Ghul Yubaba Lady Eboshi Colonel Muska Kushana Lord Darkar Valtor Trix Sebastian Saga Terrence Lewis Helga Von Guggen Nelson Muntz Terwilliger Family Shredder 2003 Grand Admiral Tarkin Carter Pewterschmidt Bertram Stickybeard Mr Boss Knightbrace Rob Miss Simian Zach Watterson Beatrice Horseman Doodlebob Bubble Bass Dennis Flying Dutchman Flats The Flounder Dirty Bubble Tattletale Strangler Saddam Hussein The Devil Scott The Dick Crab People Manbearpig Bill Donohue Trent Beyett Super Skrull Hydra Amos Slade The Bear Kent Mansley Rothbart Darla Dimple Dave The Octopus Makunga Squilliam Fancyson Hobgoblin Gabby Gabby Sabor Olivia Octopus Black Mask Parasite Clayface Killer Frost Bizarro Shade Giganta Sinestro Anti Monitor Atrocitus Larfleeze Ultra Humanite The Leader Annihilus Mole Man Red Ghost Frightful Four Terrax Klaw Maximus Ronan The Accuser Captain Boomerang Professor Zoom The Rogues Captain Cold Livewire Silver Banchee Aurra Sing Nightsisters Mother Talzin Pre Vizsla Death Watch Gar Saxon Jabba The Hutt Roberto Nudar Zapp Brannigan Walt. Larry And Igner Richard Nixon Donbot Flexo
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procrazedfan · 3 years
Morel Orel: the Origins of Statesota
Because I'm a huge nerd and I wanted to expound upon the original conversation between a few users yesterday, I decided to look into the state history of Missouri to see how Statesota comes to be.
First off, the intro shows that Statesota is the left half of Missouri. I also noticed shades of Southern culture that leaned towards New Orleans as well as housing scenarios intended to uphold Jim Crow era policies. There was also the debate on why there was a strong anti-catholic lean.
When I looked into state history, my answers were found for all of it.
In regards to it's origins, Missouri was settled by the Spanish then the French and was primarily used for trade via the Mississippi River. It became part of the Louisiana Purchase.
It was admitted to the US as a slave state with the Missouri Compromise.
According to Wikipedia, "As many of the early settlers in western Missouri migrated from the Upper South, they brought enslaved African Americans as agricultural laborers, and they desired to continue their culture and the institution of slavery. The area became known as "Little Dixie."
So yes, they absolutely would be influenced by the Daughters of Confederacy. And it explains the Louisiana like influence in the surrounding cities of Sinville.
But that's not all.
" The Mormon War erupted in 1838. By 1839, with the help of an "Extermination Order" by Governor Lilburn Boggs, the old settlers forcefully expelled the Mormons from Missouri and confiscated their lands."
So far the protestantsim was fought for and victorious the first time around. Missouri Protestants in this time period had a history of extreme religious zeal.
Catholicism became part of the atmosphere afterwards both as a holdue to German and Irish immigration before the Civil war in the 1840s and 1850s.
This combined with old Civil War tensions could be the start of the anti Catholic sentiment in Statesota. But that's not where the schism begins.
It comes during the Reconstruction period and Joseph "Holy Joe" Folk.
Joseph "Holy Joe" Folk was a key leader who made a strong appeal to the middle class and rural evangelical Protestants. Folk was elected governor as a progressive reformer and Democrat in the 1904 election. He promoted what he called "the Missouri Idea," the concept of Missouri as a leader in public morality through popular control of law and strict enforcement. 
This got me to thinking.
What if he never won that election?
What would happen if a man like that and his protestant base kicked up enough of a fuss that it started the seccesion of Statesota?
What if Moralton was the byproduct of a lost election and a man who was too invested in upholding his vision of prosperity and morality for Protestants?
What if the Missouri Idea became the Statesota State Constitution?
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allypacino · 4 years
hi! no obligation, but if you have any reading/resources on asian/black solidarity during the civil rights movement i would love to know! and thank you for that post; i'm asian and i've been seeing some people trying to pin the blame on other (mostly black) poc :/ we need to address colorist sentiment and stand together, not start a race war
Thank you for this very much appreciated ask - it’s one of my favourite topics. The Asian community and the Black community historically were very interconnected. This is a very limited, non-exhaustive list of the ways we’ve worked together in the past.
In Bandung, Indonesia, the first large-scale Asian-African conference took place in 1955, uniting delegates of 29 countries to discuss ways to oppose colonialism.
There was the Third World Liberation Front Strikes of 1968 which lasted for 5 months and was held by the Black Student Union, the Latino student organisation (LASO), a Mexican American student organisation (MASC), the Filipino organization called PACE and the Intercollegiate Chinese for Social Action (ICSA) at UC Berkeley, that ended up creating the first college of Ethnic Studies.
There was the Rainbow Coalition, an activist group founded by Fred Hampton of Black Panther fame and included the Young Lords (a Puerto Rican group) and the Young Patriots (for poor white people), which had its second iteration be founded by Rev. Jesse Jackson a decade later to include Asian and Native Americans. He famously protested and spoke up for Vincent Chin, an Asian victim of police brutality in 1984.
There were Grace Lee Boggs and Yuri Kochiyama, who joined African American and Latino groups in protests demanding equality, with Grace being a notable figure in Detroit’s Black Power movement and Yuri becoming a good friend of Malcolm X.
There was Ram Manohar Lohia, who encouraged African Americans to embrace civil disobedience like India, and went to jail for fighting Jim Crow. The Black press was one of the first to take note of India’s independence movement in support, and heavily covered the subject matter when mainstream press was reluctant.
Muhammad Ali refused to serve in the Vietnam war to kill for American imperialism, and the Black Panthers famously held anti-vietnams marches. The first American to introduce China’s current national anthem, “March of the Volunteers” (aka “Qi Lai”) to the United States was Black American singer and songwriter, Paul Robeson, who sympathised with China’s resistance movement against imperialism. W.E.B. Du Bois and Robert F. Williams (former leader of NAACP) were friends with Mao, and in the early days of the Black Panthers, people sold Mao’s quotations “Little Red Books” on the streets to pay for arms.
Ho Chi Minh, famous Vietnamese communist leader, wrote the essay “The Black Race” after being influenced by the teachings of Marcus Garvey: “It is well-known that the Black race is the most oppressed and the most exploited of the human family. It is well-known that the spread of capitalism and the discovery of the New World had as an immediate result the rebirth of slavery[…]”
There are many more instances: I recommend this site for a decent timeline (x). 
There has always been solidarity among ethnic minorities, and even working class white people in some cases - the FBI was terrified of the Rainbow Coalition founded by Fred Hampton because of the racial unity. In my opinion, the lack of education of Asian-Black solidarity (and Latino, and Native people) has been intentional in breaking this bond, because it is in the favour of white supremacy for us to point at each other as enemies. You’ll also notice how, unsurprisingly, many of this solidarity is tied to socialism or communism. I believe that this is also why you rarely hear about this history: to recognise our revolutionary traditions would mean to confront the necessity for a revolution, which mainstream media will never promote. Africa, Asia, and Latin America were fighting a common struggle. We, as people, are still fighting this common struggle. Our solution and priority must always be to look out for our Black, Asian, Latino, and Native brothers and sisters, and be united against white supremacy and imperialism.
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I wish you the best in this difficult time <3
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y0ur-maj3sty · 2 years
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Marijuana = Legal term
Cannabis = Lawful term
Cannabis use for medicinal purposes dates back at least 3,000 years. It was introduced into Western medicine in the 1840′s by W.B. O'Shaughnessy, a surgeon who learned of its medicinal properties while working in India for the British East Indies Company. Its use was promoted for reported analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and anticonvulsant effects. In 1937, the U.S. Treasury Department introduced the Marihuana Tax Act. This Act imposed a levy of $1 per ounce for medicinal use of Cannabis and $100 per ounce for recreational use.
One of the MAIN REASONS why marijuana was illegal, is...William Randolph Hearst(who was a BIG newspaper publisher) owned thousands of acres of timber land, and he didn’t want the competition. So, he used his money and power to get marijuana/hemp declared illegal, so that we would have to buy timber and cut down trees to make paper and other things.
In 1951, Congress passed the Boggs Act, which for the first time, included Cannabis with narcotic drugs. In 1970, with the passage of the Controlled Substances Act, marijuana was classified as a Schedule I drug. Drugs in this category are distinguished as having no accepted medicinal use. Other Schedule I substances include heroin, LSD, mescaline, methaqualone, and gamma-hydroxybutyrate.
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