#anti harmony shippers
Ron had to clean bed pans without magic only bcz he stood up for Hermione against a bully teacher. While Harry said 'No❤' on her face when she asked him to help her with elf hats. Still there are ppl who say 'Harry was a better romantic option for her' lmfao.
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
The "Ginny used a love potion on Harry" theory is probably from Harmonies gone off the fucking deep end
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It's annoying enough that Harry can't make a decision without Ron and Hermione sitting on his shoulders giving either extreme on the matter. What makes it worse is that on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is too impulsive and 10 is too overthought, Harry's decisions are always around a 3, so Ron gets pushed all the way to a 1 and Hermione has to stay close to 5 to balance it out. What that means is that Hermione ends up always being right. This isn't how you play your know-it-all supporting character--like Donatello or Lisa Simpson, she's supposed to frequently miss the forest for the trees to illustrate that her counterpart (in this case Ron) is occasionally closer to the mark. So the trio is completely unbalanced, with the id being constantly useless and the superego being constantly correct. (Maybe this is why Harry/Hermione shippers are so damn puritan.)
via this contemporary review of Deathly Hallows, 2007; credit jim-smith.livejournal.com
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silvernyxchariot · 1 month
My Sunday Savings
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Sunday is the only thing keeping my Sad Bitch moods at bay right now. I am collecting those gold passes only for him. I don't care how long it takes for him to debut as playable, if there are any characters who are just better units in comparison, whether he's Img!Harmony or Quan!Erudition (my pref. but whatever 🙄), a Nameless, or a Stellaron Hunter. He Will Come Home.
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⚠️DNI: TERFs, RadFems, racists, bigots, anti-LGBT+'s, trolls, harassers, MAP/pedophiles, incest shippers, META-slaves/META-gamers, anti self & OC shippers.⚠️ "Humble" braggers will also be blocked.
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memes-saved-me · 2 years
I love the harmony of none harringrove shipper Billy fans voting for the ship simply because it was bashed in an anti Billy context. I've seen people from even none Billy ships being like wtf man lol it's great
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chaztalk · 1 year
One thing is for certain about the difference between us Harmony shippers and canon shippers/antis: Harmony shippers, including those who also ship the canon pairings, do not read fanfics of ships they don’t like out of sheer spite.
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cimerran-714 · 2 years
Well, she might've certainly referred to Ron a few times, but that's just ignoring the proper context here. It's certainly interesting that Anti-Harmony shippers would clutch onto absolutely anything to make their point (for those who're wondering, I've interacted with this person in the past, and they're anti-Harmony. Which is why I haven't bothered to redact the username).
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Firstly, of course, it should be obvious to anyone that she'd included Ron in the beginning only to explain to Harry how she knew about him calling Uncle Vernon. If anything, she was ensuring that he was all right.
And second, she doesn't say anything like "Wow, I miss Ron, I wish I could hang out with him." That's not what she says at all. What Hermione does say is that she knew Ron had gone to Egypt, and that she could've done as well because it's fascinating. That should be expected of her, and I'm sure she would've written something like that to Ron if it were Harry who'd gone there.
It's obvious considering that the very next paragraph proves that Hermione's more academically inclined.
Third, she mentions Ron again because she wants to know whether Harry would be present in London so that they could meet each other. It's more like "Ron's going to be there, Harry, so are you going to come there as well?" Of course, both of them are her best friends, so she'd have wanted them to be there.
And lastly, this person is again spinning things wildly to fit their perspective. What's wrong with Hermione telling Harry that Percy had become the Head Boy? She probably liked that news enough to tell him about it, as it's likely that she'd wanted to become one too. And there was no way she could've known if Ron hadn't told her about it, so she explained how she'd come to know.
But of course r/harrypotter very often (always?) turns into a cesspool filled with anti-Harmony, canon-loving shippers who jump down your throat if you say anything even slightly pro- Harry/Hermione.
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randomguyonline71 · 2 years
As someone who was once a diehard romione person (both on Tumblr and fanfiction) and now more of an anidala/hinny/Jily person I think I know why romione hasn't aged well or why alot of romione shippers don't ship it anymore. This is just my observation/opinion and not fact. I'm also not anti romione but just neutral on them now.
I think rereading the books especially starting in book 4, you start to notice that it seems like JK Rowling favors Hermione alot over Ron This has been theorized but people think it's because she is JK self insert. Some think it's because of Steve Kloves influence over her and he is a notorious harmony shippers who made movies. I think people compare say Percabeth from Percy Jackson series where they are very similar to romione but, they are written as more balanced. Now this idk if I agree on but some say they feel like JK made Ron dumber as books went on to make Hermion/Harry look better.
Another big issue is the Hermione hitting Ron aka trope of woman hitting a man is ok. If it was reversed, I can't imagine the outrage. I know lots of previous romione fans who are now very anti romione because of this. It just doesn't sit well with alot of people for obvious reasons. This would be the one thing I think would have to change if they ever redid them into tv show
For me personally, it comes down to, I just think hinny is personally a more healthy dynamic and i'm also a sucker for childhood crush ends up turning into mutal love (anidala really helped me start to love hinny/jily)
That is a very interesting take. Thank you anon :)
I have always seen them as this old married couple in 11-year-olds. Which I always found adorable in some way. But I do agree with some of these, especially the physical abuse part. I don't think it can be excused, since hitting someone is always a shitty thing to do. And as someone who have been physically abused in the past, I'm 100% on Ron's side.
But for me, it isn't enough for me to not ship them. If it had been a common thing in fanfiction as well, I would maybe have been thrown of the pairing totally. Luckily, it is not. However, I totally understand anyone who don't ship them for this reason.
If they ever did a remake of the series. Hermione hitting Ron would be up there with the things they should do different. Number one would still be fixing Ginny, so she is more than just Harry's future wife. Because she was so much more in the books. In the movies she was just there so that the epilogue would make sense. I will never forgive Steve Kloves for that.
I know I haven't mentioned it on here. But I'm also a big Jily shipper. Childhood crushes turning into to mutual love is also one of my favorite tropes.
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joels6string · 2 years
Its the same conversation we have as a fandom about why giving Din a love interest is pandering and harmful to the shows focus and tone.
In the orignal game (i didnt play the remaster) it was basically up to player interpretation as to what you thought Joel and Tess's past was to the other beacuse it didnt matter. Tess's fate doesn't have less impact if she and Joel were never a thing. Thats the point. No matter who you are to Joel he sees loss in all of them.
I wonder how much is straight true or how much is just actress interpretation that she blabbed in a now pulled interview.
I get people like Tess, but I like Tess as her own thing beacuse her not being a love interest is more powerful for a death. Beacuse it shows you that Joel keeps losing more then just what he did at the beginning. He loses everyone everywhere and its why getting attached to Ellie is extra terrifying.
Its not just the fear of past trauma its the looming fear of 'this happens to everyone i know'.
I also never read romance in that past. Both of them, especially Joel are incredibly jaded and disconnected. Theyre friends and companions but I dont think romance was something Joel truly explored or felt for most of the time skip. Hes not a man who in that kind of pain would find romance comforting.
Shippers can be happy thats fine, but looking at it critcally from a narrative and thematic structure. Love interest Tess is a bad move and pandering.
Its why Joel romance is in fanfiction. We can create that harmony where love is possible again for Joel because we arent following a rigid demanding plotred story. Were fantasizing about the soft and the good.
The main story for The Last of Us has zero room for Joel romance. Its the wrong place for it, and I hope it was a case of actress foot in mouth syndrome trying to push her own interpretation of a character dynamic.
I don't need people telling me how to interpret things they didn't need to explore. If it was important to establish firmly in the first place they would havr.
Anyway this is my anti Joel/Tess ted talk good night
Yeah all this thank you so much for saying it so eloquently because I’m still sitting here baffled I got called misogynistic for saying a woman who in the source material is not a romantic interest being turned into a love interest is shitty for the character and the story. Because, that feels like textbook misogyny to me lol.
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Reason why I don't ship Harry Hermione is he told her to her face at slughorn Christmas party that she deserved to be sexual harassed. Like yikes didn't age well
Why I don't ship Harry with Hermione
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crazemains · 2 years
Freeter japan
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We will decide on the use of the money based on our existing contacts and in consultation with organizations of Freeters like the "Freeters Zenpan Roso." How that will look in any particular case will depend on how the disaster develops. We know that given the scale of the disaster and in view of the nuclear threat, what we can do is still too little.īut we will not forget that Freeters went to the streets in different Japanese cities in 2010 to support FAU's industrial action at Kino Babylon Mitte and the threat of the de facto banning of the union. We understand the fund as a direct act of solidarity among workers. This is how disaster management looks under capitalist conditions. Those already destitute and in the margins of society face a much more difficult situation in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. If you have money or influence, you have more ways to cope with the consequences. We have done this because we know from past experience that in the face of disaster, not all are equal. Some may wonder why we have launched an independent aid and solidarity fund in support of Freeters. For several years, Freeters have been trying to organize themselves in trade unions and get out of the hellish exploitation and social exclusion. Also among workers who are currently trying to contain the disaster caused by the destroyed nuclear reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant you should find "disposable workers". Freeters are also recruited in Japan as "disposable workers" who do dirty and work for a minimum wage. Some of them call themselves "freeters", an invented word, a contraction of "freelancers" and "Arubaito" (from the German word for work), a Japanese term for day labor or temporary work. They are socially stigmatized and marginalized, often crammed together in barracks on the outskirts of large cities, many homeless. There are hundreds of thousands among them, somehow getting by from one low-paying job opportunity to the next. They existed for a long time, during the neoliberal reforms of the 90s but during the current economic crisis, Precarious workers are the other side of the glittering facades of the Japanese export economy. Postbank Hamburg (BLZ 200100 20) under the codeword "Freeters".Įvery little contribution is welcome as an expression of living class solidarity. It calls for donations for the relief and solidarity fund whose resources are to be used in close consultation with the "Freeters Zenpan Roso," a self-organized group of precarious workers in Japan.ĭonations, can be sent to the following account: As an anarcho-syndicalist grassroots trade union, our first concern is the many precarious workers (Freeters), who were excluded even before the disaster, often forced into appalling working and living conditions. "Civil Society Advocacy after Fukushima: The Case of the Nuclear Disaster Victims’ Support Law" ( Ayaka Löschke)ĩ.Given the vast destruction wrought by the earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011 and given the threat of a nuclear disaster caused by the destroyed nuclear power plant in Fukushima I, the FAU-IWA launched a solidarity and aid fund for precarious workers in Japan - the "Freeters Solidarity Fund". "The Post-Fukushima Anti-Nuke Protests and their Impact on Japanese Environmentalism" ( Carl Cassegård)Ĩ. "Continuities and Discontinuities of Japan’s Political Activism before and after the Fukushima Disaster" ( Koichi Hasegawa)ħ. Part II: Fukushima and Beyond – Towards New Political Culture and Action Repertoires?Ħ. "Activism for Harmony? Immigrant Rights’ Activism and Xenophobic Activism" ( Apichai Shipper) "Political Protest from the Periphery: Social Movements and Global Citizenship in Okinawa" ( Gabriele Vogt)ĥ. "Asia and the Development of Civic Activism in Post-war Japan" ( Simon Avenell)Ĥ. "The Uneven Path of Social Movements in Japan" ( Patricia Steinhoff)ģ. Part I: Fresh Perspectives on Social Movements and Political ActivismĢ. "Towards a New Protest Cycle in Contemporary Japan? Resurgence of Social Movements and Confrontational Political Activism in Historical Perspective" ( David Chiavacci and Julia Obinger)
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Who was more delusional, Wolfstar or Harmony shippers who thought their ship was canon?
I’d probably go with Wolfstar shippers, at least Harmony shippers have something. Harry and Hermione were great friends and truly loved each other (just not in the way Harmonians thought), so I wouldn’t blame them for thinking they’d get together in, say, the first three books—but they don’t have any excuses for thinking they’d end up together after OoTP, it’s so obvious who Rowling was gonna pair Hermione with. Wolfstar shippers had NOTHING, literally nothing. Not a single shred of evidence.
Both ships’ shippers (well, most of them) are hella delusional so this is a pretty close one, but if I had to choose I’d go with Wolfstar shippers.
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As someone who has been in the Harry Potter fandom since the 2000s, it becomes obvious that what really made the power go to J.K. Rowling's head wasn't her new fame and fortune - but rather, how the Harry Potter fandom practically worshipped her as a god when the books were still coming out. If you look at old interviews with J.K. Rowling and Emerson Spartz of MuggleNet, and Melissa Anelli of "The Leaky Cauldron" website, Rowling and her PR team specifically curated these interviews - much like with "The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling" - to only see and praise her in a good light. (Spartz was a fanatical JKR supporter in particular, even going as far as to mock and attack Harry/Hermione, or Harmony, shippers "on her behalf". Rowling laughed at it.)
The Harry Potter fandom and their militant support for J.K. Rowling as a deity-like figure in the 2000s, simply because she wrote the Harry Potter books, really went to Rowling's head. It's also probably where she gets this idea of, "I read my most recent royalty cheques, and find the pain goes away pretty quickly." She genuinely still believes that the Harry Potter fandom still supports her, and still has her back, because she still thinks that fans are putting her on a pedestal. However, in the 2000s, most of these fans were teenagers and young adults who didn't know any better, and weren't mature enough to see how this was unhealthy, for both them and Rowling.
However, I've encountered this issue before in the realm of YA authors and the book community in general, and what J.K. Rowling doesn't realize is that the only reason why Harry Potter fans supported her at the time was simply because she wrote the Harry Potter books - and was continuing to write the series at that time. They didn't care about J.K. Rowling, the person - they cared about J.K. Rowling, the content provider, who kept providing them new Harry Potter content. They only cared about her because she was writing new Harry Potter books.
Once Rowling finished the Harry Potter series, and started writing her adult mystery books, readers' interest in Rowling as a content provider dropped off sharply, and they lost interest, to the point where she had to publicly reveal that she was "Robert Galbraith" in order to boost flagging book sales. It became clear that people only cared about her Harry Potter series.
I feel this is also why J.K. Rowling's slide in to TERFdom is not only performative and self-seeking, but that the people who claim to support her only do so solely because she's anti-transgender. Much like with the Harry Potter fandom - which only cared about J.K. Rowling, in the sense that she was providing them new Harry Potter books and content - TERFs only care about J.K. Rowling because she supports being a TERF. Most TERFs don't actually seem to care about her as a person, and as such, I think J.K. Rowling is seeing them as a misplaced source of support.
It's also worth noting that J.K. Rowling seems to have sought out the TERF community to fill in the gap left by Harry Potter fans, and the fandom at-large, increasingly distancing themselves - or growing and maturing beyond - their single-minded support of J.K. Rowling. For years, Rowling had her ego constantly stroked and fed by Harry Potter fans, to the point that she internalized her entire sense of self-worth on "being the author of Harry Potter" and providing content to people. Or, in the mind of J.K. Rowling: "Without Harry Potter, who am I? What is my purpose?"
Unfortunately, Rowling decided that her new "purpose" was fighting "trans rights activists".
When the Fantastic Beasts film franchise - which J.K. Rowling co-wrote the scripts for - crashed and burned, and her attempt to win back Harry Potter fans and the fandom with new Harry Potter-based content failed, she turned to a new echo chamber for self-validation instead: TERFdom. The TERFdom provided easy and lazy source of validation for Rowling, as instead of putting in actual work to create new Harry Potter books and scripts, she can just rest on her laurels, and occasionally post low-effort tweets that she can post instead, and which garner her a lot of attention. Rowling tunes out all of the negative attention, and only focuses on those praising her, or even worshipping her as their own "Personal Jesus" - the same as she did back in the 2000s with her Harry Potter interviews, and then later on, with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
The Harry Potter TV show reboot on HBO Max is now Rowling's third attempt - if not fourth, counting the travesty that was Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - to either try and win back the Harry Potter fandom, or to create a new Harry Potter fandom by exposing Gen Z and Gen Alpha to the series. However, things have changed a lot since the 2000s, and that includes far more support for LGBT rights, so I feel like this third attempt is going to backfire horribly on her.
quoted (but not formatted as a quote because it's too long for the new tumblr engine) from the comments to the r/Contrapoints thread on her 2023 JK Rowling video, a striking takedown/analysis of why it seems the author of Harry Potter has gone so far and so fast off the deep end away from the core principles that initially made her work so popular with a western millennial and down YA audience
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Sees an Harmione art: dawwwww, babies🥺😊❤️
Sees comments on a particular ROMANTIC Harmione art: (‘yah! My brotp!’ ‘I don ship it but good art’ ‘friendship goals!) *resisting the urge to scream: Shut the fuck, you morons! This is not what the artist who drew this meant! Nobody asked for your shitty opinions. Take your trash hot takes and SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!* ugh another idiot. Blocked. Moving on..
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superfandomcorp · 3 years
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My reactions... 🙄
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chaztalk · 1 year
What’s the most annoying and stupid Anti-Harry x Hermione argument in your opinion??
Have and nice day!
The most annoying and stupid anti-Harmione argument is the “they are siblings” argument, and it’s super obnoxious when people call it “incest” when they are not even blood related (and one of the few characters that share no blood relation to each other in the Wizarding World). There’s 4 factors the play a part of how annoying the argument is:
1. People don’t critically think about the “like a sister” quote from the books.
Being in this fandom for a few years now, and seeing people attempt to make sense of the canon pairings, and why the character does something, I’ve never really seen someone explain why Harry needed to refer Hermione as “like a sister”. There’s no paragraph before that where we get the sense Harry thinks of Hermione as sister. He just up and says it. He’s an only child. He saw Ginny as nothing more than a sister to him before she got hot, so he really doesn’t have a great track record of knowing what a “sister” is. And yet, people still believe, hype up about since it’s one of the scenes that pretty sinks our ship and solidifies the canon pairings.
2. People don’t know what they are talking about.
I believe most people who say that Harry and Hermione have a “sibling-like” relationship are an only child who can only imagine what having siblings is like or people that don’t really put themselves in Harry and Hermione with them and their sibling. I have 2 older sisters so I know what it’s like to have siblings, and I’d be weirded out if a bro closed his eyes at her touch, bro’s face getting red and hot when his sister compliments his looks, and if a sister kissed her little brother on the cheek only once in their lifetime when they were 15-14.
3. A “sibling-like relationship” degrades Harry and Hermione’s relationship.
The “like a brother and sister” label Harry and Hermione get is nothing more than a mask to use instead of what canon shippers truly believe about Harry and Hermione’s relationship, in that they don’t think it’s good or healthy. And I’ve seen it been admitted that describing Harry and Hermione as “siblings” is “putting it nicely” because all they can think about are the negatives of their relationship. It’s (referring Harry and Hermione as siblings) just a sort of facade they create in order to stick to the other anti-Harmony agenda that is “why can’t boys and girls just be friends?”
4. The cringey headcanons
There are headcanons and little one-shots specifically made to show Harry referring Hermione as his sister. And it just gives off a vibe of Harry having a sister complex, when he’s “proud” of Hermione as his sister in these tidbits. It just feels weird and feels forced, just like the OG scene.
Rant over! Thanks for the Q.
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