#anti juke
secretly-of-course · 1 year
not gonna lie the amount I liked juke has really plummeted since the news they were supposed to be endgame 😬
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kikikiwi27498 · 1 year
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op here i absolutely agree! i was specifically talking about kenny ortega's recent comments where he said that if jatp had been renewed, julie and luke would be endgame and have kids together
(re this post and my tags on it)
I see! I think I misunderstood - yeah, I agree. I was more...trying to find some explanation for not having the boys cross over, which I assume is what would have happened if Kenny Ortega and Co were planning a one and done show. I used to be Team Juke (or at least indifferent, I'm really only committed to Willex), but now, especially after reading Tabi (@catoptrific)'s analysis here, I have some questions. I'm certainly not here to yuck anyone's yum or tell people who to ship (I'm too old and I've survived too many shipping wars) or start Discourse. It's more like, as Tabi said, what does the boys not crossing over/coming back to life say about Rose? Or anyone else who died? That they don't care enough to want to cross over? That raising their kids (in Rose's case) isn't 'unfinished business' enough to keep them as ghosts? Also does Luke age? Do any of the boys age? And, if not, how does any of this even work? What about when Julie's, say, 40 and Luke still looks 16? (For the record, I love the boys coming back to life in fic, at least the ones where the age difference isn't an issue for the fic or else the boys just age normally). I wish the show had had time to explore Julie's relationship with Reggie and Alex as well rather than focusing mostly on Juke. And, to be honest, I would rather have Bobby and Willie backstory than confirmation that Juke is endgame.
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juke 🤝 dax/ton
ships I can't get on board with because the age difference between the actors makes me so uncomfortable
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gaylight-prairie · 2 years
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Misc oc art
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thedeathdeelers · 2 years
thinking about that one time someone thought i was anti-juke
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Oh it’s been a minute, but I’d forgotten the few, but loud, gatekeeping anti-juke people that existed in this fandom.
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Don’t mind me, I’m feeling petty. Move along..
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jpitha · 1 year
A Matter of Scale
The issue with the humans is that it's a matter of scale. Deathworlder or not, a single human - while intimidating - isn't that dangerous.
All of them is another story.
We had thought us the pinnacle of evolution. A species beyond compare. Why would we think otherwise? with our hard carapaces, sharp vision, and powerful weapons, the small furry forest creatures that called themselves 'K'laxi' were no match. They had only a small handful of planets colonized and a scant dozen starbases between them. They had a toy empire of only themselves. We took their own warp gates and started attacking them slowly, methodically. They presented no threat, so we saw no need to hurry.
Occasionally, our scouts heard of another species that was friendly with the K'laxi, calling themselves Humanity. We only heard descriptions from captured K'laxi. Taller than they were, no fur, bipedal, mammalian species from a world larger and wetter than their own. Supposedly they had massive strength and a strong constitution. Some had said that they were deathworlders, but we know that was just propaganda. Deathworlds looked nice from a distance, but were inhospitable to sapient life.
Everyone knows this.
We weren't worried about the humans. Just another species to subjugate. After we crush the K'laxi, we'll move on to them.
Since everyone uses the gate system, we are able to attack with complete surprise. It was different at this planet though. This planet was a small, lighter world like the others, but also had a strange starbase at a Lagrange point. It was very large and not of K'laxi design. Much heavier looking, it was made of huge rings interlocking in a spiral shape. An officer guessed it must be a human starbase. Assuming we found the humans laughable military, we turned to attack the starbase after locking the gate.
As we approached the starbase, two small ships detached from it and ran headlong towards us! Our commander laughed, thinking it was a suicide run and ordered everyone to attack. The two ships dodged and juked around the missiles and energy weapons we fired. They used small shaped charges which slid the ship out of the way of our missiles at the last second and were able to withstand the relentless fire of our weapons.
A few minutes after the attack started, both ships did something that surprised all of our analysts. With missiles and shots all around them, they both generated wormholes and left the system.
They escaped.
Our scientists knew about wormhole generation, but everyone knew it was much too dangerous for sapients to use! It was a death sentence. At best, you could send goods through it, but the energy costs were enormous. Better to just use the warp gates.
Still not understanding the monumental mistake we had made, we turned back towards the starbase. The distraction of the ships leaving bought time and it had begun to change. The concentric rings of the starbase had slid together and moved around, revealing massive batteries of anti-ship weapons, missile racks containing hundreds of missiles and the rings had become like thick armor.
The battle was very difficult. We lost many ships to the missiles and fire from the starbase, but we reached the docking ring, forced our way on and began to sweep the station, attacking everyone we met and claiming it for our own.
The humans fought back.
In one report, a single human female held off more than two dozen warriors by attacking with makeshift weapons while her K'laxi colleagues ran to escape ships. She was killed, but not before she took out 10 of our finest warriors.
In another, two human security agents held an entire platoon of warriors off while more K'laxi and Human adults and children escaped. Their human firearms subjected our warriors to withering fire while the humans just stared blankly, firing and changing targets. When they ran out of ammunition, they took their rifles, and started swinging them like clubs into whoever was left. Our shots almost did nothing! They'd take a hit, wince, and continue to fight. They were finally killed by a heavy weapon platform that was brought in.
Still more used surprise and trickery. They would hide in the common areas and throw trash and junk to make it sound like they were somewhere else. We'd turn and they'd attack our backs.
It took more than a week to take the station and in that time, the humans helped nearly all the K'laxi onto escape ships which streaked towards the planet.
As they retreated, the humans denied us use of their own weapons and devices. They'd destroy them, they'd trap them to explode, they would ruin computers and servers and even the star base's AI itself fought us. It would slam pressure doors down when we walked under them, it would randomly expose parts of the starbase to vacuum, blowing warriors out into space.
We could take the starbase, but could not hold it.
Less than 3 days after we declared the station taken, there was a massive spike of energy, and more than one thousand human ships linked into space though their infernal wormholes. All different sizes, all a riot of garish colors including 3 'dreadnoughts' that were easily three times the size of the already huge starbase.
However, instead of attacking immediately they sent out a signal.
"It's done. Stop fighting now. Save yourselves."
Fleet Command puzzled over the message for hours. Some minor commanders figured it was some kind of trick and rushed the human flotilla. One of the dreadnoughts fired once and the ship was just...gone.
At that, Fleet Command declared the cause hopeless, and ordered us to stand down and surrender.
And then something amazing happened. The Humans came on board, first in their polished black pressure suits with their massive rifles, and then, with no armor and no pressure suit, their commanders came aboard. They wanted to meet and see what we needed. "What?" We cried. "You could destroy us with a whisper. Why are you trying to help us?"
"We are offering to help you because you need help."
They had learned about the trouble we had back on our homeworld, how we were in the process of ruining our home with industry and pollution and with a wry smile they said "Yeah, we had that problem a while back too. We can help."
With humans, it's a matter of scale.
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reareaotaku · 4 months
Study w/ Me
Summary: You are not ready for the big math test, but thankfully Rodney comes to your rescue Pairings: Rodney [Fruit Bat] x Fem! Reader Tw: Fluff, Anti-Graph Math, Slight Jealousy
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You clicked your pen, watching the clock. You were more than ready for this class to end. Though, your concentration on the time is cut when the teacher's voice echos through the room.
"And don't forget about the test on Friday."
Your eyes widen. A test? You didn't remember him ever mentioning a test- Well, maybe it had to do with your lack of attention to class.
"This test is worth 25 percent of your grade. That could really make or break some of your grades."
The frown on your face deepened and you weren't the only one. With a quick glance around the classroom, you could see Juke and Melvin stressing out too.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and looked behind you to see Rodney.
"You prepared for the test?"
You nearly sweat drop at the question. A big, fake smile overtakes your face as you quickly nod, not knowing what to say. His brow raises as he gives you a look not believing you. He clicks his tongue, before tilting his head, his ears slightly twitching.
"Well, I don't know if I'm prepared..." He is prepared, but he knew your ego and pride wouldn't allow you to admit you needed help, "So, maybe you can come to my place and help me study."
Rodney needing help with work? Yeah right. You knew something was up, since he was top of the class, but you weren't about to say no to hanging out with him.
"Yeah... That'd be good-"
"Rodney- Psst- Rodney."
You both look towards the voice; It was Melvin and he looked stressed. If there was one thing you had in common with Melvin, it's that you both suck at tests. You looked back at Rodney, who was still looking at Melvin. You frowned, selfishly hoping that Melvin didn't ask Rodney for help, because you didn't want to share the boy's attention.
"Sorry, Melvin, but Y/n and I already made plans-"
"I can join! I don't mind-"
Rodney frowns, his eye nearly twitching as he contains himself, "Why don't you ask Poppy?"
Melvin frowns, his ears flopping slightly, before he points towards where Poppy was. It seems Juke had already gotten to her.
"Hmm," Rodney taps his chin, "Well, I sure hope you figure something out."
Melvin's eyes widen as his jaw nearly hits the floor. Though, before Melvin could protest, the bell rang and Rodney was quick to get up and lean over your shoulder.
"I'll meet you after school and we can walk together."
The final bell rings and you are thrilled to finally be out of school. Though, the thought of the big test rings in the back of your mind. As you begin to walk out the main doors, your stopped by the man of the hour; Rodney. You nearly sigh in relief when seeing him, because you remember that he had agreed to help you.
The walk was awkward, at least to you it was. Rodney saw it as anything but. He couldn't believe he had invited you to his house. Was his room clean? Oh god, what if it was dirty? No, he shook his head, it couldn't be dirty- It's never been dirty... But what if it was now?
He looked over to you, wondering if he could tell what you were thinking to ease his mind. He frowned when he saw a neutral look on your face, making it impossible to know what was going on in your mind. His eyes glazed you up and down, not stopping the smile that suddenly overtook his frown. He couldn't help but think you were so pretty.
God, you wanted to facepalm. How were you going to pass this test? Yeah, Rodney was smart, but could he help you pass the class. God, sometimes you felt like you were hopeless in the academic achievement. You wished you could take his brain and use it for the test instead of using your own.
Rodney's eyes lit up when he finally saw his house. The walk to his home seemed to take forever this time. Maybe it was because he was with you or maybe it was because he accidentally took a wrong turn. Who's to say it wasn't both?
You smiled when seeing the large grey house. You were tired of walking, feeling as if you had been going forever, so you were more than happy to finally take a seat.
Rodney pushes open the front door, you close behind. You both remove your shoes, before you graze the house. You had realized you had never been to Rodney's house before. You hummed, amazed at the gothic look of everything; It was just so like Rodney. Though you froze when you felt your back hit something. You quickly turned around to see a tall woman. She had to be Rodney's mother.
"Oh, I'm sorry dear," She laughs, her hand going to her chest. Her voice was smooth like silk and a laugh that felt like clouds. "Rodney, who's your friend?"
Rodney suddenly appears behind you, leaning to the side, "Oh, this is Y/n. Y/n, this is my mom."
"Y/n?" She gasp, her voice going into a higher pitch when saying your name. She crouches, taking your hand and shaking it, "Rodney has told me so much about you. Why, you're all he ever talks abo-"
"Okay mom. We need to go study," Rodney grabs your hand and quickly pulls you towards his room. He sighs, before closing the door. "Sorry about that," He says, his face being a light red. His ears were also a little flushed and you stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say.
Did he really talk about you? You wondered what he said about you. You took a seat next to his desk, as he threw his backpack next to his bed. You messed with your fingers, avoiding eye contact.
Rodney pulls out his math book before heading towards you. "So, what do you think we should start with?"
You gulped, finally making eye contact with him. Your face darkened, as you rubbed the back of your neck, "Uh... Well, um..." You fiddle with your bag, pulling out your math book. You flip through the pages, "Graphs? Sin, Cos, and Tan? God, I hate graphs."
He hums, fiddling through the book before finding some examples, "Okay. What is it that doesn't make sense?" He looks at you, his eyes scrunched, watching as you fiddle with your hair; Something he's noticed you do when you get anxious. He grabs your hand, causing you to look up at him, "It's okay. I'll do my best to help you understand, you know? I'm not going to judge you."
You click your tongue, "Honestly?"
"Of course." He nods and you let out a deep sigh.
"None of it. Anytime I see a graph, I lose my mind. Like I'll get it for a while, but then it's like I forget it when I have a test."
"Well, I guess we'll have to start from the beginning then, huh?"
Rodney had not thought this through. You had already cried twice and he didn't know what to do. This was seeming hopeless. He shuts his book, causing you to look back at him, your mascara streaming down your face. "How about we take a break. Are you hungry?"
"Uh, no... I'm fine."
"Okay. I'll be right back."
You watch as he leaves, lightly closing the door and you facepalm. You pull on your face, groaning, before lightly knocking your head into the desk. He probably thought you were an idiot. You should never had agreed to this, because he probably hates you.
Rodney heads down the hall towards the kitchen. He wanted to facepalm for his own stupidity. He took a deep breath, before shaking his head and running his long fingers through his hair.
He pushes open the kitchen door, his eyes shinning when seeing a stack of green apples, his favorite. He reaches for one, before frowning. He thought back to your sadden expression and messed up makeup. He would grab you one, too, because you needed a little boost.
He turns to leave when he's met with his mother. He smiles awkwardly, "Uh, hey?"
"So, Rodney, you and your little friend, hm?"
Rodney's face errupts in a blush and his ear poke up. He quickly shakes his head, "No- no, it's not like that."
"Oh? That's a shame."
Rodney rubs his arm, before looking at the floor, counting the many titles, "Yeah. We're just friends."
"If you say so, dear."
He sighs, heading out of the kitchen, his mood now a little bummed. You were 'just friends' but of course he didn't want to be just friends. He would have loved to be so much more, but you just weren't.
Your brought out of your spiral when an apple- a green one- is put in front of you. You look a little confused, before looking up at him.
"I know you said you're fine, but you should eat something. It'll be good for you."
You took the apple, taking a big bite. You sigh, slouching slightly, "Do you think I'm stupid?"
Rodney chokes on his apple, before shaking his head and looking at you, "No! No, of course not! I could never think you're stupid- I don't think anyone's stupid-Well..." He shakes his head, "No, of course not. Why would you think that?"
"Because I'm not getting it. I feel like I'm wasting your time."
"No, you're not wasting my time." He pats his book, "You could never waste my time. Any time I spend with you is time well spent."
A smile slowly overcame your face and you blushed, "Really?"
"Of course." He fiddles with his book, flipping the pages, before looking away from you, "Besides, Juke is much, much, Much more of a pain."
You laugh, "Yeah. When he get frustrated, he gets violent... Though, he's always kind of violent."
Rodney laughs. He had a nice laugh; You liked it a lot and it always made your mood a little brighter. But, everything he did made you happy and giddy, like there were a million butterflies in your stomach.
"Yeah, he does, doesn't he?"
"Yeah, but he has his moments."
Rodney frowned. Did you like Juke? Oh god, he sure hoped not.
"I feel bad for Poppy."
Rodney's brought out of his jealousy, "What?"
"Yeah, because he likes her. Anytime a guy hits on her, he always hits them. Have you seen Melvin," You chuckle, "Man I'd hate to be them."
"Yeah... Me too." He smiles, watching you closely. God, he wished he could just say it; I like you, Y/n. But he just couldn't... At least not yet.
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She had succeeded.
The Trial of Position went over with very few problems. Katrina nearly doubted herself with how well it had gone - was it truly as easy as that? Was her cluster now free of the command structure, free to pursue everything on their own merit?
Staring into the darkness of the cockpit glass of her custom Iron Cheetah, the Star Colonel breathed deep. Currently her cluster were in low orbit over an inconsequential planet - a periphery world they were about to free from their pirate problem in exchange for some germanium bullion (on insistence of the abtakha in her command star) and supplies for the long haul down to Helios.
Information told them that the pirates had no anti aircraft systems, meaning there was little to no requirement to try to juke any incoming attacks during the drop. That made life simpler and solved quite a few problems that nobody in the cluster wanted to try to finalize just yet.
But as Katrina’s OmniMech sat in its drop cradle, she had a momentary crisis of faith. Would the drop cocoon hold? Did the Cheetah have enough reactive mass to survive the drop? Was her piloting suit enough to counteract the G forces?
The loud THUNK of the detaching maglocks blew away any concerns. It didn’t matter any more. At this point it was do or die, 100 tons of OmniMech plummeting feet first into hell.
The wait was agonizing. Temperature gauges slowly rose as the ablative cocoon around the drop pod soaked the heat from reentry, beginning to glow and then deflagrate and flake away.
BANG! The explosive locks blew, the drop pod around the Iron Cheetah splitting into five sections and drifting away. Light finally pierced the cockpit, revealing a snowy and mountainous region. The display inside of Katrina’s neurohelmet clearly showed the target beneath her command star - a FOB, though the specific details were blurry at this altitude and velocity.
But those details had been memorized beforehand. A lance composed of third succession war era IS light and medium BattleMechs. A lance of combat vehicles. Some infantry and some support vehicles.
They weren’t ready for 400 tons of clan Omni- and BattleMechs.
Katrina flickered her focus over to the other four ‘Mechs, surrounded by a hail of fire.
Abtakha Warrior Violet Marigold, in her Phoenix Hawk IIC 7.
Trueborn Warrior Brune, in his Dire Wolf C.
Freeborn Warrior Duram, in their Timber Wolf TC Custom.
And finally Trueborn Warrior Gregory in his Hammerhead Custom.
Alarm whistles blared as they reached the brake height and in unison all five of them set their jumpjets to full. The Iron Cheetah rattled violently as the reaction mass powered thrusters screamed to slow the assault mech for its landing.
Then touchdown. Immediately, Katrina threw her weight into her controls, barking commands into the command star’s commnet.
“Destroy all pirate assets! Pounce upon those who would escape!”
[OOC: And for those who are interested, the drop theme below.]
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dailydoseofdeadly · 1 month
Prairie Rattlesnake
Name: Prairie Rattlesnake 
Species: Crotalus Viridis 
Size: 35 - 45 inches in length and can grow up to 5 feet long
Habitat: Great Plains of the United States
Fatalities: Most of 7,000 recorded snake bites in America, fewer than 5 people die each year 
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Cowboy Carter, get ready to strike a match and light up this juke joint!
As one of the most infamous snakes that prowls North America, being printed on everything from Levii’s Jeans to cowboy boots and sunglasses, rattlesnakes play a huge role in western, southern, and Native American culture. These rattlers are native to the Great Plains of the United States (Montana, the Dakotas, Texas, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma) and stretches into parts of Canada and Mexico. Lurking prairies (hence the name), grasslands, brushes, and caves, the prairie rattlesnake is an ambush hunter. Sneaking up on mice, birds, and other rodents, humans don’t seem to be on the menu for this cowboy killer. Slithering along the banks of streams and forests, the prairie rattlesnake, typically tan and greenish brown in color, has an iconic head shape: a spade. 
A huge part of the folklore, rhymes, and stories woven into American history and the brand of the Wild West, rattlesnakes have sunk their fangs deep into cultures and traditions for centuries. One tradition involves weather-forecasting in Texas; if you flip a dead rattlesnake and it lands with it back up, rain is coming soon. However, if it lands with its belly up, that means drought continues. I’m not sure how accurate this is, but it’s probably more accurate than the apple weather app. In addition to weather-telling, the rattlesnake supposedly also has medicinal properties as told through works in literature. If you had tuberculosis, you were supposed to cut off the head of a rattlesnake, put it in a bottle of rum, and drink it. If you had rheumatoid arthritis, you were supposed to wear a belt of rattlesnake skin. A Native American legend is about a Native American who trained a group of rattlesnakes to play as instruments in a song with him. 
However, don’t be fooled by its popularity; it can still pack a punch with a single bite. The prairie rattlesnake’s venom contains both hemotoxins and neurotoxins to create a potent cocktail of debilitating effects for anyone who’s unlucky enough to cross paths with a prairie rattlesnake, but even more unluckier to get bit. Rattlesnake venom can cause myonecrosis, or localized muscle death, which occurs when enough blood cannot reach the muscle. Necrosis starts spreading rapidly throughout the body from the bite site. Another effect of the venom is coagulopathy, or the body’s inability to clot blood. Excessive bleeding occurs. However, most rattlesnake bites are not directly from the venom’s hemotoxic and neurotoxic effects; they’re due to severe anaphylactic shock or inability to get access to proper anti-venom and care. Severe anaphylactic shock is when the body has a severe allergic reaction, causing blood pressure drops and difficulties breathing. Getting a severe allergic reaction to rattlesnake venom is very rare, but it’s a risk for people who have previously gotten bit by one. 
Let's say that that snake does rattle you with its venom, do not do any of these things. Rattlesnake venom is very fast acting, and any delay to get medical help could cost you an arm or leg (literally and figuratively, rattlesnake antivenom in the United States is expensive :( ). Do not put ice on the bite, do not try to suck the venom out of it, do not tie off the wound or use a tourniquet. If you get bit, seek medical help immediately. 
While no one wants to wear denim on a hike, that pair of Levii’s jeans could significantly reduce the amount of venom penetrated through the material into your body. 
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Isle kid Moodboards revamped part 4;
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Blake Bohumil 'Big Murph' Murphy, the 23 year old son of Black Murphy and Ludmilla.
He is a member of the Anti-heroes Club and Harriet's crew.
He is very close to his mom but not very close to his dad who isn't a big fan of children.
He lost his eye while play fighting the Gaston twins when he was younger and has a glass eye that he likes to take out to mess with people.
He is very close to Marya Rasputin since her dad and his mom were allies behind the scenes, and he often translates for her and others when a language barrier pops up (which happens a lot since Russian isn't a very common language on the isle)
He likes cutting hair, playing cards, eating cake, fishing, learning languages, taking care of the little ones, reading, swimming with the sharks, building sandcastles, wrestling, play fighting, singing sea shanties, and learning about geographical differences and locations.
He also likes collecting hooks of any kind.
He is single.
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Hayden 'Hadie' Prometheus Olympian, thr 10 year old (as of d3) son of Hades. Younger brother of Mal.
He is a member of the Anti-heroes club and a wannabe detective, musician, hero, and cook who is always imitating those he looks up to. Friend of Chloe Charming, Red Hearts, Danny Darling, Maddox Hatter, Shan Deja, Edith Olympian, and his minons.
He is playful and loves coloring, cooking, playing various instruments, baking, sword fighting, parkour, gymnastics, acrobatics, and playing with animals.
He has a villian streak no one takes seriously later in his teens and has a pet dog named 'Cerberus.'
He later gets together with Danny Darling.
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Lefou Deux 'Lee' Leprince, the 20 year old son of LeFou, Paulette, and Stanley Beaumont (dude from the live action movie). He's the older brother of La Foux Doux Beaumont, the younger cousin of the Gaston twins, and the older cousin of Claire Bimbette, Gil LeGume, and Gemma LeGume.
He is apart of Harriet's crew.
He's a hardworking big brother who does his best to help support his family while still being stuck under Gaston's thumb.
He works at Gaston's 'Duels Without Rules—against his will, mind you, because Gaston forces him too after all. But he doesn't complain too much about it.
He gets to steal from the register though, so it's not too bad.
He fights with various gardening tools and a bow and arrow—he's an excellent shot. He's a poet, a toy maker, and an inventor who records everything in his journal.
He loves French food, sailing, farming, reading, and gardening—even though it's difficult to do anything like that on the isle.
He also loves old photos and dancing.
Lee often makes and fixes toys for the children on the isle, and has no problem fixing things for those he loves. He's also the secret Santa Claus of the isle.
He's been in love with Claudine Frollo since first grade and they get together not long after d3.
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La Foux Doux Leprince, the 12 year old (as of d3) son of LeFou, Paulette, and Stanley Beaumont (dude from the live action movie). Younger brother of LeFou Deux, the older cousin of Gemma LeGume, and the younger cousin of the Gaston twins, Claire Bimbette, and Gil LeGume. Older brother of Sylvie Leprince.
He works at Gaston's 'Duels Without Rules'— again, without choice mind you. Gaston forces him too. He is a painfully shy, playful, quiet boy who loves French food, playing games, reading, and climbing things.
He is single and not interested at dating at the moment.
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Crazy Bonny, the 18 and a half year old(by d3) daughter of Bill Jukes (in my universe).
Sword sharpener and medic of the Lost Revenge/Uma’s crew.
Bestfriend of Desiree.
Student at Serpent Prep and one of the first to join Uma’s pirate crew.
She is described as crazy in patched dungarees and a torn fishnet shirt.
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Vicious Desiree, the 17 year old daughter of a witch and Shan Yu (in my universe anyway).
She is the swabbie of the crew, meaning she is the one in charge of mopping the deck.
She is described as tiny and vicious in a a ragged peasant dress.
She is Bonny's bestfriend and one of the first to join Uma’s crew, and she's a member at the witch school.
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Firece Gonzo, the 19 year old son of an unknown woman and Joshamee Gibs (in my universe anyway).
He is Jonas' bestfriend and is the boatswain of the crew.
He is also responsible for stocking the pantry and refilling the chum buckets.
He and Jonas are the ones in charge of the food (they don't cook it tho) and supplies, among other things.
He is described to be firece and as having long braids, a red bandana, and blue pantaloons.
He, along with Gil, Harry, Jonas, Desiree, and Bonny, is one of the first to join Uma’s crew and student—or former student—at Serpent Prep.
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Ferocious Jonas, the 20 year old son of Morgana Olympian and older cousin of Uma (in my universe).
He is the Quartermaster of Uma’s crew, the fourth in command, and the gunner (the one who mans the canons).
He's described to have a scar on his left cheek, corn rows, and a scarf. Has a thing with Jade in my universe. Has been seen selling scarves before which is probably a side job of his.
He's been described as ferocious. Student/former student at Serpent Prep and one of the first people to join Uma’s crew.
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tobyfinchghost · 9 months
.*˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ᥕᥱᥣᥴ᥆꧑ᥱ t᥆ ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
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🕯୨⎯ "𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏, 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒂 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒅..." ⎯୧🕯
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「 ✦ animal crossing player is mine please don't use... ✦ 」
✎ - toby/juke (carrd) he/bug/it (never they)
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augustusaugustus · 5 months
9.98 All the Wrong Connections
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JUKE: Well, well, this is a pleasant surprise. MEADOWS: It’s a surprise.
I like how Jack’s so anti-corruption as a result of his dodgy bagman & demotion.
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tedhead · 1 year
who are some of your favorite collaborators of bruce springsteen?
lou reed - street hassle, 1978 (performed) he performs a spoken word piece lou wrote in act three. um imo this is darkness era bruce nd lou consummating a musical soul bond but his part is pretty incidental inside the masterpiece of a song lou wrote.
southside johnny and the asbury jukes - the fever, 1981 [recorded in 1973 by bruce] the live performances of this with bruce nd johnny are great nd so is the southside johnny and the asbury jukes' album version.
donna summer - protection, 1982 (wrote/performed) bruce liked her voice nd thought the anti-disco movement sucked so he wrote cover me for her, but landau told him to keep it so he gave her protection instead. it was originally going to be a duet but he’s still on backing vocals nd guitar on the album.
warren zevon - jeannie needs a shooter, 1980 (co-wrote) the ‘77 injunction meant he couldn’t record in a studio but he needed to eat basically so landau told zevon about the title of a song bruce had on the shelf nd eventually they sat down nd wrote it together.
ray davies - better things, 2010 (performed) ray released this on his tribute album see my friends. i like it bc they sound like they're having fun nd it’s a good song. the little clip of them on youtube is really cute :)
clarence clemons and the red bank rockers - savin’ up, 1983 (wrote/performed) j.t. bowen singing, bruce on guitar, clarence on sax obv. its a really catchy tune i think he performed it live recently.
emmylou harris - tragedy, 2000 (performed) bruce nd patti are on backing vocals <333
fun fact he was at the record plant finishing darkness on the edge of town when the dictators were recording faster and louder off their bloodbrothers album nd bruce has a small cameo at the end of the song. he has a lot of uncredited performances like that, graham parker in ‘79 is another example, basically if he was in the building nd you asked him he said yes.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Blue time :D I’m watching H
We love the confidence :))
H is hungover, this can only go well /lh
Dave 3v1!!!
Callum is MCC’s collective imaginary friend, real and true
H sounded like such an angry parent when he said Shane’s name lmao
Callum: “Hello team!!” Kara and Sausage: “Hello” Callum: “and- and others others” H and Pete: “that’s me!!” I love this pre-event practice amalgams of a group :)))
Callum telling Shane he can’t name two things Callum is better at than him and Shane just calling him handsome
This is so chaotic, I’m so happy right now you guys
Tubbo is such a menace
“I didn’t even know it was freaking March” “it’s May” “ITS MAY?!???” realest thing tubbo’s ever said lol
This call is such a mess /pos
Oh this team is gonna be so chill, I’m so ready
Eret being so confused about Krinios “winning” $1.5k
Ryan breaking their monitor with a controller 😭😭😭
Rocket Spleef
Them talking about how Jojo was on both the first all-women and all-spanish teams
“Who do is still need to collect?” “Collect?!? Like they’re trading cards” “They are trading cards to me” 😂😂😂
I could totally see H doing a TCG pack opening stream
“I don’t think, I just do” *immediately falls to the bottom of the map*
I agree with H saying RSR is a bad first game, it think belongs mid-event
“No one’s dead yet, I don’t like that” “I’ll be the first if you want” Ryan 😂
I actually love the compass idea so much
HOW did H die there??? Lmao
Eret movement game anti, as she should
That was a solid third round
Everyone being so happy for/proud of Ryan getting top ten :))
Talking about the lack of game music “Alone with the demons in my mind” Ryan 😭
The Krinios puns are so bad /pos
“I’m gonna say it, I’m gonna say it” “Say what?” “I hate tgttos” the entire team: *surprised pikachu face*
I never wanted to hear “sexy chicken, baby” come out of Cub’s mouth, ever
Parkour Warrior
“God, I love that logo” based!!!
Philza made minecraft, real and true
Are you “I need music in my brain 24/7” adhd or “forgot music existed for two weeks once” adhd
The twitch rivals shade 😂😂😂
I too love the moving platforms but I also feel like I could cry if I was trying real hard and couldn’t get it
The absolute silence after “‘the edgy posts’ follow me on twitter” 😂
The “hi Cub… bye Cub” is sending me
“Don’t explode Ry- uh, Eret” “I’ll try not to” “I will, however, explode” Ryan 😂
“That’s my bad, guys” “What do you mean it’s your bad, it’s our bad, we both suck” Eret my beloved
Parkour Tag
Parkour tag my beloathed /aff
H did so good against lime!! He got all three in 35 seconds!!!
H’s comms are insane
I love how there’s not really a designated leader here, like H might be the default assumption but they’re really all equals in how they interact and communicate. It’s not a given that a certain person in is igl, they ask/say “ok I’m gonna take charge here” when applicable, I love them
Cub don’t know his lefts and rights /lh
Cub’s jukes!!!
H getting onto Ryan for not carrying hard enough 😂
Grid Runners
I’ll say it every single time, grid runners is a freaking amazing game
Eret immediately crashing oh my lord
That was painful to watch 😬
“Sorry about that guys” “Nah, now we have fun” I love H, he’s not taking any of Eret’s apologies
Good comms :)))
Listen to Eret 😭😭😭
H misunderstanding the task and talking over everyone else, that’s my streamer /lh
Best grid runners in history lmao
I too would die for HBomb94, so true Ryan
Awww lime flanked
Yeah that was a solid play
Eret going through it, rip
That was such a good fight against orange
Ayyyy first place!!!!
H’s flank there was INSANE
The purple/Purpled distinction messed em up lol
One of the most fun meltdowns I’ve seen :))
Eret needs to stop beating herself up about not getting better at movement, doesn’t she have dyspraxia? They literally can’t help it
Survival Games
Ryan just wanting to sot with H :((
I was gonna say it’s impressive that they all got out of that alive and then bam
H hyping up sand keepers, as he should!!!!
Sot antis only take Ls
Sands of Time
H encouraging Walli <333
Ryan getting full on yelled at for saying they’re gonna offhand carpet 😂
I don’t like how quiet Eret’s being but I trust him
They’re all so attentive and on top of it :)))
“It’s the last game, Ryan, have a little fun” “okay” “Play a little risky, have fun” “okay” his freaking voice
“I trust you” “Youre good a minecraft, I believe in you boss” “really?” Ryan is peak 🥹 energy
They’re swimming in sand
We’re having so much fun here
That felt so freaking good, I’m so happy man
They’re all so excited for red :))
People predicted blue low?? I placed them first lol
“I’ve never actually spoken to Wallibear, so I’m gonna say that I hope he’s a great guy”
The confusion over Capitan’s skin is killing me lol
“We english speakers SUCK” real
Hi Illumina :)))
H gently elbowing Cub into believing in himself lmao
Let’s all team with Illumina
They’re like kids fighting over the most popular toy
I would actually love to see a 5-player team event, it would be so fun and so scuffed if they just barely changed anything
Great vibes great times :)))
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leobashi · 2 years
Nah Anti's actually polar bear food-
Jackie the polar bear keeps trying to eat him but Anti the turtle keeps juking him
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