#anti kiss of death
zhoras-bitch · 1 year
I just can’t take the way KoD is trying to paint Vic and MC’s relationship as some tragic lovers turned enemies story seriously. ‘This doesn’t sound like the Vic I know’ girl you don’t know Vic. You’ve met them once when you were 15. What the fuck are you talking about.
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Admittedly, I don’t think Kiss of Death is as bad as I thought it would be. I still think it sucks, but it’s actually not that bad.
It’s like eating a burnt potato over a rotting potato you pulled out of the trash can. It’s still bad but there’s worse.
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smallphoenix13 · 2 years
how tf am i supposed to care about mc and vic’s relationship????
honestly how am i supposed to care about any of this book tho
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sinnbaddie · 5 months
Naruto has a multitude of characters where their writing is heavily based in queerness and queer experiences. From the devotion two characters have for one another to a point where they would trust each other with their lives, to feeling like the other one is the only person who truly to their core understands them and accepts them for who they are despite their flaws and issues they’ve done in the past.
Naruto as a series is so queer in its writing that the writer - whether intentional or not - made the main two characters always run after each other even if one of them fell into darkness, saying he’d shoulder the pain he’s holding just so he can be near him and you’re saying you think… Obito is gay?? The guy who literally lost his mind over a girl??
Edit: I’m talking about canon btw. Hc if you’d like I’ll always support that, but he’s not canonically gay or bi. His character is rooted in his love for a girl and the only reason he saved kk was to have time alone w Rin because he didn’t want him interfering. He’s in love w Rin and only Rin in canon🙇‍♂️
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o-wild-west-wind · 11 months
tumblr algorithm stop feeding me takes that this show is just a silly goofy comedy that shouldn’t include death or that Izzy is the token disabled elder queer on the show where an actual disabled elder queer is literally the romantic lead or that Lucius and Pete being called “mateys” is diluting their gayness because it’s not “husbands” or that it’s sexist that Zheng lost her fleet and later prioritized her love for a man or that Ed is Izzy’s abuser because we conveniently forgot all of season 1 or that trauma is never followed through with because sometimes actions are used instead of words or that Ed learned nothing because the inn was apparently a whim as if he hasn’t been obsessing over retirement from day 1 I swear did we even watch the same show?? I literally feel like I’m in backwards land?
I have a really novel concept for y’all complaining about character’s arcs not being fully resolved or healed and that’s called there is supposed to be another season of this show
I also have another really novel concept as to why every single character did not have a one on one trauma apology session and so much time was spent on Ed and Stede and that is because this is literally the Ed and Stede show and also sometimes parallels are meant to be inferred and extrapolated because that is what efficient storytelling does instead of spoonfeeding you
And my most novel concept of all as to why some beloved characters had less screen time is because Max is a massive jerk and cut the budget
Y’all this wasn’t personal and maybe this show was never about Izzy maybe the show called our flag means death is actually about death maybe sad does not equal homophobic letdown maybe the brown gay character introduced as the love interest from day 1 gets to outlive the angry white guy that had a redemption arc after actively bullying and trying to break up every gay couple for a season I don’t know what to tell you just can you please let non-white people have this arc for once without assuming it’s an attack on you I’m BEGGING y’all
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sableeira · 1 month
bsd fans should read vicious by v.e. schwab
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lightning-macrine · 1 year
Tbh at this point if you’re still frothing at the mouth in rage and fumbling to find ways to ignore and flip Izzy’s very obvious redemption arc YOU’RE the ones who are delusional. Coming up with the most batshit conspiracy theory ass predictions and theories lmaooo you’re all just going to have to accept that your hatred for this character and his fans is entirely unsupported by the creators, writers, and actors.
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blackjack-15 · 9 months
this 80s romcom lighting outside is hysterical oh my land
"wanna see the restaurant?"
"there are about 10 things in here that could kill you" 11, counting Syd
and among all this chaos he has one pertinent question:
"why didn't you call me?!" "i should have called you!"
this is going age like milk when syd sees who else is here!
syd was right last episode that carmy should have called her; carmy's right this episode that syd should have called him they're great at knowing they're a partnership. right now, they're not sure what that actually means, however, and it's causing massive friction, miscommunication, and stress
wow claire great time to introduce yourself there. like a bucket of cold water. she didn't really need to is the weird thing? nat was already talking to her, already greeted her? most people would have been like mm let me take a step back, maybe even come back later. but not claire! no she strides in like the elephant in the room and does a dance
oh ho. syd's face when claire says her name. that's a whole look
"this is my friend, claire" most honest he's been about this whole arrested development situationship
"sorry to interrupt, you all seem really busy" mm. no kidding.
"i'm sydney, it's really nice to meet you, i'm also sorry that you're here" SYD I LOVE YOU
she explains what she means and all but like. what a choice of dialogue, huh? and carmy's face. holy eff this is amazing
"interesting" oh richie. and nat's face when he says that -- the Wheels are Turning. direct comparison to his "ooooh" from last ep.
also i do love carmy's noticeably softer with Richie here. he knows richie really is just trying to help, and -- more than that -- knows that nothing else is gonna get done tonight
he tells everyone great job and to go home -- syd's rolled eyes here are a Pleasure -- and then when syd does that? carmy's reaction?
"what?" "i'm saying good night!"
very reminiscent of carmy's "what are you doing" when syd's quitting in S1E7. hmm i wonder why there's a bit of betrayal there.
this. this is beautiful. and he watches her go, too. beautiful direction, dialogue, etc etc
richie and nat are having similar problems to syd and richie last season. looking like we're gonna have a similar blow up. nat please keep the knives away from richie's ass, he's already a cheek down
the camera pan and hold on "carm/syd menu review" and then back to carmy and claire? i think that's the least subtle thing in the show, and we've seen richie's behavior + syd's temper almost literally bite him in the ass
"we're very fast" the subtlety is just...any more subtle and we'd have neon lights going. this is enjoyable because holy crap the telegraphing is Blatant
also this is some of the worst flirting i've ever seen. we're back to the total lack of chemistry and the two of them talking like 8th graders.
"i did that." "i know you did, and now you have to go" i'm still amazed that this is all text? none of this is implied? the writers are normally a little more subtle, so like...this is on purpose.
and the predictable kiss! you knew it was gonna happen, and they don't care. carmy going in with the same hand thing claire did earlier? either i can see the future or they're flashing the cliche, high-school nature of relationship with big flashing signs
and i can't see the future.
as a final note? i'm just gonna say. carmy is inexperienced, etc etc, yaddah yaddah. his actor on the other hand, is very much not. well done there sir.
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arctic-hands · 7 months
My parents were not nice and didn't handle having a disabled child even remotely well, and even tho things are better between us now I still doubt their claims of unconditional love for me,
But at the very least they cared enough about me to vaccinate me against measles
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zhoras-bitch · 1 year
The reason Kiss of Death was such a frustrating read was because it relies almost exclusively on characters having sudden fits of idiocy when the plot needs to move along. And yeah, it mostly affects the MC, because she is the main character (which has the side effect of making her incredibly annoying). But other characters are not immune to this either.
I mean MC's parents not interrogating their daughter's attempted murderers before exiling/executing them (and Nadia not doing the same for that matter). That dirty cop going after MC and Vic at the same time when he could've picked them off one by one. MC's kidnappers not shooting her in the leg or something to make sure she can't run/fight. Nadia and Vic not noticing their moron of a son/brother planning a coup right under their nose. Etc.
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hey-i-am-trying · 4 months
omg i didn't know you liked arcane that's so cool :0
Tumblr media
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theclaravoyant · 1 year
sometimes meeting violence with violence and it not being as cathartic as you expect is something that can be so personal
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autumnrory · 19 days
i really think stucky fandom is the only one i've been in where making another relationship pretty much just as significant as theirs in fanfiction is the norm and obvs it used to not bother me but now it makes me crazy
like. i'm used to another pairing being together but then they break up and the main one gets together and you're like okay cool but stucky writers just muddy the waters and i'm like you know you can ignore them being with other people right this is fanfic you can do whatever you want you don't have to prop up this relationship to prove you're not misogynistic or whatever you can still write stucky exactly as they are without all this extra nonsense
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months
𝔄𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔰 - ℜ𝔞𝔭𝔢𝔡 𝔅𝔶 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔏𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔒𝔣 ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
'Lead The Way, Stevie."
Pairing: Harringrove.
Fem!Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington. || i don't know how to use the read more feature, so if this floods your TL, i truly apologize. It's 4k words, idk.
Unedited, btw.
LEMON!!!! (A shitty attempt at it, at least. I've not written anything lemon-y in almost 6 years. Maybe longer)
Unsafe sex practices.
The first time Steve met Billy, she quite literally took his breath away. She stepped out of her Camaro with a confidence that he'd never seen in any other girls in Hawkins. 
Nancy was confident. She knew she was smart, and made sure everyone knew it. 
But, Billy? She was hot, and she was more than aware of it. She didn't need anyone to tell her. 
She wore fishnet tights and short, flared skirts with an ease that had other balking at. 
The blonde was no taller than 5'5, but Steve suspected her platforms gave her the majority of the height she had.
It would've been no big deal if she was just a pretty face, but no. She had to be smart, and talented on top of it all. 
Smart enough that she threatened to dethrone Nancy as valedictorian. Talented enough that within two weeks of joining the cheer squad, Chrissy had made her co-captain, a position she'd previously left open with no hope or prospect of filling. 
She was good at basketball too, great even, and despite the coaches best efforts, Billy refused to join their newly co-ed team. She claimed that cheer was more her speed. 
All in all, Billy Hargrove was beauty, grace, snark, and somehow softness wrapped in a pretty little package. 
She had piercing blue eyes that she never failed to pair with whatever color eyeshadow matched her outfit that day. 
The tip of her nose was always red, as if always cold. Steve thought maybe she was. Until he caught her at her locker, applying a soft red blush to the very tip before blending it in. 
When she caught him staring, she just winked and shut her locker before disappearing into the crowd of students. 
She wasn't easy to approach, not with the gaggle of people that surrounded her on a daily basis, some wanting friendship, while others visibly wanted more. 
Billy, despite indulging in the attention, stuck closely to Chrissy and Carol. 
It'd taken almost two months before the universe finally gave him an opening. 
It was a less than ideal one, however. They were both definitely drunk, not to mention Eddie Munson was lingering somewhere in the house, the smell that accompanied him was unmistakable. 
They were at a party to ring in the New Year, Steve would've gone to the Byers, but he'd wanted to be around people his own age for once.
Everyone was loud, and engaging in other things they'd probably never do under the same roof as their parents. The music that played was awful, but there was still at least two hours before the ball would drop.
Steve watched as Billy slipped out of the house to smoke a cigarette, and naturally he followed behind like a lost puppy, hoping against hope that he'd get to at least formally introduce himself. Quick waves and glances at lockers, and when they picked up their respective charges weren't enough. 
It wasn't until he actually stood in front of Billy that he found himself lost of what to say. 
'Hey' felt too basic. Too casual. 
'I want you to have my babies' was definitely off the table. He couldn't play that off as a joke.
Luckily for him, Billy spoke first, her words slightly slurred from the shots of vodka she downed not too long ago, "hey, Pretty Boy!" She was grinning widely, her cigarette long forgotten.
Steve found himself quickly returning the smile, a blush dusting his cheeks. 
"Hey, Billy. Havin' a good time?"
Billy just shrugged, offering the rest of her cigarette to the brunet. 
Steve accepted it, thanking whoever was listening that his hand didn't shake in the process. 
"You're here, so yeah, I'd say so."
The slightly older boy was quick to brush off any shock he felt at her words. He wouldn't get his hopes up.
"Yeah?" He raised a brow, hoping he sounded as casual as he was trying to be. 
Steve's quickly polished off the cigarette, before tossing the bud into the dirt and stomping it out with the tip of his shoe.
Billy just beamed up at him and nodded, "yeah, Harrington. All the guys at this party are…" she trailed off, waving her hand off-handedly. 
"They're either Tommys or Jasons...eager puppies, mostly harmless. Or, again. They're Jason." She lowered her voice when she said that, her tone giving the impression that her dislike of the male was a secret. 
Steve threw his head back, a laugh leaving him as he did. It shocked them both, if the slightly startled squeak that left the girl was any indication, but soon she was joining the laughter and Steve knew that was a large feat.
"Carver's an ass, but believe it or not, he was worse before he started dating Chrissy." 
Billy peered up at Steve, her blue eyes filled with mirth. 
"You know what, Harrington? I believe it."
There was a pause between them, more comforting than awkward, thankfully, before Steve was blurting out the question he's wanted to ask for weeks. "Why didn't you join the team? You're really good, you know?"
It could've been the chill in the air, or the drinks Billy had over the course of the party, but her cheeks had darkened, Steve just isn't sure if the blush had been there before the comment. 
"I wanted to, but my dad doesn't want me on a team with a bunch of guys," she scoffs, shaking her head. "Max called him misogynistic and almost cost her ass her New Years with those nerds." 
Steve could picture the redhead trying to defend her sister's right to join the team having, having met her on more than one occasion, he knew just how fiery she could be.
"There's like four girls on the team, though."
Billy throws her hands up in exasperation, a pout crossing her bright red lips, "I said that! Then my step-mom chimed in to say 'Oh, sweetie, it's just not lady-like! Shouldn't you join the squad? You've always loved cheering!'" She added a saccharine tilt to her voice, her hands cupping together at her cheeks. 
The elder laughed at the impression, his tongue clicking thoughtfully, "well, your dad sounds like he's stuck in the 80's or some shit. And your step-mom doesn't sound too far behind."
 Billy seemed to agree, however, she added, "I used to like cheering. My mom was on the squad at my old school, you know, back when she was my age...she'd drive me from practice, or to competitions.
When she left, I quit the team. Started getting into music and other shit, when Max and Susan moved in, but then my dad moved us here," she puffs out her cheeks, her hands finding her arms to rub them. Steve doesn't know if it's meant to comfort herself, or if she's just cold. 
He shrugs his jacket off and gives it to her anyway. 
She smiles shyly at him as she accepts it. 
Their size difference is more noticeable when she's swimming in his jacket, it's almost swallowing her whole, but she looks so fucking cute. 
It feels right.
There's another beat of silence before Billy continues, "he dropped us here, and cheer was the only thing he'd let me do." She lets out a bitter laugh, a hand raising to brush back her dyed red bangs. "I'd kick your ass in basketball though, Harrington. Those chicken legs you got wouldn't stand a chance."
The 180 is almost enough to leave Steve dizzy, breathless, but instead he feigned a gasp, a hand clutching at his chest. 
"You talk a big game for someone who barely reaches my kneecaps."
"That's how I know you have little legs, Pretty Boy!" She stomps her foot, her eyes squinting as she seemingly sizes him up. "I could take you."
"In a fight?"
She goes silent for a moment before humming, "that too." 
Steve's eyes widened, but he's not given a chance to reply before the girl was laughing hysterically, her nose scrunched up in the most adorable way. "And! For your information, I am well past your kneecaps, asshole."
The brunet is the one to laugh this time, his hands clapping as he tries to take in air. 
"The hell is so funny?! I'm tall!"
"You're like 5'2 at best without those shoes."
Billy balks at that, her face going from a mix of betrayal and disgust, before shifting to shock, "did Max tell you that?"
Steve quickly shakes his head, another laugh leaving him. "Shit, was I right?"
Billy just shoves at his shoulder, her tongue darting out to swipe over her canines. Steve catches himself tracking the movement despite himself. 
"If you tell anyone, you're dead Harrington." The threat appears empty, but Steve isn't willing to test that theory. So, he quickly throws his hands up in surrender, "your secrets safe with me, shorty."
She rolls her eyes at him, the pout returning to her features. "Laugh it up, chicken legs! I'll still kick your scrawny ass."
They spend the next hour talking, but before they both know it, the party is starting to wind down, people are too drunk to make it to the countdown, some just don't care, and the threat of rain looms over their heads. Not that many can be bothered to care.
Steve is admittedly sad. He knew the night would have to come to an end, even if it meant not ringing in the New Year with Billy, but it didn't make him any less upset to have to end his conversation with the blonde, and return to an empty house.
Billy seemed less than delighted to have to split off as the pair reached their parked cars, so Steve decided to throw caution to the wind, his mouth moving faster than his brain, "do you want to maybe, come over?"
Billy would either agree or tell him to fuck off, but at least he asked.
Billy's eyes lit up at the offer, but she was nothing if not a tease, so she leaned over, her fingers just barely brushing against his chest, "I usually make a man buy me dinner before I go home with him, Harrington."
Steve quickly scrambled to reply, his cheeks heating up at the implication. 
He'd be lying if he said he never imagined the blonde laying in his bed as he took her apart, leaving all of her laid bare for him to indulge in. 
But, he hadn't meant that! 
When he came up with nothing, Billy simply giggled and softly tapped his cheek, "lead the way, Stevie. I'm freezing my tits off."
The entire drive to his house, Steve found himself more flustered than he had been previously. He couldn't remember if he took out last night's trash, or if he washed the dishes left over from him and Dustin making sundaes. 
If the place was a bit messy, would Billy care? Would she scold him the way Nancy once did?
Would she just ignore the small mess and carry on with their night? He prayed she would.
To his luck, when they finally barreled into the house, Steve found himself relieved that he had indeed remembered to clean up.
He quickly peeled his shoes off, then watched as Billy did the same, a satisfied smirk settling on his lips when she seemed to shrink in size almost instantly. 
They still had 45 minutes to go.
She held a hand up, her index finger pointed dangerously at him, "I'll eat your chicken legs for dinner if you even think about saying anything!" 
Steve raises both his hands in a placating fashion, his smirk growing. "I didn't even say anything, Lil' Bit!"
Billy just gapes at him, her eyes squinting in an attempt to be menacing. 
"You think because you're pretty I won't kick your ass, Harrington?" Her words don't match her tone, there's a teasing undertone, one paired with obvious, thinly veiled laughter.
It has the brunet laughing, himself. Not because Billy isn't intimidating, she is. 
But, because being around the Californian made him giddy, made his chest bubble with something akin to hysteria and a calmness all at once.
Steve just holds both hands up in defeat, all traces of laughter disappearing, only to be replaced by a smug grin, "I think me being pretty is what's saved me from getting my ass kicked all night."
Billy seems to mull it over, before she's dissolving into a fit of giggles. "You just may be right."
Eventually they moved into the living room, after Billy complained of aching feet, the NYE ball drop played in the background, serving as mindless noise while the pair chatted about any and everything.
Steve discovered that Billy was secretly a huge nerd. She had a knowledge of D&D and all things nerdy that rivaled even Dustin. Not that he would ever say that to either of them.
On the flip side, Billy learned that Steve could bake, he admitted as much with a blush coating his cheeks. It was so endearing, that Billy only commented that she wanted to try one of his creations, as opposed to teasing him.
When there was only fifteen minutes before the clock would strike twelve, Billy had huffed, her fingers fidgeting with the fabric of her skirt. 
It was red, like most things she wore, it came up to her waist, where it hugged her frame perfectly, before flowing outwards towards the bottom. It was just above her knee, giving only a small view of tanned skin, the majority obscured by the fishnets she also wore. 
Before he could ask if she was alright, she was turning to face him, a small frown on her lips. "Pants, please." She spoke as if he had already asked her if she wanted a change of clothes, as if she could read his mind. 
Steve just nodded and stood up, motioning after a moment of hesitation, for her to follow him. She quickly did, and the pair soon found themselves confined within Steve's plaid walls. Walls she did not fail to make fun of him for.
It only took him a minute to locate pants that should fit her, they had a drawstring in the waistband, if she needed it.
After a second of debate, he grabbed one of his smallest shirts, coincidentally, it was red. He handed the clothes off to her, shyly stepping out of the room to give her privacy to change. He changed quickly in the bathroom by his room, only slightly shocked when he found he finished before Billy had.
A few minutes passed before she was opening the door, her clothes laying in a pile at the foot of Steve's bed. 
Wordlessly, she raised an eyebrow and climbed into his bed. Instead of heading back downstairs.
When Steve failed to follow, she patted the empty space beside her with the hand not reaching for the remote on his table.
Knowing an obvious invitation when he sees one, Steve slides in beside her, his hands shaking softly as he slipped under the quilt when she did.
She quickly found the ball drop, humming when she saw the time read '11:55'.
There was only five minutes left to the year, and Steve went from not having spoken to the girl of his literal dreams, to having her in his bed. In his clothes. 
Which, fuck she looked good in. But, she looked good in everything Steve has ever seen her in, so that's unsurprising.
What is surprising, however, is Billy turning to him, her dimpled cheeks the darkest shade of red Steve has ever seen naturally on her. She'd removed the bulk of her makeup at some point, leaving only her eyes coated in it.
She opens her mouth, like she has something to say, but nothing comes out.
The blonde takes a soft breath, her eyes fluttering shut on the inhale, and then open on the exhale. Steve watches closely at everything she does. Every tiny, almost imperceptible movement doesn't go unnoticed. Which is why Steve is equal parts prepared and unprepared for the girl to slip onto his lap, her legs straddling either side of his hips. 
When she's comfortable, Steve wastes no time in resting his hands on her small waist. The same waist he's spent nights in bed imagining how it'd feel to grip. 
He knows now. It feels good. 
Neither of them speak, Steve just peers up at the gorgeous girl, captivated by the piercing stare of blue eyes. Billy is equally as drawn in, her chest slightly puffed out as if holding her breath. 
Maybe she is. Steve knows he is.
In the background, people begin screaming, the excitement of the countdown filling the air when they've reached '10'.
At five, Steve reaches up and cups Billy's cheek, the smaller immediately nuzzles into the touch.
At two, Billy leans down just enough, her nose barely brushing against his.
At one, Steve closes the gap between them, claiming her red tinted lips with his own. He notes how she instantly kisses back, her composure seeming to melt when his tongue grazes her bottom lip. 
She's quick to to part them, a muffled moan bubbling from her when their tongues brushed together, and his fingers dug into the curve of her waist. 
It's Steve who pulls back for a brief moment, whispering softly against her lips,
"Happy New Year, gorgeous."
"Happy New Year, Stevie."
The sounds of people celebrating droned on somewhere, but neither Billy nor Steve can find it in themselves to care. Not while they were slotted together, coming together in ways Steve could only imagine happening before.
Her hands rested on his chest, fingers squeezing the fabric of his shirt as she involuntarily rocked her hips against his; the action causes Steve to grip her hips tighter.
His thin pajama pants do very little to hide his growing bulge, not that Billy seems put off by it at all.
In fact, she seems invigorated by his body's reaction if the purposeful roll of her hips is any indication. 
She's warm, her own arousal made obvious by the growing wet patch in the borrowed pants. The same pants she breaks their kiss to shimmy out of, leaving her in nothing but a pair of thin, pretty panties. They're lacy, and sheer. 
What shocks him is the color, they're not just red like he would have assumed. 
Instead they're a sinful combination of black and red.
It takes everything in Steve not to push them aside and ravish her. 
Billy doesn't seem at all like she'd mind. 
But, no. Steve wants to cherish this moment. Wants to hear her ask for it, for him. 
It appears she does too, because when their lips meet again, she's grabbing one of his hands and resting it on her lower back, giving just enough space that his fingers graze the top of the curve to her round cheeks.
She pushes gently against his hands, and he takes the hint; his hands sliding the rest of the way down to cup both cheeks, fingers kneading the plush skin.
He rolls his hips upward, grinding against the rapidly growing wetness of her panties, groaning quietly in response to the moan she was unable to conceal.
It was easy to get lost in the way she ground her hips against his, even easier to get lost in the feeling of her. She was soft, and firm in all the right places. But, something devine kept them in the moment, while allowing all their surroundings to melt away.
With a gasp, she pulled away, and Steve quickly mourned the loss of her lips on his. 
"I wanted to take this slow, Steve. From the first time I saw you, I've wanted you…" she pauses, and Steve is stuck on her confession, on the way her words mirror his own. He wasn't the only one pining from afar, he wasn't the only one whose mind filled with thoughts of blonde hair, and blue eyes happily curled up against his chest, stealing kisses every so often. 
"I don't want to wait anymore. We can restart, take it slow, or pretend tonight never happened…" She doesn't seem to agree with the last part, if the furrow of her brows means anything. 
Steve hurriedly declines the latter, softly replying, "we can reset after tonight. We can start from scratch and do it all right. Dates, dances, the whole nine-yards, baby."
"And tonight?"
"Tonight? Tonight goes however you want it to, beautiful."
Billy doesn't need to hear anymore, it seems, because she immediately leans down and presses his lips to his own again, mumbling against his lips, "fuck me, please Stevie...need you inside of me, baby, please…"
Her words leave Steve breathless, but who was he to deny her of what she wanted? What he wanted?
With an agreement on his lips, A promise of taking care of her, really, he kisses her again, wasting no time in resuming the previous intensity of it.
Prepping her was painstakingly slow, but Steve was taking no chances. He wouldn't hurt her, not in this way, or any other way. Even if she continues to insist she was ready. It was no skin off his back to watch her fall apart as he opened her up with his fingers and tongue. 
She was sweet in a way Steve had never experienced, and he planned to take full advantage of it.
Finally, when he dubbed her sufficiently prepared, she'd already cum once, and was now splayed on her back, her legs spread apart as she whined for him to hurry up and fuck her.
When he made to grab a condom, she bit her lip and glanced up at him, shaking her head gently to decline. "Don't need it, m'on the pill, please. Wanna feel all of you, Stevie."
With a nod, Steve positions himself at her opening, his lips finding hers as he pushes into her tight warmth. "I got you, baby doll, just breathe for me."
She gasps sweetly when he bottoms out, her legs hooking around his waist, it's a bit obvious that the stretch was more than either had anticipated, but Billy wasn't detoured at all. If anything, she was filled with a new thrill of excitement. She wasn't a blushing virgin, but she wasn't one to just sleep around. Steve knew as much, because no matter how many dates he's heard about from the guys, they never brag beyond saying she kissed them.
Because there was never anything more that happened. 
Since moving to Hawkins, Steve was the first person to truly be with Billy, and both of them planned to take full advantage of that.
It's like they're made for one another with the way their bodies seem to move in almost perfect timing. She clenched around him when his thumb skillfully rubs her clit. 
He almost cums at the downright sinful moan that leaves her, and the way her hips arch off the bed to meet his touch.
It doesn't take long for her to come undone again, this time, though, she tightens around him; her eyes meeting his as she frantically nods her head.
Steve isn't sure if it was the sensation of her already tight pussy, getting impossibly tighter around his cock, or if it's the way she seems to encourage it; but he can't hold it off any longer. 
A warning dies on his tongue when Billy leans up and kisses him with fervor, her fingers threading in his hair. 
He thrusts his hips once more before he's cumming deep inside of her, eliciting a drawn out moan from the girl beneath him, to match his own pleased groan, all the while she rocks her hips to pull him in deeper.
When the room is only filled with their heavy, synchronized breathing, Billy smiles up at him. He still nestled inside of him, and she shows no signs of changing that any time soon, so neither does he.
She's glowing, her hair is a mess, her once perfect makeup is now smeared on Steve's pillows and shirt. But, she looks so stunning this way, that he just doesn't care. He can always change the bedding later, his shirt would be fine too.
Eventually, Steve has to lay down beside her, and she pouts at that. Not because it's horrible being pressed against his chest, but because he'd pulled out of her to do so. 
Steve caught the pout and laughed, leaning down to press his lips to her neck. 
"Next time, Princess. I've got you."
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beevean · 1 year
Annette will be this show's Isaac, the creator's pet who steals all the screentime and is treated as so deep and complex by everyone
Mark my words
He seems to have been split into Annette and Olrox (the sexy king with a tragic past and grey morality who gets treated like a tragic meow meow despite his actual crimes)
I can't say I'm thrilled :)
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