#oh right i forgot how stupid this was for a second but now i remember lol
zhoras-bitch · 1 year
I just can’t take the way KoD is trying to paint Vic and MC’s relationship as some tragic lovers turned enemies story seriously. ‘This doesn’t sound like the Vic I know’ girl you don’t know Vic. You’ve met them once when you were 15. What the fuck are you talking about.
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ozzgin · 1 month
I'm the anon who asked if your requests are open and i got busy assignments + presentations that i almost forgot about the request but now i remembered and it's based on my dream i saw that night..
How about a vampire who lost his relic (presumably a ring) and reader happens find it and tries it on, now the vampire is all panicking because guess what? That was a betrothal relic and it has binded the vampire's soul with the one of reader. They can't pull it out/take it of.. oh well, now they are stuck and obviously the vampire hates the idea of being stuck with a pesky human but hey they are kinda stupid..? How tf they tripped on thin air? Or how they are still alive even after being food poisoned 5 times a month? Vampire is now babysitter for his human *sighs * what has he gotten himself in..
(Please add yandere elements later on, my brain stoopid but i want a hot Victorian era vampire being obsessed with me ^^ muah!)
(I'm sorry this is so lengthy TT)
Yandere! Vampire x Reader
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Featuring a ridiculously lucky Reader who constantly manages to escape a Vampire's assassination attempts. Did someone order a supernatural edition of enemies to lovers?
Content: gender neutral reader, obsessive behavior, mentions of stalking, romcom
[Monster masterlist] [Original works masterlist]
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"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" your friends gasp in unison, eyes fixated on the fallen ceramic pot that scarcely missed you, now laying shattered at your feet. You laugh reassuringly and wave your hand in dismissal. "It's the fifth time it happens today. Maybe there's a storm coming?"
From within the shadows, menacing eyes glowing red follow your movements. "Damn it!" The mysterious man curses under his breath. He stares enviously at the bulky ring on your finger. The ring bearing his Family signet, where part of his very soul resides. It has stayed with him for centuries, and somehow, to his utmost shame, he lost it. By the time he rushed back to retrieve it, you were carelessly sliding it down your finger. He wanted to strangle the life out of you right then and there, but he felt it: the immediate surge of contractual power, dominating his will and holding him back from breaking your bones. "It's a little tacky, isn't it?" your friend remarked. You nodded in agreement and tried to remove it, but the metal band tightened around your skin, painfully constricting your digit. It was stuck. It was too late.
Now he has to rely on cheap trickeries like this one. Sure, he may not be able to directly plunge his fangs into your neck, but the bonding curse does not shield you from "accidents", you see. It would be a real shame if that flower pot was to land straight into your head, ending you instantly and thus breaking the connection with him. Except you simply refuse to die. A mystery, a paradox, one that enrages him to no end. It's almost as if the ring is bringing you fortune at the cost of his misery.
"Have you had any luck removing that ugly thing?" the person standing next to you mentions. The vampire lord grits his teeth at the blasphemous words. This is what's become of him: a deceitful buffoon, having to sit and listen to his inheritance being mocked relentlessly. He holds back the urge of shouting that thousands have bled to death in order to forge that magnificence. "Not at all", you respond idly. "I tried taking it to a jeweler, and she said she could try to cut it, but she ended up having a heart attack right in the middle of it. She didn't even look that old, maybe it runs in her family?"
Unbelievable. The thought of reclaiming his relic haunts every second of his day, to the point he's become your shadow. Stalking your every move, your every breath, observing his prey and waiting for an opportunity to strike. He can already picture that pathetic face of yours, twisting in pain, begging for-...huh. Well, look at that, you're reading one of his favorite books. Perhaps you do have a little taste, after all. It won't save you from your terrible fate, but he might skip the prolonged torture.
There's plenty of quotes out there about knowing your enemy in order to guarantee your victory, though one might wonder where the limit of such knowledge resides. Or what counts as useful to begin with. The vampire lord is presently wondering about this very aspect, as he mouths your coffee order from a distance. Less sugar, huh? You did mention losing your sweet tooth. He shakes his head indignantly. Absolutely not! The throb of his heart is fueled by raw hatred and nothing else. One of days he will savour your demise.
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Your ridiculous luck might just end today. You've taken a shortcut on your way back home, and didn't expect a shady, burly man to block your exit. A perverted grin stains his face as he approaches you, twiddling with his pocket knife. "Alone at this hour?" You frown and try to find a way out, but the man suddenly begins to heave and convulse before your eyes, grasping at his chest as the skin shrivels and dries. He collapses at your feet, body wilted as if it's been emptied of its vitality. The Vampire Lord clicks his tongue.
To think he'd rush to rescue his sworn enemy, a pitiful mortal like you. He didn't even get the chance to consider the aftermath. You stare at the stranger, confused but observant. Pale skin, crimson eyes, unnaturally sharp canines...and the fact he just drained a living being into a bloodless corpse: everything hints to one possibility. "Are you by any chance a vampire?" you find yourself mumbling. "You must've graduated from Harvard with those deduction skills", he responds sarcastically.
Everything else unfolds in a haze. Wasn't he planning to kill you and retrieve his ring? When the hell did he offer to walk you home to avoid more creeps? Why is he twirling his hair sheepishly whenever you praise his demonic powers? Oh, but it gets worse: why did he suddenly feel the urge to kiss you before returning to his cursed lair? Why did he accept your invitation to spend the night at your place instead? One moment ago, he was doing his best to curse you off this Earth. Now he's tugging stray strands of hair away from your blushing, whining face, asking you if it hurts. Damned human.
"How did you know I like this? Have you been stalking me?" you joke, nudging your undead boyfriend and setting the gift aside. "More or less", he confesses with a yawn. He recalls all that time spent dutifully spying on your oblivious self. "You know, a human like you shouldn't be able to dodge death like that." He turns to you and scans your features. Then, abruptly embarrassed, he ruffles your hair to block you from noticing his blush. "I suppose my failure was the better outcome. It's not too bad, having you around."
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shapard · 4 months
Yeah I just got a idea for a scenario, if you don't want to that ok. date night with lucifer playing untitled goose game, I know it's not ducks but would still be funny 🤣
Playing the Untitled Goose Game with Lucifer🪿
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Fluff, Lucifer being a boomer
Lucifer x Reader
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Lucifer was working on one of his dozen duck’s creations. 
He was too deep into his work that he didn’t sense you coming from behind.
You called out his name and he was startled at your sudden presence that he jumped up from his seat. 
The duck flew out of his hand flying into one of many piles of little ducklings. 
Dumbfounded he looked at his hands, “… My.. DUCK!”
You watched guilty as Lucifer threw himself right after it, searching for it. 
After a while he came back up, “She’s gone…” He pouted, “Well, just going to make another one.” He stood back up fixing his hair and his tuxedo. 
“Luci?” You called out for him, he completely forgot that you were standing there.
“Oh- OH! Hello Sweetie!” In a blink of an eye, he had you in a death grip, hugging you closely against his body. 
He stepped back and gave you a wide smile. “Next time please knock, you scared the shit out of me.” He laughed nervously and looked up to you with his loving eyes. 
His eyes travelled on your hands which were hiding something behind your back. “What do you have there.” He pointed at your hidden hands. 
Remembering why you were here in the first place, you smirked and pulled out a game named “Untitled Goose Game”.
Lucifer looked at you confused. 
“A game?” You nod furiously. “Can you please play it while I watch? Like a little date?”
After a while of being in a relationship with him you found out that he hates TV, and everything that came with it. 
He had an old Tv and it barely worked. For you he made an exception and bought one of those newer Flat Tv (The newest). 
When you found that game you just knew you must play it with him.
It was a game about a Goose?!
Who doesn't like Geese?
Lucifer sighed, “You know I don’t like any Tv related things. Maybe something else, for tonight?” He asked nervously, fidgeting with his tuxedo.
After minutes of Arguments, you both were sitting in couple duck pajamas on the Couch.
You two were cuddled up together and he had you in his Arms.
He didn't look impressed at all.
He agreed to play that game with you if you wear couple pajamas, he bought few weeks ago.
And you gladly accept.
You explained to him the main controls of the controller and he started to curse:
“Why is this so complicated?”
“Why doesn't it work?!”.
“You’re being so dramatic.” You said and Lucifer glared at you. “Here you can move the goose.” You moved the link stick to show him. 
You danced in Victory when you saw him playing after minutes of rage.
Finally he pressed the right buttons.
With sparkling eyes, he walked around as a goose in the game he was already obsessed.
He moved the goose easily around the game and he honked at almost everything in the game. 
It was so adorable.
He loved this game. 
Even though he rages every time someone shoos him away.
Once he even tried to throw the controller at the human in the Tv. you managed to stop him just in time. 
He was very pissed at the humans in the game screaming every second: “Let me through!”
"How dare they not let me pass?! I'm the king of Hell!" You stroked his back, calming him down. "It's just a game."
It was a simple, stupid game but he loves everything about it.
And he’s secretly thankful you bought him this game.
He squealed like a child who got a Lollipop when he discovered he could swim in the little lake. 
Even when you fell asleep and woke up in the morning after you saw Lucifer still playing the game. Fighting with the urge to go to sleep. 
Maybe you changed his mind about Video games and Tv with this little date night.
He finally did something else than working on his hyper fixation about ducks.
But now he started to also make rubber Gooses.
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A/n: I hope this meet your expectations! I completely forgot about this game's existence💀.
@i-have-no-life-charlie @sirenetheblogger
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leaawrites · 4 months
It's nice to have a friend
Percy Jackson x mortal fem!reader
Warnings: use of Y/n, mentions of almost dying, Percy's stupid at some points, friends to lovers
Summary: Percy can't let your hands freeze to death, only because he had to make you lose yours in the first place.
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Looking out the window Y/n saw the frozen water falling down from above. Their heritage, the clouds, were a dark color of white, however the snow didn’t make the scene dark, it made it comfortable. It gave her a type of warm hug, a feeling she couldn’t forget. A feeling she wanted to save for the warm summer days, the same as she saves the sun for rainy days, and the rain for when the flowers bloom.
The bell rang, signaling that the lesson, and the school day therefor, was over. Y/n sighned, she did want to walk through the streets covered in snow, but her hands would freeze to death in the meantime, since she lost her gloves a year before.
With her hands in the pockets of her coat and her gaze on the floor, watching the snow squish under her boots, while new one fell onto them, she concentrated on the music in her ears. Only looking up when she heard child’s laughter. On the other side of the sidewalk, 4 kids were having a snowball fight, laughing together when one gets hit by the snow. Y/n stopped, admiring the fun in their eyes.
“You wanna join them?” A voice beside her asked.Turning around, she saw her best friend, Percy.
She would still concider him her best friend, even when he started to ditch her every summer for some summer camp he couldn't tell her too much about. She liked the boy, she really did. But something about his behavior when she asked him about it didn't sit right with her. It was like he didn’t want her to know. Before this, Percy would've told her everything. No matter what, she used to always be the first to know. Whether it be about a new school he was sent to or someone that bullied him on that day. It was always her. Now it were his new friends.
She tried to tell herself that it was because Percy wanted to leave some of his old life behind whenever he went to summer camp. Like it were two seperate worlds. But she knew that Grover, another friend of Percy's, was also there.
"I can’t," she answered. "I lost my gloves last year, after you had to take me to one of those." She pointed to the kids, smilling at the memory of back then.
“Oh, yeah.” He remembered, laughing at the memory as well.
Both of them were prepared to make the other go down and suffer in the snow that day a year ago. It was a simple and nice idea, until Percy decided he had to help a duck on the lake. At that time he hadn’t had snow gloves himself, so he borrowed Y/n’s.
Long story short, the duck ended up almost drowning, together with Percy, but could rescue itself, while the gloves were sliding from Percy’s hands and fell into the freezing water. He hadn’t bought her new one’s, he insisted on doing so, but she refused to accept them when he got them for her. She didn’t want him to spent his money on her, so she said she would buy new one’s herself. Since it was technically her own fault for giving them to him, when she knew they wouldn’t end up on her own pair of hands anyway. However, she forgot until it was too late.
"You almost died that day, how can you laugh about it?" She asked the pale boy. With the white snow surrounding him he fit right into it.
"t was a fun day, you can’t deny it, can you?" He asked her, searching for the comformation he always craved from her. He wanted her to agree with him in everything, so that he knew that they were still balancing on the same thin line like before all the sudden changes in his life.
Spending time with her always kind of made him feel more at ease. She was his home. She was who he was so used to, he could tell her everything. Besides about camp and his now second life. It was too dangerous. So, he keot it to himself. Rather have her angry than dead, right?
"It was a fun day," she agreed, stuffing her hands further into her pockets from the cold temperatures.
"Have mine," Percy said, holding his gloves into her direction, after seeing her shaking body.
"No, thanks,” she said, continuing walking home. "I’m not even that cold."
But the chattering of her teeth betrayed her and Percy looked at her with a dumbfounded expression.
"Then have one at least," he tried to compromise, looking into her eyes with that certain look. Raising his eyebrows, Percy moved the glove more to her body, until she couldn’t refuse to take it anymore. Rolling her eyes in annoyance, she put the black glove over her freezing hand. Feeling the warm of his hand from before, made an slight blush creep up on her face. Which she played off from the cold.
"What is with the other, genuis?" she asked. She didn’t want a second glove but a conversation.
He only took her hand into his, beginning to walk again, not looking at her once. Her face grew even hotter and her body was filling with warmth as their bare freezing skin touched and exchanged body heat. Both were burning from the desire of this being more than a friendly encounter.
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chaepink · 1 year
Hi i really loved ur content about submissive Kenma. Can u write a fic about kenma again🥺🥺 like the reader was so jealous because some ramdom girl is flirting with kenma. Thats why she ended up fucking him all night u knaurr
jealousy, jealousy | sub!kenma kozume
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wc: 1k+ words | masterlist
dom!reader, pegging, possessiveness/jealously, begging, jealous sex, aftercare is mentioned though its not written, established relationship, slight crying
note : oh my god thank you! 😳
and im sorry but i forgot to write how the reader kept fucking him all night :,)
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"Oh hello~ you're rather cute, aren't you?" You ignore the voice, thinking it was just a girl hitting on a random person. That's until you hear the high pitched voice again asking the person for their number, except it was closer this time and a familiar voice answers afterwards.
"N-No thanks... I'm not i-interested.."
You stray your attention from the item in your hand to the familiar voice and furrow your eyebrows when you see the scene.
Kenma, who's your boyfriend to make it clear, being flirted on by this clueless girl who, though he denied her advances once already, thinks she still has a shot and keeps on trying to talk to him. She's getting rather close to him too, making him have to take small steps backward in order to keep the distance between them comfortable, a slight blush on his cheeks.
You feel anger bubble up inside your body as you furrow your eyebrows, glaring at the girl. You know the emotion you're currently feeling loud and clear: jealously.
Knowing how Kenma hates being social and would rather stay inside and play video games over anything else, your boyfriend is probably hating all the attention that he is currently getting from her. Hell, judging by the facial expression he has on it seems that he would rather be anywhere else than at that very spot.
Having dated him for a while now, you know the poor boy won't find it in him to be able to find the words to shut her down directly. That's where you come in.
Taking a few deep breaths, you calm yourself down before you mindlessly do something you would regret. Walking towards the two, Kenma sees you and his eyes immediately light up, begging you to help him out of the situation.
Grabbing his hand more harsher than you meant, you immediately begin walking towards the cashier section while completely ignoring the girl right there.
"C'mon, babe. I'm done getting everything."
Kenma blushes at the venom in your tone. He could feel the jealousy radiating off you and honestly? It's rather hot.
But he can't help but be nervous about what's going to happen to him.
"P-Please! i'm s-sorry!" He lets out another sob as you hit all the right spots in him with your strap. Due to the sheer size of it, it fills him up almost too perfectly, making him whine and whimper underneath you as you continue to pound his insides.
Tears brim his eyes as you brutally fuck him stupid. All he can do is lay there as pleasure courses through his body in waves making him unable to do anything without being shocked with pleasure seconds later. He's a pillow princess, really, but oh do you love it.
Mere minutes if not seconds after you entered the shared apartment between you two do you already have him trapped on the bed underneath you, one of your biggest straps entering and exiting him easily and quickly due to prep. His top half is still covered by a hoodie as you were too focused on revealing his bottom half.
"Oh don't worry, baby." You clench your teeth. Your thighs are absolutely burning but you don't dare stopping for even a second. You remember how touchy the girl was being with Kenma and you speed up your thrusts even more, jealously fueling your adrenaline. "I know you're sorry. Just gotta make sure that the next time that girl sees you-," you start to say. "Well the next time anyone has their eye on you, they'll see the hickeys on your neck and decide to leave what what's mine alone."
A shiver runs down Kenma's spine as your possessiveness makes blood run far down his body. His hands make its way into your back, latching on and digging his nails into your skin, making you hiss from the slight pain it causes. The grip you have on his hips is hard enough to leave a mark but it allows you to easily fuck in and out of him and be able to control the pace.
"You're mine, yeah? No one else's. Mine."
He whimpers as a particular thrust of your strap has him arching his back and letting out a almost pornographic moan. Fuck, he looks absolutely breathtaking right now.
"Y-Yes- fuck! I'm y-yours."
You latch your teeth onto his neck and bite down, making Kenma mewl out from the slight pain. Making sure to leave a few more bite marks and love bites, you lick a few to soothe the pain. You don't care if they only stay for a few days, knowing you would leave more in the near future.
"Fuck- i'm close!"
With that information, you switch from quick, hard thrusts to slower, deeper ones that make Kenma's toes curl and eyes roll from the sheer pleasure he's feeling. He lets out another moan.
"Go on, baby. Cum for me, alright?"
And with that, Kenma lets loose. Whines, moans, and whimpers fill the room as your boyfriend stains the bed and his hoodie with cum. You continue slowly fucking him to ease him down from his high and Kenma whines from sensitivity when you pull out, leaving him to clench around nothing.
"Good boy," you say, kissing his cheek. He blushes red from the praise, almost as if you weren't fucking his brains out mere seconds ago. "You did so good for me." You're about to leave to clean him up until he grabs your arm, stopping you. You raise an eyebrow at him.
"Um... w-what about you though?" It takes a moment for you to process his question but once you do, you can't help but smile.
"Aw sweetie," you coo, making him blush even harder at the new pet name. "Don't worry about me, I'm just glad you enjoyed it."
As you go and get a wet towel to clean him up, he reaches to his neck and gently touches the hickeys and bite marks you've left there. Though it hurts as he slowly presses down on a bruise and he has to stop himself from letting out a whimper, he can't help but smile, a dark blush adorning his cheeks.
He's yours.
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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h4ndwr1tten · 2 months
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧
featuring: roommate!satoru x reader
cw: fluff really, strong language? kinda suggestive.
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the sudden, thundering sound of what seemed to be a crash had you jolting awake. you immediately sat upright and reached over to your lamp, switching it on and scanning your room on high alert. glancing over at your digital alarm clock, you found that it was only 1:03 in the winter morning. what kind of asshole would partake in destructing something this late?
the first person to come into mind was satoru, your roommate. he tends to stay up as late as possible doing the most random and stupid shit he could thing of. once, you caught him trying to fit himself into the shared washing machine at 3 am. but you remembered that earlier, you were going to confront him about how he left his used boxers and socks on the bathroom floor after his shower. when you stormed into his room, however, he was surprisingly in deep sleep.
so if satoru was slumped, where did the noise come from?
you debated leaving your bed for your safety or staying there, also for your safety, but ultimately decided on quickly checking the apartment for something unusual. quietly groaning, you forced yourself out of bed and into the hallway.
you hadn't found anything out of the ordinary, making you firmly believe it was an inconsiderate neighbor. nothing felt off and you weren't experiencing any sense of doom, so you returned to your bed and knocked right out.
only, an hour later, you woke up freezing. your room felt like pure ice and your body felt like you had been dipped into an ice bath. when did it get so damn cold? you thought, pulling your blanket higher up your body. it was snowing outside, but the cold shouldn't have been able to be felt with the heater on.
you tried to go back to sleep, but you only found yourself shivering despite the blanket. you rubbed your legs together in an attempt to warm you up, but it didn't seem to work. you huffed, irritated and uncomfortable by the temperature change.
getting up for the second time, you threw your blanket over your shoulders and went into the hallway to check the thermostat. there, you found satoru, also checking the temperature.
"cold?" he asked, his voice raspy from probably having been woken up to the same thing.
you hummed in response, watching silently as he tried to figure out what was wrong. he tapped at a few times, pressed the buttons every second, until he noticed that the temperature of the heater wasn't changing.
"it's broken."
"what? the thermostat?" you question, a little densely, but to be fair, it was 2 in the morning.
"no, the heater," satoru replied, tapping at his lips in thought.
that made a lot more sense. the weather from antarctica couldn't have just magically moved in with you. but did this have to do with the loud bang from earlier?
"satoru," you begin, "i woke up an hour ago because there was a bang, but i checked and nothing seemed broken inside here."
satoru hummed, turning away from the wall and to you. he opened his mouth to speak and you anticipated it, but instead, you watched as his eyes trailed down your frame, eyes falling onto your body. he was silent for a few seconds, visibly gulping. his face felt warm. could you see his pink-tinted cheeks in the dim lighting?
clearing his throat, satoru turned away and pretended to observe the thermostat, mumbling, "yeah, that might have... that might've been it."
confused, you look down at your body to find what elicited his behavior. it took you a second, but you noticed your hardened nipples poking out through your shirt. you forgot that was a thing. your eyes widened and you quickly folded your arms and blanket over your chest, feeling a tad bit embarrassed.
"what do we do now?" you asked, hoping to ease the awkwardness.
"how many blankets do you have?"
fuck, they're all in the laundry.
satoru side-eyed you, slowly turning to face you, his face deadpan.
"they're in the laundry!" you raised your hands in defense, effectively dropping the blanket to the ground.
it seemed to have caught satoru's attention because of the way his eyes moved down to the ground. then slowly up your figure, as if drinking in every part of you. your arms were still hiding your chest and you didn't look all that great right now, considering you were only in pajama pants and a baggy tee. but the way he looked at you made you feel like it was more than just the attire.
you shifted your weight onto one foot, warmth creeping up your neck. you had always felt some sort of attraction towards your roommate, but considering how insanely attractive he was, you thought that he would never even think of seeing you the same way.
but gosh, the way he eyed you like the most valuable treasure there ever was. the way there seemed to be a sort of want, desire burning in his eyes. that was enough to make you question his feelings.
"satoru?" you call, growing antsy under his gaze.
"sleep in my room," he suggests casually, as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
he sighed, probably wondering if you were stupid, or deaf, or both. "the heating's down, and it's only going to get colder from here. i say that because we are both mature, grown adults, we sleep in the same bed because right now, shared body heat is likely the only thing that's going to keep us from freezing."
you were stunned, to say the least. that's the most and longest sensible thing to come out of satoru's mouth ever. had he thought of this before?
"i guess you're right," you mumbled, face flushed. "but wouldn't it be awkward?"
"it'll only be awkward if you make it awkward," satoru retorted, opening the door to his room and waiting for you to enter. "we're mature, right?"
you walked into his ridiculously messy room, sighing, "i am, but i don't know about you."
you flopped down onto satoru's bed, a lingering warmth around it from before he got up. your heart began to beat a little faster as he approached the bed, the fact that you were actually about to sleep with someone you've dreamed of sleeping with before.
"y/n?" satoru called out, breaking your stare at the floor.
"that's my side of the bed."
you blush furiously, scrambling to the opposite side, muttering, "oh, sorry."
but once you were there, satoru goes, "that's also my side."
you snap your head at him, glaring. "what do you mean, this is also your side?"
"i sleep in the middle."
"are you serious?" you sigh, growing uncomfortable.
"yep," satoru said, popping the p and sprawling out across the bed like a starfish. his once (and extremely rare) seriousness was gone, and he was back to his irritating antics.
you sat at the very edge of the bed, nearly sliding off, uncomfortable in the silence. satoru's eyes were closed and his breathing seemed to have relaxed, and you wondered if he was asleep. you wondered if he really meant what he said by sharing the bed too.
"satoru?" you murmured, chewing the inside of your cheek.
standing up, you uttered, "i can just go back to my room, i don't wanna bother you. i'll get warm eventually."
you weren't lying. even though sleeping in his bed felt like a really good idea, both for your comfort and desire, you would hate to be a bother to him.
peeking an eye open, satoru reached for your hand and grasped it, pulling you back down.
"i'm joking, y/n," he sighed, slightly muffled by his pillows. "get in here."
he fixed his position, then opened his blanket to beckon you in. you frowned, snapping, "you basically just said there's no room for me after suggesting we share the bed."
despite that, you still found yourself crawling into the warmth of his sheets. you kept yourself at the edge, though, still afraid of taking up his personal space.
it's quiet for a moment again. you raise the blanket just up to the underside of your nose, nervously picking at the pillowcase. his scent engulfed you; a mix of his cologne and natural musk, with a faint hint of detergent. you realize this is real.
satoru sighs, and to your surprise, he throws his arm around your torso and pulls you into him, your back now pressed against his front. he doesn't take off his arm, but instead, gently runs his cold hand along your stomach as if comforting you.
"i was just messing with you," he mumbles, drowsiness in his voice. "but i'm sorry, you big baby."
realizing what he said, you elbowed him in the ribs, but not too hard to actually hurt him. satoru let out a fake whine, both of you laughing quietly after.
silence fills the two of you, the only noises being shared breathing and city noise from outside. it's quiet, but it's comfortable.
you roll over onto your other side to face satoru, finding him with his eyes already shut and brows barely pinched. even in the dark, you can still make out the outline of his perfect features, from his long lashes to his cold-nipped lips. you'd trace them if you could, but you refrained out of fear of waking him up and the fact that you were in no position to be touching him like that.
"i can feel you staring at me," satoru mumbles, fatigued huskiness in his voice.
you blush, grateful for the lack of light in the room, whispering an apology.
satoru opens his eyes, a faint smile sitting atop his lips. "i know i'm insanely handsome, but sleep," he teased.
"i was actually looking at that fat, glow in the dark pimple on your forehead, but okay," you snort, scooting in closer to satoru's warmth.
his hand darts to his forehead, yelping, "actually??"
you giggle, "no. sleep."
"you suck," he sighs, chuckling before bringing his hand back to around you.
you slowly slide your arm under his and wrap it around his torso, your nerves and hesitation fading when he doesn't make a move to remove you. satoru whispers a goodnight, lips ever so slightly brushing against your forehead. you whisper it back, and sleep comes over the both of you.
maybe the heater should stay broken...
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note — gave up on my layout D:
m. list
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junrenjun · 1 month
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omega!joshua x beta!reader (mentioned alpha!seungcheol x omega!jeonghan, implied ot13 x reader)
genre: angst (kinda) with some good ole fluff
wc: 1223
warnings: reader has periods, mentions of blood, a/b/o dynamics
summary: joshua sees y/n having a bad day and finds a way to make her more comfortable.
a/n: Wow I actually wrote again! As suggested, I'm going to make this and "Understand" into a little series, with snippets of this ot13 x reader pack. I'll try my best to cover each member at least once. Anyways this means I need a name for the series so if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know. Also how did so many of you like/reblog Understand without telling me that I wrote ot8 instead of ot13 :/ (I guess that's what I get for writing at 3 AM). Enjoy!
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Joshua knew something was wrong when you emerged from your room wearing your own sweatpants. Half of your closet wasn’t even your own clothes at this point. You had to have gone out of your way to put on something that didn’t originally belong to another pack member. Were you fighting with someone? Were the scents too much? Did you not want to be part of the pack anymore? He tried his best to push the negative thoughts to the back of his mind, but to no avail.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as you trudged into the kitchen in silence, stopping halfway through like you forgot what you came for. You didn’t greet him or even acknowledge his presence in the living room. Okay, something is definitely wrong.
Eventually, you remembered your purpose in the kitchen and scampered to the fridge, opening the freezer. After a few moments of shuffling and mumbles of, “where is it,” he heard a sniffle. Then another. Concerned, Joshua turned around, watching in horror as you dropped to the floor and started sobbing. The scent of distress permeated the room and he was quick to scramble to your side. 
He crouched down next to you, reaching out slowly. You lifted your head slightly to look at the man in front of you, before throwing yourself into the omega’s arms. Joshua fell back onto his butt with a small oomph.
He couldn’t care less though, he just wanted to comfort his beta. He hugged you tightly, letting your tears soak into his shirt. After a few minutes, your hiccups started to slow and he felt it was the right time to ask, “what’s got you so worked up?”
You mumbled something into his shoulder. He furrowed his brow trying to understand what you said. “You gotta say it louder honey.”
A beat passed, then you lifted her head and looked away from him. “It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid if it has you crying on the kitchen floor.” He paused for a second, debating his words. “And clearly something has you upset. You’re wearing your own sweatpants instead of that pair of Jun’s that you really like.”
You snorted. Your scent finally cleared a bit and Joshua gave a small smile. “You don’t have to tell me right now, but I want to make sure you’re okay.”
You sighed and looked longingly at the fridge for a second before turning back to the omega with a deadpan expression. “I thought we still had some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in the freezer but I guess we don’t.”
Oh. Joshua’s smile grew. “That’s it? I thought you, like, didn’t want to be part of the pack anymore or something.” 
An expression of horror crossed your face. “Why on Earth would you think that?”
This time, it was his turn to deadpan. “You came out of your room looking like shit, wearing your own clothes, and then dropped onto the kitchen floor sobbing! Of course I thought something was wrong!”
You rolled your eyes, but Joshua saw the hint of a smile on your lips. He grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers, before softly saying, “the ice cream really doesn’t explain the first half of that though.” 
You laughed for a second before pointing to the calendar on the fridge, where a small red dot was drawn on the top right corner of the box marking today’s date. “I’m on my period Joshie. I don’t want to accidentally get blood on Jun’s pants.” 
Suddenly, Joshua felt really, really stupid. It was all right in front of his face. “Oh.”
His surprised face was enough to make you cackle, and he giggled to himself at you rolling on the floor. This time laughing instead of crying. Joshua doesn’t really know what possessed him to blurt this out so abruptly, but sure enough he asked, “do you want to come sit in my nest with me?” 
It was your turn to be surprised this time. “You want me to sit in your nest with you? Like right now?”
You didn’t think you had ever seen the omega be so shy since you started living with the pack. His cheeks turned red and he looked away from you. “Yeah I mean, if you are okay with it. It really helps me feel better during pre-heat, so I figured it might help you?”
Joshua finally looks back up at you and is relieved to see that you're smiling. You start to stand up, pulling him with you while saying, “okay Joshie lead the way.”
You don’t miss the way his face lights up. He pulls you along to his and Jeonghan’s shared room. He’s grateful to catch the other omega’s scent coming from Seungcheol’s room. He figured he would be there, Jeonghan spends more time there than his own bedroom. And yes, Joshua is selfish enough to want some alone time with you (and maybe have an excuse to have you covered in his scent).
Finally, you both make it to his room. He feels you pause and linger near the door as he begins to rearrange his nest. He knows exactly what you are going to say before the words leave your mouth. “Are you sure you still want me in your nest?”
He deadpans to you for what feels like the millionth time that day and says, “y/n, if I didn’t want you here I wouldn’t have said anything. Now get your butt in my nest before I carry you there myself.”
Slowly, you approach the side of his bed, unsure of how to enter without messing up his hard work. You don’t miss the hoodie that you thought you lost pushed into the corner closest to his pillow. You run your hands across it before Joshua begins to get impatient and finally tackles you into the nest. As you make contact with the bed, his nose accidentally brushes against your neck. He takes a deep breath and inhales as much of your scent as he possibly can. Before he can realize what he’s doing, he’s pushing his nose into your gland and scenting you.
Your body stiffens and he pulls back, realizing his mistake. “Oh my god I’m so sorry y/n. I didn’t mean to scent you without asking first.”
He feels relieved when he notices the happy undertones peeking out in your scent. Your body relaxes underneath him and you grin up at him before saying, “do it again.”
Joshua doesn’t waste a single second, immediately burying his face back in your neck. A contented sigh leaves your mouth, and god, he would do anything to hear that sound for the rest of his life. You don’t leave him much time to dwell on it though, because you’re suddenly pushing him onto the bed and scenting him like your life depends on it.
He can’t help but giggle as your hair tickles his face and neck. “I guess you’re feeling better?”
You nod into his neck before pulling away to look at him and say, “it's still not ice cream but I’ll take it.”
Joshua is one step ahead of you though, he’s got DoorDash pulled up on his phone already and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream in his cart.
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a-living-canvas · 3 months
Slipping away
Whumpee's ears perked up. That's Whumper's voice. Calling for…who? For them? But, that's not their name. Maybe Whumper is on the phone with someone. Better not to disturb them. Whumpee continued cleaning the floor with a broom.
Again. Who's…Whumpee??? They never heard that name before. They don't even like how the name ring to their ears. It's not suited for someone like them. It's more suited to someone with a happy and cheery personality.
Whumper sighed. "Whumpee, come here now…"
Whumpee stayed still at their spot. Whumper let out a frustrated groan before they walked over to Whumpee. The disdain in their eyes was clear as day. They grabbed Whumpee's collar harshly,
"I called for you and you have the nerve to ignore me?!" Whumper tighten their hold. Whumpee looked up at them in confusion. Whumper was... calling for them?
"I-I'm sorry…I…I didn't know…"
Whumper raised an eyebrow. "You didn't know what?" Whumpee's lips trembled in fear. "That you were calling f-for…for me…" Long silence as Whumper stared at Whumpee's face intently. "You…didn't know?" Whumpee shook their head. 
"Huh..." Whumper let go of Whumpee's collar and stepped back. They were not sure whether they should be proud or not that they managed to make Whumpee forgot their own name. All those pet names really got into them, huh?
"Whumpee, what is your name?" Whumper inquired. Reading Whumpee's expression and body language silently. They saw them hesitating for a moment. 
Why does Whumper keep calling me that? Whumpee blinked their eyes a few times. "Why do you call me—"
"Just answer the question, sweetheart."
Whumpee pondered for a few seconds. They were not sure what answer could satisfy their owner. Whumper raised their eyebrows when Whumpee lifted their head and looked at them.
Whumper chuckled, "Your name is 'pet'? Are you for real?"
Whumpee fidgeted with their fingers in slight panic. "T-then, darling? O-or sweetheart? Um…slave? Stupid little thing—"
"Shh…darling. You know those aren't your name. Try again, dear." Whumper leaned back on the sink behind them, watching Whumpee struggling to remember their own name. Their lips formed a small, comforting smile that let Whumpee knows that they won't be punished even if they got it wrong again.
Silence enveloping them for a long moment. Whumper sighed, still smiling as they walked towards Whumpee. "You don't know, right? Your name…" Whumper leaned down so their face would meet Whumpee's directly. "Or you can't remember it, hm?"
Whumpee's fingers curled up slightly. They really couldn't remember it, their own name. How awful is that? Almost like they never had one before. Whumpee shook their head,
"I-I can't…"
Whumper cupped Whumpee's face, looking at their eyes. With a gentle tone, Whumper said,
"Then, let me ask you again…" Whumper smiled. "What is your name, Whumpee?" Whumper let their words sank into Whumpee's mind for a moment. Enjoying the look on their face as their eyes widen in realisation. "O-oh…"
Whumpee swallowed, "...Whumpee is my…name." Whumper nodded as they looked at them proudly with their tender smile.
"Correct, ten marks for my baby." 
Whumper stood up straight again, ruffling Whumpee's hair. "So, if I called you by your name again, would you come for me?" Whumpee immediately nodded.
"Y-yes, Master…"
Whumper grabbed their face before squeezing Whumpee's cheeks. "No ignoring me again? You promise me that?"
"I-I promise…!"
"Good. Now, continue doing your job. No slacking off, slave." 
"Y-yes, Master!"
Whumper left Whumpee alone in the kitchen. They continued their work but this time, they couldn't stop smiling from joy. They really have a name. Whumpee kept repeating it for the rest of the day, scared of forgetting it again.
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harmfulb1tch · 6 months
The Sleep Over
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Part 2
Summary: things get revealed at a sleep over with Eddie
Ship: Eddie Munson x Henderson! Reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: I’m thinking of writing tomorrow a smutty second part for this, what do y’all think?
Your little brother Dustin wanted to host a sleepover d&d party for him and his friends while your mom was out on a business trip. You hated this idea because you would have to take care of three children, but you couldn’t say no to his idea because he had to put up with the “girls night” you hosted with Nancy and Robin. That is until you learned that it wasn’t just going to be Mike and Lucas, it was the entirety of the Hellfire Club. You had a huge crush on the Dungeon Master of the club. Your friends always teased you about liking the “freak”, not because you liked the school’s “freak” but because you two were too good for each other. You didn’t remember when that crush for Eddie Munson had started, it’s as if you have always liked him.
Right now, you were preparing everything for your brother’s sleepover while he prepared your basement for the d&d game. You were placing crisps in their corresponding bowls when the doorbell rang.
“Helloooo Y/N, you look nice today” said Lucas when you opened the door, leaning on the doorframe.
“I still haven’t forgot about last time Sinclair. I’m still pissed at you for breaking my AC/DC vinyl.” You said, flicking his forehead. Mike and Lucas the proceeded to come into the house.
“Hey Y/N!” Gareth was next to greet you, followed by Jeff and Doug.
“Hey guys come in!” You greeted them.
“Hey Y/N, how are you?” You eyes started to twinkle at the sound of the boys voice. Eddie said leaning on the doorframe like Lucas but towering over you. You blushed at this.
“H-hey Eddie” you said looking down and smiling like an idiot, very unlike you.
“So, you’re not gonna join us in the campaign, sweetheart?”
“Um, no I don’t think so. I don’t want to interfere with my brother’s sleepover. I don’t think he would like that” you said.
“Oh come on… Hey Dustin, do you mind if your sister joins us?”
“What?! You want to join?! Please join us!” Your brother shouted from the kitchen.
“Ok then! I’ll join” everyone cheered at that.
The campaign started off pretty nicely until Gareth rolled a nat 1 and received a critical hit from an orc. You tried to protect Gareth but got hit yourself, that is until you rolled a nat 20 killing two orcs at the same time with only one arrow.
“Good job, sweetheart” Eddie purred with a wink, making you blush. Your brother looking at the two of you weirdly.
When the game finished, you all cheered when you won the final battle. You all even congratulated Eddie on the amazing campaign. You then all order pizza and ate it on the basement. After that, you set sleeping bags on the floor all scattered around to simulate a camping site. Once everything was set, you all went to sleep.
While everyone was asleep, you couldn’t help but think about Eddie. He was always so nice to you and you always felt like he flirted with you, but you couldn’t shake the thought that he treated every girl the same way. You tossed and turn on your sleeping bag.
“Hey sweetheart, you awake?” You heard Eddie whisper. You knew he was referring to you because of the use of his nickname for you.
“Yes, I can’t sleep Eddie” you said, turning to face him.
“Come here then princess” he whispered, making you blush with the use of the new nickname. Thank god everything was dark enough that he didn’t see. You went up to him and laid by his side, outside his sleeping bag
“don’t be silly, come inside” he said opening up the sleeping bag. You obliged. Once you were settled, Eddie held your face by the chin softly for you to look up at him “what’s got this pretty mind of yours so worked up hm?l
“I-it’s nothing really. Don’t worry about it, it’s stupid” you said flushed for getting caught.
“Come on sweetheart you can tell me” his warm smile edging you to say something.
“It’s just that I like someone, but I don’t know if they like me back you know?” You said, watching Eddies smile falter.
“Yeah, I get it. It’s not stupid at all. Who’s the lucky gentleman huh? Do I know him?” You felt his mood shift from playful to sad.
“Oh yeah, you know him. He’s super nice and funny, he always treats me so well too. The thing is, I don’t know if he is flirting with me or if he just treats me like everybody else you know?” Again, you saw his gaze grow sad at your words
“Well, whoever he is, he’s a very lucky guy. Anybody would be lucky to have you Y/N” he pulled away from you and laid on his back, looking at the ceiling. You
You knew what was going on. He thought you liked someone else and not him. In a moment of braveness you propped yourself up, put your hand on his chest and kissed him deeply. After the initial shock, he kissed you back and placed a hand on your waist. He then moved to his side again and placed his hand where it was before, under your chin, deepening the kiss.
“Hey” he said pulling away, making you laugh.
“You’re an idiot Eddie Munson” you said laughing.
“Oh but you love me”
“That I do, yes”
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love-byers · 2 years
mike and will constantly saying "a year" or "all year" when talking about the time since the move when it's only been six months keeps me up at night
i saw people talking about how they say a year when it was only 6 months because they’re idiots in love and are being dramatic. as cute as that is, i didn’t really buy it until RIGHT NOW. i just saw it as a cute headcanon, but now i see that the writers could be enabling you to make this realization by use of subtext.
allow me to explain
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^ these are the three times they say it
at first i thought the writers may have just used year because that’s less confusing for the audience because 1 year time jumps have been used before in stranger things and are super popular in books/movies/tv shows. BUT, it clicked for me that that doesn’t make sense. the timeline in stranger things has always been acknowledged. throughout s1 we hear the amount of time will has been missing several times (as far as i remember). in s2, mike counted the days el had been gone. he called her every night for 353 days. when el and hopper argue in s2, el uses specific numbers to tell us how long she’s really been with him. in s3 hopper specifically says ‘6 long months’ when talking about how long he’s been dealing with mike (lol). that's the same amount of time between s3 & s4, yet mike and will don't say 6 months, they say year. there’s a date at the start of every season. and in s4, el says this in her letter to mike. 
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185 days = 6 months (almost on the dot)
the writers have specifically told us how long it’s been since they moved, down to the amount of days. and it’s 6 months, not a year. this makes it very hard for me to write off mike and will saying ‘year’ as just the writers slipping up. also in el’s letter, she says this:
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this is INSANE. 
mike and will are saying the wrong amount of time. the writers aren’t stupid, they know how much time has passed since season 3. THEY WROTE IT. i’m a writer as well, and i know how much time is passing between what im writing because I CREATED IT. IT CAME FROM MY BRAIN. and like i said, the stranger things writers have proven to be very keen on dates and time. all of this happening in the same season is not a slip up, its on purpose. stranger things 4 had a 30 million dollar budget PER EPISODE. do the math--that’s 270 MILLION DOLLARS. and yes, i know they supposedly forgot will’s birthday, but that’s different. his birthday is a date that was mentioned one time and served no purpose aside from creating emotional tension in that one scene. none of their birthdays are important to the plot, hell, will’s is the only one mentioned in the show and it wasn’t even on his birthday. one date that was mentioned one time and never brought up again is NOT the same as continuous attention given to timelines/time jumps over the course of all four seasons. and some fans theorize that they’re lying about forgetting his birthday anyway. either way, its not the same.  
so....the writers want us to know that emotions can make time speed up or slow down....and that el’s week has felt very fast because of her emotions....and then show us mike and will SPECIFICALLY deviating from the timeline established in the SECOND LINE OF EPISODE ONE “yeah, but you knew she was having problems for months and didn’t tell me.” “its been six months, mike.”, or “it’s been months, mike.” or not even including that line at all, or “the past couple months have been weird” would’ve worked and stayed in check with the timeline we’ve already established. but when writing those scenes, they chose to say year. which is flat out wrong and way off from the actual time they’ve been apart. 
and what did el say makes time speed up or slow down? emotions? oh, okay got it 
the first two times mike and will say it’s been a year are in the same scene: the rink o mania fight. emotions are high. they’re in a pretty serious fight. its not about something dumb, it’s about their ten year friendship and how they’ve grown apart. their friendship is VERY important to both of them. (remember when mike said asking will to be his friend is the best thing he’s ever done?) the third time it’s said is when mike is opening up to will in episode 4. it’s a very emotional scene. mike is being honest and vulnerable with his feelings. in this conversation he apologizes and admits that will didn’t deserve how mike had been treating him, which mike never does to anyone else. he admits his relationship with will is different and home isn’t the same without him, and that he feels like he lost will and wants to be best friends again. 
and the obvious: emotions making time speed up or slow down doesn’t just apply to in the heat of the moment occasions. (in theory) mike and will are in love. the six months they’ve been separated felt like a year to them because of their emotions, just like el said in the letter. and mind you, will is canonically in love with mike, yet they’re both acting the same way about this. it’s not just will. it makes sense for six months to feel like a year to will because of his emotions, because he is in love with mike, right? well, mike feels the exact same way. this isnt even about the characters as people. narratively speaking, mike and will both doing this doesn’t make sense if it’s unrequited. one way writers show how characters aren’t on the same page about something, a relationship for instance, is whether they’re on the same emotional page about different plot points. something major and emotional happens to all the characters---now we watch how they react to it. and i don’t mean small disagreements & such, characters are allowed to feel differently about things. i mainly mean when whatever happened is painful and important to one or more of the characters. for example, steve and nancy. steve and nancy didn’t feel the same about barb, barb’s parents, and everything that happened in general. steve wanted to keep on like nothing happened while nancy was literally eaten up with grief, guilt, and trauma. jonathan was the one who was on the same page as her and made her feel better about carrying that baggage around all the time. they understood each other. and who was nancy in love with? jonathan. narratively, that makes perfect sense and even further sways the audience into understanding they’re in love.
so...what? the emotions that made mike and will’s six months apart feel like a year to them is....friendship? not a fucking chance. mike and el are a couple, and according to mileven fans, they’re the main couple of the show who are in love and are going to be an endgame couple. why save this incredibly romantic coded trope for will and mike, the best platonic bros? idk, you tell me. and the fact that the line about emotions came from someone in the love triangle?? and it was said to someone else in the love triangle?? not a coincidence.
edit: someone reblogged and pointed out how el said 185 in her letter to mike that we SEE him reading. there is no reason for him not to know how long it's been. so either he isn't paying attention to a damn thing el says in her letters or he is just extremely in love with will
another edit: i keep seeing reblogs of people saying they're probably referring to the time since mike and el started dating, which i used to think too. but the context when mike and will say a year makes it hard for me to believe.
"but you knew she was having trouble for like a year and you didn't tell me"
here mike is specifically talking about el's bullying problem which has only been going on since the byers have been gone and she enrolled in school. what he's talking about is something very strictly related to the time since they moved, and it's been six months, not a year.
"you called maybe a couple times. it's been a year, mike. meanwhile el has like a book of letters from you."
will is again, very specifically talking about something that strictly happened between the time since the byers left and the start of s4. he's saying how crazy it is that it's been a whole year and mike has barely called. but it hasn't been a year, it's only been six months.
"the last year has been weird, you know? and you know, max and lucas and dustin, they're great, they're great, it's just..it's hawkins it's not the same without you. and i feel like maybe i was worrying too much about el...i don't know maybe i feel like i lost you or something."
this one i will cut some slack, i think he could be talking about literally the last year, as in since the beginning of 1985. but immediately after he starts saying how home hasn't been the same without will (and separates his relationship with will as being different than his relationship with max dustin and lucas and even el), something specific to the time since they byers have been gone, six months, not a year:
in conclusion: mike and will referring to their time apart as a year when it’s only been six months is not a mishap on the writer’s part. they go out of their way to make sure you know exactly how much time has passed, down to the number of days, and they put this much attention on time in every season. and in the same season mike and will do this, there is a line in the SECOND LINE OF THE OPENING SCENE OF THE SEASON about emotions making time go by faster or slower.
byler is going to be a s5 surprise, but its not coming out of nowhere. there’s piles of subtext in every single season---enough that when you look back, it all makes sense. small details like this aren’t outlandish because this is without a doubt the length writers will go to keep something hidden, and in byler’s case and many other tv show plots case, to keep something a surprise. and for christ’s sake, WATCH THE SHOW! the amount of attention to even the TINIEST details in stranger things is insane. they put so much thought into everything---not just ships, and not just byler. idk how many times the writers are going to have to say details matter and that there are no coincidences until people believe them. 
anyways, byler is endgame. thanks for reading :) 
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pawsci · 11 months
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jack champion — behind the scenes
warnings: no warnings
summary: you’re jacks girlfriend and you’re on set with him for the movie, after filming the scene where he says “i’ve always wanted to stick something in you tara.” you can’t help but feel a little jealous
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you’re watching behind the camera as your boyfriend is currently swinging a fake knife at jenna, he suddenly says. “i’ve always wanted to stick something in you tara!” your body freezes, you don’t remember that being in the script… but you keep watching and decide to just let it slide ? ( you don’t let it slide )
you purse your lips and turn around to grab some water to ease the dryness in your throat, knowing it’s a little late for some coffee right now. you blink a couple of times before turning back to hear “cut” from the director and seeing jack run up to you, about to hug you but you play it off as not wanting fake blood on your clothes.
“hey baby! what’s wrong? i mean it’s fine if you don’t wanna hug but i don’t have a lot of fake blood on me yet y’know..” he pouts a little bit and it tugs on your heartstrings, you know getting jealous over something so minimal was stupid but you can’t help but feel your eyes well up just a bit.
“it’s nothing, just not feeling good right now, don’t wanna get you sick or nothin’ in case it’s something” now you weren’t exactly LYING, you did feel sick to your stomach but not in the way one would think, he understood and opted for holding your hand instead, he dragged you around set until he got to his bag and grabbed out medicine
the fact you knew he brought it for you instead of anyone else made your heart beat a little faster. he was always so caring and thoughtful, of course he would. he always did cute stuff like this it was hard to stay mad at him for long periods of time because you always caved for just how cute he really was.
you whine and he looks back from his backpack, standing up he cups your face. the look he wears is one of concern and he’s frantically looking around to see it you’re hurt anywhere. “what’s wrong baby!? talk to me.. please” he pleads with you.
you finally grumble out.. “i’m not really sick.. i mean my stomach does hurt but not in the way you think..” he gives you a look of confusion but nods his head urging you to go on. “well, after you filmed that scene with jenna.. you know where you said ‘i’ve always wanted to stick something in you tara’ i was a little jealous.” you pout and look up at him.
he laughs… laughs ? “oh baby what am i gonna do with you?” he says between giggles making you hit his chest. “it’s not funny, jack.” you say while crossing your arms and turning around to not see his beautiful face while he laughs that stupidly adorable laugh.
he hugs you from behind. “aw baby, didn’t i tell you they changed the script?” he kisses your head and turns you back around to face him. “jackkk now there’s fake blood in my hair i literally feel it.” deciding to ignore what he said because your cheeks are burning red from his actions.
“sorry baby, but i guess i forgot to tell you. don’t be jealous you know it didn’t mean anything.” he goes to hug you again while you back up. “it’s fine jack but they’re calling for you and i don’t need anymore blood in my hair, please. i love you but this is gonna be a pain to wash out.” he sighs but accepts and pats your head instead, kissing your forehead before covering your ears to yell out a “coming!”
you head back together, hand in hand and you watch with a blush on your face as your lovely boyfriend acts out the final scenes, ready to go home for the day you grab your guys’ stuff and you wait for him to clean up before heading out and going home.
home with him.
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, posersays: second time writing on here. hope you enjoy this jack fic i put out
© landrywrites 2023
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xetswan · 5 months
Imagines- Jasper Hale
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I was walking in between Angela and Bella, my eyebrows furrowed as I think about my homework for Chem class that I still haven’t finished. Along with how Jessica asked to hang out later, completely forgetting that I was mid conversation with the two beside me.
“[Name], what do you think?” Angela taps my arm to which I slightly flinch at but then I look at her with a smile.
“What?” I tilt my head, confused by what she meant. I heard Bella snort a small laugh as Angela sighs, still with a smile on her face. “You weren’t paying attention again?” She questions, I glance around. My face becoming warm from the embarrassment.
“I was then I remembered I forgot to do my homework.” I sheepishly admit, holding my hands together in front of me. “It’s okay, [Name]. I was just asking what you thought about helping me take pictures for my project.” She repeats herself causing me to feel more guilty than before.
“Oh! Of course!” I nod my head, then the one minute bell goes off warning us to speed it up to our next class.
“Shoot, I passed my classroom.” I mentally curse after noticing the numbers on the doors were wrong from where I needed to be.
“I should’ve warned you.” Bella speaks up, I stop myself from continuing to walk, turning to her. “It’s okay! It’s my fault.” I grin, patting her shoulder.
“Okay, I gotta go!” I laugh, hurrying down the hall, the opposite of my friends. I heard Angela chuckle as well. I get into my classroom almost a second too late but fortunately I made it in time. I sit down beside my boyfriend, Jasper, kissing him on the lips quickly catching him off guard.
“Hi, my love.” I sing, getting my books out for not just this class but my Chem class as well since I gotta finish the homework before next period.
“Hey, darlin’.” He goes to smile at me but I see his face falter a bit at the site of my books. There’s loose papers in them, making it look messy and unorganized.
“You forgot your homework again?” He calls me out, my eyes widen and I shush him.
“Maybe, but it’s because last night I had so much to do. And I also kind of I guess… in your words forgot about it.” I sadly say, opening the book up, grabbing the loose leaf paper that only had one question answered.
“You were with me, darlin’. You barely did anything.” He reminds me to which I try to cover up my smile. “Right,” I laugh, kissing his cheek.
“You’re lucky the teacher said today is a free day so let’s focus on your homework now.” He cuts off my kisses, pulling my chair closer to him while also placing the paper in the middle of us so he can look at it.
As he reads over the paper I begin to admire his features. Notice his dimple becoming more and more prominent when he moves his mouth even a little bit.
“Sweetheart, you’re not focusing on your homework.” He tells me, not even looking me in the eyes.
“Right, sorry, love.” I turn my focus back to the paper.
Jasper explains everything to me in detail, sometimes repeated since I have a hard time understanding and well focusing.
“Sorry, Jas. I think I’m really starting to get it now!” I try to have a positive attitude, writing my second to last answer down. “You’re fine, darlin’. I know you have a hard time with this.” He assures me, rubbing my back. I smile to myself but then my hand stops moving and I stare at the page again.
My eyebrows furrow at the last question. “I feel like I’ve never seen this before.” I pout, wanting to rip the stupid paper up for making me look dumb in front of my boyfriend.
“It’s in your pretty little mind, [Name]. You just have too many things to remember.” He taps my head jokingly. I give an estranged smile in response that probably makes me look constipated. “Can you explain it once more?”
And he does… three more times. His patience is thicker than most that’s for sure but I eventually got it and got an A when I turned it in. All my work didn’t even matter!
And after school, Jasper and I decided to walk to his house since it was a nicer cloudy day than usual.
“And then I turned it in… and he gave me an automatic A for just turning it in!” I exasperate loudly, explaining with my hands. “And that’s a bad thing?” He quizzes. I gasp, turning to look at him.
“Of course it is! All our hard work! For nothing!” I shake his shoulder dramatically. He smirks at me, obviously trying not to laugh.
“It’s okay, laugh at your girlfriend for caring so…” As I was walking I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking and my foot went right onto a bigger rock that causing my ankle to twist.
I let out an almost inhuman sounding noise as I fell to the ground. Jasper was quick to react, I mean he’s a vampire I’m surprised he didn’t catch me before I actually hit the ground.
I hissed as I held my now painful ankle. “Are you alright?!” He asks, I shrug it off.
“It definitely hurts, but I’m okay.” I tell him, lifting myself up, being careful with my ankle but when I went to take my first step a pang shot through my leg and I leaned on my boyfriend so I wouldn’t fall.
“Definitely hurts.” I giggle to myself, silently grimacing from the pain. All of a sudden Jasper stands me up and then puts one of his arms behind my knees and then one on my mid-back.
“Jasper what- Oh!” He then picks me up. “Jasper what are you doing!” I laugh out. He’s already beginning to walk again.
“You can’t walk on it, it will get worse.” He tells me and I burst into a laughing fit.
“Love, I’m okay. It’s just a twisted ankle!” I grin at him as he continues to carry me. “You could barely stand up.” He disagrees with me.
“I just got to toughen it out, hun.” I lift my left arm that was smushed between our body’s and wrap it around his shoulders. “Not while I’m around.” He shakes his head.
“It makes me feel so spoiled.” I frown, dramatically throwing my head back.
“You are spoiled.” He mutters and I gasp. “Am not!” I slap his chest, he chuckles at my response, “are too, darlin’.” He kisses the temple of my head.
“What ever.” I roll my eyes, now just watching him as he walks us to his house.
He even got Carlisle to check on my ankle which wasn’t necessary because all it was, is a sprained ankle.
I’ve had plenty of them! But Jasper thinks I’m some fragile doll and decided to carry me the whole day or whenever he could. Even the others were telling him he was too worried about something so small. He ignored them though so it didn’t even matter.
I went to get up from the couch, it being the next day after I sprained my ankle. Not even seconds later is he trying to pick me up.
“Jasper,” I place a hand on his chest. “I have to use the bathroom.” I get up on my own.
“So?” He still picks me up and I squeal not expecting how fast he was going to do it.
“Babe!” I laugh. “I can go to the bathroom on my own!” I tell him but he insists on carrying me the whole way.
“I’ll be here for when you get out, m’lady.” He kisses my hand and I shake my head.
“I might hide in here for the rest of the night, sir.” I pull him in for a kiss before pushing him away and shutting the door.
Twilight Imagine M.L.
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Requested by: @northerngalxy
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 5 months
He Doesn't Deserve You | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter Two
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Summary: You decide to finally do something for yourself and ease your mind Pairing: Noona reader x Jeon Jungkook (She's 28 and he's 22) Word Count: 3.5k Warnings: Not too much for this chapter in particular besides mentions of domestic violence BUT yändere, manipulation, self harm, cheating, explicit language, smut, angst throughout the rest of the story a/n: Since you guys seem to be really liking this story I worked hard to get chapter two out quickly! Let me know what you think! p.s. Fuck me y'all I literally deleted chapter 2 but luckily I write on wattpad and I was able to restore it. I was literally about to cry Requested by the lovely: @kkusadmirer 💜
We had another fight. 
Honestly I don't even remember what it was about, something stupid like I left the door open after I came in with the groceries and forgot to lock it. Or maybe it was the fact that I actually left the house and got them instead of just ordering them to get dropped off on the doorstep. 
He always tells me it's too dangerous out there or that I should just wait for him to go with me instead. If I did that though we would never have any food here and I'm not about to order takeout for every meal. 
I don't understand why leaving the door open would be such an issue. We live in a relatively nice complex and our neighbors always make sure to look out for me so I don't understand why something as simple as that could set him off. 
But then again it doesn't take much to set him off these days, I guess it was something I should've expected. 
He hasn't been home for two days and at this point I've decided that maybe it's time I went out for the night. Nothing crazy or anything but just, out. 
Putting on yet another turtleneck I make sure that the old and new marks are covered. I've taken it a step further and put some makeup on to make sure that no one will notice. Although I doubt anyone would notice me anyways since I usually fade into the background. 
But tonight isn't about feeling insecure in myself. Tonight is the night where I finally do something on my own and get out of the house. 
Taking out my phone I look up the address for the local pub I've decided to go to, making sure to wear comfortable boots since it's a little ways away. I'm luck that it's winter right now so bundling up is normal, making my outfit even less suspicious. 
Taking a couple of deep breaths I reach for the handle, unlock the door and step outside. 
'Should I really be doing this?' I question but before I'm able to second guess myself I hear our next door neighbor unlock her door as well and step outside her door.
"Oh, y/n. What a pleasant surprise! It's been a while since I've seen your pretty face" she says scanning my features, clearly having heard the fight we had had the other day and making sure that I look okay. 
"Hi Mrs. Mitchell. How have you and Mr. Mitchell been?" I ask, returning her warm greeting but feeling awkward talking to someone that isn't Taehyung or my editor. 
"As well as we could be I suppose. Harry just turned 73 last month so he's been complaining about how old he his and how his knees don't work the way they used to. What can you expect when you get to our age?" she says, chuckling at her husband who is a few years younger than her.
"Seems like no matter how old men get, they still whine and complain whenever they get sick or injured" she continues, clearly trying to lighten my spirits. "I guess so" I say, not daring to bad mouth Taehyung since he's probably already gotten a pretty bad reputation around here with everything we've been through over the past few years. 
Sometimes I'm surprised by the fact that we haven't gotten evicted with all of the noise complaints we've gotten. 
He always makes me answer each and every call from our building even though he's the one responsible for a majority of the noise but he always makes sure to stand close by to make sure I don't ask them to send help no matter how severe things have gotten. 
"Where are you off to?" she asks taking note of the fact that it's getting late in the evening. "I figured I might just head over to the pub a few streets down and see if I can clear my head for a while" I say, not bothering to give more information than necessary. Not that there would be any more information to give. 
"Good for you dear! It's always good to go out and get a new perspective on life. Let me know anytime if you need any help alright? Oh and I'm so excited to read your next book!" she says and with that last part catching me off guard. "You've read my books?" I question, taken aback and almost embarrassed at the fact that a woman of her age would be reading the type of genre I write, let alone my own. 
"Of course dear! As soon as I found out that you were a writer I went straight to the bookstore and bought all of them! You really are very talented" she finishes, with a glimmer of admiration in her eye. 
"Thank you so much, your support means the world to me, truly" I finish and she quickly shoo me off, apologizing for holding me hostage. 
"Next time I see you I'll sign your copies if you'd like" I offer and the look on her face is absolutely priceless. 
"I'll make sure to have them sitting by the front door with a pen in hand!" she beams and I wave one last goodbye before I make my way to my destination. 
Walking in the doors of The Blue Pearl I'm greeted by the sound of soft rock being played in the background and a low murmur of the small amount of people spread through out. This pub seems to be a little old fashioned so I guess it's not a big draw for the younger rowdier crowds. Which was exactly what I was looking for. 
Just a slow night to clear my head and a strong drink to drown my sorrows. Knowing me though I'll probably stop after one or two drinks. 
I decide to sit at the bar on the stool closest to the wall and wave the bartender over. 
"Surprise me, something sweet but something strong" I say trying to sound as confident as I can. "You got it" she says and comes back soon with a pink drink of some sort a few moments later. "What is this?" I ask after taking a sip, already dying for another one at the fruity but subtly sweet drink. 
"I like to call it The Slut Puppy" she says with a proud smile. I tilt my head when I look at her, confused as to how she came up with the name. "I'm still workshopping it to be honest but your reaction to the name definitely played true to the puppy part. I laugh realizing that I subconsciously played into her game and she laughs right along with me. 
"Long night?" she asks after I've settled in, using her bartender powers to see right through my act while walking away a bit to clean up the shaker she had used to make my drink. 
"Try long life" I say, rolling my eyes before taking a sip of my drink again, sighing in contentment. "That bad huh?" she laughs bitterly, knowing one way or another that what I'm dealing with is beyond fucked. "Let's just say the best part of my week so far has been this drink" I and steal a quick glance at her, embarrassed that my words are flowing so easily to a complete stranger. 
"But it's Saturday night" she say with her brows pinched together. "Exactly" I say and before I can even ask she decides to grab another shaker and makes me another drink which I accept with a somber smile. "I put some extra ice in this one so don't worry it's not gonna go straight to your head" she says, looking out for me as if she were someone I had known for my whole life. 
"I'm y/n by the way" I say, hoping to move from strangers to acquaintances at the very least. "Rae" she answers before tending to another patron. 
"So y/n" she starts as she makes her way back over to me "what do you do?" she asks, maintaining conversation but not trying to pry when it comes to what I'm clearly upset about. 
"I'm a writer" I answer and her interest is immediately peaked. "A writer? Really? What do you write about?" she asks, leaning up against the counter so she can hear me a bit better. 
"To be honest my stories are pretty fucked up romance novels" I say scratching the top of my head feeling a bit awkward at the confession. 
"Sounds like my type of book" she laughs. I let out a breath, thankful that I won't have to explain myself to her since this genre isn't everyone's cup of tea. "So what are some books that you've written? Maybe I've read one before" she says going back to cleaning up a few things, making sure to use her time wisely. 
"Well 'Trials of the Broken' is one of them. It's my best seller at the moment. I'm actually working on writing the sequel right now" I respond, embarrassed but proud of my achievements all the same. 
"I think I've heard of that one! My friends have been trying to get me to read it but I never got around to it" she says, surprised at her chances of meeting me. 
"If you ever get around to it then let me know what you think" I say, now kicking myself for putting on the pressure for her to read it. "I definitely will" she says and makes her way over to the other side of the bar to serve some more patrons that just made their way inside. 
Glancing over at them I notice one that is a few steps behind the crowd, making me question if he's come here alone but I go back to looking at my drink, trying my best not to stare. 
My eyes somehow manage to drag themselves over toward him as he places his order and waits for Rae to make it. 
He takes off his hood and I'm met with first, the sight of his sharp jaw, then his shaggy hair he ruffled as soon as the hood dropped and finally his lips, the bottom one pierced twice rested in a soft smile. I realize though that the only way I would be seeing his full on smile would be if he was looking back at me and I make somewhat panicked eye contact with him before quickly turning my head in the other direction. 
'Great job y/n, drooling over the first hot guy you see. He's probably going to think I'm some sort of creep now' my thoughts thought are interrupted with the sound of what I believe to be is a drink set down on the counter a few seats away from me. 
"Is it alright if I sit here?" a smooth baritone voice says, making butterflies fill my stomach. 
"Um yeah sure" I say, taking a sip of my drink before glancing at him, quickly looking away again before I start to stare again. 
"So how's your night going?" he asks, clearly in an effort to make small talk. 
"It's going. How about yours?" I question back and see that he's no longer looking at me, instead watching as he swirls his mystery drink around in his cup. "About the same" he chuckles, clearly amused with both of our lack of effort to divulge any details. 
We sit there for a second or two in silence before Rae walks over and gives me another drink. I watched her make it and I can tell she she went even easier on the alcohol this time and makes sure to question nonverbally if I'm alright to which I nod. 
"What are you drinking?" he asks, smiling at the visual of the bright pink drink with two cherries placed on top. "You're gonna laugh" I say, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear, feeling a little apprehensive saying words like this to a complete stranger (a hot one at that).
"It's-" "It's called a Slut Puppy" Rae interrupts from the other side of the bar, not even bothering to hide the fact that she was clearly listening. "Um yeah, that" I chuckle, taking a big sip of it to hopefully calm my nerves. 
"A slut puppy?" he asks, flashing an amused smile at me, sending my heart beat into overload. "Her name, not mine" I laugh awkwardly. Trying, but failing at sounding normal but from the looks of it he doesn't seem to mind. "Right" he says dragging out the first syllable before taking a sip of his drink. 
"Do you guys know each other?" he asks, curious as to who our not so secret eavesdropper is. "Kinda. We just met. Although it almost seems like I've known her my whole life" I say smiling at her, thankful for the fact that she was able to lift my spirits so easily. 
"It's nice when you meet people like that" he says and when I bring my attention back over to him I can tell that he's been looking at me for a while, making me shy all over again. 
"Oh, I'm Jungkook by the way" he says holding out his hand, and I turn my stool towards him and shake it, fixing what would've been an awkward angle if I had stayed in place. He after seeing what I had done decides to turn as well, angling his body towards me and I notice now that there's only one seat between us. A respectful distance, making me feel a bit more comfortable talking to him. 
"I'm y/n" I say and he gives me a soft smile, whispering my name under his breath, almost as if he were trying to keep it as a secret all for himself. "So y/n, what's your story?" he asks, withdrawing his hand at almost the same time I do and goes back to taking another sip of his drink, making sure to keep his sparkly eyes trained on me. 
'Sparkly? Y/n you are a married woman. You shouldn't even be talking to this guy'.
"My story? Well to be honest there's not much to tell. I grew up and went to school in the city and now I'm a writer. There's not much else to my life if I'm being honest" I say, doing my best to maintain conversation but also not give away too much. 
"That ring on your finger says otherwise" he says, nodding towards it and playing around with his straw. Not in an abrasive way but more as if to remind me of something else that I might've forgotten.
"Oh, um yeah" I say, showing him the ring up for a second to confirm his suspicions but pull my sweater down to cover it up a second later, hoping he won't ask anything else about that aspect but unfortunately luck is not on my side in that department tonight. 
"Is that why you're here? Needed to get away for a while?" he asks, curious but not insinuating anything that I would expect a guy of his age would be asking me. "I guess you could say that" I say taking a deep breath deciding that if he's asking I might as well get the male perspective while I can. 
"With being a writer and everything I'm pretty much cooped up in the house all day. Which for me is fine and it's been like that for a few years" I say, taking a second to try and figure out how to formulate my next words carefully, not wanting his to worry or judge the situation too much.
"I'm sensing there's a 'but' here" he chuckles and takes another sip of his drink and waves at Rae in an effort to get both of us both another drink without me noticing to avoid protest. "But" I start out, confirming his suspicions. "with my husband being used to me doing that all the time he tends to get a bit, how should I say this..." I trial off, still not sure how to phrase it. 
"Controlling?" he offers, a bit more blunt than his other responses. "Worried" I counter, although his word is more accurate than mine. He nods a bit, clearly not believing my words but doesn't press in hopes that I will continue. "He's worried that something might happen to me if I go out alone. That someone might recognize me because of my books and try to do something like kidnap me" I say, fully confident in my words.
I hear Jungkook snort beside me a second later, leaving me looking over at him with my brows scrunched up. "What's so funny?" I ask, confused and almost annoyed by his reaction. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry continue" he says doing his best to calm down. "No, what about that is so funny?" I press as I can clearly see that he's still trying to hold his laughter in. 
"I'm sorry y/n it's just, well isn't kidnapping a little bit of a stretch?" he says, clearing his throat and breathing through what he thought was a ridiculous excuse. "Woman and children get kidnapped everyday! Look up the statistics!" I retort, trying to convince him that there's truth to Taehyung's argument. 
"Yes, I know that it happens a lot, but you can't let that keep you from going outside and living life. It's a horrible thing and I don't understand why anyone would do such a thing but you can't use it as a way to cripple yourself from ever leaving your house" he says, this time being completely serious and trying his best to convince me that I shouldn't be living like this. 
"I'm out now aren't I?" I argue, and to that he nods his head but presses further. "How long has it been since you've been out like this though?" he asks and I just let my head droop a bit in response before taking a sip of my new drink. 
"Well I'm proud of you for coming out tonight and doing this for yourself. And look, you're completely safe. Plus seems like you've already made two new friends tonight" he laughs motioning to himself and Rae and when I look over at her all I can see is her bright smile, happy to see me getting more comfortable. 
"Who knows though, you might just be acting nice to me just so I'll let my guard down so you can kidnap me" I tease and at that he acts like he's offended, throwing his hand over his heart as if I had shot him. 
"You hurt me with your words. It's a shame though, I was just in the market for a new best friend" he says, wiping away a fake tear. "Or in the market for some fresh meat" I continue laughing at his act. "Twist the knife why don't you" he says, now resorting to pouting. 
"Aw, it's okay I didn't mean it" I say patting his shoulder in an effort to apologize. "You better not" he says looking at me, still pouting. "Come on, let's turn that frown upside down. Why don't I buy you a drink?" I ask as a way to make amends. 
"No that's alright, I've actually gotta get going" he says, pulling out his wallet and placing some cash on the counter to more than cover his drinks. "Let me get you some change" Rae steps in, quick to help since she is otherwise unoccupied. "No it's okay, use it to cover us both and then keep the change" he says as he straightens out his jacket a bit. 
"No you don't have to do that" I argue and go to take some cash out of my purse as well. "It's okay I got it. But if you want to make it up to me I'll always take your number as payment" he says with a cheeky smile. 
"Just as friends of course! I would never want to seduce a married woman" he says, jumping over himself, making me sure I know his intensions are pure. 
"Can we do email? I spend most of my time on my computer so it's easier for me" I say, making excuses as to not giving it to him. "As long as you promise not to mark my messages as spam" he jokes and hands me his phone so I can add it in. "I promise. It was really nice to meet you Jungkook" I say handing it back to him, our hands touching a few moments longer for it to be seen as something with the promise of being platonic. 
"Take care" he says giving me a soft smile and then waves at Rae, clearly seeing her not even bothering to hide that she's staring at us. 
"Bye" I say under my breath, not knowing how to feel about anything now that he's gone. 
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basilpaste · 11 days
Act 4: Bathroom Tangent
If: No "On Command!" Ability
〔You close the door to the bathroom stall softly.〕
〔Haha! That's so unlike you, isn't it? You're supposed to be loud!〕
〔Big, strong, stupid Isabeau who slams doors and just had to use the restroom right before a super important fight! That's you alright!〕
〔You haven't actually had to use the restroom since the first time. You could just stop coming here, couldn't you? You could just do something else? But… it would feel weird to break the habit so far in.〕
〔You swallow and it feels like your tongue is caught in your throat.〕
〔Like you're choking.〕
〔Your head feels all fuzzy and your body is like lead and—〕
〔You cough down a sob.〕
〔It's not like you think it's bad to cry!!! It's just, uh, you have to be quiet right now!〕
〔Plus! You're a pretty emotional guy! You cry plenty!〕
〔Except… that's not really true, is it?〕
〔Do you even remember the last time you cried?〕
〔Okay. Maybe crying is the answer, then!!! Catharsis, y'know? It might help to finally get some tears going!〕
〔So. What's the hold up?〕
〔You almost cried a second ago, right? So what changed? Is it just that you're actively thinking about wanting to cry now? Because that hasn't stopped you before! You're actually pretty in-tune with your emotions! So this shouldn't be so hard!〕
〔Seriously! No one will even see you! So it's not a big deal!〕
〔Obviously just wanting to cry isn't enough!!! That's fine! That's okay. You can just… make yourself cry.〕
〔You open your eyes as wide as you can and stare at the stall door.〕
〔Seconds tick by.〕
〔Your eyes itch and burn with the effort and your vision has gone all hazy from dryness but this isn't really working! Like at all!!!〕
〔You blink. Tears coat your eyes but do not fall.〕
〔Okay! That's alright! Maybe you were wrong! You don't actually need to cry.〕
〔You're fine.〕
〔You've just gotta keep moving! That's all!!!〕
〔You need to figure out how the loops work. Understand them better than you do right now.〕
〔It's… kind of your last option? You know about the King (you don't think about it), you know about Time and Wish Craft, you know about things that don't even matter to the loops at all!〕
〔All that's left is to figure out why everything restarts when you talk to m'dame Head Housemaiden.〕
〔You don't want to assume that it's something she did! Because she's someone that your friend really cares about!!〕
〔Your friend.〕
〔Haha!!! Funny joke, Isabeau!!! Forgetting stuff is Sif's thing!!!!!〕
〔See? SEE?! You remember his name just fine! Sif! Siffrin! Sifarooni!!!〕
〔So why don't you—〕
〔No, no! It's okay! Sometimes when people are stressed, they forget stuff! It's not like you actually forgot her name! It'll come to you any second now!!!〕
〔She's… She's kind and clever and she's nervous a lot of the time but you've watched her grow so much over the course of her journey. You were the first one to go along with her! The two of you spent a lot of time by yourselves before meeting anyone else!〕
〔You know her name. You do! Of course you do.〕
"Um… Isabeau?"
"Oh! You haven't called me 'Mirabelle' in a while!"
〔You haven't.〕
〔"Sorry! You, uh! Spooked me, Mira!!!"〕
"I did? Oh, Change! I'm so sorry! I was just… checking in on you? You've been in there a while."
〔"Hah! I didn't even realize! Got caught up in saving-the-country thoughts, y'know? I'll be out in a minute!"〕
〔Was that… too much energy? Even you can tell that came out kinda forced.〕
"Okay!" She pauses. "I will see you! Outside of the bathroom! In a minute!!!"
〔"You've got it!"〕
〔You hear her walk away.〕
〔Wow. That was a pretty weak performance, Isabeau! That's why you should leave the acting to the pros.〕
〔Mira. Mira, Mira, Mirabelle. You know her name. You didn't forget. See?〕
〔You press the heels of your palms into your eyes.〕
〔Okay. Okay! You're good! You're alright! You've got stuff to do!!!〕
〔You're okay.〕
〔You exit the bathroom.〕
If: Yes "On Command" Ability
〔You close the door to the bathroom stall softly.〕
〔Haha! That's so unlike you, isn't it? You're supposed to be loud!〕
〔Big, strong, stupid Isabeau who slams doors and just had to use the restroom right before a super important fight! That's you alright!〕
〔You haven't actually had to use the restroom since the first time. You could just stop coming here, couldn't you? You could just do something else?〕
〔What'd be the point, even if you did?〕
〔Nothing's going to change.〕
〔You swallow and it feels like your tongue is caught in your throat.〕
〔Like you're choking.〕
〔Your head feels all fuzzy and your body is like lead and—〕
〔If you do that, you'll end up looping back! And wouldn't it be embarrassing to do that when you don't even have to?〕
〔It'd be super embarrassing, yeah!!! So! You're fine.〕
〔You're fine, aren't you?〕
〔You're making progress. Even if it's… kind of slow. The more answers you have, the longer it takes to find new paths to go down! It makes sense! The logic follows.〕
〔For now, all you've got to do is understand the loops better than you do right now! Why stuff restarts when you talk to the Head Housemaiden!〕
(from here, the scene plays out as normal, starting at 〔You don't want to assume that it's something she did! Because she's someone that your friend really cares about!!〕)
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Hello!! This is my first time requesting something so I'm sorry if I did it wrong or something, so I was wondering if you could do one with preferably Dazai where the reader is suicidal and mostly copes with humor. Oh and could the reader also be a teen like 13 years old?
Circus Hop
Self-Aware! Platonic! Dazai Osamu x GN! Teen! Suicidal! Reader
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Description: You were two years younger then him, when he tried to end his life for the first time. You resemble him in more, then one way.
Warning: Mentions of Suicide, Suicide attempt. Parental Neglect. Emotional abuse. Terrible parents. Self-harm. Breakdown. English is my second language
Inspired by the song Circus Hop by YonKaGor.
List of Suicide hotline numbers can be found here and here.
Your father brought you to this small building. Someone from school insisted on that.
The room she asked you to stay was quiet. Her voice and your father's voices were muffled, because of the door.
Few minutes ago you were talking to the woman. She asked you about your life, your plans for the future, your friends.
Your answers were simple.
Nothing interesting. Don't have any plans for future. Don't want to meet my friends... Just don't want to.
Then she asked you about pictures you have drawn. And asking about your parents about death. And when the thoughts appeared.
Another set of answers.
I feel like drawing it. I feel like talking about it. After Granny's death.
You... think, that you feel like it. You still can feel, right?
Then she asked you to do some tests. First, you must answer, if some sentences can describe you¹, than you must finish some sentences², then group other sentences together ³.
After you finished, she asked you to wait here, while she talks to your father.
You were left alone.
You looked around.
There were nothing interesting for you. Yet, you continue sitting on the sofa and dangling your feet.
You didn't flinch, when your father opened the door, shouting at the woman, who was talking to him.
"Don't you have anything, that will fix them? They are creeping out everyone!"
Woman's voice was firm.
"I already told you, that your child need professional help. You should..."
Your father's gaze became colder.
"I will take them home. They aren't suicidal. They just a little brat who want some attention and who are angry at their mother and I for working too much and not playing in their stupid games. Come, [Y/N], we are leaving!"
He took your hand in his and start to drag you behind him. You simply follow after him.
Before completely leaving the small building, your father stopped.
"Where's your jacket?"
You point at the door, that leads to woman's office.
"There. I forgot it there "
Your father grumble something and, after slapping you on the back of the neck, he walked towards the door and enter the office again.
"Idiotic brat."
Nothing new. As usual.
Then you heard, how the secretary and one of the janitors were talking.
"Another one of these parents. At first, they refuse to treat their children, because they don't have time for that..." Janitor said, glaring at the office door.
"And then, they must find time to bury their kid..." The secretary's gaze was full of sympathy, when she looked at you.
Your father returns with your jacket. You put if on and follow your father again.
He was mumbling under his breath.
"The nerve of this woman... [Y/N]! Just stop being sad. Be happy!"
You mindlessly nodded. You didn't pay much attention to your father's words. One thought were circling in your head.
"Is it important... to attend someone's funeral?"
It was important. At least, The Internet said so.
Your parents... Work hard. If you die, they won't be able to go to your funeral.
You shouldn't die. At lest, for now.
But... You were so tired. You were so afraid. Future was scary. Life was scary.
and you were a failure
You remembered, your father's advice.
"Just stop being sad. Be happy."
Maybe... you could...
For a year, you followed your father's advice.
For one year, you manage to keep up a happy façade.
You became interested in life again.
probably... you do become interested in your hobbies again... at least...you don't even scratch your legs or pull out your hair that much.
Dad's advice works.
kind of... your jokes freaked people out... but the school therapist insisted on helping you in secret from your parents.
when dad found out, he enrolled you in a different school.
he yelled at you for being a brat
mom yelled at you for being a difficult child
You must stay happy. Just be happy.
Pretend to be happy.
you just want to be truly happy again
You liked BSD even before these thoughts appeared in your head. Your Granny bought you BSD Manga as a birthday present. It is special to you.
Dazai was one of your favorite character before. Now, he truly became your most favorite. You two are similar. He laughs and jokes. You laugh and joke.
both of you need help
You shake your head, chasing away the thoughts.
You open BSD Mayoi app, humming that song again.
Dazai felt nervous.
Two weeks ago, he and the rest of BSD Cast finally got into your world. And, he didn't like what he saw.
First, your parents left the country for a business trip. Leaving you under the care of a complete stranger. Who checked on you two times a day. For the rest of the day, they were doing their own business. And don't pick up the phone.
Your parents left a thirteen-year-old you on your own!
Thankfully, with a few bucks from Fitzgerald and a death glare from Fukuzawa, your 'babysitter' left. You were under BSD Cast care now.
Second, your jokes are concerning. Dazai isn't a hypocrite, he admits, that he jokes about ending his own life! When he and others heard your jokes, back in their world, Dazai was sure that it was his bad influence. But, it turns out, the truth was much darker.
Dazai stopped joking about suicide. He didn't want to worsen your condition even more.
Third, the scratches on your legs.
You scraped your knee a few days ago, and Yosano bandaged it. And she saw this strange marks on your legs. Scratches. Deep. Dazai had a feeling, that you were the one, who made them.
Dazai was worried about you. He wanted to help you.
With each day, it became harder and harder for you to pretend to be happy.
BSD Cast makes sure of that.
They weren't rude. They didn't yell. They... were there.
Asking if you need help. Telling you, that you are allowed to cry. That they will always be there for you.
You wanted to tell them everything. To tell the truth.
But, the call from your father happened.
"Why your voice shaking, [Y/N]? Are you being a brat again?"
"You're a little ungrateful... You want to make our lives hard?! Did you like it?! You know what, fine! If you didn't want to be there so badly, then d[|||||||||||||||]! See, if your mother and I will cry."
The call ended.
And you were broken.
It was dinner time. And you were uncharacteristically silent. No laughter. No jokes. No questions. No talking about your day. Nothing.
Then in the middle of the dinner, you start humming the song. Song, that they heard you humming all the time.
But your eyes were empty.
Dazai carefully touch your shoulder.
"[Y/N], kiddo? Are you alright?"
You slowly nodded. An empty grin appears on your face.
"I am! I am fine... I am happy! I...I can even sing a song!"
BSD Cast looked at each other. Dazai carefully spoke.
"A song?"
You nodded, taking your phone. You quickly found an instrumental.
"Yes! Want to hear it?"
You didn't wait for his, or anyone's response, you pressed play button. The song started playing from the middle.
A cheerful melody start playing.
Soon you sang.
"I shall now accept the fact that I'm a failure (You're a failure). 'Cause I'm still afraid the future might be scarier (It is scarier). I'll slip while having fun and cut off my own tongue. They'll think I was dumb!"
The grin on your face and empty gaze was frightening. Everyone slowly stand up from the table. Fukuzawa took a step towards you.
"[Y/N], if something is wrong, please..."
You ignored him.
"Up from the sky, I won't want you to cry. So here's an act for everyone to sneer at"
Suddenly, you stand up and star jumping up and down.
"So sing along, it's such a silly song. The cackling carousel, it spins and never stops. The acrobat who's waiting at the top. Should do a circus hop!"
You let out a hysterical laughter.
Mom and dad won't cry. No one would care. You can't be happy. You didn't feel anything. No one would care.
"I've said goodbye, I don't want you to cry. So have a laugh with everyone but me"
You were now standing in the middle of the room. You didn't pay attention to BSD Cast. To their pleas to talk to them.
The only thing that matters to you was the open window.
You made a dash towards the window. For some reason, you still sang.
You forced yourself to sing. Like this song gave you strength.
"So sing along, it's such a silly song. The cackling carousel, it spins and never stops. The acrobat who fell off from the top. They did a little drop!"
Right before you grab the window's handle, something heavy crushed against you.
You fall down on the floor.
Dazai was pinning you to the floor, making sure, that you can't move.
Something wet fall on your face. You looked up.
Dazai was crying. With shaking hands, he hugged you.
BSD Cast surrounded you. You were in a group hug.
"[Y/N]! Never, never do it again! Kiddo..."
"[Y/N]! Are you hurt? Do you need medical help?"
"First thing tomorrow we are going to the therapist... No! I will find the therapist right now! There must be someone working right now!"
Tears. They were worried about you. They were crying for you.
For the first time since Granny's death, you cried.
"I... I am so scared! After Granny died, I was so alone! Mom and Dad weren't home! They didn't answer my questions about Granny! One day... I just stopped to care about the future. I was afraid of future! Live became so hard! I didn't feel anything... I just want it to end! I want to..."
You didn't finish your sentence and sobbed, hiding your face in Dazai's chest.
Dazai's words were warm. His voice was still shaky.
"You are not alone, [Y/N]... We will be there. I will be there."
For the next few days, you were constantly under supervision. BSD Cast make sure, that you don't have any access to sharp things, medicine, windows.
You start attending therapy. What surprised you the most, that Dazai were attending it with you.
"I will be a bad big brother, if I don't act as an example."
Your parents were fired. Fitzgerald pressed charges about neglect and abuse.
You don't know how, but Fitzgerald adopted you almost instantly.
You had a long way ahead of you.
But you know, you will be better.
Because, one time, you finally thought about your future. And you were waiting for this future to come.
¹ Modifications of "Eysenck's Personality Test" for Teens is used to diagnose suicidal behavior.
²Modification of "Sacks Sentence Completion Test, SSCT" is used to diagnose suicidal behavior of teens and children.
³ One of the test, that is used by psychologists in Russia.
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whiteskullofroses · 4 months
Noch einer!
(Dieter Hellstrom x reader)- slight nsfw
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A/N: Man idk, it's 1 am and Dieter is baby girl. I don't support nacizm/any of this man's ideologies. Enjoy!
🍻 Imagine being a Yugoslav Partisan camouflaged as an SS officer, when attending a nazi meeting in the basement you meet Dieter. After a few too many shots you slip up, but luckily he is too busy thinking about you rather than the things you say.🍻
The room was getting louder and louder with every second running by, yet you didn't budge. At least on the outside, on the inside though, you were on fire. The gun on your belt looked lovelier with every nazi that walked in and sat down at the table you were sitting at.
You couldn't believe that you approved of this "genius" plan The Basterds came up with. No matter how stupid it seemed, there was a possibility it could work and you wanted nothing more than to have these Schwabs out of Europe and sent straight to hell where they belonged.
The SS uniform felt too tight and uncomfortable, you tapped your black boots against the cold cement and silently cursed every officer that came in the basement, however, you decided to busy your mind with something else and stretch your legs. You got up, lit a cigarette in between your middle and pointer finger, and noticed the gramophone hiding behind a wall. Just as you noticed it, it stopped playing. Walking up to the gramophone to restart it, your eyes noticed a figure in the corner.
The yellow light from the candle lit up the left side of his face.
The SS officer was reading a book and drinking beer. The more you stared at him, your mind forgetting about the music, the more attractive he looked. "No, Y/N this isn't right," you said to yourself: "I shouldn't pray on men today, especially nazis."
Without realizing he was staring right back at you until he finally spoke: "Fräulein? Was ist los?" You broke eye contact and didn't reply.
He took a deep breath and closed the book, his hand patting the sit next to him, gesturing for you to sit down.
Your heartbeat quickened, the tension was unbearable and not in a good way.
"Y/N, do not show any compassion to him, his people are killing yours on the lines out there, he doesn't deserve it." Were the only thoughts running through your head the whole time you were slowly walking up to his side.
But for now, you had to be an actress to stay alive. His cologne smelled nice. That was the first remark you truly noticed about him, besides his amazing looks. "Wie heißt du, Liebling?"
"Liebling? Hah," you thought: "what an attempt to get me flustered."
"Erika Shauenberg."
It wasn't your real name, of course.
"Zigarette?" the man asked you, smiling. His smile wasn't bad either, in fact, he was the most perfect man you've ever seen.
"Why does he have to be a piece of shit?"
Your cigarette from before burned up by itself without you even putting it in your mouth. He really got you distracted so much that you forgot to smoke.
Nodding and taking one out of the box you thanked him: "Danke."
With one slick move, he pulled out a lighter and lit it. German cigs tasted different than the Yugoslav ones, but for the time being, they were good enough.
"Oh!" He remembered: "Es tut mir leid, dass ich vergessen habe," putting one in his mouth as well: "mich vorzustellen."
Blowing smoke into thin air: "Major Dieter Hellstrom."
Dieter? What an extraordinary name.
"Erik!" Dieter called out to the waiter as he approached our table. "Scotch, zwei Gläser!"
Grinning, he leaned closer to you and half whispered: "Erik hat eine Flasche Jahre alten Whisky aus dem schottischen Hochland-"
"Would you mind if we continued in English?" You interrupted him: "I was raised in France as a German kid." Tapping your cigarette on a black ashtray: "I never learned proper German because my father, well..."
Think Y/N! Think!
"He was killed in combat and my mother died from the flu when I was only 5 years old." Putting on a sad face you sighed: "I was given to a foster family in France."
"Where?" Dieter wondered.
"Ah, Erik!"
The waiter brought the two of you your drinks and left the scotch bottle on the table. Amazing, this was going to be a long night.
However, in reality, you couldn't complain about being in his company. Yes, he was a nazi, and yes you hated nazis, but damn was he charming.
1 hour later....
You've never had this much fun in your life. How many shots you drank, how many cigarettes you smoked? You didn't care, and neither did Dieter. He was just as shitfaced as you.
You both laughed at each other's stories from the past.
"Noch einer, Liebling?"
"Ja, bitte!"
As he took your glass to fill it up, you watched the golden liquid splash on the table as the bottle slipped from his hand. You quickly picked it up, slightly touching his hand while leaning over the table to reach it, and laughed out loud.
"You know this reminds me when I lived in Yugo-"
Shit. No no no no no!
"Yugo? What Yugo?" he looked at you, his eyes glassy, gazing upon your face.
You swallowed hard: "Yugo? Yugo! Ah, yes!"
Think Y/n, think!
"Yugo's apartment .."
Good job Y/n
"We dated in highschool."
It was quite impressive how your foggy brain could still have such a wild imagination.
For a second he looked at you and said:
"You're aren't German, are you?"
You simply started at him and ran over the words he just spoke.
He said it's so effortlessly, his drunk tongue didn't slur one word in that sentence, as if that didn't mean that you were about to die. There was no solution in getting out of this. You do not have any evidence that you in fact were German, nor that you lived in France! Hell you don't even know France that well at all! You were pretty sure these were your last moments alive before his pretty German pistol would shoot you in the head and leave you for the rats feast on.
Suddenly the clock on the stone wall behind you started ticking slower, your heartbeat sped up and your palms got sweaty.
Meanwhile, he took a deep breath and slowly let it out. His left hand was in his pocket the whole time, swiftly he pulled his hand out of his pocket and grabbed your face, to your surprise he didn't press a gun to your lips, he pressed his lips against yours. He kissed you.
To be continued...
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