#anti maroline for ts
enobariasdistrict2 · 2 years
Just curious but do u have a least fave care ship? (Aside from d*roline because that’s the obvious choice)
yeah lol when i saw this in my inbox i was JUST about to start screaming daroline XD but there are some other contenders like
after watching TO and klaus's superior anti hero/villain protagonist characterization and development I was obviously super excited for klaroline especially because of a.... overzealous fandom lol and klayley and klamille were such great successes despite their tragic ends since those dynamics worked SO well, where klaus was actually being held accountable and learning and growing and changing. even those had their problematic elements but klaus ships were the only enemies to lovers villain x protagonist pairing i'd ever actually liked (and the reason i began to like darklina) since IMO klaus was never mis characterized as a tragic good person without genuine change like the salvabros were, but then tvd kinda dropped the ball on what made TO klaus s1 such a great antagonist character that made it so easy to like him and the general woobie narrative abuse got old pretty quick after s4. s3 was in imo just the right amount of fucked up for klaus to be and then s4 went like wayyyy too far. so in a way even though obviously I'm quite a fan of fanon klaroline canon kc isn't a good friend of mine especially because their development came in super random bursts especially at the expense of an already established relationship and a character that had benefitted from that relationship (forwoood + tyler). klaroline is mostly just sad lost potential to me nowadays since klaus's relationship dynamics were always so fascinating to me and he and care have always been somewhat fascinating together.
there's also maroline even though Matt had his genuinely sweet moments. what makes the toxicity of this relationship much better than that of daroline and lbr even kc is that it's just them both being immature, not bringing out a good side in each other, miscommunication, insecurities, and jealousy.... So like more regular teen relationship issues that are natural and kinda a part of growing up as we learn from the mistakes we make as children as opposed to non-con or threats or coercion like d*roline was built on. and clearly CARING about caroline wasn't the problem here since matt was basically an endearing and sweet puppy before the writers just fucked up his arc and life completely, and he genuinely wanted her happiness... but it vexed me so much how he insulted her and belittled her insecurities and even talked about his ex IN FRONT OF HER. he openly preferred elena to caroline which would hurt anyone especially since caroline is super competition driven and the societal misogyny of the 2009 environment was a major part of her thinking process (which is clear in how she was always comparing herself viciously to other female characters). and yet she wasn't entirely innocent either, because her jealousy over amy who he expressed NO romantic interest in (which is different from care being annoyed by him and his feelings toward an ex) was pretty irrational tbh and perpetuating distrust on her part. everyone probably has to has a relationship like maroline at some point as a learning experience for what kind of partner is imperfect and inaccessible to them imo, so it makes sense from the perspective of her general arc, but it got to the point where I was not a fan lol.
anyways forgive me for that long ramble I'm on mobile and can't use a read more oops.
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laufire · 7 years
kingcobrakai1972 replied to your post: I wpuld love to see you rant about Maroline....
ngl, i didnt realize how much i disliked maroline until i read this
Stanning Caroline since the pilot made incredibly bitter towards it xDD Like the episode where they and stelen@ go on a double date? Even knowing how much better off Caroline is by the end vs her s1 storyline, it made my blood boil during my rewatch omg. Or in s2 when he basically told her “oh your mother hates vampires so she could never accept you” when he knew damn well how conflicted Liz was ¬¬
 And Caroline having to constantly apologize for every little thing (like trying to hold his hand to feel better around Damon), or how he didn’t say a word when his mother kept insulting her to his face… that relationship was the worst one for Caroline, yup. And the only Caroline ship I can’t stand xD Tyler, Klaus, Jesse, Stefan… bring them all, each and every one of them have something I value and that enriched her storyline. Not M@roline. M@roline can choke lol
(okay I guess I don’t ship her with Alaric either but that’s mostly out of bafflement. Like what the fuck was that ship lol. Seeing him uselessly pining after her only made me even dismiss him even more than I used to -Jo actually made him look better for a hot second, and then… -, but from the point of view of my Caroline stanning ass I guess it had a mildly entertaining factor lol)
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hellsbellschime · 10 years
Caroline actually broke up with Matt pretty soon after she was turned when she realized how dangerous she could be and stayed away from him bc she couldn't be honest with him about who she was and she told him the truth the same night they got back together. After that it was Matt who asked her to compel him to forget while he was on vervain, and continued to date her while plotting her death, I'd say Matt wins big time on manipulation and dishonesty.
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elenastan · 11 years
Do you think Matt treats women like possessions in relationships?
Nahhhhhh I wouldn't put it that way. I just get a bad taste in my mouth when I see women bending over backwards to fit his idea of how they should be (Caroline's jealous feelings are apparently invalid and lame, the whole thing with Bex trying to be ~good so she's ~worthy of humanity which is apparently what her relationship with Matt represents, ehhhhhhhhhhhh.)
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laufire · 7 years
obviously in different ways, but having to go through m@roline scenes is just as awful for me as the d@roline rape SL
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laufire · 7 years
ishenwulf replied to your post: obviously in different ways, but having to go...
lol tbh it’s kind of unfortunate that Somerhalder’s chem with Candice was wasted on a proppy rape SL bc IMO they had really good chem
both when the S1 SL was happening and then later on
they really did yeah :/ I remember I got curious about their scene in the pilot and then... well. THAT happened. And I loved a lot of their scenes over the seasons, sometimes despite myself lol.
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laufire · 7 years
favourite female character: in TVD, Caroline; in TO Davina. favourite male character: Klaus.least favourite female character: Elena in TVD, Rebekah in TO.least favourite male character: Matt in TVD, Elijah in TO.favourite ship: Caroline/Klaus in TVD, Davina/Kol in TO (I also kinda crackship Marcel/Vincent, but shhhh).least favourite ship: Caroline/Matt and Marcel/Rebekah.film/tv show rating: 9.5/10 TVD (fully acknowledging I’m talking as someone who’s been high on the series finale for months and just finished rewatching one of her favourites subplots in the show -Qetsiyah vs Silas), 7/10 TO (on balance, because some parts and the overall premise deserves to fail tbh).
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hellsbellschime · 10 years
Caroline did continue a romantic relationship with Matt without disclosing she was a vampire - she was lying to his face for a while and then he found out about Vicki and I really think he just wanted nothing to do with the supernatural. Matt throughout most of S3 really wanted no part in any of it and I used to think Matt's purpose on the show was to be Elena's option for a normal non-supernatural life.
She did, and that was a dick move. Doesn't really compare to Matt trying to plot her murder though.
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hellsbellschime · 10 years
Shit, I had totally forgotten that Matt and Liz plotted to put Caroline down after she became a vampire! How fucked up was that? I know that every character is at least morally grey on TVD, but that was so, so cold and yet, Matt always gets characterized as the "good guy".
Yeah that was absolutely horrible. And he was once again supposed to be the good guy because he eventually only dumped Caroline for being a vampire instead of killing her. Bleugh.
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hellsbellschime · 10 years
Maroline might seem to be 'cute' at first but you can see quickly how that is not true. Everything was always Caroline's fault, when she tried to help him he either acted like an ass or went to Elena, he let his mother talk shit about her as if she was some kind of sex toy for him to use, he treated her like shit and made her feel that way with his careless attitude while she actually tried to make this relationship work and that all happend before she even became a vampire. 1/4
That relationship was in the early stages of being in an abusive relationship, many don't see it bc the guy was not acting all crazy and was beating the shit out of Caroline. However, people need to not forget that these relationship don't start right out that way, most of the time it starts with someone being an ass and doing little stabs at the other person which turns into more later. So when I hear how the characters call Matt 'the good guy and he would never hurt anyone' then I want to 2/4
beat the shit out of the writers. Every female gets treated like shit, the only girl he treats right is Elena, so it annoys me to no end that he's the 'good guy.' These writers are fucked up bc the so called good guys Matt, Tyler and Stefan all treat Caroline like shit tbh. She has to love them unconditionally, be there for them, do what they want, be the dutiful girlfriend even when they are wrong. So to have the 'bad buys' Klaus and Enzo treat Caroline so much better, to see them respect 3/4
her, listen to her and don't see them act like all she says is nonsense fucks with my head tbh. This genuine interest they have in her, in who she really is, what she wants and what she says really messes with my head, esp. Klaroline did that in S3 bc I was not used to such behavior towards Caroline. To see the bad guys treat Caroline better than her friends is really fucked up. The writers try to make it look like the MF gang has these great friendships but they really don't have them. 4/4
Yeah, it is a little disturbing since Matt was emotionally manipulating Caroline from the beginning, then began actually plotting Caroline's murder once he found out she was a vampire, and yet when they broke up Caroline was still the one to be "blamed" because she had the misfortune of being turned into a vampire against her will. I agree about how they treat Caroline, but what's fucked up is that's really how they treat everyone. I mean Elena is treated like the brass ring of TVD, and yet even she has to constantly play the dutiful girlfriend who deals with her boyfriend's shit with a pat on the back and a comforting smile. I agree about the MF gang in general too, although I think that's more because the current writers have no clue how to or simply no interest in writing genuine friendship relationships.
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hellsbellschime · 10 years
"The good guy for accepting her flaws" ... god yes a million times yes because that's how it felt too often and it aggravated me because no there was too much blatant indifference in matt. And when he let elena comfort him and ignored care? Nope.
Agreed, half the time he seemed indifferent to her or straight up put out by the fact that she was his girlfriend. I can give him a pass on wanting Elena when he was grieving for Vicki since they've obviously been closer throughout their entire lives, but that's pretty much the only time his obvious preference for Elena was acceptable.
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hellsbellschime · 10 years
Maroline always pissed me off. There were scenes where caroline came off looking as the insensitive girlfriend (and maybe her foot sometimes got caught in her mouth sure) but from the get-go matt was still elena elena elena and care could see that.
Yeah I thought it was super gross. Matt always acted like he was doing Caroline some great favor by accepting her as his consolation prize, and he really had a tendency to undermine her as a person in general and then frame the situation like he was once again being the good guy for accepting her despite her flaws. 
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