#anti p4 anime
sebfreak · 1 month
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Edgar Redmond
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arcsin27 · 2 years
Trying to predict how much more persona 4 i have to play to have all my questions answered without getting new questions so I can fucking evacuate this hellscape
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datarazor · 2 years
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i enjoy noriaki kakyoin a normal amount okay ?
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▸ last updated: feb 18, 2023 ◂
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→  JOJO INFO // * indicates wip; please refrain from spoilers!
OVA (p3) + manga (p3, p4*) + anime (p3-p6)
thus spoke rohan kishibe (anime)
crazy diamond's demonic heartbreak*
purple haze feedback*
→ FAVORITE CHARACTERS // caps are ult favs
stardust crusaders: NORIAKI KAKYOIN, MUHAMMAD ABDUL, JOTARO KUJO, holly kujo, N’DOUL
diamond is unbreakable: OKUYASU NIJIMURA, josuke higashikata, REIMI SUGIMOTO, rohan kishibe
golden wind: BRUNO BUCCELLATI, narancia ghirga, guido mista, pannacotta fugo, TRISH UNA, risotto nero
stone ocean: JOLYNE CUJOH, ERMES COSTELLO, FOO FIGHTERS, weather report, emporio alniño, ENRICO PUCCI
although i do enjoy long analyses of my favorite characters & the stories, jjba isn’t my biggest interest! :P i may not talk about it very much unless i’m prompted, but rest assured i love them very much.
also! aside from jolyne/ermes and okuyasu/josuke, i don’t have many opinions on... any ships in jjba (ex. jotaro/kakyoin, or fugo/giorno, etc.) ... i typically prefer them as platonic, but i will try to tag ships where relevant for anyone else!
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i feel as if this goes unspoken, but i remain critical of all racism, anti-semitism, and other issues present in jjba - and i may express my grievances with the series on how it depicts or treats characters/tropes/etc. such as these.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Random ask, but why do you hate the p4 anime exactly? It seems like something you'd like given it's p4 and it's pretty comedic
Finger is healed enough to start typing again so here we go.
Before going into it, despite me being a dub lover, I've only seen it subbed....because I was watching it as it aired (tho I know that the dub has Yu calling Naoto "melons" so I think it's for the best lest I burn down the studio). So we're going with my views on that. I dropped it not long after the Naoto rescue ep (before the Nanako family drama ep).... Because 1) Naoto's arc was the straw that broke my back (and it broke it hard), 2) A series of bad IRL stuff happened and......let's just say I had no motivation to continue watching and ingesting the subs (I still was nabbing RAWs for videos tho) of a show that pissed me off. ("so it's not the anime's fault! it's the IRL stuff?" no, I just realized it was not in my best interest to push through legit following it cause it was ass and it was def not gonna make me happy so why add one more thing to the mix?)
Anyway under the cut
Before I go into why I hate I want to bring up somethings I do like about it:
Aika, everything about her. She was the only good addition.
The dual summer ep, mostly for Nanako (esp the Nanako and Naoto interaction). While I have some issues with Yu's side (Sayako deserved SO much better), I liked the two sides of one story aspect esp in relation to Nanako.
I liked how they played up the Naoto danger/rival thing, it was always tense when they talked to her. Not that the game lacked it, but this new visual media was able to amplify it (picture below of a scene I really liked, the simple look, the tense sound, it was good)
This picture of Yu (sectioned below Naoto). It was the only time I thought Yu looked good in this anime (not a fan of the artstyle and how wonky it can get).
Mitsuo's arc was good, cause they took themselves seriously.
The stats thing was a neat idea.
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Anyway that's it. Maybe they had a few jokes I liked but I can't remember them so it doesn't matter.
My issues now........I think I'll stick to just a few points. Partially cause it's been awhile, and partially cause these points are just ones I remember that always annoyed me.
I guess Kanji and Naoto's arc. Mostly Naoto's, but I remember the same issues when it came to Kanji (probably Rise's arc too but....I really don't want to rewatch the anime so I'll stick to looking into two arcs). Yu's personality is another (I think anime!Yu is an asshat and kinda goes against P4's friendship message). And.....the "comedy." >_>
We'll talk about the comedy, because that's what leads into my other two issues.
For the most part I don't like the anime's comedy. Not a "oh you don't find it funny?" way, a "wow they think they can be funnier and will add stuff even if it goes against the source material" way.
Yu's personality, he can say some really.......not great things. Maybe he's too blunt, maybe it's just rude. I remember him stealing Yosuke's line and calling Naoto the "shrimp detective." It's fine with Yosuke cause his character is written as good natured but puts his foot in his mouth constantly. Yu? He's just rude at times. If he was rude in the game, characters would call him out on it tho. But not here, chars are just like "????? OH you!" (tbh it's the same issue I have with PQ1 when playing as the silent MC, you can say mean things but they just brush it aside, tbh it's the only spinoff game that's as close to the anime counterpart and it's the only one that doesn't call him "Yu"....and it's only when he's silent, when he talks he enters "Game!Yu" mode who doesn't have rude(-airhead) tendencies. Just "good natured and can be silly-air head tendencies").
They probs wanted to develop the MC and this was their way of doing it, but it just......is distracting. If it's original or conflicts with the game's dialogue (when he gets bitten by Teddy and says he's going to cry, instead of showing his sensitive side and Chie's worry for him, they straight up erase that......it's not a joke I'm particularly against but it's something that starts off from ep 1). The only thing I feel like they got right was the Mitsuo ep (maybe they got the Dojima family drama and onwards right but it was too late for that imo). There's a reason I prefer Souji over Anime!Yu. Anime!Yu takes me out of the experience too much compared to Game!Yu and Souji.
The comedy issue bleeds into the dungeons too. And it's where I have the biggest issue. You can especially see it in Kanji and Naoto's dungeons.
Kanji first. Biggest difference is Yosuke.
Game!Yosuke/Gang: While deeply uncomfortable (you can argue if he's homophobic or it's just the lack of exposure to something he's not used to), he still wants to save Kanji.
When they first encounter Shadow!Kanji, he's (as well as the cast) worried about Kanji and that people on the outside are watching. And are worried how far Kanji's shadow is taking to trying to really.......embarrass Kanji by airing all his dirty laundry. Only joke is the "bear it all" one (none about Kanji maybe being gay)
The next encounter is when Kanji faces himself. It's treated seriously because you know....his life and their lives are in danger. It's only after the fight that the Shadow is like "you'll make a wonderful boyfriend~! ;)" and Yosuke's like "Uhhhhh no! It's not like that! Please I don't swing that way!" (three lines for three advances). No real insults he just doesn't want to be hit on when he's not interested.
Anime!Yosuke/Gang: Really doesn't want to go into the dungeon and has to be dragged in.
When they first encounter Shadow!Kanji Yosuke and Yu (Yu is also 100% on Yosuke's side (in the game the MC can either be oblivious or he is like "yeah.....I think I know where this is going" but he never reacts like THIS)) summon their Personas to fight a non rampaging S!Kanji because they are so freaked out (DEF homophobic) by him and the girls+Teddie have to stop them (then S!Kanji says something and Chie joins Yu/Yosuke's side). The team constantly talks about how it's ok to just attempt to destroy S!Kanji because he creeps them out.
The next encounter is where Kanji is confronting his shadow. They don't want to go in, the scene keeps getting ruined by "comedy" as they flail about. The only thing that I can even say about the rest of this mess of an episode is that it's "interesting" how they adapted status effects from this fight into the anime. I "liked" that attention to detail.....but I HATE how they used it for more bad original comedy when.......this is a serious moment, people's lives are on the line, and needs to be treated seriously. They could've adapted these status effects to make it more serious not.....bad.
Manga!Yosuke/Gang: At the entrance they just don't like how stuffy it is. They are chased by shadows and they (Well Yosuke/Chie, Souji/Yukiko were more battle ready focus to get everyone's six) are......freaking out (they were burly kind). Tbh those guys do hit hard in the game, but those are the hostile shadows not S!Kanji/Kanji but they were relying on the bara stereotype so......but those stereotypes are fueled by Kanji's fears so..... Well they aren't asses to Kanji (yet?) so they are beating out the Anime so far. There is one joke, and it's that Yosuke is like 'Great work team!" even tho he didn't do anything (ironically cause the Gigas are weak to his wind afkldjskl)
The first encounter of S!Kanji plays out....almost exactly the same the game did (right down to the bear joke, or well the fansub uses the "kanji" joke kfljsdafk)
Unfortunately I can't compare the rest of the manga cause my vol is at home and the fansubs stop when he denies his Shadow (I feel like it's missing pages tho). orz I do know that for the first half of the fight they take it seriously tho. So manga>anime yet again for me. 8U
I'm not going to go as in depth on Naoto's, it's straight forward. Similar concept and execution. Person's life is on the line, the girls can't take anything seriously and only the boys take it seriously. Unfortunately 3 of the boys get screwed with a status effect so that cause the girls to not take it seriously, and to mess with the the majority of the team that is trying their best to take it seriously by forcing them into a ~comedic situation~! What pissed me off was the most blatant negligence on the girls end. The whiplash of comedy one second and "seriousness" the next. In the same scene, on the same plane.
So finally, my issue with the "comedy" the legit original anime only comedy, is that it messes with the tone of the story. It happens constantly and for far too much of the majority of the anime. This wouldn't fly in the game, the game KNEW when to be funny and when to be serious. When to go into gag mode and when to be quiet (with maybe, MAYBE a small joke to alleviate the scene). The game knew how to manage each scene and pace it's story and transition it when needed. The anime just throws shit around and adds comedy cause "P4 is the funny game! We can add more comedy!"
I believe that P4's anime tarnished the perception of P4. Because of it I had to see a wave of BS "analysis" on the fucking game when people were just watching the anime.
"Yosuke's homophobic!" Maybe he is, or maybe he's just not used to gay people and doesn't know how to act. Or maybe, with the worst scene in the game being the tent scene for Game!Yosuke's homophobia, maybe he just doesn't know Kanji that well and regardless of Kanji being gay or not....knows Kanji is violent and especially when he gets angry and Yosuke is a PRO of accidentally getting people angry (because he constantly puts his foot in his mouth....which is exactly what happens in the game). Instead Anime!Yosuke is king of homophobia and that's it. No nuance, no a melding of different personality types and the initial awkwardness when you try to figure it out. Just "Kanji had a gay episode and Yosuke is homophobic" and that's it. The game at least had interpretation (you can agree with that interpretation or not, but at least you can see it being possible, there's at least DEPTH to the game not the anime tho).
"Chie is abusive!" She does show off her kicks more in the anime I guess. And yeah she tripped Yosuke in the anime, but in the game she just chased him and Yosuke just ran into a desk. Chie only kicked one friend in the game iirc and it was Kanji....for "hitting their tent" and she didn't even know it was him.
"Naoto is trans!" Probably from the game cutting down a lot of character's time and development, and it esp didn't help not including her freaking SL that really goes into the core of her character. (I didn't care for this HC at first, tbh I thought it was fun....until people started saying how transphobic the game was because their hc wasn't canon....which meant the game was bad....even tho that is just....... wrong on so many levels....over a freaking hc.....and it got so bad and it still is tbh >_>)
My fav pooly age one is "Teddie is homophobic" fklajfdslf no Teddie just doesn't like Kanji/burly men. He likes pretty bois (aka P4MC....and later Goro thanks to PQ2 jfdkslf). KLFJSKDLAJFA oh yes he's homophobic alright, bi boy just has taste and a type is all god. >.>
These things weren't really a big topic in the fandom until the anime roll around and man did it pick up steam (which is why I blame the anime). The anime hit (along with announcements for Arena and Golden) hit right when P4's honeymoon phase started ending, so people decided to become more critical.....Some upset it was getting attention, some had some understandable criticisms (tent scene), and some just watched the anime and assumed they understood a 21+ hour game (give or take a handful of hours with SLs) by watching a roughly 13 hour anime (that either rushed through SLs or didn't even touch on them).
It was a perfect cocktail of fucked up >.>
*inhales* I think the anime's first mistake was making P4 into a straight up......comedy with some serious moments (where we suddenly have a genre shift after Nanako because......*shrugs*). P4 may not have gotten so serious it weighed the scene down, tho it def feeing more serious post-Nanako, it wasn't as drastic of a genre shift. It wasn't much of a shift with the game, just a natural arc of the story. As the stakes got more serious, it got more serious. It still had moments of levity, but post-Nanako we basically get none of that (sans Marie's arc in P4G, but understandably the killer is caught and they think they can unwind). And it feels natural with the game. Anime was probably a big sucker punch and a shift, not a (slow and) natural build up.
I'll never forgive what the anime did to P4. It took till P4D and PQ2 for us to get some characterization that resembled base P4 again (as much as I think PQ1 is the better PQ game, and is tied with P4D as my fav spinoff, it does have some......mean qualities with the characterization of the chars at time. Arena/Ultimax are more or less fine but I always felt like there was something off about it. It was def the start of the flanderization......with P4D/PQ2 fixing that)
As for P4GA? That’s....there’s only really one issue I have with that, it’s the shippy-ness of Marie with Yu. I believe that the adaptation should reflect the game and try to give every girl equal amount of ship moments to each girl (can be hard when the narrative favors one character like say Aigis over most other girls but still). It also hurts considering the friendship route is my fav part of Marie and they could still have the shippy stuff but keep it ambiguous while following the friend route. So yeah, that’s the only aspect I outright hate about the anime, everything else I’m like “eh yeah that’s cool.” (basically I could just ignore the last ep or two and cut out a few more moments in the anime and I’d probs be fine fkldsajfla).
I didn’t finish this anime either (this time it was just school got busy and I rarely follow animes that are in the process of airing, let alone keep up with it till the end of the season, tbh if I can I tend to just.....read the manga instead when it happens), but I know some parts (aka how shippy it gets with Marie). 
I like Yu in P4GA more, he’s more “friendly air head” and less “rude air head” in this one (my list is still P4MC/Souji>=Game!Yu(might depend on the game)>P4GA!Yu>>>>>>>P4TA!Yu). The art is better, PTS and P3 movies are still better but at least it’s not P4TA or P5TA quality. >.> While I’m....iffy on Marie (I like and don’t like her at the same time, and I wish Atlus handled the tsundere-ness better....might have to make a meta on tsunderes in general but not now), I do find it was a good choice to have her included in Golden moments (while tying it with her SL) she wasn’t originally apart of to make me feel like she was part of the IT rather than just Yu. It also just has some genuinely good comedic moments over P4TA (I remember a scene where Naoto thinks everyone is yandere and is after her.....tbh that fits her character, it felt like that studio actually kinda knew what the assignment was jfksladfja;). I feel like a lot of fans expected more out of it and....I don’t blame them for not rehashing the whole P4 plot. I think they could’ve added a few more eps, either original or better adaptations of the SLs but that’s it. I also understand fans not liking it cause.....Marie. I get it. I applaud it for attempting to fix an aspect of the game’s flaw (imo) but I also understand people.....might not like having to deal with her. Most other issues I don’t remember atm, or they are issues found in the main game. 
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analvelocity · 4 years
Finished Persona 4 Golden. I only played 4 on a PS2 emulator over a decade ago so it was really nostalgic to come back to this game, and it’s still a masterpiece. I like all the stuff they added as well, even if I didn’t care much for Marie.
It’s a lot longer than I remember though, perhaps even longer than Persona 5. Speaking of, I think my opinion of the 2 is as follows:
Persona 4: 
Better main cast
Margaret’s the best Velvet Room Attendant
The plot and mystery is faaaaaar better than 5 and the theming is much better realized
<P4 SPOILER> is such a great villain, far better than <P5 Spoiler> 
I love just how many ways the
Ironically the game has much darker and harder-hitting moments than the supposedly darker Persona 5, particularly everything that just after Heaven
I like how the game gives you so many ways to screw up and miss the true ending, I actually missed it once by accident and I wish Persona 5 didn’t give you just 2 obviously wrong answers to do the same
Persona 5 clearly went through a lot of rewrites; Persona 4 feels much more like how it would have originally been envisioned
Persona 5: 
Infinitely better gameplay loop, helped by the fact that Last Surprise is a song that never gets old
Much more depth to the turn-based combat
A lot of anti-frustration features that really should be present in 4
I hesitate to say it has a better soundtrack because I love both (and A New World Fool is the best boss theme in the series) but I think 5 is just so good at selling the Anime Ocean’s Eleven vibe of the game
The non-player social links/confidants don’t feel tacked on; it feels like they’re actually involved in your world and you’re dragging them into it
The release was apparently a huge success and has sold better in a couple of weeks than the original release has sold in its lifetime so I’m really hoping they take the hint and release Persona 3 FES (+ the Portable female protag) next
I feel like a weight has been lifted, but I also feel like NG+ing it and getting the last 12 achievements is very much something I want to do sooner rather than later
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ladykimba-moved · 6 years
Ginga Densetsu Weed
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my favorite female character
As much as I love Cross, I prefer her in GNG so as far as GDW goes, I gotta pick my girl Lydia. My doggo wife tbh. I love her SO much.
my favorite male character
John. Always John. Forever John. I don’t care if he dies fairly early on in GDW, his presence within the series as a while is pretty damn powerful, especially the episode and chapter(s) with his death. I have never, EVER cried for a character dying in the way that I continuously cry over John each and every time I watch that episode.
my favorite book/season/etc
Do arcs count? Because I think I’m gonna have to answer this with story arcs since I have not read the manga properly since it’s not translated, and the anime is only one season. So, I’m gonna say the Kaibutsu/P4 arc. It’s always been my favorite ever since I first started watching GDW back when I was 12.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)
Episode 9. I know I’ve talked about this before. It destroys my heart, makes me sob uncontrollably, but it leaves SUCH an impression on me. It’s one of my most watched episodes and always will be.
my favorite cast member
did you guess i’d skip this? i bet you did.
my favorite ship
Jerome/Lydia. I will die for this ship. Honorable mentions are Kaibutsu/Jerome, Reika/Hiro, and my guilty pleasure of Reika/John
a character I’d die defending
As far as the anime is concerned? That’s going to Weed. Y’all can fight me in the pit.
a character I just can’t sympathize with
Hougen, easily. They tried to give him a tragic backstory and make you sympathize with him with Genba died but… it didn’t really work. I felt bad for all of 5 seconds and that was it.
a character I grew to love
Tbh I’m actually gonna say Lydia for this. I did not like her when I first learned about her but M A N she heckin grew on me. What a good doggo.
my anti otp
Weed/Jerome. No ifs, ands or buts. Get that away from me.
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taesbetch · 7 years
To Own A Hybrid P.4
Pairing: Jungkoook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff (eventual smut) Hybrid!AU
Summary: The hybrid world was one y/n never really involved herself in; however, after certain events, she is tossed into a world of uncertainty in the company of a particularly rude hybrid. 
Word count: 3.5K + 
WARNING: Mentions of abuse, emotional torment, and prostitution 
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P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
The warmth surrounding your body was a mixture of suffocating and relaxing.
The room was still dark but you could tell by the chirping of birds and the slight blue glow entering through your curtains that the sun was coming up.
A groan of morning blues made its way through your body before you tried to remove yourself from Jungkook’s death grip.
“Jungkook” you whined as you shoved him lightly stirring him awake.
As Jungkook adjusted to his sudden surroundings he matched your whine before rolling over to the other side of the bed.
thankful for your sudden ability to move you quickly jumped out of bed and stretched your limbs getting ready to start the day.
“wait!” Jungkook yelled as you started to move away from the bed. You turned to him shocked at his sudden outburst. He had sat up to face you, his hand reaching out in a stop motion as his eyes were trained to your figure as if you would disappear if he looked away.
“where are you going? Are you leaving?” he asked calmly but you could see the slight panic in his eyes.
“to the toilet… you can stand at the door if that makes you feel more comfortable” you joked as you sat back on the bed scooting closer to a previously shaken Jungkook.
He rolled his eyes before staring down at his hands.
“Jungkook what happened last night? Who are you afraid of?” you asked softly as he bit his lip nervously.
“its fine, I’m just not used to not having to worry or be on guard” he argued as his eyes travelled back up to yours.
“well…if you need any help getting used to it, I’m here! I can’t do much but…if there’s anything you want or want me to do, just ask, okay?” you stated shooting him a wide smile.
Jungkook was speechless as he stared at you with emotionless eyes.
“don’t you have to pee”
“oh, right!”
While you waited for Jungkook at the table your stomach decided it couldn’t hold back its lust for the waffles that sat in front of you.
“you really couldn’t wait?” Jungkook asked as he walked towards, disappoint painted over his features.
You merely shrugged as your attention couldn’t be torn from your one and only.
“what are we doing today?” he asked as your phone repeatedly lit up.
Both of you stared at your phone in annoyance as the light bleeped up and down. You groaned before replacing the fork in your hand with the hard piece of metal.
“who is it?” Jungkook asked before downing his glass of cold water to wash down his waffles.
You furrowed your brows at the frantic texts you had just received from Namjoon.
‘y/n can you please call me when you get this’
‘it’s urgent’
‘it’s about the route you created for Mr. So please call me’
You quickly fumbled with your phone trying call Namjoon in a hurry. As your phone began ringing you pressed it to your ear, balancing it between your shoulder as you continued eating.
“Y/n! thank god you answered!” Namjoon rushed as you heard him try to compose his breathing.
“are you okay? What’s wrong?” you asked quickly, confused as to why he was so panicked so early in the morning “you said something was wrong with my route?”.
“can you come over? Feel free to bring Jungkook! You. You just need to see this for yourself to believe me” he said in a low voice. You could literally hear the sweat dripping from his forehead as you left the phone silent.
“okay sure…just send me your address” you confirmed before hanging up. After a moment of staring at your phone in confusion your eyes slowly connected with Jungkook’s’.
“all you had to do was create a route, right? What could go wrong with that?” Jungkook asked before grabbing your plate and his and taking them to the dishwasher.
You furrowed your brow before your phone lit up indicating that Namjoon had sent you his address.
As you pulled up to Namjoons driveway you almost gasped at how beautiful his house was.
From looking at Namjoon you would guess that he was a wealthy man, but not this fucking wealthy.
“don’t you work the same job?” Jungkook asked in almost a whisper as he admired the three-story house.
“kinda, Namjoon is basically my superior. I never knew how superior though” you replied as the two of you walked towards his front door.
The wooden block in front of you didn’t hold a doorknob, nor a door bell. It was just a large plank of wood.
“what the fuck” you stated as you looked around it to see if there was a hidden button or something.
‘are your y/n y/l/n’
You let out a shriek of surprise before staring at the door in complete shock. His door fucking talks?!
“did it just talk?” Jungkook asked in disbelief as he got himself ready to bolt back to the car. You looked at Jungkook before clearing your throat and turning back to the door.
“er, yes?” you spoke uncertain.
The door didn’t reply instead it opened widely, letting you and Jungkook marvel at the all-white decorated inside, a complete contrast to the dark brown outside.
All you could do was walk with your mouth hung open as the two of you entered the gates of heaven.
“you’re here! Great! Jungkook please make yourself feel comfortable, Taehyung and Yoongi will show you around! y/n, just this way” he stumbled as he grasped your arm in his hand and pulled you in the direction he had just come from.
Even though Jungkook had been instructed to a certain direction you could hear the hesitation and anger the further you were pulled away from him.
“Namjoon, what’s all this about? What’s wrong with my route?” you asked as he shut his computer room. As he fumbled with a small panel near the door, you took the time to look around the darkened room.
This is probably his porn room…
The multiple desktops staring at you was kind of overwhelming, but not as overwhelming at the live streaming anti- hybrid protest playing on the main monitor.
Your eyes narrowed as you stalked closer to it, trying to pay attention to what they were saying.
“Groups of Hybrid haters from all around the nation gather here today as various hybrids are being shipped for the pristine hybrid contest. The angered locals are all fighting for one thing. The decrease of hybrids” the news lady reported as numerous citizens thrust their signs in the air and strained their throats as they shot rude comments towards anything with ears.
“what does this have to do with my route?” you spoke softly as you watched the news report with sadness.
With a sigh Namjoon shut the monitor off before sitting down next to you.
“Namjoon, what’s going on?” you asked in utter confusion.
“I know you literally just got into the whole hybrid world and this is confusing but I need your help. Once every year, hybrid owners from all around the world come here to participate in the world-famous hybrid contest. I don’t know if you know this but I’m a leader of a hybrid protection group, basically we just make sure everything goes down smoothly, and even though I hate the idea of using hybrids as show animals a lot of people try to hurt them so it’s best to have everyone on guard. Lately our spies and intel have been informing us that an Anti-hybrid group known as S.T.M is going to try and kidnap the contestants, these people are known to sell hybrids, torture them…kill them. we can’t let this happen- “he explained.
“yes- and that’s terrible, don’t get me wrong…but how do I come into this?” you asked nervously.
“we recently just got a copy of the blueprints their going to use for sneaking the hybrids away without being caught.” He stated as he clicked away on his computer.
You voiced your shock when you laid your eyes on the route you had slaved so hard over. Trying to find the perfect nooks and cranes of the town, finding places that were discrete and narrow…
Your eyes were glued to the work that you had produced, completely confused at how they ended up in the hands of the enemy.
“w-w-what…no way…there’s…it was for Mr. So” you stuttered as a small tear fell from your eyes. You had been used. Not only used but used for such a disgusting and morally incorrect cause.
“we…we think Mr. So is the leader of S.T.M…and we think some people that work in our office are part of it too” he spoke softly, clearly seeing you were having trouble taking in all this information.
“you…y-you don’t think I’m part of this right?” you asked worriedly getting ready to defend yourself.
“no! of course not! Oh god y/n that’s not what I intended!” he exclaimed as his hand rose to grasp yours comfortingly.
“you took in a sassy hybrid” he said with a smile “of course I didn’t think it was you”.
You took a deep breath before staring back at Namjoon.
“who do you think it is?” you asked with a low voice, still refusing to believe the fact that someone you know would help in ridding the world of hybrids.
“I really don’t know y/n…all I know is we have to stop it. Now I need you to think. I know your far from slack and you never cut corners but…there has to be something you missed…some way we can both provide evidence to lock Mr. So up just in case we can’t stop this from happening” Namjoon pleaded.
“I-I don’t know…” you said as your eyes glazed over the prints. You were extremely tired and constantly thinking about Jungkook, there must be a flaw somewhere…
“y/n…Right there!” Namjoon pointed out excitedly
Your eyes widened as you saw the intersection between the main street and the back alley, right where they would be crossing a small door guarded by an even small camera stood, ready to film it all.
Your sudden excitement was demolished when you realised something.
“that was too easy…no…we need a backup, they had to of seen that” you said shaking your head, going straight back into searching mode.
“what night is this taking place?” you asked as your eyes magnetised towards watch tower building. One that stood taller than all buildings in the city.
“the 23rd…why?” he asked before pulling up yet another language.
“isn’t that when the mayor is supposed to be Leaving town?” you asked curiously as a plan started to form.
With a quick nod from Namjoon. A smile made its way onto your face.
“you won’t need evidence, you can just catch them in the act” you said quickly before writing a few numbers down.
“Kasey from floor 2 told me that instead of flying him from the watch tower per usual, they’re driving him to the airport and transporting him by plane, she had the honour of designs roadworks. She’s the only one who will know the blocked roads. I’m betting one of them will be the intersection between here…and here” you said pointing towards the blue prints.
“cutting them off at the fish porting sight…of course! They wouldn’t fly the hybrids out. They’d ship them. the doc would be quiet and everyone would be to focused on the welcoming of hybrid watchers to notice!” Namjoon said excitedly.
“you can trust Kasey, she owns a hybrid and never leaves her house, only to hand in her work” you smiled as you passed him the slip of paper.
As Namjoon carefully slipped it in his desk you bit your lip anxiously.
“this is quite dangerous huh?” you asked quietly as you observed Namjoons’ behaviour.
For as long as you’ve known him, Namjoon has always been a brave soul. Rushing into action. Leading those who need to be lead… anything you needed he’d help with.
“just a little…yer” he smiled softly as you played with your hands “don’t worry! I’m careful!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his supposed to be comforting statement. The boy was anything but careful. If anything, doom and destruction seemed to follow him everywhere.
“I…just feel like I should be doing more, but…I’m not sure how I would help” you admitted guiltily.
“hey, don’t feel guilty…you were literally thrown into this world. You’re doing well, don’t sweat it for now” he said soothingly, his classic dimples presenting themselves for you to swoon over.
“okay…hey, what does S.T.M stand for?” you asked curiously.
“Superiority Too Mankind”
“were never coming back here again!” Jungkook hissed as he slammed the car door shut angrily.
You laughed before reversing the car, getting ready to head home.
“what happened? Too much joy and happiness for this little kitty?” you teased in a baby voice, knowing he’d hate every second of it.
“Jungkook do’ya wanna see my collection of Star Wars figures?! Do’ya play! Do’ya wanna this, do’ya wanna that!” he imitated mockingly.
He groaned before slapping his palm to his face.
“and don’t even get me started about that other fucking pompous filthy dog” he said seething before letting out a huff of disbelief. All you could do was laugh, you would certainly be seen Namjoon again which meant somewhere along the line, Jungkook and his ‘new friends’ would meet as well.
“So, what’s the big deal? Why was he so nervous about your route?” he asked curiously as he turned to you.
Keeping your eyes on the road you contemplated telling him or not. Even though this was the beginning of your new relationship you didn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t trust you with his thoughts, feelings or past.
If you kept this from him now, who knows what he’d keep from you in the future. It wasn’t a good foot start on. But then there was the whole ‘hybrid thing’. Would he get upset? is that Namjoon kept it between just the two of you?
“do you really wanna know?” you asked cautiously causing Jungkook to raise an eyebrow and heighten his curiosity.
He nodded quickly before perking his ears up.
“okay but you can’t tell anyone” you stated knowing full well that he has no one to tell, which is kind of sad…oh shit.
“okay, well…That route that I created turns out to be for not just one of my company’s biggest CEOs but for the leader of S.T.M only just the biggest anti- hybrid groups out there” you sighed in disappointment.
Jungkook stared at you in shock as you sent him a nod of confirmation.
“what’s he gonna do about it?” Jungkook asked, with a tinge of…something you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
“well, Namjoon is the leader of a protection group; they stop stuff like this all the time” you assured confidently to which you were responded with a scoff.
“please…rescue missions never work out. In the end, the hybrids always end up burnt” he said, venom dripping from his lips.
You sat in shock at Jungkook’s comment as if he had experienced it himself. You wanted to ask but didn’t want to push any boundaries.
“I think he’ll do it” you shrugged before silence fell over the car.
“Hey girl!”
You had momentarily forgotten the promise you had made to her.
Shooting Jungkook an apologetic look before reading yourself for an unwanted hug.
“are you ready for our movie marathon!!” she screeched excitedly, blocking your pathway too your door.
Your eyes trailed over to BamBam’s who looked like he wanted to end his life.
“didn’t I say…Thursday?” you said suddenly questioning everything. She nodded excitedly as you checked your phone….it was Tuesday…Tuesday morning.
“I just couldn’t wait!” she said before grabbing your keys and unlocking your apartment. As she skipped inside you, Jungkook and BamBam exchanged looks before groaning in defeat.
It’s going to be a long day.
Jungkook was three seconds away from screaming as Krystal, for the twentieth time in two hours tried to touch his ears.
“Krystal! Maybe we should switch places” you said as you stood up from your spot next to BamBam. Krystal pouted before nodding her head and starting to move.
“noooo, please y/n, don’t leave me!” BamBam pleaded quietly. You sent him a sinister smile before going over to join an angered Jungkook.
“how much longer?” Jungkook asked as he shifted in his spot.
“a long time” you sighed as you sunk into the couch, trying to focus on the movie and not Krystal’s constant blabbering.
“hey, question” Jungkook said as he leant closer to you.
You hummed in acknowledgement, signally him to continue.
“are…you and Namjoon a thing?” he asked.
“what? No, of course not” you said shaking your head. Namjoon was a friend and a work college, nothing else.
“it’s just…in the mall when we first met the hybrids from hell, he said ‘you’re y/n?’ that means Namjoons been talking about you. He always calls you for help, like does he not know anyone better?” Jungkook argued curiously.
“maybe Yoongi heard of me because I was the one Namjoon called for that whole robot disaster. I could hear other people when we spoke. And excuse you, I’m more than capable of helping! And maybe he just trusts me?” you argued back.
Jungkook shrugged before stretching out his limbs.
“to be honest…I’m not sure if I hate this more than being over there” he admitted causing you to laugh as he stared at the still rambaling Krystal.
You grabbed one of the couches cushions before putting it on your lap.
“here” you said before shoving his head down to lie down “it’ll go much faster if you sleep” you whispered before turning up the T.V in hopes of drowning out her voice.
Jungkook mumbled a couple of things that weren’t audible before shuffling his head around and repositioning his body.
Seeing that Jungkook had fallen asleep, Krystal and BamBam left.
You didn’t want to wake the sleeping kitten so you just continued with your marathon before eventually getting uncomfortable in the position you had successfully remained in for 5 hours.
Before a sigh of boredom could escape your lips Jungkook’s body shot up. His eyes were dazed and confused but his breath was shaky and frantic.
“whoa! Hey there!” you exclaimed in shock as your hands hovered around the alarmed boy.
“y/n?” he asked unsurely as he calmed down.
“yer, hey, I’m here” you confirmed as he moved his body back to the sitting position he was in before. He took a deep breath before resting his head against the back of the couch.
“are you ever going to get a peacefully sleep?” you asked as you watched him carefully.
He sighed in uncertainty before lifting his head and meeting his hard eyes with your concerned ones.
“I was told once…ya’know by a friend that…that if I talk about my problems and fears, that they’ll go away…is that true?” he asked softly as he searched your eyes for the answer.
“I-I-I wouldn’t say go away…but they become easier to manage; and instead of them controlling you, you control them” you answered as his eyes trailed to his hands.
“it’s a lot…and…I don’t want to talk about all of it…I don’t think I could even if I wanted to. But if I do talk about it…will you listen?” he asked as his ears flopped down, his eyebrows furrowed as his hands slightly shook.
“of course, I’ll listen” you replied instantly.
His eyes connected with yours once more as the setting sun shone through the windows. The silence was comforting and warm as Jungkook’s walls began to chip away.
“then I think I’m ready to talk about it”
I usually post on fridays but this ones late! Hope you enjoyed it xx - Awkward Nugget
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carson19980808 · 3 years
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Within a few weeks of the novel coronavirus spreading from China to the rest of the world, a pernicious narrative began to take root online: the suggestion that the virus SARS-CoV-2 was a biological weapon created in a lab.1
In mid-January 2020, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a researcher at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), gave credence to this idea when she told her favorite YouTuber — Wang Dinggang, a vocal critic of the Chinese government, and close associate of exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui2 — about rumors she had heard about the virus’ origins. Wang repeated the conversations on his channel without naming her “because officials could make the person disappear. ”3
On January 25, 2020, a hyperpartisan news outlet called G News published an article further pushing the bioweapon conspiracy theory. It was titled, “Breaking news: China will admit coronavirus coming from its P4 lab.”4 G News was not the only media outlet pushing the narrative, but its involvement was significant because G News is a media outlet associated with Guo and Steve Bannon, former Breitbart executive and ally of President Trump. The two have formed a partisan alliance to push their shared anti-CCP agenda through the Rule of Law Foundation and the Rule of Law Society, which they founded in October 2017.5 Funded by Guo and managed by Bannon, Rule of Law aims to “protect and assist individuals victimized in China, particularly those penalized for speaking out against injustice.”6 Guo and Bannon were drawn together because both “naturally despise the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),”7 according to Guo. They also both have media backgrounds. Bannon was previously Trump’s chief strategist, and, before that he ran the right-wing news site Breitbart. Guo founded and funds G Media,8 which often posts anti-CCP stories across social media platforms, and prominently on the social media platform, Parler.
Prior to the first Yan report being released, Bannon said Wang’s YouTube episode featuring Yan was shown to and translated for him.9 As doubts about the origins of COVID-19 continued to proliferate across right-wing media networks, Guo and Bannon connected with Yan. This is when the pieces fell into place for what would become the Yan Report media manipulation campaign.
In interviews, Yan had been arguing that both China and the World Health Organization knew about the novel coronavirus earlier than they admitted. This is not a unique claim. Similar narratives, for example, were also circulating using the hashtag #chinaliedpeopledied, which went viral in March and April 2020.10 Yan put forward that she had evidence that the notion that the virus transferred from animals to humans was a “smokescreen” to hide its true origin, which she claims is a lab in Wuhan with close connections to the Chinese Communist Party.11 These claims are unfounded and have been debunked.12
While similar claims had been made by others, Yan stands out due to her background in science. Her CV says she has a medical degree from Xiangya Medical College of Central South University and a PhD from Southern Medical University.13 Prior to joining Bannon and Guo, Yan held a postdoctoral fellowship at Hong Kong University (HKU), where she was the first author on a COVID research paper that was published by Nature — one of the most prestigious biology journals in the world.14
Guo flew Yan to the US on April 28, 2020.15 In her most recent articles, she lists the Rule of Law Foundation and the Rule of Law Society as her formal affiliations.
In late April and early May, President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fanned the flames of the January rumor that COVID-19 was made in a lab.16 Trump contradicted his own intelligence team by saying he had seen evidence and that he had a “high degree of confidence” that it was created and released in Wuhan.17
On July 10, 2020, Yan traded her story up the chain from online and hyperpartisan news outlets to an interview on Fox News.18 During the interview she said she was in hiding from the Chinese government and referred to herself as a whistleblower, claiming to have worked on human-to-human COVID transmission as early as December 2019.19 Fox, in turn, called her a whistleblower in its article about the interview.20 It is the earliest article labeling her as such.
The interview garnered a lot of attention online with over 2.7 million views on YouTube and 18K reactions on Facebook.21 The YouTube video has since been removed by Facebook according to data from CrowdTangle, a “public insights tool” owned by Facebook.22 The day after this interview, HKU put out a press release refuting what Yan told Fox News about her research.23
Yan continued to ramp up media appearances. On September 9, she repeated her claims to Raheem Kassam, co-host of Bannon’s popular podcast and YouTube show War Room: Pandemic, editor-in-chief of the conservative news site National Pulse and former editor-in-chief of Breitbart London.24 On September 11, Yan told Loose Women, a British talk show, that she would publish the evidence.25 The interview is available on YouTube, and has over 1.4M views.26 Then the New York Post quoted Yan’s interview with Loose Women,27 as did Tech Times (8.8K followers on Twitter),28 the Daily Mail (2.6M followers),29 and Mint (1.9M followers).30
With Yan, Guo and Bannon were able to effectively exploit the active crisis of the coronavirus by spreading her claims about its origins and the wedge issue of mistrust of the CCP. However, reporters were still skeptical of her claims and comments across social media repeatedly clamored for evidence.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
Persona 4 Arena/Ultimax Port Idea
Ok ok, just had an amazing idea. So regardless of how BBTAG goes down, but esp if BBTAG does horrible they should totally do this idea (since it wouldn’t take as much time/money to start from scratch). 
So like, I think we can all agree that Atlus should port P4A/U to the PS4 (and maybe Vita) right? Possibly sell them as 2 for one, like how you can get P4U and purchase Arena’s story as DLC for the PS3/360 (but in this case it just comes with the game), and we get P4U’s improved gameplay (or BBTAG’s gameplay or both I’ll get to that later). 
But you know how Atlus doesn’t like to port stuff without adding new stuff right???? So what could Atlus add to these games? I don’t think they can add more to Arena (tho if they wanna add more story, maybe involving the Shadow Ops, or hint at the 6th gen of Anti Shadow Weapons, or just hint at any other ASWs that’d be cool too). But I know exactly what they could do with Ultimax. 
Before I get into it, yes it does involve the FeMC, but it also involves the P3MC so don’t leave!!!!!! ;w; (and them both being playable characters!!!! :0 well sorta haha you’ll see) Yes it involves improving/fixing Ultimax’s plot (or well....presentation I suppose is more like it), and adding to it. And yeah it might involve Theo and maybe even Kid!Sho being a playable character too (depends on how they handle it). So yeah there’s your warning, here’s how I think they should handle it (under the cut):
Ok so first thing’s first, fixing the plot/adding to it. There’s 2 parts to this. The first thing I think they should do is add a prequel chapter/series to it, but it explains Sho’s past, like they did with Labrys in Arena. Now they can make all his fights with the robots be story based where we don’t play it out (like they did with Arena in Labrys’ story). So if they did do that, then we get a new character (aka Kid!Sho that I mentioned above), if not then that’s ok, we’ll save his one fight for later. So yeah, this mode explains what Sho went through, and blah blah blah we get to see all the horrible things done to him, and it helps fix issues the game had with explaining him. Sho’s him waking up, following the IT gang during P4′s events, hearing Kagu’s voice, blah blah. At the end we see him getting ready for everything to go down. But first he wants to test out the strength of his fake Shadow Selves. So he summons one that he feels he can dispose of, and it’s.....Fake Shadow!Makoto Yuki. This is where Sho has his one fight (if Atlus didn’t do the kid one too), it ends with him winning the fight and him not being able to use that Shadow Self, which explains why Fake Shadow!Makoto Yuki never appears on either side of P3/4 stories. But this means we can still use him in other modes. He’d play like a weird mixture of the normal players and a fake shadow player. Anyway after the fight that’s when the story leads into the main story.
Now I don’t think Atlus would re-write P4′s side or P3′s side. So let’s make another “side.” This new side is called “Persona 3 Payoff” or some other “P” wrestling term word. It’s P3P is the joke guys. So yeah this side takes place as a “what if” on the FeMC’s side. This is unlocked after you’ve played through the prequel chapter. It starts off with Sho summoning a fake Shadow Self to fight and dispose of, but this time it’s the FeMC. But instead of fighting her he decides, it’d be more “interesting” to see how the Shadow Ops would react to having to fight their leader. Events play out differently than they would in side P3/4 (or even Adachi), people meet up and end up in different areas than they did before. Sho would send the FeMC out to fight/just show up to taunt the SEES characters. And this is where I think they could use BBTAG’s system (since it looks like two characters can fight at the same time , aka switch in and out in battle), as Shadow!FeMC would team up with another Shadow Self in a fight. She would always get away however (we gotta save her for later). This side would fix a lot of pacing issues or quality of writing problems that P3/4 side had. Maybe even capitalize on the bigger role with Teddie and Kagu was gonna happen. Near the end the first fight is with Sho vs Adachi, then Sho/S!FeMC vs Yu/Labrys (this would be where the S!FeMC finally falls), with the last fight being Yu/Adachi vs Kagu. The end fight is the same as P4 side’s True end, where Yu fights the blue faced Sho. We also get different end cards for each P3/4 characters. Maybe help hint at what’s to come for P3/4 kids (aka maybe foreshadow P5A). 
Things to note for the P3P side, Shinji probably doesn’t appear in that. He’s kept vague like Chidori is, 1) cause saving him is optional, and 2) cause he was already dying cause of the drugs so.....I mean they can pull some saving him BS if they want but I think it’s best to just keep his fate vague now (so the reasoning is that he’s either dead for whatever reason, or he’s too sick/weak and is still recovering). That being said, they could totally include Shadow!Shinji to help torment SEES as well. The other thing is, I think Liz/Theo could or couldn’t appear in this mode.....If they do, it’s left vague as to which one was her attendant and hence which one left the VR to help her not be a Seal anymore. This is cause.....you have a choice in choosing which attendant as the FeMC, so keeping it vague is good. In any other mode (like online or practice or whatever, but not on P3P’s side), if Liz fights either Shadow!Makoto or Shadow!FeMC, she has a special line alluding to saving that person, if Theo fights Shadow!FeMC he has a special line alluding to saving her, and if Theo fights Shadow!Makoto he has a special line alluding to how Liz is trying to save him. 
The goal for P3P side is to be the “definitive” side in terms of writing and presentation, and if Atlus adapts P4U as an anime, they chose the FeMC’s side (but of course replace her with Makoto/MaleMC). But I’d be totally happy if they just adapted the manga tho. 8U
Oh also Shadow!Makoto/FeMC use their own Orpheus’ as their Personas, both play very similar but with one or two things that one has that the other doesn’t. Their alt color pallets would be the FES “???” shadow version of themselves with a gold Orpheus (like how ??? uses gold Personas in its fight), male/female color swap (FeMC/Fem!Orpheus with Makoto/Orpheus colors and vice versa), Jun/Lisa and/or Tatsuya/Maya, maybe two of the P5 characters (y’all know which ones, don’t make me say it), Minato as Sho and FeMC as Labrys (cause Labrys has one as the FeMC, and I Sho is the “dark messiah”), and both Orpheus’ get a “Orpheus Telos” color (that means Fem!Orpheus gets the same color pallet as OT). 
Now for online mode, I think they should add an option to play with BBTAG’s tweaked gameplay if someone wants to. So you’ll get a “Classic Ultimax mode” and a “BBTAG mode.” This way Atlus can see which people prefer what, and if this does well, maybe it can help decide what they should/want to do with P5 Arena. 8U
So yeah, two story modes, both pretty much new.........new experience.....new combat to try out.....Appeases people who want the game ported, appeases FeMC fans, appeases people who want MaleMC and FeMC as playable characters without breaking canon/ruining P3′s message of letting go. 
So yeah thoughts? Think they should do that? Think they should do something else? Who else wants to cry over the FeMC? :D *sobs*
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everyday-younglife · 7 years
fandom questions [p4]
no one ever asks me these kinds of things so i’ll just do them myself. harumph. that’s fine.
A: Your current OTP. SOUYO OF COURSE. it will never stop being my OTP
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. hmmm i dunno! i’ve liked p4 for so long all my discoveries about it kind of blend together. i think i’ve seen kanji/teddie once. that was cute.
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't. dojima/souji. or anyone/adachi unless adachi is being beat up or harmed in some way.
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? persona 4...? fanfic, probably. but i’ve contributed a bunch of other random stuff too.
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? i’ve made dumb mmds, pretty much it.
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? yep, persona 4. pretty much ever since it came out.
G: What was your first fandom? xxxHOLiC i believe. that’s the first thing i’ve liked that i’ve also talked to other people about.
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? animated definitely.
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? not exactly? if anything, they stop me from getting into some because seeing it all over the place just got annoying.
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. i’m sure there are a couple of things but i don’t remember haha
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). you know, now the persona 4 fandom is pretty good! there’s a lot of new people coming in from p5, working backwards, and it’s kinda nice! just kinda tired of people calling yosuke “brosuke” or associating him with trash/trash cans all the time...
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? oh my gosh... i have so many favorite p4 fanartists and fanwriters... i’d like to ask for them to draw/write their interpretation of yosuke. like a meta, kinda? i’m always interested in what people think of my favorite characters
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. the person who got me into the P4 fandom................ hiimdaisy. no joke LMAO. those comics of hers got me interested in it and the rest is history.
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). p4, of course. but xxxHOLiC was a really nice fandom too.
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? not random, but that one song from Wicked, “For Good” reminds me SO MUCHHHH of souyo.
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). persona 4 casino AU. they’re all working for the same corrupt casino so they decide to steal from it, secretly, while also trying to reveal the corruption. (idk)
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. in p4?? hmmm nothing really. i kinda like all of it. kannao is kinda stale to me tho.
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships. kanji/yosuke. it’s fucked up in the beginning but they get used to each other. very good.
S: What's a headcanon you have? everyone in p4 is super bisexual, except maybe dojima, namatame, mitsuo... adachi is straight.
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? souyo, OBVIOUSLY. f/f... chie/yukiko is good.
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? i kiiinda didn’t like yosuke/chie for the longest time, but now i kinda like it. so that probably.
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what? souji/yosuke/kanji. duh.
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. watanuki (xxxHOLiC), yosuke (p4), karamatsu (osmt), takao (knb), majima (yakuza)
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. douwata (xxxHOLiC), takamido (knb), and. majima/kiryu (yakuza)
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. uhhh... UHHH... THAT’S HARD. i’m gonna say. none.
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it? nothing. i’m open about everything because i don’t give a shit what antis have to say.
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clwtrucks-blog · 5 years
P4 Outdoor Mobile LED Advertising Trailers
DIP LED encapsulation confirm the high brightness even under strong sunlight Good protection level waterproof IP65, anti-corrosion, oxidation resistance, long life span Long viewing distance, High definition, Good uniformity Brightness can be adjusted automatically according to different surroundings. The mobile led advertising trailer Can be set to open and close the screen automatically. The mobile advertising trailers can be fixed on the wall, by pole support on the street, on top of building, or for stage rental hanging to meet the request of concert stage background, event show, live broadcasting, live meeting, banquet, party, etc, to display the content what you want, by video, graphics, animation etc, connect with PC computer or network, also can remote control with asynchronous system, Wifi control, 3G control. Widely used for outdoor commercial advertising, stage rental, traffic advertising, mobile truck advertising, sports stadium advertising etc.P6 P8 P10 type screen is optional. We can provide Dongfeng, Foton, FAW, JAC, JMC, SINOTRUK HOWO, or any other Chinese truck chassis brand. Quality mobile advertising trailers for sale.
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gengarfamily · 7 years
I still get reviews and messages sometimes about Don’t Take Forever, and whenever I’m sad I read through them and it makes me SO happy so I thought I’d share My Top DTF Moments and their origins.
Part One: Johto (slowburnhell)
so when I started writing this it was going to be a little cute oneshot collection of nice moments at various points in their journey (but then plot happened so) and all the plot fell together because I was obsessively listening to Lucy Rose at the time, specifically her song Little Brave (which actually gave the title, bc don’t take forever is like the chorus riff).
FAVE part of this chapter is the cafe scene in Olivine, where the foghorn jokes begin and May was crying but subtly doesn’t feel AS sad when she’s around him. The foghorn jokes that I get so much shit for now are from an irl conversation between me and a friend, when we used to give each other shit for our own bouts of seasickness, and he lived in a place where we needed boat transportation to see each other.
Other fave part is probably the hug in Blackthorn, because it makes me all squirmy and warm to think about, and it’s also my fave bit of the piano arrangement I did for this. anyway.
Big belief that Drew associates every single sunset he sees with May so obviously that’s why I kept writing her has wearing burnt orange I’m not sorry. AND OBVIOUSLY THEY KNOW EACH OTHERS BREAKFAST ORDERS THIS ISN’T EVEN A QUESTION.
Top Quote:
“Well you know, foghorns,” he shrugged, and she laughed harder. “They just call out to me.”
Part Two: Sinnoh (angst city)
I love lonely Drew. I LIVE for lonely Drew. Drew brooding and sulking and quietly repressing his emotions because he has more important things to focus on than just his girlfriend being far away; this is my aesthetic. I think my 100% top moment in this was probably catching Driftloom? I love Floroma Town and the windworks as an area in Sinnoh from way back when I first played D/P, I thought it was such a pretty place and if I lived anywhere in the Pokemon Universe it would DEFINITELY be there. 
Originally, I was going to write Drew’s mother as promising lots, and then ditching all the time. Sort of, she really wishes she could be a good mother but she’s just terrible at follow through and she can’t be counted on, so she was going to miss the final match and let him down or s o m e t h i n g, and I was going to have a bit of a stand off between Brendan and Drew, not over May, but over Marina and Drew’s dislike of her making Brendan super angry or SOMETHING. (I had a lot of vague ideas). In the end, I realized Marina was best left alone to be developed properly another time, because I always wanted to let her fall back into place with Jimmy. I also knew I wanted Karen to have some horrible bitterness to her, and some kind of “once mine, always mine,” mentality, so this idea of desperately clinging to her last chance of a good reputation seemed appealing.
Dawn and May in the coffee shop and Dawn yelling loudly about May’s feelings to embarrass her in front of Drew’s Dad is everything that matters to me. Also, I gave May an astigmatism because if you tell me that’s a girl who can see 100% you’re telling me a lie. ALSO DREW AND MAX SHOULD BE BEST FRIENDS that’s all.
Top Quote:
“Drew likes to make you think he’s cool,” Max informed them dutifully, pushing his glasses up his nose a little, “but it’s a lie. It’s a well thought out, calculated lie. This is part of the lie. Never forget, he is in fact a weenie.”
Part Three: Hoenn (1)
I live for the Christmas section here. I wanted to set them up as companions, that even though they traveled separately they were a unit and they were a partnership and what better environment than navigating a family christmas? Caroline and Drew as a friendship means EVERYTHING to me. And anyone who has spoken to me for more than three seconds knows that I have a LOT of feelings about Norman and May, but I’ll talk about that in the next section.
Shout out to this section for Max, who introduces Drew as top coordinator and full time weenie when he battles Norman. This is the most frequently commented upon moment when I get messages and reviews, and it means so much to me that you seem to share my terrible sense of humor. 
the bit where May does Drew’s tie because she’s used to league functions with her family and Drew is just a sarcastic mess was completely improvised because I had just realised that I would have to cut Hoenn into two parts, and I was naive and thought I’d need padding. I thought I might take it out when I realised HOW LONG Hoenn p2 ended up being but it’s now my fave bit of fluff in the whole thing, so. you know. have at it. and it also kind of hints at the whole sexual tension part of their relationship that gets addressed in part four so here just take it you sinners
The whole phone cliffhanger at the end was originally going to go somewhere SO MUCH MORE DEEP and have this horrible plotline where Drew’s parents had a huge thing and Matthew tried to reach May to talk to Drew before Karen could but I decided it was best to Leave Drew Alone for a while.
Top Quote
“Gross,” Marina commented sagely. “You’re that couple. The ‘oh we just... you know, spent a few weeks drifting around Sinnoh, on a whim. No big deal. We’re so in love, look how gross and happy we are’.”
Part Four: Hoenn (2)
Dawn as main rival is best main rival; obviously. I wanted a differing ~main~ person for M&D to come up against as a collective in every section at first, so it would start with Marina and then Brendan and then Dawn, but all with very differing kinds of rivalries. But then when Brendan stopped being an antagonist, and Karen and Matthew became the bulk of the issue in Sinnoh, much reevaluation happened and I wanted to talk about Drew’s relationship with Harley, so once M&D were together I wanted them to have their own conflicts as individuals and seperate battles to fight, and not lose them to some unified being that lost both of their personalities. I always wanted to have conflict between May and Norman, and definitely May and Solidad as well (again, p4) but once I figured out the Anti-Ikarishipping subplot and the difficulties I wanted Drew to have in that contest season, it made sense to pit him against Paul and Harley in different ways. Harley was a very aggressive rivalry and full of a lot of hurt on both sides, but with Paul I wanted it to be very passive. He was like a figure head for everything Drew had struggled with, and Dawn’s issue with Paul was supposed to mirror what could have happened with May and Drew if it had all gone Wrong.
cookieshipping was OBVIOUSLY going to be a part of this.
I desperately wanted some kind of conflict between Soledad and May, and originally it was going to be more around Soledad’s battling lul and her blaming May for that, and then also blaming her for Drew’s lul, and then all these negative feelings just sort of consuming her and snapping her, and while that doesn’t happen there’s an undercurrent of frustration that May caught her up and makes her a little dismissive but not to the point where she won’t prioritise her and Drew being happy? I guess. I like that their conflict ends up being nothing about coordinating, and nothing about their actual friendship, because they’re two very non-confrontational people, but two very emotionally intelligent people also, so their conflict all stems from an inability to agree with how Drew should process and how much they each individually care about him. Soledad dismissing May as overreacting felt natural because I felt May DID overreact while I was writing it, and with all the grand festival pressure I wanted that. Sometimes I wish I could rewrite it and make the underlying tensions a little clearer, because a lot of that is lost in the actual writing and it doesn’t come through the way I wanted it to, and it makes them all a little petty, but it can’t be helped now. (AKA: my biggest regret.)
I got a lot of people calling me out on the fact May and Drew had sex. in general, I feel like this chapter was both the weakest and the strongest in different ways, depending on what you’re looking for. I knew from the MOMENT I knew the plot that they needed to have that part of their relationship aired, because it’s such a natural and caring part of a lot of relationships and it didn’t seem right that they were becoming so emotionally firm and absolute with each other but were completely limited to little pecks on the cheek - it felt wrong with their characters when they’ve always been - even in the canon - so drawn to one another in a way that would so easily build to that, in the most respectful and caring of ways. anyway I wanted it to parallel their communication, so the more openly they talked with each other, the more physical they would be, in both mannerisms and in eventual actions. (I kept the scene PG so it’s all fine, I guess.)
I’ve gotten a few messages I’ve never publicly responded to about May and Norman and their relationship and where it comes from so here’s my official answer. : no. you’re wrong. it’s not me and my dad. congrats sherlock. I based it off moments in the ruby/sapphire game and the way May responds to him in the anime. Now, the relationship between them in An Adventurer is quite different, and I’ll cop to a part of that being my exploring my relationship with my dad. But it’s mostly manga references and a little bit of lingering tension from an unresolved relationship in DTF.
May and Dawn’s fight was the MOST FUN to write, and when I got to the last of Dawn’s pokemon I was legitimately like “okay so how many pokemon has she got left” and I was STUNNED because there were none, so I wrote that reaction into May’s numb-post-win feel.
The Elite Four part? mmmmmmmm. can’t possibly comment. maybe i’ll explain in the sequel. (COMING THIS SUMMER) *maybe* ((((oh god let me graduate)))))
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Europe, New York see progress in coronavirus battle
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/europe-new-york-see-progress-in-coronavirus-battle/
Europe, New York see progress in coronavirus battle
European nations hard hit by the coronavirus and the US epicenter New York reported headway Sunday in their battle against the deadly pandemic. Governments across the world are now debating how and when to ease lockdowns that have kept more than half of humanity — 4.5 billion people — confined to their homes and crippled the global economy.
Europe saw encouraging signs Sunday, with Italy, Spain, France and Britain seeing drops in daily death tolls and slowing infection rates.
The continent accounts for almost two-thirds of the 160,000 fatalities reported across the globe out of more than 2.3 million declared infections, according to an AFP tally.
And in the United States — the country with the highest number of deaths and infections — the governor of New York said the outbreak was “on the descent.” Mounting evidence suggests that the lockdowns and social distancing are slowing the spread of the virus that first emerged in China last year.
The tentatively hopeful signs come with the US and China locked in a spat over suggestions by President Donald Trump that a laboratory in the ground zero city of Wuhan may have spawned the pandemic.
Spain registered 410 new fatalities on Sunday, the lowest daily count in almost a month and a figure that health ministry emergencies coordinator Fernando Simon said “gives us hope”.
The authorities are even starting to shut some makeshift facilities set up to relieve the overburdened health system, including a morgue at a Madrid ice rink.
Spain has extended a nationwide shutdown but said it would soon ease restrictions to allow children time outside.
A patchwork of countries on the continent including Switzerland, Denmark and Finland have already begun reopening shops and schools.
Germany is set to follow suit Monday with some shops back open after declaring the virus “under control”, while Italy — at one time the European epicenter of the crisis — was tentatively mulling easing restrictions.
And France said a nationwide lockdown in force for a month was beginning to bear fruit, with death tolls and hospitalizations declining.
“We are scoring points against the epidemic,” said French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, while insisting “we are not out of the health crisis yet”.
In Britain, the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson — who is himself recovering from the virus — faced fresh criticism over his early response to the crisis and shortages of protective equipment.
The US has the highest caseload of any country, with more than 735,000 confirmed infections, and over 39,000 deaths.
But in New York state, which has borne the brunt of the virus, Governor Andrew Cuomo was optimistic.
“We are past the high point, and all indications at this point is that we are on the descent,” he told a press conference.
Resentment is rising as Americans and others around the world chafe after weeks under stay-at-home orders.
New anti-lockdown protests Saturday drew hundreds of people in states including Texas, Maryland, New Hampshire and Ohio. Many waved American flags and some carried weapons.
Hoping to spread cheer to those under lockdown, top musicians — from the Rolling Stones to Taylor Swift, Stevie Wonder and teen superstar Billie Eilish — joined forces for a virtual mega-concert.
But many of the world’s 260 million Orthodox Christians were forced to mark Easter at home Sunday, with church leaders telling worshippers to stay indoors and conducting services online or on television.
China meanwhile hit back at Trump after he questioned the origins of the highly contagious disease which Chinese scientists say was probably first transmitted to humans at a Wuhan market where exotic animals were slaughtered.
“Was it a mistake that got out of control or was it done deliberately?” Trump said Saturday.
“If they were knowingly responsible, yeah, then there should be consequences.” Conspiracy theories that the virus came from a maximum-security virology lab have been brought into the mainstream by US government officials.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said an investigation was under way into how the virus “got out into the world”.
“There’s no way this virus came from us,” Yuan Zhiming, the head of the P4 laboratory at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is equipped to handle dangerous viruses, said in an interview with state media.
“I know it’s impossible.”
Australia has called for an independent investigation into the global response to the pandemic, including the World Health Organization’s handling of the crisis and China’s actions.
Trump has already withdrawn US funding to the WHO, accusing it of “severely mismanaging and covering up” the spread of the virus.
With 22 million Americans out of work as businesses closed, families are turning to food banks to get by, waiting hours for donations in long lines of cars.
And in poorer and more densely populated parts of the world, many governments are still struggling to enforce restrictions on movement that are piling misery on the needy and spreading hunger.
The virus has also thrown the spotlight on care homes, with a UK charity warning the death tolls in such facilities in Britain could be five times higher than the official numbers.
Separated from relatives for fear of their spreading infection — and from neighbours who have already fallen to the outbreak — some in the care homes fear death from loneliness.
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shadow-schemer · 6 years
I dont know why persona 5 was on the top searches on tumblr yesterday because when i checked the tag out all i saw was anti post after anti post for every character, ship, the game, the anime and the company and im just.... wow peace out bitches i'll just enjoy playing the rest of p4 golden
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Timothy Morton – The Ecological Thought
p3 ‘Nature’s “unnatural” qualititis’: hierarchy, authority, harmony, pirity, neutrality and mystery. Over yonder, where the grass is always greener. p5 ‘Nature was an ideal image, a self-contained form suspended afar, shimmering and naked behind glass like an expensive painting. In the idea of pristine wilderness, we can make out the mirror image of private property: keep off the grass’.
p4 ‘Existence is always coexistence’
p8 ‘What we call nature is an unnatural, uncanny sequence of mutations and catastrophic events’.
p8 The ecological thought is.. ‘a vast, sprawling mesh of interconnection without a definite centre or edge. It is radical intimacy, coexistence with other beings, sentient and otherwise.’
p8 ‘Studying art provides a platform, because the environment is partly a matter of perception. Art forms have something to tell us about the environment because they can make us question reality... it deals with reality and unreality, being and seeming.’
p10 ‘If ecology is about radical coexistence then we must challenge our sense of what counts as existent and nonexistent’
p10 ‘What counts as an environment?’ Where are the lines? is there such thing? ‘Does the environment include us or exclude us?’... ‘We need a new way of evoking the environment’.
p10 ‘Along with the ecological crisis goes an equally powerful and urgent opening up of our view of who we are and where we are’
p14 ‘The more we know, the less certain and the more ambiguous things become’.
p17 ‘There is no meta-position from which we can make ecological pronouncements’. 
p18 ‘The world of mutation and uncertainty that Darwin opens up’
p22 ‘Cognitive science suggests that perception comes in little packets, not a continuous flow. Our perception is full of holes’.
p27 Heidegger- thinking as an environmental presence.. ‘When we dwell on something, we inhabit it’
p29 ‘Since everything is interconnected, there is no definite background and therefore no definite foreground’ p30 ‘We orient ourselves according to backgrounds against which we stand out. There is a word for a state without a foreground–background distinction: madness’.
p29 Darwin... ‘a truly wonderful fact that all animals and all plants throughout all time and space should be related to each other in group subordinate to group..’
p29 ‘All lifeforms are the mesh and so are all dead ones, as are their habitats... Oxygen is mostly a by-product of bacterial metabolism. Mountains can be made of shells and fossilised bacteria. Death and the mesh go together in another sense too because natural selection implies extinction’. 
p33 ‘If everything is interconnected, there is less of everything. Nothing is complete in itself. Consider symbiosis. A tree includes fungi and lichen. Lichen is two life forms interacting – a fungus and a bacterium or a fungus and an alga.’ ‘As Dawkins puts it “we are all symbiotic colonies of genes”. We consist of organs without bodies’. ‘Some parasites and symbionts are so intimate you can’t tell where one starts and its habitat stops, all the way down to the DNA level. There is no way of knowing which bits of our DNA are actually ‘ours’ and which are plasmid insertions.’
p39 ‘The hills are teeming with the skeletal silence of dead life forms.’ ‘Thinking interdependence involves dissolving the barrier between ‘over here’ and ‘over there’, and more fundamentally, the metaphysical illusion of rigid, narrow boundaries between inside and outside’. 
p43 ‘Evolution is mutagenic. It isn’t linear or progressive’.
p54 ‘If there is an inevitable experiential dimension of ecology, there is an inevitable psychological dimension’
p59 ‘Knowing more about interconnectedness results in more uncertainty’.
p61 ** Thinking about all the species that were never recorded and species alive today that remain undiscovered. ‘Not every living being existed in a place that the sea overwhelmed so as to fossilise it’. (origin of species, page 9)
p63 No such thing as species. No such thing as rivers, only river stages. p85 ‘The idea of species is far too rigid and arbitrary to account for the mutagenic, liquid strange stranger.;
p64 ‘We may dispense with the idea of permanence since evolution itself depends upon impermanence’. 
p65 ‘Evolution jumbles bodies like a dream jumbles words and images’.
p72 ‘Corals live symbiotically with algae. Coral builds its own world, as do trees.’
p78 ‘When I encounter the strange stranger, I gaze into depths of space, far more vast and profound than physical space that can be measured with instruments’. ‘Everything is intimate with everything else. The ecological thought is vast, but strange strangers are right next to us. They are us. Inner space is right here’.
p79 ‘Both the surface and the depth of our being are ambiguous and illusory’. 
p81 ‘Do bacteria suffer? Where is the limit below which a being can’t be considered sentient?’
p84 ‘heterosexual reproduction is a late addition to a gigantic ocean of asexual division’. 
p84 ‘Darwinism is profoundly anti-teleological’.
p87 ‘The strange stranger is not just the “other” – the “self” is the other. Since there is no (solid, lasting, independent, single) self, we are the strange stranger.’
p94 ‘The boundaries between and the identities of beings are affected by the interconnection’. 
p94 ‘Being glued to a heating world that might overwhelm or kill us is bad news. Ecology is stuck between melancholy and mourning... Depression is the most accurate way of experiencing the current ecological disaster’.
p94 Doubt is intrinsic to the ecological thought. Descartes’ doubt.. an ecological stance from him.
p100 ‘Intimacy presents us with the problem of inner space. Our intimacy with other beings is full of ambiguity and darkness. Strange strangers flow and dissimulate.’
p102 ‘I’ll be glad if the effect of the climate disruption crisis is not upgraded capitalism but a long hard look at why we’re alive and what we want to do about it, together.’
p103 Silence... ‘the blank page, the open canvas, the gallery space, the silence around and within, displays the medium in which and through which we’re reading, listening, looking, participating.’ Silence increasing self awareness?
p104 ‘A religious vocabulary is risky: it might set up an ecology as another kind of superbeing outside the mesh, outside the obvious impermanence and evanescence of reality’. 
p105 ‘ecological art is full of darkness and unfathomable depths and deceptive shallows’.
p107 Letting consciousnesses slide into each other... including nonhuman as well as human consciousnesses. 
p107 Environmental art must deeply explore materiality. 
p108 Lucier/ Cage
p109 The significance of the seed....... ‘Monsanto have made it almost impossible to rely on age-old methods of saving seeds, having copyrighted the genomes of plants such as soy’... ** Comora Tolliver installation ‘pod’. 
p115 ‘Cognitive science claims that cognition is about the mind’s interaction with its world. Cognising is fundamentally environmental.’  
p118 Darwin... ‘a sprawling system of tiny, incremental differences in phenotypes, brought about through random DNA mutation, accounts for the existence of living organisms’.
p119 Ecological, evolutionary and geological timescales... we are now conscious of.
p124 ‘The lifeforms whom we’ve got under our skin aren’t something we can spit out’ (!!)
p126 ‘Evolution helps us see the properly ethical, philosophical and political scope of animal rights’. 
p126 ‘Our biological humanness consists in 0.1 percent of our genome’
p127 ‘Ecological collectives must make space for introversion and reflection, including meditative practices... Meditation means exposing our conceptual fixations and exploring the openness of the mesh.’
** p130 ‘Hyperobjects do not rot in our lifetimes’ 10,000 years from now, plutonium will still exist.  Objects that transcend our personal death.
p135 ‘Religion is a substitute for lost intimacy’. 
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21stcenturymen · 7 years
That Vegetarian Was Mean to Me!
We’ve all either heard or said at some point: “Vegetarians are so judgmental! What assholes!” Okay, you got ‘em. All vegetarians are assholes. But come on, who hasn’t been an asshole at some point. And are all of them? Really?
With the exception of Nazis,* there has never been a group of people on earth who are made up entirely of assholes, and even then, there were a few who were just afraid and along for the ride (tacitly asshole). But I digress.
Are there asshole vegetarians who shove their beliefs down other people’s throats? Yes. Of course there are. But have you ever talked to a Mormon? A Jehovah’s Witness? A vacuum salesperson? There’s a zealot in every crowd. Labelling an entire community based on your experience(s) with a few of them is willfully ignorant. Remember how we men like to use the #notallmen hashtag?
But are vegetarians onto something? One popular argument against vegetarians goes something like this: “I don’t trust people who don’t eat meat! That’s just unnatural.” Okay, well, two things about that.
- Whether unnatural or not, it’s someone else’s choice that doesn’t impact your life, so cool your jets.
- Okay, we’ll pretend vegetarian and vegan diets are unnatural. Let’s look at how “natural” modern meat eating is, shall we? Remember when all the cows witnessed the arrival of humans and corralled themselves into tight stalls with food they can barely digest and shots of antibiotics just so we could waltz by and say, “That part looks tasty! I’m gonna carve off a hunk and prepare it with a nice dry rub…”
Except, that didn’t happen. Factory farming is woefully unnatural. And arguably, extremely unhealthy for us, not just the animals. I’d like to talk about why:
1. Cows didn’t exist before humans started breeding them for meat and dairy. Sorry, but they weren’t just hanging out being food and waiting for hungry humans to come along.
2. Even in the early days of ranching, there were no stalls. Animals still had the ability to roam and eat grass - something their body is far more capable of digesting than corn feed. Interesting side note: corn feed didn’t gain prominence until around the time of government corn subsidies (coincidence?) and anyone nominally older than that can tell you steak doesn’t taste the same now as it did then. Or, you could try some organic**, grass-fed beef and taste for yourself.
3. There is evidence that animals who live a fearful life secrete large quantities of hormones associated with anxiety. The meat produced by these animals is less healthy for humans to consume. The more meat we eat, the more fabricated the lives of these animals must be, out of necessity, and the more fearful their lives will be. “But they’re just cows! They don’t have feelings!” Yes. Yes they do. As do chickens. And turkeys. And all animals. The distinction between humans and other animals is in our brain capacity and opposable thumbs. But we all have amygdalae, and therefore - at the very least - fear. In short: any animal who’s full of fear is going to taste worse and may be more difficult to digest.
4. Yes, humans do have teeth and digestive tracts evolved to consume both plants and animals. And, there is evidence to support that we gained a boost in our intelligence from eating cooked meat and that certain blood types struggle to be healthy without it in their diet. But neither of those points of information dictate that we must eat factory-farmed meat at every meal. I’ve known a number of constantly anemic folks whose lives are much better with the occasional steak, but I’ve never seen them do what many men do and insist “If I don’t have red meat every day, I’m not a man!” Your colon wishes otherwise, my friend.
Remember: simply because you can do a thing, it does not automatically follow that you must do that thing.
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5. There are a dozen documentaries (you can start with Food, Inc. if you like) and one Last Week Tonight episode about the horrible lives of the people who grow your meat. It’s not just the animals who suffer.
Our body’s ability to digest meat is not a mandate to do so. Over-farming, over-eating, and abusing animals through the misuse and destruction of the earth on which we must live is not natural. What’s the right, natural answer? Sadly, I don’t know that part. Humans are something of an anomaly on this planet and so finding the balance of how we protect it and yet sustain the Pandora’s Box of lifestyle expectations we have is a quandary, to be sure. But reducing how much meat we eat is a huge step.
Here’s some sample math. Plants = P, Animal = A, Farmland = F, and other resources (gas, hauling, etc) = X
The resources needed to feed a plant-eater can be looked at like this: F1 + P + X1 = impact 1
The resources needed to feed a meat-eater can be looked at like this: F2 + P4 + A + X5 = impact 2
I’m sure plenty of folks are looking at the second equation and saying, “Whoa, wait a minute! You didn’t keep the factorials constant in both equations! You should have just added the ‘A’!” I hear you, but that’s not true. It requires significantly more farmland to grow plants for animals to consume that we later eat than it does to just grow plants for humans. The sheer volume of plants is quadrupled because humans also eat plants, and animals grow for months to years before being consumed. The resources for plants are: workers*** to pull them, machines to harvest, trucks and other logistics, and then the cleaning and packaging. For meat, add in the entire meat industry, including waste disposal of the unusable parts, leather works, vast pharmaceutical resources, and more.
PURPOSE: Look. I’m not saying don’t eat meat at all. People make their choices and I’m sure we’re all doing our best to have as little impact on others as possible. But I do ask that you not reject reality just to excuse having meat at every meal. Have it at every meal, but be comfortable with what that means and how tremendously wasteful it is.
Back to the original thesis of this post: not all vegetarians are assholes. You react to people whose lifestyles or choices are different from yours for one of two reasons. 1. You fear them. 2. You’re secretly aware they’re right and it makes you feel badly about yourself. In either case, your skepticism about the choices of others is on you. Not them.
Or, alternatively, if you want to ignore everything else posited in this post, you could say the point is that there’s an asshole in every crowd. Remember to blame the asshole, not their belief systems. Apologies to Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. I’m sure most of you are just swell.
Next Up: Period
*I would like to point out that I managed to go 24 posts without mentioning Nazis.
**”Organic” isn’t always automatically better, but there isn’t space for that breakdown here.
***Yes, I am fully aware of the awful treatment and living conditions of produce pickers. The issue here is that we need to be willing to put more resources into better food and better treatment and living conditions for everyone, not just latch onto whatever anti-vegetarian argument makes us feel good that day.
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