#anti paraphilia
scientificbiosecurity · 4 months
"lesbian men" when they realize that they aren't lesbian and just making allat up to look special (they are straight)
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just-pwpd-things · 1 month
@ Paraphiles who use "but I was sexually abused/groomed" as an excuse to continue the cycle of abuse
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critterkiddo · 3 months
A pedophile advocate named Shayna calls a radio show, the Bex and Buster Show, while they were hosting "weirdo wednesday" to advocate for pedophilia and adding a "P" to LGBTQ. She insists children can consent to sexual and romantic relations with adults.
Of course, users of pedi celebrate this.
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While looking into the website Shayna supposedly works for, IPCE, we found out that the organization advocates for adults to be able to date and have sexual relations with children. The site used to be a forum but got shut down, and now remains an archive. One of the discussions on the website contains an extremely graphic tale of a man enabling allowing his niece to be molested in his own house. The story is extremely graphic, and I cannot stress enough to read with caution.
Audio of the segment and screenshots from the website are below the cut.
Extreme trigger warning for enabling CSA. Do NOT take this warning lightly.
Link to the audio segment is here:
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Here is the tale + input from the owner of the site. This is a mere segment of the entire story, which is increddibly disturbing.
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"Pretty for your niece, and the plumber, to experience love."
This is the ultimate end goal of the paraphile / radqueer movement.
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windb0rne · 8 months
Ok, I’m done being angry and now I just want explanations as to WHY the radqueer/paraphile positivity movement is a thing. Because, in my humble opinion, it shouldn’t be.
It’s clear that paraphiles recognize how wrong their thoughts are. They say that they know kids and animals can’t consent, and that they’d never act on their “unwanted” fantasies.
Then, they make pride flags, communities, and talk openly about their paraphilias on a website full of children. They try to force themselves into the LGBT+ community. They try to force themselves into political movements. They admit to engaging in ageplay, and make lewd fanart of underage characters. They’ve even made emoji dogwhistles and innocent-looking mascots.
If you truly believed that your thoughts were just thoughts, you’d treat them like any unwanted thought: you’d keep them in your head. I understand that you want a community. I understand that you want to connect with people like yourself. And believe me, there are better ways to do that. Find a hobby. Learn an instrument. Read a book. Play a video game (but don’t fantasize about the underage characters, please and thank you). Join a sports team. Learn to cook. One way or another, you’ll find a community of your own, built around something positive rather than negative.
My only question is, why? Why build your online persona around the darkest parts of yourself, when there’s so much more that you have to offer? Why let your demons control you, rather than learning to live above them?
This isn’t a rhetorical question, by the way. Feel free to answer. I’ll be civil.
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miradawhissu · 1 year
I know I didn't say this once, but I'm gonna say it
A "Kink" is not an excuse to have a Paraphilia and not every kink is a Paraphilia please stop saying these types of things to excuse Paraphilias they're still harmful.
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mirasventhole2536 · 10 months
I'm getting sick of people not respecting boundaries I have Just because I don't support objectum doesn't mean you have the rights to disrespect my boundaries I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND I DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH PARAPHILIAS PLEASE I'M SICK OF IT!!!!!!
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gweathney-propaganda · 6 months
hey just saw the post about that cyb3r s1lly person and just so you know that they arent radqueer https://files.catbox.moe/esgkcj.webp <- gores stances in his pinned post (it states that gush is anti-contact with non-con paras and is anti-radqueer). also, paraphiles didnt originate from radqueer coining or labels, it is a persistent and recurrent sexual interests, urges, fantasies, or behaviors of marked intensity involving objects, activities, or even situations that are atypical in nature. this isnt trying to make you seem bad or anything its just that critter isnt a radqueer (and that you should probably delete that post so you wont make any misunderstandings), thanks.
Ah, sorry for that, thanks for letting me know. But there is something that you should know is that cyb3r is that gush is a proshipper. I think i've stated multiple times on my stance on proshippers, but just to remind everyone, I do not support proshippers or want them anywhere near my blog.
And just because paraphiles are different from radqueers, doesn't make them okay. Even if cyb3r isn't supportive of raqueers or whatnot, I don't think that making flags about necrophilia is a good thing.
cyb3r, if you (somehow) see this, i'm sorry for making any confusion and/or misunderstanding. I will delete the post. But, please respect my opinion and I don't want you to interact with my blog.
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ofhisdeaddoveways · 2 years
What abt paraphiles dni do you not understand. Piss off 🖕🏻
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paraphilia isn’t something to be proud of. you don’t have to be ashamed of it, but it shouldn’t be considered a good trait.
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decahedrones · 4 months
It's disgusting how easy it is to stumble upon pedo shit on Tumblr. Ban these fuckers already! So what if the girls they post aren't *completely* naked, they're barely clothed and clearly depicted in sexual manner!
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windb0rne · 8 months
Seems I’ve pissed off quite a few pedos in my recent rant.
Good. I’ve reported your accounts. Let’s see what Tumblr thinks about your attraction.
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miradawhissu · 7 months
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I'm bored so here's Mira hugging a Nine Plush
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fictionfreedom · 1 month
Proship being anti-para? Weird, "thought crimes don't exist" except for when it's a paraphile ig
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inuette · 9 months
Official (Anti) RQ Archive
[PT: Official (Anti) Radqueer Archive. END PT. ]
 Last Updated (DD/MM/YY): 08/01/24. This archive will be updated over time, so make sure to check back regularly if you can! If you have anxiety regarding opening links, no worries! All these posts are archived under our "archived" & resources tags.
Anti-RQ Terms/Flags
'PRAT' meaning
'Fluffy Para'
'Atypical Dysphoria Awareness' (Creator Boundary)
Reclaimed Transage, Transracial (Adoptee), Transspecies and Transabled Flags
Reclaimed Transabled Flag 2 + Symbol
BIID Flag + Symbol
RQ Terms/Flags
'Faux Cult'/'Fult' and Flags
Other Terms
'Xenosatanism' and Xenosatanist Flags
The Angel's Web "Fult"
'Not All Radqueers'
Initial 'Fult' PSA
"The Ezra Files" (Content/Trigger Warning: (Pro-C) Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality, Zoosadism, Toddler/Baby Abuse, Grooming, CSEM Trading, Rape, Abduction, Admissions Of CSA, Admissions Of Incest, Admissions Of Bestiality…)
TransN*zi Symbols
Other Resources
What IS A Radqueer? Why Are They Bad?
RQ Original Coining Info
RQs are a Cult
RQs and Stochastic Terrorism
The Insult of 'Cisdisabled'
BIID and RQ Grooming
RQ '2024 Calendar'
Talk of Atypical Dysphoria
WHY Misuse of Transrace and the term 'Trace' are Bad
Talk of "Transautism"/being "Transautistic"
You Cannot 'Coin' A Medical Disorder/Talk of "MUDs"
Intrusive Thoughts About =/= Actually Believing in Them
'I have intrusive thoughts about ...' isn't a 'Valid' Excuse
Transitioning When It Comes To TransIDs and TransX Identities
Transethnic People Aren't Valid (Focuses on East Asians & Koreans)
There Are Better Ways to Cope with Atypical Dysphoria
Why Arissomei/Arissodic is its Own Term
Racial Hierarchy and Being "Trace"/"Transracial"
Blackface is Blackface — Your "Intent" Doesn't Matter
Alternative (Non-TERF Rhetoric) Anti-Radqueer Arguments
Suibaiting Radqueers ISN'T Okay
If You're Thinking of Leaving the RQ Community
'Cracker' is Not a Slur
Suibaiting RQs isn't Welcome Here
Radinclus does NOT Mean Radqueer
Misusage of Languages in RQ Spaces
Reporting a RQ for Inciting Violence
(Fighting Against) RQs Rebranding Terms as 'RQ Terms'
Coping with Atypical Dysphoria
Getting Out and Staying Out Of the Community
General Tips
Reaffirmation of Why RQs are Bad (TWs included in the post)
BIID (Body Integrity Identity Disorder) =/= Radqueer (Affirmation)
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darlingmirabeau · 11 months
Reminder that there is no such thing as a "harmful paraphilia". There is only harmful, or non-consensual, contact. Paraphilias are patterns of attraction. Attraction is not action.
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rwuffles · 5 months
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pt: anti-contact paraphile. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 a general flag for all anti-contact paraphiles. this was a very personal thing for me & i hope other people can resonate with it as well. the dark purple represents the darker & negative sides of having paraphilias as well as harmful ones , the blue-purple represents community & solidarity , the magenta represents the positive & good sides of having paraphilias and the non-harmful ones , and the hot pink represents the sexual attraction / sexuality aspects of it.
pt: definition, a general flag for all anti-contact paraphiles. this was a very personal thing for me and i hope other people can resonate with it as well. the dark purple represents the darker and negative sides of having paraphilias as well as harmful ones, the blue-purple represents community and solidarity, the magenta represents the positive and good sides of having paraphilias and the non-harmful ones, and the hot pink represents the sexual attraction/sexuality aspects of it. end pt.
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COINER.  the sweetest boy.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   anti-contact + paraphile.
TAGS.  @kiruliom @zoeynovie @seapupz @jigumis @angeltism @crossstains @chivalrynt @wailingclowns.  ➷
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