#anti rachel/chloe
saemi-the-dreamer · 8 months
For the ask meme, 8, 19, and 23?
Thanks for the ask Elves ^o^ Now let's gooooo!!
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8. Common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
I've answered it here already, but here's another thing that bugs me and I'm going to take the risk: about the games Life is Strange (1 and Before the Storm)
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Rachel and Chloe were not a cute couple. In the first game "Life is Strange", it's implied that Rachel was selfish and manipulative and that she took advantage of Chloe and many people to get what she wanted, breaking hearts on her way and leaving the people behind to pick up the pieces after her. In "Before the Storm, there are many clues and foreshadowings telling us that Chloe shouldn't trust Rachel, nor get close to her, but she's just so lonely, desperate and in a vulnerable state of mind that she's tricked. This whole scene is not Rachel confessing her love or "proposing to her" - as some comments like to say - on stage / in public to Chloe while staying in character. Look well at the lines, forget they're acting a Shakespearian play, and you have a true summary of their relationship:
Rachel sent Chloe to wreak havoc for her; Chloé does and is always the one who takes the risks, always in the first line for her, and because of Rachel's influence, Chloe becomes more and more ruthless, self-centred and obsessed with Rachel, which leads Chloe to lose any friend she could make in BtS and we know how bad her relationship with both her mother and step-father is in LiS1.
After Chloe is done with a task, Rachel praises her but then immediately points out "There's more work"; even though Rachel's parents are rich and she's socially way above Chloe, she's relying on others to do everything for her. Rachel is the most desperate to leave Arcadia Bay, but Chloe is the one who has to find a car and the money to leave. What does Rachel do, except give orders and get more and more demanding? What does she concretely do for Chloe, except get her in trouble and give her some crumbs of affection/love? Nothing! She never helped Chloe find a way to go back to school, follow her studies online or anything, or even support her in finding a job! All she does is ask and take, and her pieces of advice are shit, she pushes Chloe to rebel and be unpleasant when it comes to her mother marrying again instead of telling her to talk it out with them or to give her future step-dad a chance before slamming the door shut to his face.
when Chloe reminds Rachel that she made a promise to her, Rachel either doesn't remember or pretends not to
"My liberty." "Nay, this most of all I will not grant." Rachel refuses to let Chloe go. She even has the gall to ask why! Like "Hey, why do you want to be free? Aren't you happy to serve me? Are you not having fun?"
"Yeah, but fun is not happiness!" Chloe even points out that she wants to be loved for who she truly is, not just have fun and adventures, Chloe needs something genuine, she also needs stability. But Rachel still refuses, "I hold you in my grasp" (!!!) and then even points out that seeing Chloe free, happy on her own, and seeing her thrive would make her envious. This plainly shows Rachel is an abuser! She can't stand the idea that Chloe can be happy without her, she needs to be the centre of her world!
And although Chloe reaches out for her, telling her "Then come with me, isn't that possible for you?", Rachel evades the question and basically tells her "Once we leave Arcadia Bay, I will make you so happy that you will forget that you're my prisoner and slave".
THIS IS NOT ROMANTIC! And people in the game PLUS many gamers are falling for it, since someone in the public screams "SAY YES!!" er... NO?! Chloe, run for your life!!?
Chloe was basically the caretaker of Rachel, and when Chloe wasn't enough, she looked for another. Rachel seduced Nathan (rich, abused and vulnerable but mentally ill), then Frank (an independent adult, but he was a drug dealer and not mentally stable) and then she fell for Jefferson, who had ticked all the boxes... Unfortunately for her, he was very much like her but worse!
Another point for LiS1, I don't believe David was an abusive step-father.
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Is he kind of a jerk, not the most tactful, and kinda sexist? Yep, all agreed. But people also forget that this guy has fought in a freaking war! Everyone justifies both Chloe and Rachel's actions with their traumas, but no one even thinks about how this guy must be full of traumas too. What he lived explains (not justify!!) that he's a bit paranoid and adamant about following rules and laws. And we tend to forget how he had a very good intuition for many things: he was suspicious about Jefferson very early, but no one took him seriously, for one!
And back to the stepfather thing, I saw many people talking shit bout how Chloe didn't feel safe at home because of him. This is bullcrap. If Chloe didn't feel safe, then why did she take drugs in her room?! Or hid the gun she stole from him under her mattress? Because she knew she would get away with it with, at worst, a slap. A slap she pushed David to give her, which is another abuser tactic btw - one she must have taken from Rachel, as we see how her speech, manners and even clothing mimic Rachel if you take BtS into account. In Life is Strange 2, there is a scene where you meet him, and if you have a saved game with the "Chloe survived ending", we see how she and Max keep in touch with him! They write letters and send him photos, and David calls her "his daughter" and even "Sweetie" as he picks up when Chloe calls him!!! ; and let's not forget the "your old man doesn't fear the heat." So Chloe even came to consider him as her father then! Do you seriously think she would if he had been an abusive piece of shit? I don't. If anything, Chloe must have acted on her realization at the end of the first game, where she told Max that David doesn't deserve to die in the storm and reached out when she felt ready.
19. You're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…
I'm at an age where I stop caring about the internet's opinion most of the time, I just want to chill and enjoy my things in my corner xD BUT I'm quite kind of surprised and embarrassed (sometimes) at some kinks I realised I enjoy more than I thought I should (still quite soft compared to what we can find!) like spanking for example. Or when I start a story and think "URGH this character is SO annoying, I can't stand them" then it changes to either "I love them" or "I want *insert character* to tame them"
23. Ship you've unwillingly come around to
Well, I've ranted about the game series, so I'll keep on it:
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I've spoken about Rachel/Chloe, so I'm not going to expand more, but for Pricefield (Chloe/Max)? Well, in summary, I'll say that Chloe did to Max exactly what Rachel did to her.
I'm not the purist kind, if you want to ship a toxic ship, it's totally okay! I can see the appeal! But most fanworks romanticise them way too much! They cut out all the toxic traits or interesting character development and make it all "pure from friend to lover" which isn't... that at all. I'd like them more if it was addressed that the pairings are not the healthiest, or if it was explicitly written under "toxic/abusive relationship"! Or just an "everything is fine/better AU", sure, go ahead! I love these AUs too, it would be fun and heartwarming to read slices of life stories/small comics with the characters without the tragedies awaiting them!
But at the moment, all I see is that Rachel was Chloe's toxic ex, and Chloe became Max's toxic ex-best/girlfriend (in the timeline where Chloe dies).
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chloe-caulfield94 · 7 months
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Lyrics from "Anti-Hero" by Taylor Swift (apart from Rachel's "you're not a problem" line, which comes from BtS).
I also made a game music video using this song:
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chloesnecklace · 2 years
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so.. i just read these 2 reddit posts,, they’re deep dive analysis’ about rachel as a character and the amberprice relationship as a whole. and wow is it fucking good. it doesn’t ignore the flaws of rachel but it doesn’t completely bash her either, or claim how amberprice was entirely toxic. it’s so beautiful and i’m on the verge of tears because it’s everything i’ve been wanting to tell people. it’s so perfect. it’s 6am and i’m super busy in a few hours but i decided to read these 2 loooong posts about my favorite ship on earth. time well spent. i wish everyone could see these posts. and the next time i get into an argument w someone abt rachel’s relationship with chloe, i’ll definitely quote some of the shit said in those posts. i’m in awe truly. rachel and chloe as people & their relationship is not the horrible situation u make it out to be.
https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisstrange/comments/ost3cc/all_a_different_perspective_on_amberprices/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf (amberprice)
https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisstrange/comments/kz7kj8/all_rachel_amber_the_broken_angel_who_demonized/ (rachel)
both written by the same person. i’m impressed and in love. an instant follow.
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thousandfireworks · 3 months
Authors whose books you have to avoid because they are problematic.
Abigail Hing Wen.
Alex Aster.
Alice Hoffman.
Alice Oseman.
Alison Win Scotch. ‘Terrorism is never acceptable. Not in Israel.’
Allie Sarah.
Amber Kelly.
Amy Harmon.
Annabelle Monaghan.
Anna Akana.
Aurora Parker.
Benjamin Alire Sáenz.
Brandon Sanderson. Islamophobic.
Carissa Broadbent. Said that hamas is doing violence against innocence.
Chloe Walsh. Siding with Israel in the name of humanity.
Christina Lauren. Believe that Israel is the victim. A racist, also Islamophobic.
Colleen Hoover.
Cora Reilly. Travel to Israel despite criticism.
Danielle Bernstein. Islamophobic.
Danielle Lori.
Deke Moulton. Said hamas is terrorist.
Dian Purnomo.
Eliza Chan.
Elle Kennedy.
Elyssa Friedland.
Emily Henry.
Emily Mclntire.
Emily St. J. Mandel. Admiring Israel.
Gabrielle Zevin. Wrote a book about anti-Palestine. Mentioned Israel multiple times without context on his book.
Gregory Carlos. Israeli author. A zionist.
Hannah Whitten.
Hazel Hayes. Reposted a post about October 7th.
Heidi Shertok.
Jamie McGuire.
Jay Shetty. ‘Violence is happening in Israel.’
Jean Meltzer.
Jeffery Archer. Wrote a book with a mc Israel operative (mossad) in a positive and anti terrorist light.
Jennifer Hartman. Liked a post about pro-Israel.
Jen Calonita.
Jessa Hastings.
Jill Santopolo. Said that Israel has right to exist and fight back.
John Green.
Jojo Moyes.
J. Elle.
J. K. Rowling. Support genocide. Racist. Islamophobic.
Kate Canterbery.
Kate Stewart.
Katherine Howe.
Katherine Locke.
Kristin Hannah. Support Israel. Shared a donation link.
Laini Taylor.
Laura Thalassa. Islamophobic.
Lauren Wise. Cussed that Palestinian supporters would be raped in front of children.
Lea Geller. Thanked people who supports Israel.
Leigh Stein.
Lilian Harris. A racist. Blocking people who educates about colonialism in Palestine and call them disgusting.
Lisa Barr. A daughter of Holocaust survivor. Support Israel.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery.
Lisa Steinke.
Liz Fenton.
Lynn Painter. Afraid of getting cancelled as a pro-Palestine and posted a template afterwards.
L. J. Shen. Her husband joins idf (Israel army).
Mariana Zapata.
Marie Lu.
Marissa Meyer.
Melissa de la Cruz.
Michelle Cohen Corasanti.
Michelle Hodkin. Spread false rumors about arab-hamas. Islamophobic.
Mitch Albom. ‘We shouldn't blame Israel for surviving attacks or defending against them.’
Monica Murphy. Siding with Israel.
Naomi Klein.
Navah Wolfe.
Neil Gaiman. Suggested Palestinians unite with Israel and become citizens.
Nicholas Sparks.
Nic Stone. Talked nonsense that children in Palestinian refugee camp are training to be martyrs for Allah because they felt it was their call in life.
Nyla K.
Olivia Wildenstein. Blocking people who disagree with Israel wrongdoing.
Pamela Becker.
Penelope Douglas.
Pierce Brown.
Rachel Lynn Solomon.
Rebecca G. Martinez.
Rebecca Yarros. ‘I despise violence’ her opinion about what's happening in Gaza. Blocking people who calls her a zionist.
Rena Rossner.
Renee Ahdieh.
Rick Riordan.
Rina Kent.
Rivka (noctem.novelle).
Rochelle Weinstein.
Romina Garber. ‘These terrorist attacks do nothing to improve the lives of Palestinians people.’
Roshani Chokshi. Encourage people to donate to Israel.
Samantha Greene Woodruff.
Sarah J. Mass. Her book contained ideology of zionism.
Stephanie Garber. Promoting books by zionist author (Sarah J. Mass)
Skye Warren.
Sonali Dev.
Talia Carner.
Tarryn Fisher. Said ‘there was terrorist attack in Israel.’
Taylor Jenkins Reid. Posted a video about genocide.
Tere Liye. Rumoured to have ghoswriters to write his books and never give credit to them.
Tillie Cole.
Tracy Deon.
Trinity Traveler (Ade Perucha Hutagaol). Rumour to wrote book about handsome Israelis.
T. J. Klune.
Uri Kurlianchik.
Veronica Roth.
Victoria Aveyard. ‘Israel has the right to exist.’ quote from her about the issue.
V. E. Schwab. Shared a donation link and video about Israel.
Yuval Noah. ‘Israel has the right to do anything to defend themselves.’
Zibby Owens.
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dalekofchaos · 1 month
Life Is Strange Scream au
So I've been thinking of doing an au where Scream happens in Arcadia Bay. LIS has a great cast of characters that could fit Scream so much!
Max has no powers. Warren is the Randy of this au. Victoria is a Gale like figure. David is the anti-Dewey. No one is safe.
"Opening kill". Rachel Amber. Rachel is waiting for Chloe. She gets a phone call and it's someone who is enamored by her. Rachel is the most popular girl in school and everyone in Arcadia Bay loves her. He calls her about her favorite scary movie. Rachel has good taste and says Twin Peaks or The Shining. This caller just wants to see what her insides are like.
The creepy stalker breaks into the Amber house and seemingly stabs her.
There is blood everywhere and when James and Rose Amber returns they are horrified. But the person who broke into their home and hurt their daughter sneaks behind them and kills them.
It's reported that Rachel Amber and her parents were butchered. But there is no trace of Rachel.
Max is horrified about the news about Rachel. Chloe doesn't believe she died and convinces Max to help her find Rachel.
Max is attacked in her dorm and is saved by Warren and Brooke.
In light of the news of Rachel's disappearance and Max's attack, the Vortex Club only gets meaner. Nathan threatens Max and her friends and then Chloe gets up and kicks Nathan in the balls.
Viral vid still happens and Max is unable to save Kate.
David treats everyone like a suspect. From the Vortex Club, to the teachers, to Max, to any student and to his own step-daughter.
Max, Chloe and Warren altogether investigate the killings.
They find Rachel's phone and find threatening and obsessive messages from Frank Bowers. Treating her like an object, demanding sex and one message from a private number threatening to kill her and her family if she doesn't reply.
The Vortex Club hosts a party. And it turns into a fucking bloodbath. The killers kill Hayden, Zach, Logan, Courtney, Taylor, and Courtney. and Stella, Dana, Juliet, Daniel, Luke, Justin and Trevor severely injured.
The last thing Max and Chloe can see before the cops get here is Nathan running away with blood all over his hands.
Max calls out Victoria for Kate's suicide. Victoria is defensive but remorseful. She didn't mean for Kate to die or any of her friends to die. Victoria decides to join Max to bring justice for everyone who died.
Joyce is working the graveyard shift and the Price household is empty. Chloe uses this opportunity to get Max, Warren, Victoria and Brooke to investigate and come up with a probable conclusion on who the killers are. Warren pulls a Randy and uses horror movie logic to help with the investigation.
All signs point to Nathan Prescott and Frank Bowers.
David is called away. Principal Wells discovers that Mark Jefferson is missing.
Max and Chloe confronts Frank. It does not go well. Frank shoots Chloe in the leg, but Chloe shoots him in the dick and lets him bleed out.
Brooke is attacked and Chloe goes to get help.
Max is attacked and chased by Ghostface.
Warren helps her and they barricade inside Chloe's house. In the heat of the moment, Max kisses Warren.
Chloe is begging for Max to let her in and Max does. and then Nathan forces himself in too.
Nathan insists he is not the killer. He ran because his friends were dead and had his blood on their hands but he did not kill them. No one believes him. "GODDAMN IT CAULFIELD, I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!"
Chloe takes out her gun. "I know" and shoots Nathan.
"Welcome to the final act."
And then someone in a Ghostface costume comes down the stairs. They take the mask off. It's Rachel Amber. She shoots Warren(knocking him out, not killing him)
Chloe smirks as she kisses Rachel. "Surprised, Max?"
"Because this town destroyed my life. My father died and YOU. LEFT. ME! Then my mom hops onto Step-Fucker, lets him abuse me and covers it up. Five years to the date where everything went wrong"
Rachel's turn.
"My father lied to me my entire life. Turns out my mother wasn't my real mother and he had my birth mother killed before I could even meet her. Oh and if that's not enough EVERYONE used me. The Vortex Club. Frank. Nathan and Jefferson. Speaking of"
Rachel brings out Jefferson and Frank and shoots them both.
"See Mark here raped me. He raped Kate and was gonna do the same to you. The perfect scapegoat, right Chloe?"
"That's right babe. Jefferson and Frank are predators and Nathan was found redhanded at the crime scene. They have me and you at their mercy and then Rachel heroically returns and stops the killers."
"We could've just killed David, Frank, Mark and Nathan, but we both decided. Why not make a movie out of this?"
"What's going to happen to me?"
"That all depends on you Max. Admit it. You wanted the Vortex Club dead. LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO KATE! I don't want to kill you Max, you and Warren can make it out as the sole survivors for all we care. All we're asking is look the other way and let us get away with it."
Ending 1. Max, Warren and David stops Chloe and Rachel.
Max starts by calling them out. They didn't just hurt their abusers and the Vortex Club, they hurt innocents. People not involved with their abuse or Kate's death and that she'd rather die than stop them. Victoria and David rushes in and Chloe has Max held hostage. David subdues Rachel and before Chloe can kill Max, Warren stops her and David subdues Chloe. It's all over.
Final scene is a callback to the cutscene from the Scream script. Randy asked Sidney out and Sidney says "Obly if it's a nice Meg Ryan film" in this au Warren asks Max out and Max says "Only of it's a nice cheesey sci-fi movie" "Let's Go Ape" "Let's go ape!"
Ending 2. Max plays along.
Max agrees, she doesn't want Chloe to get away with it, but she can't let her or Rachel die. They were justified in why they did it. Max also has one condition. Let her kill Victoria. It was her viral vid that got Kate killed. Victoria and David arrive, but they find Max and Warren knocked out while Rachel gives her and Chloe's stories. David seemingly believes it but is skeptical and when Victoria checks on Max, Max slits her throat. "that was for Kate." Before David can get his gun out. Chloe stabs him in the throat and repeatedly. Rachel cheers her on and after Chloe's finished, they embrace and kiss passionately.
The police arrive. Max tells them all that Mark Jefferson, Frank Bowers and Nathan Prescott are the killers. Their last victims were Victoria Chase and David Madsen and she and Warren would've died if it weren't for herself, Chloe and Rachel.
They got away with it.
Warren has trouble remembering what happened. Max tells him the story. That Nathan shot him, Jefferson was going to kill her and Chloe and then Rachel came to the rescue. Warren believes it and glad they are okay.
Max, Chloe, Rachel and Warren leave Arcadia Bay together with Rachel holding onto Chloe as they drive away and Max holding Warren's hand
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loveregrown · 5 months
The average amberprice shipper thinks there's nothing wrong with them, that rachel is an angel and the only one chloe could ever love, and that them reuniting in heaven is the best fate for both of them. Well it's something the most boring people who have the utmost black and white view of life is strange do which is the one thing you shouldn't do when it comes to this game and how each character is at least a little flawed and overlook key aspects of what makes their relationship so fascinating and also refuse to acknowledge how horribly rachel hurt chloe. She really damaged her, but it isn't truly one sided considering they were mentally ill teenagers who enabled each other and clung to each other like leeches when they had nobody else! It's shown again and again through so much symbolism in BTS like chloe's nightmares which are some of my favorite scenes due to how haunting they are and telling of her state at the time unrelated to AP or the traintrack scene in BTS vs LIS1 that's so blatant it's almost like a slap to the face, and I also hate I hateeee rachel antis who think she's a malicious master manipulator too despite the fact at points she like definitely did use chloe, and blame her for being a victim of grooming. Go to hell. Why does she have to be an angel or a devil, when to be dehumanized by others and herself is what doomed her and lead to her haunting the narrative? To put her on a pedestal would be the last thing she'd want, even if she did this to herself, and chloe subconsicously did, too. She's my little princess but also their relationship was built off of horrors but they really genuinely needed each other and loved each other so, so much and so earnestly. It's just that chloe wasn't Enough for rachel, who had such big dreams, and chloe never got to Truly know her either even if she came So close to it. So close... the pain makes their love more beautiful, almost. They deserved good things and it's heartbreaking. Their twisted ass situationship that lives in my heart forever. But I've already talked about this countless times before I'm like a broken record I just like them so much & I'm too autistic about it ... I think maybe they could've had a future together if they really tried and resolved their issues even a little, but the fact they didn't get to is so tragic and captivating. Uuuu chloe's delusional 16 year old baby lesbian adventures. There's this part where she confronts joyce in how she's using her relationship with david to cope but almost Everything she says can be applied to how she's using her relatioship with rachel to cope with the loss of max and it makes me a little crazy. I don't think it's endgame, but something doesn't have to be endgame to be special. To be meaningful.
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Hello People of Earth!
Here's some stuff about me 🪻
I'm Leticia, latina, white
I use she/her (but fuck gender)
I love a good ol' communismm :3
I'm queer! -- which means I'm an aroace badass
I'm vegan - pls ask me anything before judging :)
Meet my interests 🐳
Books! Fantasy, fiction, drama and queer stuff
I adore indie, pop rock, mpb and alt music
Luv cooking plant-based food!
Ranting about political matters -- feminism, anti-racism, anti-capitalism, anti-transphobia, anti-ableism, intersectional veganism and all that stuff
Goddesses and witchcraft (I still know very little of those)
Writing! I do a bit, though it scares me 🙃
Main fandoms 🌌
Osemanverse -- frances/georgia/isaac kinnie
Steven Universe
Brazilian literature!!!!
Erin Morgenstern's books
The Raven Cycle
Young Royals
Star Wars
The Mirror Visitor
Bee and Puppycat
Pride and Prejudice 2005™
Studio Ghibli
Brand New Animal (BNA)
She-ra reboot
and so on so forth
Music ☔
I'm in love with Rachel Chinouriri, Luiza Brina, Dodie, Sir Chloe, Conan Gray, Marina Diamandis, Moses Sumney, Chico Buarque, Akira Rae, Britanny Howard, Liniker, Beth McCarthy and some other artists :)
That's it! don't know what to say, I'm a pretty weird human being and I've got no idea how to have a conversation like a person, though I can try 🦭
please be kind <3
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Kate: What's going on?
Max: Chloe thinks "homophobic" means "scared of gay people."
Chloe: *standing in the middle of an anti-gay protest with Rachel* If I don't have one million dollars on my doorstep in an HOUR I swear I will KISS THIS WOMAN on the MOUTH in front of your children!!!
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dreanner95 · 3 years
This isn’t a Anti-Ship post. I just want to share how good Life is Strange is at having emotional beats and character moments while never contradicting any one interpretation of the story told. For example, Deck 9 could firmly establish Rachel as either very manipulative from the start or a misunderstood girl that was more or less forced into a situation she didn’t know how to deal with. But instead their version of Rachel is a person that Chloe can fall in love with very easily with hints of becoming someone toxic but never really saying if this is what happened. That makes way for a lot of interpretations of her and her relationship with Chloe. You could argue this is bad writing but this isn’t a book or a tv show. This is an choice based adventure game. Deck 9 respecting that there are multiple equally valid interpretations of this same story out there and giving each side vadility is huge. Like I for example think that Chloe and Rachel had a healthy romantic relationship that turned sour due to both of them. Chloe grew too attached to Rachel and Rachel had all her family live shattering around her. So because of how it turned out, I personally don’t ship them and while Chloe and Max aren’t completly healthy too, I see both of them working on being better for each other. But that is only one way to interpretet this story. This story, more than any other, makes me see other interpretations where Max and Chloe are seen the way I see Rachel and Chloe and I completly understand what they mean and how they could reach this conclusion.
So when I played Wavelenghts and heard Rachel and Chloe interacting in the early days of their relationship, it felt bittersweet to me, because to me that was the only good phase in their relationship. But this same moment give Amberprice shippers the feels the same way the Farwells bonus episode or the comics do. We all deserve those moments because every interpretation is valid.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 7 months
Chloe's reaction to Rachel's and Frank's photograph
Chloe's angry reaction to finding Rachel's and Frank's photographs, especially her angry tirade how everyone in her life keeps letting her down, is brought up as an example of Chloe being self-absorbed and demanding. "Selfish", as she herself would put it in her darkest moment.
But I think her anger in that moment is not only understandable, it is justified.
When I played the game for the first time, I thought that her anger in that moment was caused by jealousy. She found out that the girl she was in love with not only didn't love her back, but was sleeping with (and possibly in love with) someone else.
But now I think her anger was caused by something else. It was anger at seeing the foundations of her life unraveling again, through no fault of her own.
Before William's accident, Chloe was a daddy's girl, straight-As student from the suburbs. Before her father's death it was easy for Chloe to believe that putting effort into building her life made sense and paid off. She tried to be a good daughter, good friend and good student. And those efforts gave fruit - her close relation with her parents, her strong friendship with Max, her academic achievements.
But then William died and Max's parents moved her to Seattle. Despite Chloe's best efforts, her life collapsed, through no fault of her own. The two pillars of her life - family and friendship - were torn down by forces outside of her control. So she didn't bother fighting to keep the last pillar - her academic achievements - standing. Why would she bother? What's the point of building anything if it can be torn down at any moment? She became resigned. She thought her life ended before it even properly began.
But then she started to build again. Her future with Rachel. A fresh start, far beyond Arcadia Bay. How enticing the prospect of beginning anew must have been to someone who thought their life was already over?
When Chloe first floated the idea of skipping town, she didn't really mean it. She just said it to express her negative attitude towards the town that treated her with disdain. But when Rachel took it seriously, Chloe quickly warmed up to the idea too. And soon, that idea became the only thing allowing her to go on. The only thing that she was willing to put effort into. The only thing she was willing to build.
In two days, she fixed up a broken wreck into a working vehicle. She kept tinkering with it, even though it took considerable amount of effort and money (that she never had in abundance, to say the least). Just look at the repair bills in her room. She did that so she and Rachel had the means to leave town.
To leave town and begin anew, especially in a large, expensive city, Chloe and Rachel needed money. Chloe was willing to do anything and everything to scrounge money for their new life together. When Frank offered her a job collecting Drew's debt, Chloe's first thought was that it would be 100 dollars towards skipping town with Rachel. From conversations Chloe has with Max in Season 1 it seems pretty clear that she did many more such jobs for Frank over the years (she said she hung around with Frank for money, but also emphatically denied he was ever one of her "bad boys"). Chloe was willing to become an accomplice to a violent criminal who treated her like shit, just to earn some cash for her escape with Rachel.
It is never clearly explained how her 3000 USD debt to Frank came to be. Perhaps he captured her in a debt spiral, balooning an initially small sum of money by adding outrageous "interest", as criminals like to do. Maybe Frank used the fact that Chloe's depressed mind and body craved weed, a natural anti-depressant, so he kept giving her "little somethings" and putting them on the tab, until it accumulated to a sum large enough he started using his switchblade in attempts to collect.
But given that the bill for Chloe's truck's repairs is almost exactly 3000 dollars, it is possible, if not probable, that she borrowed the money for that exact purpose. Keep in mind that Chloe's truck is fully functional in Season 1. It doesn't look like a vehicle needing 3000 dollars in essential repairs anymore, which would probably render it inoperable.
And Chloe was even willing to pretend to be interested in Nathan, someone who always treated her with disdain and hostility, even when she saved him from bullying and played the matchmaker between him and Samantha. She was willing to pretend to be interested in him just for an opportunity to swipe a couple hundred bucks from his wallet. She bet on Nathan getting drunk. How far would she go if he didn't?
Chloe was willing to put any and all effort to build her future life with Rachel. She fixed up a broken truck specifically so that the two of them would have an escape vehicle. She did odd jobs for a violent criminal to scrounge up money for them. She possibly went heavily into debt with said violent criminal, just to keep the car they needed to escape operational. She was willing to debase herself by pretending to be interested in Nathan, just to swipe a little bit of cash for her and Rachel. And from her perspective, she almost got date raped because of that.
Chloe's commitment to fulfilling Rachel's dream of skipping town was absolute. Her life was based around that dream.
To discover that Rachel never actually intended to leave town with her must have been crushing for Chloe. The dream that she worked so hard for, that she suffered for, that she swallowed her pride for, turned out to be a lie. Rachel would never skip town with her. The chance for a new life, for a fresh start somewhere else, turned out to be a mirage. Once again, her life collapsed. The construction she had put great effort into once again was torn down, through no fault of her own, because of actions of other people that were outside her control.
When Chloe asks why didn't Rachel tell her about Frank, Max responds "because she knew how you would react". Max doesn't know the ins and outs of Chloe's and Rachel's friendship. She probably also thought, like I did initially, that Chloe was just being jealous about a girl she had a crush on. So Max thought Rachel kept quiet about Frank, because she didn't want Chloe to throw a jealous fit.
But that's not what Chloe meant. Chloe didn't ask why Rachel didn't tell her she was taken. Chloe asked why didn't Rachel tell her she wasn't actually going to leave town with her. Why did she keep her hanging on? Why didn't she realease her from the mesmerizing promise of a better tomorrow if she knew it was a lie? Why did she allow Chloe to live in a lie for years?
Chloe's anger is not jealousy. It's the anger of someone who just found out that the only thing keeping them going on was a lie. That once again, everything she'd built was torn down by someone else. Yes, if Rachel ever told her about Frank, Chloe would've been angry. Because Rachel should've told her that she wasn't actually going to leave town. Not with her. She should've released Chloe from the hold she had over her, instead of letting her build something condemned from the start.
Chloe's words about Rachel "betraying her" and "not being much of a friend, just another person shitting on her" are harsh. But how would you call promising someone hopeless a better tomorrow, a future together and then taking such a gift back?
I don't think that Rachel wanted to hurt Chloe. Just like I would never think Max wanted to hurt Chloe by not writing letters, not calling and not responding to texts. I think that for the first few months after William's death Max had no idea how to comfort a friend with a dead dad. And after that she was ashamed of her silence and assumed Chloe had moved on.
But sometimes people end up hurting others even if that wasn't their intention, especially if they hurt them with indifference. Maybe Rachel thought Chloe would get the hint and realize their joint escape from town was no longer on the table on her own. Maybe she thought it was none of Chloe's business who she was dating. But no matter what motivated her, she did hurt Chloe. Unfortunately, unlike Max, she never got the chance to make up for that hurt to her friend.
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chloesnecklace · 2 years
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hiii! ★ welcome to my tumblr blog !!
i’m rachel, an autistic lesbian with a major lis special interest
this blog is basically just hella shitposts of lis.. nothing special. i make content here & there
i also rant & post some nsfw here & there, so don’t follow if u don’t like it </3
my tags if u wanna stalk me (i mainly put them here so i don’t forget):
show the ra antis, amber’s favz, amber’s autizzy, ambers posts, ambers VIRAL posts?!, ambers nightime toilet sitting, amber’s fanfic requests, ambers fanfic favz, my chloe price obsession, amber’s art, amber’s fanfics, ambers playlists, ambers daydreams, my shifting journey, IRL RA, ambers diys, animal crossing
thanks for stopping by!
-RA ♡ -
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r4tb4b3 · 4 years
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"Love" how just a day or two after I comment about people coming into her tag demonizing Rachel for a few toxic character traits she happens to have (and not doing the same to other characters who show an equal amount of negative character traits) we got someone in the tag doing the very thing.
Like? If you don't like Rachel use the fucking anti-Rachel Amber tag! It's there for a reason! The vast majority of Rachel fans are well aware of her flaws! We don't need you flooding the tag with your salty and below freezing takes.
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nxrthmizu · 5 years
-Lordbug, Robin and Kitty Noir- Chapter Six: In Which Marinette Befriends Her Ex-Bully
/Part One//Part Two//Part Three//Part Four//Part Five//Part Six//Part Seven//Part Eight//Part Nine//Part Ten//Part Eleven/
Description: Uhhh exactly what the title says + akuma attack but instead of being the cause of Chloe, it’s Lila
Warnings: Cursing, self-harm and suicidal feelings, bullying
“Alright class, settle down!” The teacher yelled, a scowl worn on her thin lips. “Today we’ll be doing your first assessment- A group project. I have already decided your groups, and they will be as followed- Rose and Juleka, Alya and Lila, ...” The teacher droned on, and Marinette blanked out, only listening for her name, hoping that she’d be paired with Damian. “... Damian and Adrien, Marinette and Chloe. That’s it. Now get to work!” She snapped, banging her papers on the desk loudly. 
Damian turned to Agreste with a grim smile. Great. His enemy. Perfect. 
“Good luck, angel.” He murmured to her, moving over to Agreste’s desk. He hoped she didn’t notice, but when he passed her, his fingers had accidentally trailed past hers, and now his cheeks were burning. 
Well, she noticed. But it wasn’t really the top of her lists of things to deal with. 
Chloe grudgingly moved up, sitting where Damian had been a few moments ago. Marinette cleared her throat awkwardly, drawing out a piece of paper. “So... Um, do you have any ideas for the project?” She asked meekly. 
“Look, Dupain-Cheng, I’m... Sorry.” Chloe snapped. “I... Didn’t realize that bullying was that bad, and having experienced it with Rossi, I... I’m sorry.” 
Marinette smiled softly. “It’s okay. We’re both Lila’s victims... Truce?” She smiled, extending her hand. Chloe’s eyes narrowed, catching a trace of some pale pink lines underneath the sweater sleeve, but she didn’t say anything and only shook her hand. 
“This doesn’t mean we’re friends, Dupain-Cheng.” Chloe proclaimed. “Just allies.” 
Marinette giggled a little at it. Who knew? Chloe reminded her of Plagg- Both really just soft kitties on the inside, just a little rough on the outside. “Alright, Chloe.” 
Across the room, Damian had been glaring at Chloe. He had figured out some time ago that Chloe used to bully his precious angel... And he did not trust Chloe at all. His glare, if translated into words, would spell: If you hurt my angel, I will end you. 
Chloe coughed awkwardly. 
“Dupain-Cheng, could you please ask your... Boyfriend to stop glaring?” 
Marinette giggled. “He’s not my boyfriend... And Damian’s just like that. You’ll like him once you get to know him.” 
Chloe seemed to doubt this. “Right.” 
“Um... Why are you following me, Chloe?” Marinette asked, curious as to why the blonde had insisted in following her the moment she stepped out of the classroom to get home. 
“You need to do something about your clothes.” Chloe rolled her eyes. “You need a new style, and who better to ask than me?” She flipped her hair, flaring her ‘gorgeousness’. 
Marinette laughed. “Of course, Chloe.”
A cough interrupted the two girls. “If you don’t mind, Bourgeois, I can walk Marinette home.” 
The said girl blushed. There. That was the second time- That she could remember, anyway, he called her name. 
“Nuh-uh.” Chloe refused. “She’s going home in my limo. Shoo. Go away. It’s girl time, boy.” 
And that was how Chloe left Damian speechless, standing alone as Chloe dragged a giggling Marinette on to the car. Shaking his head, he figured that more friends would do his angel well- Although that still didn’t mean that he liked that the mayor’s daughter was taking his angel for him, he supposed it was for the better. 
“Alright. We need to do something about... This.” Chloe huffed, pointing at all of Marinette. 
“But you just pointed at all of me.” (Httyd anyone?) Marinette sighed. 
“Exactly. Now take off that sweater and let’s see what other clothes you have.” Chloe instructed, already beginning to go through her closet. 
No. If I take off my sweater, she’ll see my- 
“Take it off. Don’t worry, I won’t stare. Quite sure that there isn’t anything to stare at, anyway.” Chloe mused, urging the other girl to take off the sweater. 
“No!” Marinette refused. She can’t see my scars-
“What is this?” Chloe breathed, looking at the pale lines that revealed themselves when the sweater sleeve pulled up a little. The girl immediately pulled the sleeves back down defensively, but Chloe Bourgeouis wouldn’t take a no for an answer. She forced the sweater off Marinette, gasping at all the red lines on her arms- Some fresher than the rest- Recent marks. 
“M-Marinette...” Chloe faltered, beginning to reach over to trail her fingers over the marks. When Marinette retracted, she angrily reached out, grabbing the dark-haired girl’s hand forcefully. “Do your parents know about this?” She demanded. 
The girl shook her head feverishly, trying to yank her arm from Chloe’s grip, but since she’d been eating less and less, she wasn’t in any state to fight against the well-nourished daughter of the mayor. 
Chloe shook her head in shock. “Where are... Your knives? Tell me where they are.” 
After the blonde insisted fiercely for a few more times, Marinette revealed a drawer in which a few small kitchen knives lay hidden, wrapped with felt. Without a pause, Chloe reached out for them, shoving them into her bag. “I’m taking these from you.” She told Marinette sternly. “And from now on, every day, I will check your arms. If I see any new marks, I’ll tell your parents about this. You don’t want them to worry, right?” Chloe indeed knew Marinette well- She would never want to bother her parents with such a matter. “Then don’t do it.” 
She nodded. “Sorry.” She murmured softly, looking guilty. 
Chloe snarled. “What are you sorry for? Be sorry for yourself! This is pathetic. Don’t hurt yourself! You’re important, whether you believe it or not! You’ve organized so many things last year. Where’s our old class president? The independent, confident Marinette? That’s you.” Chloe pointed right at the other girl. “This- This isn’t you. You used to fight back when I bullied you. It’s the same thing with Lila. You fight back.” Seeing the girl shivering, Chloe softened, taking the girl’s hands into her own. “You aren’t alone.” 
Marinette sniffled a little, nodding. “Thank you, Chloe.” 
The blonde huffed. “Now. We need to do something about your outlook. Drop the pigtails. We’ve got to make you look more confident. If you look confident, you will be confident.” 
“AKUMA!” A shrill scream from outside interrupted the two girls’ moment.
“I- Chloe, can I ask a favor?” Marinette murmured, her eyes pleading. “Please, please, please, go out there as Kitty Noir for me. I can’t.” 
The blonde took a few seconds to process this. “You’re- Oh god, you’re Kitty Noir.” 
The cat Kwami immediately protested. “Marinette! You can’t do that! You’re the only true cat!” 
“Oh god.” Chloe was panicking now. No. She had to help. “Paris needs you, Mari. Get out there and kick some akuma butt.” She told her sternly.
“I can’t.” Marinette whimpered. “Paris deserves better.” 
“I chose you for a reason! And I never make the wrong choice!” Plagg hissed. “So get out there. Say it, Marinette.” 
“Plagg... Claws out.” 
Moments after she transformed, she detransformed. “I can’t do this.” She sobbed. 
“Maybe- Maybe we could get another miraculous,” Plagg suggested, eyes lighting up. “Come on, Mari. Robin and Lordbug are waiting!” 
“Alright...” She sighed reluctantly. “Where do we get a miraculous, Plagg?” 
“Fu’s place.”
When Kitty Noir and Chloe landed outside of Fu’s massage shop, Robin had already gotten ready and was jumping out of Damian’s bedroom. If he had been a second earlier, Kitty would’ve caught him coming out of Damian’s room- Which would’ve revealed his identity. 
“You’re asking for this miraculous because?” Master Fu asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“I... I can’t do it alone.” Marinette’s voice cracked. “I’m not deserving to be the black cat, sir. Please take the ring back.” 
“Plagg has made his choice.” Master Fu answered, smiling in knowingness. “Besides, Robin needs you.” Realizing the mistake he made, he coughed and immediately tried to correct it. “And so does Lordbug.” Turning to Chloe, he scrutinized her a second before picking out the bee miraculous. “This is the bee miraculous. Secure it with your life.” 
“Now go out there and kick that akuma ass.” 
“This is Queen Bee.” Kitty introduced, jumping in to block a blow from the akuma- An ex-classmate of Lila’s, who’d shown up in Paris for a vacation- But had accidentally found Lila, and in wanting revenge for what Lila did, gave into Hawkmoth’s orders. Don’t ask Robin how he knew that. He’s Robin. He just knows. 
“Right. Help out, yea?” Robin grunted, kicking away another flying object that the akuma flung at him. 
“I want revenge from Lila Rossi! Where are you, huh, you lying bitch?” The akuma roared. 
“Woah.” Queen Bee muttered under her breath. “Guess we aren’t her only victims.” 
A look of warning from Kitty reminded the girl to protect their identities. And honestly, if Robin had been paying attention, he’d have immediately guessed their identities. 
“Kitty, Bee, go find Lila Rossi! I have a plan.” Robin growled, leaping away from a crashing car. 
The two superheroes nodded, running off. 
“I think he wants to use her as bait,” Kitty said, panting a little as they sprinted over the rooftops, Queen Bee still trying to get used to her powers. 
“Well, I hope she gets killed in the process,” Bee muttered off-handedly under her breath, making Kitty laugh. 
“Let’s not get our hopes up.” Kitty grinned, jumping off a building to where the girl had been spotted. 
“Kitty Noir!” Lila gushed over the superhero, beaming. Kitty only stepped back from the girl before Queen Bee pushed her forward. 
“We need your help.” Queen Bee smiled forcedly. “Come with us.” 
Lila was placed on the tip of the building, in the perfect view of the flying akuma. 
“I really hope she gets hit.” Queen Bee sighed, crossing her fingers. 
“Honestly, same.” Robin sympathized. “She keeps hurting my angel.” 
Queen Bee raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Your angel?” 
Robin glared at her. “Marinette.” He sighed. “She’s perfect.” 
Queen Bee nearly hooted before nudging Kitty Noir, who only blushed and stepped on her foot with force, earning a shriek out of the yellow superhero. 
“Quiet!” Robin hissed, glaring daggers at Queen Bee, who only huffed, annoyed. “The akuma’s coming, take cover.” He instructed. 
“Lila! Oh, we meet again, old friend.” The akuma cackled, tracing a finger creepily down Lila’s shoulder. “I’m going to make you vomit all those lies you omitted!” 
Glancing over the ledge, the three superheroes watched as the akuma laced lines to Lila- Lines that were attached to a controller. Lila had become a puppet. 
“Holy shit.” Robin breathed, watching the thing unfold. “That’s some badass villain shit we got. Alright. Here’s the plan.” 
The two turned to him. 
“Okay, we don’t have a plan.” 
“I lied to Sancha and Molly. I said that you didn’t want to join them.” Lila confessed, choking as the akuma continued to cackle, pulling on the strings. Alya, nearby, waiting for the superheroes, looked on, horrified. “I lied. It wasn’t Marinette who threatened me. I threatened Marinette. I told Chloe if she didn’t chase Sabrina from herself, I would.” Lila continued to choke as a smoke substance left her throat, each lie she confessed getting darker and darker. 
“Marinette was innocent. So was Chloe. So was Lily, Freya, Angelina, Pomeline-” The girl continued to spout the names of the people she’d destroyed. 
“I think we know who the true villain is, here.” The akuma spat, jerking on a line that made Lila slap herself. 
“But that doesn’t mean you have to hurt the villain.” Kitty Noir spoke up before Queen Bee or Robin could stop her. 
“Hmp! As if you understand.” The akuma harrumphed. 
“I’ve been bullied before. I know how it feels. Everyone turning against you, you’re alone. There’s no way out.” Kitty Noir continued, slowly stepping towards the akuma. “It doesn’t mean they’re right, but it doesn’t mean you need revenge. It makes you the same as them. It makes you the very person you didn’t want to become.” 
“She destroyed my life. My friends all left me.” The akuma hissed, black tears falling down to the earth like stained rain. 
“So did mine.” Her voice was quiet. 
The akuma stared at her in stunned silence. 
Take her miraculous!
“Hawkmoth.” Kitty began. “He’s a bully, too.”
“You said you were bullied.” The akuma sniffled. “What did you do? You said we shouldn’t take revenge. Then do we just stay quiet?” 
“No, because your feelings matter, too.” Queen Bee interrupted, standing up. “I’ve been a bully before. I didn’t know, and for that, I apologize.” Kitty could hear the truly sincere apology right there. “You don’t stay quiet. You fight back.” 
Kitty shot Bee a smile, taking her hand. “So, please. Hawkmoth is a bully. Give us your hand.” 
The akuma slowly landed, Lila limp in her hands. Her fingers reached out, but before she could take Kitty’s extended hand, Hawkmoth’s voice grew louder. 
Don’t listen to them! They’ll only lie to you, the way Lila did! 
“Take my hand.” 
She did. 
Never in his life had Robin been that impressed. He had never seen anyone convince a villain out of, well, villainy. His whole life he’d been taught to fight and that was it. He’d never been taught to talk, to give chances. And for that, he respected Kitty, Bee, and most of all, his angel. 
“It’s alright.” Kitty hushed as Robin ‘disappeared’, and Lordbug appeared to purify the akuma. “What’s your name?” 
“Rachel Roth.”
(In this au, Raven isn’t in the teen titans. I’m planning to put Chloe and Raven in a relationship (It’s that or Chloe with Nathaniel, but I like the idea of Chloe as a bully growing with a bully victim as the love interest.)) 
(Tag list! @yin-390 @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @constancetruggle @the-navistar-carol @never-neverland @rayray384 @mystery-5-5 @black-streak @bluerosette23 @seraphichan @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @mikantsume @graduatedmelon @thebookwormfairy @crazylittlemunchkin @shizukiryuu @screamingtofillthevoid @serenacross200 @zestyzealot @redscarlet95 @roseinbloom02 @beautym3 @resignedcatservant @sizzling-fairy-oil @tinybrie @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry )
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loveregrown · 7 months
Actually, I don't have many qualms with LIS:BTS when I really think about it, comparatively I am one of the people who genuinely like it and have positive feelings towards it enough to have replayed it a few times, albeit not the 150+ hours I have on LIS1... the setting and the soundtrack. Even if I think a lot couldve been done better, I grew to love the voice acting which many hated due to being different (really, chloes va sounds JUST like a young ashly burch! What made it bad is she tried too hard to sound like chloe price, but that adds more charm, in a weird way, adds to chloe's 16 year old awkwardness)... I like what I know of Rachel in LIS1, what she represents, but loved mostly every second of seeing her in her Almost rawest state considering chloe never got to see the deepest darkest parts of her especially as Rachel grew up, she did get to see so much of what laid beneath the surface, at least, even if she never Truly knew her. Its funny how easily fans get manipulated by rachel just as chloe does, I am not one to believe she is a master manipulator at all because Im not a rachel anti just a genuine rachel enjoyer, but lijw, wow, what worked on chloe worked on you and thats pretty funny. I think what i least liked about it were the subplots but that was for the sake of adding something to keep you playing I suppose, since rachels fate is clear. So much of it made me really emotional, it kept up the themes of exploration of different family dynamics that I liked in LIS but like... Really went deep into it, really really, with multiple characters and I liked that. Took advantage of such things wirh rachels family anf chloes too. Touched on a lot of stuff I liked a lot. I liked how to see how chloe was treated by others. Liked the scene where they act in a play. Liked their fucked up codependent situationship.... I liked how awkward chloe was as a baby and how clear which parts she ended up stealing from rachels personality in LIS1 were... the nightmare scenes are so so chilling and well done I feel like. I can really feel chloes pain in them. I liked her journal and how unlike maxs theyre all unsent letters to a max that resides in her head... bah... I really like so much about bts I didnt evenget into all of it. Like LIS1 it was janky I suppose and maybe in different ways from it but I like it. Altho im rly critical of it most fo the time and share a lot of the feelints some LIS1 fans have
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