#anti-dandruff cooling tonic
kimayraworld-blog · 2 years
The old trend is the new trend – Kimayra Reetha powder for thick and long hair
Are you spending your precious time and money on a hair spa? Are you concerned about the harmful effects of unnatural components you apply to your hair?
If yes, here we are with the informative blog that will resolve all your confusion and hair problems by giving you a magical organic remedy that has been used for generations by our ancestors, and that is "REETHA."
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 How can Reetha be used to ensure healthy hair?
 Reetha's scientific name is "SAPINDUS MUKOROSSI". Aretha, ritha or Indian soap nut are other commonly used words for Reetha. Reetha is a try-and-tested, highly valued plant in an ayurvedic medication known for its detoxifying and therapeutic qualities.
  Due to its antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-allergic properties, the dried fruit of the Reetha plant is used in various "natural organic shampoos " as it helps to protect your hair and scalp from the chemicals. Reetha contains the compound saponin, which has natural cleansing properties; it is used as an insecticide for removing parasites like lice on the hair scalp. It is a powerful natural solution for enhancing the beauty of hair. 
Keeping all the beneficial effects of Reetha in mind, Kimayra made ready-to-use Reetha powder using fine quality dried Reetha fruit (soap nut); it is 100% safe and organic. Regular use will be vital for your rough, dry and dull hair.
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 Why use KimayraReethapowder?
Have you ever heard the old saying that the building won't stand for long if the base or foundation is not strong enough? This phrase will suit our hair roots, too; if our hair roots are weak, which signifies a foundation, hair fall will be the most probable consequence, along with dull and undernourished hair. Kimayra Reetha powder rectifies the root cause of weak hair root foundation in the following ways:
1. Controls dandruff and itchy scalp: Reetha has an anti-dandruff property that helps remove dandruff from the scalp. It nourishes the skin as Reetha fruit is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K; these are essential for hair growth and prevent scalp dryness. It cools the scalp and is a natural remedy to heal skin problems.
 2. Enhances the volume and length of hair: Reetha powder comes along with many natural hair tonic ingredient properties that ensure good hair growth and thickness to your hair. In addition, it helps to condition hair and make it shiny, silky and bouncy. 
 3. Nourishes the hair and gives shine: It is an ideal component for nourishing and conditioning the hair as it has all naturally occurred nutrients for your hair care regime. When Reetha powder is used with henna, it conditions your hair and gives natural temporary colour to your hair.
 4. Works as insecticides: It has insecticidal properties that can control lice and clean your scalp thoroughly. In addition, regular use of Reetha powder will act as a cleanser, and it is suitable for hair types. 
 5.100% pure organic and eco-friendly: Just like Kimayra's other products, Reetha powder is extracted from a natural process using fine quality Reetha fruits and ensures that its natural properties are not affected. It is free from chemicals and an eco-friendly product. 
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 PRO TIP: For the best visible result, use Reetha powder twice a month.
  Here's how we come to the end of the blog. I hope you liked the information about the Reetha powder. Please let us know in the comment section if it is beneficial for you and how's your experience with Reetha powder.
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health-and-beauty01 · 2 years
Curry leaves are widely used in many countries traditional meals, they are very much use in cooking and medicine, it’s a small green leaf with distant flavor and fragrance, they have numerous medicinal and nutritional benefits as well as cosmetic uses also.
I'm going to discuss several incredible curry leaf benefits in this article, and I'm confident they'll persuade you to include them in your diet.
The high fiber content in curry leaves shows how quickly carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which helps regulate blood glucose levels. It helps the body produce more insulin, which has a hypoglycemic effect and controls blood sugar levels.
How to use curry leaves to control blood sugar
For blood control, you have to chew 8 to 10 curry leaves in the morning on an empty stomach, be sure you chew well to get the benefits, the curry leaves must mix well with your saliva, or you can make a juice of curry leaves and drink it in the morning before breakfast.
Curry leaves moisturize the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, and encourage hair development, in addition to preventing premature graying of hair and protecting your hair from damage. Curry leaves also protect against dandruff, itchy scalp and hair loss.
How to use curry leaves for hair growth
Curry leaves 20 to 30
Coconut oil 3 tablespoons
Wash 20 to 30 curry leaves, and then add the curry leaves and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil to a pan, and heat the mixture until the leaves are completely black. Your hair tonic is now ready; simply turn off the gas and let the oil cool to room temperature. Apply this oil on your scalp and hair twice a week to get healthy and shiny hair.
Curry leaves provide detoxifying molecules and aid in cleansing your bodies because they include substances called carbazole alkaloids, which prevent weight gain and lower blood levels of LDL, a type of bad cholesterol, and helps you with weight loss. Read more
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gotirth · 3 years
Gotirth Dermol Liquid - Online Ayurvedic Medicine | GoTirth
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Dermol is the perfect ayurvedic medicine for all skin disorders regardless or your skin type (oily, dry, etc.) It safely and effectively cures most skin ailments and improves overall complexion of skin throughout the entire body, not just face. The main ingredient in Dermol is gomutra, a blood purifier therefore cleansing and detoxifying the entire body, as well as balancing hormones and the three doshas, which are the main causes of skin diseases. Acharya Shodal describes Aloe Vera as Kushthavinashini, “the substance that destroys all skin diseases.” This is due to its cooling and soothing properties, which alleviate burns, irritation, rash, insect bites, herpes, allergic reactions, wounds and ulcers. It is an excellent moisturizer, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, balances PH and eliminates acid due to its alkalizing property. Neem is also an excellent skin tonic as it is a complete body purifier, soothes inflammation and eliminates dandruff, treats acne as well as reduces pore size which prevents acne from returning, is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and facilitates wound healing. The final herb used in Dermol is Bakuchi, which is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs in traditional Indian medicine. It is specifically used for various skin ailments as it is chemo-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, antibacterial and astringent in nature which tightens skin and reduces pore size. Therefore, it is extremely effective in treating leprosy, leukoderma, skin rash and infections, purifies the blood and treats wounds for its antimicrobial actions.
For scalp treatment: Massage on head to eliminate dandruff, condition and cleanse the scalp and eliminate lice. After 15 minutes wash with Gotirth KeSheen and rinse completely.
Can be used externally/ topically on affected area applied with cotton or added to any natural facepack.
Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.
Avoid excessively salty, sweet, acidic, oily and spicy foods as well as non-veg foods. Avoid intake of tea, coffee, jaggery, radish and alcohol. Do not use chemical-based soaps on face or body.
Get More Info : Click Here : Skin Treatment in Delhi
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Scientific Facts & Benefits of Cow Urine | Gomutr Ke Fayade | गोमूत्र के पीने के फायदे व हानि
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Jatamansi powder
What is Jatamansi Powder?
Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) Powder is alluded to as 'Spikenard' in English and 'Jata' signifies dreadlocks and 'Mansi' signifies human. It is a jeopardized ayurvedic spice which is utilized in restoring neuro-mental and skin infections. It is a blooming plant with pink blossoms and fills in the Himalayas in India, Nepal and China. It is utilized as a memory enhancer that has quieting and loosening up highlights. It is accessible for use as root, oil and powder.
Medical advantages of Jatamansi Powder
1. Advances Hair Growth
Jatamansi Powder has mitigating and against microbial properties that forestall hair fall, dandruff and some other microbial development in your hair. This advances hair development and furthermore it makes your hair smoother, shinier and silkier. You can blend Jatamansi Powder in any transporter oil that you can apply to your scalp and leave it short-term for best outcomes. Wash your hair altogether with warm water the following morning.
2. Improves Memory
Jatamansi Powder is utilized as a memory enhancer since it improves the resources of psyche and gives a feeling of unwinding to your cerebrum. It is utilized as an ayurvedic medication to treat different sicknesses in the sensory system. It is known to fix sicknesses of the three doshas as depicted in Ayurveda-Vatta, Pitta and Kapha. You can knead Jatamansi oil in your mind or devour its root for best outcomes.
3. Treats Epilepsy
Jatamansi powder is known for its wonderful advantages in restoring different afflictions of the sensory system. It helps fix pressure, fits, spasms, agitation and epilepsy. As indicated by Purushotham K, Department of Pharmacology, Sri Siddharth Medical College, Karnataka, the ethanolic concentrate of nardostachys Jatamansi roots at the portion of 400 mg/kg have shown critical anticonvulsant movement.
4. Brings down Blood Pressure
Jatamansi powder lets down circulatory strain and forestalls thickening of blood. It further develops blood dissemination in your framework and eliminates poisons that can cause cardiovascular illnesses. You can add Jatamansi powder in your smoothie or swallow it down with warm water in your morning meal or prior to heading to sleep.
5. Stress Buster
Jatamansi powder adjusts biochemical responses in the body and thus, it lessens nervousness, stress and strain. It is additionally a psyche rejuvenator tonic for the individuals who are experiencing mental illnesses like wretchedness, bipolar turmoil, over the top enthusiastic issue and so on
6. Fixes Skin Infection
It can fix consuming sensation on your skin caused because of different skin issues like dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, and so forth You can blend Jatamansi powder in cool water and apply on influenced spaces of your skin.
Employments of Jatamansi Powder
A natural fixing that is regularly utilized for fluctuated purposes, Jatamansi Ppowder is likewise utilized for its:
1. Calming and Anti-contagious properties
Jatamansi powder is said to have calming and hostile to parasitic properties and is regularly found as a powerful fix to any sort of skin diseases.
2. Upper properties
Viable in diminishing uneasiness and stress instigating chemicals, Jatamansi is very useful in working on the degrees of Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) in the mind and can go about as an upper.
3. Memory enhancer properties
Aiding in progress of memory by working with cholinergic transmission in your mind, Jatamansi powder helps support memory and learning power.
4. Hostile to epileptic properties
Utilization of Jatamansi is said to build Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) level in the cerebrum. This further aides in lessening and ultimately decreasing the danger of seizures.
5. Against microbial properties
Jatamansi is said to have hostile to microbial properties and is a successful solution for control the development of unsafe microorganisms that can cause different skin disturbances and other serious medical problems.
Likewise Read - Akarkara Benefits | Baidyanath Ashwagandharishta Benefits
Step by step instructions to Use Jatamansi Powder
6g of Jatamansi powder can be burned-through in isolated measurements for the duration of the day. Preferably, it is prescribed to burn-through Jatamansi powder double a day.
1. Will Jatamansi Powder be burned-through previously or after suppers?
Jatamansi Powder ought to be burned-through after dinners alongside water.
2. Could Jatamansi Powder be taken on an unfilled stomach?
No, Jatamansi powder ought not be taken on a vacant stomach.
3. Could Jatamansi Powder be overcome with water?
Indeed, Jatamansi powder can be overwhelmed by water.
Jatamansi Powder Dosage
A limit of 6 g of Jatamansi Powder is prescribed to be devoured by grown-ups. This dose can be partitioned and burned-through twice in a day after suppers.
Safe Dosage
Children 15 mg – 60 mg Twice daily
Adults 1000 mg – 3000 mg Twice daily
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Symptoms of Jatamansi Powder
Being a 100% normal and ayurvedic fixing, Jatamansi Powder is protected to be burned-through. Be that as it may, whenever taken in high measurement, it can prompt queasiness, spewing regular pee loose bowels stomach cramps.
Hurtful Interaction of Jatamansi Powder
Individuals who experience the ill effects of touchiness to synthetic constituents of Jatamansi or are adversely affected by home grown prescription should abstain from utilizing this spice. Pregnant and breastfeeding ladies are prescribed not to devour Jatamansi.
Safety measures and Warnings of Jatamansi Powder
1. Can Jatamansi Powder be devoured prior to driving?
No, Jatamansi powder ought not be devoured prior to driving as it is known to instigate rest.
2. Will Jatamansi Powder be overwhelmed by liquor?
No, Jatamansi powder ought not be overwhelmed by liquor as Jatamansi might bring about unsteadiness and rest.
3. Is Jatamansi Powder habit-forming?
No, Jatamansi powder isn't habit-forming.
4. Can Jatamansi Powder make you tired?
Indeed, Jatamansi powder is known to incite rest by quieting down the nerves. This might prompt sleepiness.
5. Would you be able to ingest too much of Jatamansi Powder?
In a perfect world 6 gm of Jatamasi powder ought to be devoured by a grown-up each day in separated doses. Ingesting too much of Jatamansi's measurement might prompt the previously mentioned incidental effects.
Likewise Read - Ashwagandharishta Side Effects | Bael Fruit Side Effects
Significant Questions Asked About Jatamansi Powder
1. What is Jatamansi Powder made of?
Jatamansi powder is produced using the underlying foundations of Nardostachys Jatamansi, an Ayurvedic spice utilized in restoring neuro-mental and skin problems.
2. What are Jatamansi Powder's stockpiling necessities?
Jatamansi Powder ought to be put away in a cool and dry spot away from direct daylight and dampness.
3. How long do I have to utilize Jatamansi Powder till I see improvement in my condition?
Jatamansi Powder will show apparent outcomes whenever utilized routinely for up to 3 – a half year.
4. How often a day do I have to utilize Jatamansi Powder?
Devouring Jatamansi Powder double a day after suppers is suggested.
5. Does it have any impact on bosom taking care of?
Indeed, Jatamansi powder is said to advance feminine release. Accordingly, it ought not be devoured during lactation period.
6. Is it ok for youngsters?
A measurements of 15 gm – 60 gm daily in isolated dose is viewed as safe for utilization by kids.
7. Does it have any impact on pregnancy?
Indeed, Jatamansi powder can bring about spotting or draining during pregnancy, accordingly it isn't prescribed to be utilized by pregnant ladies.
8. Does Jatamansi Powder contain sugar?
No, Jatamansi powder doesn't contain sugar.
9. What are the advantages of Jatamansi Powder?
Aside from the previously mentioned benefits, Jatamansi is additionally used to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Headache, Melancholic Depression, Anxiety and a lot more afflictions like Menopause indications.
10. How would you take Jatamansi powder?
Jatamansi powder is prescribed to be required double a day after dinners. One ought to confine the day by day utilization of this natural medication to 6 gm (grown-up) in separated doses. It tends to be brought with warm water.
11. Is Jatamansi useful for hair?
Indeed, Jatamansi Powder handled in Sesame oil is supposed to be useful in decrease of hair fall and untimely turning gray of hair.
12. What is Jatamansi oil?
Jatamansi oil is sourced from the Ayurvedic spice Nardostachys Jatamansi or Spikenard and is truly outstanding and best fundamental oils that upholds a decent body and quiet psyche.
13. Which is the best Ayurvedic medication for rest?
The best Ayurvedic medication for rest is Jatamansi. Known for its quieting and loosening up properties, this spice is likewise successful in lessening feelings of anxiety and goes about as a decent calming that incites rest.
14. Is Jatamansi useful in developing hair thick and long?
Indeed, Jatamasi advances recovery of new hair follicles, along these lines making your hair long and thick.
15. Which is the best mind tonic in Ayurveda?
While there are many cerebrum tonics accessible in Ayurveda like Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Vayambu, Kudangal, Amla and Mulethi, Jatamansi is the best mind tonic notable for its pressure decreasing, quieting and loosening up properties.
16. What is the dietary benefit of Jatamansi Powder?
It is a blend of different synthetics, as, actinidine, aristolene, carotene, caralene, clalarenol, coumarin, dihydroazulenes, jatamanshinic corrosive, nardol, nardostachone, valerianol, valeranal, valeranone, elemol, virolin, angelivin, Oroselol and so forth
17. Can Jatamansi Powder fix bacterial contamination?
Indeed, it has extremely impressive enemy of bacterial properties. Scouring it on the influenced region can be helpful for the skin.
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pinstripemag · 6 years
Father’s Day 2018 Gift Guide
Father’s Day 2018 Gift Guide
We know. You’re relieved you got through Mother’s Day gift shopping (with a big thanks to our guide, no doubt) and yet, here you are. Again. Don’t worry, Pinstripers! Check out Father’s Day 2018 Gift Guide for the father in your life. And hey, you can always drop a hint for the gifts you want this Father’s Day.
For The Man Who Feels Complete When Grilling
Grilling season is here, so consider…
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Anti-fungal Hair Tonic (Sage, Rosemary and Nettle) 
To Make:
Place a handful of fresh or dried Sage, Rosemary and Nettle leaves in a litre of boiling water and allow to cool.
Strain out the liquid (I originally steep in a bowl and pour into a jug).
Then add 1/4 cup (approx. 50ml) of apple cider vinegar and mix.
Pour into containers of your choice! My large one is an old olive oil container and the smaller ones were ex-body wash containers. I find for my hair (short to medium), the smaller bottles are just the right size for one application.
The properties of the sage, rosemary, nettle and vinegar make this anti-fungal and full of vitamins for shiny hair and a healthy scalp. It can help with itchiness, dryness and dandruff. Apply to hair after washing as a final rinse, no need to wash out.
Don’t worry about the vinegar - It isn’t strong enough to leave a nasty sour smell afterwards!
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Jatamansi powder
What is Jatamansi Powder?
Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) Powder is alluded to as ‘Spikenard’ in English and ‘Jata’ signifies dreadlocks and ‘Mansi’ signifies human. It is an imperiled ayurvedic spice which is utilized in relieving neuro-mental and skin infections. It is a blooming plant with pink blossoms and fills in the Himalayas in India, Nepal and China. It is utilized as a memory enhancer that has quieting and loosening up highlights. It is accessible for use as root, oil and powder.
Medical advantages of Jatamansi Powder
Advances Hair Growth
Jatamansi Powder has calming and hostile to microbial properties that forestall hair fall, dandruff and some other microbial development in your hair. This advances hair development and furthermore it makes your hair smoother, shinier and silkier. You can blend Jatamansi Powder in any transporter oil that you can apply to your scalp and leave it short-term for best outcomes. Wash your hair completely with warm water the following morning.
Upgrades Memory
Jatamansi Powder is utilized as a memory enhancer since it improves the resources of psyche and gives a feeling of unwinding to your mind. It is utilized as an ayurvedic medication to treat different sicknesses in the sensory system. It is known to fix illnesses of the three doshas as portrayed in Ayurveda-Vatta, Pitta and Kapha. You can rub Jatamansi oil in your mind or burn-through its root for best outcomes.
Treats Epilepsy
Jatamansi powder is known for its marvelous advantages in restoring different illnesses of the sensory system. It helps fix pressure, fits, seizures, insanity and epilepsy. As indicated by Purushotham K, Department of Pharmacology, Sri Siddharth Medical College, Karnataka, the ethanolic concentrate of nardostachys Jatamansi roots at the portion of 400 mg/kg have shown huge anticonvulsant movement.
Brings down Blood Pressure
Jatamansi powder drops down pulse and forestalls coagulating of blood. It further develops blood flow in your framework and eliminates poisons that can cause cardiovascular infections. You can add Jatamansi powder in your smoothie or swallow it down with warm water in your morning meal or prior to hitting the hay.
Stress Buster
Jatamansi powder adjusts biochemical responses in the body and thus, it lessens uneasiness, stress and strain. It’s anything but a psyche rejuvenator tonic for the individuals who are experiencing mental infections like despondency, bipolar turmoil, fanatical impulsive issue and so forth
Fixes Skin Infection
It can fix consuming sensation on your skin caused because of different skin problems like dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, and so forth You can blend Jatamansi powder in chilly water and apply on influenced spaces of your skin.
Employments of Jatamansi Powder
A natural fixing that is regularly utilized for differed purposes, Jatamansi Ppowder is additionally utilized for its:
Calming and Anti-contagious properties
Jatamansi powder is said to have calming and hostile to parasitic properties and is frequently found as a viable fix to any sort of skin diseases.
Energizer properties
Powerful in lessening nervousness and stress actuating chemicals, Jatamansi is very useful in working on the degrees of Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) in the mind and can go about as a stimulant.
Memory enhancer properties
Aiding in progress of memory by working with cholinergic transmission in your mind, Jatamansi powder helps support memory and learning power.
Hostile to epileptic properties
Utilization of Jatamansi is said to build Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) level in the cerebrum. This further aides in decreasing and ultimately lessening the danger of seizures.
Against microbial properties
Jatamansi is said to have hostile to microbial properties and is a powerful solution for control the development of destructive organisms that can cause different skin disturbances and other extreme medical problems.
Additionally Read – Akarkara Benefits | Baidyanath Ashwagandharishta Benefits
The most effective method to Use Jatamansi Powder
6g of Jatamansi powder can be devoured in separated measurements for the duration of the day. In a perfect world, it is prescribed to burn-through Jatamansi powder double a day.
Could Jatamansi Powder be burned-through previously or after suppers?
Jatamansi Powder ought to be devoured after dinners alongside water.
Could Jatamansi Powder be taken on an unfilled stomach?
No, Jatamansi powder ought not be taken on an unfilled stomach.
Can Jatamansi Powder be overcome with water?
Indeed, Jatamansi powder can be overwhelmed by water.
Jatamansi Powder Dosage
A limit of 6 g of Jatamansi Powder is prescribed to be devoured by grown-ups. This dose can be separated and burned-through twice in a day after suppers.
Safe Dosage
Children 15 mg – 60 mg Twice daily
Adults 1000 mg – 3000 mg Twice daily
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Symptoms of Jatamansi Powder
Being a 100% regular and ayurvedic fixing, Jatamansi Powder is protected to be devoured. Notwithstanding, whenever taken in high dose, it can prompt queasiness, spewing regular pee loose bowels stomach cramps.
Unsafe Interaction of Jatamansi Powder
Individuals who experience the ill effects of touchiness to substance constituents of Jatamansi or are oversensitive to home grown drug should avoid utilizing this spice. Pregnant and breastfeeding ladies are prescribed not to devour Jatamansi.
Insurances and Warnings of Jatamansi Powder
Could Jatamansi Powder be burned-through prior to driving?
No, Jatamansi powder ought not be burned-through prior to driving as it is known to actuate rest.
Could Jatamansi Powder be overcome with liquor?
No, Jatamansi powder ought not be overwhelmed by liquor as Jatamansi may lead to discombobulation and rest.
Is Jatamansi Powder habit-forming?
No, Jatamansi powder isn’t habit-forming.
Could Jatamansi Powder make you tired?
Indeed, Jatamansi powder is known to actuate rest by quieting down the nerves. This may prompt laziness.
Would you be able to ingest too much of Jatamansi Powder?
In a perfect world 6 gm of Jatamasi powder ought to be devoured by a grown-up each day in separated measurements. Ingesting too much of Jatamansi’s measurements may prompt the previously mentioned incidental effects.
Likewise Read – Ashwagandharishta Side Effects | Bael Fruit Side Effects
Significant Questions Asked About Jatamansi Powder
What is Jatamansi Powder made of?
Jatamansi powder is produced using the underlying foundations of Nardostachys Jatamansi, an Ayurvedic spice utilized in relieving neuro-mental and skin problems.
What are Jatamansi Powder’s stockpiling necessities?
Jatamansi Powder ought to be put away in a cool and dry spot away from direct daylight and dampness.
How long do I have to utilize Jatamansi Powder till I see improvement in my condition?
Jatamansi Powder will show apparent outcomes whenever utilized routinely for up to 3 – a half year.
How often a day do I have to utilize Jatamansi Powder?
Burning-through Jatamansi Powder double a day after suppers is suggested.
Does it have any impact on bosom taking care of?
Indeed, Jatamansi powder is said to advance feminine release. Hence, it ought not be burned-through during lactation period.
Is it alright for youngsters?
A measurements of 15 gm – 60 gm daily in partitioned dose is viewed as safe for utilization by kids.
Does it have any impact on pregnancy?
Indeed, Jatamansi powder can bring about spotting or draining during pregnancy, along these lines it’s anything but prescribed to be utilized by pregnant ladies.
Does Jatamansi Powder contain sugar?
No, Jatamansi powder doesn’t contain sugar.
What are the advantages of Jatamansi Powder?
Aside from the previously mentioned benefits, Jatamansi is likewise used to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Headache, Melancholic Depression, Anxiety and a lot more illnesses like Menopause manifestations.
How would you take Jatamansi powder?
Jatamansi powder is prescribed to be required double a day after suppers. One ought to limit the day by day utilization of this natural medication to 6 gm (grown-up) in separated doses. It tends to be brought with warm water.
Is Jatamansi useful for hair?
Indeed, Jatamansi Powder prepared in Sesame oil is supposed to be useful in decrease of hair fall and untimely turning gray of hair.
What is Jatamansi oil?
Jatamansi oil is sourced from the Ayurvedic spice Nardostachys Jatamansi or Spikenard and is truly outstanding and best fundamental oils that upholds a decent body and quiet psyche.
Which is the best Ayurvedic medication for rest?
The best Ayurvedic medication for rest is Jatamansi. Known for its quieting and loosening up properties, this spice is likewise compelling in diminishing feelings of anxiety and goes about as a decent calming that instigates rest.
Is Jatamansi useful in developing hair thick and long?
Indeed, Jatamasi advances recovery of new hair follicles, accordingly making your hair long and thick.
Which is the best mind tonic in Ayurveda?
While there are many mind tonics accessible in Ayurveda like Brahmi, Shankhpushpi, Vayambu, Kudangal, Amla and Mulethi, Jatamansi is the best cerebrum tonic notable for its pressure lessening, quieting and loosening up properties.
What is the dietary benefit of Jatamansi Powder?
It is a blend of different synthetic substances, as, actinidine, aristolene, carotene, caralene, clalarenol, coumarin, dihydroazulenes, jatamanshinic corrosive, nardol, nardostachone, valerianol, valeranal, valeranone, elemol, virolin, angelivin, Oroselol and so forth
Will Jatamansi Powder fix bacterial disease?
Indeed, it has solid enemy of bacterial properties. Scouring it on the influenced region can be helpful for the skin.
What amount of Jatamansi Powder to burn-through each day?
Half to one table spoon powder can be overcome with warm water each day twice.
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nmpudhyog22 · 3 years
7 Benefits of Henna for Hair Health
Healthy hair is a reflection of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy, shiny, long, and volatized hair can boost your self-esteem if you take care of it with proper treatments and products. Henna is traditionally used as a medicinal herb in many countries. It has been used for therapeutic and medicinal purposes for over 5000 years, but only recently, it is being recognized as a hair tonic that can nourish the hair follicles and prevent scalp inflammation.
Henna improves hair growth
Many people do not know that henna has several benefits for your hair. A regular application of henna on your hair can help you combat hair loss and encourage healthy hair growth. Henna coats your hair to protect it against exposure to pollution and sun damage over time. It also strengthens the hair strands by providing protein to each strand.
Henna reduces hair fall
Hair fall is a result of many things, including normal hair moulting. However, henna can help reduce hair fall in several ways. The major benefit of henna is the conditioning effect it has on your hair. It makes your hair strong enough to be less affected by the natural processes of shedding. So if you are looking for ways to reduce hair fall, then you should definitely try henna.
Henna prevents dandruff
Henna prevents dandruff and hair fall because of the anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial action it has. It naturally seals the hair cuticle and protects against environmental damage caused by pollution, water, and sun. We can prevent graying of hair if we apply henna on our scalp regularly.
Henna controls scalp itchiness
Scalp itchiness is never a welcome guest. It can spoil your mood and ruin the day for you. If you are tired of dealing with this condition then the least you can do is to try an anti-itch product as it will relieve you from this unwanted condition. Henna controls scalp itchiness and is used to cool down the body in such conditions. Henna is commonly used as a dye on hair, fingernails, and skin as well, by individuals who choose to use such cosmetics and hair products.
Henna repairs split ends                        
Henna is a natural colorant that enriches your hair with vital antioxidants to add shine, volume, and strength. It also helps to repair damages by being antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, two things you would not expect from hair dye. We are leading Organic Henna Powder Suppliers in India.
Henna makes your hair thick and lustrous
Henna is the solution to resolve your hair problems like thinning, repairing your hair cuticle, and dandruff. It makes your hair clean, soft, long, and lustrous. NMP udhyog is leading Herbal Henna Powder Suppliers in India.
Henna maintains balance and keeps the scalp clean
Henna herbal powder is the leaves of a tropical and medicinal herb that is used to color the hair. It helps in keeping balance and clean scalp, reduces dandruff, itching, hair fall, and strengthens the hair roots. All your hair care products consider your scalp but forget to maintain the pH balance. Surprisingly, this is what maintains a clean scalp and shiny hair. Therefore, henna is not just for the hair but also works for your scalp.
 For more information
Visit: - https://www.nmpudhyog.com/
Call: - +91-9910415530
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gotirth · 3 years
Gotirth Dermol Liquid - Online Ayurvedic Medicine | GoTirth
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Dermol is the perfect ayurvedic medicine for all skin disorders regardless of your skin type (oily, dry, etc.) It safely and effectively cures most skin ailments and improves the overall complexion of skin throughout the entire body, not just the face. The main ingredient in Dermol is gomutra, a blood purifier, therefore, cleansing and detoxifying the entire body, as well as balancing hormones and the three doshas, which are the main causes of skin diseases. Acharya Shodal describes Aloe Vera as Kushthavinashini, “the substance that destroys all skin diseases.” This is due to its cooling and soothing properties, which alleviate burns, irritation, rash, insect bites, herpes, allergic reactions, wounds and ulcers. It is an excellent moisturizer, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, balances PH and eliminates acid due to its alkalizing property. Neem is also an excellent skin tonic as it is a complete body purifier, soothes inflammation and eliminates dandruff, treats acne as well as reduces pore size which prevents acne from returning, is antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, and facilitates wound healing. The final herb used in Dermol is Bakuchi, which is considered one of the most important medicinal herbs in traditional Indian medicine. It is specifically used for various skin ailments as it is chemo-protective, anti-inflammatory, anti-toxin, antibacterial and astringent in nature which tightens skin and reduces pore size. Therefore, it is extremely effective in treating leprosy, leukoderma, skin rash and infections, purifies the blood and treats wounds for its antimicrobial actions.
For scalp treatment: Massage on the head to eliminate dandruff, condition and cleanse the scalp and eliminate lice. After 15 minutes wash with Gotirth KeSheen and rinse completely.
Can be used externally/ topically on the affected area applied with cotton or added to any natural face pack.
Precautions: Always consult your doctor before taking any medicine or supplement. Do not take within 1 hour of consuming dairy. Consult your physician if you are pregnant or lactating.
Avoid excessively salty, sweet, acidic, oily and spicy foods as well as non-veg foods. Avoid intake of tea, coffee, jaggery, radish and alcohol. Do not use chemical-based soaps on your face or body.
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nishi78-blog1 · 6 years
Wonderful benefits of Aloe Vera juice
This makes aloe vera the most genuine and versatile for all your panacea health problems. You must have seen the aloe vera plant in a garden and you must have wondered how this ornamental plant can help improve your health. Well, this is the most jealously guarded secret of nature!
Many of us have also used face creams and shampoos enriched with aloe juice. The sap made from the stems of this succulent plant, is used to produce aloe vera juice. With so many advantages it offers is a surprise that  Aloe Vera has been considered the plant of "immortality"  by the Egyptians. Aloe vera has been used since ancient times for its healing properties and to provide relief.
But do you know why this small cactus plant is known as a "miracle plant"? To know the miraculous properties of aloe vera juice you need to know how to make aloe vera juice at home. Always use organic aloe vera juice to get the maximum benefit.
Aloe vera is a fatty plant that has thick fleshy stems with thorny leaves. The fleshy stem contains aloe juice, which is used for various purposes since the beginning of the first century, as an excellent home remedy. Juice and gels are used in various cosmetic treatments Medicine and Health.
Aloe Vera Juice Preparation:
Cut some stalks of the plant of the central section open. Choose the outer stems as they are the most mature and have the highest concentration of antioxidants.
The liquid leaving the gel is fresh from aloe.
Sock whole gel stem and store it in a bowl.
Put the gel in a blender and add a cup of water.
Licúalo to get pure aloe vera juice. Use the extracted juice in the next 3 or 4 days, otherwise the juice will lose its antioxidants.
A rich source of vitamins and minerals:
Both juice and aloe gel are powerful sources of antioxidants, antibiotics, they work as stimulators of cell growth and have analgesic and healing properties. They are rich in vitamins and minerals the following:
Folic acid
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E
amino acids
Aloe vera is the most bioactive of all species of aloe. There are more than 75 active constituents in the plant, this includes polysaccharides such as acemannan, anthraquinone, aloin, enzymes, lignin, saponins and salicylic acid.
Aloe vera gel can be used for its laxative properties. True aloe gel times with whole sheets are used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, metastatic cancer, infectious diseases and chemotherapy.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice:
Aloe vera produces two substances called gel and latex. Aloe gel is a transparent jelly-like substance found in the plant. This includes aloe juice pulp extracted from the fleshy stems of the plant. Aloe juice can be applied to the skin and hair or worn to relieve irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation, osteoarthritis and stomach ulcers. It is also a general health tonic you can take every morning to get all the benefits.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Health:
Digestive care:
Aloe Vera is very useful for treating intestinal problems because of their great anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera also helps the growth of positive bacteria in the intestines, this keeps all intestinal disorders at bay.
Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis:
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that affects the whole body. The immune system attacks the tissues of the body, in particular the membranes covering the joints. There is swelling and stiffness. No accumulation of fluid in the joints, which worsens everything. Since rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease; patients are usually given conventional drugs such as analgesics, non-steroidal drugs and corticosteroids. These drugs have a strong impact on health.
Taking aloe juice for two weeks can help reduce inflammation in the body, such as rheumatism, swollen eyes and hates and arthritis. Aloe juice contains compounds such as anti-inflammatory herbal sterols that help reduce pain and stiffness. Plant sterols function as steroid analgesics, but without damaging the body.
For muscle and joint pain:
Applying the gel externally can relieve muscle and joint pain. But do not forget to use freshly prepared gels at the moment.
For reflow:
Do you have serious digestive problems? Taking aloevera juice reduces reflux symptoms and stabilizes alkaline body levels. It has a soothing effect on the stomach wall and reduce acid reflux and discomfort. Thanks to its laxative properties it also helps to alleviate constipation.
Lowers cholesterol levels:
Aloe is great for maintaining cholesterol levels to reduce triglycerides. It includes fresh Aloe juice in your daily diet to maintain cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol levels. By reducing cholesterol damage you are protecting your heart.
Lose weight in a healthy way:
Insurance has taken diet pills and tried all the exercises and diets to lose weight. But without getting the desired results. Do you want to lose weight naturally? Aloe vera juice is an easy and natural solution to weight loss. Decreases the stabilizing weight of the metabolic rate, reducing lipid levels and helping to burn fat.
And dental oral hygiene 7.For:
Studies have shown that regular consumption of aloe juice improves oral and dental hygiene. Reduces gingivitis and plaque formation. Provides relief for cold sores and mouth ulcers.
Washing the mouth with aloe juice improves oral hygiene. A study by the Journal of the Society of  Periodontology  India reveals that the local application of aloe vera juice improves periodontal health after procedures such as endodontics and dental cleansing. Another study in the Journal of Advances in Clinical and Experimental Sample Medicine and Aloe Juice helps to reduce oral lichen planus, a common dental problem.
Fight Diabetes:
Aloe vera is good for patients with diabetes because it helps regulate blood sugar levels if consumed regularly. However, consult your doctor before starting to consume aloe juice . It is necessary the doctor will prescribe a dose that does not interfere with drugs taken to control the level of sugar in the blood.
It helps to detoxify:
Mix 2 teaspoons of fresh aloe vera juice with a glass of water and bebelo every day in the morning. This will help to detoxify and clean your system. Aloe juice helps to treat ulcers and detoxify the digestive system.1
Maintains healthy gums:
Apply fresh aloe gel directly to gum reduces pain and inflammation. If the bleeding of the gums is caused by a bacterial infection, aloe juice will help fight infections and leaves the mouth clean and fresh. There is no doubt about why so many toothpastes and mouthwashes are made with aloe vera extracts!
Reduces eye irritation:
1 Create your own eye wash completely natural. Mix two teaspoons of aloe vera in a cup with water. You can also add a teaspoon of boric acid. Use this eye drops to reduce the irritation and redness of the ojos.1
nasal and chest decongestant:
Do you suffer from constant nasal problems? Well, now you can try this completely natural choice. Aloe vera is rich in magnesium lactate acts as an antihistamine which helps reduce the problem of inflammation of the sinuses and chest due to various allergies.
regular intake of aloe juice helps fight cancer. It contains high levels of anti-cancer tumor growth antibodies to antibodies.
Helps the immune system:
Drinking aloe juice regularly compensates for the lack of amino acids in your body. Its high vitamin content enhances your immune system and self-defense mechanisms.
Fight the cough and common cold:
For those who regularly suffer from colds, coughs, flu, runny nose, bronchitis and other respiratory problems, aloe vera juice is the best natural solution. Vitamin C content of aloe vera juice ensures protection against the common cold that is verify when environmental changes.
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for the skin:
Aloe vera is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. Insurance have seen and used various skin care products of the gel containing aloe. It is the most common for all skin problems remedy.
Fighting the signs of time:
The anti-aging property Aloe keeps it flexible and rejuvenated also decreases the appearance of stains.
Eliminate dead skin cells and stretch marks:
Aloe vera moisturizes the skin and helps remove dead cells, wrinkles and fine lines. Aloe juice also helps to remove stretch marks.
For After Shave use:
Men can use aloe vera gel after shaving. Reduces the irritation and inflammation of the skin and heals the cuts caused by the shaving process.
It helps to remove acne and the scars that it leaves:
Do you suffer from acne? Then aloe vera is your friend, because it is the best natural remedy to treat pimples and blackheads and scars left behind. It has antimicrobial properties that help kill acne-causing bacteria and reduces acne scars to lighten the skin.
  It  prevents sunburn and gives relief to the skin:
We all have put different blockers and sunscreens to prevent harmful rays from damaging our skin. But sometimes rays penetrate through them. The aloe vera gel is extremely useful for the treatment of burns. It is an excellent cooling agent. Apply fresh gel to the skin every day to get immediate results. Reduces pain and redness of the skin and form a protective layer that prevents further damage.
Relieves Wounds:
When applied externally, it relieves wounds and cuts, dermatitis and insect bites.
For all seasons:
Aloe gel is moisturizing and moisturizes the skin well. Thus it can be used in all climates to prevent dry and irregular skin
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Hair:
Excessive exposure to dust, sun and pollution makes our hair extremely dry, brittle and damaged. It removes natural oils and moisture to your hair causing split ends and dandruff. Aloe vera is useful for all types of hair, especially for dry and damaged hair. The constant use of aloe vera in the hair will make it soft, durable and without damage. The following are some of the benefits of aloe vera will bring to your hair.
Promotes hair growth:
Aloe vera is rich in proteolytic enzymes that help remove dead skin that clog the pores of the scalp, preventing the growth of new hair follicles. Accumulating sebum on the scalp can cause hair problems such as partial alopecia. aloe gel So remove the sebum causing the scalp is clean and promote hair growth.
Maintains pH balance:
Aloe Vera has alkaline properties that help maintain the pH level of the scalp and hair. This keeps the hair hydrated and allows hair growth.
Reduce dandruff:
Aloe vera is widely used to fight dandruff since ancient times. Due to their breakdown enzymes properties in the skin cells, as well as its antifungal properties, reduce dandruff. It also helps to heal scalp diseases such as psoriasis and seborrhea.
Hair conditioners:
You can add two teaspoons of aloe gel to cool your favorite conditioner and use every day. This will increase the wetting properties of your conditioner and deeply hydrate your hair giving it a smooth and fresh appearance. You can also make the following hair masks for hair conditioning at home.
Using Juice / Aloe Vera Gel masks:
  Aloe mask and clay:
In the clay smectite pasta (Fuller) adds ½ teaspoon gel to aloe.
Then add a few drops of rose water and honey and mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and dry your face with soft touches.
Fruit and Aloe Mask:
Liquefy some pieces of your favorite fruit such as papaya, bananas, apples, oranges, etc.
Add a teaspoon of aloe gel to this mixture and mix well.
You can also add a teaspoon of almond oil or wheat germ if you have dry skin.
Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
For Dry & Sensitive Skin:
2 teaspoons aloe gel added a teaspoon of rose water and almond oil.
Then add fresh cucumber paste and mix well until smooth consistency.
Apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
This facial mask is also an excellent cleaning. It moisturizes and softens oily skin, eliminating dead skin cells, oil and excess sebum.
In a bowl add 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and cucumber paste.
For this mixture mix one teaspoon of aloe juice and mix well to form a smooth paste.
Apply gently with circular movements.
Now let it rest for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Green tea mask:
This facial mask is especially useful for women who suffer from premature aging. Green tea and aloe are rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and reduce the signs of aging.
¼ avocado crushed pulp and mashed cucumber in a bowl
Add a teaspoon of aloe gel and green tea water to this mixture.
Mix well to form a paste and applied to the skin. Dejala for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Moisturizing mask:
Shea butter has excellent moisturizing and moisturizing properties. It is an essential ingredient in many creams and lip balms.
In an aloe teaspoon gel added a teaspoon of olive oil and shea oil.
Mix all the ingredients and mix to form a smooth paste.
Apply the mask and leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
This mask is ideal for people with dry and sensitive skin.
2 teaspoons Kiss (chickpea flour) adds curd and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
Mix well to form a straight hair mask and apply it to the hair.
After 30 minutes, wash with a mild shampoo.
Using Capillary Mask Juice / Aloe Vera Gel
Cleansing Mask:
2 teaspoons Kiss (chickpea flour) adds curd and a teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
Mix well to form a uniform mask and apply it to the hair.
After 30 minutes, wash with a mild shampoo.
For a straight hair:
An aloe gel 3 teaspoons, add a teaspoon of lemon juice and coconut oil.
Massage the scalp and leave for 20 minutes.
Wash your hair with shampoo.
In a blender add aloe gel and a handful of hibiscus leaves. You can also add flowers for the best results.
A uniform white paste is obtained. Apply to the roots and strands of hair and leave on for 30 minutes.
Wash with shampoo. You may need to wash your hair twice to remove this hair mask.
Hibiscus mask:
You can also apply fresh aloe gel directly to the scalp and wash it after about 20 minutes with mild shampoo. It will work wonders for your hair, leaving it soft and healthy.
Side effects of Aloe Vera Juice:
It is advised not to consume more than 4 ounces of aloe vera juice . Excess intake of aloe vera can cause nausea and inflammation of the liver.
Always check the labels before buying aloe vera juice , see that the percentage of aloe vera has. This will prevent consuming more.
Sometimes aloe vera interferes with some over-the-counter or prescription drugs. For example, it may increase the effect of some drugs to reduce sugar but may cause loss of potassium when taken with diuretics.
If you experience discomfort after consuming aloe vera juice, inform your doctor. Some people may have allergic reactions to Aloe Vera.
Generally aloe latex is known for its laxative properties, but consuming one gram of latex every day can cause diarrhea, kidney problems and stomach cramps. So you need to ask your doctor how aloe latex is suitable for consuming.
If you are pregnant or avoid nursing taking aloe vera juice, because it can cause problems. Also you never give aloe juice to children under 12 because it can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
Sometimes aloe vera can react with diabetes medications. So, ask your doctor if it is safe to take aloe juice. If you are taking aloe juice carefully watch your blood sugar levels.
If you suffer from intestinal diseases such as ulcerative colitis or Cron does not take aloe latex or any product made of aloe. Because aloe is intestinal irritant.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids avoid aloe juice as it may worsen your condition.
always consume adequate aloe vera, otherwise it can cause serious kidney problems.
Aloe Vera can interfere with blood sugar levels during or after surgery. So stop taking aloe vera two weeks before surgery. Aloe vera can also prevent blood from coagulating This function is performed by sevoflurane, anesthetic used in surgery. So taking aloe can cause excessive bleeding during surgery.
Never take aloe vera juice with digoxin (lanolin) Aya stimulating laxatives such as latex aloe can decrease potassium and increase the side effects of lanolin.
Aloe Vera can react with oral medications and reduce its effectiveness.
Recommended dosage:
To solve constipation problems, you can eat 100-200 mg aloe vera juice. Avoid aloe latex if possible.
For the treatment of psoriasis can use a cream based on 0.5% aloe vera gel three times a day.
This dose has been solved thanks to scientific research, to find out how it is advisable for you, ask your doctor or follow the directions on the label.
If you already desanimaste after reading the side effects of aloe vera juice. Remember the saying, too much of a good thing is not good. Yup; you just have to take some aloe vera juice, taking a lot will not give you any additional benefit. If you taped before taking aloe juice and taste disgust, let me tell you that sometimes you need to ignore what your palate and make you want to take something for the sake of your health. You can also use aloe juice for enviable skin and hair. So doing aloe juice in your daily partner and say hi to good health.
I hope that after reading this post, know the reasons why Aloe Vera is considered a "miracle plant". Include it in your daily skin and hair care routine and see the difference.
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
Crone of Wisdom: Sage Plant Profile
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The Ancient Greeks, one of the many ancestral lines of traditional western herbalism, called the Goddess of universal remedy, Panacea. She is one of the Holy Ones invoked in the Hippocratic Oath and for  herbalists like myself She has lended her name to describing those special herbs - called panaceas - which offer a broad spectrum of healing gifts. Sage (Salvia officinalis), the herb teacher we’ll be meeting today, has long been revered as a panacea not only because of the ways that it supports inherent vitality and longevity, but because it helps us to process knowledge into wisdom.
So let’s meet, Sage!
Salvia officinalis
Folk Names : Sawge, common sage, garden sage Element : Earth, Fire, Air Moon Phase : New Moon Zodiac Signs : Gemini, Sagittarius Planets : Jupiter, Moon, Mercury Parts used : Aerial parts Habitat : Native to southeastern Europe, but naturalized widely. Growing conditions : Full sun and well-drained soil with moderate watering. Collection : Spring before plant flowers. Flavour : Pungent, bitter Temperature : Warm Moisture : Sometimes dry + sometimes oily Tissue States : Damp/Relaxation, Dry/Atrophy, Cold/Depression, Tension Constituents : Beta-carotene, B vitamins, niacin, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, volatile oils, flavonoids, tannin, phenolic acids, phytoestrogens, resin.
Actions : Anaphrodisiac, antifungal, antigalactogogue, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antisudoforic, aromatic, astringent, carminative, choleretic, emmenagogue, estrogenic, expectorant, diaphoretic, digestive, hypotensive, hypoglycemic, nervine, phytoestrogenic, vermifuge.
Main uses : Sage is an impressive panacea of a plant. It’s an herb of longevity, promoting long life and protecting brain function as we age. The herb is warming and strengthening to the body and helps to clear out respiratory congestion. In other words, Sage helps us to breath deeply. Sage has an amphoteric relationship to the fluids of the body which is why it is categorized as both oily and drying in nature. If there is excess fluid, mucus, and catarrh, Sage’s astringent qualities dry out and expels it. The herbs astringency, for example, can be used for excess sweating and heavy periods. If there is lack of moisture, Sage’s oily qualities come into play, lubricating dry and atrophied passageways and organs of the body. The herb is used as part of weaning as it dries up breastmilk.
Sage is well-known as a circulatory tonic, but I would further classify it as a “processing” tonic in that it not only helps to move blood, heat, and information throughout the body, but it helps us to process these parts of ourselves as well. The herb moves energy downward from the crown of the head through the feet which is one of the reasons that Sage helps to calm us down, get restful sleep, and help with digestion.
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As a digestive tonic, Sage assists us with processing and digesting fats as well as nutrients from our foods. Look for signs of flatulence and cold digestion. The herb can be used for both chronic and acute infections, especially when fatigue is present. It’s a powerful herb that can be used for everything from the common cold to Staph aureus infections. As a neuroprotective brain tonic, Sage assists with the processing of information and memory, by protecting and improving cognitive function. Additionally, Sage helps to relieve the Tension Tissue State, helping someone shift from being reactive to receptive.
Topically, Sage is a great addition to hair rinses, helping to prevent hair loss, reduce dandruff, and even return or improve the color of the hair. It is also an excellent herb for burning and all varieties - not just the over-harvested and dangerously endangered White Sage (Salvia apiana) variety - are wonderful for cleansing the energy of body and place. One of my favorite ways to use Sage is as a gargle for sore throats and canker sores in the mouth. It can also be used topically for cuts, burns, bruises, bites and stings. It makes a very effective pain and inflammation-relieving compress for swollen and sprained joints.
Magickal uses : Sage is probably best known magically as “smudge” and it works powerfully to cleanse a space. But please do not purchase White Sage (Salvia apiana) but grow your own and protect the few remaining plants in the wild. The plant has been dangerously overharvested in the name of spiritual practice which is a fundamentally un-spiritual act. The great news is that other Sages can be used in place of White Sage including Black Sage (Salvia apiana) and Garden Sage, both of which can be harvested sustainably. Use in spells of longevity and immortality. A great herb not only for physical health but for spiritual health. Use in rites of grieving. An herb of the Crone, work with Sage to connect with the Old One.
The Sage Personality : Every one of us is growing and maturing. Some of the time we feel able to learn from our growth, develop as people, and feel a little bit wiser at the end of the day. Other times aging and growing feels ungraceful, traumatic, and miserable. Sage is particularly useful for folks for whom the latter is true, especially if their stall in maturation is a chronic one. The Sage personality isn’t a classic victim or martyr type but is more often fixated on being ill-fated. They might be able to learn from their previous life experiences in a logical manner, but the wisdom has a difficult time permeating into their body. Sage folks often struggle with their body, bodily changes, and signs of aging. If they are so dissatisfied with their physical form why would they want to inhabit it deeper? Fortunately, Sage isn’t here to force us to be embedded in a body we struggle with but to learn how to descend into the wisdom that resides in our physical form without getting hung up on it. In a state of balance, Sage folk are the wisdom keepers and elders (regardless of age) that we are always in need of.
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Contraindications : Avoid large doses during pregnancy. Avoid while nursing (it dries up the milk). In very large doses, its thujone content may adversely affect those with epilepsy, high blood pressure or kidney disease.
Dosage : Standard dosage. Hot tea to induce sweating, cold tea to stop sweating and discharge. 1 tsp per 8 oz water; Adults 30 - 60 drops tincture or 1 - 10 drops for drop dosage.
White Sage Smudging Alternatives
Since White Sage (Salvia apiana) is endangered, unless you are growing it on your own (which you should to help our beloved survive), I strongly encourage you to use a different herb for the purposes of smudging. Here is a short list of herbs that offer a wonderful alternative to White Sage as a smudge
Garden Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Juniper (Juniperus officinalis)
Cedar (Cedrus spp.)
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Mugwort (Artemisia spp.)
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
Frankincense (Boswellia spp.)
Copal (Protium copal)
Pine (Pinus sylvestri)
Smoke-Free Smudging Alternatives
Smoky smudge may be popular but it’s not always feasible (enclosed spaces, housing restrictions, allergies, etc) and there are plenty of smoke-free ways to cleanse a space.
Room Spray with salt and/or essential oils and/or flower essences
Crystals placed in a room or waved through the aura
Sound including your voice, bells, chimes, singing bowls and other instruments
Candles made of high-quality wax
Sunlight and fresh air
Croaking Toad Cough + Sore Throat Oxymel
An oxymel is a form of herbal syrup combining honey (or other liquid sweetener like agave or coconut syrup) with raw apple cider vinegar. Croaking Toad is a great remedy to have during cold and ‘flu season as it contains a combination of soothing expectorants and vitality supporting herbs to help us find our way back to feeling well.
Begin by combining the following dried herbs:
1 part Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
1 part Marshmallow Root (Althea officinalis)
1 part Elecampane Root (Inula helenium)
1/2 part Sage Leaf (Salvia officinalis)
1/4 part Chlorella Powder (Chlorella vulgaris)
Place all herbs in a glass jar with a tight sealing lid. Since we are using raw apple cider vinegar as our menstruum, you might choose to use a plastic lid or place wax paper between the metal lid and the blend to prevent corrosion. Cover your herbs with (preferably local) raw apple cider vinegar so that there is roughly 3/4 inch of the vinegar floating above or below the herbs. Let your blend brew for a few weeks - I typically brew all of my extracts for one cycle of the Moon.
Once ready, strain the herbs from the vinegar. Then, mix local raw honey with your herbal vinegar. My weight ratio for the vinegar to honey is 1 part vinegar to 6 parts honey. Basically, add honey to taste. If you want a sweeter elixir or oxymel, that is less herbally potent, add more honey. For a more herbally potent oxymel, add less honey. Stir together the honey and vinegar until they dissolve into one another in a loving embrace of healing wellness. Bottle and store in a cool dark place. I store mine in the refrigerator.
A dose of 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon is recommended up to 3 times daily during times of cough and sore throat.  You'll want to refrigerate your Croaking Toad Oxymel use within 6 - 12 months.
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Phyllanthus emblica - Amla
Phyllanthus emblica - Amla
Amla (or Amlaka, Amlaki, or other variants) is one of the most frequently used of the Ayurvedic herbs; it is the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica, also called Emblica officinalis.
Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry.
It is created from powdered dried fruit of the Indian Gooseberry tree.
The amla fruit is high in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and gallic acid.
The fruit is  made up with about 80% water, and has great medicinal value.
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                                              Amla Fruits .
Taking Amla internally is a great natural remedy for many health conditions.
The main indications in ayurvedic trearments are:
Digestive system disorders: dyspepsia, gastritis, hyper acidity, constipation, colic, colitis, hemorrhoids.
Bleeding disorders: bleeding hemorrhoids, hematuria, menorrhagia, bleeding gums, ulcerative colitis.
Metabolic disorders: anemia, diabetes, gout.
Lung disorders: cough, asthma.
Aging disorders: osteoporosis, premature graying of hear, weak vision.
Neurasthenia: fatigue, mental disorders, vertigo, palpitations.
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Amla Tablets
Dosages : -  1 - 2 tablets twice a day or
as prescribed by Physician
Amla is one of the purest forms of natural Vitamin C Which is 20 times  higher than oranges.
Amla helps in digestion, normal liver function and the immune system.
Amla is packed with antioxidants and helps combat free radicals responsible for ageing and cell degeneration. According to Ayurveda, Alma balances the tridoshas, purifies and rejuvenates the body.
It has excellent blood purifying and digestive properties.
Amla is one of the best rejuvenating agents.
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                                                        Amla Juice
Following are The health benefit of
Phyllanthus emblica - Amla
1) Amla is Immuno Stimulant : Amla is rich in antibacterial qualities; it helps the body fight better against infection and also builds up  immunity, which makes more resistant to diseases.
2) Amla is Hepatoprotective : - Useful in  liver disorder , Amla is excellent live tonic
3) Amla is Anti-Diabetes :- Amla stimulates the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. Thus it reduces blood sugar in diabetic patients. Amla is helpful in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar level. Amla is rich in chromium, which makes it very beneficial for diabetics.
4 ) Amla is Dermo - protective :- Amla is useful in treating skin diseases. it has sheet virya in potency. It inhibits pitta and thus helps in getting relief from all the skin disorders caused by pitta . Amla helps to clear pimples and acne. amla will help remove dead skin cells with it’s natural astringent properties, as well as  tone, tighten, and reduce redness in skin.
5 ) Amla in infertility :- Amla supports the reproductive systems of both men and women and can help overcome difficulty in conceiving.Amla revitalizes the semen. It helps in improving quality of sperms due to its sweet vipaka property.
6 )Amla is Analgesic :- Amla acts as an anti-inflammatory agent thereby suppressing swelling and pain.
7 ) Amla Anti - microbial : -  Amla is rich in antibacterial qualities, it helps the body fight better against infection and also builds up immunity, which makes  more resistant to diseases.
8 ) Amla is Cardio protective :- Amla strengthens heart muscles.
9 ) Amla is Pro Hair care : - Amla  Nourishing, thickening & darkening hair.It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens the roots of hair, maintains color.Amla powder prevents dandruff It will clear the lices from the hair
10 ) Amla is Bone Protective : - Amla  slows the activity of osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone.
11 ) Amla is Anti - aging :  - Amla prevents health related hyperlipidaemia through attenuating oxidative stress in the ageing process.
12 ) Amla is Anti - tussive : - Amla helps in chronic cough, tuberculosis and allergic asthma .
13 ) Amla is Gastro protective : -  Due to its strong, cooling and laxative properties Amla is useful for remedies for diarrhea and dysentery. The dried Amla fruit is astringent and useful in cases of diarrhea and dysentery.Amla helps to get relief for gastric syndrome and hyperchlorhydria (burning sensation in abdomen).
14 ) Amla is Anti - pyretic : - Amla used in Fever control.
15 ) Amla is Brain Tonic : - Amla is good for Brain. Amla  revitalizes the brain. Amla helps to improve memory.
16 ) Amla is Nephroprotective : - Taking Amla powder with radish helps in checking stone in the bladder by breaking the stones and throwing it out with urine.
17 ) Amla is useful in Obesity : - Amla helps to boost protein metabolism. As amla enhances metabolism, it helps you lose weight faster.
Regular use of  Amla  in any form fruits,Juice,Tablets,Or Powder with regular yoga practice, meditation can significantly improve Fitness & lifestyle.
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getlifehealthy · 4 years
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15 wonderful benefits of Amla Juice
Wonderful Benefits of Amla Juice
Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry Latin name is Emblica Officinalis. Amla is a tree famous for its fruits which are full of nutrient and has been used for thousands of years. Amla is native to India and now it is also grown commercially in regions of the middle east and Asia
It is a medium-sized deciduous tree with gray bark and reddish wood successfully grown in variable climatic conditions. The tree grows to a height of 60 feet, leaves are very fine and small, flowers are small, greenish-yellow and boring in compact clusters.
The fruit is round or oval with smooth textured skin comprising of 6 to 8 visible lines appearing as ridges. The unripe fruit is light green and turns yellow to red at maturity.
Although all parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes, the fruit is mostly used for medicinal power. Amla fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Amla fruit is available in various forms such as Amla powder, Amla juice, Amla oil, Amla tablets, dried spice and eaten as fresh.
It is so versatile, that it has become a favorite among the health-conscious people. There are various types of Amla grown in India namely  Banarasi amla, Chakaya amla, and Francis amla.
Source: www.unatiamla.com
What are the benefits of amla juice for health
 Heart Health
Amla contains vitamin C and fiber which is responsible for lowering LDL or Bad cholesterol and triglyceride level and raises HDL good cholesterol
 Prevents Stroke
Amla prevents hardening of the arteries which not only reduces chances of strokes but also perovide buetter blood flow.
 Helps in digestion
It is high in fiber and water which are essential for healthy bowel movement and secretion of gastric and giegetive juices.
 Boosts immunity
Amla boosts the immune system as it is a richsource of vitamins and antioxidants which reduces oxidative damange to the cells caused by free radicals.
 Slows down Aging
Amla is a superfood and contains vitamin c and antiosicants which help scavenge free radicals associated with signs of aging like wrinkles and age spots. Consuming amla enriched with vitamins A and carotenes with honey helps to improve eyesight vision.
Consuming amla juice boosts vitality and vigor as it has the ability to reenergize the liver.
Amla contains vitamins and minerals which are very useful for treating menstrual cramps in women.
Studies have shown that amla is helpful for treating diarrhea and dysentery due to its cooling and laxative properties.
Amla Juice benefits for Skin.
The antioxidants and vitamin C present in amla juice brighten your skin and lend it a natural glow. Regular intake of amla juice delays the effects of premature aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, etc. Amla juice cleanses your skin and reduces pigmentation
The decrease in the collagen causes your skin tissue to loose its firmness and softness, resulting in sagging skin. As stated earlier, amla juice is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the production of collagen cells in the skin. This makes your skin soft, supple and youthful. It also tones and tightens your skin
Amla juice is perfect for the treatment of acne and pimple scars. As a natural blood purifier, it fights the micro organisms in the skin, thus keeping skin infections, acne, and pimples at bay. Hence, drinking amla juice can give you flawless skin.
It is a widely known fact, that amla juice is an excellent cleanser whether ingested or applied topically. It also helps remove the dead skin cells. Amla juice can speed up the damaged tissue repair and also combats the problem of dry and scaly skin due to the presence of vitamin C and antioxidants.
Amla Juice benefits for hair
 Amla has been considered a good hair tonic since ages. But amla juice is even better. This following benefits of amla tells you why.
Amla juice strengthens your hair follicles, and encourages hair growth. Stress and improper food habits are some of the factors that lead to premature graying.Thankfully, amla juice is very beneficial for those suffering from premature graying of hair due to the presence of antioxidants and vitamin C. Amla fruit helps fight pigmentation while making your hair darker and thicker.
Amla juice acts as a great conditioner for dry and rough hair. The Vitamin C-rich amla  juice prevents accumulation of dandruff on your scalp Amla fruit also cleanses and nourishes your scalp.
If you are looking for an easy way to cleanse your scalp without making it messy and unmanageable, amla juice is the answer. Besides strengthening your hair, amla juice also tackles several hair problems like hair loss, split ends and frizzy hair. 
Weight Loss.
Amla contains proteins and fiber which help prevent food craving. It makes one feel full and make eat less. It helps relieve constipatin and make you look less bloated.
Amla is rich in vtamin C which helps fight common cold as it is easily absorbed.
It acts as a great blood purifier, regular consumption of amla helps in increasing haemoglobin naturally.
It helps prevent and fight cancer
It contains antioxidant and antibacterial proeprtie which helps cure the problem of jaundice.
It helps fight throat infection.
Amla contains vitamins and mineral which is very effective in improving memory and mental health.
It has anti- inflammatory, antibacterial and anti viral and antifungal properties, it relieves ulcer pain and fight most common problems.
What are the side effects of amla fruit
Excess consumption can cause hyper acidity
It can lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels
When it is consumed along with other diabetic medicines.
Excess consmpion can cause constipation
Over consumption can dry your scalp
It might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery.
Botttom Line
Amla fruit is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates. It offers several benefits for health, It boosts immunity, fights aging, beneficial for skin and hair, prevents stroke, heart disease and helps in digestion.
Now we want to hear from you. Please leave your questions in the comments below.
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chinathediva · 4 years
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https://app.moonclerk.com/pay/63glf2cp3j1x Peppermint & Aloe Soothing Scalp Tonic WEIGHT: 4.0 Oz DIMENSIONS: 6.4 X 1.5 X 1.5in QUICK DESCRIPTION: Reduce Scalp Irritation & Dandruff, Provides Instant Itch Relief, Soothes Skin And Scalp, Great For All Hair Types, Easy To Use Applicator Great For Protective Styles HOW TO USE: Step 1: Apply Soothing Scalp Tonic Directly To Scalp With Finger Or Cotton Ball And Gently Massage STEP 2: Style As Desired * * Description * How To Use * Ingredients Design Essentials® Peppermint & Aloe Soothing Scalp Tonic is a clarifying scalp and skin treatment that purifies and detoxifies to help remove particles and excess oils that contribute to skin and scalp irritation. Infused with nourishing active ingredients like Peppermint, Aloe, and Natural Oils to calm, sooth and stimulate the scalp while providing instant itch relief. If you currently struggle with scalp irritation or dandruff and have yet to find that instant “cooling sensation” relief from other scalp treatments, we recommend you give our Peppermint & Aloe Soothing Scalp Tonic a try today! * Purifies and detoxifies the scalp * Provides instant itch relief * Soothes minor cuts and abrasions * Great for use with braids, wigs, extensions and other protective styles Pre-Shampoo Treatment Step 1: Apply Soothing Scalp Tonic directly to scalp with finger or cotton ball and gently massage Step 2: Allow to sit for 1-3 minutes. Step 3: Rinse and shampoo with desired shampoo *For best results, follow with Peppermint & Aloe Therapeutics Anti-Itch Shampoo. Leave-In Scalp Treatment Step 1: Apply Soothing Scalp Tonic directly to scalp with finger or cotton ball and gently massage. Step 2: Style as desired. This clarifying scalp and skin treatment purifies and detoxifies to help remove particles and excess oils that contribute to skin and scalp irritation. Alcohol Denat., Aqua/Water/Eau, Hydroxypropyl Guar, Camphor, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Eugenia Caryophyllus (Clove) Flower Oil, Eugenol, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Phenoxyethanol, Blue 1 (CI 42090), Yellow 5 (CI 19140) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7VboM9nvRW/?igshid=1caxk823fm2vf
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gor595gee · 5 years
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In the process of making my own Rose Water for a hair tonic. My package arrives this Friday, already have my cheese cloth for straining and glass spray bottle after it cools to place Rose Water into it, to Walmart I go to get a gallon of Distilled water. Benefits of Rose Water are: 1. Controls an oily scalp 2. Reduces dryness 3. Repairs hair damage 4. Improves hair growth 5. Reduces dandruff 6. Anti Inflammatory properties 7. Maintains PH level of hair 8. Maintains Hair Porosity Levels 9. Rejuvenates hair follicles 10. Treats smelly hair & scalp. You have no idea how idea... I am so excited.   (at Hazle Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1KFsWPp4qF/?igshid=1bcbqu2sf4ejd
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biophytopharm · 5 years
Benefits of Chamomile and Her Uses
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Benefits of Chamomile and Her Uses
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Benefits of Chamomile and Her Uses
Chamomile - A Wonder Herb
Benefits of Chamomile tea aroma and flavor are unmistakable, but beyond them, chamomile is the remedy for a wide range of diseases. The benefits of chamomile tea should be known to every one of us: it eliminates oxidative stress and free radicals, has anti-allergic and antispasmodic properties. It has antispasmodic properties and regulates intestinal motility (bowel movements), is useful in diarrhea and abdominal cramps.
Chamomile Extract Treats Inflammation and Irritation
Chamomile extract is an adjuvant that treats inflammation and irritation caused by acne on face and body. Along with good skin care and other treatments prescribed by a dermatologist, chamomile extract can be helpful in curing acne. Chamomile has a calming effect on the skin due to the presence of flavonoids and essential oils in its composition and antioxidants find in this plant extract acts as a shield against harmful factors in the external environment. Chamomile is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It stimulates blood circulation and helps eliminate toxins. Massage for 20 minutes tonight affected areas with warm chamomile oil. Has a silky skin, while gentle and will regain firmness. The skin will remain silky, gentle, and it will regain its firmness. Infusion of a mixture of chamomile with cornflowers, celandine, mint, artichokes, and rattles is effective for liver disease. It relieves pain and decongests while acting as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It promotes the secretion of digestive juices in the stomach and facilitates digestion. It also helps digestion. It ensures good health of the liver and the proper flow of bile. It increases secretion of hydrochloric acid, bile, and enzymes in the stomach, thereby promoting digestion. Chamomile extracts act on all body tissues, primarily on the skin and mucous membranes. Chamomile extract is very useful in treating dry, itchy or inflamed skin. It can be useful in calming inflammation and acne skin irritations. It has very good antiseptic and antibiotic properties and cures biotic infections (infections caused by biotic factors such as bacteria, fungi, etc.). It is a good vermifuge and kills all kinds of intestinal worms. If applied to the hair, he destroys lice and mites and keeps your hair and scalp protected from infection and damage. Japanese researchers are confident that if you drink chamomile tea every day, before each meal, blood sugar drops and can prevent diabetic complications. It heals disorders of the circulatory system, stimulates circulation and detoxifies the blood of toxins, such as uric acid, helping to diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis, poor circulation caused by the accumulation of uric acid.
Many Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea
Chamomile is an herb that comes from a flowering plant from the daisy family. Both the fresh and dried flowers of chamomile have been used to create teas for centuries to cure a number of health problems. The active ingredient in chamomile essential oil is known as bisabolol, which has a number of anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. Green tea has become extremely popular of late for its various health benefits and its miraculous effects on skin and body. However, the wonders of Chamomile tea are still unknown to many. There are many beneficial properties that are present in the Chamomile plant which converts easily into a cup of tea. It has various beautifying effects on the skin. It has an abundance of amazing healing, antioxidant, cleansing and moisturizing properties and is considered a skincare treatment. Infused with great healing properties, chamomile tea accelerates the healing process of minor wounds and also disinfects the wounds. Chamomile tea is an excellent all-natural skin bleach. It lightens the complexion and renders it a healthy glow. It is found to be very effective in soothing skin irritation and sunburns. This magic potion is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help you fight acne and breakouts. It also works wonders to eliminate acne scars. It protects your skin from free rad.ical damage, a chief contributor to premature aging, hence help to retain your youthful charm for long. Placing cooled down chamomile tea bags under the eyes can help to reduce under-eye dark circles and eye puffiness. If consumed on a regular basis, chamomile tea nourishes and moisturizes your skin from deep inside. Chamomile tea is also great for curing stomach cramps as it contains fairly strong antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory constituents. Drinking it twice a day can help relieve the cramps and also helps prevent stomach flu and ulcers. Chamomile tea is also known to help cure irritable bowel syndrome, relieve excessive gas and bloating. Chamomile tea has also been proven to be highly beneficial in helping curing insomnia and other sleep disorders. A cup of chamomile before bed assures a good night's sleep. It is also known to prevent migraines. As one notices the signs of a migraine, drinking a cup of chamomile tea can help prevent its onset. Chamomile tea has a wide variety of benefits. However, as with all herbal products chamomile too has certain side effects. It causes drowsiness, so it is best not to drink it before driving. When consumed in high quantities, chamomile may cause vomiting and skin reactions in some people. Chamomile is considered to be a natural abortive; hence it is not advisable to consume it during pregnancy.
Roman Chamomile – Anthemis nobilis
Roman chamomile is a great essential oil that has many uses. Here you will find some history, safety info, uses, a few uses and much more. Other Names: chamomile, chamomile romaine, English chamomile, garden chamomile, sweet chamomile, true chamomile History -Has been used for over 2000 years in Europe and the Mediterranean -Mainly in Europe, it was used for medicinal purposes, skin care and teas -Ancient Egyptians are was a sacred flower and was offered to the sun god Ra -It is one of the nine sacred herbs of the Saxons called ‘may then’ -It was used to improve air quality and reduce the insect population in homes and walkways in the Middle Ages Safety Data -Nonirritant -Can cause dermatitis in some people -Avoid during the first trimester of pregnancy -If the client is allergic to Ragweed or other members of the Asteraceae family take extra care Blends well with the following oils: Benzoin, bergamot, cedarwood, citrus oils, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, lavender, marjoram, neroli, patchouli, rose, ylang-ylang Key Qualities: restorative, calming, sedative, relaxing, soothing, warming, balancing, comforting, mild, slightly soporific or hypnotic in large doses Therapeutic Actions: analgesic, anodyne, antibacterial, antidepressant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antineuralgic, antiphlogistic, antipruritic, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, astringent, carminative, cholagogue, digestant, diuretic, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hepatic, ophthalmic, sedative, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vermifuge, vulnerary Medicinal Uses -Skin Care: abscesses, acne, allergies, boils, burns, cuts, chilblains, cold sores, dermatitis, earache, eczema, dandruff, hair care, herpes, inflammation, infection, insect bites, psoriasis, rashes, sensitive skin, sores, stings, teething pain, toothache, wounds -Circulation, Muscles, and Joints: arthritis, capillaries (broken), inflamed joint, muscular pain, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains, strains -Digestive System: dyspepsia, colic, colitis, cramps (stomach), flatulence, gastritis, indigestion, peptic ulcers, nausea -Eyes: conjunctivitis -Genito-urinary System: amenorrhea, candida, cystitis, dysmenorrhea, menopausal problems, menorrhagia, PMS -Immune System: fever, strengthens the Immune system -Nervous System: anger, anxiety, depression, headache, insomnia, irritability, nervous tension, neuralgia, migraine, stress-related complaints -Respiratory: allergies, asthma, bronchitis, cough Recommended Daily Dosage -Three times a day -3-5 drops externally -Teething: apply the oil diluted in a small amount of vegetable oil directly to gums using a sterile cotton swab -Conjunctivitis: add 1drop in ½ cup warm water, apply to eye with a sterile cotton ball. Be sure to use a sterile cotton ball for each eye Blends All recipes are mixed with 25 ml of oil -Nervousness: 7 drops chamomile, 3 drops lavender, 3 drops rose -Sore Muscles: 5 drops chamomile, 4 drops lavender, 3 drops marjoram -Stomach Soother: 7 drops chamomile, 4 drops ginger, 2 drops cardamon -Reproductive System: 5 drops chamomile, 4 drops rose, 2 drops geranium
How to Grow and Use Chamomile
The chamomile herb is an extremely useful sleeping agent for many who suffer from mild forms of insomnia. Besides this, a number of health benefits have been reported on consuming chamomile tea. The fresh or dried flowers are steeped in hot water to produce a mild tea which is both soothing and delicious! There are many different varieties of the herb. Some that grow wildly and some that are cultivated for use. Of the many varieties, only two- German chamomile and Roman chamomile- are used for drinking purposes. You can purchase these at your tea store or you can even choose to grow them!
How to Grow Chamomile
German chamomile grows from seeds sown directly in their garden location. The delicate seeds are very tiny and should be handled with care. The best way to plant these is to scatter the seeds over the prepared bed and then gently tapping the soil with the flat side of a hoe or the back of a spade. This variety of chamomile is planted when temperatures hit 10C, so its best to grow chamomile in colder countries. It usually germinates within a week to ten days. Flowering occurs in anywhere between eight to ten weeks. Blooms develop continuously, and once flowering commences, harvesting is possible every ten days to two weeks. Roman chamomile can be started from seeds or cuttings, or by root division. While German chamomiles can withstand a bit of frost, the Roman variety needs full sun. The seedling should have a six to twelve-inch spacing ad planted in a slightly acidic to neutral soil with good drainage. A rich soil will produce lush leaf growth but few flowers. It is excellent, but slow-growing, ground cover for cooler areas. Roman chamomile does not tolerate hot, dry weather. It has approximately the same harvest time as German chamomile. Once harvested both varieties can be dried and stored. They both make excellent teas. One simply needs to add a few chamomile flowers to a cup of hot water and allow it to steep for 4-5 minutes. Since chamomile has an extremely mild flavor, this tea will never be too strong to the taste, but one can steep the tea longer if desired. It is best to avoid any additions to the tea, be it milk, sugar, or honey as it will completely overpower the flavor of the tea. Now, pick a cup, steep the tea, sit back, and enjoy! Follow us: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Read the full article
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