raveneira · 10 months
'Ada deserves better than Kawaki'
The worst thing Kawaki has done to Ada
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The worst things Ada has done to Kawaki
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The worst Kawaki ever did to Ada was grab her collar to force her to lie which she could've disobeyed, thats it.
The worst things Ada did to Kawaki is
Trade everybody important to Kawaki in exchange for Code to spare him so she can pursue him, essentially human trafficking according to Bug, which is a horrible experience Kawaki's already gone through
Asking Code to spare Naruto after seeing how much he meant to Kawaki but when he refuses she says fine and to just not let Kawaki know shes involved because she dont want him to hate her, but could care less about the pain losing Naruto would have on him
She could've sent Daemon to intervene when Momo was brutally beating Kawaki and then about to kill Naruto right infront of him yet she sat there watching the whole thing and never tried to help despate literally watching in real time the despair Kawaki was in watching Naruto about to die.
She says Codes goals have nothing to do with her and that shes only helping him in exchange for Kawaki, yet when Shikamaru offers to make that happen without Code she still chooses to leave with Code and help him get his limiters off knowing how difficult that'd make things for everyone he cares about because she knows in the end they'd have to rely on her and Daemon for protection which'll give her access to Kawaki in exchange for that protection
Forced him on glorified house arrest
She holds the entire village hostage by the fact that they need Daemons strength and Ada's sight to deal with Code in exchange for getting to live with Kawaki against his will, Kawaki is not asked for his consent about ANY of this and it was all a deal that Amado and Shikamaru made with her on his behalf and she did not care as long as she's benefiting from Kawaki's trafficking
She allows her brother to beat Kawaki unconscious UNINTERUPPTED when they first meet and does not apologize to him for it
When Kawaki confronts her about her partnership with Code and correctly deduces that she sold Boruto out in exchange for him, Ada doesnt feel any remorse for it nor does she apologize for her selfishness, instead she changes the subject altogether and doesnt even address it
Even though it was unintentional she made omnipotence happen and completely miscontrued what Kawaki wanted by making him take Boruto's place entirely when all he actually wanted, and clearly stated, was for Boruto to be seen as an outsider so that nobody would interfere or feel bad when he kills him
Because of her now Kawaki is being forced to live a miserable life with everyone treating him like Boruto when he doesnt want that and also listening to ppl talk about how much they actually hate him and want him dead everytime they talk about Boruto who they really mean Kawaki when they say those cruel things. Meanwhile Ada is at home chillin without a care in the world about how her mess has affected him, infact she just suggests giving up on trying to undo it despite supposedly feeling bad for making Kawaki seem like a coward.
Ada does NOT deserve better, KAWAKI does, from the moment she's been introduced, literally the MOMENT she was introduced she didnt give a danm about Kawaki's feelings or consent AT ALL and made multiple deals disregarding the ppl he cares about with 3 different ppl in exchange for him like he wasnt even a human being but a piece of property to be bought and sold.
She felt zero remorse, I repeat, she felt ZERO remorse about working with Code who nearly killed Naruto right infront of him, and sold his brother out in exchange for him, when confronted about it by Kawaki himself and she has the chance to apologize she DOESNT do it, not just there, but she NEVER owns up to the fked up things she did nor apologizes to him for it, yet she apologizes to Boruto multiple times despite Kawaki being the one she supposedly loves.
How anybody, and I mean ANYBODY thinks Ada's the victim here is beyond me, even more so how anyone thinks Kawaki would ever even CONSIDER being together with her after all this when he himself has said she's scum and that he would've rathered taken his chances with Code than even meet her, 3 years have passed and Ada is still sitting home alone while Kawaki completely ignores her existence, how any of you think this ship has ANY possibility of happening is laughable, its even worse than KawaSumi's chances and theirs are low as hell too, but even that has more of a chance than Ada ever will.
So like I said, stfu, Ada doesnt deserve better, Kawaki does, if anything Ada deserves WORSE because she has gotten off scott free with no repercussions for way too long.
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“Boruto female characters are so much better than Naruto ones!”
No,they fucking aren’t.
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Eida,just like Delta,is a Mary Sue,who is overly sexualised and overly hyped despite being a cheap fan service & obvious ped0 male gaze.
Oh,did I tell you that Eida is only SIXTEEN? Yep,she is a minor and Ikemoto draws her with ass out.
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watermelonsloth · 10 months
Boruto Shipping Opinions
I’m gonna put a brief aside here to say two quick things to keep in mind before reading:
I am not going to go into great detail or analysis here because I’m holding off on that until the manga wraps up.
I am caught up with the manga, I am not caught up with the anime. I have watched up until the arc the new team 7 infiltrate a prison, the second chunin exams, and whatever clips/moments I’ve stumbled upon being discussed. I am not an avid fan, I do not know all the ins and outs of character dynamics, and I don’t even keep up with that part of the fandom. I have no horse in this race.
I don’t like this ship, and I don’t know if that’s an unpopular opinion. I’ll try to avoid saying “they have sibling vibes” or “they’re just friends” because, coming from someone who has used that excuse in the past, it is very difficult to explain/defend argument. So much so that now it just comes across as cheap to me.
I will, however, say that I don’t like it for the same reason I don’t like NejiTen. It comes across as “he was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious?” It feels like it stems from the idea that boys and girls can’t just be friends. If the dynamic was introduced with an edge of romance (like how Naruto and Sakura’s dynamic was introduced with Naruto having a crush on her), maybe it would be a different story. But as of right now, it feels like the fandom reading into something that doesn‘t need to be read into.
I hate to say this, but I’m guessing this ship stemmed from SasuSaku fans reading them as “next gen SasuSaku”. Look, everyone can ship whatever they want or choose to refrain from shipping, but I’m sick of the fandom projecting old ships on new dynamics. I have seen BoruSara compared to SNS, NaruSaku, and SasuSaku (for some reason). I have seen BoruSumi compared to NaruHina. I have seen MitsuSara compared to SasuSaku and SuiKarin. I have seen KawaSara compared to SasuSaku. Every single time I thought to myself, “The manga starts with Boruto asserting that he’s not his dad and this isn’t his dad’s story.” I get that comparisons will naturally arise since it’s a sequel series, but these kids are not carbon copies of their parents and they don’t have the same dynamics their parents did.
Now that my rant is out of the way, I think a hypothetical child between them having black hair with pink highlights would be cute and that’s about it.
I wish these two had more of a dynamic. Both characters have interactions with Boruto and clear dynamics with him, but they don’t really have much going on with each other. They both have recognizable personalities, but they mellow each other out whenever they interact and it makes them boring (I’m guessing Ikemoto isn’t interested in them together). They also only tend to talk to each other about Boruto (at least in the manga). Say what you want about them, but at least Sasuke and Sakura had a dynamic.
Anyways, funny ha ha, Orochimaru gets an Uchiha in the way they least expected.
Gayer than any of the Naruto dynamics and that is saying something. However, I struggle to like the ship because I’m just so confused.
First, why does Boruto have so many lancer/foil/rival characters. Kawaki, Sarada, and Mitsuki all act as lancers. I get that writing doesn’t have to be formulaic, but they aren’t even all lancers to each other, having dynamics that bounce off of each other, they’re just lancers to Boruto. At least for me, it’s already gotten really boring and ends in the three’s dynamics with each other falling flat.
Second, the sun and moon symbolism makes no sense to me as a writing decision. The obvious problem is that it’s redundant; it’s already been used for multiple Naruto dynamics. The less obvious problem is that it contradicts Mitsuki’s manga introduction. Mitsuki was introduced as the middle between Boruto and Sarada’s two extremes, taking up a role similar to Sakura’s in the og team 7. If he’s supposed to be the moon to Boruto’s sun, why is he introduced to us as the earth? The admittedly more minor problem that distracts me is that Orochimaru was the one that Mitsuki down this road. Why? Orochimaru wasn’t redeemed by Naruto and has never shown interest in him or this philosophy before now. My best guess is that they’re fascinated by Naruto’s affect on Sasuke, but that still leaves me with questions.
It makes me think that the writer didn’t have any ideas when they introduced these two.
I don’t like how the fandom is making another love square, but I doubt there’s anything I can do to stop them.
This ship is boring because Sumire is boring. That one anime arc made her interesting, but it’s referenced and relevant so rarely that she goes back to being boring. I’d like this more if the story let Sumire be morally gray or treated her like a redeemed villain more. As of right now, I think the only leg the ship has to stand on is writing tropes and I do not care.
This ship feels like the product of the same people who ship SasuHina/SasuIno/SasuKarin/KibaHina out of spite. My last post/reblog went into why this happens but the short of it is that it’s easier to ship something in peace if the biggest “threats” to it are paired together. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I have a feeling most KawaSumi shippers also ship BoruSara.
Please… just stop. If not for yourself, then for me. I’m already barely coping with how popular NejiHina is. Why have I seen this as much as I have??? This feels like a personal attack on my sanity. They’re siblings.
This is the section for all the ships I have little/no opinions on. I think MitsuCho is too boring for how popular it is, I think ChoSara should be more popular, I’m disturbed by all of the Eida x next gen ships because she looks and acts like an adult (at least how adults are portrayed in Boruto), and I’m surprised Code x Eida isn’t more popular, but I also think that Code has gotten the Kabuto treatment and isn’t very popular in the fandom.
The ships I haven’t mentioned I either have so little fucks to give or so little information on that I have ZERO thoughts about.
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mdr-reikas · 1 year
Not a big fan of Boruto as y'all know, but definitely a big fan of the fact that every new character I see looks like a minor Jojo villain??
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b0rusxmi · 1 year
Other than BoruSumi, what other ships do you like in Boruto and what's your fav character(s) and why do you like them? And is there any characters you hate and why do you hate them? And what's the best ship in the overall series (Naruto and Boruto)? And do you ship Boruto with any other character?
Sorry if that's a lot of questions
All good.
Ships: BoruSumi, KawaEida, ShikaYodo, MitsuSara, ShinCho, IwaWasa, DaeHima
Love characers: Hinata (she's just too innocent and cute to hate and she has a lot of potential), Sumire (she's really pretty, strong and smart), Himawari (how can you hate her? She too cute), and Eida (she's really pretty and strong)
Hate characters: Sarada (I've mentioned in my other post why I hate her)
Best Ship: Probably, if I hate to chose one, NaruHina. They're just so cute together.
Boruto Ships: Yes. I do like BoruEida, but also I liked Ouga (even tho her appearance was only in a few eps) and BoruOuga
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rantahead · 9 months
If you don't mind me asking, could you do a rant on MitsuSumi & KawaSumi/KawaHima.
Like why people ship them (if you know) and all that because, personally, I find all three disgusting, especially KawaHima.
(I know this'll be more of bsu and anti-bsa, but it's an important essential of the story)
ok, so I, personally, ship msu and ksu because I find them fun and more of crack ships then actual canon ships. I see why ppl like them, but they are more of crack ships. the only one that's actually sailing is ksu, but that's basically dead since timeskip.
but before I get into those ships, let's begin with the incest KawaHima.
kh is basically bsa, an incest ship. except the only difference is kh doesn't have same blood (bsa is incest because of their dads are reincarnations of Ashura and Indra and their clans are close, almost to the point of bsa being literally cousins). but kh are ADOPTIVE siblings, either way, they're related, not by blood tho.
I don't understand why ppl like it considering they're literally siblings. it's basically like shipping Boruto and Himawari. and not to mention their age difference.
ok, so now msu & ksu! first we'll start with msu because that won't take as long as the ksu rant:
so the first actual reason ppl started shipping them (actual fans) is the anime when Nue arc took place. that's what got me hooked on them.
but bsa fans only ship them to get Sumire and Mitsuki away from Boruto and Sarada because Mitsuki has only shown to be romantic around Sarada and Boruto (he might be gay for Boruto, but if he's straight, he's only ever shown interest in Sarada). and Sumire, well, need I say more? she is the ONLY character to have confirmed feelings for another character, hence why they want them both out of the way, because, other than Kawaki, they're the biggest threats to their ship. and they say Mitsuki is the captain of their ship, yet they're suddenly gonna want to throw him away the second he has any romantic relationship with either. and he actually never called them a "good couple" in the manga a.k.a canon and only in the Academy in the anime. after graduating and being on the same team, NOT ONCE has he said they make a good couple because he KNOWS they don't. hell, he asked Sarada ONCE about her feelings in anime and in manga, but he just wanted to know, not that he thinks they will make a good couple, but he was curious, not shipping them.
and with Kawaki, they ship Sumire with him just so they'll both be out of the way of their ship. yet Eida has feelings for Kawaki so she'll most likely get him and Sumire has feelings for Boruto so she'll most likely get him. Sarada's only option is Mitsuki, but yes, Kawaki is a victim of the disgusting bsa fandom because neither parties (Boruto, Sarada, Mitsuki, Kawaki) have confirmed their feelings for each other.
and they know how cringy their supposed ship is, which is why they try and say Sumire's love is just a crush and Sarada has confirmed her feelings over blushing and she's a tsundere. they even say Sumire only lied to Sarada so she could recognize her feelings, yet that backfired because after that, the only romantic scene they got was Sarada hugging Boruto in timeskip, like, 66 chapters after Sumire supposedly "manipulated Sarada in realizing her feelings for Boruto".
ok, so I gave a basic rundown, but I'll get into detail about it, starting with Sumire's confession:
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ok, so here, antis claim that Sumire only manipulated Sarada into realizing her feelings for Boruto (which didn't happen considering the only romantic thing they have in the ENTIRE manga is the hug at the end of TBV chapter 5, the rest of their moments in the manga were cons to the ship). Sumire was GENUINE about HER feelings, not helping Sarada realize hers.
(btw, for bsa to actually happen, Sarada's personality has to take a big 180 for the ship to actually be considered romantic)
because this comes back up AGAIN:
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this is when they KNOW she has DEFINITE feelings for him - REAL feelings. not an act, not a manipulation tactic, REAL FEELINGS, TRUE LOVE.
even Katasuke says "though it's so very obivious". meaning her feelings are true and real.
and say she DID manipulate Sarada to realize her feelings (hell will have to freeze over before it's confirmed that she did), her look wasn't jealous, but more of shock because it came out of nowhere, and she looked concern as Team 7 left and she was looking back at Sumire, probably like "oh no, this idiot is gonna get her heartbroken!". she was worried FOR Sumire, not worried ABOUT Sumire. she didn't think of Sumire as a rival, she thought of her as a close friend (she was her first friend and only friend until Chocho showed up) and she was worried that Boruto (being the dense kid he is) will hurt her.
say, just say, that she lied to Sumire about not having feelings for Boruto (as some antis claim), she'll be an even worse friend than Sakura was to Ino when their friendship ended. at least only one was serious about Sasuke (Sakura), Ino only went after him just to piss Sakura off. whereas Sumire's feelings are real and if Sarada has real feelings, all her moments after chapter 19 will be to piss of Sumire, because remember, she NEVER mentioned Sumire's name when she told Sasuke about Omnipotence, and she hugged Boruto IN FRONT of Sumire. that'll just make her look WORSE than she already does.
but Sarada couldn't care less about romantic feelings, let alone for Boruto. as she confirmed with Eida and Mitsuki.
so they need Sumire to be like Ino and move on with a guy like Sai (Mitsuki), hell, even Kawaki!
the only problem is:
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"(koi) = Love between lovers(romantic)"
THAT is the kanji written on Sumire's databook and the cover she first appears in. they're both about SUMIRE, not Sarada as ppl claim. because why would it show up in the same cover Sumire does, huh? suspicious. but her databook cover comfirms her feelings are real.
but now they know that her feelings won't go away so they need Mitsuki and Kawaki to come and take her away so any of them won't be in the way.
msu has had NO interactions in the manga, had the Academy & Nue arcs and the one seen in the Kawaki arc where Mitsuki catches her when she falls over after Kawaki kicks her (all in the anime), well, if you exclude all the random classmate talking during other arcs. but overall, those have the romantic scenes and even then, the only romantic scene is that one seen in the Kawaki arc that isn't even that romantic.
ksu however, in the manga, only has Sumire being Kawaki's caretaker and the anime added a few "romantic" ksu moments, then realized, "wait, this isn't what's happening in the manga", and suddenly, it's like they never happened and ksu never even met.
ppl think that Sumire being Kawaki's caretaker will make her fall in love with him, yet HE asked about HER feelings for BORUTO, not him, BORUTO, his brother. both Mitsuki and Kawaki haven't shown any romantic feelings in ANYONE, including Sarada and Boruto. but at least with Boruto and Sumire, there's a spark there (Boruto being a little too much overprotective of her).
Sarada, however, currently, hopping to and from Mitsuki and Kawaki, so it's kinda hard to tell who'd she'll end up with but it'll probably be Mitsuki because Kawaki ruined Boruto's life. with Boruto, there's just that "he's my teammate, gotta keep him save", "my master told me to protect her so I have to."
say msu or ksu do get a lot of attention, you really think Sumire could look at them like she looks at Boruto. Boruto, himself, debunked that she may be a good actress, yet she can't hide her feelings. she can barely hide her feelings from Boruto in front of anyone. I'm honestly surprised Sarada didn't see the confession coming when Sumire started talking about if Boruto was popular with the girls back in Konoha.
but ppl start creating crazy theories that they'll end up together and that Kishi planned it.
but yes, I'm gonna rap this up:
basically, ppl (some) ship them because they're cute, most ship them to get all three out of the way.
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narhinafan · 1 year
The hype of sarada fandom will be in dust when manga will finally introduced himawari in action. Can't wait for them get bitch-slapped by kishimoto in timeskip. The potential himawari had is totally worth to wait. Almost every sarada stans are anti-himawari, even when that sunshine is not even in the manga right now , can't wait for her to save salad ass just like naruto handle sakura useless ass in every battle.
Even their is age difference between them, but hima is always shown way mature,calm and understanding rather crying her problems out.
In terms of borusumi ship, the main factor is sumire is more like hinata in terms of nature so bolt is not gonna leave that oppourtunity to settle with his family standards rather than choosing a crying dumb brat who is duplicate of what his father rejected in the past. Hope he doesn't make make that mistake lol.
Yeah if Himawari was affected by Eida then likely her first big fight might be against Boruto or Sarada and causing them a lot of trouble. Like seriously with how Boruto is easily the strongest of his gen Himawari would end up at least being a match for him so have no issues with Sarada.
BoruSumi should hopefully happen him and Sarada teammates, but also don't get along a lot. Plus Sumire is going to be playing a big part after the reality change since unlike Sarada she can keep it together and come up with a plan.
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kyriolex · 2 years
Himawari enrolling in the Academy now seems to me like at least a year has passed in universe since Boruto Graduated from the Academy considering none of the characters look any different compared to when Boruto first entered 🤔
One thing that I will be forever grateful is that Kishimoto made Himawari a little younger than the majority of the next gen kids for one reason alone:
She is safe from shipping nonsense
Also somewhat unrelated but do you believe that Boruto females are overall better handled than the Naruto ones?
In Naruto a big criticism is that the Females were incompetent and they're personalities were all about how much they loved a Man.
The girls in Boruto, while there are still writing flaws, the young Kunoichi are shown as competent in battle and they seem to have personalities outside of falling in Love
Do you agree?
While Boruto has a lot of flaws (even without filler, its pacing is a disaster), it does do right by its cast. I'd say yes, Boruto has better-written female characters than Naruto, for three reasons:
One: Modern standards
Boruto is being written 20 years after Naruto, and female representation has advanced a lot since then. Stuff like Jiraiya peeping on teenagers in the bath doesn't fly anymore.
Two: Naruto set the bar VERY low
I love the OG cast, but that's mostly because of fanon, not canon. In the show, Naruto's female characters only came in three flavors:
Lovesick girl
Crazy bitch
Lonely old hag
It's hard to act like a fully fleshed-out person when your writer considers "not being in love with the protagonist" to be a huge character flaw.
Fanon versions of Naruto's girls are deliciously nuanced. But the canon characters fell drastically short of the promise they showed in the first half of the series.
Three: Boruto treats its female cast better than most modern shonen
A lot of shonen these days allow their female characters to participate in battle, but they're usually mid-tier at best. For example, in Boku no Hero Academia, even the class "prodigy" Momo rarely wins her battles - Aizawa canonically threw his match against her to boost her self-esteem.
But Boruto allows Sarada and Sumire to be genuine powerhouses. Sometimes Sarada even gets to outshine the boy characters.
What's more, even the weaker female characters are allowed to have backstories and motivations. Again, not to keep ragging on BNHA, but Ochako is the literal heroine, and her main motivations are "help Deku" and "earn money for her impoverished family that only appeared in the anime for two seconds."
That said...
When Boruto does female characters well, it does them really well. But when it does female characters poorly, it's a train wreck.
Eida takes all the worst tropes from Naruto's female cast - the stalkerish obsession, the fickle selfishness, the utter lack of common sense - and ramps them up to 11. If Naruto's cast sat at rock bottom, then Eida belongs in Earth's molten core.
You could argue that Eida's mere existence cancels out all of Boruto's so-called feminist cred.
P.S. I guarantee that after the timeskip, Himawari will be thrown into the shipping wars with everyone else. No one is safe.
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madara-fate · 2 years
Hey madara, I saw your anonymous asks from yesterday and I'm gonna give you some context since there was a fight around 3 weeks ago about the topic.
To be honest, I'm a Sakura fan and I have trouble these days defending her because of her writing in Boruto, to the point I'm starting to dislike her a lot due to lack of content for 2 whole years and the drought to come.
Believe it or not, Ino fans do say that she's the best kunoichi of her generation and she's representing the previous generation of females.
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I saw the thing about the pillars and removing Sakura and Kakashi. This is what they love to talk about.
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I've seen all the things Ino fans say and as a Sakura fan I can't even bring to debunk like you claim.
"The entire plot is carried by them" yes kinda, nobody is doing anything except for Ino, Naruto, Sasuke, Sai, Katasuke, Amado and Ibiki so Sakura is still useless and very irrelevant to this point (I seriously can't believe I'm saying this). Sakura or Kakashi, not even Hinata, know about Kara, the cyborgs or the stabbing Boruto, Eida, Code, Daimon in the village... I'm even surprised Sakura is considered high in the hierarchy when Ino got more power than her, Boruto saying Sakura is suitable for Hokage in the novel sounds so stupid I don't even wanna bring it up to defend her.
Your point about "As if what is happening right now is all that matters when determining someone's overall importance to the village right" is kinda wrong. It's not only right now, it's happened since the beginning of Boruto:
Ino was introduced as the leader of the Barrier Team and was automatically warned about Kara, told Naruto about Delta infiltrating, told Naruto about Isshiki infiltrating, told Shikamaru and Naruto about Amado and Shikadai, was tasked with finding Kawaki, is tasked with Code and communications...
She is the most important female and surely above Sakura. Sakura isn't even taken into consideration, is only present when it comes to Sasuke, only heals Sasuke, her whole writing revolves around Sasuke, isn't written to heal Kawaki post Code fight in chapter 69, Boruto can regenerate...
The overall importance of the village is in Ino's hands (as female characters) because no matter how important healing is, it's not necessary and the writer doesn't want to make Sakura or the hospital relevant.
I can't believe I wrote all this "denigrating" Sakura post, I hope that a person with brains and capacity to debunk like you can help me or your followers about the recent debate.
I don't even know how to involve her in the plot... have a good day madara, hope I gave you context.
To be honest, I'm a Sakura fan and I have trouble these days defending her because of her writing in Boruto, to the point I'm starting to dislike her a lot due to lack of content for 2 whole years and the drought to come.
Why would Sakura having a lack of content cause you to dislike her? I'm sorry but that doesn't make aby sense at all. It's not like she's done anything which caused you to change your opinion of her, so a lack of content shouldn't cause you to dislike her. If anything, it should cause you to grow frustrated at the writer, not the character.
"The entire plot is carried by them" yes kinda, nobody is doing anything except for Ino, Naruto, Sasuke, Sai, Katasuke, Amado and Ibiki
Again, that wasn't the point I was making. I was not saying that the current plot wasn't being carried by those characters. The point I was making was that it is stupid for that Anon to have used who are the key players to the plot right now, as the sole means of determining who is qualified to be labelled as a pillar for the village. You can't just erase everything else that Kakashi and Sakura have done to help establish what the village is today.
So Sakura is still useless and very irrelevant to this point (I seriously can't believe I'm saying this).
Yeah, I can't believe you're saying that either, because you sound exactly like all those typical anti extremists who carelessly throw around the "useless" accusation despite the fact that it cannot be applied to the character in question. Just because Sakura is not involved in the current plot, does not make her useless. For goodness sake I'm so sick of these asinine claims of uselessness, because this fandom seriously does not know what that term means anymore, they really don't. Sakura leads the village's Medical division, meaning without her at the helm, hundreds upon hundreds of lives are in serious peril. That is a huge responsibility within the village, and that is why she's recognised as one of the pillars. Just because she's not involved in the current plot, does not mean that she isn't doing anything.
I mean honestly, this reminds me of that ridiculous claim that Sakura was apparently useless during Pain's Invasion, because she didn't take out any of the Pain's, and instead apparently just cried for Naruto to come and save them. When in actuality, she kept hundreds upon hundreds of people alive in the medical wards, and was completely inundated with the volume of people needing emergency attention. But does she get the credit she deserves for preventing the village's population from falling considerably? No of course she doesn't, because she wasn't directly involved with what was going on front and centre. That's apparently all that matters to people.
Sakura or Kakashi, not even Hinata, know about Kara, the cyborgs or the stabbing Boruto, Eida, Code, Daimon in the village... I'm even surprised Sakura is considered high in the hierarchy when Ino got more power than her, Boruto saying Sakura is suitable for Hokage in the novel sounds so stupid I don't even wanna bring it up to defend her.
Why? Why does Sakura's high position in the village surprise you? How on earth does Ino have more power than Sakura? Ino is nowhere near Sakura's level. How on earth was it so stupid for Boruto to suggest Sakura as a Hokage candidate when considering that her credentials far outweigh literally everyone else other than Shikamaru? Seriously, please explain this.
Your point about "As if what is happening right now is all that matters when determining someone's overall importance to the village right" is kinda wrong. It's not only right now, it's happened since the beginning of Boruto:
Ino was introduced as the leader of the Barrier Team and was automatically warned about Kara, told Naruto about Delta infiltrating, told Naruto about Isshiki infiltrating, told Shikamaru and Naruto about Amado and Shikadai, was tasked with finding Kawaki, is tasked with Code and communications...
What happened since the beginning of Boruto? Because you went on to list events from Delta's infiltration, when that very obviously wasn't the beginning of Boruto. Again, people need to actually acknowledge the reasons why Naruto considers Sakura and Kakashi as pillars, because then they won't begin making these silly claims about how just because they're not involved in the current plot, it apparently means that they're useless to the village.
She is the most important female and surely above Sakura. Sakura isn't even taken into consideration, is only present when it comes to Sasuke, only heals Sasuke, her whole writing revolves around Sasuke, isn't written to heal Kawaki post Code fight in chapter 69, Boruto can regenerate... The overall importance of the village is in Ino's hands (as female characters) because no matter how important healing is, it's not necessary and the writer doesn't want to make Sakura or the hospital relevant.
And at this point, after saying all of that, particularly the bolded sections, you've just lost credibility with me. I cannot believe you just said that, because the first one demonstrates a serious lack of attention, and the second one just demonstrates ignorance. Healing isn't necessary... I mean come on, if you were to remove the hospital and the Children's Mental Healthcare Centre from the village, I would love to see how long they would last before plunging into chaos.
I can't believe I wrote all this "denigrating" Sakura post, I hope that a person with brains and capacity to debunk like you can help me or your followers about the recent debate.
In any case, I've now given my stance on the matter. I hope I wasn't too blunt, but seeing all that from someone who is supposedly a Sakura fan was very surprising and frankly, rather disappointing.
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rayverl · 3 years
The plot of Boruto so far, I guess
Just warning you, this is probably gonna be cringe.
 There’s gonna be a bit of spoilers at the end.
Also, if I say something biased, you can blame the Boruto subreddit. 
*Deep breath*
Okay, so there’s this guy called Bolt. He’s sort of a genius. He seems pretty bratty, right? Well, being neglected by your dad, who’s the literal leader of your village does that to you.
Bolt is a student at this ninja academy. There’s a new transfer student. His name is Meets Sue Key. He likes snakes and has pale skin and golden eyes. Totally not suspicious at all. He has a friend called Salad. She’s an Uch-Yee- Haw.
Things Happen. The class rep, Sumire has a monster. Something about Danzo, I think.
Salad get’s her own arc. She meets her dad, Sauce ok, who almost stabs her, thinking she’s this guy called Shin, who calls himself an Uchiha. Turns out he’s just someone experimented on by A Roach In My Room. 
Imagine not recognizing your own daughter. In Saucegay’s defense, he probably never even saw her as a baby. Actually, that would be even worse.
Mitts key gets backstory. Oro is a PILF. (Mitsuki’s mom has got it goin’ on!)
Bolt, Mitski and Salad participate in the Chew-nin exams. Bored tho cheats. Bolt’s dad, Ramen toppings, is extremely disappointed and embarrassed. 
Then, some aliens arrive. There’s this dude called Momoshitkey. Nerd tho, Bolt, Sauce gay and the Kage fight Momoshitkey. Momoshitkey implants something called Karma onto Bore root toe.
Choo choo arc is a mix of celebrity crushes, anti fatphobia and Butterflies
Mitsuki “betrays” Konoha, Oh no key dies, Mitsuki says sike lol I’m still a Konoha Shinobi.
Some filler and anime canon later, it’s the Kara Actuation Arc, which is still anime canon. 
There’s some new character called Mugino. Boruto uses sexy jutsu to get Hashirama cells. 
Oral chi fishballs Thanos snaps some chick for ripping off his kunai-licking thing and completely annihilates Oh no key knock-off Viktor Krum, a Kara inner.
Bolt and co defeat Deepa with a Super High Compression Rasengan.
Mitsuki needs new organs and I headcanon that Great Snek Circle completely lost his shit internally. They’re a total tsundere mum.
It’s the Ao arc! Boruto fights with Ao and people begin to say he truly is Mean A Toe’s grandson and Nawrrrr a toe’s son.
Woooo! Kawaki time! 
I was too busy so I couldn’t catch up on the show and relied on Reddit to find out what happened, so from here onwards the stuff I write might lack a few things.
They find Car Key and Naruto adopts him as a son or something.
Worship the mighty Vase-kun.
Naruto defeats Delta.
Monk dude destroys Nerd Toe and Sauce ok. Bolt, Salad, Mitsuki and Car Key fight Borrow. They get a great team strategy.
Boruto turns into BoruShitKey. Naruto turns into a chakra station. BoruShitKey defeats Borrow. 
(Borushiki’s “What was that Jutsu he used again? Oh, right... The Rasengan” gave me CHILLS. I simp for that voice.)
Kashin Koji and Amado are actually traitors of Kara. Koji tries to kill Jigen and miserably fails. Koji is revealed to be a clone of Jiraiya (Totally didn’t see that coming /s). Koji runs away from Jigen. 
Somewhere around this time, Car Key loses his Karma.
Jigen becomes EatShitKey, and defeats Nerd Toe and Sauce gay. Ramen toppings gets Baryon Mode and Kurama is like “Sike lol you won’t die but I will”.
Feels and Nostalgia. RIP our Fox boi. Press F for respect.
Borushiki: “Yes, very sad. Anyway”
Code wakes up and checks on the Ten Tails. Code is sad because his daddy and god, EatShitKey is dead (boo-hoo lol). Code swears revenge against the people who had a part in EatShitKey’s death.
There’s going to be an anime canon Chunin exam soon, I’m pretty excited for it.
Manga spoilers time
Code meets Ada, or Eida. (The name Ada is funny to me because in my language, Ada means “have” or “got”)
He also meets Doraemon. 
Amado offers to give Kawaki a Karma again and Kawaki is like “No why tf would I want that”
Kawaki runs from the Uzumaki house, for some reason. Code Catches him and Bolt interferes in their battle.
Btw worship Fatachi
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The history repeats itself: Eida is a gross combination of Sakura and hinata in the nasties way possible.
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Eida is not a “good strong female character”,she is just a Mary Sue with fanservice under male gaze!
Eida is just as obsessive as Sakura and hinata and Eida is also selfish in her “love” to Boruto and Kawaki: she does not actually give a fuck about neither, she is after the thrill of “real love” meaning she is a predator hunting Boruto and Kawaki down because they are partially Otsusuki and her manic psycho ability doesn’t work on them.
Eida’s ability is also nasty: shit straight out of porno.
Keep in mind that Eida is canonically only 16.
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cocktailjjrs · 2 years
FYI contains a few minor manga spoilers. 
So, I finally caught up with Boruto anime from Funato arc onwards. And let me say one thing;
I mean what was even point of this whole thing? I had actually started liking in him and then they go of and kill him? I thought he was going to become Mizukage, what happens to that now?
This arc was by far the one with most deaths. We had,
Taiki - the ship captain that was killed 
Kobasoza - the one who killed Taki then killed himself to avoid being interrogated
Kagura - (Why! Oh! WHY!) Stabbed in the chest by Funamushi
Tenma - Avoided his brothers warnings and launched attack on the Mist ships, only to be cut down by Chojuro and fall overboard
Hebachiigo - Killed by Funamushi after trying to restrain him (I really did not think even she would die and to think she was actually starting to make friends and have a free life)
Funamushi - (Okay, I admit, this one i was happy for and hoping it would happen) Rasenganed by Boruto and then stabbed by Buntan
Seiren - Died of injuries in hospital 
Isari - Killed by his own father with his own weapon while trying to make peace aggrement
Not to mention the airship that crashed initially that killed many
I can also see a pattern here. First we had an arc with Iwa, where the kill count was also high and now we have Kiri. What next? Kumo or Suna? 
And at the end Boruto offered his own life to stop the war (Though i knew he won’t die), for me the whole ending felt a bit hollow. I mean we have seen Naruto use Talk no jutsu, but i felt Boruto didn’t say much or anything at all, i had so many things he could have pointed out for Ikada to consider. 
The whole ending felt very anti climatic to me. 
And then there is the new Op. While it contains few wholesome shots, it also contains this one:
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And this one reminded me of this: 
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So, we are getting Code arc soon it seems. 
But before that, I just want the Uzumaki’s (and when i say Uzumaki’s it consists of Kawaki without a doubt) to have some bonding time. For the kids to remain kids a while longer, because things are gonna go down real fast & soon.
Manga readers know the pain and suffering (plus some ridiculousness) that is to come. (That reminds me of the last chapter we had, it seems Amado is going to reveal why he is so obsessed with Kawaki to both Eida and Konoha; so does that mean Eida will be an ally?)
Anyway, by far my most favourite episode from the recent ones was (I’m sure its not just mine) Ep 258!!!
We get our Sunshine family just enjoying. This is what the Fourth Great Ninja War was for; to let the upcoming generations live without the fear of a looming war or deaths awaiting (though in Boruto’s case, the death and war still looms over)
Anyway, that aside this episode was so wholesome. We Got Hinata!!! And Hima, she is way too pure for this world.
And we also have a family pic,
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I laughed so much during the whole episode, not to mention they were actually haunted by that ghost, LOL!!!
Well, i guess a few more light hearted chapters like this wont hurt before we finally move onto the Manga canon (Though i dont want like 50 fillers before that)
Hope for the best, i guess. 
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The Benefits of Connecting to the eKYC Portal
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If you are a business owner and have not yet connected to the eKYC portal, you should consider doing so because it can benefit you in many different ways. The needs of identification as well as user registration have increased with the transposition of the offer of products and services of all kinds to the online sphere. The eKYC concept is applicable to all sectors of activity, but it is especially delicate in sensitive sectors like those related to finance, wealth and investments.
Know Your Customer (KYC) is simply a procedure for identifying and verifying a customer’s identity. The process consists of a series of checks that are implemented in the first stage of the relationship with the client in order to verify that he is who he says he is, taking into consideration his identity documents as well as his personification.
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All businesses and economic agents, especially banks and financial institutions, are experiencing a drastic process of digitalization. Digital transformation has been part of the most relevant changes in organizations in the last decade, making those who forget this task to lose opportunities in their sector or even disappear.
Organizations and companies are struggling to transform and digitize processes that sometime back seemed difficult to automate and get remote. But specialized businesses have appeared so as to achieve this task, using cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to transform and optimize processes.
For more information on the benefits of connecting to the eKYC portal, visit our website at https://loginid.io/
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madara-fate · 3 years
Chapter 57 question: do you feel that Eida is in sort of a way a "ship ruiner" of sorts? I was reading some of the reddit comments, and one person was like "ahaha sasuke should stay away from her since he has hasn't female contact in a while". While I completely disagree and mentally cringed and actually sort of hope that they include the "our hearts are connected" thing once again if it did happen, I just feel that it might just cause more ammo for anti- sasusaku or any pairing really. (This is ofc completely hypothetical, and I'm probably just over imagining).
With Eida's ability, some romantic drama between herself and Sasuke (along with basically everyone else she comes into contact with) is obviously a route that can be taken. However, she seemed far more interested in Kawaki or even Boruto as a potential "prince", so at the very least, Eida probably wouldn't actively pursue anything with Sasuke. Yet, I can't predict what would happen if they were to come into contact with each other. She said only family members and Otsutsuki members were immune to her ability, so it would be interesting to see how it would affect someone like Sasuke, who has obviously never been one to romantically fawn over someone else.
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digitalconvo · 4 years
Digital Signature Market Growth and Restrain Factors Analysis – 2028
Global Digital Signature Market: Overview
The global quest to increase security across digital platforms has created humongous demand within the global digital signature market. Use of digital signature in the corporate sector has increased by leaps and bounds, and several entities use these signatures to verify the identity of users. Like manual signatures, use of digital signature is also meant for the purpose of authentication and approval. However, digital signature endows several features that can help in verifying user-identity with fool-proof evidence. The use of cryptographic nodes for digital signatures has added a layer of security to these signatures. Furthermore, digital signatures are non-repudiated, and a person cannot deny signing a document or node in the future. The stellar utility served by digital signatures is projected to be a launchpad for market growth.
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A syndicate report on the global digital signature market unravels several factors pertaining to market growth and maturity. The global digital signature market can be segmented on the basis of application, end-user, and region. Use of digital signature to provide access to secure applications on mobile devices has played a vital role in market growth. Furthermore, cloud-based digital signatures have lately emerged as an important element of the digital world.
Global Digital Signature Market: Notable Developments
The advent of digital transformation has paved way for several developments within the global digital signature market.
Advancements in blockchain technologies have created quite a buzz across the global digital signature market. The irreversible nature of digital signature, coupled with the advantages of blockchain technology, shall help in fostering greater security across digital nodes. Several entities are focusing towards developing improved blockchain technologies, and this trend shall aid the growth of the digital signature market.
Emergence of eIDAS that creates a standard for electronic signatures has played a key role in market growth. It is important to analyse and specify the prerequisites for approving digital signatures. Furthermore, the shift from manual signatures to digital signatures also calls for systems such as eIDAS that can regulate electronic signatures. The growth of the global digital signature market largely relies on developing robust equivalents for manual signatures.
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Global Digital Signature Market: Growth Drivers
Need for Security across Financial Sector
Use of digital signatures for financial transactions and high-security authentication has played a key role in market growth. Software distribution tools use digital signatures in order to ensure rightful distribution, and to prevent fraudsters from gaining access to the software. Furthermore, several banking apps and financial entities mandate the use of digital signatures to get access to financial portals. Therefore, the global digital signature market is set to grow at a stellar pace in the years to follow. Use of digital signatures in contract management software is an important dynamic of market growth and maturity.
Stellar Pace of Digital Transformation
Need for protecting key digital assets against forgery and tampering is the basis for using digital signatures. Electronic data is often protected with the help of digital signatures, and this is a key consideration from the perspective of market growth. Use of digital signature in the corporate and government sector has gathered swing across several regions. Growing use of smart cards has also helped in popularising digital signatures. Moreover, anti-forgery mechanism are extensively used across the private and public sector. The integrity of digital signatures in fostering security and safety of transactions has been at the forefront of market growth.
The global digital signature market can be segmented by:
Government & Defense
Real Estate
Manufacturing & Engineering
Healthcare & Life Sciences
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