raveneira · 10 months
'Ada deserves better than Kawaki'
The worst thing Kawaki has done to Ada
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The worst things Ada has done to Kawaki
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The worst Kawaki ever did to Ada was grab her collar to force her to lie which she could've disobeyed, thats it.
The worst things Ada did to Kawaki is
Trade everybody important to Kawaki in exchange for Code to spare him so she can pursue him, essentially human trafficking according to Bug, which is a horrible experience Kawaki's already gone through
Asking Code to spare Naruto after seeing how much he meant to Kawaki but when he refuses she says fine and to just not let Kawaki know shes involved because she dont want him to hate her, but could care less about the pain losing Naruto would have on him
She could've sent Daemon to intervene when Momo was brutally beating Kawaki and then about to kill Naruto right infront of him yet she sat there watching the whole thing and never tried to help despate literally watching in real time the despair Kawaki was in watching Naruto about to die.
She says Codes goals have nothing to do with her and that shes only helping him in exchange for Kawaki, yet when Shikamaru offers to make that happen without Code she still chooses to leave with Code and help him get his limiters off knowing how difficult that'd make things for everyone he cares about because she knows in the end they'd have to rely on her and Daemon for protection which'll give her access to Kawaki in exchange for that protection
Forced him on glorified house arrest
She holds the entire village hostage by the fact that they need Daemons strength and Ada's sight to deal with Code in exchange for getting to live with Kawaki against his will, Kawaki is not asked for his consent about ANY of this and it was all a deal that Amado and Shikamaru made with her on his behalf and she did not care as long as she's benefiting from Kawaki's trafficking
She allows her brother to beat Kawaki unconscious UNINTERUPPTED when they first meet and does not apologize to him for it
When Kawaki confronts her about her partnership with Code and correctly deduces that she sold Boruto out in exchange for him, Ada doesnt feel any remorse for it nor does she apologize for her selfishness, instead she changes the subject altogether and doesnt even address it
Even though it was unintentional she made omnipotence happen and completely miscontrued what Kawaki wanted by making him take Boruto's place entirely when all he actually wanted, and clearly stated, was for Boruto to be seen as an outsider so that nobody would interfere or feel bad when he kills him
Because of her now Kawaki is being forced to live a miserable life with everyone treating him like Boruto when he doesnt want that and also listening to ppl talk about how much they actually hate him and want him dead everytime they talk about Boruto who they really mean Kawaki when they say those cruel things. Meanwhile Ada is at home chillin without a care in the world about how her mess has affected him, infact she just suggests giving up on trying to undo it despite supposedly feeling bad for making Kawaki seem like a coward.
Ada does NOT deserve better, KAWAKI does, from the moment she's been introduced, literally the MOMENT she was introduced she didnt give a danm about Kawaki's feelings or consent AT ALL and made multiple deals disregarding the ppl he cares about with 3 different ppl in exchange for him like he wasnt even a human being but a piece of property to be bought and sold.
She felt zero remorse, I repeat, she felt ZERO remorse about working with Code who nearly killed Naruto right infront of him, and sold his brother out in exchange for him, when confronted about it by Kawaki himself and she has the chance to apologize she DOESNT do it, not just there, but she NEVER owns up to the fked up things she did nor apologizes to him for it, yet she apologizes to Boruto multiple times despite Kawaki being the one she supposedly loves.
How anybody, and I mean ANYBODY thinks Ada's the victim here is beyond me, even more so how anyone thinks Kawaki would ever even CONSIDER being together with her after all this when he himself has said she's scum and that he would've rathered taken his chances with Code than even meet her, 3 years have passed and Ada is still sitting home alone while Kawaki completely ignores her existence, how any of you think this ship has ANY possibility of happening is laughable, its even worse than KawaSumi's chances and theirs are low as hell too, but even that has more of a chance than Ada ever will.
So like I said, stfu, Ada doesnt deserve better, Kawaki does, if anything Ada deserves WORSE because she has gotten off scott free with no repercussions for way too long.
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ratwars · 1 year
If the PM had somehow been the primary target of all of these plots instead of the ADA I firmly believe half of the situations could have been solved with Kajii. I understand he isn't popular but listen there is a reason he is who they pull out first with a hat trick when shit gets real.
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themidwintermuse · 4 months
The real reason Lord Francis sided with the ADA and against the Decay of Angels is because he took one look at Fyodor and said "I ain't working with no damn commies"
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thesimoneashley · 8 months
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Love you Ruby. And same.
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vocalux · 4 days
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— ada mesmer f / o
when an individual has ada mesmer as f / o !
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“Boruto female characters are so much better than Naruto ones!”
No,they fucking aren’t.
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Eida,just like Delta,is a Mary Sue,who is overly sexualised and overly hyped despite being a cheap fan service & obvious ped0 male gaze.
Oh,did I tell you that Eida is only SIXTEEN? Yep,she is a minor and Ikemoto draws her with ass out.
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tango-but-everywhere · 4 months
is that even allowed? can we see the rule book
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(thank you!!!)
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greensaplinggrace · 7 months
people will really just throw any tag onto their inflammatory posts. like i promise you that the normal people in this fandom don't want to see your rancid discourse when they look in the tag of the thing they like
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meepmeep19 · 11 months
Yk how Dazai contributed to half of the PM’s profits during his time in the mafia? Imagine if Chuuya had been responsible for the other half. So like everyone else in the ENTIRE PM only contributed like 0.0001% in total lmao💀
And so Mori would like on the reg call meetings calling (read: scold like a high school teacher) everyone except SKK (he does NOT need to increase their ego anymore than it already is lmao) while massaging his temples like
Mori: Can you please explain how two immature CHILDREN have managed to contribute more to this organization than every single TRAINED ADULT in this room???
Ace: (because he is 100% enough of a snivelling weasel to insult two children out of pure pettiness) It’s not our fault Sir. We’re all only human after all, but those things-they’re INHUMAN!!! Demons like them obviously don’t need to take any breaks; hence the cause of the work discrepancy. If it wasn’t for this minor detail, then I can assure you Sir, that we would all prove to be FAR more competent than those freaks.
Mori: (already feeling a headache coming on) Ace, how many times do we have to go through this? They’re not actually…
Meanwhile SKK are right outside the door eavesdropping and snickering to themselves (after having just come back from playing competing in the arcade for like 7+ hours lol) Yes their egos are in fact inflating to a horrifically unhealthy degree.
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bookwormchocaholic · 10 months
Okay, I'm so enjoying Ada's romance with the minister. She's such a sweetheart and deserves a measure of happiness, after being under Agnes' thumb all of these years. I mean, I like Agnes and her sass, etc. But Ada needs some freedom and love.
So I'm worried. I remember how it went for Edith Crawley in DA. She'd come close to happiness and it'd be snatched away, time and time again. The minister better not be a wolf in sheep's clothing, or die of consumption at some point. Just couldn't take it if Ada ends up with a broken heart.
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kivphobia · 11 months
Ada haters are the weakest members of the resident evil community like c’mon guys she manipulated Leon like once and honestly I would too just look at him :3p
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sugarcarnation · 4 months
can’t believe lucy is canonically the queen on dazais chessboard and yet we’ve never even seen them interact
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gwydionmisha · 7 months
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ivyial · 1 year
do aeon shippers know they're universally hated by the rest of the fandom? and it's not because of your ship, stop trying to make it about that. it's because most of you guys are genuine pricks
(also i'm sorry, but even hardcore ada stans rub me the wrong way now. i'm starting to wonder if you guys like RE at all atp with the amount of tweets i've seen that go "DI would have been better if ada was in it". you guys can cry abt the tiktok leon stans only caring for leon cause he's hot but i'm not sure the twitter ada/aeon cesspool likes the franchise much more)
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dennisboobs · 1 year
one day i will properly compare dee made a smut film and ptsdee and the differences in the way they handle their very similar subject material but i have shit to do early tomorrow morning so. for now.
do you ever think about how RCG-written episodes, no matter how bad (both character morality-wise and writing-wise) they get, will always have a degree of humanity to them. like. 11x04 has dee doing something that is So incredibly wrong and horrible to dennis. but the reactions to it don't match its intensity. 12x07 again has dee doing something absolutely fucking deranged, and the gang tells her how fucked up it was. there's actually an acknowledgement both from her and from the others that what she did was awful, but her motivation, charlie, dennis, frank and mac's motivations throughout the episode make sense. dee's insecurity is the root of it, she can't handle being someone's "rock bottom", and she needs to prove that it can get worse. 11x04 dee just decides she's going to be a bastard and tell everyone that dennis was raped at 14. we don't know why she does this, and she really has no reason to, other than to be an asshole.
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The history repeats itself: Eida is a gross combination of Sakura and hinata in the nasties way possible.
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Eida is not a “good strong female character”,she is just a Mary Sue with fanservice under male gaze!
Eida is just as obsessive as Sakura and hinata and Eida is also selfish in her “love” to Boruto and Kawaki: she does not actually give a fuck about neither, she is after the thrill of “real love” meaning she is a predator hunting Boruto and Kawaki down because they are partially Otsusuki and her manic psycho ability doesn’t work on them.
Eida’s ability is also nasty: shit straight out of porno.
Keep in mind that Eida is canonically only 16.
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