chibi-pika-artwork · 2 months
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Art fight attack on Dave for @antialiasis!
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gallusgalluss · 2 years
Hey! I made a Favorite Bugsnak Picker site!
Here's the link to it. I based it off the Favorite Pokémon Picker by antialiasis, using this source code she made.
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Like these images say, you just have to pick your favorite snax from each group shown to you, and you'll end up with some in your fav category! Since there's only around 100 snax I assume this wouldn't take too long to complete if you're only looking for around 3-6 bugs.
If you run into any issues, let me know!
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windskull · 26 days
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Jean and... also, Jean for @antialiasis
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umbrasdoodles · 7 months
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Happy birthday @antialiasis and @negrek ! You are both valued parts of my life. To celebrate here are Mewtwo and Chaletwo having an absolutely riveting conversation.
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elyvorg · 2 years
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Happy birthday to my friend @antialiasis! Here is an art of her Pokémon fanfic Go, featuring an adorable Pidgey friend in the real world, including one very cute bit where she’s become fascinated by real-world nature documentaries. I wonder what she makes of real-life birbs.
(Bird photo courtesy of another friend of mine at @birbmania!)
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romulanspeeddating · 7 months
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Birthday drawing for @antialiasis
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klug · 1 month
If I make new sorter I will share it here this time instead of keeping it on a secret blog without credits lol , also will probably use this base because I like this format better https://github.com/antialiasis/favorite-picker
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198d · 1 year
I made a Mars Volta song picker! https://cygnus.neocities.org/picker
Inspired by an older picker here, but updated with the newest albums and some extras. It's also mobile friendly.
Albums or extras can be turned on and off individually, so it shouldn't be an issue to exclude things you don't care for.
Used this repo to make the picker! https://github.com/antialiasis/favorite-picker Let me know if there's any jank or issues I might have missed.
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bluwiikoon · 3 years
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A scene from chapter 25 of @antialiasis’ The Quest for the Legends, in which Molzapart (the smug bird) heckles Chaletwo (the angry kitty cat). Also Mark is there.
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chibipika · 4 years
3, 4, 20! :D
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Alright, so we all know that I want to write the AU of chapter 19 where Jade gets killed in front of Starr, but I wouldn’t say that that needs much context.  I could pretty much jump right in, the only problem is… it’s just legit really hard to write. ^^;  It’s just such a sheer level of guilt and self-loathing far beyond anything I’ve ever written.  Maybe the experience of roleplaying Starr in Blacklight will help me get to a level where I know how to tackle it, because I really, really want to be able to.
Miscellaneous other scenes that I want to write that do require me to work out some annoying context include:
Sebastian meeting with Giovanni and demanding the position of commander.
Sebastian catching Latios (possibly will be included in a Chapter 65 extra.)
Confrontation between Starr and Ajia prior to the revolt.
Jade/Ajia/Starr pre-story friendshipping. I’m just really bad at slice-of-life and can’t think of how to make the daily lives of ordinary elementary schoolers all that interesting. :T
Chibi/Razors friendshipping.  This is the epitome of “requires annoying context” because in order to write this, I’d have to figure out a lot of details for like, how the experiments were raised and trained, what experiences they had, where they were contained, etc.  Everything I’ve come up with has some manner of logistical issues. ><
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Right now my favorite sequences in LC are the dream sequences in chapters 46 and 47.  Unfortunately, I can’t talk about why I like them because every sentence has the highest- spoiler-density possible.  I’ll just say that I was really particular with the symbolism there.
Other than that, I’d definitely say that this paragraph from chapter 36 is way up there:
A blindingly bright flash of light shattered my field of view as a wave of psychic energy shot through my entire being.  I was ripped apart, flipped inside-out, put back together, and then shredded once more, over and over into infinity.  What felt like white-hot metal coursed through my veins, dissolving any and all sensations in a spiraling vortex of pain.  And then my brain split open, unleashing a torrent of images from the past year.  All of my panic, all of my uncertainty, every hesitation I’d ever felt from the moment the fight began suddenly bombarded my mind simultaneously, fighting for dominance.
In general, I really enjoy coming up with weird ways of describing inner turmoil, and I think that’s the main place where my descriptions could be considered decent.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Man, it’s hard to think of something I haven’t already rambled at length about, either here or on Thousand Roads. And by definition, I can’t point out all the clues that I want to...
In particular, I have an annoying tendency to hide clues in would-be errors, which usually manifests as (a) a character conspicuously refraining from doing something they should obviously do, or (b) a character doing or knowing something that shouldn’t be possible.  I sure do love using that as a way to tip off readers, huh.  Only problem is, if I haven’t yet earned a reader’s trust, they’re likely to just be like “ok but why did that happen.”  It also means I have to be really careful to not have accidental inconsistencies.
As for recent hints... it’s probably pretty obvious that I enjoy dropping mentions that the psychic connection the chosen and patrons share is definitely totes psychic everyone.  :V
Hmm, as far as anything else I’ve needed an excuse to ramble about...
So I’ve made the joke a few times that I’ve stumbled my way into writing Jade and Starr as moirails, and I very much want everyone to enjoy this as much as I do.  For everyone who’s not Homestuck trash (I'm not even!  I just absorbed it through osmosis!) that term refers to a close platonic bond between two individuals, one hot-tempered and the other even-tempered, wherein the latter watches over the former and keeps them in line.  This will become more apparent during the checkmate arc of LC (chapters 55-59) and I’m very much looking forward to it.
A preview:
I grabbed her arm.  “Ohhkay, let’s just… let’s just sit over here,” I said, tugging her over toward a couple of office chairs.  Starting a brawl in the middle of an office was not going to look good on us.
“God, it would be easy to break his nose,” Starr muttered under her breath.
“I’m sure it would,” I said dully.  “Which is exactly why we’re not doing that.”
I just really want people to care about these two. ;-;
[Here’s the ask meme if anyone else wants to throw me any!]
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chibi-pika-artwork · 9 months
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It has now been 22 years since the fateful day that @antialiasis and I sat down to write fanfics involving dumb legendary hybrids, and as usual, here's some crossover art to celebrate the occasion! Featuring an epic battle between Nine and Molzapart.
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negrek · 4 years
4, 17, 18, 20? :D
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Well, I was going to put something from "accolade" in here because I thought I did a pretty nice job of the atmosphere, with shifting clouds of steam and the flowing river, something clanking and splashing in its midst, obscured and then revealed again by the mist, but actually, no, revisiting it it's even more of a mess than I remembered and I like none of that, lol.
Ice is another thing I enjoyed playing with, though, and there are a couple lines I still like there. One is, "Lunete shook her head and watched Glace wander the courtyard, blowing idle puffs of ice that turned bushes to miniature sculpture." Nice and simple, but I think it does a good job of conjuring up the kind of glittering ice-rimed... things... plants turn into after an ice storm. I think it's an unexpected moment that's fun to visualize. Should definitely be "puffs of *frost*" rather than "puffs of *ice*," though.
I also like, "The glalie's displeasure shed from him in a litter of snowflakes." Again, I think this is just a fun mental image, and a way of making the glalie feel different than a human. When glalie get disgruntled, the temperature around them drops, so you get a little shower of snow... again, a nice little image, and something that people might not ordinarily think of when they think of ice-types. Shoutout to myself for picking this out of the doc and going, "Hey, I like this sentence!" and not realizing until I pasted it in here that it was in the wrong fucking tense.
17. Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
Ahaha, well, I think many people perceive my writing, and probably me in general, as a lot more serious than it actually is? Most of my writing is just me having fun, and what it contains is unabashedly driven by rule of cool/rule of funny a lot of the time. Which, honestly, considering a lot of the nonsense that goes on in the chapterfics especially, shoudn't be too much of a surprise. There are certain themes that show up throughout, but generally speaking they emerge organically as a result of what I find interesting or because plot naturally accretes around certain aspects of the story or characters. But generally speaking my stories aren't really *about* anything except me having a good time.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
Salvage has so many of these. So many! Which is kind of weird, because my previous stories haven't, despite Clouded Sky taking nearly as long to produce. It might be that I haven't been working on any big long chapterfics, and not even many one-shots, while writing it as I have with my previous fics, so maybe effort/ideas that would ordinarily go into those stories have ended up spawning all these spinoffs/mutations of the main fic instead.
As far as abandoned plotlines, this story has been pretty extensively and publicly restructured, so yeah, stuff's gotten lost in the shuffle... I used to joke to myself that the story had an unreasonable amount of hanging out on the beach given its overall tone, but thennnnn Mewtwo went and burned down the child's house and it won't be going back to its island again, so in fact the story now contains almost 0% beach from this time on, oops. (There is one scene in Orre that will take place on a beach, assuming it makes it all the way through to publication. It's not a plot-crtical one.) We also missed out on Nate going to prison, the child being Red (although that one could still happen), and one scene that I really liked where Nate got to lament the fact that his pokémon were all gone and it was all his fault. Now you'll just have to imagine it, since we won't be seeing him until he gets them back, if ever.
And AU's, so many AU's. Even way back in 2012 or something I was talking about one I was rather fond of, where the child demands that Nate read it a children's book, and he isn't about to put in the effort to actually do that and makes up something ridiculous solely based on the pictures. Assuming I still have the file around somewhere, that one will end up getting published as an extra at some point near the end of the fic. Other than that, I've got everything from alternate endings to a weird time travel AU that happens in a scene that isn't even in the main fic (because the child isn't there for it). There's also a rather extensive PMD AU that may or may not end up seeing the light of day at some point and which is gently referenced within the fic itself. It's perhaps not technically an AU, since it's not in any way incompatible with the main canon; you could choose to pretend that it happened or not without it changing the story as written at all.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Uhhh this one seems hard to do without spoilers. But I hope you've all been paying attention to the stuff about how psychic abilities work and their ability to warp the thinking of people around the psychic, especially over time. I'm quite proud of this worldbuilding thing, but people haven't commented on it much. The concept is central to the plot and drives basically all of the final arcs in Orre, so it's definitely worth thinking about if you haven't! Relatedly, there was a scene in one of the now-deleted Orre chapters (but it will 100% return largely unchanged in the new version) that dropped some info that I thought made it pretty screamingly obvious what's up with Mew and where she might be, buuuut nobody ever commented on that, either, so perhaps it wasn't quite as big of a giveaway as I thought, haha. If you're interested in trying to figure out the plot before the characters, all the psychic bullshit is what you should be paying attention to.
Also, Absol is very precise in her wording, and what I understand as the "twist" of this story (it's not much of a twist, way more important for the characters than anyone reading) relates to something the child's misunderstood for the entire story so far about something she told it.
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antialiawesome · 4 years
This is an ask!
Here I am, answering the ask.
Here’s some text below a readmore in the ask.
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Another TAT: I'm a huge sucker for anything where a character is shot painfully in the stomach or the like and left to die, and they use their remaining strength to crawl and stumble their way to complete some task, collapsing as soon as they have. (Extra points if the task involves saving their friends.)
... maybe crawling to the phone so they can call for help :)
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umbrasdoodles · 2 years
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Happy birthday to @antialiasis and @negrek ! Here are the protagonists of their Pokemon fics Go and Exploding View respectively thinking of their Pokemon of choice. 
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Your writing is very distinct and I’d recognize it anywhere! Trademarks include: characters who are total cinnamon rolls; loving references to other media; focus on dialogue and dry humour; short scenes with characters being cute; Everyone Is LGBTQ(tm); shapeshifting legendaries; tricksters; and lots of lore-building and interconnectedness.
i forot what this was for but thanks!
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