tevanbuckley · 2 days
ngl i think it's kinda strange we're having discourse over whether or not oliver specifically should do more to shut down toxic bddie shippers, because lbr there is no combination of words that could come out of his mouth that the worst parts of this fandom would not interpret as "bddie canon." he could spend hours a day waxing poetic about lfj tits and some wannabe body language expert would find a way to argue it's proof he secretly hates him and this storyline. even if they do eventually turn on him, i doubt that will change anyone's behavior.
I don't know when or if the penny is gonna drop for these people, but i think it's entirely reasonable for oliver to want to steer clear for as long as possible. i get why that might be frustrating for fans, but at the end of the day that's not his responsibility.
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dazzle02 · 2 months
They can't make bvdd!e canon at this point even if they wanted to tbh.
They can not reward the behaviour of those shippers. They can't reward bullying, harassment, homophobia, racism and death threats. Because if they do, they'll be telling these fans that everything they did was okay. That it gets them what they want. It'd just embolden them and make them think it's okay to continue doing the same thing in other fandoms because it'll get them what they want.
And it's never gonna stop. There will always be sections of fandoms where people are bullying others and sending death threats and harassing the cast because they don't like their character or the way a story is being told.
But if they're actually rewarded by the writers and the show, it'll just get worse.
And I know Tim wouldn't put bvdd!e together just to shut them up or because of them. If he were to make them canon (which I just can't see him doing, thankfully...) it would be because he saw the story going that way. But even so, it'd be rewarding this awful behaviour and it's not worth it.
He clearly likes Buck and Tommy together anyway and seems to want to at least explore their relationship for a while.
They just don't realise that they're actually their own worst enemy. If bvdd!e never becomes canon, it's not going to be because we're enjoying Buck and Tommy, it's more likely to be because they took it upon themselves to harass anyone who dares like a ship that isn't bvdd!e, as well as the cast and crew.
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faerlygraceful · 2 months
So the teaser dropped with the release date. And of course every single Buddie in the fandom rushed to fill the comment section with demands of Buddie, Ravi Main, BuckTommy bones, and death wishes. Of course insta being what it is, when the negativity is called out everyone “can’t see it” and of course it’s the BuckTommy fans are just mad that “Buddie is canon s8 - truth”.
Well here. Proof that it does exist.
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kinardsevan · 3 months
Someone posted on Oliver’s birthday message on instagram (the official 911 one) that the video was “buddie coded” and I snorted with laughter because the only part that has eddie is him saying “that’s not a good motto” and literally nothing else has to do with him at all. What are they seeing??
I.... I don't know 🤨🤣.
I don't see how a video that's literally been put up to celebrate Oliver is something they can tie into buddie. I try really hard to be nice about it all when it comes to their ship, but there's a lot of grasping at straws in that group. And a lot of the theories are something I don't fully understand (granted I don't deep dive to try and understand them, either).
I'm all for people shipping who they ship, even when that ship is unlikely to ever happen. As I've stated before, I was among those in the Suits fandom who wanted Mike and Harvey to happen. Maybe we were/are spoiled because Patrick and Gabe still like each other and are still willing to work together (such as the t-mobile commercials this year). But the fact that every little thing that happens in this fandom leads to them saying "well it means this!!" is baffling to me. Their breadcrumbs that they say lead to an endgame just lead me in a circle. I'm all for them having their ship. I'm even all for them writing about it. Lord knows I've written plenty of Marvey fics, and also wrote plenty of SVU fics looooonnnggg before E/O started to become canon with the return of Stabler. But when you think it's okay to give hate or insults to another group for liking a canonically happening couple, that's what gets to me. Especially when it's taken into consideration that a number of us are in the #lgbtq community.
I can understand wanting your ship, and hating the things that come between that ship from happening. But if your vitriol is so poisonous that you're becoming a keyboard warrior against other people on the internet just trying to take part in something they enjoy (OR sending that vitriol to the person who's literally only being paid to play a role), then there needs to be some serious consideration on what's actually driving those feelings of inadequacy.
Anyway, you asked a simple question and I rambled 🤣. But that's what I have to say on the subject. And also, happy birthday bb Oliver!
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harborstationhottie · 1 month
Whatever the fuck is happening on THAT SIDE is not fandom.
It's hysteria, it's them scrambling to make people who are actually participating in fandom activities miserable. It's them making real life actual people miserable and feeling unsafe. It's them being shitty and inconsiderate.
That is NOT fandom.
It's not the 9-1-1 fandom.
I reject their behaviour and refuse to call them fans.
I refuse to call whatever the fuck their community is a fandom.
They have zero connection to canon and only give a shit about versions of characters that have zero basis in canon and might as well be original characters because their versions are only have the names in common with canon.
I refuse to accept that they have anything to do with the fandom at large. Because they don't actually know what fandom means.
So fuck 'em.
Let 'em be miserable.
I'm perfectly okay with a loud minority being miserable. But they don't belong in our fandom. They aren't a fandom and I won't call them that anymore.
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redvelvetcupcakes21 · 3 months
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You know if they don't think that entire post and thread is toxic then that explains a lot about their behaviors.
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duckduckbuckley · 10 days
So normally I ramble on about Buck and Tommy because yes. However I have some thoughts about whatever drama could be on the horizon for Madney/Henren. Something we haven’t seen a lot of is hen and chim at odds and while I despise the idea of Mara going through more trauma I absolutely love the drama potential for hen/chim. We know that Mara is a great kid and that she is obviously easy to love so we could see Maddy and chim struggle to give her up. Add to that the fact that jee could potentially become attached to her new foster sister and woo do we have a recipe for disaster.
Additionally is it possible that Maddy and Chimney are asked if they would be open to adopting Mara? And if so how do they address the that. Because let’s remember Mara’s parents are both deceased and the state was going to allow Hen and Karen to adopt and pretty quickly at that. therefor it is completely possible that we see the social worker bring up adoption to Maddy and Chim. Especially considering the state would likely push for adoption due to Mara having no living relatives.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 6 months
Look. I'm fucking done here.
I'm fucking furious. I've had ENOUGH of people shit talking Kristen Reidel for being "antibuddie".
Newsflash you imbecils, it's OBVIOUSLY blatantly untrue!! She's been here for us, from the very start, to lay out the foundation for queer Buck and Eddie. She's written, directed and been the executive producer for some of the most monumental buddie moments!!
Maybe take a moment to understand that these shows are huge and one person does not have all the say for how things work out. These people do not work in isolation, doing whatever they like!
Let's remember that the show used be on Fox, which is arguably one of the most conservative networks there are!!!
The show already had several main queer characters and romances when Eddie's character entered the show in season 2. We also know that the main target audience is fairly tradional, and the show is freaking expensive to make without a huge profit in return. We KNOW it has repeatedly struggled to get renewed due to that.
Let's remember that creating a show like this is not an existence of stress-free creative indulgence - you are actually responsible for HUNDREDS of jobs! The show's survival! People's income! The crew isn't just a couple of known actors, it's also everyone else making the show, and these productions are HUGE. It's so many families income at stake.
So WAKE UP and realise what they've been against, creating this show.
I'm like obnoxiously queer but even I would get nervous at the idea of similtaneously airing several queer ships on a show about emergency responders, on freaking Fox!
Seriously, just stop to think. What if they had gone for blatant buddie early on?
The show would have had to juggle... let's do some math...
Hen, Karen, and Eva being queer and raising a rainbow family,
Michael's coming out storyline, then his and David's romance, Josh being very much gay and dating men... Add to that Buck and Eddie, and that's MANY prominent queer characters, story arcs and romances trying to compete for air time... ON FOX, in a show about firefighters!
The risk of the the largely conservative, homophobic audience on a conservative channel going "it's too much" and abandoning the show was REAL, don't you pretend otherwise.
Sure, there are other less easily intimidated audiences, but how would they know if the leap into the unknown would pay off?
I think in those circumstances they made a very sensible decision to focus on the other queer characters anf storylines first.
Again, it's hundreds of people's incomes at stake!!! There must have been people, funders, bosses voting against adding more blatantly queer storylines to the current situation because it was just not the right time.
So Kristel Reid was CAUTIOUS when she gave interviews. Remember, the future of the show has been uncertain from the start with how expensive it is to make!!
She did not want to give false hope to the viewers hoping for buddie come true. She did not want to be accused of queerbaiting. She very sensibly made sure to appear neutral about buddie, and give the UNTRUE impression that her head canon is that meh, they're just straight friends to her.
Quite frankly folks... NEVER PLAY POKER WITH THIS WOMAN, I think she'd eat you in a minute!!
She LIED. Fucking absorb that information. Breathe it in! You can do it! She's been obviously rooting for Buddie to happen for AGES.
Why do I say this?
Well here's my fucking powerpoiny about it!!! Read this and take a minute to consider her innocent "oh they're the very bestest of friends"-front against her actual work on the show!!
She WROTE 5x18, you know, with Ravi's line to Hen:
"I think it's sweet that Karen was defending you. I mean, isn't that what we all want in a partner, knowing they have your back?"
She's no spring chicken, she wrote this fully knowing the memory we buddie shippers possess!!!
She WROTE the scene in which Eddie comforts Buck at the hospital after Maddie's kidnapping.
She WROTE 3x01, that's the scene in which Eddie bursts into Buck's apartment when Buck's feeling down and has Chris hang out with "his Buck".
She co-wrote Eddie's disgusted reaction to meeting Abby, she co-wrote Buck hearing that Chris is going on a two-week school trip and freaking out like a mother hen,
She WROTE freaking 4x14 - You know, the episode SURVIVORS, in which Eddie is shot by a sniper!! In the queerest way possible!!
She WROTE Desperate measures, you know - the episode in which Eddie breaks up with Ana, freaking oozing repressed queer subtext all over the place!!
Have you even watched the talk Buck and Eddie have before the breakup?!!! It's INSANE.
Buck: Ah. I thought you'd be the first one out the door. Christopher know you're coming?
Eddie: Not yet. I haven't figured out what I'm going to say when I get home. To Ana.
Try telling me that "door" isn't the door of a closet, I challenge you!!
She freaking co-wrote 5x17!!! The META of Taylor, in 5x17 "promising" she won't "run the story", and then breaking that promise.
That same episode has Eddie visiting his home btw, and paints a very illuminative picture of the environment Eddie grew up in - it practically spells toxic masculinity, compulsory heterosexuality, catholic guilt. Really, that episode basically screams "This is why Eddie is such a repressed onion."
THAT episode also has THAT insane closet door scene, Eddie opening a closet door as Buck says:
Buck: You know, your parents will understand!
Eddie turns to stare at him.
Buck: ...They should understand. *Plays with a toy dinosaur as he's talking, and pretends it bites his finger.*
... And again, after that episode she wrote 5x18, the one with "Isn't that what we all want in a partner, knowing they have your back?"
An obvious parallel to Buck and Eddie meeting and promising to have each other's backs!!!
Seriously, Kristel Reidel has had our back from the very beginning and I'm fed up with people talking shit about her!! I think it's no coincidence that one of the emergencies she wrote was "someone stuck in a freezer", that's fucking meta. I bet she's wanted to fucking hit the pedal but she's been forced to bide her time, and it's been fucking agony at times.
And don't even get me started on Tim fucking Minear, who people have ALSO shit talked because "hE jUst liKes tO QuEerBait".
BE GRATEFUL FOR TIM MINEAR. They are our freaking GOATS and they deserve our love!!!
Edit. After reading up some more about the power structures of media networks like these... I would really not be surprised if it turned out that the people running this show (such as Reidel and Minear, the people listed next to the episodes) have had even less say on what sort of stories they get to do than I've thought.
After all, these people we fans focus on and know by name... They're really not nearly as influential as we think. There are still plenty of big chiefs higher up in the food chain. I've heard some vague rumours before that the network has meddled with the show's creative decisions a lot in these past years, and would not be surprised if it was true.
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cherishingstydia · 5 months
The way some people take theories/speculation so serious is insane. Like we are having fun and the antibuddies come at us like we’re the biggest morons on the planet. Every single fandom I’ve ever been in has theories and some are wild some are logical but it’s all in good fun. Like if you can’t speculate and just have fun I feel sorry for you because it’s actually so much fun. Even if they aren’t right the little “what if” games are fun.
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911 fandom: B*ddie, B*ddie, B*ddie...
Me: But WHEN the hell are we gonna get a Karen centric episode!!
Seriously I want...
To see Karen at work as a dang ol rocket scientist and then she somehow gets put in then line of danger
Then give me flash backs of how she became a rocket scientist
And Hen being all kinds of worried
Flashbacks of Hen and Karen meeting as well as when they first take in Denny
Then Karen uses her smarts and prior expieriences to get out of the situation or at least make it better so that the 118 and get to her
And you know they gotta top all that off with a big beautiful Karen x Hen reunion!!
Anyways I just love Karen and her relationship with Hen.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
not sure if you've addressed this already but I thought KR was at least semi-antibuddie, but she wrote/directed Starting Over, which had the "Isn't that what you want in a partner? For them to have your back?" and Buck's little shy smile when Eddie rejoined them. so I'm very confused.
We don't know KR's opinion of Buddie. Some people choose to believe she's 100% on board and her remarks pre-5B were complete lies. Some people view her as homophobic/anti-Buddie because of her phrasing when speaking of them. Personally, I'm not giving someone I don't know the benefit of the doubt. Yes, KR's comments were necessary to "distract" from the idea that canon!Buddie is a possibility, but maybe she does think Buddie work best as "really good friends." Who am I to say otherwise? 2. KR writes whatever the other showrunner, her boss, approves of/wants to see happen. She got a lot of credit for the Buck + Chris scene in Survivors, and then we found out she wasn't the one who first put it in the script - that was Tim. And the guardianship scene, which was reminiscent of her own life, was not credited to her when Tim explained it after the fact, so who knows whether he mentioned it and she used personal experience to create the scene? 🤷‍♀️ She is not a bad writer for Buddie. (I'm sure people have issues with how she handled Buck's individual storyline from 4x14 onward, but again...anything KR comes up with goes through Tim first. He's just as worthy of "blame".) What I'm not gonna do is act as though she's "on our side" when - I don't know how she really feels about Buddie - she's doing the job that is asked of her And this goes for all writers and directors, tbh. There are a handful that we believe will give us quality content when they're assigned to an episode, but their vision for Buddie may not look the same as Tim's every single week or even at all. However. They are damn good at writing the story he's trying to tell. That's what matters.
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faerlygraceful · 2 months
Not the Bvddie fandom trying to Orwell fandom history. Just because you say the Kinley fans are the ones behind something, doesn’t mean that people forget that you posted it first.
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kissmeaboutit · 2 years
The fact the people still ship bucktaylor just goes to show that they mostly are just antibuddie and ship it out of spite.
Buck literally admitted to settling and you still think their relationship is cute?
Taylor girl get outta there plz. Ur to sexy for this
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harborstationhottie · 1 month
I'll say it once and I'll say it again, get off your anon high horse and say your shit with your full chest and username so we know to block you and ignore your pathetic existence, you fucking cowards.
The vile shit you've sent to my friends and fellow Tevan fans is sickening. Get off the fucking internet - that behaviour is unacceptable.
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ericacrochets · 3 years
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ANTIBUDDY Antibody by Adele Valeria
Free Crochet Pattern Here (May need to make an account)
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littlemousejelly · 3 years
I got the vaccine and it gave me insane vivid dreams. The most intense of my life. Sounds like it's working for you!
i... haven't really slept well so no? unless you mean it sounds like the vaccine is working for me, then yes, my body is really working to make antibuddies
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