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anarchist-art · 5 months
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shoujoboy-restart · 6 months
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I don't know if this counts as a upgrade or downgrade from when Elon protected a user posting CSEM snuff screenshots because he was his favorite right wing conspiracy account...but this sure is something huh.
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antifainternational · 7 years
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radicalgraff · 3 years
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Radical stickers seen around Baltimore, Maryland.
We have a bunch of copies of these stickers, plus numerous other designs.
If anyone would like to buy a stack of radical slaps, send us a DM or preferably email us at:
We can post worldwide
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Emergency actions needed to defend lives of communist youths detained in Ukraine
World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY)
The First Secretary of our Ukrainian member organization, the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine, Mikhail Kononovich, and his brother, Aleksander Kononovich, have been arrested by the Ukrainian neo-fascist regime during the last hours. They have been accused of being Russian and Belarusian spies. They will be possibly murdered in the following hours.
The World Federation of Democratic Youth calls its member organizations and the whole youth and people worldwide to denounce this situation, to demand their liberty and to protest against the Ukrainian neo-fascist regime to make pressure to detain their murder.
The World Federation of Democratic Youth calls for the following actions to make pressure for the liberation of our comrades:
1) Call for demonstrations for the immediate release of the comrades. In those countries where there are Ukrainian Embassies, it will be more recommended to do them in front of them. This should point out the responsibility of the Ukrainian government on the health of the comrades.
2) Letter messages to the Ukrainian Embassies to make pressure asking for their immediate release.
3) Requests to the institutions of our countries and other bodies that could be helpful to ask for the release of the comrades.
4) Launching campaigns in solidarity with the comrades and for their immediate release.
In the following link we will be adding many materials that can be helpful to contribute in these tasks: https://wfdy-my.sharepoint.com/personal/wfdy_wfdy_org/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx
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‘Always Antifascist’
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left side shirts:
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antifaintl · 5 years
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A classic.
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wildcardrenegade · 8 years
reply to this with your favourite ways to punch nazis
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canchewread · 4 years
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Author’s Note: ok, so as I mentioned on a couple of other sites already, Facebook has decided to take the absurd step of banning antifascist and anarchist pages; ostensibly to appease frothing reactionaries and “both sides” liberals long enough to let them also ban right wing extremist and explicitly fascist content. This is not only a dangerous false equivalency, but to put it politely it's also collaborating with our fascist president's ridiculous attempts to criminalize antifascist and anarchist political thought as “terrorism.”
Sane or not however, this has put me in a pretty awkward position as a writer. I still need my Facebook page to advertise my work and reach a larger audience (which you can help me accomplish by sharing my links on social media, dear reader) but I'm absolutely terrified of posting unique content on Zuckerberg's hellsite now because it could be deleted at any moment – after all, I am an anarchist and an anti-fascist.
After much consideration I've decided to move my ongoing “Homework Assignment” pieces over to  my Media Madness blog, and I'm going to put my informal journal writing here. What's the difference between a journal, and an essay in my world? At least a thousand words and a couple hours worth of hunting down citations – this is informal writing and if I wanted to prove everything I said to mendacious illiterates arguing in bad faith, I'd just write a scholastic essay.
Unfortunately this also means I'm going to have to re-post some existing content I've already published on Facebook; if only to keep the content online in the event Facebook does just suddenly nuke my account from orbit. Rather than just dumping a bunch of journals online here today, I'm going to hold them back and re-post one only each time I write a new journal, including this announcement; thus ensuring a steady mix of new and re-post content until all my unique writing is eventually off Facebook – please forgive me in advance if you've already read any of these pieces.
Finally, I'm going to try to stick with the theme of “Nina quotation memes” for my article headers here on Can't You Read, but sometimes it's going to be just that – a short quote or thought, maybe even directly from the article in question.
And with that, you're all caught up.
nina illingworth
Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus. Please help me fight corporate censorship by sharing my articles with your friends online!
You can find my work at ninaillingworth.com, Can’t You Read, Media Madness and my Patreon Blog
Updates available on Twitter, Mastodon and Facebook. Podcast at “No Fugazi” on Soundcloud.
Inquiries and requests to speak to the manager @ASNinaWrites
Chat with fellow readers online at Anarcho Nina Writes on Discord!
“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”
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lapizdegoma-blog · 8 years
Papel en Forma de Estado
Aquí presento mi papel en forma de estado En cimientos de antifascismo manchados de tintas de tatuaje y con graffitis de gritos republicanos. Pintura como cámara de sentimientos. Sentimientos enmudecidos que romperán                                                                       [la ley mordaza]                                                                       Papel con arrugas en forma de levantamiento, el entendimiento. Que las manchas de café muestren las horas en vela vela que alumbra el texto del exiliado textos que muestra el sueño... sueño... de su papel estado.
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antifainternational · 4 years
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"Rest in Power Heather" Graffiti memorial in Stadtfeld, Germany for murdered antifascist Heather Heyer.
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radicalgraff · 3 years
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"New England is Antifascist"
Spotted in Plaistow, New Hampshire
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