#antis be wildin'
rachelbethhines · 1 year
Y'all do know that OP just means 'original poster', right?
It's not an insult, it's just an identifier of who started the conversation.
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pinewhisky · 10 months
Your gods are phony. When you die your funko pops will be thrown out and God, the Father Almighty will spit at you.
This is why I'm Pagan, thanks.
Unless this is a kink thing.
Is this a kink thing?
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maruke2003 · 1 year
When you think you see all of the fuckery that the anti Snape community comes up with, tiktok outdoes itself yet again. This time Snape is a school shooter.
So I've seen Snape being called a Nazi, a pedo, a creep but now a school shooter. Damn. This is extremely distasteful especially given the recent school shooting in the USA that killed three adults and three children.
Do better tiktok.
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plumsaffron · 19 days
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At least Lila didn’t say The S Marinette word known as Stalky.
You know Stalkys Really Be Wildin’!
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chrhnchynoodles · 1 year
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JKR is tryna win back the gays💀
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coulsonlives · 2 years
Inhales deeply
If you tell certain kinds of people not to interact with you, use common sense and understand that people are going to block you, whether because they respect you and care about obeying your dni, or because they just think you're insufferable and they don't wanna deal w you
And you gotta deal with the consequences of that
You can't tell people not to interact with you, and expect to still have access to their posts/things
You can't have it both ways
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audiblehush · 6 months
Listen, Polin has been my Roman Empire for months now, but this fandom is WILDIN’.
Chunks of this fandom who claim to be Polin fans seem to hate either Colin or Penelope and I’m just like… why are you here, then, if you refuse to empathize or even TRY to understand either critical half of the pairing?
“Colin can’t see what’s in front of him and he insulted her in front of his peers!! GROVEL; I hope Pen moves onto Debling!!!”
First of all, you’re not a Polin fan if you hate Colin so much you want her to move on to someone else. Second of all: yeah, no. Yes,Colin put his foot in his mouth, arguably in a big way because of status, but plenty of people in real life have experienced saying something that came off poorly to a group of people. Everything we know about Colin’s character tells us he is going to feel horrible about it; he’ll apologize, MEAN IT, and she’ll forgive him. She has her own apologies to make.
Believe it or, it is NORMAL for people to grow into romantic feelings slowly. Stop punishing Colin for discovering who he is by experiencing his own character arc with his own mistakes. He’s allowed to have flaws; he’s allowed to work through his insecurities!
Tbh, most of the criticisms I see of Colin are pretty surface-level and petty, so I don’t give them much real estate in my brain because they’re just… bad, lol.
On the flip side -
“Penelope feels entitled to Colin’s feelings; she’s selfish and the fucking worst!!”
S3 Penelope: *overhears Colin say he would never court her; BELIEVES him - decides she’s going to stop wasting her time, move on, and look for a serious suitor and marriage prospect a) as is expected of her in this era and b) so that she has security, especially considering her family’s dire financial straits.*
“Oh my GOD, this is so anti-Polin, how could she POSSIBLY even THINK about accepting a proposal from anyone but Colin?! GTFO”
SIGH, 1) we have NO IDEA how this plot line is going to pan out: Lord Debling may or may not be serious about her, we don’t know what that even looks like, or for how long. The show synopsis historically likes to play with the fandom expectations a lot. He may possibly propose… and if he does, it would clearly exist as a sort of parallel to S1…. but 2) GOD FORBID Penelope entertain the idea, despite very real fears and evidence that would lead her thinking it would likely be her ONLY proposal… or that even if Colin proposed post heavy-petting session, how on EARTH could she think that he would be doing it out of honor-bound obligation and not love. 🙄 Her potentially considering a proposal isn’t anti-Polin; it’s a realistic response and consideration to two (and likely an additional half) seasons worth of external and internal stressors that are tying into her character development.
Penelope’s heart is fragile for a multitude of reasons due to her home life, her prior experiences with Colin and Eloise AND the rest of the ton - it’s incredibly frustrating for people to ignore why she would potentially not believe Colin even if he DID confess / give her a marriage proposal, just like it’s frustrating when people don’t try to understand why Colin might struggle with his own feelings.
Some of y’all really don’t understand people like Penelope who have been told their entire lives that they are not enough, are terrified of putting themselves out there by being emotionally vulnerable and potentially rejected for the fundamental aspects of who they are… even though some of y’all claim to identify with Colin when he has his OWN STRUGGLES WITH SOME OF THESE SAME FEARS. And it’s almost worse because Pen is painfully SHY: You don’t just magically become confident one day because you decided to be; it is a constant battle against negativity that eventually becomes heavily internalized… it takes years of work unlearn those thought patterns, especially when you’re surrounded by people insulting and rejecting your to your face (her family) or behind your back (the way the ton talks about her family… it’s likely Pen heard gossip about herself, whether individually or as an extension of her family PLENTY)… with an added dose of also being ignored when not actively insulted.
It would not shock me at ALL if Penelope genuinely considers a Debling proposal. All of Colin’s actions in S1 and S2 have ultimately taught her that he is never going to return her feelings; she is likely going to be pretty oblivious to his own romantic realizations this season because why would she look for or entertain those hopes again? Some of y’all complain that she is selfish about Colin’s romantic feelings (which lol, I disagree strongly, but sure hypothetically, I’ll allow it) … so then when she tries to move on by listening to him and his actions she’s suddenly… punishing him and undeserving of him?? When she would have every reason to be skeptical of these feelings coming from seemingly nowhere when he starts of the season trying to find her a husband? NAH fam, she’s doing what anyone with any sense of emotional self-preservation would do: move on and try to be content, even if she knows she’ll always love Colin in her heart.
AND even if Penelope develops potentially fond feelings for Debling… do you really think it’s unrealistic for a 19 year old young woman who has done nothing but pine over a man who is oblivious to it (or worse, finds a romantic relationship with you laughable… in her eyes), who has not had ANYONE be romantically interested her… to maybe get a little fluttery around someone who is reasonably nice looking and shows her genuine interest right off the bat? Spoiler Alert: that is probably exactly what would happen because it’s a heady feeling!!!
This entire plotline is either a parallel to the Marina situation, or a reference to the book line that basically has Colin going “Oh shit, what if I had never realized Pen is the love of my life?? What if someone else had seen how amazing she was and snatched her up??” - Maybe it’s even both! Deep breath: it’s a just plot device for Polin to realize they’re made for each other.
Colin and Pen are going to be on their own journeys this season that fly in the face of what the other is going through. Colin is grappling with newfound romantic feelings for Penelope (while likely struggling to trust them because he thought he loved Marina but lol no he didn’t, so how is he supposed to know???) while also battling against former (and potentially current) impulsive actions… and Penelope is fighting for her LIFE trying to bury her feelings and move on because she’s trying to protect her heart because Colin literally said out loud he’d never want her AND she’s likely thinking of her security. They are both grappling with internal conflicts that oppose the other and THAT is what is going to make the tension and development so good… and that’s without even addressing all the LW stuff that needs to get worked through!
I need y’all to flex that empathy muscle a little and realize that this isn’t about fucking fan-service, or you projecting your own experiences onto these characters (or even the weird self-insert “I am/want to be this character” or “I want to fuck this character”) - you can relate to these characters but ultimately it’s about the STORY - it’s about exploring these characters realistically in how they would react to their own traumas and lived experiences, and how what they think they want/need comes into conflicts with their counterparts.
This is a romantic DRAMA, and these characters are going to have their ups and downs… and it’s a Shondaland drama for better or worse, so you KNOW it’s going to get messy (good lord just look at S2 and how far that “love” triangle went… I’m hopeful for the new show runner because she’s a fan).
Polin will be canon because they unreservedly CHOOSE the other and it will be glorious, so everybody chill the fuck out and stop shitting on my imperfect, emotionally fragile yet beautifully relatable, evolving lovers. They are the BEST fucking ship, but most of this fandom doesn’t deserve them tbh. They’re both messes in their own ways, and honestly? If they were real, neither Colin nor Penelope would tolerate this slander y’all are throwing at the other.
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just-antithings · 1 year
being a quiet proshipper is a little bit bizarre for me because like, i don't even ship anything?? i just think that censorship is bad??? but i know if i called myself a proshipper on main like half the fandom would block me so fast "to stay safe" (i am also, like, literally a minor? i just share a lot of opinions with fandom olds like "don't like don't read" yknow??) so i just kind of Don't Dare. i do have in my pinned post, like, dni if you harass people over what they write or draw, but somehow no one goes "oh yeah maybe this guy's a proshipper". (also, the fact that i'm only on anon because i'm worried about people i like hatereading this blog and seeing me send this? censorship is bad (even the stuff you don't like) should Not be a hot take)
also (same anon who sent an ask that started with "being a quiet proshipper is kind of bizarre"), the fact that antis seem to think legally an adult makes you somehow Officially Old and legally a minor makes you Actually A Baby sure does NOT help me (someone who, due to trauma and just regular ol emotional maturity, considers himself a pseudo-adult) support their cause. like, icing on the cake, but still. antis be wildin, but what else is new
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
As said yes when i asked my new moot @tubvoids,here is why Percy is autistic and in fact,objectively the most autistic-coded character in the entire franchise!
'Troubled kid' literally just means 'autistic kid who faces peer abuse and even adult abuse for it'.It's Percy's entire character and lingers into his adulthood
Was a bully beater and stayed that way no matter how many times he got expelled
Ass at school but really smart in every other area
Has his intellegence insulted nonstop his whole life and just takes it despite what a strong backbone he has because he thinks he deserves it
Anger issues and general emotional regulation issues
Mama's boy who's mom dosen't quite always understand how he works or why he is the way he is but loves and is good to him anyway and considers his differences from normal people a gift instead of a flaw or something that needs to be 'cured'
Canon safe food(blue food)and Resting Bitch Face(the 'scary default expression' he inhereted from Poseidon)
Dosen't even try to understand social norms because he thinks they're stupid as fuck
Super kind and earnest in a way that gets on normies' nerves both in-universe and irl because they think he's 'corny' and 'unrealistic'
Has a beyond weird as all fuck sense of humor that's just natural instead of actively trying to be funny and always lands
Wears layers/heavy clothes all the time
Complex feelings on morality leaning towards chaotic good but he's done some fucked up shit that was technically justified in the contexts but beats himself up over anyone even though the others deserved it
Dated Rachel because she made him feel normal for once and he specified what made him love her was her brutal honesty and enthutiasm that gave way for healthy communication on both ends
Hates traditional masculinity and wants to be free of it and acts a lot like a trans femme egg,including finding hypermasculinity on men gross and unappealing and often wonders what makes people attracted to boys(Gender fuckery and also even just binary transfeminity are common combos with autism)
Very goofy,silly,chaotic and unrestrained with kiddy interests and a digust towards 'true maturity' but also loves punk shit
Can never tell when someone is attracted to him but when he loves them back he's Rizz City
Anarchist who hates the rich,privilege and power and does activism and direct action both in the mythos world and the mortal world(the former onscreen/the aformentioned bully beating and implied to participate with Rachel in her protests and charity events)
Gets along so well with younger people he basically adopts them as younger siblings and pseudo-kids(P*rcico shippers please stop being jesters,Nico and Percy are peak transmasc 4 transfem and autistic 4 autistic found family realness,they're the BLUEPRINT for it and y'all wildin' for thinking Hazel's not autistic too like hellooooooo she's literally a creepy cute middle school weirdgirl who was outcasted from other kids,even the fellow black ones?Ofc she's autistic)
Dare i say.The fandom's denial of his blatant autism is in of itself proof he HAS autism and is audhd.They're always calling him stupid and insisting it's meant affectionaly when he's stated a millions of times he does NOT like it,they turn his special interests that's so important to him for coping growing up and now too into him being a childish ass mf with no culture(that is also racist with how popular afrolatino Percy but they don't care just like they don't care about making him actually look black lmao),defang his anger issues and meaness and brutality and anti-authority mentality to turn him into nothing but an idiot and give all the credit to Annabeth(and that's misogynistic cause it makes her boring)and finally infantalizing him as if HE'S not fatherly one in the mcs.I don't even mean making him younger,i mean making him act like a little kid and his friends literally parenting him.It's all textbook rethoric and bullying tactics to irl autistic people and they only say he's allistic so they don't gotta feel bad instead of growing tf up and being nice to mentally disabled folks they can't relate to perfectly and to develop senses of humor outside of John Mulaney bits
Is literally the protagonist of a book series that's ultimate purpose is representation for neurodivergent kids as their role model that grows up with them and showed us we can live good lives like he is now????????The idea of allistic Percy is genuinely incomprehensible ong
'Good Kid' from the musical?Yeah,it's literally a song about an autistic kid who can't mask and gets abused by everybody for it no matter how hard they try to be good
I'm exactly like Percy Jackson and always have been and i'm autistic.So,autistic Percy Jackson is canon.End👏🏼Of👏🏼Discussion!!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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I'm shifting to hxh too! What's it like?
Honestly it’s pretty cool, the Hunter exams are wildin’ make sure you’re prepared for that if you shift to the beginning of hxh. To be totally transparent the reason I shifted there in the first place was for Kurapika 🫢 but it quickly became one of my favorite drs.
Antis dni
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adiosarmageddons · 3 months
hi guys new side blog since tumblr kinda wildin long story short I’ll be posting art on here from now on
Main -> @benatarrrr
Names: Eldritch/Tavros/Infected/Sollux/Karkat etc etc idrc what u call me
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 18 (minors and adults are both ok to interact)
Interests: Homestuck, Regretevator, Insane Clown Posse, Chainsaw Man, Jujutsu Kaisen, Pico’s School, Legend of Zelda, Splatoon, etc.
DNI: Basic dni criteria, pedos, proship/darkship/comship, anti-furry, anti-alterhuman, anti-age/pet regressors, xenosatanism, terfs, if you force your religion on others, just uncool assholes in general
COMMISSION INFO!!! Some of the art is a bit old… I don’t have a cash app so I accept payment through Steam, Robux, or Discord Nitro! -> https://eldritchcomms.carrd.co/
🗡️ | art tag -> art
🗡️ | AA began trolling you -> text posts
🗡️ | you began trolling AA -> answering asks
🗡️ | special delivery -> requests
🗡️ | edits -> sprite/panel edits
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sunsproutgarden · 2 years
[*. Full Bio .*]
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[*. casper || 19 || they/he .*]
Hello! welcome to my comfort/selfship/mental health posting sideblog! I'm mostly reblog heavy, but i tend to post art of my favs and I or I'll vent post from time to time. this is my space. this is my blog. I am not here to please or appease anyone but myself.
[*. tags to filter .*]
*note: i will always try to tag content appropriately (for like flashing lights, common triggers, etc.) but I'm human and will miss maybe a few times so please lmk if i forgot to tag something:
- blood tw
- vent posting
- religious imagery (or) christianity cw
- suggestive cw (<- i keep my blog as sfw as possible due to my own boundaries but sometimes i do be wildin just a bit)
*. My F/O list <- ( Last Updated 8/16/2024)
*. Commission Info
[*. Please Do Not Interact If: .*]
- We share an F/O I am uncomfortable sharing
No hard feelings if you accidentally do follow or interact if we do share! I'll just block you without saying anything so don't expect me to yell at you lmao that'd be draining as hell for me
- You're a Minor
- You're a fandom anti
when I say "Fandom Antis" I mean people who are openly hostile towards people over fiction. I don't want that energy here so if you have something like "freaks dni" in your bio or any other variation: Block me. I am more close to the freaks in your bio despite my wholesome blog theme.
-You are Anti agere (age regression)
If you've seen my posts, this is kind of self explanatory, but I myself am an age regressor (for coping reasons, not kink reasons), and I post about that here sometimes in regards to my f/os and our relationships. So if that makes you uncomfortable or disgusts you, you can filter it out or block me.
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plumsaffron · 7 days
Roasting the miracusalters pt. 5!
Fan Works outdated by canon? Y’all are a shitty example of that! At least other fanworks outdated by canon are civil and give their followers a head up! “Um my stuff doesn’t follow the current canon bc I already wrote my stuff so bear with me plz.”
You lot are the prime example of refusing to see reason even when there’s evidence by the canon wikis and trustworthy folk who actually keep things fair.
Hold up, if y’all hold the standard of how characters should behave, I hope y’all aren’t treating your RL friends and loved ones like that! I mean wanting to ruin someone’s future over a minor error is extreme!
Could y’all please stop screeching? Cuz I could practically hear you twats from the other side of the country or world.
🙄 Are you deadass stupid? Why are y’all still creating salt fics? Lila already got kicked out of Marinette’s school! She ain’t coming back! She’s already banned there!
Are you guys mentally ok even after writing death fics of civilians? I question your sanity at this point bc I recall Lila getting beat up or even killed by prisoners in a grisly manner. In that same fic I remember had a pregnant teacher you despised got murdered by her husband for supposedly cheating on him and then he offed himself outta remorse bc the unborn child got killed. That’s extreme and going too far. What? Did some of y’all believe that the husband taking the child away from his/her “naive stupid” mother after divorcing her for her “crimes” weren’t enough? Look, that teacher may not be the best but she isn’t intentionally evil!
Everytime one of your kind gets off the internet aka removing such content or even deleting your socials for such horrendous content/actions, an Angel gets their wings and the rational people sigh in relief.
Maybe Pink Guy’s STFU song should only be blasted close range for the adults who act out that delusionally at public cons/gatherings.
mhm. Denial game strong for a lot of them
If only those in denial and those that lost their minds (on purpose) could
Crazy how despite how them not letting go and getting what they wanted against Lila, it just wasn’t enough. They just don’t want it to be. They’ll never be satisfied. And this for sure includes if Lila does go in their favor completely of what they desire. They’ll find or make up new strange ways or lore to justify destruction to Lila (even disturbing fics where she’s... by Adrien Cat Noir or Ladybug and its romanticized. It’s a big sigh to even drag Marinette and Adrien down, just cause Lila’s actions towards one of the two triggered the prompter or fic writer). There’s no limit to those wanting to be unrelentingly perturbed and legions of flunkies following defecation causing devastation.
Heck she was turned into a clam and mocked by Ladybug and got Clamutilated by Sarah and Ladybug before getting revived. Yep, another humiliation losers selected to usual ignore after getting what they wanted of kill Lila because things didn’t go how they wanted against her.
Also, that’s just ugh, they really decided to drag pregnant teacher (I guess this would be Caline Bustier) to be merked too. Yikes. Well seems they mastered how to be worse than whoever they hate and drag anyone else down for some metheaded reason. Sigh
Seems they are mostly a lost cause, set in their ways. As long as Lila to them, recovers, then she must be put down by any means until she can’t wake up. All of her must be shown. Not knowing yields a disturbance to many of them because they want to be disturbed. She must be explored for their purposes of reducing or finding something wrong with her to be fulfilled. She must be viewed as nothing, can’t do anything, or become someone that crawls back for their forgiveness delusion. Ironic part is they be against that thirst if Adrien Kagami Chloe (and Juleka if they bother remembering). And they will find new ways to put other characters down just because Lila.
Some self sabotaging, wanting to sabotage and humbling kink I guess they got or appeasement to protagonist side because yes.
Waste time to want to Put down or destroy to reconfigure her YES! Ignore and have better things to focus on is a NOOOOOOOOOH!
Their unstable reactions do make me question how they can even function in real life. I guess they are quite selective. Sometimes Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 makes me wonder if it’s a parody of how unstable many of these legions of salter watchers or salt fic writers who still refuse to be better and think better are or do.
They’re like I hate this I know is evil cruel unfair etc. I hate what’s going on. Then they switch to I want worse now upon this one because I can’t handle them as I wanted to handle them. This one didn’t stay down or gone as I wanted them to. I don’t want to think or care about what I’m prompting.
I wanted worse because I am an insecure disturbed weirdo emulation, and I didn’t wish to understand how I am asking for the very things I wished didn’t occur to be even worse now, while dragging many down that could have been left alone or left alone from being dragged down further. I choose instability over ignorability, despite I seen literal examples of why I shouldn’t go for instability path, countless times.
Certain peeps are unfortunately glitchy and predictable that it’s saddening. Unfortunate to the point, I am able to commit satirical derision about them.
Other dweebs be like: This character, I/we will assign as socio or psycho or obsessive or evil or no motive or no purpose or no motive.
*Also them dweebs towards such characters be rivaling, being, or succeeding who they decided to label such character as and got a legion of lames that pretend the mirror, showcasing their fugly meth mob mindset, doesn’t exist.*
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roleplayhonestybox · 1 month
idk how they even managed to groupies since evie only had the blog open for like a month before she either deleted or got mass reported but pretty much everthing else is accurate. parasocial got people wildin out I will agree to that.
and yeah to the first person who asked, they're apparently mad that the 25plus blog started doing unique snippets after ads only after evie's blog got deleted. the only other thing I saw was people being mad that their banner says 'welcome sinners'.
my conspiracy theory is that it's either antis or purists who don't like fun who are trying to get people in the rpc upset/stressed/fight one another for no reason. we know there are antis who watch and interact on this blog so the probably are just jumping in to cause problems. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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The name’s Moss. Sentient plant living in a cave full of non-sentient plants, an all the more sentient noodle called Mr Ichiraku (whose head is so empty that if the void weren’t hermetically sealed by his black bead eyes, the universe would spontaneously implode), also Mr Moss, the partner and questionable half, and Marimo, our sapling. When referring to me, my pronouns are it/its, do not they/them me or I will was/were you.
I’ve been around the block for a minute and a half, therefore my knowledge of the block button is beyond excellent! I’m here to have a good time, any fandom wank will be engaged in at my own leisure, more likely than not it will go ignored.
This plant works full-time in an around the clock job. I’ll get to you as fast as I can — it might take me a while! Please be patient.
Fiercely pro-fiction/ anti-censorship!
You can find my main:
You can find my disaster kitchen:
Looking for a tag guide?
• the holy divers in the eldritch flower pot is where it gets personal
• nature be wildin’ is where nature goes wild
• education is our privilege, resource and the more you know are different flavours of educational content— interesting, useful, important, informative. Pick your poison (but if you overindulge you’ll have to clean up your mess yourself)
• tumblr culture is anything that I consider a tumblrism. Tumblr has been around for a while and the social structures are delicate. Most of these are shitposts.
• lgbtq culture has a lot of overlap with educational tags and also tumblr culture — because this is a place where we learn about ourselves and are also unashamedly, openly queer.
Fandoms you will see:
Avatar the last airbender (ATLA)
Star Trek (Star Trek, gays in space, to boldly go do things)
Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls (skrimskrom, fuck yeah skyrim, the elder screlder)
Bridgerton (bridgerton)
Call of Duty (cod, cod mwii, ghoap)
Supernatural (spn)
9-1-1 on abc (9-1-1)
anything related to middle earth and/ or J. R. R. Tolkien (jrrt, lotr)
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This anti trumper protested trump by dressing as what looks like a holocaust victim .. if anyone has the full story on him i would love to know more. Wildin. Ballsy. So controversial. I like it. Im jewish. Im allowed to say this. If shit ever hits the fan im hunting down this mf and hiding in his attic he cleary got my back. Iconic. Slay. If ur gon get arrested at least do it by protesting trump. SLAY QUEEEEN
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