#anto speaks
the-killer-queenie · 2 years
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it's been a week since I watched this movie for the first time and my life hasn't been the same ever since
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deadlycoffee · 2 years
I’m finally playing dramatical murder. I’ve been warned I’m not going to have a good time
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sagesolsticewrites · 3 months
Y’all listen up @winniemaywebber and I have the perfect Tangled live action fancast
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Rapunzel: Amita Suman (Shadow & Bone, Doctor Who)
Flynn Ryder/Eugene Fitzherbert: Anthony Boyle (Masters of the Air, Manhunt, Shardlake)
sources: we said so <3
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blubffsd · 1 year
summary: The lie you believed your whole life just fell apart, the person you loved the most let you down once again. Why did you think this time would be different?
previous chapter
note: i really don't know what song to recommend for this part, just play your favorite sad song lol. please pretend that on social media it says "Mia" instead of Y/N, i edited it like 3 times and it never saved so i gave up.
@http-isabela love u 😚💞
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That's what Mia feels now.
She has a hard time believing what she sees, but unfortunately it is real.
They backstabbed her in front of miles of people.
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It wasn't until she arrived in Argentina that she found out about their tweets, all thanks to Anto, who had found out from Jorgelina Cardoso, Di Maria's wife.
After Mia found out, the players of the Argentina team found out too, Lio told them what happened after Anto told him.
Most are completely outraged by the audacity of her brother-in-law and his wife to make such comments.
All of them are still euphoric for having become world champions less than 2 days ago, and even more so now that they are waiting in Ezeiza to celebrate with the Argentines at the Obelisk.
So right now they do and say things that they wouldn't do at another time.
And Mia too.
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Will she regret of this? Yeah.
Does she care now? No.
Obviously people suspect that the tweets are for Melissa and Jirès (especially those of Enzo and Julián).
If Kylian and Mia's names was a trend before, now there are even newspaper articles speculating what happened between them.
And as if that weren't enough, now she has his boyfriend's fans attacking her on twitter, just like when he said he's dating her.
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Jirès even had the audacity to reply to her tweet.
Mia knows she were wrong a lot, but is all that necessary?
It's okay that they're mad at her and she understand it. But why increase the hate she is getting?
Why are they treating her like this if two days ago they had dinner with her and told her how grateful they are to have her in their lives?
Did they lie to her or were her attitudes so bad that they changed their opinion drastically?
Even if it hurts Mia keeps seeing the tweets out there about all the drama.
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Now they are relating the songs of her favorite singer with her love dramas.
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THEY EVEN MAKE A PLAYLIST. (it's real btw)
Mia lets out a laugh when she saw the songs they chose to "cry over your divorce".
At least they are not criticizing her or judging her actions.
It doesn't make Mia feels better, but she doesn't feel worse. That's okay.
She wants to believe that's okay.
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Mia arrives at her father's house hours after arriving in Argentina.
Anto insisted so much that she stays with her and the children but Mia refused, she needs to talk to her dad, she miss him so much.
Mia knocks on the door of the house while she sees the Argentine flag hanging.
Her father opens the door for her in a matter of seconds and when he sees her he smiles and hugs her.
Mia smiled slightly as she felt his arms around her.
It feels good to hug him again. And that he is the one who took the initiative makes her happy.
Although deep down in her heart she knows that he is hugging her because Argentina won the World Cup and not because she came home after 5 years.
He invites her in and she enter his house.
Everything in the house was the same as when she left, but it felt different.
—Sentate si querés (Sit down if you want) –he says pointing to the couch in front of Mia.
She nods and sit back watching him do the same.
There is an awkward silence between the two of them until Mia speak.
—Y... ¿cómo andás? (So... how are you?) –her father turns to look at her and smiles widely.
He's going to talk about football.
—Estoy re bien, hija. Me siento tan feliz, nunca me había sentido así en mi vida, te lo juro. (I'm fine, daughter. I feel so happy, I have never felt like this in my life, I swear.)
He doesn't have to swear for Mia to believe him, she knows he's not lying. He was never this happy.
—Qué alegría, pa. (What a joy, dad) –she smiles slightly not knowing what else to say.
Mia wish she were as happy as her dad, but she can't knowing what she did.
She can't get Kylian out of her mind and how he must be now, a few hours away from his birthday.
She knows she have to explain everything to him but she doesn't have the courage to do it.
What excuse could she make for having abandoned him after not having achieved what he dreamed of all his life?
Mia comes back to reality when she feels her dad's touch on her shoulder.
—¿Eh? ¿Qué pasó, pa? ¿Me dijiste algo? (What happened, dad? Did you say something?)
She hears her dad laugh and sees how he shakes his head.
—Te pregunté qué dice tu noviecito por haber perdido (I asked you what "that guy" you're dating thinks about losing) –a mocking smile appears on his face.
"That guy you're dating"? Is that the way he intends to name her boyfriend?
—No sé, todavía no hablé con él. (I don't, I didn't talk with him yet).
—¿No quiere hablar con vos todavía después de haber perdido? Qué idiota. ¿Cómo se llama? ¿Kyle? ¿Kylan? (He doesn't want to talk to you after losing? What a idiot. What's his name? Kyle? Kylan?)
The mocking smile doesn't leave her father's face and that can't bother Mia anymore.
He doesn't even know his name.
—No es ningún idiota y su nombre es Kylian. Me sorprende que no sepas el nombre de mi novio, con quien estoy hace 4 años. (He's not an idiot and his name is Kylian. I'm surprised you don't know the name of the guy I've been in a relationship with for 4 years.)
Her father laughs mocking Mia's words.
—Kylian, nombre de perdedor en las finales (Kylian, name of a loser in the World Cup finals) –he laugh again.
Mia frowns. He's acting like her boyfriend hasn't hattrick or won a world cup yet.
He's trying to humiliate Kylian and she is not going to allow it.
—Te recuerdo que "ese perdedor" ya ganó un mundial y en su primer intento, y también casi gana su segundo mundial por su cuenta (I remind you that "that loser" has already won a World Cup and in his first attempt, and he also almost won his second World Cup on his own).
Now her father is the one who frowns, surprised by her words.
—Dejá de defender a ese tarado, ese chico no vale la pena, te lo dije millones de veces. Estás haciendo lo mismo que hiciste en 2018. (Stop defending that dumb guy, that boy is not worth it, I told you millions of times. You're doing the same thing you did in 2018.)
Mia takes a deep breath trying to calm down, what is happening cannot be real.
—Te hacías la que querías que ganáramos nosotros para que acá en los medios de comunicación no te dijeran nada, pero seguramente querías que gane ese estúpido que tenés por novio. Y sí, no querías que te pase lo mismo que en 2018, que lo apoyaste a él cuando estaba jugando contra tu país y me hiciste quedar como un tarado. Me traicionaste y me dejaste de lado por tu novio, lo elegiste antes que a mí y no tuviste ni un poco de consideración conmigo (You pretended that you wanted us to win so that here in the media they wouldn't tell you anything, but surely you wanted that stupid boyfriend of yours to win. Of course, you didn't want the same thing to happen to you as in 2018, that you supported him when he was playing against your country and you made me look like a stupid. You betrayed me and dumped me for your boyfriend, you chose him over me and you didn't have one bit of consideration for me).
Mia can't believe what she is hearing.
—Ese chico te va a dejar por la primera chica que encuentre, no sé cómo duró tanto con vos. Todos los futbolistas son iguales. No me sorprendería si me decís que prefiere el fútbol antes que a vos (That boy is going to leave you for the first girl he finds, I don't know how he lasted so long with you. All footballers are the same. I wouldn't be surprised if you tell me that he prefers football over you).
That was the last straw.
—Entonces estás diciendo que Kylian va a hacerle lo mismo que vos me hiciste a mí (So you're saying that Kylian is going to do the same thing to me that you did to me?)
Mia feels her dad's stunned look and her let out a sarcastic laugh.
—Según vos él va a elegir el fútbol antes que a mí ¿no? Y me estás advirtiendo. Qué considerado, no querés que pase por lo mismo que me hiciste pasar vos (According to you, he is going to choose football before me, right? And you're warning me. How thoughtful, you don't want me to go through the same thing you put me through).
Her dad gets up from the couch completely angry.
—¿Qué decís, nena? Si a vos te di todo lo que pude para que no te faltara nada (What do you say? If I gave you everything I could so that you didn't lack anything).
Mia sighed completely frustrated, he doesn't get it.
Obviously he doesn't get it.
—Ya sé y te lo agradezco. Pero siempre hubo algo más importante que yo, no te importaba qué pasaba conmigo ni nada, nunca fui tu prioridad (I know and thank you for that. But there was always something more important than me, you didn't care what happened to me or anything, I was never your priority).
She feels how a lump forms in her throat and tears appear in her eyes.
Her father keeps glaring at her in front of her, as if she just insulted him.
—Siempre había un partido más importante que mi cumpleaños, una práctica más importante que mi graduación. Cuando nací mamá me dijo que te quejaste porque tenías que jugar un partido ese fin de semana y no ibas a poder por tener que cuidarme a mí. Y tenés el descaro de venir a advertirme de Kylian. (There was always a game more important than my birthday, a practice more important than my graduation. When I was born, mom told me that you complained because you had to play a game that weekend and you couldn't make it because you had to take care of me. And you have the nerve to come warn me about Kylian).
Her father does not take his eyes off her.
—Bueno, y decime entonces, ¿dónde está tu noviecito ahora? ¿Te buscó o algo por lo menos o no le importas lo suficiente como para querer saber dónde estás? (Well, and tell me then, where is your boyfriend now? Did he look for you or something at least or does he not care enough to want to know where you are?).
That hurt Mia.
Kylian hasn't called her.
But she didn't call him either and she should have.
—Él al menos no me llamó gritándome que soy una traidora, que no merezco vivir y que dejé de existir para él como tú lo hiciste (He at least didn't call me yelling that I'm a traitor, that I don't deserve to live and that I ceased to exist for him like you did).
There isn't a single hint of regret on his face, her father looks at her seriously, as if telling her that if he had to do it again, he would.
—Estabas apoyando al enemigo (You were supporting the enemy).
Mia remember Hiba's words to her during the match.
"You're wearing Kylian's jersey and sitting next to his family as you clap for the enemy."
This whole situation is so similar to 2018 but feels so different.
—Kylian necesitaba mi apoyo y estuve ahí para él. (Kylian needed my support and I was there for him).
Her father laughs sarcastically.
—¿Y por qué estás acá conmigo y no con él? Si él tanto te necesita (And why are you here with me and not with him? If he needs you so much).
Mia looks at her dad and then at her bags.
He's right, for the first time since she were born.
Why is she there with him if the one who really deserves to talk to her is Kylian?
Why did she think her dad would change this time?
Why is she there with him and not with Kylian? How could she get so carried away?
Mia takes her bags under the stupefied look of her dad and take one last look at his house.
The walls still have the same photos of her dad when he played football, it makes Mia a little sad to remember when she asked him why he hasn't photos of her there.
"It's just that I don't care enough about you".
After saying it, he laughed, implying that it was a joke.
Mia opens the door and walk out of her dad's house.
Maybe it wasn't after all.
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taglist: @nightlockcornucopia @melliflulu @mad-die45 @bifici @woozarts @neymarsrealgf @meanwhilesomewhereelse @psgkm7 @matthiashelvarsgf @krillfromsky @ashley-leclerc @mxgvmiii @like3dbypierregasly @httpspedri26 @aerangi @berryhtrs @lena-03 @gash167 @claaau5 @notanenthucutlet @okayline @noodle81937
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gavisfanta · 25 days
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Part l
summary: When you traveled to Qatar with your dad, you meet someone unexpected. However it isn't easy to keep in touch with that person, as many struggles occur.
warnings: smoking
"Ladies and Gentlesmen this is your captain speaking, we have officially and successfully landed in Qatar, it's 11:15 pm and the weather is good with about 24 Celsius right now. Thank you for flying with us and enjoy the rest of your journey." The loud buzzing sound in the airplane finally stopped as the speakers went silent, there was rustling heard from the back of the plane.
"Thiago, can you get your backpack?" Antonella asked as she pointed at her son sitting next to you.
"Ciro has to get his own though, I'm not getting his." Your oldest brother stood up, his nike backpack in his hand as he was ready to leave the plane. Anto nodded her head and gave you Ciro's backpack so she wouldn't have to carry it. As you grabbed your own and stood up, you made your way out of the plane. As you walked past the captain and the stewardess, you gave them a faint smile.
Normally you would've gone with the private jet your dad owned, but your mother decided to be eco-friendly all of the sudden.
So as soon as you stepped out of the plane, you were immediately met with very fresh and cold air. It was warm but it definitely wasn't as warm and cozy as under the covers you received in first class.
As you, your brothers and your mom entered the ground after walking down the metal stairs, a bald man aproached you with a huge smile on his face. He looked a bit older but was built very muscular. "Welcome in Qatar Miss Roccuzzo, Miss Messi and the small ones. I am Alfro and it's an honor to be your driver tonight." He shook everyone's hands and then stepped aside so you would be able to see the black van.
"The honor is mine," Anto smiled at him and he immediately nodded his head while he inhaled sharply. He then suggested to load all the backpacks all of you had into the truck of the car. The other luggage will be brought to your hotel in a few hours by someone your dad hired, so you wouldn't have to wait.
While Alfro grabbed all of your backpacks and Anto, Ciro, Mateo and Thiago already made their way over to the car, you stood in one spot, admiring the night sky. Many stars were visible since there wasn't as many lights surrounding you. Your gaze however moved from the sky to the van, only to see your mom looking at you.
"Do you want to sleep outside hija?" Your mom asked, she was tired, that's why she was in such a bad mood. It was kind of her fault because she chose to be eco-friendly. In the private jet she would've gotten some sleep.
Yet you only shrugged your shoulders and also walked over to the van, the only empty seat was next to Thiago so you had no other choice but to sit next to him, he of course was also tired. Mateo and Ciro however were the complete opposite, they were full of energy, that's why they were talking to eachother while you and Thiago just fought to keep your eyes open.
Anto was sitting in the front, next to Alfro. he was talking to her as he drove through Doha. But something caught your attention.
"This hotel you see on the right is closed as of now, because the Spanish national team is staying there. They arrived yesterday, I heard that Luis Enrique wanted to make sure that nobody was jet lagged when they start training." Alfro pointed to the gigantic building on the right, a huge fountain decorating the drive way to the hotel. In the middle of the fountain was an angel carved out of stone. The light from the street lamp perfectly hit the statue so perfectly that every single detail was visible. It looked like a woman, however you weren't able to see her face but her head was slightly tilted downwards. Hands covered her face and her legs were also hidden by the dress she had, as she was standing on the two and a half meter tall pole. Gigantic wings came out of her back, they however weren't spread, instead they kind of hung down.
The whole hotel gave off a pretty rich vibe, however you didn't have long to look at it because Alfro kept driving. You looked at Thiago whose gaze was still looking outside the window, until eventually he turned his head to look at you.
"Do you think Pedri is here too?" He whispered, afraid that Anto might hear him. He didn't mind his brothers hearing him, they were too busy with talking about some kid series they watched on the plane.
"I'm sure he is, why do you ask?" You asked him. It was a bit weird that he asked this, he knew who was in the Spanish national team, and he damn well knew that Pedri was a part of that team. From time to time he showed you a picture of Pedri, sometimes when you watched the Barca games, he even specifically told you to look at the screen whenever he saw that the camera zoomed in on the midfielder.
You had a suspicion that Thiago missed Pedri a bit, even tho they didn't talk much while Messi was still at Barcelona, the few times they talked you always saw Thiago giggling and looking very happy. Each time Pedri brought him to you and reassured that he was fine, he'd look at you with those eyes. Yet no words were exchanged, only looks but nothing more.
You kinda found it weird how much Pedri had changed in a year. You hadn't seen him in person ever since the farewell speech of your father, but he looked very different in tv. However Thiago then snapped you out of your thoughts again.
"I just forgot, I guess." He shrugged his shoulders for the second time and then looked out the window again. While shaking your head you looked out your window, the stars still slightly visible but not as much as they were at the airport.
Faint music was playing the background, you heard that it was Sin Señal by Quevedo, it was Thiago's favorite song. Looking from the sky back to your mom in the front of the car, you couldn't help but notice how many people were still outside on the streets.
Maybe it was the crazy nightlife in Doha everyone was talking about or maybe there was just a party the night you arrived, however you made yourself a mental note that you'll check it out while you're staying here.
"Here we are!" Alfro smile as he pulled into the round driveway of the huge two-building hotel. There were two very high buildings and an Argentine flag hung between the two. You faintly smiled as you looked at it, there was a light pointed directly at the flag so that it would be visible at night.
"They're pretty proud to be welcoming your team, as you can see." Alfro laughed as Anto's mouth fell open at the sight.
She laughed and nodded her head. "As they should." It was good to see your mother smiling again, you always hated when she was in a bad mood.
So as the security from the hotel checked all of your passports and granted Alfro access to the parking lots, he parked the car and Anto and you got out immediately.
Alfro went to the truck to give you your backpacks.
"And here you go little guy." Alfro handed Ciro the last backpack and then closed the trunk of the car.
"Hey can I ask you something?" You remained outside while your brothers and mom already started walking to the entrance of the hotel after they said goodbye and thank you.
"Of course, what is it?" He smiled while putting both of his hands on his hips.
"Our hotel is pretty far outside the city, how come the one Spain is staying in, is so close to the city centre?" You asked, he then chuckled a little bit.
"As far as I know, they just like to flex a little bit, they sleep and eat there but they need to be transported out here to train. As you might know this hotel built 5 football fields. Especially for this world cup but in the future a youth team will train here." He explained everything while talking with his hands. You couldn't help but still wonder.
"What do you mean they have to get transported here?" Your eyebrows knitted together.
"If you grab a bike and cycle down this road for about 5 minutes, you'll reach another football training ground where the spanish team is training." He pointed down the street, a few street lamps placed along the road that seemed to be going into a forest.
"Okay, thank you so much. And thanks for the drive too!" You smiled while you began walking away backwards. He waved at you but then you suddenly remembered something.
"Oh wait." You began walking towards him again while you grabbed your wallet from your left pocket. "Here, take this." You smiled as you handed him 79 Riyal (which is about 20 euros).
"Oh thank you so much but it's not necessary." He tried to give you back the money with a faint smile because your dad haid paid everything in advance, however you shrugged your shoulders as you began walking backwards once again.
"Have a good night" You waved quickly before turning around and walking into the hotel. The lobby was almost empty, a few people were talking with eachother. Most of them looked like they worked there.
"Hey, um my mom checked in just a couple of minutes earlier, could you please tell me which room she's staying in?" Walking up to the desk which a blonde woman was sitting at. She looked like she hasn't slept in 2 days, that also exaplained the open red bull can standing at the desk.
"Hey, if Antonella Roccuzzo is your mom, she should be in building B, floor 13, which is the top floor, and... in suite 2. You're allowed to enter building B, but building A is off limits until the Selección arrives. As of now we don't serve breakfast since the Selección will be using our kitchen. The elevator to building B is that way." She told you so many things in such a fast pace. However at the end she pointed to her left, so you gave her a quick nod with a smile and then began to walk towards the navy blue metal elevator.
Messi had told you that only family of the footballers and some other staff from the Selección will be staying in building B. The more important people will be in building A.
Your face crunched up as the elevator doors opened and a horrible odor of vinegar hit you.
Pulling up your shirt to cover your mouth and nose, you entered the elevator and pressed the button to floor 13. The inside of the elevator gave off the same vibe as the lobby did. Very modern and expensive looking, a grey carpet covered the floor while the walls were white.
As the doors slid to the side, you were met with a room, two doors on either side. While stepping out of the elevator you finally dropped the shirt back down and looked at the door to your right.
A black number 2 written on the door, so immediately you rang the doorbell twice. A few seconds passed before you heard some running and the door opened, you came face to face with Mateo.
"Thanks" You flashed him a smile and then went inside, he looked at you while closing the door.
"Where were you?" He asked as you walked through the hallway, entering a bigger and taller room. One of the walls was replaced with a huge glass, giving whoever is inside a beautiful room over the ocean since the hotel was right next to the beach.
There was a huge tv, a couch, a kitchen and three doors, each leading to different rooms. Anto, Thiago and Ciro were sat on the couch, your mom on the phone while Thiago was playing something on his Ipad and Ciro watching him.
"I was- uh talking to Alfro." You hardly managed to look away from the beautiful view outside the window. But as you looked down at Mateo he crossed his arms.
"What were you talking about?" He asked while he looked at you put down your backpack next to the couch.
"Why do you care?" You raised your voice a bit at him, he was being annoying with all the questions and following you around.
"Y/n watch how you talk to your brother." Your mom suddenly raised her head and looked at you for a split second bdfore looking back at her phone.
"What did I do?" you raised your voice a bit as you held up your hands. You were met with Mateo who stuck out his tongue to you. "You're so annoying." While you rolled your eyes, you grabbed your backpack and went into oke of the rooms. There were three beds so you assumed that room wasn't yours. Walking into the next one you immediately put down your backpack on the bed and walked to the door again. "This room is mine, goodnight!" You stuck your head out the door so everyone could hear you, and then you closed the door and locked it too. As you turned around you saw that there was a huge bed, it was facing the glass wall which gave you a beautiful view whenever you sat on the bed. On the left from the bed there was a sliding door which you assumed led to a bathroom. Making your way over there, you found out that you were right, a shower, sink and toilet were in the bathroom. There were also blinds rolled down which you assumed had the same huge window.
However you didn't have the energy to check it out now. So you walked back to your backpack, took out your toothbrush and toothpast and went to brush your teeth after you changed into the oversized shirt you brought to sleep in.
As soon as you were done and walked back into the dark bedroom, you pulled out your phone you saw that your dad had texted you, so without thinking much of it, you pressed the face time button.
"Hola hija." Your phone lit up with his face and you squinted your eyes a bit at the brightness.
"Hey, we arrived at the hotel now, look how cool my room is." You lifted up your phone to show your room and the view. Messi laughed as he looked at the phone.
"I know, I booked it, did you luggage arrive already?" He smiled a bit.
"No, not yet, mom said she'll stay awake until it arrives, but who knows when that dude arrives." You said and went back to the bed to sit down.
"Okay, whatever your mother wants, listen, you go to sleep now or else you'll be extremely jetlagged, tomorrow your mother has planned something. I have no idea what but she told me about something. I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?" Messi explained and you nodded your head as you yawned.
"Bye, goodnight" You waved at the camera and he blew you a kiss. Then as you hung up, you turned off your phone and out it to charge on the bedside table.
Just a few minutes after that you already drifted off to sleep.
The next morning you woke up at 5 am, so you decided to get up and walk to the beach. But first you took a shower and then picked out a simple black shirt with black shorts. By the time you walked down to the lobby ut was already half past 6.
While you made your way outside you walked past an employee of the hotel, he walked closer to you ans opened his mouth.
"Hey do by any chance know Lionel Messi?" He asked as he anxiously fidgeted around with his hands.
"Not that well, but I do know him." You said with a sarcastic smile and then man just nodded, you could tell he was nervous, however you weren't sure if he really did know who you were.
It did happen sometimes that people asked you for a picture but that was rather rare. However people often said hi to you or looked at you.
"Do you know where the next store is?" You asked him, completely ignoring that he maybe wanted to take a picture or anything else.
"Uhm, yeah if you walk down the road, you should find one in about 5 minutes k
of walking." He said and pointed behind himself while looking at you.
"Okay thank you so much." You walked out the door and began walking down the street just as the guy said.
It was awfully quiet, only the sound of the birds singing and the wind blowing lingering around in the air.
Arriving at the small store, you went inside and immediately went up to the cashier. "Hey, could you give me a Marlboro red and a lighter?" You asked the man who was about 40 years old. He looked like he was from Qatar, very Arabic face.
"Can I see your ID please?" He gave you a dirty look and you nodded while grabbing into your phone case and pulling out your ID.
"Here" You gave it to him and he held it between his fingers while looking at it with furrowed brows. Suddenly his gaze softened and the frown on his lips immediately turned into a smile.
"Messi? Is that your real name?" He raised his brows and gave you back your ID while putting the Malboro red and the lighter on the counter between you both.
"Yeah" You said with a smile and he squinted his eyes a bit while looking at you.
"You're lying." He smiled but you shook your head, the store was completely empty that's why he didn't hurry with making you pay.
"I'm not, google me." You told him and he gave you a suspicious look before pulling out his phone from his pocket and looking at you. "Y/n Messi" You said and he nodded his head while shifting his gaze back to his phone.
He chuckled and his face brightened up even more as he looked up from his phone and to you again.
"Can I take a picture with you?" He asked in a heavy accent and you nodded your head. He walked around the counter and stood next to you, he put his hand on your shoulder and you smiled as he took a couple of photos.
"Can I pay with card?" You looked at him while he walked back behind the counter. As you looked at the screen, you saw that he took off 50%. You smiled as you paid and then said goodbye to him.
Walking outside again, you immediately began walking down to the beach. After a while you were already walking on sand and saw the waves. That's when you grabbed into your pocket and pulled out a cigarette and the lighter. Sticking the cigarette into your mouth, you covered the front with your left hand while you lit it with your right.
So while you walked along the beach while smoking, you didn't notice that three other people were watching you.
"Shut up" Ferran stopped walking immediately and so followed Gavi and Pedri who were walking by his side. "Isn't that Y/n?" Ferran asked as he put his hand up to cover his smile.
"I don't know, but it looks like her." Gavi added as he furrowed his eyebrows while staring at you. They were walking along the path that was made out of stone higher up on the beach, and you were turned the other way, facing the ocean.
"Hermano that's her!" Ferran mumbled, Pedri just stared at you without saying anything. He was deep in his thoughts, he hadn't seen you since Messi left Barça which was about three years ago.
"Pedri you knew her." Pedri snapped back as soon as Ferran said that. He turned his head to look at the striker and shook his head.
"I've never liked her, we didn't get along while she was in Barcelona. I loved her brother but her? Nah," Pedri explained and Ferran raised his brows but Gavi reacted faster.
"Why didn't you get along? You and Messi were also fine?" He asked and Pedri exhaled deeply.
"She seemed too arrogant in my opinion, I never really talked to her though, so that's why I may be wrong but some way I heard her talk to others." Pedri shook his head as he looked away from you again. "and she's smoking too."
Ferran furrowed his brows as he looked at the smoke coming from you. "That's her thing. Anyways, let's go" Ferran mumbled and Gavi nodded his head as the two started walking. Pedri caught himself looking at the back of your head a bit too long. But then he snapped out of it and eventually caught up with his teammates.
After you were done with taking the little walk, you went back to the hotel room where you were met with Anto sitting on the couch, a plate of eggs infront of her.
"Where were you?" Anto asked as she turned around while shutting off her phone.
"I was just taking a walk mom." You answered in a bit of annoyed tone. You walked into the kitchen and then also scooped some eggs onto your plate.
"I was worried about you" She stood up and brought her plate over to the sink where she washed it off with water.
"Mom, I'm 19." You gave her an annoyed look but she still put her hands onto her sides as she watched you eat.
"Yeah but what if you get kidnapped by someone? Many people here know you." Her voice wasn't strict but rather worried.
You shook it off and then went into your room. A few hours later after your brothers woke up and got ready for the day, Anto told you to come outside.
"Come on, let's go to the car." Anto commanded and all of you went into the elevator. That same disgusting odor of vinegar was lingering in the elevator. You pulled up your shirt until you arrived in the lobby. Then you all sat into the car and you mom started driving.
"Where are we going now?" Thiago asked, he was sitting in the backseat with the rest of your siblings, while you were in the front next to your mom.
"We're going to visit Elena and Romarey." Anto said while she looked in the review mirror for a second. You however were way too distracted by Doha, it was pretty hot outside, you noticed by the window that was rolled down a few centimeters. The sun was shining and there were a couple of people walking around on the sidewalks. There were also huge buildings, all very clean and with big windows, you assumed they were offices or something else, maybe even very rich apartment buildings.
"Does that mean we are gonna see Jordi and Busi too?" Mateo asked excitedly, while you still lived in Barcelona, Busquets and Jordi Alba were at your house very often, considering that your dad was very close with both of them.
"I'm sure we will." So you all sat in silence, atleast you did, your siblings asked some stupid questions which your mom had to answer. As you pulled into the driveway of the hotel your eyes fixated on the fountain withe the weird statue once again. You were sure that that woman had a story and that's why she looked that way, you however would need to ask someone.
As your mother spoke to the security and they checked if she really was on the list, they let you in. She parked the car on a parking lot and then all of you made your way over to the main entrance.
As you walked into the lobby, you pulled out your phone to check a few messages, that's why you just followed behind your family.
That was until your brothers started running and Thiago just walked really fast. So immediately you put away your phone and saw a few people sitting on a couch.
"Jordi, Busi!" Your brothers said loudly as they went to hug them. They both were sitting next to eachother. However, Balde, Ferran and Pedri were also there. You at first avoided eye contact with Pedri, but eventually everyone stood up to say hello to your mom and to you in the traditional way by kissing your cheeks.
First Jordi who you also hugged right after, "You grew so much." He smiled and you just smiled at him while you furrowed your brows. Then Busi. "He's right, the last time I saw you, you were little, about here." Busquets pointed to the middle of his stomach.
"Well that's how biology works," You joked and then shrugged your shoulders. Them Ferran came over to you.
"Hey, nice to meet you, I'm Ferran." He said after he took a step back from you.
"I'm Y/n the pleasure is mine." You gave him the same smile.
"I'm Balde, also very nice to meet you." He also said as he again took a step back.
"Y/n, nice to meet you too." You also gave him a faint smile. That's until Pedri stood infront of you, your smile immediately faded and the same went for Pedri.
It was awkward to watch you two stand infront of eachother. Pedri had his lips in a thine line while he bit the insides of his cheek.
Meanwhile you just looked at him, waiting for him to say something. That however passed as soon as he gave you a small nod and then turned around to sit down again. Atleast that's what you thought, because he turned around, went over to Balde and the two of them then went to the elevator.
You scoffed as you saw them walk away, Ferran noticed that and came over to you. "Hey, we haven't talked yet, haven't we?" He asked with a bit of a forced smile. The rest of your family was distracted speaking to Jordi and Busquets.
"No, we literally just met." You joked and he nodded his head while he ran his fingers along his forehead and broke the eye contact for a second.
"Yeah, so um, you're Messi's daughter?" Ferran mentally hit himself as why he was asking these stupid questions. You looked at him for a second with a confused look.
"Yeah." You parted your lips into a thin line and nodded your head. However while you and Ferran shared an awkward moment together, Pedri and Balde were just walking to the community room.
"What's up with you now?" Balde asked as he tried to keep up with Pedri's fast pace, he was almost running down the hallway.
Pedri shook his head, "See that's why I hate her, she's so arrogant. I cant stand it, just cause Leo had money while she grew up." He said in an annoyed tone and then both of them arrived in the room. They saw Gavi and Laporte sitting at a table, chatting to eachother.
Pedri stormed over to a couch and sat down while taking out his phone, that's why he earned two weird stares from Gavi and Laporte.
"What's wrong with him?" Laporte asked Balde who went and sat down on a chair next to Gavi.
"He saw Messi's daughter and then he got all mad and-" Balde looked at Pedri for a second. "i dont even know, she looks nice to me."
"Yeah that's until you hear how she talks to other people!" Pedri said loudly to which Balde just shook his head.
"It's been three years kid, get over it and try to be nice to her. I've talked to her and her mother before, nothing wrong with her, maybe you just want to believe that she's mean and cruel." Laporte turned around in his seat and looked at Pedri who didn't lift his gaze from the phone.
"Mhm" Pedri hummed and completely ignored the strikers opinion.
"Come on Pedri you're being stupid right now. You're acting like a kid." Gavi stood up and walked over to his teammate.
"Oh so now I'm being stupid for having an opinion? Yeah you all bestfriends with her now?" Pedri looked up at Gavi and said aggressively.
"No but you don't even have a reason to hate her, just get yourself under control and talk to her like a proper human being goddammit. Do you even hear the stuff you're saying right now? I thought you were mature enough to play in the world cup but it seems like I gotta talk with Lucho about you. You're 19 and acting like a 5 year old." Gavi raised his voice aswell as he told that to his friend who was still sitting infront of him. Pedri was now looking at him with big eyes and he was deep in his thoughts.
Meanwhile Balde and Laporte were shocked, they've never heard Gavi talk like that before and they didn't expect it to be Pedri he talks to like this.
"Now good job ruining everyone's mood because of your childish attention needs." Gavi told him and then walked out the door. Pedri looked after him and then looked down on the floor.
"He was right." Laporte added and Pedri nodded his head while he stood up and also went over to the door. Without saying a word he left and returned back to his small room.
While all that happened, you and Ferran weren't as awkward around eachother anymore. After Ferran found out that you used to play with Sira when she was about 12 years old and you 11, you immediately had something to talk about.
"So is she also coming here to watch the games?" You asked as he was now sitting next to you outside on the stairs, you were facing the giant gates that didn't allow anyone to acces the hotel without being checked.
"She's coming here for Spains first game, she just has to finish her riding competition and then yeah." He clapped his hands together and smiled a bit while looking at his shoes.
"Oh right, I forgot that she's an equestrian." You mumbled while grabbing into your pocket and pulling out your phone to look at the time.
"Yeah, you should see her sometime, she's amazing."
"I will one day, but I should also probably look for my mom, I've been here for half an hour. Do you know where they could be?" You asked and turned around to look inside the hotel through the glass doors which are the main entrance.
"I have no idea, sorry. I don't know where those older people hang out." He chuckled as he looked at you call your mothers number. However she didn't pick up so you sighed and stuffed the phone into your pocket once again.
"She never picks up the phone, it's so annoying." You rolled your eyes.
"My mother is the same way, it gets annoying sometimes." Ferran chuckled.
"Yeah well, that means I gotta look for her now."
"I'll come with you, I think I know where Jordi and Busi are, so that's where she must be too." Ferran stood up and so did you. You two went over to the elevator and he pressed the button with a big 4 on it.
"Four? What's there?"
"A giant open area, it's like a huge balcony with a bar and tables and all that." He explained and you nodded your head. "two to three is staff, five are doctors and therapists and seven to eight are players."
"What about six?" Your gaze shifted from the buttons to his eyes again.
"That's like hanging out or having meetings, it's basically 4 giant rooms." He shrugged his shoulders and you nodded your head.
The two of you then were successful while searching for your mother because you found her exactly where Ferran thought she was gonna be.
Your brothers were playing on your moms phone, but only about 20 minutes later after chatting with Elena and Romarey, you decided to go out for lunch. However it was only you, your mom and your brothers.
So while sitting in the car, you crossed your arms while looking at Mateo next to your mom in the passangers seat.
He had convinced your mother to let him sit there so you had no other chance but sit next to Ciro and Thiago in the back.
"Did you see vicky?" Ciro asked as he looked at you.
"No I didn't." You answered in a harsh tone, obviously still pissed off.
"She's not even here yet." Thiago told his brother who looked at you again. You stayed silent for a second while thinking about all the people arriving in a few days.
"Oh my god, Oriana is coming soon!" You screeches in excitement. Sadly you and Dybala's girlfriend rarely got to meet up even tho you two got along great.
"So is Vicky coming too?" Ciro asked once again and you turned to look at him. Vicky was Paredes's daughter.
"I don't know Ciro, quit asking me stupid questions." You told him off to which you saw your mom give you an angry look through the review mirror. You shurgged your shoulders as an answer.
So two days went by like that, you spending time with your family and meeting old friends. Until eventually you were sitting on your bed, looking at some instagram reels when you saw an Incoming phonecall from Oriana.
Immediately you accepted and her face popped up on the screen.
"Hey babe, look where I am." She smiled and turned the camera, she was sitting in the car but you could see through the window. She was infront of your hotel.
"Oh my god, I'm coming down." A smile filled your face immediately and you hung up while you stood up and began to sprint to the elevator. Mateo just looked at you confused but then turned around and went back to playing with his Ipad. As you arrived, you just saw Oriana walking inside, without thinking for a second, you walked over to her and wrapped your arms tightly around her body.
"Oh my god" She simply mumbled as she kissed your cheek and pressed you closer to herself.
"I missed you so much." You smiled and then slowly pulled away from her, she brought up her hands and cupped your cheeks as she looked at you.
"You're so grown up." She smiled, her teeth visible, you just couldn't resist but smile too.
"Oh come on, just cause you're older than me."
"I'm not older than you, I was born first." Ori gave you a small smile as she let her hands fall down once again. She hated being called old.
You then went to her room, she obviously had to leave her stuff there, so while you sat on the couch which was facing the small tv, she showed you all kinds of clothes she brought and where she planned to wear them. Meanwhile you and Oriana were having loads of fun, the others in the spanish team were still holding a grudge, but they didn't have much time for that especially when their coach just texted Ferran to inform everyone around him that there will be a team meeting.
"I'll tell him." Ferran told Balde as he stood up from the bed and walked over to the door, before he left he turned around. "I'll be right back"
That's when he made his way over to Pedri's room which wasn't too far away from Baldes. As he knocked on the door, he heard a "come in" from inside the room and then he immediately pushed down the doorhandle.
"Hey, Lucho said we'll have to be downstairs in 30 minutes." Ferran said as he looked at Pedri sitting on the bed.
"For what?" The midfielder asked without looking up from his phone.
"Team meeting" Ferran mumbled and then just as he wanted to close Pedri's door again, the midfielders voice stopped him.
"Ferran-" Pedri began and the striker opened the door wider so he could look at him, still not stepping away from the doorframe. "Can I talk with Gavi, Balde and you after?"
"Yeah, I'll tell them" Ferran nodded and then closed the door. As he walked over to Gavi's room, he noticed a weird smell of feminine perfume lingering around in the hallway, but he ignored it and just thought that it was from a worker of the hotel.
As he knocked on the door, he heard ruffling and shifting on the other side. Then after a few seconds Gavi opened the door, he wore that pissed off expression on his face, just like always. In Ferrans opinion it was funny how gavi always looked mad.
"What?" He asked, he was obviously still pissed off about Pedri, he had every right to be of course.
"Um, Pedri wanted to talk me, you and Balde after the teammeeting." Ferran began walking into Gavi's room and he sat down on the bed eventually.
"You can tell him to go fuck himself, talking out things now? That idiot." Gavi crossed his arms infront of his chest and leaned a bit forward as he talked.
"Gavi, you'll have to listen to what he has to say, besides the fact I'm sure Y/n doesn't care if Pedri hates he-" Gavi cut off Ferran mid sentence.
"It's not about Messi's daughter, I couldn't give a shit less about her, its about the awfully childish behavior he has. That's annoying me the most. 'well yeah three years ago she was mean to someone now ill hate her for the rest of my life' you can't tell me that that is not childish. How are we gonna win the World Cup if we'replaying with him?" Gavi said Pedri's part in a high pitched voice.
"Well yeah but I think he thought about this a lot and now he's got himself together." Ferran still defended Pedri. It wasn't like Gavi was wrong, but he understood the way Pedri thought about you. Because that was the last impression he got of you and that's what stayed with him for all these years. He could've made a few new impressions of you instead of holding onto the old ones, Ferran interpretended you as a nice woman who you could definitely have a laugh with.
However now it was very stressful for everyone and many people lost their patience earlier with some of their teammates already.
With the world cup happening in 11 days, nobody needed any drama or fights. That's why Ferran was glad that Pedri wanted to talk things out. So after the team meeting with Luis Enrique, Pedri was confronted by one of his worst fears in that moment. He saw Gavi standind next to the spanish coach, Gavi looked rather serious, his coach was seen smiling.
But as Gavi turned his head and saw the Canarian staring at him, he said goodbye to his coach and walked over to him.
"Hey" He stopped right infront of him, it took his a couple of seconds to snap out of it before responding to Gavi.
"Let's go to my room, Ferran and Balde are already there." Gavi agreed with a small nod and then followed Pedri to his room.
As the door swung open, Gavi saw Ferran and Balde sitting on the couch, so he went to join them while Pedri sat down on the bed infront of them.
"So I have thought over everything and I wanna apologise for my stupid behaviour, it was unsuitable and not necessary, I'll change it." Pedri immediately addressed the elephant in the room. A few seconds of silence sat between the footballers in the room.
"I didn't really care anyways. As long as you don't start beef with me, we good." Balde put up both of his hands in the air and Pedri chuckled a bit. Ferran was smiling too but as Pedri looked at Gavi, he saw the same expression he wore when he was pissed off.
After mostly the three of them talked, it was time to leave and then go to sleep. Ferran and Balde went out the room first, just as Gavi wanted to follow, Pedri stopped him.
Gavi turned his body to face Pedri, the Canarian held up his hand to dab up Pedri "Are we good?" he asked as Gavi put his hand into his.
"Mhm, we are." Gavi licked his lips and then turned his head away but Pedri kept holding onto his hand.
"Are we?" The Canarian asked to which Gavi turned around again. This time he couldn't contain the smile that dared to slip every second.
"We are." Gavi said in a more convincing voice. To that Pedri's face also lit up with a smile and he pulled Gavi into a hug.
"I'm glad." Pedri patted his back a few times before pulling away.
"Yeah now let go of me." Gavi smiled a bit while he pushed him back and then left the room. Pedri then closed and locked the door immediately and went to sit down on his bed. As he opened Instagram, a few posts popped up of people he knew who also traveled to Qatar.
While scrolling down his feed, he saw one specific picture posted by Oriana. Pedri had gotten closer to Dybala over chat and they got along great, he was looking forward to meeting him in real life, so of course he knew who his girlfriend was.
What he didn't know was that she was on good terms with you, as he swiped through the 10 pictures Oriana posted, he saw that you appeared on 9 of them. Always hugging eachother or just being right next to eachother.
Pedri shook his head and then turned off his phone and decided to finally go to sleep.
While Pedri went to sleep, you were wide awake, lying on your back below your covers. The door to your own small balcony was wide open, cars speeding in the distance and the waves crashing against eachother were heard outside. The fresh air that blew inside made you shiver as you were only wearing panties and a bra, so you decided to stand up and pulled a simple red shirt over your head while making your way over to your closet where you his the cigarettes below some shirts your brought.
You pulled one out, lit it and then walked outside, while you admired the ocean once again, you finished smoking the cigarette and sat down on the floor. Luckily the railing was made out of glass so you could see through. It was also surprisingly hot, you didn't feel cold at all, even tho you just had a shirt on. And without even realizing it, you began to drift off to sleep, so you stood up quickly and moved to your bed. While you laid on your back, you waited for your eyelids to get heavier and heavier until they eventually shut down and you fell asleep. In that moment you wouldn't have thought that the next week would be the most life changing week of your life.
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multifandomfanfic · 1 year
Hiii could I please make a request for leo Messi x anto x daughter!reader I can’t seem to find any fics like that and would love it read something about it !! ❤️
Being Lionel Messi and Antonela Roccuzzo's Daughter Would Include...
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A/N: Thanks for requesting! I usually don't write fics where the reader is a child, so I apologize if this isn't that good. :)
The Messis are probably the kindest and most caring family you’ve ever met
Messi playing fútball most of the year makes life hectic for everybody, but him and Anto always find time to spend with their kids.
They support any and all of your dreams, even if those dreams don’t include playing fútball.
While they would never admit it in front of you or your brothers, you are definitely their favorite child.
Not only are you their only daughter, but you’re their first child, so you hold a special place in both of their hearts.
Most of the time, Anto would take you and your siblings to your dad’s games, whether it was a World Cup match or he was playing a club game for PSG.
On a few occasions, she would leave Mateo, Thiago, and Ciro with your grandparents at the stadium, and take you shopping around Paris.
Needless to say, you’ve amassed quite the fútball jersey collection.
Of course, you have all of Messi’s, which you wear almost everyday to his matches, but you also have most of his teammates’ jerseys.
de Paul and Neymar are basically your uncles; you see them so often it’s hard to believe they’re not actually part of your family. They bring you mounds of presents for your birthday and Christmas. Neymar once threw you a surprise party for your birthday and it was one of the best you’ve ever had.
That being said, your parents try not to spoil you so you can have the same upbringing they did. They have always taught you to be polite and generous. Anto especially encourages you to donate toys and stuff that you don’t need anymore.
Speaking of which, the World Cup is obviously the biggest event in the Messi family, and you’ve been to every one your dad has played in.
When he finally won, everything broke into excited chaos as your family rushed down to the field to celebrate with him and de Paul.
You were the first of your family (besides Messi) to hold up the World Cup. It was incredibly exhilarating and you will remember it forever. 
The days after the World Cup were a blur, but Anto helped you and your brothers get through it without getting hounded by reporters and fans. Messi makes sure to spend any off-time he has with his children, so you are never away from him for too long.
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blackflash9 · 24 days
Reflections of the Kenway Family
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A fascinating aspect of the saga is how each Kenway encounters someone on their journey who mirrors another family member and their respective character arc.
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Connor meets Thomas Hickey — a man whose vanity and hedonistic greedy nature are very reminiscent of Edward and are a dark look into what he could've been if he had given entirely into his selfish desires. The way that Hickey's cynical nature contrasts with Connor's idealism is also a very similar dynamic to Edward's interactions with other characters such as Adewale, Mary Reed, Anto, and Ah Tabai.
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Edward meets Duncan Walpole - a disillusioned Assassin-turned-Templar, foreshadowing the fate that will later befall his son. Edward's act of killing Duncan and posing as an Assassin mirrors what Haytham will become in the future. Another notable parallel between them is the theme of betrayal.
Reginald Birch's betrayal of Edward transforms Haytham into a Templar, while Walpole's betrayal inadvertently turns Edward into an Assassin. Unlike Duncan, whose commitment to the Creed is nonexistent, self-serving, and morally compromised, Haytham's ideological convictions in the Templar Order are resolute, unwavering, and uncompromising.
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Haytham encounters Shay - an idealist with unwavering convictions, dedicated to protecting the innocent at any cost. Shay serves as a dark reflection of what Connor might have become without introspection, failing to forge his own identity. This lack of self-discovery makes Shay's virtues easily manipulated by others. In contrast, Connor continuously grapples with the demands of the Assassin's Creed and the diverse intentions and motivations of the people he meets on his journey, questioning and seeking to understand the world around him. ______________________________________________________________ ['On Johnson's Trail' Transcript] Connor: I was hoping you could help me locate William Johnson. Samuel: Of course. I'm headed to a meeting with some men who should be able to help. Why don't you come along? It's good to see the people finally taking a stand against injustice... Connor: Says the man who owns a slave. Samuel: Who, Surry? I practice what I preach, my friend. She's not a slave, but a freed woman... At least on paper. Men's minds are not so easily turned. It is a tragedy that for all our progress, still we cling to such barbarism. Connor: Then speak out against it. Samuel: We must focus first on defending our rights. When this is done, we'll have the luxury of addressing these other matters. Connor: You speak as though your condition is equal to that of the slaves. It is not. Samuel: Tell that to my neighbor—who was compelled to quarter British troops. Or to my friend whose store was closed because he displeased the Crown. The people here are no freer than Surry. Connor: You offer excuses instead of solutions. All people should be equal and not in turns. ______________________________________________________________ ['The Midnight Ride' Transcript] Connor: I thought it might bring clarity. Or instill a sense of accomplishment. But all I feel is regret.
Achilles: Hold fast to that. Such sacrifices must never come lightly.
Connor: I had to do it. Not only for my people, but for all the others Johnson would have harmed. ______________________________________________________________ ['Alternate Methods' Transcript]
Connor: I have been reunited with my father, but do not yet know if this bodes well or ill. Our goals are aligned, at least so far as independence is concerned. But he continues to defend Charles Lee— the man who murdered my mother and burned my village... Still, he makes a point about Washington and those who back him. I hear much talk of freedom and equality, but it seems one must be a landed white man to benefit. What of someone like me? Or Surry? What role for us in this new world? Is my father right, then? There is so much I must consider and so little time in which to do it. ______________________________________________________________ In contrast to Connor, Shay falls victim to their own self-induced tunnel vision, becoming ensnared in fanaticism and operating under a pragmatic "ends justify the means" mentality that he turned against his own Brotherhood for harboring. This vulnerability renders him a perfect tool and pawn for the Templars, diverging sharply from Connor's path of self-awareness, principles, and independence.
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purple-striped-shirt · 5 months
and here I am again, hello hello!
I already talked about Jon’s sister (I mean Leela) and now about Jon’s parents! :3 (I just wanted to do this earlier but forgot about it lol)
(Anto Sergeevich) - father of Jon and Leela. he is Russian, but speaks English and German, loves motorcycles and rides them himself, hates ordinary cars because he thinks they are inconvenient to drive, impudent and rude to others, but he treats his wife and children well.
(Barbara Miller) - Jon and Leela's mother. half American and French, works in a flower shop, loves to play musical instruments, especially the guitar and ukulele, and for this she taught Jon and Leela to play the guitar and ukulele, kind and naive.
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(and that's all I wanted to say about them lol, sorry for writing too much. I'd love to see Jon introduce Tom to his parents XD)
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Barbara would warm up to Tom right away but I get the feeling it’d be a bit difficult for Tom to worm his way into Anto’s good graces.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
was there any development on the concepts of antoni burning himself while cooking or having the noncon revealed ?
no pressure though !!!! the current arc is Very Much Cool !! i am just the king of the antoni love club
CW: Burn whump, PTSD, referenced past noncon, implied victim-blaming
"So I heard a thing today."
Antoni is already on edge. There's a bandage wrapped around his hand, covering the red smear burned just behind his knuckles. He'd reached out to grab something using a towel instead of an oven mitt. The press of his hand against the top of the oven had made him drop the finished salmon all over the floor. Even after cleaning and cleaning while his hand throbbed and his eyes stung with the memory of smoke, he still smells fish.
So when Kauri walks in and starts speaking, he can't quite stop the way his arms and legs lock in tension. He nods, though, looking down at the bandage.
The burn, slathered in antibiotic and a burn cream beneath the gauze and adhesive wrap, stings, prickles in time with his heartbeat. Soon enough, he thinks, it will start itching.
"What did you hear, Kasha?" He sounds tired, even to himself. Kauri, though, looks preoccupied, less observant than usual. Antoni watches through his fringe of dark hair as Kauri drops into a kitchen chair across from him, fingertips drumming a beat on the table top.
"I wasn't eavesdropping, first off," Kauri says.
Antoni smiles, a little wryly. "I did not ask if you were."
"No, I know, but... I just wanted to say." Kauri's wedding ring, the simple platinum band, catches the light on his left ring finger. Antoni glances down at where his own matching one peeks out just above the edge of the bandage wrap. "That I didn't eavesdrop. But... So. You know Jameson came over to see Allyn..."
"I do know that, yes. If they do not want to be heard, they will need to consider trying to be quiet."
Kauri laughs, throwing his head back, and Antoni watches the way his curls move wild around his face, the line of his throat in the yellowed kitchen lighting, with nothing short of adoration. "That's the fucking truth. But, no. I just heard them talking, is all. And Jameson was telling Allyn... Well." The smile fades from Kauri's face.
Antoni's does, too, in an echo of Kauri's sudden concern. "What?"
His fingers twitch. The kitchen smells like salmon and clove cigarettes and only one of those smells is real. Cologne lingers underneath, cologne he never smelled before Mr. Davies and has never smelled since either.
"Why didn't you tell us that it happened to you, too?"
Antoni freezes, inside and out. "What?"
"Jameson said you told him once that-... That it wasn't just the burns. That you were... Why didn't you tell Jake and I you were... That-"
"Because I was not." Antoni stands, abrupt enough to see Kauri catch himself in an instinctive wince backwards from the possibility of violence. There's guilt, but it's buried too deeply beneath the surge of-
Shame? Terror? Little more than a terrible exhaustion? He doesn't know what the feeling is. Maybe all of those things.
"It did not happen to me. He did not understand." His hand aches worse with each throb of his pulse. He can't breathe for the smoke. "It did not happen-"
"It did, though." Kauri stays where he is, hands flat on the table where Antoni can see them. "Didn't it? You told Jameson. Why didn't you tell me? Or, or Jake, or..."
Antoni's jaw works, and his teeth grind together. He closes his eyes and takes a deep, deep breath. Holds it until his lungs feel like they will burst. Exhales as slowly as he can and does it again.
"What occurred in that house," He says, carefully sounding out each word, fighting his body's rising shame and panic, "Is not for my life now."
He'll choke on the smoke and Mr. Davies's hands in his hair.
"Antoni, I-I didn't mean to hurt you by bringing it up but-"
"Mean to or not, you should not have. My wounds are mine, Kauri, not yours."
Kauri swallows, his eyes glimmering, but Antoni tells himself they are marbles, not love covering itself with tears in the face of his cold rejection. "I'm sorry," He whispers. "It's just-... I wondered why he knows but you didn't-"
"Because I do not care about him. And I cared about you."
Kauri's mouth opens. Closes again. He manages, in a whisper, "Cared? P-past tense?"
Antoni is silent, the seconds ticking away between them. "Kasha... Do not make this about your feeling. I cannot-... do that right now. Listen to me. Nothing happened, and what did, it was not the same-"
"No, because-... Because getting the shit burned out of you sucks but at least you weren't somebody's paid-for slut, huh?" It's Kauri's turn to stand.
Antoni groans. "Nyet, that is not what I mean-"
"Mean to or not," Kauri echoes his earlier words, mockingly, "That's what you just said!"
"That is not what I said!"
"I just want to know why you would tell someone else but not me or Jake, when we're, when we love you and we're supposed to know everything about each other!"
His whole arm aches now. Antoni's breath comes in gasps and his pulse pounds in his ears and temples, the rush of blood drowning out everything else. "You do not know me so well as you think."
"Clearly I don't!"
"Kauri, stop. Will you not just stop?! I do not want to hear your words right now!"
Kauri's jaw snaps shut.
"Thank you. I will say this. I told Jameson in confidence. And I did not tell you, or Jasha, and that was my choice not to tell. I am sorry it hurt you that you did not know. Do not ask me again."
"I am ashamed of what was done to me. Is that not enough? Must you make it worse?"
"I-I didn't mean-... You don't have to be ashamed of-"
"Yes, I do! It was shameful!"
Kauri's face burns bright red. "Don't say that. I, I don't need to be ashamed-"
"Stop it! Stop. This is not about you. Not everything on earth is about you. This conversation ends now."
"I said it ends." Antoni walks away and leaves him there, knowing a sudden silence and absence will hurt Kauri far worse than any fight ever could. Knowing that his fears of being thrown aside for being difficult linger. Knowing that being abandoned or unwanted is the deepest terror Kauri can conceive of.
Knowing he is lashing out because he is drowning and he could ask for help or to be held and yet he swallows down apologies.
He walks away anyway.
His chest burns, and his hand aches, and he can feel a hand on the back of his head, a low voice in silk and whiskey whispering, take it deeper, love, you can do it. Choke on it.
Antoni whispers, "It did not happen, it did not happen to me, it did not happen, not to me, not to me-"
He goes into his room, locks the door, and falls into his bed, eyes closed. He hears, dimly, the sound of Kauri crying as he walks down the hall to the big bedroom, slamming the door himself.
He tells himself he doesn't care.
He feels the brush of smoke against his skin.
There's a good boy, love. A little deeper. Choke on what I've made you do.
Choke on who I'll make you hurt.
@burtlederp @finder-of-rings @endless-whump @astrobly @thefancydoughnut @newandfiguringitout @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @downriver914 @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband @eatyourdamnpears @hackles-up @grizzlie70 @mylifeisonthebookshelf @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @autophagay
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bitchfitch · 4 months
Got most of the way through a chapter before deciding it didn't fit the flow. rip.
A replicator. A fully functional, Pristine, replicator. Lino couldn't believe his eyes when he caught sight of one of its terminals while Vincent was carrying him from the bed bay to the dining room.
"Stop, That-" he pointed to it in his excitement before remembering his captor was blind, "The replicator, I mean, I want to see it."
"I'm sorry-" Vincent started to apologize even as he changed his course. His plodding steps becomeing hesitant as they approached it, "-I know it is a crime against God but I ... can't cook or grow my own food. I'm sorry -"
"Vincent, no, it's not a crime, it's a blessing you've been tricked into thinking of as a crime," Lino let the lie slide of his tongue as he squirmed out of Vincent's arms to drag himself up to a standing position by the terminal's podium.
The Sun only had a single replicator. An Re4 model that was too slow and expensive to run for anything less important than medicine or parts they couldn't machine with the other tools they had. All other units that had been found were ordered scrapped no matter their condition as The Leader blamed them for the war. They said the abundance of material and food and medicine was what made the people of old so hungry for blood. There was nothing left to need or want besides other people's destruction.
Lino had never believed a word of it. Endless food and medicine and parts could be theirs, no one in even the coldest slums of the Corona would have to go without if The Leader would just let him and the other mechanics move and repair the old beasts.
He dug through the menus until he could turn off the cosmetic interface to see the truth of this miracle machine. It wasn't a Re4. It wasn't a ReUnit, or any other small devices meant for the ultra wealthy who could afford to house a village in a bunker. It was a Replicator. Capital R. one of the originals meant for mass and rapid manufacturing that could make anything from apples to the nuclear warheads that destroyed the old world.
It's diagnostic page showed it's terminal's looks weren't lying. The old beast was still marching along almost as perfectly as the day it had been activated for the first time. There was work to be done on it, sure, but it was the sort of work Lino relished.
... It wouldn't hurt to have a little side project while he figured out his leg situation, right? The Sun would order this massive work of art stripped for parts, would come and kill Vincent just for daring to know it exists. After Lino left, he could tell no one about the miracle just outside their territory, but while he was here he could keep part of the old world alive for just that much longer.
Vincent was quiet as Lino oohed and ahed his way through submenu after submenu, but eventually had to speak his doubts.
"It pretends to be God. It can make flesh and fruit that are exactly like reality, how is it not a crime?"
"Because if it was God wouldn't have made his creations so replicable. It's not a sin to paint or sculpt or grow, why would it be a sin to make a machine that can do it for you?" Lino only had Vincent's own prattling to base his assumptions on as The Sun deemed religion to be just as guilty for the fall of the old world as the replicators were. Still, he found himself sliding into the roll Vincent had cast him in a little easier with every new line he fed the man.
"But... I thought those were gifts meant only for man?"
"And did a human make this machine or not? It's a tool, a big one with a lot of parts, but still just a tool." Lino found the parts list buried away in a plain text document. The specifications written in defunct measures. Notes were still left over from the original manufacturing. Dates of when this or that was assembled, a reference to a component being a lemon and needing to be sent back. Each signed, often just with initials, but sometimes there would be a name that struck out from the lines.
Alan, Antonio, Barnes. Their names immortalized even if they were most likely killed in the initial volley of nuclear war. Carla, Henry, Heather.
Lino told the machine to print the parts list, he'd need to see how things wore out before he had it begin on remaking itself. The mill and compositing set up seemed the most effected by time, and since those were what he'd need most to build his new leg, surely it wouldn't hurt to take the time to get them as pristine as the rest of this marvel?
And perhaps, a smaller part of wanted to learn every name in those margins. They deserved to be remembered.
Vincent let the topic drown in silence as Lino did what he would, his false beliefs in angels making him hesitate to question him further.
"But my grandmother -"
"Was wrong. Humans are wrong sometimes, Vincent. It's ok, God has already forgiven her," Lino dismisses him as he gathers the stack of papers from the output. His hip and knee were already aching from supporting his entire weight after so long spent in bed.
"Of course, of course. My apologies for questioning you," Vincent bowed his head.
"It's all forgiven, my Vincent," Lino reassures him with a hand on his shoulder, half to do the reassuring and half to brace against the mountain that was Vincent. "I believe you were taking me to dinner before I interrupted?"
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the-killer-queenie · 2 years
Pablo Aimar gives me such brat vibes, specially when he was younger, and that does things to me 🥵🥵
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Don't Be - Antoine Griezmann
Summary: He's happy you get along with his friends and teammates, he's just not that happy seeing them a little too friendly with you
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"Look who's here today!" Angel Correa's voice yelled through the Wanda Metropolitan as you happily waved at them. The guys looking over at you cheering more and more as you lifted your hands above your head laughing hard.
You loved them and their silliness and they loved you. It was simple and it has worked that way ever sincce you met the guys thanks to you boyfriend, Antoine.
You came to watch the training, it was almost ending so you stepped out of the car and went to wait for them. You always enjoyed watching them play and fool around the pitch
"Y/N, what about you come down here and play?" El Cholo asked with a smile on
"I'm not very good!"
"LIES!" Koke yelled making you all laugh "LAST WEEK YOU KICKED MINE AND MORATA'S ASS!!" You laughed when they started chanting your name for you to go down
You were fan of football and having Grizi as your boyfriend it always meant you were playing either football or basketball in your house, you had gotten way more better thanks to him
When your feet touched the pitch, the guys went over you hugging and greeting you, it has been a little while since you've been over at one of their trainings and they liked having you around since they treated you as one of them too.
"Hola mi vida" You smiled at Antoine who hugged you last after the guys ended their greetings and kissed you softly "Missed you"
"I missed you too" You said smiling "Thought I'd come here to pick you up seeing as training was ending soon, want to come home and snuggle you" You whispered talking against his cheek making him smile
"I'd love that too" He whispered back with a smile "C'mon guys, let's finish this one!" Anto said happily
"Let's play with Y/N"
"I ask for her!" Memphis said quickly as Antoine shakes his head
"My girlfriend, my team!"
"C'mon" You say internally thanking you got a really good sneakers on "Let's see if I can beat you"
"In your dreams"
"Let's see about that, Griezmann" He smiles
In the team you were there was Memphis, Koke, Angel, Rodrigo D.P, Morata and Saúl. Tomas, Axel, Geoffrey, Stefan, Anto and Hermoso in the other.
El cholo whistled and the game started. Making the story short, you ended up doing a doblete and Memphis did another goal while Anto and Hermoso did one each meaning your team won.
"¡ESO!" You guys screamed out as the guys lifted you up and down
"Hey no, wait!" You giggled-yelled with a smile on as they cheered for you.
They left you on the floor after a while but they didn't let Anto get close to you, for as much as he tried, they didn't let him.
You were laughing with them walking to the car, Anto sat on the front of it waiting for you with a serious face on
"Are you guys done?" He asked eyebrows furrowed as all of you fell silent
"Yes" You nod
"We wanted to know if you guys wanted to come to mines to eat some and have a good time"
"Thank you capi but I'm not in the mood today" Anto said to Koke "If Y/N's wants to" You shook your head
"I'm kinda tired too" You said noticing something off on your boyfriend.
"Well, see you guys then" The guys waved goobye as you both got in the car, Anto driving and you in the passenger seat
"Are you okay?" You asked as soon as the car left the Wanda Metropolitan
"The guys seem too fond of you"
"Isn't that a good thing? I get along with your teammates and best friends"
"It is" He nods jaw clenching "But not that much, they didn't even left me get close to you after the game like merde..." He shook his head not believing it
"Were you jealous?" His silence speak for itself "Anto" You said as he looked away
"I like you being friends of my friends, I like you getting along with them what I don't like is them getting too close to you"
"Anto all of them have wives, children, fiancés, girlfriends... And they know I'm your partner, they will never look at me in that way"
"I know" He said shaking his head "I just- I didn't liked the way they pushed me away from you, it's stupid I know but I couldn't help it"
"Well, you don't have to worry about that, mi amor. I like my french man" He smiled lightly "And there's no other man for me than you" You kissed his cheek as he stopped on a red light "I love you, babe"
"I love you, chérie"
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sagesolsticewrites · 4 months
Sundress (Anthony Boyle x Reader)
In which date night takes a turn when Anthony sees the outfit you’ve chosen
Special thanks to my bestie @winniemaywebber for this idea and for being my spicy Anto/Croz hypewoman <3 ily girlieeeee 👏👏 👏
content warnings: mature content (thigh riding, oral (f receiving), PinV penetration), slight dom/sub dynamics if you squint, praise kink, swearing, Anthony Boyle being entirely too sweet and sexy for this world 🥴 (again: this is for mature audiences only!! 18+!!)
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You stand in front of your closet, fighting off a grin of anticipation.
The press tours for Masters of the Air and Manhunt had finally come to a close, and you had a few days of respite before your boyfriend went off to his next project.
Of course, with Anthony, this meant date night.
You linger near your reliable jeans-and-a-nice-top combos for a moment before the sundresses hanging near the back catch your eye.
The weather has been getting warmer, you think, and it’s been a while since I’ve gotten to wear these…
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you snag one of your favorites off the hanger and change into it, twirling to see every angle in front of the mirror.
It complements your curves perfectly, hanging at just the right length that won’t make you nervous about walking up any stairs but isn’t too modest.
You make quick work of your makeup and jewelry, making sure to include the delicate necklace that Anthony gifted you for your first anniversary together, and before too long there’s a knock at the door.
Your boyfriend, fresh from some last-minute press responsibilities, was right on time.
You rush towards the door, the clacking of your heels on the floor surely announcing your excitement to Anthony as you fling it open.
“Hi,” you say, barely able to speak around your grin.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he says, pulling you in for a swift kiss— the first you’ve shared in weeks. Reluctantly, the two of you eventually pull away for air and he steps inside, eyes raking over your figure, “You look… absolutely fantastic.”
“Well, thank you,” you say, twirling so he can see how the dress fans out around you. “You don’t look too bad, yourself.” You add, eyeing the rolled-up sleeves of his white button down revealing entirely too attractive forearms and the patch of chest hair just visible underneath the effortlessly unbuttoned top buttons — bless his stylist, who had clearly attended the Austin Butler School of Buttoning Shirts — all complemented perfectly with sleek black pants.
“Thank you, my love. I’m, uh…” he trails off as he watches your dress settle around you, then seems to jolt back to himself after barely a second, “I’m just gonna go grab a jacket and then we’ll head out, alright?”
He returns soon, now armed with a black suit jacket, and you glance down at the sundress that now seems a bit too casual for what he’s wearing.
However, when you ask if you should change, his answer is a swift, decisive, “No.”
“You look stunning just as you are, darling,” he amends his sharp response, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before escorting you out the door.
Anthony is his usual gentlemanly self while you’re out: he pulls your seat out and waits for you to sit down first when you arrive at your favorite Italian restaurant, happily splits a dessert with you (though if you happened to end up with the bigger half, despite your insistence that you split it equally, well… it wasn’t a crime to treat his girl, was it?), and when Frank Sinatra starts playing on the speakers overhead, he jumps to his feet and extends his hand to you, twirling you around the floor with not a single care for the eyes watching when you gladly accept and pulling you in for a sweet kiss as the song ends, his hand tangling in your hair as he pulls you close.
“So… ready to head home, sweetheart?” He asks as the two of you return to your seats.
“I— yes, I guess so?” You reply, slightly confused. Normally Anto loved to keep you out with him for as long as possible; returning home directly after dessert was a rarity.
He scrambles to assure you that he would be more than happy to stay out if you want, but something about the way his fingertips dance over your knee under the table, toying with the lace edging of your dress, makes you agree that it’s time to call it a night.
The air between the two of you as you head home is thick and hot, the anticipation of something building.
And that anticipation comes to a head as you enter the privacy of your home, finding yourself pinned to the inside of the door as soon as it closes.
“Sweetheart,” Anthony nearly growls against your lips, hands firm on your waist as his voice grows increasingly more strangled, “Are you trying to kill me?”
“I don’t—” You just barely choke back a moan. You haven’t the faintest idea what he’s talking about, but if it’s getting him to manhandle you like this after so long away…
“This dress,” he groans, bunching the flimsy fabric in his fists, “I’ve been gone for weeks, and the first thing I see is you in this little thing—” he moves as he speaks, from murmuring against your own lips to traveling down back to your ear and along your neck, “— and I take you out to dinner, and dessert, and dancing—” he punctuates each item with a light nip to your skin, making you jolt.
“—when all I really want to do,” he returns to speaking directly in your ear, his voice a soft growl that does startling things to your heart rate, “is see how pretty you look in this dress when I fuck you in it.”
Your entire body turns to jello, and the only thing keeping you upright is Anthony’s hands on your hips and his leg wedged in between yours. You can’t help but let out a sharp gasp when your core comes into contact with his leg, and his already dilated eyes turn almost entirely black at the sound.
“C’mere, baby,” he whispers, pulling you along to the bedroom, discarding his jacket somewhere in the house as he does.
You scramble to kick off your heels as you enter the dimly-lit room, your boyfriend wasting no time in untucking and unbuttoning his shirt from his perch on the edge of the bed.
“No,” he says sharply when your fingers move to the straps of your dress, “Keep it on.”
Your breath catches, biting your lip to stifle a moan as you realize he was serious.
He wordlessly beckons you closer, and you step forward obediently, standing between his spread legs. Pinching your chin, he tugs you down for a gentle kiss that’s fairly at odds with his dominating persona at the moment.
“This okay?” he murmurs softly against your lips, and somehow the gentle check-in combined with the events happening now are enough to make you even wetter than you already are.
You nod, adding a soft “Yes” when you remember he won’t do anything unless you’ve given a verbal okay.
That settled, he captures your lips in a decidedly more heated kiss, hands moving down to grip your hips as he adjusts so you’re straddling his thigh.
You meet his scorching gaze, practically feeling yourself melting as you realize what he intends to do.
“Noticed you seemed to like this earlier, my love,” he murmurs against your lips, smirking.
You quickly move to clutch at his shoulders as he drags your clothed core along his quadricep, mouth opening in a silent moan.
He huffs out a laugh, nudging your nose with his own as he bunches up the soft fabric of your dress.
“I was right, you do look very pretty like that,” he mumbles, “but I don’t even get to hear your pretty noises? C’mon, honey…”
He flexes his thigh, the new angle making you jump as you gasp, “Anthony, oh my god—”
“Just like that, sweet girl,” he growls into your mouth, scattering kisses all down your neck and chest as your pace speeds up.
A familiar tension builds just below your belly as you clutch yourself against him, throwing your head back and rolling your hips against his still-clothed thigh faster, faster, faster, Anthony murmuring soft praise and encouragement all the while.
“Anthony,” you gasp into his mouth, one hand clutching at his shoulder while the other buries itself in his dark curls as you feel yourself teetering on the precipice of your release, “‘M gonna—”
Your warning is cut off by a sharp, keening whine when Anthony grips your hips firmly, stopping their motion just before you tip over the edge.
“No, Ant—” you whine, struggling against his grip as your almost-orgasm fades, “Please, I was so close…”
“‘Msorry, sweetheart,” he mumbles against your skin, rising with you as you stand on wobbly legs, “I promise I’ll make this next part worth it,” He murmurs teasingly as he gently lays you back on the bed.
He shucks off his shirt before climbing on top of you, giving you a knowing smirk as you eye the exposed skin, your gaze lingering on the fully-revealed chest hair and the wet patch just barely visible on his thigh. The bed dips with his weight as his limbs cage you in, one hand delicately tracing the curves and lines of your body, making you shiver.
He captures your lips in a searing kiss, your hands eagerly traveling along his skin.
“If you’re gonna cum, sweetheart,” he breathes in a low, gravelly tone that sends heat straight to your core, “it’s gonna be on my mouth before anything else.”
You’re fairly certain you’ve truly actually turned to liquid, especially if the increasing wetness between your thighs is any indication, but your boyfriend proves you’re still deliciously solid, his lips tracing a path down your neck to where the tops of your breasts are just barely exposed by your dress.
Your fingers creep up to pull your dress down, to fully expose your chest so he can scatter kisses over every inch of you, but Anthony stops you.
His pretty brown eyes, molten with heat, meet yours as he stops you from tugging desperately at your dress.
“I told you, baby,” he says, keeping eye contact as he drags his lips over your clothed chest, paying special attention to your quickly hardening nipples peeking through the fabric before moving lower.
“Keep. It. On.” 
You throw your head back, gasping softly as his lips travel down, down, down, along your stomach and hips down to your thighs.
He carefully slides the now irreparably wrinkled fabric up, flipping up the hem to reveal your hips and thighs and the lacy fabric covering your core.
He wastes no time in pressing kisses to you over your underwear, your hips bucking up into him as you chase the feeling of his mouth on you.
Little tease that he is, he keeps his mouth just out of reach as he peels off the soaked lace fabric
“Oh sweetheart,” he breathes, your own breath catching as he drags his fingertips through your folds and they come away dripping, “All this for me?”
You can only whine, having long ago lost the ability to form words.
He prolongs your torment by kissing a slow, torturous path up the inside of each of your thighs before finally — finally — diving into you, eagerly licking into your folds.
You let out a choked gasp as he licks a thick, fat stripe up your center, gathering the moisture collected there before darting up to flick at your clit, an action that has you gripping the sheets like a lifeline, a stuttering moan that sounds vaguely like your boyfriend’s name escaping from your lips. His arms hook around your thighs, pulling you close in an attempt to keep your hips grounded, and he continues a few more passes of the same lick, flick pattern until you’re a writhing mess underneath him.
“Fuck, darlin’,” he groans against you, his voice sending vibrations through your core, “Taste even better than I remembered.”
“A-Ant—“ you stutter out a warning, that familiar tension building once again.
You feel him grin against you, and lord if that doesn’t send all kinds of sparks racing through your body, a feeling that only intensifies as his thumb comes up to circle your clit, a litany of praise and encouragement falling from his lips.
“‘M not gonna stop you this time, sweetheart, just let go,” he murmurs against you, fingers and tongue working overtime on your core, “C’mon baby, please, wanna taste you—”
You cry out as your orgasm rips through you, Anthony dutifully guiding you through your climax.
You come back to yourself, shuddering, as your boyfriend pulls away to brush a gentle kiss to your hipbone, mouth glistening and eyes nearly black with desire.
“You’re fucking perfect, sweetheart,” he groans, trailing back up to capture your lips with his.
You moan into his mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue.
The two of you stay like that for a while, Ant letting you recover, until the bulge pressing into your thigh becomes too much to ignore.
He gasps into your mouth as your hand moves down to palm at him through his slacks.
“Darlin’— shit, you’re ready for me already?”
As if your furious nodding wasn’t enough of an answer, you move your hand more insistently against him.
“Fuck, fuck, okay—” he hisses, moving off of you to rid himself of his his pants and boxers.
You watch, bottom lip caught between your teeth, as his length springs free from his underwear, tip already leaking.
He returns to hover over you, brushing kisses all over your face and neck as he strokes himself a few times.
You can’t resist touching him, and your fingertips grazing along his length has his eyes fluttering shut.
“Not gonna last long if you keep doin’ that, sweetheart,” he warns with a gasp, breath hot against your cheek.
You reluctantly retract your fingers, barely stifling a moan when his tip brushes against you as he positions himself at your entrance.
His eyes lock on yours, watching your face contort in pleasure as he slowly, slowly, enters you.
“You ready, darlin’?” He breathes against your lips after a moment to let you adjust.
The frantic “yes” that escapes you isn’t so much a word as a gasp, and your thoughts turn to static as he begins to thrust into you with slow, languid strokes.
Your breaths mingle, his exhales becoming your inhales, the thin fabric of your sundress providing a delicious friction as you feel every inch of him pressed against you.
“You’re so tight,” he gasps, increasing his pace as your breathing becomes heavier, “Fuck, I missed this, I missed you.”
“Missed you, too,” you whine into his mouth, your hand fisting his soft dark curls, “Missed you so much, Ant—”
His mouth closes the millimeters of distance between the two of you, crashing onto yours in a fierce, heated kiss.
You let out a muffled moan as his hips grind against yours faster and faster, feeling your second orgasm of the night building.
“I’m close, sweetheart,” Anthony groans, hips stuttering, letting out a soft “fuck” when you tell him you’re almost there, too.
“C’mon, come for me darlin’” he grinds out against your mouth, “‘M right behind you, please, please, come for me, honey…”
You reach your second climax with a cry, Anthony muffling his own in your neck as he spills into you, thrusting slowly until he’s spent.
The two of you stay there for a moment, trying to catch your breath, until Anthony lifts his head to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“So,” he says breathlessly, toying with the hopelessly wrinkled fabric of your dress, “You’ll be wearing these more often, yeah?”
You huff out a laugh. “If you promise not to ruin them, absolutely.”
“Sweetheart,” he says, “I’ll buy you a thousand more of these. Whatever you want. As long as I know there’s at least one in your closet for me to enjoy.”
He murmurs the last sentence against your lips, punctuating it with a long, slow kiss that has you grinning against him.
You bump your nose against his as he pulls away, your thumb stroking his cheek.
“Welcome home, honey.”
His gaze softens, pulling you in for another brief, gentle kiss.
“Thank you, my love.”
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les-lestappen · 1 year
can i request prompt 32 with griezmann?
author's note: I'm actually kinda proud of this, hope you like it :))) warning: just a tiny bit of angst.
You couldn't hide your frustration. It was starting to get ridiculous and you both knew it, Antoine was sitting in front of you with furrowed brows, mindlessly scrolling through instagram. You were pretending to do the same, looking at him through your eyelashes.
It was weird, being right in front of each other and not talking, usually you two would be laughing over nothing, always matching each other's energy so well, teasing each other and basically speaking your own languages with how many inside jokes you had. Now he wouldn't even look in your direction, he pretended you didn't exist and kept changing position on the white couch. The tension was palpable. You were frustrated and confused: Antoine was literally the sweetest person you knew, always a kind word and a smile for everybody, he was your best friend and you couldn't imagine why he wouldn't talk to you even if he was mad. You didn't even know what you could have done wrong!
Dinner with the Équipe was supposed to be fun and you were so happy when Antoine asked if you would join him but now you regretted it, feeling stupid in such an elegant blue dress, being sat in front of a man who wouldn't even acknowledge your presence.
He got up abruptly to go to the bathroom and Olivier scooted closer, whispering "What's going on with you two?" in your right ear.
"I don't know Oli, he's been acting strange for the past hour. Do you think I offended him somehow?" you sighed "Maybe he doesn't like how I dressed." you thought out loud. To be fair your blue satin dress showed a lot of cleavage and hugged your figure thighly and you debated a lot whether you should wear it or not. Maybe he thought you overdressed, or he didn't like how much skin was showing.
"Nonsense" Olivier said "I think you look hot and Antoine thinks so too." he winked at you.
"Normally I would be jealous but you do look stunning." chipped in his wife.
"I second that." Presnel added, grinning.
"Stop it guys, you're gonna make me blush." You mumble, already red. Olivier always knew how to distract you when you felt a little insecure, he was very protective but Presnel was just shamelessly flirting. Actually he had been making you laugh all night.
"Oh and Y/n, Antoine isn't the kind of guy who would judge you based on how you dressed. You knew it was true and he had complimented you at the beginning of the night, still you were angry with him.
"He's also not the kind of guy to ignore his best friend instead of dealing with whatever the problem is, but here we are."
Oliver didn't have time to reply cause Antoine came back, he switched his attention to him, inviting to go on the terrace for a bit.
You followed them with your eyes, trying to read Antoine's expression but then you gave up, going back to your conversation with Presnel and Kylian.
Oli came back after a while. "He wouldn't tell me what was wrong but I think I figured it out, you should really talk to him." he said, winking at you again. "Why does it have to be me?" You thought, but still you joined him on the terrace.
He looked, if possible, even more upset than before but also a little embarrassed. You two looked at each other in silence for a little too long before you spoke "Anto what's going on? Did I do something wrong?"
"What?" he said a little surprised "No you didn't…"
"Then why aren't you talking to me? It's annoying and I don't fucking like it, we've always been able to tell each other everything."
Antoine sighed, looking away from you
"You're right Y/n, I was just upset and I didn't think I could control what came out of my mouth so I just decided not to say anything."
"But why are you upset?" he still wasn't looking at you.
"Because I saw you talking to Presnel and you two were laughing and I know it's stupid and it's not the first time one of my teammates hits on you cause you're gorgeous and smart and funny and it makes sense but still…you were laughing and you even had little inside jokes; like the ones you have with me. And I remember you saying he was cute some time ago and I don't know…It just upset me because I was jealous! But I know I have no right to be jealous cause we're just friends and everything but I am and it's fucking embarrassing. I know It's my problem and I shouldn't have ignored you, I'm really sorry Y/n" Thanks to the light coming from inside you could see he was blushing.
"Antoine, look at me" You said softly and when he did you noticed his beautiful blue eyes were shining with unshed tears.
You didn't give him time to say anything else because you kissed him, just for a second.
He looked at you, his eyes wide and deepened the kiss, one hand caressing your naked back and the other gripping firmly your hip.
"God knows how much I waited for this." He whispered.
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starseungs · 2 months
fr to like unsaon ta man jud na pahumanay naka so antos lang gamay like gamay nalang jud cielle 😭 after ana lami nasad imong bation kay makapahulay naka (you had me speaking bisaya na jusko) but sige lang mahuman ra na tanan hapit na 🩷
lah HAHAHAHA special nako ani? 🙈💗
but real ate konting push nalang talaga raAAAH 🤺🤺🤺 walang papayag na di ma approve aking clearance kay kinsa raman gud mo? bahala mo, mu graduate ko!
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lisadoduwuwow · 5 months
and here I am again, hello hello!💥
I already talked about John’s sister (I mean Leela) and now about John’s parents! :3 (I just wanted to do this earlier but forgot about it lol)
(Anto Sergeevich) - father of Jon and Leela. he is Russian, but speaks English and German, loves motorcycles and rides them himself, hates ordinary cars because he thinks they are inconvenient to drive, impudent and rude to others, but he treats his wife and children well.
(Barbara Miller) - Jon and Leela's mother. half American and French, works in a flower shop, loves to play musical instruments, especially the guitar and ukulele, and for this she taught Jon and Leela to play the guitar and ukulele, kind and naive.
Here are the drawings, of course it turned out a little crooked but everything is ok lol🏃‍♀️💨
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(and that's all I wanted to say about them lol, sorry for writing too much. I'd love to see Jon introduce Tom to his parents XD) @purple-striped-shirt @margarita-the-pizzeria-worker @cola-stripe @amphisbean44
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