#antoine triplett aos
backgroundagent3 · 17 days
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I had a vision and I had to complete it.
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saoirse-ronan · 6 months
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they should all be the same person
insp | insp
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zephyrmonkey · 2 months
S1 E17 Agents of Shield 10th Anniversary
10 years ago today we…
Came back after watching Winter Soldier and were not ready for this episode!
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Squealed at the SkyeWard kiss!
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Gasped as Garrett is revealed as the Clairvoyant! (I loved Bill Paxton so much in this role and I was shocked at this reveal!)
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Awed at this cute FitzSimmons reunion. Fitz’s face when holding Simmons! Like he never wants to let her go!
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Shed a few tears at Trip’s reaction to Garrett being taken away. (Also, Ward’s face at seeing Trip yelling at Garrett broke me & it convinced me that Ward didn’t have anything to do with HYDRA)
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Are stuck staring at the TV with jaws dropped at this stunning revelation. (This honestly was the biggest plot twist in TV history! Change my mind! I dare you!)
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Me the whole episode
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Want to be tagged? Send me an ask or comment on this post!
@trapezequeen, @aintinacage, @kikiwritesthingss, @canvascoloredin, @backgroundagent3, @tiffthemarvelnerd, @likea-black-widow-baby, @redwidow616, @smartoneamia, @fairy-tales-of-yesterday, @daisyjohnsn
Bold means I couldn't tag you! I will delete you from the tag list at the end of the season if you don’t give me an updated username!
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Marvel’s “What If…?”, Agents of SHIELD edition:
1) What if Jemma Simmons sacrificed herself instead of Leo Fitz? (result: Simmons develops hypoxia, Fitz goes undercover into HYDRA and befriends Bobbi Morse)
2) What if Trip was an Inhuman? (result: Trip survives but is hunted down alongside Skye due to their Inhuman heritage)
3) What if Grant Ward defeated Coulson on Maveth? (result: Fitz and Ward escape the planet but Ward is immediately imprisoned, Coulson’s corpse is possessed by Hive)
4) What if Robbie Reyes escaped in time? (result: Robbie is present during the LMD crisis)
5) What if Deke Shaw wasn’t Fitzsimmons’ grandson? (result: Deke is actually Coulson and May’s grandson)
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hgstuff · 11 months
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agents of shield headers
like or reblog if u save and don't repost without credits ✨ find more here
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hjbirthdaywishes · 2 months
April 20, 2024
Happy 42 Birthday to B. J. Britt.
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rudikawhy · 7 months
It's been two months and five days since I've started Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Today, I finished the very last episode. (I know I'm making this more dramatic than it is, but idc)
So, it's been a lot. So many good, great things, but also a lot of weird, disturbing things. Characters I loved all the way through (Hunter, Piper, Davis, Sousa, every Koenig (I think)); Characters I almost loved all the way through, except for a few episodes where they made some choices I didn't agree with or so (Fitz, Simmons, Bobbi, Coulson, Daisy, May, Deke, Enoch); Characters about whom I wouldn't say I loved them but I still liked them very much (Mack, YoYo, Trip, Mace, Flint); Characters who weren't exactly the good guys but still were somewhat likable to some extent (Ward, Radcliffe, Cal, Gordon, Jiaying, Sunil Bakshi, Robbie, Kora), and of course Characters who were written to be hated (The Malicks, Garrett, Whitehall, Lucy Bauer, Ellen Nadeer, Ivanov, Kassius, the Hales, Izel, Sybil) and everyone who I don't know in which category to put, or what to name their category.
I am so glad, that the phase in season five where I couldn't stand Daisy, was over as soon as season six started. I was surprised by how MUCH I loved her in season seven.
Season six was definitely my least favorite (and of what I've read I'm not the only one with that opinion). But I can't say it enough, how much I loved the parts in space of Piper, Davis, Daisy, and Jemma (and later only Daisy and Jemma) searching for Fitz and Enoch. I can't think of one single moment right now from that space part, that I didn't like. But I really hated Izel and this whole shrike thing, and Sarge and his team, so I was really glad when season seven started.
Because season seven started off just absolutely great! I already said that I loved their clothes. Sending Jemma in as Peggy Carter in the 50s was perfection. Daisy saying she already has a sister to save, her name is Jemma Simmons. May falling through the ceiling, punching Sybil and saying "The Cavalry". Fitzsimmons naming their daughter after a star. Piper's wish from Jemma being getting Davis back. The team meeting up (at least) once a year to catch up and not losing each other. All of that is perfection.
There is so much more I want to write about, but first, I can't put everything into words (right now), and second, this post would be way too long.
I am so glad that I started Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I'm even more glad that I continued watching even though the first five episodes or so didn't convince me at all, and at first I only stayed because of the characters.
I am thankful for everyone involved, but especially those who decided that these wonderful actors would get the role they got, because honestly? I couldn't have asked for a cast that was more fitting.
I will start re-watch soon (at least in parts), because friends of mine started watching, but I have yet to convince them that it gets better than it currently is (they are in episode four).
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trapezequeen · 1 year
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Happy 41st Birthday B.J. Britt (April 20, 1982)
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cosmicqvake · 1 year
Unfriendly reminder that Trip died thinking Daisy didn’t make it out either :,)
The last thing he saw was the husk consuming her.
I’m not okay.
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fitzfallen · 2 months
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backgroundagent3 · 9 months
I somehow stumbled upon Trip's wiki page and the first thing I read was this:
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And this has been sitting in my drafts for so long that I forgot what the point I wanted to make was, but reading it again I feel like it describes Trip's character so well.
Even though Coulson tries his best, there are times where SHIELD strays from being this ideal organization, especially at times when it isn't just good vs bad, but there are third parties involved (the Inhumans in S2), or when they have to deal with morally complex situations.
But with Trip, he always had a clear idea of right and wrong, and, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember him ever doubting himself in any situation. He could always act fast and make quick decisions because he had a strong moral compass and he always knew what he was supposed to do.
Idk, I'm not great at character analysis and I can't express myself very well, but please add onto this if you want!
TL;DR Trip was perfect and I miss him.
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beanwood · 5 months
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zephyrmonkey · 29 days
S1 E22 Agents of Shield 10th Anniversary
10 years ago today we…
Were NOT prepared for this rollercoaster of emotions that was the season 1 finale!
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Screamed with Simmons as Fitz sacrificed himself for her. (My heart breaks every time I watch this scene.)
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Cheered as Fury saved our Science Babies!
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Groaned as we watched Garrett became Deathlok and that the team will have to stop him in Season tw- Oh, never mind.
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Smiled as Fury told Coulson that he is an Avenger!
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Raised our eyebrows at another Koenig (I love that they kept Patton Oswalt!)
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Everyone's safe! Ward's captured! Fitz will recover; it may take some time, but he'll be okay! SHIELD lives on to fight for another day! And our agents have a new place to call home!
Whelp, the season is over! I can’t believe it! See you back on September 23 for the season 2 premiere!
Want to be tagged? Send me an ask or comment on this post!
@trapezequeen, @aintinacage, @kikiwritesthingss, @canvascoloredin, @backgroundagent3, @tiffthemarvelnerd, @likea-black-widow-baby, @redwidow616, @smartoneamia, @fairy-tales-of-yesterday, @daisyjohnsn
Bold means I couldn't tag you! I will delete you from the tag list at the end of the season if you don’t give me an updated username!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as social media quotes 20/?
The rest of the series
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hgstuff · 11 months
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agents of shield headers
like or reblog if u save and don't repost without credits ✨ find more here
and i'm done with the s1 headers (i think)! s1 icons are next!
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mariajbee · 2 years
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