#anton shulepov
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Anton Shulepov’s two-stage costume for his short program at the 2019 NHK Trophy and 2019 Internationaux de France.
(Sources: 1, 2 and 3)
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Double standards, part 2
Satoko Miyahara (JPN)
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Anton Shulepov (RUS)
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Elizaveta Tuktamysheva ( RUS)
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Davis/White (USA)
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It doesn't seem to be a problem to have a cross, which symbolises Christianity, as part of a costume...
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Here are the current known senior entries for the first stage of the Russian Cup in Syzran this weekend:
Senior Men
Maxim Varakin Daniyal Ibragimov Artem Kovalev Egor Murashov Roman Savosin Ilya Yablokov Makar Igantov Anton Shulepov
Senior Ladies
Sofia Sarnovskaya Kamila Sultanmagomedova Anna Frolova Maiia Khromykh Angelina Chaplygina Anna Shcherbakova Arina Onischenko Maria Talalaikina
Senior Pairs
Anastasia Balabanova / Alexey Svyatchenko Kseniya Akhantyeva / Valery Kolesov Iuliia Artemeva / Mikhail Nazarychev
Senior Ice Dance
Svetlana Lizunova / Alexander Vakhnov Julia Tultseva / Antonly Belovodchenko Sofia Shevchenko / Igor Eremenko Annabelle Morozov / Andrei Bagin
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kittyprincessofcats · 5 years
So Anton Shulepov showed up wearing a costume meant to make him look like a Jewish prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp, nobody veto-ed this, he somehow wasn’t disqualified.
Later Shoma fell during his skate so many times that I lost count, and Nathan once again got 92 PCS for showing up.
Kevin’s bronze medal really was the only good thing to come out of this entire competition.
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“Anton Shulepov’s costume this season is so disgustingly offensive, to wear the yellow star like it’s a costume for entertainment? My family was murdered, and the ones who made it out were never the same. My culture’s trauma is not someone’s costume to wear for shock value. Skating to Schindler’s list is one thing, but actually dressing up like a death camp prisoner, that’s beyond horrifying.“
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papciz-gram · 5 years
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be1stof: #figureskating#gpfigureskating#ifp2019#grenoble2019#frenchopen#patinageartistique#skater#skating#beautiful#sport#winter#iceskating#grenoble2019
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alena-kostornaia · 5 years
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a_gallyam: Closing banquet 🇯🇵
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sect-leader-jiang · 5 years
Based on Anton Shulepov’s costume I’m guessing he’s skating to schindler’s list...THERE ARE TOO MANY PLEASE STOP. 
I LOVE Jason’s program for it but at this point it’s TOO MUCH. Yes the music from Schindler’s is gorgeous...but I can only watch SO MANY SCHINDLER’S LIST PROGRAMS
It’s almost getting that way with Moulin Rouge for me too.
Anyone else have any current or past popular programs that started to get to repetitive for you?
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moonstarphoenix · 5 years
NHK Trophy Men’s LP Pt. 1
Alright. Today we have the men’s long programs and later the ladies. Yuzuru Hanyu is in top form. Kevin Aymoz really wants to make his frist Grand Prix Final and a 32-year-old Russian proves age means nothing. Let’s get to it.
I did not like Conrad Orzel’s long program at Cup of China last week. There’s not a lot of artistry yet and when you’re skating to Les Miserables youu kind of need it in spades. He landed his quads though a little shakily but goodness his spins were slow. I still don’t like this program. He’s overthinking it and you can see him walk through the steps in his head.
Alexei Bychenko’s Pirates of the Caribbean makes me happy. I’ve always loved the music and to see a program to it is just jun. Fall out of the quad. Triple axel right on with the music. He’s not quite into the character. The footstep sequence could have had more personality. He doubled some jumps and singled one on a combo, but otherwise he’s handling his jumps better than Skate America. Aw, I like it. He may not be the best skater/jumper but I love this program.
Tomoki Hiwatashi always looks so blank faced to me. He lands his two quads but gets sloppy on the triple axel. I think he could contend in the American Men’s nationals. I just don’t feel a lot watching him. He’s got the skills, just no personality. He’s struggling a bit on the jumps here.
Jason Brown is one of the best skaters in the world. He’s going for the quad today after a not so good short. Easy triple- axel double to start. Nope he goes for a triple loop instead of the quad. He falls on the triple axel but gets up like it’s part of the choreography. He’s still struggling a big on the jumps but his skating skills and choreography are divine. I always talk about quiet programs being captivating and this one is when he’s skating it lights out like at Skate America.
Sota Yamamoto is skating to a very familiar song for me. He seems on his jumps today. Not quite the artistic impression of Kevin’s from last year or Jason before him. He’s touching down on several jumps now. I like his skating, but you have to have a stellar program to beat one of my favorites last year.
Anton Shulepov’s Schlindler’s List did not impress me in France. It still didn’t hold my attention here. It looks like he managed the jumps but I personally prefer Jason’s more emotional take.
Jason remains in 1st leading to the final group. Coming up next.
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lazuliblade · 5 years
2019 NHK Men’s FS Group 1
Today’s errands took longer than I thought, so I missed part of the first group, but here we go:
Tomoki Hiwatashi FS: 142.74 Total score: 207.30 4T (it looked like he wanted to add the combo but didnt have a good running edge out of it), 4T3T, 3A foot down, FSSp2, 3S, StSq2 (felt slow), 1A pop, 3LzEu3F, FChCoSp4, 3Lo, ChCoSp4. I felt like he didn’t have the chaotic energy or whimsical light skating needed to work with Stravinksy’s piece here. The first half seemed a bit slow, and while he has good skating, it felt a bit heavy here? There were moments where it looked like he tried to fit the discordant chords of the music but the movement wasn’t carried out all the way... Not a bad skate, but not the best program I think. Jason Brown FS: 157.54 Total Score: 231.27 3A2T (nice speed going into it), 3T, 3Afall, 3F, ChCoSp4, 3LzEu3S (very good flow), 3F2T, ChSq, 3Lofall, FChCoSp4, StSq4, ChCSp3. Both of his falls had him on the ice for a little bit longer rather than getting up straight away. I hope he’s OK. They didn’t look like hard falls, but looked like he lost his balance on the landing. I love the spiral to the high note in the middle, and there are some nice nuanced movements in the choreo.  Sota Yamamoto FS: 151.39 Total Score: 226.27 4S2T, 2S(pop), 4T (so easy), 3A step-out, SSp(didn’t catch the level. I love how centered the sit spin position was, though), ChSq, 3A2T (woah he went into this with a lot of speed and almost lost the landing, but managed to add on the 2T), 3Lz, 3FEu3S, FChCoSp2, StSq3 (I love how he uses his arms), ChCoSp4. I'm still so happy to see him competing. And it’s amazing to see that he can land quads again. I love how he skates across the ice like he’s trying to encompass the arena and the music. Anton Shulepov FS: 146.62 Total Score: 218.38 3F (scary landing), 3Lz3T, 3A2T, 2A, ChCSp4, 3A (another shaky landing), 3LzEu2S (the rhythm of the jump looked really off, but he did it), 3Lo, FSSp4, ChCoSp3, ChSq. Interesting choice ending his program with a choreo sequence. Hmmmm. I don’t have much of an impression of the choreo overall.
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Anton Shulepov's free program costume at the 2019 Russian Cup Final.
(Source: zhem_chug)
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inspringer · 5 years
When his outfit is insensetive but his skating is nice,,, im so conflicted im trying to appreciate it but the costume ahh
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Artem Kovalev won the Senior Men’s competition at the first stage of the Russian Cup in Syzran. Roman Savosin won the free skate, and came up from third to finish second. Makar Ignatov fell from second to third.
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kittyprincessofcats · 5 years
what the FUCK is Anton Shulepov wearing?
I’m actually shaking with anger right now. This is worse than even Satoko’s old dress.
Can someone tell me if he’s Jewish or not? Because if he is, that’s the only way I’d let this slide. Otherwise, what the fuck???
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“Hello! My nationality and my relatives were victims of genocide (not Jewish but at least Jewish genocide is recognized. My people's isn't) and I just wanted to say the the Anton's costume isn't really offensive. He isn't making fun of anyone! He danced with respect, no laughing and mocking. If anything he brought recognition to the issue in history and remember us what happened. I know me an my family would like to see someone skate about our genocide, like a memorial :)“
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ladykyrin · 5 years
Also, are we just not going to talk about how very not-okay Anton Shulepov’s costume is, or...?
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