#any good at restoring vinyl like this.
volfoss · 5 months
sorry for scary bjd posting at like 7 am but. i was checking my email for saved head searches and i need to show u guys the horrifying discovery i found.
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so taking the horrors apart. we have paint that was NOT sealed properly and so is thus chipping away. it looks like they buried her in the backyard or smth w the amount of dirt?? they sanded the nose down INSANELY. sculpted eyelids on with like???? seemingly just eye putty??? i am including a photo of like. what the head looks like new and blank. the eyes themselves are also so fascinating to me bc like... normally you get a more "anime style" eye with somewhat visible whites for these heads so im so endlessly fascinated with what looks to either be eyes FAR too big for her or like... teddy bear type eyes (like. just pure black).
but wait. it gets worse.
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inexplicably theres... a lower cut in the head (the one that is further from the face is where its supposed to be on an unmodded head) and you can see the true horrors of the nose here? these dolls are usually having pretty sharp like... typical early 00's anime noses (where theyre really small and pointed) so i cannot imagine how much sanding would happen to have THIS???? you can also see more of the insane dirt here and the (im pretty sure it IS eyeputty thats making up the whites of the eyes here) just genuinely terrifying skin situation.
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this is the point in which i found out it. was somehow. three different methods of keeping the eye in??? globs of hot glue at the top. maybe?? clay????????? or just really old eyeputty behind it? it really looks like apoxie sculpt (which dries as hard as concrete so). and then the regular sticky tack at the bottom??? i cant imagine how bad this would be. you can also see the natural vinyl color on the ring that is around the head cap. speaking OF the headcap, the listing says its FROM A DIFFERENT COMPANY????? so the head is from volks and the headcap is from obitsu?? so thats WHY the mysterious lower cut is there... because they had to make it smaller to get the obitsu headcaps (which are smaller usually). on top of that, you can kind of see that the paint has seeped INTO the vinyl (esp noticable on the headcap) so like. it would not be fun to get out id imagine.
anyways. thats my scary discovery this morning.
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Episode 44 - My Papycha, the Secondhand Dealer (Part 1)
I'm very normal about this episode, but thankfully, all the writings to translate will probably distract me from the need to gush about Kerubim and Joris's love for one another.
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The text on the left says "PAPYCHAT!". Usually, "!" means "M" in Amaknean, but I think Joris is just very enthusiastic.
The text on the right says "BROCANTE". It means "secondhand store". Also, there's a kama there. Cute :)
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"HACHE" (axe) and "BONG" (??????????????????????????????????...probably onomatopoeia for the sound that contraption he drew makes.
Doesn't make Joris writing "bong" any less funny.)
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A literal bear has entered a literal china shop. Warning, warning!
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To my memory, this is one of the two times old Kerubim cries during the series, the first time being when he thinks Joris will be stuck for the rest of his life in the Heads for No Tails restraint.
I think he should be legally allowed to kill that pandawa guy.
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I do think he loves them, but also, something tells me, a vase that took 20 years to make probably costs an amount of money that I don't even want to fucking imagine.
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"VIEUX VASE" (old vase)
WHEN WILL JORIS'S REIGN OF EVIL END? Did he steal that piece?!
Though, it seems that even without it, the vase was still restored, — because, judging from all the cracks on it, the photo was taken after The Incident. I guess this story has a happy ending, despite the missing piece.
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Photo of the clock: "REVEIL" (alarm, waking up) Bottle 1: "ELIXIR" Bottle 2: "BONBON" (candy) Bottle 3: "MIEL" (honey)
(the clock itself reads "5AM". Maybe Kerubim's alarm. I doubt he makes Joris, who isn't in education, wake up so early. Or maybe Joris wakes up at 5AM and then goes back to sleep. That would be the funnier possibility.)
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This action will have consequences.
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It's obvious that Kerubim is just trying to get him to stop asking, Joris knows that, — and it's generally always why he's being asked to go to sleep early.
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The text says: "PIERRE MAGI(Q)UE" (magic stone), with "Q" (::) being accidentally replaced by "N" (:)
Joris's guesses for this thing are: "Is this a ball?", "Is this a thing to do sport with to get muscles?", "Is this a geode?" and "Is this an egg?"
Truly, he is a dedicated thinker.
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"VIDE GRENIER" (attic sale)
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The first two vinyls say "GUST PRODUCTION" and "SADGUIRAM#2" respectively, while the third one says "ROMAIN".
The existence of vinyls also implies the existence of bands and their fans. We already know that, and all, but this still means a lot.
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I wonder if slavery has always been a thing in the World of Twelve, or if it came back in style after centuries of being out of style only in Waven. Love their nonchalant response to it, too.
Chances are, this is just normal.
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SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I TELL YOU JORIS IS A NIGHT OWL? He is NOT good at being awake early.
I also am beginning to suspect Kerubim is a morning person, unlike Joris. hdfkghsdgf.
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Kerubim makes buying things a sort of a game for them to play together, to educate Joris on how to be a salesman in the future and continue their family business, but in the process pretty much hugs him and also look at Joris's face and then hand on shoulder car door man hook car and and um and [CAR CRASH] [GLASS SHATTERING] ‘GOOD LORD!’ [GENERAL COMMOTION] [BABY CRYING] ‘WAAAAH WAAAAH’ [YELLING] [POLICE SIRENS] WEEWOO WEEWOO [HELICOPTERS] ‘WE’RE REPORTING LIVE-‘ [EXPLOSION] ‘MY LEG… MY LEG…’
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Yeah I'm okay./ (starts foaming.)
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Joris... I have some amazing news from the future. You'll never guess.
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At heart, Kerubim is an optimist, and Joris is a pessimist, and they've always been that way, even as kids. I think it's cute that they both have these contrasting characteristics, and that they've had them their whole lives.
It makes them both really like each other, — but also, probably makes them annoy each other to death, across the 600 years of coexistence.
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jjkeremika · 5 months
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Planted a garden full of lavender and called it home
description: eren helps out at his parents’ clinic. mikasa brings her sick mother to the clinic one day.
pairing: eren jaeger x mikasa ackerman, eremika (aot/snk)
disclaimer/warning(s)?: lowercase; alternate universe; third person but moreso from eren's pov; grisha and carla run a medical clinic; mikasa’s mother is sick; profanity
inspiration: “They say lavender softens anxiety / and i wonder whether i can plant a garden / so dense in your mind / that the knots in your chest unravel / and never tighten again” - jasmin kaur
it was a slow day—a very, very slow day. usually a few patients trickled in throughout, some for walk-in ailments and injuries and others for scheduled appointments, but they must’ve cured everyone yesterday considering how empty it was today.
eren rolled his eyes and groaned from boredom, standing from the uncomfortable chair and stretching. “this is soo booring,” he exhaled to the empty room, rubbing at his eyes, talking to himself to stay awake.
he debated asking his mother if he could leave for the day, or asking his father if he could take his lunch break early. ultimately, he decided against it. boredom was infinitely better than ear-aching lectures on responsibility and commitment and yada yada... he usually stopped listening by that point.
eren left the office and entered the bathroom, splashing some water on his hands and face to wake him up, stimulate his brain a little. he checked his hair in the mirror before leaving and headed straight to the record player in the waiting area.
the record player was ancient, given to him by his father who got it from his father’s father, or something like that (he wasn’t really listening at the time); which meant it was old. Old old; which meant it was even more satisfying when eren and armin finally restored it, having spent months working with armin’s grandfather and asking countless questions to the sick engineers in the waiting room.
his mood lifted as he searched through the old records, pausing to see if any patients had dropped off any unwanted vinyls. just one: “The Founder and Found? the hell is that?” eren flipped to the back of the protective sleeve, scanning the list of songs. “looming giants… us against the world… a rumbling sea separates you and me… pigs released? what the fuck are these songs?” he chortled when he asked the question to himself, finding the record bizarre and amusing.
he tucked the record under his arm. “damn, i have to show this to armin late—oh, shit.” eren heard light voices from outside the glass and stood up, rushing back to the desk right as he heard the door crack open.
he sat down and placed the record to the side, was logging back into his computer when the voices became clearer and louder.
“honestly, miki, im healing,” one woman managed out through interspersed coughs, her arm wrapped around the arm of the person eren assumed to be ‘miki.’ “i’ll be better soon.”
“yes, mum, you will,” the younger woman responded plainly, trying to lead her mother to the chair, “because the doctor is going to heal you.” eren finally looked over and his stomach leapt. “now, i’m going to sign you in, okay?”
“honey, no,” the woman tried to grab her daughter’s arm, but she easily brushed it off and walked towards eren.
“good morning,” she greeted nonchalantly, out of formality more than anything else, “this is dr jaeger’s clinic, right?”
eren didn’t answer. he stared at her silently, admiring her features and noticing that she didn’t smile.
she lifted her eyebrow in confusion, opened her mouth like she was going to say something, before closing it and peaking around her.
a light heat rushed through him and he became increasingly aware of his own self. he sat upright and smiled. “i, uh, sorry, i…” he cleared his throat, ignoring that his insides were flipping with embarrassment at his stutter, “yes, this is dr jaeger’s clinic. are you a new patient here?” she had to be; he's never seen her before.
“kind of?” she replied, “my mother was a patient of his before he moved here.” eren glanced to her mother then back to her.
“i, uh, we really only have, um,” he closed his eyes and took a breath, telling himself to get it together. why was he so awkward today? he continued, “we only have patient files from after the relocation.” eren found it easier to focus on the sick mother than the woman in front of him, “i can register her easily right now if—”
the pretty woman interrupted, and eren felt his stomach flip, “if you could just tell him the name ackerman, he’ll know who that is.”
eren noticed that his toes were clenching and digging into his shoes a little. he stopped himself before he bit his cheek.
the thing is, eren’s an independent guy. he likes to make his own decisions, to be free from control; often got into some trouble academically and socially because of it. and so, naturally, the only thing eren hated more than being interrupted, was people telling him what to do.
he stood up from his chair and met the younger woman’s fierce stare, felt a light tingle down his spine. “yeah, i’ll go tell him now,” he told her before exiting the office to the medical area, only now noticing his racing heart beat.
maybe pretty women who don’t smile can tell him what to do.
he brought the vinyl to armin's house after he left the clinic, his mind still hung up on the nameless girl with an ill mother from this morning.
armin was outside helping his grandfather harvest their garden when eren mindlessly arrived, lost in thoughts about why this random person he'd never met before made him so nervous, why he cared so much about whether she smiled at him or not. armin waved and called out eren's name and eren snapped back to reality.
"hey," he casually greeted as armin walked to the fence, "check out this record." armin's lips flattened into a straight line. always straight to the point.
armin took the record from him as he waved to armin's grandfather from across the yard. as he glanced it over, eren debated telling his friend about the patient's daughter.
he laughed while reading some of the names. "weird. is that from the clinic?" eren nodded. "did you want to come in and listen to it?" armin handed the record back and pointed over his shoulder to his house.
eren shook his hand to refuse the vinyl. "nah, i have to get home. my dad's showing me some of his old medical notes," eren explained, "thanks, though."
they bid farewell and turned around. a tiny smile formed on eren's face as the image of the pretty girl reappeared in his head and his abdomen fluttered. eren slowed to a stop. he could turn around right now and just ask if armin had ever felt like that before, if he'd understand, if he'd know what it means.
"everyone makes armin nervous," he muttered to himself and walked home.
eren yawned deeply as he unlocked the clinic doors and turned the overhead lights on. grisha asked him late last night if he could open before sunrise with him the next morning for an important patient. eren had checked the clock (midnight, go figure), sighed and nodded in agreement, and decided to go to bed.
he was a little annoyed, because, well, how was he supposed to say no to that?
he was scrolling on his phone, trying to keep himself awake because he’d disliked the taste of teas since he was young, when he perked up to the noise of the bell ring as the door opened.
the bell was immediately drowned out by a cough, and he recognized the older woman as the same one from yesterday even with the face mask.
a lump formed in his throat when his eyes trailed to the young woman next to her.
“good,” cough, “morn—” cough.
“mum, it’s okay,” the raven-haired woman soothed, very gently rubbing her mother’s back, “don’t strain yourself.” he couldn't explain the jump in his heart rate.
eren opened his mouth to greet them, was about to stand to help, when grisha entered from the back room, having immediately heard the chatter. "mikasa, you can bring her right in,” he borderline ordered, stepping to the side and holding the door open.
mikasa and her mother slowly made their way to the patient room, where dr jaeger and her mother then shooed her back to the waiting area for privacy.
“Keep my son company,” grisha told her, sharply punctuated by the door closing.
mikasa stood awkwardly and gazed around the hallway, then walked through the open office door. eren jumped in his seat at her sudden arrival.
“may i sit here?” the pretty girl asked, to which eren immediately shook his head and said, “no.”
“oh, okay, i’ll go wait out there,” she replied, looking like it didn't bother her either way.
“wait, wait, no, sorry, yeah, you can,” he followed sheepishly, reaching his hand out like he were going to stop her from leaving before pulling it back in confusion at the brazen, odd action, “i thought you were going to ask if i minded,” he explained, feeling his stomach drop and his temperature flare, “which i don’t.”
she nodded a couple times curiously, but still sat down. “you’re dr jaeger’s son?” she asked so firmly that eren wondered if it was a question or a statement. he wondered if he should wait for her to continue.
he nodded anyway, just in case. “yeah.” he shifted in the chair. he mentally chastised himself for losing his composure. he's eren fucking jaeger. he doesn't get nervous. “have been my whole life,” he joked, chuckling awkwardly before stopping once he noticed her lips didn’t waver. she didn’t say anything. he looked to his lap. “i, um—”
“how long have you been working with him?” she brushed the hair off her shoulder and leaned into the chair, crossing her arms and resting one thigh over the other.
he was slightly taken aback by the sudden question, and felt his stomach flutter at her attention on him. and then his eyes were trailing from the floor, up her legs restricted in fitted jeans to her shapely hips to her tight shirt and rounded shoulders and lick-able collarbones an--wait, what?
"are you okay?" mikasa interrupted his onslaught of thoughts, one eyebrow lifted, no emotion in her eyes. his gaze lingered on her collarbones before blushing and sitting upright.
"yeah, yeah, sorry," he apologized, rubbing his forehead, "it's early," he chuckled, which was not reciprocated. she nodded slowly. "ive been here since the relocation," he answered, returning to the conversation. "how long have you known my father?"
“he used to travel to us every couple months. my mother’s been sick for a while now,” she answered, her shoulders dropping slightly.
he felt the urge to reach out and offer his hand, provide some form of comfort. “so, your names mikasa, right?” he changed the subject instead. she nodded. pretty name. “i’m eren.” he gave her a tiny wave. pretty girl.
“it’s nice to meet you, eren.” the smile spread on his face before he could stop it. the flutter demanded his attention. he never particularly cared for his name, but he liked the way it sounded on her tongue.
“it’s nice to meet you, too, mikasa,” he smoothly replied, beaming internally at the slight curve at the edge of her lips.
the next day, after the clinic closed, grisha and carla asked eren to join them to a house call, citing something about how he should be there to learn and they could use an extra hand. he doesn’t know. he wasn’t really listening. it’s not like he had anything else to do anyway.
what they didn’t tell him was how far away and how long this house call was. a two hour train ride into the city, a bus to a different district, a thirty minute walk.
it was when the door opened at the small house that he understood why they’d come this way.
mikasa welcomed them inside and informed grisha and carla of her mother’s status and location. the two set off immediately, like they’d been here before, leaving mikasa alone with eren.
he glanced over at her, refrained from looking below her chin. “hey, mikasa,” he said with a smile and a small wave.
“hi, eren,” she replied casually, emotionless.
he bit his lip and curled his toes to contain the giddy feeling rumbling through his chest at the sound of his name. “do you always go so far to come to the clinic?” he asked to keep her talking.
she nodded. “yes. we hadn’t seen dr jaeger since the relocation because of that, but then she got worse, and other doctors didn’t know what to do, so…” she trailed off, but the point was clear.
she glanced down, and he noticed her hand shaking when he followed her gaze, noticed her trying to soothe it with another shaky hand, hiding it under her cardigan.
eren suddenly remembered that: years and years ago, back when his father came home late and left early, talked with carla every evening about a woman who was miraculously hanging on. eren thought they'd moved because this patient had once improved.
yet her daughter now sat detached and fractured in front of him, and her mother sat dying in the other room.
eren’s stomach dropped like a feather tied to boulders. he wasn’t so great at this part, empathizing with and calming people when they were upset. he usually said the wrong things, and in the office he recited a script his mother created for consoling families of terminally ill patients.
but instead he thought of holding her hand or rubbing her arm, excusing the action by offering it to comfort her. instead, it was his turn to ask her: “are you okay?”
she didn’t reply, didn’t move, didn’t seem like she was even breathing. he took a step forward.
and she chortled, a fleeting smile and cut-off symphony, then nodded and dabbed at her eyes. which eren didn’t really get because he didn’t understand what was funny but he didn’t really care because she smiled and he’d never felt so captivated by a smile before.
“i’m okay,” she answered, still smiling, still looking at him, “thanks, eren.”
he felt warm and bubbly inside, like the heat was causing the water in his body to boil and evaporate.
he finally understood the intent behind the phrase when he said, “my pleasure,” because, for once, he meant it.
grisha and eren returned to the ackerman house every day for a few days after that. grisha allowed eren to observe the tests and treatment administrations, explained the science and intricate mechanics behind each method and instrument, and eren finally understood why mikasa was forced out of the room each time.
eren stepped out and spoke with mikasa most days, trying to make her laugh, to take her mind away from the anxieties quaking her body.
the visits continued until grisha made the final call to admit her to the hospital. mikasa argued against it, her mother weakly chiming in, but ultimately, dr jaeger convinced them both it was for the best. carla referred mikasa to therapists and support groups, and everyone went home.
once she was admitted, eren didn’t see mikasa anymore. the trip there and back was long, and grisha received updates on patient status from correspondence with the hospital. so without the excuse of a sick patient, there wasn’t much reason to go to her house.
armin stopped by the clinic to help check patients in during one of the busier days. during one of the lulls around lunch, when eren convinced armin to do his own job so he could mess around with the vinyls, mikasa walked in.
eren spotted someone walking towards him from the corner of his eye, and a record slipped from the stack he was holding as soon as he recognized her.
he scrambled to catch it, and he did, flattened between his wrist and his thigh, at the sacrifice of the entire stack falling to the floor.
“mikasa, hey,” he greeted first, standing upright and waving the one record in his hand. he could feel the heat on his cheeks, but her breezy laugh massaged out the breath he held.
“hi, eren,” she said with a teeny smile, she looked down at the vinyls scattered around their feet, moved like she was about the crouch to arrange them.
"don't, uh. i'll take care of... it," eren followed sheepishly, stepping around the vinyls, closer to her. "what are you doing here? n-not that i mind, of course." eren could see armin hiding his face behind his hand. he felt more nervous with armin watching.
but eren relaxed a little when she giggled. “i won’t take up too much of your time. i just wanted to give you this.” he was so distracted by her that he didn’t even notice the plant in her hands. “i appreciate what your family did for mine.”
eren glanced down at the plant she’d placed into his palms. his heart rate picked up and his stomach flipped. she came all the way here for this? for him?
“i know it’s not much, but… we own a plant shop, so…” she trailed off and looked to the ground, her eyes dull, and he wondered if he should put the record and plant down and just hold her.
“how is she?” he asked, not moving. a diversion from the real question he wanted to ask.
“she’s… alive,” a quiet mumble, so quiet the noise of the other patients almost drowned it out. he noticed her hand shaking. he put the plant and vinyl down on an empty chair.
he was about to reach his hand out, to ask if she wanted company, to ask if she had someone to turn to. she spoke before he could. “anyway, i appreciate everything.”
and she turned around, halfheartedly waved goodbye and headed for the door. eren’s heart raced, his stomach dropped, he felt a mild panic. he didn’t want her to leave. she’d never come back. she came all the way to the clinic. alone.
“wait!” he exclaimed louder than intended, garnering the attention of everyone in the room. he lowered his voice, “i, uh,” he stepped after her, and she stopped once he spoke, “i don’t know how to take care of plants.” she stared at him blankly, if not sadly. a tainted reminder of when they first met. a blood stain on all the progress they’d made.
but his heart still raced the same. “can i call you?”
he called her that night, asking what kind of sunlight and water and nutrients it needed, asking multiple times what kind of plant it was and if she could spell it out for him.
there was never any annoyance or irritation in her voice, but he'd asked so many times that she eventually told him different answers to mess with him, to the point that he forgot the real ones.
he called mikasa again the next night, explaining that he was confused and forgot everything she’d told him. “do you have any more questions?”
his heart fluttered and his stomach dropped. he didn’t want this to end yet. “i, um, don’t have a watering can. or soil. or nutrients. or a pot, so… uh, can i come to your store sometime?”
he could only hear her soft steady breathing, and he could vividly picture her pretty face, staring at him with that newly found sparkle in her eyes, that budding smile on her lips.
“yeah,” she answered delicately, “that would be okay.”
eren had practically begged his older brother to cover his shift at the clinic. it took a lot of begging, but zeke finally relented.
zeke had no interest in following their father’s footsteps into medicine and made that explicitly clear to everyone that he would be living with his mother and baking breads and pastries instead. so, eren wagered one shift in exchange for buying three breads and four pastries, and giving zeke the shift’s earnings. he didn’t care what he had to do; he just needed it covered.
it was just past sunrise when he set out, and he carried one of the breads and two pastries to the location mikasa had told him about.
the long journey was more tumultuous in the early morning, the train and bus rides providing ample time and opportunity to sleep.
eren noticed her instantly when he was walking down the street. she was watering the plants outside the shop, an elephant-shaped watering can in her hands, when he approached with a meek smile.
“mikasa,” he started when he was still a few feet away, “hi.” he waved despite the now cold bags in his hands.
she glanced up and greeted him with a nod, “eren.” she stopped watering the plants, then gestured for him to follow her. he did wordlessly, admiring the vibrant green leaves and multicolored flowers on the tables and floors and walls.
he stood awkwardly near the counter as she momentarily disappeared in the back. he observed the small plant in the cat pot near the register, reached out and smiled at the soft, gentle texture of the leaves, when the handles of the resusable bag slid from his wrist to his elbow and he yanked his arm back, pulling the plant and ripping the leaf with it.
the plant and pot fell to the ground, soil and decorative rocks scattering across the ground. “oh, shit,” eren whispered frantically, rushing to place the bags on the tabletop and ducking down to brush up the debris, to put the displaced plant back into its home.
he noticed her peering over the counter. “i, uh, i didn’t mean to…” he stood up, the messy plant tucked back into the plastic liner and back into the thankfully unbroken pot.
he felt the uncomfortable heat flooding his abdomen. he felt his usually rigid abs softening into nervous gelatin as she stared at him blankly. he felt embarrassed at how clumsy he was around her, which was only exacerbated when he thought back to armin’s playful teasing after the record incident.
she chuckled softly as he placed it on the counter. “that’s okay. i do it all the time,” she confided, pointing towards the pile of dirt in the corner of the room, swept under one of the displays. he exhaled airily, smiling, relieved. she watched him delicately place the torn leaf next to the bags. “what are these?” she asked, lightly touching the top.
“o-oh, they’re for you,” he answered sheepishly, scratching at the back of his neck, “my brother owns a bakery. i thought since i was coming so early, we could…” he trailed off, shifting uncomfortably, “you’ll enjoy it. he’s really good.”
she relaxed into the chair. “thanks, eren.” she stared at him softly and raised an eyebrow. “are you here for a pot?”
he wiped his hand against his jeans. “i, uh.” no. “yes.” he could feel beads of sweat starting to form on his hairline, and he hoped they wouldn’t roll down.
she stood up, flattening out the wrinkles in her apron with her palms. “you’re welcome to look around, but,” she explained as she wandered around the counter, walked right by him. she smelled nice, like pink roses and prosecco. “i picked out two nice pots that are about its size, held them in case you wanted one.” she held the two small pots in her hands.
one various shades of green, an ombré of dark to light in a cascading pattern that seamlessly transitioned under his stare. the other bursts of yellow and orange and red, hot colors searing through the clay and burning into the edges, overlayed with a distinct smell of light grey smoke licking up the sides.
mikasa held up the fiery pot higher than the other. “carla told me you like camping, and i’ve never been, but when i was young and the shop was slow, my father and i huddled around pots like this one and pretended we were around campfire.”
eren’s heart dropped into his stomach. he wondered where her father was now, after all this time, during these long and difficult weeks; his absence turning the night bleaker and darker.
she turned her gaze to the grassy pot, her eyes roaming the gradient monochrome mosaic. “this one, just… reminds me of you.” she glanced up at him, and she felt warm when she realized he was already looking to her.
his heart swelled and his chest hurt. she’d picked them out for him? with more of a reason than it’s the size of the liner? how was he even supposed to choose one? she’d put thought into both.
she’d put thought into him.
“maybe it’s because of your eyes or that shirt you always wear,” she joked awkwardly, smiling faintly and minutely, avoiding eye contact, to take his fixated attention off her. did she say something wrong?
eren’s throat sucked his mouth dry, and his tongue lost all speaking mobility. it hung flat in his mouth, too heavy to move but too light to let go. he lost his mind at her meek, fleeting smile. a smile too pristine to be faltering so soon.
“or maybe it was the record you were holding when i brought the plant,” she added quietly, squinting at the green pot like it would restore her memory, regurgitate her line of thinking when she picked it out of the rest.
she finally returned his eye contact, pulling him out of his blatant adoration. “you don’t have to pick either,” she continued, rambling from the unsettling rumble in her gut, the foreign itching under her skin, “there’s many more here that you might like.”
she went to put the two hand-selected pots down when eren stepped forward, held his arms out to stop her movement. “no! i, ah, i do want those ones.” he held his hands out to take them from her. “i’d… actually like both, if that’s okay.” she looked at him with a light surprise, her eyes and mouth wide and open.
he liked the pink blush that graced her cheeks. “o-oh. a-are you sure?” she furrowed her eyebrows, dropped her gaze. “you only have the only plant…”
he felt the heat from her charcoal eyes set his meadows on fire. he felt his heart beat speed up and his vessels dilate.
eren stepped closer. he lifted his forearms, delicately covered her hands as they cupped the pots.
“i want to buy your favorite plant too,” he said softly, his longer fingers curling over hers, intertwining lightly with hers.
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knightinink · 1 year
Hello there CEO of Dip, consider: Pip goes deaf cause of Damien's firework stunt and Damien tries his best to recompasate it for him somehow
Okay here's my thoughts lets go (I'm probably gonna ramble so I'm gonna put this under a cut)
(So I'm not sure if you meant compensate or recapacitate, so I'm just gonna do both.)
-If Damien tried to recapacitate Pip's hearing, a few things would go through his mind once learning that the Brit's gone deaf (who is absolutely devastated). 1, Holy Shit. 2, I can't tell my dad, he's gonna kill me. So he goes first (begrudgingly) to any medical professionals in the mountain town, asking them what could be done to restore Pip's hearing. Learning that Cochlear Implants were an option, they were both immediately on board! ...until they learned how expensive it was & there was no way they could possibly come up with that amount of money on their own. (& they sure weren't going to trust the townspeople to help, as they were much too incompetent or didn't like Pip enough to care).
-So their next option is for Damien to try & restore it the best he can on his own, but this is immediately shot down by Pip, who doesn't want him to do it out of fear that Damien doesn't have the best control & understanding over his powers completely, & doesn't want to make this worse than it already was.
-So their third & final option is to go to Satan about it & tell him what happened. This could go one of three ways:
Option 1: Satan can restore his hearing (completely or just nearly there) with his powers.
Option 2: Satan has enough money to afford Pip's Cochlear Implants
Option 3 (the angst option): What Damien did is irreversible & Pip is destined to life out the rest of his life (& afterlife) completely deaf.
If Damien would try to compensate for Pip having gone deaf (& nothing can be done to restore it), I feel a couple things may happen.
-Damien would learn ASL along with Pip, since they didn't want to rely on Pip writing out everything he wanted to say; that would just hurt more than it helped in the long run.
-VERY inspired by @alister312 fic Vibrato (because I love it a lot), Pip would still indulge in things that he used to that involved sound, whether that be singing or playing music (maybe he's proficient in the violin). His favorite thing though would be pressing his fingers lightly on Damien's neck, right over his vocal cords, when he spoke & watch his lips while doing so. That way he could feel the vibrations of sound rather than hearing it. (He would also do this to Damien's radio while there was a CD playing, or the base or bell of the gramophone with a vinyl in.)
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oxane · 1 year
After my account being terminated without any warning and explanation from Tumblr HQ.
I had already come at peace with over a decade of all that time and energy just vanishing into nothing.
So this account being restored is an enormous unexpected bonus!!! So happy to be back with you all.
PS: please shower me with personal messages. I missed you all <3
PS2: you, my followers here, are with 104.336!!! Never forget. We are connected. The cool kids forever.
PS3: I'm doing good! I have been doing a lot of soul searching, and I feel like I'm closer to myself than ever before in my life. :)) Did you check out my all new own radio show already? It's called the infinite fragmented soundwaves of oXane (of course ;)
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Kaiju Week in Review (October 23-29, 2022)
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Marvel published Ultraman: The Mystery of Ultraseven #3 (of 5) on Wednesday. Kaiju-Ultra combat dominates this one, with Hayata and Ultraman debating how to handle the out-of-control Ultraseven as well. I've fallen off with a lot of Ultra Series stuff, including the post-Z shows (hence Decker's absence from these reviews), but this reimagining of the classics continues to impress. Watch for the Pestar cameo!
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Rumble has finally come to Blu-ray and DVD in the U.S. Made for theaters (the first trailer played before Sonic the Hedgehog) but banished to Paramount+ last December, this kaiju wrestling comedy went completely overlooked by genre fans. Maybe now it'll get its due. I quite enjoyed it—as a sports movie, it's pure formula, but as a monster movie it's something new. And yes, the wrestling organization has the same name as the old fanfic series on Godzilla Tower. I actually bought the artbook as prep for a podcast episode I recorded last year that never aired, so expect more posts on this one soon.
By the way, this is actually last week's news—I just didn't know about it until I found the DVD on a cart of new materials at my library.
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Godzilla vs. Kong won the Saturn Award for Best Film Visual Effects, beating out a crowded field thanks to an almost two-year eligibility period. This is familiar territory for both monsters: Godzilla (1998) and King Kong (2005) were among the previous victors. Deserved over Top Gun: Maverick? Probably not, but I dunno why Maverick was one of the nominees to begin with. It was also nominated for Best Science Fiction Film, losing to Nope.
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Varan won a remarkably intensive Godzilla Store poll earlier this year to become the next Movie Monster Series figure (Super Mechagodzilla placed second again after losing to Gorosaurus last year), and said figure has finally been revealed. It'll go on sale November 3. Other Godzilla Store-exclusive vinyls can be ordered through Buyee, so I expect this one will be too.
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The upcoming CG short Godzilla vs. Gigan Rex is also getting MMS figures. No details yet that I could find, but since the film premieres November 3rd, I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped that day too.
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Godzilla Battle Line is teasing Evangelion Unit 01 as the next new Battle Piece, a rare EvaGoji collaboration that won't require traveling to or importing from Japan to experience. That would cover three of the four films in the Shin series... can a giant Kamen Rider be far behind?
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Godzilla's 68th birthday is next Thursday, and since reporting on all the U.S. tie-in screenings after the fact won't do anyone any good, I'm going to list them all now:
Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla - Limited release nationwide through Fathom Events; check if it's playing near you here
Godzilla (1954) - Alamo Drafthouse locations; will use Toho's 4K restoration
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974) - Roxy Cinema in NYC; 35mm print
Godzilla (1954); Rodan; Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster; The War of the Gargantuas - hosted by John Carpenter on various digital channels from November 3 to 6
Licensing International also has a list of all the non-film collaborations planned for that day. Nothing jumps out, to be honest, but I figured I'd include it.
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But if you're like me and already have commitments that evening, why not check out @spacehunter-m's reconstruction of the 1956 German theatrical version of Godzilla instead? It premiered in West Germany just a few months after Godzilla, King of the Monsters! opened in the States, but it's actually based on the Japanese cut (just 13 minutes shorter). English subtitles are included.
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backbeaten · 1 year
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(  BENJAMIN WADSWORTH  |  CIS-MAN  |  HE/HIM  |  TWENTY-TWO  )  — — —  it's  just  been  another  long  week  in  boring  -  ass  hawkins.  isn't  that  right,  GARETH EMERSON  ?  shit,  i  guess  they  can't  hear  me  over  LOVE BITES  by  JUDAS PRIEST  playing  through  the  headphones  of  their  walkman.  it  looks  like  they're  gonna  be  late  for  WORK  at  RADIO SHACK.  did  you  know  GRIZZ  has  been  in  hawkins  for  SEVENTEEN YEARS  ?  yeah,  their  family  and  friends  describe  them  as  CREATIVE,  but  i've  seen  them  be  SELF-DESTRUCTIVE  too  !  i  would  also  say  they  remind  me  of  neon gas station lights on wet asphalt, liquorice rolling papers, skinned knees, sweat running into your eyes during a drum solo, leaning tight into corners astride a motorbike, briefly defying gravity.  but  is  that  weird  ?  i  guess  nothing's  too  weird  for  this  little  town,  huh  ?  — — — 
name : gareth jason emerson
nicknames : grizz, gar, gar-bear, grizzly-adams
age : twenty-two
pronouns : he/him
sexuality : bisexual
birthday : august 30th
birthplace : hawkins, indiana
family : jolene emerson (mother), graham emerson (father), whitney emerson (y. sister), archie emerson † (y. brother)
tattoos & piercings : septum and tongue pierced though mostly hides these unless he’s partying in indianapolis or chicago or with the freaks. inner bicep piece of a black dragon curled around a great sword, roman numerals of archie & whitney’s birthdays on his left wrist, a tiny banana between his pointer finger on the right hand for monkey, his dog. a few ugly stick and pokes and some newer ones that are way less ugly.  
aesthetics : room temperature pizza, spending half your pay check on polaroid film, a wave of good aftershave, headbanging until your neck feels like it’ll snap, letting your little sister paint your nails, engine oil in denim, love bites by judas priest playing faintly from a pair of headphones, dappled sunlight through forest leaves, sweat in your eyes, broken drumsticks, slinging your arm round the neck of your friend who can’t stop laughing, purple red bruises blooming like a valentines bouquet across your ribs, lovingly restoring old vinyl in the garage, the cold brush of a chain dangling from your lover’s neck against your racing pulse, smashing your fist into concrete until the knuckles split, the scent of old paper, cracked spines and well loved books.
never worn a matching pair of socks in his life, gareth liked garage sale paperbacks, pizza rolls and not much else. back in the day, the first five or six years of gareth’s miserable existence, the family had had a nice ranch style place by the woods but then his dad lost his job and they lost the house. from then on the family were usually too on top of one another, grizz always seeming to end up underfoot.
rock and roll’s the devil’s work, obviously. has soundproofed part of their small basement to practice drumming without getting yelled at.
[family death cw] though he never talks about it at all any more, about twelve years ago grizz’s five year old little brother drowned in lake tippecanoe when his dad briefly took his eyes off them. this kind of tore the family up. his mom left when grizz was fourteen, leaving a wad of cash in an envelope in his dresser and asking him to promise to be a ‘good boy’ until she came back. still waiting.
got a job the second he could during high school and has stayed employed ever since, though bounced around a fair bit.
[child abuse cw] his dad rarely goes a couple weeks without spiralling into a rage and physically attacking grizz which has been the same since his sophomore year, he’s just about to try and move out and find his own place after saving for a few years out of high school but he doesn’t want to leave his sixteen year old sister in the house.
used to be on the track team, a very fast runner.
held average grades at the start of high school, got some special attention from his english teacher who believed sincerely that he could do better if he just focused. managed to do pretty well by graduation but lost confidence in himself and his ability to adapt to living anywhere but hawkins because of his inability to pick a college. feels kind of cursed and stuck in roane county.
corroded coffin is his outlet, along with the ice hockey league he sometimes plays in a town over. has a notebook full of polaroids, quotes or lyric ideas scrawled on diner napkins, drive-in theatre tickets, the stamp from clubs in indianapolis and anything else you can think of, that is usually stuffed in the small of his back.
wears a lot of flannel and his extremely battered leather jacket basically every day of the year.
spends tooooons of time carefully painting the miniatures with tiny brushes for eddie’s d&d campaigns. usually plays a monk or a druid.
has a dog that is a mongrel of too many breeds to count named monkey, he has a neckerchief.
drums on every surface. all. the. time.
built a tree house and dugout in the middle of the forest for his friends from fifth to eighth grade, grizz’s dad is a carpenter by trade so he knows his way around.
makes a meaannnnn mac & cheese, is pretty much always down to clown.
pretty handy at fixing most types of motorbike, has been the only person to touch his own bike for about three years.
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imreadydollparts · 2 years
Speaking of conditioners, I don’t think I’ve made a post with the conditioners I have used all in one place and how they fared.
I do my best to keep my tools and things both inexpensive and easy to get a hold of. This is both because I personally burn through quite a lot of these materials and also so any recommendations I made to other people curious about getting into hair restoration or only needing to fix one or two ponies won’t find it prohibitively priced to give it a try.
Generally I will seek out products available at stores like Walmart or Dollar Tree.
I also try to stick to things that are generally safe for people to come into prolonged contact with. I like to keep things play safe though personally I like to use scented products. Sometimes ponies are musty.
One thing I have found is that the worse it is for natural hair, the better it tends to be for synthetics.
(I screengrabbed most of these pics off Amazon)
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Suave Essentials Shine Conditioner works well enough, is inexpensive, and easy to get. There are a few different scents available. Though this conditioner can’t bring vintage doll and pony hair back to a like-new feel, it does notably improve dry, crispy, stiff hair which is the goal.
Not amazing, but adequate 👍.
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I’ve only used VO5 Moisture Milks on two ponies so far and can already say that it is not nearly as effective at re-moisturizing nylon fiber as the Suave. It does make some small improvement to the texture and flexibility so is better than nothing, but not my pick. I haven’t tried it on my hair, yet.
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Mane ‘n Tail does nothing for synthetics. When applied it feels like it’s magically fixing the texture but once you rinse it you’ll see it was just sitting on the surface. It doesn’t even leave a coating. My S.O.’s hair likes it, though.
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At one point I’d received a full-size sample pair of some new-at-the-time Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner and it destroyed my hair so badly that I ended up having to cut it off after attempting some heavy hair masks to recover it which was distressing as I keep my hair rather long.
I can’t remember the exact product it was other than it was yellow and focused on shine.
The conditioner was hell on my hair, but fantastic for dolls and ponies. Suave Essentials was a downgrade when I finally ran out of the Herbal Essences.
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THIS stuff is exceedingly good at smoothing and re-moisturizing synthetic hair BUT you can’t just go buy it. It only comes in Garnier hair bleaching kits (I don’t know if it’s included in the dying kits), and I only happened to try it because I had bought a clearance bleaching kit to try out a small amount of 40Vol as a vinyl destainer before committing to buying a big bottle of it.
I save this after color mask for ponies/dolls in dire condition.
Some non-conditioner things I have tried on the worst of the worst dry synthetic hair that wasn’t reacting to conditioner are:
Regular old petroleum jelly.
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To use this I rubbed the TINIEST touch of petroleum jelly into my palms, and gently applied the thinnest layer possible to the hair of a styling head (so a tiny-tiny touch of jelly for a LOT of hair) followed by flat ironing. It is not ideal because it’s easy to get too much and then you have to strip it off again, but it did help where other products had failed.
Pure, food-grade mineral oil, which can sometimes be more difficult to get a hold of.
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I’d bought this to condition my dried out wooden spoons and the like.
Application is about the same. A little oil in my palms and a light touch applying it followed by heat. Same chance of getting too much, also, making both petroleum jelly and pure mineral oil more difficult to use than hair conditioner. It did improve the texture of synthetic hair.
Baby oil is scented mineral oil so you could use that if you want, but I have always hated the way specific baby products smell (baby oil and baby powder) so I won’t even touch baby oil if I can avoid it.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Robert Helpmann and Moira Shearer in The Red Shoes (Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, 1948) Cast: Anton Walbrook, Moira Shearer, Marius Goring, Robert Helpmann, Léonide Massine, Ludmilla Tchérina, Esmond Knight, Albert Bassermann, Austin Trevor, Irene Browne. Screenplay: Emeric Pressburger, Keith Winter, Michael Powell, based on a story by Hans Christian Andersen. Cinematography: Jack Cardiff. Production design: Hein Heckroth. Film editing: Reginald Mills. Music: Brian Easdale. Costume design: Hein Heckroth. In its digital restoration, The Red Shoes almost certainly looks better than it ever did even in the most optimal theatrical showing, its colors brighter and sharper, its darks deeper and more detailed. But is that necessarily a good thing? I'm not like one of those audiophiles who insist that old vinyl LPs sound better than CDs or any digital audio process -- I like being able to hear things without surface pops and skips. But I do think that in the case of a film like The Red Shoes, where suspension of disbelief is essential, something has been lost. The great red snood of Moira Shearer's hair is revealed to be a thing of individual strands that might have benefited from a quick brushing before her closeups. The special-effects moments, like Vicky's (Shearer) leap into the red shoes or Boleslawsky's (Robert Helpmann) transformation into the newspaper man, are more glaringly just rudimentary jump cuts. There's a loss of glamour and magic that hasn't been compensated for, even though we can now see Jack Cardiff's photography of Hein Heckroth's designs with greater clarity. I will also admit that I have never been in the front ranks of the fans of The Red Shoes. While I admire the storytelling ability of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, I have to question the moral of the story, which seems to be that a woman can't have both a great career and a successful private life, or in a larger sense, that art is impossible without a loss of self. Granted, the story comes from the realm of fairytale, which is never without an element of cruelty, but is Vicky's suicide a necessary follow-through, or just a submission on the part of the screenwriters to the demands of some kind of closure, given that they've never made the character more than a stereotype: the woman torn between the demands of two men? Ravishing to the eye, The Red Shoes doesn't satisfy the mind or the heart.
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resonanthead · 1 year
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| | ➻ ( rudy pankow, twenty-two, he/him ) did you hear all the drama from rick’s party ? yeah apparently ( gareth emerson ) was there. i think someone said they work at ( sam goody ) and their favourite song is ( love bites - judas priest ) and that they tend to be ( creative, impulsive ) but also seemed quite ( self-destructive, facetious ). everyone says they remind them of ( liquorice rolling papers, split lips, drum solos and yard sale paperbacks stuffed in your back pocket ) …. i guess i could see that too. | |
name : gareth jason emerson
nicknames : grizz, gar, gar-bear, grizzly-adams
age : twenty-two
pronouns : he/him
sexuality : bisexual
birthday : august 30th
birthplace : hawkins, indiana
family : jolene emerson (mother), graham emerson (father), whitney emerson (y. sister), archie emerson † (y. brother)
tattoos & piercings : septum and tongue pierced though mostly hides these unless he’s partying in indianapolis or chicago or with the freaks. inner bicep piece of a black dragon curled around a great sword, roman numerals of archie & whitney’s birthdays on his left wrist, a tiny banana between his pointer finger on the right hand for monkey, his dog. a few ugly stick and pokes and some newer ones that are way less ugly.  
aesthetics : room temperature pizza, spending half your pay check on polaroid film, a wave of good aftershave, headbanging until your neck feels like it’ll snap, letting your little sister paint your nails, engine oil in denim, love bites by judas priest playing faintly from a pair of headphones, dappled sunlight through forest leaves, sweat in your eyes, broken drumsticks, slinging your arm round the neck of your friend who can’t stop laughing, purple red bruises blooming like a valentines bouquet across your ribs, lovingly restoring old vinyl in the garage, the cold brush of a chain dangling from your lover’s neck against your racing pulse, smashing your fist into concrete until the knuckles split, the scent of old paper, cracked spines and well loved books.
never worn a matching pair of socks in his life, gareth liked garage sale paperbacks, pizza rolls and not much else. back in the day, the first five or six years of gareth’s miserable existence, the family had had a nice ranch style place by the woods but then his dad lost his job and they lost the house. from then on the family were usually too on top of one another, grizz always seeming to end up underfoot.
rock and roll’s the devil’s work, obviously. has soundproofed part of their small basement to practice drumming without getting yelled at.
[family death cw] though he never talks about it at all any more, about twelve years ago grizz’s five year old little brother drowned in lake tippecanoe when his dad briefly took his eyes off them. this kind of tore the family up. his mom left when grizz was fourteen, leaving a wad of cash in an envelope in his dresser and asking him to promise to be a ‘good boy’ until she came back. still waiting.
got a job the second he could during high school and has stayed employed ever since, though bounced around a fair bit.
[child abuse cw] his dad rarely goes a couple weeks without spiralling into a rage and physically attacking grizz which has been the same since his sophomore year, he’s just about to try and move out and find his own place after saving for a few years out of high school but he doesn’t want to leave his sixteen year old sister in the house.
used to be on the track team, a very fast runner.
held average grades at the start of high school, got some special attention from his english teacher who believed sincerely that he could do better if he just focused. managed to do pretty well by graduation but lost confidence in himself and his ability to adapt to living anywhere but hawkins because of his inability to pick a college. feels kind of cursed and stuck in roane county.
corroded coffin is his outlet, along with the ice hockey league he sometimes plays in a town over. has a notebook full of polaroids, quotes or lyric ideas scrawled on diner napkins, drive-in theatre tickets, the stamp from clubs in indianapolis and anything else you can think of, that is usually stuffed in the small of his back.
wears a lot of flannel and his extremely battered leather jacket basically every day of the year.
spends tooooons of time carefully painting the miniatures with tiny brushes for eddie’s d&d campaigns. usually plays a monk or a druid.
has a dog that is a mongrel of too many breeds to count named monkey, he has a neckerchief.
drums on every surface. all. the. time.
built a tree house and dugout in the middle of the forest for his friends from fifth to eighth grade, grizz’s dad is a carpenter by trade so he knows his way around.
makes a meaannnnn mac & cheese, is pretty much always down to clown.
pretty handy at fixing most types of motorbike, has been the only person to touch his own bike for about three years.
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alderaanianmoon · 1 year
Wellness things I've been loving recently that everyone should know about:
coconut milk smoothies - a handful of frozen strawberries, frozen mango, spinach, a bit of stevia, vanilla extract, matcha, ginger, a cup or so of coconut milk and you will have the most energizing and day-brightening breakfast <3
cycle eating!! so important you will feel so healthy and well and there are plenty of good recipes out there for you to try! https://www.theglowingfridge.com/happyhormonefoods/ look through this page for inspiration + education if you're interested in cycle syncing your meals <33
vocabulary dot com is a truly fun and easy way to expand your vocabulary! you can join competitions and learn the vocab from your current reads, such a helpful site if you want to expand and refine your vocabulary! https://www.vocabulary.com/learner/
This Wegmans grain-free granola is the best snack, so full of healthy fats and plenty sweet while being healthy at the same time.
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5. make mini menus for your day! with all the meals and snacks and drinks you would like to have and make. meal planning helps to be intentional about what you are eating and ensure you'll have a balanced and healthy day.
6. drink water!! water is so so important, you will feel better almost instantly when you are properly hydrated. if you struggle with motivation to drink water, try infused waters, cucumber mint, or lemon-lime, carry a water bottle with you at all times, and drink throughout the day.
7. have a bedtime routine!! stay away from screens at night, if you want to listen to music try vinyls or a cd player. the blue light will affect your sleep and it's too easy to get carried away and stay up later than intended.
8. listening to classical music in the shower and turning hygiene into a self-care ritual is so healing and restorative. you can also diffuse calming essential oils while you do your hair and skincare. make your routines into gentle ways to care for your body, mind, and soul.
9. observe yourself for a few days and take notice of the ways in which you give and receive love. practice cultivating a spirit of giving and allow yourself to receive love as well. brainstorm small acts of kindness which you can perform for your family and friends that are in line with how you love naturally.
10. keep a journal, it can be an old legal pad, a composition notebook, a hardcover journal, whatever works best for you, and write in it consistently. search for daily prompt lists and form a connection with your inner self and heart. it will not only help you to process the things you have going on around you, but how you are feeling internally as a result. try to refrain from emotionless accounts of the day, it's not a what i got done, or what happened, its a how i feel and what i'm thinking.
Have a lovely day !! I'd love to hear if you try to put any of these into practice. <3
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erigold13261 · 1 year
📢Psychonauts NSR AU, Chapter 12: VS. Ford📢
After heading back to the sewers, Milla and Sasha remembered the enemies they have faced.
DJ Cold Comet Crispin, the egotistical DJ.
Raz, the digital idol.
Lili, the piano prodigy.
1010, the super hot robots.
Lucky, the artistic diva.
LARS, the rad dad of rap.
All of them were defeated… except one.
“You’ve both made it so far! I knew it from the start. I’m proud of what you’ve done. Bunk Bed Junction has the power to return the rights of Vinyl City’s artists to them!” Gristol spoke.
“Right! Just a bit more to go!” Milla responded.
“Only one more to go, in fact. The last pillar of NSR. Ford.” Gristol explained. He turned on a screen revealing Ford, who wore a dark green suit.
“Easy-peasy, he doesn’t even play music!” Milla responded.
“That does seem to be the general impression, but he does, in his own way.” Gristol explained.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Milla asked.
“You’ll find out when you face him head on.” Gristol hinted. “Anyways, on to business. Ford may seem unbeatable at first glance, but I happen to know his greatest weakness: his past. If you come across fragments of his memories, I would suggest using them against him. That’s the only way you can beat him.” Gristol explained.
“Use his own past against him?” Milla asked.
“Of course! You’ll do well. It comes down to this, fellas. Beat Ford, and victory is ours.” Gristol explained.
“Got it.” Milla responded, she turned to the poster of Septentrion. “This is it, Vision Quest. Thought you should know that we are close to bringing down NSR. I wish you were here with us now. I wish you could see that… some of us still care about your legacy. Will bring back Rock for you.” She said to the poster.
“I’ll be heading out first. See you guys at the NSR Tower.” Gristol spoke.
“Got it.” Milla spoke.
The three headed out, preparing to face Ford.
When the two rockers arrived inside the NSR Tower’s elevator. They heard Ford’s voice.
“People of Vinyl City. This is Ford. You all have been brainwashed by these so-called music revolutionists. All they have done is promote uncertainty among us, which has resulted in huge congestions in the junctions of progress. In other words, they have left us with nothing but chaos. And with chaos comes destruction. Look around you. See all the districts these rockers have invaded. And now, they are using you to start an uprising at NSR Tower in order to pressure me to step down. But I will not do so. Because despite the darkness that has enveloped this city, I still see hope. A hope for us to return to greatness. I believe that deep down, this is what we all want for our city. Thus, I stand before you to ask for one final request. You still have the power to rectify this anarchy. Reinstate the NSR artists and bring back true democracy. In the meantime, for the good of this city, I will hold my ground. And I urge you to trust in my judgement. Together, we will restore… ORDER. Order leads to progress in Vinyl City. That is all, have a pleasant evening.” It spoke.
When the elevator stopped moving, they slowly entered Ford’s office and saw Ford. Not looking at them.
“I can’t believe someone like you two were able to beat my artists.” Ford spoke.
“It’s over, Ford! Step down from the throne!” Milla spoke.
“Never. The way you kids influenced the votes was deplorable.” Ford responded.
“I don’t give a piece of crap about what you think!” Milla replied.
“You have set a bad precedence for how the politics in this city will function from here on out. Through chaos.” Ford spoke.
“So? And what’s so bad about that?” Milla asked.
“Short-sighted as usual, I see. Because of you, any future opposing parties can just start a riot if things don’t go their way. How are we to build a progressive city if it’s in constant disorder?” Ford explained.
“You started it! You abandoned us rockers from performing!” Milla responded.
“I only restricted rock after you misbehaved at the audition. The fault is on you.” Ford replied.
“That's… that’s not fair!” Milla replied.
“You tricked the people into voting for you by instigating their hatred towards us. Tell me if that’s fair.” Ford spoke.
“They voted for us because your energy output is crappy! The people have had it with the blackouts!” Milla explain.
“There you go again. So zealous about being able to supply more energy than us. Where in the world did you get that notion? From your rear end?” Ford sked.
“Hey! We’ve beaten your artists! Surely that means something!” Milla responded.
“It means you have no clue how this city works. You didn’t compete with my artists on a level playing field. You merely set up a circus act by hijacking their concerts. It swayed public opinion alright, but it was all flash! In truth your ‘music revolution’ agenda is nothing more than an act of impulse! Tell me, how do you intend to run the city if you win? What about the hundreds of NSR employees who will be thrown out of work? Hav you considered the inevitable insurgence from the people who still genuinely love EDM? Can you really run the city under those circumstances?” Ford asked.
“Well I’m sure we’ll figure something out after—”
“Forget it! This is going nowhere! I’m just gonna finish you off right now!” Ford interrupted. Milla was prepared but also unprepared. The battle was on.
“I brought order and progress to this city. I had each district vote for their own Charter.”
Milla attacked a glowing thing that circled around the floor. In order to grab the attention of Ford.
“You have no chance against me. For I have time on my side!” Ford spoke as he summoned a clock hand as a sword.
“There will be no democracy if NSR only favors EDM!” Milla argued.
“It’s the people who favor EDM, until you ruined everything!” Ford argued back.
“If chaos is what is needed to get things done here, so be it!” Milla responded.
“You fail to see how much this city has improved since NSR took over!” Ford replied as he summons flames.
Milla and Sasha dodge the fires that Ford summons from his clock hand that he uses. As well as dodging Ford’s slashes when he teleports. Then, he summons purple flames, to which Milla parried, causing a key to form and Ford to be frozen.
“That’s the key! Let’s give him a taste of her own medicine!” Sasha spoke.
“Got it!” Milla responded as she launches the key straight a Ford.
Ford winces in pain, causing the murals in his office to break.
“What? No!” Ford spoke as he saw the murals break.
“With the rapid expansion of the city. Comes higher demand for energy. NSR has gathered the best EDM artists in the world. The city is oh so bright now.”
Suddenly, the golden and shiny thing that rotated around the floor. Milla and Sasha attacked it. Which attracted the attention of Ford. Who summoned another clock hand as another sword.
“It’s been years and we still have blackouts!” Milla argued.
“Because people like you distract us from fixing it!” Ford responded.
“Rock can solve it! Even if there are distractions!” Milla argued back.
“Never! Rock no longer belongs in any ambitious work!” Ford responded as he summoned flames. To which Milla and Sasha dodged. Then Ford summons purple flames to which Sasha parried. Causing a key to form.
“The key’s good to go! Let’s show him!” Sasha responded as Milla launches the key.
“No! You… arggh!” Ford screams as a stage formed. “I… I don’t believe this!” Ford spoke.
“My NSR artists are the best of the best. Their music is in a league of their own. We have amassed countless adoring fans over the years. There are no better candidates to perform to the Grand Qwasa.”
Milla and Sasha attack the glowy thing again. Which angered Ford, as he changed into a magma-like green version of himself.
“No! No!” Ford shouted. “You hijacking their concerts was a cowardly act!” Ford spoke.
“If they’re so great, then why did we defeat them so easily, huh?!” Milla responded.
“How dare you show disrespect towars NSR’s elites!” Ford argued back.
“I show respect to talent, something which none of you guys have!” Milla responded. As she dodged Ford’s attacks with his clock hand swords and flames. Which summons a key.
“We got them all! You’re going down, Ford!” Milla shouted as she launched the key.
“No!” Ford screams as the stage shows… a poster for Septentrion?
“Rock is no longer relevant! Septentrion once commanded this city with their music. But we beat them with EDM. So, shut the hell up and let this city prosper!”
Milla saw the golden shiny thing out of reach, and all what she and Sasha could do is dodge Ford’s attacks.
“Enough!” Ford shouted as he lands on the floor. “I’ve had it with you and your trivial choice of music!” He shouted.
“Why do you hate rock so much?!” Milla asked.
“There’s no future in rock! Rock is done! Finished!” Ford shouted.
“The only thing that is finished is you and your empire!” Milla shouted back as she parried the flames of Ford, defeating him.
“There’s only one thing left to do Milla.” Sasha told the guitarist.
“Let’s bring back the glory of rock!” Milla responded. She set her guitar on attack mode, while Zuke prepared his drum sticks.
“SHAKALAKA-BAM!” they shouted. Causing a blue light to attack at the CEO.
As Ford was launched, landing on the golden shiny thing. It sparked.
“Oh no. No! No!” Ford screams as it launched him back to the floor in an explosion.
Milla and Sasha saw what was inside, it was a green guitar… preferably Vision Quest’s guitar.
“It's… it's… it’s Vision Quest’s guitar!” Milla shouted in glee.
“It was in that crown? And it was powering it?” Sasha questioned. Suddenly, Milla felt… suspicons, preferably on why it was here in the crown.
“Wait a minute…” Milla spoke as she turned around to Ford. “WHY IN THE WORLD DO YOU HAVE HIS GUITAR IN HERE? ARE YOU THE REASON WHY VISION QUEST IS GONE?” Milla asked.
“There is no way you are that stupid. Why do you think I have that thing?” Ford asked with annoyance.
“Your his dad?” Milla guessed.
“No.” Ford responded.
“His best friend?” Milla guessed again.
“No.” Ford responded again.
“…his secret gay lover?” Milla guessed the third time.
“Milla he's—”
“I’m Vision Quest you nitwits!” Ford interrupted.
“You're… you’re Vision Quest?!” Milla asked. “Th… this can’t be! You’re joking right?” Milla asked again.
“That doesn’t matter now. What’s important is for the city to—”
“It matters to me!” Milla interrupted. “You’re Vision Quest! THE Vision Quest? How… how did you become THIS?” Milla asked. “It’s because of Septentrion disbanding right?” Milla asked again.
Ford sighed and explained his story. “If there was one thing The Goolings taught me was that a good leadership requires strength! I was too soft back then, always listening to my bandmates, always welcoming their ideas. And what did that amount to? Nothing but utter chaos! Nobody could agree on anything! And that’s the reason why we disbanded. But… that is all behind us. I’ve learned my lesson, and now I lead with ORDER! And look how Vinyl City has flourished under my new rule!” Ford explained.
“You hated rock so much, that you decided to fight back with EDM…” Milla spoke.
“I fought back with what is best for this city.” Ford argued.
“So you’re saying that it’s the 'best’ to have blackouts?! Your crappy EDM is barely keeping this city alive!” Milla argued back. “Just let rock do its thing and—”
“Can you shut up about rock? Aren’t you getting tired of this nonsense of your 'Rock vs EDM’ agenda? Sing a different tune, will ya?!” Ford interrupted. “Rock is dead. Forever was. And it will always be like that!” He argued.
Milla felt so hurt by those words, how could her idol say that?
“Why did you have to change? You were my idol. I worshipped you. I did this revolution… for you!” Milla spoke.
“Ok, three things. One, I didn’t ask for your admiration. Two, take your responsibilities for your actions. And three, never have heroes. Trust me, it’s better to have fewer disappointments.” Ford responded.
“Oh you think you’re so cool with your bullshit of bullet points, huh?” Milla asked. “I’m just… done! I’m done with this! I’ll let the results speak.” She spoke in a huff. “Sasha!”
“On it!” Sasha responded as he checked the results.
“What was your output again? It was forty-seven precent, right? Pretty easy to be that amount.” Milla taunted.
“I’d like to see you try!” Ford responded.
“Oh we’re gonna! And we’ll make you eat your words!” Milla replied back.
“I’ll eat my whole suit if I have to!”
“Fine, you… suit-eating moron!”
“Fine times infinity!”
“Do you even know what you’re saying?” Ford asked.
“Look we had a long day, jeez?!” Milla replied. “Well Sasha?” She asked her partner.
“It's… forty-seven percent… still.” Sasha responded.
“What.” Milla replied.
“Oh BRAVOOW! You sure showed me. Shall I go get the champagne?” Ford responded sarcastically.
“Wh… where did we go wrong?” Milla asked.
“I don’t know… but the numbers don’t lie.” Sasha responded, suddenly the door opened.
“Ha! You did it guys!” A familiar voice spoke. Milla turned around, and saw a familiar face… it was Gristol. “That was smashing! Look at you now! You’re the new king and queen of Vinyl City.” He spoke. “Ford, you’re useless now. Such a nice way to lighten up the dull night.” Gristol smirked.
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islandroofsiding145 · 12 days
Budget-Friendly Skylight Cover Replacement Options for Boston Homeowners
Hey there, Boston homeowners! If you've got skylights in your home, you know what a wonderful feature they can be, bringing in natural light and adding a touch of charm to any room. But over time, those skylight covers can wear out, leaving you with leaks and drafts that can put a strain on your wallet. If you're worried about the cost of replacing those covers, don't fret! There are plenty of budget-friendly options available that can restore your skylights to their former glory without breaking the bank.
First things first, take a good look at your skylight covers. Sometimes, all they need is a little TLC to get them back in shape. Look for cracks, leaks, or signs of wear and tear that you might be able to fix with a quick DIY repair.
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If your skylight frames are still in good condition, consider retrofitting new covers onto them instead of replacing the whole unit. It's a cost-effective option that can save you time and money.
When you're shopping around for new skylight covers, be sure to compare prices from different suppliers and contractors. You might be surprised at how much prices can vary, so it pays to do your homework.
If you're comfortable with tools and DIY projects, you might want to consider installing the new covers yourself. Many manufacturers offer easy-to-follow instructions that make DIY installation a breeze.
When it comes to materials, consider opting for more budget-friendly options like polycarbonate, acrylic, or vinyl covers. They're not as expensive as glass or fiberglass, but they still offer plenty of protection and insulation.
And don't forget about energy efficiency! Investing in energy-efficient skylight covers might cost a bit more upfront, but they can save you money on your energy bills in the long run.
If you're still worried about the upfront cost, don't forget about financing options. Many lenders offer loans specifically for home improvement projects, so you might be able to spread the cost out over time.
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Lastly, be sure to plan for regular maintenance once your new skylight covers are installed. Keeping them clean and checking for signs of damage will help extend their lifespan and prevent costly repairs down the road.
Here at Island Roof & Siding Inc, we know how important it is to get quality work without breaking the bank. Serving Boston with top-notch service, we offer affordable options for skylight cover replacement. Our skilled team is here to help you find the perfect solution for your home. With us, you'll get great value and peace of mind. Reach out today to learn more about what we can do for you!
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homeredevelopment · 1 month
Revitalize Your Windows: A Comprehensive Guide to Replacing Window Sashes
Window sashes are a critical component of any window structure, holding the glass panes securely in place and allowing for smooth operation. These sashes may deteriorate or break over time, resulting in problems like air leakage, inadequate insulation, or trouble opening and shutting the windows. This article delves into the world of replacing window sashes and sash replacement, providing homeowners with essential insights into why, when, and how to undertake this important home improvement task.
Recognizing the Need for Replacing Window Sashes
Identifying the indicators that call for a replacement is the first step in replacing window sashes. Common indicators include decayed or warped wood, cracked or broken glass, and noticeable drafts coming through the window. Additionally, experience excessive condensation between double-glazed panes. It may be a sign that the sealant has failed and the sash needs replacing to restore the window’s energy efficiency.
Benefits of Timely Sash Replacement
Timely sash replacement not only enhances the appearance and functionality of your windows but also improves your home's overall energy efficiency. Significant savings on heating and cooling expenses can result from replacing old sashes, which can aid in sealing off drafts and reducing heat transfer. Also, by enhancing exterior appearance and guaranteeing that the windows function properly, replacing your window sashes can raise the value of your house.
Choosing the Right Materials and Styles for Sash Replacement
Choosing the appropriate materials for sash replacement is essential to guaranteeing its longevity and functionality. Wooden sashes have a timeless beauty and are simple to paint or stain to blend in with the design of your house, but they could need extra care to avoid rust and deterioration. Vinyl sashes provide a durable, low-maintenance alternative, often with good thermal properties. For historic homes, it may be necessary to find custom solutions that preserve architectural integrity while providing modern performance.
Step-by-Step Process of Sash Replacement
Depending on the kind of window and the degree of damage, sash replacement can include a variety of steps. Usually, it entails taking out the old sash, fixing any window frame damage, and installing the new sash along with any required components. To prevent gaps that can allow drafts, it's crucial to make sure the new sash fits precisely. For individuals who lack competence with do-it-yourself tasks, engaging a professional can guarantee accurate and effective completion of the task.
For homeowners hoping to improve their comfort, save energy expenses, and raise the value of their home, replacing window sashes is a wise investment. Whether tackling replacing window sashes as a DIY project or hiring professionals, the benefits are clear. For more information, expert advice, and access to quality sash replacement services, visit Glassesandwindows.com. This website offers resources and guidance to help you successfully manage your window improvement projects, ensuring lasting functionality and aesthetic appeal.
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provinylrepair · 1 month
Fixing Rips and Tears: Your Handy Guide to DIY Vinyl and Leather Repair
Today, we're diving into the exciting world of fixing rips, tears, and other damage to your favorite leather or vinyl furniture. Whether it's your comfy sofa or your stylish armchair, accidents happen, but fear not! With the right tools and a bit of know-how, you can restore your furniture to its former glory in no time.
What's in the Kit?
First things first, let's talk about the star of the show: the DIY Leather & Vinyl Furniture Damage Repair Kit, including a vinyl repair service option. This magical kit contains everything you need to tackle a variety of damage types, from holes and tears to deep cracks and burn marks. Inside, you'll find:
DyeNamic Clean: A powerful cleaner to prep the damaged area for repair.
Leather/Vinyl Dye: Specially formulated dye to recolor and restore the surface.
Leather Conditioning & Protection Cream: Keep your repaired furniture looking its best for years to come.
Leather Deep Filler: Say goodbye to unsightly holes and cracks with this handy filler.
Leather Bond Adhesive: Ensures a strong and durable repair.
Sub Patch: For extra reinforcement on larger tears and holes.
Application Tools: All the brushes and spatulas you need to apply the products like a pro.
Detailed Instructions: Step-by-step guidance to make the repair process a breeze.
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Getting Started
Now that you've got your kit assembled, it's time to get down to business. Here's a simple step-by-step guide to repairing your damaged furniture:
Clean the Area: Use the DyeNamic Clean to thoroughly clean the damaged area and remove any dirt or debris. This will ensure better adhesion for the repair products.
Fill in the Gaps: For holes and deep cracks, apply the Leather Deep Filler using the provided spatula. Smooth it out evenly and let it dry completely.
Patch It Up: If you're dealing with a particularly large tear, place the sub patch behind the damaged area for extra reinforcement.
Color Match: Use the Leather/Vinyl Dye to recolor the repaired area to match the rest of your furniture. Apply multiple coats as needed for a seamless finish.
Seal and Protect: Once the dye has dried, apply a layer of Leather Conditioning & Protection Cream to keep your repair looking fresh and prevent future damage.
The Final Touches
And there you have it! With just a few simple steps, you've successfully repaired your damaged leather or vinyl furniture. Sit back, relax, and admire your handiwork – you've earned it!
Repairing rips, tears, and other damage to your leather or vinyl furniture doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right tools and a little bit of patience, you can make your furniture look as good as new in no time. So why wait? Grab your DIY repair kit today and get ready to tackle those household mishaps like a pro!
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khaysservice · 3 months
Discover the Brilliance of Concrete Polishing Near You
In the realm of interior design and architecture, concrete has emerged as a versatile and stylish material. Long relegated to the realm of industrial applications, concrete has now found its way into modern homes, offices, retail spaces, and more. However, achieving the perfect finish for concrete surfaces requires expertise and precision. This is where concrete polishing comes into play, offering a transformative solution that enhances both the aesthetics and functionality of concrete surfaces.
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Concrete polishing is a process that involves grinding concrete surfaces with progressively finer grits of diamond-embedded abrasives until the desired level of smoothness and shine is achieved. It not only enhances the appearance of concrete but also improves its durability and resistance to stains, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications.
One of the key advantages of concrete polishing is its versatility. Whether you have a residential basement floor, a commercial showroom, or an industrial warehouse, concrete polishing can be tailored to suit your specific needs and preferences. From a glossy mirror-like finish to a more subtle matte sheen, the possibilities are endless.
Moreover, concrete polishing offers environmental benefits as well. Unlike traditional flooring materials such as carpet or vinyl, which require regular replacement and maintenance, polished concrete is extremely durable and long-lasting. It also helps to improve indoor air quality by reducing the accumulation of dust, allergens, and other pollutants.
If you're searching for "concrete polishing near me," you're likely looking for a reliable and experienced contractor who can deliver exceptional results. Fortunately, finding a reputable concrete polishing service is easier than ever, thanks to the internet and online directories. By conducting a quick search, you can locate several companies in your area that specialize in concrete polishing and restoration.
When selecting a concrete polishing contractor, it's essential to consider factors such as experience, expertise, and reputation. Look for a company that has a proven track record of delivering high-quality results and has positive reviews from satisfied customers. Additionally, inquire about the techniques and equipment they use, as well as their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.
Once you've found a few potential candidates, it's a good idea to request quotes and schedule consultations. During the consultation, the contractor will assess your concrete surfaces, discuss your goals and preferences, and provide recommendations based on their expertise. This is also an excellent opportunity to ask any questions you may have and address any concerns.
When it comes to pricing, the cost of concrete polishing can vary depending on factors such as the size of the area, the condition of the concrete, and the desired level of finish. However, investing in concrete polishing is often more cost-effective in the long run compared to other flooring options, thanks to its durability and low maintenance requirements.
concrete polishing is a transformative solution that can enhance the beauty, durability, and functionality of concrete surfaces. Whether you're renovating your home, upgrading your commercial space, or revitalizing an industrial facility, concrete polishing offers numerous benefits. By partnering with a reputable contractor who specializes in concrete polishing near you, you can unlock the full potential of your concrete surfaces and create a stunning environment that stands the test of time.
For more info:-
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