#anyhow i am So Excited but i need to think a lot and pray!!
thebirdandhersong · 1 year
My ideal plan after graduation, if I had no limits or setbacks on the financial stuff, and if I were guaranteed a spot in every university I applied to:
2024: working year. to save up for a master's, to get some experience, and to recover from my BA lol
2025: master's number 1 (concentration undecided but location most likely in the UK)
2026: rest and recover... possibly work in Canada, take a course or two at the theological college I live close to right now, spend time with family, write fiction, do some research
2027: start ph D (location unknown)
sometime in the future: a second master's in a different area of literature or in classics :)))
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thinkfeelwrite · 1 year
FEEDBACK (was the original title for a writing course I once did. Am reposting because I need to start somewhere but Im cringing but would also sort of appreciate feedback)
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Feedback is judgement. Feedback is fear. Feedback is Failure. Feedback is shame. Feedback is the paralysis of all hope. It is the execution of excitement about my stupid doomed dreams. Feedback is the death of me.
Examples of excruciating feedback experiences and endurances that prove my point
Having to do a personality assessment test whilst at college. Answered it honestly, although I had no idea who I was back then…so did I really answer it honestly?. The feedback said that I was either a psychopath or a genius. 
Remembering all the OCD type actions I had to do before lesson observations by senior members of staff whilst I was a teacher. Praying the same prayer over and over in the car until I got to the school. “Please don’t make me fail, please don’t make me fail, please don’t make me fail. Amen’ The exhausting and tortuous repetition of actions that if not done would completely mean crushingly negative feedback. No wonder I was so exhausted post assessment as the adrenalin wore off. 
Feedback from the kids I taught. Their feedback can be the worst. You’re not really a proper person to them if they don’t like you, which in their minds translates to ‘I can destroy you with my actions and my words’.  I don’t hold any ill feeling towards those that did destroy me though. It was all my fault. I can still envisage my voice dissipating into the air as I tried to teach some of them. Like making the motion of speech but with no sound. It was when I realised I was becoming partly invisible
Ofsted inspections for someone like me with serious confidence issues. Utterly terrifying
Deciding to leave teaching ten years ago and witnessing the changing feedback from people as the years have worn on. Initial understanding and sympathy breaking down into seeing you as a life loser as you struggle to find something else to do.
Presentations. Having to do a presentation after ‘Brain Boy’ had done his. Brain boy was the cleverest person on my university course.I wonder what he is doing now? Anyhow he did this amazing, astute, confident presentation… and then it was my turn. Even my best friend who was sat next to me said it was actually painful to endure. I was so shy and nervy, I couldn’t breathe and so couldn’t talk. Looking back I can see that I had a sort of panic attack. Someone should have taken me aside. The feedback was…
A few years later I had to do another presentation. God help me I filled my water bottle with gin and drank it whilst waiting to do my presentation. I honestly can’t say how it went. There was a lot of laughter, that’s all I remember but I also recollect that  the tutor was called out just as I started mine. That had to be divine intervention. Im not sure if anyone could see that I was drinking. How drunk was I? This was probably my worst experience. You’ll never meet me so i can tell you about it. Not many people know about it. I’m too ashamed. Someone should have taken me aside
Being told by your successful Asian father that you are a disappointment as you didn’t become a doctor like him but also being told its ok because you have children and they’re a lot of work.
Trying to become an artist and doing quite well and loving it, although NOT making any money. Feedback from Father: Being asked by your father if you are making any money from doing your art. Giving up on the art.
Trying to learn about Ayurveda at a high level, thinking about practising it. Bemusement from father at ‘you and your ayurveda’. Can feel myself withdrawing from my interest in ayurveda.
My own running commentary feedback on my life. My daily feedback: Middle aged. Getting older. Weak minded. Confused. Really confused. Lost opportunities. Missed opportunities. Unable to focus. Unable to work out what i want to do. Not being able to do what I want to do. Heavy thoughts weighing down my whole body like an anchor at the bottom of the ocean. Full of regrets. Living a fantasy life. Escaping to my fantasy life. Stereotypical middle aged person who will soon be old and covered in dust in the corner of the room and in the corner of people lives. Crying. Staring. Loser. Bored with my own negativity. Wondering if my negativity is a safety blanket keeping me still, unheard, unseen. Wearing more makeup to cover up Wondering if there is a magical solution to life misery
I need a cup of tea now. This is awful. I hope you don’t feel awful. Bet you want to walk away and make tea too now. Sorry
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
hihihi!! am here for the questions!!!!!!!!!! 4, 11, 13, and 20! (i am literally so excited about this)
Andiiiii I'm so excited to answer these you have no idea
4. Who is your least favorite ancient poet/philosopher/old guy who said “smart” things?
Herodotus. I had to read Histories for a college class and I wanted to rip my eyelids off. There's nothing WRONG with it it's just so fucking boring. The translation I read, anyhow. Maybe there's one out there that rules. Who knows. The professor I had was my saving grace cause he made learning Histories fun.
I also am not the biggest fan of Ovid if only because he made my understanding of Mythology very twisted for a while lol
11. What deity do you think your taste in music best represents, regardless of who you worship?
It's a tie between Dionysus and Persephone. I actually have playlists for both.
Dionysus's is a mix of party music and depression anthems. Persephone has a lot of angry women singers.
Otherwise... hmm...I like a lot of rock, so perhaps Ares?
13. What is your favorite devotional act?
Listening to music. It's something I can consistently do. More specifically, I love taking edibles, throwing on Dionysus's playlist, and playing video games. Breath of the Wild or Pokemon or like. Something pretty to look at, mostly.
By far my favorite one-off thing I ever did is I bought a devotional anthology devoted to Dionysus (though it included contributions by Sannion. Ick.) And I spent the day reading it and to date that is the most special moment I've ever had worshipping the Theoi.
20. What’s something new you want to try in your worship?
Being more consistent lmao. I also need to spite my landlord and light more candles. Properly introduce the Theoi to my home that I've been at for 5 months lmao especially since before I moved I had dedicated Hestia candles that I lit first and would use it to light the rest of the candles I was using that day.
Another thing I want to do is recognize ALL the Theoi. I came into Hellenic Polytheism worshipping specifically a couple of deities (take a wild guess) and have had a somewhat-recent revelation that ALL the Theoi have their place in life. I lean harder on Dionysus and Psyche and Persephone still, but as mentioned I honor Hestia first when lighting candles, or when doing household tasks. I will pray to Hermes sometimes before writing. They all have Their domains for a reason and it was silly of me to neglect Them. I try to reach out to all of Them more nowadays and want to continue doing so.
Thanks so much for the ask!!
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bbael · 25 days
hiii 🖤 i missed u,,, I’ve wanted pop by and say hello for so long now and always think of you <3 but i have been generally dead to the world for a little while now sdjsdjsdj im fine tho !! but life has just been beating my ass fr these last couple months 💀
anywho !! here i am using my last ounce of energy to lovingly scribe you a message, written in my own fair blood of course, on an ancient parchment,,, but the little bat i paid (in beetles) to deliver you my letter got lost; so im forced to type my message to u here instead, which will have to do 🙄 (sillyness)
but how have u been dearie!! i myself have not been up to much during my expiring, but the sun has started to come out again, and the bluebells where i live have started to bloom, and my pet doggy is loving to sunbathe, so those things are good. i saw a concert too the other month and have another booked for next year ! and am contemplating booking einstürzende neubaten for later this year, but i genuinely have nobody to go with that could stand it 😭
as always and forever, love u lots, and hope you have been well,, i feel so bad for not messaging for so long now, but please know i have thought of you every day 🖤 sending many of hugs, & till later my dear !! 🖤
Hiii oh my god, getting this ask a couple weeks(?) ago was such a relief hon because I was starting to think you were actually dead, like not even kidding I was concerned 😭 so good to hear that at the very least u lived and are well enough to make it to here my humble ask box.....
Literally praying for the bat bc girl is he okay :((
But I'm glad over your side of the world things are getting warmer, I yearn for the sun as much as your doggy might tbh :(. (Puppy sunbathing is such a wonderful visual too omg...)
Hope you're spending lots of time outside and making the most of it! Here's cooling down pretty fast and I'm shivering 24/7, I hate it and hate being bundled up in 500 layers >_<.
I can't believe you have the chance to see EN this year omg... I would so go with you 🥹🖤 ur hanging out with the wrong ppl hon..... I hope u can still go though, live my dream please~
& how are you now?? You still half-dead and busy or already doing better? 🥺 I need more updates, felt like forever truly..
My life has not been super exciting either....
Idk if i got to tell you about my latest development which was that a while ago I started working as a prof, finally. Had it coming for years but felt so damn unprepared.... it's been embarrassingly easy though, I'm very happy with how things turned out and just getting 2 hours here, 1 hour there at different schools for very short term periods while I keep my half-time on the place I was already working at 🥹 sounds busy as hell but it might be the most free time I've had in years lol.
I'm sorry if I already told you that btw, can't remember at all and I must sound like a broken record if I did ahhh
I'll also be moving couple provinces away soon which is,,, amazing...unbelievable even! But I'll update on that as it happens bc I really am too anxious to even think bout it atm lmao
Anyhow,, I really really I'm so unbelievable glad to read from you my dear 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 you have no idea,, I was sending my little moths to find you 😔💔🥀 holding u in my arms tightly so I don't lose sight of u as easily omg.
Really hoping things are well over there and that you are having a much easier time now ;w; sending literally all my love like leaving none for nobody else, mwah 🫀
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piduai · 4 years
Interview with Noda Satoru from the Golden Kamuy fanbook
sharing anywhere is fine, but please credit me.
Q: Tell me how you feel about passing 6 years of serialization. Noda: I was already serializing at the time of my debut, so I guess I’d be able to give a summary when I’m finished. I don’t really think about how many years it’s been, it’s merely a checkpoint.
Q: What made you decide to become a mangaka? Noda: I feel like I wrote it down as my goal in my yearbook back in middle school. I also wanted to become a movie director, but as a mangaka you can create the entire thing by yourself. 
When Golden Kamuy just took off I was living in a tiny apartment and the postman, a young fellow and a reader of Young Jump, realized that I’m Noda Satoru. The magazine was sending me a lot of things, so it was rather obvious. “Are you the author of Golden Kamuy?”, he asked in a surprised tone while looking around the cramped entryway. I could feel feel his confusion regarding the fact that that vast Hokkaido world of the manga was being created in this modest apartment. Or maybe he just expected me to be making more money and afford a better place. Anyhow, I just thought again about how a manga can be created in even the smallest room in the universe.
Q: Who is your favorite character and why? Noda: As always, it’s Tanigaki. But well, I love all of them. I want to showcase only the best parts of them, and it hurts when I fail. For example I’m very happy that there’s a character who stirs the pot as well as Usami. He’d be Katsuo in the world of Sazae-san.  
Q: Which characters are the easiest to draw, and which ones are the most difficult? Noda: Characters like Shiraishi, Tsukishima and Nagakura, they don’t have a lot of hair and even if they turn out a little ugly their faces are well-defined so it’s easy to draw. In general faces that are strongly distorted and resemble caricatures are easy. Meanwhile Asirpa, Kiroranke and Inkarmat have neat facial structures on top of wearing Ainu clothing, so they are a very high-calorie effort for me. Ogata and Kikuta are difficult too. Their faces are distinctive and I have to make them look cool too, which is wearing me out the most.
Q: Have you decided on all 24 convicts at the very start of the story? Noda: Wouldn’t I sound like a badass if I said that that I have? Anyway. There were the ones that were based off real-life Meiji era criminals, such as Shiraishi, Kumagishi Chouan or the lightning couple, and of course there was Hijikata.
Q: Tell me of a funny thing from the manga that you are fond of. Noda: Gansoku’s “Hah! ☆”. And also when Koito Jr. Was flapping his arms and legs around trying to keep himself in mid-air.
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Q: Why did you decide on Otaru as the starting point? Noda: I am from Hokkaido, so I’m familiar with Otaru and Sapporo. Otaru is close to both the mountains and the sea. Sapporo used to be a swampland, it’s wide and flat and there is no sea. Otaru is a place where foreigners come and go, there are many criminals roaming around creating danger, and money is found. There aren’t many big cities in Hokkaido. There were Ainu living in Otaru but sources are scarce, however Nakagawa-sensei, the supervisor over the Ainu language, told me not to worry too much about the difference of location, so I figured it would be best to make it Otaru.
Q: Was there any real life experience you had while growing up in Hokkaido that you turned into a scenario? Noda: When I was about 19 someone I knew told me that there is a locust graveyard on a nearby mountain, which sounded so ridiculous I had to laugh in their face. Turns out it indeed was a heap of locusts and their eggs left after a locust plague, that place was the Teineyamaguchi locust mound (a real historical site). I realized I ended up using this in my story. I owe that person an apology.
Q: Was there any scene that was particularly difficult to draw? Could you elaborate on it? Noda: The time Sugimoto went against Nihei and Tanigaki. It gave me a very hard time. Who goes where and does what, how does Nihei carry Asirpa, stuff like this. I had no time to waste either, I just remember that sequence overall driving me insane. 
There was also the sequence with Wilk, Sofia and Kiroranke being at Hasegawa’s photo studio. It’s really frustrating to draw something that you know will bore the readers, the story flow becomes less exciting too. I was praying for everyone to have a little more patience and keep reading, because the twist was so good.
Q: If you were to take part in the gold hunt, which group would you like to belong to? Noda: It seems that Hijikata’s group doesn’t have funding problems, and because Kadokura is there the atmosphere is relaxed too. I’d go there.
Q: If you were to find all that gold, how would you use it? Noda: No idea. Had a couple when I was younger, though.
Q: Were you planning to eventually transfer the action to Sakhalin from the very beginning of the series? Noda: Asirpa and Kiroranke have roots there, so I anticipated that the story will eventually move to Sakhalin. I also expected to have to travel to Amur river myself, but couldn’t go after all, only went as far as Khabarovsk. 
I was thinking of making Sugimoto eat permafrost mammoth. There was talk of a research team or an ivory excavation team’s dog eating mammoth. However there was no reason to make Sugimoto and Co go as up north as needed for permafrost, so I scrapped the idea.
Q: Tell me something about the hardships you experienced while doing research is Sakhalin. Noda: It was tough, but fun. I was only able to understand the clear differences between Nivkh and Orok people by going there; I couldn't by only looking at records and materials while in Japan. 
Complete unrelated, but I was surprised by how many stray dogs wander around there. One time my cameraman and I ended up being chased by one while looking for a factory and we had to run for it. The beast was big, about the size of a German Shepherd. The guide also warned us about junkies, it was really scary.
I also went to the Japanese military pillbox over 50th parallel north and prayed at a cenotaph deep in the mountains. I met a group of Japanese people in the hotel by the place where it's said you can still find remains of Japanese soldiers and their driver, a Russian, seemed to help with collection of the remains on the regular. He said that he's doing it out of reverence, even as a former enemy. As a Japanese, I felt gratitude. The 7th Division are villains in my story, but I don't have any personal bias against either side.
Q: What were the biggest differences between drawing Hokkaido and Sakhalin? Noda: Well... it's Russia. Even though Sakhalin is so close, it's already Europe. The structure of houses is strikingly different. There's also the differences between Hokkaido Ainu and Sakhalin Ainu, and differences between Orok and Nivkh people. There is no manga that will conveniently lay the differences of those down for you. 
It seems that the Orok and Nivkh's relation with Japan only got more difficult by the beginning of Showa era, there is only one person in the whole of Japan who can supervise on the Orok language. The professors in cultural studies I consult for Golden Kamuy are truly top-level; not only are they tremendously knowledgeable, they also understand how important to me is to stay impartial.
The wildlife, as well. There's a biogeographical boundary between Hokkaido and Sakhalin, observing animals I would never be able to see in Hokkaido was riveting. 
Q: Did Sugimoto really have a hidden plan during the whole stenka business? Noda: No idea. Even if he used it as a pretext to get everyone involved, though... cut him some slack. He's only a man. Sometimes he just wants to fight and win. Not for Ume-chan or Asirpa-san, just for the sake of proving to himself that he's strong.
Q: Your art is dynamic and detailed. I think your style changed quite a bit with time, though. How would you describe yourself as an artist? Noda: I want to preface this by saying that in no way do I think of myself as more skilled than other mangaka, but if you're drawing everyday for more than 10 hours you're going to improve a lot eventually, whether you want it or not. People who are able to keep the same style for years without change are the ones who are impressive, because it means that they achieved the peak of their potential. Ageing and health problems influence your art a lot, you know. I try to draw by observing. I use a lot of references. Drawing by memory alone is not a good thing.
Speaking of other artists, I once had one of the assistants I had working for me for years draw me a door knob from memory, and the result was a truncated cone resembling pre-packaged pudding. The actual shape of a door knob has an intricately angular circular shape. It's the result of being unobservant in everyday life. Good art requires constant observation.
Q: What was the foundation for your style? Is there an artist you were influenced or inspired by? Noda: Araki Hirohiko-sensei, for sure. During my time as an assistant, many authors told me to not even try to be original when it comes to battle abilities, it's already been done in JoJo, it has it all. He's kind of the Beatles of this industry, isn't he? 
By the way, I usually have no intention of parodying JoJo in Golden Kamuy, but my friends will tell me that they identified this or that reference from time to time. I read Part 1 about 30 years ago but I was obsessed, so maybe some things were just left in my subconscious. I only did one obvious parody, during the stenka fight. Funnily enough that trope started in Fist of the North Star, though, not JoJo.
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Q: What's one thing that gives you the most motivation to write? Noda: Fan letters. I know how straining it is to write long and neat sentences by hand, and am thankful for them. I'm happy that people go that far to share their thoughts about my work with me. I'm really grateful to the people who keep reading and supporting Golden Kamuy.
Q: Did you have an interest in Ainu culture before starting the series? Noda: I did not. I'll be glad if my work makes people interested in the Ainu. Prejudice is born out of ignorance, so if you want to learn about the Ainu, don't limit yourself to Hokkaido only; there are museums all around Japan, and they have knowledgeable curators. It's important to remember to take into account the time period and the occupation of the person on which the research materials are based when you're trying to learn about the subject.
Q: You showed us a lot of aspects of life during Meiji and Taisho eras. Tell us about what surprised or impressed you in the process of research. Noda: It's not that I was particularly knowledgeable, so having to check every single thing was quite exhausting. The Ainu, the military, katanas - all of these needed research on my part. 
There are more regulations and rules set for things out there than one could assume, and mangaka who base their works on real life need to be especially careful about this. You have to take into account things like the size of the buttons on a military uniform, how a tea cup is held, and and how different people talk in different ways. For movies there's staff working on costumes and props, there's the cast, there are screenwriters, but in a manga you are the one responsible for every single detail. I wish I had a time machine and travel back to those eras. There are things I couldn't get right here and there that I keep having regrets about.
Q: Golden Kamuy was the main visual in the British Museum manga exhibition between May and August in 2019. I know you went there in person. How was it? Noda: The trip felt like a reward for all of my efforts. The exhibition is jam-packed by opening time, but I got special treatment and they let me inside early in the morning so I could walk around the vast British Museum in solitude. I also travelled between Jack the Ripper's crime scenes at night by taxi.
The driver in a taxi I caught by chance was wonderful, she looked up photos of the crime scenes and surroundings taken at the time of investigation on her smartphone and showed them to me one by one, saying things like "the third victim was found here!". 
I've always had a soft spot for Jack the Ripper, back in middle school I even wrote a screenplay for a school festival stage and played him in it myself. It was done in very poor taste, like that one scene in the Addams Family movie where there are arms blown away and fountains of blood gushing out. The audience loved it. 
Q: Please leave a message for the readers. Or maybe some advice for the troubled youth. Noda: I want people to say that everyone in Golden Kamuy had a satisfying ending, and I want that for everyone involved more than anything. As for advice for the troubled youth, there's none. Life is survival of the fittest. The weak ones get eaten.
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04/07/22 (Thursday 2:38 AM)
Today is the day!!
Hello nak🤗🤗
Happy happy birthday 🥳🎉
I just wanna let you know how GRATEFUL and THANKFUL I am to you even if you heard this from me a trillion times, because indeed I am, to think there's no exact amount of words that can TRULY satisfy what my heart felt. Blessed beyond measure of having someone whom you've been praying for a long run, that is wrapped up all in one.
You made me the happiest when I was at my lowest, made me feel alive after a very long time. I am glad I met you, even if I am not the best version of me when we've met, yet you have loved and accepted me just the way that I am and even treated me the BEST that you can, you deserved nothing but happiness.
You always seem to understand and know me better than anyone else, even know me more than I know myself. You have always been so observant to all the things I do, and I love how effortlessly you caught my attention to that matter since there is only one person who knows me like you do.
Thank you for giving me the CALMNESS I always need in every "SALTIK, TOYO and TOPAK" mood. But most for radiating your LIGHT upon me in every phase of DARKNESS I go through, I know I am just as an imperfect person who has mood swings yet I will STAND by YOU in every single journey you may take up to.
I WON'T ever let go of you and will hold you tight for as long as you want me to, cause NO ONE can treat me and handle me very well more than you do. Thank you for being my HOME and for being the wind beneath my wings, for you bring out the BEST in me like no one else can do, a reflection of how genuinely good you are.
And I know very well that I have my shortcomings which leads to hurting you, and make you feel a lot of mixed emotions. I am very SORRY for those times and for the way I acted, of how immature I am. SORRY may not be enough of the damages I gave you in the past but I will make sure that it will be covered by the LOVE I have for you nak.
Pictures and dresses may fade, hair may turn into white, faces may turn old and will have wrinkles as time passes by but the LOVE of a mother to her daughter will never do. Instead it will be KEPT and CHERISHED for the rest of their life and that's ME to YOU nak🤗💖
I may not have much to offer nor any exciting things to surprise you on this special day of yours even if I really wanted to, since I don't know if the one that I have will be given to you on this exact date. And yes, I have prepared a tini tiny thing for you but bare with me nak 😂✌🏼 because I am the most boring one when it comes to surprises (uu alam ko address mo kala mo lang hindi Google map is layp🤪🤪 baka detective to🤣🤣) but anyhow I hope if you'll get that it will make you smile just for a bit amount of time. And know of how WORTHY YOU TRULY ARE for YOU are such a PRIDE to anyone that's been a part of your life and I am blessed enough to be one of those. No gem in this world can be compared to you, for YOU ARE PRICELESS that no one can ever afford because YOU are UNIQUELY and WONDERFULLY made by our almighty father.
Again happy birthday nak, may this day be filled with special memories that will do you happiness. Enjoy your day and take the time to celebrate it in ways you want it to. I THANK GOD for the absolute opportunity he gave me of having you and most for letting me experience how to be CARED and LOVED by YOU. May all your desires be fulfilled in his name 🙏🏼 Cheers 🥂 to more years nak 🤗 God bless your pure, kind and genuine heart.
Mamami loves you the most nak🤗💖 I can't wait for the time to see you and make many memories with you in this journey of a once a lifetime.
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flowerpowell · 4 years
Unexpected (Drake x MC)
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A/N: As some of you know, I’m leaving Tumblr soon but before I do that, I wanted to post the remaining chapters of this series. I actually had to break some chapters in half (like this one) because they would be to long so I’m not sure how many chapters are left (probably around three or four). Thank you for your patience!
Rating: G 
Word count: ~2900
Tagging: @gardeningourmet​ @delightfullypinkglitter​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @desireepow-1986​ @dcbbw​ @kingliam2019​ @the-soot-sprite @thequeenofcronuts​ @badchoicesposts​ @burnsoslow​ @annekebbphotography​ @alesana45​ @ao719​ @axwalker​ @walkerduchess​ @texaskitten30​ @lodberg​ @cordonianroyalty​ @emichelle​ @siriusxxvideos​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ @samihatuli​ @choices-lurker​ @i-miss-trr​ @drxkewalker​ @nikkis1983​ @innerpostmentality​ @msjr0119​ @bascmve01​ @mind-reader1​ @edgiestwinter​ @drakesensworld​ @queenjilian​ @princessleac1​ @saivilo​ @yukinagato2012​ ♥
“Ugh,” Dani turned in bed again. It was already past eleven; normally she would be fast asleep at that time but today she couldn’t fall asleep at all. She looked at her suitcases, all packed and ready for the trip to New York. She was leaving soon.
“I wonder how’s Riley and Drake doing,” she mumbled to herself. She was overjoyed when Riley told her she was going to spend the night with Drake, trying to fix their marriage. And then she remembered something.
“I forgot to ask Riley to bring me some cronuts when she comes back tomorrow!”
Dani jumped out of the bed and took her phone, dialing Riley’s number. She waited and waited, and then called again but no one answered.
“I’ll just send a message then,” she typed a message quickly, put her phone down and went back to bed. Twenty minutes later, she took her phone again and sighed, searching for that one name on her contacts list.
“I’ll just ask him to tell Riley to check her phone. I really need those cronuts,” she said to herself before starting a call. Drake answered a few seconds later.
“Hey, Drake, I’m sorry I’m interrupting your night with Riley but can you please tell her to answer her phone? It’s... important,” she said thinking about the deliciousness of the cronuts.
“Sorry, Riley’s not here. She didn’t come.”
“What?” Dani’s eyes windened. “What do you mean she’s not there? She left the hotel before ten to visit you!”
“Well, she must have changed her mind. She’s not here,” Drake said nonchalantly.
“Drake. I don’t know what happened but she wanted to come. She was excited to come!”
“I’m sorry I can’t help you. She probably is somewhere running away from her problems. Goodnight, Dani.”
“No! Wait! Something must have happened! I feel it, she wouldn’t just not come and not tell me about it! And she’s not answering her phone!” Dani was practically yelling. “I really want those cronuts.”
“What cronuts?” Drake was confused. “Anyhow, don’t worry, she’s probably at her restaurant, avoiding me or you. Get some sleep, Dani.”
“No, Drake, please. Can you go and check if she’s really in her restaurant? What if--”
“Dani, I’m sure she’s fine. She didn’t want to come and that’s all. Goodnight.”
“Wait, Drake, I—AHHHH” Dani groaned.
“Dani? What happened? What is it?”
“I don’t know, I-- AHHH, that hurts!” she flinched and started rubbing her belly.
“Is it... Is it the baby?” Drake asked and Dani could hear panic in his voice.
“Oh no, I hope not, oh my goose, what if it is the baby, oh my goose, oh my goose, oh my goose, where is Riley, I need Riley, I need-- ahhhhh!”
“Okay, okay, just breathe!” Drake instructed. “I’ll be there in a few minutes okay? And in the meantime, just google your symptoms! Or wait, maybe not. Just hang in there, okay?”
“Mhm,” Dani nodded and ended the call. Maybe she overreacted a little but at least Drake was coming and she needed to see if Riley is okay.
She put her hand on her belly and massaged it gently. Anytime she was stressed, she’d always have cramps. But Drake didn’t have to know it was stress. Though now that he mentioned the baby... Dani started stressing out even more.
“Little one, please, don’t worry, we’ll find your auntie,” she whispered, massaging her belly and praying that both, her baby and Riley, will be okay.
Riley opened her eyes and narrowed them straight away. She looked around the pantry for Madeleine but she was there alone.
She tried to get up but her legs felt wobbly and she started coughing right when she moved even a little.
“What the--” she rasped, her throat sore and dry.
Slowly, she walked to the door but it was closed. She banged a few times but no one heard her.
“Oh no,” she remember that her phone was still in the dining room. She closed her eyes, trying to gather her thoughts when she smelled something.
Something... bad, really bad. Smoke... as if the restaurant was burning.
“She wouldn’t...” Riley said, knowing well that Madeleine was capable of everything. Besides, if Riley burned in her restaurant, no one would suspect Madeleine, unlike if she suffocated her. Riley cursed under her nose.
Her sister thought she was with Drake. And Drake would think she decided to ghost him. She cursed again.
It was only eleven thirty, no one would come here until at least... much later.
Riley started coughing again. She wished there was a window so she could get out but she wanted to make sure the products were fresh and didn’t want any windows in the pantry. There was nothing, except for a door leading to the restaurant... and the other door leading outside. Right. She forgot about that.
She wanted the delivery men to go straight to the pantry through that door, instead of walking across the whole restaurant.
Riley ran to the door and tried to open it but they didn’t even budge. It was a matter of minutes, maybe an hour max, before the fire would reach the pantry. The thick metal door wasn’t fireproof and Riley started losing hope. Madeleine must have noticed that Riley hadn’t installed the new fire alarm yet and Riley cursed again.
In the corner of her eyes she noticed a bottle of water, half empty, one of the workers must have left it there. She quickly took off her blazer, poured some water on it and put it on the floor, under the door so the smoke wouldn’t reach her, at least for a few more moments. Then she took her her shirt and poured water on it as well. She quickly made a mask for herself out of the wet shirt.
“Much better,” she thought to herself when she finally took a breath. She looked around and sighed with resignation.
“And now what?”
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Drake asked concerned as Dani nodded.
“I am much better now, it’s the stress that made me feel so bad.”
“If you’re sure? Maybe I should drive you to the hospital? They would check if everything is okay?”
“I’m okay, Drake, really. I have an appointment tomorrow anyway. But there’s one thing you could to make me feel better.”
“Can you take me to Riley’s restaurant? I just need to make sure she’s okay, for my own sanity. You won’t even have to go inside!”
“Please! I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t check in with her!”
Drake sighed. “Fine, fine.”
It wasn’t because he was curious what happened to Riley, he just wanted to help Dani. Or so he tried to tell himself. A thousand scenarios in his head but there was only one way to find out.
Riley was banging on the door for what felt like eternity. Someone must have heard her, right? People go for walks at eleven...sometimes. She fell down on the floor, resigned. She was safe here, in her little pantry but she knew she wouldn’t survive till morning. It didn’t matter anyway. Her whole future was burning there with her. She would never be a chef. She had a one-in-a-million chance and it just got ruined. She didn’t even get the chance to try to be chef. She didn’t even say goodbye to her sister. She didn’t even see her little nephew or niece. And the worst of it all.
She never told Drake she loved him.
And she did. She loved him even though she tried not to fall for him. Even though she tried to convince herself it wasn’t true.
But it was. She loved him.
Now, that everything was falling apart, she could finally admit it.
“I love you, Drake,” she whispered sadly and added, in between her coughs, “I’m sorry I’ll never tell you.”
She closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable when she heard it.
Once, twice...
Smoke. A lot of smoke.
Drake could barely see the restaurant because of the heavy smoke that looked like it was swallowing the building. He felt his heart skip a beat when he realized that maybe Dani was right after all and Riley was indeed inside.
“Riley!” Dani started yelling, running to the building and Drake ran after her and pulled her away.
“Call the F.D. and I’ll see how bad it is,” He told her and wainted until she promised to do so, before running straight into the building, his shirt covering his nose.
The restaurant was burning. And from the sight of a few empty gasoline containers he knew someone did that on purporse. His heart sank.
Riley’s car was right in front of the building.
No. No.
He ran to the main entrance but it was completely burned. The flames were getting out of hand.
“Riley!” he cried out, hoping, praying, she was okay. “RILEY!”
He walked around the building, remembering where all the emergency exits were and banging on each of them.
“RILEY!!!” he screamed once again as he heard the sirens from afar.
Please, please, let her be okay.
“RILEY! RILEY!” he was running and screaming, not even caring about inhaling the smoke.  He started coughing and felt a firefighter pulling him away from the smoke.
“We’ve got this, sir, please stand away.”
“My wife is inside! I need to get her!” he exaplained.
“We’ll get her. Please, stay away.”
Drake felt another hand on his shoulder and saw Liam, pulling him slightly away.
“They’ll get her, Drake. We can’t get inside.”
“But... But... Riley’s inside and I need to... I... Riley...”
“She’s going to be okay,” Liam whispered, his hand still firmly on his best friend’s shoulder.
“How did you know?”
“Danielle called. She was panicking and I was worried so I came here right after the Fire Department did.”
Drake nodded. He looked at the firefighters, trying to put out the fire and swallowed hard. Dani was crying as Liam held her close, whispering words of comfort.
I didn’t even tell her I love her.
Drake closed his eyes, trying to calm down when something occurred to him.
“The pantry!”
Liam and Dani both looked at him with confusion.
“Riley persisted on having a separate door to the pantry, it’s in the back of the restaurant, maybe we can go inside through there?”
“I’ll tell the firefighters,” Liam said but before he did so, Drake sprinted to the pantry area on his own. The smoke wasn’t coming through the door and he prayed it was a good sign.
“Riley!! Riley!” he shouted as he banged the door. He leaned his head on the door, resigned and tired when he heard it. The faintest whisper but it belonged to her. His Riley.
“Riley! We’ll get you out of here, just hold on!”
He started kicking the door with all his strength.
“What are you doing?” Liam asked, running after him. “They were able to go inside through the main door.”
“But Riley’s in the pantry,” Drake said in between kicks, “and they won’t go in there because Riley has extermaly thick door leading to it.”
Liam nodded and started kicking the door with him, no questions asked. After a few moments, the door budged slightly. As Liam was still kicking, Drake tried to open it with his hands, pulling it and pushing, until finally the door broke open.
“Riley!” Drake noticed his wife, lying on the floor with a shirt around her face and quickly ran up to her. He heard Liam yelling for paramedics to come as he carried Riley out of the building.
The paramedics came and Dani right after them, still sobbing.
“Riley!” She yelled and tried to get to her sister but Liam stopped her.
“She’s going to be okay but she needs to be taken to hospital.”
“But... Riley, I need to see if she’s okay, I need to--”
“It’s going to be okay, I promise. Let the doctors help her.”
“But-- But--” Dani breathed heavily.
“Danielle, please. It’s not good for the b--” he stopped himself but from the look Danielle gave him, he knew she understood. He waited for her to comment it somehow but she stayed silent.
She was silent when the paramedics took Riley, she was silent when the paramedics tried to stop Drake from yelling at them. She was silent when the fire was finally put out and when Drake drove to the hospital, after Riley. She stayed silent when Liam ordered his guards to monitor the area and stayed silent when he led her to his car and drove her back to her hotel.
“Danielle...” Liam started, not sure how to proceed.
“Thank you for the drive,” she said and got out of the car. He followed suit.
“Danielle... I’m sorry for what happened with Riley. Are you... Are you sure you’re going to be okay? Would you like...” he thought for a moment, “Would you like me to stay with you for a bit?”
“Thank you, Liam but I’ll be okay. I just need some sleep and then I’ll visit Riley tomorrow. Drake will be keeping me updated.” She smiled at him and started heading inside.
“Wait! Danielle, I-- I just wanted to ask about, err, I mean...”
“You know, don’t you?” she asked and he let out a deep breath.
“I do. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you.”
“No... It’s... okay. I was going to tell you anyway, just needed some time to... get used to it,” she smiled sadly at him.
“How do you feel?”
“Good, for the most part. Just tired, sometimes nauseous. But good, happy. And... And you?”
“I feel very happy. I didn’t even think it was possible and now... You made me so happy, Danielle. You keep making me so happy.” He admitted, taking a few steps toward her.
“Danielle,” he started when he was just a few inches from her, “I never thought I’d ever feel this way about anyone. I thought I’d never have a family but you... You made me believe it was possible. It is possible. To love again, to feel... alive. I--” he took a deep breath before continuing, “I fell in love with you, Danielle Brooks. And if you’d like that, I would love you to stay here, with me, in Cordonia.”
“I’d like to think you felt something for me, too,” he bit his lip nervously and Dani nodded slightly.
“You could live with me in the palace, we could raise our child there. We could get married,” he smiled, “If you would want that, of course.”
“Liam... I--”
“What I’m trying to say is, I love you, Danielle. I want you to be a part of my life. A big part of my life.”
Dani looked at him, her eyes widened. She took a step toward Liam but quickly took a step back.
“I-- I am leaving in a few days, Liam,” she whispered. “I’m starting law school.”
“You don’t have to,” he said, stroking her cheek. “I know you didn’t want that.”
“I can’t break my father’s heart.”
So instead you’re breaking mine?
“What... are you saying?” he frowned.
“I can’t disappoint him again. Not... again.”
“Danielle, he’d understad! You’re expecting a child, he’ll know you can’t go to school now!”
“I won’t be the first pregnant student, Liam. I can do it.”
“Of course you can, but do you want to?”
“You don’t understand!” she raised her voice and Liam took a step back. “How do you think Riley was able to afford going to Europe and live here for months without having a well-paid job?”
“You parents give her money, don’t they?”
Dani laughed shaking her head. “They don’t. They didn’t care. I paid, Liam. I send her money from my parents’ account. My parents give me money because I’m doing when they want me to do and I’m giving the money to my sister so she can do what she wants!”
“I’m sure Riley would understand--”
“Our Nana told me to look after Riley. She knew our parents wouldn’t. If I don’t go to that school... both Riley and I will be without any money. I can’t do this to her. Not when her restaurant just burned.”
“Danielle, please...” he was losing her. He knew he was losing her. He was losing the only thing that kept him alive.
“I’m sorry Liam. I wish... things were different.”
“I will, of course, let you visit our child anytime you want but... he or she will stay with me. I’m sure... my parents will understand,” she said as if to convice herself. Without looking back, she disappeared inside the hotel, leaving heartbroken Liam alone.
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wildefiction · 5 years
Hunger: One
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PAIRING: Jared x Reader
SUMMARY: When reader isn't attending a Supernatural Convention, she's preparing for the next one. Staying busy is the only thing that keeps her sane. While it's difficult for some people to understand her motives, one person will show her that he knows exactly what she's going through. Will Jared be able to make the reader believe she deserves to be loved or is she too far gone already?
SERIES WARNINGS: While this first chapter has little in the way of warnings, future chapters may contain content difficult for some readers. Each chapter will be tagged appropriately but may contain topics such as: Mental health, severe depression, trust-issues, and abnormal psychology along with eventual forms of healing and discussions centered around relationships and support systems. Please heed the warnings for each individual chapter.
A/N: This is the first chapter of what I’m guessing will be a fairly long series. Originally I was going to try to tie this up in a neat little one-shot, but it’s just not going to happen. This was completed for @saxxxology‘s Plus Size Reader Challenge
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“It’s called Alexithymia.” “Yeah, I don’t know - I’m just glad I’m not actually a sociopath.” “What? No I--fuck!” “Fuck these fucking pants!” The sleek metal phone slipped from its precarious position against your shoulder and fell to the floor with an ominous clatter. Closing your eyes in frustration, you filled your lungs with several deep breaths - in through your nose, out through your mouth. 
In-out, in...out. 
Rolling sideways from the mattress onto the floor and reaching a cautious hand towards the new device, you prayed to whatever God would listen that the screen was still intact. Opening one eye a fraction of an inch, a deep sigh of relief flooded your body as the smooth, black screen flashed once; the tinny voice echoing from the speakers prattling on as if nothing had gone awry. 
Standing from the walnut floorboards, you turned to face the floor length mirror. While it had taken almost a decade, the wide, curving hips reflected in the glass had become the favorite part of your body. Only problem was, finding jeans that fit well was nearly impossible. “I need new pants.” Whining into the receiver, the woman on the other end of the phone simply snorted in amusement. 
“Well if you’d spend more than twenty-dollars on your clothes, you’d have a helluva lot easier time finding ones that you liked.” “I’ve offered to take you shopping how many times?” Your best friend had a point. Focusing again on the phone call, you relented - one outfit couldn’t possibly cost that much, could it?
Two hours later, your arms rested atop a cool wooden counter; a scowl painted across your features while numbly holding out a metallic blue credit card. The woman behind the desk smiled brightly, faltering a bit when she had to wrestle the card from your grasp. Walking from the store with what felt like an entirely too-small-bag-for-the-amount-of-money-you-spent outfit, you joked about what else you could’ve done with that money. 
Shaking her head in exasperation, your friend tried again to argue her point. “These clothes will last you a long time - the photo ops you so voluntarily throw your money at last all of - what? Ten seconds?!” Pushing one hand through the hair covering your eyes, you tried again to explain why you paid large sums of money for those ten-second interactions. Violet’s expression let you know that she still didn’t understand. Funny thing was, she’d been the one to introduce you to Supernatural in the first place. “Well this weekend you’ll be at the boys’ beck and call, so I think you spending the money here is worth it. Don’t they give you a free photo op for working anyhow? While far from glamorous, you’d been thrilled when the company hosting the event had accepted you as a volunteer. Rolling your eyes, you assured her (and, okay, yourself) that you likely wouldn’t even see any of the cast. Only seasoned help got to be handlers. 
The rest of the week flew by, and Thursday afternoon found you trying (unsuccessfully) to clear the sting of sweat from your eyes while simultaneously carrying an arm full of poles and light posts. They’d put you on stage duty for the first day. Afterwards, you were pretty sure if you ever saw another velvet-backed chair again, it would be too soon. Two-thousand of them sat in neat rows filling the main theater room. “Alright [Y/F/N], could you please take these and label the seats?” Suddenly conscious of the slight tick in your right eye, you nodded silently - sliding the heavy rolls of numbered stickers over your wrists before walking to the end of the front row to begin your new assignment. 
You don’t recall falling into bed Thursday night. The melodic voices of Rob and the boys from Louden Swain cut through your dreamless sleep far too early Friday morning. “Is it cool if I come over…” 
Excitement warred with irritability while dressing in the new jeans you'd purchased the day before. The dark denim clung to your hips, the waistband taut once the button was fastened. “Woah! What. Is. This?!” Turning to the left and then the right, your mouth fell open in a soft “oh” - there was no gap! You'd never been able to find pants that fit both your hips and waist simultaneously. It was a miracle. Still - you weren't about to complain. Pulling the basic black volunteer tank top over your head, you slipped on the trusty pair of Chucks that had followed you to every convention over the last decade. Some people cherished a hat or a cozy flannel, for you - these shoes filled that spot.
“WHAT!?!” “What do you mean she’s not here today? How..what am I supposed to do?!” You’d been about to duck behind the heavy black drapes dressing the stage to report for your morning assignments when a familiar voice made you stop short. Derek, a fifty-something event planner was pacing just the other side of the divide, his simple brown loafers kicking up small torrents of dust with his agitation. Startled as the man threw open the curtains and stomped across the stage, you decided it was probably a better bet to find someone else to talk to about how you could help for the day. Turning, you were nearly through the opening and had started to descend the rickety metal staircase leading to the volunteer break-room when a heavy hand landed on your shoulder. 
“ ‘Scuse me. You’re working here...yes?” Unexpected tension lanced through your body at the sudden contact and some part of you froze. As if he could feel it, Derek removed his hand rather quickly, absentmindedly shoving his ring-adorned fingers into the pocket of his slacks; the other hand busily scrolling through his phone; artificial light illuminating his tired, pale blue eyes. In your silent contemplation of the man, you’d failed to answer his question. “Ms…[Y/L/N] - right?” “Have you been assigned yet today?” With a slow shake of your head, his hand shot out of his pocket as he threw an arm around your shoulders - laughing heartily at something you’d missed. The mans face was jovial, faint creases of forehead wrinkles and crows’ feet framing his watery irises allowed you focus on what he was saying, rather than the pressure of his proximity. 
“You’re savin’ mah bacon Miss [Y/L/N] - I tell ya what.” 
The shrill screaming of his phone was sudden and briefly you felt bad for Derek. Raising the device to his ear, his body language calmed significantly; assuring the person on the other end that he’d found a replacement. A replacement for who, you still didn't know. Not that it was really any of your business. Nodding once, Derek turned back to you, sliding the small device into the clip on his belt. 
Fishing into the pinstriped fabric of his pocket, he pulled a cluster of keys out. “Okay, take my car to this address” -- procuring a pen from his jacket, the man scribbled some notes onto a slip of paper; the handwriting sharp and messy -- “Have you got a phone?” Tentatively reaching into your back pocket, you slipped the oversized Samsung into your fingers. “Good! When you get there, call this number..” --more scribbling-- and bring everyone here.” “Let me know when you’re back.” Glancing at the unfamiliar handwriting, you squinted, trying to make out the address. 
“Ms. [Y/L/N]..?” The impatient snapping of his fingers focused your attention on the man before you. “Please hurry - lots to do...lots to do!” With that he turned on his heel and hurried back through the curtained wall.
Although it was still well before noon, the parking lot held hundreds of vehicles, including two beautifully restored impalas. Sunlight glinted across the deep onyx paint as you walked by. The only clue to what car you searched for was a familiar gold emblem embossed on the black key fob clutched in your hands. Anxiety prickled along the base of your neck. You should've asked where Derek had parked. As your mind filled with every possible worse-case scenario, continually jamming your thumb to the unlock button prevailed when a flash of golden light several cars down caught your eye.
The engine roared to life with the press of the ignition, the lumbering bear of a Tahoe easing from it's reserved parking space as you wondered why anyone needed this large of a vehicle. Twenty minutes later, the truck settled into a quiet hum in front of a downtown hotel. Derek hadn't bothered to write a name on the paper he’d hastily scribbled upon, and you really had no idea who you were supposed to be collecting. 
Craning your neck to see through the windshield, the immense hotel tower rose impossibly high before you; the steady ticking of scarlett hazard lights keeping time with the ringing as you waited for someone to answer.
The tall, revolving glass door caught your attention, several people clambering into the contraption at once made you smile; a generic voicemail message kicking on after the fourth ring. The group spilled from the door in a mess of laughter and a tangle of bodies. 
Why you felt the need to duck behind the steering wheel upon recognizing them, you'll never know. 
Rob, Rich, Briana, Kim and Billy were still laughing amongst themselves. Inside, you were happy the windows were tinted, as you were fairly certain you sat there with your mouth hanging open while you watched the group of friends wander over to talk to a street performer. Eyes darting to the clock on the dash, you quickly realized it'd been nearly an hour since Derek had sent you on this assignment. 
Without looking away from the group, you tried the number again. The phone clicked and a cheerful voice answered with a giggly hello. Immediately you refocused on the task at hand, “Uh, hi. I think I'm supposed to be picking you up?” The mean bitch in your head snickered at how uncool you sounded. 
“Scuse me, what was that?” A blush crept across your cheeks when you realized who you were talking to. Looking from your lap to the window, Rob stood halfway between his group of friends and where you were. Twisting and looking back over his shoulder, he must’ve put two and two together because he waved before beckoning the others to follow. 
You weren’t prepared for this - you’d volunteered with the direct understanding that behind-the-scenes was where volunteers stayed. Occasionally one would bring the cast bottles of water or coffee, but picking them up at their hotel? Didn’t they have drivers for that? Your thoughts were cut short as three doors opened almost simultaneously and bodies began to climb in around you. 
That had been the start to a whirlwind weekend. The Creation staff kept you on your toes constantly, although somehow Derek continued assigning tasks more cast-centered than had been expected. It started with picking up the Friday guests, sure - but since then you’d done everything from coffee runs to walking the ladies’ to the bathroom and photo-op room, to helping with the sound check for the concert currently taking place on stage. 
Now in the green room, crouched in front of the mini-fridge, your mind wandered while removing water bottles from their thick plastic casing, stocking the shelves for the guests. 
A faint beeping and the murmur of voices caught your attention as the door opened across from you. Osric, Clif, Jensen and Jared sauntered in, lost in their own conversation. A familiar prickling sensation that often assaulted you in new situations made your shoulders tense. Luckily, the repeated exposure to the guests this weekend had given you plenty of practice to collect your emotions quickly; stuffing them into the deepest recesses of your mind. 
A few breaths later, you stood from the position on the floor, a large smile plastered across your features as you approached the small group. 
“Hey guys, anyone need a drink?” Osric smiled widely and accepted one of the chilled bottles. The others followed suit, Jared’s eyebrows furrowing slightly in concern as his fingers closed over yours. 
“Hey, thanks…” “What’s your name?” Your eyes darted between his brilliant hazel irises and the long fingers wrapped around the drink; beads of condensation wetting your skin as his hand rested on yours. 
Hurriedly pulling away, you scrubbed a palm against the denim of your jeans before extending it and introducing yourself. 
“Hey, I’m [Y/F/N].” The others said their hellos as well, your gaze shifting between them while they chatted animatedly for a few moments. Occupied as you were, you failed to notice that Jared didn’t take his eyes off of you for even a moment. 
She was nervous. Not that he wasn’t used to the look. But this one was different, Jared decided. He recognized the determination to hide her anxiety as something he’d gone through as well. He could see she was excited to meet them, and yet, she held back; likely protecting a small part of who she really was as she presented the version of herself she wanted everyone to see. While genuinely happy to interact with all of his fans, Jared felt intrigued by [Y/F/N]. He wanted to know more about her. About the discomfort she tried her best to disguise as nerves. Something was off. 
Crossing her arms over her chest while making small talk with the others, Jared noticed how proficient she was at distributing her attention to each of them equally, pausing for only a moment before looking to the next person. 
Releasing a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, Jared turned his attention to the door, having opened for a second time; watching as Rich strode in, beckoning to Jensen. 
“C’mon man, your public awaits.” He bowed dramatically, waffling his hand in the space before him. Jensen huffed, shaking his head as he clasped Rich’s shoulder, following him from the room. [Y/F/N] trailed along behind them and Jared allowed himself to take a longer look at the woman. The tank top she wore clung to her body, the curve of her full breasts and thick waist led his eyes to her hips. 
The word of admiration was muttered under his breath, but as he focused on her face again, the pink in her cheeks made it clear she’d heard him. 
“You coming Jared?” She’d stopped, holding the door open for him. Nodding, he quickened his stride and disappeared into the darkened hallway as he headed for the holding area backstage.
If Saturday had been busy, Sunday was borderline chaotic. 
Attendance surged for the final day of the convention. Awake earlier, you were due to report in by 6:30 even though the first panel wasn’t due to begin until noon.
Shuffling through the abandoned corridors of the hotel, you could only hope there’d be caffeine waiting at the check-in station. 
“Good morning Ms. [Y/L/N].” Blinking several times in rapid succession, you focused on Derek as he sat behind the assignment table. The quiet murmur of his voice as he looked over the sheaf of papers laid out before him only partially registered in your mind. 
The concert the night before had been amazing, and you’d been up until the early hours of the morning from the level of energy you’d absorbed. It didn’t help that a certain phrase kept replaying in your mind. You’d definitely heard Jared last night and you liked to imagine he’d been talking about you. The thought brought a smile to your face, regardless of how absurd the notion was. While pretty sure he likely had some gorgeous girlfriend waiting for him back home, you were content with the small amount of time you did get to spend around Jared. Silent pining was more your style anyhow. 
“...order.” “Ms. [Y/L/N]?” Snapping out of your daydream, you worked harder to listen to the man in front of you. 
“I’m sorry...what was that?” The middle-aged man smiled kindly. 
“I know it’s early Ms. [Y/L/N], but we really need you to be completely present at these briefings. Otherwise, the chaos about to descend on this place will be ten-times worse.” Shifting oversized reading glasses from where they’d fallen down the bridge of his nose, the man cleared his throat, consulting the Sunday schedule. Finished with his admonishment, Derek held a slip of paper out to you. 
“As I was saying, please grab the coffee order for the cast. It’ll be ready precisely at 9:50. That should give you enough time to get back upstairs so everyone can get their daily dose of caffeine.” “Until then, make sure the green room has plenty of breakfast items and if the cast need anything, it’s on you to make them happy.” 
Derek’s last sentence drew your attention from the list you’d been perusing. Outwardly, you nodded so he’d know you were paying attention, even though you still struggled with the personal Hell that came with sleep deprivation.
Later that morning, as you stood in line at the bustling Starbucks just outside the hotel, your mind once again turned to thoughts of the cast. Although you were tired, you wouldn’t change these experiences for the world. 
As silly as it seemed, these conventions had gone a long way to helping prevent you from falling into your depression. In-between event weekends you often busied yourself with planning the next one and it got you through each day. It was refreshing to see mental health being addressed more by the media. When you’d been diagnosed several years prior, only your doctor had believed it was a real thing. 
Walking up to the waist-high counter and pulling the folded paper from your back pocket, you began to list the order scribbled upon it. At one point, squinting your eyes in an attempt to read Derek’s handwriting you gave up and handed the barista the list, hoping she’d be able to help discern it. 
“Maybe I can help?” Clutching the paper, you raised your eyes to the woman in front of you. She stilled as a hand reached over your shoulder and gently took the list from your grasp. Breathing deep, you turned to find Jared standing behind you, long strands of auburn hair falling across his face while he perused the handwriting. 
Shifting to stand next to Jared’s tall frame, you took a moment to point at the line you were having trouble with. His body was like a heater, the intoxicating scent of his cologne made all the more apparent by the warmth of his skin. 
Jared brought the paper closer to his face, squinting at a particular cluster of letters. 
“I..think that says...skinny?” Glancing at the rest of the scribbled letters, he was able to make out the order for a non-fat soy latte. “Huh, I didn’t know Mark was here today.” Shrugging, his eyes flicked up to yours; an easy smile replacing the serious expression he’d worn moments before. “Did you get everything okay?” Nodding, the young woman behind the register added up the total while you handed her your credit card. 
Moving to the end of the counter to await the several drinks, you turned to the man behind you. “My hero.” The smirk on your face was genuine, even if your tone erred on the side of sarcasm. 
“Hey, no problem [Y/F/N].” God, the way he said your name… Clearing your throat as you settled against the far wall, you did your best to continue the conversation.  
“Why are you up so early?” “Figured you’d be sleeping while you could.” Jared shrugged his massive shoulders before answering.
 “Went for a run. Couldn’t sleep.” You wanted to ask why. You wanted to ask a lot of things, but instead you kept to yourself. He likely had his reasons, and you’d be willing to bet - if he was anything like you, that he wasn’t keen on sharing the details of his life with a relative stranger. Nodding in understanding, you turned back to the counter, gathering the three drink trays and rearranging the cups so each carrier held the same size. Stacking the grandes atop the venti order, you slid the coffees into one hand, grabbing the third tray with your free arm. 
“I can carry one if you want..” Jared was at your side again, talking to you as if he wasn’t a gorgeous, successful actor with his own security detail. Speaking of which, where was Clif? 
“Uh, nah..I’m okay.” Scoffing, the man saw right through your feeble attempt to decline. Removing the top tray from where it rested under your chin and taking the second one as well, he simply smiled. “Lead the way [Y/F/N].” 
There was something about her that occupied Jared’s thoughts. She was strong, sure of herself (or so it seemed) and gracious. He wanted to know more. “So, [Y/F/N] where are you from?” 
The chill bite of a fall day in the Pacific Northwest swirled around your body when the two of you stepped from the relatively warm coffee shop. Breath fogging in the early morning air, the small-talk you made with Jared as you crossed the street to the hotel gave you a small look inside the finer points of Austin, his hobbies and the show. Back in the green room, you passed out drinks to their respective owners, everyone murmuring their appreciation to you for your efforts. Pulling the phone from your back pocket and realizing it was nearly time for the Sunday morning gold panel, you ushered Jared and Jensen out the door as politely as you could. 
Grabbing two mics from the table set-up behind the stage curtains, you handed one to each of the boys and turned to leave. Jared’s hand on your shoulder made you freeze momentarily, more out of habit than anything. Apparently it didn’t matter who it was, the discomfort of being touched still prevailed.
“Thanks for the chat [Y/F/N], we’ll talk more later?” Searching his face for any hint of what was going through his mind, you nodded numbly. A wide smile spread across his face as he squeezed your shoulder before turning and taking the stairs two at a time. Wild cheers assaulted your ears as the gold members screamed for their first panel of the day. 
The voices of Rob and Rich joking with Jensen buzzed in Jared’s ear, but his thoughts were still on [Y/F/N]. She’d flinched when he had touched her shoulder. Whatever made her react that way, he hoped it was something she’d be willing to talk to him about. For the hundreds of people who thanked him on a daily basis for noticing their struggles and standing in solidarity with them, he knew there were many others who couldn’t bring themselves to share.
Before you realized it, the afternoon autograph sessions were scheduled to start. Walking through the main theater hall, your most recent task was simple enough: Provide each of the guests with a handful of colorful sharpies at their table. The headphones connected to the phone in your pocket piped Swain music into your ears and you danced happily while completing the mundane task. You’d do this job full-time if you could. 
“Oh, there you are!” Turning abruptly, you pulled the cords from your ears, effectively silencing the indie rock as Derek strode up to you. 
“Ms. [Y/L/N], did you receive my text message? You’re wanted in Adam’s office as soon as possible!” His blue eyes searched yours frantically, even while you became acutely aware of your quickening heartbeat. 
“Oh, uhm..do you know why?” The man shook his head as he hurried away, staring intently at the clipboard clutched in his hands. A million scenarios chased themselves through your mind; the least of which involved the numerous bottles of tums you were sure Derek consumed regularly. Walking through the side doors and turning down the long hallway where the convention offices were set up, you busied yourself with the pattern beneath your feet. There were fifty-two blue diamonds set into the grey carpet between the main theater and Adam’s office. After several deep breaths, you squared your shoulders and rose your fist to knock on the oak door. The sound of a chair tracking across the floor echoed from behind the barrier and when the door opened, you were surprised to see the man still sitting. 
“Ah, Ms. [Y/L/N], do come in.” Following him inside, you paused to close the door at Adam’s insistence. 
“Ms. [Y/L/N], it appears we need to have a chat.” Shifting uneasily just inside the door, you tried to still the worried thoughts still cavorting in your subconscious. 
“Is something wrong sir?” Adam barked out a laugh and you were disappointed when you jumped at his tone. 
“Quite, the opposite actually.” The man still sat in the office chair, his head thrown back as it swirled in lazy circles. “We’ve had a request to add you to our permanent staff.” He said it as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Furrowing your brows, you tried to think of a reason why, or, for that matter who’d sent such a request. Sure, you had thought about talking to Adam about the possibility, but you hadn’t made any solid plans to do so. 
“Can I ask by who?” Maybe Derek? I mean, he’s really the only staff member I’ve interacted with on a regular basis this weekend. Stephanie perhaps? Adam chuckled to himself and shook his head, his eyes bright. 
“Mr. Padalecki has asked for you personally.” Of all the people you thought might’ve suggested it, Jared certainly hadn’t even come close to making the list. You were quiet as you absorbed the information. Looking up at Adam as his chair lazily swayed behind the card-table turned makeshift desk, you cleared your throat. 
“Did he...did he say...why?” The little conversation you’d had with Jared this weekend had been pleasant enough, but you couldn’t think of a single reason why he’d make such a request. 
“We discussed it.” “Suffice it to say he is impressed with your dedication to the job.” “This opportunity doesn’t present itself often Ms. [Y/F/N], strictly because exactly zero personal requests have occurred. Like, ever. I’ve been doing this a long, long time...and this is a first.” “Usually we staff the more experienced volunteers as handlers, it just so happened that our senior team member bowed out with the flu this weekend and you were the first person Derek saw upon finding out.” “Simply a ‘right place at the right time’ kind of scenario.” “Jared came to me earlier today after his gold panel and asked about you.” Shrugging, the black suit jacket he’d pulled on over his  grey t-shirt bunched at the seams. “That’s all I know.”  “Think about it Ms. [Y/L/N].” Nodding slowly, you turned, grabbing the overly shiny brass door handle to let yourself out. 
“Oh, and [Y/F/N]?” Looking back over your shoulder at Adam as he started gathering papers together, you paused; “Jared’s about to start his autographing sessions, I suggest you make haste.” 
TAGS: @jaredsunflowergoddess @arses21434 @wings-of-a-raven @jamielea81
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makeste · 6 years
KHR 065: Motivational Tomatoes
Before we get back to the action, this chapter featured the first-ever character poll results, and do you know who got first place?
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That’s right! This is the one and only time he will ever make it into the top two, let alone beat out his beloved boss (and it wasn’t even close). The rest of the character poll results are here, for anyone who enjoys these things and feels validated (like I do) when other people also like their fave.
Moving on to the chapter!
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I can’t believe Gokudera fucking died right when he was voted the most popular character in Japan.
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Honestly, it’s fascinating to see Tsuna freeze up in a situation like this. I think it might be the only time it ever happens? Before this arc, he had never been in a situation this bad. And after this arc… well, we all know he’s a bit of a changed man after this arc.
But for right now, he’s useless! At least he doesn’t just straight up abandon Gokudera, though.
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This would be a great time for a really handsome fellow to make a flashy entrance.
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I honestly don’t know how this smiling idiot never made it to #1 on any of the polls. Criminally underappreciated. Who do I have to fight to get him the respect he deserves.
On a side note, Tsuna’s expression when Yamamoto is going “WHE-W” is legendary. It’s such a perfect “Ohmygod what just happened… am I dead??!” look. No, Tsuna, you’re alive! You were saved by this fucking guy who’s got the best timing since the fucking T-rex at the end of the first Jurassic Park.
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I can’t really blame the school, given that half its student body is currently laid out missing all their teeth. If anything they should have been closed to begin with.
Those girls from the previous chapter are just walking all over the damn town complaining about this fight. Bless you, girls.
I freaking love how Yamamoto hears “kid in a fight” and immediately thinks, “Gokudera.”
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Fortunately, Yamamoto knows how to express this exact same mood, but with like 1000x more aggression.
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I’m not sure when exactly I started shipping 8059, but I do know that if I wasn’t already, after this panel I was all aboard that ship ready to never set foot on dry land ever again.
Also, Yamamoto is so fucking awesome Jesus Christ.
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Also, later on in this chapter there’s a scene where Yamamoto cheerfully refers to it as “the mafia role-play” yet again, but you are kidding yourself if you think there’s any chance that this little murder butterfly, freshly emerged from his natural born hitman cocoon, actually believes it’s a game after this scene. GOKUDERA DYING IS NOT SPECIAL EFFECTS. I 100% believe he’s only playing along because it’s simpler that way.
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Look at this idiot. Word of advice: if Yamamoto ever looks at you with that sort of expression, YOU FUCKING RUN and don’t look back. Better yet, don’t hurt his boyfriend in the first place and it won’t come to this.
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HE’S SO ANGRY sob I’m living for it so much! Also, of COURSE he’s number two on the list. Of course he is. Second only to Hibari. At least Fuuta fucking appreciates how amazing he is.
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Let’s be real, he just knew Yamamoto was ready to kick his ass from here to ten years in the future.
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This makes me wish we could have gotten some sort of really tense, Godfather-esque hospital fight scene at some point in the series. I would have enjoyed that.
Anyhow, interesting that they have no problem sending the characters to the hospital in later arcs, even when it’s arguably just as dangerous (most notably during the Inheritance Arc, when someone had obviously tried to kill Yamamoto, and was still out there). So clearly, Gokudera only gets sent to the school in this instance so Shamal can be there to remind us all how useless he is. Even though he does save Gokudera’s life by treating the poison. I GUESS.
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That’s going to go over real well.
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Gokudera’s life in a nutshell.
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I freaking love how Bianchi is constantly trying to pick a fight with Yamamoto Takeshi, the world’s nicest human. I like to think it’s because she already knows he’s going to marry her brother one day.
Yamamoto’s Chopper-esque deer-in-headlights look needs to be framed and put on my wall.
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“Did you think we were done with the angst?” Amano asks, a sadistic gleam in her eye.
I was actually praying that we weren’t! And my prayers were answered.
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Is he a lizard? Is he a caterpillar? Where did he come from? Why does he exist?
These are things we don’t question. Just accept and move on.
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“The most terrible of mafia criminals”, oh and also, later on, a bunch of (mostly) innocent kids whose ancestors once casually made a deadly and irresponsible bet. (I say ‘mostly’ because Kaoru was guilty of ATTEMPTED MURDER. NEVER FORGET.)
This is officially the first mention of the Vindice, though. Sure would be hilarious if these guys ended up being the final villains or something wild like that.
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Yes, of course they’re the same person. Why would Reborn randomly be telling you about two completely unrelated Rokudo Mukuros?
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Nah it still counts as mafia.
Hey, it’s Mukuro! What an elegant transition.
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Mukuro goes on to act really callous here, but take note of that “!” bubble above his head when Chikusa flops to the ground. Is he just surprised, or is could it possibly be… concern????? I honestly don’t know, so let’s just say it’s both, with him then proceeding to go all-in on the show of amused apathy right afterwards to hide it.
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Oh yeah and he’s also excited because Chikusa’s finally gotten them a lead.
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Were you seriously going to eat your friend why are you guys such shitheads in this arc.
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I guess… he’s got a lot of faith in Chikusa, at least? Man, compared to this, Gokudera suddenly seems amazingly well off, even with his lack of a hospital, his doctor that doesn’t treat men, and his sister who’s more likely to kill him than cure him.
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Reborn, please talk some sense into this spiraling young man who needs to be dragged into his leadership role of destiny by force if need be!
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In all fairness, he doesn’t know he’s going to be a fucking superhero by the end of the day.
At any rate, Reborn is not the only one who thinks it’s finally Tsuna’s moment to shine!
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I would kill to see one of these reports from Reborn to the Ninth. Tell me someone has written a fic about them. I’m obsessed with this.
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Twelve hours?? Geez no pressure.
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Tsuna. Now you gotta.
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Now you really gotta.
Haha. The Ninth is sitting there at his desk like, “What should I say to motivate him? How about tomatoes? Everyone likes tomatoes. But just in case, I’ll also threaten to kill him if he says no.”
As we all know, at this stage of his development, Tsuna is fucking great under pressure, so he immediately pretends he hasn’t heard anything, screams that it has nothing to do with him, and runs off in a panic.
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Which is actually exactly what he needs to do to end up getting a reality check!
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This is exactly why Reborn is the tutor and the Ninth is just the old guy with money. “Rather than seducing him with tomatoes, I’ll just remind him that no matter what, he can’t escape this shit anyway, and if he sits around and does nothing he’s fucking screwed.”
Like, it sounds cruel, but it’s exactly what he needs to hear. Along with this.
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Things I love:
Reborn’s complete faith that deep down, Tsuna already knows the right thing to do.
Reborn understanding that there’s a layer of fear/panic/anxiety that he has to cut through in order to get to that essential core of Tsuna. (I mean, that’s the very concept of the Dying Will bullet right there.)
Reborn knowing exactly what to say to activate that inner strength.
Tsuna’s scared-but-resolved face when he thinks about Ryohei and Kyoko and Gokudera.
The fact that Kusakabe is included in the montage (s-sob).
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One day I will write an essay about how I believe that this single sentence sums up Reborn’s entire endgame for Tsuna in a nutshell. And when I say “endgame”, I mean endgame endgame. As in BOSS endgame.
Seriously, he’s known from the start that this is what propels Tsuna. Not fame or power. Not even “purer” abstract concepts like ~the greater good~ or ~doing the right thing~. It has to be personal; it has to be his friends, his family, someone that he cares about. Because he is thirteen, and still self-centered, and so right now, something like this is the only thing that can break through that layer of teenage apathy and reluctance. The threat has to be real and close and tangible, and it has to be personal.
And even later on, when he’s matured a bit more and is saving the future and junk, this is still the key motivator. Tsuna has so much potential to be a force for good and light and hope in the world. But if you want him to be a damn hero, you have to give him someone to save.
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Look at the gritted teeth. It’s working.
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This is Tsuna’s equivalent of that Yamamoto rage face earlier in this chapter. Look how different it is. I love this about Tsuna.
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Reborn! Tell him!
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Half an hour after being killed, Gokudera returns good as new! Reading this chapter for the first time, ten-years-ago makeste breathes a sigh of relief that her favorite character isn’t going to get left out just when the series is finally having a real fucking arc. We got our angst and the happy ending too! BOOM, did it, had it both ways no regrets.
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This may just be the greatest sequence of entrances in history.
Back when they had so few fighting characters that they needed to toss in Bianchi as a fourth. Those were the days.
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You shall be the Fellowship of the Rings… wait, no, that’s next arc.
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I don’t know why we needed a fucking roadmap to understand this plan of “we’re going to their hideout”, but okay.
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It’s Fuuta!
That’s right, friends! In addition to Hibari Kyoya, Mukuro has also kidnapped an eight-year-old. He’s so evil!
…But redemption is coming for you, you pineapple-shaped kufufuing motherfucker. Just you wait.
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callmetatenda · 6 years
thank u, next
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I know I abandoned my blog, a little… I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry. But I’m back & I’m better [in my best Bryson Tiller voice]. See here’s the thing, life just started happening, things were moving and shifting I got caught up in a lot. So I needed some time to recuperate, think and come back as the best version of myself. I’m trying out some new stuff on this blog, on my music channels and my social media presence in general. I just feel like I have a lot to say and plenty ways to release them so bear with me & stay tuned to my other socials for some fun things. I’ve been thinking of what I’d say when I came back to this platform and I wanted it to be right, I wanted to articulate it in a correct manner. I’m the kind of person who has a lot going on in my head but I won’t voice it unless I truly think it will hold some kind of impact… so, here it goes.
I know you’ve heard that Ariana Grande song by now & I’m not gonna lie, when I read about it before hearing it, I was like… eh another pop song about her past relationships that’s cute or whatever. BUT when I tell you I finally listened to it, and it pieced together what I’d been going through in so many ways I’m THRU. Ariana DID THAT.
So, as the year is coming to a close I’ve been thinking and reflecting a lot about where I am, where I’m going and how far I’ve come (won’t He do it?!). A couple months ago I packed up my bags and moved countries from everything I know and am familiar with and embarked on this journey with my studies. Now, combine that with adulting-- you know handling my finances, working, and making my own doctors appointments-- coping with probably the biggest change in my life, and  harbouring certain relationships and friendships that weren’t the healthiest. I was really going through it. But I’m a gangsta so I shed a lil thug tear and kept it pushing. The way I’m used to handling or dealing with things is if you’re not good for me, or good for my well being I will cut you off. Which in essence, is the healthy thing to do right? However, I learned that cutting someone off and being bitter or holding anger or hurt over the situation won’t do anything for you.
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I know that the right thing to do is forgive & forget but if I’m being completely real and transparent. I’m only human. Sometimes-- most times I can’t do that. I can’t easily forgive and I had to come to terms with the fact that’s okay the good Lord is still working on me. What I can do though, is change my perspective.
If God didn’t want me here, He wouldn’t have brought me here. That sometimes means it’s literally time to say THANK U & NEXT to a lot of things. thank u, next.. to that unhealthy relationship. thank u, next… to the friendships that are holding deadweight. thank u, next… to the situation that you got so comfortable in. thank u, next… to allowing people to talk to you anyhow. thank u, next… to staying stagnant and not evolving or growing. Staying in the same place won’t allow you to grow. Granted, the people who you came up with and the situations you’ve become comfortable in is a lot of what has shaped you. But know that God will use certain people for certain eras of your life for a particular job.
I had to come to a place where I asked Him to pull me away from anything and any relationship that He wasn’t in. That’s a hard prayer to pray. Because you’re asking Him to rid you of the people and the things you have grown to love. I kept praying about certain situations and people in my life, saying, God if you’re not in it.. if you’re not in that friendship, I don’t want to be there. I want to be where you are. As much as it might hurt me, take me away from it so I can have what YOU have for me.
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In my perfect world it would work like magic and I’d be a new creation, there would be fairy and pixie dust and *poof* it’s done and everything would be cool and we move on. Obviously, it doesn’t ever really work like that. Over the years, I learned that one of things that triggered my anxiety is being lonely. So I would cling onto people and friendships and tell myself “well at least I’m not alone,”. I’m mentioning this to highlight the importance of that prayer. I literally asked God to take away everything I’m comfortable with knowing it could very well take me to my dark place. I mentally prepared myself like “wow, if I can’t text this person at 2AM or whenever I feel low I’ll actually be a wreck,” and I’m not going to lie and say it was easy, but I’ve handled it like a champ if I do say so myself.
I had to realize that sometimes when God wants to work on you, He has to isolate you from some of the things you love and the people you love. He will put you in a place where you are able to hear him and totally be committed and focused to His plan. The thought of this used to scare me a little bit, [like, can we keep it 100 and be all the way transparent?] because honestly, I’m comfortable with these toxic relationships because it might not be alllll the way healthy, but at the end of the day I’ll still get that affirmation that makes me feel good and happy so like why would I walk away from that. At this point I’m looking at God like, “Come on my dude… I know you probably don’t want me here right now… but like I’m kinda sorta happy, sooo I’ma stay in this until the wheels fall off this thing,” and the tendency is then to run from God because you’re lowkey ashamed. And that’s the funny thing about God, He’s not this huge scary character that’s gonna punish you if you don’t do things His way. God is literally love. He’ll let you do things your way. He will watch you act like boo boo the fool, watch you walk right into the fire and at the end of it He’s there and ready to catch you He is your Father.
I started looking at things without the element of resentment or anger to a point where I could be grateful for certain situations and still say peace out & God bless ya. In everything I was moving on from, one taught me love, one taught me patience and one taught me pain fOR SURE. But here’s the thing, let’s go back to this Ariana song because I don’t think y’all understand the timing it all just fell right in place I’m excited okay. The first verse she’s talking about her ex boyfriends and that one taught her love, patience and pain okay but then she gets into the second verse where she says she’s moved on to some on else [at this point I’m like oh noo baby what is you doin??] then SIS SAYS HER NAME IS ARI. She has moved on to herself! SOMEONE SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK COME ON THAT’S A WORD. Then minister Ariana continues to say, “she taught me love, she taught me patience, she handles pain that []’s amazing”. HELLO?
Once I became committed to actually not letting certain things and people have a hold on me and my life anymore, that’s when God started working. God started pouring out things into me. I started to be with and by myself all the time and was okay with it. I’ve grown to love my own company; I’ve learned that in my own company I do some of my best writing, I sing some of my best songs, yo not to toot my own horn but ya girl is fly. I’m literally living my best life [peep my ig for real life proof] and that doesn’t go to say that there won’t be bad days; it doesn’t mean that I don’t miss certain people or don’t feel empty some days. What I’ve learned in this season of self-love, self-awareness and growth is to stay at His feet. I’ll never lack anything if I keep that relationship with Him.
So for now, I’ll leave you with these gems until we meet again,
BOP OF THE WEEK: thank u, next x Ariana Grande
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VERSE OF THE WEEK: Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
08/06/2018 DAB Transcript
Ezra 3:1-4:24 , 1 Corinthians 2:6-3:4 , Psalms 28:1-9 , Proverbs 20:24-25
Today is the 6th day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I'm Brian. It's great to be here with you today. I keep thinking it's July still, even though we have almost come a week into this new month. I guess I just need to catch up with myself. I'm sure I'm not alone. It is the 6th day of August. And we're reading from the English Standard Version this week. Ezra 3:1-4:23 today.
Okay. So in1 Corinthians, Paul has been discussing the nonsense of the gospel starting yesterday. And he's basically saying that God planned to redeem the world and that redemption, that
plan was hidden in ancient but it was revealed in Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. But only for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Okay, so we can accept that because we know that that's Christian doctrine. That's what we believe. But if you just consider what I just said, like for your own human understanding of the world, if you have no context for your faith at all and you hear this, well then you see the rub. It makes no rational sense if you don't believe that there is more to our existence and the physical senses that we have to interpret it. But once you've felt the truth of the gospel flooding into your soul, then you can't see the world any other way. So it's difficult to describe to a person who doesn't see the world through spiritual eyes. And Paul explained it like this. The  rulers of this world have not understood it. If they had, they would not have crucified the Lord. So how is it that we reconcile the disconnect between our own reason and the awareness that a spiritual reality exists that is more tangible than anything else in the world? How do we reconcile that? That's what Paul was talking about today. He said, no one can know a person's thoughts except that person's own spirit. And no one can know God's thoughts except God's own spirit. And we have received God's spirit, not the world's spirit. So we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us. People who aren't spiritual can't receive these truths from God's spirit. It all sounds like foolishness to them and they can't understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. So in other words, all of our faculties, all of our human senses and our mind and our reason alone will not be able to reason the ways of God. God's ways are higher than our ways. We will not be able to figure it out. So therefore, we'll need something more than our own reason. Something beyond our own minds. And for Paul, there was only one way this would reconcile. Which brings us to one of the most quoted Scriptures in all of the Bible. 1 Corinthians 2:16. We understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. And because of that, we can look into the Spirit. We can look through the eyes of faith at what we cannot see and live within this reality.
Father, we want to live into this reality today. And we realize that this is absolutely true. We go in search for You, trying to use our own human ingenuity and wisdom, but there's a ceiling. We cannot go beyond it. We cannot know Your ways without You. We cannot have an understanding of the spirit without Your Holy Spirit.  And so we go through our lives falsely tethered to an awareness that can be perceived by our physical senses.  But we are instructed over and over and over and over and over and over in the scriptures than there is way more to the story than that.  So we invite Your Holy Spirit to well up within us, to surround us, to guide us, to counsel us, to lead us into all truth, to lift our eyes to the horizon and allow us to see Your kingdom all around us, advancing forward.  And we are a part of that story. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In Jesus name we ask. Amen.
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And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning Daily Audio Bible. This is John from Illinois. I’m a first-time collar. I’ve been with the DAB, my wife and I, for three years. I’m very grateful that a friend, Laura, invited us to this place. I’m so grateful for this family, for Brian and Jill, for what it has been, life-changing for us. I think what struck me most was not only the program and God’s word opening up for these callers, this DAB family calling in, caring and loving people they don’t know. I was listening this morning and my heart goes out to an Allen from Sydney. And the Lord told me very plainly, He says don’t doubt your faith, don’t question My faithfulness when it doesn’t turn out the way we want it to. And a lot of times in this life we have an idea or thought in our mind that we think that God wants us to do and when it doesn’t pan out then we question our own hope, our own faith, our own walk with God and that’s not at all how it is. The word says that he ever lives to make intercessions for us. And Psalm 27 clearly says wait on the Lord, be of good courage for he strengthens your heart. Wait, __. God has got a great and marvelous plan. Wait and be still. I’m just to get grateful for this family, grateful to be a part of this. God bless Brian and Jill. God bless this whole family.
Hi Daily Audio Bible. This is Lydia and Maryland. I’ve been listening for seven years and never called into the prayer line but my family has been hit with a very difficult situation. Our 17-year-old has tried to commit suicide three times and the doctors recommended a particular therapy that’s very expensive but we figure that God will provide. She doesn’t seem to be responding to the therapy very well but we are in the first few weeks of it. So, I am calling just to ask for, first and foremost prayers for her and over her life and that she hears God’s voice and knows that God loves her and has many works for her to do. I am also asking for prayer for our finances as we know we are willing to go into debt for this because we are believing that God is going to provide. But it’s $1000 per month, which is hard. So, again, please lift up our daughter Faith. And we are pastors, so, even pastors sometimes need prayer. And unfortunately, we can’t always go to our churches because this is our daughter’s story. But I love you and I thank God that I am able to reach out to a worldwide community. That is awesome…and…
Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is Scott Santee and I am calling from sunny Havana Cuba. I hope you are all are doing well. I have called before and haven’t really told much…just like a few times. I’ve been listening for…well…since Ezekiel was born and I love it. I know everybody’s voices before they give their needs and it’s just great. I was calling to let you know that I have been here for the last three weeks installing water filters. I’m actually a full-time missionary. But it’s been so remarkable, I just wanted to share a praise report about it. We, not only are able to meet their number one physical need of clean water, but also use that as a way to meet their number one spiritual need of a relationship with Jesus Christ. And this has been amazing. We’ve seen a response rate of just over 50% of the people that we share with our coming to Christ. And I’ve never seen anything like it anywhere in the world. And this last week was pretty intense. We saw a lot of opposition and people could feel, yeah know, the spiritual forces of evil working against them. And, anyhow, the Lord still prevailed and it was great and I just thought you’d want to rejoice with that. You know, you know, hundreds of people now have clean water. They don’t have to boil their water or put Clorox in it or anything. And now, the house churches and the anchor churches are following up with all the people. The community is abuzz. They’re so happy, they’re so excited, they’re talking about Jesus. It’s just great. If you’d like to learn more you can reach me at [email protected]...
Hi. This is James Pitrineli and a day behind right now. It’s August 4th. I’m listening to the August 3rd Podcast. And funny that…Asia, in Chicago. So, we have two Asia’s now. That’s really cool, actually. I heard your call and my dad growing up is not a believer but he was verbally abusive for years on end. And I don’t know how old you are right now, if sounds like you’re an adult, or at least nearly so. That’s just really hard, first of all and think there’s a lot of people in our community who can identify. But it takes a lot of courage to admit that what’s happening is abuse and that it’s not your fault. You don’t deserve it. Even though you’re imperfect, we’re all imperfect and the Lord doesn’t abuse us. He doesn’t hurl accusations at us. That’s the enemy. In my father’s case, he had mental health issues an entire life through and the enemy will use those. And it sounds like you with your father does love the Lord, he’s got some spiritual things definitely going on. He may have some mental health things going on. But, they’re not your fault, none of them. You’re not responsible for him. Love you. Keep hanging on.
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ree-ffxiv · 3 years
CH 2: A Meeting in Idyllshire
“So good of you to finally join us, Gylian!” Y’shtola declared as the Hyur and her chocobo made a clumsy landing.
Gylian’s love of her chocobo began after formally joining the Maelstrom, when she finally had her pick of the chocobo lot as it were, and the one chocobo who seemed to never be picked – for what she was told its constant clumsy and awkwardness – was evidently her first choosing. Ever since the pair had been a match made in heaven, and the only person who ever seemed to understand the choice of chocobo was Minfilia.
“And still no regrets with your choice of chocobo?” Alphinaud observed.
Gylian slid off the bird and patted his beak; he trilled eagerly in response. She stepped toward Y’shtola and Alphinaud who had waited for her arrival outside.
“Of course, I’d have him no other way! And I apologize for being late; we were on our way until I had to do an impromptu rescue. Coeurls are out of control in Thanalan…!”
“I find it endearing that you still manage to find the time to tend to your adventuring duties,” Alphinaud smiled. “And, so? What became of your rescue?”
“Funny, that.” Gylian said, lifting her helm from her head, and giving her scalp a quick scratch. “It seems that I’ve had a twin roaming Eorzea without me knowing until now. And the Lalafel on her own seemed awfully out of sorts.”
“A Lalafel? It is possible she was shy. After all, she would not know how completely harmless you are underneath all that armor, Gylian.” Y’shtola chuckled. “Pray, why were you in Thanalan anyhow?”
Gylian sighed, “I needed an excursion from our stay in Ishgard. You know how I hate the cold, and Thanalan is the hottest you could get next to Sagolii without frying.”
“Well, I suppose I can’t blame you for avoiding Ishgard – and the choice of company is fairly limited between the Brume and upper elites.” Y’shtola chuckled.
“You’re telling me! I find inhabitants of the Brume to be far more relatable.” Alphinaud said. “Also, the cider warms me well enough.” He added, eyeing Gylian smugly for her lack of tolerance.
“Do you remember the last time I had Ishgardian cider Alphinaud?” Gylian countered, “Do you want to relive it?”
Alphinaud’s eyes widened, his hands spreading before him, “N-No, Gylian. That was a mess and I can still recall the effort to avoid gagging.”
It was not long before he became green in the face, recalling his watch over the drunken Hyuran, emptying her stomach contents in an alley of the Brume just behind the tavern – which was much more preferable than in view of the Isghardian Elezens. Gylian and the Scions were already on thin ice as it was, and to conduct themselves inappropriately might have led to unnecessary consequences. Gylian’s retching alone almost made Alphinaud join her.
“About that “twin” of yours - I'm curious. Might she have said more regarding this?” Y’shtola asked, before the conversation continued to derail. Her finger languidly tapped her cheek, as her habit when the cogs were turning.
Gylian bowed her head in thought. The happenstance meeting gave her mixed feelings of curiosity, excitement, and apprehension. As eager as she were to find this person, it was likely another Eorzean, and thus an air of disappointment loomed over her thoughts. However, the idea of meeting someone – possibly a relative, of some kind – would be exciting. Someone who might indulge her on her past, her history that was lost on her since washing upon the shores of Limsa Lominsa moons ago.
But in the way Lamimi had behaved, perhaps it was best that she never came across this person – or perhaps Lamimi feared him, for her sake? So many questions ran through her mind, that she didn’t know where to begin.
“I suppose I am overthinking it," Gylian replied, both thinking allowed and answering Y'shtola. "And perhaps it’s not worth fretting over. After all, we Hyurans are as common as they come. You could find so many others like mine own.”
“Are you saying the Warrior of Light is not in and of herself unique?” Y’shtola feigned surprise.
“O-On second thought, perhaps it is best there was not another me running about…” Gylian stammered. Y’shtola and Alphinaud laughed as if in agreement. Then both stopped as another Lalafel approached them, clad in yellow robes and an eagerness in her eye.
“I’m here, I’m here! Mine apologies for the delay!” she said.
“It is no trouble at all, Krile! We’ve only been here for but a moment.” Y’shtola assured. “Gylian, may I introduce to you Krile Mayer Baldesion – she has travelled far from the Sharlayan motherland to assist us in our search for Minfilia and Thancred.”
“Oh, you are too kind Y’shtola. Please, think nothing of it! A trip to Eorzea was long overdue!” Krile spoke, with a polite curtsey. She then beamed up at Gylian. “And so, you are Gylian – the Warrior of Light that I’ve heard so much about! You certainly do look the part! It is a pleasure to finally meet you at last, m'lady.”
Gylian blushed at the Lalafel, “I certainly try, Miss Krile. I consider it a work in progress…”
“Humble as ever, too.” Alphinaud remarked.
“And then we have Alphinaud Leveilleur himself!” Krile declared, her attention now turning to her old friend. “I’d say someone has grown an ilm or two in my absence – or are those lifts in your boots?”
Alphinaud cleared his throat in order to evade Krile’s observation and added, “Erm, Krile and I attended the same academy together. If not for her sage guidance, I may not be who I am today.”
“For better or for worse?” Gylian added with a slight chuckle. Krile and Y’shtola followed suit.
“And you are one to talk, Gyl!” Alphinaud replied with agitation, as Gylian recoiled half-expecting another Silence spell to shut her up.
“Now, now children,” Y’shtola eased the pair, sarcastically. “Let us move on to more pressing matters. Krile, you have some information to share with us, yes?”
Krile eased her chuckling, “Indeed, Y’shtola. I’ve found a way in which to locate Minfilia and Thancred – however I will need the aid of Master Matoya and her crystal eye.”
“Well then, I believe it is time we paid mine own mentor a visit.” Y’shtola said.
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ra-ra-rum-ma-ma · 6 years
I went and got myself my contact lenses today which was an experience. My depth perception was pretty much gone so I ended up poking my eyes a lot but when I eventually did get them in the man asked me to take them in and out several more times just to get used to them. My eyes feel all red and sore from all the poking and prodding but, hey, they seem to be working wonders and I don’t need to be wearing my glasses all that much any more. 
We also have our first ever puppy class today and we’re going to be attending it without our dog. It’s supposed to last seven weeks - I’m assuming the seven is inclusive of this lesson just now where she gives us our first set of homework and then asks us to bring our dog in with us next time - and I’m excited to get started. It’s going to be a long journey but I am praying it’ll be worth it. 
On the plus side, I’m doing a little bit better mental health wise now that it’s nearly afternoon. I had a pretty bad flashback last night and my dad pretty much unloaded onto me what he thought of the fact that I had one (this isn’t something I feel comfortable discussing on here and just want to forget about it, to be honest). But I have managed to take a step back and I’m spending some of my time reblogging a bunch of stuff on here and playing some video games. I woke up feeling really tense, though, so I’m in a little bit of discomfort.
Anyhow, I’ll no doubt be posting online about how the lesson went and what I think of it. 
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I Knew I Loved You
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Hey all!  I know you guys have been waiting for a sequel to “Bulletproof” since I posted it... so here it is!  It is also a prompt “You’re telling me you’ve never been to Ikea?”
So here it is!  Hope you enjoy... and I really thank you all for your patience in me getting to these!  Some inspiration comes from the Savage Garden song by the same title.
It had been a couple months since Sylvie had been shot.  She was no longer in a plaster cast, but she was still not back to 100%.  She also was having to be more cautious considering the precious cargo she was carrying, but only Antonio, Matt and Gaby knew about it, other than her and the doctors.  They were planning to announce the big news at Molly’s this weekend.  In the mean time, she’d temporarily assigned to Dispatch.  Gaby and Chout had been partnered for the next little while.  
“Hey.”  Antonio came up behind her.  “What you thinking about?”
“Announcing all this to our friends and family tomorrow night.”  Sylvie held up her left hand.  Despite them being engaged for the last couple months, they hadn’t formally told everyone yet.  
“Well... your ex is still insane.”  Sylvie pointed out.
“Not her problem.”
“Well, she’ll try to make it her problem.”  Sylvie cringed at the last time that the kids had come over and Laura had flipped out on her because Antonio wasn’t there.
“She can’t ruin this.”  Antonio put his hand on her belly.  “How are you feeling?”
“Well, now that I actually know I’m pregnant, I actually have morning sickness.”  Sylvie groaned.  “I hate it.”
“It should be almost over... or at least that’s what your OB said.”
“Uh huh... or I could be one of those ‘lucky’ women that gets it until I deliver.”
“Stop being so negative... have you eaten yet?”
Antonio went to the fridge to grab eggs.
“If you’re thinking of making me eggs, you can stop right there.”
“You need to eat, the baby needs to eat.”
“The baby is like the size of a lemon... baby doesn’t like eggs right now.”
“Then what do you want?”
“Toast... with jam.”  Sylvie sipped her tea.  “Please.”
“Well... it’s something.”  He kissed her cheek and went to put bread into the toaster.  “When do you start at Dispatch?”
“I just got cleared for next shift.  So I’m here for another few days.”  Sylvie sighed.
“Don’t you like just being able to sit at home and rest?”  Antonio took a sip from his coffee.
She stared at him.  “For a couple days, sure... but it’s been two months... I’m getting cabin fever.”
“You’ve left the house a couple times since.”  Antonio said.
“I had a routine... I can’t even do Zumba anymore.”
“You got shot... and the bullet broke your leg.”  Antonio reminded her.
“Still!”  Sylvie pouted.  “You’ve been shot and you went right back to work.”
“I was a cop.”  Antonio put his empty cup in the sink.  “You are a paramedic... bullets shouldn’t be flying when you’re on the job.”
“Plus, I didn’t get broken bones.”
“Gaby told me that you almost bled out both times you were recently shot.”
“Gaby has a big mouth.”  He spread the jam over the now toasted bread.  “She shouldn’t be making you upset.”
“I wouldn’t get so upset if you’d talk to me.”  Sylvie took a bite of the toast.
“I do talk to you.”
“Not about that stuff.”  
Antonio groaned.  “Okay... if you promise to endure the next few days, I promise to answer any and all of your questions about my old job and my new job.”
“Risks and dangers too?”
Sylvie grinned.  “Okay... I will endure the next few days with little to no complaining.”
“That’s my girl.”  Antonio looked at his watch.  “I gotta go.”
“Have a good day and try to stay out of trouble.”  Sylvie got up and hugged him.
“But... where’s the fun in that?”  Antonio mock whined.
She punched his shoulder.  “Just get going before I decide to keep you all day.”
Antonio was putting his jacket on.  “What are your plans for today?”
“I’m starting to plan the nursery.”   Sylvie pulled out a bunch of catalogues.
“Exactly what all are we needing in a nursery?” His eyes bulged at pile of catalogues.
“Well, painting it... and crib and change table...”  Sylvie rattled off a bunch of thing.
“Woah, woah... woah!” Antonio exclaimed.  “I had two kids already... we didn’t have all that... and where exactly would we get all this?”
Antonio arched an eyebrow.  “Ikea?”
Sylvie nodded.  “They have everything in one store... it would be one trip.”
“Uh huh.”  Antonio was unsure of this idea.  He’d heard many horror stories about letting loved ones shop at Ikea.
“You mean to tell me you’ve never been to Ikea?”  Sylvie asked.
He shook his head.  “Nope.  Never had the need.  When Eva and Diego were born, a lot of the stuff was given to us as gifts... or I went to Wal-Mart... can’t we go to Wal-mart?”
“But... but...”  She held up the catalogue that she had opened.  “Look how adorable this is?”
Antonio had to admit it was pretty cute.  “Okay... you pick some stuff, and we’ll talk about it when I get home tonight, okay?”
“Okay.”  She kissed him quickly before going back to browsing the catalogues.
He was chuckling as he left for work.  He knew he was going to be stuck going to Ikea, no matter how much he protested, but for Sylvie, anything was worth it.
“So, what exactly is this big party for?”  Laura asked looking up from her file.
“Just wanna have a get together, you know, celebrate Sylvie going back to work and all that.”  Antonio didn’t look up from the computer.  He was praying that she didn’t push much more because he was busting at the seams to announce their engagement and pregnancy.
“Uh huh.”  Laura didn’t buy it.  “There’s more to it than that.”  She closed the folder and walked over to his desk, leaning against it.  “Spill, partner.”
Antonio looked up.  “What makes you think there’s more to it?”
“She was shot two months ago... coulda had a celebration then.  Ya know, celebrate surviving and all that?”
“She wanted it now, who am I to argue with her.”  Antonio shrugged.  “It’s her party, I’m just helping organize it.”
“I can always ask your sister.  She’ll tell me.”
“She won’t say anything because there’s nothing left to say.”  Antonio hit print on the screen.  “Come on, we’ve got results, let’s go see Stone and see if we can’t get a warrant for this today...”
“This discussion ain’t over, Dawson.”  Laura said as she followed him to Stone’s office.
“Are you excited?”  Gaby asked.
“About?”  Sylvie was going through her collection of nail polishes for the mani pedis they were getting today.
“The party!”  Gaby exclaimed.  “Come on... we’ve been busting at the seams to spill this!”
“It’s one more day, Gaby.”  Sylvie sighed.  “One more day before the whole world knows the truth.”
“You won’t be able to hide it much more anyhow.”  Gaby pointed to her midsection.  “I can see that tiny bump already forming.”
“Hey!”  Sylvie batted her hands away.  “I don’t want everyone to know yet.”
“There are only so many baggy things you can wear right now, Brett.”  Gaby sighed.  “It’s getting hot out.”
“I’ll invest in muumuus if I have to.”  Sylvie stuck her tongue out.
“Not exactly a CFD regulated uniform.”  Gaby chuckled.  “Have you and Antonio told the kids?”
“Tonight over supper.”  Sylvie smiled.  “Did you know your brother has never been to Ikea?”
“That surprises you?”  Gaby feigned shock.
“Gaby!”  Sylvie tossed a cushion at her head.  “I’m serious.  I brought up designing the nursery and stuff and wanting to go to Ikea and he was like... like a deer in headlights.”
“Well, they either got gifted some stuff for the kids or went to Wal-mart.”
“That’s what he told me!”  Sylvie huffed, collapsing against the couch.  “What’s wrong with Ikea?”
“Well... there’s the fact that the instructions aren’t the clearest... that you have to go through the entire store to get to what you want... and Antonio has probably heard the horror stories of men who go shopping there with their girlfriends or wives and get stuck in there for hours... just to name a few reasons.”
“You don’t like Ikea either?”
“Hell no!”  Gaby exclaimed.  “I bought a book case from there once and I ended up using it as fire starter for a drill about a week later because I didn’t understand how to put the whole damn thing together.  Matt ended up coming over, tearing a strip outta me for not asking for him to build me one, then he built me the sturdiest bookcase known to man.”
“Hmm.”  Sylvie picked up the bottle of champagne pink nail polish she’d decided on.  “Well, he said we’d discuss it later.”
“Good luck.”  Gaby picked a sultry red for herself.
The two of them headed to where their manicurists were waiting for them.
Antonio got Sylvie’s text that she wasn’t home and was wondering if he could come pick her up before heading to pick up the kids from Laura’s.  He began packing his things up for the night and was heading out when Stone cornered him.
“Antonio... anything we need to bring this weekend?”
“It’s Molly’s... pretty sure you only need to bring yourself.”
Stone chuckled.  “So, you’re really not going to say why we’re all invited to this big shindig?”
“I’ve told everyone... you guys are the ones who don’t believe it... Sylvie wants to celebrate being able to go back to work... even if it’s only Dispatch until she’s done her physio and stuff.”
“Okay.”  Stone put his hands up.  “We’ll see you guys around 7?”
“Definitely.”  Antonio smiled.  “Gotta go pick up Sylvie and the kids... before my ex decides we can’t have them for this weekend.”
“Good luck.”  Peter patted his back and headed off to Jeffries’ office with a stack of files.
Antonio sighed.  He couldn’t wait for the weekend to get here.  There was only so much dodging the subject he could do.  Now, he just prayed that no one would notice the ring on Sylvie’s hand until the party.  24 more hours.  He thought to himself.  24 hours and the whole world will know and I won’t have to worry so much anymore.  He had to hope he wouldn’t have to worry.  He did worry though.  Even though they were divorced, Laura was bound and determined to make his and Sylvie’s new life miserable.  Before the shooting, she’d even tried ambushing Sylvie a the fire house.  That had not ended the way Laura had probably hoped it would.  He chuckled to himself at the memory of the phone call he’d gotten from Chief Boden.
3 months earlier...
“Dawson.”  Antonio answered his phone.
“Antonio... Chief Boden.”
“Chief?”  Antonio panicked.  “Are Gaby and Sylvie okay?”
“Gaby’s fine... Sylvie... not so good and your ex has a busted nose and is currently locked in my supply closet.”
“My what?”  Antonio was stumped.  “Why the hell was Laura at the firehouse?”
“My question exactly.”  Boden said.  “I’d really appreciate if you come sort this all out... before CPD has to arrest both your ex and your girlfriend... the latter who also happens to be part of one of the best paramedic teams in the whole damn city of Chicago.”
Antonio gulped.  “Yes, Chief.  Uh, right away.”  Antonio ended the call and looked up to see his new partner, ironically enough named Laura, but reminded him a lot of Jules, hovering by his desk.
“What was that all about?”
“Uh... not really sure.”  Antonio looked around for his keys.  “That was Chief Boden... my ex ambushed my girlfriend and I have to...”
She handed him the keys.  “You looking for these?”
Antonio nodded.  “Thanks... yeah... uh, I have to go solve this... so could you?”
“You got it.”  Laura nodded.  “Good luck.”
Antonio rushed to Firehouse 51 and saw that Chief Boden was waiting for him out on the apparatus floor.  He slowed his breathing and made his way over to join Chief.  “Chief.”  He extended his hand.  He then saw that Severide and Matt were also standing there.  “Kelly, Matt.”
“Antonio.”  Boden shook his hand.
“What the hell happened?”
Matt stepped in.  “Laura showed up, pissed off that Sylvie had picked Diego up from that Chess tournament the other day when it was supposed to be you... and well, she called Sylvie a dumb, college blonde... and a few other unsavoury things...”
“And Brett decked her.”  Severide added.  “LIke, Laura landed on her ass.”
“Mhm.”  Boden said.  “Now, I get that she’s your ex... and y’all have issues, but they do not get worked out in MY FIREHOUSE!”
“Understood.”  Antonio stood straight up.  “I... it won’t happen again... I can assure you of that.”
“It better not, because wether or not, you are dating Sylvie or are Gaby’s brother... I will call CPD next time.”  Boden huffed before heading back to his office.
Antonio ran his hand through his hair.  He looked to the two lieutenants.  “Where’s Sylvie?  I’d rather go talk to her first than deal with Laura right away.”
“Brett’s with Gaby in the kitchen...”  Matt said.  “Be careful because Gaby gave her a knife to start chopping veggies for supper.”
“Got it.”  Antonio headed to the kitchen.  “Where’s Laura?”
“Still in the supply closet.  Cruz and Otis are guarding the door.”  Severide said.
Antonio nodded.  “Thanks.”  He headed to go check on Sylvie before dealing with his demonic ex-wife.
“The nerve of that bitch!”  Sylvie was growling as she attacked a pile of celery.  “What the hell does me being blonde have to do with anything?!”
Gaby looked up as she heard the door close.  “Antonio!”  She ran to him.  “Thank GOD!  Solve this!  Please?”
“I’ll do my best.”  Antonio whispered.  While Sylvie may not have been Dominican, she sure as hell had the temper of a Latina sometimes.  He wondered if it wasn’t because she’d been Gaby’s roommate for a period of time and that she was dating him.  “Sylvie...”  He approached the counter with caution.
Sylvie dropped the knife to the cutting board and ran to him, throwing herself into his arms.  “Thank God you’re here.  Arrest her!”
“For what?”
“Slander!  Assault!  Being a bitch!  I don’t know... just something.”  She buried her head in his shoulder.  “I never did anything to that woman and she just attacked me in front of everyone... including Eva and Diego... and... and...”  She just began to angry cry.
Antonio looked back to Gaby.  “Where are the kids?”
“Ma came to get them... she said they didn’t need to see anymore of this than they already had.”
“Good.”  He kissed the top of Sylvie’s head.  “Shh... babe... it’s okay... I’m here... shh...”  He rubbed her back.
Sylvie looked up at him.  He could see the pain and anger in her eyes.  “I don’t know what her problem is with us being together.  She’s dating what’s his name... you haven’t gone over to punch him because he’s dating your ex.”
“No... and I wouldn’t... I don’t care what she does as long as it doesn’t harm the kids.”  Antonio kissed her.  “I love you and only you.”
Sylvie sighed.  “I just needed to hear that.”  She sniffled.  “I punched her.”
“I heard.”  Antonio snickered.  “Chief Boden was not impressed.”
“With her...”  Gaby chimed in.  “He actually applauded Brett’s boxing skills.”
“I see.”  Antonio looked into Sylvie’s eyes.  “I guess those lessons came in handy.”
Sylvie nodded.  “Mhmm.”
“Okay... well, whatever her problem is... she can direct it to me... she comes near you or this house again, I’m getting a restraining order... and it’s not hard to get one when you work for the ASA.”
Sylvie snuggled into him.  “I’m okay with that.”
“I know.”  Antonio hugged her tightly.  “Okay... now that I know you’re okay... I’M going to go deal with her and then you and I will have a great weekend to ourselves.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“Okay!”  Gaby exclaimed.  “I’m leaving this love fest... I’ll be doing inventory.”
Antonio laughed as Gaby ran out of the kitchen to the ambulance bay.  “She’s still not used to this.”
“Meh...”  Sylvie smiled.  “She will... everyone will have to get used to it.”
“Damn straight.”  Antonio kissed her.  “Okay... now, no more mutilating vegetables... I’ll see you in the morning?”
“Mhm.”  Sylvie kissed him.  “Thank you... for all this.”
“Hey.”  Antonio lifted her chin.  “You’re my girl... I’d move heaven and earth for you.”
“I know.”  She wiped her eyes and cheeks.  “Go deal with her, before I do.”
“Yes, ma’am.”  Antonio winked at her before heading to find the supply closet that was serving as his ex-wife’s cell.
“Hey, Antonio!”  Joe Cruz waved him over.
“Joe... Otis.”  Antonio greeted them.  “How’s it going?”
“Better once Dragon Lady leave.”  Otis whispered.  Between calling Brett a bunch of names, none of which I’m gonna be caught dead repeating... and insulting all of us, she bit Cruz.”
Cruz held up his hand.  “All I tried doing was help with the nose bleed that came with the busted nose that Brett gave her.”
Antonio sighed.  “Yeah, well... I’m sorry guys... she won’t be coming back here... and if she does, just hose her down... maybe she’ll cool off that way.”
“Hey, works for me.”  Cruz said.  “I’m gonna go check on supper.”  
He and Otis left, leaving Antonio alone with the very pissed off Laura.  He moved the chair from under the door knob and opened the door.
Laura stood there glaring at him, nostrils flared, almost like a cartoon bull.  “You!”
“Me?”  Antonio said.  “I’m not the psycho who attacked a paramedic at her firehouse.  Pretty sure that was all you.”
“You know damn well what I mean.”  Laura stomped out of the closet.  “She’s just a trashy blonde you’re fucking to spite me.”
“Laura, I’ve done a lot of questionable things in my life... but I’ve never ‘fucked’ somebody just to spite you... despite having many opportunities.”  Antonio crossed his arms.  He kept his legs apart in a stance that would allow him to stay upright if she attacked him.
“She’s barely a teenager!  She’s barely older than Eva!”
Antonio glared at her.  “Eva’s 16... Sylvie’s 27... she’s a little bit older, not that it’s any of your goddamn business anyhow!”
“Why is she picking up Diego then, huh?  When it’s supposed to be YOUR responsibility?!”
“Seriously?  That’s what this is about?  How about the amount of times Gerald picked Eva up from Volleyball or from a friend’s house?”  Antonio growled.  “You’re not the perfect parent you think you are, Laura... so here’s how this is going to go... you’re going to get out of here... and never step foot near this firehouse again... you’re going to find some way to apologize to Chief Boden for the unnecessary dram YOU’VE caused today and then you will never, ever contact Sylvie again, you understand me?  Cause, if you don’t... I’m slapping a restraining order on you and Gerald so fast, you’re head will spin.  You moved on... well, so did I.”
Laura tried to say something but Antonio cut her off.  “I don’t give a rat’s ass if she busted your nose.  You attacked her and she defended herself.  No one will buy your side to save their life... why?  Because you’re being the jealous, spiteful ex-wife who can’t stand to see your ex-husband actually be happy again.”  Antonio took a deep breath.  “Now, get out, or I’ll let some of those firemen you insulted throw you out.”
Laura stormed out of the firehouse.
“Damn!”  Gaby said as she walked up to Antonio.  “How’d that feel?”
“Fucking amazing.”  Antonio sighed.  It truly felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from his chest.  “I have no idea why I never told her that before.”
“You never had reason to.”  Gaby put her hand on his shoulder.  “Look... I know I wasn’t the most supportive you and Brett getting together, but I see how happy you two are and how you guys genuinely complete each other, I’m happy you’ve found each other.”
“Thanks, sis.”  Antonio smiled.  “I gotta get back to work... I’m gonna go say bye to Brett... and I’ll see you guys later.”
Since that adventure, Laura hadn’t gone near 51, but she wasn’t the most pleasant person when they went to pick up the kids or drop them off.  She always got pissy if she had to come and pick them up from the house.  Tonight, he wasn’t going to let anything ruin their night with the kids.  They wouldn’t be able to come to Molly’s for the big reveal for obvious reasons, but they wanted to make sure they heard it from them first.  He pulled up to Gaby and Matt’s and saw Sylvie sitting on the front steps with Gaby.  They were laughing at Matt who was halfway up a tree trying to rescue the neighbours kitten.
Antonio got out of his truck and walked up to the tree.  “Matt... isn’t this a little stereotypical?”
“Shut up.”  Matt groaned.  “Oreo... come here!”
Gaby laughed.  “This is like the 10th time this week... I think the kitten just likes the tree.”
“Are you sure it’s the cat?”  Antonio hugged her.  “Pretty sure I see your neighbour eyeing your husband.”
“She can look, but she knows Matt’s married... to me.”  Gaby punched his shoulder.  “Sylvie’s all dolled up... you nervous?”
“No, anxious... I want the kids to know before tomorrow... and I don’t need Laura ruining it for us.”
“She doesn’t know anything, right?”
“Right, but once she finds out...”
“Hmm.”  Gaby sighed.  “Well, good luck... I’m gonna help get Oreo out of the tree.”
Antonio went to Sylvie.  “Hey, baby.”
“Hey, yourself.”  She hugged him.  “Ready?”
“As ready as I can be.”  He kissed her.  He took her hands.  “Very pretty.”
“Thank you.”  She blushed.  “Thanks, Gaby... it was fun.”
“No problem!”  Gaby waved to them from the tree.  She’d managed to lure Oreo to her with some treats.  “Whatever you do... don’t get the kids a cat.”  She groaned.
The other couple laughed as they headed to Antonio’s truck.
Antonio had reserved a table at a nicer family restaurant.  While Sylvie had tried to convince him to let her cook, he’d finally won by reminding her that she still can’t spend extended periods of time on her leg.
“So... Dad?”  Eva asked.  “Why are we going out tonight?”
“Because we want to spoil you.”  Antonio answered.
“That’s it?”
“Why, you don’t want to go out?”  Antonio asked.
“Well, no, yes... I like going out, but you always used to save going out for special occasions.”  Eva reminded him.
“Well... things are a little different now.”
“Hey, Sylvie... is your leg better?”  Diego changed the subject.
“Much, thanks for asking, Diego.”  Sylvie turned back and smiled.  “How’s Chess Club going?”
“We got invited to this big tournament in Springfield in a couple weeks... but Mom’s not sure I can go.”
“Why not?”  Antonio looked in the rearview as he turned off the engine.
“Because I’d have to stay out there and Gerald is wanting to take her on a weekend getaway to the Hamptons that weekend... and I need a parent there for supervision.”
“Well... do you want to go?”  Antonio turned around.
“Then, I’ll take you.  I don’t think you should be punished because ‘Gerald’ wants to take your mom to the Hamptons.”
“Cool.”  Diego grinned.  His mood had definitely brightened with this revelation.  “Sylvie... would you come too?”
“I think I could make that work.”  Sylvie smiled.  She looked to Eva.  “Would you be joining us?”
“Could we hit the mall when we’re there?”
“I think we can do that, right, Antonio?”
Antonio knew that Eva had struggled a little bit with the changes that came with her parents being in new relationships.  “Sure... we can hit the mall too.”
“Then, I’m in.”  Eva undid her seatbelt.  “Do we get to pick anything on the menu?”
“As long as it’s not alcohol, yes.”  Antonio laughed.  “Let’s go eat.  I’m starving.”
“Me too!”  Diego booked it out of the truck and up the steps of the restaurant.
Sylvie shook her head.  “Way too much energy.”
“He’s always like that.”  Eva whispered.  She walked next to Sylvie the whole way.
“Boys.”  Sylvie patted Eva’s shoulder.
They were quickly seated and went over the menu.  Once they’d ordered their food, they made small talk.  Sylvie looked to Antonio.  He knew that look.  It meant ‘Now or never’.
“So, kids... uh, how do feel about us being together... as a couple?”
“Better than mom with Gerald.”  Eva hissed his name.  “He treats us like we’re babies... at least Sylvie treats us like people and that we’re teens.”
“Well... it’s called respect.”  Sylvie smiled.  “I like you guys, and you respect me, so I return the respect.”
“So... how would you feel about us taking the next step?”
“Didn’t you guys already move in together?”  Diego asked, nibbling on a breadstick.
Eva grabbed Sylvie’s left hand.  “Not that step, dummy!  Look!”
Diego dropped the breadstick and stared between Antonio and Sylvie.  “Uh... is...”
“You asked her to marry you?!”  Eva squealed.
Sylvie nodded as her cheeks filled with colour.
“That’s awesome!”  Diego exclaimed.  He got up and went around hugged her.  “Definitely the coolest thing ever!”
Antonio looked to Eva.  “What do you think?”
“Daddy... you haven’t been this happy in so long... I just want us all to be happy again.”  She went to hug her father.  “Sylvie’s pretty awesome, so I like the idea of having a hip step mom.”  She turned to Sylvie.  “Welcome to the family.”
Sylvie hugged her back.  “Thank you, guys.”
“Is that why you were house hunting the other day, Dad?”  Diego asked, finishing his plate.
“Uh, not really.”  Antonio took a sip of his wine.  “That was something else we wanted to talk to you about.”
“What?”  Eva was worried.  
“Well... um...”  Antonio stumbled over his words.
Sylvie squeezed his hand and jumped in.  “How would you guys feel about having a younger sibling?”
“Uh... are we having one?”  Diego asked, dropping his fork.
“Answer the question.”  Antonio said.
“Sure?”  Diego didn’t know what else to say.  They hadn’t been around little kids since Louie had gone to live with his biological father.
“I don’t know... I...”  She looked down at her plate.  “Would it be more important than us?”  
Sylvie knew where this was headed, so she decided to nib it in the bud.  “No... no.  You guys will always be as important... we... well, I know I don’t believe in having favourites.”
“So... are you guys gonna have a baby?”  Eva asked hesitantly.
“We are.”  Antonio answered.  “It wasn’t planned... but, yes.  Sylvie is pregnant... and you guys are gonna have a little brother or sister in about 6 months.”
“So that’s why you’ve been wearing baggier clothes.”  Diego thought about it.  “I thought it was just more comfortable for you since... ya know... you got shot.”
Sylvie chuckled.  “Partially yes to both of those.  We... we weren’t sure how to tell people... especially because of how we found out.”
“You didn’t suspect anything?”
Sylvie shook her head.  “No... We found out after I was shot... but we want us to all be okay with this... and we know it’s going to be an adjustment.”
“Does anyone else know?”  Diego asked.
“Tia Gaby and Uncle Matt... and Chief Boden... now you guys.”
“When are you telling everyone else?”  
“Tomorrow night... after we drop you off with Abuela... we’ll tell her and then we’re telling everyone at Molly’s.”
“What about the engagement?”
“Same thing... well... Abuela knows about the engagement... she and Tia Gaby got told right away... and then they wanted to know when we could tell everyone.”
“So why are you waiting so long?”  Eva sipped her cola.  “It’s been three months.”
“We just wanted to enjoy the time together... plus, I wanted to heal before having everyone attack us.”  Sylvie grinned.
“Oh, yeah.  That’s probably a good idea.”  Diego chuckled.  “So, what does that all mean for us?”
“We’re a family, Diego.  Always will be.”  Antonio patted his son’s hand.  “We’re just expanding by two.”
“Ma!”  Antonio greeted his mother as they walked in her house.
“Antonio!”  She embraced him.  “How are you doing?”
“Better now that we’ll be telling everyone about the engagement.”
“It’s about time, mijo.”  She pinched his cheek.  “Three months is a very long time for tu madre to keep her mouth closed.  Same with tu hermana.”
“Si, Mami.  I know, but after tonight, it won’t matter.”  
“Abuela!”  The kids ran to hug their grandmother.
“Eva, Diego!”  She hugged her grandchildren tightly.  “Oh, how I missed you.”
“We missed you, too!”  Eva kissed Camila on the cheek.  She looked to her dad and mouthed.  ‘Tell her, or I will.”
“Mami... before Sylvie and I go... we have something else to tell you... can we go to the kitchen... or something.”  Antonio was anxious to tell her.  He had been when Laura was pregnant with Eva and Diego too.  He had no idea as to why, but he was always anxious to tell her that she was getting another grandchild.
“Si.”  She motioned for the kids to go ahead of them into the kitchen.  She hugged Sylvie.  “I’m so happy you’re feeling better, mija... and that you’ll soon be part of our family, officially.”
“Gracias.”  Sylvie blushed.
They sat at the island that was in the middle of Camila’s new kitchen.  
“So, what’s going on?”  Camila asked as she handed the kids each a beverage from the fridge.  “Wine?”  She asked Antonio and Sylvie.
“No, thank you.”  Sylvie blushed.
Antonio shook his head.  “Driving, well... that and I’m pretty sure they’re gonna be buying us lots of drinks tonight.”
“Okay, Sylvie, you sure?”
“She can’t drink.”  Diego said before quickly covering his mouth, realizing what he’d just said.
“Sylvie, why can’t?”  Camila’s jaw dropped.  “Are you pregnant?”
“Yes.”  Sylvie whispered.
“Dios mio!”  She exclaimed.  “Come here!”  She hugged Sylvie tightly.  “That’s fantastic news!”
Antonio looked to Diego.  Diego shrugged.  “Sorry, Dad.”
“It’s okay... it’s probably better this way.”
“How far along?”  Camila asked.
“About 4 months, just about.”  Sylvie said.
“When did you find out?”
“The day I got shot.”  Sylvie laughed.  “It made things very interesting.”
“I bet.”  Camila looked to her son.  “You’re happy?”
“It’s an adjustment, but si, Mami... we’re very happy.”
“Good, then so am I.”  She hugged them again.  “Kids, what do you think?”
“It’s going to be different.”  Eva said.  “But, I think it’ll be cool.”
“Then, off you go.  I’ll watch these two, you two have fun.”  Camila shooed them out of the kitchen and out the door.  “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Gracias, Ma!”  Antonio blew his mother a kiss as they headed for his truck.
“So, we’re gonna be there before everyone else right?”  Antonio asked Sylvie, holding her hand as they drove towards Molly’s.
“Yep.  Just Gaby and Matt are there... well, and April.  She volunteered to help out too, since she was there to help me kinda adjust after Connor dropped the bomb on me.”
“Hey, as long as you aren’t going to get shot anymore.”
“I highly doubt that can happen in the Dispatch offices.”
“You never know.”  Antonio parked the truck.  “I don’t ever want to go through that again.”
Sylvie leaned over and kissed him.  “Not about to try and give you a coronary.  Let’s go and get in there before everyone else arrives.”
Once inside, they finished setting up.  Soon enough, there was banging on the door.
“Hey!  Why’s this door locked?”  Herrmann yelled.  “I thought this was supposed to be a party?”
Matt looked out the window.  “Looks like everyone’s here.”
“Places.”  Gaby motioned to Antonio and Sylvie to stand near front of the bar.
Matt killed the lights and Gaby and April took their spots to release the confetti and balloons.  Matt quickly unlocked the door.
People slowly made their way in, the room dimly light by the icicle lights that always hung from the ceiling.  
They were murmuring trying to figure out why the lights were out or where everyone else was.
Once the door closed, Matt hit the lights and the girls released the confetti and balloons.
“Surprise!”  They shouted.
“What the?”  Came the general confusion from their friends and family.
“Welcome to our special Engagement Party/Baby announcement.”  Sylvie shouted over the crowd.
Everyone stopped in their tracks.
Chief Boden walked towards the happy couple.  “What did you say?”
Sylvie held up her left hand.  “Antonio and I are getting married.”
“And, Sylvie and I are happy to announce that our family is growing by one in about 5 months.”  Antonio added.
Their friends looked to each other before shouting.  “Congratulations!”  They rushed towards them to hug them and offer their well wishes.  
While this was going on, Matt, April and Gaby went to the kitchen to get the food and the cake.  People ate, laughed and talked about the future. 
Antonio and Sylvie were busy planning a quick ceremony.  They wanted the wedding before the baby was born.
“Why can’t we just do like Gaby?”  Sylvie asked.  “Theirs was simple.”
“And by the seat of their pants... I want it to be special for us.”  Antonio took her hand.
“Marrying you is special, Antonio.”  She kissed him.  “I really don’t care how, or where... or when.”
“I just want you to have the best.”
“Antonio, what I want is to be your wife... without your psycho ex having a hissy fit, and preferably before this little one decides to make his appearance.”
“What if it’s a girl?”  Antonio rubbed her belly.  “You really should’ve let the doctor tell us.”
“I wanted a surprise.”  Sylvie whispered seductively.
“Okay, not here.”  Antonio whispered, trying to control the blood surging through his body.  “We’re in the middle of Ikea trying to finish getting the nursery stuff because that’s what you wanted.”
Sylvie pouted.  “But, we could test out one of the beds over there.”
“Sylvie, as much as I enjoy the fact that your hormones are so high... I don’t think getting arrested for public indecency and such would do too well for either of us.  We can take this up again when we get home.”  He kissed her.  “Let’s just go pick up the crib and stuff and get out of here.”  He looked at his watch.  “We’ve been here for 3 hours already... I’d really rather be at home... taking care of you.”  He nuzzled against her neck.
“Okay... okay.”  She giggled.  She pointed to a bedding set.  “That one.”
“As you wish.”  Antonio wrote down the last number and they headed to collect what they were buying.
“I can’t believe you guys managed to get this all together so fast.”  Gaby said as she adjusted Sylvie’s veil.  
“We’re cutting it a bit close, don’t you think?”  Sylvie rubbed her belly.  “I’m just happy I didn’t pick a fully white dress.”
“I think you look great.”  Gaby grinned.  “So happy you’re finally going to be my sister.”
“I thought I already was.”  Sylvie teased her best friend.
“You know what I mean.”  Gaby handed her a small bouquet.  “You ready?”
“As ready as I can be.”  Sylvie whispered.  “This baby is very active right now.”
“Probably excited that mommy and daddy will finally be legally married.”  Gaby poked her.  “Come on... let’s go before that little one decides to make their appearance here and now.”
Sylvie and Gaby headed to the car where Stella was waiting for them.
Antonio was pacing the vestibule at the church.  
“Antonio, bro... chill.”  Jay laughed.  “Don’t think Father will appreciate you wearing a hole in his floor.”
“Jay, Sylvie’s due any day now... I just... I’m starting to think I should’ve taken a page from my sister’s book and just marry her right then and there.”  Antonio readjusted his tie for what was probably the 100th time.
“Woah.”  Matt said as Antonio almost crashed into him.  “Chill.  Gaby called.  They’re on their way.”  Matt put his hands on Antonio’s shoulders.  “The kids are here too.”
“Did Laura drop them off?”
“No... your mom picked them up and gave your ex a piece of his mind.”  Matt chuckled.  “Your mother is not someone I’d want to piss off.”
“Laura managed to do that quite often.”  Antonio sighed.   
“I think we should maybe forget about Laura.”  Jay patted his shoulder.  “You’re about to marry the woman carrying your child.”
“Yeah... yeah.”  Antonio sighed.  “I’m terrified.”
“Of what?”  Matt asked.  “Sylvie loves you... you guys are so happy together... kids seem to have adjusted well.”
“Still... I... I guess I’m just so used to waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
“No one is going to dare to try and stop this wedding.”  Jay laughed.  “No one’s gonna get between you and Sylvie being happy.”
Antonio laughed.  “With her hormones, pretty sure she’d kill anyone who’d try to stop it.”
“Another reason for us to not be late.”  Matt motioned to his watch.  “They’re gonna be here any minute and the priest wants us in our places before that... so...”
The trio of men headed to the back of the Church.  When the kids saw Antonio, they ran to hug him.
“Hey, guys.”  He held them tightly.  “How was staying with Abuela?”
“If she had fed us anymore, we wouldn’t have been able to fit in our clothes.”  Eva whispered.  
Antonio whispered back.  “Abuela just wants to make sure you had enough.”
Eva rolled her eyes.  “You look nervous.”
“More like anxious.”  Antonio responded.  “Diego, you okay?”
Diego nodded.  “Are you sure Sylvie is going to be okay... I mean... the baby will be here any day.”
“Hey, buddy... don’t jinx it.”  Antonio laughed.  
“Sorry.”  Diego looked at his feet.  “She looks really pretty by the way... we saw her on our way in.”
Antonio hugged him.  “Thanks, bud.”  He looked to both his kids.  “You have no idea how much it means to me... to both Sylvie and I, that you guys are here.”
“There’s no place we’d rather be.”  Eva squeezed his hand.  “Let’s get you two married before our little brother or sister decides to make their appearance.”
“Go take your spot with Tia Gaby.”  Antonio told her.  He then turned to Diego.  “You got the rings?”
Diego pulled out the box from his jacket pocket and opened it.
“Good.”  Antonio sighed.  “You ready?”
“Ready whenever you are.”  Diego grinned.
Camila Dawson joined them.  “You ready, hijo?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”  Antonio kissed his mother’s cheek.
“Good, because Father would like to start.”  She pointed to the priest who was chuckling at the front.
Antonio nodded and motioned to the musicians to start playing.
Jay and Stella were the first to make their way up the aisle, followed by Matt and Gaby.  Diego and Eva were next.  Antonio squeezed his mother’s hand as the two of them made their way down the aisle.  Once they had all taken their positions, the organist switched over to Canon In ‘D’.  The back doors of the church flung open, courtesy of Cruz and Otis.  Antonio had to keep his balance as Sylvie walked up the aisle on the arm of Chief Boden.  Her parents hadn’t been able to come down because her father wasn’t well, so Otis was live streaming it for them.
Chief Boden took Sylvie’s hand from his arm and put it in Antonio’s.  “Take care of her.”
“Always, Chief.”  Antonio shook his hand.  “Always.”  He then led Sylvie up the last couple steps to the altar.
“Well, now that we’re all here... we can begin.”  Chaplain Orlovsky chuckled.  “Friends, you can be seated.”  Once everyone was seated, he continued. “We are gathered here today to witness the joining of Antonio and Sylvie in Holy Matrimony.”
“It’s about time!”  Capp called from one of the pews. 
This was met with some chuckling from their other friends and family.
Chaplain Orlovsky waited for anyone to settled down.  “Sylvie and Antonio, do you come here of your own volition?  Do you wish to be joined in marriage?”
They responded.  “We do.”
“Please join your right hands.”  Chaplain Orlovsky then wrapped the stohl he wore around their hands.  “Antonio, repeat after me:  I, Antonio...”
“I, Antonio...”
“Take you, Sylvie...”
Antonio smiled.  “Take you, Sylvie... to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward... for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and health... as long as we both shall live.”
Chaplain Orlovsky shook his head.  “Well... Sylvie?”
“I, Sylvie take you... Antonio, to be my husband... to have and to hold, from this day...”  She took a deep, shaky breath.  “Forward... for better or worse, richer... or poorer...”
“Sylvie, you okay?”  Antonio whispered.
Sylvie nodded.  “In sickness and health... as long as we both shall live.”
The Chaplain looked to Eva and Diego to join them.  Diego handed Eva their father’s ring while Diego kept Sylvie’s rings.  The Chaplain then blessed the rings.  “The wedding ring is a symbol of eternity.  It is an outward symbol of commitment which unites two hearts in endless love.  Let these rings be the symbol of unity and peace in which your two lives are joined in one unbreakable circle.  Wherever you go, return unto one another and to your togetherness.  Heavenly Father, bless these rings.  Grant that Sylvie and Antonio may wear them with deep faith in each other.  May they do your will and always live together in peace, love and abiding joy.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.”  He sprinkled the rings with Holy Water and made the sign of the cross over them.  He took Sylvie’s rings and handed them to Antonio.  “Place the rings on Sylvie’s left ring finger and repeat after me.  “Sylvie, take this ring as a sign of my unending love and affection for you.  In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
Antonio slid the rings onto her finger repeating after the Chaplain.
Sylvie’s hand went to her stomach.  “Baby is very active.”
Their family and friends chuckled.  Chaplain Orlovsky handed her Antonio’s ring.  She followed suit, sliding Antonio’s ring onto his finger.  It was a perfect fit.
Chaplain Orlovsky smiled.  “If you’ll come and light the candles.”  He motioned to the three candles on the altar.  
Antonio and Sylvie each took one of the tapers and together they lit their marriage candle which had 1st Corinthians inscribed on it.  They placed the tapers back in their respective holders.  They held hands, facing their family and friends and Chaplain Orlovsky pronounced them husband and wife.  They were met with whistles, cheers and applause.
“Now, if you will come sign the register.”  Chaplain Orlovsky motioned to the table that was set up.  Gaby and Matt joined them to sign the registry.
As soon as the registry was signed, there was a standing ovation.  Antonio kissed Sylvie deeply.  They were about to start making their way back down the aisle when Sylvie doubled over, gasping in pain.
“Sylvie?”  Antonio tried to help her up.  “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Mmmmm...”  Sylvie groaned.  “I... I’m in labour.”
“What?”  Antonio’s eyes bulged.  “Ho... How long?”
“Since... this... this morning.”  Sylvie tried to breathe through the contraction.  
“Why didn’t you say anything?”  Antonio tried to help her back up, but to no avail.  
Gaby was next to them.  “What’s happening?”
“She’s been in labour since this morning.”  Antonio answered.  “She didn’t tell anyone.”
“Sylvie!”  Gaby exclaimed.  “You told me it was Braxton-Hicks’.”
“I... oooooh...”  Sylvie was now regretting not saying anything.  “I didn’t want to push the wedding back.”  She looked down between her legs.  “My water just broke.”
“I think this would be a valid reason.”  Gaby looked to Antonio.  “The Ambo’s around the corner... we can get her to Med.”
“Let’s go.”  Antonio swept his new wife into his arms.  “Stella!  Severide!  Get 61 to the front... now!”
The kids tried to follow them, but their grandparents and Matt held them back.  “Don’t worry.  Sylvie will be fine.”
Kelly helped Antonio get Sylvie onto the gurney.  “Need us to drive?”  He asked.
“Let me check her first.”  Gaby said grabbing a pair of gloves.  “Antonio, sit there.”  She pointed to the paramedic chair at the head of the gurney.  She looked to her new sister-in-law.  “Sylvie, I’ve gotta check you out.”
Sylvie shook her head.  “No... Gaby... I love you, and you’re my sister... but you are not looking down th...”  She cried out as another contraction hit her.  “There!”  She collapsed against the gurney.  “No... just... drive.  FUCK!”
“Sylvie... that baby is coming and whether or not you like it, the only ones here to help are me, your husband... Kidd and Severide.”
“Kelly is not looking at my wife!”  Antonio barked.  “Kidd!”  He ordered into the front of the ambulance.  “Leave Severide up there and come help Gaby...”
“Oh God!”  Sylvie moaned.  “This is not how I wanted to have this baby.”
“How ‘bout you try the breathing from the birthing class.”  Antonio suggested, allowing for Sylvie to squeeze the life from his hand.
“I am trying it...”  Sylvie huffed.  “It’s not doing anything.”  She moaned as another contraction washed over her.  “I want an epidural.”
Gaby checked her sister-in-law.  “You’re not going to make it to Med in time for an epidural.”  She looked to Stella.  “Get the birthing kit... we’re gonna be delivering here.”
Sylvie tried to sit up.  “Nope.  No way.  I am not having this baby in the back of an ambulance... not happening.”
“Sylvie... that baby is coming.”  Gaby said.  “Now.”
“I jus... just won’t push.”  Sylvie was gritting her teeth as another contraction hit her.  They were about 2 minutes apart.  “Severide. Drive!”
“Severide, you move this vehicle, I’ll shoot you.”  Antonio growled.  He leaned over Sylvie’s shoulder.  “Baby, I don’t think we have another choice here.”
“Antonio... no...”  Sylvie tried to argue.
“This baby is coming whether we want it to or not.”  Antonio kissed her cheek.  “There aren’t people in this world that I wouldn’t trust to help us deliver this baby.”
“Antonio... I swore I wasn’t... going to be that woman.”
“You were the stubborn one.”  Antonio reminded her.  “You were determined to push through labour for us to get married.”
“I... I wanted to this to happen the right way.”
“Well... I’d get ready to push.”  Gaby said.  “Baby’s crowning.”  Gaby gave orders to Stella on what to hand her.  “Sylvie... next contraction... push.”
Antonio helped brace Sylvie as she pushed.  He held her hand.  “You’re doing great, baby.”
“One more big one.”  Gaby said.  “Get suction ready.”
Sylvie groaned as she pushed.  “I am so wishing I had drugs...”
“Stop.”  Gaby said.  “Head’s clear.”  She cleared the baby’s nose and mouth.  “One more big one and my niece or nephew will be here.”
Sylvie took a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could.  She collapsed against the gurney as the most beautiful sound filled the back of Ambo 61 as their child’s cries filled the air.  Sylvie reached for the screaming new born.
Gaby smiled.  “It’s a girl.”
“I told you.”  Antonio whispered as Sylvie pushed the top of her wedding gown down to put their daughter directly on her skin.  The instant the baby was touching Sylvie, she settled.
“She’s beautiful... perfect.”  Sylvie stroked her cheek.
Antonio moved to be closer to them.  “She is perfect.”  He kissed Sylvie’s cheek.  “You did great.”
“Okay, well... let’s get you guys to Med... and then we can fawn over my new niece on the way.”  Gaby grinned.  She knew that Sylvie believed in delayed cord clamping so she got Stella out of the back so she could sit next to Sylvie.
Stella hopped up front with Severide.  “Let’s get these guys to Med.”
“You got it.”  Kelly hit the lights and sirens and pulled away from the curb.
The back doors of ambulance opened.  Maggie, April, Will and Natalie greeted them.  
“We hear the wedding went off without a hitch?”  Maggie teased.  “Congrats.”
“That was until our little one decided she needed to make her grand appearance.”  Sylvie said.
“Well, you won’t forget your wedding day.”  Will chuckled.  
“And Antonio will never forget your anniversary.”  Natalie smiled.  “Let’s get you guys checked out.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, you two.”  Antonio shook his head.  He got out of the ambulance and followed Natalie and the two nurse who were pushing Sylvie’s gurney.
Will looked to Gaby.  “Everything go okay?”
“Considering she’d been in labour all morning and pushed through the ceremony... I’m saying it went great.”
“She what?”  Will’s jaw dropped.  “So... they did actually get married?”
Gaby laughed.  “Yep, then basically, her water broke when they were leaving the Church.”
“Well... great job delivering your niece.”  Will patted her shoulder.  “I’m gonna go check on your sister-in-law and niece... may have to make sure Antonio didn’t have a coronary because of all this.”
Stella and Kelly had been standing back.  They looked to each other.  “Someone should call the guests... tell them the bride and groom are not going to be making the reception?”  Stella said.
Kelly nodded.  “On it.”  He grabbed his cell and went to make the call.  
Gaby sighed and turned to Stella.  “That was nuts.”
“That it was.”  Stella hugged her.  “You did great.”
“Sylvie is way braver than me... no way I’d want to be doing that.”
“I don’t think anybody wants to have their baby that way.”  Stella said.  “Should I go get the kids, your parents?”
“Nah... I’ll ask Matt to bring them... I can’t believe this all happened like this.”
“Just be happy Laura didn’t show up.”  Stella whispered.
“Don’t jinx it, Kidd... Hurricane Laura could still show up and mess this up... she’s crazier than I thought humanly possible.”
“Hey, they’re gonna be fine.”  Stella patted her shoulder.  “I’m gonna take the ambo back with Severide... we’re gonna go make sure the reception happens, even if the guests of honour won’t be there.”
“Thanks.”  Gaby said.  “I’m gonna go check on them.”
“Well... Both of you are doing great.”  Natalie smiled.  “Minimal tearing and blood loss... she’s healthy as can be.”  She took the baby from Maggie.  “Here you go, Daddy.”  She placed the baby in Antonio’s arms.  “We’ll come check on you in a bit.”
“Congrats again you guys.”  Will took Sylvie’s chart and followed Natalie out of the room.  
“Wait.”  Natalie stopped.  “I forgot to ask... what’s her name?”
Sylvie and Antonio looked to each other.  “We’ll have to get back to you on that.”
Will chuckled.  “Fair enough.”
Soon, they were alone with their daughter.
“She’s beautiful.”  Antonio gently stroked his daughter’s cheek.  “Look at all that hair.”
“That’s from your side.”  Sylvie whispered.  “She’s dark like you.”
“Maybe she’ll keep those blue eyes.”  Antonio sat on the bed next to Sylvie and placed their daughter in her arms.  “You did amazingly... so strong.”
“Hey, I had to do it... for our family.”  
“She needs a name... she can’t be Baby.”
“So no Dirty Dancing reference?”  Sylvie snickered.
“Baby Dawson?”  Antonio cringed.  “No... but she does need a name.”
“And Godparents.”  Sylvie kissed her daughter’s tiny hand.  “I forgot how small babies are.”
“Hmm.”  Antonio put his arm around Sylvie’s shoulder.  “Well, I was thinking Matt and Gaby would be great godparents.”  
“Glad to know we’re on the same boat for that one.”  Sylvie snickered.  “Mia Gabriela Dawson.”
“I like it.... are you a Mia?”  Antonio gave her his pinky and she grasped it tightly.
“I think that’s a yes.”  Sylvie whispered.  “I knew I loved you, even before I met you.”
There was a knock at the door.  April poked her head in.  “Hey, you guys ready for some visitors?”
“Who’s all here?”  Sylvie asked.
“Matt, Gaby, the kids and Antonio’s mom... Gaby said something about a Skype call too.”
“Sure, send them in.”  Antonio nodded.  
They could hear April warning their family.  “Quiet and don’t tire them out... it’s been quite the day.”
The door slid open and their family poured in.  Camila Dawson walked to the foot of the bed.  “How are you doing, Sylvie?”
“I’m tired, but I’m doing great.”  Sylvie said softly.  “I’m sorry to have made such a scene.”
“I’m pretty sure that the reception is going on nonetheless.”  Camilla said.  “How is the little one?”
“She’s good.  She’s strong.”  Antonio grinned.  “I think I may be in over my head... strong determined women now outnumber me.”  
“Dad.”  Diego said.  “Not just you!  Me too!  And Uncle Matt.”
Matt ruffled up Diego’s hair.  “True.  True.”
Eva made her way to the side of the bed.  “She’s so small!”
Sylvie looked up to Antonio.  He nodded.  Sylvie smiled.  “Eva, do you want to hold your sister?”
“Can I?”  
Sylvie nodded.  “Here, mind her head.”
Eva cradled her sister.  “Awe, she’s so cute.”
“Does she have a name?”  Gaby asked.  “Your parents are asking.”  She turned her phone around to show Sylvie’s parents’ smiling faces.
“Mia Gabriela Dawson.”  Antonio said proudly.
“That’s a beautiful name.”  Sylvie’s mother exclaimed.  “Gaby, could you bring the phone closer... we’d like to see her.”
Gaby obliged.  Diego took the phone to help his aunt out.
“Gaby, Matt... would you two be Mia’s godparents?”  Sylvie asked.
Matt put his arm around Gaby’s waist and smiled.  He looked to her.  “Whatta ya think?”
“We’d be honoured.”  Gaby’s voice cracked.  She went to hug her brother and sister-in-law. 
Visiting hours were over, and after taking a bunch of pictures to show to their friends and family that were celebrating at their wedding reception, the others left Sylvie and Antonio to have time with their daughter.  Eva and Diego promised to come back the next morning with their baby gift for Mia.  After Will and Natalie did one last check on them for the night, Sylvie nursed their daughter before falling asleep.  
Antonio sat in the rocking chair that was next to the bed and gently rocked his daughter.  He looked over to Sylvie.  His life couldn’t be anymore perfect.  He’d gotten more time with Eva and Diego, he had the most amazing wife and brand new daughter.  He looked down at her as she yawned.  “Mia... you are perfect, and you have no idea how loved you are.  You have brought us so much closer together...”  He thought about Eva and Diego’s favourite bedtime story from when they were little.  “I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always... as long as I’m living... my baby you’ll be.”  He kissed her cheek and just rocked back and forth, softly humming until she fell asleep.
Hey there... so I wanted to have this posted a while back... but... I had a hard time getting it done.  I wanted this to be perfect... especially since I know many of you have been waiting for this... 
I also had a hard time writing this last part.  “Love you forever” is my favourite story of all time... I can’t read it without crying... and I holds so much more meaning to me now.  It was originally written for Robert Munsch’s angel babies... and last week, I found out I lost a baby, I didn’t even know I was carrying... 
I will be getting to the other requests that you’ve all been kind enough to send me as soon as I can.
Much love to you all!  Nicole
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entomologistologist · 7 years
I was tagged by @arbitrarystrawberry! Thank you! <3
Nickname: Haven't really got one. I have one internet friend who calls me Bean. I almost acquired the nickname Zap, but it didn't work out.
Sign: Political signs with candidates' names on them, mostly.
Favourite music artist: idk man I don't really listen to music by artist. Can I say Amy Grant?
Last tv show watched: uhhhh I keep meaning to watch some King of the Hill but I haven't been doing it. To be honest, I don't remember the last show I watched.
Last movie you watched in theatre: Rouge One. Didn't care for it.
What are you wearing right now: Pajamas.
What do you post: lol who knows. Political stuff (pro-life or anti-SJW mostly). Archie comic scans. Superman and Batman stuff. Spider-Man stuff. The occasional Warrior Cats fanart. Some Christian stuff. Random memes that strike my fancy.
Do you have any other blogs: Nope.
Why did you choose your URL: welllllll gather round, children. I've decided to tell the needlessly long version of this story. I'm warning you, this is way too detailed. PLEASE JUST SKIP TO THE NEXT QUESTION; THIS IS LONG AND BORING.
Okay, so one day a few years ago (it was the year I was taking chemistry, so probably like three years back?), my older sisters stumbled upon a long-cancelled children's cartoon on the TV set called Archie's Weird Mysteries. My sister Talia decided to become an Archie fan, so we all started watching this show ever night at 10pm, when it came on (we don't have no Netflix, no Hulu, no illegal online streaming! we watch things WHEN THEY COME ON).
Meanwhile, my sister Mariah had a story idea that she called her Adventure Psychologist story (at first I wanted to be mean and also include all the backstory of how she came up with her Adventure Psychologist story, since I'm going overboard with the explanations anyhow, but I won't). It was about a psychologist from outer space who did magic psychology on aliens and people. She was obsessed with this story idea. She would never shut up about it. This is important background information.
Now we'll get to the relevant part: The TV station that played Archie's Weird Mysteries had only a couple of actual commercials at a time. The rest of the commercial breaks were filled with promos. One of the shows they advertised was called Dex Hamilton Alien Entomologist. The promo itself was pretty bad (it did not convey any information about the show that is not communicated in the title, although I suppose it did at least define an entomologist as someone who studies bugs), but Mariah saw it and went, "Oh my gosh! An alien entomologist! That is basically the exact same thing as an alien psychologist! I have to watch this show," to which I replied, "wow, Mariah, that's dumb; we watch enough children's cartoons already."
But Mariah wanted to watch it anyway. The first time she tried, she failed because she did not understand time zones. I thought it would be dumb for us to start watching the show, but by the second time she tried to watch it (they only played one thirty-minute episode a week), I had warmed up to it slightly. So the big day when Mariah would watch this show finally rolled around. Talia was going to watch with her, too. I was waaaaay to mature to watch another kid’s show, so I opted to spend the time they were watching TV to go rake the lawn, so I’d be done raking and could afford to spend the rest of Saturday watching Monk reruns (ion television played Monk on Saturdays back then, and as mentioned, we watch TV shows when the TV station people tell us to watch TV shows). So I raked the leaves while they watched their show. Then I came in and asked how they liked it (since I had warmed up to the idea, I had decided that if they liked it, I would try it next week now that the waters had been tested and everything). They liked it. So the next week, I watched whatever episode the TV gods deigned to air that day.
And from that point on until today and probably tomorrow and the day after that, I was/am/will be utterly consumed by that TV show.
One of the main characters from the show is called Zap Monogan. He was created with human and insect DNA mixed together, and in one episode they referenced him making cocoons or chrysalises in his sleep or something. I was thinking about that and got really confused because I realized that I really knew jack squat about chrysalises. I knew cocoons were silk, but I realized I had absolutely positively no idea what they were made of. So I asked Talia and she didn’t know either.
So I went to Wikipedia to research chrysalises. I found out that chrysalises are made out of the outer skin of the creature inside. This confused me as to how Zap could possibly use a chrysalis, since he’s basically a human with mammal skin and stuff. Then eventually I found out that Zap makes cocoons, not chrysalises. So I researched cocoons and I found out that the chemical that silkworms melt the silk with when they escape from a cocoon is called cocoonase. Obviously, the next question was to find out as much about cocoonase and the glands that produce silk as possible. So I madly searched on Wikipedia, but it turns out that most people don’t care about conoonase or really entomology in general, so there isn’t exactly as much information on cocoon formation as there is about, say, human physiology. Priorities.
I never actually found that much information about cocoons (I sort of gave up. Sorry.) but I eventually found out about a guy named Pierre André Latreille. This dude was a famous French entomologist during the 18th and 19th century, in fact, he was nicknamed The Prince of Entomologists, so it’s no surprise I eventually stumbled upon him.
He was born in France in 1762, and not into the best family situation. There are no surviving records of his mother’s identity, and his father wanted nothing to do with him, although he did send his kid money. As a young man, Latreille became a priest. Latreille never actually carried out any of his priestly duties. He was too busy chasing bugs.
In 1790, the revolutionaries had decided that all priests were required to take an oath promising to adhere to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. Latreille ended up missing the deadline to accept the oath and was thrown in prison.
Then one day, the prison physician found Latreille literally crawling around on the prison floor chasing a beetle like an insane person. Latreille eagerly told the doctor what he was so excited about. The doctor, to his credit, actually was impressed. You see, we aren’t talking about some run of the mill Coccinella septempunctata here. This was a Necrobia ruficollis—a very rare beetle. Once Latreille explained this, the doctor took the specimen and brought it to a local naturalist, Bory de Saint Vincent, who was a fan of Latreille’s and managed to pull a few strings and get Latreille released from prison. This is especially bizarre when we note that Saint Vincent was only fifteen when all this was happening, and yet somehow a fifteen-year-old could decide who lived and who died. Apparently, the Get Out of Jail Free card came with a plus one, because Damkaer reveals that one of Latreille’s cellmates was freed as well. All the others were killed.
Wow, I thought. That’s ridiculously cool! So I started researching entomologists a lot. I made a weird color-coded chart detailing which French entomologists of the 1800s were friends with each other. It was dorky. Very, very dorky.
Then I started a tumblr, and I was like, and entomologist is a person who studies insects, and I’m a person who studies people who study insects, so I’m an entomologistologist.
See, I warned you that would be long.
Do you get asks regularly: I have never in my entire life gotten an ask. SOMEONE ASK ME SOMETHING PLS. I've been tagged in posts before, though.
Hogwarts house: what I AM is probably Ravenclaw. What I'd WANT to be is Gryffindor.
Patronus: ummm a moth maybe. I haven't really thought about it.
Pokemon team: I only play on Pokemonshowdown.com using gen1 random battles, so I'll take this as a chance to list six random Pokemon that I like: Umbreon, Raichu, Nidorino (male), Mew, Ninetales, and Arcanine.
Favourite colour: Pinkish lavender.
Favourite characters: Zap Monogan from the show Dex Hamilton Alien Entomologist. Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap Zap I love you, Zap. Other favorite characters include Dex himself, Jenny 10 and Tung from the same show, Jughead from Archie comics, Peter Parker, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Twilight Sparkle and Spike from MLP, Adrian Monk from Monk, and Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye.
Hobbies/crafts: Writing, listening to the radio, and speech and debate.
Collect anything? Pennies. I sorted them by decade but then I jumped and jostled the room enough that they all fell over. But the point of collecting them is to sort them by year, so I should get around to reorganizing them, soon.
Current challenges you face: I need to pray more. So much more. And I need to learn that my friends don't secretly hate me.
Things you’re looking forward to? My next speech and debate tournaments, buying my sister Mariah birthday presents, buying the hardcover of The Lost Girl of Astor Street by Stephanie Morrill, and going to sleep for a nice long time.
Anything you want to promote? Seek God.
I’m tagging @storymaker-the-christian-echidna and @nightcrawler-fan.
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Cloud Nine (Chapter Three)
Fandom: Mystic Messenger Pairing: Jumin/MC (you) Rating: Fluff Summary: The RFA members say that MC was trapped, but how could anyone claim to be trapped when she said so herself that she was in heaven? Retells the events of MC visiting Jumin in his pent-house. Set between days 7-11 in Jumin’s route. (* spoiler alert!)
[Chapter Two] | [Chapter Four]
Chapter Three: Promises
MC’s eyes fluttered open slowly as she felt a vibrating underneath her pillow. It must not have been long since she first fell asleep because the RFA chat started to blow up in notifications. The dark room contrasted greatly from the brightness of her phone, and she soon found herself squinting as she unlocked her phone. She took a quick look around the area, hoping that Jumin wouldn’t scold her for being awake at this hour. But when it seemed that the area was empty, she touched the RFA app on her phone and decided to see what was going on.
When she logged in, Yoosung immediately started gushing to her about how he played his LOLOL game that he always talked about but this time with incredibly smooth graphics and an immensely fast Internet connection. This indicated that he had probably gotten to Seven’s house safely.
Yoosung★: MC, are you okay?
Yoosung★: Isn’t it super uncomfortable sleeping at Jumin’s house?
Yoosung★: Zen seems worried…
“Zen has nothing to worry about~ I feel like I’m in heaven.” MC reassured him. She was worried that, now, yet another person was going to be overly concerned for her own well-being. After all, she was fine. She was practically enjoying herself here, over anything.
Yoosung later told the brunette that Seven apparently hadn’t moved from the computer all night since he got there and how his eyes were glazed over, as if in a trance. They exchanged small conversations back and forth, mostly bouncing back to the same rush of ardor he felt whenever he played a match. If Yoosung never got a girlfriend, it’s very possible that he could marry that God forsaken game. He stuck around until he was suddenly asked to get off for a reason left unexplained. She barely squeezed in her farewell as he exited the chatroom when in his place immediately came another member.
[Jaehee Kang has entered the chatroom.]
MC:  Hello, Jaehee
Jaehee Kang: Hello, MC
Jaehee Kang: You’re still awake
Jaehee Kang: I also heard that you’re staying at Mr. Han’s penthouse,
Jaehee Kang: but are you sure that you don’t want to go home?
MC: Don’t worry, Jaehee. I’ll go home once the sun rises.
Jaehee Kang: Yes, it will be dangerous to return home so late
Jaehee Kang: I do understand Mr. Han’s concern but if you still feel uncomfortable, you can be honest with me
MC reiterated, once more, that everything was fine and that there was no need to worry about her when she was perfectly safe. She tried to switch the topic over and asked Jaehee what she was also doing up so late, to which she replied saying that she was using her downtime to do more research on Sarah. The Chief Secretary went on to explain to her about how she asked around amongst both her colleagues and other business partners about her company “Sugar Round.” It was apparent that hardly anybody she knew could say anything about it. As for the few who did, however, they expressed their little knowledge about a place that had only been open for a few years. Some even went as far as saying that the it was a surprise that the business itself was still open.
Jaehee also shared that further digging allowed her to discover that Sarah is seen to own many expensive items, as shown in a lot of pictures taken by paparazzi and the like. Later, she goes on to say that there apparently was an “embarrassing situation” a few years back in which all of her credit cards were declined at a shopping mall that she was seen frequenting. It was established in her thoughts that she may make an attempt to check on her credit report, if time allows.
“That’s a smart way to go about it. I appreciate what you’re doing.” MC expressed her thanks for going beyond her means to help Jumin in matters aside from work as well
After some time having a girl-to-girl moment with one another, it was shown that yet a new person joined them in the RFA chat. It was Zen — and it looked like his overprotective mode was still kicked into high gear.
ZEN: Aren’t you really uncomfortable right now? Be honest
ZEN: He’s not comparing you to his cat, is he?
ZEN: It’s okay, you can tell me.
“Zen~ Don’t worry. He’s been incredibly nice.” MC was close to adding in the reasons from tonight’s occurrences in particular to explain how and why to further back him up on her comment, but she didn’t want to come off as a girl who wanted him for his luxury and privilege. After all, the only thing she wanted was him.
Although apparently it was made clear that he was different to her, according to Zen and Jaehee, but in a good way, it seemed. They collectively went back and forth talking about how Jumin “usually was” or how he seemed to look happier when he talked to her. It was odd for MC, because she never really picked up on it or thought about it that way — possibly due to her own feelings.
Zen repeatedly criticized Jumin for hiding away from his problems and work by leaving them all to Jaehee. MC could sense their frustrations. After all, Zen, himself, is overly protective out of his own nature, while Jaehee couldn’t even hide how stressed she was anymore. She felt that while she did agree that Jumin should go back to work, her heart told her that the workaholic he is doesn’t want to do this necessarily on purpose. His internal struggles, alone, are a big enough issue. Undeniably, she sympathized with him on how hard it’s been on him lately — and she made it clear that she would continue to defend him on that.
Jaehee Kang: Besides,
Jaehee Kang: I’m sure that Mr. Han is much more interested in
Jaehee Kang: protecting Elizabeth the 3rd
Jaehee Kang: or you, MC, now that you two have actually met
MC thought to herself how absurdly the latter sounded. Jumin? Interested? In her? Fat chance. Although it also seemed like Jumin Han wasn’t exactly the kind of person to just go out of his means for just anybody. Possibly. She made the decision to keep quiet rather than boast on that note. Sure, Jumin was incredibly polite to her, but she wanted to lay low on her feelings a bit more until she was sure.
“It must be so difficult to him to have his father involved.” She sighed aloud as she typed this in response to them, a clear look of worry spread across her face as the conversation went on about the current situation.
Zen also pointed out that “Mr. Trust Fund Kid” — as he called him — must apparently be pretty lucky to have someone who is always thinking about him even when he wasn’t around, to which she rebutted with her own concern to get him to stop thinking that way. She did, however, agree that Mr. Chairman was clearly making the wrong decision in this fixed marriage he was planning, as per Jaehee’s considered thoughts.
MC reiterated to the two that she was okay with staying until the morning — for she was tired, anyway — and she expressed that Jumin’s priority was her safety, anyhow. Secretly, she was enjoying this anyway, and since he seemed so inviting, why did she really need to leave so soon?
ZEN: You are too caring, MC… T_T
ZEN: He’ll be fine without you
Jaehee Kang: I don’t know if he will be fine…
Jaehee Kang: but I am concerned for your safety, MC
Jaehee Kang: Both you and Mr. Han are adults,
Jaehee Kang: So I trust that you two make the right decision
Jaehee prayed to God continuously that Jumin would finally make an appearance at the office in the morning. She even went as far as hoping that sending MC over to his penthouse wasn’t a mistake. What is it about Jumin that concerned them all this much? MC wondered. She said she would continue to watch for herself, but that there was really nothing to be concerned of.
“Don’t worry too much, guys. Jumin just needs time.” She affirmed this, sticking to her guns.
MC sighed in relief as the focus of the conversation finally shifted some time after. Zen proceeded to change the topic to brag about his new role, while Jaehee reeled in excitement. As one of his biggest fans, he seemed happy to talk more about himself to someone that he knew was always excited to hear news about him. It also appeared that this was a great stress-reliever for her as well, so naturally, it was a mutually nice feeling.
The brunette reassured them both that Jumin will come to his senses and even extended further thanks Jaehee for all of her hard work, because she knew she didn’t need validation but that she was still a human being. After some time, the thee of them came to the realization that it was growing later and later, as goodbyes were made and, one by one, they signed off of the messenger for the evening.
MC felt her drowsiness disappear as she stared ahead at her smartphone, checking her usual apps and even playing a few games afterwards. She had lost all sense of time until she heard a rustling noise from the couch, a head of jet black hair peeking from the other side of the room. So that’s where Jumin went to sleep. Of all places, however, why did he choose the sofa?
“MC? Are you still awake?” He looked over at her upon seeing the light from her cell phone.
“Oh, hey Jumin.” She shrugged as her eyes remained fixated on the screen, her fingers moving in a fixed, rhythmic pattern. “Yeah… I can’t sleep…”
Jumin’s own eyes squinted in both worry and focus as he dragged his pillow and blanket over to his bed. He took a seat in the empty spot next to her, peeking over at what has her attention.
“Hmm, I’ve never seen this feature before.” Jumin scratched his chin in confusion.
MC giggled, pausing her game as she finally took a lot at his face in this darkness. She pointed at her screen. “Jumin, don’t you play games on your phone, too?”
“Games… I don’t have time or interested for any those extra features.” He laughed lightly at her comment. “Still, it makes me curious as to what gets so many people to flock towards things like these that are so popular. The only other one of those ‘apps’ that I downloaded on my phone was the one we made for C&R, and of course, the RFA messenger.”
She took some time to show and explain to him what she was doing, even offering him to play a level for her so that he could try it for himself. MC started realizing more and more how almost-alienated he was from the life that she and other “normal” people lived. It seemed that she was more sympathetic rather than jealous, if anything. There were a lot of little gems in life that he was clearly missing out on.
They laughed together as she showed him more of the game and how far she had gotten. When she grew tired of it, however, she quit out of it and went back to the main screen. A moment of silence arose between them, to which MC proceeded to mindlessly swipe through her screen. She glanced at the time on the right-hand corner, locking her phone afterwards as she stared at the ceiling.
“What are you thinking about?” Jumin asked.
“Nothing…” She replied in a bit of surprise. With how dark it was, how did he even know that she hadn’t actually closed her eyes yet?
“It can’t be nothing.” He retorted, sitting up as he made further attempts to examine her expression.
MC sighed, wondering if she was a lot easier to read than she thought. “There’s too many things, to be honest. I’d be spending the rest of the night telling you what’s on my mind… Besides, shouldn’t you be going to sleep, Jumin? You’re going to the office in the morning.”
Jumin thought about how practically foreign it was to have someone who contained even the smallest ounce of worry to be showing some sort of concern for his well-being. “Touché, MC. But you have to promise me that you’ll get some sleep too.”
“Hmm… Maybe.” She playfully smirked.
“Well, I guess you don’t give me much of a choice. I’ll have to keep an eye on you and sleep here for tonight then.” He returned the tease, pulling a bit of the covers that she was under and inching in more towards the middle as he situated himself. “Who knows? Maybe it’ll be good for the both of us.”
“Uh…” MC froze, her eyes widening as she felt him motion himself closer. Her heart wanted to jump out of her chest. “U-Um… I don’t think this is very appropriate, Jumin.”
“But why not?” He shrugged as if this was casual. “Besides, this might be better for the both of us.”
“I… I just… don’t think…” She didn’t want to finish the sentence, hoping it wouldn’t drive him away or send the wrong message. Although, she was unsure of him being here when they weren’t even “a thing.”
Jumin smiled as the two of them now faced one another, although it was clear on her face that she was still uncertain of whether this was proper or not. His hand reached out to gently run his fingers through her hair. “Don’t be ridiculous. You know well that I am not that kind of man. It’s not like we’re going to do anything, are we not?”
MC admitted to him that she had never been in a relationship before, and that she wasn’t sure how things worked — without also trying to hint it out to him that she was implying anything about being with him, in particular. She always thought that people should not sleep in the same bed unless they were married.
“Okay, MC…” He said after some time of explaining that the thoughts she had were different than what actually happens. “If you feel so strongly promise me that you’ll go to sleep, and I’ll move back to the couch afterwards if it will really make you feel more comfortable.”
“Promise?” She pursed her lips, holding out a pinky close to her face.
Jumin chuckled amusingly at her gesture, having never really something like that before. He was quickly explained to about how the significance of the small action withheld a strong, rather profound agreement between both parties.
“I know that it sounds really silly.” MC twiddled with her thumbs. “But I’ll be honest, this has been something that I’ve been doing for a long time, and so far, it’s worked pretty well for me.”
“Alright…” The warmth in his smile was eminent. “Promise.”
“Promise!” She lit up as brightly as he did, her pinky out again. He held his own out of the opposite hand, and they joined fingers shortly after. They shared a laugh after doing so, the smile on their faces lingering.
MC then outstretched her arms as she made another big yawn, her eyes blinking slowly as she felt herself grow even more tired a lot quicker than she expected to.
“Sleep.” His voice lowered as he continued playing with her hair, watching her drift slowly into sleep from the comfort of his touch.
“O... kay…” She muttered softly, fighting sleep now.
And before he knew it, she was asleep. Her body gently rose up and down like the soft waves of the ocean, her soft breathing indicating that she slumbered peacefully. There was something about the way her vulnerability on her face that made him feel tranquil despite all of the stress he had in the world. There was something about her warmth — so sweet and welcoming — that made him want to stay close to her.  
“Sorry, MC, but I’m hoping that this is going to be the only time that I’ll ever have to break your promise.” He whispered to her, smirking lightly as he continued to find solace in watching her peacefully rest. In tow, he followed shortly after and he found himself calm enough to fall asleep with her.
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