#anything matte and scratchy
sturnioloskyline · 4 months
flu season
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pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings: illness, crying, language, sickening fluff(get it?)
summary: you get the flu and don’t tell matt, so he gets worried takes things into his own hands
being sick sucks. no one knew that bettter than y/n, who was currently buried under blankets on her couch in her apartment in la. this morning she woke up sweating with a pounding headache and an inability to breathe through the congestion in her nose.
she called in sick to work and stayed in bed until noon before mustering up enough strength to get up and make a cup of ramen noodles. she then settled to watch a movie on the couch, where she ended up falling asleep.
not far away, matt nervously chewed on the skin in his cheek as he stared at his phone. he had sent 5 texts to his girlfriend today, none of them having received a response.
matt knew this meant something was wrong, because usually y/n would text him a sweet “good morning” the second she started her day. they weren’t fighting, at least that matt knew of, so of course matt was sent into a anxious spiral over the lack of responses from his girlfriend.
finally, matt ripped his eyes away from the screen, walking over to the kitchen where his two brothers were standing, giggling to each other. matt ignored them and grabbed his car keys from the counter, immediately catching the other triplets’ attention.
“matt, where are you going?” chris whined.
“y/n’s.” matt quickly replied, stuffing the keys into his pocket and heading for the garage. chris and nick immediately looked to each other in worry at the expression on their brother’s face.
“is everything okay?” nick asked matt cautiously.
“i don’t know, she isn’t responding to any of my texts,” matt rambled, putting on his shoes. “i’m just gonna go make sure she’s okay.”
matt rushed out the door before his brothers could say anything else. he got in his car and began driving over to y/n’s place. he chewed on his lip nervously as he drove, his anxiety only growing the longer he didn’t hear from y/n.
after what seemed like hours, matt parked outside y/n’s apartment building and made his way home to her front door. he rang the doorbell immediately and stepped back to wait for her.
inside the apartment, y/n jolted awake at the sound of her doorbell ringing. her head was throbbing in pain, her throat was scratchy, and the air in her living room felt ten times colder than it was when she fell asleep. she got up from her nest on the couch and shivered, grabbing one of the blankets and wrapping it around herself.
the doorbell rang again, creating a sense of urgency as y/n tried to compose herself somewhat for whoever could be ringing her doorbell and disrupting her afternoon. she struggled to the door, messing with the lock weakly before finally swinging the door open.
“y/n,” matt sighed in relief immediately as y/n opened the door.
“matt?” y/n croaked out in shock. heat rose to her cheeks. she hadn’t invited matt over, and was unprepared for him to see her. matt and y/n had only been dating for a while, and she had never been sick around her ever. “what are you doing here?”
“i needed to see if you were okay. are you okay?” matt asked, his face scrunching slightly with worry once again as his eyes scanned over y/n’s pale face.
y/n didn’t know if it was the shock of her boyfriend showing up to her apartment, the embarrassment she felt from her sickly look, or how miserably sick she felt, but suddenly her eyes watered and her lip trembled as she shook her head at matt.
“oh, baby,” matt whispered, stepping into the apartment and wrapping his arms around y/n.
she immediately melted into his arms, a weight on her shoulders lifted as matt locked the door behind him and held y/n in his arms in silence. tears streamed down her cheeks as she sniffled into his jacket. matt leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
“wanna sit down?” matt asked as y/n’s cries softened. y/n simply nodded, letting matt lead her back to the couch. when the sat down, matt wrapped one arm around y/n frame, letting her lean into him. “what’s wrong?”
“i caught the flu.” y/n sniffed, rubbing her sore eyes. “i feel like shit.”
“i’m sorry baby,” matt whispered into y/n’s hair, letting his fingertips graze up and down her arm.
“i’m sorry you have to deal with this,” y/n mumbled, suddenly shy of matt seeing her with her messy hair and in t-shirt and sweats.
“you have nothing to be sorry about,” matt scoffed, bringing his hand to her cheek and tilting her head up to place a soft peck on her lips. as if sensing her insecurity, matt giggled “you look so pretty right now.”
y/n blushed and leaned impossibly further into matt’s arms. “can you stay here with me?”
“of course,” matt spoke softly, pulling y/n closer to his chest. a few minutes later, y/n’s breathing slowed, and matt looked down at her head buried in his chest.
“babe?” matt whispered. y/n didn’t respond. matt smiled at his girlfriend’s sleeping figure before reaching over to grab one of the blankets from the couch and draping it over both of their bodies. matt leaned his face down to kiss the top of y/n’s head, before letting his own eyes flutter shut.
author’s note: pls don’t bully me this is my first try! i literally have never written on tumblr before and i haven’t written in like 2 years anyways, so. but if u have any advice or want a part 2 pls let me know!!!!!! OK BYE
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amberlynnmurdock · 6 months
Neighbor Pt. 2
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Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: Matt makes sure she gets home safe after work, then officially introduces himself the next morning.
Words: about 1.6k
A/N: Trying out third person for fics, I kind of like it better than using "you" all the time... let me know what you guys think. Thanks for all the interest in being tagged!! <3 <3 <3
Part 1
Matt couldn’t stop thinking about her prayer the next day at work. He was anxious to get home from the office and immediately change into his Daredevil gear. Matt whispered a prayer holding his cross to his lips, and then stalked up his steps to the roof. 
This wasn’t the norm for Matt’s nighttime activities. He usually stood on the corner of his rooftop and listened for any sound of trouble in the city. The sound could be anything: police sirens, a scream, the scratchy sound of a gun tucked in someone’s jacket, the soft friction of a knife in someone’s bag. This time, he knew what was out for. 
He sat on his rooftop (their rooftop) and listened as she got ready. Not too closely, but enough to know that she was about to leave for work. She sprayed perfume on—warm vanilla—and closed her drawer. He heard her keys rattle and upon this, he crouched to listen as she walked down the apartment steps and outside. 
She didn’t work far, about eight blocks downtown. But it didn’t matter if one worked a block away or ten blocks: Hell’s Kitchen wasn’t safe at night. 
When she opened the door to her work, Matt heard bells jingling and an instant waft of coffee filled his senses. It wasn’t a coffee shop she worked at, though. From the smell of paper, leather, creaking wood, and suede couches, Matt surmised she worked at a bookstore. 
“Hey!” he heard someone greet her at the counter, another young woman. “Thanks for closing tonight. I appreciate it.”
“No problem,” Matt could hear the smile in her voice. "Close at nine, right?”
9 PM. 
This meant Matt had about four hours to kill elsewhere in the Kitchen before he’d come back to make sure she made it home safely. 
The hours passed, and Matt was already waiting in the alleyway of the bookstore, listening to her close-up for the night. Closing up meant politely telling customers the store was about to close, and Matt could hear the anxiety in her voice—she was in a rush to get home, in a rush to not be walking home alone. Although she didn’t know it, she didn’t have to worry—Matt would ensure she was safe. 
“Have a great night!” She told the last customer before shutting the large door and locking it. He heard her sigh as she began to quickly close up the front counter. And Matt waited. And waited. And waited.
Soon enough, she was walking out the front door and locking it behind her. Before she sauntered off in the direction of their apartment, she took a deep breath and looked both ways on the sidewalk. Matt presumed it was to see if there would be anyone walking behind her. There wasn’t. Using his senses, he quickly scanned the surrounding area and was relieved to find it relatively quiet with no disturbances. 
“Please, God,” she prayed once more in a whisper. “Get me home safe.” 
She began to walk, and Matt followed in the shadows. Her heart was pounding in her chest the faster she walked, anxious to get home sooner than later. She held her arms tight around her chest as she fought the wind blowing in her direction. 
Finally, approaching their apartment building, Matt quickly crawled up the fire escape to the roof and listened as she opened the door with her keys, letting the heavy door shut behind her. She rushed up the steps and quickly unlocked the door to her apartment. Once inside, she locked it again.
She breathed a sigh of relief.
Matt breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Thank you, God.”
Matt smiled softly. He quietly let himself in from the roof. 
Matt was awoken by the sound of pots and pans clattering in an apartment below him. Groaning, he turned in bed, silk sheets sliding all across his chiseled body, and pressed a pillow to his ear. The pillow was even worse, though—he could hear his blood rushing tenfold. In frustration, he threw the pillow off the bed and retreated to the sounds of clattering pans. 
His senseless eyes were open and remained on the ceiling. It had to be at least an hour earlier than when he was supposed to be awake. In another apartment, the TV played the news loudly, news he didn’t particularly want to hear this early. The static from the TV sounded like popcorn popping in a microwave. 
“Crime is rising again in Hell’s Kitchen, but can Daredevil manage it all—“
Matt refrained from that apartment and moved on to the next one. He was greeted with a loud, vibrating snore. 
There were so many sounds, none pleasant to the ear. He wished he could turn off his heightened senses, from time to time…
But then he remembered her.
Was she awake?
Matt tilted his head in bed, focusing on her apartment which was only across from his. Inside, he could smell fresh lavender and honey tea. Soft baroque music was playing and Matt could hear her shift on her couch, turning the page of a book. Not many sounds came from her apartment. The only thing he wanted to listen to, however, was her heart. 
And so, he did. The gentle beating paired with the sound of paper being turned lulled him back to sleep.
After an extra hour of sleep, Matt got ready for work. He changed into his usual gray suit and black tie. As he was in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of orange juice, he was shocked to hear her getting ready for—something—as well. In a leap of curiosity and anticipation, Matt drank his OJ in one gulp and grabbed his suitcase just in time to “run into” her on his way out. 
She sprayed her perfume and headed out the door, at the same time as Matt.
She was mildly curious about her neighbor, the one who lived across the hall from her. She only saw him occasionally. When she did see him, she made it a point to say hello, at the very least.
“Good morning,” she said softly. Good morning was all she ever said. Maybe she would say more if she weren’t so shy. 
“Morning,” he replied with a smile. When she did run into him, she was always reminded of how handsome he was. Always donned in a well-pressed gray suit and a briefcase. Dark red glasses to hide whatever color his eyes were. Light stubble on a sharp jawline. Chocolate brown hair. She’d read enough books to know he had to be a businessman or lawyer. 
“Early start to your day?” He asked while she still faced her door to lock it. She paused holding her keys in her hand. 
She was caught off guard by the follow-up question—their interactions never lasted more than a greeting, but still, she was gladly roped into conversation. At least he was the one to initiate it. 
“Yeah,” she said, “luckily I have the earlier shift today. Get to leave early and beat the dark.”
“I hear you,” he said softly. “I’m—I’m Matt, by the way. I don’t think I’ve ever introduced myself.” Matt held his hand out for her to shake, which she did. She quickly switched her keys into her other hand and took Matt’s, which felt soft and cold. She slowly pulled her hand back as she introduced herself, suddenly feeling very self-conscious. A moment of silence filled the space between them. He stood with one hand in his pocket, one hand holding his cane. He smiled in a friendly way. 
“So uh, what do you do?” He asked. 
“I work at a bookstore a few blocks down,” she nervously pushed a hair behind her ear and felt her cheeks heat in a blush. “What about you?”
“I’m a defense attorney,” he said sheepishly. “A bookstore?” He changed the subject off from himself. “What kind of books do you carry?”
She smiled at his question, resisting the urge to giggle. “A lot of books. Fiction, non-fiction, fantasy. What do you like?” 
Matt huffed his chest, shrugged his shoulders, and spun his cane around as he thought about it. “Anything. It’s been a long time since I’ve read for pleasure. I think the past few years have been dedicated to my law books,” he laughed. She mirrored his reaction and laughed as well. “Do you—carry any books in braille?”
For some reason, his question made her demeanor soften a bit. She bit her lip, thinking if her store carried any. She had a feeling they might have a small section but wasn’t sure. She’d be glad to order something special—just for him, if not.
“I’ll check today. If we do, I’ll drop a book off for you. It’ll be a surprise.” 
“I’d love that.” 
“Great,” she smiled. “Well, I better get on my way so I’m not late.”
“I’ll walk you out,” Matt offered. She nodded her head, then quickly spoke again, realizing her mistake of nodding. 
“Sure, that’d be nice.”
Just as they were about to walk down, Matt suddenly stopped in his steps. “Oh, I think you forgot to lock your door.”
“Oh!” She gasped nervously, not even realizing she walked away without locking it. She quickly slid the key in the lock and locked it, then met Matt again at the stairs. 
He began to walk down them with his cane hitting each step in front of him. She watched as he carefully held onto the railing and slowly took each step. Normally, she zipped down the stairs, but today, she took her time to walk with him. She half wanted to offer her arm for him to hold onto but didn’t know if that was appropriate.
Outside was overcast, meaning the bookstore would be busier than usual. After a slightly awkward goodbye from Matt, and her promising him again about the book in braille, she walked in the direction of the bookstore, but not before glancing once more behind her to watch as Matt made his way down to his job. 
TAGS: @mattmurdocksstarlight @yentroucnagol @danzer8705 @allllium @i-marvel-bitch @mattsgirlsworld
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lukesvangelista · 8 days
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in which luke longs for the one person who understands him.
warnings; sad luke, crying luke, weddings, prom
part one here
part two here
Luke stood at the edge of the reception hall, watching the newlyweds glide across the dance floor. The bride, radiant in her white gown, laughed as Matt, Luke's cousin and her husband, spun her around, their joy infectious. The room was filled with the soft glow of fairy lights and the gentle hum of conversation, but Luke's mind was far away, lost in the memories of the relationship the two of you once shared. Jack and Quinn were talking beside him, reminiscing on the childhood memories the three of them shared with Matt, but Luke could've cared less. Instead, he zoned in on the couple with longing eyes, his face expressionless - that should've been him twirling you around on that dance floor.
It had been nine months since he and you had parted ways, but it felt like a lifetime. The two of you had met in high school, two awkward teenagers drawn together by a shared love of sports, music, and movies, and a mutual disdain for the superficiality of your guys' chemistry teacher. His first dance with you had been in your living room, the two of you clumsily stepping on each other’s toes to a scratchy vinyl record your father had given to you. The two of you shared so much laughter that day, the sound mingling with the music. Luke didn't think he was capable of laughing that much, but somehow, you had brought it out of him. In that moment, Luke had thought that your relationship would last forever.
As Matt and Amelie continued their dance, Luke remembered the night he had taken you to prom. You guys had spent weeks preparing. You agonized over your dress to the point where Ellen had offered to fix it up however you wanted to. She spent a week sewing this, and hemming that, but that dress couldn't have been more beautiful. It complimented you perfectly, the red satin fabric allowing your eyes to radiate. You laughed as Luke fumbled with the corsage during pictures. At the time, he didn't appreciate it, but now, he would give anything to hear your laugh again. When the two of you had finally arrived, the gym had been transformed into a magical wonderland, complete with twinkling lights and a live band. You guys had danced until your feet were sore, holding each other close as if the world outside didn’t exist.
Luke felt a lump in his throat form as he continued to watch the first dance. There was an empty seat beside him, designated for another one of his cousin's who couldn't make it, but Luke couldn't help but feel like it was for you. It was just another reminder that you weren't with him, but you should've been. All he wanted was to look away, but it's like he was frozen. It felt like a god damn punishment. And then, as if things couldn't get any worse, he realized what song they were dancing to - 'Like Real People Do'.
No, no, no. This was your guys' song.
Tears sprang into Luke's hazel eyes immediately, and he jumped up from his seat to excuse himself. Quinn and Jack looked at their little brother like he was crazy, but Luke muttered some half-ass excuse about having to use the bathroom before walking out of the reception hall and outside the building.
As soon as he was outside, Luke tightly gripped the red brick of the building. He felt that if he didn't, he would've collapsed right then and there. He tried to take some deep breaths to calm himself down, but it felt as though nothing was working. So, he whipped out his phone and opened his contacts.
As he hovered over your contact, Luke tried to convince himself that it was because he wasn't in a clear state of mind. Maybe he could even blame it on the drinks that Jack had snuck over to him earlier in the evening. But deep down, Luke knew that wasn't true. He missed you, and maybe, just maybe, his longing for you would decrease if he heard your voice again. The night was quiet, which only seemed to amplify his thoughts. He missed you - every laugh, every conversation, every moment the two of you had shared. He missed you more than he could bear.
But the longer his fingers hovered over your contact, the more hesitant he became. The two of you had broken up nine months ago. The last time he had seen you was the night (or morning, he didn't even know) you showed up to his apartment, where he was sleeping with another girl and practically yelled at you for coming to see him. And it was the night that you needed him most. You were missing your dad and needed comfort. That was it. He had royally fucked up.
Was this a good idea? Would you even want to hear from him?
Doubts crowded Luke's mind, but the ache in his heart overpowered him. He took a deep breath and pressed call.
The phone rang once, twice, three times. Four times, five times, six times.
Luke was about to hang up when the dial tone went away. Static ensued and then he heard exactly what he wanted to hear.
"Hello?" Your voice was soft, cautious.
Luke let out a whimper, a tear falling from his eye, "Y/N/N, hi. It's Luke."
There was a pause, then, "Luke. Hi. It's been awhile."
"Yeah, it has. I-" he struggled to find the right words, "I know it's sudden, but I just needed to hear your voice. I miss you, Y/N."
The line was silent for a moment, and Luke feared that you might've hung up. But then you spoke, your voice trembling slightly, "Why'd you call, Luke?"
He let a sob ring from his lips, his tone heavy, "Matt got married today, and him and Amelie just looked so happy. And I looked at them and it was like I couldn't even see them, I just saw us," another sob rang out, "I just... whenever I looked at you, Y/N, I saw my future. I would've married you if I had the chance." he admitted.
The line went silent again, this time for even longer than the last. Boy, did that scare Luke. Had he said too much too soon? He wouldn't be surprised if he did - his brothers had always told him that that was his fatal flaw. Thirty seconds had passed before he spoke up again, pure desperation evident in his voice, "Y/N/N?"
He heard you sniffle over the line. A few more seconds of silence followed before you spoke, your voice trembling a little more than before, "I... I miss you too, Luke. I think about you a lot."
Relief washed over him, but it was quickly followed by regret, "I messed up, Y/N. Remember that night when you called me an asshole? It's all I've thought about since that night. You needed me and I kicked you out and..." Luke had to pause as he felt his chest tighten. His breaths were ragged and it felt as though he couldn't catch his breath.
"Luke? Luke, are you okay?" you asked him, concern evident in your tone.
Luke was able to compose himself just enough to keep talking as he heard your voice, "I was an asshole. I can't believe it's taken me seven months to admit it, but I was the asshole, and I am so fucking sorry, Y/N."
You took a shallow breath on the other end of the phone, your own eyes welling with tears.
Luke continued, "Listen, I don't know if we can ever go back to what we had, but I just needed you to know how much I miss you."
You sighed softly, tears of your own now slipping from your eyes, "That was hard for me, Luke. It hurt. But hearing you say that means a lot. And I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I didn't fuck up, too. We both made mistakes, and here we are." you faked a laugh.
Without thinking, Luke whispered through the phone, "Can we meet?" There was a lace of hope in his words as he spoke. Maybe it was a little bit of a facade, just to trick him into thinking he had more of a chance than he actually did, "Just to talk. Maybe start over, even if it's just as friends."
There was a long pause, and if it was as if Luke could almost hear you weighing the decision through the phone. It felt like hours had passed before you spoke again, your voice gentle, "Luke... it's not that simple. I miss you - more than you know - but I think that we both need to heal and move forward, even if it's hard."
"Yes, Luke?"
"It's pathetic really, how much I still hope it's you and me in the end."
"Take care of yourself, Luke," you said, "Goodnight."
Luke wiped the tears from his cheeks, feeling the weight of your words. As you hung up, though, he felt a mixture of relief and sorrow. He knew you were right - you both needed to move on, to heal. But at least for tonight, he had the comfort of hearing your voice, a small connection to the woman he had loved and lost.
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dmercer91 · 4 months
More subby!matt it’s giving me life right now
nsfw headcanons [2], mk23
part two to this beauty of a list, but with all subby!matt, cause we all know and love him.
he's completely and totally obsessed with your thighs, cannot imagine a world in which he's not often between them. really, really likes to use them as pillows during couch snuggles.
only gets a lot distracted when you sit down and they flood a little
he brings an item of your clothing that he sprays with your perfume on roadies and shoves is face into it to keep himself quiet in hotel rooms.
he made the mistake of bringing a pair of panties once, and had to very bashfully lie that he shoved his clothes into a bag unfolded from the dryer, and that they must've been in a ball of stuff cause he got caught with them when he was looking for smth in his bag
he likes to bite, usually just nipping but there have been a few times he's bitten into your shoulder.
when you're being mean about him getting loud he bites down onto his hand
getting his hair played with is his personal heaven and he really likes to lay directly on top of you and get scalp scratchies (preferably while you warm him, but we all know how bad he is at sitting still)
when he's going down on you he really wants to do a good job and he does but he's undeniably messy abt it and he can't stop babbling
the first time he was very deep in a subby mood eating you out, he got so in his head and excited to taste you when you finished that the thought of it had him fucking into the mattress and he came in his boxers
he was so sensitive that he left marks on your hips from his grip when he slid inside you
during the all star break you would come home every day from work to him with dinner made, with these sweet puppy eyes while you tried what he made cause he wanted you to like it more than anything he's ever wanted before, he thinks
and on the second or third night, you tell him he should be resting during his time off.
"wanna take care of you, though" he argues and you shake your head
"i'll make dinner when i come home tomorrow, hm? you relax, catch up with friends or somethin'" and it was like the mere thought of not catering to you was unfathomable to him
so, you started to palm him
and then suddenly denying anything you said was unfathomable to him, he couldn't remember what his point was
his eyes fluttered back and you told him again.
"gonna- oh.. m' gonna let you make dinner tomorrow..."
"theres a good boy,"
and, i don't remember if i touched on his praise kink in the og hc list, but i'll do it again
he drinks it up like he needs to survive
the first time you called him a good boy, he immediately came inside you with no warning for you or even himself. so, you decided you'd use it against him
he'll beg and beg, even tell you he doesn't need to come as long as you tell him he's good for you, cause he wants you to confirm that he's doing everything just right
he needs you to be proud of him and he will do absolutely anything for you to think highly of him and his efforts.
he babbles about how much he loves you…. a lot
and you’ll tell him how much you love him in return and it’s like his brain goes quiet, he hums contently, quits his begging cause he’s got everything he could ever want right in his lap
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to-thelakes · 4 months
banged up
pairing; frank castle x fem!reader
summary; after being friends with daredevil gets you into a sticky situation, frank takes care of your wounds
warnings; fluff, hurt/comfort, reader is very injured but also very stubborn, soft frank, not proof-read, mentions of torture + wounds. some insecurity from reader
notes; okay this one-shot was written ages ago and i just got reminded that i could post it when i got an anon request (which i am going to work on if that anon sees this post ;) ) about the reader not liking swallowing pills. that's a big thing in this fic because I have been taking like 4-5 medication/supplements a day for the past 6+ months and honestly, i hate it. so so does the reader here <3 i hope you enjoy this little fic, i was debating on writing a part 2 that would be a little more angst-focused because frank hates when people he cares about gets hurt but feel free to lmk if y'all would be interested in that <3
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part two
“Hey, hey,” A gruff voice pulled you back from unconsciousness. Your eyes slowly blinked open and the first thing you felt was pain. A cry escaped your lips as your hand shot to your side where the pain seemed to be radiating from. But the quick movement only seemed to make you feel worse and you cried out again, “Stop- Stop moving,” The voice repeated. It took you a minute for your eyes to adjust to the gloom and you turned your head to see Frank kneeling on the edge of the bed. There was a frown on his lips.
“It hurts,” You muttered. He sighed and gently took a hold of your bandaged wrist, pulling it down towards your side again.
“I know, sweetheart. You gotta stop moving,” He retorted. Your eyes fell closed again, the pain seemed to be coming from everywhere. Your side is where it hurt the most and as you shifted, the pain rocketted through your system. Eyes squeezed shut and another whimper fell from your lips. Frank sighed, “Sweetheart.” His tone was a warning and you balled your hands into fists by your side which made more pain shoot up.
“What happened?” Your voice was croaky. Your throat was dry and even trying to say a word made your body hurt. Your throat was scratchy, it was so uncomfortable. A ragged breath escaped your lips and you heard Frank’s heavy footsteps moving away from the bed.
“You got banged up pretty bad. Gotta stay there, sweetheart,” He insisted as his footsteps only seemed to get further away. Your eyes opened again and you turned your head to see that he was in the other room of your apartment. You didn’t know what he was doing and you knew that you should have stayed down but you never really listened to him.
With a deep breath, you slowly pushed yourself to sit up. It made your entire body ache and you cried out when the pain bloomed across your side again. But you fought against it to get onto your feet. Frank came rushing back into the room and managed to catch you just as you were about to fall on your ass. You hadn’t expected your ankle to hurt as much as it had when you put pressure on it.
“I told you to keep your ass on the bed,” He snapped. Though there wasn’t as much conviction behind his words as there usually was when it came to Frank. If anything, he seemed concerned that you were hurting yourself.
“What happened,” You repeated your earlier question. Frank sighed and he led you back to the bed so that you could sit down.
“Told ya,” He retorted. You scoffed and then whimpered when your side began to hurt again. Frank gave you a warning look before he disappeared out of the room again so that he could get the glass of water and painkillers he had initially gone out for. The room was silent and it made you pause, you could vaguely remember it now. The torture. The men. You didn’t even know who they were but they wanted to know who Daredevil was. They needed Matt’s identity and they were willing to kill you to get it.
“Where’s Matt?” You croaked out as Frank walked back into your bedroom with a glass of water and pills. You stared at them and then at him. He knew that you hated taking pills. You always bought the liquid form for your own sake. The only reason you had normal pills is because of him and Matt and Karen for when her periods got bad.
“He’s patrolling, making sure you’ll be safe,” Frank explained. You were glaring at the pills that he offered out to you and he sighed. He placed the glass on the table and put the pills next to it, “You’re a real pain in my ass, you know that?” You rolled your eyes and watched as he walked back to the kitchen. Everything hurt. Your face, your body, your feet, your ankles, your hands. When you lifted your hands up, you could make out the bruises in the gloom and there were ugly marks around your wrists from where you had been tied up.
You shoved your hands under your armpits, hiding them from your sight as you waited for Frank to return but even that movement made you hiss out in pain. After a moment Frank returned, with your usual bottle of painkillers. You always bought the kids stuff because it was the only one that was reliably in liquid form. You knew it was silly but you hated swallowing pills and your periods were too bad to force yourself to swallow them down.
“Thank you,” You mumbled. He nodded and then he got onto his knees in front of you so that he was on your level. He didn’t want to make you feel any worse by looming above you as he spoon-fed you painkillers like he would a baby.
“I patched you up. Red dealt with the rest,” Frank informed as he poured some of the liquid onto a spoon with the precision only a Marine would have. Usually, you spilt the liquid everywhere but he seemed to have practice with it.
“Explains why it hurts so much,” You retorted, practically teasing him. He narrowed his eyes, holding the spoon of painkillers away from you, “Frank,” You whined. He chuckled and then moved the spoon forward so that you could take it into your mouth. You swallowed down the liquid and watched as he poured another spoonful, “How long is it gonna hurt for?” It was a stupid question, you knew that. It was probably going to hurt for weeks, if not months considering the damage that they had done but you wanted him to lie.
“You’ll just have to see, sweetheart. Gonna have to take some time off work with an injury like that,” He said as he held the spoon out to you again. You took it gratefully and then he poured another one just for good measure.
“My boss is gonna kill me,” You mumbled. Frank scoffed and he then held the last spoonful of medicine out to you.
“If he gives ya any trouble, I’ll deal with it.” If it was anyone else, you would have laughed off those words but this was Frank and you knew he meant what he said. A soft sigh escaped your lips once Frank put the spoon onto the bedside table. He then twisted the cap back onto the bottle before he placed it down beside your glass of water.
“How bad is it?” You asked after a beat of silence. Frank was just looking at you, concern etched across his features.
“I’d still call you a pretty lady,” He said. You let out a soft huff and glanced over at the water but Frank passed it before you could hurt yourself doing it. You took the glass gratefully and cautiously took a long sip. It soothed your dry throat and you were so glad to get something to drink. You were sure that you were incredibly dehydrated after all the tears and the blood.
Frank took the glass back from you when you had drained the whole thing and he slowly got to his feet. It seemed he was going to get you another glass and you wanted to go with him. So, once he was in the other room, you pushed yourself to your feet again. It was slow and you made sure to keep the pressure off anywhere that hurt and you were on your feet, comfortably.
Each step was slow and he heard you step into the other room, his head snapping back. He narrowed his eyes, placing the water jug down before he turned to look at you. He shook his head slightly at the fact that you were walking around.
“They could have done worse,” You said before he got the chance to comment, “Can still walk.” There was a small smile on your face, trying to make light of what had happened but it was hard considering how much your body hurt with every movement.
“Don’t tempt them, darling,” He retorted. You made it over to the kitchen counter and he took a hold of your waist, keeping you steady as you took the glass. You downed the water again before placing the glass down and limping over to the fridge. You needed something to eat, your stomach was growling for it but when you looked inside, there were no leftovers. Your roommate - who worked the night shift - must have taken them with her.
“Hungry?” He asked. You nodded and he glanced over your shoulder before he grabbed a few things from the shelves, “I’ll make you something, go lie on the couch.” You let out something akin to a ‘yes’ before you hobbled over to the sofa and lay down. Your head hurt, your body hurt and you were glad that Frank was here.
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strniohoeee · 5 months
Can you do a Matt x fem reader where she is sick with the flu. Like has a fever and everything and tries to hide her sickness from Matt and the other two? Up until she almost collapses from how sick she is? Which makes Matt worry and get all protective of y/n. And he ends up just taking care of her, getting medicine, snacks, and of course cuddles, cuddles, cuddles.
Btw I LOVE your writing, it’s so good!
Cough Drops
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N figures out she might have the flu, but feels bad having Matt worry about her; so she keeps it on the low. This is until she almost faints…
Warnings⚠️: NONEEEE, kind of short?? cute little Matt moment. Plus IM BACKKKKK
Song for the imagine: How To Fight Loneliness- Wilco
How to fight loneliness?
Smile all the time
Shine your teeth till meaningless
And sharpen them with lies
My hearing went in and out as my breathing began to shallow. My eyes were glued shut as I tried to focus on anything else other than the way I was feeling right now.
My body was aching as I involuntarily shuttered here and there. My teeth chattering together as I tucked my hands into the sleeves of my hoodie.
Matt and his brothers were at my house to hang out which I didn’t mind but right now I needed my bed and a thick warm blanket. My head began to pound about an hour ago, and up until now I didn’t want to take any medicine.
Reluctantly I got up from my couch and swore I almost passed out, but I shook those feelings away.
“You okay baby?” Matt asked looking back at me
“Ugh yeah I’m okay my head just hurts” I replied smiling at him
“Are you sure? You look a bit pale” he said looking at my face
“I think I’m just super exhausted from this weekend” I replied
“We can leave and you can rest” he said and his brothers nodded their heads
“Noo don’t worry I’m okay” I said shaking my head
He nodded at me and I walked to my kitchen, opening the cabinet and taking out two extra strength Tylenols. I popped them in my mouth and washed them down with water from the sink.
Suddenly I sneezed and I tried to mask it by turning the sink back on. Luckily they didn’t hear it so I shut the water off and grabbed my thermometer. Placing it in my ear and waiting for the beep
I looked down at the temperature 103.2 Fahrenheit. My eyes popped out of my head. I’ve never had a fever this high, and suddenly I began to rack my brain on how I got sick.
Finally I realized I visited my friend last week and the following day she told me she tested positive for the flu. Fuck I thought to myself….. I got the flu….
I walked over to the couch and sat down with a cup of water not really sure what to say, but about 30 minutes later I started to cough.
It was a dry cough, but then I realized my throat began to get scratchy. There was a movie playing so my coughs went unheard.
I hated being sick around Matt because he dropped everything for me. And I appreciated it, but I felt bad he was too good to me.
An hour into the movie I began to feel super weak and nauseous, and it got to the point where the movie and the lights being on was starting to annoy me.
I got up and started to head to my room
“Hey where are you going?” Chris asked me in a playful way
“I think I’m going to lay down my head really hurts” I replied rubbing my temples
“Do you need anything?”chris asked
“No I’m okay” I replied and suddenly I began to cough
“Babe I think you’re sick” Matt said
“No I’m okay I promise, it’s just allergies” I said shaking it off
“Y/N you are so pale right now” Nick said getting worried
“I just….I just need-
Suddenly my hearing began to go out and my vision became tunneled and I couldn’t even focus on what to say. Suddenly my knees buckled and I felt myself getting woozy
Before I could hit the floor Matt ran over and grabbed me
“I got you I got you” he replied lifting me up
“Come on baby” he said and walked me to my room
He laid me down on the bed as I was incoherent and walked out the room.
He came back and sat next to me
“Smell this” he said putting an alcohol soaked pad under my nose
“CHRIS OR NICK BRING ME SOME JUICE FOR HER” he yelled as he turned to look at the door
“You’re coming back to me baby” he said rubbing my hair
“Matt what happened” I said blinking slowly
“You passed out, but you’re okay” he said as I began to sit up a little bit
“Take it easy” he said helping me sit up
Chris and Nick walked in with a cup of juice and gave it to me
“How are you feeling?” Nick asked
“I’m okay, but I think I have the flu. My best friend has it and I saw her last week” I said sipping on the cold drink
“Oh no! Chris and I are going to leave and leave you with Matt” Nick said
“Thank you” I said offering a weak smile
Matt had dropped them home and came back to my apartment.
He was gone for a while so I fell asleep and the sound of my bedroom door woke me up
“Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you” he said coming in
I turned on my lamp and looked at him, giggling
He had a face mask on and had target bags in his hand
“Okay so this is my first time taking care of a sick girlfriend, so I got a lot of shit” he replied placing the bags on my bed
“Matt you don’t have to” I said laughing
“Nooo I want to” he said whining
“I appreciate it” I said taking a sip of the juice on my night stand
“Okay sooo I got cough drops, but different ones for different things, and then I got Vicks tissues because I know you and your Vicks go hand in hand, and I got some Robitussin for severe colds, ummm I got some aguaphor for your lips because I know they get dry when your nose is stuffed. Gatorade, water, soup and I got some snacks you love” he said placing everything on my tv stand
“Matttt thank you I love you” I said getting up
“I love you too, now how are you feeling?” He asked getting concerned
“My body hurts, my throat hurts and my nose is getting stuffed, but I think I broke my fever” I said opening up a bag of cough drops and taking one
“Let me feel your forehead” he said waving be towards him
He placed his hand on my forehead and nodded his head
“You feel normal to me” he said
“Good because I need a shower” I said dragging my feet to my dresser
“You shower and I’ll make some soup and what not” he said walking out my room
After my shower I walked out to Matt sitting on my bed eating soup
“I made your favorite chicken noodle” he said
“Ouu yay” I replied and hopped onto my bed
Enjoying the soup and crackers as we talked
Matt decided to put a movie on, but he sat so far from me
“Come closer” I replied looking at him
“You’re infested” he said cleaning up our dishes
“You’re already exposed we made out this morning” I said rolling my eyes
“Ahhh very true” he said removing his mask and snuggling under the covers
Snaking his arm over my waist as he pulled me in closer as we watched Girl, Interrupted. His fingers played with my hair as I slowly drifted off to sleep.
“Get some rest my love” he whispered before placing a kiss on my temple.
Matt made being sick less insufferable. I laid in his arms with a smile on my face as I dozed off….
The End
YALLL IVE BEEN GONE FOR ALMOST TWO WEEKS. I’m sooo sorry ya girl had Covid, but I’m back and better than ever. I love yall sooo much🥹🖤🖤
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fettuccin-e · 9 months
The Devil In Me
Kinktober Day 8: Rough Sex
Tags: Matt Murdock x Reader, afab!fem!reader, unprotected piv (pls wrap it irl guys dont be dumb), rough sex, degradation, slight sadism/masochism, black suit supremacy, matt is kind of violent but thats rlly just who he is yknow (w/c: 1.6K)
A/N: so like even though most of my shit has rough sex this is like a little rougher than i usually write. but theres fluff at the end because i literally cannot help myself lol (I have been using prompts from this list by flightlessangelwings!)
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When Matt comes home to you bloodied and battered, fists curled at his sides and jaw clenched, you aren’t afraid. He’s dangerous right now, a man at the end of a wire, teetering dangerously over the edge of insanity.
He’s been pushed and pushed, the devil within him restless and feral. You know that he’s still the man you love; he’s the same Matty that cooks your favorite foods and listens to audiobooks with you and takes you for walks through Central Park.
You love Matt, and the devil that lives within him. To love him is to accept them both, and you do, without hesitation.
So when he stalks toward you, every inch of him dangerous and volatile, you don’t flinch away. You smooth your hands over his scratchy cheeks, thumbing gently over his lips. Soothing an animal. He brings his hands up to grab your wrists, holding them still against his face. He’s practically vibrating with unshed energy, aching to be set free.
“Need you, please,” he rasps, his voice quiet and rough. It’s more of a question than anything else, you know it is.  He always asks, never wants to hurt you. You know that if you were to say no, he’d simply kiss your forehead. He’d tell you he loves you, like he always does, and would go out again. Distancing you from the devil. You’ve never considered saying no, after years of being beside him. These nights are for you as much as they’re for him. They’re brutal, sometimes painful, but you crave them, crave him.
“Yes,” you whisper back to him, and that’s all the confirmation he needs. He growls, and his hands move to grip your hips, hard enough to bruise. They likely will, and later, Matt will kiss them, murmuring little apologies. You’ll giggle at him, telling him that he shouldn’t apologize. You’ll press on them while staring at the mirror, relishing in the soft ache.
Matt kisses you hard, all teeth and spit and tongue, before turning you until your back presses flush against his chest. You let your head lay back against his shoulder as one of his hands snakes down your stomach and under your panties. He cups your pussy without any finesse, his hands rough and calloused against you. 
“So fucking wet,” he grunts, and you whine as his hands part your cunt to run a thick finger over your clit. Your hips jerk forward, chasing his touch, but Matt uses his other hands to shove your hips back against him again. You can feel the thickness of his cock through his clothes, pressing against your ass. Against your better judgment, you grind back against him. Testing, teasing. Something you should never do with a caged animal.
“Fucking-” he chokes out, sounding almost angry. “Bend over for me. Now.” You nearly trip over your own feet in your rush to get to the couch. You can feel how soaked you are, your pussy slick and ruining your panties. You slide them off, but as you reach to take off your sleeping shirt, an old Fogwell’s tee from Matt’s dresser, the devil is already upon you. 
“I said,” he murmurs, “bend over.” He grips your shoulders, shoving them over the back of the couch until you brace yourself with your hands on the cushions. The edge of the couch digs into your lower stomach, but you can barely feel it, your anticipation clouding your senses. Matt smooths a rough hand over your ass, you barely have a moment to breathe before he’s landing a rough smack against you. Pain radiates through you, and you can feel yourself leaking for him. You choke out a soft moan at the impact, and shake minutely as Matt chuckles darkly.
“Fucking slut. You like getting hit? Fuck, you’re soaked, you love it, baby. I know you do. I can fucking smell it.” You whine as Matt leans over you, his lips brushing against your ear. “You can’t run from me, sweetheart,” he whispers, and you swear that you could pass out from the mixture of anticipation and pure lust running through your veins. 
You can hear the rustle of fabric behind you; the undoing of a belt, the sound of a zipper. Your hips twitch minutely when you feel Matt’s hard cock press against you, sliding against your sensitive pussy. The thick head notches against your entrance, and suddenly, Matt is pushing in, in, strong and unyielding. The stretch borders on painful without any prep; Matt is big on a normal day, but he feels even bigger tonight, bullying into your clenching cunt without remorse.
“So fucking tight, shit,” he mutters behind you, and you can only whine in response. He doesn’t give you a moment to adjust, not like he usually does. He uses you, taking and taking without remorse, desperate for it. He pulls out roughly before plunging back in, making you feel every thick inch of him. He works himself in and out of your sopping pussy, clothed hips slapping against your bare skin, chafing it raw and red and aching. Your hips jerk with every unrelenting thrust, barely able to take it as Matt takes you like a fucking toy.
“Yeah, fucking take it. You little slut, my fucking slut. I own you, I own this fucking pussy, you hear me?”
“Yes, yes, God Matt, fuck, I’m yours. I’m yours, baby,” you slur out. You feel hazy, your vision blurry as Matt fucks you. He can barely ever miss the most sensitive part of your pussy in this position. His cockhead jams into your sweet spot again and again, unrelenting and nearly painful with how much pleasure rockets up your spine. One of his hands presses against the small of your back while the other reaches up to wrap his arm around your neck. He pulls you up, your hands leaving the couch cushions. You have no other choice but to grip onto the forearm pressing into your neck as Matt forces you to arch into the air. 
Matt’s thrusts get deeper, pulling out less and less, until he's simply humping into your cunt like an animal. Choked out whines of “Matt, yes, yes, fuck, oh my God, Matt,” escape unbidden from your throat.
“That’s right, sweetheart. I’m your God right now. I’m the only one who can fuck this pussy, I’m the only one that knows how much of a whore you are.” Matt’s voice is raspy, overwhelmed and absolutely primal. You nearly scream as the hand Matt has on your stomach snakes down to toy with your throbbing clit. “I’m the only one,” he mutters, “who can make you cum. Right?”
“Yes, Matt, yes, please, please make me cum.”
“Fucking cum, slut. Cum for your God.”
You really do scream as Matt pinches your clit, rough and painful, and suddenly, you’re clenching hard around his cock, your nails digging harshly into his forearm. Matt fucks relentlessly into your pussy as you ride out your orgasm, his thick cock bullying you open, breaking you apart. Your orgasm wanes, but Matt just keeps driving himself in. You’re sensitive, so sensitive; your pussy feels used and achy, but Matt just keeps going. Little tears are starting to leak down your cheeks, and fuck, Matt isn’t stopping. He isn’t stopping, isn’t slowing down.
“Matt, I’m so- I’m so sensitive, baby, you gotta-” you slur, but Matt cuts you off with a swift smack to your over-sensitive clit, your body trembling with the pleasure-pain of it all.
“I don’t have to do anything, you got that? You said I could take you, and I fucking will.” His cock keeps jamming into your pussy, and you can feel your wetness sliding down your shaking thighs. They try to clench themselves closed subconsciously, trying to run from Matt’s onslaught, but it’s a fruitless battle.
You can feel another orgasm building in your stomach, the knot within you clenching tighter and tighter. Matt chuckles from behind you, mocking you as your cheeks burn and your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Can feel this fucking pussy clenching again. You really gonna cum again, sweetheart? Even when you’re trying to run, you’re still a fucking whore. I always give this pretty pussy exactly what she needs, right sweetheart? God, she’s sucking me in, like you don’t want me to leave, baby.” Matt’s fingers are still pressed against your achy clit, his thrusts shifting his fingers maddeningly up and down. You’re going to cum, you’re going to fucking cum.
“Give it to me, gorgeous,” Matt growls, and he lifts his hand away from your clit just to slap it back down again, sending stinging, glorious lightning straight up your spine.
You have the briefest thought about the unlikelihood of your survival before you’re screaming all over again, your pussy clenching like a vice. It’s nearly painful, your orgasm. You feel like you’ve been ripped apart, destroyed by Matt’s touch. 
Your chest is heaving, shaking, as Matt’s hips begin to stutter in their thrusts.
“Fuck, fuck this pussy’s so fucking good. So fucking tight, ah-” Matt groans, loud and unabashed as he presses himself as deep as he can into your cunt, filling you with his thick cum. You’re weightless, held steady only by Matt and his strong arms. He slips out of you, and you whimper softly at the feeling of his cum running down your slick, ruined pussy.
You barely feel it when Matt turns you in his arms, lifting you into the air to carry you into your shared bedroom. The silk sheets are comforting and cool on your overheated body as Matt lays you gently onto them. He lays next to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. You can hear him vaguely, like you're underwater, cooing about how you are are, how perfect. You breathe against his warm, strong chest, relishing in the closeness.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Matt murmurs into the quiet of the room, and you press a kiss to his skin.
“Mhm,” you mumble. “Love my Matty, love my Devil too.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, nuzzling into his chest.
“Well,” Matt whispers, “If I’m your devil, you’re my angel, sweet girl.”
“Hm.” You say. You can already feel yourself drifting off, safe and warm and loved. “Yeah, I guess I am.”
“I know you are.”
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silly4sillinger · 3 months
can i request something abt matt coming home and just being absolutely exhausted and the only thing he wants is to lay on you while you play with his hair
"Can You Play With My Hair" Pairing: Matt Rempe x Fem!reader
The door opens and in walks Matt.
You look over at him as he drops his bags onto the floor, tosses his keys onto the table and walks directly over to you.
He lays down on the couch with his head in your lap and closes his eyes.
"You okay?" You ask, concerned that he has yet to say a word.
He makes a noise but doesn't say anything.
You push the hair out of his face and he opens his eyes.
"Can you play with my hair, please?"
You nod and he closes his eyes again as you start running your fingers through his hair.
"Did something happen?"
"No. I'm just exhausted."
"Why don't you go lay down in bed where you'll be more comfortable?" You ask and stop running your fingers through his hair while you wait for a response.
"You won't be there."
"I'll come lay with you. I want you to be able to rest properly."
"Hm. Couple minutes." He mumbles, grabbing your hand and putting it back on his head. "Scratchies."
You go back to playing with Matt's hair and him making a move to go lay in the bed never comes because he falls asleep on the couch.
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tiny-merkitty · 3 months
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dad/caretaker matt murdock hcs ₊˚ʚ₊˚✧ ゚.
(read as platonic & familial only! i do not write for romantic pairings.)
ⓘ i do not consent to k!nk interaction! any nsfw account that likes, reblogs, or in any way interacts with this post or my blog will be blocked and reported.
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the sweetest most attentive father figure ever
he can hear your heartbeat, the vague ways your breaths change, feel how sleepy and lethargic you get, he'll do everything he can to be helpful and caring when you need it!!!
don't feel like talking? that's okay, he can tell if what he's doing is helping without needing words.
he has to deal with alot of loud everywhere else anyway, whether that's in a tiny, packed office space or the entirety of manhattan — he's always welcome to unwind at home in silence.
he'd try to deduct anything that's making you uncomfortable without having to ask, he knows that constant interrogation can just make things more overwhelming.
you keep whimpering? your stomach is full, you seem to be warm enough— is his beard too scratchy? here, he'll move your head down to his chest.
he'd use alot of different nicknames, as well as just your actual name, but the ones that roll off the tongue most tend to be 'baby', 'sweetheart' & 'angel'
being mean towards his loved ones isn't in his vocabulary, if you've done something wrong there won't be anything more extreme than a gentle conversation — at worst, he uses his lawyer voice™, which consists of very, very, long spiels about how he's not mad! just a little disappointed!
he'd never take things away from you as a form of punishment though, he knows what it's like to grow up with sparse things in environments that weren't emotionally nurturing.
if anything, he is the biggest advocate for spoiling his kid — even if he won't admit it.
never in a grand way, but if you looked at a stuffed animal for three seconds too long in an aisle, it's finding it's way into the cart by check-out.
you like a certain brand of toaster waffles? what a coincidence, the fridge has five boxes!
if you make him anything at all, he is using it until it disintegrates.
you made him a bracelet? he's wearing it everywhere. including in the daredevil suit.
you drew something? he's sure it looks wonderful, whatever it is, he's already framing it in his office.
(yes this has something to do with a certain somebody abandoning him over a friendship bracelet as a child)
he likes having you physically close to him, the louder your heartbeat is in his ears, the more secure he can feel about your safety.
your warmth reminds him that you're okay, so he likes having you nearby, whether you're heads on his stomach or you're sitting somewhere three rooms over.
he's not a helicopter parent, per-se, but he has a tendency to be protective and worried —
he tries to be around at nighttime, even with the whole vigilante gig getting in the way sometimes, having you play doctor on his wounds makes him feel both guilty and comforted.
his favorite form of tylenol has a tiny heartbeat and hands that wrap around his fingers, after all.
bedtime stories aren't his favorite thing in the world, for obvious reasons, but if he's trying to get you to sleep, sometimes he'll practice his latest defenses until you nod off.
he assumes the legal talk knocks you out better than goodnight moon, anyway.
depending on the day, he's bringing you along to the office or church with him — the firm isn't very full during certain seasons, so he figures you can take a nap on the couch in his office or color over Foggy's paperwork.
Foggy's not the biggest fan of the latter —
the underneath of Matt's desk also makes a great fort— he'll pretend he can't hear you sticking stickers to the bottom or playing with his shoelaces.
on weekends, he'll take you by St. Agnes to sleep through morning mass, Sister Maggie usually has a hot chocolate ready for you in a special mug afterwards.
he's not one to force things like sunday school on you, but the church is a place he grew up and visits often, plus letting you see his mother makes him smile.
the two of you get donuts on the way home — or, you get donuts and Matt gets something overpriced and artisanal while he tries not to cringe at the overbearing scent of dyed sugar.
he's definitely a silly dad, holding you upside down by your ankles or slinging you over his shoulder while he cleans the apartment.
he draws out questions and asks silly things just to hear you giggle — "what?! you're four years old? are you sure? are you actually... five? no?"
overall, you're his kid and he loves you more than anything.
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Something’ Stupid (Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader) - Sinatra Series 7/9
Author’s Note: I’ve had this done for a bit, but I kept forgetting to post. I really didn’t mean for a month to go by! I’m going to try to post some other fics (and a bonus Sinatra Series one) while I have some time off from work. So for this chapter, I really wanted to try and use a gif of Matt being hella soft and cute in bed (you’ll see why when you read), but it’s the forehead kisses for me😍🥺😭THIS MAN I SWEAR--. Enjoy! :)
Summary: Matt finally admits something to you without realizing it, and when you respond, he’s happier than he could have ever imagined.
Suggested Listening: Somethin’ Stupid by Frank Sinatra
Warnings: Fluff, big uwu sweetness (the L word!), smut (p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk/praise), swearing
Other Characters: None
Word Count: 1,508
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It’s like his lips act on their own volition after you both collapse on the bed, blissfully spent from exploring one another’s bodies after a long week at work and an even longer week for Matt from patrolling the Kitchen. Matt’s mouth works to cover whatever exposed skin he can find with soft kisses, your body intoxicating for him, something that he can never seem to get enough of. You giggle at the sensation—the texture of his plush lips and scratchy beard a wonderful mix on your skin that is so uniquely Matt, infecting every surface and pore of your body. 
But they truly work by themselves when they mutter, “I love you” into your skin.
Neither of you realize the short, weighty sentence has been uttered until a few seconds later. Matt freezes, hoping that he only imagined he said the words, that he didn’t ruin the moment. You wriggle in his hold, trying to twist and turn to better see his face. Matt tries to hide, preventing you from looking at him.
“Matt—,” you start, catching some of his hair and brushing it off of his forehead.
“It was something stupid,” he interjects. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin—.”
“Hey, no,” you tell him, your hand running down his cheek. “It’s not stupid. You didn’t ruin anything.” You take a deep breath, looking up at him and admiring him for everything that he is, your heart swelling so much you actually feel a pain in your chest. “I love you, too, Matt.”
You pull him down for a kiss, carding your fingers through the hair on the back of his head as he wraps his arms around your naked body.
God, how he’s prayed to hear you say that. How he’s prayed that you would be interested in him beyond a friend. How he’s prayed to hear that someone cares for him so deeply. How he’s prayed for you.
Your embraces are a delightful mix of need and tenderness, working to embrace one another so that neither of you are entirely sure when one starts and the other ends—you just know that you need one another.
The silk sheets of the bed feel incredibly cool against your burning skin while your fingers are absorbed in the softness of his locks, the tiredness that you both felt moments ago melting away into the room. You feel Matt’s softened cock slowly rise against your thigh. You spread you legs, allowing Matt to slot himself between you, improving the angle of the kiss. Matt’s cock is at the ready between your folds, his tip begging for entrance as he kisses you—the way that his lips move against yours and he holds onto your frame, you’d think that you give him life and he’s refilling his energy reserves. You tug at his hair, begging him to get impossibly close.
“Matt,” you moan, pressing wet kisses along his jaw, just below his ear. “Matty, get in me. I need you.”
Matt curves his back to dip his head and leans to press a kiss between your breasts, right above your heart, before moving to spread kisses down and all around your body. He drags his lips in a line from your pelvic bone all the way up you your mouth once more, his tongue slipping past your lips and exploring your mouth like it has so many times before. With gentle hands resting on your thighs, he keeps your legs wide as he pushes into you. You moan into his mouth, your fingers sinking into the soft flesh of his sculpted back, letting the feeling of him completely consume you. Matt’s body is flush against yours, each drag and roll of his hips like a slice of Heaven in your arms. With each thrust, Matt whispers an “I love you” somewhere into your body. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, it’s all his mind is consumed with saying.
“I love you, Matt,” you breathe. “I lo—fuck, Matty. Just like that. Just like that.”
“So perfect f’me,” he grunts. “Angel . . .”
You squeak in pleasure as Matt’s thrust hits particularly deep and he rubs against your still-sensitive clit. Your back arches and your legs fling themselves higher around Matt’s hips. “Matt!”
“Y’feel so good, angel,” he moans, his teeth nipping at the thin skin of your neck, licking down the sting. “Fuck.” Wrapping you securely in his arms, Matt readjusts and leans back on his knees, taking you with him, bouncing you up and down on his cock. The cool apartment air tickles your back as Matt moves you along his length—a stark contrast to the heat radiating from his chest. He ends up lifting you up a little too high on one bounce, and knocks the both of you out of your current position and back onto the mattress, this time with you on top and Matt below. Little laughs escape your lips before you lean down and kiss Matt, your hair proving a curtain around your faces, keeping the neon of the billboard outside. He tries to brush it out of your face, but gravity makes his efforts fail. Instead, he slides his hands down your sides, gripping your waist and guiding your hips in a steady rhythm on his cock, his brain scrambling at how your breasts brush against his chest.
“Sit up, angel,” he commands, using his hands to guide you upright. “Good girl, just like that. Just like that, up and down. Good fucking girl. Good girl.”
“Matty,” you moan. “So deep, Matty.”
Matt reaches for you hands, lacing your fingers together. “I know, baby, but you’re taking me so good. God, I love you so much, angel.”
“You’re so pretty for me like this, bouncing up and down and riding my cock, you know that?”
He can hear the smile spread across your lips as you roll your head back in pure, unadulterated pleasure.
“Matty, harder,” you whimper, needing to chase the feeling that will tighten the knot in your belly.
“You want it harder, angel?” he grunts. Yes, it’s a way to tease you, but he always, always wants to make sure you’re comfortable and can handle what’s going on. “You think you can take it?”
“Yes, Matt, please,” you beg. “Please, please, please.”
Under normal circumstances, he’d tease you at least a little longer, asking if his good girl was sure she could handle his dick. Tonight, though, is a very special night. Tonight, he knows the depths of your affection more clearly than ever, and he wants you to feel especially worshipped and adored. Giving in, he stops your bouncing and sits up, leaning you backward toward the headboard, the pillows underneath your back. He takes your face in his hands, the tips of his fingers curling your hair. Matt places kisses all over your face, a little constellation of his love for you, invisible marks that will linger in your skin and warm your heart when you think about their embraces.
“I love you, angel,” he whispers before capturing your lips with his.
“I love you, too, Matty,” you breathe between kisses. “I love you so much.”
Matt resumes his thrusts, hitting that special spot that only he knows how to hit. His forehead rests on yours, both of your faces twisting into expressions of pleasure as you pant and moan in each other’s lips. The depth of his thrusts mixed with the way he rubs against your clit tightly winds the coil in your stomach. Your whines get higher pitched as you move closer to the edge, and you work to place kisses into the hollow of Matt’s neck. Just as you move your lips back, you teeter a precariously thin line. Matt’s hot breath tickles your skin, gently whispering, “Cum for me, angel.”
You grasp into your boyfriend for dear life, an intense orgasm rocking through your body as you clench around Matt as he prolongs your own orgasm to work toward his. As Matt kisses your temple, he lets out a strong groan and ruts in you with sharp thrusts. While Matt shoots his seed deep inside, slowly rolling his hips as he continues to do so, he presses sweet kisses to your lips. His hands soothingly rub up and down your waist, his nose softly nuzzling against yours. With a few more kisses, Matt pulls out and settles on the mattress right next to you. As you both try to catch your breath, comfortably resting against one another, you feel his cum dribble out of you.
“Hey Matty?” you breathe.
“Yeah, angel?” he says softly, the back of his knuckles tenderly tracing your arm.
“I love you.”
A warm laugh rolls through his chest, taking you in his arms and snuggling down on the mattress, placing sweet kisses into your cheek. “I love you more.” In Matt’s life, no truer statement has ever fallen from his lips, and he will do whatever he can to make you know that.
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​ @steampowerednightvaler​ @themusingsofmany @just-the-hiddles​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101​ @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop @itwasthereaminuteago​ @peter1ismybrother​ @hellskitchens-whore @dpaccione​
Sinatra Series Taglist: @darling-ghosts​ @seasonofthenerd​ @idrinkcoffeeandobsess​ @mattmurdocksscars​ @pedrito-friskito​ @briefcasejuice​ @mindidjarin​ @1800-fight-me​ @saintmurd0ck​ @redheadpixie033​ @mattmurdockstuff​ @djarintreble​ @bacatez​ @preciousbabypeter​ @aramora​ @vanessalovesonedirection​ @jelllycake​ @natashasotherhalf​ @ravenclaw617​
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blurblurdeactivated · 2 years
▬❝ i love you. ❞
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kinktober; day 1, praise kink ⟶ [soldier boy x fem!reader] // kinktober taglist
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, explicit content obvi, swearing, p in v sex, praise kink, slight degradation, use of 'slut'
kinktober masterlist - day 2, thigh riding, ft. matt murdock
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He was already fucking you to the edge of sanity. Long past the point of cognitive thought, all you could do was dig your nails into his back, ankles already locked around his waist, moaning for him like it was your life’s purpose. It was hard to comprehend Soldier Boy continuously slamming himself in your sopping cunt any harder or any faster than he was already. And it wasn’t as if you intended to set him off. You didn’t even think about them, the words falling from your lips before you could catch them.
“God, I love you.”
He hadn’t been quiet before, but the sinful groan he let out as you spoke was distinctly different from his previous grunts and expletives. He snapped his hips into yours just that bit quicker too. The practised, consistent thrust of his hips that made your rationality drip out of your pussy was replaced by him stuffing his thick cock into you with fierce abandon. Sobering slightly, you became acutely aware of just how much raw strength he was holding back. 
“Again,” he growled, calloused fingers digging into the meat of your waist, “say it again.”
“I- ugh, I love you.” He was the only thing you could feel. Hot, hard, fast. Everywhere. “Ah, fuck, Ben. I love you.” Nothing had ever made you feel like this. No one ever would again. He reached the innermost depths of you, again, again, again. He fucked himself into you without restraint for the first time. Desperate to keep up this new ferocity of his, you said anything that crossed your mind.
“You feel so fucking good.”
“Oh God, Ben, please.”
“I love you so much, holy fuck, I love you so much.”
“Don’t stop, baby, never stop.”
“All I need, Ben, you’re all I need.”
“Perfect, you’re fucking perfect.”
“I love you. I love you. I love you.”
You didn’t even have time to comprehend how close you were before you were pushed off that glorious peak and were tumbling into heaven. Every muscle in your body tensed, you laced your arms around his neck tighter, pulling yourself as close to him as possible, whimpering pathetically in his ear as he fucked you through your orgasm.
“Jesus, sweetheart,” he groaned, “squeezing me like fucking vice. I’m gonna fucking cum.”
“Give it to me, Ben,” you whined, voice higher than normal, “I love you so much, fucking fill me up. Please, please, please. I love you. I love you.”
Sinking into your cunt one final time, as deep as he could, he pressed his forehead against yours as he came. If you weren’t already utterly cock-drunk, the sound he made as he finished inside you would’ve pushed you over the edge yet again. “Fucking hell, sweetheart,” he said as he held you beneath him a while longer, just soaking up the feeling of your warmth around his length.
“Uh-huh,” you mumbled, dropping your head to his shoulder as you regained your breath.
“Was I that perfect?” he mocked, composure intact, unlike yours, “Did I fuck you stupid? You were already a dumb slut before, can’t imagine you could get any dumber.”
"Hhhhnh," you grumbled into his flesh. Choosing not to take his jabs to heart you pressed a kiss to his neck, the salt of his skin on your lips. "Love you," you slurred. You felt him twitch inside you before he pulled out with a groan. You hissed at the sudden emptiness.
His lips found your forehead, placing a scratchy kiss there before moving to kiss your lips. 
"Love you too, doll."
⭑ ⟵ ★ ⟶ ⭑
follow @viridiesa for more <3
a/n: okay so ik i'm like a couple of days behind oop but i totally forgot abt kinktober and i've wanted to do it ever since i started reading smut and writing fanfic so ig this year is my year :)) idk if i'll finish it but i have my plan so i hope so, and who better to start w than soldier boy himself!!!
if you liked this please comment, reblog, or follow for more! my inbox is always open for suggestions, your thoughts, or if you just wanna talk :)) can't wait for you to read more in future
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bits-and-babs · 1 year
My love, I am begging for the tiniest crumb for Matt the Radar Tech. Anything related to him I’m so soft for. Whatever your heart desires! the sluttier the better tho— I have such a weakness.
⋆ 𝐍𝐀𝐓 𝟐𝟎
Matt the Radar Tech x f!Reader
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word count: 1.3k
warnings: written by someone who has absolutely no fucking clue how D&D works, so PLEASE take all of this with a grain of salt. Weirdly inspired entirely by the Roll For Sandwich series on TikTok by @adventuresinardia. Filthy nerd talk, a lil’ dry humping, Nipple play, p in v sex, cream-pie (shut up, I know).
summary: Matt can’t seem to focus while introducing you to D&D.
matt masterlist I| main masterlist |I follower celebration I| ask
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“Wait,” you mumble, staring at the copious sets of dice displayed across the durasteel tabletop, “You mean… I get to choose my character?”
No amount of Jedi foresight or Sith Holocron visions could possibly explain how Matt had managed to rope you into playing Dungeons and Dragons. Of course, you always supported his hobby— but throwing yourself into a roleplaying game that you had little to no understanding of left you feeling like you were floating in dead space, even with his arms wrapped firmly around your waist to keep you rooted to his lap.
“Yup,” he nods simply, pointing to the little sheet of paper with his scratchy handwriting detailing the breakdown of each character option. “You get to choose who you wanna be.”
You swallow thickly, feeling nerves settle in the pit of your stomach. Why did this feel like a Jedi youngling choosing its first kyber crystal? A path-defining choice that sealed your fate from the beginning?
“Uhm-… Well. Who do you play as?” You ask cautiously, feeling Matt’s chin settle on your shoulder, the frame of his glasses digging into your cheekbone as you pick up the character sheet.
“I’m the DM,” Matt speaks again, matter-of-fact in that frustratingly-adorable way that makes you turn your head pointedly and give him the kind of look that simply states ‘go on’. “Oh-… Dungeon Master. I control the gameplay- kinda. Don’t sweat the rules right now, Sunshine; just pick the one that speaks to you.”
Stars, Matt’s illegible handwriting is near enough impossible to read as it is, but throwing in unknowns like ‘NPC’ and ‘entangle spells’ leaves you feeling as though someone has removed your brain's hyperdrive.
Thankfully, each character class has been given its own pros and cons table, detailing why you should and shouldn’t choose them. Matt presses delicate kisses across your neck as you read through each list, words blurring slightly when he runs his hands over your thighs.
“Uhm…” you squeak, face burning hot as you stare at the white sheet. “T-The Fighter seems like a good option?”
“Good choice,” Matt mumbles, earnest in his compliment. His palm squeezes at your hips, humming softly as he slips the other under your perfectly ironed uniform. “They’re easy for beginners.”
“Yeah? Good,” you sigh shakily, happy that you’d at least made an intelligent decision. “Did-… Did your brothers play this with you growing up?”
“Randy did,” Matt nods, cupping one of your breasts and squeezing it through the thin material of your bralette. It’s hard to focus, to give him your full attention when he rolls your nipple between his thumb and finger. “Kylo had a habit of losing his temper.”
“Oh,” you whisper, and it’s so pathetically breathy that you want to smack yourself. Trying, instead, to distract yourself from Matt’s wandering hands, you point at the number set on the table. “Do-… Do you roll the dice to make decisions?”
“Mhmm-hm,” he hums, dragging his tongue across the flat of your neck with a muffled groan. He’s so clingy today, seemingly unbothered by your sudden interest in his roleplay game as he smothers you with kisses. “-or an outcome. Roll. See what you get.”
Shakily, you scramble to capture the golden, glittery D-20 in your palm. Matt continues to traverse your body, both hands squeezing at your tits now as he grinds his hips up into you. You can feel his cock, hard beneath your ass.
Desperate to distract yourself from the growing heat in the pit of your stomach, you practically throw the die across the table. It clatters, clanging against the metal before coming to a sudden halt. The gilded ink stares right back at you, a 20 clear as day on the face pointing to the ceiling.
“Oh- I got a twenty!” You say quickly, throwing your hands up in victory. Sure, you’re not sure what it means, but surely it’s good?!
Then your stomach squeezes, erupting in butterflies because you can feel the smirk that dances across your neck. Matt’s plotting. It’s not good when he plots.
“Know what that means?” He hums, his nimble fingers popping the button of your fitted uniform trousers with ease. “Means I get to fuck you.”
His filthy mouth floods your body with heat, jaw slack as he yanks the material over your hips. “U-Uhm- I don’t think that’s in th-the rules-!”
“I’m the Dungeon Master,” Matt states pragmatically, already pushing your panties to the side and fishing his hard cock from his flight suit, “I control the game.”
The head of his cock notches your entrance, your body begging for it with how easily you take his length. He groans loudly, burying his face into the crook of your neck as you seat your hips against his, taking him fully with one easy glide of his hips. He stretches you just right the head bumping something cataclysmic inside of you in this position.
“So fuckin’ sexy when you talk D&D,” he moans in your ear, frantic hands rumpling your uniform as he tugs it over your chest to gain access to your body easier. “Turns me on.”
“I-I don’t-“ you want to tell him how you have no idea what you’re talking about, that none of it makes sense and that you’re just guessing, but he rolls his hips beneath you, and your foundations crumble. You cover your mouth quickly, muffling your moans as he fucks up into you with skilled thrusts.
“Wanna dress you as a Druid. Wanna fuck you right here on this table during a campaign,” he runs his mouth, using his grip on your hips to push you down onto his cock, reaching depths inside you that have your eyes rolling. You tilt your head back, resting it on his shoulder as he pinches your nipple, teeth worrying your neck and sucking on the tender flesh so that a bruise will peek over your collar in the morning.
Commander Ren will kill you.
“Do you think they’d mind, hmm?” Matt asks you; his voice strained as his cock twitches inside of you. “I don’t think so. Think they’d be happy to pause the game to see these pretty lips around my dick.”
“Matt-“ you choke out, feeling him tear up against something ruinous inside of you. It surges up, his filthy words spurring it on as it amplifies.
“That’s it, Sunshine. That’s it, can feel it coming,” he slurs, dipping his hand under the waistband of your underwear to bear down on your clit with the pad of his index finger. “You gonna be good for me? C’mon, give it to me.”
Your vision goes white. It sparks static, rips through you like Matt had aimed a StarKiller superweapon straight at you. You arch your back against his chest, sobbing out a slurred mix of his name and a curse as your orgasm crackles through you.
Distantly, you hear the groan of bliss as Matt drives deep inside of you, the fluttering of your cunt drawing an agonised gasp from his throat as he cums. You’re sobbing loudly, the pulse of his load filling you, surging you towards a euphoria you didn’t think was possible.
The thudding of your pulse drowns out the sounds of the StarKiller base, and when you open your eyes, you find yourself gazing at the ceiling. You’re arched awkwardly against Matt’s body, the crown of your head resting on his shoulder as you come down from your impossible high.
“Oh…” you mumble weakly, listening to his heaving breaths in your ear. Your question comes out sounding more like a wheeze. “Are-… Are you sure you’re not a wizard? Is… that even a class?”
It’s quiet at first—a chuckle. But then Matt bursts into laughter, squeezing you tight to his body as it shakes with the peals.
“Yes! Yes, it is!”
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viscerax · 2 years
Hey I'm back agian with another ask lol sorry if im being annoying but I was just wondering if you could do a finney x fem!reader where he had wrote a letter to the reader trying to confess his crush to her and as he's walking over to her locker to slip it into her locker but one of his bullys take it and read it out loud to the whole hallway so he's super embarrassed and he starts getting teary eyed but reader is listening to the whole thing so she gos and tries to stop it but he didn't know that she was listening so he gets embarressed and runs away and hides and starts crying out of embarrassment and the reader finds him and comforts him telling him she feels the same way (sorry that was really long and probably dosnt make any scence my grammar isn't very good)
Love Letters
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Finney wasn't really a "romantic love confession under the moonlight" kind of guy. He was always nervous, and talking to girls definitely wasn't easy. His palms would get sweaty and his cheeks would flush, and his words would come out in a messy and stuttering slur.
So, he opted for the second best option, which was to write a letter, slip it into your locker, then turn heel and run. Gwen practically sat on his shoulder at home, coaching him in what to say, and letting him borrow her glittery gel pens and stickers.
And today was the day. He walked down the halls, head hanging low as he read the two words written in fancy calligraphy on the front of the envelope, "For Y/n."
Just as he approached your locker, he felt someone rip the envelope from his hands.
"Hey, Finney! Whats this, huh?" Matty, one of Finneys most common bullies snickered as he observed the envelope. "Oooh, is this a love letter! I didn't think you were into girls." Matty snickered, and Finney tried to snatch the letter back, but Matty quickly moved it away from Finney, causing Finney to slip and almost fall onto Matty. Finney was shoved back, and he almost fell flat on his ass.
"Let's see what this says, hm?" Matty tore the envelope open, and Finney already felt tears begin to well up.
"No! Don't!" Finney cried but it was already to late, as Matty and his goons were snickering.
Matt and Buzz pushed Finney back again when he tried to grab the letter and he fell backwards and onto the ground.
Matty snickered and put on a high pitched, girly voice to mock Finney. "Dear Y/n, I'm writing this letter to tell you something thats been weighing me down for a long time! I've had a bit of a crush on you ever since 5th grade, but I've always been to shy to say anything." Matty looked around at the crowd that was forming, and Finney felt his chest get heavy as more tears spilled. He was practically frozen in fear as he looked around at the faces looking at him, mocking him and laughing at him. "Oh man, Finney! This is rich!
"You are so beautiful! The way your eyes sparkle, and the sun shines down on your skin. I always love hearing you cheering for me during my baseball games. If you want, maybe we could hang out soon. As a date. Sincerely, Finney Blake." Matty laughed loudly, and it felt like the room was closing in on him. Finney immediately stood up, breaths coming out in panicked huffed as he grabbed his bag, pushing people aside and running away from the crowd. He didn't care about where he would end up, he just had to get away from everyone. He had to get away from the prying eyes, and the laughs, and everyone laughing at him, for what? Having feelings for you?
He had never felt more embarrassed or pathetic then now, as he sat with his knees pulled against his chest, back leaning against the scratchy brick wall. The back of the school seemed to be his safe space, ever since the bullies found him hiding in the bathroom stalls, he had to find a new hiding space, and this is where he found himself. The gravel beneath him was uncomfortable, but that was the least of his concerns.
Tears spilled down his cheeks, making little wet spots on his jeans. He heard crunching of gravel and looked up to find you slowly approaching him, his tattered up letter held delicately in your hand. Finney quickly wiped the salty drops that welled at the corners of his eyes, trying to pretend like he wasn't just crying, although it was very obvious to anyone with eyes.
"H-hey, Y/n. D-did you n-need something?" Finney murmured, wiping his hands on his jeans.
"Finney..." you sighed and quickly plopped down next to him, staring into his eyes with a remorseful expression sprawled across your face. "Are you okay?" You frowned as Finney nodded, plastering a smile across his lips. You handed him the note, and Finney immediately cringed. "This was a really sweet note, Finney."
Finney sighed and took the note,nervously fidgeting as he looked away from you. "I-uhm, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you in person, but I ended up chickening out. So I wrote this and I was just gonna put it in your locker. But then Matty-"
"I know what happened. I saw it. I don't think Matty or his goons will be messing with you anytime soon." You chuckled and held up your fist, which was bruised and irritated, and bleeding a little bit, the remnants of a fight. "I wish I just could've read it, instead of you having to be embarrassed like that-"
"I get it if you don't like me back! I m-mean, I'm just kind of a loser, a-and kind of a nerd. A-and you're just s-so perfect! S-so if you don't return the feelings, I get i-it." Finney sighed, his smile slowly fading into a frown as he stared down at his shoes.
Suddenly, he felt your thumb run across his cheek as you wiped a tear off of his face, and his face warmed up, a red blush accumulating across his cheeks as you gently cupped his face. "I really really like you, Finney. I would love to go on a date with you sometime." You smiled and turned his face to look at you. He had a shocked expression on his face, and you leaned in, gently placing a swift kiss on his lips.
His heart was racing, and for a moment, he wondered if he was dreaming. He just couldn't fathom that in any real world scenario that you liked him, and that you just kissed him. But here he was, staring into your eyes, a warm smile spread across your perfect face, and he knew that somehow, this was real. That somehow, by the mercy of whatever God was up there, you reciprocated his feelings, and Finney could not have been happier.
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everythingpresley · 1 year
Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 13
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Jessica Anderson is Elvis Presley's assistant and after months of working together, slowly something sparks between them. Friendship? Or is it more? [ Fem!Reader ]
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+), Slowburn
    ||     Word Count: 6,336
Author's Note: I kind of had writer's block but for some reason I was able to write 4,000 words today. I hope this chapter was worth the wait!
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Don't You Kiss Me Once or Twice - Chapter 13
Jess’ POV
I felt something gently tug at my hair then slowly I heard Elvis’ soulful voice, singing “Now or Never” softly. I wanted to keep my eyes shut forever but I had no idea where I was and what was going on. My eyes slowly fluttered open, I blinked quickly trying to adjust to the light. I was in a hospital room. I closed my eyes again, squeezing them tightly. 
“Are you gonna wake up, sweet girl?” Elvis said. 
“I’ve been awake for a while.” I croaked, my voice sounding very scratchy. I needed to clear my throat and drink water. 
I looked up at him, tilting my head back because he was standing behind me. He looked at me with wide blue eyes, filled with shock and relief. 
He then proceeded to let me know what happened which jogged my memory and I remembered exactly what happened. He then exploded and started yelling at me. I gulped, playing with the cup in my hands.
“I’m sorry, I-I shouldn’t be yelling at you. It wasn’t your fault.” He said, his voice wavering. He quickly turned and faced the door but I could already see the tears in his eyes. I wanted to climb out of bed and pull him into my arms to hug him tightly. 
“Elvis.” I sighed.
“I-I need to call the nurse or the doctor, or something.” He mumbled and walked out of the room.
Elvis came back with the doctors and nurses but kept quiet and stood in the corner. He didn't speak to me at all but kept staring at me with wide eyes like he couldn’t believe I was sitting on the bed and talking back to the doctors, answering their questions to make sure my memory was in tact. 
Everyone visited the next day, my family, the mafia and their wives, Janice and Matt. 
“Hey.” I smiled softly when I was Matt. 
“Hi.” He breathed “How are you?”
“Good, just feeling a bit dizzy and I have a bit of a headache.” I replied. 
He sat down at the chair that was next to my bed. No one was at my room at that point and Elvis seemed to have just disappeared the moment my family came in, I didn’t really see him or talk to him after he exploded. I really wanted to, I wanted him to be here. Actually scratch that, I wanted to be home. I hate hospitals. 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” He smiled, grabbing my hand.
I squeezed his hand “Thank you.”
“I bet Elvis is feeling so guilty.” Matt chuckled.
“W-why would he feel guilty?” I asked him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Well because it was his fault this happened.” Matt shrugged.
I frowned and pulled my hand out of his grip “No. It wasn’t his fault.” 
I don’t know why I felt so offended and angry that he was blaming Elvis for this stupid accident fully knowing it was my fault. 
“Baby-” Matt started. For some reason I cringed when he called me that, I hated it. It didn’t feel right.
“No, it wasn’t his fault. It was mine, I wasn’t listening to his instructions and accidents happen.” 
“Okay, I didn’t mean anything by it.” He replied “He’s just too cocky for his own good, thinking he could teach you how to ride a horse having no prior experience to teaching horse riding.”
I felt anger bubble up the surface “He’s not cocky. It was sweet. He does things with intention, knowing how much I wanted to learn how to ride a horse. I’m sorry Matt, I’m really not feeling well.” I said, clenching my jaw. I hated him talking about Elvis and I hated that he was placing a big amount of blame on Elvis’ shoulders. 
“Jess-“ Matt started again looking at me with a confused look on his face.
“I think she said she’s not feeling well.” Elvis said, standing by the door with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face as he glared Matt down.
Matt sighed and ran a hand through his hair “Okay.” He stood up then leaned down to kiss me, I turned my head to the side letting him kiss my cheek instead. We kissed once, how does he think it’s okay for him to kiss me now? We didn’t make anything official. I didn’t want Elvis to see that. 
“Are you okay?” Elvis asked, leaning on the frame of the door after Matt left.
“Yeah.” I sighed “Are you?” I asked him because he was acting strange.
“You’re the one in a hospital bed, not me doll.” He chuckled, his smile not reaching his eyes. He seemed upset about something. 
“Why are you all the way for there? I won’t bite.” I chuckled. Elvis rolled his eyes and walked closer to the bed. 
“I just think you’ll drop back into a coma once you close your eyes.” Elvis whispered, pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. He then cupped my cheek and rubbed his thumb back and forth, he frowned, biting his lower lip “You really scared the crap outta me Jess.” He whispered. 
I gulped, his eyes were very intensely staring into my eyes “I know. I’m sorry.” I replied, reaching up  and cupping his hand that was on my cheek to squeeze it reassuringly. 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” He whispered then slowly leaned down to kiss my lips. My eyes fluttered closed, I stretched my neck up to be able to reach his lips. 
Someone cleared their throat causing Elvis to jerk back when our lips were a few inches from one another. My eyes snapped open and I saw the doctor standing by the door.
“I’m sorry to interrupt.” He smiled, walking in. 
Elvis and I both shook our heads “no”, both flushing in embarrassment. My heart was beating out of my chest, I wanted to kiss his lips so bad. I cursed the doctor in my head for having the worst timing. 
The doctor gave me some medication for the headaches and dizziness that I was feeling and told me they might release me tomorrow, hopefully. 
“Have you slept at all?” I asked Elvis, looking at him more clearly now. I could see the tired bags under his eyes and his bloodshot blue eyes. His side burns slightly outgrown from his usual length. He looked worse than I did and I was the one who just woke up from a coma not 24 hours ago.
“Don’t you worry about me doll. Worry about your self, you still have a bad concussion.” He frowned. 
“Elvis, please tell me you went home and slept.” I frowned, I didn’t want him to run himself haggard “Elvis.” I repeated when he didn't answer.
“Jess, just drop it please.” He sighed, running his hands through his hair. 
“Elvis, please go home and get some sleep. I’m fine, nothing is going to happen in the few hours when you’re asleep.” 
“I can go home once you’re home.” He replied. 
“Wait, you didn't go home at all?” I asked him. Was he by my side the entire time I was in the hospital? He just never went home?
“Go to sleep Jess.” He grumbled. 
“Go home, Elvis. Please. I’m surrounded by doctors and nurses, I’m in the best place for any emergency.” His eyes widened when I said emergency “Which there won’t be because I’m okay and nothing is going to happen.” I quickly said to ease him. 
“You promise?” He whispered, biting down on his lower lip. At that moment he looked like a small, scared little boy and he needed reassurance. It broke my heart to see him looking scared and worried that something might happen to me. 
I reached my hand out to him, he stepped forward and grabbed my hand “I promise nothing is going to happen.” I squeezed his hand “Go home.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes “Fine. Go to sleep.” He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my forehead. 
After he left it was easy to fall asleep since I was still feeling hazy and tired. Also, visiting hours were over so I didn’t have to be up and pretend I was okay, it was hard having a conversation with a really bad headache and all I wanted to do was shut my eyes. 
“Is she asleep?” Elvis whispered. I frowned and slowly opened my eyes glancing at the clock at my bedside, its been an hour since I fell asleep.
“Yes, Mr. Presley.” The nurse replied. 
I turned to the other side to see Elvis standing by the window of my room, by the nurses’ station. 
“You didn't leave?” I asked loudly. Elvis turned to look at me through the window with wide eyes when he suddenly dropped to the ground and out of sight. 
“I saw you!” I chuckled.
“No you didn’t! I’m not here!” He called out “You’re supposed to be asleep!” He jumped up and walked into my room. 
“And you were supposed to be at home.” I pointed out. 
“How about we pretend like I left and went home and you slept.” He gave me his famous boyish grin. 
“The thing is I actually went to sleep and slept for an hour. What were you doing in that hour?” I asked him. 
“I was sitting outside your room.” He said smiling sheepishly. 
“You need sleep.” I frowned. 
“Don’t worry about me Jess.” He rolled his eyes. 
“I’ll stop worrying once you sleep.” 
I sighed and scooted from the middle of the bed to the right “There isn't much space but you could sleep on my bed next to me.”
“Jess, no.” He shook his head “The bed is tiny and you actually need to sleep so that we can get the hell outta this hospital.” 
“Hey I’m giving you a compromise here or I could call security and have you escorted out.” 
“Are you threatening me?” He gasped mockingly “Jeez doll if you wanted to cuddle so bad you could’ve just asked.” He rolled his eyes with a grin on his face. I rolled my eyes at him and lifted the covers for him. He removed his shoes and got under the covers. I had to place my shoulder over his since the bed was very small. 
“Lie on my chest.” He whispered when I turned and gave him my back. I rolled back and slid slightly down, placing my head on his chest. He sighed and wrapped his arm around me. 
“What the fuck are we doing?” I whispered, throwing an arm over his waist. 
What were we doing? Cuddling like a couple when we’re the furthest thing from being a couple. Nevertheless, it felt so right to be in his arms. As if his arms were meant to hold me, my head perfectly rested on his chest, his heart pounding loudly under my cheek. His scent fully engulfing my senses, slowly it was becoming my favorite smell. Could we just lay here forever and pretend we’re a regular old couple cuddling in bed instead of the terrible reality that we are never going to be that couple or a couple in general. My heart raced at the thought of being with Elvis. Forbidden love crush. 
“Now you’re questioning this. Shhh, go to sleep.” Elvis said and placed his hand over my eyes, making me close them “Why are your feet so cold?” He frowned when my foot touched his. 
I looked up at him and shoved my feet under his legs to get my feet warm making him chuckle “I don't know. That's your job now.” 
“What’s my job?” He asked looking down at me and running his hands through my hair.
“To keep me warm.”
“Fine, I’ll take that job.” He chuckled, rolling his eyes. 
“Good night.” I reached up and kissed his jaw.
He frowned “Good night.” 
I laid my head back on his chest and closed my eyes, feeling his heart pound faster. 
For some reason I couldn't sleep until I heard Elvis’ breathing change. I opened my eyes and looked up at him to see his mouth slightly open. Really I knew why I couldn’t sleep I had to make sure he fell asleep, I was then able to quickly fall asleep right after. I hated seeing him so tired especially knowing that this was his break, he was overworked as is, this was his time to wind down and relax not stay up for three days in a row. 
I sighed, cuddling closer to my pillow feeling well rested. I felt someone play with the end of my hair, my eyes fluttered open. 
“Hey sweet girl.” Elvis muttered, smiling down at me. 
Oh, my pillow wasn't a pillow. It was Elvis. For a split second I forgot we were sleeping together in a hospital bed. 
I looked up at him and smiled back “Hey.” 
“How’d you sleep?” He asked. 
“Great.” I sighed and closed my eyes again, cuddling back again against his chest. He chuckled, his chest rumbling under my cheek. 
“I’m happy.”
“What about you?” I asked him, opening my eyes to look at him.
“Amazing.” He sighed, his eyes shinning brightly. I openly stared at him, taking in his bright blue eyes and handsome face. He looked well rested, the bags under his eyes no longer evident, the lines of worry that he supported no longer there “I always sleep the best when you’re around.” 
I sucked in an audible breath, my heart clutching in my chest.
“I’m glad, Elvis.” I gulped not knowing how to respond.
We stared at each other. 
“You’re doing it again.” He whispered.
“What?” I whispered, not breaking eye contact. 
“You’re looking at me with those green eyes.” He sighed “Those green eyes-“ He trailed, cupping my cheek. 
“Well what do we have here?” 
We both turned our heads towards the door, Grace standing leaning against the door frame with a smirk on her face and a bouquet of tulips in her hand. 
Elvis and I both groaned, knowing we will not hear the end of it. I turned and buried my face into the crook of Elvis’ neck. 
“Am I interrupting something, looooovers?” Grace teased, walking into the room. 
“Nope.” Elvis replied. 
I pushed myself off of Elvis, allowing him to shuffle out of bed. 
“I knew something was up with you two!” 
“Nothing is up, Grace.” I replied as Elvis plopped down on the chair next to my bed to put on his shoes. 
“Jess, I know you better than anyone else!” Grace narrowed her eyes, pointing at me.
“I know Jess better than you.” Elvis narrowed his eyes at Grace, challenging her.
“Nu huh.” Grace placed her hands on her hips, keeping her eyes on Elvis. 
“Oh really, then what are Jess’ favorite flowers?” Elvis crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back in his chair.
“Tulips, duuuh.” Grace grinned, placing the bouquet on one of the tables. 
Elvis made a buzzer sound using his mouth “Wrong! They’re sunflowers!” 
Grace gasped and they both turned to look at me, waiting for conformation. 
“They’re…. sunflowers.” I answered, grinning at Elvis. 
“Yes!” Elvis jumped, throwing his fist up in the air in victory.
“Tulips are a close second.” I smiled sheepishly at Grace who pouted. 
“I’m gonna brush my teeth.” Elvis said and disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
“You two would make cute babies.” Grace grinned. 
“Grace!” I laughed “Stop!” 
“What! You two are like the hottest people on the planet!” 
“She’s right, you know.” Elvis sang, swimming the door open “We owe it to the world to make good looking babies.” He winked at me. 
I could feel the heart running up my neck to my cheeks “You two are so annoying.” I sat at the edge of the bed and swung my legs, placing my feet on the ground. I gripped the edge of the bed and slowly stood up, my knees wobbling slightly. It was easier to stand on them today, yesterday was hard because I hadn’t moved my feet for days. 
“Wow!” Elvis said and jogged over to me, taking my hand in his “Let me help you.”
“It’s okay, I got this.” I said and pulled my hand from his grip. I wanted to try standing on my own. I was able to get to the bathroom but it took me twice as long as the average person and Elvis and Grace hovering over me incase I needed support. 
The doctor later gave me the all clear to go home with some medication. 
“Wow no one showed up to see me leave the hospital?” I pouted as Elvis and Red walked me to the car. 
“I guess you’re not that important to them.” Red joked, chuckling. 
“Hey!” I smacked his arm.
“I’m really glad you’re okay Jess. The guys were a mess when they found out.” Red replied. 
“I think just about all of them cried.” Elvis chuckled. 
“I can’t imagine any of you guys crying. Aww Red!” I grinned and threw my arm over his shoulders, pulling him in for a side hug. Red laughed and squeezed my waist. 
“We’ll be extra careful next time.” I ducked into the car, Elvis and Red getting in the front with Red in the driver’s side. 
“Ha ha ha.” Elvis laughed sarcastically “Very funny. There won’t be a next time.”
“Nooo, it was just a hiccup.” I frowned, Red started driving off the hospital’s lot. 
“Yeah a hiccup that almost cost you your life, Jess.” Elvis clenched his jaw, getting agitated.
“You’re exaggerating.” I argued. 
“Don’t start, Jess.” 
“We’re just gonna give up just because I fell, a lot of people fall.” 
Elvis chuckled darkly, no humor behind his voice “You weren’t there. I mean you were but you were unconscious and you weren't waking up. Do you know how scary that was, seeing you lying there lifeless the only sign that you were actually alive was your pulse. You’re never going near a horse again, end of story.” 
I remained quiet instead turning to look out of the window. I had to think of this from Elvis’ perspective which I failed to do. For me it was easy, I fell off but it happens and thank god I’m okay with close to no repercussions. However, I realized it was probably traumatizing for Elvis to see me like that and having to wait by my bedside for three days having no idea when or if I was going to wake up. Even then there was the potential of the fall affecting my legs, my memory etc. 
The sun was setting and almost completely gone when we got to Graceland. Elvis opened the car door for me and helped me out by holding my hand. 
“Thanks.” I gave him a small smile. He still looked mad at me but still managed to return my smile with a timid one. 
“Uh there’s something in the backyard I want you to see.” Elvis lead me towards the back of the house instead up the steps that lead to the house itself. 
“Oh.” I gave him a confused look but followed his and Red’s lead with Elvis’ hand on the small of my back. His fingers emitting heat up my back. I’ll never get used to his touch, they always left me feeling too warm. 
“Surprise!” Everyone yelled once we rounded the corner. 
I gasped, a grin spreading on my face as I took in my loved ones, my entire family, the mafia members and their wives. They all stood in cowboy and cowgirl outfits, a huge dance floor installed in the middle, big banners that say “Welcome back Jess!” and big balloons. 
“I don’t know if this was a good idea given that you're still not well but I thought you’d like a night of line dancing.” Elvis said, keeping his hand on my back as he looked down at me.
I grinned and looked up at him, shaking my head “No, no. This-this is amazing, Elvis. I-I don’t know how to thank you, seriously.” I smiled at him. He smiled back softly, we stared into each other’s eyes, his blue eyes shinning with something I couldn't decipher until I was pulled into my dad’s arms. I laughed and threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. Everyone slowly crowded us, pulling me into a hug and patting my back. 
Thank god my mother decided to pack me a dress for when I got home or I would’ve really been underdressed not that anyone would’ve cared. 
“Come on let’s line dance!” Joe shouted.
“Wow!” Elvis pulled on my arm “I don’t think you can.” 
I pouted “Yeah, I can barely walk. It’s okay I’ll sit this one out, you guys go ahead!” 
Everyone groaned in response but still lined up to dance. Elvis stayed standing next to me.
“Go, join them.” I nudged him, bumping my hip to his.
“Nah.” He shook his head “Not really feeling it.” 
They started dancing, I felt slightly sad that I couldn’t join in. I could feel Elvis’ eyes on me. 
He groaned “God you’re making me feel really guilty doll.” 
“Why?” I chuckled.
“Because, it was my idea. I completely forgot you could barely walk.” He said smacking his forehead. 
“It’s fine.” I laughed. 
“Wait! Stop the music!” Elvis yelled. Red ran forward and stopped the music, everyone stopping mid dance “We’re joining in!” 
Everyone cheered.
“What- Elvis I can’t.” I shook my head, my legs still felt wobbly.
“I got an idea, follow my lead.” He said, taking my hand in his as he pulled me towards the middle of the dance floor “Okay, put your arm around my shoulders. I’ll hold you up, it’s gonna be hard to keep up but it could work.” Elvis shrugged. I grinned, standing beside him. I threw my arm around his shoulders, his arm wrapping around my waist, taking most of my weight off of my feet. The music started back up again. We tried doing the steps, we ended up being too slow, laughing at each other as we kept messing up. I loved Elvis’ hiccup laugh it made my heart soar. I missed his laugh, I felt like I haven't heard his genuine laugh in such a long time. I giggled when Elvis tripped on his feet almost throwing the both of us to the ground.
“Woah!” He laughed loudly. I giggled, gripping his shoulder tightly. 
“Okay maybe this wasn’t the best idea!” Elvis shouted of the music.
“No it wasn’t!” I laughed “But its way more fun!” 
Elvis laughed and planted a kiss to the side of my head. 
I side hugged Elvis, my arm still swung around his shoulders when the song ended. Everyone was clapping and cheering once the song was over.
“You two would make an adorable couple.” My mom said to Elvis.
“Mom.” I widened my eyes at her, dropping my arm from Elvis’ shoulders. 
“Couldn’t agree more, convince your daughter for me please?” Elvis gave my mom a devastating grin, knowing what that grin does to women.
I gaped, turning to look at Elvis. What the hell did that mean?
“I’m kidding!” Elvis laughed seeing the look I gave him.
“Stop playing games, Elvis.” Mom giggled, her cheeks turning red at the smile Elvis gave her. She slapped his shoulder while batting her eyelashes at Elvis. It was my turn to now gape at her, what the hell was she doing? Was she flirting with Elvis?
“Dad! Come take your wife please!” I called out, Elvis bursting out in laughter. 
“Oh god.” I squeezed my eyes shut in embarrassment as dad pulled mom away for a dance.
“Was your mom flirting with me?” Elvis grinned.
“I am so sorry Elvis.” 
Elvis shook his head with a smile on his face “It’s okay, I’ve been told I’m great with the older ladies.”
“Ha ha ha.” I laughed sarcastically, rolling my eyes at him. 
He dropped his smile, his eyes darkening. He dipped his head “Are you jealous Jess?” He whispered. The mood shifted from playful to intense. I gulped, the look in his eyes made my mouth go dry and heat to unfurl inside me, traveling down my body. 
“I- no.”
His smirk slowly stretched across his devastatingly handsome face “Are you flustered?”
I frowned, trying not to show him that I was actually getting flustered. He slowly leaned in whispering in my ear “If you want me to satisfy you, all you have to do is ask honey.”
I bit my lips harshly, keeping my moan from coming out as my eyes rolled to the back of my head. His musk does something to me, his closeness is driving me crazy. 
“Cat’s got your tongue?” He whispered, pulling back to look at me but remaining super close our noses almost touching. 
I breathed heavily, my chest heaving. I wanted him. He licked his lower lip, his tongue slowly darting out and running on his lower lip. 
“Jess!” Grace called.
Elvis growled, his jaw clenching as he pulled back. 
“Yeah?” My response came out airy and out of breath as if I had just ran a mile. 
“I got your cowboy hat!” She said, moving through the people still on the dance floor. 
I smiled as she placed my hat on my head. 
“Cute!” Grace grinned.
“You look so cute in a cowboy hat!” I told her.
“Not really my speed but anything for you.” She replied. I turned to Elvis to see him gulp, all humor and intensity gone from his eyes instead replaced by alarm. His eyes wide with fear. 
“Are you okay?” I frowned, stepping forward to him. 
“Uh ye-yes. I-I’m fine. I have to go. Look after her Grace?” He spoke very quickly, taking off before Grace had the chance to respond.
“What’s up with him?” Grace asked, both of us look at Elvis walking away.
“I have no idea. He was fine a second ago.” I frowned, confusion etched on my face. 
I headed over to the drinks table with Grace, grabbing a bottle of water and some chips. We talked for a bit but I kept looking for Elvis, he hadn’t come back yet and its been 10 minutes. 
“Let’s go look for him.” Grace said, pulling me out of my daze.
“I-I’m sorry Grace.”
“It’s okay, let’s go look for him. He looked scared for some reason.” 
Grace saw the look he had on his face too? So I wasn't just dreaming that?
Grace and I walked around, we went into the house. She checked upstairs while I checked the living room and kitchen.
“I don’t think he’s in the house.” Grace said walking down the stairs. 
“You think he would leave the party?” 
“No but where would he be? To clear his head or something.” Grace asked.
“He likes siting by the piano but he’s not here. Maybe by the pool, the only place he wouldn't be interrupted besides his room.” I said. We walked out and towards the pool, passing by the party. I could see from afar that the lights by the pool were off but still I felt like he could be there. As we walked closer I could see his figure sitting by the pool, his feet dipped into the water. 
“I’ll leave you to it.” Grace squeezed my arm and walked off once she spotted Elvis. 
“Hey.” I said softly once I was within hearing range.
He cleared his throat, quickly wiping at his face. Was he crying?
“Hey.” He whispered.
I reached down and untied my shoes, shoving my socks in my shoes and throwing them to the side. I took a seat next to him, dipping my feet into the cool pool water.
“Where’d you go?” 
“Just-“ he sighed “Needed a break.”
“Why, what happened?” I asked, pushing him to tell what was going on inside his head.
“I really don't wanna talk right now Jess.” He replied, staring straight ahead.
“If you need someone to talk you, you could always talk to me.” I said, looking at him while he stared ahead. 
“I can’t-“ He sighed, running his hands through his hair in frustration. I remained quiet, giving him time. He then slowly turned and looked at me, he grimaced staring at my hat “Will you please take off that damn hat?”
“I thought you liked me in a cowboy hat.” I teased, trying to lighten the mood. 
“I-I do.” He sighed “But that hat. I hate it.” He whispered, his eyes darting from the hat to my eyes “Sorry, it’s just.” He gulped “When I saw you wearing it, it brought me back to that day.”
My heart stopped for a second. I completely forgot I was wearing this exact cowboy hat the day I fell off the horse. 
“I don’t know why I reacted that way. It’s stupid, go back to the party Jess.” He turned away from me, looking down at his feet in the water. 
“No, hey.” I placed my hand on his thigh and squeezed it gently “It’s not stupid. Sometimes our bodies just react, I get it. I’ll get rid of the hat if you want.” I smiled “But its the only cowboy hat I have.”
He chuckled, shaking his head “I’ll get you a thousand others. In every color if you want.” 
I chuckled “Deal.” I said, taking my hat off and throwing it next to me. 
“Let’s go back to the party?” I asked him. 
“Yeah. You go ahead, I’ll sit here a bit.” He replied.
“Okay. I’ll wait for you by the drinks table.” I leaned forward, planting a kiss on his cheek. 
“Are you not tired?” He asked once I got my feet out of the water and stood up “You’ve had a long day.”
“I am but I feel bad ditching the party.” 
He frowned “No, you should go get some sleep. No one is gonna care, they know you’re tired and still not feeling a hundred percent.” 
“It’s fine. I can sleep later.” I shook my head. 
Elvis got up “Let me take you to your room. Come on.” He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the house. Our shoes and my cowboy hat remained on the floor next to the pool. 
I yawned as he walked hand in hand to the house. He walked me down the stairs to my room “Are you hungry?” He asked, stopping in front of my door.
“No, I’m just really sleepy.” I replied.
“Okay. You know what, maybe you should sleep upstairs in my room. That way I can check up on you if you need anything.” He said and started to pull me away from my room. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
“No, I’m fine. Don’t worry.” I shook my head.
“Are you sure?” He frowned.
“Yes.” I smiled squeezing his hand.
“Okay.” He sighed “Good night.” He leaned forward, planting a kiss on the corner of my mouth. I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling of his lips so close to mine. 
“Good night.” I replied and walked into my room, shutting the door behind me. I leaned against the door and sighed. That was way too much stimulation for one day. 
I was happy to be home. I was in a coma for three days and awake for two which equates to five days away from the comfort of my bed and bathroom. However, I was extremely grateful that it was only five days and not more. I went to bed after showering and getting dressed in a silk tank top and shorts pajama set. 
I woke up feeling thirsty, opening my eyes I felt something stuck to my back. Looking down at my waist and saw an arm wrapped around my waist. My eyes widened, slowly lifting my head off the pillow and turning my head back to see Elvis asleep next to me, cuddled into me with his arm around my waist and his face buried into the back of my neck, my hair pushed to the side, sprawled over the pillow. 
When did he come into my room? Why is he in my bed? Was he worried about me? 
I didn't want to move incase I woke him up so I decided to ignore my thirst closing my eyes instead. Enjoying having his arms wrapped around me. I looked at the arm clock before shutting my eyes it was five in the morning. Both of us could use a little more sleep. 
I went back to sleep, waking up a few hours later to an empty bed. Did I dream Elvis asleep next to me? No, the pillow next to mine was used, I don't really move around when I’m asleep. Plus, I could smell his scent on the pillow. Maybe its for the best he left before I woke up. I was feeling way more refreshed today, the dizziness from the past two days gone and it was easier to walk on my own. My legs only wobbled when I used the stairs. 
The entire day I was ignored by Elvis or I would get one worded responses and it was starting to get on my nerves. He’s been so up and down, his emotions all over the place. One minute he’s cracking jokes, the next he’s angry. Now he’s ignoring me.
“Why are you ignoring me?” I asked walking into the TV room. He was on his own watching TV. 
“I-I’m not.” He replied, keeping his eyes on the TV. 
“Elvis.” I clenched my jaw “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” He got up, shutting the TV and went to walk out of the room but I sidestepped him, placing my body in front of the doorway so that he couldn't leave. 
“Is this about last night? Because you slept in my bed?” 
His cheeks flushed, crimson red “You know about that?” He mumbled.
“Yeah, I woke up in the middle of the night and you were asleep next to me.” I replied.
“I-I’m sorry, doll.” He said scratching the back of his neck “I just couldn't sleep and I was worried that you’d wake up and need something.” 
My heart swelled, I was right. He was worried about me. 
“Is that why you’re ignoring me?” 
“I’m not ignoring you. Now can you please move?” 
“No, you’re ignoring me.” I said, placing my hands on my waist.
“Okay, maybe I am!” He yelled.
“Okay, I wanna know why.”
“Because! It’s my fault!” He yelled “It’s my fault you're in this situation! It’s my fault you fell of the horse! I was careless and I should’ve never taken you out to the stables! And you should stay away from me!” He growled. 
“Is that what this is all about? Elvis. This. Is. Not. Your. Fault, honey.” I said looking at him with wide eyes “It was an accident, please don’t blame yourself. It’s not going to help with anything.” 
“You don't understand Jess.” His voice cracked, his eyes filling with unshed tears “You did not see what I saw. The way your head pounded on the sand, I wish you screamed, I wish you did something because the moment you hit the ground you were gone. It scared me to death, I felt like I was gonna get a heart attack at that moment. You-you were on the ground and you-you weren't waking up baby.” He said, tears streaming down his face as he openly cried for the first time in front of me.  I've never seen him cry before, my heart broke seeing those tears in his beautiful ocean blue eyes. The tears making them seem even bluer that they originally are.
I gulped and cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears as they came down “Elvis, please. Don’t do that. What you did that day meant the world to me honey. It was my dream to be riding a horse and you gave me that. If anything it was my fault, I didn’t listen to your instructions and pushed you to do something you knew I wasn't ready for.” 
He reached up and rubbed my forearms, tears still streaming down his face. 
“I shouldn’t have listened to you, I should’ve know better but you do something to me Jess. I can never say no to you.” He whispered.
All logic was thrown out of the window. My eyes darted to his lips, I quickly leaned forward and smashed my lips on his. He moaned, kissing me back. His hands cupping my cheeks as he deepened the kiss. He bit down on my lips asking for entrance. I moaned, opening my mouth. Our tongues fighting for dominance. 
“Fuck baby.” He said over my lips, pulling away slightly to breathe then smashed his lips back on mine passionately. 
“Elvis.” I moaned when he thrusted his pelvis to mine, feeling his hard on against my leg “I need you.”
He groaned “Jess. Jess. You don’t know how much I want you. I need you honey” 
“Then take me.” I panted, pulling away from him. He grinned down at me. I was out of breath then I felt the whole world spin. I gasped, grabbing on Elvis’ arm.
“Woah, hey, hey, what’s wrong?” He asked, worry etched on his face. His eyes darting between mine. I squeezed my eyes shut, gripping Elvis tightly.
“I-I don’t know. I feel dizzy.” 
“Come on, sit down.” Elvis said and pulled me to the couch “Let me get you some water, lie down.” 
I lied down placing my feet up on the couch as Elvis quickly jogged up the stairs to the kitchen to get me some water. I don't know what happened, I was feeling better earlier but my dizziness came back and at the worst time. 
Taglist: @urrfavvana @girlblogger2002 @butlersluvbot @iheqrtaustin @dramaticpandabear @godlypresley @amiets2 @felis-haxb16 @marie73ep @scarlettlight06
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hicomsstuff · 1 month
Summary: you and your boyfriend (Matt) get into an argument and he is being a real jerk to you but later on he apologizes in the best way possible
Warnings: smut, swearing, pet names (good girl, darling etc), hickeys
You and Matt are shopping at the mall because you want to help Matt get his stress out with his YouTube, "hey Matt, do you like this dress on me?" "Yeah baby it looks good" Matt says but not looking up once while on his phone
"Matt..I don't think you can see my dress from your phone" "ugh, it looks fine." Matt says with an annoyed tone in his voice, you sigh quietly and pay and get the dress. As your walking with Matt you put your arm around his waist but he pushes you off him..you feel really hurt but just try to ignore it but you can't seem to stop thinking about it
Your face lights up with joy as you see a candy shop "babe!! Can we go into the candy store??" "I don't care, but be quick I want to go home." You look at him with sadness in your eyes "it doesn't matter let's just go home" both of you start walking to his car and as you sit down he starts to drive home like nothing happened
"Are you okay, my love? You seem annoyed.." you ask him with a concerned tone in your voice "oh my gosh I'm fine!" Matt shouts. But you can still tell something is bothering him but you don't care to ask again since he's just getting mad at you
Finally, you get home and decide to ask him if he would like anything to eat "would you like anything to eat?" He shakes his head. You start to play with his hair and giving him a massage "can you fucking stop?!" He yells "what do you mean.." "stop annoying me, your so fucking clingy it's so annoying it pisses me off" you feel tears in your eyes and try your hardest to not let them come rolling out
"If you're such a cry baby then why do you go away." Matt says, you start to walk away bawling your eyes out. when you get to your shared bedroom you change into Matt's shirt and pyjama pants. You go to lay down but you hear a knock on the door "who is it?" You ask with a scratchy voice "it's nick and Chris, may we come in?" "Yeah sure" you quickly get up and wipe away your tears
"Hey y/n, we heard the fight.." nick says to you "yeah we will talk to Matt about it, but you should get some sleep you seem tired" Chris softly says. You nod your head and pull the covers over you and lay down "we'll be back" nick and Chris say
"Matt, I know you're stressed out with YouTube and we are as well but why are you taking it out on y/n? She didn't do anything she took your sorry ass out to shop at the mall and you're so ungrateful she's literally your girlfriend."
"Oh my god it's not even that serious, she's just so sensitive" "no she's not she's your fucking girlfriend. If you don't make things right with her then we will have a problem" Matt sighs in a annoyed tone, seconds later you hear footsteps and a knock on the door "come in" you say trying to stop yourself from crying
"Hey y/n..can we talk?" You nod your head as Matt sits down on the bed, he starts to bring you into his arms and he hugs you "I'm so sorry my love, I didn't mean anything I said. I was just so stressed out with YouTube and took it out on you but I should of not done that in the first place, you were just caring for me" you start to bawl your eyes out
Matt brings you closer and closer and gives you a kiss on the head "do you really think I'm clingy? If you do I'm really sorry, I just love you a lot.." you say while Matt wipes your tears off your cheeks "I'm really sorry you think that, your not clingy at all I love it when you hold my hand, let me show you how sorry I am"
Matt takes your body and throws it on the bed so your laying down "may I?" Matt asks while looking at your sweatpants then looking at you "uh huh" he starts to take down your sweatpants and underwear
He starts kissing your thighs then he finally reaches your clit "already so wet? Never knew you wanted me so bad" his thumb rubs against your clit and you let out a big moan "Matt..I need you. I need more" "I've got you darling" his mouth starts to go down and he takes his tongue out
Matt sticks his tongue in you "oh my god..Matt i-" before you can finish your sentence you let out a big gasp "Matt I'm going to fucking cum!" You shout "I know you are darling, I want you to cum for me got it?" You nod your head as he says "good girl"
Then it goes all over his face and you watch him moan and grunt as well as his eyes rolling back "fuck" "too much?" He asks "yes Matt" "poor babyyy" Matt says while kissing your neck and giving you multiple hickeys
"I'll get a towel and clean you up" Matt says while walking into the bathroom, then he comes back and cleans you up and gets you dressed "are you okay babe?" "Yeah, I'm tired though" "alright, go to bed" you snuggle into his chest and he pulls you into his arms "you forgive me?" "Well obviously" you mumble to him. Matt smiles and both of you go of to sleep
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hiraeth-witch-11 · 1 year
Bond to Happen Part 2
Part 2: Meeting Matt Murdock
Warnings: healing injuries, fantastical racism
Word count: 1700ish
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You woke up feeling sore, and thirsty. Pushing your eyelids open, you winced at the bright light streaming in through your windows. Wait a minute, you had no natural light in your apartment, where the fuck were you. The events of the previous night slowly flitted through your mind as you struggled and failed to sit up.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” a voice- was that Murdock?- said to your left. Matt walked around into your view, wearing black street clothes with a scarf wrapped around the top half of his face.
“What,” you coughed at the scratchiness in your throat. “What happened after I dropped?”
“I had a friend pick us up and brought you here to treat you. I’m surprised you survived. You lost more blood than you should've been able to live without. You got any sorta explanation for that,” he asked.
“Dumb luck,” you said. Lie. “Thank you, I appreciate the assistance and I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I can stand.” You gave an awkward laugh.
“You called me Matt last night. Got an explanation for that?” Shit. That’s what this was about. You had slipped up and revealed your knowledge. You wondered what Matt would do now. You decided to lie, again.
“Did I? I don’t remember that?” You shrugged and grimaced as your stitches were tugged taught from the movement.
“You are lying to me,” he hissed. You obviously weren’t a very good liar if the blind man could see through you. Then again, you knew his other senses were stronger than they should be, so it wasn’t like he was clueless.
“Gimme a second to breathe. I’ll explain.” You didn’t really have any good options and you had no energy to try and see a better path. You took a deep breath.
“I’m a witch, or at least that’s the word most people use. I see things that others don’t. Know things I shouldn’t and try really hard to avoid getting tangled in shit like last night. I’m not going to out you, and even if I did, you could report me for unlicensed magic usage or reckless endangerment or some shit and I would be fucked. They would test me and the evidence wouldn’t lie. I’ve been trying to lie low and mind my business.” You took another breath. “I just want to go home and sleep for a week. I’m not going to do anything to harm you or the people you care about.”
Matt stood quietly for a few moments before removing the scarf from his face. “I believe you. Why did you help Karen if you are trying to lay low?””
“She came into my shop a few weeks ago and I saw danger in her future. I couldn’t pretend I didn’t so I put a sort of trace on her, I guess you might call it. To tell me if she was in real danger. It called me and I came running.” 
“You put your freedom at risk for a stranger?” Matt said, just slightly incredulous.
“What was the alternative? Knowingly let someone with that much blood in their future meet their fate alone? I guess she wouldn’t have been. You seem to be her friend?” You asked cautiously.
Matt gave a small nod. 
“I guess she’ll be alright then. I should’ve looked closer and not assumed-” Matt interrupted your rant as you realized your almost death would have been useless.
“No, you did the right thing. Those men were going to hurt her and you stopped them before they could get far. Thank you.” He was so sincere, his face so soft and kind.
“No problem,” you said. “ Is she okay?”
“Yeah. A couple bruises and a minor concussion, but she’s had worse. You on the other hand, almost died. I’m guessing your … abilities … are why you are still breathing and why I can hear your injuries knitting themself back together.”
“You would be correct. I’ll heal a bit faster cuz of my inherent magic.”
“You could do a lot of good with those abilities of yours. You could keep your identity hidden-”
“Let me stop you right there, my friend.” You managed to sit up. “I am on empty. I couldn’t move a fucking feather if your life depended on it. I’m going to be out of commission for a while. And even if I wasn’t, I don’t usually have enough energy to do anything on a regular basis.”
Matt looked thoughtful. “I’m sorry to disappoint,” you said sincerely.
“No, I’m sorry for being inconsiderate. If you don’t mind me asking, why are you always running so low? I thought magic users could refuel in different ways and store up their strength.”
“You would be correct. My specific type of ‘feeding’,” gods, you hated that word. “Is difficult for me to do inconspicuously and is very um… not quite intimate, but definitely not something you do with a stranger.”
“You feed on people?” Matt asked, posture stiffening and gaze hardening.
“No! I mean yes, but not like what you are thinking. I’m not a vampire or a soul sucker or anything like that. I don’t hurt people when I do it. I mean I could if I actively tried to, but I don’t do that.” You hurriedly tried to explain something you really hadn’t wanted to divulge.. There was a reason you kept yourself off the registry. It was bad enough to be a witch in this day and age. A witch who fed from people would have to have an active guardian and would live with restricted rights unless they've reached a certain age with a clean record. You never wanted that.
“You know how people give off heat, right? And you can hug someone and get warm without stealing their body heat and hurting them, as long as you aren’t significantly cooler in temp than they are. It just kinda passes between you and builds up? It’s sort of like that but with life force for me. I feed through touch, mainly. People give off an aura of sorts which is just the energy they are sending into the world. It all is connected in some way and I need it to be able to use my magic and to live. So touching people for extended periods of time would give me energy without hurting them.” Gods, you hadn’t told anyone about your abilities in years. Not since your parents disowned you. You couldn’t find anything on the internet that showed a precedent for a feeding method like yours. Only things about witches draining the life from others to strengthen themselves or bleeding people in a sort of pseudo-vampiric way.
“Then why don’t you feed more often? If it is as harmless as you say, I’m sure someone like yourself could find a willing person to ‘spend some time with’ regularly.”
You blush, understanding what he meant. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried. “I’ve tried that and it doesn’t work out well with strangers. Some of them I can handle a hug from and everythings fine. I can keep myself from hearing and seeing them in ways I don’t want to. Others are just… wrong. They don’t have good intentions or aren't good people and that is enough to push past my walls. It uh, it hurts. Physically. If I move away fast enough, it's just an electric shock. But if they don’t let go, it’s like I’m burning. I’ve spent so much time on my own and moving between places that I don’t have time or the people skills to build a long term connection with others. And I don’t try to find people because I don’t want to risk getting found out or experiencing that overwhelming attack on my senses from someone who my magic doesn't like.”
“How are you still alive then? If you avoid touching people?”
“I get a little bit of juice from what's in the air around groups of people. It's not always comfy but it doesn't hurt like direct contact. I’ll go to a club and sit somewhere for a bit and soak up the energy. Like osmosis. I call it filter feeding. It’s not much, but it keeps my heart pumping.”
You trusted Matt not to turn you in. After talking for a bit longer, you found out that he kept his abilities private as well. It wasn’t illegal in the way you were, but it gave the two of you something to connect over. He didn’t agree with restricting and registering people just because they had both magic and were human. 
Vampires weren’t restricted, they managed themselves. The same with most pack shifters. Law enforcement only stepped in if the Alpha’s couldn’t manage their own people. Just about every other supernatural creature was free from documentation. The farthest mandatory registration went for them was putting their species on their driver’s license. If a new supe was made, they would be reported in the next census. Everything else was optional. Why? Because these species fall into the ageless category. Vampires, incubi, succubi, anything that fed directly on people, don’t age. Shifters age slowly, the stronger they are, the slower they age and they often have overlapping abilities or sub specifications like siren, mermaid, or hunter. When the supernatural world went public in the 1700s and later was fully integrated around the 1800s, the ageless were so deeply woven into governments and monarchies. They were the richest, most powerful people, so they made the laws in their favor. The ageless took advantage of the fact that most witches were covenless at that point in time. They turned witches into the new ‘other’ while also carefully cultivating what a witch was. Powerful, multifaceted, generally female, and unpredictable. Those with small magicks like telling the weather from anywhere in the world, hearing heart beats, even something as powerful as healing were just differentials, not real witches. Those who did spells and manipulated the world around them were the real witches. 
Things had been going well for the witch community in the recent decades. You’d been hopeful about being able to come out of the broom closet fully one day. But a hateful president quickly demolished all progress and whipped the country into a witch hating frenzy. The current president was working to repair the damage, but it was too little too late. Things would only get worse from here.
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