#anything that aligns with this just sparks the passion
morgana-ren · 1 year
What's your biggest fantasy kink?
The power imbalance of an older nastier man drives me wild. Want to take advantage, hurt me and use me? Yes pls thank you Sir. Manipulate me into behaving as your perfect pet, never letting me go, willing to share with a couple of his besties who are just as vile? Would kill for me but is never actually traditionally nice to me? Love it so hard.
This is very much a question that I don't think you want the answer to lmao. I have adhd and it's early so forgive the rambling, but it's hard for me to narrow it down. There's a lot, and I'm sure I will have forgotten something.
I've had years upon years to ponder myself, what I like, and by proxy, why I enjoy the things I do. Through that, I was able to let go of any shame or guilt that I might have felt initially, and thus it was allowed to run rampant. Whether or not it's healthy is another question, but that's for therapy to answer, not me.
Power imbalance is a huge one, and so is someone older, bigger, and stronger. Not being afraid to use those things in such a way as to get what they want, much like you said. A professor; a boss; a dragon; a pirate-- something or someone of immense power over my life and likely others. Someone you don't approach with ease. These aren't characters that fit in or blend well in society.
They're unhinged and usually very dangerous. Looking at the characters I like (Reaver, Tomura, Asto, etc) these are people that are very powerful, very dangerous, and very immoral to the point you could argue a black and white evil perspective. I want someone older. I don't want a child who has barely had time to process the world and stumbles into a clumsy love with the first girl he sees. I want someone who has lived and seen and still rejected it all for me.
Fictional hybristophilia, I believe. Bad guys. Always bad guys. I do not ever like good guys with the same passion as I enjoy their worse counterparts to the point that it's more 'bff admiration' rather than an actual crush. I don't want someone that has power but doesn't use it. I don't want restraint. I want someone that wields it like a weapon and fine hones it to achieve their ends, banal ideas like 'right' or 'wrong' be damned.
I like the fear and the terror, and not just my end, but everyone else's. Being completely and utterly untouchable for better or worse because no one would fuck with them. I am, self admittedly, attracted to power. I like the type of power that makes you question even defending yourself against something blatantly horrible because they can and will hurt you to get their way.
I want fierce possession. Mine, mine, mine. I don't want to be one person in a 93 part harem. I want to be the only one. I require feeling special, and I don't like tropes where they try to make you jealous by belittling your looks or intelligence and comparing you to someone else or want to have you 'on the side' as well as a bunch of other people. It's very much a 'My wife/girl/pet/whatever' thing for me.
They'll hurt you, ever enough to lose you. They'd never, ever kill you. It's not a matter of 'If I can't have you, no one can.' It's a shrug and a simple murder of whatever the threat is. There is no escape. This is your life now. Accept it or don't. It's cute when you fight.
Infantilization, in a way. Thanks in part to childhood trauma and the way-- or lack thereof-- that I was raised, I've always had to take charge and be in control. I don't want to anymore. I want someone who takes that control and that power with ease. I don't want to be treated like a child or a baby, but I don't want to be the bigger, smarter one that can outwit my partner with ease. I want to feel small and 'taken care of,' in a way. Small and cute and helpless. Adorable in their rage, and all that.
Essentially, a sub in quite literally every conceivable way. I don't like taking charge, or making decisions, and my head is so loud and messy all the time that thinking is painful. I don't trust my own judgement. I don't wanna. I want someone dastardly intelligent who is comfortable taking the control, and does so with ease. Someone who doesn't need my help constantly and is comfortable in their skin and with their mind in ways I'm not.
I do like violence. Choking me out, forcefully maneuvering me, slapping, whatever. A lot of it is just violence gets them off. I don't want a manchild that can't manage their own emotions so often that they just explode in a violent rage, but more of... think of like a stern teacher. Or someone tickled by your attempts at overpowering them. Someone who gets off on it.
I like malevolent assholes is what I'm saying. Ones that manipulate and abuse and act like monsters, but would burn the world down just to have you. Can and will. It very much is an obsession, and it's one that doesn't die. Can't do abandonment. They fully intend on forever, so that's what it will be.
I'm not opposed to being 'shared' but it would be an extremely rare situation and wouldn't be purely sexual. We're talking these are people that are EXTREMELY close to the person in question and it's not just to humiliate. Think like 'three husbands' type of deal. Perhaps they're inseparable or whatever else, but it's not something given lightly AT ALL, and they'd kill anyone who tries unless it's in VERY specific circumstances.
I'm a bitch. Or in this context, a brat. They have to like that. I can't have a finnicky control freak who doesn't enjoy the dynamic and tries to breed it out of me. Amused by it, and never threatened by it. I'll never be a quiet, demure little thing, but they take pleasure in trying. Occasionally I like fights to spawn over it, but not a consistent barrage of punishment to the point it loses the charm.
Think like... Someone who slaps you when you talk back too much, licks the blood from your lip, gets worked up and does absolutely deplorable things in bed but then curls around you purring mine and sleeps like a goddamn baby with you chained there next to them. Genuine love, but just displayed in the most horrible ways.
I'm whiny, emotionally stunted, touch starved, traumatized, isolated, brash, angry, intimidating, and not quite right in the head. So ultimately, my go-to are strong, powerful, dangerous, obsessive, possessive, deranged, intelligent, abusive bastards that aren't remotely intimidated by my facade, with fantasies that are worse than mine and the power to make it real. Usually sexual deviants. Collars, leashes, and not even in a petplay sort of way, but in a 'you belong to me and you aren't going anywhere' way. Someone who loves me with such a fierce, covetous desire that it drives them mad. I want to be small compared to them, protected by them, etc.
You can imagine what this says about my psyche. Someone who could decode this could quite literally get my entire life's gimmick, and it's not hard.
Look, I am aware it's literally impossible. Someone who loves you would never treat you like this, and in real life, this would be and is a nightmare. I am well aware of the line between fantasy and fiction and have unfortunately lived it. But in my fantasy world in my head? That's what I go for.
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In another universe.
Mistakes were made, forces drove you two apart. But every night, where their greatest desires come alive, they would wish desperately you were still with them.
ft angst w various characters
part 2 here
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In that universe, they weren't afraid to love loudly.
They were hurt by those who they loved, being behind nothing but the ashes of their past selves.
Once hot and passionate with love, their flame was now burned to a crisp, no trace of affection left.
But you came with that spark, the one chance for their heart to reignite with love and affection.
They cursed themselves fools for not realising the warmth and brightness. you brought into their lives.
And by the time they realised it. You were already gone, your flame burning in the distance, where they could never feel your warmth again.
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Xiao, Diluc, Sara, Rosaria,
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In that universe, they would have done anything to protect you.
You don't understand what you meant to them. You never did. Your laugh, your smile, your eyes. Everything about you, they worshipped, even more than their own beliefs, their own values, their own Archons and Gods.
You weren't just a friend to them. You were a lover, a safe space, a protector, a healer, a fighter, and more to them.
You were everything.
How were they supposed to move on when everything was robbed, snatched away from them like a thief who stole? Robbers who plundered everything good from you, and left you an empty shell?
How could they forget everything that they went through with you? You were always with them, they couldn't bear the grief.
If the power of Hydro was to take any shape, then please, take the shape of you, so that they could pretend.
Or perhaps, take them. Take them with you. They can't feel anything if you weren't there.
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Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, Yae Miko, Kokomi.
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In that universe, they were free to love you.
No judgement from society, parents, peers. None of that. In that world, everyone would be supportive of your ties with them. Everyone would have loved the both of you together.
There's no restrictions from loving you. No responsibilities, no barriers, no obstacles to your love.
You two couldn't be separated. Never.
So why? Why is someone else beside them in the bed where you should be? Why is someone else taking up all the space that was rightfully yours?
Why weren't you beside them?
Where were you?
When did you go?
Who drove you away?
What happened?
Those questions would haunt them for the rest of their nights.
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Jean, Lisa, Venti, Kaeya
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In that universe, your beliefs would have aligned.
Don't get them wrong. They do love you dearly. So much, oh so much.
But one of the few things you can't change of them is their own personality. It's what makes them who they are.
There are simply some things they cannot give up, even with you on the line.
And they have let you go for it.
Somewhere along the line, when they see you happy with someone, someone who's not them. They regret.
They spend nights trying to remember the taste of your lips. The warmth of your embrace. The peasant feeling in their chest when you whisper 'I love you'.
Such is the price to pay for keeping their own beliefs.
Even though they wish you were the right one.
This is the price of going against the flow.
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Ei, Keqing, Itto, Heizou,
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In that universe, their dreams and desire for knowledge you accepted.
when they were young, they had simple hopes and desires
You laughed and thought of it foolish.
They despaired as you mocked their ambitions and dreams.
Now, you regret.
Regret putting down the innocent dreams and hopes of the ones you loved.
Now, it is your turn to dream. Dream, an endless dream where you could redo everything, correct your mistakes, set your path to the right path that still had them in your lives.
You will not be rewarded. They have made their dreams into reality.
Yours remains a dream, never fulfilled.
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Tighnari, Amber, Xiangling, Nilou
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In that universe, that answer was always you.
No second guessing, no other obligations, no need to choose between two. You were the only option, the only one that mattered.
Do I stay with you in temporary bliss, or should I choose to never be near you, lest I hurt you?
Do I kill you, or do I let you live?
Do I wish you all the best, or do I wish it never works out?
Do I approach you, or do I not?
Their minds consumed with the thought of making the right choice, they never thought of what made them happy.
Life was too short to second guess too long.
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Ganyu, Sucrose, Shenhe,
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In that universe, they had no responsibilities.
No chains to tie them down. No contracts to hold them down. Nothing weighing down on them.
The both of you could love each other, without worrying about responsibilities, And even if there were any, so what? They won't clash, they won't affect your relationship with each other.
The both of you won't be on opposite sides, duty-bound to the faction that you were in.
The both of you didn't had to sneak about to keep the love alive, to keep the affections hidden.
One party didn't had to choose their duty over you, because you were their greatest duty.
In that universe, there was no responsibilities, other than loving each other.
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Zhongli, Childe, Ningguang, Neuvillette,
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In that sweet universe, the both of you existed at the same time. The stars aligned. The both of you drawn to each other like 2 magnets, perfectly fitted each other like a lock and a key, and always sticked together like bacons and eggs.
In another universe.
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thought of it randomly. I did my best to fit the characters into each category.
Cheers, J
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overgrown3d · 1 year
Who are you in their eyes? (PAC)
💭How does your friend, partner, crush, colleague, family member, or anyone in your mind view you? REMINDER! This is a general reading & purely their perception of you, take what resonates.
✨How to select your pile?✨
1. Slow your breathing, taking deep inhales. Focus on feeling present in your environment.
2. Looking from left to right, use your intuition to pick the pile meant for you (what you connect most with.)
3. Doesn't resonate? No worries! Pick another, it's message may be just right for you.
!!For Entertainment Purposes Only!!
Pile 1 -> Pile 2
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Pile 3 -> Pile 4
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🍃Pile 1 ;
Cards: 8 of Wands, Queen of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, 6 of Cups
The person in your mind could be someone from your past, perhaps a childhood friend, a classmate, or a family member. If not from your past, either you or them remind each other of a person you guys used to know, maybe they even perform a hobby you dropped, just something from the past. There is a lot of nostalgia here, and the reason why is because they possibly watched you grow up, or knew you from the past and reconnected again in the future, and they are shocked by how well you seem to be doing. The first thing I heard is "I'm so proud of you." They think you are somewhat of a go-getter, and most certainly financially stable. They perceive you as someone who invested a lot of time and effort in developing yourself. This energy feels so nice! They just think you're super mature, that you handle problems well, you're emotionally mature, etc. You just have your shit together, according to them. You may be able to "feel like a kid again", and overall have a lot of fun with this person, and they think the same. It's giving the vibe of "Wow, it's been that long, huh?" Overall, what they think of you is purely positive, and pretty lighthearted!
🍀Pile 2 ;
Cards: 3 of swords, 10 of swords, Page of wands, Queen of Pentacles , 8 of Swords
They think you're STRONG. From perception, they think that you've gone through something completely heartbreaking and life-changing, then brushed off your knees and got going again. They think you have such a strong demeanor, like I'm hearing "After all that?" They sense that you've gone through something transformative, like they see that spark in your eyes to use your heartbreak as a reason to strive. This could be letting go of old habits and past traumas. They are honestly baffled how you can keep going. They think you endured a lot emotionally, or resurfaced from a pretty dark place. You're pretty financially okay to them, or near the path to being there. This person could actually be someone that helped you as you were going through your struggles, providing an opportunity for you. You're like a go-getter, not settling for anything other than what you deserve.
🍀Pile 3 ;
Cards: Temperance, Page of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles, The Emperor, Ace of Swords
The person you're thinking about may be a mentor, a teacher, or someone with experience and influence that gives you a lot of inspiration. I get very strongly that they passed down some intellect to you. They think you're starting out in a new field, but already low-key mastering it lmao. You're going to be pretty bloody quick to succeed. To them, you are pretty focused on yourself, perhaps focusing greatly on aligning your career to your passions, and working hard in all aspects of your life. I'm hearing "They have a lot of potential." so they view you as a person with a lot of skills and expect you to quickly master anything new. They think you are well-rounded and leading a pretty average lifestyle, actually. They think that you're certainly passionate, but not dreaming very big for your future. You're a balanced person in their eyes, very reliable. At first, they would think you're shy or socially awkward haha. They might even be shocked at your progress, like you'll outdo the master!
🍀Pile 4 ;
Cards: 2 of Cups, Queen of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, Wheel of Fortune.
While shuffling your cards, a bunch flew out super quick! This person would form a strong opinion of you upon first meeting you, and if you know this person closely already, they would be quick to answer if someone asks what they think of you. You are someone that would've stood out for them, even in mind. They perceive you as someone sociable, seeing you around other people very often. They think you have a stable income or can afford to be leisurely and have fun, and that you were born privileged. They think you're pretty lucky tbh, I'm hearing "They won in life". I'm getting a vibe that this person may be insecure about their assets, or at least need to develop themselves emotionally. They think they are out of your league, and that you are going to be veryyyy different from them, like a whole different level. They think that you've got good habits, they idolize you a bit imho. Looking past that, they think that both you and them have a lot to learn from each other. They think you're steady in life, while also fun-loving. This could be a romantic interest, but this also applied well for platonic relationships!
~~🍃 You reached the end of the reading, 'till next time!
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jolapeno · 1 year
francisco morales x f!reader
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warnings: smut. morning smut. 18+. p in v. foreplay. little to no plot except sprinkles of fluff.
an: written on phone. not edited. pls just enjoy the brain rot + be kind
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IMAGINE YOU AND FRANKIE WAKING UP ON A DAY WHEN YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO. the curtains slightly cracked open, a stream of yellow-morning bleeding in through the breeze.
the light dancing over the crumbled bedsheets, the ones hanging low and loose on his hips.
you’ll deny it, but you started it.
lazy kisses to his neck and jaw, before meeting his lips.
then, he shifts a leg over yours, his hand sliding between your thighs—his mouth slanting over yours as your hands find a home around his neck. and then it’s all expert teasing, perfect touches and deep strokes, because gotta get you ready for me, baby as he licks a strip down your jaw and neck.
warmth fans over your spine, building in your stomach as you try to buck into his touch—even if you know he’ll give you what you need. he always does.
he’s good like that. all long and thick fingers, slow in the way they pump in and out of you as though he’s trying to welcome your whimpers to the early hour gently.
but you’re already aching—all desperate. practically writhing in the sheets under him as his mouth slides down the curve of your breast, his lips wrapping around your nipple, tongue swirling, just as his fingers curl inside you.
and fuck—
you grasp his waist, brushing the silver scar he got in a jungle somewhere. the story dripped to you over time. like so many others when you’ve kissed every inch of him.
now you lightly touch this one, the one he used to flinch from you when you brushed it. now, if anything, he pays no mind. let’s you feel the past as you strum your pads over the stories embedded into his skin.
because his focus is on you and you alone. his eyes reading your expressions as though you're a heli dash. you’re sure he could read you blindfolded. he knows your body; is able to get it to places you hadn’t known were possible.
like now. how it’s thrumming, all awake and lively—a surprising development before coffee and a check of your morning emails. not that you’re complaining; you’d rather this every day—not just on the ones where life aligns.
because this is a rarity, a treat. today the two of you have nowhere to be. no place you’re expected or person waiting. so you know he’ll take his time. even as you rake your nails in his hair, urging him on, willing him to get you there. your breaths turning into moans, his name slipping past your lips—
then the base of his palm brushes over your clit, sparking stars behind your lashes. his name cutting into the air, all whiny and desperate as your nose captures the scent that is just him—all, earthy and just unapologetically frankie—as heat licks its way up your back.
it’s blistering, toes curling. your mouth parted in a silent moan as your legs tremble. feeling his hard length against you, but you’re so close. it all building and building. the wave crest rising, all set to crash—
his mouth latches onto yours, swallowing your disgruntled groan as he retracts his hand. releasing your mouth with a pop as he licks his fingers, tasting your, making your throat go dry.
“francisco morales.”
it’s a warning, even if it leaves your tongue as a wail.
and the smirk he gives you makes you flutter around nothing, wet, soaked—slick. all because of him. his look of don’t worry not making you calm down until he’s sliding himself over your body. hand hooking your leg up and over his hip.
his mouth slants over yours, passionate, needy. feeling him line himself up, tongue licking against your lower lip, before he’s pushing into you.
then it’s just bliss.
your mind blanking sounds silencing—lights blinding—just focused on how good it feels as his length strokes your walls, burying himself to the hilt. your fingers snaking in the curls at the base of his neck, mouth latching to his neck as your lungs sting for breath.
you’re full. feeling him drag himself out before thrusting back in. and you cling to him, more than a leg and an arm, you curl into him. feeling his breath on your face, the way his soft stomach flexes as he rolls his hips.
then, he lowers himself further, elbows digging down either side of your face, trapping you.
as if you ever wish to be anywhere other than with him. under him. on him. bent over by him.
his hips slowly rolling—fucking into you so deeply that with each thrust, your mouth falls open, ghosting your lips over his skin: chin, cheek, neck. the leg which is thrown around him is shaking because you’re drowning in it, in him–in how deep he is.
sweat seals your back to the sheets, as other beads collect on your collarbone, the valley between your breasts. and he just whispers that you’re doing so well, fingers lightly brushing your cheek. lips occasionally capturing yours as he does a different twist and thrust that catches you off guard.
you whine.
and whine.
him angling himself, assuring you in soft whispers that he’s got you, he’s always got you. and you meet his eyes, see it all in them—the desire, the endearment and everything in between.
and then it hits, crashes, smothers. you forget to breathe until your throat burns—strained and strangled as you moan his name. him just whispering that you’re so good, so good for me. feeling his fingers on your cheeks, pushing and guiding you through it as your hips wriggle, over-sensitive, over-stimulated as he only slowly rocks into you.
“¿puedes darme uno más, cariño?”
your mouth falling open, staring into blown-brown eyes—shimmering with lust and need and adoration.
and you nod.
because he gives you what you want—he always does—and you can give him another.
it’s the least you can do.
your lips saying as much as they latch to his, teeth nipping at his bottom lip. tasting his moan, and how much he wants you.
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an: if anyone saw my earlier post, frankie won. you’re welcome.
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callsigns-haze · 10 months
Pretty like a crime
Pairing: Agent Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Singlemom! Agent Y/n 'Cobra' Y/l/n
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: This is the first post to my new series so please be nice! I'm going to try to make this into a series so please show this story a bit of love and reblog!
Summary: Cobra is finally back on the agency and is finally back in the job. With Kai at home she has to jumble being a mother and a agent. She's sent to her first U.C mission but never thought that she would meet a blonde, green eyed Texan...
Warning: Fighting, violence, drinking, guns, shooting, choking, cursing, gun shot, knives and a lot of violence that idk how to lable
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You were back for the first time undercover at a dinner masquerade party and lets say nothing has happened yet. Your job was to obtain the organization files and deliver them by the end of the night but for now there was no sight of the enemy.
All night you've been in continuous conversation and greetings with people who you never met. It was killing you mentally. You'd do anything to be in your apartment, with your son on the couch cuddling while watching the Midnight Garden.
Through a couple of sources you've been informed that an unknown to you, agent group was on this operation too, but if you revealed to the wrong person, you'd already be dead.
"Excuse me, is the seat taken?" A strong Texan accent asked behind you. Turning, you saw a very handsome gentleman. Wearing a black button top with a black pair of fine trousers and leather shoes, he greatly showed off the blonde gelled hair that was excellently groomed and those green eyes just sparked right.
'Wait! Why are you caring how he looks or not?!' You asked yourself. You shook your head in disagreement, and he sat next to you. You take a sip of your glass filled with water; not wanting to seem to unsuttle.
"I understand you're not really into this style of events?" He inquired. You give him a slight look and softly reply, "May I ask what gave me away? My resting face of a bitch or that my body language is all over the place?" He let out a slight laugh and extended his hand to you.
"Jakob." As you reached to his hand, he delicately lifts yours, kissing your knuckles. You smile as you never experienced such a gentleman before.
"And here I thought chivalry died out a long time ago," you comment. With a stylish smirk, he shakes his head in disagreement. "There's still a lot of us around, you just gotta know where to look. If I'm not ahead of myself, may I ask for your name?"
Before your undercover name could drift back into your memory one of his friends is calling him over. A man in a black suit, quite tall with soft brown curls and a eighties pornstache. With a disappointed sigh, he excused himself with a quick apology. You were again stuck alone in silence.
The great thing about this job assignment was the masquerade. Nobody will know what hit them and what they're getting themselves into and that was the plan. Surprise. And you'll get what you want. A long time has passed of you eyeing the door, waiting for the right person to come in and your own phone rings instead with a notification.
Tamara. Your babysitter just sent you the cutest picture of your son watching tv with all his teddies aligned so they can 'Watch it too.'
Your son. So young but so passionate and so loved. He was smart for such a young age and could easily figure out people's emotions. He got easily attached and loved spending time with Tamara. God, you thank her so much.
You quickly put your phone away once you laid your eyes on the member entering.
The man you were waiting for. The man you were going to steal from or kill if things got out of hand. He looks so smirked and full of himself even behind the mask. This was the easy part, find out what room he's going to. Try not to pull the trigger and leave before anyone notices any drama. But it's not going to be easy.
This man is one of the greatest ghost gun and drug dealer you know. Ghost guns are unserialized and untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled at home. They are often sold through "ghost gun kits," which include all of the parts and often the equipment necessary to build these weapons at home.
These kits are widely available and can be purchased by anyone, including prohibited purchasers, domestic abusers, and gun traffickers — without a background check. As these kits and guns are sold at gun shows and online every day throughout the country, they undermine all of the life-saving policies that state legislatures have fought so hard to put in place.
They were also not metal so they could easily slide through security. And the drug part. Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use as an analgesic (pain relief) and anesthetic. It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin as an analgesic.
You're eyes following him from behind the mask and the glass, your gaze doesn't drop at any movement. He's with his source or someone who's along the lines, the unknown man whispers in his ear and shows the door to the others. But why leave when you've just entered? Why not go around the back? And why were you the one having to follow their trail?
Oh well…. Isn't that just life… But why are they leaving through the back door? And you're right on their trail.
Sprinting. You never ran so fast through a street beforez as you were getting pursued by three henchmen. You felt the cold air as it burned to intake, and those ankles of yours were gonna twist in all but the right angles. You got it. You don't know how but you've got the organisation files but you managed to got caught so you're kinda running for your life and may I say running in heels and a red long silk dress wasn't really in your plans. Thinking you could lose them, you run down an alleyway.
It was a wrong turn, a dead end. There was no exit and no way out. 'Shit!' you thought, panting. You hear three pairs of thick footsteps of the men who have chased you and a disgusting laughter as you turn back around facing the men.
You had to fight or you'd die. The largest of the three came up to you shoving you backwards against the stone wall. "You all are the same, think you can take what they want without consequences," that russian accent was so scrappy that you'd prefer nails on a chalkboard.
"Now little girl, give us the files or are you prepared for death," he grabbed you by the neck, you spitting in his face made him take a stepped back in disgust and a flinch. The two of the men couldn't have done anything until you say.
"I think I should be asking… Are you prepared?" Smirking you start your fight as one henchman ran towards you hoping to punch you straight in the face. Giving him a roundhouse in the nose and punching him in the lower stomach, grabbing his head and kneeling him straight unconscious, you failed to see the other man coming behind with a thick metal chain, causing you to check while cutting off your oxygen access.
You started pulling and shaking which only cause him to squeeze tighter. Your vision started to go. You knew this was the end when you could only cough and not breathe. You were about to pass out but suddenly you were dropped and quickly loosened the grip for yourself gasping to catch a breath.
A gun shot.
Let's be more specific a gunshot sent from the handsome Texan blonde who flirted with you this evening. Wait where did he go? You felt a hand on your shoulder, and with the remaining stamina you had, your fight or flight response kicked in.
You grabbed a hold of his arm flipping him onto his lap, straddling his chest. You pull you knife out pressing it against his neck. " Who the fuck are you and why did you follow me?" You inquired aggressively, not knowing if he was with or against you. "I'm an agent, ma'am. I work with the San Diego Mission Force." He pulls out his badge to backup his story.
Quite shocked you don't waste time getting off him and holding your arm out to help him up which he takes,"I apologize for my aggressiveness," you looked at him, he returned a smile.
'Fake it, till you make it, that's all you had to do.'
"You were doing what anyone should have done. You've got me quite wowed that you managed to do that after getting nearly killed." Smirking, you look down, 'this man was still flirting!'
Your que to run. You swiftly kick his from underneath his feet causing him to fall to the ground with an 'oof' leaving his lips. Grabbing your gun, which is concealed in your purse, you point it straight in between that perfect pair of green eyes, "I'm warning you, try to follow me again and I won't hesitate to kill you."
He tries to get up but you stomp your heel onto his clothed chest causing him to cough after getting wind knocked out of his chest, "Do you know who you're messing with. And I legit' just saved your life," he groans as the gun never leaves your aim.
"The real question is do you know who you've messed with." And at that you're gone. Disappeared into thin air without a trace and you left him there on the ground as the rest of the daggers come running but there's no trace of you…
Thanks to @shanimallina87 and @callsign-magnolia for ideas and support
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shrenvents · 1 year
Miracle Aligner
Alex Turner Series
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Series Masterlist
Summary: Who knew Alex Turner, frontman to one of the greatest bands of this generation had the worst luck in love. As a romantic who's quite familiar with heartbreak, Turner's grown sick of looking for a spark that will eventually burn him. So, while visiting a local pub, how was he supposed to know that a drunken Tuesday night, would change his sombre tune forever?
Inspired by the album Everything You've Come To Expect. Mature content (sexual acts, language) Original character.
Chapter one:
Toronto, November 15, 2015
5:57 pm
Alex's POV
"That's enough Turner!" Zach yells over the various clamouring instruments. "You've been working on these songs for weeks and this was the best you got mate?" Jaime continues with a snort. "Yeah?" I huff, rolling my eyes.
Jaime and Zach exchange a knowing look before Zach pipes up again. "You know what Al? Why don't you call it a night, maybe go out, meet a few girls, have fun." He then glances to my right. "Miles you stay and finish your set."
"What's this?" I jest, bewildered by my bandmates.
"Sorry Al, the songs you've been writing these days just aren't the Shadow Puppets brand," Jaime trails off, looking more empathetic than his counterpart. My brows crease further into my eyelids and I dully unclasp the guitar strap from my shoulder. "My songs don't fit the 'brand' of my band?" I glare at them in disbelief as the two share another look.
"Sorry Al, but your material has been all doom and gloom these days." Miles now exclaims while avoiding my troubled expression. He pauses before continuing. "Your greatest hits are love songs, passionate shite." Miles's eyes then connect with my own, and I finally understand what he's implying. "It's been a while mate." His last statement was the final blow.
That's right, I haven't been with anyone for months, romantically, physically, and everybody knows it. These days I just find romance to be tiresome. Even a shag doesn't seem to excite me much anymore. I've simply gone mad, that's what it is.
Though they seem to have me all figured out, I refuse to give in to their remarks. "You lot have lost it. I'll come back when you've come to your senses!" I bark out while snatching up my guitar and jacket. The boy's faint snickers fill the room as I take off towards the door. "Aw c'mon, Al!" Jaime carries out, stifling his laughter. I slam the door behind me with unnecessary force, utterly infuriated.
Instantly after leaving the studio, I feel the blistering Canadian winter encase my narrow frame. "Bugger," I snit before whipping out my phone, in hopes an Uber would usher me away from this frost. To my dismay, because of the excessive snowfall, transport was either delayed or unavailable, and I had no interest in sticking around roadside. So, I switched to searching for a local pub, racing out of the cold.
After a numbing 10-minute journey, I reached a pub called Les Cactus and ripped open its wooden entrance, embracing its heat. Whilst I take a seat on the nearest bar stool, a flash of red catches the corner of my eyes. A waitress with her back turned serves drinks to a group of men who gawk at her with an unreserved fancy. Momentarily, I admire her long, fiery hair that flows down her fit backside. Fortunately, the incoming bartender removes me from my fairly pervy thoughts. "What can I get for ya buddy?" The bartender ranks down my features, odd excitement filling his own. "You got any Bulleit?" He smirks.
"Sure thing." He spins away from me, before quickly rotating back and whispering for my ears only, "Big fan by the way." I smile politely with a nod as he disappears into the bar to prepare my drink. My gaze returns to the space where the redhead once stood, which is now vacant. "Here ya go. Let me know if you need anything else!" The bartender ponders shortly before speaking, "My name's Mickey by the way." He places my bourbon down with an oddly suggestive wink.
8:24 pm
"Maybe consider spacing out your next drink Alex. I get you're a millionaire and money ain't a thing," Mickey bobs his head, taking note of appearance, "but you're kinda overdoing it buddy," he finishes. I scoff at his smirk and slap a bill on the countertop. "Another." My face and tone drop in an attempt to be taken seriously, but my drunken command doesn't detour Mickey's delight.
"You're the boss."
"Uh-uh, that's at least his sixth drink this hour M." An unfamiliar feminine voice pitches in. It's husky and demanding, and so, I intend to listen. Curiously turning to look, my vision is consumed by that recognizable carrot-like head. If I was captivated before seeing her face, I was surely a goner now.
Mickey ceases his actions while she stares between us with scrutiny. I'm gobsmacked and she clearly takes my silence as a sort of confirmation. "Right, no more for him. Okay M?" Mickey nods sternly, face falling moderately as her tone leaves no room for opposition. "Alexander!" I practically cry out before Red gets the chance to leave. Smooth Turner.
"Excuse me?"
"I-uh, name's Alex..." Yeah, very smooth.
"Jennie." She states curtly, evidently bemused. She then moves swiftly on her heel towards the kitchen. Straight away I grimace, pulling a hand to my forehead, rubbing its lines harshly. "Not a word." Mickey chuckles quietly and goes back to his work.
9:41 pm
"Still here, Alexander?" My head shoots up, startled by Red. When did I even fall asleep-
"Yes?" She snorts at my jumbled reply.
"Want me to call you a cab? A shrink perhaps?"
"M' sorry?" I question clumsily.
"Oh? I just thought you may need one, after hearing what you told to Mickey." Her sultry voice echoes out her rather devious grin. "God." My eyes widen in horror which aids her impending elation. "What have I said?"
"Nothing really, just that..." She starts counting her digits absentmindedly. "You've got no luck writing your music, no love life. Oh, and you have no sex life!" She proclaims the last part with glee. Jesus, please end this nightmare.
"I did not."
"Did too."
"I've had too much drink."
"Drunken words are sober thoughts." Jennie carries on smiling at my trepidation. Maybe I'd find her charming if her jokes weren't at my expense. "That's it, I'm not tipping." I declare pathetically. Her devilish smirk doesn't falter. "Seriously? Things can't be that bad! Mickey tells me you're actually a successful musician."
"That you've obviously never heard of." I roll my eyes at the absurdity of our conversation. She laughs aloud at my response, which I admit, brought a genuine smile to my face. It really has been a while. Her face then goes blank. "Alexander."
"Alex. You're young." She pauses, her gaze sweeps my shaggy appearance. "Ish"
"Ouch." I flinch jokingly, earning myself another gorgeous laugh and playful swat.
"Hey! And you're good-looking."
"Ish." I interrupt again with a chuckle and her smile grows.
"No!" She more or less shouts, "You have a lot to work with, trust me." Her hands gesture nimbly. "The only thing standing in the way of you getting laid is yourself." A surprise roar of laughter leaves my lips shortly and I shake my head in disbelief.
"You're selling yourself short here Alexander," Red concludes. "Alex-"
"You're wasting your youth-ish," she interrupts me once again and a sliver of silence washes over us. It's as if we're the only ones in this packed pub, eyes locked on one another, communicating beyond words. Her deep hazel orbs focus on my brown ones. "What do you suggest I do then, Jennie?" Lightly raising a brow, my words dare her while her lovely name rolls off my tongue. I can't help but revel in how it sounds. Then something flashes in her fixated stare.
"Let's get out of here."
Chapter two
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owen-writes · 9 months
A Noble Christmas
10th Doctor x Male Reader
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It was a crisp Christmas Morning when the TARDIS materialized in the backyard of the Noble household. The 10th Doctor, Donna, and you stepped out, greeted by the warm glow of festive decorations.
You all wandered into the house, through the double doors, the scent of Christmas hit your nose.
"Ah, Donna! Look at this! Christmas on Earth is fantastic!" the Doctor exclaimed, taking in the twinkling lights and adorned tree.
Donna rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, just don't go setting anything on fire, Spaceman."
You chuckled, the Doctor turned to you with a grin. "And how about you, handsome? Ready for a proper Earth Christmas?"
"Absolutely, Doctor," you replied, feeling a warmth spreading within you.
The evening unfolded with laughter, stories, and the delightful aroma of Christmas dinner. Donna teased the Doctor, who defended himself with exaggerated charm. Amid the festivities, the Doctor couldn't help but shoot you a fond glance.
As you all gathered around the table, the Doctor couldn't resist whispering, "Pass the potatoes, love," and you obliged with a smile. Donna raised an eyebrow but continued chatting, unaware of the unspoken connection.
After dinner, you found yourself alone in the kitchen with the Doctor. He leaned against the counter, his expressive eyes fixed on you. "You know, this whole celebration thing is great, but I was thinking there's something even more special about tonight."
"Oh? And what's that?" you asked, genuinely curious.
He stepped closer, his hand going out to hold your hand. "Being here with you. It makes it feel like the stars aligned just for us."
Your heart skipped a beat, and you found it hard to look away from his intense gaze. "I... I feel the same way, Doctor."
He grinned, a mix of joy and relief in his eyes. "Good. Because I've been wanting to do this." With that, he pulled you in and pressed his lips to yours, a gentle yet passionate kiss that felt like a promise.
Donna's voice interrupted the moment. "Oi, you two! Quit the lovey-dovey stuff. There are leftover mince pies in the fridge, and I'm not sharing!"
The Doctor pulled away, chuckling. "Let's get those mince pies before she eats them all, love."
Throughout the night, the Doctor remained by your side, stealing glances and offering tender smiles and soft touches. The TARDIS hummed contentedly in the background, as if approving of this newfound connection.
As the clock struck midnight, the Doctor took your hand. "Come with me," he whispered, leading you outside.
Underneath the starlit sky, he pulled out a small, beautifully wrapped gift. "Merry Christmas, my love."
You unwrapped it to find a sonic screwdriver, a symbol of adventures yet to come. It was your favourite colour, engraved with your name. "Doctor, it's wonderful!"
He grinned, a mischievous spark in his eyes. "Well, it's not just any sonic screwdriver. It's yours. For when you decide to join me permanently in time and space."
You looked at him, a mixture of excitement and love filling your heart. "I'd like that very much, Doctor."
He kissed you again, sealing the promise of a future filled with galaxies to explore and countless moments to share. The TARDIS glowed in the background, lighting up the backyard as you and The Doctor shared a kiss.
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sunshinesmebdy · 8 months
Moon in Aquarius: Embrace Innovation and Disrupt Your Business Game
Get ready to ditch the ordinary and embrace the eccentric, entrepreneurs! The moon is transitioning into the unconventional realm of Aquarius, bringing a wave of innovative ideas, social consciousness, and a rebellious spirit. As an astrologer and business consultant, I’m here to guide you on harnessing this revolutionary energy to take your business to the next level.
What does the Moon in Aquarius signify?
Imagine a lightning bolt, sparking sudden insights and revolutionary ideas. That’s the essence of this transit. It’s about thinking outside the box, embracing technology, and prioritizing the collective good. Expect a surge of inspiration, a desire for social change, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. Tradition takes a backseat to progress, and collaboration becomes key.
How this moon affects your business and finances:
Innovation Explosion: This is the perfect time to brainstorm new ideas, experiment with cutting-edge technology, and disrupt your industry with unique solutions. Embrace the unconventional and don’t be afraid to challenge the norm.
Unleash your inner revolutionary under the Moon in Aquarius! This transit ignites a firestorm of creative thinking, making it the perfect time to brainstorm like never before. Ditch the tried-and-true and embrace the unconventional. Challenge assumptions, explore untrodden paths, and let your imagination run wild. This is the phase to experiment with cutting-edge technologies like AI, blockchain, or virtual reality — anything that can push the boundaries of your industry and offer unique solutions to existing problems. Don’t be afraid to disrupt the norm; under this moon’s influence, revolutionary ideas have the power to not only shake things up but also propel your business to the forefront of innovation. Remember, sometimes the most disruptive solutions come from embracing the strange and unexpected. So, tap into your Aquarian spirit, step outside your comfort zone, and get ready to create something truly groundbreaking!
Community & Collaboration: Aquarius thrives on collaboration. Partner with like-minded individuals, leverage online communities, and build a network that supports your innovative vision. Remember, strength lies in numbers, especially under this transit.
Forget the lone wolf mentality, Aquarius thrives on collaboration! This moon phase is all about the power of “we,” urging you to ditch the solopreneur struggle and embrace the magic of teamwork. Seek out partnerships with individuals who share your innovative spirit and complement your skillset. Attend industry events, join online communities focused on disruptive ideas, and leverage social media to connect with like-minded individuals. Remember, under this transit, synergy reigns supreme. Don’t underestimate the power of a diverse team bouncing off ideas, challenging perspectives, and fueling your creative spark. Collaborations forged during this period have the potential to birth truly groundbreaking concepts, so open your network, share your vision, and watch your innovative ideas flourish with the collective strength of a passionate community behind you. Remember, in the spirit of Aquarius, the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts!
Social Impact: Align your business with a social cause or environmental initiative. Consumers are increasingly drawn to brands with purpose, and this moon phase amplifies that connection. Let your values shine through!
The Moon in Aquarius isn’t just about innovation; it’s about innovation with a conscience! This transit urges you to connect your business to a social cause or environmental initiative that aligns with your values and resonates with your target audience. Remember, consumers are increasingly drawn to brands with purpose, and under this moon’s influence, that connection is even stronger. Whether it’s supporting local communities, promoting sustainability, or advocating for social justice, find a cause that speaks to your core values and weave it into the fabric of your business. Donate a portion of proceeds, volunteer employee time, or highlight your commitment in marketing campaigns. Remember, authenticity is key. This isn’t about token gestures; it’s about integrating your social impact into your business model in a genuine and meaningful way. By harnessing the Aquarian spirit of collective good, you’ll not only contribute to positive change but also build stronger customer loyalty and attract talent who share your values. Remember, when purpose meets profit, everyone wins!
Financial Surprises: Expect unexpected financial inflows or outflows. This isn’t a time for rigid budgeting, but rather for adapting to sudden changes with a flexible approach. Remember, sometimes the best opportunities come disguised as surprises.
Hold onto your wallets, entrepreneurs! The Moon in Aquarius brings a dash of unpredictability to your finances. Expect the unexpected — both in terms of positive windfalls and unforeseen expenses. This isn’t the time to cling to rigid budgets; instead, embrace flexibility and be prepared to adapt to sudden financial shifts. A surprise investment opportunity might arise, or an unexpected cost could land in your lap. Remember, under this moon’s influence, staying agile is key. Don’t panic over fluctuations — view them as potential catalysts for growth. Perhaps that unexpected influx allows you to invest in new technology, while a temporary dip could push you to explore innovative cost-saving measures. Remember, sometimes the best opportunities come disguised as challenges. Keep your eyes open, stay adaptable, and trust that even financial surprises can propel your business forward in exciting new directions. After all, as the saying goes, “fortune favors the bold,” and under this moon’s influence, boldness means embracing the unpredictable with an open mind and a flexible financial plan.
Tips for this Transit:
Embrace Technology: Explore how technology can streamline your operations, reach new audiences, and enhance your products or services. Remember, innovation often lies at the intersection of humans and machines.
Think Collaborative: Don’t go it alone! Collaborate with diverse teams, host brainstorming sessions, and leverage online communities to generate groundbreaking ideas. Remember, synergy breeds innovation.
Give Back to the Community: Align your business with a social cause you care about. This fosters customer loyalty, attracts talent, and creates a positive impact on the world. Remember, purpose fuels profit.
Stay Adaptable: Be prepared for unexpected financial shifts. Embrace flexible budgeting and be open to new opportunities that arise. Remember, agility is key under this unpredictable moon phase.
Remember, the moon moves quickly, so make the most of this transformative transit. By aligning your actions with the Aquarian moon’s energy, you can disrupt your industry, build a loyal community, and create a business that makes a positive impact on the world. As always, consult a professional astrologer for personalized guidance tailored to your unique birth chart and business needs.
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coccineum-vocatorem · 2 months
Smash or Pass: Risette
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Quick Facts
Height: 197 cm
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi, heavy-ish female lean
Smart. Her idea of pleasant downtime is pouring over books that challenge her, that teach her something new and require her to reread paragraphs to truly understand them. Should they be related to arcanima, as is often the case, she will also put them into practice when she isn't simply pushing the boundaries of the craft without anyone or anything to guide her.
Driven. The simple truth of the matters is that she will stop at nothing to realize her goals. Risks? Those will be taken. Danger? That will be ignored. Her pursuit of her interests is single-minded, borderline obsessive, and she will get things done.
Assured. She's old enough to know what she wants of herself as much as others. You won't find her hemming and hawing over the decisions she needs to make or second-guessing herself.
Elegant. She enjoys personal grooming and keeping herself clean and put together from her make-up to her clothing. Though she values practicality in everyday live, you can find her taking every excuse to put on something a bit more fancy.
Demands her partner match her intellectually. If one cannot meet her intelligence on equal footing or doesn't have a topic of their own they're as passionate about, she will have no interest in them. There is nothing that can spark her interest if this one condition isn't met.
Needs space. A lot of it. Though there's no question she will care about her partner, she is a true loner and will not stand for any attempt to tie her down to the point she couldn't leave to take a significant amount of time for herself and her personal pursuits.
Closed off. Even if she wasn't heavily burdened by her past and carrying enough trauma for several people, she isn't here to be approached, nevermind to let someone in. Master at obfuscating every attempt to get to know her, it might very well take every trick in the book to even get her to agree to give someone the time of day and just a crumb of her attention.
Intense in everything she does. Though that is for weal in many applications, it can also be for woe. She has true passion for her intersts bubbling under the surface, waiting to consume her and every last speck of her focus.
Additional Information
Her first preference in relationships are women much like herself—tall, well-kept, and confident. Scruffy appearance is surefire way to have her forego a second glance, while timidness is easily a straight up deal-breaker for her. Her fellow Elezen as well as Roegadyn and Hrothgar ladies tend to fulfill the "tall" part of her preferences.
Sexually: Likes having control and is loathe to give it up. It takes a lot of trust from her to agree to put herself in a truly vulnerable position, as if it didn't already take something very special for her to agree to sex in the first place. That past trauma and all.
Romantically: Against her aloof exterior, she is surprisingly warm once she has established genuine mutual care for someone. She makes for a caring partner open to seeking compromise if things don't align in something, without putting herself last.
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laineystein · 8 months
(Prompted by your post about leaving for work.) Do you enjoy your work as a physician? I've been a nurse for 10 years but am desperately trying to change careers to something outside of healthcare. (Oh, how I'd love to have one of those jobs people were able to do from home on their couch in PJs during Covid. I think they just read spreadsheets all day or something.) I'm burned out. I'm exhausted. I'm tired of taking care of other people. But it makes me feel inferior to my healthcare colleagues because they're ~passionate~ about ~caring for people~ and I don't hold that same passion 😅
First I’ll say that even the people that love their jobs have bad days and doubts. That’s life. But this is a tough question.
Do I enjoy my work as a physician? Yes, mostly. I love emergency medicine and working in an ED. I am absolutely passionate about being able to help people during some of the worst moments of their lives. I’m proud of how hard I’ve worked to be where I am in my career. I love my unit and my hospital and my team. I’m phenomenal at my job and I couldn’t picture myself doing anything else. However, COVID completely changed my life. Something that I loved became something I hated. Things have definitely gotten better the more time passes but the pandemic gifted me with moderate PTSD and it can flare depending on various factors, which can make working in a hospital nearly unbearable sometimes. I think the great part of emergency medicine is that when things need to happen, you just do it. Anxiety and flashbacks and pain go out the window when you’re helping someone else. But sometimes after a code or after hours in the trauma bay, when everything is stable again, the situation hits me and it can be very triggering. I understand this isn’t everyone’s experience but for those of us who worked in healthcare during COVID, we are forever changed.
So yes, I’m also burned out and forever exhausted. And I know so many of my friends in healthcare feel the exact same way. I was supposed to be on a bit of a sabbatical then October 7th happened and now I’m back in the hospital for 24 hours/wk. But I am passionate about what I do even though it’s different now. I’m so passionate about what I do that my favorite part of my week is the remaining 20+ hours where I get to teach emergency medicine to students/soldiers that haven’t been disillusioned by a pandemic and the overall state of healthcare.
Please know that so many in the healthcare field are burned out and exhausted like us. It seems to be the norm. But it sounds like your malaise may be more than that, and that’s okay! I’m proud of you for recognizing that nursing may not be a great fit and I hope you find something that more aligns with what you’re looking for and ideally makes you happy. I know “starting over” can be tough so it might be advantageous to look into more clerical nursing jobs - case management, insurance review (in the US), recruiter. The change of pace/scenery might spark the passion that initially got you into nursing (it can be difficult to think clearly when you’re knee deep in the problem) or it might show that you need a complete change and I have faith that you’ll find it. All the love and best of luck! 🫶🏼
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stingslikeabee · 6 months
meet the mun
1. what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?
I always credit Melissa to a combo of three particular things: a) my personal interest and passion for the Japanese nightlife scene and its uniqueness; b) the movie 'Sucker Punch' (and particularly the character of Vera Gorski); and c) a post that once made the rounds when I first joined the FFVII rpc that wondered if the Turks didn't visit Wall Market for the chili fries or because the girls happened to have the best intel.
And then it was like something clicked inside - I sudden had this 'vision' and Melissa was born after some crafting as a brothel madame who had strong mama bear/caring and nurturing vibes and who had set herself in opposition to Corneo. The two alternatives in terms of earning people's loyalty (fear/love), a cold war of sorts, a lot of fun and layered dynamics to play with from a Wall Market perspective (such as trading intel, working as an informant, etc) and tying in to the game main events.
I always preferred to pick 'minor' muses or to craft characters that fill in spaces and make a world livelier - Melissa just felt right. I guess she works nicely because no one ever thought it was absurd to have Corneo as a nemesis - even with Remake revamping the HBI and making it something else, I decided to stick to my OG view and I was incredibly well-accepted! :)
2. is there anything you don't like to write?
I am very plot driven - and therefore threads that are just winging something and with no ulterior purpose just bore me and I lose muse fast. I like threads to be like book chapters, with an objective in mind - once that's done, I prefer wrapping it up and starting a new one. Smaller things I deal with in asks (although there is nothing preventing me from turning an ask into a thread when it sparks the good muse food).
So I tend to have a basic, over-arching plot line to follow and I enjoy discussing it offline with my partners so we can ask each other what we are thinking in terms of next steps, if a certain event would be interesting, etc. Believe me, this doesn't take away the surprise - I have been hit by unexpected feelings so many times, I love it.
In addition to that, I struggle with fighting/action sequences (I am just super bad at it), overly descriptive things (a room, someone's clothes, a landscape). It just feels like everything I have ever studied about English goes out of the window and my writing turns super dull, I hate it.
3. is there anything you really enjoy writing?
Emotional stuff - of any kind. I have found out that my preferred writing method is one that mixes a lot of thoughts, emotions and bits of lore together, so although a given reply may not give much in terms of objective actions, it will make room for further emotional or introspective discussions to happen. Characters working out their own feelings and perceptions in relation to certain things is a favorite of mine and my replies are frequently novella-like because Melissa thinks (and feels) so damn much.
I also do like setting the scene (as in giving context for a particular interaction) in starters or asks and expanding on lore. Worldbuilding is another favorite of mine and I often make extensive research into stuff that is only going to be briefly mentioned in a thread. Other than that, I'm also into sharing/including NPCs to make the flow of a thread feel more like a book and crafting these small cameos is super fun.
Oh - I do enjoy writing the usual shippy things (including those on the platonic side of things), particularly with Melissa who has such a strong preference for these themes when compared to other muses. However, without plotting (and since she's an OC), it all feels very soulless if I don't know how to get there in a way that makes sense or seems to be aligned with every character involved.
4. how do you come up with headcanons?
I get inspired by different types of media and a lot of real-life references. For general lore/worldbuilding, I tend to leverage from historical or current events whenever possible, all the while trying to tie these things with the existing canon; for muse-specific verses, anything can spark an idea: a quote in a movie, a song, a certain TV show.
5. do you write in silence or do you play music?
I always have music on - it tends to change depending on the specific verse or muse, but I generally have key songs to fall to while writing.
6. do you plan your replies or wing them?
I plan them as a rule (including asks and memes) - even if it's mostly in my brain and as a general line that I want to follow so I can go from A to B within a few paragraphs. It doesn't always work, though - sometimes I rework the entire idea, or get hijacked by the muse and directed to something else instead.
7. do you enjoy shipping?
Yes - I adore it, and building connections and creating ships is something I really like to do, from discussing it to dropping aesthetic posts to a customized tag. For Melissa in particular, they play a large and significant role as she is someone very much transformed and shaped by love and attachment to people, so my ships for her invariably become a part of much larger and complex verses.
This also goes for platonic dynamics - I like the concept of ships because they allow me to visualize a setting/plot much better and build around it with so many little additions that it feels alive and organic. I start creating timelines and events and it is just so satisfying to see it all coming together.
One thing I have learned with time is that, despite enjoying shipping, I like to be able to talk/connect to the other mun offline (talking about it and plotting is fun!) but also I try to be selective to the point of exclusivity. Because I am so plot-driven, I end up building so much around one variant/portrayal of a given character that I just become partial to it and blind to others - and because I don't want to project my dynamics onto duplicates, I'm multi-single-ship as a result (as in multiple ships, but just a single one per each muse - although exceptions sometimes apply).
8. what's your alias/name?
Mari, because that's how everyone calls me anywhere, anytime. I actually get confused/bothered if my full name is used because it sounds more serious and I just think it's either a stranger calling me or a boss/my mother being angry, haha.
9. age?
Old enough to remember the hype re. having a Blockbuster card around here; these where the premium video rental shops, haha (and nope, I never had one, I only wished I had).
10. birthday?
A late winter/early spring child! As a kid I thought I was born in spring and loved it, but then I realized spring is just later in September and that I was actually a winter kid by a few days, haha. But growing up, winter (winter as I know it, mind you) became my favorite season, so it was all good!
11. favorite color(s)?
Used to be black, silver and blue but these days I'm super fond of turquoise and shades of green? I seemingly cannot settle on a single one forever.
12. favorite song(s)?
I am contractually required to always reply with 'GLAY' and 'Yuuwaku' haha (this song is so damn important in my life). Here's an awesome video to introduce you to my favorite band.
13. last movie you watched?
'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' - one of my top 10 favorite movies, one of my top 5 movie openings, one of my top 3 Fincher movies.
14. last show you watched?
I just finished (re)watching 'Nana', only this time I made it to the last episode. I forgot how emotional this show made me feel and how epic the soundtrack is.
15. last song you listened to?
'Raise Your Glass' by P!nk, a courtesy of my spotify shuffling things haha.
16. favorite food?
I never know what to say here, there is just SO MUCH I love? I think pasta generally ranks very high, followed by pastel and pão de queijo. On the sweet side, I am obsessed with coconut and paçoca.
17. favorite season?
I might have spoiled it here, but it's winter - again, my winter. Brazilian winter. Tropical winter. The winter I have experienced in the Netherlands was depressing, dark and horrible where my nose bled, my skin cracked, I got shocked every time I touched anything metallic and I was just miserable; I love blue skies with sunshine and something below 20 degrees outside.
18. do you have a tumblr best friend?
I do! I mean, I could just say that I have a bunch of really awesome mutuals and I wouldn't be lying; or that I am closer to some than to others, and that would also be true. But it's no secret that @dojimakaichou is just on another level because Dawn and I talk every day to the point I feel weird if we don't; we don't just talk about roleplay, we talk about everything, we have weekly movie dates, we send each other gifts, we record videos for our families and we spent 10 days together last year with plans for more annual encounters. :) She's my bestie (and not just a 'tumblr' bestie) and honestly I only wish we lived closer but we make do!
tagged by: @bitterarcs cursed me (and I loved it!) tagging: anyone who wants to - this has gone around for some time now so I'm pretty sure I'd be tagging people again~
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the-enby-bird · 10 months
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Introducing the last bit of evidence in his crew's thesis that no cybertronian scientist is fully sane, it's Chaser!
He's one of the transformers ocs I've been rotating around, he works on the same crew of fools and fuckers as all the others (so far only Nyx has a drawn concept art but there's like 20 ocs in this stupid fucking ship) & he's the chief engineer and also chief of biting people when they fuck with his works in progress
More random infodumping & design notes beneath the cut!!
His altmode is inspired by a fox; and he originates from Kaon, where he spent the first half of his life making custom weapons for gladiators, stopped from using his talents for anything that pays better by functionism and altmode-based discrimination. His true passion always lay in building ships, and he spent all his spare time designing blueprints for various cruisers, shuttles and combat vehicles. Come the start of the war, despite his interests aligning with those of the decepticons, he remained neutral, and eventually fled Kaon when things started getting really bad. In his attempts to find safety, he met Ghost and Nyx, a pair of mechs with overly soft sparks and a crumbling charity medical ship in desperate need of replacement. He offered to build them a new ship, if in return they'd get his ass off planet, and they agreed without hesitation, even offering him a place among their crew. Logically, were Chaser not so desperate, he would have questioned where precisely Ghost got the shanix to buy him the supplies for a whole new ship, but he had priorities: getting away from the war, where his talents were less likely to be used for mass destruction.
A while later, with the help of Ghost's crew and a couple freelance construction mechs, he finally got to achieve his dream of building his own ship, and ditching planet: with the added bonus of a fuck ton of friends and an incredibly pretty radio mech to flirt with.
He spent the rest of the war on that ship, aiding neutral folks (both cybertronian and organic) with repairs to fucked up stations and ships; as well as helping the medical crew of the Unity not die when dealing with decepticon patients. Also helping his captain annoy the shit out of their conjux.
He's conjuxed to another oc, Blaze, and spiritually amicas with the ship's CMO, Null. He also helps parent Blaze's cassettes, who are basically teenagers at this point but the chaos that Starseeker brings with him 24/7 requires at *least* 3 mechs for damage control.
So yeah! That's my semi-feral engineer oc :33 I promise I'm very normal actually
Also btw no oc of mine escapes the Horrors he does in fact have a mountain of angst attached to him it just isn't discussed here, I'll discuss it when I finally design Null (lies it's actually discussed in the design notes there's just also More angst in his future after he recovers from the past angst)
Okay so idk what kind of autism possessed me to make me include this much symbolism in his design but:
his layered plating is intended to resemble the plates on an armadillo, indicating his tendency to hide from his problems. The same idea is the reason for his alt mode being a fox - it is an allusion to The Fox And The Hound (the book, not the fable) conveying how Chaser tends to run from his problems, instead of facing them head on.
Unrelated, his alt mode also ties in with his weapon of choice - a sniper rifle, which is similar to a fox's precise, calculated method of hunting. His choice of weapon shows his preference to keep enemies and struggles far away, and is often left fumbling when forced to confront his problems.
All this is to say, he is afraid of closeness: in Kaon, attachment could be deadly, and yet he still feels intense regret for running away, feeling like his cowardice left his few acquaintances to die. His entire life is tied to running, and cowardice, leading to more running as he tries to avoid the guilt that fleeing brings. He is fleeing his past (the hound!!!!), fleeing his fear, fleeing the mech he used to be, for he cannot accept that his anxiety is normal. His brave, chaotic, and powerful exterior is quickly offset by looking just a little closer, and seeing how he is not a predator, merely terrified prey.
How lucky that his conjux is a therapist.
Also the song I always think of when talking about him is The Paradox, so here have this: https://open.spotify.com/track/3dDh14gFFO8BhszSwhLNo3?si=AE-vSckVSvWK5M2HqQpR3g
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Oneshot: Desire x Soul Bound Reader
All She Desired
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Requested by @erynion-rogueofthegreenwoods sorry for the wait! 😅 I hope you enjoy it! I used Desires Greek name in this and also had her refer to the reader as Briar as a sort if pet name. 🥰
TW: fluff, angst, minor depictions of blood and violence, character death
"I can offer you anything you desire." The words were ones they'd said so many times before, it was their job after all, but this time was different. She was different. They meant it this time. Meant it in a way that they hadn't been capable of understanding before. It was terrifying, thrilling and it had them completely at her mercy.
The beautiful woman smiled down at them, tall and muscular with a smile that could capture one's heart in an instant and eyes that could do so in less time. She held Desires hands, encompassing them completely in just one palm. "You are all that I desire, my lovely Epithumia."
Their heart swelled at the sound of their old Greek name rolling off her tongue so easily. Desire flashed her a wide grin, pulling them into her wide chest. "My dear Briar, what a fair creature you are."
Though their soulmate was a warrior in every sense of the word she was so soft, her skin and her touch… It was like being held by a mighty goddess of silk and sunshine. She blushed, nuzzling her head against Desires with a blissful sigh. "Cease your flattery, golden minx, or I'll be forced to toss you over my shoulder and whisky you away!"
"Is that supposed to be a punishment?" They laughed, arching a brow. "If so I'll have to be on my worst behavior."
Briar rolled her eyes and lifted their chin. "You're impossible."
"For you always," Desire replied, pressing a soft kiss to her lips, teasing as they always were, until she pulled them in completely.
It had been nearly a year since Desire had met the woman that now held their heart completely. Nearly a year of passion and love and being absolutely consumed by the sensations they'd never even been able to imagine before. Desire was so accustomed to making others feel these things, lust and love and passion and wanting… They'd never truly understood their function in this dreary universe before, but their thorny and sweet Briar had changed that. She had helped change them.
When Lucifer's demonic messengers had come to Desire asking them to align with the Legions of Hell and the formidable Lightbringer to rise up against Dream and bring their dear brother to his knees once and for all, Desire was surprised to find themselves reluctant. Before it was all they'd ever wanted, to see that self righteous and always stuck up Dream to fall. But now, the offer, one of undeniable violence and bloodshed, held little spark to it. The relationship between Desire and Dream was still nearly nonexistent, but when Briar had been plagued by terrible nightmares it had been Dream that accepted their less than humble request for them to cease. Since then there had been a rare moment of understanding between the two. Desire declined the Morningstar's offer. Declined the very thing that had driven their games and manipulations for eons. They didn't need that anymore, not when they had her.
Desire often watched her train. Her broad shoulders glistened with a sheen of sweat, the muscles of her arms and legs bulging with every dodge and strike and block. Their warrior was a formidable force. It took five grown men to give her even a challenge! Though Desire knew they were stronger than her, they enjoyed letting the beauty manhandle them with those soft hands and enticing grunts. But in truth, Desire's favorite moments were the ones of peace, quiet. They ran their fingers through her hair, her head laying in their lap. Their eyes drank in the heart that stood out against the skin of her wrist, their mark. Hers, a rose, flashed in the corner of their eyes as they continued their light touches.
Desire's mind twisted darkly, a familiar and ugly thought filling their body with a moment of painful dread. You'll only hurt her in the end. It was something Desire feared more than they let on. Old rules and, well, just their nature for consuming things entirely did not bode well for their odd pairing. Briar opened one eye and looked up at her lover with a questioning gaze. "What are you thinking about?"
"The usual debauchery. Why?" They answered, pushing the unpleasant fears away with a grin. "Do you have similar thoughts plaguing that lovely brain of yours?"
She smiled. "You've seemed different. Lighter."
Desire's face scrunched, a hand flying to clutch the pearls that appeared around their neck. "Are you insinuating I was heavy?"
"You know what I mean minx." Briar laughed, running her fingers through their soft hair. "You seem happy."
"I am happy," they admitted. "How could I not be when I've captured the strongest, most beautiful and sensual creature in the world?"
Briar's eyes gleamed as she raised her brows. "You never cease to come up with new titles for yourself."
"I was speaking of you my love."
"Oh!" She feigned shock. "Apologies, dearest, you're just so vocal about how magnificent you are."
Desire held her face in their hands and shook their head. "Don't be cruel, my flower."
"To you, never," she answered. "I am glad you are happy, Epithumia. You deserve it."
"I don't."
Briars hand hit their shoulder, such a blow would have probably taken a normal human out, but Desire just chuckled, rubbing the area lightly. "No fussing now. Just enjoy the moment, my enduring heart."
I enjoy every moment with you, they thought to themselves, closing their eyes and quietly wishing this blissfulness could last forever. Then they had been unaware of just how little time was left.
Blood coated the ground below their feet as they moved through the carnage that had consumed the town. Desire was no stranger to such things, war and violence and death, it was all simply part of humanity. They were, however, new to the fear that settled in their gut as they searched for their lover's silhouette in the rising smoke. "Briar!"
A flash of steel caught their eye just in time for them to step back as the blade came sweeping down towards them. Desire sneered at the demon that welded the weapon and dug their fingers,I told its shoulder, throwing it out of the way. "BRIAR!"
They had to find her… Had to get her out of this place. Desire searched for what felt like hours. They fended off every demon that dared cross their path, searching with an ever growing fear. They heard it before they saw it, steel singing as it sailed through the air, but when the spear should have impaled them it didn't. Instead the sharp point dug into Briars back, the sharpened tip of it sticking slightly out of her chest. Harsh garbled breaths escaped her lips… The lips they'd kissed only a mere few hours ago as she fell to her knees in front of Desire.
"There you are…" She whispered with a weak smile. Her hand cupped their cheek, wiping away tears they hadn't even felt. "I've been looking everywhere for you, my golden minx."
"No…" Desire said quietly, as though the word would have the power to undo what had happened. Their hands steady her as she began to falter. "Why did you do that?!"
"I told you… I was willing to die for you," Briar answered, speaking the words she'd once said, back when they were nothing more than two strangers forced together.
Desire clamped their eyes shut, cursing themselves for not telling her of their true nature. For not warning her of the coming danger, but most of all for not letting her go as they knew they should have from the start. "I do not want you to die. Not ever. Not for me."
Briar chuckled softly. "Look at me. Please, my heart."
Their golden eyes stared down at her as the color of her cheeks began to drain, but even now Briar only smiled. "You have been all I could have ever desired, my love, my Epithumia... All I desired."
Desire held her until the very end, guilt and pain and longing consuming them as Death laid a warm and gentle hand on their shoulder. "I am sorry, sibling. I promise to guide her along her coming journey."
"Don't bother," they whispered, stroking her cheek and placing one last kiss on her lips. "She will insist on doing it in her own way." Their eyes looked down at the rose, now consumed with black veins and then they stood, carrying her body away from the wretched blood soaked earth. Desire found the hilltop where they'd met and buried her there beneath the thicket of roses and thorns, the memory all they had left to comfort them.
Her sword kissed their skin as she held it to their neck. All they could do was grin at her. "What have you done to me, witch?"
"Witch?" They mused. "Quite a formidable title to give a stranger."
"You are no mere stranger. I've seen you change faces, heard you speak in different voices… And now this!" She gestured to her arm.
Desire ignored how they filled with pride and longing at the sight of their mark on her. "It looks lovely on you, even if you are being quite unreasonable."
The woman scoffed. "Is it unreasonable to assume you mean to harm me with whatever this is?"
"Yes." They purred. "I would never hurt a creature as beautiful and strong as you."
Her lashes fluttered, a rosey blush rising to her cheeks and neck. She'd not been expecting such a forward response. "If not to harm me then what is it for?"
Desire shrugged a shoulder. "I suppose the most simple answer would be to bind us… You and I."
Her grip on the sword loosened as she took in their words. Desire hit the blade away, driving it into the rose bushes and watched as this woman… Their soul bound regarded them with an impressed look. "Bind us?"
They pulled her sword from the thorny bush. "No more questions, sweet thing." They handed the weapon back to her with a smile.
"Who are you?" She questioned.
"You may call me Epithumia." Desire plucked a flower and held it out to her. "For you, my thorny and beautiful Briar."
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watermel123 · 3 months
If It Feels Uncomfortable To Talk About, Then We Probably Should Be Talking About It… 
As the old saying goes, ‘Opinions are like arseholes, everybody has one…’. And whether you agree with everybody’s opinion or not, the fact of the matter is that everybody is entitled to one. 
In an ideal world, we’d all get along and everything would be sunshine and rainbows. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Everyone has an opinion about everything, from capital punishment and abortions, to the devastating conflict along the Gaza strip. Such topics are seen as being hugely controversial, which is why when it comes down to actually voicing these opinions, many people are more inclined to not say anything at all.
Why is that the case? 
Sure, conversations on whether or not you should vaccinate your child, for example, could spark a little heat - but is that necessarily a bad thing? 
Some of the most ‘uncomfortable topics’ are also the most important, and while others may not always like what we have to say, we shouldn’t silence ourselves in order to get their approval. 
Being passionate about a serious issue means that you also might not like what other people have to say, especially if their opinion doesn’t align with your own. And just as you want your voice to be heard, it’s equally as important to listen to others as it serves as the perfect opportunity to become educated on something that you may not be aware of. 
It’s not just our everyday conversations, either. Even bloggers avoid bringing up certain topics because they’d rather not deal with the backlash of negative comments. Instead, they’re writing about groundbreaking stuff like… “10 Things To Add To Your Morning Routine”, or “12 Clothing Items You Need To Own”. No shade to lifestyle bloggers, but wouldn’t you rather write about things that actually matter? Don’t you want to rock the boat even a little bit?
Making your voice heard keeps the conversation going, and believe it or not - these conversations can spark change, especially if enough people are talking about it, and sometimes it’s important to not hold yourself back. Sometimes it’s right to talk about the stuff that feels wrong or ‘taboo’. 
Challenge the consensus
That’s not to say that everything that comes pouring out of your mouth should be controversial, but simply having the courage or the minerals to stand up for what you believe in and what you feel is right can’t be a bad thing. 
Like I said earlier, talking about uncomfortable topics doesn’t have to end in an argument. It’s actually a great chance to educate yourself and other people. Not only that, but it keeps conversations interesting.
Don’t be scared to rub people up the wrong way. Listen, people are going to judge you or misinterpret what you have to say anyway, so you may as well just talk about what you want to. Nowadays, people get riled up because you don’t share their love for pineapple on a pizza.
Obviously we can’t compare pizza toppings to political discourse, but you get the point.
The opposite of courage isn’t cowardice, it’s conformity… 
Perhaps you’ve heard about the Asch conformity experiments, but if not, it’s an experiment that was carried out in the 50’s which revealed how individuals would willingly go along with the majority of a group, irrespective of whether the majority is right or not. 
Just because most people don’t want to discuss certain things, doesn’t mean that they are right for not doing so. Being scared of others’ reactions is one thing, but don’t you find that it could also have a lot to do with the fact that human beings are mostly rather dull? 
Our right to freedom of speech seems to be dwindling day by day as there’s an increasing fear to not offend anyone or cause any harm - which is fair, no-one ever intentionally wants to hurt another person’s feelings, unless they’re a complete arsehole. But what if there was a social media platform that actually allowed you to speak about whatever the hell you want in a safe way, and encouraged you to debate freely? That’s where Watermel comes in.
Watermel wants you to provoke, poke, and rock the boat and say what you have to say without fear of being judged. The brains behind the people at Watermel believe that the most taboo topics are not only the most interesting to discuss, sparking some of the most fascinating conversations, but also ignite a catalyst that could actually change the world for the better.
You can download Watermel on both iOS and Android, and it’s completely free to sign up. Get whatever it is that you need to get off your chest and share it with others today.
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Safely in Bondage- part 2
This finally has a title. It also has explicit sex and blood drinking, moderate bdsm, arguable fear play.
Direct continuation of the last part I posted.
He hauled her up roughly against his chest, his arms locked around her like a vice. The world seemed to freeze in anticipation as his mouth pressed against her neck. He inhaled her, the familiar scent mixture of floral and musk from the wild-dwelling elf caused him to salivate. He closed his eyes, relishing in her still obedience. His cold breath on her neck drew a quiet moan from her.
He finally peirced her tender flesh, carefully positioned just far enough from her old healing bruises. The crimson life's blood flowed from the wound, quickening with her gasp. The icy pain lasted but a moment before warm arousal smothered it, he sucked gently against the wound, savoring his first mouthful.
As their fluids blended, both stones began to glow softly. The metal in the ring and collar warmed gently and Astarion felt an instinctive call from the artifacts.
A whispered suggestion.
The idea filled him with a lustful need rivaling blood and he initially obeyed without thought or question.
His firm grasp began to wander, one hand wrapped itself tightly in her hair and his ringed hand found her throat. He continued to feed but let himself be sloppy. A single precious rivlet ran down her throat.
A demand. The Right Thing to do.
Keya was too lost already to realize anything was amiss, but thankfully he caught himself. Though his whole body thrummed with pleasure and need, this was something different. Something permanent. The sudden shock of fear, of becoming like Him, was enough to steady himself.
He pulled away, breathless. "Are you sure you want this, my love?" He fixed her eyes to his, shaking with his restraint. He needed to be sure. "There's no going back."
A bellowed command, nearly buckling his knees.
The blood running down her neck was maddening; the need to possess and consume her was like a drowning man's hunger for air.
She smiled up at him languidly at first, but she could feel his desperation. With effort, she forced herself back to her body and wits. Her face set with determination and her eyes lit with passion. "I'm sure."
The artifacts, already halfway attuned to their wearers, felt the conflict in Astarion and responded by sparking the same awareness and drive into Keya.
A simple instruction. Telling her how to do what she already wanted.
She took his ringed hand firmly by the wrist and moved it up her throat, to the blood that called him. "I desire no way back from you." She whispered solemnly as her blood flowed through the channels in the rings inscription, to her master where it belonged.
In an instant, he felt the sweet fluid siphoned by the ring wet his lips. He leaned forward to kiss her deeply, to share the taste of her, as a wave of relief washed over them both. They moan together as they worked in tandem, like one mind, disrobing eachother peice by peice.
Without notice, Keya's new wound closed quickly, but her life still flowed to him slowly. Blood coated the inside of his mouth, soothing his hunger. His pushed her forward roughly, down onto her hands and knees.
She offered no resistance, looking over her shoulder at him. He was a marvel in the moonlight, and her face obviously betrayed her admiration.
"Always so eager for me." He teased, watching her squirm. He savored the feeling, the power. The ownership of something- someone entirely his own and, even as he drew her very life-force away to himself, he realized that he could allow no harm to come to her. Even by His hand.
Vulnerable and prostrate before him, a shiver ran down her spine. With a mind and desires of their own, her hips rocked, urging him into her. She felt her wet need dripping down her thigh.
"Please..." She begged with a moan.
He aligned his length to her entrance easily, halting just at the short of plunging into her. "As you wish, my precious pet." And with a wicked grin he bore down into her, hand tight in her tangled hair.
Her eyes rolled back as he stroked slowly into her cunt, advancing just barely with each thrust. An intentional gradual build up to drive her wild, both of them knowing she was so slick that she could've taken him to the hilt immediately. The slow, methodical pace robbing her of any remaining trace of reason or control.
He leaned over her, his hand snaking back to her sweet delicate throat, and pulled her to his chest. Blood dripped from his lips, landing on the pale skin of her shoulder. It is only then, rutting into her like a fuck toy, that he realized he never stopped drawing from her.
She was too lost in their passion to notice that the pendant still glowed softly against her clavicle, willing her heart to race and produce more blood, an apparently endless buffet for her dark lover. But he finally noticed and dissipated the effect, wiping his mouth with his ringed hand.
He felt so empowered. She was safe from him, safe from his urges. His head spun with the possibilities. He bit down into her shoulder, watching his ring through heavy, half lidded eyes. It glowed against her neck. Assured, he all but tore her open, ravishing her. Trails of red adorned her brests and back and the contentment he felt settle in his chest was as close as he'd known to warmth in many years.
She cried out at the sudden pain, her heart and mind trusting, but her body finally unable to suppress the fear of the blatant predator that ensnared her. She strained away, but he wrapped his arm around her and tightened his grasp on the sides of her throat. Something in this true, helpless fear plucked at her like a harp string and she finally came undone in a climax so severe that her legs could no longer hold her.
Her mind struggled to clear, their linked pleasure making it hard to even hold onto her panic. She panted and quivered in his grasp, already building toward another orgasm as his hands explored her roughly, possessively. Her moans and whimpers, her tight cunt, her quivering body, all tantalized his senses.
But what finally pushed him over the edge was the soothing feeling of fullness he finally found after gorging himself on her. He'd drank twice what he could find in a large beast, and unfathomably more delicious and satisfying. He released her brutalized flesh from his maw and gave a guttural moan as he spent himself inside of her. As though to accentuate it, she shook with pleasure and came again with him.
They fell heavily together onto the bedding below them, disregarding the various fluids they landed in. Keya turned over in slow, shakey movements, utterly spent. Astarion glanced at the gem at her throat, ensuring the faint light indicating that it was still restoring her.
She drew close to him, tucking herself neatly against his blood smeared chest. His arms curled around her and he drew a blanket up around her shoulders. They rested calmly, but the silence hung thick with questions she would have once she was well enough to ask them.
"It was the pendant." He began simply, softly. "It let your body produce blood at an astonishing rate." He kissed the top of her head absently, keeping his giddy excitement quelled. She needed calm and quiet in this state, one tearful incident was all the lesson he needed for that one.
"My treasure," he muttered, stroking her hair. "My marvelous treasure, trusting me so and giving me such an amazing gift."
She gave a contented sigh that he felt against his chest more than he heard it.
He gently traced his fingers over her shoulder, inspecting. The skin was angry and red but not as bad as he would expect. "I don't think I can hurt you." He continued. Again, he felt rather than saw her look up at him with that pursed lipped "oh really?" He knew so well.
He chuckled. "Well, not permanently." He soothed. "And I would never let anyone hurt you." He continued. He was so earnest, it surprised them both. But while she imagined harpies and bandits, he saw only one face when he made the vow.
He waited some time for her to perk up, rouse and move to be escorted to her bed roll. But she didn't. Her breath slowed to a medative rest again, and he heard her heartbeat slow but keep steady.
He finally drifted off with her, unmoving. As they both relived their evening peacefully, unseen blue eyes scried down on them from among the stars, malicious.
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aaronjlevy · 6 months
Aaron Jacob Levy (Introduction)
(still a work-in-progress)
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full name: Aaron Jacob Levy
age: 38 years old 
date of birth: February 16, 1986
place of birth: New York, New York
residential area: Downtown, Starlight Oaks, Washington State 
gender: Cis-Male 
pronouns: He/Him
sexuality: Bisexual
martial status: Single
occupation: Theatre Professor, Actor 
faceclaim: Andrew Garfield
personality type: ENFJ | the protagonist 
moral alignment:  chaotic good 
astrology: Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Cancer Rising 
three positive traits: charming, quick-witted, kind
three negative traits: fickle, moody, neurotic
education: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre, NYU | Masters in Fine Arts in Acting, Brown/Trinity REP
tw: death, grief, loss, cheating, cancer
It was a brilliantly sunny day when Aaron was born, which was not normal for February in New York City. Maybe it was a sign of things to come. The Lower East Side was his playground, and Aaron grew up living a happy life. His parents had been high school sweethearts growing up in Philadelphia, and they instilled in him, at a very young age, that love was indeed all you needed. Though they didn’t live in excess, his mother was a middle school choir teacher, and his father was a high school librarian; they had all that they needed. When he was five, they gave Aaron a baby sister, Talia, his best friend in the world. 
It was many years of bliss—years filled with dirt-cheap movies, Hanukkah celebrations, record stores, and homemade matzoh ball soup. Years of discovering Shakespeare and pop music and discovering that maybe Aaron liked boys as much as he liked girls. Years of music, laughter, and joy filled the Levy household. Aaron wanted for nothing back then. He thinks back on this time in his life with bittersweet fondness, knowing he was lucky to grow up in a place that felt so warm. 
When he was 18, he moved a few blocks north and attended NYU for his BFA in Theatre. He had found theatre in high school without much pushback from his parents. Yes, of course, it was a risky career path. But he had a spark, this big burning flare of talent and passion, and his parents didn’t want to snuff it out. Aaron had to work two jobs, alternating between working at a cinema and a bar, to afford anything, but he was happy, and that was enough.
It wasn’t until his senior year of college when his father got sick. Cancer caught him quickly and gave him little time. Aaron was devastated, trying to be home as much as he could. It was setting up for his Senior Showcase, but he didn’t have it in him to push through the pain and try as hard as he might have under better circumstances. He needed to be there for his mother and Talia. He spent much of the time that he was supposed to be in rehearsals, visiting his father in the hospital. It all went so fast, and suddenly, the wonderful Levys were now a family of three.
He managed to graduate, thankfully. Aaron was despondent, but he had maintained his grades and relatively good standing with the university, so he got out on time. He didn’t do particularly well in his Showcase, however, so he was not matched with an agent and manager like most of his classmates. It took him three years of hustling and grinding to make his way up on his own. Skimping on meals and working until he was numb and delirious. But it was also distracting, and carrying the grief he still held; he was grateful for any distractions.
And then, one fine day, right after his 25th birthday, Aaron was unbelievably lucky. Or at least, that’s what he says. He was in the elevator with the right casting agent, just making small talk, and landed an audition for Shakespeare in the Park’s summer production of A Winter’s Tale. He landed the part of Florizel, and from there, the parts just kept on coming. Over the next few years, he became a bona fide Broadway mainstay, hopping between contemporary and classical works effortlessly. He even had a brief stint as Fiyero in Wicked, which… scarred him for life. He would never do a musical again. He had bit roles in long-running New York City TV shows, like Law & Order SVU, and he felt calm. Like the hard work paid off, and he was making his dad proud. 
It was early into these years that he met Travis Walker, a Broadway investor. Travis was older, not by a huge amount, but by enough. Over the years, Aaron had his fair share of flings; men and women were constant but fleeting, and he didn’t place too much stock into forming long-lasting relationships. He was married to his work, and though he was taught that love was so important, he found love in other things: his friends, and his plays and his drive to create art that mattered. But he met Travis on the opening night of one of his plays, and things moved quickly.
He fell, and he fell hard. Aaron was besotted. This was what he had been waiting for, at least he thought. It was perfect: every time he looked at Travis, he could swear he heard choirs singing like angels were in his ears. This was the love his parents had gone on and on about… it had to be. He felt infatuated and believed that he was adored in return. Travis would buy him trinkets and take him on lavish dates and make space for him in his penthouse on Fifth Avenue… this was the dream. 
But soon, that dream was five years long. And Aaron was at the peak of his career, having just given a star turn as Hamlet. He thought he felt the proposal coming on… it had been years, and he had been so patient and attentive, even when Travis had his moods. Even when Travis started to travel much more. Even when things felt lonely. He was supposed to be at the theatre one night for a post-show celebration, but he decided to head out early for the evening, wanting to spend the evening with his partner. When he got home, he discovered a waking nightmare: Travis and a chorus boy. He methodically packed up, absolutely crushed by Travis’ cold and cruel nonchalance at what had transpired. He didn’t even care that it was ending… and then it was done.
Aaron needed to leave the city… he needed to get out. He moved most of his things, which weren’t too much, into a storage unit, grabbed a large backpack, and left. Took a flight to Europe and backpacked. Spent some time roaming around Asia. Came back to the States and got off and on Greyhound buses until he was fully wiped. It was almost two years of this. He needed to shake it out of his system and get the grief and the loss out of him. It was then, at age 32, that he decided he would go back and get his Masters.
Getting into Brown’s program was easy. He was a celebrated actor and though the shock of him being in class with his cohort was a bit much, at first, he settled in nicely. He fell in love with Rhode Island, and 3 years on the coast did him well. He learned so much about himself and what he wanted to do, and what he needed in his life, and he wouldn’t have traded that time for the whole world. When he got out, he was still disillusioned with New York, so he looked for jobs elsewhere. 
That’s how he landed on Starlight Oaks. He’d had a friend in his cohort who had spent some time in the area, and when he saw an open job at the University, his friend recommended it. It was another coastal city, welcoming and waiting for him. He couldn’t wait to see what was in store.
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