#morgana overshares
morgana-ren · 1 year
What's your biggest fantasy kink?
The power imbalance of an older nastier man drives me wild. Want to take advantage, hurt me and use me? Yes pls thank you Sir. Manipulate me into behaving as your perfect pet, never letting me go, willing to share with a couple of his besties who are just as vile? Would kill for me but is never actually traditionally nice to me? Love it so hard.
This is very much a question that I don't think you want the answer to lmao. I have adhd and it's early so forgive the rambling, but it's hard for me to narrow it down. There's a lot, and I'm sure I will have forgotten something.
I've had years upon years to ponder myself, what I like, and by proxy, why I enjoy the things I do. Through that, I was able to let go of any shame or guilt that I might have felt initially, and thus it was allowed to run rampant. Whether or not it's healthy is another question, but that's for therapy to answer, not me.
Power imbalance is a huge one, and so is someone older, bigger, and stronger. Not being afraid to use those things in such a way as to get what they want, much like you said. A professor; a boss; a dragon; a pirate-- something or someone of immense power over my life and likely others. Someone you don't approach with ease. These aren't characters that fit in or blend well in society.
They're unhinged and usually very dangerous. Looking at the characters I like (Reaver, Tomura, Asto, etc) these are people that are very powerful, very dangerous, and very immoral to the point you could argue a black and white evil perspective. I want someone older. I don't want a child who has barely had time to process the world and stumbles into a clumsy love with the first girl he sees. I want someone who has lived and seen and still rejected it all for me.
Fictional hybristophilia, I believe. Bad guys. Always bad guys. I do not ever like good guys with the same passion as I enjoy their worse counterparts to the point that it's more 'bff admiration' rather than an actual crush. I don't want someone that has power but doesn't use it. I don't want restraint. I want someone that wields it like a weapon and fine hones it to achieve their ends, banal ideas like 'right' or 'wrong' be damned.
I like the fear and the terror, and not just my end, but everyone else's. Being completely and utterly untouchable for better or worse because no one would fuck with them. I am, self admittedly, attracted to power. I like the type of power that makes you question even defending yourself against something blatantly horrible because they can and will hurt you to get their way.
I want fierce possession. Mine, mine, mine. I don't want to be one person in a 93 part harem. I want to be the only one. I require feeling special, and I don't like tropes where they try to make you jealous by belittling your looks or intelligence and comparing you to someone else or want to have you 'on the side' as well as a bunch of other people. It's very much a 'My wife/girl/pet/whatever' thing for me.
They'll hurt you, ever enough to lose you. They'd never, ever kill you. It's not a matter of 'If I can't have you, no one can.' It's a shrug and a simple murder of whatever the threat is. There is no escape. This is your life now. Accept it or don't. It's cute when you fight.
Infantilization, in a way. Thanks in part to childhood trauma and the way-- or lack thereof-- that I was raised, I've always had to take charge and be in control. I don't want to anymore. I want someone who takes that control and that power with ease. I don't want to be treated like a child or a baby, but I don't want to be the bigger, smarter one that can outwit my partner with ease. I want to feel small and 'taken care of,' in a way. Small and cute and helpless. Adorable in their rage, and all that.
Essentially, a sub in quite literally every conceivable way. I don't like taking charge, or making decisions, and my head is so loud and messy all the time that thinking is painful. I don't trust my own judgement. I don't wanna. I want someone dastardly intelligent who is comfortable taking the control, and does so with ease. Someone who doesn't need my help constantly and is comfortable in their skin and with their mind in ways I'm not.
I do like violence. Choking me out, forcefully maneuvering me, slapping, whatever. A lot of it is just violence gets them off. I don't want a manchild that can't manage their own emotions so often that they just explode in a violent rage, but more of... think of like a stern teacher. Or someone tickled by your attempts at overpowering them. Someone who gets off on it.
I like malevolent assholes is what I'm saying. Ones that manipulate and abuse and act like monsters, but would burn the world down just to have you. Can and will. It very much is an obsession, and it's one that doesn't die. Can't do abandonment. They fully intend on forever, so that's what it will be.
I'm not opposed to being 'shared' but it would be an extremely rare situation and wouldn't be purely sexual. We're talking these are people that are EXTREMELY close to the person in question and it's not just to humiliate. Think like 'three husbands' type of deal. Perhaps they're inseparable or whatever else, but it's not something given lightly AT ALL, and they'd kill anyone who tries unless it's in VERY specific circumstances.
I'm a bitch. Or in this context, a brat. They have to like that. I can't have a finnicky control freak who doesn't enjoy the dynamic and tries to breed it out of me. Amused by it, and never threatened by it. I'll never be a quiet, demure little thing, but they take pleasure in trying. Occasionally I like fights to spawn over it, but not a consistent barrage of punishment to the point it loses the charm.
Think like... Someone who slaps you when you talk back too much, licks the blood from your lip, gets worked up and does absolutely deplorable things in bed but then curls around you purring mine and sleeps like a goddamn baby with you chained there next to them. Genuine love, but just displayed in the most horrible ways.
I'm whiny, emotionally stunted, touch starved, traumatized, isolated, brash, angry, intimidating, and not quite right in the head. So ultimately, my go-to are strong, powerful, dangerous, obsessive, possessive, deranged, intelligent, abusive bastards that aren't remotely intimidated by my facade, with fantasies that are worse than mine and the power to make it real. Usually sexual deviants. Collars, leashes, and not even in a petplay sort of way, but in a 'you belong to me and you aren't going anywhere' way. Someone who loves me with such a fierce, covetous desire that it drives them mad. I want to be small compared to them, protected by them, etc.
You can imagine what this says about my psyche. Someone who could decode this could quite literally get my entire life's gimmick, and it's not hard.
Look, I am aware it's literally impossible. Someone who loves you would never treat you like this, and in real life, this would be and is a nightmare. I am well aware of the line between fantasy and fiction and have unfortunately lived it. But in my fantasy world in my head? That's what I go for.
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morgana-lefay · 10 months
I've been feeling this song very intensely, especially, as I'm getting older. Next week, I'll be 40 and I feel time weighting in and I wish it would all just slow down...
40 seems like a big mark, I feel, especially when you're a woman. It's like some things are expected of you and others are no longer allowed. And I'm sitting there, right in the middle, not feeling that age in the slightest. Sometimes, I feel like I have accomplished nothing in my life, rather than managing to stay alive...and then this line kicks in: "Wir sterben weiter, bis wir leben" (we keep dying until we live)...
Anyway, let's just enjoy the song and the video, because they're both masterpieces!
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the-nwah-embassy · 5 years
I want apple juice so fucking bad that I am wholly prepared to kill for it but there’s a plumber in my home which means people are awake and I am not willing to risk human interaction on any level right now but GOD fuck I want apple juice so bad I don’t even know if we have apple juice but the thought of it is literally keeping me awake like is this what obsession feels like cause the fucking unholy thirst is real
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zorrxchicle · 4 years
thinking about whether my general disinterest for stories that strive to be purely interpersonal and focused on individuals, separating themselves from more overt "political" questions, is just a random preference of mine or if it ties into some of the aspects of myself I've been Realizing™ lately
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What kind of drunk are they? I.e the oversharer, the cuddler, the one who falls asleep, the one that gets into shenanigans….
(Headcanon Masterlist) (Full Masterlist)
This... is incredible, anon, I love you. I'm so surprised I haven't thought about this before THANK YOU!!
Merlin, in the early days, is a giggler. He gets really dopey and smiley and even more clumsy, which people find either super endearing or really annoying, there is no in between. Later on, after his life has gotten significantly shittier and he's always tired and is basically suffering from chronic pain at this point, he's a quiet, withdrawn drunk. He just can't stop thinking about things that make him miserable, and his friends definitely pick up on that and like... don't know what to do about it. Because it's so different to how he normally is. He doesn't drink often at all, but the gang always gets this weird feeling that... this is what Merlin's hiding: how miserable (for unknown reasons) he is. He sometimes makes really vague comments about rather horrifying things, but nothing specific, and nothing that The Gang could use to figure out what exactly is wrong with him: “We’re all a little terrified of fire, aren’t we?” and “Sort of hoping I’ll be drunk enough to actually be able to rest tonight,” and “Snapping a neck isn’t that hard, as long as you get the angle right,” and “Tomorrow’s hangover is going to be worse than last month’s bout of torture, god damn,”. Things that would be really unnerving to hear from anyone, let alone Merlin.
I think it depends who Arthur is with. If he's just getting tipsy with other Nobles or whatever at a banquet, he is always at least partly in control, and everything is carefully measured to make him appear drunker than he is. Once he learns to trust his friends and he actually lets loose, he's a cuddler. Or maybe not an outright cuddler (with anyone except Merlin and Leon anyway) but he does lose all meaning of personal space. You can gauge how drunk Arthur is by how much he's touching another person. Sat shoulder to shoulder with Elyan? He's had a drink or two to relax but is basically sober. Plopped himself down in Gwaine's lap without seeing any problem with this? He's pissed. He gets cold easily, is always his excuse when drunk, and he has, on multiple occasions, made Merlin sleep in his bed with him for the body heat (literally just for he body heat. Merlin is warm and soft to lay on and that’s all drunk Arthur cares about).
Morgana gets flushed in the face and is a little giggly, loses her sharp tongue, but otherwise manages to stay very well put together, considering. Arthur likes it because she loses the darkness in her eyes and she doesn't look quite so exhausted; though he doesn't encourages her to drink too often, because he knows what that looks like, and he doesn't want her to have to rely on it to be able to sleep peacefully. Morgana is like... semi-aware of this, but chooses not to give it too much thought. Sometimes she’ll get this distant look in her eye, but she’s easily distracted, especially if Merlin or Gwen are there (for very different reasons, Merlin understands her, and Gwen is... Gwen).
Elyan gets sleepy. He's a sleepy drunk. He naps, BUT, he naps anywhere and everywhere. They're in a tavern? Under the table. They're all piled into Arthur's chambers? In front of the fire, or, if he's drunk enough, Arthur's bed. The woods? If it's dry, the floor, he doesn't care, if it's wet, then someone's lap. He'll just... pass out every so often for half an hour at most, wake up ready to party for a little while, and then sleep some more. He has the fewest and least severe hangovers because he always gets enough sleep and the whole thing is like.. a built-in way to pace himself.
Leon doesn't change much, but he does visibly relax as the night goes on. Compliments and affection will start coming even easier than they normally do, and though sometimes he's a little quiet, it's because he's sleepy and happy and warm and soft, not sad. His protectiveness shows through a little, and he'll often find himself sat with Merlin, holding his hand or with an arm round his shoulder; he likes to feel the younger man close, either because he's so young and naïve and innocent, or because something in his friend is broken and scared and angry and hurt, and he wants to be there for him, even if his drunk mind doesn't really understand that.
Percival is a rambler. He's not much of a talker when he's sober, he's a quiet and reserved man, happy to let his smile (or his stature, depending on who he's interacting with) do the talking for him. But when he's drunk that goes out the window, he just.... talks. And talks and talks.
Gwaine sits there all moony eyed and stares at Percival whilst he speaks, if he's with friends. If he's on his own, it's a different story. He's boisterous and flirty and the life of the party, but will also throw a punch given the slightest provocation, as we all know. I could go into the detailed angsty reasoning behind that (he's secretly a rather angry man and semi-enjoys being hurt because in some fucked up way it makes him feel alive) but... we don't need to. If they drink in public, he’s a mix of the two. He’ll spend most of his time focused on Percival or Merlin (again, for very different reasons), but he’ll also throw a flirty comment at the barmaid/barman, and will still throw a punch if his drunk mind deems it necessary.
Mordred doesn't drink. He is baby. Or at least the others stop him drinking (except Gwaine, he encourages it) more than a pint or two, but that's still enough for him to get pissed. Baby boy's tolerance is in the fucking basement, put him in a tavern and the fumes alone could have him tipsy. He’s just... giggly and flushed and childish, but also pouty if anyone points this out.
Gwen is giggly and a little spacey, but also cares way less about like... propriety. She has told Arthur to "fuck off princess I don't need your damn coddling" when he started being all... Noble about walking her home or something, and she DOES join in on Gwaine's fights, if he gets pulled into any, and she CAN throw one hell of a right hook. Gwaine and Gwen are such a chaotic duo when drunk and they are officially banned from drinking together unless they have someone else with them. If she remembers (she always does tbh, her drunk memory is incredible) she's always mortified the next morning.
Lancelot is the Mum Friend Supreme!! Doesn't matter how drunk he is, he has pain tonics and hair ties and bandages and skins of water on him at all times. Gwaine literally starts calling him Ma when he’s drunk because if you need something... Lance is almost certain to have it. He once went to the tavern early and stored a pillow in one of the cupboards behind the bar and pulled it out when Elyan started getting sleepy. When actually drunk, he is still the Mum Friend Supreme, but he’s also an odd mix of super fretful, and super laid back, and he’ll switch between the two at the drop of a hat. Without warning.
Gaius doesn't drink very often at all, but if it's insisted on he maybe gets a little spacey? He's just a little slow on the mental uptake, but is otherwise a perfectly functioning adult. Though he is always the first to somehow disappear and get away when someone (Gwaine and Gwen) gets them into trouble.
Hope y'all enjoyed that!!!😁 Keep 'em coming!!
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boypussydilf · 2 years
look akechis confidant in royal is SO funny bc it starts w akechi being like “lets have more of these fascinating conversations abt the phantom thieves and morality and stuff :)” and morganas like “you can probably learn something from him!” and then they don’t like, do any of that, akechi and akira just hang out like normal and play games and akechi overshares
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lamardeuse · 3 years
first line challenge
I was tagged by @oatflatwhite to do this one, here we go! (note: one of the lines has a potentially triggering slur so it’s ***’d out here, but it does appear unredacted in the fic)
rules: list the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all), see if there are any patterns. choose your favorite opening line. then tag 10 authors!!!
Not seeing a lot of a pattern here except that my first lines largely seem to either fall into “surprise hook” lines or “establishing shot” lines that locate them in  time/place/character or all three. (Are there any other kind? IDK I just write what comes out of my brain).
Bases Loaded (9-1-1) - Buck's never told someone he's in love with them before he even kisses them, but then Eddie's not like anyone else.
Tipping Point (9-1-1) -  Buck's the only one of the team who doesn't hug him when the whole nightmare is over.
too many heartbeats for one ribcage (9-1-1) - Eddie’s thirteen years old the first time he hears his father call someone a f*****.
Hold Onto Me as We Go (9-1-1) -  Eddie’s strategy with Buck, if you can call it that, has always been to tread lightly and let Buck come to him.
The Street’s the Place to Go (9-1-1) -  Maddie's fortieth birthday party took Buck and Chim about a month of extensive and secret planning, but it ended up being worth it for the look on her face when she arrived at the LAFD Museum in Hollywood and found a huge crowd of friends and family eager to celebrate with her.
the kiln-blaze in my body (9-1-1) - It's nearly six months before Buck tells anyone.
Transformations (Spies in Disguise) - Lance was beginning to think he was losing his mind.
A Time For Sleep (Good Omens) -  Aziraphale doesn't recognise the feeling at first; it begins as a nagging sort of numbness at the base of his skull, spreading rapidly to his limbs.
All Our Troubles Will Be Out of Sight (Merlin) -  Up until that point, Merlin had convinced himself he'd been coping fairly well.
A Bar of Soap and a Belt Sander (Night Court) - Harry wasn't sure how he ended up in Dan's apartment, though he was pretty sure he knew why.
Overshare (New Blood) -  “Erm,” Stefan said.
Love for Sale (Merlin) -  “Oooh, yes, lovely,” Morgana cooed, looking Percival up and down as though he were a particularly well-formed horse.
Auspicious Beginnings (Merlin) - When Arthur awoke, there was a cat staring him in the face.
Rocky Mountain High (Selfie) - Henry's midlife crisis happened when he was twenty-six.
An Honest Man (Die Hard 4) - The sad thing was that John thought he was being subtle.
Something Old, Something New (The Grand Tour) -  Gone were the days when the three of them could get bladdered every night of a live tour.
Moonlighting (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) - “Rosa Diaz, I know your secret.”
They’re Playing Our Song (Captain America) -  For Steve's twenty-first birthday, Bucky gets him a girl.
Alterations (Merlin) - Merlin stood staring up at the theatre marquee, his heart pounding from a heady mixture of anxiety, terror and exhilaration.
No Time Like the Present (Lewis) - It happens like this, with a sudden thunderclap and a swift, dizzying fall, and Robbie Lewis has always been a little thick about these things, but afterwards he thinks that this is impressively thick even for him.
Tagging whoever I love who would like to do this, you know who you are! Sorry, I’ve always sucked at tagging. <3
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indigoidiot · 5 years
🔥 ryugoro
I don’t look at Ryugoro and think of it as an enemies to lovers ship. I look at it as a slow-burn friends to possibly lovers ship (Honestly if they were just shown to be FRIENDS I’d be happy because I like their potential dynamic).Because listen. Despite what the fandom may make one believe, Goro never openly says or hints that he dislikes Ryuji. It’s entirely one-sided on Ryuji’s side and even then, it’s a shallow dislike because all Ryuji has to go off of for not liking Goro is that Goro comes off as vain, spoiled, and an asshole for taking a stance against the Phantom Thieves. Aka, “You don’t like me and my friends? I don’t like you.”
please notice the shift Ryuji makes after the engine room fight? Ryuji is the first person to reassure Goro that he is special, the first and only one to bang on the bunker door when Goro sacrifices himself. He’s also the one that excitedly starts offering to teach Goro the ropes on being a phantom thief at the beginning of Sae’s palace, ie: explaining why they use codenames, how they steal hearts, etc.
AND HONESTLY, Ryuji turning his thinking on Goro around after that fight? After Goro mentions his home life, his grades, his public image? Especially that bit with Goro’s mother dying, him being an unwanted bastard child, and Goro’s asshole father? If you think about it from Ryuji’s point of view with his own home life, I can see why Ryuji would suddenly start thinking differing of Goro in that moment (Can i also mention that Ryuji wasn’t there when Goro overshared about his mother dying in Leblanc, and would have no idea of knowing about it until the engine room fight anyway?)
I like writing the two of them as bonding over their shared complexes, Both wanting a place to belong, both being hurt by their fathers and loving their mothers, Ryuji sharing his mom with Goro and essentially getting him adopted into his family, Goro being comforted by Ryuji’s unbounded kindness but when Goro recovers from his own issues he can see the bigger picture and realize Ryuji acts purely in others’ interests, Goro teaching Ryuji it’s okay to be selfish and Ryuji has all the right in the world to be upset for himself, to be angry and to not bottle up all those repressed feelings he’s had since Kamoshida broke his leg. To actually tell Morgana or any of the other PT how he feels and how degrading the way they might speak to him is. They both tackle similar problems in different ways and they’re so similar and could work so well together, and it’s such a shame that their potential friendship is summed up as “They hate each other”.
So TLDR; Ryuji and Goro have a really good potential dynamic for friendship and for romance and a big chunk of the fandom ignores it or doesn’t bother to delve into it, seeing it as a shallow hate-hate relationship.
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no-mo-rules · 7 years
The phantom thief boyz + akechi and how a first kiss/date would be?
Quite predictably, the first date takes place in the cozy comfort of Leblanc’s bottom floor. Akira seems excited to make some coffee, so you let him. He dons his apron, takes his spot before the table and says he’s going to prepare the coffee ‘with love’ this time. You don’t really understand what he means until he hands you the coffee with a cute, latte heart poured onto the surface with milk.
The hands in his pockets suggest a relaxed posture, like he’s that it’s not a big deal, but there’s an intensity to his gaze that you pick up on. He’s waiting on your response.
It’s kind of humbling, so you decide to go a little out of your way to show your appreciation by giving him a kiss on the cheek.
(He stares at your lips after you pull away, and you can only guess at why.)
For your first date, Ryuji offers to take you to his house. ‘It’s my mum’s idea,’ he says, when you eye him over suspiciously. ‘She wants to see you. I swear it’s not cause I wanna try anything.’ He’s brushing profusely as it is, so you make a conscious decision not to tease him about it further. It kind of seems like he’s telling the truth anyway, because his mum is really, (almost overly) happy to meet you when you get there.
“Oh, it’s so nice to have you here!” She says, enthusiastically. “Ryuji just wouldn’t stop talking about you.” (From the corner of your eye, you can see Ryuji getting embarrassed.)
The two of you retire upstairs to his room after dinner. The evening spreads over a couple rounds of video games and the first few chapters of a manga you randomly pick of his shelf, which he lets you borrow and read in your own free time. True to his promise, Ryuji doesn’t try anything. But he looks like he might be expecting a kiss or two when he’s seeing you off to the stop, and you can’t help but indulge him a little. The smile on his face blinds everyone he passes on the way home.
Assuming he’s finally got his human form, he takes you out someplace super classy. It’s the entire package: full course meal, opening doors for you, pulling out your chair, kissing you on the hand, etc. He’s been waiting on this for a while, so he’s ecstatic to finally be able to realise it. Every single part of the night feels deliberate, and he really does make you feel special as a result. The whole thing is seeping with effort. 
The first kiss happens on the end of a date, as is custom, but Morgana can barely keep his hands to himself. As soon as it starts, he can barely hold himself back, and he’s just holding you closer and kissing you more and more. This has been a long time coming, so you don’t blame him when he pulls away and starts apologising frantically for his behaviour.
Instead of taking you to his studio or an art museum, he decides he wants to indulge you instead. The two of you go to a cheap ramen cafe (emphasis on cheap, he barely has the money for himself). You know what his financial situation looks like, so you offer to pay, but he refuses. Insists on paying for your cup of tea too, and even if it’s not a lot of money you really appreciate it, because you know it’s probably a lot of money for him.
He brings his sketchbook, and you go through it to find that a lot of it consists of pictures of you in a variety of different styles - referenced from the photos he’s taken of you. He tells you that his favourite picture of you is still currently in progress, but requesting to see it nets you nothing more than a hand-wave and an embarrassed look, as he insists he’ll “show it to you when the time is right.”
Akechi has money to spare, so like Morgana he tries to impress you by taking you someplace fancy. Will mention multiple times that you can order anything you want, while just so happening to emphasise and suggest options from the more expensive side of the menu. (What? Can he not get a little showy?) 
Akechi makes everything feel naturally effortless, but don’t be fooled. His heart is beating a million miles a minute, and he is terrified of screwing up or oversharing. If he feels a little more reserved or less open than usual, that’s not a reflection on how the date is going; it’s just that he’s scared of making the wrong move. As a result, he doesn’t even try to hold your hand. 
Things like making a move to kiss you are completely out of the question. (Of course, unless you initiate.)
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hexitca · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Character Name: Sophia Shell
Alias: Soph (Darkwing Duck and Launchpad)
Age: Early 30s (32)
Gender: Cisgender
Sexual orientation: Bi-curious
Species: Duck
Occupation: Inventor to all (works with DW mainly, branches out sometimes but rare. Can be to villains)
Appearance: Dull white feathers, light yellow/orange bill, medium to long bill, dark brown hair, black/very dark brown eyes. Short (a foot taller than DW), pear shape body (small bust, bigger waist/hips/butt). Extra fluff on neck/chest area. Has brown specks between her eyes.
Personality: In beginning: Very cautious of others at first and standoffish. Will hardly interact with others unless the situation calls for it. Keeps responses short. Will act hostile if she feels threaten/cornered. After warming up to others: Very gentle and delicate in how she treats others (opposite of how she grew up) but will call out bullshit (*cough* DW *cough*). Deep thinker. Not prone to overshare regardless what relationship she has with you. Can be very funny but rarely shares her jokes out loud. Prone to melancholy moods constantly.
Darkwing Duck (Friend/inventor of new gadgets)
Launchpad (Friend)
Gosalyn (Friend/babysitter since Sophia never leaves the house)
Morgana (*Did not care for her in the beginning/friend/close to best friend later)
Angel Shell (2 years younger sister, 30)
Dolly Shell (5 years younger sister, 27)
Biography: Daughter to *currently undeveloped* parents where the mother was involved with organized crime through her business *currently undeveloped* (boy I suck at this lol). Was groomed to be the heir to business, being the oldest, but did not want that. Ran away twice, second time was for good and it was only after her mother passed. Been freelancing inventions as an anonymous inventor. Has two younger sisters who are very sore with her for being the “favorite” which was not the case but yea. Angel has shown that her grudge can go to levels of bodily harm/murder so Sophia is not fond of being noticed/out in public.
Started sending DW and gang gadgets for months, before DW (literally) dropping in her rented basement work lab/home. After much arguing and damaging her home, she ends up in Drake’s attic. Slowly warms up to the family and is actively a part of their team. Works on gadgets for DW and Launchpad, plus protective gear for them and Gosalyn.
Open to RP: Not at the moment. Will be posted if I ever am open to. 
Super powers and/or special abilities: None. 
Myer-Briggs: ISTP
Psychiatric/mental disorders: None. 
Astrological sign: Virgo
Character created by and belongs to duck-feels-woohoo
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maiamaiden · 7 years
d.ont r.eblog
yknow what since i’m oversharing my opinions anyway tonight i wanna talk about how much akechi’s death bugs me
people argue that it was good because it was the first real choice he got to make for himself but that doesn’t really make it any better. why is it good that his first choice is to die? how is it a positive thing that someone who’s been abused and manipulated his whole life finally gets to make a decision for himself and that decision is death? and how is it at all okay that afterward he barely ever gets mentioned?
i’m gonna be honest here, i liked the final mementos palace and the stuff with lavenza and yaldabaoth but honestly the entirety of the rest of the game after akechi’s death just felt so empty to me. like? he had such an important role for the entire game prior to that and all he gets is a “oh yeah btw yaldabaoth gave akechi his powers” from lavenza and a “oh he’s missing now i guess” from sae. shouldn’t lavenza feel guilty at all though? akechi was someone who needed guidance and the velvet room wasn’t there to give it to him and it’s not like the velvet room’s never tried to help anyone with morally grey motives since they tried to help sho minazuki. so you’d think lavenza and maybe even morgana would at least feel a little bad about not being able to help him before he got to the point of no return but instead he’s barely ever mentioned again
honestly i’ve played through it twice but that part where you have to say goodbye to everyone made me cry both times not because i was saying goodbye or because the game was over but because of akechi or rather the absence of akechi. the fact that the game just moves on as if he never existed honestly made me wonder if dying in the metaverse just erases you from existence or something lmao.
and just. they watched someone die right in front of them. someone who they admit was a victim they couldn’t save. that’s not something they should just be able to get over after one night even if it was someone they may not have necessarily liked
just. hhh i don’t like the ending p5 dudes i didn’t get closure where i needed it lmao
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the-nwah-embassy · 6 years
My anxiety is so bad right now that it’s literally preventing me from sleeping because I keep waking up to earth shattering panic for like no reason, and I still gotta drive home and my registration is expired. Iiiiiii have a feeling this next hour or two is not going to be very pleasant.
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