gurenmonster · 2 months
Btw I say Damien and Angela are cute but not in a couple way... like no matter how I look at it I can't see them as a romantic couple 😔 they're just two silly little guys to me... (more in the tags)
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ghastlyaffairs · 1 month
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for something as trivial and simple those feelings sure are hard to get rid of
also made a gif a version for fun + alt version with no tears under the cut
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the gif is in very low resolution...this is a feature (i could make it bigger but that would require saving each frame individually and than glueing it all together. also i feel like low resolution suits it better. aesthetically and fits the mood)
#hs#homestuck#dirk strider#eye strain#probably? if you think i should tag something else let me know!!#anyway hooray its time for rambling in the tags#so uhhh heres the teæ i've been sick for like a week and you know how it is when suddenly your throat becomes the main gunk warehouse#and you can't breathe lol. wish i could just pull it out. anywaaayy this is basically a vent piece for me being sick lol#also i could draw remotively the same thing with kris deltarune. oh how easy it is to project having a cold#though i have been also experiencing troubles with feelings recently as well....how fitting for dirk#speaking of the man himself (enough of me) his relationship with his own Heart...is peculiar to say the least#the thing i love about alphakids is that despite being so feral they were. so relatable. i cannot stress this enough how unwell they are an#and how they represented being a teen so well. yeah being 15 years old makes that to you#imagine being an emotional mess and trying to fit the 'norm' and act normal about your friends so youre not offputting#and then you fall in love with you friend and your ai clone falls in love with him too looool noone makes out of this one alive#uhh literally. godtiering stuff and dying remember#and speaking of it. tw for suicidal talk for the rest of tags#do you ever think dirk was suicidal. of course the part of when he teleports his head to jake was totally planned and he knew he would ->#wake up as dreamself but. don't you think the moment he cut his head off was sort of. cathartic. how much did he hate his own guts#beheading himself not only for the plan...but also because he thought he 'deserved' it#also wow he is a Prince and was literally beheaded don't you think its funny hahaa#sigh poor thing#this has ended on a not the very pleasant note hm#also fckkkkkk i didn't draw anything with rose/mary for the lesbian visabilty week#(putting the slash because tumblr search system has a dumb gag with showing you posts that contain the tag inside the other tag.#and i don't want this post to show up for the ros/mary fans because it's not!!!! its rose's father emotional crisis post!!!!)#update YOOOO WHAT THE HELL THE GIF HAS EVEN LESS PIXELS THEN I PLANNED fantastic#this your breakfast now tumblr. enjoy your crunchy flakes of dirks meltdown. mwah
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ilostyou · 1 year
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all too well (10 minute version) // illicit affairs
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markmefistov · 3 months
This is me everyday, suppressing my whorish tendencies and stopping myself from drawing the COD hot men and Ghost band papas bc I’m already busy with my fantasy fandoms!!1!!
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arleniansdoodles · 2 months
Alright I'm coming off of anon specifically so that I can give you this meme:
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Jokes aside though I loved the new chapter! I love that Yang's perspective somehow makes him even more infuriating lol - usually reading things in a character's perspective makes them more sympathetic, but not with our boy Yang! Don't get me wrong, I love him to pieces, but come ON lol we do NOT have to be this emotionally stunted. The denial is crazy. Like Yang I am Literally Begging you to Let Yourself (and Yin) Be Happy. I can't wait for the rest of the crew to show up at the Sanctuary, the drama is going to be delicious 😁
YOUR ASKS ARE NOW VISIBLE YAAAYYYY 😭😭😭 Thank you again for your comments (and for pushing through with all these tech blurps) and the amazing meme!! I love it!!! 💗💗
And I'm happy to hear that Yang's pov was so enjoyable! lmaoo 😂 The past eight years have not been kind to our boy; he's really indulged himself in the deep end of denial XDD And he may not let up anytime soon, but! He may do so eventually with a little (or a lot) of pushing loll So just hang in there! The drama will soon be here hehehh
Thank you again!! 💗💗💗
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bunlyn001 · 6 months
am currently working on freddyy ^^
i did in fact forget how to renderr so it may take a lil while- haha..
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i also bought another kirby figure, one of my favorite characters 💕
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desk friendss !!
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professorllayton · 2 months
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the falin so far......
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yzashaven · 2 months
waiiit ur a high schooler hii it’s so nice to see other teen writers out here !! like all my moots r like…. weirdly old and then i tell them my age when im comfortable enough and theyre like oh !
yes!! and hello anon :3 well writers are like at least 14 at youngest? anyway it also depends on the other person's boundaries/own thoughts on it (idk how to word that) like...if someone revealed to me they were like fresh out of elementary and writing smut i'd be horrified 😭
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catmaidetho · 3 months
i opened up the danger days document. havent written anything in it yet but it sure is open!!
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dailyxisumavoid · 2 years
[67] a wild Jevin has appeared! And X seems quite protective of this ‘infected’ one
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ciaraloves · 5 months
it’s time to go on a ji chang wook spam again because I haven’t been on one since welcome to samdalri came out and I know there’s going to be so much content because tumblr never misses when it comes to him and his lil boba ball cheeks and his cute smile and his floppy pitch black hair and his oversized clothes I LOVE HIM SO BAD
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hershelwidget · 9 months
Yo uh since I discovered your Ghost au, can I request to see if like
Bangarang(both routines)
I'm an Albatroz
& Circus(classic & all coaches)
Are dead or alive in the au
Hey! You picked the right time to ask actually, I was considering going back and finishing the old requests I got for that :p To answer the question, as of right now? They're all alive, but things seem to be able to change on a whim in this AU. If fate decides it (anyone requesting one or more of them to be ghosts), they'll be added to the roster of Ghost Coaches. If not, they get to be alive and be haunted by their friends and neighbours!
Regardless of how they end up, I'm already able to think up some neat interactions with other Coaches, both dead and alive :)
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tangerinesgf · 1 year
Happy Birth- Father's Day??
Clint Barton x Fem!reader
Summary: reader tells Clint that she's pregnant on his birthday. (Not MCU Canon at all)
Tags/warnings: mentions of pregnancy, hints at an asshole dad, fluff, cute stuff, bit of bickering, hints at smut but nothing happens
A/n: this was suposed to be for Clint's Birthday yesterday which also happened to be fathers day. But I got busy and only finished it today, oops. Anywaaayy hope ya'll like it.
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“You know what day it is today?”
You can see the surprise on Clint’s face while he turns around to face you as you practically burst into the room he was just working in. “The 18th?”
“Well yeah, Captain Obvious I got that.” You say, rolling your eyes playfully.
“Then why did you ask me?”
“It’s not about the date, it’s about what we’re celebrating today.” There is this teasing look in your eyes that he can’t quite place, you’re definitely up to something.
“My birthday?” He sounded unsure, as if he might have confused his birthday with another date.
“Yeah that too, but there’s something else happening today.”
“Celebrating my amazing existance isn’t enough for you?” He chuckles.
“Ofcours it is, baby,-” You give him a quick kiss on the cheek “-but this is the rare occasion where these two things are happening on the same day and I gotta take advantage of that.”
“Alright so.. what’s today then?”
“It’s father’s day!” You say with a little more excitement than probably necessary.
“Honey, you know I don’t celebrate that.” Clint’s face falls a little at the mention of it. “My dad was.. well my dad and as far as I can tell there’s no kid running around here.”
“Well.. what if there was?”
Clint looks confused at first, but when it finally hits him his eyes move from you stomach to your face over and over again as if asking the question with his eyes. There’s a bright smile on your face as he starts to realize what the reason for your weird behavior is.
When his eyes finally stick to your face he looks at you with wide eyes that are almost puppy-like. You’ve never really talked about when you would like children, hell the two of you hadn’t even discussed if it was a thing you should do in the first place. But Clint couldn’t deny that there had been moments where he’d imagined a little boy or girl running around in the garden with a toy bow and arrow.
“You.. uh.. you’re pregnant?” You spotted a little gleam of hope in his eyes, as if he wasn’t exactly sure this was happening, but really wanted it to.
“Mhm” You nod. Your face is practically glowing with excitement as you wait for him to react. Sure a part of you was also nervous, what if he didn’t want to be a dad? What if he was scared to end up like his own dad? Were you even ready to be a mom? All these questions had spooked through your mind before, debating on how to tell him this news.
But as you were standing here and you slowly watched your man’s face light up at the confirmation that you were indeed expecting a little kid, all those worries fell off your shoulders.
Clint Barton had never been a man of many words. So he didn’t need any to tell you how happy he was when he basically ran up to you and embraced you in a hug, spinning the both of you around the room.
When he finally let you go, it took you a while to find your footing again and Clint had to steady you to prevent you from falling over. Before you could fully find your balance again, he pulled you in for a kiss. Not the usual quick kiss that you’d give each other before going to bed or when you woke up in the morning. No, this one was long, deep and passionate and told you more than all the words in the world could have.
After the need for air became too strong he finally pulled away, only to look into your eyes with that same sense of affection for you, a bright smile on his face. “So this is really happening? I’m gonna be a dad?”
You nod again. “And an amazing one at that.”
“You really think so?” He asks with a hopeful gleam in his eyes and you can tell he’s not so sure about that.
“I do. You are a good man, Clint Barton, and any kid would be lucky to have you as a father.”
“You have no idea how much that means to me, darling.” He places his hands carefully on your stomach and looks deep into your eyes. “And you.. are gonna be the most wonderful mother, you know that? We’d be lucky if the little one is even half as amazing as you are.“
A slight blush spreads across your cheeks at the compliment and you give him another kiss on the lips. “We’re gonna do great, baby. I mean look at all the other kids. Kate, Wanda and Pietro turned out pretty good.”
“They are not my kids.” He insists.
“You keep saying they’re not, but they kinda are.” You remember not even a few weeks ago when Clint had taken Kate to the dentist because she had to have her wisdom teeth removed and took care of her every need afterwards.
“They’re a pain is my ass, that’s what they are.”
“Maybe.. but you love them anyway.” You point out.
“Yeah, but don’t tell them that.”
Clint may act tough, but you know that underneath there is one of the kindest men you’ve ever met. He’d never actually tell them he loves them, but they know he does, his actions show that more than enough.
You raise your hands up in defeat. “Fine, but you better give them a ‘thank you’.”
“For what?” He looks at you with puzzled eyes.
“They made you a cake.”
“And they didn’t burn the kitchen down?” He exclaims.
You give him a slight nudge on the shoulder. “Be nice, they put a lot of effort into this.”
“Fine.. but you’re tasting it first.”
“No way! I’m pregnant, it’s your birthday, you eat it.” As much as you loved those kids, you didn’t entirely trust their baking skills not to kill you yet, especially with that mentality of ‘who needs a recipe’.
He chuckles and then takes a deep breath as if preparing himself for whatever the three of them cooked up. “I’m gonna have to endure 9 months of this now, am I?”
You hum in acknowledgement. “Yep, but you love me anyway.”
“Hmm.. that I do.” He pulls you in for another kiss before the two of you start walking towards the kitchen where the cake is waiting for you.
“You know, I can’t wait to see you all fat and bloated.” He says, a cheeky grin on his face as he looks at your still mostly flat stomach.
“See.. you claim you love me, but then you say stuff like that and it makes me wonder if you really do.” You chuckle.
You let out a yelp as Clint suddenly lifts you up from the ground and into his arms, bridal style. He turns around and starts walking into the opposite direction of the kitchen.
“I’ll show you how much I love you.” There’s a grin on his face and you know exactly what he’s planning as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck.
“What about the cake?”
“Cake can wait, wanna taste you first.”
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A/n: would love to know if you liked it, so don't hesitate to leave me a comment. They really motivate me. I don't have a taglist for Clint yet, but if you wanna be tagged in any Clint fics I write, lemme know!! Love ya'll <3
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spemtang · 6 months
Do people make OCs for literally every media they get into becaaaaaause I sure do
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(okok, first I'm actually gonna ramble about KP for a minute cause I just got here)
I started watching Kim Possible, like a month or so ago (I just finished Season 3 and the Movie), and I've been looooving it. This show is just so naturally silly. There's something I adore about it, it's just a breath of fresh air for me. I never use Tumblr for anything, but the small community of KP fans on here has motivated me enough topost something. lots of cute drakgo art (which I try not to spoil myself with anything, but also idrc too much) on here, Shego and Drakken have such an interesting relationship. I will study them both under a microscope.
anywaaayys. I invented this funky little character cause I was bored (sketch for this illustration was done by winter_jacke on instagram btw, they said I didn't have to credit them but I loved it so I will anywayyys). I'm not so sure what they'd do, but her name is Lavandra (play on Lavender and the -andra suffix (as in Cassandra or Alexandra) because it's not really a KP character unless they have some stupid or punny name). I gotta get a more concrete idea of her, but she's Latina and has cool nano-robot things she invented.
I need to draw fanart of the characters on KP. especially drakken and shego. I love them. also, hello people on Tumblr who also watch this show. I wish there were more of you.
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ragsdolly · 1 month
what is UP chat!!! here we are in a new askblog, haZAH!!!
anywaaayy, how are ya rn, ragatha??
-💫 anon (istg if someone took this already)
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“ helloo, it's nice to meet you— i'm good! ”
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