#anyway Ace will probably get him back for that kind of comment like sees marco struggling to take it like dA m n you were bark and no bite
xamaxenta · 8 months
Its pretty cute if Ace has a huge cock but he doesn’t get to use it bc hes too busy bending over and taking it from Marco like awh look at u so endowed and u dont even get to play
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hhhhunty · 5 months
been thinking nonstop about the asl brothers and would love to hear you yap about them
Ouhhh the ASL bros.... apologies in advance for how Luffy-heavy this is.
They are very important to me... Luffy's my favorite character and so of course I am made weak by his brothers. They're so incredibly tragic that it pains me to think about them. Did you ever think about the fact that Sabo and Luffy are the two who know each other the least? Sabo and Ace had at least three years before Sabo disappeared, and Ace and Luffy had seven years together before Ace set out, but Luffy and Sabo only knew each other through Ace for less than a year, twelve years ago. They're probably weird without the context of Ace in between them.
This of course isn't to say their bond isn't strong or they don't love each other as much, but being near each other must cause such an ache for their third brother given they were never around each other without Ace there... kind of like when Sabo "died" and Luffy and Ace kept talking to him anyways before getting embarrassed and upset as soon as they remembered Sabo's not here anymore.
Urghh I also think the beginning of Luffy's relationship with Ace is the blueprint for Luffy trying to befriend anyone, and probably the proof to him (though he already knew it) that he could get anyone in his corner if he was just persistent. This is an attitude he keeps throughout all his adventures and everyone he meets, from his "I refuse your refusal!" to Sanji to his consistent pestering of Law...
Ace is just a whole mess of his own... he changed so drastically and even learned manners for Luffy in order to thank Shanks for saving him (something something changing for the better because of someone you love). This completely changed his interactions with others, I think. I love whenever there are nods in comics or fics to Ace being remembered by Luffy's crew as this polite guy, and when Sabo hears of this he's just hopelessly confused and probably a little sad, too, that he missed such a change in his brother and never had the chance to meet him like that.
Back to Luffy though because I'm insane... Ace is such a good meter for Luffy's growth... I recently saw someone commenting on the way that Luffy speaks of Ace throughout post timeskip, from feeling so guilty meeting Sabo at Dressrosa to smiling when Marco told him Ace would be proud of him in Wano... I think a lot of that came from seeing Sabo, and knowing he had another brother alive. I think to Luffy, Sabo is the authority on Ace to some extent. That Sabo was simply happy Luffy was alive and wasn't upset at him for failing Ace was big for Luffy and he kind of took that to heart - it helped him really believe it... maybe that in a way caused him to be able to talk freely about Ace by the time he reached Wano...
Ughh this is all so disjointed and jumbled and I may think of more later but this has been my yapping for now.
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here is a doodle :)
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
One Piece 1044: Looney Tunes
I am not a fan of the developments in this chapter. One Piece has always been silly, but there’s silly and then there is... whatever the hell this is. These developments undercut a lot of things I have liked about Luffy’s journey, plus they seem to create some plot holes, so I hope some of these concerns are answered in future chapters.
So, reveal #1 is that the Gomu Gomu no Mi is actually
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a Mythical Zoan, much like Sengoku’s and Marco’s. However, Luffy’s fruit is based not on a mythological figure from our world like the former two; his is based on a figure from the One Piece world, which lets Oda imbue it with whatever the hell powers he wants.
So. On the one hand, Luffy’s fruit not being a Paramecia makes some sense because more than one person has commented that his fruit does things that rubber shouldn’t be able to do. Plus, being a Zoan fruit explains his insane durability that has been repeatedly commented upon.
One of the things I love about Luffy’s arc is that he takes a weird power and is endlessly creative with it. This development doesn’t change that, considering the biggest limit of the fruit is, apparently, the user’s creativity. Luffy used his fruit the way he assumed rubber could be used. This is probably how the fruit had been used by its former users without awakening it.
On the other hand, what the hell does rubber have to do with a sun god? This legit makes no sense. Oda has some explaining to do.
Just briefly, it’s interesting that Zoan fruits apparently have wills of their own. That makes it seem like the fruit may have chosen Luffy... but then that goes back to the Chosen One trope that makes me meh.
I’m also trying to wrap my head around the fact that the World Government has been trying to capture this fruit for 800 years and then... just let Luffy do whatever the hell he wanted until he was in a fight with an Emperor? Like, this is the grandson of Garp, son of Dragon, also a D., and apparently wields this insane fruit and there was never an order from the top to send an admiral after him before he got too strong? There was a period of time where he had a reputation, there was no hiding what fruit he was using, yet none of the higher ups--the same people who wanted to kill Ace as a baby just for being Roger’s son--thought about going after him for the fruit?
Also, WTF is this?
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His awakened power is “freedom”? Honestly, that just feels like trying to shoehorn the idea of freedom, which we know Luffy takes very seriously, into a big ol’ deus ex machina.
Then we get the declaration that the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika is
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This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a fruit described like this. The Ope Ope no Mi, for instance, is considered the “Ultimate” Devil Fruit. It does seem to fit Luffy to have the most ridiculous fruit.
But I still preferred when it was just a lame fruit that he had elevated with his creativity. To be fair, I doubt Luffy would give a shit about this revelation, and it’s not like he even knows this about his fruit; he still thinks it’s the Gomu Gomu no Mi.
Speaking of the Ope Ope no Mi, considering Law can can control anything in his Rooms while Luffy’s awakened powers seem to give him some kind of reality-bending abilities ala The Mask, seeing those two fight would be interesting. Would Law’s control over his Room negate Luffy’s new power? Or would Luffy’s new power overpower Law’s control in his Room?
Anyway, we see that the “freedom” that comes from Luffy’s awakening (or what he calls Gear 5) is... fighting like a cartoon. We’ve suddenly turned into Looney Tunes or The Mask up in here.
Luffy goes full Popeye to pull Kaido back up to the roof:
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And there seems to be some reality-bending going on because even Kaido is having cartoon reactions to Luffy’s attacks:
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Which, considering the horrific things that Kaido has done to Wano, feels... off. I know One Piece is cartoony and silly, but something about turning the fight to free an enslaved country into a comedy routine makes my skin crawl. Literally last chapter, Kaido was threatening to enslave every man, woman, and child in the country and work them to death as punishment for the rebellion and now... cartoons. Talk about whiplash.
I’m ready for this fight to end and for the plot to move forward, honestly.
One last thing about Luffy’s awakening (which, I have said, I was hoping would be saved for a future fight considering so much freaking time was spent on him upgrading his haki this arc so the switch back to DFs feels a bit jarring): I really hope there are some serious drawbacks, just like we see with his other Gears. We know awakening uses a lot of Kid’s and Law’s stamina, and they both have had it longer than Luffy (though I doubt either of them have been awakened for very long either).
And then we get the other part of the chapter, which is unfortunately overshadowed because Hiyori is the best, but she’s a woman, so Oda is doing her dirty.
The first part of Hiyori’s section is great. She’s absolutely done with Orochi, and this is probably my favorite panel of the entire chapter:
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This has been a long time coming. And so has Orochi’s death by...
The remnants of Kanjuro’s fire demon returns to its master and sets him on fire.
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On the one hand, I saw it pointed out on Reddit that when Orochi gives Kanjuro his last order to create his last painting (chapter 1030), there’s some wording in it that foreshadows this ending:
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Orochi seems to have accidentally ordered a suicide pact for the Kurozumi.
On the other hand, I wanted so badly for Hiyori to be the one to strike Orochi down; she even declared that she wanted to do so. She’s the daughter of a samurai! But Oda seems to be allergic to giving the final blow of a fight to the person who deserves it (*coughDressrosacough*), and it grates especially hard since Hiyori is a woman not getting the chance to do so.
On a lighter note, I couldn’t help but think of Game of Thrones when Hiyori tells Orochi “The Kozuki clan always keeps its promises”:
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Also, hi to my favorite boy:
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Probably crack and a result of staying up way too late, but how do you think an AU where Peter dated and married Naomi instead of Nora would go?
This officially goes on the list of “ships I never considered before, but now that you say it I can kinda see it.”  Peter’s clearly got a competency kink, between Eva and Nora.  Naomi deserves better than Dan.  They’re both overworked single parents who try to do what’s best for their kids, and don’t always succeed.  Peter’s good at the nurturing and hug-giving and supportive side of things, not so much at the day-to-day practicalities.  Naomi’s excellent at making sure everyone is fed and sheltered and keeping up in school, not so much at the touchy-feely stuff.  Yeah, I can see it.
They meet through the PTA, naturally.  Naomi’s there to stage a formal protest about the high school’s suspension of late-bus service, and Peter’s there because this is the once-a-month night out of the house that Marco keeps scheduling for him.  Naomi makes a sarcastic comment about the U.S. government’s idea of “sufficient funding”, Peter jumps in with a one-liner about science grants, and four hours later they’re still companionably trashing the NSF over their third round of bake sale brownies.  Peter makes the first move, of course.  Naomi sets the time, the venue, the curfew, the transportation, and the expectations for the night, of course.
Jake thinks this is the funniest thing that has ever happened to him in his entire life.  The more both Marco and Rachel call him to complain about their respective parents, the funnier he finds it to be.
Both Naomi and Peter are pleasantly surprised at how well their kids get along.  They were both vaguely aware that Marco and Rachel knew each other through school, but neither one is prepared for the instantaneous companionable banter the teenagers fall into the moment Peter first brings Marco over to meet Naomi.
The first four or five times Marco comes around Rachel’s house for dinner, Jordan hides under her hair and watches him in enraptured silence.  After about two months’ worth of this, Rachel drags Marco aside after an Animorphs meeting and has a stern conversation with him.
Neither of them will tell the others what they talk about, even though Ax expresses concern at the brilliant red shade both their faces have taken on and Cassie gives them a knowing smile.  Technically Tobias overhears the whole thing — the others tend to get so caught up in hawk eyes that they forget all about hawk ears — but he’s nice enough to keep his silence.
The next time Marco’s over at Rachel’s house, he lets out a seven-second belch after downing an entire can of Mountain Dew in one go.  Over the next ten minutes, he insults Jordan’s favorite boy band, picks his nose in front of everyone, claims he’s going to die alone because girls are gross, and (to Rachel’s quiet shock) too-casually acknowledges his raging crush on Brad Pitt.
Anyway, it works like a charm.  Jordan gets over her crush pretty quick after that.
“You didn’t have to go quite that hard in the paint, you know,” Rachel says to Marco much later.  “Pretending to like Brad Pitt, I mean.”
Marco is lying on her bed, looking through one of her back issues of CosmoGirl with the air of a forensic anthropologist picking apart the dismembered remains of a human sacrifice.  “What?” he says, back in that too-casual tone.  “I can appreciate a good pair of lips, no matter what type of human being they grow upon.”
Rachel spins around, looking away from the mirror where she was fixing her hair.  Marco is now staring at the magazine as if trying to detect a coded message between two lines of the spread comparing different brands of eyeliner.
“No matter what type?” she asks.
Marco lifts his chin.  He doesn’t back down, and he doesn’t laugh.  There’s a defiant set to his smirk, and the careful confidence in his expression is betrayed by the slight trembling of his fingers clenched around the Cosmo.
Their parents are engaged, that’s all.  And it’s not something he’s ever told anyone... but he also thinks it’s maybe the sort of thing that one tells one’s siblings.
“So you do agree with me and Cassie about Jeremy Jason McCole!” Rachel says triumphantly.
Marco gags so hard he risks straining his own throat muscles.  “I have taste!  You, clearly, have none.”
If Jordan still has any romantic interest in Marco at all even after the you’re going to be step-siblings news broke, it disappears the instant that Naomi announces Jordan and Sara are going to be sharing a room from now on, because Marco and Peter are moving in with them.  A week later, Jake’s mother has a stern conversation with him about the extent to which he’s been running up their phone bill.  He grumbles that he didn’t ask to be everyone’s agony aunt, but that doesn’t get him out of being grounded.
Marco teases Rachel endlessly when he figures out why she leaves her window open every night, even — especially — when it’s cold or rainy outside.  But he also helps cover for her and Tobias without being asked, and one night in gorilla morph he deforms the oak tree out in the back yard so that a sheltered branch rests directly underneath her windowsill.
Rachel stops in the door of Marco’s room the day after the confrontation with Visser One outside the fake hork-bajir valley.  She doesn’t bother to knock.  He didn’t bother to shut the door.
Marco’s sitting in the narrow space between his bed and the wall, staring at the blank blue paint in front of his face.  His knees are drawn up to his chest, his hands limp at his sides.
“They didn’t find a body,” Rachel says, blunt as ever, standing over him.  “I know that’s not good news or anything.  But I also figured you had a right to know.  There’s no sign of Vis—  Of her body.”
Marco squeezes his eyes shut, hard, but still can’t stop the tears.  “Shit.”  He lets his head fall back against the bedspread.  “Shit.”
Hesitating only a second, Rachel scoots in next to him.  She doesn’t try for a hug or anything stupid like that, but she sits shoulder-to-shoulder with him.  She’s the kind of person given to stillness, but she stays put as he struggles to breathe and swipes his sleeve across his face time and time again.
“It’s never going to end, is it,” Marco says at last, when he’s got enough air for words.
Rachel shrugs.  “I’m the wrong person to ask.”
“Shit,” he whispers again.  “Shit, shit, shit.”
“You wanna play Sega?” she asks.  “Not think for a while?”
Marco shakes his head violently.  “I just need some space, okay?”
“Sure.”  She stands.  “I’ll tell my mom not to expect you for dinner.”
Their parents are downstairs cooking.  Laughing.  Arguing companionably over one of Naomi’s cases.  Every clink of dishes, every fond word, feels like a spike driven under Rachel’s fingernails right now.  And if that’s how she feels...
“Anyway, I know you think I’m a crazy psycho killer, but for what it’s worth I think you made the right call.”  She says it sharply, standing to go.  Marco doesn’t respond, not that she expected him to, and she yanks his door shut when she goes.
Peter doesn’t try to be Rachel’s dad.  But he helps her with homework and shows up to her gymnastics meets and acts more excited than she is when she aces a history test.  He asks her what she wants to study in college, not whether she’s going or how they’re expected to pay for it.  He doesn’t try, and he does pretty well anyway.
The Animorphs meet in Rachel’s room almost as often as they do in Cassie’s barn.  It’s more centrally located, even if it doesn’t have nearly the selection of morphs right at hand.  Jake and Cassie both have preexisting excuses for showing up several times a week, and Tobias and Ax never bother using the front door anyway.  Marco’s also taken the time to confirm that no one in the house is a controller, so it saves everyone a little peace of mind.
Rachel wakes up screaming in the middle of the night.  No, that’s not it; she’s screaming in her sleep, and then Marco snaps the light on and wakes her.  He sets a glass of water on her nightstand.  Tilts the alarm clock so she can see the time.  Pokes her in the arm to remind her that she’s human, at least for now.  When it becomes obvious that she’s not going to talk about it, he turns and leaves without ever saying a word.
“I need you,” Marco says into the phone, middle of the night, apparently apropos of nothing.  “They took my dad.”  He gives the address, and then he hangs up.
He and Rachel have come to a decision, without discussion, without niceties like consulting Jake, by the time they’re done fighting off the half-dozen controllers who were dragging Peter toward the portable yeerk pool.  Rachel demorphs as Peter watches.  Marco goes through the explanation the first time, then the second.
Midway through the third round of attempts to convince Peter he’s not crazy, Rachel gives up.  She herds both Peter and Marco into the backseat, and drives back to the house.  “Pack for a long trip,” she tells them both, and goes upstairs to tell her mom.
Maybe, Jake concludes, exhausted just at the thought, they could’ve kept going if it was just his parents, or just Cassie’s.  But Rachel and Marco can’t both disappear without rousing too much suspicion, and getting rid of just one of them will put the yeerks on the tail of the other.  “I guess it’s time,” he says.  “Better get ready to tell our own parents, then.”
By the end of that day, Rachel’s and Marco’s blended family is in the hork-bajir valley.  By the time two days have passed, Jake’s and Cassie’s families are there too, even if Tom is currently secured with about a half-mile of duct tape and will need to be babysat by several hork-bajir for the next three days.  A week after that, Tobias shows up with Loren in tow.  One hellish mission later, and Visser One is dead, but her host is rapidly recovering.
Naomi and Eva circle each other like a pair of housecats thrust into the same room, at first.  They’re prim and aloof and wary, unable to know what to make of each other.  Peter helps exactly nothing by retreating from the conflict entirely, busying himself with an elaborate irrigation project the hork-bajir don’t actually need his help with.  But he can’t escape them forever.
One night, all three of them get roaring drunk on some kind of regrettable fermented-bark thing, and finally have it out.  Peter makes a passionate speech or two about his love for them both before retreating into morose silence.  Naomi’s sixth drink ends in her making an elaborate attempt to draw up a timeshare contract over who will keep Peter on which night.
Eva slams a hand down on the table, and they both fall silent.  She won’t share, she announces quietly, and she won’t be with a man who cannot choose.  She’ll find her own way.
Her own way, as it turns out, is even worse than Marco could have possibly imagined.
“Why?” Marco cries, flopping on the ground in the middle of the next Animorphs’ meeting.  “Why, why, why does this keep happening to me?”
“Pretty sure we’ve been over this before, back when it was your dad, and concluded it’s not about you,” Jake says.  “Anyway, the yeerks —”
“No!”  Marco sits up.  “We have more important things to talk about than yeerks.  Tobias, back me up on this!”
«Uh, yeah.»  Tobias looks over at Rachel.  «By the way, all those times you talked about how weird it was when your mom started dating again... Sorry for not being more sympathetic.  Now that I’m in your shoes...  It’s really weird.»
Rachel sniffs.  “You only met your mom like a month ago.  It’s still worse for me.”
“And it’s worst of all for me!”  Marco has flopped back over.  He emits a noise something like a wookiee being murdered.  “Please someone acknowledge that it’s worst of all for me!”
Cassie pats him on the back of the head.  “It’s worst of all for you,” she says.
“Thanks,” he says into the grass.
“Okay!”  Jake throws up his hands.  “Marco’s mom and Tobias’s mom have a thing going.  Now do we have it out of our systems?”
«Personally, I think Loren and Eva are most compatible,» Ax says.
«Nobody asked you,» Tobias snarks.  «And Jake, just imagine for a second if it was your mom who was macking on—»
“Nope!” Rachel says loudly.  “Nobody is thinking about anyone’s mom and anyone else’s mom.  Or dad.  We are ignoring it, we are pretending it’s not happening, we are carrying on as Marco and I have been for over a year now, we are killing yeerks.”
“Yeah, like I was saying.”  Jake rolls his eyes.  “There are aliens invading the planet, remember?”
“The horror,” Marco mumbles, still facedown in the grass.  “The horror!”
Cassie gives him another sympathetic pat on the back of the head.
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yukipri · 4 years
On Koala and Fishman Karate - a One Piece Mermaid AU Story
Not an ask response, but here with another story which was posted last month on Patreon!
I never actually intended on writing this, because this was originally supposed to just be exposition leading up to Marco's Bauble 2, and kinda explaining why Luffy's being tutored in Fishman Karate. But, it ended up being too long and going off on WAY too many unrelated tangents, so I chopped it off and made it its own thing ^ ^;
Mostly introspective, with Koala x Luffy, mention of Sabo x Luffy, and some thoughts on Nami from Koala's perspective as well.
Koala gently nudges Luffy's hand a little higher, and the mermaid makes a tiny whine of frustration as she sways on her tail, trying her best to maintain the posture she's been taught. Luffy glares at her own fist with such adorable determined ferocity that Koala doesn't have the heart to tell her that she doesn't need to try so hard, and that if anything, staying relaxed is the point.
Koala's been trying to teach Luffy Fishman Karate during the few lulls between their adventures. She knows that the disciplined martial art is probably not Luffy's style, but Fishman Karate focusses fishmen and merfolks' innate sensitivity to water. It's honed for combat in this case, but it can be applied to daily life as well, which is why fishman karate is a regular part of grade school curriculum on Fishman Isand. When one lives surrounded entirely by water, ten thousand meters below sea level, it's remarkably beneficial to be in tune with it.
Even if Luffy never fully masters it, Koala's sure she can gain something of value to apply to her regular fighting style, and even if not, it's part of her heritage. It's why Koala had insisted on teaching her, and Sabo had grudgingly agreed (Koala knows the grudging part mostly comes from Sabo still being petty about being terrible at it himself. Which, shouldn't come as a surprise since fishmen arts are difficult for non fishmen and merfolk, but it gives Koala something to rub in his face, which is always wonderful).
It's nice, Koala thinks as she sings praises in Luffy's ear while fixing her posture once again. It's nice because even though Koala'll do any assignment thrown her way, and will do anything to further her primary goal of achieving justice for fishmen and merfolk, being an assistant Fishman Karate instructor is her actual formal position in the Revolutionary Army. It's so easy to forget, with the number of missions she's been on with her acting support for Sabo and others, and the increasing amount of time she spends away from Baltigo and her students. But suddenly, she's given an unexpected opportunity to actually practice and share her passion, and to someone who could really benefit from it too. It would be an utter waste for Luffy to not learn from Koala while they travel together.
(Even if it means Sabo sulks and stews with pathetically transparent jealousy over losing sibling bonding time. He can deal. He'll have plenty of time later.)
And well, Luffy's honestly a joy as a student too. Even if explanations mostly go over her head, she's got amazing physical intuition and picks things up fast. And she's so dedicated, staring at Koala with wide eyes like she holds the secrets to the universe when Koala shows her something new, always blurting out her awe exactly as she feels it and--it's endearing.
Luffy, everything about her, is honestly endearing.
The fishman karate tutoring sessions are honestly the only times Koala can have alone with the mermaid (or as alone as one can be, on the deck of a small vessel like Merry), especially without Mr. Nosy Possessive Big Bro butting in between them. So yes, maybe Koala enjoys spending time with Luffy for reasons other than just getting to do karate together, but she'll confess that to Sabo over her own dead body.
Not that Koala thinks it really matters; Sabo's already giving her the Suspicious Stink Eye (though to be fair, he gives that to everyone other than Ace). And yeah, in hindsight she honestly should have expected his suspicion, given how well her partner knows knows her dating history.
I'm warning you, Koala, Sabo'd grouched when they were alone, dropping his Cool Big Bro act to reveal the Shitty Little Dumpster Brat that Koala knows and grew up with. Don't even think about it with Luffy. Even if she's infinitely cuter than what were their names...Marinara and Cartwheels.
Their names were Marina and Kara. And I don't date every mermaid I meet!
Koala's honestly offended, but decides to let it go; Sabo's overwhelmed by his sudden wave of previously repressed Brotherly Love, and he's still not entirely rational (not that rational's a particularly good word to apply to him at any time). And she doesn't have a thing for fishgals and mermaids, she swears. She just happens to spend a disproportionate amount of time working with them, given her specific focus in the Revolutionary Army. It just makes sense.
Or fine, maybe she has a slight thing for them. And, well, maybe Luffy's her type. Just a little bit. On top of being, well, a super cute pupil. But Koala's not going to do anything, other than enjoy spending time together! Is she not allowed even that?
But, the point is, Sabo's being ridiculous! Koala's been his partner for years! Doesn't he trust Koala enough to know that she'd treasure Luffy, in the very hypothetical situation they ever dated?
(Koala knows the answer to that, knew it the moment she saw Sabo's expression melt as he cupped Luffy's face, and sighs. She never imagined she'd be love rivals against Sabo of all people, but well, shit happens.)
Anyway, Fishman Karate times are Koala's times with Luffy, and if Sabo comes poking his snooty little nose into their sessions, well, Koala's happy to volunteer him as a punching bag. Which he knows, hence why he's not here.
In fact, the deck is mostly empty, the other members of their limited crew occupying themselves elsewhere. Their sole observer is the navigator, sitting by the rail and marking up some maps, seemingly not paying attention.
But Koala knows that Nami's very much attuned to their lesson, her head jerking every time a particularly hard smack lands.
Koala doesn't blame her. She's aware of what Arlong did, had had to swallow bile when she accessed the full report when it came through, days before their fateful meeting with Luffy and the ASL pirates. She knows what Nami must think of fishmen, and to know that her impression came from former Sun Pirates leaves Koala feeling a special kind of numb.
Because that isn't what they're like at all, she wants to say. The Sun Pirates, to Koala, are a gleaming example of why fishmen deserve better, and are victims of human prejudice and ignorance. It's terrible that they mean the opposite to Nami. But given her experiences, Koala knows she has no right to preach at her. If anything, she just feels sad, and bitter, knowing that the cycle of hatred can come back to hurt those so very far away from where it started.
Koala guides Luffy's arms into position again, and despite Luffy struggling to remember everything mentally, the young mermaid's body easily accepts the form. It's an art designed for her kind after all, unlike the marine martial arts that Sabo said their grandfather had beaten into them. Koala's sure Luffy struggled with those, unable to fully copy moves that require certain feet positions, and an assumption of a more human perception of the world. But this, Fishman Karate, was made for her.
Nami twitches again, and Koala makes a note of it. She knows Nami has likely seen the form before; there were several martial artists in Arlong's group.
She knows it's difficult to watch, but admires Nami's stubborn determination in doing so. Koala's sure that part of Nami's reason for watching is to make sure Koala doesn't teach anything unsavory to Luffy, and she respects that wariness, because they haven't known each other long enough for Nami to open up to Koala and her history of friendship with fishmen.
But, and it's only a guess, but Koala thinks Nami also watches to try to learn and accept this part of her captain as well. Koala might not be important, but Luffy is the captain Nami's pledged to follow, for all that Ace is also her captain. And whether she likes it or not, Luffy's a mermaid, which, while not the exact same as fishmen, has plenty of things in common.
Now that she's no longer isolated on an island in East Blue, heading closer to Fishman Island which they'll inevitably have to cross in order to enter the New World, Luffy's learning more about herself. Specifically, the mer part of herself. And she'd be doing that, regardless of whether Koala's there to help her along.
Koala thinks it wise that Nami's forcing herself to learn alongside Luffy, so that there are no surprises, and that one day, she doesn't wake up and realize that her captain shares far too much with her tormentors for her to handle. Koala hopes that Nami's love and acceptance for Luffy will plant a seed of hope that eventually helps her accept other fishmen and merfolk, to see that they're not all Arlong--but Koala can wait.
Thanks so much for reading if you got through this~! <3 As always any comments/thoughts are super appreciated!
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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onepdumpsterfire · 4 years
As long as you don’t question why, what was is? 1,600? people are living together or at least like 8 of them, this’ll  make sense.
Thatch and Reader are indeed together in this fyi
Thatch X Reader
“What are you doing?” asked Edward Newgate or ‘pops’, as all of his kids called him. “Taping pigeon heads to all of Thatch’s faces,” I replied as I continued to deface their family  photo wall, “I wanna see how long it takes for him to notice.” Stopping my movements, I turn to face him, “It’s fine, right? It’s only for a little while.” Pops laughs, amused by our shenanigans. “It’s fine, my child.” Pops walked past me to his study.
Thatch and I have been pranking each other ever since I put Viagra in his drink while we were playing poker with some of his brothers then left him to deal with the embarrassment by himself. At the time, when Ace and I found it while looking through Marco’s things we’d thought it would make a funny prank.
Let me explain. Marco, one of Thatch’s brothers, is a doctor; or at least that was his reason for why he had the Viagra in the first place. That excuse was absolute bull and all three of us knew it. Anyway, Ace, another brother of the many Thatch has, and I were being little shits as per-usual. We were going through Marco’s things, waiting for him to give in and let us borrow his car like he always does, after we annoy him for a little while. We told him we just wanted to take it for a spin, but we really wanted to race each other and learn how to do wheelies. He knew it would be something stupid like this; that’s why he was trying not to relent this time.
Honestly, I’d found it really funny at the time, so I laughed about it once I found the little bottle of pills. 
“What’cha find?” Ace walked over from where he was looking, so he could get a better look at what was in my hand. 
“Pffft. I didn’t know you needed help getting it up, bro.” Ace chortled out, making Marco, who was on his bed trying to ignore us with his computer, shoot up and at us.
“I-I have these because … because I’m a doctor,” Marco stammered out with deflating confidence, “I have pills laying around everywhere.”
“Well, that’s concerning,” I send him a shit-eating grin.
“Here,” he defeatedly tossed Ace his keys. 
We couldn't contain either of our laughter after Marco pushed us both out, telling us to just leave him alone then slammed the door on us. 
“Did you see how red his face was?” Ace asked between giggles. “It’s ‘cus I’m a doctor,” I mockingly parroted before falling back into a fit of laughter, “yea right.” Suddenly our hysterics were interrupted by a loud banging from the other side of Marco’s door. Hurriedly, we got up and ran downstairs before he decided to take back his keys.
Downstairs Ace turned to me to gloat about what he’d stolen. “Look what I got,” he thrusted the bottle of pills in my face, devil horns practically growing on his head with the devious scheme he must have gotten. As fun as it is to go along with his antics, he left himself wide open. How could I not poke fun at him? I’d be a terrible best friend if I didn't take advantage of this wondrous opportunity. 
“You took the Viagra? Didn’t think you were that old,” I chortled at him with a shit-eating grin on my face. Closing the distance between us, I lowered my voice, “you need a cane too?”
Ace glared at me as he shoved his hand on my face and pushed me away, “No! Not because of that!”
“Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, gramps.” I continued to mock his growing agitation, “really seem defensive about it though.”
“Shut up,” he huffed, “ I just thought it would be a funny prank.” 
“Getting someone hard is...funny to you?” I clasped both of my hands in front of my mouth before pointing them at him, a pity-filled look on my face. “Do you need some help? ‘Cus I think we can find a good thera-”
“You’re not funny, shut up.” Ace rushed to grab one of the couch cushions before throwing it at me. “I’m serious, Ace! I’m here if you n-” He threw another pillow at my face. “Oi! I'm trying to be a good friend!” Giggling, I picked up both pillows and hurled them back at him.
Our little pillow fight was short-lived; we had to stop when Vista came in and yelled at us to clean up the mess we’d just made. Though our fun may have been killed, the wheels were turning in Ace’s head. He whispered to me that he had a plan and to just go along with what he did; then LEFT ME TO CLEAN THE WHOLE MESS BY MYSELF. It wasn’t much but there was no need to tell me to go along with anything if he was just gonna leave me. Betrayal? Payback? Backstabbing? Who knows but by the time he came back there was a change of plans.
Ace wanted to do a bit of gambling. And what's best for that? Poker. He invited some of the others in the house to come play with us, making sure to invite two of the biggest gamblers here. Jozu and the man of the hour, Thatch. Those two were crucial to our plan happening because not only were they two hard-headed to let the other win, they also had this weird gambling rivalry going on. Before the game, I’ll slip some of the pills into Thatch’s drink and then fold. Leaving him to choose between admitting defeat to Jozu or to keep being stubborn to the bitter end. 
To make sure our plan went perfectly I was sent to gather the drinks and snacks for the game while Ace was standing guard with the others; waiting for my return, stopping them from going into the kitchen until the deed was done. Can’t say it didn’t irritate me a little. Here I am walking with a shit-ton of chips and dip, making a second trip for the seven drinks, but I digress. 
It didn’t take long for me to get everything together and slip the aphrodisiac into Thatch’s drink; now everything is in place. All that’s left is to take my seat and wait for the fated time.
About halfway through the game, I felt Thatch slip his hand between my legs. Resting it just below my sex; roughly gripping my thigh as he uncomfortably shifted in his seat. A sign from him that he wanted to move somewhere to be together for a while, but before he could get the chance to pull us away from the game I so casually remembered that Marco had lent us his car keys and folded.
“You guys are just too good at this,” I fake pouted, throwing my hand in. Two games in and never even came close to beating the gambling addicts of the table.
“Hey, Ace. Didn’t Marco give you his car keys earlier? Let’s take it for a spin before he regrets it.” I pulled away from Thatch’s grip to go stand by Ace. 
“Didn’t take you for a sore loser, Y/N” Vista commented, “Weren’t you guys the ones  who wanted to play poker in the first place?” Jozu remarked giving us both a side glance. “Yepp,” Ace chimed in, popping the ‘p’ for added effect. “But before he regrets it we gotta go now. He rarely lets us borrow his car,” shrugging he got up to leave.
“He lets you borrow it all the time,” Jozu accused him, smelling something fishy about the whole situation. He can be too intuitive for his own good, but considering what we’re doing, I doubt he’d be able to figure out what’s happening. I hope���. 
Ignoring the accusation all together Ace, an excited Haruta who was yelling about joining us, and I followed him out. 
“Give it up. Marco let him borrow it until he scratched it last month; I’m surprised he even let them borrow it this time.” Rakuyo said after we’d left, doubling the amount he’d put in, full confidence on his hand. “Really? That was such a nice car too. Wonder how he convinced Marco to let him borrow it again.” Vista chimed in, engrossed more in his cards than the conversation.
“They’re definitely up to something though,” Jozu gave the quiet Thatch a side glance, taking his silence as a bad hand. “Oh, yeah. Definitely. Those two together are always up to something.” The statement was shared by all of them. They knew too well than to give us the benefit of the doubt.
Thatch finally decided to speak up as well. “Actually, I think I still have some paperwork to do so I should probably…” he pushed his chair back, hoping that when he got up he'd be able to hide his erection from the group. “Chickening out, are you thatch?” Teased Jozu, “couldn't even finish the game like a man, but I understand if your beginner's luck has run out. But stick around and I’ll show you a good hand.”
Eye twitching and unable to drop the gambling rivalry the two had going, Thatch scooted his chair back in with uncomfortable determination and the stubbornness that outmatched his girlfriend’s, “beginner? I’ve played this for longer than you have. If you could stop running your mouth maybe you’d have a better chance to beat me, but until then I won’t let you have such an easy win.”
Normally their games last a bit longer but after an hour or so I got a call on my phone. Guess he couldn’t keep it up for much longer. 
“It's Thatch,” I made a motion for Haruta to lower the music. “What's he want? Did he lose Jozu and came to cry to you about it?”
“I’d know if you’d give me a second to answer,” I put the phone up to my ear and a finger to my lips so that he’d shut it for a second.
On the other side of the line, I was greeted with Thatch’s needy lust-filled voice. “Hey, babydoll. You should hurry back here,” He breathed heavily on the receiver before grunting. “I want you on your hands and knees, begging to suck on my co-”
“I'm gonna stop you right there, you're on speaker” I interrupted him, my face beet red, one more word from him and I’d spontaneously combust. Thatch sputtered on the other end “O-oi take me off speaker.” I laughed at his expense. He wasn't really on speaker, but he didn't need to know that.
On my end, Haruta was looking at Ace for answers, but he was too busy laughing his ass off, already knowing what kind of call I'd gotten. “Hey tell me what’s happening! Don’t just laugh!” Haruta whined at Ace, but all he could do was say bits and pieces of the story amidst his laughter. Leaving him Haruta put together what he’d heard. Once he finally understood he made a disgusted face. “Gross! Thank god you actually didn’t have it on speaker,” the all too innocent Haruta said, trying not to think what his brother could have possibly said to me.
Thatch later found out what I had done because blabber-mouth Haruta went home to tell loose-lipped Rakuyo about what had happened. Rakuyo, having thought it was funny, told everyone else, much to Thatch’s dismay. And thus the pranks started.
At first, Ace was in on it too; up until he fell off a tree trying to drop spilled milk balloons on me and fractured his wrist. Pranks were banned for a while but soon continued when Thatch connected party poppers to the door so when I opened it they would go off in my face. In retaliation, I put a lot of food dye in his coke bottle so his mouth would turn black. He changed the password to my phone with a clue as the lock screen background. The answer was the beginning lyrics to the song ‘baby shark’.
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Once I'd managed to get in I found that he'd downloaded a ‘shark theme’ into my phone. Then later I found out he also put the shark theme as my ringtone. I got him back for that, then he did the same. we kept going back and forth in a never-ending cycle up until we got to this point.
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Finishing up putting pigeon heads on Thatch’s pictures, except for one that was a chicken head, I taped a drawing that I’d made to the back of the chicken headed Thatch picture. I’m sure he thought he’d won when the pranks ‘stopped’ though he’d soon find out why.
About two weeks it took him to notice. I’d come over to help Izo with some things when out of nowhere we hear ‘what the hell? Y/N!’
Giggling I waited with Izo to see what he’d do, and he didn’t disappoint. He hadn’t known that I’d come over so he gave me a call. “Hey there, love of my life. How are-”
 “Y/n did you put-”
“It's rude to interrupt someone, babe. But yes, yes I did.” I pause for dramatic effect, “almost two weeks it took you to notice.” I hung up on him, opting to yell the last part up the stairs so that he could hear it from where he was, “you should check behind the chicken!”
Thatch's P.O.V.
After they’d hung up I didn’t expect to hear their voice yell at me to look for a chicken, so I may have jumped up a bit. Regaining my composure I yelled back “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Stop yelling,” Jozu came out of Pop’s study with him in tow.
“Maybe check the pigeons you failed to notice for half a month?” Pop’s gave his input as he walked away from both of us. “Did everyone notice them except for me?” I asked rhetorically, irritated at my lack of observance.
 “Yes, we did,” Jozu pointed at a picture that was on the far right of the wall. That must be the infamous chicken headed Thatch. I lifted it off the wall, feeling a piece of paper crinkle behind the frame. Turning it around I was met with a drawing Y/n made. “You’re such a dork,” a goofy smile plastered on my face.
“What is it?” Jozu moved next to me to have a closer look. “Ah! So you are a chicken!”
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madlymiho · 5 years
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Hello ~ this is somehow truly heartbreaking 💔! Whoever you are, I hope you know that you worth everything, love! ~
I hope you'll enjoy this!
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Sanji :
• As always, when Sanji has a crush on someone, everyone knows it
• He has his everlasting heart eyes, and nosebleeds, and he always wants to be around you or protect you
• Since you know his tendency for being a womanizer, you assume that Sanji acts this way with everyone else, and in the end, it's quite accurate
• You don't believe he feels something deeper for you, because clearly this handsome boy appeals ladies, and somehow, you're not confident about your beauty or your cleverness
• You smile gently when he tells you compliments, yet you try to remember that it's just a casual thing he would say and nothing really meaningful anyway
• Sanji though, he's different since he knows you ; he's focus on your needs, hoping that you would notice his behaviors and accept his love for you
• He tries his best to seduce you, yet, since you gently turn him down, he wants to have one last talk about it, because perhaps you feel harassed by his attempts
• As you are both in the kitchen, Sanji puts a piece of cake and a cup of coffee near you, this time sitting with you
• For once, he's not extravagant around you, lighting his cigarette as he smiles
• "Name-san, I'm sorry if sometimes I make you feel uncomfortable. Thing is... I think I really like you." He tries, scratching the back of his neck, feeling embarassed by his confession
• You blink, surprised, but all you can do his bite your bottom lip, but as you feel his fingers softly brushing your hand, you feel suffocated by your powerful feelings for him, your vision slightly blurry
• "I... I don't think I'm worthy, Sanji-kun. You don't love me... You just... You don't, and it's fine." You answer, offering a sort of reassuring smile, yet it turns into something painful
• Sanji swiftly grabs both of your shoulders, digging his blue eyes inside of yours, shaking his head
• "Oï, oï, what are you saying? Not worthy? Have you lost your mind? Name-san, I wouldn't play with your feelings. I mean it!"
• He stares at you for a moment, until you can't hold your tears anymore, jumping against his chest to hide your nose in the crock of his neck, his hands fondling your hair, his lips pressed against your forehead
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Ace :
• Ace likes you a lot, and he tries his best to hide it, but fails continually
• He's in a pure denial towards his feelings for you though, and somehow he acts harshly with you, renforcing the thought that he doesn't like you in the end
• So you never confess, and never imagine that he could actually feel something for you ; it's not possible, he's undeniably out of your league
• For him, though, the situation is definitely different... He likes you so much that he keeps repulsing you, afraid he might get too attached, unoticing how he hurts you sometimes
• One day, as you cry in a corner, Marco meets you and asks what's the matter, finally understanding that both of you are truly impossible, but that your feelings are clearly hurt and Ace needs to man up now
• He decides to confront Ace, and somehow, the fire fist young fellow first believes it's nothing but a prank
• He denies his crush on you once again, but as Marco tells him how much he hurts you with his behaviors, Ace feels guilty and wants to have a word with you
• He joins you where Marco has been a few hours ago, and slowly squats down to sit beside you
• He feels embarassed, his cheeks red as a tomato, but eventually musters up his courage and grabs your hand, unsure about your reaction
• You tense your muscles for a second, and wishes that you have the strength to take your hand away from his grip, but all you can do is lower your chin, your eyes on your thighs
• "Ace... What are you doing?" You eventually ask in a mumble. "You don't have to act like this. Marco told you, right? Please, don't pity me, I don't need that..."
• It hits Ace right in his chest, and now he understands everything, and deeply wants to reassure you ; you worth the world for him
• Ace knows that he doesn't have the words, but he may have the good gestures, so without hesitating, he grabs your chin and lifts it, until you eventually face him
• His heart racing inside his torso, he kisses you, unable to speak and let out all of his feelings for you, preferring to show you how much you were wrong about him and how much he's the one who's not worthy of you
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Zoro :
• Among all the men in this world, Zoro is the worst when it comes to have a crush on someone
• He just... doesn't know how to act, and generally, he brushes off people with slightly red cheeks
• He thinks that he's not in love, but frankly, he's always around you and drops a few nasty and awkward comments all the time
• He doesn't notice that you feel embarassed everytime he says something towards you, and even though, he loudly denies any kind of attachment when someone (Sanji) makes a mocking remark about your potential relationship
• So you have learnt to hide your feelings and shuts down your love for him, to the point that you actually withdraw into yourself, making your companions worried
• The most worried among them is Zoro ; he used to see you laugh and joke, and now you just look like a sort of ghost and he doesn't like it
• One night, a bit drunk, he joins you on the deck, pressing the booze against your chest with a heavy gesture, extracting a surprised gasp from your lips
• "Oï, Name. Cut the sinister face already, you give the jitters, seriously. Have a drink."
• You swallow your pride as you feel attacked, yet, your heart is racing in your chest since you are just the two of you and it didn't happen for a long time
• You drink with him, and since you can't hold the booze like he does, your mind feels slowly blurry and you want to spit out the truth
• You grab his collar, and Zoro gasps, telling you to calm down, but in front of your serious and dizzy look, he blushes and doesn't protest anymore
• "You're... a stupid man, Zorrrro!" You mumble, trying to keep your balance. "I love you and you keep being... BAD to me because you know I worth nothing, eh! I know you don't love me back, and I'll probably regret this tomorrow... But you are stupid!" You continue, taping his chest with one finger.
• Zoro is shocked, lost, caught off guard... But he feels strangely furious. Furious because he has been a jerk, now understanding how much he has wasted his time
• Angrily, he grabs you by the nape and pushes you against his chest until his mouth is sealed on yours because hearing that you're not worthy, and how insecure you are, doesn't work with him
• "How I was supposed to know, idiot?! If you're not telling me! Seriously, how can you believe you're not worthy, stupid?!" He yells at you, extracting a genuine laugh from your throat
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empresswrites · 7 years
Anonymous said:
Prince!Marco and StreetRat!Ace, bingo healing from mind control or napping?
It finally hit me! I was trying to figure something good for this! So I hope this suffices~! I listened to Ancient Egypt music for this, heh! XD You will find out on which of the two it is~!
Hope you enjoy!
[Under Read More for length]
Marco had returned earlier than expected from his trip, the palace beginning to bustle as he strode in with a scowl. It was unpleasant for him to visit with Shanks, the only nice part being the fact he lived so close to vegetation that was bigger than the two oasis in his city, one for the royal family and the other for the public, though it was mostly a place to relax as a springs for bathing is provided easily for the public and a small one within the royal home as well. 
Being a prince, Marco knew he had to talk with neighboring areas, but as soon as his father, Edward Newgate, said he could leave, he couldn’t get on a camel fast enough. Not even stopping, having his men take shifts to sleep in a wagon they had as he wanted to get home as fast as he could before his irritation could rise anymore. 
To his surprise after he entered his room is the rustling noises and a sound of panic, making him easily close the door and notice the curtain around his bed shift as if someone jumped off and landed to the ground next to it. It was raised up on a wicker bed frame and he eyes the area before moving quietly with sandaled feet to reach a point to barely see a form slip underneath. 
A sigh leaves him, “you are not in trouble, yoi. Just tell me you at least took shoes off to rest on my bed.” The voice leaves him, not an ounce of anger lingering and that’s when dark locks show with a face with speckled stars along his sun kissed skin look up to him with a hint of embarrassment with his scowl. 
“Um... yeah?” The man replies before sliding out from beneath the bed with billowing pants and a shirt loosely on his top half. It was all dirty and it was evident he was what the town would call them, a street rat. Marco finds the word disgruntling, but doesn’t ever comment on it as no one in the palace would say that, especially in front of the royal family. 
“Won’t do, strip yourself and I will get you a robe. We will go bathe as I know my trip has left me smelling of camel and the sand more than usual.” Marco responds nonchalantly like there isn’t some stranger in his room, though Marco had been through this plenty of times before with one person becoming his personal guard. 
“What?” The stranger asks in confusion and Marco feels his eyes linger on him as he reaches two robes. Walking back to the male who merely stares with curiosity, he barely catches the robe tossed to him. 
“We are going to bathe, yoi. Then I will have clothes provided for you and then you will join me for dinner.” Marco merely comments while moving his own robe to lie along the bed and tugs on his clothing. 
The stranger is still gaping in surprise before that mouth shuts when the prince is left in his glory of tanned skin, scars lingering from a few battles and attempts on his life, brandishing in a light color to contrast his body beautifully. As the robe is pulled on, his blue eyes flicker to notice the other man had chucked clothing off and got the robe pulled on as well, seeming a little disarrayed on what was happening, though his one foot is back with a strap on it. 
“No need to worry, keep you knife on you if it makes you feel safer. In the bath house no one will touch it or remove it as I usually am alone anyways.” Marco states while turning to leave and trails out of his room, his bare feet loving the cool stone as it is smooth to linger along. 
Feet are catching up behind him before the stranger is next to him with flickering eyes of curiosity and Marco smirks lightly. The man was probably only thinking it of a free bath in the royal home and clothes, can’t turn that down. Plus, he should know better than to attack anyone of the family as each knew how to protect themselves with no issue. If they did attack, the family gives them a chance to atone for it or given the option of banishment or imprisonment. The Newgate family is known for it’s kind gestures and loyalty to each other and the people, so anyone attempting was usually someone wanting their land. 
“Do you have a name? Or must I call you stranger until I know?” Marco inquires curiously, though in no way forcing the other if he didn’t wish to comment. No reply returns, not bothering Marco in slightest and he merely gives a kind smile as the other eyes him lightly. Continuing to the bathhouse, guards had still stayed clear, but eyed suspiciously on this man who suddenly appeared. They say nothing, and the maids had handed baskets to both of them once entering the steaming room to bathe peacefully with no questions. 
Once left alone, Marco is easy to tread towards the steps, dropping his robe to the side in no shame. He carries his basket in one hand while wading into the water and moves along in the waist deep springs that warms him to the bone. It was a comforting heat and he trails through to the middle where a small round stone piece lay so he may place his basket and soon sit with the step provided next to the pedestal. His blue eyes meet with the stranger in the water with eyes in the basket as he fingers through them curiously, a hint of a hilt where his knife lays with an interesting design on it. Dark eyes are curious and seeming to be wondering on some things before his gaze flickers to the prince. Something seems to plague the stranger and Marco could only be curious on what exactly, but never asked while closing eyes. 
“You are rather carefree for finding a stranger in your room,” the stranger begins to speak while approaching, having Marco shift to eye the other once more, and watches as he carefully puts his basket some feet away on the pedestal. 
“Happens a lot to me, it seems. One occasion the man became part of my guard, a few others they were misunderstood, and as for the rest… well…” Two fingers move to let them linger on a scar near his collarbone as he knows it was the closest to his neck from those attempts. “I don’t think I need to explain, yoi.” The comment has the stranger nod before sitting and staying a short distance, a comfortable one. 
The silence draws on before the stranger moves to turn to his basket and carefully brings out his sheathed dagger. “I was told…” The man begins as Marco watches him carefully as the dagger is held out. “Your family would know of this dagger’s origins.” Dark eyes watch the prince as he carefully grips to the holster and moves it to be before him. Eyebrows shot up as the work for the hilt is blaring with familiarity and causes a curl in his stomach. 
“How… how did you…” A clench settles within his chest as the design was something mixed with others he has seen, but this was reserved. “How did you acquire my… former betrothed’s dagger? This is his emblem, specifically designed for him when he was old enough to wield… Well, before the fall anyway.” A hurt lingers in Marco’s voice as he caresses the hilt, the etchings he burned into his memory. 
“Because the dagger belongs to me.” The claim has Marco snap his head up with a searching look, trying to remember what he was told of the royal family his father knew so well. 
“Rouge is fair skinned with freckles reminding you of constellations.” 
“Roger has eyes and hair like the abyss, but a fire that burns in his soul so brightly.” 
“A-Ace…?” The prince asks in uncertainty as he was told years ago that the one he was tied to had died along with everyone in the palace that night of Akainu’s terror. 
“That’s all I know of my name, yeah…” The stranger looks unsure, but positive that is what he knows. “I don’t remember anything before I was twelve and been wondering places with only my name and that dagger as the only thing I own.” The mentioned age shows Ace has been missing out on quite a bit and sees the hesitation on that freckled face. “I have these memories, but they are bad, and I think I was… controlled or something.” He mentions softly before moving a hand to push back dark locks and Marco shift to place the dagger to the pedestal. Shifting, he moves closer, bringing a tension in the other, but is calm with his movements. 
“You… I want you to stay here, yoi. I will help you gain anything you lost, though you may have been young enough not to remember what happened…” Marco comments painfully as he remembered being ten when finding out his betrothed, that was only eight, would never be able to meet him. It hurt Marco more than he thought, though he grew up knowing it had been arranged and when each were twelve they would meet for the first time to linger and get to know one another. It was not common, but their parents wanted them comfortable and grow into it or find if they don’t. 
Marco is now twenty and hard pressed as most prince’s find someone by that time, but he was a bit heart broken over the fact that he never got to meet someone his father found would match him perfectly. Edward never even pushed the matter after that, almost as if it was something meant to be and said if Marco did find someone to let him know, but Marco wasn’t looking. It made him feel that maybe he wasn’t allowed such a thing, not being royal blood, but instead brought into the family as the first son as Edward had no one. 
“Then my family is gone?” Ace asks with furrowed brows and receives a solemn look in return. “I see… then your family knew mine?” 
“Yes, my father was close friends with your mother and father. The one who set us together was your mother, our fathers agreeing readily on how our personalities would blend. It wasn’t an arranged marriage, but I figured with my childhood that I was lucky to be even given such a place and, what I was told, an amazing betrothed.” Marco remarks while watching the other and taking in his features as if it was the last he would see of him. “That… that all seems to mean nothing now, yoi. So, do not worry of that and I will gather your kingdoms history and when my father returns, then you can talk with him as well. He will be happy to see you have lived and fairing well enough, even with your mind fogged. Besides, he has seen you in person, so maybe you will remember him somewhat.” Marco comments readily and makes sure to keep his hands away from the other, as this man was no longer someone meant for him or even a hopeful meaning for him to be with someone. 
“That would be nice… talking to your father that is.” Ace mentions while seeming to relax some and the prince closes his eyes with no qualms. “I would also like to get to know you, Marco.” The name leaving someone else’s lips that at one point was meant for him has a shiver run through him as it wasn’t met with ‘prince’ latched on it. 
Blue eyes find Ace once more as he notices a look of curiosity, “of course. We would want you to stay here even if remembering your kingdom. We want you safe, yoi.” 
“Mh,” Ace nods in agreement before turning away with pursed lips and hands playing with the water just below the surface. “Thank you,” the whisper lingers and Marco smiles softly, though a part of his chest aches. 
“Of course,” he responds with his mind continuing with the thought of ‘anything for you.’
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mouseymatchmaker · 8 years
Can I get one for One piece, Drrr, Supernatural, and FMA(Brotherhood) (Is this too much? sorry;;) I'm a straight female INFP who's got the brain of an 8 year-old. For appearance, I'm 5'2, I lean to the chubby side, and have brown eyes and hair( which is long). I'm fun loving and find complete joy in pranking people. Even though I'm the crazy one in the group, my friends tend to come to me when they need advice, or just someone to listen to them. I'm also SUPER lazy; like I'm all in for[1/3]
[2/3]exploring a haunted house( since I love horror too much) but am lazy with something as simple as walking from my room to the bathroom. I don’t judge people based on looks, career and whatnot; only their personality matters to me. I’m pretty blunt and tend to speak my mind, so if someone says something insulting, I’m more than happy to shut them up with a snarky remark. Sometimes I get into these silent moods where I don’t want to talk or do anything, this doesn’t happen from me being upset;
[3/3] It just happens. Even though I’m bold, I’m pretty embarrassed and awkward when shown affection, especially physical contact. As for my hobbies, I draw in most of my free time, if i’m not drawing, I’m playing video games. I’m also a huge animal lover, like a HUGE one. That’s why even though I’m kind of a tomboy, I love love love plushies!! I’m a VERY picky eater haha but sweets and milk are my number one. I also have an over the top imagination. Thank you & good luck on your blog!
Not a problem :D I think I’ll (try) to put yours under the cut, just because it’s gonna be hella long :P
One Piece
At first Sabo came to mind, but then Marco did and he just stayed. Just stayed :p
Marco would be a good guy for you because he has the patience of a saint. Like, have you seen his family? You need patience and kindness around them. He can be fun-loving and enjoy a prank or two with you, but usually he leaves the prank wars between you, Ace and Thatch. Someone needs to referee you guys when it gets over the top so usually it’s him which means he needs to maintain neutrality. 
He’d need someone there to have a bit of rant to and just to talk to sometimes, and you strike me as the kind of person who would keep what people say to yourself, rather than go gossiping about it, in which case he’ll happily take you into his confidence. He can handle being lazy, he personally likes lazy mornings but don’t always ask for him to go get you stuff; every once in while is okay, but all the time and he will not be impressed.
He’s glad you can handle yourself vocally and will usually back up snarky comments with one of his own, so you’ll have his support in an argument. He’ll also lean off the PDA if it embarrasses you that much… But he does love his PDA :3
I see Marco as being pretty chill regarding animals, some he’ll adore and other’s he’ll be nonchalant about. Then there are creepy ones that move in a way he doesn’t like. Don’t bring them near him; he’ll get up and walk away. 
Picky eating isn’t something that concerns him unless he wants to make dinner for the two of you, in which case he’ll ask Thatch. It doesn’t faze him. Video games and drawing are chill with him, he’s very laid back really. Plushies are his go to for gifts if he has no idea what to get you; he likes to think outside the box and not get you something similar every-time, but if he’s really stuck, plushies are the present :3
Overall, you got a chill man here who will take you and life in his stride.
I actually see you with Walker Yumasaki. He probably loves plushies too, albeit anime/manga based ones as opposed to standard teddies or something. He can be pretty crazy too, but it’s good for him to know that he has someone there to listen to him and offer advice when Kyohei or Erika aren’t there or it’s something he’d prefer them not to know about (which is preciously rare)
He too loves animals but be prepared for him to make lots of anime references with them; like foxes? He’ll make reference to any anime that have kitsune in them. You get the idea.
As for snarky comments? You take down someone with a burn, he’ll be cheering for you… but may also say stuff like “you could have made that cooler by *insert anime reference here*” So long as you can cope with that, all is good :3
As for lazy days, he’s up for them… All day watching watching anime or reading manga? He’s down for that! But don’t think he’ll move when the anime comes to a big battle or a moment he just loves. He will not move until it’s over. Nothing really comes to mind about picky eating, I guess I see only being fazed by it if he has to cook the both of you dinner or if he loves something you despise :P
Overall, you got an anime buddy who would essentially encourage you to become an anime character, if you’re chill with that then he’s your man. 
Gabriel is the man for you! This fella loves his pranks and would be happy for you to join in :D However, you may need to put him in his place if the pranks get a little out of line.
He too can be a bit lazy, but be prepared  for many days out and about anyway! He’ll show you the world! (Shining, shimmering, splendid!!! I saw the opportunity and I took it!!) No but really, he’ll take you anywhere in the world you want to, with a snap of his fingers! Anniversary? Off to Rome! Wanna learn how to surf? Off to Hawaii it is! The world will be your playground… You won’t want to be lazy (until the day of fun is over and you’re exhausted :p)
This seems like a guy who would rarely go to others for advice, but he might need to rant every now and again, have you seen his family? He needs to have someone listen to him babble on and on sometimes, and you seem up for the job :D
Oh, and he’s your cheerleader when you take someone down with a snarky comment! That hold my flower thing that went around a while back? Yeah, that’s you two. Beware though, this guy loves PDA and likes seeing you flustered. If you don’t like it, don’t be confrontational about it, be gentle and he’ll ease it off, otherwise you might just annoy him.
I see him as being nonchalant around animals, but that going around the world thing? Yeah, you’re going to see so many animals in their natural habitat and instead of feeding the pockets of people who care little about the animals, you’d actually go out into, say the jungle, and they will approach you with his coaxing. Basically a lot healthier than a zoo or funding people who put little attention into the care of their creatures that shouldn’t be made to carry humans or something along those lines. 
He likes video games, but gets hella competitive. For the sake of peace, make sure you’re on the same side! Don’t art with him either. He can make masterpieces at the snap of his fingers. He’ll literally annoy you to hell and back if you do this. That being said, he’d like to look through any portfolios you have. Picky eater huh? All this guy eats is candy… you’d have to encourage him to eat healthy!! Over the top imagination? A click of his fingers and what you imagine shall happen. Be careful what you wish for with this one!
Overall, you’re going to have a lot of fun with this guy, he will give you ride of your life and you’ll never want to go back to the mundane!
FMA (Brotherhood)
Clearly, we’ve established you need someone who is chill but can also have a lot of fun with. This is a little tougher than the others but I think that the man I match you with should be Alphonse Elric!
He loves animal, I think he’d love to prank his brother with you, I think he’d love to have a chill out day with you; you can art while he studies alchemy. He may well need your advice on normal things, things he wasn’t able to do when he was a suit of armor or just things he wasn’t able to do as a child. Usually he’s a listener of issues, so it would be comforting to know he has someone there for him :3
He’s not overly confrontational, so if you hit back at someone with a snarky comment, he’s more likely to try to diffuse the tension. That’s not to say he doesn’t support you in a fight, he just would rather there not be a fight in the first place. 
He’s also a little shy when it comes to PDA so this might be something you can both work on; he strikes me as private when it comes to that sort of stuff so you have no fear of people teasing you if it goes wrong. No one will ever know. This guy probably loves plushies too, just the fabric on his skin after getting his body back was astonishing for him. Basically, he loves the feel of hugging them and… just the feel of it man, he relishes in it :3 Also, this guy loves his milk! You will have war over who had the last of the milk :p
Overall, here a guy who ticks every single box for you with still room to help you both grow through your relationship :D
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xamaxenta · 1 year
the note I added to a plot document for arc 6, featuring feral bastard sabo who cannot articulate his feels and slightly suicidal marco:
Interlude chapter during the period where they’re figuring shit out: Sabo, extremely pissed at Marco about Marco’s self-sacrificial and self-martyring shit, makes a comment about how “normally when I have a problem as stubborn as you, I’m able to just beat it’s face in until it stops moving but I don’t even get that satisfaction with you!” “You could if you weren’t a coward.” which results in a fight where an enraged Sabo bashes Marco’s skull in with a pipe. Stunned and terrified of himself, Sabo watches Marco’s head burst into flames before he gets up and “feel better now?” “No, you fucking asshole, I feel worse actually!” and they end up hugging it out. Ace, watching from the window, just shakes his head. Followed up by all three cuddling sabo in the middle in bed and Marco apologizing for making Sabo do that, and sabo trying to express that marco didn’t make him do shit. It goes nowhere until ace tells them to just shut up they’ll sort it out in the morning. Might result in a second fight where sabo shoots marco through the eye (because I love the look of marco’s flaming eye) (instead of blood and viscera, it’s just flames and feathers, marco’s awakened fruit refusing to submit to death, marco staggered back briefly by the impact then leaning forward again with his burning eye and the back of his head erupting in flames and feathers. Marco blinks away the fire). Sabo breaks down, sobbing about Marco being too forgiving, how he shouldn’t tolerate this kind of treatment from someone he loves, etc. Marco hugs him through it and tells sabo it’s okay and to talk to ace. Later, ace explains that sabo loving marco too doesn’t diminish what they have together (and, in fact, probably just expands it because why wouldn’t they share everything anyway? Marco’s down for it, even if they have to beat some sense into him first about giving up his place for sabo instead of just letting sabo in the same way he’s let ace in)
This makes me WUWUEUE so hard like youre right this deranged feral sabo is thee best and i really cant wait to see how you will write him bc this is super emotional and everyone’s realllyyy keyed up
I loooove how Sabo would react like hair trigger almost and instantly regret what he’s done, feel sick to his stomach as Marco revives, easily imagining him with a sickly complexion and a pinched expression like why would you fucking say shit like that
And Sabo gets to be in the middle!!! To feel Ace and Marco like , talk about the most complicated emotional sandwich, i enjoy the concept of Marco and sabo facing each other and bickering in circles and Ace headbutts Sabo from behind like fucks sake shut the fuck up both of you please and they do bc Ace needs rest 🥹
Sabo for that second fight essentially unwillingly? Using marco as an emotional punching bag is SO GOURMET as is the always fantastic flaming eye aesthetic Marco often gets depicted with its sexy even tho the content and reason for this flaming eye isnt so sexy hah
And that last bit where where
Giving up his space place by Aces side so Sabo can take it is legit thee delicacy that is MAS its not about Marco letting Sabo take his place its about letting him in its not about favourites or replacements or replacing people Ace cares about or people Sabo or Marco care about its about opening up the love they share aaaa AA
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flauntpage · 6 years
The Union are Being Linked to…. a Really Good Player?
You know me.
I constantly rip the Union for performing like a small market team.
But pulling this off would be a big market move:
Hearing the @PhilaUnion are in final discussions with Marco Fabian from @eintracht_eng and @Bundesliga_EN. Great signing and opportunity for both sides. #MLS
— Taylor Twellman (@TaylorTwellman) February 5, 2019
Dude is good.
He’s really good, a 29-year-old attacking midfielder and Mexican international currently playing for Eintracht Frankfurt in Germany.
He’s been limited recently due to a back issue and really has not played much. The Union are gonna have to do their due diligence here, and if they get it right they’re bringing in a guy who finished the 2016-17 season with seven goals and four assists. He has 72 goals and 46 assists in 317 career games with Frankfurt, Cruz Azul, and Chivas de Guadalajara, plus nine goals in 42 appearances for Mexico.
Fabian can play wide, but he’s primarily a central attacking midfielder (CAM) and would be used in that position here in Philadelphia.
The Union are in their first preseason under new Sporting Director Ernst Tanner, and they ran out what appeared to be a 4-4-2 diamond against Red Bull last week, just judging by the lineup graphic and the names listed.
If Fabian signs, you would probably see something like this, after the jump:
You can throw Fafa Picault or David Accam in there for Burke. There are two striker spots for five players, so we’ll see who wins the opening day gigs.
But I think this is basically what they’re trying to do, which is a 4-4-2 diamond where the wide midfielders are more like box-to-box eights who play purposefully narrow as a defensive blanket.
Let me try to explain in more simple terms:
Because Haris Medunjanin is not a defensive-minded player, but likes to operate from deep positions, you have to put somebody next to him to help out when the team loses the ball. Philly really struggled with transitional defense last year, which basically turned into Alejandro Bedoya running his butt off and trying to put out fires.
The concept here is that the wide midfielders tuck inside to shield your six, then Fabian is the tip of the diamond and creative playmaker who gets your strikers involved.
Two teams that played similar shapes were Real Salt Lake and AC Milan (when they were good), and if you follow me on Twitter, you know I’ve been blathering on about both of those clubs as case studies for what I think the Union are trying to do.
Here’s an example of how the Union shape would overlay with AC Milan from 2005:
Same thing, right?
AC Milan had a similar player to Medunjanin in Andrea Pirlo, i.e. a wonderful deep-lying passer who didn’t play a lick of defense.
So what Carlo Ancelotti did was bracket Pirlo with two box-to-box midfielders in Clarence Seedorf and Gennaro Gattuso, which would alleviate Pirlo’s defensive liabilities.
Real Salt Lake did kind of the same thing with Kyle Beckerman playing the deep end of the diamond, with Javier Morales at the point and guys like Ned Grabavoy and Will Johnson as the “wide” midfielders. In this shape, the width comes from your fullbacks more than your “wide” midfielders.
It’s an interesting concept, and again, I don’t know if this is what they want to do moving forward or if it’s preseason experimentation, but I just wrote 569 words about it anyway.
Here’s a Marco Fabian highlight reel:
By the way, if any of you soccer-hating cockroaches wanna talk shit in the comments section, don’t. Keep my name out of your mouth.
The post The Union are Being Linked to…. a Really Good Player? appeared first on Crossing Broad.
The Union are Being Linked to…. a Really Good Player? published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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empresswrites · 7 years
Seven Minutes in Heaven (MarcoAce)
Ace had his fair share of party games, high school being that time to be adventurous and curious. Fulfilling your curiosities and getting into trouble was something he always loved doing. So, when Kidd said his older brother being out of town he did the most sensible thing.
Throw a party.
The word spread like wildfire and anyone who was able had been invited, permitting that you weren’t a freshie, they seemed to ruin the fun sometimes. Ace had been excited, being a Junior and being friends with Kidd since childhood (even when his brother tried to make him steer clear) had paid off. The guy always invited him out to do Senior things, making his blood pumped and Law was usually there as well. His two friends had a questionable relationship, but he never butted in as it wasn’t his business.
Going over to Kidd’s place, he had been told to swing by to help set up and had no problem because that meant he wasn’t on clean up duty later like Killer was. It took them no time, mostly storing away things that were highly breakable and getting to where the food and drinks were accessible. People started showing up an hour later than the start time, like usual, and it started kicking up.
After a couple hours in, Ace had made a new buddy with a student from the town over that heard about the party from a friend. He had invited three of his brothers, saying boastfully they weren’t related but got along well enough in a type of jest and Ace could relate with his own two brothers not being related to him. He was cool, Ace hanging around with him for some time before the two of them had been dragged off to a bedroom upstairs being the extra room as the older brother’s room was closed off skillfully and word was around to not even dare touching Kidd’s room.
“You’re turn to spin for heaven, Marco.” Ace watched as Thatch was hitting to his brother’s shoulder, the blond looking to not want to be here and seemed disgruntled that the roll of dice had him set for ‘heaven’. In a way, the guy was pretty good looking and it was evident when every girl wanted a chance in ‘heaven’ with him.
Heaven is meaning for when the person spins the bottle, whoever it lands on gets put in a closet with them for however long. The limit they had set was seven minutes, which most people made out as the point of the game. It was always humorous to watch two guys or two girls go in when they have no interest and Ace kept himself pumped for it all. It was all for fun, so he wasn’t a sour puss about what situation he got, being in ‘heaven’ with a few guys before which ended with them chatting about some girl.
As the bottle was twirled, it easily spun and shortly slowed down, the open end pointing to it’s victim. “Ace! Our new buddy!” Thatch cheers with a laugh as the mentioned male shrugs with amusement. Marco stares before rolling eyes as his brother pushed him up. “You guys know the rules!” Some girls gave whines, split between wanting one man or the other for themselves. 
The closet is small, giving hardly any space with boxes on one side and they squeezed in. This would be Ace’s second time in here, the first time with a girl that was too nervous and just wanted to talk, which he respected. The closet was closed with no light on now and they situated legs each having one resting in between the others comfortably. Ace leaned against the boxes as gives out a breath.
“Well, since Thatch did a crash course introduction, my name is Ace Portgas.” The male decided to fully introduce himself and heard a light snort.
“Marco Newgate, and can’t believe he even dragged me out for this since I graduated already.” The mentioning has Ace raise eyebrows with a curious hum so the other knew since they could hardly see anything. “In December, I graduated early, yoi.” Marco comments and this noise leaves Ace in praise.
“That’s cool, my brother is doing the same next year. Graduating in December, though he totally could this year if he wanted.” Ace says with praise for his brother that is only a few months off from him in age. “We’re Juniors.”
“I would hope so.” A laugh leaves Ace on hearing that while noticing the other shift and giving a hum. “You can’t be serious in enjoying this game...”
“Why not? I like sharing my love since no one wants to keep a hold of it seriously.” Ace mentions in an offhanded way and hears a slight noise.
“What is your preference for gender?” Marco asks seriously and it draws on in a silence before Ace makes a slight noise of confusion.
“Straight, I guess.” The reply has a hum leave Marco and there is slight shifting.
“You guess?” The question is lingering before a snort sounds out and causes a soft complaint.
“What?” Ace gives the low tone, not seeing what is so funny.
“Let’s make a bet, yoi.” The words leave Marco as Ace notices that he is standing up straight with the sound of something near his head while eyes adjusted enough to see the shadow of the other being closer.
“What kind of bet?” Ace feels his heart hammering wildly, finding his body flaring in heat at the close proximity and feels a little confused. Sure, he found the other to be attractive for a guy, but it was a waved off thought that he got on occasion. That’s what he thought, anyways, being a compliment in his mind and only for himself, but why was he feeling a thrill like he does with the girls? It also feels stronger with Marco being so close.
“I make your head spin, then you date me.”
“What?” The question almost snaps out, trying to understand what the other was speaking of or playing at really.
“As I said and if it makes you curl away then I will let you punch me with no protest.” The offer seems solid, something Ace can get on board with, but his heart was already thundering without even doing anything more.
“I’ve known you for like, what? An hour?”
“And dating gives more time to focus on one person, yoi.” Marco mentions as he seems to hover in place, not helping the younger male’s mind that flurried.
“Fine,” Ace bites out as not one to back down and notices the shifting in front of him. A hand moves to find his chin and shifting his head to tilt up, which he quickly licks to his chapped lips. As his tongue retreated, lips found his with a graze before pressing more to take it in fully. A sharp inhale fills Ace through his nose at the sensations festering in him, head spinning, blood rushing, and heart pounding above the party going on as they had already started spinning the bottle and ignoring them for the time being. 
When Marco starts pulling away, Ace is quick to move his hand to the back of the other’s neck to pull him back down. Mouths clash again and Ace is making sure to participate this time as he enjoys the feel of a hand gripping to his hip to pull him into a body. A high fills Ace’s senses, enjoying every bit of play from their lips and can’t help having hands pulling Marco closer to him until no space was between them.
The pounding on the door startles them, “one minute remaining, guys!” Someone hollers with Thatch voicing in the background how they were probably irritated at the space. Most are laughing as Ace is panting, trying to catch up with his breaths and feels hands lining along his sides. A slight arch of his body is there and gives a soft gasp, hearing a light chuckle.
“No more spin bottle for you tonight.” Marco comments, receiving a soft noise of complaint as Ace is situating to pull himself enough away to cool off.
“Y-You’re stupid.” Ace mentions in a sputter, trying to hide his embarrassment as his breaths are still a little ragged.
“I’ll take you to do laser tag tomorrow with lunch, yoi.” The comment has Ace’s heart fill with flutters, swirling into his stomach as that sounds so good of a date.
“You sweet and stupid man.” It’s a hiss, Marco chuckling as the younger male grips to a shirt and licks his own lips at the remembrance of the other’s there.
“You’re cute.”
“Am not!”
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flauntpage · 6 years
The Union are Being Linked to…. a Really Good Player?
You know me.
I constantly rip the Union for performing like a small market team.
But pulling this off would be a big market move:
Hearing the @PhilaUnion are in final discussions with Marco Fabian from @eintracht_eng and @Bundesliga_EN. Great signing and opportunity for both sides. #MLS
— Taylor Twellman (@TaylorTwellman) February 5, 2019
Dude is good.
He’s really good, a 29-year-old attacking midfielder and Mexican international currently playing for Eintracht Frankfurt in Germany.
He’s been limited recently due to a back issue and really has not played much. The Union are gonna have to do their due diligence here, and if they get it right they’re bringing in a guy who finished the 2016-17 season with seven goals and four assists. He has 72 goals and 46 assists in 317 career games with Frankfurt, Cruz Azul, and Chivas de Guadalajara, plus nine goals in 42 appearances for Mexico.
Fabian can play wide, but he’s primarily a central attacking midfielder (CAM) and would be used in that position here in Philadelphia.
The Union are in their first preseason under new Sporting Director Ernst Tanner, and they ran out what appeared to be a 4-4-2 diamond against Red Bull last week, just judging by the lineup graphic and the names listed.
If Fabian signs, you would probably see something like this, after the jump:
You can throw Fafa Picault or David Accam in there for Burke. There are two striker spots for five players, so we’ll see who wins the opening day gigs.
But I think this is basically what they’re trying to do, which is a 4-4-2 diamond where the wide midfielders are more like box-to-box eights who play purposefully narrow as a defensive blanket.
Let me try to explain in more simple terms:
Because Haris Medunjanin is not a defensive-minded player, but likes to operate from deep positions, you have to put somebody next to him to help out when the team loses the ball. Philly really struggled with transitional defense last year, which basically turned into Alejandro Bedoya running his butt off and trying to put out fires.
The concept here is that the wide midfielders tuck inside to shield your six, then Fabian is the tip of the diamond and creative playmaker who gets your strikers involved.
Two teams that played similar shapes were Real Salt Lake and AC Milan (when they were good), and if you follow me on Twitter, you know I’ve been blathering on about both of those clubs as case studies for what I think the Union are trying to do.
Here’s an example of how the Union shape would overlay with AC Milan from 2005:
Same thing, right?
AC Milan had a similar player to Medunjanin in Andrea Pirlo, i.e. a wonderful deep-lying passer who didn’t play a lick of defense.
So what Carlo Ancelotti did was bracket Pirlo with two box-to-box midfielders in Clarence Seedorf and Gennaro Gattuso, which would alleviate Pirlo’s defensive liabilities.
Real Salt Lake did kind of the same thing with Kyle Beckerman playing the deep end of the diamond, with Javier Morales at the point and guys like Ned Grabavoy and Will Johnson as the “wide” midfielders. In this shape, the width comes from your fullbacks more than your “wide” midfielders.
It’s an interesting concept, and again, I don’t know if this is what they want to do moving forward or if it’s preseason experimentation, but I just wrote 569 words about it anyway.
Here’s a Marco Fabian highlight reel:
By the way, if any of you soccer-hating cockroaches wanna talk shit in the comments section, don’t. Keep my name out of your mouth.
The post The Union are Being Linked to…. a Really Good Player? appeared first on Crossing Broad.
The Union are Being Linked to…. a Really Good Player? published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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flauntpage · 6 years
The Union are Being Linked to…. a Really Good Player?
You know me.
I constantly rip the Union for performing like a small market team.
But pulling this off would be a big market move:
Hearing the @PhilaUnion are in final discussions with Marco Fabian from @eintracht_eng and @Bundesliga_EN. Great signing and opportunity for both sides. #MLS
— Taylor Twellman (@TaylorTwellman) February 5, 2019
Dude is good.
He’s really good, a 29-year-old attacking midfielder and Mexican international currently playing for Eintracht Frankfurt in Germany.
He’s been limited recently due to a back issue and really has not played much. The Union are gonna have to do their due diligence here, and if they get it right they’re bringing in a guy who finished the 2016-17 season with seven goals and four assists. He has 72 goals and 46 assists in 317 career games with Frankfurt, Cruz Azul, and Chivas de Guadalajara, plus nine goals in 42 appearances for Mexico.
Fabian can play wide, but he’s primarily a central attacking midfielder (CAM) and would be used in that position here in Philadelphia.
The Union are in their first preseason under new Sporting Director Ernst Tanner, and they ran out what appeared to be a 4-4-2 diamond against Red Bull last week, just judging by the lineup graphic and the names listed.
If Fabian signs, you would probably see something like this, after the jump:
You can throw Fafa Picault or David Accam in there for Burke. There are two striker spots for five players, so we’ll see who wins the opening day gigs.
But I think this is basically what they’re trying to do, which is a 4-4-2 diamond where the wide midfielders are more like box-to-box eights who play purposefully narrow as a defensive blanket.
Let me try to explain in more simple terms:
Because Haris Medunjanin is not a defensive-minded player, but likes to operate from deep positions, you have to put somebody next to him to help out when the team loses the ball. Philly really struggled with transitional defense last year, which basically turned into Alejandro Bedoya running his butt off and trying to put out fires.
The concept here is that the wide midfielders tuck inside to shield your six, then Fabian is the tip of the diamond and creative playmaker who gets your strikers involved.
Two teams that played similar shapes were Real Salt Lake and AC Milan (when they were good), and if you follow me on Twitter, you know I’ve been blathering on about both of those clubs as case studies for what I think the Union are trying to do.
Here’s an example of how the Union shape would overlay with AC Milan from 2005:
Same thing, right?
AC Milan had a similar player to Medunjanin in Andrea Pirlo, i.e. a wonderful deep-lying passer who didn’t play a lick of defense.
So what Carlo Ancelotti did was bracket Pirlo with two box-to-box midfielders in Clarence Seedorf and Gennaro Gattuso, which would alleviate Pirlo’s defensive liabilities.
Real Salt Lake did kind of the same thing with Kyle Beckerman playing the deep end of the diamond, with Javier Morales at the point and guys like Ned Grabavoy and Will Johnson as the “wide” midfielders. In this shape, the width comes from your fullbacks more than your “wide” midfielders.
It’s an interesting concept, and again, I don’t know if this is what they want to do moving forward or if it’s preseason experimentation, but I just wrote 569 words about it anyway.
Here’s a Marco Fabian highlight reel:
By the way, if any of you soccer-hating cockroaches wanna talk shit in the comments section, don’t. Keep my name out of your mouth.
The post The Union are Being Linked to…. a Really Good Player? appeared first on Crossing Broad.
The Union are Being Linked to…. a Really Good Player? published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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