#anyway Dabi and Twice are BEST friends
erasurecloud · 2 years
I have so many things to say
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nnnyxie · 5 months
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dabi, hawks, bakugo, & kirishima with a civilian s/o
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requested by @crimsonredlotus
“I would like to do a request!
Head canons for Dabi, Hawks, Bakugo, and Kirishima, with a civilian lover/partner?😩🫶 Maybe you could also add on how their friends react? I think it would be funny.👀
Plus any other you might wanna throw in <3”
pt. two
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dabi / todoroki touya:
⤷ him having a civilian partner is so….. interesting.
⤷ i think you’d have to really sympathize with him or just be completely oblivious. i just can’t really see him being with a civilian considering his status.
⤷ but if he was with one— it was possibly because you treated him like a human being despite how he looks/who he is.
⤷ dabi would definitely make sure your relationship wasn’t known to any rivals or pros, as they could weaponize you against him or take you to jail for being an ‘accomplice’.
⤷ if the LOV (pre season 6) found out he was dating a civilian, there’d be mixed reactions—
⤷ toga, twice, and compress would be supportive. at least that’s what i think.
⤷ kurogiri and spinner would be very cautious and on edge.
⤷ and shigaraki would hate it. he feared you’d end up becoming a liability but!! thanks to much convincing (from dabi and most of the league), he let it pass.
⤷ anyways.
⤷ i think he’d be more careful with a civilian partner.
⤷ like— when you both go out, he takes a lot more precautions. he covers up more than he usually would and he doesn’t steal as much or at all.
⤷ he’s not a good partner at first, he didn’t have the best example growing up. his views are warped.
⤷ but he grows and learns (and gets scolded by toga), he becomes a good bf!
hawks / takami keigo:
⤷ had to subside my hatred for him to do this request…
⤷ anyways,
⤷ hawks having a civilian s/o just makes sense.
⤷ he likes the normality you bring him after a long day of hero work.
⤷ he appreciates his fans, he really does— but, it gets tiring being the ‘mellow, happy’ hero all the time.
⤷ and the emotional toll that comes with being a pro— he just needs that comfort. that safe warmth you provide at the end of a long day.
⤷ he never intended for your relationship to become public.
⤷ one day, it just sort of happened.
⤷ he saw you while on patrol and on instinct he went to you.
⤷ normally it’d be seen as a cute fan interaction but before he left he said “see you at home” and everyone lost it.
⤷ it surprised his fans that he’s with a civilian but to his colleagues, they weren’t shocked at all.
⤷ when the talk of relationships found their way into conversations, he would always mention how he’d want a civilian partner.
⤷ they already knew of you, obviously. you always attended any gatherings with him.
⤷ i think he’s very attentive but he has those moments where he gets completely sucked into work and accidentally ignores you.
⤷ him ignoring you is never intentional but when he realizes that’s what he’s doing or when you communicate that with him, he snaps out of it and does his best to make it up to you.
⤷ he likes buying you things— that’s definitely his love language. even if it’s something small, he’ll get it cause it reminds him of you!
⤷ he wants to treat you the best he’s able to—
⤷ he wants to give you everything he can.
bakugo katsuki:
⤷ i think bakugo having a civilian s/o is so cute bc it’s so out of the ordinary for him.
⤷ like— you’d never guess he’d ever look at anyone that regard, let alone a civilian.
⤷ but the first time you both had met— it was the sweetest thing. it was as if love at first sight was real.
⤷ you probably caught his attention by warding off a villain on your own or something of the sort.
⤷ hence, the love at first sight.
⤷ i think he finds your quirk super useful and sometimes berates you for not becoming a hero.
⤷ of course he respects your choice not to— but, still. he thinks you would’ve been a badass pro.
⤷ i don’t think his friends would find out about your relationship until he casually mentioned having them over to meet you. (he loves his friends and wants their approval)
⤷ now— when the public finds out about the relationship, all hell breaks loose!!
⤷ it’s on every headline. ‘pro hero dynamight spotted with secret lover!’
⤷ the two of you end up sitting down and talking about this for hours— deciding to confirm and reveal your relationship.
⤷ once that happens, he’s a openly affectionate with you.
⤷ he’s very big on dates, absolutely loves to take you out on them—
⤷ so now that your relationship is public, he’s so happy bc he can take you to more places.
⤷ he’s a bit of a worry wart, believe it or not.
⤷ he knows that you can handle your own but, still. he needs to know you’re safe at all times.
⤷ he’s big on acts of service so he’s always doing something for you. whether it be organizing something you’ve been putting off or learning to cook your favorite meal.
kirishima eijiro:
⤷ i don’t think anyone would be surprised that he has a partner that’s not a hero.
⤷ he doesn’t care about status or things that most (superficial) heroes do.
⤷ he’s the classic ‘personality first, beauty second’ type of man and we love that!!
⤷ i think he’d be very open about your relationship!!
⤷ i picture him being with a childhood friend— he just screams ‘childhood friends to lovers’
⤷ his friends are very aware of who you are. he talks about you as if you are a god(dess).
⤷ he practically worships the ground you walk on!!
⤷ the media definitely tries to spin your relationship but he never lets that shit slide. he always calls out their bullshit!!
⤷ there are points where he gets a bit too aggressive with them so you have to reel him back and help his pr team out a bit. (he’s just a silly fella!)
⤷ he’s like,,, the dream bf.
⤷ attentive, patient, gentle (with you), kind, etc etc
⤷ weaponized incompetence? never heard of her!! he’s willing to do anything and everything for you.
⤷ he learns about all of your favorite things— shows, movies, music, etc. he wants to like what you like (though sometimes he just can’t).
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my hatred for hawks is justified!! i cannot forgive him for what he did to my pookie bear…………
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beware-thecrow · 2 months
I fucking hate BNHA The last panel about "granma is here" in fact further proves my point on another post of how empty and nonsensical BNHA became in the last arc because AfO wanting Tomura from the very beginning made impossible for him to be saved anyway, which means all his beef with the heroes became unjustified and his speech about violence and heroes and villains held no importance in the end. Why?
Because you cannot have a character built over the premise that society was so corrupt and selfish that put a little boy in the bad bad villain's reach for 5 arcs, to then say "oh, wait. He was fucked anyway because the bad bad guy was behind everything all along"
A bad bad guy not even all might in his prime could defeat, so it doesn't matter if people would or wouldn't help others. "It's all bad bad guy's fault anyway and he's practically immortal." Perfect, now we know granma didn't stand a chance against AfO, he planned this.
The whole idea of a society that relies on heroes too much instead of everyone doing their part from kindness falls like a house of cards if you have an evil so corrupt that none of said kindness will mean a thing. The moment Horikoshi went from "Tomura was found by AfO" to "Tomura was planned by AfO" the core theme of his series crumbled down. The league as a device lost its meaning, the characters that composed it became unjustified because whatever motivation they had was in fact a manipulation from the greater evil. And this applies to everyone.
What's the point in Toga and Twice calling out the lack of help for people with mental illness and problematic quirks if the message still is "If you do bad things out of despair no one will help you and you'll get killed." And yes, Toga died loved, Toga wanted to be loved, but she didn't wanted to die?? She was literally an abandoned child who found a family and ended up dying giving blood to the same girl she stabbed. And yeah, it's kinda poetic she died giving blood instead of taking it, but what was the point if she doesn't get to know she's loved? Further more, are we really to believe Ochako loved Toga? A girl she literally didn't know. Sorry, but once I got lost in a mall and a police officer helped me find my mom, that doesn't mean the officer loved me. And yeah, Ochako tried her best to be a good hero, but it's not about what the characters do, it's what the story tells you it happens with what they do. The story just told you the ill and abandoned die in the end before anyone helps them. And they die hunted by the police. What's the point of Touya as a whole? oh, wait. I know, it must be very awful for Endeavor to be such a bad person, his child ended up incapacitated. Very hard on Endeavor. Fuck Dabi being turned into a piece of charcoal, IT'S HARD ON HIS DAD.
What's the point in Spinner pointing out discrimination and people following him if in the end we got that he should have stayed in his lane, in his room, friendless because he only went out to be seen by someone who accepted him, just to have that person tortured in front of him before he was killed. And for what? For a teen to tell him "Yo, bro. I punched your bestie to death, make a comic about it. Btw you'll be staying in jail forever. So so sorry for you guys." Proving once again, murder is okay if you are on the right side of the story. No matter how much compassion, Tomura showed Spinner, or how much he suffered through life. Heroes had the right to kill him, and there was nothing Spinner (who legit loved his friend) could do about it because AfO had taken over. Again, another good character turned pointless, with a pointless point of view, with a pointless conclusion because he can tell the story of Tomura Shigaraki all he wants FROM JAIL, but under the public eye Tomura will go down as an insane mass murderer either way since looking at him in any other light would inevitably make a target of Izuku for killing him and that won't happen. You cannot have "the best hero ever" and "he killed this dude that was kinda right" in the same sentence. It doesn't make sense. Not to mention his case against discrimination went nowhere since everyone who followed him became a villain and the only person who actually makes a point about discrimination ends up being Deku on another, totally different chapter that had nothing to do with Spinner. And...he's a hero so he can say whatever he wants, we go back to "questioning bad, unless a hero says it" and "people are really that horrible in BNHA universe".
Tomura's case it's even more fucked because even when he said he didn't want a future, every single wish he had fell flat. His hatred for not being saved as a child proved to be out of anyone's control, his desire to destroy society didn't land because nothing really changed. There are still schools for child soldiers, and people are still not questioning the violence heroes use to keep the status quo, and certainly no one is wondering how is that a couple of heroes were able to kill a couple of villains (because so far Hawks still has a job). His friends ended up dead or locked away, and the child in him that begged to be saved ended up...being not. In the end, we got a suffering festival for Tomura, from his granma being pushed to drop her kid, his dad being tricked, his parents getting killed in front of him, Mon-chan and Hana's memory squeezed dry and young Tenko asking for help while Tomura was assaulted by his creepy guardian for 200 chapters straight just to tell us that Deku at sixteen was a great hero for putting a twenty one-year-old dissociated guy out of his misery like a euthanized dog. And for what? To finish a guy who was infatuated with his dead brother AND THAT COULD HAVE BEEN EXECUTED IN JAIL LIKE...300 CHAPTERS AGO, since the manga already made the point that villains can be executed with little repercussion, and it can be justified if said villain it's a threat. Then...why was AfO alive to begin with? Oh, I guess this is something we can trust to a 16 year old instead of... the government or whatever. And yeah, these are tragic figures, they certainly are, but you can hardly claim that they achieved anything in the end because the first premise of the league, why it was formed and why they joined was
To live as we want/are. And now they are dead, or locked away, or bedridden crispy for something that was planted by someone else from the very beginning. And what they believed didn't change anything in the end because it's not like the public saw them do something meaningful but, again, they are being told what to believe, by whom? BY THE HEROES. Are we really arguing that Iguchi's comic will change society? ARE WE FOR REAL????? Have you ever read the story of Jesus Christ? he died for our sins by Marvel. And on top of that as the last nail in the coffin to prove that NOTHING changed, Hawks really said rebranding + target audience =📈🤙🏼 StOnKS✨ I wish I was joking.
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scary-grace · 3 months
Opposites Attract - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
Your quirk lets you capture almost anyone with ease, and you can't believe you let Shigaraki Tomura escape. Shigaraki can't believe it, either, and according to the League, there's only one possible explanation -- you let him go because you've fallen in love with him. He decides to find out if it's true. You decide you won't fail to capture him again. You both get a lot more than you bargained for. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2
Chapter 1
This was supposed to be your day off. It’s all you can think about, which isn’t a good thing, because you’re in the middle of a villain attack and using your quirk at all requires a significant amount of your focus – but it was supposed to be your day off, dammit. You’re supposed to be doing something fun. Going shopping. Getting a haircut, or mani-pedis, and going out for drinks with your friends at a place crawling with photographers. All the stuff young, single, female pro heroes are supposed to do. So what if you hate that stuff, and you were probably going to sleep all day, wake up at 5pm, make dinner, and marathon the Alien franchise until you fell asleep again? You could have gone out.
But instead you’re here, because Eraserhead caught himself another spinal fracture, and when the doctors threatened to tie him to the bed if he tried to leave before they were done fusing it, he called in a favor you owe him and made you supervise his first-year-class from hell on a field trip to the brand-new Kamino Memorial Park. Go to Kamino Park, they said. It’ll be safe, they said. There’s no way in hell the League of Villains will hit the place a second time.
Well, they’re hitting it, and they’re hitting it hard – and it was supposed to be your goddamn day off. You throw out your arm to stop the trio of students you’re shepherding to safety as three knives thud into the grass in front of you, and make yourself a promise: The next time Eraserhead asks you to do anything, you’re telling him to go to hell.
“Hey, um –��� One of the students taps your shoulder, and you know without even asking that they’ve forgotten your name again. “We got our provisional licenses. We can fight now.”
“You can, but you won’t. Create a perimeter and protect the civilians,” you order. You’re not sure why the League of Villains is here, but there’s no way you’re feeding a bunch of kids back into the same meat grinder they escaped from a month ago. “Other pros are on their way, and so are the police. In the mean time –”
You flick your fingers, calling up a magnetic field, and the knives lift out of the grass, hovering in midair. “I’ll keep them busy.”
You consider taking the knives and sending them back the way they came, but unless you want to fatally wound Toga, you’ll just be handing her weapons back to her. You curl your hand into a fist, compacting them into useless wads of metal. You’ve already used your quirk to tear up the park, creating uneven, unsteady terrain that’s dangerous for anybody who doesn’t have a way to take the fight airborne. Now it’s time for you to do what you do best. You narrow your focus, sensing out the concentrations of suspended iron that represent the League of Villains, and once you’ve got them, you lock them down.
Most of them, anyway. One proves a little more difficult to grasp than the others, and you get moving, using one hand to pull rebar and wiring out of the ground. You need it to ensnare the three you’ve already captured while you chase the villain who slipped away from you. You secure Toga and Twice, but Dabi burns his way free, and Twice sends a clone after you. Since it’s a clone, you don’t feel bad about yanking every molecule of trace metals out of its body and turning it to sludge.
Dabi’s on his feet, but you’re a bad matchup for Dabi for a lot of reasons. He’s got a ton of extra metal in his body. He throws his hands out towards you, blue flames already flickering. You fix your quirk on the staples holding him together and start pulling them out.
“What the fuck?” Dabi snarls, recoiling. Blood is already beginning to ooze from the holes on his wrists. “If you think you can just take me apart –”
You yank out another two – one from each wrist. “Stand down. You’ll run out of those before I run out of power.”
It’s true. Your quirk is Magnetism, and using it is easy for you. Using it safely is something else, but you can yank out every staple in Dabi’s body without breaking a sweat or destroying any property. Not that you want to do that. “I don’t want to hurt you, so just –”
There’s a shift in metallic concentration just behind you, and you dive to one side, just in time to avoid Shigaraki Tomura’s hand as it tries to close over your shoulder. A Twice clone is after you, too. You take the staples you pulled out of Dabi and fire them through its eye and throat as you roll out of Shigaraki’s reach. The leader of the League of Villains laughs, low and raspy. “Killing somebody? That’s not very heroic.”
You hate it when villains banter, but you’re not letting that one stand. “That’s not the real Twice.”
You’ve got the real one, and now you’ve got Dabi, too – at least for a few seconds. Maintaining a hold on Dabi, Twice, and Toga at once is within your abilities, but doing that and trying to capture Shigaraki at the same time – and maintain the barriers you’ve set up – and stay sharp enough to bounce Shigaraki into midair if he tries to touch the ground and vaporize Kamino Memorial Park out from under your feet – all of that is testing your concentration. When you lose concentration while using your quirk, bad things happen.
Shigaraki reaches for you again. A hero like Eraserhead would retaliate physically, kick or hit back, but you don’t want to be anywhere near Shigaraki’s quirk. You draw back out of reach, taking a step back every time Shigaraki steps forward. “You’re an underground hero,” he says. “Didn’t you learn what we do to underground heroes from what happened to Eraserhead?”
“Yeah. He shook that off, and sent me to take care of his light work.” The longer you can drag this out, the better – you can hear sirens approaching, and you know that Yokohama’s other pros are on their way. “Isn’t this a little high-risk for you? Returning to the scene of the crime so you can – what?”
Shigaraki sneers at you from behind the hand. “What do you think?”
You really couldn’t care less. Someone shouts for you, and your concentration slips for a second too long. You have to decide who to let go of, and between the three you’ve restrained, Toga’s the least dangerous. You let your control over the iron concentration in her blood relax and focus on trying to restrain Shigaraki instead. He’s hard to get ahold of. His body’s iron concentration is less than it should be. You lock him down for a second, but you can’t get a grip, and he slips free, smirking. “I know who you are,” he says. “The Capture Hero – Skynet. Not much of a capture hero, huh? You can’t even hang on to me. Are you sure the villains you’ve bagged didn’t let you get them?”
“No, they just didn’t have anemia,” you snap. Shigaraki blinks. “You don’t have enough iron in your blood for me to manipulate.”
Anemia’s not uncommon, but you’ve never come across a case this severe in someone you’re trying to capture. His iron concentration is so low that you can’t hold him for more than a split second. That level of anemia is crippling, and the words fly awkwardly out of your mouth before you can stop them. “Are you, like – okay?”
He’s stopped trying to grab you. You should capitalize on it, pull up more rebar and wire to hold him down, but your mind’s off on its own track. “Do you get headaches?” you ask. “What about dizziness? Do you get tired a lot?”
Shigaraki looks disconcerted. He nods – then shakes his head, snarls, and sinks back into a fighting stance. “Why do you care?”
“What about a rapid heart rate even when you’re not doing anything?” When he’s doing something, like he is right now, it’s got to be even worse. You two have been trading barbs for thirty seconds at most and he’s out of breath. “You need to take care of yourself. This isn’t healthy.”
“Shut up!” Shigaraki lunges for you, and you twist aside. You get a good look at his fingernails as his hand goes by. They’re pale instead of pink. “Why do you care? So you can capture me and keep your precious reputation?”
You’re actually a little insulted. “So you don’t die!”
Shigaraki stares at you. The hand reaching out for you drops, and you close the distance between the two of you to shove him hard, knocking him backwards. Once he hits the concrete, you’ll figure something else out. You can hold him until someone else gets here.
But someone else is here, and they’re not here to help you. Shigaraki tumbles directly into a warp gate, staring at you like you’ve lost your mind the entire way.
Damn it. You can’t grasp the warp villain – wherever his real body is, it’s a long way from here, and you’re at risk of losing Dabi and Twice now, too. You tighten your grip on them, but even as you do, you see another portal opening out of the corner of your eye. This one is in midair, threatening to swallow a group of civilians who decided that hiding behind the All Might statue was a better choice than evacuating like the students ordered them to. “The civilians, or my associates,” the warp villain rumbles, from everywhere and nowhere. “Your choice.”
It's not a choice. You release your grip on Dabi and Twice, both the iron in their blood and the metal and wire holding them down, and warp gates devour them both. The warp gate above the civilians shuts, decapitating the All Might statue in the bargain, and as quickly as everything began, it grinds to a halt.
“Skynet!” someone snaps from behind you, and you freeze. “You let them go?”
Miruko is Number Six on the charts, and she outranks you by a lot, but you still bristle at her tone. “The civilians –”
“If you’re not stopping villains, you’re not doing your job.” She looks pissed. You have a feeling that she’s only holding off on kicking you because it’ll look bad in front of everybody. “If you’d held onto them a second longer, I’d have been here, and –”
“We could have helped!” That’s one of Eraserhead’s students – the one with the spiky red hair. “If you’d let us help –”
“You’re just kids. Do you have any idea what Eraser would do to me if I had –” You trail off when you realize that whatever it is, Eraser’s going to do it to you anyway for even letting the kids near the League of Villains. “I was the senior hero at the scene. It was my call. If you did what I told you – which you did – you did the right thing.”
“You did the right thing,” Miruko says to the student. The police are here. The cars skid to a stop, and you feel the iron concentration in what’s left of the park shift. There’s a helicopter in the air, too. More people, more cameras. Miruko is glaring at you. “You’re the one who screwed up.”
Yeah, you did. You stare dispiritedly at the headless statue of All Might as Eraser’s class regroups around you, as somebody starts questioning Miruko – the new senior hero at the scene – about what went wrong here. A few thoughts spin through your head, mainly of the hell you’re about to catch from the press, the heroic establishment, and the HPSC. Shigaraki Tomura’s case of life-endangering anemia makes it in there, and so does a hit of frustration at the fact that you’re in trouble for choosing to save a bunch of civilians from getting bisected by a warp gate. But the main thing that’s on your mind is the same thing that’s been there since the first spurt of blue flames erupted over the park: This was supposed to be your day off.
“Well, that blew,” Dabi says as he picks himself up off the floor of the League’s new hideout. “Whose idea was this, again?”
He’s glaring at Shigaraki. Shigaraki glares back. “I didn’t hear you say we shouldn’t do it.”
“I said we shouldn’t,” Twice pipes up. He’s still got a piece of rebar wrapped around his ankle. “No, it was a great idea!”
It seemed like a great idea when Shigaraki thought of it last night – go to Kamino Park, rattle the heroes’ cages, show everybody that the League of Villains isn’t scared of anything and isn’t even close to down for the count without Sensei to guide them. Then again, Shigaraki was three cans deep into a twelve-pack Compress had lifted last night, so his judgment might have been off. Twice is still talking. “I mean, we scared the piss out of those civilians. Those hero brats were running scared, too! And did you see what Kurogiri did to that All Might statue?”
“No,” Shigaraki says. He looks at Kurogiri. “What did you do?”
“Over there.” Kurogiri points, and Shigaraki looks. The head of the All Might statue is sitting on the warehouse floor. “It would have been a shame to leave without a trophy of some kind.”
“It’s on the news,” Magne sings out. She opted out of mission, and now she’s watching it on the League’s TV, lifted last week by Compress, which is hooked up to their generator, which was also lifted by Compress. “And it’s not looking too good for the heroes. That little one’s in big trouble.”
“Good. She’s a bitch,” Dabi mutters. His hands are bleeding. “What was that quirk, anyway?”
“Magnetism,” Shigaraki says. He feels weird. Maybe it’s the quirk. “She can manipulate magnetic fields. Any metal, on any of us –”
“I didn’t have any!” Twice protests.
“Then she used the iron content in your blood,” Shigaraki says. You told him how you were restraining the others. Amateur mistake. Or it would be, if there was any way to not have iron in his blood – but that’s a problem, too. “She couldn’t grab me. She said I didn’t have enough.”
“Is that so?” Kurogiri studies Shigaraki. “Did she say anything else?”
“Anemic.” It’s a weird word. Shigaraki scratches his neck. “She was weird about it. She wanted to know if I get headaches, or dizzy – or tired –”
The answer’s yes, which is why it was weird. It was weird that you knew. But the weirdest thing is what you said at the end. “She asked me if I was okay, and when I asked her why she gave a shit –”
“She answered you?” Magne mutes the TV, looking surprised. “What did she say?”
“What did I miss?” Toga skids into the warehouse before Shigaraki can answer. “I got away, but none of you came with me, so I went to the meeting spot alone. What happened?”
“The hero let us go,” Dabi grunts. “Shigaraki was just telling us about a little chat they had.”
“Ooh, you talked to her?” Toga sits down next to Twice on the ground, peering at Shigaraki. “What did she say?”
“She doesn’t want me to die.” Shigaraki feels his face contort behind Father’s hand as he says it. “Weird.”
“Weird,” Twice agrees. “Since when do heroes play mind games like that?”
It’s quiet for a second. “So she asked if you were okay and she doesn’t want you to die,” Dabi says slowly. “I don’t know, Shigaraki. It sounds kind of like she likes you.”
Shigaraki’s mind goes totally blank. “What?”
“You must have won her over,” Magne chimes in. “All that charisma you’ve got – how was a poor underground hero supposed to resist the leader of the League of Villains?”
You seemed like you were resisting just fine, until you couldn’t grab him. But it’s weird that you weren’t angry. You actually sounded like you were worried. Like you really cared whether Shigaraki has anemia, or whatever the fuck. Like you care if he’s okay. “Don’t be stupid. That’s not –”
“Come on, boss, don’t sell yourself short,” Twice says. “If you can seduce any hero you want, how come you didn’t seduce Miruko?”
“Ooh, Miruko’s so pretty!” Toga grins. “The other one’s okay, too. What was her name again?”
Shigaraki coughs, trying to make his throat feel less weird, but it’s not just his throat. It’s his face, too. “Skynet.”
“You said she was getting in trouble. I bet that’s why,” Dabi says to Magne. “They must have all figured out that she’s in love.”
“Shut up,” Shigaraki says. Nobody listens. He raises his voice. “Shut up! The mission was a success. Why aren’t we talking about that?”
“We are,” Toga says. Her grin’s devolved into a goofy, dazed smile. “You have to teach me how, Tomura-kun. If we make the heroes fall in love with us, it’ll be even easier to win! I want Ochako. No, Tsu. No, Izuku –”
Shigaraki stops listening. He picks himself up off the floor, hating the way his head spins, and makes his way over to Kurogiri. Kurogiri studies him. “Anemic,” he repeats. “The hero listed the symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia. Do you experience any of them?”
Shigaraki doesn’t answer. Kurogiri waits, just like he always waits, and Shigaraki figured out a while ago that the fastest way to make the itching stop is to answer the question. “Some of them,” he says. Kurogiri’s eyes tilt in the way that means he thinks Shigaraki’s full of shit. “Fine. All of them. So what?”
“Did she say anything else?”
Are you okay? “No,” Shigaraki says, pushing away the memory of how fast your expression shifted, how you went from focused on keeping Shigaraki’s comrades trapped and trapping him the exact same way to looking – worried. “That was it. Kurogiri, do you –”
“Yes, Shigaraki Tomura?”
“I mean, they’re just – they’re joking, right?” Shigaraki keeps his voice quiet. If any of the others hear this, he’s going to have to kill them. And maybe also himself, so he won’t have to remember that he thought about this at all. “There’s no way anybody – I mean, a hero – would like me. They’re kidding. Aren’t they?”
He wants Kurogiri to say yes. He wants him to say yes fast, and then to not pick on him for even considering it, and then to forget this ever happened. Instead Kurogiri thinks about it. “It is not impossible that they are correct,” he says. “Her behavior was unusual for a hero in her position. And it is likely that she knows more about you than you do about her. Perhaps she does have a certain – perception of you.”
“It could be,” Kurogiri muses. “She drew your attention to an issue that impacts your health, and therefore your effectiveness as All For One’s successor. And she chose to let you go. If the hero known as Skynet does have a soft spot for you, it has worked undeniably in your favor. It might behoove you to allow her to continue to nurse it.”
“Yeah, no.” Shigaraki shoots that idea down immediately. Any idea that makes him feel that weird is obviously a bad one. “I’m not going to track her down and say I’m not interested, but the next time I run into her, I’m saying it and you can’t stop me. None of you can stop me.”
He raises his voice, making sure everyone hears, and everyone looks up from whatever they’re doing. “Of course we can’t,” Magne says. “But you’re naïve if you think you can stop her. Nothing can stop a hero on a mission.”
“And nothing can stop true love!” Toga smiles at Shigaraki. “I believe in us, Tomura-kun! We can win their hearts together!”
The weird feeling multiplies. Shigaraki scratches hopelessly at the side of his neck and thinks about the remains of last night’s twelve-pack. Getting drunk again isn’t going to help, but it’s hard to imagine it making things worse.
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itsnothingofinterest · 6 months
Everyone and their mother's been saying it; but I to fully expect the League to be instrumental in bringing Tomura back if they can get to Mt. Fuji.
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AFO went on about how everything in Tomura's life was by his design; and for most of it he seems to be right and I'm still mad about it. He told Kotaro to have Tenko, may have helped build his house, Tenko's friends whom he first wanted to be a hero for were plants, his quirk that he killed his family with was a plant, AFO told him how good & right it is to use villainous violence, and hell he's most likely the one who got Tomura his 1st video game as a cherry on top. There's next to nothing to Tenko or Tomura without AFO's fingerprints on it…with one major obvious exception.
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Tomura's time as leader of the League from the Summer Camp onwards was basically all him; the bonds they forged, the motivations they gave Tomura, and the hope Tomura inspired in them were his influence alone with little to no direct involvement from AFO.
His identity as the grand commander of the villains is the one piece of identity AFO cannot undermine. And while reclaiming all of what AFO influenced and recently undermined isn't impossible for Tomura, it may even be probable in the long run; I suspect it's easier said then done if Tomura's got no foundation to fight for/from (which was the entire point for AFO to undermine as much as he could), so his connections to the League might be just the kind of core to an identity Tomura needs to fight AFO and play his part in putting him down for good, if the League can just get to him to deliver some reminders & motivational speeches.
Although, I can't help but wonder if the heroes failure to actually save the League members so far might help with that, come back to bite them in the butt, or even both. I can easily see Toga & Spinner's message to Tomura being along the lines of "Shigaraki, you promised you'd destroy everything and clear the way for an easier world! Are you really gonna let this loser whose already died twice get in your way? Kick him to the curb and get to it already, we're still waiting on you to save us!!!" simply because they haven’t gotten a lot of reason not to think that way. But eh, might not work as well if it didn’t support Tomura’s existing convictions anyway; so maybe them still wanting to be villains for this conversation is for the best.
(On that topic: I could see Dabi's line to Tomura being more like: "Boss, you're the one guy in this world whose ever truly surpassed All Might! To lose to his favourite punching bag, it's so sad I can't stand it!! Quit acting so pathetic!!!" I'd even be okay with him paralleling his dad yelling at All Might in Kamino for it.
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doumadono · 8 months
mmm emergency request
take as long as you need to answer!! or if this is too triggering, no need to answer at all!!
tw for mention of childhood m*lestation
so recently (couple of weeks ago) i found out that my dad’s friend/girlfriend kind of knows the guy who m*lested me as a kid…
she knows everything that happened and knows how difficult it was for me to heal from. now finding out that she knows him— it set me back and i distanced myself from her.
a bit ago she called me, telling me that i should forgive him for what he did to me… and it went into a whole thing and now i’m trying not to cry while writing this lol
but anyways
it set me back really far and all of my progress is gone so i was just hoping for some comfort??
like twice or dabi comforting their gf/s.o. through this and helping them try to heal again.
maybe even twice or dabi getting a bit of revenge on the two people lol /j
sorry if this doesn’t make sense i’m just a bit out of it
- twice & dabi anon
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Twice is initially shocked and angered when he learns about your troubled past and the person responsible for your pain.
He lets out a string of curses directed at the one who caused you harm, showing a protective side that you hadn't seen before.
Immediately, Twice pulls you into a comforting embrace.
"I might be a bit crazy, but I'm crazy about you. We'll get through this together, I'll never let you face it all alone."
After learning more about the person who hurt you, Twice puts together a plan for justice. "Nobody messes with my girl and gets away with it."
He ensures you have the support you need, encouraging you to take good care of yourself and promising to be there for every step of your healing journey.
As you try to hold back tears, Twice pulls a playful expression, "And if you need someone punched, I got a clone for that too. Or ten."
Twice is genuine, realizing that some battles require a team effort, and mental health is no exception.
Later, you discover Jin had discreetly gathered information to ensure the person responsible faced the consequences.
Twice, without a moment's hesitation, serves justice to the person who has caused you harm.
One day, accidentally overhearing him in conversation with Toga, you catch her asking for "the blood of his new friend." The request surprises you, but you eventually shrug it off.
The next day, Twice seeks you out and declares that the case is concluded, justice served.
When you express a desire to learn more, he simply smiles at you, smoothly shifting the topic, leaving the details in the shadows of his actions. "Don't worry, little mousie, Twice did his best to make sure they won't hurt you ever again."
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Dabi listens silently as you open up about your troubled past. His eyes, however, betray a mix of anger and concern.
"No one should go through that. I'll make sure they pay for what they did to you, princess."
Dabi, in his understated way, offers a warm touch, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Don't think about that anymore. Let me take care of everything."
Dabi, true to his straightforward nature, ensures justice is served.
As you express your fear of encountering your past abuser, Dabi assures you, "I won't let them get away with it, don't ya worry your pretty, little head, princess."
Dabi, true to his character, never utters empty promises. Swiftly acquiring information about the person's name and address, he becomes a rare sight within the League of Villains' hideout for the next few days. Unbeknownst to you, he meticulously stalks every move of the individual, methodically transforming their life into a nightmare.
Days pass, and news reports flood the airwaves. Resting your head on Dabi's shoulder while watching the news, you hear of a house engulfed in flames, with a person unable to escape the inferno. The police chalk it up to a gas leak, citing eyewitnesses who observed the flames as an eerie shade of blue.
Your eyes widen, and you glance at Dabi, seeking confirmation. "Dabi..."
He, however, responds by gently placing his index finger to your lips, silencing any questions. "I promised you something, and I'm a man of my word, yeah?"
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vampshxde · 1 month
I was wondering if maybe you could do jealous Dabi? Maybe you were hanging out with another villain or something, and he saw, up to you! Take as long as you need!
Just A Friend?
Dabi x F!Reader
I was honestly excited to do this request. I didn't know if you wanted NSFW or SFW, so I was thinking a little mix of both?
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Well, you originally met the League through a friend. That friends name was Twice, and he seemed to be a decently valued member. As well as he seemed comfortable. Well, he set you up with this mysterious guy, Dabi. It's like an emo bad boy from the league. He has burns, which are only connected to his normal skin with staples. The date was quite fun. He took you out to an abandoned area and let you kick shit around. Another great thing was that you were put on a couple of missions with him. This helped you two get closer, and soon enough, you asked him out. Let's just say it shattered you when he rejected your confession. He said he was too busy and worked too hard for his plan to get distracted by dumb relationships. Asshole.
However, He wasn't worth your time anyway. Let's just say it wasn't all that fun when you, Twice, and Dabi were put on a mission together. It's a pretty suicide based mission. Twice ended up getting severely injured, and in the back of the van taking you guys back, you were sitting on his thighs, trying to clean his face of his own blood. Your hands carefully took care of his wounds as well as you could while in the moving vehicle. In fear of you hurting yourself, he placed a hand on your hip to make sure you wouldn't fall off. Between you two, it was just innocent. But to someone else, well... He was an irrelevant Asshole.
He hated this next week. You. You. You. Constantly making Twice food, feeding him. It was unbearable. His thumb ran a line on his cheek. The black nail polish cold is no stranger to the feeling of the metal staples. He couldn't stand it. Seeing you fucking babying the dipshit. "He's a fucking grown man ya know?" His tone was slightly aggravated. "I do, but he's injured!.." You rolled your eyes, which he couldn't see as you were turned to Twice, who chuckled. "Watcha laughing at Two face?" Dabi hissed out in the direction. "Nothing... NO NO I'm laughing at _____ she rolled her eyes!" Damn Twice and his contradicting self. Gave you up to the Asshole.
"Hm." Was the noise Dabi made. Why did he make that noise? It made you slightly anxious as he seemed to be thinking. Soon enough, your question is answered. Walking into your room for the night, a candle lit with a blue flame lit the corner of your room. The curtain pulled over your window. Your hand ran along the wall to find the light switch before smelling cigarettes. "Dabi?" Of course you knew his smell. It was all you could think about. "Ding ding ding. Did the blue flame give it away, ____?" He smirked and used his finger to make a small flame. Lighting up his face for you. "Cmon, sweetheart.. really? Twice? That's your next best option?" Huh?.. what is this Asshole talking about? "What? What do you mean?"
"You know damn well what I mean. Quit fucking babying him. He was barely injured." He scoffed, and honestly, this was pissing you off. "One, why the hell do you care in the first place? Go back to focusing on your stupid fucking plan or whatever." "I am focused on my plan, but I can't focus all that well when I'm so used to being drooled over." "Fuck off." You didn't hesitate at all. Cutting him off as he said "over." "Now what's two?" "Huh?" He was confusing you cause he doesn't give fucking context. "You said "One," so where's two?" Your eyes met his and just glared. From one second to the next, all you can remember is being picked up by your hips. Making out with the hot mouthed man. Feeling the cold metal run along your skin. Bouncing and feeling the cold metal pressed against your sensitive nipples. Waking up on top of a heated burnt man. Shit. It always ends up like this. With this damn Asshole.
This has been put off a lot as I started school up and just helped a family member move into their dorm(apartment kinda??) But it's finally done! It's short as it's an ask, so I'm just running through.
676 Words
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Every time I see someone say they don't find Midoriya interesting, a piece of me just fades away. I know he doesn't look it, but he's batshit crazy. He is a damn wild card.
All Might decided to give OFA after seeing this kid do something crazy (running ahead to save Bakugou from the Sludge Villain... defenseless).
After that, for training, what does Midoriya do?
CLEAN A BEACH!! Keep in mind, he is just a scrawny kid. And then one morning, he just decides "I'm about to do something wild".
He climbs up a pile of trash, and just screams into oblivion with a war cry, shirtless just as the sun is rising.
That's just the beginning!
Kid has punched a robot the size of a building, attempts to fight an obviously dangerous villain with broken bones.
Later during the Sports Festival, he manages to make a new friend with Icy-Hot Princey boy who holds a grudge (I mean rightfully so, but this ain't about him) by breaking his bones and screaming at him and could have got himself killed in doing so. Oh wait! Rewind! Before that, Midoriya goes through an obstacle course race without using his quirk and just being calculating.
AND GETS FIRST PLACE before kids with quirks that can boost their speed!!
After that arc, he faces a whole serial killer!! He gets told not to run off and guess what? He does it anyways!
You know what, let me just list things he is and has done the best way I can because when I say this kid is not what he seems, he is not what he seems.
Doesn't listen, "I do what I want because it's right even though I'll get yelled at for it". Okay, this kid is impulsive sometimes.
Puts up with Bakugou and calls this explosive kid "Kacchan". Who in the hell gives that boom-boom gremlin a cutesy nickname and not once get told to stop using it? Midoriya damn Izuku, that's who.
Wears t-shirts that says other pieces of clothing like "blouse" and "tank top". WHERE DID HE GET THEM?!
Can mimic All Might's face and voice!
Has to be told to keep his emotions in check because they affect OFA, his strongest emotion being anger. And when he's angry, just beg for mercy. Just get on your knees and hope he doesn't break your face or something and embarrasses you. (Muscular got it twice as he deserves!)
Faced an ASSASSIN.
Somehow managed to still move like it's nothing after being shocked by KAMINARI and after that, headbutting through Todoroki's ice wall (by accident). (Class 1A VS Deku fight)
Midoriya is intelligent, he's observant. He's able to work how the function of someone's quirk just by watching. He was able to figure out how Stain's quirk worked and how he's using it. Stain, the Hero Killer.
On that note, he uses his knowledge to incorporate that in his own moves and how he can work with OFA. Midoriya is creative.
Even though he knows the risks, he sometimes pushes his body to the limit and breaks his bones and sometimes still wants to fight despite his body being damaged at that time.
Tried to talk down Dabi the same way as he did with Todoroki and honestly, he deserves some credit for that. It didn't worked, but he tried talking to DABI. Dabi is something else.
There's probably more I missed, but I'm just saying Midoriya Izuku is just more than that sweet round freckled face. And you wouldn't think with that face he would have the body he does. He used to be a scrawny kid. But now? He is a pint-sized powerhouse!
Do not take him lightly. He needs to come with a warning label!
Look, if he's boring to you, fine. I don't care. Didn't write this post to convince you.
I wrote this post to express just how I feel about him.
I know some people are put off by him because "he's the protagonist, he gets a lot of the spotlight".
But that's not stopping me. I mean, Miruko is my number one tied with Midoriya and she shares a lot less focus than he does! To me, a character doesn't have to be minor or a major one to be liked. I look past that role and see their other qualities and in the case of Midoriya, I like his qualities enough for him to be an interesting character to me.
Which is rare for me because my favorites often be the minor characters, characters that don't get as much screen time and aren't as popular. Even for BNHA! A lot of my favorites are characters that haven't spoken in the manga since forever!
(For goodness' sake, I know I'll sound salty for this and I do adore the other characters! The Todoroki's got a whole arc and even an origin to how their whole mess started dating back to when Enji and Rei met! And we still don't know Midoriya’s dad whereabouts! WE KNOW HAWKS' BACKSTORY!! AND WE STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT HISASHI LOOKS LIKE!! Midoriya barely has had focus for how many chapters this whole ongoing war arc now? Just saying, even though there's a lot of characters, let's not act as if Midoriya gets the spotlight all the time.)
That's just me now.
(Don't even reblog and say something like "Okay, I see your point, OP, but I still think he's boring." Or argue why he's boring to you. Don't even come into my inbox with all that. Again, I do not care.)
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nnnyxie · 3 months
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shigaraki, twice, mr. compress, & spinner with a civilian s/o
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requested by @supernatural-hunter1
“Hi, I read your Dabi with a civilian S/O (aside from the other characters) I want to ask? how even more interesting it would be if the rest of the LOV (Shigaraki, Spinner, Mr. Compress, or whoever else would prefer?) also had a civilian S/O? (quirk or quirkless)”
these are all like,, pre-seasons 5-7
pt. one
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shigaraki tomura / shimura tenko:
⤷ like i said with dabi, i don’t see him being with a civilian. or anyone.
⤷ but if he ended up with a (civilian) partner, i think he’d be protective. especially when it came to pros and the other members.
⤷ he’d be kinda shitty at first, i’ll be so fr.
⤷ it’s nothing like,, extreme. just him acting sort of petty and non communicative when it came to things that bothered him.
⤷ there was a point (early in the relationship) where you almost broke up but, he felt genuine fear at the thought of losing you—
⤷ so you both sat and had a really really really long talk.
⤷ he’s not great with words, or with anything, honestly. but, he begins to try for you. especially after that conversation.
⤷ though, there came a point in the relationship where he had to confess he was part of the league— and he was baffled by how well you took it (aka you already knew)(he didn’t hide it well or at all tbh).
⤷ which— speaking of— he finally introduced you to his… ‘colleagues’.
⤷ immediately toga was obsessed with you!! in the big sibling sort of way, of course.
⤷ the others had no choice but to trust his judgement so they were pretty decent towards you.
⤷ aside from toga, you and spinner got along the best. which worked well for shig since they both gamed together (my personal hc). so having his gaming buddy & partner get along was great.
⤷ anyways, i think as your relationship develops, he becomes a lot better and he’s able to voice his emotions more.
⤷ all in all, he’s a piece of shit at first but, with just a bit of communication, he becomes better. <3
twice / bubaigawara jin:
⤷ squeals
⤷ your relationship with him is oddly cute.
⤷ i think you started dating a year after he joined the league.
⤷ he’s the type to be friends first then eventually become lovers. (which i adore <3) (friends to lovers >>)
⤷ he’s vocal in ways that contradict his emotions (as we all know)
⤷ so communication is definitely hard.
⤷ but!! he eventually finds ways to convey his feelings without the troubles of misunderstanding.
⤷ he’s the type to go above and beyond for his partner. especially since he isn’t always able to voice his love without a sarcastic comment trailing behind.
⤷ twice is a gentle person, despite him being part of the league. which is what makes him a sweet boyfriend.
⤷ he slowly introduces you to the league. first starting off with toga— who immediately saw you as a big sibling. (i love jin and toga’s friendship. big bro & lil sis!!)
⤷ he’s very careful when he introduces you to the others. he knows how they are and isn’t sure what they’d do. (but he couldn’t keep hiding you anyways cause they were starting to piece it all together)
⤷ he’s very careful as to not have you close to the sights of their missions. he doesn’t want you getting hurt if there’s a fight.
⤷ again, he’s such a sweet and gentle boyfriend.
⤷ and you wouldn’t ask for anyone else!!
mr. compress / sako atsuhiro:
⤷ bbygorl……………
⤷ compress is such a gentleman <3
⤷ he pulls out your chair for you nd everything!!
⤷ i think he’s a very,, committed?? partner.
⤷ like— he’s the type to only date someone if he sees a future with them.
⤷ he’s very adamant on you meeting his ‘family’. (i like to think that, despite his status, he’s a big family guy)
⤷ he’s so polite and sweet, you wouldn’t even suspect he’s part of the league.
⤷ sooo when you found out he was, you were quite shocked. but accepted him nonetheless, you love him afterall.
⤷ anyways, i think the league has a hard time accepting you— except for toga & twice (those sweethearts)
⤷ he’s also a very protective partner. not in the crazy way but— in the way where he makes sure you’re never caught in the crossfire of his “wrongdoings”.
⤷ he’s such a good partner— i can’t stress that enough!!
⤷ he’s so “in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman” core… (let’s just ignore the fact that he’s a villain…)
⤷ he’s just a sweet cutie patootie
spinner / iguchi shuichi:
⤷ tbh i don’t see him being w anyone period. he seems too devoted to his ‘work’ to even think abt a relationship.
⤷ that being said… he’s a bit negligent as a partner.
⤷ he prioritizes his ‘job’ over you and it causes trouble in the relationship.
⤷ he wouldn’t be the best partner in the beginning.
⤷ it takes multiple talks and an ‘almost’ breakup before he gets his shit together.
⤷ but once he does— he’s truly a good partner.
⤷ his good treatment towards you isn’t the typical ‘one month and he goes back to before’ kind of thing. he continues to be a great boyfriend.
⤷ and going back to the multiple talks— you set some ground rules. you wanted to know where he was sneaking off to, who his friends are, and just what he does for a living.
⤷ this meant him introducing you to his… buddies…
⤷ personally, i think they all would like you (minus shiggy but he’s a lil bitch boy [/aff] so he doesn’t count)
⤷ they definitely trust his judgement considering how he is— which is harsh and a bit rude.
⤷ but anyways, he always keeps you out of the crossfires of his work. it’d destroy him if you ever got hurt or worse.
⤷ you made him into a little bit of a softie.. <3
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sorry my pookies i was a teensy high writing this…
idk why but being high just gives me motivation to write…
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urfavslav · 1 year
the league of villains x gn!rich/eccentric reader, christmas themes, platonic
It's that time of year again. Christmas decorations plastered on every store you pass by. Although, this year will be slightly different then normal. Instead of spending time with family, you have decided to spend your time and wealth on an organization that you've come to know exceedingly well.
The League of Villains.
Why, you ask? Well you weren't the best of all people. earning your riches in other ways some would never think of. but that's another topic for another day. Why not spoil your friends for the holidays.
The planning;
Calling kurogiri was the first part of your plan, gotta let them know about it somehow ‍🤷‍♂️
"Hi 'giri !!" you exclaimed over the phone. "Hello Mx. (Name), What brings you to the phone this time?" He was right with his question. Most days you just prance over uninvited, put your plans out in circulation and then let them agree on what they wanted to do.
"weeeeeell i'm planning something for you all. no spoilers, teehee, anyway back on topic, I'm gonna let you know know I'm done !!"
You could hear the mist man sigh, giving him absolutely no clue to what you're doing and a possible need for blood medication. But, he just goes with it anyway much to your delight. "alright then, anything i need to do for this 'suprize' ?"
You thought on it for a second before answering. "nope ! i'm gonna go shopping soon and i'll pick y'all up." and with that, you said your departings and hung up.
Next was the shopping, to be frank, a couple of them were easy to shop for.
Tomura had gotten new pairs of gloves and video game credits, systems and games.
You got toga a few winter wardrobe pieces and a few new knifes.
You'd decided a designer coat and deck of custom cards would be nice for mister compress
Dabi, on the other hand was a mystery so a quality burn creme, money and some clothes warmer then his 'emo jacket' seemed to suffice for you.
Everybody else their own gifts that you felt suited them
Over all everybody got a large sum of money to spend freely.
A glance at your phone and you rushed to gather the rest of the presents before ordering an uber home.
Dashing around your apartment to tidy and slide the last few dishes in the oven, ordering your household andriod to finish the rest. While you raced your vehicle to the league's place.
Upon being let in by the mist man, you explained that you had a suprise waiting for them at your place. "Everybody ! yes you too tomura, I've got a lil somethin' for everybody! kurogiri, C'mon! The car has room to spare."
As everybody (some begrudgingly) got comfy in your vehicle, you were off headed right back to your place. "hey, weirdo, do you have a radio ?" Dabi had asked from the passenger seat.
"yeah. hol' on." You pushed a few buttons and a hologram radio popped up. "Just find a channel, connect your phone or whatever burn boy."
The last word he offered was 'lame', offending your choice of names to call him before some song started playing. Song requests being taken from everybody in the car until they arrived at (name's) apartment.
"WE'RE HOME !!!!" You yelled out to the general public as you ran to unlock the first door. "come in, come in !! it's warm in here." Shoving all your friends into the building. "uhhh 11th floor, door on the right, there's only two apartments up there due to 'em being huge so yeah"
Shigaraki, now leading the group to the elevator, was cautious of how empty the building sounded. "are they serious ? top floor ?" The anxiety driven scratching could be heard from outside the elevator.
"it's hospitality tomura-kun. leave it be! you coming (name) ?" toga budding into the situation at hand. A short response of "i'll meet you guys there!" was shouted back.
"up we go ! oh no.." twices split personalities chimed in as they expressed their thoughts.
Now, the condo itself was gorgeous, spacious and just breath-taking. the Christmas tree full of lights and presents. (name's) cute lil dog running around the apartment, their android house-aid taking their coats and hanging them up.
"HAPPY CHRISTMAS YOU GUYS !!!" (Name's) loud voice was booming as you came in and locked the door. "Lets do presents and then dinner !!" Dashing over to the tree you started handing out boxes and gift bags.
"for you," a red and black box for compress. "you'll like it sako. and for you." a few boxes handed to toga.
"these are soooo cute !!! thanks (name) !!" toga's soft toothy smile gracing her feline features.
All around your misshapen circle of friends you could see such a different array of emotions, none really negative though.
After gifts was dinner, everybody filling their plates with what they desired and enjoying themselves. The day was so wonderful, as you ended with hot chocolate and sweets. Setting them up for the night wouldn't be that bad ?
Christmas sleepover ! You get to cook for your friends the next morning and spend time with them ! The majority agreeing to your plans and cleaning up and cozying down to a movie as some feel asleep to others commentary on the film.
You loved your friends dearly and you couldn't imagine not having them around.
★ all works belong to @urfavslav , do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. thank you !
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scary-grace · 1 month
Enough to Go by (Chapter 14) - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
Your best friend vanished on the same night his family was murdered, and even though the world forgot about him, you never did. When a chance encounter brings you back into contact with Shimura Tenko, you'll do anything to make sure you don't lose him again. Keep his secrets? Sure. Aid the League of Villains? Of course. Sacrifice everything? You would - but as the battle between the League of Villains and hero society unfolds, it becomes clear that everything is far more than you or anyone else imagined it would be. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Chapter 14
When you agreed to be Tenko’s sidekick, playing for keeps this time, you made a promise to yourself that you wouldn’t involve anyone else. You broke that promise almost immediately, but Kazuo made you break it, so you decided it doesn’t count. Your friends who were killed in the Kamino incident weren’t dragged into it by you specifically, but you’re still part of the reason they died, so you have to count them, too. Mitsuru’s stayed out of it by having a girlfriend and being too busy to notice whatever the hell you’re up to, and Yoshimi’s got enough to worry about with her illness. You never wanted your friends to get caught up in this. You thought you’d hidden it well enough to keep Mitsuko and Ryuhei safe, too.
Except now Ryuhei and Mitsuko have met Tenko, and they’ve become the League’s first ever sleeper agents. Every time the two of them show up at your apartment, for any reason, League-related or otherwise, you can’t help feeling like you’ve failed them. You feel like you’ve failed Tenko, too.
Tenko’s not here today. He’s been spending at least some time at the new hideout Overhaul provided in order to keep up appearances, and with Kurogiri on another mission, it’s harder to move people back and forth safely. Toga and Twice are embedded with the yakuza full-time, which means you haven’t heard from them other than a request from Toga to go thrifting and find her a new coat. It’s cold in the Hassaikai base. Compress is usually at the new hideout, too – now that he’s got his prosthetic, your services are no longer needed. The people who spend the most time at your apartment now are Dabi and Spinner. And your friends from before.
Dabi and Spinner aren’t here today, but your friends are supposed to be here at any moment, and as soon as the thought crosses your mind, you hear the secret knock on the door – followed by an order to “let us in, you criminal”, which sort of defeats the purpose of a secret knock. You unlock the door and open it. They both push past you eagerly, only to pause, disappointed, when they realize your apartment is empty. “Come on,” Ryuhei complains. “I wanted to meet the rest of them.”
“Not even your weird boyfriend’s here? Lame,” Mitsuko agrees. “I wanted to give him this.”
She’s holding your high school yearbook. “Why?”
“So he can see all the bad haircuts he missed out on. This –” Mitsuko gestures at you “ – is the result of five years of my influence on your fashion sense. He owes me.”
“Yeah. I’ll be sure to let him know.” You’ll show Tenko the yearbook when hell freezes over. You shut the door. “Do you guys have questions about any of the stuff we talked about last time?”
“No. I don’t care that I’m not fighting,” Mitsuko says. “My quirk sucks for it.”
“Not if you fine-tuned it enough. If you could sense people’s intentions towards you really closely, you’d be able to tell their moves ahead of time,” Ryuhei says. “My quirk could be good for fighting, though. Is he sure he doesn’t want me fighting?”
“Yes,” you say. Tenko was impressed by Ryuhei’s quirk, but if Ryuhei gets captured, he’ll be a potential link to you, and Tenko’s still trying to keep you out of any suspicion. “For right now, anyway.”
“Fine,” Ryuhei says. He sits down on your couch with a thud, and Mitsuko grabs the armchair. You take the other end of the couch. “We got some stuff going. Inada’s been looking into the Hassaikai a little more –”
“We’ll get to that,” Mitsuko says. “Tell her our real idea.”
“Supply caches,” Ryuhei says. You blink. “Storage units aren’t that expensive. We could rent a bunch of different ones all around the country and fill them with stuff you guys need – like medical shit, food, supplies –”
“New information, if we’ve got any,” Mitsuko adds. “Phones aren’t safe. If they’re tracking where your signal is coming from, they’ll find it bouncing all over the place, and that’ll be suspicious from somebody who’s supposed to be in Yokohama.”
“Why wouldn’t I be in Yokohama?” you ask. Then it clicks. “Wait, you think I’m going to be with them?”
“Uh, yes.” Mitsuko and Ryuhei trade a glance. “At some point you have to, right? If you’re their medic, they need you to be with them wherever they are.”
“Kurogiri just comes to get me.”
“What if they need you and he’s not with them?” Ryuhei is giving you a weird look. “What happened with the one guy’s arm – it could have been bad if you weren’t there, right?”
It would have been. Nobody else in the League carries medical supplies, and without you to smooth the way at your clinic, Compress could have easily been reported to the police and arrested. “And it would make more sense for you to be with them,” Mitsuko continues. “Your boyfriend’s a lot more hinged when you’re around. If that’s what hinged looks like for him, I don’t even want to think about what he’s like on his own.”
Tenko’s more grounded when you’re around, or so you’ve heard from Spinner. He and Dabi don’t argue as much, and he’s apparently a lot less apathetic about things. But you’re still taken aback by what your friends are saying. The role they’re envisioning for themselves when it comes to helping the League is the role you’re playing right now, because they don’t expect you to play it for much longer. You hadn’t even thought of that. Are they right?
You’re not going to think about that right now. “I think supply caches are a great idea,” you say. “How many were you thinking?”
“That depends. How much money are we working with?”
Money’s not the only thing it depends on. It also depends on where the League is likely to be, and how easily they’ll be able to travel, and whether they’re more likely to be spotted in big cities with tons of surveillance or small towns where everyone knows everyone, and a whole lot of other questions. Mitsuko points out another benefit of you traveling with the League full-time; the cops still don’t know your face, which means you can move around freely even when the rest of the League can’t. The longer the three of you talk about it, the more it makes sense. You’re starting to wonder why Tenko hasn’t brought you with the League full-time already.
You’re in the middle of looking up storage units when the doorbell rings. The sound scares the hell out of you, like most unexpected sounds do these days, and you rocket to your feet. “Where are you going?” Ryuhei asks. “It’s probably just a delivery. Did you order something?”
You shake your head. “The others might have. They’ve done stuff like that before.”
Ryuhei accepts the explanation, but Mitsuko doesn’t. She follows you to the door. “I’m getting a weird feeling.”
“Like a feeling that the delivery guy is going to kill me?” you ask. Mitsuko shakes her head. “Then it’s fine. It’s easier if I just grab it now.”
You unlock the door and find yourself looking at a man holding a manila envelope. You can see your name written on it, along with your address, in neat but spidery handwriting. You hold out your hand for it. “Do I need to sign for this or something?”
“Nope. Just confirm your name and address.” The delivery guy holds the envelope just out of reach until you confirm both pieces of information. “Perfect. Here –”
He places the envelope in your hand, but once you’ve got it, his other hand comes up, and both enfold yours. The delivery guy is holding your hand, and in the split second before your mind registers just how weird this is, you find yourself feeling sick. Really sick. Dizzy. Nauseous. Another split second later, just as you’re thinking you should pull away, pain knifes through your skull. It’s not just weird. It’s a quirk.
A status effect quirk? You try to pull your hand away, but your arms feel like lead. Your voice comes out strange and slurred. “What –”
“Overhaul requires your presence,” the man says, and your stomach twists. “Come with me.”
“Fuck you.” A pair of arms wrap around your waist and yank you backwards into your apartment. Mitsuko pulls you away from the door and keeps pulling, even when your legs give out and she has to drag you. “Sasegawa, get your shit together!”
The man steps across the threshold into your apartment, dropping the envelope on the floor. “Thought you’d be alone in here. This is going to get messy.”
He reaches for you, but before he can make contact, Ryuhei hops the couch and gets between the two of you. The would-be kidnapper’s hand collides with Ryuhei’s face instead, and Ryuhei’s quirk activates. You’ve seen Ryuhei’s quirk at work before, but it always amazes you just how fast the rebound happens. The kidnapper’s got next to no resistance to his own quirk. Most people don’t. He throws up all over himself and the floor. He’s throwing up blood.
“Okay, what the fuck?” Ryuhei snaps. “What kind of quirk was that? Who is this guy?”
“Hassaikai,” you and Mitsuko both say at once. Mitsuko keeps talking. You’re too busy trying not to retch. “See how his eyes glow green? His quirk’s called Irradiate. It can paralyze people if he wants it to. Or it can kill.”
“So how the fuck did you miss it? You’re supposed to read intentions!”
“His intention was to kidnap her, not to hurt her or kill her! Hurting her is just a byproduct! My quirk doesn’t do what you think it does!” Mitsuko sounds as pissed as you’ve ever heard her. She shakes you. “If you’d just listened to me –”
“We have to do something about him.” You cut her off and gesture at the delivery guy, who’s now having a seizure just inside your doorway. “Emergency services. I have to call them.”
“You want to get him medical help? He just tried to kidnap you!”
“I need him to leave. And I don’t need the cops here.” You know the Hassaikai are under investigation. You’ve already come into contact with them once that the heroes know about. If you’re documented making contact with them again – “This guy is just a delivery guy. We don’t know what happened. When I opened the door and took the package, he started convulsing. That’s it.”
“And what about you? You look like hell,” Ryuhei shoots back. “You’re a nurse. Isn’t helping with shit like this your job?”
Shit. It is your job. If the cops come here, they’re going to ask why you’re not tending to the guy who tried to kidnap you. “One of you needs to call,” you say. You pull away from Mitsuko, fighting the urge to throw up, and head to the delivery guy, tilting him onto his side so he won’t aspirate if he starts vomiting again. “Now.”
While Mitsuko places the call, you try to remember what you know about radiation sickness. Not a lot. You seem to remember that the symptoms correspond to the dose, and that instant vomiting isn’t a good sign. Vomiting blood is never a good sign. But you got nauseous right away, even though you didn’t throw up. If this guy actually irradiated you, you’re in trouble, too. Did Mitsuko say his quirk was radiation, or just that it mimics the effects? You need to ask her, but she’s still on the phone, acting really panicked and hysterical to ensure that the EMTs get here fast. You’ll ask once she hangs up. In the meantime, you’ve got one hell of a headache and a guy having a seizure on your floor. You’re busy.
The EMTs don’t question your story when they arrive. They get the gang member off your floor and onto a stretcher, give you a bodily fluids cleanup kit to deal with the vomit, and book it. Ryuhei’s too squeamish to help you clean, but Mitsuko isn’t. The two of you work on taking the stain out of the carpet while Ryuhei opens the envelope the Hassaikai member brought with him. “I should be the one to open it,” he says when you protest. “If there’s a quirk in here it’ll bounce off of me.”
“Why would there be a quirk in an envelope?”
“Why would the Hassaikai send a delivery guy to kidnap you? These people are insane.” Ryuhei rips open the envelope. “No quirk. Just a letter. It’s – well, fuck. This is bad.”
“Don’t just say ‘this is bad’. Read it,” you say. It’s quiet for a few seconds. “Well?”
“It’s not addressed to you. It’s for Shigaraki,” Ryuhei says. Your stomach lurches. “I guess the guy was supposed to leave it here for Shigaraki to find after he kidnapped you. Overhaul’s saying he doesn’t trust Shigaraki to behave himself just for Toga’s and Twice’s sake – wait, are they hostages? – so he’s going to hang onto you, too. And – fuck, this guy is a freak.”
“Wait, let me see.” Mitsuko strips off her gloves and goes to investigate. You come over, too, but she shoos you back. A moment later, she swears. “We can’t let him see this.”
“See what?” You’re not done with the bodily fluids cleanup, but you peel off your gloves and step around Mitsuko. “He was going to kidnap me. I should get to –”
“You don’t want to,” Mitsuko snaps at you. You’ve never heard her take that tone before, and you’ve heard her get really harsh. Then, to Ryuhei: “We can’t let him see this. If he sees this – look, I’ve been around the yakuza before. I’ve seen some shit. This is fucked up even for them.”
“What is it?” you say, exasperated. You’ve met Overhaul. He creeped you out plenty in person. You doubt a letter could do the same thing.
“I think we should show him,” Ryuhei mumbles. “Let him see what he’s up against.”
Your phone starts buzzing in your pocket, and you pull it out to find a text from Tenko. We got him. We’re on our way over.
They got who? And why are they coming here? How are they coming here without Kurogiri? Are they really traveling through Yokohama on foot? They’re going to get caught. You can’t think straight. Your head hurts. “Mitsu, is that guy’s quirk actual radiation or just the symptoms?”
“Actual radiation.”
You might be screwed. The thought that your would-be kidnapper is even more screwed than you are isn’t much of a source of comfort. You put on a fresh set of gloves and go back to cleaning up the mess of guess-it’s-radioactive bloody vomit on the floor.
Tenko and the others don’t arrive until half an hour after you’re done cleaning, when you’ve switched clothes and showered off and you’re sprawled on the couch, reading the Wikipedia page on acute radiation sickness and trying to decide whether the continued urge to vomit is the result of anxiety or whatever dose of radiation you caught from the kidnapper. You hear the secret knock, but Ryuhei’s at the door before you can even get up from the couch. The door opens, and a moment later you hear Compress’s voice. “Who are you?”
“New ally. Who are you?”
“We don’t have time for this,” Tomura says impatiently. “Let us in.”
Ryuhei lets him in, and the rest of the League piles into the apartment after him. The entire rest of the League – Twice and Toga are back, looking extremely pleased with themselves, and everybody else looks like they’ve had a great day, too. “Overhaul’s fucked,” Tomura announces. “Turn on the TV. I bet they’re covering it.”
You switch on the TV, and everyone comes to settle around it. Twice plops down on the couch next to you, only to scramble up a moment later when Tomura comes over. Tomura’s not shy about being affectionate with you in front of the League. He pulls you against his side, not quite into his lap, and you lean against him, squeezing your eyes shut. You didn’t want to tell him about the attempted kidnapping, and now you don’t have to. It’s a relief.
It turns out that the League’s revenge against Overhaul is just the final piece of Overhaul’s worst day ever. The heroes moved against him at last, destroying his headquarters and capturing his lieutenants, effectively destroying the Shie Hassaikai for good – and on top of that, Tomura, Dabi, Spinner, and Compress attacked the convoy that was transporting Overhaul to a villain-specific hospital. A hero’s dead. Two cops are badly injured. And Overhaul himself is now short both his arms, and his quirk.
“I was thinking,” Tomura says, “somebody who hates quirks shouldn’t have one of his own. We got revenge for Compress –”
“I took his arm myself,” Compress says proudly. Twice high-fives him. “And in revenge for Magne, we took everything else that mattered to him.”
“Those quirk-destroying bullets he had? Those are ours now,” Dabi says. “Smug bastard. He had it coming.”
“You have no idea,” Mitsuko mumbles. Dabi gives her a weird look.
“We messed with them during the heroes’ raid,” Toga sings out, grinning her sharp-toothed grin. “And I got to see Izuku! He’s so cute when he’s covered in blood. Ochako and Tsu were there, too! I wish I’d gotten to talk to them more – they’re so pretty –”
At least Toga likes the idea of having age-appropriate friends. She’s got a few screws loose already, but only hanging around with you and a bunch of older guys probably isn’t helping. On the TV, there’s another alert – something about a girl the heroes were trying to rescue from Overhaul, who’s since gone missing. “And on that note, Saintess,” Compress says over Twice’s crowing about just how badly they pissed off one of Overhaul’s lieutenants, “we have a present for you.”
He extracts one of his spheres from his pocket and uncompresses it on your coffee table to reveal a messily severed arm. Mitsuko yelps and recoils. “Wrong one,” Compress says hastily, and compresses it again. “This is for you.”
You have a bad feeling about it, and once he uncompresses the second sphere, you’re proven right. In place of the arm, there’s a tiny girl sprawled out on the table. She’s wearing a hospital gown, her arms and legs heavily bandaged. She has greyish-white hair, just like the girl in the picture on TV, and just like the girl in the picture, there’s a horn on the right side of her forehead. She’s also asleep, or maybe unconscious. There’s a hectic, fevered flush in her cheeks, and her breathing is rattling and uneven in a way that raises a whole host of red flags.
“This is Eri,” Twice says as you stare in horror. “Isn’t she cute?”
“She was the key to Overhaul’s plans,” Tomura says. “Her quirk’s Rewind. It activates when she touches someone, and it turns back the clock on their body, or parts of their body. Overhaul was using it in the deleter rounds to turn back quirk factors until they no longer exist.”
“He was being so gross with her,” Toga says. Her mirth from before is gone. “He kept cutting her and using his quirk to put her back together again. We could hear her crying if we went down to that level.”
“The heroes were trying to rescue her, but we nabbed her when their backs were turned,” Twice adds. “And we brought her back here! She should be with us, don’t you think?”
You can barely think. “Can she control it?” Mitsuko asks. “Like, is it active right now?”
“Maybe. Why?”
Mitsuko doesn’t answer. She grabs your hand away from your side, yanks it towards the coffee table, and slaps it down on top of the little girl’s hand. Your entire body jolts, and you struggle to pull free, but Mitsuko leaves your hand there for a second, two seconds, three. When Tomura grabs you and pulls you back, she lets you go. “What the hell was that?” Tomura demands.
Mitsuko doesn’t answer him. “I can Google shit just as well as you can,” she says to you. “Feel better?”
You do. Your headache’s completely gone, along with the nausea, and it’s easier to think – and now you get why she did it. The exposure to the little girl’s quirk Rewound you, past the point where you were exposed to the radiation quirk. You’re not irradiated any longer, which means that by bringing Eri back here, Compress and the others have saved you a lot of trouble. But they’ve also caused a problem. A really big problem. “We can’t keep her.”
The League stares at you. “Why not?” Spinner asks.
You’d expect that question from Tomura or Dabi. Not from Spinner, who lived at least adjacent to the real world until four months ago. “She’s a little kid,” you say. “Kids need stability. They need a roof over their heads and to know they’ll have food and a safe place to sleep every night. And if one of you is about to say that you didn’t have that and you turned out fine – no, you didn’t.”
Dabi snorts. “But she’s so cute,” Toga complains. “Look at her little cheeks. I just want to bite them!”
“No biting the kid. If you’re going to bite the kid we’re definitely not keeping her,” Tomura says. You can’t believe he’s still thinking it’s a good idea to keep her, and when he turns to look at you, you can see that nothing you’ve said has sunk in. “She could stay with you. It’s safe here.”
“No, it isn’t,” Ryuhei says, and you glare daggers at him. “Don’t. I’m not going to act like there wasn’t –”
Whatever he was going to say, it’s cut off when the girl on your coffee table startles awake. She pushes herself to seated with shaking arms, glancing left, then right. Her eyes are bright red, like Tomura’s, and as you watch, they begin to fill with tears. Her mouth is trembling, and so is her voice when she speaks. “Where’s Deku?”
“Oh, come on,” Tomura complains, and the girl cringes. “You want Midoriya? Really? I – hey!”
You’ve elbowed him into shutting up. The girl is curling in on herself, arms wrapping tight around her knees. “He was going to save me,” she whimpers. “Him and Lemillion and the man with the glasses –”
“They did save you. From Overhaul. Then we saved you from them!” Twice chirps. “It was no trouble. Say thank you!”
“Hey,” you warn. They brought Eri to you. It’s your job to help her. You turn to her and soften your voice. “Hey. It’s okay. You’re safe here. Nobody here is going to hurt you. I promise.”
She shakes her head. “Nobody here will hurt you,” you say again. You don’t even want to think about what it must have been like for this girl to live under Overhaul’s thumb, being tortured by him to manufacture the quirk-canceling bullets. “You aren’t in trouble. You’re not going to be in trouble, and even if you were, there’s nothing you could do that would make one of us hurt you. That’s not what we do.”
“Overhaul –”
“He’s gone,” Tomura says. Eri looks at him. “We got rid of him. I took his quirk away and left him for the heroes. He’s not coming back.”
“We’re not him,” Spinner adds. “He sucked.”
Eri’s shoulders relax slightly at that. Then her face crumples. “I want Deku.”
You preemptively elbow Tomura, then start strategizing. If you touch her, you might get rewound further than you want to be, so you need to find a different way to comfort her. You hand her a box of tissues first, pluck a few out to show her that it’s okay to take them, and get to your feet. “The rest of you, stay where you are,” you order. “I’ll be right back.”
Your apartment doesn’t exactly have kid stuff in it. You find a spare blanket in your hall closet and come back, unfolding it and settling it carefully around Eri’s shoulders. She’s picked up the tissue box, but instead of using it, she’s hugging it. At work, you keep a box of cheap stuffed animals to give to scared kids, for them to hold during their appointments and take with them when they leave. You don’t have any stuffed animals here, so maybe you can give her a pillow. Or –
You head to your room on autopilot, dig into the box of things you brought from your parents’ house, and come back. Tomura’s eyes go straight to the object you’re holding. You know he recognizes it. He wouldn’t be staring like that if he didn’t. “Is that –”
You nod and crouch back down next to the coffee table. “Eri,” you say, and she looks at you. You hold up the plush corgi Tenko gave you for your sixth birthday. “I’ll trade you for the tissue box. This is way more fun to hug than that is.”
Eri’s red eyes brighten ever so slightly, but she’s hesitant to reach for it. Maybe she thinks you’re going to take it away. You set it down on the table and push it towards her, making sure to pull your hand away so she knows you aren’t planning to snatch it back. You feel the smallest sense of relief when she drops the tissue box and grabs the plushie with both hands, hugging it tight against her chest. It’s really cute. Or it would be, if you didn’t know why this is happening to her. If you didn’t know why she’s in your apartment in the first place.
She peers at you from between the plushie’s ears. “Who are you?”
“I’m Saintess,” you say. You’ve never called yourself by your code name before. You feel twenty kinds of dumb. “It’s really nice to meet you. But I know it’s probably not comfortable to sit on the coffee table. How about you go sit in that chair –”
Dabi’s in it. Tomura glares at him until he moves, and Eri stumbles over to it, trailing the blanket and clutching the toy. “And get comfortable,” you tell her. She burrows into the blanket, watching all of you with enormous eyes. “Do you feel okay?”
“Cold,” she says. Chills, then. Probably a fever, too. “It hurts.”
All those bandages. You don’t want to know what’s underneath them. “Okay. I’m going to put on some gloves so it’ll be safe for me to touch you, and then I’ll take your temperature and check to make sure you’re okay. Is that all right with you? It’s okay if it’s not.”
Eri hesitates. “Will I feel better?”
“You won’t feel worse,” you say. She nods, and you go back to the hall closet for your first-aid kit.
You try to tune the others out as you tend to Eri, but you can’t quite make it stick. Dabi is asking Toga and Twice about which heroes they dealt with during the operation against the Hassaikai, Compress is raiding your kitchen, and Spinner is way into your personal space, wanting to know what’s going on with Eri. Tomura is, too, at first. You catch him watching you more than once, a weird look on his face. You know him well enough to know most of his expressions, and that one’s new. You wonder what it means.
Then, while you’re waiting for the thermometer you just put in Eri’s mouth to beep, you glance back to check on Tomura, and he’s gone. He’s over by the kitchen table instead. There’s an envelope in his hands.
No. No, no, no. You grab Ryuhei, order him to take the thermometer out when it beeps and memorize what it says, then race towards Tomura – but you’re way too late. The envelope and the letter inside it crumble to dust as you reach him, and when he looks up at you, his jaw is clenched so tightly that the tendons in his neck are standing out. “What happened?” he snarls.
“Lower your voice,” you beg. You don’t want him to scare Eri. “It’s not a big deal. Nothing bad happened. It’s just –”
“Don’t fucking lie,” Mitsuko says, coming up beside you. You don’t have to warn her to keep her voice down. “That yakuza bastard sent a hitman here to kidnap your girlfriend. It would have worked if Ryuhei hadn’t been here to give him a taste of his own quirk.”
“It’s fine,” you say. “The Hassaikai’s been dismantled, right? It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“They knew where you were,” Tomura says flatly. “When I find out who told them –”
“Nobody had to tell them.” The pieces are coming together in your head, slow and ugly. Overhaul saw the bandage on your hand at the warehouse. He’d have known that the League would need to seek help for Compress, and the free clinics are the only place where an injury like that won’t result in immediate police involvement. “A Hassaikai member showed up at my clinic. He asked about my hand.”
“Overhaul brought it up, too.” Tomura’s right hand lifts, clawing at his neck – lightly at first, then harder. “You – Inada – why did you use the kid’s quirk on her?”
“She got radiation poisoning. That’s the fucking hitman’s quirk.” Mitsuko ignores you when you tell her to shut up. “My guess is, Over-fuck knew he could fix whatever his hitman did when he got ahold of her. Him fixing it wasn’t an option. So I used the kid.”
“I owe you.” Tomura is still scratching, and now he’s focused on you. “They knew where you were. They’ve known since we made the alliance. It – fuck!”
“Hey, keep it down,” Spinner calls anxiously. “You’re scaring the kid.”
“Her temperature is 40 degrees,” Ryuhei adds.
Shit. “We need to table this,” you say to Tomura. His eyes flash. “That girl is really sick. It’s not safe for her to stay here, and I can’t help her the way she needs. She has to go to people who can help her.”
“The heroes? Fuck that.”
“She has to,” you say again. “They can help her. We can’t.”
“What makes you think they’ll do anything?” Tomura’s expression twists. One of his nails digs deep into the side of his neck and pulls up blood, and just like you did before, you cover his neck with your hand. “They won’t give a shit. They didn’t when it was – when –”
He breaks off. You wait, and he looks away. “Forget it.”
“They’re running her name and picture on the news,” Mitsuko says. “They care about what happens to her, and you all are in enough trouble without another kidnapping on your record. They’ll look for you twice as hard.”
Tomura’s fingernails scrape lightly across the back of your hand before his hand comes to rest over yours, index finger raised. “I’m not just dumping her on the street.”
“You won’t be,” you promise. “I’ll take her to the police station. I can say I found her wandering around –”
“So they’ll think we just dumped her on the street.”
“Or that she got away somehow. I don’t know.” You don’t have time for this. “Her fever’s high enough that she might not remember anything. If she does, she’ll remember we didn’t hurt her. That we took care of her while she was with us. She’ll know we aren’t him.”
Tomura’s shoulders relax slightly. It matters to him to be better than Overhaul. It matters to you, too. “Hang on,” Dabi says from where he’s leaning against the wall. “Maybe we shouldn’t send Saintess to drop the kid off. She’s had one run-in with the Hassaikai already, and the police already know about it. Her turning up with the kid is too big of a coincidence. Inada should be the one.”
“Two run-ins. Overhaul sent somebody here for her.” Tomura’s hand tightens around yours. “Her identity’s compromised. When we leave this time, she’s coming with us.”
Your stomach drops. “The kid trusts her,” Tomura continues. “And she’s a nurse. It’ll look like we left the kid by the clinic or something.”
“Why does it matter where we drop the kid off?”
“So we don’t end up looking worse than they do,” Tomura snaps. “What’s the point of revealing their hypocrisy if we just throw someone away?”
It’s quiet for a second. “Wait until nightfall, then,” Dabi says shortly. “So we can at least keep a lid on the number of people who see Saintess wandering around carrying a missing kid.”
“She’s sick,” Spinner says. “Doesn’t she need help as soon as possible?”
“Not if it gets us caught!”
You’re on Spinner’s team here. “What if Compress uses his quirk on me and Eri both? Then he can bring us near the police station, so we won’t have to walk as far and risk getting spotted. We won’t even show up on camera until we’re right there.”
“What kind of distance can you release your quirk from?” Tomura asks Compress, who shrugs. “If it’s far enough, you can give the sphere to Inada or Sasegawa to carry.”
That’s the plan they settle on, eventually. Compress will use his quirk on you and Eri, Mitsuko will carry you both to the police station and text when she’s there, and Compress will deactivate his quirk from a distance. Eri’s breathing is raspy. You need to hurry. You roll her up carefully in the blanket, making sure she doesn’t touch you. “The puppy,” she mumbles. “Can I keep him?”
“Of course,” you say. You were too old for it, and you don’t need a keepsake of Tenko when you have the real thing. “He’ll take good care of you as long as you take good care of him. Are you ready to go?”
She nods. You pick her up. Rolled in the blanket like this, she’s unwieldy but light. You turn to face Compress. “Okay, let’s do this. We –”
You get compressed mid-sentence, and the next thing you know, you’re standing in an alleyway a block and a half from the police station, face to face with Mitsuko. “Be careful,” she says. She looks pissed, and you’re not sure why. “Look, me and Ryuhei are activating the sleeper thing right after this, and you’re going with them. We’re not going to see each other for a while.”
Oh. “I’m going to miss you,” you tell her. Mitsuko laughs. “They still don’t know my face. We’ll see each other.”
“We’d better.”
“Keep an eye on Yoshimi for me,” you continue. “And Kazuo. I worry about them.”
“We all do,” Mitsuko says. “And now we have to worry about you, too.”
You feel a surge of guilt, one that melts into bemusement when Mitsuko leans in and plants a kiss on your lips. “Go on. I’ll see you around, Saintess.”
Saintess. That’s your name now, isn’t it? It’s the one everyone’s going to use. Mitsuko leaves the alley first, heading in one direction. You stand still and watch her go, watching a piece of the life you had before disappear around the corner. Then you adjust your grip on Eri and aim for the police station.
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Dabi headcanons
ooc post moment?? yeah fuck it- yall asked and i shall deliver some dabi headcanons- ill tell you which ones are canon for this blog as not all of them are. if you dont like any of these headcanons i dont care- (i do but shhh) just dont bring it up- ANYWAYS ONTO THE HCS
Dabi runs hot, i dont give a shit what people say his body runs hot and its absolute torture for him, using his quirk makes this so much worse and he often gets dizzy when he reaches a certain point (not me projecting onto dabi a bit shhh) canon to the blog
He's bad at relationships- he doesnt really know how to act in them and so will often mess up or just not know what to say.. his way of showing affection most of the time is through helping the person is his own fucked up way, and a lot of the time it involves murder or arson because thats all he really knows how to do in terms of helping. canon to the blog
He doesnt ever really flirt with people in a non joking way, he'll do it for laughs sure but when it comes to actually flirting he just cant for some reason- if anyone does take his joking seriously he will just sorta go along with it tho. canon to the blog
He's had several hookups in the past but he always cut things off before it could have any emotion involved as he wasnt looking for anything serious at the time. did he kill at least one person because of this? maybe :D canon to the blog
Dabi is terrified of end up like endeavor when it comes to relationships and taking care of people, its why hes bad at them and acts like a disaster as the only frame of reference he has for that stuff is his dad. the last thing he wants to do is make his partner cry or be afraid of him even if he acts like hes super dangerous. canon to the blog
Its not so much a crush but dabi absolutely thinks shiggy is hot once he stops wearing the hand on his face all the time, and he will drive the man insane with the shit he'd say. semi-canon to the blog
He doesnt consider most of the league his family, more he considers them his friends, the only exception for this is toga who he absolutely views as a sister. canon to the blog
If he did manage to kill endeavor he wouldnt know what to do with his life, while he acts like it would just fix things and be the best he knows deep down that he would just feel empty without something to hate and obsess over so deeply.. canon to the blog
He wants to fix things with the rest of his family, especially shoto, however he doesnt know how to bring things up or even where to start. canon to the blog
One night stands are something he's way more comfortable with, relationships are just weird for him and theres too many emotions which he hates, but he likes feeling like someone actually needs him for something, even if its not really anything personal. non canon to the blog
ALRIGHT- those are some bigger ones about how he acts- now for a list of random small ones- all of which are canon
he could have stitched his skin together, he just thought staples looked cooler and fit him more
he isnt a huge fan of animals, but he likes cats more than dogs
his quirk doesnt have an official name, however he calls it cremation
he gets drunk as fuck with twice all the time, the two are drinking buddies and it always ends in some dumb shit
there are a lot of pictures of his family that he keeps in his room, all the ones that have endeavor in them hes been burnt out
while he has good control over his quirk most of the time that absolutely goes out the window when hes feeling anything strong, even if hes laughing too hard he can slightly start smoking
he will go along with stupid shit toga suggests to make her happy
giran has had to get him so many new costumes since he keeps burning them
hes killed far more than 30 people, the 30 is just for innocent people, he doesnt consider heroes nor other villains as innocent, so the real number is much higher
he still feels guilty for killing those children from the hospital he woke up in, they never asked to be there after all
the nomu he used in the forest training camp was partly designed by him, he was the one who asked for all the blades and stuff on it
hes dyed his hair many colors before until he settled on consistently dying it black
homura and natsuo are his favorite siblings
when fuyumi was first learning to cook hed refuse to eat the food she made
he may act like hes just annoyed that the other league members got hurt because it makes his plan harder but in reality hes worried for them and will want to hurt anyone who will hurt them
and finally! he cant taste things super well because his tongue is stapled together, however he can still taste enough to enjoy food
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chainelunaire · 2 years
random lov headcanons pt.2
(bc @ermnmika with their post reminded me i have some unfinished business so thank you for that and for credit!)
(i’m gonna do the rest + hawks in the next post)
pt. 1
- she is highly interested in fashion. she has no money for a laptop or even a decent phone, and it’s dangerous anyway because they might get tracked down. so it’s only stolen magazines she learns from. she’s always two steps behind, but her imagination is what is truly inspiring.
- very organized. has a very strict schedule. hates it when it’s noisy in a hideout and she needs to go to bed. toga is a morning person. literally everybody in the league is not, so they hate her for it, but it’s not her fault they stay till like 4 in the night. 
- her room is second cleanest of all members, first one being kurogiri’s room.
- is very athlethic. one of the most physically strong members of the league, even if it doesn’t look like it. not only is she flexible, she also has great stamina.
- toga hates coffee. not a fan of tea either, but coffee is like her personal enemy. she hates the taste of it with passion, and she finds the smell sickening. repeats often how unhealthy it is, usually to dabi or compress, who consume it in a truly unhealthy amount, so she’s kinda right. she likes juices though, pomegrante one is her favourite.
- she’s not at all bubbly and optimistic. quite the opposite: she’s very calculated, realistic and vindictive. if you do something bad to her, she’ll wait until it’s just the right time to get her revenge. she’s like that because her life on the streets before league was not easy to say the least. she had pretty bad childhood and she’s in her teens now. it’s not that she only pretends to be that smiley happy girl. she now often is happy. she wants to smile not because of the excitement or to intimidate somebody, but because she kind of really wants to.
- she can make injections. it’s sort of obvious, but she’s really the best when someone needs some meds for a fever. compress can do them too, any of them can if needed, but she’s just the quickest and does them painlessly. she’s also good in medicating others. like she knows a lot, and it’s usually her who takes care of a sick member.
- very patient. to an enormous degree. because of her past on the streets, when she needed to be as cool headed as possible, she stays calm even when others are freaking out or want to go berserk. she needs a lot to get truly angry. so if she gets angry, there’s no way to escape. there will be blооd, and she doesn’t care if it’s midorya, stain or even shigaraki himself. like, don’t piss her off. just don’t.
- her love languages are gift giving and quality time. she likes to make small gifts and hand them to members for no reason. she can also like just sit near somebody silently and it won’t feel awkward. she has very calming presence and she likes to spend her time with her loved ones. she bonds through doing little stupid thing, like painting shigaraki’s nails or reading to twice. it’s very meaningful to her.
- she plays guitar. she’s very good at it actually, but she thinks she has no voice, and is very shy to sing. she can do even the most complicated chords, because of the constant training. together with dabi they work very well, with him singing and her accompanying. 
- despite her young age, she was kurogiri’s right hand, when he was still with the league and in charge. she’s that dependable and organized. shigaraki values her opinions on missions a lot too.
- hates flowers. not great with plants, everything dies slowly and painfully. animals are scared of her too. she always says it doesn’t offend her. it does.
- she’s surprisingly not touchy, at all. if you try to hug her, she’ll probably dodge and will ghost you for the rest of the day. she has huge trust issues, even though they might be not so obvious. you need to be her friend for her to trust you fully. she’s fine with hugging lov members or dreaming about hugging izuku or ochako. otherwise, she doesn’t like it. don’t touch her.
- that one “movie nights!” enthusiast. literally everybody except him hate those stupid movies, pointing even the smallest mistakes (dabi) whining about how it’s all a lie (spinner) or just straight up leaving (shigaraki). toga, hawks and compress are the ones who usually stay.
- enjoys going out, but does not drink, ever. dabi, toga and shigaraki know why and never press. that one time when he relapsed was right after magne’s death, and he was not a fan. so they even help him when he thinks he wants to. they’re usually near to stop him.
- you can’t gaslight him because his memory span is as long as of a goldfish. he’ll agree with anything. he has low expectations of himself anyway. 
- wants to learn how to play drums. he sort of does, using his doubles, but the result is disasterous. sometimes he jokes they could form a band, consisting of toga, compress and dabi, and this being their sort of lawful life. literally nobody laughs.
- after his fuck-up with overhaul he asked shigaraki to dust his body if he dies. it’s sort of his last wish, to be close to those who he loved.
- he hates the cold weather and rains and such. he’s suffering from migraines, since they depend highly on weather. he’s not available on those days. 
- likes to hear shigaraki or toga read to him. he actually has huge problems with reading, it’s just hard for him. he also likes to listen to their voices. it relaxes him.
- every one of them has nightmares, but his are arguably the worst, because he has troubles with distinguishing them from reality. few times he attacked shigaraki and dabi, because he thought he was still dreaming and they wanted to erase him. he’s very afraid they all hate him (they do not) so it translates straight into his nightmares.
- because of his doubles, he’s usually the one who cleans the whole hideout, under dabi’s command.
- he never was on a date. unlike others, he sort of wants to. he wants this parts of “normal” life he never had. it stings, that there were never a person that truly liked him for being him. he’s very afraid of being alone and dying alone. 
- his favourite people to spend time with are toga and hawks. separately, because toga does not like hawks, even though she hides it very well. 
- he can understand english and even speak a bit, because of how many games he played. his vocabulary is rather poor. and from 2000s.
- doesn’t believe in medicine in his department. he thinks because of his lizard quirk his body should be able to heal on it’s own. in reality, it’s just his one huge insecurity, being that he was told not only his quirck is useless, but he’s also ugly. he pisses toga off to no end with this, not letting her checking on him. he really wants to be as cool and edgy as dabi and shigaraki, so he does this sort of thing.
- he adores warmth, so he’d be near dabi’s side constantly, if not for his death wishes. so he stole a heater and is still pissed about it.
- literally every one of them except dabi stole that heater from his room at least once.
- he’s the best with any electronic devices. he can repair anything with a fork. if you ask him how he did that, he won’t answer. he himself doesn’t know. it just kinda works.
- he can smell with his tongue.
- if he’s not in his room, he’s probably in shigaraki’s room. if he’s not in shigaraki’s room, he’s on a hunch for new games to play wih shigaraki. he spends most of his time in his room, even though they like different kinds of games they always play together.
- his room is second messiest, next to shigaraki’s room. kurogiri often told them to clean it. they didn’t listen. then it's dabi’s turn, and after he’d almost burned their shit alltogether, they usually clean together too.
- he can live with no water bc of his lizard anatomy. well, he still needs it, it’s just that unlike others he can go without it for months while being completely fine. 
- he dislikes music in itself, it’s too hard on his ears. he likes the singing parts tho.
- he is kinda the cook of the group, so no surprise he knows who loves what. he knows about the allergies too. he tries his best, but they hate his dishes anyway. when he says and he’s done, do yourselves, they start to whine. it’s hilarious. 
- he too asked shigaraki to dust his body if he dies. shigaraki is honestly so done with them by this point.
- he can sort of breath under water. he likes water and sand and summer in general. he also swims very fast, like very.
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~League of villains members as things I said/done/whatever~
Y'all will think I'm messed up but oh well
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Tomura: "yawned whole time and ate chips in front of psychologist while sitting next to best friend that was low key nervous and anxious (I was with best friend for support @wholelottawidows thas you dawg 💀), offered psychologist chips and later when I ate whole bag, I licked my fingers in front of both of them and picked my ear when psychologist wasn't watching."
"Drank like 3-4 mugs of coffee and monster energy drink in one day but still fell asleep anyway"
"What's the point of all these hard work if we will all die either way, sooner or later?"
"When having breakdown, I remember something funny and stupid which makes me burst into laughter and forget what I was crying so violently about"
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Dabi: "I'll start working out this summer, just to be able to fist fight and beat up our dads one day"
"chased sibling with knife around house it was a joke just to scare him don't worry no one got hurt lol"
"Life is short make it shorter"
"Made my younger step sibling hit step father in the head few times with something"
"Damn this headache fucking me in brain really hard now"
"It is what it is (I would say that after I fucked up something 💀)"
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Toga: "Slept with knife under my pillow few times"
"have one stabbed pillow on bed which is covered with old t shirt"
"when I was a child I used to bring dead hedgehogs and mouses to my mother saying: Look at this poor kitty mom, let's help it!!! While the fucking animals were flattened like pancake and were literally full of ants and flies"
"Tried to snatch a street kitten once but failed and gave up"
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Spinner: "Tried to eat cigarettes and rocks I found on ground as kid"
"I know I'm atheist and don't believe in that shit, but you hoes need Jesus"
"one time i ran through a swarm of tiny flies and my mouth was opened since I was gasping for air because of running and some of these tinyass flies got into my mouth accidentally I could feel them in my throat and gave up from trying to spit damn bug out so I swallowed it 💀"
"Who needs bitches when you have perfect sandwich"
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Twice: "-Why is your nails painted pink? I mean you are mostly dressed in black it's surprising.
- Because I'm fucking fabulous"
"Smoked one or two times my whole pack of cigarettes and than my best friend's whole pack of cigarettes in one day (dw she gave me it I didn't just stole it and smoked it without her permission and I'm not heavy smoker now 👍💀👍)"
"Feels confident and looks at mirror whole time thinking how good I look, than after 30 minutes look at myself in mirror and either cry or laugh saying how dumb I look"
"accidentally choked on my own spit few times"
"Tried to help my best friend to get up one time because she fell but right when I got closer to her I tripped and fell as well"
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Magne: "cold & badass women are daddies and cold & badass men are babygirls and pretty princesses"
"Bullies my siblings but when someone else does it I go protective mode like: "I'm the only one that can bully this dumbasses"
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Mr Compress and Kurogiri:
"I can't stand you bitches so I'm cutting my legs off"
"Smacks siblings hand/head when they touch something they're not supposed to or something that's dangerous for them"
"one time while I was making coffee, my younger brother came to me to bother me and annoy me out of boredom, so I told him to go away. He did go away but not really far away, he stood at one line of kitchen floor half of meter away from me, I saw what was he trying to do he was trying to provoke me so I was like: If you want to provoke me at least do it fucking right you idiot
And I grabbed him and pulled him with me as I stepped on the actual ending line of kitchen floor and left him there as I went back to making coffee for myself"
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~We gotta go baba now ~
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I apologize to all people that I told earlier I'm going to sleep, sorry y'all but this idea farted up on my mind and I had to write it immediately so that I don't forget it 😍😍😍
Got a lil distracted 😔😔😔😔
(I hope people won't unfollow me bc of this💀💀💀)
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Aren't the villains just as dismissive? Tbh I don't think there is any way of getting through to the villains even if they shown empathy. I hope I'm wrong though but this is the final arc and nobodies stance has changed and I don't see it changing but fingers crossed that things will change but I think there needs to half way meeting between both sides before things begin moving forward if it does.
It's true that the villains aren't stepping down from their points, but it's not on them to do that. The villains are not the ones responsible for the social injustice of their system. They are canonically a minority that the HPSC has repeatedly tried to silence with state-sanctioned assassinations.
And while it's also true that there needs to be a middle ground somewhere (the villains cannot be saved so long as they keep killing and the heroes can't save so long as they kill their targets), please note that the ones actively seeking a dialogue here are the villains.
Dabi's broadcast was aimed at people thinking more critically about the blind trust they put in heroes. He wanted them to ask heroes for more accountability in his stead, because he knew heroes would never listen to him. He didn't just want justice for himself or he would've simply killed Endvr. He wanted a fairer society to stop people like Endvr from doing what he did for two decades and getting away with it.
Shigaraki made a whole speech on the battlefield of the first war about how heroes constantly trample over the individuals for the sake of an abstract greater good. He addressed how thinking only of the masses creates pockets of evil under the heroes' noses. Shigaraki's whole shtick is that he was kidnapped and groomed by a supervillain because he was left wandering the streets for days, bloodied and traumatized, and the heroes of his neighborhood had so many bigger fishes to fry that they never noticed he needed help too.
And though we might argue that as an adult he's now vowed to cause indiscriminate destruction without dialogue because that's what AFO groomed him for, we can also argue that when Shigaraki is not directly under his abuser's influence, he makes choices that show us he actually does want that dialogue. Remember, he seeked out Deku at that mall and explained his whole villain manifesto to him. He told Deku all about how their society functions on this search for an abstract greater good and ignores individual in immediate danger. And he demonstrated it, too. He had deadly fingers on Deku's throat and no one blinked twice or stepped in to investigate, because "heroes would deal with it". He wanted Deku to acknowledge this. This is such a hangup of his that he brings it up again in the war arc as well. And no has given him an appropriate response still.
Then there's Toga, and she's the one who most clearly proves this. The heroes' argument is that they can't listen to the points presented to them because the villains hurt their friends. So long as the villains don't own up to their crimes, they say, that sours any good argument they might've had. Which is hypocritical as hell. The heroes also killed Toga's best friend and refused accountability for it. In fact, they let Hawks stay a hero.
Yet, despite all this, Toga was still able to put her grief in a box and set it aside for ten minutes, and seeked out Uraraka to attempt a dialogue anyway. A villain, who the heroes keep referring to as an immature, hedonistic and selfish freak, had more emotional maturity than any of them. She went to Uraraka to understand what a villains' life is worth to heroes. Ochako's response confirmed her suspicion; to their society, Jin wasn't human enough to deserve compassion. His death served the greater good, so it doesn't matter if he left friends behind, if people cared about him. It doesn't matter if heroes hurt Toga's friends, but it's a death sentence if Toga hurts the heroes' friends.
Why should the villains act less dismissive? They tried fitting in and it didn't work. They tried setting out a conversation with heroes and it also didn't work. What the heroes wanted from them is what hero society always wanted from any disturbance to the status quo—either take it in silence, or to get erased as a threat.
The villains are literally fighting for their lives here, meanwhile the heroes are just fighting to maintain their privileges. It's not even remotely a fair fight. That's why it's on the heroes to change their attitude first
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Alright, seems an appropriate time for some Toga villain name guesses. As a sort of 393 prediction post. Although we may as well first as the question once more:
Will Toga even take on a villain name?
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The way Twice phrased the question in 392, it could go either way. And like I went over last chapter; there’s plenty of reasons she wouldn't pick one. She clearly hasn’t wanted one until now after all. But on the other hand, things have changed recently for her. In fact, as @aashi-heartfilia pointed out in a recent post, the narration has claimed Toga became a full-fledged villain recently; which certainly would be a good reason to decide she now needs a villain name, assuming her view of herself match the narration’s that she’s a real villain now.
However from a meta perspective; there’s also how it’s hard to imagine that Toga will take on a new name just a few chapters away from the end of MHA where we don’t have time to get used to it. That sounds more like the start or major mid-point to a character arc than it’s end. Which is fine by me, I still think we’re getting an MHA part 2 where that change to herself will get explored like Dabi’s new ice side of his quirk; but for everyone else Your Mileage May Very. Point is, unless my crazy theory is onto something, this may be a point against the new name happening.
So overall, it’s quite possible she’ll stay as just Toga Himiko and not take another name…but I’m going to assume she will and throw out some guesses anyway because where’s the fun in just saying “Nah, just she won’t pick a name”? I’m not here to be reasonable I’m here to theory-craft.
So what could the villain name be?
Well structurally, I like the idea of it being a simple word or two like Twice, Dabi, Spinner, Stain, and the MLA guys if you want to count them (she probably wouldn’t but it is what it is). And we can also look for inspiration in the emotions motivating her as a “full-fledged villain”; hostility with the heroes and resignation at communicating with them. I’d also throw in her desire to live while the heroes are trying to kill her & her friends while we’re at it; maybe call on the idea that she’s not going anywhere no matter how hard the heroes try. (And of course any reference to Blood would certainly be welcome.) And with that established, here are the guesses:
Bloodstain (there’s a call back, but maybe a bit on the nose)
Any of the above in another language (including just Japanese) like Dabi,
And lastly; Bellona (Roman goddess of War, Rage, & Bloodshed; any similar such mythological goddess would also apply, but her name is Toga so I thought I’d use a Roman example.)
Sadly as much as I can theorize what emotions will go into the name, I’m no clever wordsmith so this is about the best & most meaningful I can think of I’m afraid. Bellona might be my favourite, as while a goddess’ name may a bit...much...it comes from an immortal representation of blood, rage, & war; which are the four big concepts I’m thinking Toga would put in villain name.
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