#anyway I’m posting this at 1:30 in the morning on Finals Week so
fowlaroundtown · 1 year
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No Children by The Mountain Goats
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
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hamiltonaf · 1 year
Day Off | Kylian Mbappé
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Pairing: Kylian Mbappé x Female Reader
Requested: @megannandrewss
Word Count: 1K
Warnings: Major fluff
A/N: I hope you babes enjoy this. I’ll hopefully be free soon to start taking requests - I will post when you can do so. Much love .xo
It was a Monday, post match day, which means Kylian’s off for two days before he has training. As much as I love having Kylian at home, it sucked that reality kicks in and I have no choice but to study for finals that are in a week’s time. I feel awful deep down to pretty much abandon him for the day, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
I was up by 7:30, the earlier I start then the earlier I would be finished. I groaned and turned over to my bedside table to switch off my alarm, Kylian’s loose grip around my waist had tightened as he pulled me closer against his chest. “Why are you up so early ?” He mumbled into my hair. “I have to study today Ky” I said as I placed my arm over his and played with his fingers. “Noo” he groaned. “Sorry babes” I pouted as I turned around in his grasp to place a kiss on his nose.
“Don’t go yet” he said with his eyes still shut. “Ky I love you but I really have to go study” I pursed my lips. “Studying can wait, these moments are more precious” he said as he tried to pull me closer and held me tighter. I sighed as I gave up arguing with him. “Only 10 minutes” I said which he hummed in reply.
10 minutes had turned into half an hour. I felt time was racing against me and I was losing. It’s as if all these past few days I didn’t get to study as much as I wanted to and procrastinated instead. Now that I felt like I left things for last minute, my anxiety was getting worse.
After some time trying to fight Kylian’s strong grasp, he eventually let me go which I headed straight to shower first. Once I was dressed in a pair of sweatpants and an oversized shirt, I quickly ate some breakfast and went to my study corner to get started.
I was at peace for an hour at least until Kylian called my name. “I’m here !” I yelled from the end of the dining table. “Aww… I thought you were joking about studying” he pouted as he stood beside me. “Ky, why would I joke about something like that” I furrowed my brows. “I thought you didn’t want to cuddle” he said. “You know that I never deny your cuddles ! Plus, you know me well by now that I’m not a morning person, why would I set an alarm on for 7:30”
“Ooh I actually forgot about that…anyway, when will you be done ?” “Not anytime soon unfortunately. Please don’t wait on me, you’re more than welcome to go out and leave me” I suggested. “Are you kicking me out of my own house ?” He raised a brow. “What ? No !” I said defensively. “I’m just joking… I’m not going to leave you alone. I planned for us to spend the whole day together. If it means me spending time alone to myself or even watch you study until I’m free, so be it” he shrugged. “Cute. But babe you really don’t have to-“ “I want to. I feel like we’re never alone so I’ll just wait” he sighed. “You’re really the best” I smiled at him as he then pecked my lips. “I know” he grinned before walking away.
I did the 20-10 study method - 20 minutes of studying and 10 minutes of a break - which was very effective considering how my last 4 hours went by so quickly. I was pretty satisfied to be done since I covered 1 whole module in a day. As I was wrapping up my work, Kylian yelled from the hall, “Okay that’s it now ma chérie. I played with Achraf for more than 3 hours now. Call it a day please” he pleaded as he finally stood beside me. “I can’t Kyky, I need to study until the evening before I’m all yours” I lied. “You’re lying” he grinned. “No I’m not” I cracked a smile. “Hmm okay, well I’d like to see you study now” he said before attacking my ribs by tickling me.
“No Ky stop !” I yelled in between a fit of giggles. “Never !” He yelled as he continued to tickle me then moving to my neck. I managed to get up from my seat and ran towards the couch. It was pretty much like a game of tag as he chased me around the lounge. Of course he’s faster than me. Once he caught a hold of me, he threw me over his shoulder and laid me down on the couch whilst straddling me. “Please stop with the tickles, I can’t breathe” I said as I caught a hold of his wrists. “Only if you are done studying for the day” he said. “I’m all yours.”
“That’s more like it” he smiled as he sat beside me and pulled me to sit upright to cuddle him. “So what did you plan for us to do today ?” I asked as I laid my head on his chest. “Well, anything really. Besides spending time with you, I wanted us to do something to relieve your stress” he said as he played with my hair. “Awww Kyky” I sat up and pulled him in for a sweet kiss. He smiled at the gesture before continuing to say, “I know how you are for finals, at the same time I don’t want you overworking yourself, you deserve a break. More importantly, I deserve to spend time with my girlfriend.” “Very very valid” I nodded along to what he said.
When we finally settled on a movie, I murmured “How did I get so lucky ?” “What did you say ?” He asked. “How am I so lucky to have someone like you ?” I pouted. He smiled, “No no ma chérie, I’m the lucky one.” “No, Kylian. I am” I raised my voice and played along. “Babe just shut up, I’m the lucky one. Case closed” he said as he pulled me closer to his chest and placed kisses on my forehead.
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bookworm-2692 · 1 year
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And here we are everyone! The final update to the Life Tracker with all the chaos at the end! Apologies for the delay here - most of my timing notes were done by Sunday, and then the graphs were complete by the middle of Tuesday, and now it’s Thursday morning. I have no good excuse this time, but here it is!
Previous posts: Session 7, Session 6, Session 5, Session 4. As usual, below the cut is close ups and data and commentary!
There were 37 deaths I counted this session up to Pearl’s permadeath, and then Impulse died twice more before some off-camera life exchanges occurred (Scott showed the first two, so they’re here with their timings, but then after that no one showed when Impulse gained an hour (so got two more kills), Martyn lost an hour (so died once), and Scott gained half an hour (so got a kill), and as you see something doesn’t add up and given that immediately after they get down to their final life I have elected to ignore it and just adjust the time anyway). Then there are the three consensual lava deaths, and then the three final deaths... so there were 45 on camera deaths this session, plus some extra off camera time shuffling.
I actually missed two deaths from Session 7 as well - I had them in my notes so my number of deaths matched what should be, but I somehow forgot to put them in the excel data, so I put them back this week. They were when Impulse fell and Cleo got the kill credit, as when as the Grian double kill on Bdubs and Cleo. I have also removed the 30 minutes I awarded Bdubs for his wolf killing Scar so that he could permadie at the correct time - though I left the 30 minutes Bdubs got for killing Joel in self-defence as a Yellow, as Cleo’s timer shows that she still had this, so I wanted consistency there.
Close up of Sessions 6-8 together
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Close up of Sessions 7-8 together
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Here you can see all the permadeaths together! It was far harder to label these lines than when players were alive and in a nice orderly line, so I hope this is fairly clear. And a close up of Session 8 alone:
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Crazy how Pearl was briefly the one with most time, and Impulse’s habit of keeping his mouth shut about his time served him well - two hours into the session he had 4.5 hours, while Scott and Martyn were both down to 2 hours (and Grian on 1 and Pearl and Etho on half an hour). Scott wasn’t kidding when he said he stole all of Impulse’s time there.
I also decided to acknowledge Martyn’s /kill at the end there, and made him lose the rest of his time there.
Another interesting thing is the fact that Etho and Pearl’s mutual killing of each other, where they both net lost half an hour, didn’t actually effect their final placements. They were on under half an hour when they died, but if they hadn’t killed each other, they still would have been under an hour, and still would have permadied. Grian was definitely on the most time at his permadeath, and BigB got so damn close to it before being saved. If it had taken Mean Gills + TIES even a minute longer to find them and kill them, BigB would have died then (and Pearl may not have lost as much time as quickly as she did).
I do want to acknowledge that Pearl did gain an hour from permakilling Cleo. Because it was PvP, the half hour got automatically added. However, because Cleo permadied, her death message took up the entire screen and completely hid the message telling Pearl she gained 30 minutes, so Pearl then gave herself another 30 minutes. Which means she may have otherwise died when Etho pushed her, but I’m willing to let it slide - Martyn also gained 30 minutes for an unknown reason back between Session 3 and Session 4 that was never acknowledged or removed. He also never fell below two hours until they agreed to equalise, so it probably didn’t effect anything, but I do want both to be acknowledged here.
I also created the graph for the average time per team again, in two forms.
First: where dead people are included in the average
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And the Session 6-8 close up of this
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And the Session 7-8 close up
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And below is the Session 7-8 close up of the version where dead people are removed from the average
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I don’t have much to say here other than I think it’s interesting comparing the two. The first one suppresses how much time Impulse has on account of Skizz and Tango both being dead, but the second one shows it loud and clear.
Now is time for the data screenshots! This session was longer than every session except for the first - they had been averaging around two hours, but this time was an hour and a half. Presumably, this is because at the 2 hour mark, there were still 6 people alive, and three of them had an hour or less to live, and 15 minutes later there were only three but at that point you may as well let it play out.
The first 50 minutes of Session 8:
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The next hour and 10 minutes of Session 8:
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The final 30 minutes of Session 8:
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As usual the red and green boxes indicate deaths and kills. The blue boxes is what I’m using for the “time equalisation” the three of them did off camera. I really tried to work out who would have killed who there but something didn’t work and then I decided it didn’t matter lmao. I did do their three lava deaths separately though because I’m still being anal there.
After doing all that, I finally worked out a better way of zooming in on the graphs, by remembering I can actually force the axes to be smaller, which means more detail can actually be seen. So here those are below.
Life Tracker Session 1-4:
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I also finally worked out how to rotate the text boxes because it wasn’t working earlier, and I think it looks so much better there!
Life Tracker Session 5-8:
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Here unfortunately the text on the left had to be huge for the spacing to work, but then on the right the text had to be much smaller so I could try to space all the names out at the point of death.
Life Tracker Session 6-8:
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I actually made the 6-8 one before the 1-4 or 5-8 ones, so before I worked out the angled text, but I think this still works with just the names at the point of death (the start of the name is at the point of death, unless there’s commas in between and then they’re all at the same point)
Life Tracker Session 7-8:
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Lots of little details here! We’re close enough that Tango’s death can separate from Scar and Cleo. You can see vertical lines close together rather than overlapping as well which is nice!
Life Tracker Session 8:
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This one I did forget to change the title, but you can tell it’s Session 8 only. Tango, Scar, and Cleo died within two minutes of each other, it’s so tight. And Impulse and Scott were within six seconds of each other, so that was always gonna be impossible to separate.
Team Average Time Session 1-4:
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Team Average Time Session 5-8:
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Team Average Time Session 6-8:
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Team Average Time Session 7-8:
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Team Average Time Session 8:
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I also have a copy of the above four with the dead people excluded, which I can share if people are curious, but this post is maybe getting a bit long right now, and I think the version where dead people are included is the better one to show - more accurate to team strength.
I also made some other graphs while procrastinating this post (because I was procrastinating making a decision about some of Bdubs’s deaths/kills to make the time work), but I will include those in their own post as this one is absolutely far too long right now.
I definitely had fun making these graphs each week, so I hope you guys enjoyed too!!
#limited life smp#limlife#24lsmp#i never ended up figuring out the interactive graphs so you can hide individuals#i saw someone suggest to just make a new graph with just the people I wanted#and while that would work... making each graph takes a while bc I also want to add the green yellow and red lines and also each episode mark#and then i have to colour each line individually the colour i want#and like. its possible#but i just wanted the one graph where i could click some things to ignore or include a series#like for the two versions of the average time graph instead of making two graphs i just changed the formula in the data each time#like most of the time its =AVERAGE(all people in the team) but when i make the screenshots for dead people excluded i manually go in and#and delete the dead people and then reverse it back after#bc thats faster than having two graphs to fix#anyway the other graphs and data i made while procrastinating was like. how much time each person spent on each colour#including when they jumped between colours#only one person spent the full eight hours on one of the colours#everyone else had each colour cut short#and that one person had the other two colours cut short#it was fascinating to actually see the eight hours there#being vague bc i do wanna save that reveal for when i make a post sharing those numbers and graphs#but not rn i need to have a shower and stuff first#this post really should have been out like two whole days ago at the latest#i procrastinated on sunday *making* the graph (i had the data) but on tuesday i had made the graphs and then didnt make the post#its thursday now so#it was actually like 7am when i started the post but then tumblr was being so slow so i had to save the draft and pause for an hour or so#so that tumblr didnt eat the post#but its cooperating now#anyway now im rambling in the tags which means im procrastinating hitting post AGAIN#pls enjoy the graphs and data and numbers :D#my spreadsheets
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boysplanetrecaps · 6 months
Build Up Episode 9 Recap Part 1: Flower and Guide for a Subtitle Lite Environment
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Hey team! Thanks for coming back to my Build Up recap series. In the last one, we finished Ep 8 and in this one we’ll be going on to Ep 9. 
So if you’ve been watching Build Up, you may have noticed that sometimes the subtitles punk out a bit here and there. But for Ep 9, the subtitles punk out a lot. I’m going to write a fairly detailed recap of the beginning of Ep 9 to help you understand what’s going on in the absence of subtitles. I’ll do my best with google translate and my vague knowledge of Korean. I’ll have to take more screenshots than usual to help you connect what’s going on on-screen to the recap, so this will take up two posts (I’m only allowed to use 30 images per post). Anyway, enjoy!
I’m using this video link if you need one.
It’s the morning of the performance, and fans -- nearly all women -- are lining up. 
Since I can read hangul, I’ll try to help you get a sense of what the signs say. Can’t promise to read every single one, but I’ll do a flyover. 
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That one girl in the gray jacket and black pants is holding up a sign for Suhwan. 
There’s a man holding up a hand lettered sign for Wumuti in yellow letters, and his friend has a sign for Park Jeup in pink letters. 
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Then two girls (both with coffees and great hair!) holding up signs for Park Jeup and Lee Donghun -- ah, best friends! A girl with a sign for Woong. A group of young women, many of whom don’t look Korean, holding up signs for Donghun. More signs for Jeup and Wumuti and Suhwan, and of course a sign for Jay. So many signs for Donghun! A group of fans of Waterfire -- one for Hayoon, one for Wumuti, one for Suhwan. Some Milky Up fans, holding up signs for Geonu and the team as a whole. 
Now the guys are arriving in black vans. They are excited for the show and want to win, of course.
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I love them so much
They make their way to their green rooms. Jay’s team still has the one with the horrible yellow smudges all over the walls. 
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What IS that? Ewww. 
Also, it doesn’t look like anyone gets to use the big nice room that DoReMiFa had last week. 
Anyway, the teams are all greeted with notes stuck to the mirror.
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The note says, “The cue sheet for the semi-final contest was written by the fourth round 1st place team: Milky Up. The Team With No Name.”  
So, we flash back to The Team With No Name choosing the order. 
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Geonu is in a s w e a t e r! Yes, Geonu, come back toward the cozy side! And Seohyung is wearing his American flag sweatshirt again. I like to see people wear the same clothing item more than once. It reminds me that they’re just people, you know?
They’re given a note and they pretend to be absolutely astounded by its contents. The show doesn’t translate the note, so….
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Here’s how Google Translate translated the note. 
The guys discuss strategy and choose a running order -- they seem most worried about Jay’s team and Jeup’s team -- but we don’t get to hear their final order yet. 
Flash back to performance day. We pan over the audience and see signs that say “I love you Eunkwang!” and “I love you Kim Yong Sun” (Solar’s real name). 
Let’s check in with the judges. 
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Baekho has decided to wear a big weird shirt that’s loose enough to fit his muscles in. Must be tough to shop when you are built like him! He and Jeup can go shopping together, after they work out together. 
I got some of these screenshots from later in the episode -- just some point when we could see them clearly. Here’s Solar. 
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She’s staying with the denim pants as a top thing. This time, the pants’ waistband is around her neck and the zipper is along her collarbone. You’re the best, Solar. 
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So, Wendy looks gorgeous as usual. But um, ok. So, I feel like every time I see Wendy on this show, I have to tell myself, “That’s Wendy from Red Velvet.” When I see Solar or Baekho or Vocal Coach Guy, I just recognize them. But with Wendy, I don’t. I don’t know what’s going on with her, but I can’t pretend I don’t notice it any more. I’m not saying she looks bad; she was pretty before and she’s pretty now. But she doesn’t look like herself. She looks like just any random woman signed to SM Entertainment. Sigh. 
But that said, she does look gorgeous. The dress is maybe not quite the right color on her…? But it’s a pretty color and the cut is flattering. I liked her tousled hair last week, but this smooth style goes better with the neckline of the dress. I’m always happy to see everyone styled correctly. But stylist unnie, please look into color theory. Wendy is a winter (in my opinion) and you’re dressing her in spring colors. 
And as usual, the men sort of rolled over and found a blazer on the floor and put it on with a shirt that didn’t seem too dirty and were like, great, I’m good. 
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As for Dahee…
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What a goddamned QUEEN. In the far shots we can see she’s wearing black semi-opaque textured stockings. I’m not sure yet if the combat boots have made a comeback, but I’m obsessed with these too-big-for-her gloves. I think she might have topped up her cheek fillers. It’s all good. Dahee, let’s go get froyo! Wear literally anything you want. 
Dahee welcomes everyone to the semi-final. Tonight, the four teams will be performing brand new songs written just for them, and assigned by MNET production monkeys who want to make me unhappy. I assume.
The four teams come out to say hi, each accompanied by their song from last week and wild applause and cheering.  The judges seem happy to see each one, and sort of dance to the music as it plays.
The Team With No Name
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Left to right: Geonu, Haram, Seohyung, Soomin
Clothing courtesy of the Bedroom Chair line of fashion, whose motto is Non sordida est; Ego tantum semel utebatur.
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Left to right: Hayoon, Sunyoul, Wumuti, Suhwan
Oh no! A terrible incident involving a time machine and a garment steamer took place and now Sunyoul looks like this! There’s nothing that can be done. You just have to wait it out when that happens. 
You’re going to have to make your peace with the bias that I have toward this team. 
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Donghun has a glove on one hand! 
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Left to right: Bain, Donghun, Jeup, Woong. (One second later, Donghun has no glove!)
Ooo-oooo-oooh, you got me I-N-T-O I-T. 
This is how I went them styled. This is the best Bain has looked -- the combination of the vest and rolled up sleeves give the impression of broader shoulders and a narrower waist. Woong’s silky suit emphasizes his feminine aspects, which are an asset on a team with masculine members. Instead of trying to outdo them on the masculine theme, he’s leaning into his softer appeal. I love it. And then you have Donghun and Jeup, both looking generally perfect. I feel like it is not impossible that Jeup’s blazer will come off. A girl can hope. A girl named me. Me. I hope that. 
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Donghun has really grown on me. Look how cute he is! But stylist unnie, that pearl necklace has really gotta go. 
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Jaehwan says to Irene Wendy, “They all look like actors!” Wendy agrees they look great together. Yes, and they sound even better. 
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Left to right: Minseo, Bitsaeon, Jay, Sunghun
I assume the all-white outfits and weird strings hanging from their sleeves will look good when they’re dancing. It takes a good looking guy to pull off all-white, and these are good looking guys and they definitely pull it off. 
Ok, here’s about where the subtitles cut out, so I’ll do my best here. 
Jaehwan says to Taeyeon Wendy, “This gives me goosebumps.” Imagine if you had a BMI of 15 and had bare shoulders, Jaehwan! Imagine the goosebumps you’d feel then!
Dahee says it’s the semi-final and explains that the method of evaluation is:
Judge points - 600
On site evaluation - 300
Online voting - 100 (and additional benefits)
“The online voting scores held from March 9th to March 11th will be awarded to each team as a bonus benefit by converting the number of team votes into a percentage.”
The on-site evaluators can only vote for one team, which means that they’ll vote for their pre-established bias and it’s already a done deal which team will win. Great plan! Grr. I don’t know why I’m surprised. MNET shows are just like this. Deep breaths. 
Dahee asks the first team to come up to the stage
Backstage, Wumuti says, “What will be, will be.” 
Backstage, Woong says, “Wow, I’m nervous already.” 
Up first is Jay’s team -- Hunminjaybit. 
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Baekho says, “Oh, they’re going first again, just like last time.”
Eunkwang says it must be because this team makes everyone nervous. 
Karina Wendy voice-overs, “They’ll do well. Every one of them does well, no exception.”
The team comes out and of course everyone goes nuts. 
Backstage with the Team With No Name, Seohyung is like “I wonder why that team is up first!” And Haram is like, ah, we did that! 
Wendy sympathizes with the guys for having to go twice, two rounds in a row. It’s not fair!
The guys introduce themselves, but there’s not really any theme to it. The best part is when Jay pretends not to remember his name and the audience shouts it out for him. 
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“Yeah that’s right, baby, I am Jay. That’s me. Jay. You know my name and you know my game. I’m here to win, no time for gin. I’m here to slay, get out my way. I’m Jay I’m Jay I’m Jay I’m Jay.” -- Jay, probably. 
His hair is actually black now, which might be his natural shade for all I know, but I’ve never seen him with it. It makes his Filipino side come out, to me. 
The crowd cheers, they’re handsome, it’s fine. 
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s w e a t e r
Suhwan notices that they’re all dressed in white, and Woong, whose team is dressed in black, is like, “oh, we’re opposites.” 
Solar notices that Jay dyed his hair, and we get a before and after. 
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I think this is the first time on the show that they’ve remarked on a hair color change. Seunhwan went blonde, and a bunch others changed color a lot -- Wumuti, Yeo One, and Geonu spring to mind. But no one commented on any of those changes. 
Anyway, Jay asks Solar how it looks, and she stutters that it looks good. 
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Everyone laughs, but I don’t totally know why. I have a few theories, but the captions just say “Sea of laughter” and “So funny” and stuff, so, I’ll let you decide for yourself. Solar gives him the thumbs up, and he seems genuinely happy to be praised. (That’s what the Korean captions say, too.)
The subtitles tease us that they’re coming back, but they’re not, so we continue. 
VCG asks them how they feel about going first again,and Jay says, in what I think is carefully rehearsed Korean, that he’s going to make Milky Up regret it for putting them first. (Backstage, Haram is like “It’s ok!”) The captions say the judges’ anticipation for the battle is rising.
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Dahee asks Minseo to introduce the new song. He says, “Our new song is called Flower, and to sum it up, it’s ‘fatally sexy.’” Oh, so it’s going to win. That’s how these things work.
Backstage, Bain is like, “oh, so they were inspired by watching our performance of Guilty?” Not really. They were gifted this song by a production team who must want them to win. I’m not opposed to Jay’s team winning exactly. It’s just that I want Jeup’s team to keep singing together forever and ever. I already know, without having seen any performances from this round, that I want Partners to do a cover performance of Flower. 
Jaehwan asks if there’s a special highlight of the song, and Seunghun says the vocals are the key point. The audience will enjoy the flavor of both the sounds and the sights. He says originally the song was just filled with vocals, but for the first time in his life, to add dynamics, they had a rap-making challenge. (IDK, guys, just doing my best with these captions.) 
Backstage, Wumuti and Sunyoul are like, what, is Seunghun here to “build up” as a rapper? Suhwan is like, “I guess rapping is in his blood now.” 
VCG says that he’ll be checking on how focused Seunghun is with the rapmaking. Something like that. Seunghun is like I’m going to do my best!
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“I will bboom bboom!” - literally what the captions say, IDK
The on-screen caption asks, “What will Hunminjaybit’s stage be like?”We cut back to a few minutes after the results were announced at the end of episode 8, right when this team found out they survived due to the audience vote.
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The paint behind him is peeling? MNET, you can’t even afford to repaint these rooms? What is happening? 
Jay is like, “We only survived because we’re popular.” Well, yes, but you’re popular because you’re very, very good. So there’s that. 
Bitsaeon says something that google translates as, “This is the first time I have seen such an unglorious result.” (“Unglorious Result” is the name I’m going to give my next cat.) 
We’re reminded that they came in last in judges’ scores, third in on-site audience vote, and first in online voting. (The only voting did almost nothing -- what saved them was the audience vote.)
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Bitsaeon says he’s ashamed that the judges ranked them last, and feels bad that they survived when maybe they didn’t deserve to. Not true, my friend. You guys sang really well and that’s why the audience voted for you. The judges were straight up wrong. 
He says he was embarrassed to come in third.  “The next round will have to be do-or-die.”
Ok, I’m out of room for more pictures so I’ll cut off the post here. But you can go right on to the next one! See you soon!
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 2 years
Find the Word...Megapost!
So, the wonderful @mikaharuka @tsunderewatermelon @udaberriwrites @alpaca-clouds and @hylianjo have tagged me in this game. They tagged me 7 times...like a few weeks ago, so naturally the words I was supposed to find accumulated. Now I have 50 words to find, and I didn't know what to do about it XD. Eventually I decided to do it, and here we are now! I'm totally not mad about it btw. This was super fun to do! It's my fault for not doing this XD.
As for who I'm tagging...oh boy! I'm tagging everyone! So @bleepbloopbotz @tsunderewatermelon @mikaharuka @hylianjo @kayedium-writes @0nelittlebirdtoldme @udaberriwrites @alpaca-clouds @lena-hills @mikaharuka @zkang288 @mrsmungus. Yep! I'm tagging everyone XD! No sweat, of course! And if you want to participate, go right ahead!
I combined a few words when I saw that they were in the same snippet, just to make this easier on myself. Also, most of these snippets are from my Maya Defense Attorney AU. I have like 17 chapters of that thing, of course a few were gonna make it lol.
Anyway, let's get on with this post!
Words for me!
drink, black, sun, laugh, silence, sky, green, plate, ice, fly, mercy, wave, deny, tall, cage, pillow, trust, mirror, fog, bird, coffee, wedding, return, terrify, hidden, stone, whisper, suffocate, prepare, garden
gold, glass, jump, nervous, call, 
edge, scar, surface, glitter, depth, 
work, dragged, smoke, empty, grunt
sword, blood, shiver, voice, lock
Words for you!
clouds, flourish, retreat, ecstasy, yearn, consider, vague
Now, here comes all the snippets!
Drink (Momo's Ace Attorney Flufftober, Chapter 7)
It was the early autumn days of September, the weather was starting to get cold and the cafes were starting to serve fall related drinks and desserts. Autumn was Franziska’s favorite season, with winter coming in on a close second. It was cold, the perfect weather to wear a classy thick wooly sweater. Franziska loved the fall, despite her dislike of the commercialization of the season. It was always so comfortable and cozy, and with the clothes she wore it was finally nice to not be always be sweating in what she was wearing. And honestly? The pumpkin spice flavored snacks and drinks were delicious! Not that she’d ever admit that out loud, of course. She had a reputation to uphold, and she could not have pumpkin spice of all things ruin it.
Black (Yours Truly Franziska von Karma, Chapter 1)
Franziska walked into the classroom, spotting two students yelling at another student. The student was a girl, with short shiny black hair and an…odd outfit, to say the least. It looked almost like traditional Khura’inese garb, at least Franziska had guessed with her little to no knowledge about Khura’in culture. The girl was pretty, the type boys and girls could get a crush on easily… (Or…is she? Perhaps I’m just biased…) Franziska thought to herself. (But…why would I think that about a someone, and of a girl of all things…) She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard more yelling. Franziska turned her head towards the girl, who at this point looked like she was about to cry.
Sun (The Bridge Paved with Uncertainty)
Miles liked warm weather. The kind of warm weather where gentle morning sunbeams filtered through the windows and blinds of the offices, during which Miles liked to sit down and read a good book. He was lounging on the chair at his desk, his book open on the table next to a mug of tea. He had no trials or plans, he now had all the time to himself. With the craziness of his past trials, it was a pleasant change to just relax and enjoy a hot cup of tea.  Too bad it had to be interrupted.
Laugh (Momo's Ace Attorney Flufftober, Chapter 2)
“We can’t stay here too late, by the way.” Apollo reminded them. “Trucy has school tomorrow, and I promised Mr. Wright I’d have her home by 8.”  “Aw man.” Trucy pouted. “Can we not extend the Fräulein’s curfew to 8:30?” Klavier asked.  Apollo shook his head. “Nope. Mr. Wright was very adamant that I have her home by 8 o’clock sharp.”  “Booo!” Trucy said. “Killjoy!”  “Do you not like fun, Herr Forehead?” Klavier added.  “I’m not a killjoy.” Apollo said. “I’m just terrified of Mr. Wright.”  “Daddy’s not scary!” Trucy said, adding. “He’s just…protective!”  “…I feel sorry for whoever is going to date you, Truce.” Apollo said.  The three all laughed.
Silence (Apollo Justice Drunkenness Scale)
“That’s his 4th one today.” Klavier said, and he thought to himself for a moment. He then asked. “Wait a minute…Herr Wright, what was 4 drink Herr Forehead again?”  “4 drink Apollo?” Phoenix scratched the back of his head in thought, answering. “It was pervert Apollo, I think.”  Silence, and then realization.  “Oh…Oh no.” Phoenix muttered to himself.  “Scheisse!” Klavier cursed.
Sky (The Master of the Kurain School of Boobery)
Maya slowly got up from the grass, examining her surroundings carefully. Was this…was this the spiritual realm? It felt like the spirit realm, but one could never be too sure. Everything felt still, calm and peaceful. In the distance, Maya could hear the sounds of crystal wind chimes swaying in the wind. Being here, in this place, Maya felt…content. She felt content just standing in the fields of grass and flowers, a calm soothing stillness washed over her as she stared up at the cloudless sunless sky. Maya could stay here forever, if she wanted to. But she couldn’t, because she was alive, and not dead. She couldn’t stay here forever, but she didn’t exactly know where to go to either, or where the hell the spiritual gardens even were.
Green, Bird (Newly Painted Deluxe Coops)
It was already 5:31 PM by the time Sebastian started his journey back to the farm. He bade his goodbyes before making his way through the mountains and back to his home. The stroll from his old home and back to the farm had always been nice, despite how much of a hermit he was Sebastian had to admit that the fresh air was nice. The grass and the trees of the leaves were a bright vivid green in the spring, and he could see the flowers that grew everywhere. Sebastian loved seeing the squirrels that climbed up the trees, the rabbits that ran away when they saw him, or the birds that flew away even at just the tiniest sound he made. Sebastian especially loved frogs, though the sky was clear as can be.
Plate (The Garden at von Karma Estate, Chapter 1)
Miles could hear the clattering of the plates and cups from the room, for the guest room was not too far from the kitchen. Grossberg must have been preparing breakfast, and Miles found himself starting to get hungry. Sighing, Miles got up from his bed and made his way downstairs. Grossberg’s house was much bigger than his own, and everything in it was much more expensive. Miles made sure to be gentle as he stepped down the stairs and went into the dining room. Grossberg was already there, plating the food he had prepared for both himself and the child. Pancakes for Miles, and bacon and eggs for himself. “Good morning, m’boy.” Grossberg greeted pleasantly.  “…Good morning.” Miles said unenthusiastically, staring at his plate of pancakes.
Ice (Apollo Justice Drunkenness Scale)
“I’ve always really liked you, you know~” Apollo purred. “So let’s bang. Bang bang!”  “Herr Forehead, no.” Klavier said firmly.  “Awww, why not?” Apollo struck out his bottom lip in a pout, shaking Klavier’s arm. “Pleeaase?”  Klavier sighed, shaking his head. “No, Herr Forehead. You are drunk.”  “Drunk in love with you~” Apollo slurred, as he started to (badly) sing. “Cigars on ice, cigars on ice, feeling like an animal with these cameras all in my grill. Flashing lights, flashing lights, you got me faded, faded, faded. Baby, I want you, na-naaa. Can't keep your eyes off my fatty. Daddy, I want you, na-naaa. Drunk in love, I want youuuu~"
Fly (Apollo is a Crazy Cat Attorney™, Chapter 2)
Klavier was interrupted by a loud and violent POP, and multicolored confetti flying everywhere. He looked to behind him only to see Trucy, a wide grin on her face, and Phoenix, holding a confetti bazooka. Trucy took out a party horn and blew on it several times while Phoenix lazily clapped. Klavier glanced at Apollo, who was beet red, even redder than the waistcoat he was wearing. Not that Klavier blamed him, this was downright the most humiliating experience of his life.  "DADDY, IT HAPPENED! IT FINALLY HAPPENED!" Trucy screamed with joy, and she skipped her way to Apollo to slap him on the back. "POLLY! How does it feel to not be alone and single?"  "Uhh, good?" Apollo said, looking just as bewildered as Klavier. He let out a cry of surprise as Trucy had forced him up, spinning him like they were riding a Merry Go 'Round.
Mercy (The Master of the Kurain School of Boobery)
[Phoenix] what have i done.  [Maya] Something incredible  [Maya] Thanks for the idea, Nick!  [Phoenix] oh lord. [Phoenix] well, may the lord have mercy on franziska von karma. [Phoenix] god bless her and her soul.
Wave, Nervous (Momo's Ace Attorney Flufftober, Chapter 3)
Phoenix waved Edgeworth a goodbye, before he turned away and left the office, closing the door after him. Once Phoenix was gone, Edgeworth groaned and slumped into his chair. He was a little nervous…no, scratch that. Edgeworth was freaking the fuck out. He’d heard horror stories of boyfriends who met their partner’s parents, and he’d rather not become one of those boyfriends. Phoenix loved his parents, that much was obvious, and he wanted Phoenix’s parents to like him, too. Edgeworth wanted to make a good impression on Phoenix’s parents, show them that he was a trustworthy guy worthy of being their son’s boyfriend. But as Phoenix said, Edgeworth was never really good at the people thing…
Deny (To Maya Fey)
“You know, you still should send Ms. Fey the letter.”  “Okay, you should leave.” Franziska said, getting up and pushing Edgeworth out of the room.  “I don’t know why you’re so adamant on not sending that letter.” Edgeworth began.  “Goodbye, Miles Edgeworth.” Franziska said, ignoring what Edgeworth was saying.  “Franziska, you know you can’t deny those feelings forever.” Edgeworth continued, ignoring that Franziska ignored him. “At some point, those bottled up feelings will explode someho-“  Franziska cut him off by slamming the door in his face. She heard Edgeworth call out her name a few times, before giving up and walking away. Once he was gone, Franziska slumped against the door and groaned.  That was a disaster.
Tall (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 2)
Maya patted his shoulder one last time and got up. She opened the door to the offices, and she was met with a detective heavily panting. He was tall, if Maya had to guess he was probably 6 ft. He wore a dark green trench coat and had scruffy black hair. Intimidating for sure, especially when he stared her down like she was a small child. Though, the big goofy smile he had on his face made him a lot…less intimidating, though only a little bit. Maya peeked behind him, seeing a few other officers behind him waiting patiently. (Huh, they came quick…) Maya thought, turning back to the large detective.
Pillow (Newly Painted Deluxe Coops)
It was late into the night, the frogs they took care of were already fast asleep, and still Dickon did not come inside the house. Sebastian was used to this by now, since Dickon was busy all the time, but Dickon wasn’t busy today. At the moment Sebastian couldn’t help but feel a little worried. What if something happened to his wonderful husband?  Sebastian lifted his head up from the pillow and blearily looked at the clock. Ah, 2 AM, that explained it. Dickon always seemed to pass out at 2 AM sharp. Groggily, Sebastian got up from the bed and made his way to the outside of the house. He quite soon came across Dickon, who was passed out on the ground, after hours and hours of…watching paint dry.
Trust (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 14)
It was just a gut feeling Maya had, and a gut feeling that she trusted. It was almost like before she confronted April May, an epiphany that she had as she heard about the horrible things she had done. Though, the last time Maya had trusted this gut feeling, she ended up being accused of murder…But she wasn’t exactly sure what else there could be done. She had to make sure Vasquez would be at the witness stand, and that meant going to her directly. No matter how terrified she was at the prospect of confronting Vasquez, and no matter how much in danger they would be. She had to do it. Besides, she couldn’t really go to anyone about her plans.
Mirror (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 12)
Maya stared at herself in her pocket mirror, and she sat on the couches of the defendant lobby, like she had on her first trial she had ever been. Mia had been by her side in that trial, and she was going to be by her side again now. Despite that, Maya was still extremely, utterly nervous. This was the same nervousness that caused her to spend most of the night before going over ever note she had made in her notebook. Though, preparation didn’t go so far with such little evidence on hand. And with how little they had on their side, Maya knew that this trial was going to be an uphill battle.  Maya softly sighed to herself, rubbing her eyelids as she stared into herself in the reflection of her mirror. Her hair was messy, her eyes looked tired and her bandana was crooked. (I look nothing like a professional, I look like a mess…) She frowned, fixing herself up as best she could. After fixing herself up, Maya closed the pocket mirror with a snap, and moved to grab her bag. As she reached in her bag to put the mirror back in her bag, she felt her hand brush over something. It was the empty bottle of sleeping pills. Maya took it out, staring down at it in thought while playing with her magatama with her other hand.
Fog (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 16)
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t quite remember the past few minutes that had transpired. She couldn’t piece it together, like a puzzle that seemed to never fit together. It was as if her memory was blocking it out, perhaps in an effort to protect her, she didn’t know at this point. The sound of police sirens cut through the deep silence of the lake, snapping her out of thoughts and echoing through the air. She looked back to the far away surrounding lands, seeing the blue and red lights cut through the thick fog of the night.
Coffee (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 14)
Maya sat in the backseat of the car, staring down at a hot cup of coffee Larry had given her. He had bought it from a nearby cafe…though Maya didn’t feel like she deserved it. She stared down at her reflection on the brown liquid, seeing her bloodshot eyes and the visible tear tracks on her face. She looked horrible, though Maya didn’t particularly care at the moment. The events of the day replayed in her head over and over again, in a torturous loop that never seemed to end. But most of all, she thought back to how Phoenix had jumped in front of her…All she could think about was the conviction in his voice as he blocked her from the gun to her head. She could have lost Phoenix in an instant, thank god she didn’t…but it was a real possibility, a possibility that was just a trigger pull away.
Return (Momo’s Ace Attorney Flufftober, Chapter 2)
“Uh…Daddy…?” Trucy spoke up.  “Hm?” Phoenix looked over at Trucy. “Yes, Trucy?”  “What are you wearing?” Trucy asked, eyeing down her father curiously.  “Oh.” Phoenix chuckled slightly. “These are Edgeworth’s clothes. It was raining when I went over to his house, and I got soaked. Thankfully he let me borrow some of his clothes. I’ll be returning them tomorrow.”
Terrify (The Garden at von Karma Estate, Chapter 2)
It was late at night when they had arrived at Misselthwaite, and Miles was both intrigued and alarmed when he saw the large house that loomed in front of him. The roofs were pointed and dark, and the house was overgrown with gnarled foliage. From where Miles stood, he could see the pointed pickets of the metal fences that surrounded the entire von Karma estate. The manor was as beautiful as it was terrifying, and Miles could tell just from looking at it that it was generations old. In the darkness of the night, the manor looked just like the kind of houses Miles imagined that horror novels took place in. Though, from how some of the windows had lights on Miles could at least tell that this house was lived in.
Hidden (Yours Truly Franziska von Karma, Chapter 2)
It was odd, Igor seemed like…a normal guy. Franziska had seen her fair share of the criminally insane before, and when she saw her mother talk about Igor’s mental health problems she expected him to be just like them. She expected him to be a horrible man, despite what her mother had said. He wasn’t, though. Igor was the first of Frieda’s boyfriends to ever listen to her, to ever care about her. He always had a smile on his face, no matter the occasion. Though, if what her mother said was true…then Igor must have had problems. He must have hidden feelings that he never let out. At that, Franziska had a horrible question.
Stone (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 5)
Maya waited for the phone to beep again. “You’re right, Miss May.” She said, gripping the newspaper clipping tight in her hand. “I should be looking for my sister’s killer right now. In fact, I’ve already found her. She’s right in front of me.”  “Grrr! Oooh, you mean nosey lawyer!” April roared, her eyes now much more obviously twitching. “What are you trying to insinuate?”  “Mia was on to you, keeping tabs on you for the last few years. Because of this, you had Mr. White tap her phone. Then, Mia died and all the documents about you mysteriously disappeared. So, the culprit would be…?” Maya paused expectantly.  April scowled at her.  “Come now, Miss May. The answer is obvious.” Maya said. “Even a child could figure it out.”  April didn’t answer, all she did was press a button on her phone again. “We won’t be needing an escort for the lawyer anymore.” She said, her voice stone cold. “Connect me to the public prosecutor’s office, Charles.”
Whisper (To Maya Fey)
“Do you have the spare key Phoenix Wright had given you, Miles Edgeworth?” Franziska asked in a whisper.  “Why are we whispering?” Edgeworth whispered back.  “Oh I don’t know, because we’re committing a crime?” Franziska whispered, accentuating her point by pointing at the door. “That’s fair.”  “Miles Edgeworth!” Franziska hissed at him  “Oh, sorry.” Edgeworth said, lowering his voice to a whisper.
Prepare (Turnabout Shipping Wars)
Another day, another trial. Phoenix went in blind for most of his trials, but he came pretty prepared for this one. He was confident that he was definitely going to get himself a guilty verdict. Although, some part of him felt like something horribly wrong was about to happen…He wasn’t sure what or why, but he felt it all the same.
Garden (The Garden at von Karma Estate, Chapter 3)
After Mia was gone, Miles turned down the walk which led to the door to the shrubbery. He couldn’t help but think about the garden that nobody has been in for ten years. He wondered what it looked like, or if any flowers were still alive in it at all. When he passed through the shrubbery gate he found himself in great gardens, with wide lawns and winding walks with clipped bushy borders. There were trees that Miles had never seen before, and tons of flowerbeds, and even a large pool with an old gray fountain in its midst. Though the flowerbeds were bare, and the fountain was not playing. This definitely was not the garden that was shut up. After all, how could you shut up a garden? You could always walk into one.
Gold (Sunflower Pendulums)
It was innocuous thing really, years of neglect and dust on it, but it immediately caught Edgeworth’s attention. It was a clock, sitting on a bookshelf untouched and unbothered for what he was sure was decades. The clock’s shape was simple, but the craftsmanship on it was beautiful. The simplicity caught Edgeworth’s eye, most antique clocks were ornately shaped and carved with complex patterns, but this one wasn’t. There were a few sunflowers carved on the side, though. The wood on the clock was old, but Edgeworth was sure that with enough polishing and some varnish that it would look breathtaking. Its arms and pendulum was made of a gold like metal, though the metal had started to fade because of time. The pendulum’s arms were shaped like a sunflower’s leaves and stalk, while the pendulum’s ball like a sunflower.
Glass, Empty (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 16)
Maya adjusted in her seat awkwardly, her bag on her lap and staring at the empty side of the glass. She sat with Phoenix on the same side of the detention center, waiting patiently for Franziska. There was a long tense silence, the only sound in the room the buzzing of the fluorescent lights above. It was awkward as hell. Maya adjusted the bandana on her neck, glancing at Phoenix who was sat beside her. Phoenix’s mouth was pressed into a thin line, and he was obviously starting to become impatient. (Not that I blame him, he did have to abandon his Christmas plans…) Maya cleared her throat, deciding to break the silence.
Jump (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 13)
Phoenix jumped and hit his head on the underside of the table, and Maya screamed. She spun around to punch whoever that voice belonged to, and that person was Detective Gumshoe. However she had realized too late, and her fist made contact with Gumshoe’s face. She apparently had hit him hard, as he groaned and held his nose in pain. Phoenix had already climbed out from under the table and he watched Gumshoe in concern. Maya immediately regretted punching him in the face, especially when seeing Gumshoe curse to himself about how much it hurt.  “Oh my god…Detective Gumshoe I am so sorry.” Maya apologized.  “No no, it’s fine pal…” Gumshoe groaned again. “I’ve had to deal with Prosecutor von Karma’s whip plenty of times, this is nothing.”
Call (Turnabout Birch Meadows)
Phoenix could barely register the panicked shouts of everyone in the court, nor could he process the loud banging of the gavel or the Judge’s demands for order. All he could think about was the pain, the terrible aching sharp pain in his left shoulder. He couldn’t even process Franziska, Maya or Edgeworth around him, all panicking on what to do. He even heard Maya scream for someone to call an ambulance, though he wasn’t sure if that was just his mind playing tricks on him or not. The pain was so unbearable that his vision had started fading in and out.
Edge (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 6)
Everyone in court had reconvened, many waiting patiently on the edge of their seat for the trial to continue. Maya stood behind her desk, Mia stood beside her and looking through her notebook. Mia was familiarizing herself with the case, so focused on the note that she didn’t even notice that Maya was staring at her. Maya tore her gaze away from her sister, looking to the two people who had made her life a living hell these past few days. Franziska was behind her desk at the other side of the court pulling at her whip, and April was stood by the witness stand. The two were smiling knowingly, Franziska pulling on her whip and April running her fingers through her hair as the two waited for the judge.
Surface (Sunflower Pendulums)
Just seeing the clock made Edgeworth think about Phoenix. It was as though the clock was a representation of Phoenix’s personality in physical clock form. Simple and beautiful, just like Phoenix’s soul. Edgeworth could almost hear Phoenix’s laugh as he imagined the pendulum swinging back and forth, he could almost see the smile on his face on the shiny glass surface of the clock. Edgeworth smiled back at the shiny surface. The clock was the manifestation of every reason Edgeworth loved Phoenix Wright.
Depth (To Maya Fey)
Writing the letter had helped enough that Franziska was able to work again, so that was a victory that she was willing to take. She still thought about Maya Fey of course, but some small part of Franziska knew that she’d never stop thinking about Maya Fey. That was fine with Franziska, she never really wanted to stop thinking about Maya. She just…wanted to stop thinking about her so goddamn much. Which mind you, was a lot before she wrote the letter. Franziska thought about the letter sometimes too, despite shoving it into the farthest depths that her desk could manage in an effort to ignore the letter for the rest of her life. The letter was embarrassing no matter how much times passed, and she wanted nobody to read it, ever.
Work (Apollo is a Crazy Cat Attorney™, Chapter 1)
Apollo Justice, the beautiful bastard who happened to also work in these offices. Klavier's feelings for him wasn't a secret, he was about as subtle as a punch to the face. Though. even if he wanted to, he doubted the two walking lie detectors in front of him wouldn't be able to find out one way or another.
Dragged (Apollo Justice Drunkenness Scale)
“Well, I should probably make you breakfast now schatz.” Klavier said, getting up.  Apollo frowned, grabbing Klavier and dragging him back to the bed. “Mmm, no.”  Klavier raised an eyebrow at him. “No?”  Apollo hummed. “I wanna stay here for a while…It’s too early to get up.”  Klavier looked over at the clock, seeing the time. “Herr Forehead, it’s 8:31 AM…” “Yeah, too early.” Apollo retorted.  “Well…I guess I’m not complaining.” Klavier said.
Smoke, Blood (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 11)
The first thing that Maya had noticed about the room was the awful smell of smoke. She coughed, covering her nose with her hand. Now that they were inside, they got to have a good look at the place. The room was mostly dark, since the curtains were pulled over the windows. Maya looked up and saw the silhouette of a woman, stood behind a long table with various things scattered on top of it. The woman seemed to be focused on the whiteboard in front of her, as she hadn’t even noticed that Maya and Phoenix had stepped in. Maya soon found the source of the smoke, which was a wooden pipe that she held. The woman turned to face the two, her cold calculating eyes examining the two carefully. Her lips were blood red, light blue eyeshadow on her face. Her face was sharp, perfectly accentuating the calculation in her eyes. The woman was petite, only a few inches taller than Maya, though that made her no less intimidating. The woman wore a a black slim dress and a black headscarf, her shoulders covered in slightly see through black fabric with embroidered patterns on it. Vasquez was almost like April May, in a way. But instead of April’s sadistic and playful evil, Vasquez was calloused and unforgiving. She was beautiful…but terrifying
Grunt (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 8)
“Wow, look at this camera!” Maya said, leaning over to get a good look at it. “It must cost a ton!”  “Maya, It is expensive, don’t touch it-“ Phoenix tried, but he was cut off by Maya’s panicked yelp.  He rushed over to help catch the toppling camera before it could hit Maya in the face. “Oh my god, this camera is heavy!” Maya gasped out, struggling to set the camera upright.  “Ugh…yeah.” Phoenix grunted, also struggling.
Sword (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 17)
That seemed to anger the woman even further. “Are ya playin’ dumb? Don’t try to play stupid with me just ‘cause you think I’m some country dumbass bumpkin! Yeah, I know how y’all Yanks think! Y’all think just cause I’m from the country that I’m stupid! “I say, those country folk that talk with that exaggerated drawl, why they must be dumb!” Don’t deny that ya think like that!” She then pointed at Maya and Phoenix angrily. “Well let me tell y’all, just because I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed don’t mean we all are!”  Maya hid behind Phoenix, scared shitless. She peeked from behind him, staring at him with wide helpless eyes. “Nick, help!”  “What do you want me to do? Pull out a sword and stab her?” Phoenix hissed at her.
Shiver (The Bridge Paved with Uncertainty)
After a whole day in a moving train, Miles was almost glad to be met with the dreary grey sky of winter. Almost. The large gate towered over them, its roof covered with soft fluffy snow and a snowmobile propped up against it. It made him feel small, like an insignificant part of the universe… Miles shook the thought off, looking instead at the plaque on the gate. It had Japanese writing on it, which he didn’t understand. There was also an equally large bell tower, that seemed to be a growing trend in this temple. He turned to Maya, who was shivering from the cold.
Voice (Yours Truly Franziska von Karma, Chapter 1)
Franziska stopped what she was doing, looking up at Maya to just…stare at her as she sang. A small smile began to form on her face as she listened to Maya sing. Her voice was angelic, and soft enough for only Franziska to hear. It was beautiful, not only her voice but…Maya herself. Franziska had noticed that Maya was pretty, and most of the boys in her class liked her, but Franziska never really noticed how pretty Maya was, inside and out. Her smiling face, her flowing black hair, her amazingly positive attitude…Everything about Maya was incredible, and Franziska felt lucky to be her friend.  (What a beautiful voice…)
Lock (The Bridge Paved with Uncertainty)
“Yes, charade, this silly little game we’re playing.” The magatama Miles held pulsed in a powerful energy that Miles couldn’t explain. He could almost feel it beating, in sync with his own fastening heartbeat. “Please, tell me the truth. We know each other, don’t we?”  Ryuichi stood firm, holding his ground. It was a pity the ground he was on was built upon lies. “We don’t.”  The whole world around Miles and Ryuichi blurred away into a dark black abyss, to where it was now only just them. The sound of a loud chain could be heard, and 5 large silver chains appeared, wrapping the Psyche-Locks that hovered around Ryuichi. Miles counted each one he could see. 1…2…3…4…5 whole Psyche-Locks, 5 whole secrets for Miles to uncover. 
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27 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Just for the Night, chapter 2/2
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FitzSimmons, rated M, 7900 words Summary: Bringing home her cute new colleague for the night sounded like a good idea to Jemma Simmons. He's cute and a fantastic kisser, just what she needed to relieve the stress of spending Christmas with her whole family. She just hadn't planned that she would end up snowed in with her one-night stand AND her family for Christmas.
Once more, happy Christmas Libby <3 "I'm so sorry, they weren't supposed to be here until much later!" she whispered as she closed the door behind herself and leaned back against it as if someone might burst through it anytime. "I know, you said so but I bet they wanted to avoid--" "The snow, yeah. My mum tried to call but my phone was in the living room. I probably wouldn't have heard it anyway, I slept like the dead last night." Fitz smiled at that and there was something so sweet in a way that she didn't tell him the orgasms weren't the only responsible. Even though he'd greatly contributed to the short-lived state of relaxation she'd felt that morning, she'd been exhausted for weeks. "Anyway, the road's closed so--" His lips pressed against hers softly, taking her by surprise. She was busy panicking about the whole situation, how dare he interrupted her like that? But then, his arms wrapped around her waist, impossibly warm, and Jemma melted into the embrace with a slight whine. Maybe she should have gone and talked to him weeks ago. She might have brought him home to her London flat and gotten the opportunity to enjoy his affection longer without being interrupted in the worst possible way. "Good morning," he said, eyes and tone equally soft when he pulled back.
Continue reading on AO3
29 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
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Finally finished this portrait of Fitz/Iain from the wedding scene in 5x12 <3 It had been a while since I drew him and I’m pretty happy with the result! Done in watercolor and color pencils! Commissions open for this type of portrait or digital ones, more details via DM :) REDBUBBLE / ETSY
33 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
It Was All Make-Believe
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FitzSimmons, rated T, 2609 words (for now) Chapter 1/6 @libbyweasley​ and I are very excited to finally start posting this fic we've been working on for months based on Libby's original idea. The fic is all written and a new chapter will be posted every week. I've written three chapters from Jemma's POV and Libby has written all chapters from Fitz's POV. Hope you enjoy :) Summary: Fitz and Jemma go undercover as a couple and discover it isn’t as difficult as they’d thought it would be. But what happens when those feelings become a little too real? Season 1 AU They all moved to the briefing room, May and Ward looking as awake and ready as ever. Fitz, not so much.
"Didn't even have time for breakfast," he grumbled as he took his place next to Jemma. "Why do these always have to be so early?" Jemma shook her head and pressed the second mug of tea she was holding into his hand. "Oh thank you." He took a sip and his face turned a little less grumpy for a second. "Maybe the problem is that you stayed up working in the lab so late," Jemma pointed out and he huffed. "You're one to talk!" "But I can function on five hours of sleep, you obviously can't." If his still only half open eyes and messy curls weren't enough to prove her point, Jemma reached out to straighten his collar. "That's because he's still growing!" Skye tousled his hair as she walked past him to take her place in the briefing room.
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41 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It had been a while since I’ve worked on a Liz/Jemma art :) (Based on that gorgeous Liz photoshoot I’m planning I’ve done this one using both color pencils and watercolor and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.  I’m currently open for commissions (both traditional and digital fanart). Send me a DM to know more :) 
44 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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umichenginabroad · 2 months
Week 8: Saying goodbye to Madrid
Hola! Lilly from Madrid here. I am sad to accept that my studies in Spain have come to a close. It feels like I finally found my groove here. Packing and preparing for my post-study travels, I find myself thrust into the bittersweet reality of parting ways with my new friends (I will literally see them in 3 weeks) and a city that I will always be fond of. While my travels won’t end here, the pocket of time, the surreal feeling that is being abroad, is overwhelmingly over. An abrupt and chaotic ending if anything. Between finals, presentations, and an unexpected ER visit (I’m okay!) I still find myself grappling for closure.
Since I haven’t done so already, I thought for today I would go over what to expect for classes to give you a sense of what to expect as a student in Madrid. I will also add a list of recommendations for those of you planning to travel here!
The thing that I loved particularly about this study abroad experience was the balance between school and having time to explore and experience the Madrileño culture. Plus, no class on Friday!
My schedule was as follows:
Mondays and Wednesdays:
08:15 am - Calculus (3 hour block, with small break)
12:00 pm - Sustainable Development (or elective)
Monday - Thursday:
12:00 pm - Sustainable Development (or elective)
Although the early mornings were tough, it kept me productive. I found it a little difficult to maintain focus in Calc for that duration, but I much preferred having this class only twice a week. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, lunch is typically the most important meal – the most filling at least – and wasn’t served until 1:30. This was perfect because I would get out of class just in time, then head back to take a quick siesta, which was when everything closed anyways. I love my power naps, and the built in time is during the hottest part of the day, so I never felt guilty for taking the time to decompress. Especially considering that Madrid is so vibrant and active at night. 
As promised, here is a list of some of my favorite things to do in Madrid, as well as my favorite neighborhoods.
Things to do:
Roam - It seems obvious, but I tried to wander around a different neighborhood each week. So many neighborhoods, not enough time.
Hang out/Picnic at parks - El Retiro is the most famous in Madrid, but there are so many in each neighborhood.
Nightlife - This is a huge part of Madrid culture. Grab a sweet treat and hang out with some friends in a Plaza or tapas bar.
Hiking - There’s “hiking” (more so just trails) in Casa de Campo, or catch a bus to Cercedilla. The mountains in the national park are super accessible. 
Cooking classes - These are super fun. I can make paella now :)
Concerts - Be sure to check if your favorite artists are in town. We also loved going to an orchestra performance!
Watch the sunset with friends. A good spot is in the grass across from the royal palace, but there is a better one… I cannot recall the name.
Go to the markets - El Rastro is the famous Sunday market, and I recommend going as early as possible (9:00 am I believe). San Miguel is popular, but on the more expensive side. San Fernando is more of a local spot in Lavapies, and has good Tapas. 
Travel! Madrid is centrally located, and it’s easy to take a quick day trip by bus/train. We took advantage of having three day weekends, and visited many cities throughout Spain. Flights are typically cheaper as well if you were looking to travel around western Europe. Psst trains are the best! Use Omio to look for routes, it is typically cheapest here. 
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Food from a cafe, and a sunset from a plaza.
Malasana - Best for fun nightlife
Usera and Lavapies - These are multicultural communities with AMAZING food options. 
**City center - Stay away… there are lots of tourist traps and it is super expensive. There are some famous dessert places that are pretty good though.
Moncloa and Arguelles - This is where my classes were. These were nice areas with SO many restaurants, cafes, and fruit stands. It was very affordable to grab coffee between classes (Logic Coffee has amazing beans and makes a killer matcha latte) or enjoy a menu del dia. I think the most I paid for lunch here was 12-15 euro, and this included a beverage, two courses, and dessert or coffee. A steal!
I lived in Cuatro Caminos, but I preferred other neighborhoods. My favorite coffee shop in the area was Green Cafe, and there was a Gelateria close by. Otherwise, I would hang out elsewhere. 
This is just to name a few! I feel like I barely scratched the surface in Madrid. I hope you love the city. I have but one post left. See you soon :)
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This post is literally just word vomit/journal style of my thoughts, go head & scroll. It probably won’t be useful to you, lol.
Hopefully I get some me time tomorrow. Finally got a date night tonight for the first time in weeks. Thankful for that. Found some shelving that will help with the lack of storage in our bathroom.. A cute little hanger for the keys. & a cute little clear tote for my crystals. I’ve been working hard on decluttering still.
Side note though: been having issues with my left leg. Had trouble with it cramping and then just feeling sore but then also today my knee kinda went out on me.. that was not fun.
Ran into my dad & his gf on their date night & as we were about to leave she caught a fish! That was pretty neat. 🎣
Anyways, overall quite a good day. Hit a few garage sales in the morning with the kiddos. Got little storage ottomans for the living room (or maybe Zk’s room? Not sure). Went to target & got cat food, dog food, and the baskets for the new organizers we have coming.
Found a couple good books at goodwill too.
I am aware it’s ironic to be mentioning yard saling & shopping while decluttering. However, I figure I will never be able to build the muscles I need to without excercsiing them. Meaning, when I am out garage saling and I see that oh so cute thing that I feel like I can’t live without but I
- realize I already have one
- don’t actually need it
- have no place to put it.
- have something else that can do the same thing.
- feel like I need to get it bc it’s a cheap price.
Etc. I can walk myself through the process.
Hence; the things that I bought today for the most part were simply things that were useful.
- new storage bins for the kids clothes bc their plastic dressers are not ideal & not working.
-storage ottomans, for the loose blankets and odds and ends in the living room.
- storage basket things I can hang in the bathroom bc there is literally basically Nowhere to put anything. & my toddler will go for the toilet paper the moment she is given the opportunity.
-a new water bottle bc the one I had keeps on going crazy and shooting water out and also won’t lock into place anymore.
- a little rake and garden shovel. Bc we don’t have gardening tools & need to dig up weeds etc.
- admittedly we did let the kids get a few inexpensive toys as well.
- I got a swimsuit bc my other one doesn’t fit great (esp cuz I’m 30 weeks pregnant hahaha)
- hubby got an Xbox at a sale bc his broke. Came with 2 controllers too, so that’s cool.
- conditioner bc I was completely out.
- hubby got a griz helmet replica (this one I can’t super justify other than he just wanted it)
And so like yeah. Normally I am quick to buy whatever. But there were things today I thought Oh! So cute, I want. And then when I backpedaled I was like -you don’t need this, you’ve nowhere to put it.
I guess I technically did buy 1 thing I don’t really “need” and that was this 3 piece Rae Dunn set for $5. I’ve always wanted to buy something like that Rae Dunn but when I see the prices I’m like no; I can’t. So I let myself splurge.
Anyway, I was proud bc I didn’t bring home any unneeded clothes or shoes. Or anything of that nature. I also didn’t even look at the toys in the thrift store bc I know my kids have PLENTY.
I decluttered my sons bottoms today. I also nearly filled another diaper box with stuff to go. :)
So I am trying to practice the whole “one in and one out rule” too. So the water bottle that sucks now is on its way out. Idk, I’m excited I’ve been doing really well.
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These calls and moments accompany Victor’s S2 CH 30-33 Karma, and feature S2 Victor and MC, but don’t contain any spoilers from the S2 storyline~
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⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for contents that are yet to be released in the global server! ⌚
┈┈ ◍♡◍ ┈┈┈ ◍♡◍ ┈┈
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Victor: The first question a certain someone asked when she boarded the cruise ship was what to have for dinner tonight.
MC: I’ve seen the leading roles in the films having big feasts whenever they board a cruise ship!
Victor: This is the tenth film I’ve heard you say that has a “big feast” in the plot.
MC: The dinner was actually a king crab buffet. I experienced eating king crabs until I was full~
Victor: The dummy said she’s had her fill, but still had pudding after dinner.
MC: The second question is – do you want to watch the sunrise together tomorrow morning?
Victor: That is, if only you can give up your desire to “sleep in on the cruise ship.”
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Victor: You didn’t look very good when you got out of the car, not feeling well?
MC: Mm… seems like a bit of carsickness.
Victor: Why are you suddenly carsick? Have you been staying up late again recently?
MC: Of course not! Wasn’t there a section of road under repair just now? So, it was quite bumpy.
MC: Adding to that was the recent working around the clock. I’ve been mentally quite exhausted. That’s why I was a little dizzy when I got out of the car.
Victor: So, how are you feeling now?
MC: I was just sitting in my office for a while, and now I’m already feeling better!
MC: However, looking at this workload, I guess I really have to work overtime till late at night. This should be considered “reasonable staying up late,” no?
Victor: …all kinds of fallacious reasoning.
Victor: I remember that beach camping you’ve been clamoring about for a long time. It can be put on the itinerary for the next weekend.
MC: REALLY! But didn’t you just say in the car that you were flying abroad next week?
Victor: The meeting will be ending on Friday. I have booked a late-night flight for the same day.
Victor: You can make use of these few days and think about what else you want to do for fun when we get there.
MC: There are so many things! I can’t even count them all on my ten fingers!
 Victor: Don’t get too excited too soon. The prerequisite is that you complete all your work.
Victor: I don’t want to see you hugging your computer and racking your brain in the hotel.
MC: Anyway, you will be by my side at that time. If, by any chance, I do run into trouble, CEO Victor surely won’t “fold his hands and see me die,” right?
Victor: [sulkyyyy LOL]  I will.
Victor: If you don’t want the vacation to turn into a work report, then don’t bring your work with you.
MC: …
Victor: Your answer?
MC: Understood. I promise to get all my work done before the vacation comes!
Victor: By the sound of your voice, it seems that you have completely recovered from the carsickness you had earlier.
Victor: Then, put this high fighting spirit into work, and don’t stay up late at night.
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Timestamp– 1:28
Victor: I saw that you mentioned me in your Moments.
Victor: Did you redecorate your room?
MC: Yes! I just happened to have some time today and thought I’d redecorate it a bit!
MC: It’s nice, right? Could I please trouble CEO Victor for some more comments!
Victor: Nice, indeed.
Victor: No wonder you intentionally posted it on Moments. You seem to have put in the effort.
MC: Of course! After all, I’ve been preparing for this since last week.
MC: And I woke up very early today especially for this purpose, and have been cleaning up until just now.
Victor: So it’s finally the realization your room needs a brand new look that could make you sacrifice your sleeping in time?
MC: I did tarot divination earlier. It said that redecorating the room will bring good luck, and even the work will be completed smoothly.
Victor: And did the tarot cards tell you that regarding the time consumed decorating the room, you will have to make up for that total amount at work?
MC: …evil capitalist!
Victor: What did you say?
MC: I-I said I did the divination for you, too~ These cited several kinds of ornaments that can improve your fortune–
Victor: What strange things are you planning to put in my house again?
Victor: Earlier, you placed a ceramic owl on my balcony, saying it was to chase away sparrows.
Victor: In the end, a certain dummy had forgotten about it herself and got a scare.
MC: That one was purely a mistake! This time it’s all some really cute stuff, and there absolutely won’t be any problem!
Victor: Could your weird reasonings be any less…
MC: By the way, when I was picking out the ornaments for you, I also bought something else while I was at it.
MC: I feel like they don’t fit in with the style of my house that great, so I was thinking maybe you could have use of them? Would you like me to bring them along?
Victor: Your excuse is too obvious. Try using another one next time.
Victor: Go on, say it. What is it?
MC: Hehe, there are lots of beautiful candle lamps, some exquisite tablecloths, and things like that.
MC: I remember that Souvenir is planning to launch a new menu next season. They’d be useful, right?
Victor: A certain someone can try them out for herself when she comes as the “taster” tonight.
MC: Aren’t you worried that I might have chosen something too “unexpected?”
Victor: Although that is a possibility, I trust your vision.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Sugar, Honey, Ice Tea | Chapter 5-9
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1Summary: Fix-it-fic: Dr. Y/L/N and Savannah Hayes have been best friends since their medical internship at Bethesda General. When she receives a frantic call that Derek's best friend is being transferred to the prison she works at, an unlikely friendship bubbles.
Eventually falling head over heels for the innocent man.
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Prison, Prison Violence, Assault, Blood, Depression, Murder, Self-Hatred, Hurt Spencer Reid, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Drug Addiction, References to Drugs, Drug Use, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Romantic Tension, Forbidden Love, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers, Requited Love, Falling In Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, past abusive relationship, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault
Word Count: 14.3K
1-4, 5-9, Epilogue
Chapter 5
Spencer agreed to a Thursday night game night in her office sometime last week, and she’s spent every day since then planning it out for him.
Learning that he really loved Tandoori chicken, making it from scratch at home and packaging it into a couple containers to bring into work. She followed a recipe from Pinterest, hoping it bared any resemblance to what he was used to, only changing full chicken to boneless bite size cutlets, because he couldn’t use a knife in the prison.
She got a chess set at the store, as well as a deck of playing cards for the Vegas boy. Rushing out her door early Thursday morning so she could stop and get a coffee and one of his favourite doughnuts too.
Deciding that she wasn’t going to tell him how she felt any time soon, just wanting to show him friendship and support until he was finally out of prison. Vowing to uphold her oath, he was a patient in her care, she would care for him as such until he wasn’t.
She carefully placed her lunchbox and the chess set on the security desk, letting them look through it as she waited. Taking out all the food from her bag, looking through the plastic to ensure she wasn’t sneaking in anything.
“It’s just my lunch for the next 2 days, I promise,” she smiled.
“I know, but I have to look anyway,” the nice man smiled. “Have a good day today Dr. Pat.”
“Thank’s, you too, officer Kyle,” she smiled, picking her things back up and heading past the gates.
Spencer was turning the corner towards the infirmary as she walked towards the door. Officer Wilkins holding him in handcuffs as he roughly walked Spencer to her office.
“Hey, hey, hey,” she stopped, looking at Wilkins like he was an idiot. “Un-cuff inmate Reid, he’s not a threat. Plus, he can hold some things for me.”
“Whatever,” he huffed, roughly taking the cuffs off Spencer's wrists before leaving. Not saying another word.
“What a dick,” she mumbled as she handed him the lunchbox.
“Good morning Spencer,��� she changed her tone to match her growing smile.
He sighed, smiling back as he rubbed his wrists. “Good morning to you too, Y/N.”
She opened the infirmary door, walking past all the sleeping men in the care area. Unlocking her office before inviting Spencer in. “Sorry I was almost late,” she said softly, taking the chess set and a brown paper bag out of her purse.
She set it on Spencer's desk along with the coffee that was in her hand, “for all your help this week,” she smiled.
Spencer placed her lunchbox in her fridge, laying a hand on her back as he walked past her towards his desk. “You’re too kind to me,” he was bashful as always.
“I have something I wanted to talk to you about,” she closed the door softly, making sure the blinds on the doors window were closed as well.
“That doesn’t sound good,” he tried to joke as he sat down.
“I asked to help with your case, maybe give a fresh opinion, so Penelope sent me all the files but I haven’t opened them yet,” she sat on the edge of her desk. Trying to read his body language as he took out his donut.
He liked the pink frosting off his finger, nodding as he followed along. “Why not?”
“I wanted your permission,” she pressed her lips together in an awkward smiled. His eyes raising to meet hers, innocent as ever.
“You’re very reserved, you have rules about what you share, I don’t want to break the trust we’ve built by looking into something so intimate,” she explained her thoughts. “It’s not fair for me to learn about the worst thing that’s ever happened to you, without you being the one to tell me.”
“What do you know already?” He asked softly, blinking at her as he patiently waited.
She smiled at him softly, grateful that he understood. “I know the 3 charges that you’re in on, and that you’re being framed.”
“I think I would prefer it if you read the file and just asked me questions. I don’t think I have the mental capacity to recite it all back to you today,” he was honest. Taking a sip of his coffee and looking away from her.
Giving up so much of himself to her so early in the day, she felt like he was finally comfortable with her.
She found the key to his thoughts and it opened just right, she could see the hurt that flowed through him, but she could also see the happiness. The side of him that he was afraid to bring out, in fear it would get him in more trouble.
“Okay,” she agreed. Sitting at her desk and finally opening the email form Penelope.
She read through his tox-screens, his drug history, his mental state. His first-hand accounts, witness statements, clues and findings his team had made. It all felt like the plot to a bad movie about revenge, possibly even female rage. But for what?
“I finished reading,” she said softly, brows furrowed as she chews the inside of her cheek. “Do you know anyone other than this Mr. Scratch guy who you’ve put away, wronged, lead on, or just pissed off?”
“Why?” He asked, clearly attached to the idea this was all Mr. Scratch’s doing.
“It feels like revenge, but very well planed. Like a women is mad at you so she found your weakness, I’ve done mean shit to exes in the past but this is insane. They knew you’d do anything for your mom, they knew your drug history, and the fact you might get schizophrenia one day, they wanted to drug you and make you think you did all this.”
Spencer stood then, listening to her words as he scrunched his face. Thinking as hard as he could, “can you call Penelope?”
“Yeah,” she nodded as she dialled her number, putting her on speaker phone.
“Well hello there, Love Doctor,” Penelope teased as she answered.
“Um hi, Spencer wanted to talk to you,” she panicked.
“Oh, sorry, how are you Spencer?”
Spencer looked so confused, “I’m good… Y/N and I were looking at the case files you sent-”
“Good, did you find anything?” Penelope cut in, eager to talk to him.
“Have you looked into everyone I’ve ever encountered on a case? Specifically women?” Spencer asked. “I told my lawyer and Emily that I remember a woman being there and helping, she must know me from a case too, like the other prison escapees he’s helped?”
“On it pretty boy, any specifics about her that you remember?” Penelope asked over the sound of her keyboard clicking away.
“Long brown hair, but it’s probably different now,” he added. “Everything else is dark, I didn’t see her face or any other features.”
“Alright, call me anytime Spence, I miss you,” Penelope said softly, changing her tone to a more sensitive one. “Take care of each other, my loves.”
“Love you,” they say at the same time. Looking at each other awkwardly after she hung up, leaving them to sit with their words alone.
Spencer was leaning so close to her she could feel his body heat radiating off him. Spencer placed his hand on her shoulder as he stood straight, towering over her as she looked up at him.
“I have patients to talk to, but I brought chess for you to teach me later,” she smiled up at him.
“Can’t wait,” he beamed a smile back.
She felt his hand rub the back of her blue scrubs lightly, pulling away as he walked back around to his desk. She watched him with careful eyes, wishing he would have stayed longer.
Normally at 4:30, Y/N would bring Spencer a tray of whatever the kitchen was serving her patients for dinner that night. Tonight, however, she walked into her office at 5 pm on the dot, closing the clinic for the night and putting all her attention on Spencer.
“So,” she smiled as she leaned against her office door, excitement radiating out of her. “A little birdie told me that you really like Indian food, Tandoori chicken to be exact…”
“No way?” He gasped as he turned around in his chair.
She nodded with a cheeky grin, “homemade so I could sneak it in.”
She took her lunch box out of her mini-fridge, opening it up to show him the 2 Tupperware containers. One for him, the other for her. She took the lids off and dished it onto 2 plates she keeps in the cabinet above the fridge.
Spencer grew more and more excited as she warmed it up, filling the room with a familiar smell. He was so happy, “I don’t know how to thank you for everything you do for me?”
“Come here,” she said softly, watching him walk towards her carefully.
She wrapped her arms around his middle, holding him in a hug. He carefully placed his hands on her back, holding her against his chest as he snuggled his cheek into her hair again.
“I’ll take hugs as payment from now on,” she pulled back from him as the microwaved beeped.
Taking a plastic spoon from the cutlery jar, she opened the microwave and handed him a plate. “Did you want to stay in here or go to the break room? I never use it cause I don’t have any co-workers, but it has a couch and a coffee table?”
“Okay,” he smiled. Taking the plate from her and waiting for her to warm up her own meal before taking a bite.
He was ever the gentleman.
Y/N reached back into her lunch box, taking out the package of naan bread, seeing Spencer’s eyes basically roll into the back of his head. “You thought of everything?”
“Bread is my life,” she laughed.
When her food was ready, she placed it on top of the chess box and led the way down to the break room. Spencer holding every door for her.
She flicked on the lights in the break room, watching them strobe before making that awful powering up frequency. She groaned, putting her food on the table before turning on a few lamps instead.
The room went from bright and anxious to relaxed and personal, the amber glow bouncing off the cream walls, it was nice. As nice as it could be in a prison. She never thought she’d be having a date at a prison.
That’s basically what this was, a date.
She made him dinner, they were going to play games, he was going to sit right beside her, close enough to kiss. She really wanted to, she’s thought about it a lot, his pink lips were perfect and she just wanted to see how they’d feel between her own.
But she wont.
“Dig in honey,” the name rolled over her tongue like it was always meant to.
She felt his eyes on her right away, realizing that she called him honey in a situation where he wasn’t crying, where he wasn’t vulnerable. She said it as a term of endearment, she couldn’t stop the embarrassment form settling in her veins.
She sat beside his softly, picking up her dinner and pretending it didn’t happen. “Thank you,” Spencer cut into the awkwardness.
“You’re welcome,” she said softly. Feeling like she could flip inside out at any moment.
From the corner of her eye she saw him take the first bite, closing his eyes as he appreciated the moment. His shoulders settled as he chewed, she could swear he almost moaned as he ate it. She has had the food in the cafeteria before, she understood his reaction.
“That good?” She asked, teasing him softly.
He nodded, silent as he took it all in. He took another bite, and another, she felt like he was going to get the hiccups at this rate but it was too cute to stop. He was like a stray dog eating inside for the first time in months, it made her happy and then a little sad.
He stayed quiet the whole time. Crossing his legs as he sat on the couch, the plate pulled in close to his chest as he shovelled spoonfuls of food into his mouth. She sat there admiring him as he did so, falling more and more every time she glanced at him.
“That was delicious,” Spencer said as he stood, placing his plate on the counter across the room. “Are you done?” He asked, taking her plate as she reached it out to him.
“Yeah, thanks,” she watched him carefully, always wanting to help her in whatever way he could.
He didn’t sit on the couch when he came back, instead, sitting on the floor on the other side of the coffee table, taking the chess set out and beginning to set it up. Not wanting to miss a moment of the freedom he felt when he was with her.
“So, chess is pretty easy to learn,” he said, looking up at her through thick eyelashes as he spoke. “Do you know any of the rules yet?”
“Um, I know where they all go, I know that you can’t go through other pieces and the horse gets to jump?” She tried to remember all the way back to grade 4, the last time someone explained the rules to her.
He was so soft with her, explaining the rules and showing her what to do. His hand would lightly brush over hers occasionally, eventually, he’d just guide her hand over the pieces that she should move. It was so nice to just be alone with him, knowing they were both allowed to be happy.
The room was mostly silent, only the sound of Spencer's advice and her giggle as she still wasn’t grasping the concept of the game.
“I just like, don’t care about the rules?” She couldn’t stop giggling at the fact she wasn’t picking up on anything he said.
Spencer laughed, it was deep and hearty, right from his soul, “then how do you want to play?”
She picked up the queen and moved it to a random spot, “I want to put this here and fight your guy. That’s why I don't get this, what is my XP? What are their skills? I was raised on Pokemon, honey.”
He made his way back to the couch, sitting closely beside her. “Well sugar pie, do you have any other games you want to play?”
She couldn’t stop herself from leaning in and pressing her lips against his. His hands wrapped around her waist on instinct as they connected.
It was everything she imagined. Soft, gentle, refreshing. Like a cold glass of ice tea on a hot summers day. She wanted more, never letting up as she kissed him.
Spencer was the one to pull off first, “shit,” she whispered, covering her mouth with her hand as she stared at him, horrified.
He laughed, smiling at her softly. “It’s okay,” he promised, “I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
She doesn’t stop him from pulling her back in, holding her hand on his cheek as he kissed her again. Hungrier than before, Spencer’s tongue was on a mission. He tastes like dinner, but with his own Spencer difference.
Kissing him felt like a fairytale coming true.
She forgot where they were, his hands on the back of her scrubs and her hands in his hair as their mouths clashed. She started to lay back on the couch, pulling him down on top of her.
“We can't,” he pants against her lips. Regretting it as he pulls away from her.
“Sorry, this was unprofessional I know,” she tried to play it off.
Spencer pulled her back in, flush against his chest once more. “No, I don’t regret it. It’s just, I’m not ready.”
“Oh,” she says softly. Then it clicks, “oh, oh my god, Spencer I’m so sorry I forgot. I didn’t mean to push you into anything,” she worries, running her hands over his arms softly.
He shakes his head, “you didn’t. I want to, believe me, I just don’t think I can handle the after part…”
“I cried for 3 hours after I had sex again, after everything,” she told him in complete honesty. Not even Savannah or Derek knew that.
“You don’t have to-“
“I want to,” she assured him. “You shouldn’t have to be the only vulnerable one here, I want you to know about me.”
“You don’t have to tell me the details, I don’t want to think about someone hurting you,” he whispered, his eyes innocently studying her face for how she was feeling.
“Okay, so here’s everything else,” she was still holding his face in her hands. Rubbing her thumb over his cheeks. “I had 2 moms and a little sister, and I was raised in Boston. I met Savannah in 2004, I worked with her until a few years ago. She’s my best friend, Derek is like my big brother.”
She gave him the basics, “I don’t have a dad, my mom used the same donor for me and my sister, so I’ve never really felt safe around men because I never knew many.”
“Understandable,” he smiled softly. “what’s your mom like?”
“She died when I was 26,” she pressed her lips together awkwardly. “I haven’t talked to her wife since then, my other mom, she remarried not long after. I think she was cheating on my mom when she was going through chemo.”
“I’m so sorry,” Spencer whispered.
“I can relate to a lot of the stories I know about you already. My mom was my world, I don’t know my dad. I’ve been hurt by people, I’ve lost a lot of myself while trying to help others,” she brushed her nose against his softly. Letting him know she wasn’t pulling back any time soon. “Who you are is not what you did, or what you’ve been through.”
He kisses her again softly. Breathing in through his nose lightly, his hand on her back pulling her in closer and closer. He didn’t want to let her go, and she was more than happy staying in his embrace forever.
He pulled back softly, “I lied to you.” He whispered against her lips.
“When?” She asked, scared to know the answer.
“I do remember you from Derek’s wedding, he told me about you a long time ago. I told him I was ready for dating again when you told him about Mark,” he couldn’t look at her.
“That’s not a huge lie,” she smiled softly. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking at you all night, with that little blond boy. You two were so sweet, Mark got really mad at me for staring at you actually.”
“Derek told me when he hurt you, he came to my apartment right after so he wouldn’t go and kill him,” Spencer’s voice was so low she had to stare at his lips to understand him. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she shook her head softly, kissing the tip of his nose. “Thank you.”
“I don’t want to go back to my cell,” he whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers.
Breaking her heart in the process.
She kissed his cheeks and his lips a few times, peppering kisses to his soft face to make up for it. “We can’t do this again until you’re free,” she whispered.
“I understand.”
“So you better think long and hard about this woman you remember so I can track her down and shove her in that cell instead,” Y/N’s stern voice made him smile.
“Thank you,” he replied again, hugging her the way he promised he would thank her from now on.
For being 9 pm on a spring night, it was rather warm in the Vermont parking lot. She left the prison a while ago, not able to leave Spencer’s gravitational pull yet as she sat there, staring at the prison thinking about him alone in his cell instead of pressed against her chest for the rest of the night.
Thinking about the feeling of Spencer’s hands on her body and his tender lips. Her hand over her mouth as she remembered how his bottom lip ghosted over her own, the anticipation was enough to light her on fire.
She took out her phone and called Derek, knowing he would put her on speaker if they were already in bed for the night. Really needing her best friends right now.
“Hey kick-ass, how are you doing today?” Derek’s voice was overly cheery, “Hey!” Savannah added in the background.
“I’m in love with him.”
Chapter 6
She barely slept anymore. Waking up at 6 am every morning without her alarm clock, her heart physically aching to return to Spencer's side after a night without him. She felt like a love-sick school girl, wanting to be with him all day even if they had nothing to say. Just looking at him was enough to make her happy.
A few weeks passed. Weeks filled with smiles and laughter, singing and reading, inside jokes and shared jello cups. She was so madly in love with him, hugging him every morning when he arrived and every night before he left. Keeping her word, kissing him on the cheek every so often instead.
She started a routine of picking up a coffee and a donut for Spencer every single Thursday, worried that he probably thought about his case all night, yet again. Which only kept her up worrying all night about him, wondering if he was doing okay all alone.
Only getting sleep when she remembered that he had a photo of her, his mom, Derek and hank with him. He’d be okay.
She walked into the infirmary to find Jerry and Mike waiting for her with a guard. Mike bleeding all down his face while Jerry held his clearly broken hand.
“You two are going to be the death of me,” she sighed. Putting all her things in her office before coming back to care for them.
She excused the guard, telling him she had it from here. They wouldn’t put up any more fights with her, they looked up to her like a momma bear, and they were her terrible cubs.
“It is 7:33 am, who the fuck did you have to fight this early?” She whisper yelled at them. Not wanting to wake Leo in the care ward, “who is worth this?”
“You don’t want to know,” Mike said under his breath.
“Well clearly he’s not here, is he dead or in violent crimes? If you two fucked up our plan of me helping you during parole next year, I’m going to be pissed,” she tried her best to entice the answers out of them.
“It was Shaw,” Jerry said softly. “He was planning to hurt the new guy, he’s all fake buddy-buddy with him.”
“Excuse me?” She panicked.
“He’s been talking to Milos at night in the locker room, Wilkins lets him out of his cell and into gen-pop,” Mike carried on the story as she tried to clean the blood off his eyebrow.
“What are they going to do to Spence?”
“Spence?” Jerry teased her, poking her side. “I didn’t know he had a nickname already. Why haven’t we met him yet?”
“I’ve kept him locked away to be safe, I’m going to find a way to keep him here at night,” She said softly. “He’s best friends with my brother, I can’t let him get hurt.”
“So you knew him in freedom land?”
She nodded, “a little.”
“All you need is a bandaid,” she changed the subject as she reached into her kit. “And Jerry I’m going to have to set your fingers back in place, if you scream in my face, I will kick you in the nuts.”
They laughed at her fake tuff guy act, never actually being able to hurt them. They were her buddies, giving her a big hug after she finished with them. Getting them both a pudding and telling them to stay put for the day if they wanted to.
Spencer found her in the lab when he arrived, she knew it was him when the door opened, no one else had a passkey to get in. She was writing down some numbers on a chart when he wrapped his arms around her from behind.
She dropped her pen and turned around in his grasp, holding his face in her hands immediately as she pulled him into a quick kiss.
“I thought you said I couldn’t do that again till I’m free?” He asked softly. Kissing her a second time as he finished.
She smiled against his lips, “you’re free when we’re alone.”
He kissed her harder. His hands around her waist as he picked her up slightly. Twirling her around as they kissed, she laughed against his skin. Unable to stop herself from smiling as she held onto him.
She kissed him one last time as he put her down on the floor, “I have a coffee and donut for you in my office.”
“You’re too good to me, Sugar Pie.”
“Anything for you, Honey Bunch,” she bit her lip as she smiled at him again. So absolutely overwhelmed with love for him.
“I actually have a serious question to ask you,” his tone changed, making her concerned.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m still trying to figure out more about that night, and I think I want to try exposure therapy,” he explained. “I was wondering if you’d help me get high, so I can remember what happened in the same mindset.”
“Okay,” she nodded softly. “I can book you in for the night here, say you’re under observation, and I’ll stay here with you.”
“Are you sure?”
She kissed him softly again, looking up at him with a smile after. “If you’re sure about it, I’ll help you. But we need some ground rules.”
“Of course,” he agreed. Letting go of her as she stepped back, leaning against the counter now.
“No kissing, nothing like that, we’ll do it in my office so you can be alone and then later you’ll sleep in the observation room. Leo is in there, he’s harmless and sleeps all night on his morphine anyway,” she explained. “I’m not going to take advantage of you, I don’t want you to regret it. It’s going to be hard to sober up again once you get a taste of euphoria in here.”
He nodded along as she set the rules, “those are good. Thank you.”
“They drugged you with heroin, and while I know where to get some, I’m not letting you do that,” she laughed. “I have Dilaudid in pills and liquid morphine.” Letting him pick his poison.
“The pills will be fine,” he said softly.
“Alright,” she smiled. “And if you want, when you get out I can take you to a meeting? You’ll need to talk to someone other than me, someone who gets it.”
“You’ll stay with me after all this?”
“As long as you let me,” she felt her heart grow 3 sizes at the way his puppy dog eyes stared back at her. “Go have your breakfast and I will come to see you soon, okay honey?”
His smile was glorious, she could feel the love radiating off him as he looked at her. It felt wonderful, knowing at that moment her feelings weren’t one-sided. That he wanted her just as bad as she wanted him. He was going to be good to her.
She had mike and Jerry help her move the couch from the break room and into her office, allowing them to meet Spencer, finally. It was awkward at first, two big muscle men telling him how much they also loved their Sugar.
“Should we tell him?” Mike nudged Jerry.
“What?” Spencer asked softly, sitting at his desk on the other side of the room, really not enjoying their alpha energy.
“Shaw, Milos and Wilkins are all secretly buddies, they were planning to hurt you and so Mike and Jerry beat Shaw up in the yard,” she scrunched her face as she explained it, not ready for his reaction.
“After they cut that kid's throat, they wanted to get you to run heroin for them. But you ended up in here, we heard them in gen-pop last night saying they wanted to get you,” Jerry explained as he played with the bandages on his hand. “He won't be out of the violent offender's infirmary for a while.”
“Thank you,” he replied to them with a pressed-lipped smile. “I need to call my team about the case.”
That was their queue to leave, Y/N patting them on the back for the help, telling them they could stay with Leo or go back to the yard, she didn’t care. They just couldn’t be in her office for this.
Spencer looked a little pissed off. “I didn’t ask them to do that,” she said, defensively.
“I’m not mad at you,” he shakes his head softly as steps into her space. “You’re the only person I can trust in here.”
She placed her hand on his chest softly, “call Penelope. Take your time on the phone with the team.” She handed him her cell phone, “FaceTime them if you want. See their faces, it’ll be okay.”
He hugged her, a silent thank you. She ran her hands over his back as she pressed her face into his neck. Holding back every instinct to tell him she loved him as she pulled away.
“I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“Okay,” he smiled. Taking her phone, “how do I?”
She couldn’t help laughing, “here,” she dialled Penelope’s cellphone number and hit the FaceTime button.
Seeing her beautiful, bright and bubbly face smile as she answered. “Hey! Oh my god, hold on,” they watched as she got up and ran down a hallway.
Spencer was instant giggles and smiles, a side of him she’s never seen before. True, pure love. This was his family, these were his people. She could see herself fitting into his little world one day.
“Guys! It’s Spencer!” She yelled as she ran into another room.
“What’s wrong?” “Is he okay?”
Suddenly she turned the phone sideways to show all his co-workers. “Hi!” He waved to them.
“Spence!” Emily and JJ cheered, “oh you look so good.”
“I feel good, how are you all?” He asked softly, taking her phone and sitting down at his desk.
She watched him softly from the door, slipping out when she saw his attention was fully on his past life. She walked down the hall towards the lab, hearing his laughter through the walls.
She placed 2 pills in a plastic cup, taking an apple juice and jello from the fridge for Spencer. She placed it on his desk 20 minutes before his shift ended, giving him a little space to decide when he wanted to. He told her that he get’s cold when he comes down from a high, so she leaves a fluffy blanket and a pillow on the couch before slipping back out of the room.
She returned to the care unit, looking over Leo as he got ready for the night. Administering his meds and wishing him a good night. She closed his curtain, so when Spencer eventually went to bed he wouldn’t be disturbed.
When she finally settled into her office for the night, Spencer was in the dark. Sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. “Hey,” he said softly.
“How are you?” She asked softly. Closing the door behind herself. Locking it and making sure all the blinds were closed.
“It’s going to hit soon,” he said softly. Suddenly embarrassed and closed off, hiding from her as he laid down.
She didn’t want to bother him, sitting at her desk with her reports. The light from the computer is just enough to see what she was looking at. She glanced at him every few minutes to make sure he was okay.
He enjoys it at first, a blissed-out look on his face as his head is tossed back against the couch. She knows the exact euphoria he’s feeling, she understood perfectly why someone would want to escape like that.
Then his face changes as he starts to hate it, he mumbles to himself with his eyes squeezed shut, she could see him gripping the sheets as he tries to force himself to remember.
She’s uncomfortable watching it, feeling like an intruder. She tried to only focus on her work, flipping through emails and Twitter, scrolling through Facebook for the first time in months to preoccupy her mind.
He was like that for at least an hour.
She could hear his teeth chattering as he came down, just like he said would happen. “You okay, honey?”
“Y-yeah,” he tried to speak through the shaking. “C-can we cuddle?”
“Yeah,” she whispered, turning on her desk lamp before joining him on the couch.
She pulled him up into a sitting position, sitting where his head once was and letting him settle into her lap. She ran her hands through his hair, combing through the locks as she shushed him. Running her hand up and down his back in a tender motion, he snuggled into her leg.
“I’m not that high anymore,” he says softly.
“I know, it’s okay if you are. I’m not going anywhere tonight.”
“I love you,” he whispers.
It makes her stop. Her whole body stills at the words, he wanted to clarify so she’d know it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. She closes her eyes and squeezes them shut, biting her lip as she tries not to burst into tears.
He felt it too.
She swallowed the lump in her throat, “sit up.” She instructs him softly.
She laid down against the couch then, waiting for him to snuggle into her side. Wrapping the blanket around them both as they found the most comfortable position.
“Sorry,” he whispered against the crook of her neck.
“It’s okay, it just feels wrong for me to say it back right now. I feel the same, believe me, Spencer.” She wanted to assure him to the best of her ability. “But you’re still an inmate in my care, I can’t. Not yet.”
“You don’t have to,” he pulled back to look her in the eyes, his own still droopy from how tired the drugs made him. “I’m going to love you regardless.”
She broke her own rules. Kissing him softly, holding him close to her, under the blanket where both their body heat was trapped. She had never felt safer in her entire life.
Spencer only crawling into that bed in the care ward when he woke up to her alarm the following morning.
Chapter 7
There’s someone banging on her office door just a little after 8 am. She was in the middle of putting a new pair of scrubs on over her long-sleeve undershirt, the banging on her door doesn’t stop until she opens the door.
“What?” She yells at them.
It’s Officer Wilkins. “Where is inmate Reid? We have a visitor for him.”
“No one is scheduled to see him today?”
“There is now. Where is he?” The man towered over her. Trying his best to intimidate her.
“Care ward. I’ll get him. You can go wait in the waiting room,” she pushes past him. Watching him stumble as he hits the wall.
“He’s not worth dying over,” he whispers under his breath.
She doesn’t leave Reid’s side as Wilkins attempts to escort him to an interrogation room. Y/N stands in the observation room as Spencer waits, cuffed to the table. Looking through the mirror at each other, only he couldn’t see her. He just knew she would be there.
“Mom?” Spencer’s shocked voice breaks her out of her thoughts as she sees Diana walking into the room.
A dark-haired woman she’s never met before escorting her in. Y/N whips her phone out to take a quick photo before running back to her office as quickly as she can.
Y/N: I need you to check on Cassie, Diana’s nurse. Someone I don’t know just brought Diana to the prison.
She attached the photo she took, setting her phone down to looking through the visitor's logs on her computer. Wanting to know the name of the woman accompanying Diana.
“I’m sorry,” the familiar voice says from her doorway.
She looks up at him from her desk. Wilkins is stepping into her space with a look of guilt, taking his baton off his belt.
“You don’t have to do this,” she backed up against the wall, trying to keep as much distance from him as possible.
“I have to,” his tone changed. Like a personality switch, his eyes darkened as he charged at her.
She ran around the desk, watching him follow. Punching her in the face, causing her to fall back against the couch, she didn’t want him to get on top of her. Dropping to the carpeted floor as he dove onto the couch.
She crawled on the floor towards the door as he tried to get up. Standing as fast as she could, roundhouse kicking him in the face with a grunt. Her foot hit his jaw at just the right angle, rendering him unconscious.
She reached for his cuffs as soon as he hit the floor, “Leo!! Help!” She screamed down the hall.
She heard bare feet running down the hall, followed by the sound of rubber on linoleum. “Sugar??” Mike and Jerry yelled as they followed.
“Watch him,” she insisted once the cuffs were on him. “Hurt him if you have to.”
She took the second pair of cuffs off Wilkins's belt before running out of the room, her lip busted and bleeding down her neck.
She ran down the hall towards Spencer, busting into the room and knocking the nurse to the ground. Struggling to get her onto her stomach, “stop struggling, who the fuck are you?”
“Get off me!” She screamed in return.
Y/N cuffed her and pulled her to her feet, pushing her against the stone wall.
“What is going on?” Spencer stood up, cuffed to the table so he couldn’t help.
“Wilkins just attacked me, Diana wasn’t supposed to be here,” she said over her shoulder in Spencer’s direction. “So I’ll ask again,” she whispered in the woman's ear as she pushed her against the wall harder. “Who, the fuck! Are you?”
“He knows me,” she spat out.
Y/N ripped her off the wall, making her look at Spencer who was shocked, speechless as he tried to remember her face. “Who is she?”
“She told me Cassie was fired, she’s been with me all morning?” Diana tried to explain, slightly freaking out.
“I sent her photo to Penelope, I need a guard,” Y/N said, hauling the unknown women into the hall with her.
The prison was put on lockdown as they tried to figure out this security breach. Wilkins and the nurse being held in prison custody as they waited for the BAU team to fly in.
Figuring out that her name was Lindsay Vaughn, Spencer remembered as much as he could about her. How he tried to save her dad, losing him to his carnal need to kill. Lindsay following closely in her daddy's footsteps.
Diana sat at Spencer’s desk, Mike and Jerry stand watch at the door. Y/N was sitting on top of her desk in front of Spencer, it was his turn to run alcohol over her cuts. Holding her face in his hands as he cared for her.
“I'm sorry,” he mouths the words at her. Not wanting his mother to overhear them.
She nods in response, unable to smile as the cut on her lips stings. All things considered, she could have been in a lot worse condition if it wasn’t for Derek and her training.
She wants to kiss him, she can tell he’s looking over her shoulder at his mom. Waiting to make sure she’s not looking before he leans in a little closer.
Pressing their lips together as silently as possible, his eyes still on her’s as they did so. It’s the most tender kiss she’s ever had, “I’m okay Spence,” she said softly as he pulled back.
“I’m still sorry you were dragged into this,” holding her against his chest softly.
From where she was sitting on top of her desk, she placed her head on his chest, holding him as close as she could, his cheek resting on her head. She wrapped her legs around him, not wanting to let him go, ever.
Needing the comfort he brought her, now more than ever.
When Derek and she started training again it was mostly to help her feel safe. To know what to do if it happened again. She didn’t ever expect it to, thinking it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing. That she’d learn from it and then she wouldn’t be in this situation again, being punched in the face by a man.
She started to cry, the throbbing pain in both her face and her foot taking over as the adrenaline dissipated, she was too overwhelmed to do anything more. He let her cry against him, rubbing his hand on her back as he kissed her forehead.
She couldn’t wait for him to get out of here, and she was going to leave with him.
Derek is the first to burst through the door. Wrapping Spencer up in the biggest hug she’s ever seen him give. Rocking Spencer back and forth in his grasp as he kissed Spencer's cheek a few times.
He pulled back, holding Spencer's face in his hands. Smiling so he didn’t cry, “they’re dropping the charges.”
“You’re kidding?”
“Nope,” Derek shakes his head adding, “You’re free.” Expecting Spencer to hug him again.
Instead, Spencer turns to Y/N and pulls her into a kiss. She’s startled at first, eyes wide open as Spencer’s hands find her waist and pulls her right up against him.
She can't help but settle against him. Holding his face in her hands as she kisses him back. He picks her up slightly, spinning her around with his face buried in her neck as she yelps.
Everyone in the room watching him celebrate with her in shocked silence.
He placed her back on the ground, kissing her one last time. “You did it, Spence,” she smiles at him.
“We did it.”
She hears someone clearing their throat. Both of them turning to see the Warden as well as the entire BAU team standing in her doorway. But they don’t pull apart, Spencer’s hand stays on her side as they wait to get yelled at.
“I quit,” Y/N said before he could say anything to her, “and I might sue.”
“I’m suing for sure,” Spencer added.
“We’re terribly sorry for the condition of your stay Doctor Reid. And Doctor Y/L/N, I’ll never be able to make it up to you. I’m incredibly sorry for what Wilkins did,” the warden tried to cover his ass from a bureau lawsuit.
“Too late for that,” Emily added. Stepping into the room more. “Doctor Reid will be leaving with us, now.”
“Understood,” the Warden hurried out of the room before any more damage could be done.
Everyone took a turn hugging Spencer then. A handful of them even hugging Y/N as well.
Emily wrapped Y/N up in a hug, rubbing her back the way she would all those years before. “Thank you, you have no idea what he means to us.”
“I think I do,” she laughed against her. “If that’s not weird?”
“Not at all,” she pulled back, looking at Y/N with her big beautiful eyes, her bangs pushed out of the way so she could take a good look again. “You two are good together.”
She smiled, “thanks Em.”
“We need to fill him in on everything, will you stay with Diana?” Emily asked.
“Of course, I’m just going to be packing up some things anyway,” she said as she turned to Spencer. “Have fun with your friends, honey.”
“Thanks, sugar,” he kissed her on the cheek before walking out. Everyone whistling and hollering at the boldness Dr. Reid had developed in prison.
They all filed out after him, she watched the door with a soft smile as they wandered down the hall, Spencer taking them to the break room so they could chat.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Diana’s small voice came from Spencer’s desk.
“Oh, Diana,” she smiled. “Can I give you a hug?”
Diana nodded as she walked over to her, wrapping her up in a hug, much like how Spencer would. She can imagine Spencer’s hugs once feeling like this, imagining him small and shy, holding her slightly. Unlike his more beefy, relaxed form since being in prison.
“He means the world to me too,” she says softly as Diana pulls away.
“You saved him, if he didn’t have you he might not still be my soft and sweet little Spencer,” Diana patted her shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Thank you for making him,” she laughed slightly. “He’s a wonderful man, I have a feeling you played a big role in that.”
Her smile was just like his. The smile of a mother, someone who was going to love him forever, maybe she’d love her too. Y/N felt a little emotional, this could be her family one day.
Chapter 8
There was a lot of information to process as she sat at the BAU round table.
Learning the entire plot of some women’s revenge against Spencer, just how much Wilkins and Lindsay were involved, the crazy scheme they planned and how terribly it would have ended if she wasn’t there.
Spencer, on the other hand, was visiting this Cat person in prison. The one who orchestrated it all, the one who was obsessed with Spencer, the love of her life, to the point she might be having his baby. He had some things to settle with her.
He was on edge before he left, going with Derek and JJ while Y/N stayed back with Diana. David Rossi had even offered to let them all stay at his guest house later that night, seeing as Spencer’s apartment was a crime scene.
Lindsay murdered Cassie, leaving her dead body on Spencer’s apartment floor. Ruining the place he was so desperate to return to.
She was a little out of it. Trying to think of everything that happened and everything she would have to do in the next few days. Compiling a list in her mind as the anxiety bubbled in her gut.
She needed a new job and a new place to live. First, she’d have to go back to Vermont to pack, and she’d have to find a way to support her boys on Parole. And Mike and Jerry.
She put her hands over her face and rested against the table. Overwhelmed with everything, her face still hurting, the lights were too much, she was tired.
Then she was crying softly.
“Hey,” Emily rubbed her back softly. “Shhh, it’s okay, what’s wrong Y/N?”
She sat up and wiped her eyes with a small laugh, embarrassed that her kinda ex-girlfriend was comforting her. “I’m stressed?” She answered, not even really sure herself.
Emily smiled while she nodded, looking so different now than she did back when they first met. Older, but in a beautiful way, gracefully becoming who she was always meant to be. “I get it, believe me.”
She remembered Derek saying she ‘died’ once. How they buried her casket and how pissed they were when they found out she was actually alive. Y/N only knew Emily re-born, as they called her.
She was always caring, always wanted to comfort and make people happy. It was the way she coped with hurting them all, but it carried on past the team. It carried on to strangers, victims, sometimes even unsub’s.
And most definitely Y/N.
There was a part of Y/N that wonders what loving Emily would have been like; if it would have felt half as good as loving Spencer. Or would it be better? She’d never really know, but she could imagine it would have been nice.
“How can we help?” Emily asked, still as wonderful as ever.
“I need a new job,” she laughed. “Can Penelope use her mad skills to find a reputable business in need of a doctor around here?”
“Are you moving back to Virginia?” She smiled at the thought.
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded, a smile growing on her face. “I’m kind of attached to Spencer now.”
“Good, maybe Derek can help you find a place, he has like, what 7? Right now that he’s fixing up?” Emily threw out ideas. “You’ll get the ball rolling soon, it’ll all be fine.”
“Thank you,” she said softly. “For not giving up on him, I know you would never but, I was worried he had lost all hope and you never did. Thank you.”
Emily hugged her again, not saying anything. Y/N knew there was nothing to thank her for, this was a family. They would kill for each other if they needed to.
“Let’s go see Penelope,” Emily replied as she pulled away. Standing and extending a hand for Y/N.
The BAU offices were so interesting, many people running around to get jobs done before the end of the day as the main team chilled. It was like any other office she was in; controlled chaos and hierarchy.
Diana was sitting with Penelope in her office, flipping through a scrapbook while eating a jello cup. It made her smile to see it ran in the family.
“Hey,” Penelope cheered as she noticed them.
“I was just going to ask for some help with something, I see you’re busy,” Y/N awkwardly commented on the situation.
“Oh, we’re not,” Diana said. “I was showing her photos of Spencer. Would you like to see them?”
“I’d love to, um while I’m here, Penelope would you be willing to help me search for a good job?” She asked a lot mousier than Spencer would have if he was asking her for something.
“Of course, what are we looking for?” She wheeled to her main computer, cracking her knuckles as she got ready to look.
“Um, anyone hiring a GP close to here, I’m willing to go all the way to DC for work,” she explained. “I just want a place where I won't get punched again,” she tried to laugh at the trauma.
“The sanatarium is hiring, they’ve got good ratings and not a lot of patient complaints, they’re looking for a physician to care for the elderly members of the program,” Penelope explained as she clicked through screen after screen of info.
“That would be nice,” she smiled towards Diana. “Did you like the one you were at?”
“Oh yes,” Diana mused. “I had many friends there, I miss them and the social aspect. For a bunch of loons, I really loved the company.” She laughed at herself.
“I send the link to you,” Penelope smiled. “Now let me see his little baby bum again that one is my favourite, he’s so funny,” she leaned back in close to Diana.
All the pictures were priceless. Seeing Spencer grow up, page after page, every award and accomplishment displayed proudly. It made her miss her family, the love that a mother could bring to her life.
She got a little emotional, trying to nonchalantly wipe the tear off her cheek as she watched Diana flip a page.
“Are you okay?” She asked softly.
Y/N laughed, “yeah I just miss my mom.” She scrunched her nose so that the tears stayed in, waving her hand in front of her face as she tried to blink the tears back.
“Where is she?” An innocent question opening the floodgates.
“She had cancer,” Y/N cried softly. Not noticing as Emily and Penelope left the room. Giving them a space to bond.
“She died when I was 26,” she explained.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Diana placed her hand on Y/N’s back as she rubbed her softly. “Do you have any other family?”
“My moms are gay, well. After my mom died I stopped talking to her wife, yes she raised me but she hurt my mom too much for me to love her like a parent,” Y/N unloaded her trauma onto Diana, it must be genetic to find comfort in the Reids.
“Spencer never had a father either,” Diana related to her. “After William left it was just us, and Spencer stepped up to being the man of the house. He’s always been thrown into situations where he has no control but he needs to make the decisions. You’re probably the best person he could be with, he doesn’t have to take care of you.”
“Cause I baby him,” she laughed as she wiped stray tears off her cheeks. “He’s pretty wonderful, you did a fantastic job. Both of you did, look at the love you have. This is a perfect family.”
She gestured to the book of photos, seeing the love beaming off Diana’s face as she held a 12-year-old Spencer in her arms. Braces, on his face, thick glasses, long hair. He was adorable.
“You’re welcome to join,” Diana offered softly. “I’ve always wanted a daughter.”
“Why didn’t you?” She asked softly.
“Why have more when you can stop at perfection,” she smiled, the same wonderful smile Spencer had.
“That he is,” she agreed. “Thank you for him.”
“Thank you, I mean it when I say you saved him,” Diana’s serious look making Y/N cry again.
“I know,” she cried. “And I’d do it again.”
In a heartbeat.
Rossi had 3 rooms ready for use in his guest house. Only 2 were ever used during their stay. They spent a few nights recovering together, helping Diana into a new routine for a few days while trying to just spend as much time as possible together out in the real world.
Rossi’s property was huge, never-ending even. He had lake access, ponds with ducks, fields and fields of long grass topped with flowers. It was like a dream getting to explore it together.
Happiness hit her like a freight train, smacking her in the chest and knocking the wind out of her.
She blinked and suddenly she had been waking up in Spencer’s arms for a week straight. Going on adventures together, waiting for him with a coffee outside his NA meetings, holding him all night long.
He had a hard time adjusting to a real bed again, it was too soft. He spent most of his time with his head on Y/N's chest, letting her rub his back slowly as she kissed his head, helping him drift off to sleep every single night. Causing her to fall deeper and deeper in love with him.
Every day beside him was a blessing, no longer was he a dog trapped in a cage. He was free, running with her through the fields like wild horses.
She woke up with him still snuggled into her, arm around her waist, legs tangled together, his face right in the crook of her neck. His hot breath on her skin being the thing that finally woke her up.
Absentmindedly running her fingers through his hair, eyes still closed as she woke up. Snuggling her cheek against the top of his head, causing him to pull her in tighter. Both of them slowly coming alive again.
“I love you,” her voice coarse from sleeping with her mouth open, dry as she licked her lips. It was the only thought that came to her mind. Not even realizing it was the first time she’s said it to him.
Spencer kissed her neck softly, “I love you.”
She couldn’t believe the happiness she was feeling, almost positive that even in her saddest moments she still loved him just this much. He was everything, even under all the scares and trauma, he was the most wonderful person in her whole world. And she was beyond blessed to be holding him in her arms.
The sun was barely up yet, having fallen asleep around 10 pm last night, they were up way earlier than they expected. It was so nice, the deep orange light of the morning sun creeping through the window behind the bed.
“Do you want to go watch the sun come up?” She asked softly.
“Yeah,” he nodded softly. Sitting up with her to get ready.
They put on track pants and sweaters and shoes, grabbing a few blankets and heading outside. A few minutes of walking behind Rossi’s house led them towards a beautiful little pond, they laid out 2 blankets over the dew-soaked grass before cuddling on top of it.
The birds were performing for them, the clouds were cleaning into the most beautiful morning blue sky she had ever seen. She couldn’t help herself from holding him tighter against the blanket.
The sun shined on the water, casting beautiful pinks and oranges across the surface as it stretched into the sky. A few ducks followed their mommas in the May morning breeze, quacking in agreement as they swam across the pond. Playing a game of following the leader.
It was a dream, she was sure of it. It was all too perfect to be real.
Including Spencer, he laid there softly underneath her, holding her against his chest as she appreciated the world around them. His attention only on her, even after being locked up for 3 months. He would always choose her.
“I’m so happy,” she said softly. “You make me so happy.”
He kissed her on the forehead, pushing her back against the blanket so he could kiss her whole face as she laid there. Smiling as she held his sides, letting him smother her in affection.
When he finally stops kissing her, he brushes her hair behind her ear. Cupping her face with one hand as he looks at her. The sun casting a vibrant glow on the both of them as they appreciated each other for a moment.
“I don’t know how I made it so long without you,” he finally speaks. “But I never want to do it again.”
“Move in with me?” She replied without a second thought. “I need to find a place here anyway, and I doubt you want to go back to your apartment.”
“I already asked Derek for the place he was fixing on Wilmont, it’s close to the sanatarium, mom wants to be social again,” he filled her in on his plans. “We just have to sign the lease.”
“We?” She teased him.
“I love you,” he reminded her.
“Good,” she smiled as she pulled him into another kiss. “Because I love you, too.”
Spending time with Spencer was intimacy in its purest form. It was a relationship built on trust, respect, and mutual love. It was the first time in her life she felt truly in love, not mesmerized by the idea of it.
She trusted him when he said that he loved her. She believed him when held her when he talked to her about his day or the most random things his mind could conjure. When he’d just hold her, enjoying her presence without wanting anything more than just her.
Chapter 9
They arrived in Vermont early on a Saturday morning, heading to her apartment to pack everything up. It was just the two of them this time, flying in together, half asleep at the break of dawn.
Only bringing 1 bag with her essentials for the next 2 days, hoping to pack her whole life into a truck and pray it arrived in Virginia okay.
And she got to show Spencer her space. A personal side of her that he had no idea about. He knew her mind, her feelings, her trauma, but he didn’t know what her personality was really like outside of loving him.
He was surprised by the amount of stuff she had. Wandering around her apartment quietly as she started taping boxes into shape.
Rented white walls enclosed the space when she moved in, not being able to paint them or anything felt wrong to her. So she covered them in photos, artwork and posters. Bringing the space to life with a touch of colour.
Mostly neons, having an affinity for green and purple accent pieces. Not a single shade of blue to be found, getting enough of that at work over the years.
She had plants everywhere, an old record player and a million different albums spread across the living room. Her bedroom was a mess, the closet was even worse. The kitchen would be easy to pack, it was the stuff on the walls she was worried about.
“I’m probably not getting my deposit back,” she laughed as she started taking the paintings down.
“I didn’t know you went to Harvard?” He points at her medical degree on the wall as she takes it down.
“Yeah, let me guess you’re a Yale guy?” She teased him.
He scoffed, nudging her arm lightly. “CalTech and MIT actually, Yale was my safety school.”
“Mine too,” she smiled.
Spencer stood beside her and watched for a minute, “what should I do?”
“Pick an area and pack the way you would if this was your place, I trust you won't break anything.”
“Okay,” he nodded, beginning stacking all her books on the kitchen table.
They worked well together, they knew that already. She put on music, they moved around each other freely. Occasionally singing the words and dancing around to the good ones. It was a lovely day to just open the windows and clean.
Hours passed, pizzas had been ordered and destroyed, boxes filled every corner of the space as her personality was completely ripped from the room. Soon it was just them, a couch and the record player.
She got up and walked into the bedroom to change, feeling sticky and gross from the day. Not expecting Spencer to follow and sit down on the edge of the bed.
“Who knew packing boxes for 7 hours would make you so sweaty,” she jokes as she peels the shirt off her back. Standing in front of him in just her sports bra.
He turns away from her, making her laugh slightly. “Spencer, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure?” He asks as he turns back to look at her.
She nods softly, “do you want to shower with me?”
He’s speechless for a moment, staring at her with an open mouth, “yeah, yes sure.”
She can't help herself from laughing, taking his hand and pulling him into her tiny bathroom. She makes sure they both have a few towels, seeing him awkwardly stand by the door like he’s not allowed to move.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she reminded him. “Go as slow as you want.”
“I want to join you, but just to clean,” he made his decision.
“Alright, I have 3 different shampoos you can choose from,” she smiled, opening her cupboard and letting him pick. He smiled, appreciating how easily she made it a strictly business situation.
She took off her pants, watching him get undressed out of the corner of her eye. They had been much more intimate with each other already, getting naked in front of him shouldn’t have been as nerve-racking as it was.
She turned on the water, making sure it was the right temperature with her foot. She took a deep breath and just took the sports bra off, freeing her boobs after a long day felt amazing, replacing the fear of Spencer seeing her for the first time. She dropped her underwear to the floor and stepped into the shower, waiting for him to do the same.
Before she knew it, he was standing in front of her, naked. She didn’t know how to act, just laughing and smiling at him. He did the same, it felt kinda crazy that they were standing in a shower, butt naked as the water pooled at their feet.
“You have to pull the thingy up,” she pointed at the bottom of the shower behind him. “It might be cold when it hits you, here pull it up and hide in the corner, like I do.”
He followed her instructions, pulling the small silver plug up to redirect the water from the tub faucet to the shower head. Cowering into the corner with her, their chests pressed together as the cold water hit his back, making him gasp as she laughed.
She wrapped her arms around him, leaning against the shower wall as she held him against her, “hi,” she whispered through her smile.
He kissed her quickly before backing up under the stream. She watched the water cover his hair, making it darker as it spread through the long locks. She watched it drip down his body softly, her eyes travelling down as it did.
He had a scar on his neck and all the bruising on his chest was long gone. His skin was so pretty, he only had a small amount of chest hair, but it was the collection of freckles all over capturing her gaze the most. She reached out and rested her hand on his chest, seeing his eyes open as he ran his hands through his hair.
“Sorry,” she pulled her hand back.
“It’s okay,” he laughed slightly. “Here,” he reached behind her for the bar of soap, “if you want to touch me while I wash my hair?”
“Yeah,” she smiled. Reaching for the loofa on the tap behind him, standing directly in his space as she did so.
They switched sides, slowly turning so he would be out of the spray of the shower head. He put shampoo in his hands and rubbed it through his hair while she watched quietly for a moment.
She rubbed the bar of soap against the fabric of the loofa, watching it foam up and fill the small space with a soft cucumber scent. Running it over his chest softly as he massaged his scalp. She was so soft with him, mesmerized by how lucky she was.
He was beautiful and soft. He wasn’t big and buff like Derek, he was just a normal man with a love for chocolate donuts and jello. She ran the loofa over his tummy as she smiled, loving everything about him.
Loving every part actually while trying to avoid both eye and physical contact with specific sections of him. Not knowing if he was okay, wanting to respect his space, and appreciating that he was doing the same with her.
He laughed when she ran it along his side, ticking his armpit as he tried to wash his hair, soap dripping down onto his eyebrow. She reached up and wiped it off his face so it wouldn’t go in his eye.
“Thanks,” he smiled.
“Switch?” She said as she guided him back under the water, his eyes still closed from the fear of getting soap in them. Scrunching his face up in the cutest way.
The water cascaded over his body, washing the soap down him as she watched, her hair not even close to being wet enough to wash yet. She just wanted to watch the show, to look at all of him and appreciate the moment.
He opened his eyes once all the soap was gone, his hair longer than ever as it laid flat behind his ears, he looked so funny without a big curly mop of hair on his head, remembering he said it used to be like this at one point.
“Your turn?” He offered, taking the loofa from her and reapplying the soap to it. “Can I?”
“Of course,” she answered as he slowly ran the material over her.
He was so gentle, she watched his face as he washed over her. Biting his bottom lip in concentration as he covered her chest, arms and stomach, “um,” he tried to speak, she knew what he wanted.
She took the loofa from him and replaced it with a bar of soap, “rub it in your hands for a sec, and then use them it’s easier.”
He did just that, lathering up his hands before he placed them directly on her breasts. She let out a sigh, bordering on a moan, as he held them in his hands, massaging the soap in carefully. Thumbs rubbing over her nipples as he made sure to not miss a spot.
She was in heaven, tossing her head back against the shower wall as he ran his hands over her more. Exploring her as she leaned against the wall.
Down her stomach, past her belly button, washing her hips before dropping to his knees. Using the bar of soap once more to wash over her legs as she stared at him, amazed by the bravery he was showing.
The water getting in his eyes down there, he stood and pushed his hair back out of his face as the water dropped to the floor, “turn around?” He asked softly.
“Yeah,” she replied, turning to face the wall.
He ran his soapy hands all over her back, over her shoulders and arms. Paying special attention to her butt, which made her laugh, she was only a little ticklish there.
She was covered head to toe in bubbles, Spencer looked at her with a big grin on his face as he noticed his job was done. Helping her under the water to wash all the soap off.
She lifted her arms to run the water through her hair, feeling her boobs perk up as she did so. Spencer's attention being completely switched to her chest as he watched. “Pass me the gold shampoo bottle?”
“Y-yeah,” he said, grabbing it from behind himself and handing it back to her.
She stepped into his space, pouring the soap into her hand and rubbing it in. “They say if you lather it up it’ll apply easier,” she explained her little life hack as she rubbed her hands together.
Finally running her hands back through her hair in Spencer’s personal bubble. Her boobs pressing against his chest once again. He was breathing heavier as she watched him, hoping soap didn’t make its way into her eye and ruin the moment.
When she finally stepped back to wash the soap out of her hair, Spencer followed, pressing them together once more. Holding her by the waist as she continued to get the soap out.
Once the water ran clean, she rested her hands on Spencer's shoulders. Staring at him as the water ran down her back, his eyelashes covered in water droplets as he stared into her eyes.
He was beautiful like this, just himself.
“Are we ever going to be like a real couple?” He asked softly.
“What do you mean?”
He ran his wet hands over his back as he thought about it for a moment, “I would like to be with you, more than this, but-”
“You mean sex?” She smiled softly, trying her best to not tease him. It was a serious moment, but she loved him too much to see him struggle.
“Yeah, I just don’t know how I’ll react,” he admitted.
“Honey,” she cooed, rubbing her nose against his softly. “Sex doesn’t make us a real couple, first of all. And second, we have all the time in the world, so you take it as slow as you want. We can start little by little, I don’t mind waiting.”
“How do you mean?”
She smirked at him, “have you ever masturbated in the same room as someone else?”
He swallowed sharply, shaking his head softly, “no, have you?”
“No,” she whispered. “But it’s a small step. You can sit beside me, we touch ourselves, nothing overlaps unless you want it to. Ease into it. It would be another easy way to be comfortable with your body around me.”
“Okay,” he agreed.
She reached behind herself to turn the water off, tapping the silver plug with her foot to release the pressure, and stepping out of the shower finally.
They dried off, getting into their pj’s before laying on the couch in her empty living room. Listening to the Hozier album that was already sitting on the player and cuddling while their hair dried. Just enjoying each other's company, he was so soft and he smelled amazing, it was so nice to have him in her space.
“Did you still want to?” Spencer cut into the moment.
It made her smile against him, lifting her head off his chest as she went to stand up. “Come on,” she took his hand, helping him to his feet.
She pulled him in close, kissing his lips softly. Only planning to kiss him once, being drawn into his mouth as his hands wrapped around her back.
She held him in return, slowly making her way into the bedroom as they stayed connected, laughing as her back smacked the door frame and then at the way he fell into her bed with her on top.
Her music softly travelled in from the living area, they kept the lights off as they stripped out of their pants and got under the covers.
“How did you want to start?” She asked, turning to face him as she laid against the pillow.
“Can we just kiss for a while?”
“Absolutely,” she smiled, placing a hand on his cheek and leaning in.
She was laying slightly on top of him, holding his face in her hands as she kissed him. His tongue was soft, swirling with hers as they made out softly. He was very handsy, wanting to touch every single part of her once again like he didn’t get enough in the shower.
She spread her leg between his, sitting on his thigh as she rubbed against him. He bit her lip, squeezing her skin at the feeling. “I think I can do it,” he said softly.
“No,” she whispered, kissing his neck before getting off him. “I don’t want to hear I think. It’s a yes or it’s a no.”
“Okay,” he managed to bring reason back into his horny brain.
He took his shirt off, only in boxers beside her, tenting in them slightly. She took off her shirt as well, laying back against the pillow. He watched her breasts the whole time, licking his lips as he leaned on his side.
She ran a hand over her side, cupping her breast and tossing her head into the pillow more. “I’m starting without you,” she teased, her other hand slipping under the band of her underwear.
He laid on his back, bending his knees as he slipped his boxers off, she looked over at him with careful eyes. Genuinely curious about how beautiful he would look rock hard and begging for it.
She didn’t move her hand, just resting it under her underwear to entice him to start. She watched as he stroked himself softly, returning his attention to her smiling face.
She pushed her shirt and underwear off as well, scooting in closer to him so she was pressed against his side. Bending one knee so she could ghost her fingers over the folds as he watched her.
“I want to touch you,” he rushed the words out.
He reached his left hand over, resting it on her hip before resting his hand on top of hers. She slipped it out from under his grasp, guiding his fingers to her clit as she stretched her legs further apart.
“Yeah, like that,” she encouraged him.
“W-would you?”
“Finish the sentence,” she instructed him. “Tell me exactly what you want.”
“Stroke me, I want it. Yes.”
She wrapped her fist around him, feeling his fingers swoop down to see how wet she was. “Oh,” she jerked her hips against his side, not expecting him to loop the wetness back up and rub her clit again.
He groaned as she stroked him faster, both of them staring at their own handiwork. She was fascinated with how big he was, being able to stroke up and down him so gracefully it was like she was always meant to. She licked her lips as she saw the pearl of precum drip out. Gathering it up with her thumb as she slid back down his length.
He was panting, trying to hold himself back as she kept jerking him off. Lightly touching her clit as all his attention focused on not cuming so soon.
“It’s okay honey,” she whispered in his ear.
Straddling his thigh then. His hand resting on her clit still as she ground down on him. “Is this okay?” She asked.
He nodded, “yes,” biting his lip so he didn’t explode right then and there.
He felt amazing on her, every time her hips ground down her clit rested right between his fingers perfectly to gain the perfect amount of friction back and forth.
She let herself go, bucking her hips and moaning as she stroked him with one hand. Resting the other behind her neck so he could look at her boobs perk up again, sending him so close to the edge he almost jumped out of his skin.
“Fuck,” he gasped. “C-an I?”
“Cum baby,” she gasped. Following her own instruction as she watched the cum burst from him, shooting up over her fist as she stroked him through it. Grinding against him as she whimpered, “fuck, I love you,” leaving her mouth.
Letting go of his dick as he started to whine, she dropped down against him with her face nestled into his neck.
She kissed him, over and over again. Peppering them against his skin for the best orgasm she has ever had.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close against his skin as he came down from the high. His chest heaving as he tried to calm down, only picking up again when she heard the sob.
“Shhh,” she whispered against his skin, letting him hold her tighter against him as he cried. “I love you, honey, it’s okay. I’m here for you.”
She felt the tears welling in her own eyes, overwhelmed with her feelings for him. “I love you so much Spencer,” she cried against his skin, the tears dripping down his neck slowly.
His hands ran over her back, they held each other while they cried.
Everything from the last week finally catching up with them both. They hadn’t taken a moment to talk about any of it, the fact he was even in prison or what happened after. They just moved on, pretending it was fine now.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered finally.
“Me too,” he pressed his hand onto her cheek, freeing her from his neck as she sat up a little.
Both of them still gross from the sex, pressing sweaty foreheads together as they took a moment. “I’m so sorry,” she emphasized, “are you okay?”
“I’m wonderful,” he laughed at the absurdity. “I’m crying because I love you so much.”
“Really?” She laughed too.
He nodded softly. Kissing her nose as she pulled back to look at him better. “I want to touch you but,” she laughed at the mess on her hand and where she rested it on his chest. “Can we pause for one sec?” She couldn’t stop smiling.
The two of them continuing to laugh at the situation as they cleaned up in the bathroom, laughing even harder as she sat to pee like they had been married for a million years already, laughing the hardest when it came out in dribbles from all the laughing.
Going through every emotion in the book as they coped with the insanity together.
Once they were clean they crawled back into bed. Resuming almost the same position as she sat down on his lap, holding his face in her hands like she wanted to. Rubbing her thumbs on his cheeks as he pulled her in closer by her hips.
“Tell me what you’re feeling?” She whispered.
“I’m happy, you saved my life and I can’t believe I get to do this with you,” he explained softly, moving his hands on her back. He talked with his hands, not able to say anything without them moving.
“You’re the best person I’ve ever known, Spencer,” she reassured him.
“Why?” He asked softly. “not in a pity party sense, I just want to know how you feel. You haven’t really told me, I’ve been waiting for you to open up, I thought maybe you were just like that because it was your job, but I want to know you more.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered as she bumped their noses together. “I don’t normally talk to people, even with Derek I’m really closed off. But I do trust you, and I want to, I just wanted to experience you when you’re free. I wanted to see if this overwhelming ache in my heart would dissipate as I was allowed to love you.”
She didn’t want to cry again. Blinking so the tears rolled back behind her eyes, licking her lips as her head tilted slightly. She just stared at his honey eyes, glossy and blown out. So absolutely beautiful.
“It got worse,” she laughed slightly. “I realized that now that you’re free you don’t have to see me every day, luckily you want to. But, now I think about losing you instead of keeping you safe.”
“Never,” he shook his head, face still cupped in her hands. “I’m never leaving you, you’re going to need a restraining order if you want to break up.”
She laughed, pushing the tears out, finally. Spencer kissed her cheeks, wiping the tears away with his lips. “Okay,” her voice broke as she tried not to cry anymore.
“I love you,” Spencer whispered. “You’re brave and kind, incredibly smart. You’re willing to do whatever it takes for the ones you love, you’re the only person I want to talk to every day.”
“I was going to say that about you,” she pressed their lips together finally, pushing him back against the headboard.
She laid her head on his shoulder, cuddling into him as she sat in his lap, “I have never loved anyone like this.”
“Me either,” he admitted as he pressed his cheek to her head. “Not even with Maeve, or Derek I know he told you.”
“And your mom,” she smiled. “She actually welcomed me to the family, said she always wanted a daughter. It’s nice to have a mom again.”
That broke him, he finally dropped the tuff boyfriend act he was putting up to hear her feelings, crying at his mother and the love of his life being close. She could tell he was a mamma’s boy, they had a bond Y/N wished she could have with someone. The closest she had to a Diana was Derek, as funny as that was.
She let him cry, not prying into it at all. Letting him take control of his emotions and the conversation. She ran her hands up and down his arm, soothing him softly as he held on to her.
“I was so scared,” is all Spencer says.
“I can imagine.”
“No, I mean about my mom,” he corrects her softly. “I thought the second she got her diagnosis that I ruined everything for her. She was going to forget me before I could even find a person to marry, let alone give her grandkids.
‘She was going to forget me,’ echoed in her mind as she wrapped her head around what he was saying. He was more terrified of losing his mother and missing time with her than he was about being in prison. He really put every ounce of his love into his family, it was beautiful.
“I applied to work at the sanatarium,” is how she answers. “They needed a GP and I need a job. This way I can see her every day, and you can go to work or teach or do whatever and know she’ll be okay. And old people seem nicer than cops and criminals.”
“I love you.”
She laughs, kissing his neck softly. “She’ll be okay, we’ll get her taken care of and who knows, maybe we’ll have more answers before a grandkid rolls around.”
It’s a risk, joking about having kids with him already. But she was ready for a life sentence with him, willing to stay in that god-awful prison as long as he was there. Including if he lost his case.
“You’re too good to me.”
“I try,” she smiled. “You’re pretty fantastic yourself, I didn’t just fall in love with your pretty face, sure you’re helpful and do what I say. But I love you because of what’s in here,” she ran her hand over his chest.
He just held her, silence encapsulating the room finally. The record stopped playing in the living room, no one was on the street at this time of night, the world stopped as she laid in his arms.
The Sunday morning sun was going to start coming up as she stayed up in his lap, both of them settling more against the pillow. She had no plans to get off him, he had no plans to separate from her loving embrace.
a/n: still working on an epilogue idk when it'll be done
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justice4canyonmoon · 3 years
An Evening Off
Summary: Both Y/n and Harry have a rare night off. Y/n has relaxing plans for how they should spend it.
Notes: Howdy! This is probably the last fic I’m going to post for the next two weeks; I have finals for college next week, and I have a fuck ton of work this week because professors love to give students everything at once 🙃 Anyway, I came up with the very fluffy concept because I crave emotional intimacy, so I hope you like it!!!!
Warnings: cursing ig. otherwise just a lot of fluff and taking a bath together 🥰
WC: 1.9k
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Y/n was feeling lonely.
Her boring ass office job didn’t produce too many friends for her. While the people she worked with weren’t the absolute worst, they were just, well, bland. Their lives were cookie-cutter. The closest thing any of them had experienced to a true adventure was a trip to IKEA. Her two best friends, Maria and José, were across the country, since she had moved from one coast to another to live with her boyfriend. Sure, she could FaceTime them, but it just wasn’t the same. And after the call, she knew she’d just be more lonely than before.
Harry wasn’t an option either. He was working, far too hard for her liking. She understood, of course; it was album crunch time. He had to make all of the last minute decisions: finalizing the tracklist, photoshoots, and touch-ups on the chosen tracks in the studio. But she missed him. The only times she saw him anymore was right before bed, when he would stumble into the room sleepily and kiss her forehead before going right to sleep. So yeah, she was a bit lonely. And being alone on her day off wasn’t exactly the plans she wanted to have.
Luckily, the universe decided to answer her pleas. At around 1:00, after she had finished up a late shower, her phone buzzed with a text from her beloved.
H: Hi, baby! The only thing we have left on the agenda today is touching up a couple of the album tracks, so I should be home a bit earlier :D If you’d like, I can pick up some dinner on the way home.
She couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across her face. For the first time in ages, the two of them could finally have some time together! Maybe she could do something nice for him! He had been working so hard lately, he deserved it. And honestly, she did, too. An idea popped into her head, and she threw open the bathroom closet, taking a look through her bath supplies. She grinned triumphantly as she pulled out a citrus bath bomb, knowing that Harry enjoyed the calming scent of orange and lemon. A nice bath would not only help Harry destress, but it would also be the perfect cure to the loneliness that was settling in her heart. She quickly texted Harry a reply as she set the bath bomb aside.
Y/n: Sorry about the wait, babe, was just taking a shower. Forgot to this morning lol
He answered pretty much right away, making her smile.
H: It’s okay, baby! No need for apologies :)
Y/n: Okay! I’m excited to actually get to spend some time with you! I could really go for curry, if you’re up for Indian takeout.
H: Curry sounds good to me! I’ll probably be home between 6 or 7! I have to go now, but I can’t wait to see you :) I love you so much!!!!
Y/n: Can’t wait to see you, either, Har!!! I love you, too 💕💕
“Baby, ‘m home!”
Y/n looked at the clock. It was 7:30, a bit later than what Harry had said through text, but still much earlier than usual. She leapt up from the couch and sprinted to the front door, tackling Harry in a hug. He laughed loudly and wound his free arm around her waist, not fully able to hug her back because of the takeout bag in his arms.
“Let me put the food down so I can give y’ a proper hug.”
She let go with a small pout on her face, which Harry promptly kissed off while setting the bag down. He then wrapped her in a tight, two-armed embrace. She melted at the contact, resting her head on his chest and hugging him back just as tightly. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, then rested his head on top of hers.
“Miss you, Har,” she said, her speech slightly muffled from talking into his t-shirt.
She could feel him frown against her hair, “I miss y’ too, Y/n. The album should be done by the end of the month, and then ‘m all yours until tour starts.”
“Good. I was gonna break into the studio and steal you back myself if you weren’t done soon.”
He chuckled, “I don’ think Jeff would like that very much.”
“Fuck Jeff! I need you back here,” she scoffed.
“I certainly hope y’ don’ want t’ fuck Jeff.”
She rolled her eyes, “You’re annoying.”
He grinned cheekily, “But yet y’ still here.”
“Lord only knows why,” Y/n grumbled, though there was a smile on her face.
They pulled away reluctantly, both realizing how hungry they were. The two chowed down on chicken curry and naan while chatting about their day. Y/n spent most of her day off watching The Great British Bake-Off and snuggling with Daiquiri, their black lab. Harry had been putting the finishing touches on three of the album songs (“I can’ wait to play them f’ y’, baby”), and ranted about the traffic coming home (“I would’ve gotten home 45 minutes earlier, but the freeway was ridiculously clogged up!”). It was domestic in a way that Y/n never thought she would have, and she loved every second of it.
When everything from dinner was cleaned up, Y/n figured now was as good a time as any to reveal her plans for the rest of their evening.
“Hey, Har,” she paused, then continued when she heard his hum of acknowledgment, “would you want to take a bath with me?”
He raised an eyebrow, “Is this a ploy t’ get me naked?”
“No,” Y/n said bashfully, “I just thought it would be nice to take a bath together. I found a citrus bath bomb at the back of the closet, and I thought it would be relaxing for us.”
Harry’s eyes softened and he smiled gently at her, “That sounds perfect, love. Y’ too sweet.”
The two made their way to the bathroom, hand in hand. Y/n plucked the bath bomb from the closet and laid it in the tub, turning on the warm water. The water became a pastel shade of yellow, reflecting the lemony scent of the bath bomb. As she was checking the temperature, a pair of tattooed arms wrapped around her waist, and a kiss was pressed to her cheek. The heat radiating off of his body led her to believe that Harry had already rid himself of his clothes. When she turned around, her suspicions were confirmed.
“You work fast,” she commented, making a humming sound when the temperature was to her satisfaction.
“A bit,” he confirmed, leaning over to turn off the nozzle “just wanna take a bath with y’, love. Speaking of, let’s get those pesky clothes off of y’, shall we?”
Y/n nodded and Harry reached forward, almost reverently lifting her (his) sweatshirt over her head. She shimmied out of her leggings and removed her undergarments. She stepped into the bath first, gesturing for him to follow. He obeyed, and sat between her legs, resting his head on her shoulder. The two sat in silence for a while, basking in each other’s company. Y/n couldn’t remember a time where she had felt this at peace. But she also knew that Harry had forgotten to shower that morning since he was nearly late to the studio, so she reached over and grabbed some soap and a washcloth. She looked down at him and giggled softly when she realized he was almost asleep
“Wake up, baby,” she crooned, “let me wash you.”
“‘M awake,” he muttered, “promise.”
“Sure you are, that’s why your eyes are closed,” Y/n teased.
He only hummed in response, making her giggle again. She kissed his forehead and began washing him gently. The soft circles she was rubbing into his skin with the washcloth were soothing, and a sleepy smile made its way onto his face.
“‘Y always take such good care of me. Dunno how I got s’ lucky.”
Y/n felt her face grow warm as she reached for the shampoo, “I think I’m the lucky one. You always take care of me, too.”
She began rubbing the shampoo into his silky locks. Breathy gasps fell from his lips as she tugged lightly as his hair, working the shampoo into his curls.
“Feels s’ good,” he murmured.
“Glad you’re feeling good, Har,” Y/n replied in a hushed tone.
She rinsed his hair and repeated the process with the conditioner. By the time she had finished, Harry had fully fallen asleep on her shoulder. She cooed softly at how adorable he looked. He was like an angel; his long lashes were speckled with little water drops, his wet hair stuck to his forehead in an oddly endearing way, and a small smile was spread across his lips. He looked so relaxed in a way that Y/n hadn’t seen in a while. The bath helped her feel more at ease too; the monotonous motions of washing Harry made the stress from her job melt away, and the loneliness that had plagued her earlier in the day was washed away by the warm water. But she knew she had to wake Harry. She wasn’t quite strong enough to carry all six feet of him back to their bedroom.
Y/n gently jostled his shoulder and whispered, “Harry. Need you to wake up, baby.”
He groaned softly, making her giggle softly once more. His eyes slowly blinked open to reveal his jade irises, and he stumbled his way out of the tub, making her laugh a little harder as she followed. Y/n got out two towels and dried them both off, knowing that Harry was much too tired to do it on his own. She took his hand and walked toward their bedroom.
When they reached the bedroom, Y/n guided Harry to sit on the bed while she picked out sweats for both of them to wear to sleep (she knew that Harry had a particular fondness for when she wore his clothes to bed, so she got out his clothes for both of them). Harry pliantly moved his limbs as she clothed him, and watched her with moony eyes as she pulled on her own sleepwear.
“Look s’ pretty in m’ clothes, love,” he complimented, relishing in the shy smile that appeared on her face.
“Thank you, Har. Let’s get you to bed, okay?” she replied.
Y/n turned off the light and joined Harry on the bed. He was already lying on his side, so she wound her arms around his waist, resting her head between his shoulder blades. Usually, he was the big spoon, but with the whole mood they had set all night, it just felt right for her to be the one cuddling him. Y/n barely heard Harry mumble a “g’night. Love you,” before his breathing evened out. She smiled and closed her eyes, reflecting on the day. Just spending one evening with her boyfriend made her feel right as rain, and the loneliness that had once threatened to overtake her was totally gone. Though she had been taking care of him that night, he was also taking care of her. And sure, they were both going back to work tomorrow, but in two weeks, Harry would be done with the album and would be all hers. When sleep finally overtook her, all she had were the most pleasant of dreams.
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annie-mit-ie · 3 years
Glimpses: Part 11 (Kathryn Hahn x Fem!Reader)
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Part 1 // previous chapter <<< >>> next chapter
Summary: Kathryn gets news that effect your newly blossoming relationship.. or… whatever it is.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Hello everyone. I am pleased to announce that I finally finished this chapter and am very much excited about where this story is going from here. I hope you all still enjoy. Last week, I got asked to create a tag list and if anyone wants to be on it as well, just hit me up and you'll never miss a posting again. Thank you all for still being here, here we go! <3
Tag List: @danvers97
You scrunch your nose as the sunlight hits your face and repeatedly blink our eyes upon the blinding sunbeam coming in through the half opened curtains. Slowly opening them, you find yourself in a bright room with high walls and take in the fresh breeze granted from the open windows and curtains right now.
Laying on your back, you close your eyes again before turning on your other side, as you realize you are, in fact, not alone in bed. Long dark hair is tickling your nose and you don’t need to think twice about who it might be, as the familiar scent of your crush hits you right away. Shocked, you move back a little. Too harsh and too fast, which is why you wake up the sleeping woman next to you and watch in awe as reality slowly gets her back. She is still in her clothes from last night and the little make up she wore is smudged around her eyes. It’s the most beautiful sight you have ever seen.
She locks eyes with you. “Good Morning, Sweetheart. Seems like we fell asleep somewhere,” she winks, “I’m gonna go fetch change and fetch us some breakfast to eat outside, yeah?”
With that she is already sitting up and about to leave the bed as you are still busy comprehending the situation that you found yourself in. Realizing the confused state you are in upon seeing the look on your face, she laughs. “Yes, I get up that quickly most of the time. I get it. It’s unsettling. But work made me adjust to getting as much sleep as possible by not spending time just laying around. It’s sleep, wake, work for me.” 
Laughing again, she walks past the bed and reaches for the door handle. “See you in the garden in about 30 minutes? Take your time and let me know if you need anything before, though. Also… there is fresh towels and a toothbrush in the bathroom, if you wanna take a shower. Feel  right at home.”
With that, she leaves the room and you stare at the closed door for a few seconds before finally stretching your body. You don’t know how to put the whole situation into words yet, but you reach for your phone to text Alex about what happened. Obviously, it would be faster and probably also more effective to call and actually talk to her but it would seem too real and you can't do too real just now.
Simply texting her what happened somehow feels less intimate than calling. It just feels less real. And that will have to do for now. Plus, Kathryn might come back any moment and you don’t want to just confront her with your friends.
It takes you a while to find the right words, so you put your phone down for a minute to put yesterday’s clothes back on and simply brush your teeth because you have decided to skip the shower since you took one just the day before.
After a while and multiple times of rewriting the message, it seems as if you put all the information in there that Alex would be interested in and you hit send, anxious for your best friend's response. Suddenly, there is a knock on your door. 
Kathryn’s head pops up in the door frame. “How do you like your coffee, Y/N?”
“Uuuuhm. I don’t actually know. I guess I just drink whatever my mom has in the pot? I’m not picky.” You scratch your head as a deep frown appears on your forehead.
Kathryn smiles softly. “Alrighty then. I’m nearly done in the kitchen. You could come help me take everything outside, if you want. That's all.”
You immediately jump from the bed to walk towards and help her, sliding your phone into your back pocket. Entering the kitchen, you can tell Alex has read the message and is frantically reacting to it. The vibration caused by her messages makes you anxious and, as clearly as you can hear them, you hope Kathryn doesn’t.
Ignoring the buzzing, you walk behind her and help her set up the table, admiring her silhouette. The sun is hitting her hair in a way that makes it appear to have a golden shimmer and the long white summer dress she put on for the day flows in the light wind that’s circling the backyard. You can see her back muscles move as she walks and watch as she elegantly makes her way through the house.
She turns around and catches you staring at her. “Like something you see?” She winks.
Embarrassingly, you simply continue the staring and open and close your mouth just like a fish until she laughs. “Calm down, sweetheart. You look very nice yourself and I certainly enjoy catching a glimpse or two of you.”
Take a breath. You like flirty Kathryn. Whenever she teases you, she is so very much different to the Kathryn you thought you’d meet back in the bar just a while back. Never would you have thought to get that lucky. Caught up in your thoughts, you miss how she bites her lips looking at you, barely, but long enough so you could’ve noticed, and her eyes momentarily move down to your lips.
As she catches your attention again, asking for the plates in your hands, her pupils are slightly widened and she brushes your fingers for a short moment. The tension gets broken by a loud noise coming from your pocket.
You both know the sound and look at each other for just a few seconds before you finally react. Taking out your phone and looking at it, you slightly panic as you see Alex’ name calling as you look at yourself on the screen. 
“Oh… it’s my best friend.” You say and it’s been quite a few seconds now and you still haven’t reacted. Usually, when moments like this happen, Alex puts the phone aside and does something else until you eventually pick up or the call ends.
This time, you forget about that and simply watch and completely forget to react as Kathryn reaches out, takes the phone from your hand and answers the call herself. As feared, Alex is already busy doing her make up - she is going out for dinner tonight - and is not paying attention to the phone at all as she can't really see the screen given to position she is in right now.
“MADAME GURL. I can’t believe you are not reading my fucking messages, like, how dare you ignore your highness,” she laughs from afar as she puts eyeliner on. You know she will look down any second now and don’t dare to move or speak. “No really, I need you to-“
She stops speaking. She drops her make up. Her mouth falls open. You can basically hear and see her heart sink to her knees. “To… to… I mean… I need her to uhm… call me back. Yeah. Call me back.”
“Good Morning!” Kathryn grins.
“I-… good morning, Ms Hahn.” Alex is now frantically fixing her hair that she had opened right when she realized she was talking to Kathryn.
“Call me Kathryn, honey. Kathryn is just right. And you are?”
You can tell Alex is about to pass out “Alexandra. But more like Alex. Alex is just fine.”
“It suits her better anyway.” You chime in from off the camera, just as you just got your self confidence back.
“BISH! Uhm, I mean.. Y/N!” Alex catches herself and the two of you make Kathryn laugh wholeheartedly.
She hands the phone back to you and starts moving back to the house. “I’ll leave you two to it for a moment and get the coffee. It was nice meeting you, Alex. Let me know if you need anything else, Y/N.” She smiles before she sends you a short wink as the camera is facing you again.
“DUDE.” Alex is close enough to her phone now that her whole face fills the screen.
“I KNOW.” You reply as you watch Kathryn walk through the hallway towards the kitchen.
Alex gets your attention back. “I thought you were still alone in bed, I’m so sorry. But like… oh my god. You need to fill me in. Like. OH MY GOD.” She shakes her head in disbelief. “I will definitely talk to you tonight, missy. And you need to like… I don’t even know.. get her. Like WOW. Have you SEEN her? I mean… wow.”
You smile, thinking back at last night. “Yeah, wow.” 
You see Kathryn making her way back through the hallway windows and look at Alex. “Honey, I will call or text you as soon as I get home, yeah? I love you, byyyyye.” And with that you hang up, not even awaiting a response, as Kathryn opens the door and steps out into the garden again.
“She’s cute,” She says as she makes her way to you. “Why’s she not your girlfriend?”
You stop for a moment and look at her. What an odd question to ask. Is she jealous? Does she want you to have someone else? What is this about? You’re probably overthinking right now, but still, a question like that right after meeting Alex doesn’t sit quite right with you. 
Brushing it off, you look at her and laugh. “She is married. That’s like… a big reason. Plus I adore her wife so… no no NO.” 
Kathryn chuckles. “I see. I’m sorry if this question was too direct. I was just wondering, since both of you are cute and… you know.”
“Yeah…” you say and Kathryn starts to realize that your thoughts are going places in your head right now.
She places a hand on your arm as you sit down. “Stop worrying. Alright? You are all good. It was a stupid joke. I’m sorry.” You know she means it and look at her thankfully as your smile finds its way back onto your face.
Breakfast is cute and calm as the two of you sit in comfortable silence and just enjoy each other’s presence. It’s a Sunday after all. The silence gets interrupted as Kathryn’s phone lights up and Jennifer‘s name appears on the screen. 
“Oh shoot.” She jumps up and takes her manager's call, walking away from the area.
You watch Kathryn gesturing wild as you sip your tea and can’t tell if she looks excited or stressed about what is being said on the phone. She finally hangs up and sits down across from you again. You want to ask what’s up but choose not to - she will tell you things if she feels like it after all.
Locking eyes with you, she sights before putting on a grin. “I got a new job.”
You can’t believe she really IS sharing information with you. “That’s amazing Kathryn! I am so excited!!!” You really want to ask her about more details but feel like it is not your place to do so.
“Yeah… yeah it is,” She doesn’t seem too convinced herself as she looks at you and you ask her about it by simply raising an eyebrow. “Well… it’s nice and all, but I’ll have to leave the country for a while. The movie gets shot in Europe and, to be honest, I have never really left the country that long for a job before.”
You appreciate how open she is with you and reach out to place your hand on hers. “I get that. And, I mean, I don’t even know what project you are working on. But, I really don’t need you to tell me what it is to know that it is gonna be just great.”
She smiles fondly and nods. “You’re right. It’s just…. You…,” locking eyes with you it seems like she is searching for words and reaches out for you to help her. “I really enjoy your company, Y/N and… you know.”
“I know.” You say and for a moment you think about kissing her. Just pulling her closer, next to you, onto your lap, anywhere really and capturing her lips with yours but somehow you feel like last night was last night and today is today. A different story.
“Really, Kathryn, it’s gonna be just great. Don’t worry about me.” You mean it and as your thoughts trail off and you ask yourself what project she might work on, you don’t realize how she is launching forward to pin you down on the side of the couch you are sitting on. It's one swift movement that you didn't see coming at all.
You open your eyes in shock and start panting as you realize she placed her body and basically all her weight on top of you while holding onto your wrists. The look she is giving you now is different to every look she has given you ever before and her pupils are dilated. You lie underneath her in shock and you know very well that this very moment is everything you ever wanted, while at the same time there is so much you should talk about, so you can't really enjoy the moment right now.
"Kathryn, I…" You start, but she is already removing herself from you.
"I know! I know. I don't know what came over me. I guess I'll just miss you. A lot." A forced smile appears on her face and you wish you could comfort her, but really, you are just as hurt.
You feel like it's time to ask her what the two of you are exactly, test out the waters and see where she stands in all of it, but at the same time you feel like it is way too early and you don't really know why you are thinking about all of this in the first place and as you think about it more you can literally feel the panic setting in and you are probably overthinking but really, we are talking about Kathryn Hahn here, so really, where could this lead?
Right as Kathryn sits up and fixes her dress on her side of the couch again, her phone starts chiming endlessly as she is reaching for her coffee. Her hand changes paths and grabs the device instead and you watch her as she leans back into her cushions after shooting you an apologetic look.
"Oh no, OH NO. Oh no no no no no." She sits up straight again and swipes through her phone.
Worried, you sit down right next to her without looking at her screen to keep her privacy. "How can I help you?" She turns towards you and looks at you with kind eyes before placing her free hand on your upper side. "You are already doing a lot by grounding me, sweetheart. That's more than most people can do for me."
You smile cheekily and get more comfortable next to her after planting a short kiss on her cheek. "Happy to provide." She reacts differently than you anticipated because, given the situation that just happened, you thought she would be very much into the idea of you getting closer to her again. Instead, she is looking at you with sad eyes as she slowly lowers her phone to give you her full attention.
Your smile fades and you prepare for the worst, not knowing what makes her look this sad.
"Jennifer mailed. She made a mistake. It was a late booking. I will travel to the set in Europe by the end of the week. But cast and crew get together starts tomorrow. On the other side of the country."
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moonchildridden · 3 years
PuthKaeng, the green&red couple: Daddy&Papi, mysterious man and lots of dots, everywhere
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Hello, beautiful people! It’s moonchild here and I hope none of you are tire of having to read the things I write because here I am, again, to talk about the only thing that gives me strength and energy to leave my bed in the morning, and the only couple that matters: PuthKaeng.
 Being honest, I had hopes that those two long ass analysis would be the last thing I would do related to them and would final begin to think about writing a fanfiction about them (yes, your resident analyst is a writer) but then, because they can’t seem to leave me alone and let me breath for five minutes, a special episode came out and my brain went back to work in overdrive and started analyzing everything. I hate my brain sometimes.
Anyways. I would like to say that this won’t (hopefully) be a long analysis just like the others, only a commentary of the episode in general, me connecting the revelations we had about the “mysterious man” and what were presented to us in the main arc of their story and me rambling in between, just because I can. Granted, the main focus of this post is to talk about the main focus of the special, which was to know who the mysterious man was, but that doesn’t stop us from talking about other things in the episode as well.
When it was announced that we would have something about PuthKaeng again, it was in the guise of being an extra scene and I rushed to finish my main analysis because I was afraid that whatever was in said extra scene would throw a lot of monkey wrenches on my theories that I was writing but unfortunately that didn’t happened, because the universe hates me sometimes. However, the universe also loves me because what we all thought would be a simple extra scene became a fucking 10 MINUTE SPECIAL EPISODE! Not only that, it gave me everything I wanted to see with them, and an opportunity to see them again in new things (P’Chewin, I know you have a series of them ready, give it to me).
 The special episode was just beautiful and amazing, cute, pillow-biting, intense, sensual and perfect, all in once. Their chemistry was point, their acting skills were on point, the deliverance of feelings and usage of body language was on point, a solid 10/10 in my book. I would give those 10 minutes an award if I could, but because I can’t, I’m gonna talk about it the best I can.
 A small disclaimer before I start: because the episode didn’t came with official subtitles (Ais Play/Copy A hates us, for sure), I had to search on YouTube for translations and found two, one of the entire episode and other of the first two and a half minutes. I’ll go back and forth between those two translations, especially when talking about the first minutes, because the translations are a bit different and convey different things, even if the context is the same. Just so you guys don’t find it weird having screenshots with different fonts.
 1. I’m addicted, I’m addicted only…
The episode opens with PuthKaeng in the same room, Kaeng busy doing something on his working table (probably something school related) and Puth playing videogames.
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The fact that they seem so comfortable being in the same space, each one doing something on their own, shows that they’ve established some sort of routine and just by being in the same geographic space is enough for them. Puth then receives a phone call and Kaeng at first didn’t seem to pay attention but turned around as soon as he heard the person on the other side of the call ask Puth “where he was?”, to what Puth answered that he was in “his boyfriend’s room” while looking at Kaeng. The caller asks Puth to “hang out/meet up”, making Kaeng arch an eyebrow, and Puth, while still looking at Kaeng, says that “he’s not going, because he wants to be with his boyfriend” and after that ends the call.
 The fact that he didn’t said Kaeng’s name and simply said “my boyfriend’s room” and “stay with my boyfriend” and the other person didn’t asked who said boyfriend was or made a big thing out of that, considering Puth’s past reputation, means that the person that called him knows exactly who that boyfriend was and that PuthKaeng’s relationship is not a secret to anyone. Also, the way the word “boyfriend” rolled out of Puth’s tongue, so easily, it shows that he’s proud to have someone to call boyfriend and have the opportunity to spend time with his boyfriend. Just…the happiness energy he pours in those 30 seconds-ish of call is overwhelming.
After Puth puts down his phone and looks back at Kaeng, who is looking at Puth with a weird expression on his face, he get up his chair and goes to him, asking “what’s wrong, papi?” (I shit you not, when I heard that on the episode I blushed and almost screamed because it was so cute it gave diabetes) and Kaeng asked “why you (daddy) didn’t go?” (Puth calling Kaeng “papi” was one thing I was not ready to go through but Kaeng calling Puth “daddy” and find out those are the pet names they use with each other was the death of me. God, please receive my soul in heaven), receiving a “how can I go, I wanna stay here with you” as answer from Puth.
Kaeng says to Puth that his explanation is a “lie” and that “Puth wants to go, he can see it/he knows Puth very well” and Puth admits that, with a “sometimes, because he used to hang out a lot” but Kaeng says a soft, and jokingly, “I’m sulking now”, and after Puth asks Kaeng if he “isn’t bored of staying in the room?” because he “used to hang out a lot too”, Kaeng makes the CUTEST FACE EVER (pause to see how Kaeng’s eyes GLOW when he’s looking at Puth. Seriously, how much love can that guy keep in his eyes, for them to shine like that?) and says that “he’s not used like Puth but he’s never bored of Puth” and then they kiss.
This exchange makes me think that they are in the first weeks of dating and still trying to get used to the idea of being a couple (not that the way they were acting with each other before had any difference except the fact that they were not official but whatever), finding a common ground and a safe/comfort zone where they could stand and feel stable. New relationships are always that, new, and it takes time to get fully accustomed with them, let alone feel stable; it helps the fact that they are friends and knew basic things about each other, so now what they need to do is try to know about each other not as friends but as significant others. That’s why they like to spend time with each other and enjoy all the time they have together, to get to know what the other is like, as a boyfriend.
 (Before I continue, please appreciate Kaeng being totally baby. Thank you)
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After the kiss, Puth ask Kaeng if they “should find something to do?”, Kaeng, having understood something else with his question (I don’t blame him, the way Puth was touching his arm, I would’ve thought the same too) asks “here?” and after Puth said “yes”, Kaeng hits him lightly on the chest and complains that “he’s still sore” (not that I needed it that but PuthKaeng versatile confirmed in only one sentence). Puth then says that Kaeng “is thinking too much” and that he meant “go and find something fun to do”. Kaeng seems uncertain about that but, as we see next, he obliged.
And the date…guys, the date! Do you guys remember that Puth that didn’t wanted to anyone to know that he and Kaeng were sleeping together? That Puth that denied vehemently that he was dating Kaeng (at the time, he was right), made shitty excuses to Mon so he couldn’t pry for more details about what Kaeng had done to him in the night he went to their room? That Puth that didn’t even wanted to be see publically with Kaeng? Well, that Puth is now walking on the streets, holding his boyfriend’s hands and oozing happiness. Seriously, the way he smiles every time he looks at Kaeng, his body language showing that he’s totally relaxed with Kaeng on his side, the way they are having fun together, even with a simple thing as an ice cream cone that they can’t hold, is so fullfiling to watch because it shows that they are happy together. And Kaeng’s eye smile…he looks so cute and happy at the same time, it hurts seeing him so happy. They are soft with each other, feel happy with each other, feel good having each other as someone to spend time with, it just screams domesticity. They are that couple, people.
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And look how Puth just throw his head back while laughing. I remember seeing somewhere, years ago, that when someone laughs that way while they are with you, it means they are really having fun. And remembering that made this scene 100x better.
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  2. My entire heart, all of it that I have inside is for you
 Fast forward, we have PuthKaeng in a hotel room and the first thing I noticed is that they were holding hands (remember what I said about them always holding in intimate moments, back when they were only friends and how I always liked to think that it was something theirs, that they only did that with each other and how it sounded too…hum…how do I put this…not something that people that were not dating, especially players, would do? Yeah) and looking at each other (always the eye contact, people. This bitches been acting like a couple since the beginning), acting like the world were theirs and theirs alone.
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Kaeng looked at Puth from head to toe while Puth takes off the robe Kaeng was wearing and then Kaeng took off Puth’s robe but did that while he was doing that he started to kneel down and was ready to give Puth a blowjob but Puth stopped him before Kaeng could even do something about it. The way Kaeng didn’t disconnected his hands from Puth’s body shows that he enjoys feeling physically connected with the other man, in every opportunity he could get (I think that his behavior on episode 9 made that pretty clear but is never wrong to bring that fact back); Puth then asked why Kaeng was rushing things and Kaeng said that he was just warming up, before sharing a nose kiss and Kaeng kiss Puth’s nose (bringing back all the kisses from the main arc back and my thoughts about them being confirmed. Coming full circle here, people. Coming full circle!).
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 Kaeng’s statement about “being happy today” was something that even if he hadn’t told Puth, I’m pretty sure Puth could see that written all over his face, because the man was glowing with happiness like a Christmas tree in the middle of a shopping mall. After the Puth’s teasing about Kaeng being happy because he could “eat”, Kaeng asking if he could “eat tonight”, Puth saying that “tonight, he could only taste a little” and Kaeng pretending to “bite” Puth (they are talking about sex, people, nothing extraordinary here), Puth says that he would be back in a minute and then leaves the small bathroom (?) they were and this is where things start to get interesting.
 [A bit of a backstory about this: when the announcement of the “extra scene” came and people were excited to know who the “mysterious man” was, I became confused because I had no idea of what people were talking about. Even after someone commented about the mysterious man being about the man who sent that message to Kaeng on episode 9, I was still confused because for me a friend of his had sent the message but brushed aside, for the perspective of having an extra scene of PuthKaeng was above any confusion.]
 Puth grabs his phone, goes to site on the border of the bathtub and is then revealed that he is the mysterious man! Mind you, we all had that revelation in an episode without subtitles, but the fact that he was sending messages to a guy that was in the same room as he was and there was no names displayed on top of the messages to identify the people in the conversation was enough for us to understand what was happening. Remember when I said that they were still getting used to the idea of being a couple and that new relationships take time to become stable? Well, Puth may be super-duper happy and see that Kaeng is happy with him but is normal to have doubts if the person next to you is actually happy or pretending just to make you happy, so Puth had to have that extra confirmation, so he used something that seemingly would make Kaeng be 100% honest (notice that Puth only does that after Kaeng said that he was happy).
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 It had been a total twist receiving that information but then we had to have a double twist when after Kaeng said “I think we should stop talking” and the “mysterious man” asked “why?”, Kaeng comes out of the bathroom, walks rather sensually towards Puth and after sitting next to him answers the question with a “because I have a boyfriend now” and then shows his tongue to Puth. Puth, understandable surprised with that turn of events, asks Kaeng if he had “always know that it was him?”, receives a nod from Kaeng, so asks “how Kaeng found out? Had he peeked on his phone?” and then Kaeng delivers a triple twist by saying that “there’s only one person he knows who likes to text dot at the end of sentences in Thai”.
 At that moment I was like “there’s no way that’s how Kaeng found out about Puth being the mysterious man”, so I went back to episodes 9 and 10, look for any moments where Puth sent any messages to confirm that he had that habit and there they were, clear as water, in EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE. I’m not saying that lightly, since the FIRST message that Puth sent in episode 9, which a reply to Nong Jumbo’s message about missing him, until the LAST message he sent, which was to Kaeng to tell him that he wanted to talk to him later, ALL had dots in the end.
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That made my jaw drop because it is such a small detail, something we had in front of us the entire time, but never actually stopped to pay attention and it was that fucking small detail that made Kaeng caught him as soon as he sent a message, pretending to be someone else.
 And the fact that Kaeng knew since the beginning that it was Puth brings forward two situations:
It is established that we started their main arc with Kaeng already liking Puth. And I said in the final part of my theory, in the timeline of events, that both of them had cut off contact with any potential sexual partners, so Kaeng only continued talking to the mysterious man because he knew it was Puth. If it weren’t for the inability of Puth for using fakes (seriously, that’s hilarious to be honest, being discovered because you like to use dots in the end of sentences. It’s like people knowing it’s me just because I never use abbreviations when I write messages. True story), Kaeng would’ve blocked him as soon the first message got in his Line account. Knowing that, no wonder he smiled after reading the message;
Puth sent the message, put down his phone and got back to the room whistling “Dear Friend”, a song that talks about someone having feelings for their friend, a situation they didn’t intended to happen. So, now we have a guy that receives a message from the other guy he likes, using a fake account, seeing said guy he likes, whom he just had two rounds, or possible more, of sex, getting back to the room whistling a song about a friend liking another friend. And considering that, in that scene, it was the first time we were introduced to that song in their story, it gives another meaning to everything, doesn’t?
Now, we need to understand why Puth resorted to such “extreme” measures to talk to Kaeng, if they were already talking normally and it’s not like any other person had access to his phone. If I hadn’t un-hold it the theory of Puth also liking Kaeng from the beginning, that specific scene of the revelation of him being the mysterious man would’ve make me do that on the spot. Taking in consideration that at the time of the unfolding of the events from episode 9 Puth thought that Kaeng was still sleeping around (even if he was suspecting of Kaeng having feelings for him), his own feelings had to be well hidden. However, feelings are sneaky little bitches that the longer you try to suppress them, stronger and hard to hide they become and Puth is an affectionate person with those he likes, so he needed to find a way of getting close to Kaeng without actually getting close to him and what better way of doing that than with a fake profile? That way Puth could’ve be a friend to Kaeng, probably even drop some hints about liking him and see how Kaeng would react to them, establish a connection with him and at the same time avoiding the possibility of getting his feelings rejected in real life, after all if Kaeng was still talking to other potential partners it wasn’t a good omen to him; like I said before, feelings made Puth really dirty.
 So, the cat is out of the bag. Puth knows that Kaeng knows that he’s the mysterious man sending him messages and don’t know how to feel about that, so he says that “now Kaeng knows it all, how much he loves him” (adding credibility to my idea of Puth having using the fake account to show that he liked Kaeng) and Kaeng tells Puth that he “doesn’t need to be embarrassed, because it’s cute”, that “he likes it” and then to Puth to “try to speak like in the text” aka being romantic. After this, we had the single most emotionally devastating moment of the entire episode and the perfect way of ending a special episode: Puth looked at Kaeng like the man in front of him was the most precious treasure he had encounter in his life and it is possible to see how he also has Kaeng in his eyes, just like Kaeng have him in his eyes. He takes a deep breath, open and closes his mouth once before saying “Kaeng, I love you”, his eyes shining with love just like Kaeng’s eyes were shining with love in the beginning of the episode, and Kaeng reply with a “I love you too” before they kiss and the episode ends.
 I highlighted Kaeng’s name in the love declaration because in this episode, this name had a special weight. Throughout the entirety of the episode, PuthKaeng always used “daddy” and “papi” to refer to themselves, a fact that made me feel more single than I already feel in a daily basis, but when the subject was to tell Kaeng how he feel about him, Puth preferred to use his name, in an almost reverent tone, and tell Kaeng that he loved him. And the way Kaeng’s eyes also shined after listening those words and the soft tone he used to answer Puth…honestly, I can’t deal with them anymore, I’m done.
 PuthKaeng has a story more complex than we could’ve ever predict. They are men with complex personalities, insecurities even with their appearances of people secure of what they want, don’t know how to express their feelings but when they do, you know is not something superficial, is the reality. It took them a long time to be together, they almost lost the opportunity to experience the love they have for each other, cried, made mistakes and misunderstood a lot of things. But now that they are together, I am sure that they will make everything in their power to make it work, will solve their problems the best way they can, will continue to support each other, be their best partners, their safe zones and each other’s hearts. After all, the love the have is forever; and even beyond that.
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hobbitingryffindor · 3 years
Don’t respond after 9 pm
So I've never written fanfic before, but apparently, I'm pissed at Jane. Please be kind, but also let me know if I should continue. I have a few other rules and scenes in mind. I have no idea if this will grow into anything more. Constructive feedback would be great.
Maura was ruminating. It was never good when she couldn’t get through her Saturday morning yoga session, but these days, it was becoming the norm. So after she finished her cup of tea, she locked herself in her yoga room, rolled out her yoga mat, and settled in with herself.
She had rules. They were new, and it was hard to keep to them some days, but they were there because she knew better. She knows she deserves more. She may not have had an attentive family growing up, but she knows her worth, or at least she’s gotten better at reminding herself. She knows what they have goes beyond friendship. She also knows it will never be more. Jane just keeps holding back the final piece of the puzzle. She could resign herself to a lifetime of this sexually charged and emotionally mediocre but never fulfilling relationship OR she could take a step back from Jane and a step forward for herself. But last night she forgot. She forgot the first rule she put in place almost a month ago.
1 - Don’t respond to Jane after 9 pm
Recognizing the anxious feeling that started in her chest, she told herself that it was a slip-up and it wouldn’t happen again. But she couldn’t help but grab her phone and reread last night’s messages.
10:36: J - Hey, you still up?
10:42: M - Just finished Bass’ enrichment and heading up to bed.
It had been such a simple response, it just floated out of her fingertips. She was so used to just always responding to Jane.
10:43: J- Enrichment? You can just say that you were in the sandbox hiding food for Bass to find.
10:44: M- Fine yes, I was reading his namesake’s new foreword in “Skeletal biology and bioarchaeology of the Northwestern Plains” while bass dug up the cactus leaves and strawberries I hid in his sandbox.
10:44: J- You make my night of watching the Sox lose seem like an exciting night
10:45: M- What can I say? We love to party over here.
10:45: J- I don’t know when it started, but you’ve gotten really good at sarcasm
10:46: M- You must be rubbing off on me ;-)
As Maura reread that line, she couldn’t help but cringe a little. She really couldn’t stop herself from going there last night, it was yet another small slip up, that showed how their friendship was always a little more than friendship.
10:59: J- I feel like I haven’t seen you at all this week, is the morgue backlogged?
11:04: M- It’s no busier than usual. Actually a little less so without a murder yet this month.
11:04: J- Give it time, Boston can’t go more than 2 weeks without a new murder. Have you been in court on other cases this week? I went to see if you could grab lunch a few times and I never caught you.
11:05: M- We must have just missed each other, I did lunch out of the office a few times.
11:07: J- You going to fancy places without me now?
11:09: M - Really Jane, any place that doesn’t allow jeans, you label as fancy. But no, a friend from my residency, Erica, did a few guest lectures at BCU. I caught one of her lectures and we had lunch a few times.
11:09: J- I see how it is, replacing me with other genii.
Reading this for a second time feels like a needle in her chest, last night it paralyzed her, she didn’t know how to respond. She wasn’t replacing Jane, per se. This was also the point last night where she realized her mistake in responding to Jane’s late text. Even now, she still isn’t sure she handled it correctly.
11:18: J- Any plans for tomorrow?
11:20 M- While genii is correct, you can just say geniuses, you don’t have to try so hard. And, no I’m not replacing you. I was planning on browsing Newbury St in the afternoon.
11:21 J- Great, so I’ll pick you up at 2, I’ll carry the bags and then we can hit up Eataly for dinner? We haven’t been there in a while.
11:25 M- That’s okay Jane, I know you don’t enjoy my long shopping ventures, you don’t have to come. And I’ve got dinner plans, I’m sorry. But I’ll see you Sunday night for dinner.
After that, it was radio silence from Jane. Even after all these years, all the social cues Jane’s helped her learn, she still doesn’t know how to read the silence. Last night she was torn. She wanted to hang out with Jane but didn’t. Now she had to live with rejecting Jane’s plans, and what felt like a rejection of Jane herself.
That’s what brought her here, meditating as the sun was rising, or trying to anyway. Maura shook herself out and realized she was going to need a little help this morning clearing her mind. So she opened up the Calm app and resigned herself to a guided meditation. Maura went through the motions of her day, finishing off with an overzealous stop at Diane Von Furstenberg’s on Newbury just because. She still hadn’t heard from Jane and was trying to tell herself it was okay, they were okay, they were just both adjusting to this new normal. Maura hadn’t figured out what this new normal was supposed to be, but she knew she was unhappy with how Jane and she were a couple in every way, except in the way that mattered. Their friendship was unhealthy as it was. If they were only going to be friends, Maura was going to start making space in her life for other friends and possibly a lover or two. She can’t pinpoint when it happened, but her very active and healthy sex life seemed to slowly dry up the closer she and Jane got.
Dressed in her new Midi dress, and a brand new pair of St. Laurent sandals, she waived to Angela across the courtyard as she headed off to meet Erica. Driving to the Chart House, she couldn’t help but reflect and acknowledge that Eric’s timing was creating a good distraction for her. She and Erica had done their residencies together, they hadn’t been best of friends, but she was always warm to Maura and tried to include Maura in her social circle. A few years after Maura moved to Boston, she reached out when she landed in Providence doing a Post Doc Fellowship at Brown. They’d do dinner a few times a year, trade interesting journal articles, nothing special, but it was nice to have a friend outside of BPD. When BCU invited Erica to guest lecture for the week, Maura decided she’d just drop in on the first lecture, which led to a couple of lunches earlier in the week, and a celebration dinner as Erica was just offered a tenure track faculty position starting in the fall. Pulling up to the valet station, she decided that this was just what she needed to expand her social circle a bit. She’d enjoy her evening, celebrate Erica’s new position and enjoy the late spring evening.
Like clockwork on Sunday around noontime, the Rizzoli’s started to filter into her home. Angela always led the parade, bringing groceries and starting the prep process. Over the next couple of hours Jane, her brothers, little TJ, Frost, Korsak, Kiki, and even Susie sometimes would wander in and fill her house. When she invited Angela to live in the guest house almost 4 years ago, she never thought it was going to be permanent, nor did she think she’d enjoy having her there as much as she does. For all of Angela’s meddling and snooping in Jane’s life, she’d been nothing but respectful of Maura’s boundaries and privacy. Maura treasured how their patchwork family considered her house their gathering place, when it was full, it felt like the warm home she yearned for as a child. The amazing dinners, even if sometimes unhealthy, were a vehicle for that love and inclusion Maura had spent over 30 years searching for. She’d found it with Jane and her family, but she still craves more. She wants more than a patchwork family, she wants her own family.
As Maura was finishing up working in the garden beds Tommy and TJ arrived. By the time she’d entered the kitchen freshly showered and ready for Angela to put her to work, she saw Jane and Frankie had joined Tommy in watching a basketball game. Maura greeted everyone while looking at the TV, she noticed no one was wearing a green jersey so she knew Boston wasn’t playing, which usually boded well for her couch and rugs. TJ was in his high chair feeding himself some plain pasta while Angela sang to him. Maura and Angela quickly fell into their rhythm with this week’s batch of Ragu simmering on the stove. By the time the lasagna was in the oven, Frost, Korsak, and Kiki had arrived and, Angela and Maura joined the gang in the living room to snack on some arancini before dinner.
While Maura and Angela always cooked, the most relaxing part of Sunday dinners was when Jane and Maura cleaned up. Never fail the boys would head out not long after dessert and the games were over. And Jane in her way of appreciating her mother would kick her back to the guest house for an early night, while she took charge of cleaning up the kitchen.
“Another glass of wine while you work?” Jane asked Maura while grabbing the bottle
Maura just put her glass in front of Jane while nodding for more. The pots and pans were washed, the dishwasher had already started its cycle and Jane and Maura were moving to the living room to straighten up before settling in to catch up on their week. Normally all this happened with a comfortable level of conversation between them, but tonight, there was a little more silence than usual. With blankets folded and the remote located, they settled into the couch, each sitting against an arm, facing each other.
“You know mom asked me how your date went last night, I didn’t even know you were seeing anyone” Jane started.
“It wasn’t a date, I told you I was going to dinner with Erica, she’s just accepted an offer at BCU.”
“No, you said you had lunch with Erica” with a slight hint of annoyance that only Maura could pick up on. “I didn’t know you guys were doing dinner, I thought you might have been hiding a new boyfriend from me”
“No, no new boyfriend Jane. Although that would be nice or maybe a girlfriend, I haven’t dated a woman since I first moved to Boston”
Jane nodded, her eyes a little bigger than normal, sometimes Maura could swear Jane forgot she was pansexual.
“What about you? You seeing anyone new?” Maura asked, mostly to take the heat off of her. She didn’t know what was worse, talking about her lackluster dating life or trying to appear supportive of Jane's dating life when all she wanted was to be the person dating Jane.
“No, although Frost mentioned his old college roommate is single. I can’t believe I’m even entertaining the idea of letting him set me up.”
“You should at least meet him, if Frost is setting you up, I’m sure he’s a good man.” Maura grinned through a fake smile.
“I don’t know” Jane responded, Maura saw the walls going up “ I don’t want to talk about dating. Is Erica going to move to Boston? You know you’ve never introduced us, are you scared I’ll embarrass you?” Jane half-joked, changing the topic.
“No Jane, you have to stop with the self-deprecating humor, you know I’m not embarrassed by you. And yes, she needs to finish teaching a summer seminar at Brown, and then she’ll move up here.” The next words fell out of her mouth as soon as they occurred to her “I should see if she wants to come to next Sunday’s dinner.” Seeing Jane’s small annoyance grow into jealously, she redirected. “She can meet everyone, but please don’t interrogate her for college stories. You already know I was weird and awkward, you don’t need more things to tease me about!”
Jane took the bait “Ohhhh, I didn’t even think of that! I wonder if she’s got pictures!!
Maura just rolled her eyes, relieved that the tension was broken. She really did want Jane and everyone else to accept Erica, she remembered what it was like moving back to Boston and not having anyone. The rest of the night passed quickly, Maura kept the topics to mostly work or Boston politics. Jane could rant about local politics for hours and it didn’t put Maura at risk of gazing at Jane like she wanted to take her upstairs. A little before 11, Jane sighed and made her excuses about getting back to Jo before she relieved herself on the rug again. Pre-rules Maura might have made some comment about how much wine Jane had and how she should stay the night. Post-rules Maura kept her mouth shut. As Maura locked the door behind Jane, she couldn’t help but hope that just maybe, with some delicate balancing, she’d be able to move on from Jane and keep her as a friend.
Later that week Maura found herself at the Robber with the whole group, even Susie joined them. Maura was finding her new footing and it felt nice, it gave her a boost of confidence. Jane no longer acted as her interpreter when Frost made a joke, Korsak no longer felt the need to censor his dirty jokes and Susie actually had a pretty foul mouth once she had a few drinks. More than ever she noticed how breaking down her walls, allowed others to break their own down around her. She didn’t feel like Queen of the Dead anymore, she was Maura. As the night stretched on the table shuffled around a bit, Korsak left to meet Kiki, Frankie and Nina joined, Susie went home and Frost tried his luck with a pretty blonde at the bar.
Maura didn’t even notice how slowly Jane crept to her, close enough that her side was against Maura and her arm draped behind Maura across the back of the booth. But she did notice when the vibe between Jane and her started to mirror that of Frankie and Nina, right down to Jane ordering Maura another drink before checking with her. Maura and Jane were a couple, they couldn’t help it. The small touches, the laughing into each other’s sides, even the stolen glances. It no longer felt like hanging out, it felt like they were on a double date. It was too much for Maura, she excused herself to the bathroom to regroup. Looking at herself in the mirror, she scolded herself. She had to get out of there, she needed more distance. How could she possibly have her own relationship if she always ended up with Jane?
“I didn’t realize how late it had was,” Maura said marching up to the booth. “I’m going to head home. I’ll see you all in the morning? Those cultures should be ready by 10, I’ll page you when I have the report ready.” All of a sudden Maura infused a formalness into the air that wasn’t there before. Frankie raised his eyebrows but said nothing. It was weird for Maura to leave without Jane, or at least inviting Jane back to her house.
“I’ll leave with you” Jane started to get up.
“Oh no, that’s fine, I’m parked just across the street. I’ll be fine, stay, enjoy the rest of your beer” Maura responded with a slightly stern note. Jane nodded, “Party pooper, leaving me with these love doves” gesturing to Frankie and Nina, while they responded with mock offense. As Maura walked away, she didn’t see Frankie lean in and whisper to Jane.
Once Maura settled into bed for the evening she decided it was time for her to get out there. Even if it meant her joining one of those annoying dating sites. It was better to be trying than pining. Last week Erica had suggested How About We, it was worth at least signing up. She decided that it couldn’t hurt more than she was already hurting. While she hadn’t opened up to Erica about how frustrated she was with her’s and Jane’s relationship, she had expressed a desire to get out there more and Erica had offered a few bits of advice. If she couldn’t go to Jane about this, it was nice to at least have another friend to commiserate with about dating. As soon as she completed her profile, her phone beeped and a notification popped up on the screen.
11:17 PM
Jane Rizzoli
You awake?
Clicking her screen off, Maura put her phone on her nightstand and turned over for what would be a very uncomfortable night’s sleep.
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swiftgronmasterpost · 4 years
Rebuilding the Gryles Timeline expertly crafted here because I’m always afraid of broken links and people going private and losing data.
Not only is there a ton of great evidence that these guys were dating such as Harry leaving Nick’s place in the morning wearing the same clothes as he’d worn the night before, I’ve also got a friend who works in the UK music industry and she did tell me these guys did date.  Nick is 100% out as gay so it really does all add up.
Gryles very obviously takes place during Haylor, debunking Harry as the 1989 muse, and if it’s not Harry you do have to wonder... who with green eyes and an obsession with Alice and Wonderland was heavily featured in Taylor’s life and then disappeared before 1989 - a breakup album about someone with green eyes who seems to relate to Alice in Wonderland drops?
You get it.
Anyway here’s Gryles:
This is a little game I like to call "let's talk about Nick/Harry dates and how they line up with Harry leaving and entering the country".
06. February 5th 2012 - Harry and Nick go to a Super Bowl party together.
One Direction in Sweden February 12th - 14th. (Came home by train on the 14th.)
07. February 14, 2012 - VALENTINE'S DAY!
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08. February 18, 2012 - Stella McCartney Fashion show with Nick's mom.
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09. February 21, 2012 - Brit Awards!
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10. February 22, 2012 - They attend a party together. (Nick might have been DJing?)
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11. February 23, 2012 - Harry spotted leaving Nick Grimshaw's flat in the same outfit he was wearing the night before.
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The morning of February 23rd One Direction flies to the US for their tour and doesn't return to the UK until April 24th, 2012.
This trip is supposedly where Haylor 1.0 happens.  Harry supposedly meets Taylor at the KCA’s on March 31 and they fall for one another.  Taylor supposedly goes to NYC to be with Harry (even though she spends the whole time with Dianna) during the first week of April.  Then they supposedly enter into a long distance relationship that is broken up because Harry was seen out with another girl.
All the while the last thing Harry does before he leaves the UK is spend the night with Nick and then the first thing he does is goes back to him.
Yeah, I’m not buying Haylor 1.0 it seems pretty clear to me that Taylor wanted to pin I Knew You Were Trouble on Harry as a big pop anthem to support her transition to pop.  I think it’s even possible they faked Harry being spotted out with that girl or perhaps he and Nick had some kind of agreement.  I’m not saying Gryles was always exclusive (they may have been), but regardless I don’t see Red era Taylor being cool enough to share her boyfriend with a man.
12. April 25, 2012 - Nick and Harry out together the morning after he returned.
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Harry also calls into Nick's radio show on the 25th and confirms that the first thing he did upon returning on the 24th was meet up with Nick and Matt Fincham for drinks so one can theorize he probably crashed w/ Nick that night.
Harry goes to LA by himself on May 1st and returns to the UK on the 5th.
May 5th, 2012 - Harry out with Annie Mac and Nick. (Thanks to my anon for clueing me into this little gem of information.)
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13. May 7th, 2012 - Harry and Nick out with friends
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One Direction goes to Sweden from May 10th to May 16th.
14. May 17, 2012 - The Sun reports Harry driving Nick to work.
Also out shopping together
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15. May 19, 2012 - Nick posts a picture to his instragram from the Kanye West/Jay Z show at the O2.
Who cares right? So he went to see a show. But then.
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Hey guess what happened the very next day? One Direction flew to Boston on May 20th, 2012 to start their summer tour in the U.S. They're gone from the 20th to July 3rd.
16. July 5, 2012 - Nick and Harry attend the launch of Tinie Tempah's shoes line.
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There's some downtime and vacation time here where Harry disappears for a week while Louis is France w/ Eleanor, Niall goes to Spain, Liam and Danielle are on vacation, etc and then One Direction goes back to work July 11th recording and doing photo shoots.
17. July 19, 2012 - Harry goes out with Nick and Aimee and tweets this.
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18. August 10, 2012 - Harry attends Nick's 28th birthday party at La Bodega Negra.
Pregaming before the party!
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Outside La Bodega Negra
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19. August 11, 2012 - Primrose Hill picnic
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20. August 20, 2012 - One Direction visit Nick at BBCR1 to announce their headlining of the BBC Radio 1 Teen Choice Awards.
21. August 25, 2012 -
Nick and Harry go to lunch. (Would also like to point out that they are switching places and that Harry is going to the driver's side of Nick's car :333)
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and then to Reading Festival
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then Nick accompanies Harry to Liam's party at Funky Buddha
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and then they leave together and go see Rita Ora at G.A.Y.
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22. August 26, 2012 - The morning after, Nick tweets a shot of his hangover breakfast from Harry's Range Rover (Nick owns a Mercedes).
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then a lunch date with several people
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They spend this entire day together and this is the day the pics of them in the grocery store  are taken where Nick buys Harry a banana, etc
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and then Harry drops Nick off for his nighttime show and picks him up again to take him to/stay with him while Nick DJs at Wonderland nightclub.
(Although, lbr. Given what we learn from Nick's final nighttime show about how often Harry hung around the studio, he probably never left.)
Wonderland! (the only time that fucking song has any bearing on Harry and he’s off being a MLM king)
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23. August 28, 2012 - Leaving Nick's flat
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spotted in the studio w/ Nick at BBCR1
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24. August 30, 2012 - Harry films the Breakfast Show advert for Nick's #Team Grimmy commercial and then they go to Mahiki Club that night.
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25. August 31, 2012 - Harry goes with Nick to his DJ gig at Paradise
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and then to karaoke afterward
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The lo and behold One Direction flies to Florida the very next day to film their Pepsi commercial. They're gone until September 11th.
on September 6, 2012 Taylor has Sushi with Ed and Harry in LA supposedly signaling the start of Haylor 2.0 as if Harry is not fully boyfriends with Nick.
26. September 12, 2012 - Nick's final nighttime show. (this was a gif of them being cute and playing around but I was too lazy to bring it over, you get it they’re touchy, flirty, and playful):
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Nick and Aimee go on vacation together from the 14th to the 18th.
27. September 18, 2012 - This dude says he spotted Harry Styles waiting in arrivals at the airport while waiting for his sister's flight to arrive insinuating perhaps Harry was traveling with Nick and Aimee:
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28. September 20, 2012 - iTunes Festival where One Direction was interviewed by Nick and Annie Mac
29. Harry calls into Nick's first Breakfast Show on September 25, 2012. Then they meet up after to see Perks of Being a Wallflower together. I can't find the tweets from the ladies who saw them there, but Nick and Emma Watson confirm later that Harry was indeed there.
30. September 29, 2012 - Spotted at Waitrose together and then the following morning Nick regales his listeners with the tale of a Spinach pie he made for a ~friend~.
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31. October 5th (or 6th?), 2012 - Preparation for Ladz FM
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But also on October 5th, Taylor is on Nick’s show:
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32. October 6, 2012 - Ladz FM
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Supposedly on this show Nick gives Harry hell for Taylor, the Haylor timeline I like puts it this way:
“One Direction and Harry make an appearance on Nick’s show the following day, and they talk about Taylor on-air for 4 minutes straight. Nick teases Harry by saying “Ol’ Swiftyyyy” over and over again when she is brought up in the conversation.” Yup that’s right, Nick was giving his own boyfriend shit about his fake girlfriend 😭😭😭 this is why I fuck w Nick’s energy.
then they went for lunch in notting hill (no Taylor? why not Harry aren’t you so happy to be back with her and in love w her?)
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33. October 7, 2012 - BBC Teen Choice Awards
One Direction doing promotion for the new album.
Paris - October 11, 2012
Ireland - October 12, 2012
Manchester - October 16, 2012
Leeds - October 17, 2012
34. October 19, 2012 - Lunch in London
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October 31 - One Direction in Spain
Early November One Direction goes to the US for Ellen, X Factor USA, and The Today Show. After The Today Show Harry flies to LA while the rest of One Direction goes back to London. Harry writes a song with the lead singer of Snow Patrol and rumors start flying about him hooking up with Taylor Swift.
Harry arrives back in London on November 16, 2012.
35. November 16, 2012 - Children in Need benefit concert
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November 30th One Direction goes back to the U.S. for one off shows and MSG show. Haylor happens.
Harry returns to London on December 8th via Taylor's private jet and plays the Jingle Ball with the rest of One Direction. Harry and Taylor tour the UK together until December 15th when Taylor leaves for France.  Meanwhile Dianna heads out on a mystery 14 hour long flight on December 14th.
36. December 16, 2012 - Roast Dinner!
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One Direction returns to the U.S. for the X Factor USA finale. Harry stays in the U.S. and goes on a ski vacation with Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and Selena Gomez.
He returns to the UK on December 24th.
37. December 25, 2012 - Late night Christmas leftovers. (Yes they’re spending Christmas together, that’s boyfriend behavior!)
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Harry and Nick both leave London on the 29th (Nick for Puerto Rico and Harry for NYC) Harry spends New Years with Taylor and Nick spends New Years with Pixie, Aimee, and the rest of the hipster crew. Harry and Taylor then fly to Gorda British Virgin Islands where they are supposed to vacation until the 7th. Taylor leaves on the 4th and Harry goes to Necker Island alone. Tabloids say Harry and Taylor have broken up.
And that’s it for Haylor!
Harry arrives back in the UK on January 8th
38. January 8, 2013 - Sushi lunch date! (tweet confirming nick was also there.)
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and harry with the girl who tweeted it.
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39. January 10, 2013 - Tinie Tempah's GQ dinner.
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The party was for people on the British GQ best dressed list (Nick was on it. Harry was not.)
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Jessie J puts a picture of the table cards from her table on instagram. Harry doesn't have one which, you know. I'll just be here imagining him as Nick's + 1.
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One Direction fly to Ghana on the 12th or 13th and return on the 15th. On the 16th Harry calls into Grimmy’s show to talk about how Fincham DOES NOT LOOK LIKE A MEMBER OF ONE DIRECTION. Finchy asks Harry when he’s back and Harry says “in a couple of days”. (Small side note here that I don’t think Finchy and Harry are at the level of friends where they keep track of one another’s schedules so the only way Finchy could have known that Harry was heading back out of town to Japan that very day is if Nick told him.)
One Direction in Japan from January 16th to the 20th.
I'm not going to count this as a time they were together because I have no hard evidence, but the night of January 20th Harry was spotted in a grocery store buying wine and Annie Mac mentions on her show that Nick ditched coming over for dinner that evening to have a friend round to his house instead. We assume it was Harry, but w/o actual proof I don't want to say it concretely.
40. January 21, 2013 - Baking for Radio 1! (Tweet confirming the friend was Harry.)
Nick tells this story the morning of the 22nd about how he forgot he had to bake, so he got up from bed, went to the store for supplies, and forgot eggs. So, he texted his friend who was coming over to bring eggs and then Nick baked while his friend yelled at him to add more butter.
41. January 22, 2013 - Watching Great British Bake Off
Do what you will with this one. Obviously there is not definite way to tell if this is Harry or not, but given the evidence of the amount of time they spend together that has been laid forth thus far, I feel comfortable saying those are indeed Harry's legs.
42. January 31, 2013 - Out for Harry's birthday at La Bodega Negra (the same place they celebrated Nick's birthday.)
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Nick also went to Groucho Club afterward with Harry and mentioned on his show this morning that he hadn't slept at all. (He was still wearing the same outfit.)
43. February 1, 2013 - Aimee tweets about being in the car with Nick en route to play Laser Quest. (Can't imagine who they might be playing with.)
Nick tweeted this :)
February 19, 2013 - PreBrit Awards Dinner Hosted by Nick!
2/20/13 - At the Brit Awards together!
Leaving an after party!
taking a cab to Nick's house so Nick can change for work
hands hands hands
At Nick's flat
 2/21/13 - On The Breakfast show the morning after the Brits!
Harry on The Breakfast Show!
2/23/2013 - Nick attends One Direction's first show at the O2 in London
8/21/2013 - Nick interviews Harry, Zayn, and Liam for TBS
Then Nick and Harry hook up later for dinner.
September 12, 2013
Harry gets off the plane from LAX, gets on the tube and meets Nick at an Elton John concert
Harry and Nick's dad at the concert, posted to Nick's instagram.
September 13, 2013
This person says they saw nick and Harry at Apartment 58 (members only club) together
But, Sadie Frost also posted a picture of her and Nick getting ready to go out for LFW with no mention of Harry, so the tweet could be false facts.
But then! September 14, 2013
Sadie posts this picture of Nick sleeping on her sofa
Followed by this picture of Harry posing with her daughter
And then Nick and Harry went to Henry Hollands show at LFW together
Then to a pub with Gemma, Kelly Osborn and others
Then to dinner with James Corden and his wife
September 15, 2013
September 17, 2013 - Fashion Show East in London
November 9, 2013 - Breakfast with Anne and Robin at the Wolseley.
So Anne tweeted this in the morning. You can see the Wolseley logo at the top of the plate.
Then this girl got a pic with Harry at the Wolseley during his breakfast with Anne and Robin.
and she confirmed that Nick was eating with them https://twitter.com/alexandra_imper/status/400204985222193152
Then off to Selfridges to shop!
At Alexa Chung's birthday party!
November 10, 2013 - Ladz instagram and Aimee Phillips birthday party!
November 30, 2013
Harry playing with Puppy at Nick's house.
Poppy Delevingne's hen party!
Leaving Groucho club.
December 1, 2013
Primrose Hill lighting ceremony!
Nick with Daisy Lowe and his dad!
Then this girl met Nick
and saw Harry
Class of '92 movie premiere
Nick and his dad on the red carpet
Harry meeting Beckham!
December 4, 2013 - London Fashion Awards
February 17, 2014 - Taking a random taxi ride?????
and leaving Nick's flat
March 29, 2014
Sleepover at Harry's house!
Nick posted this on instagram
At the time we weren't sure it was Harry's drive but...
Hiya, doggie.
Also Nick's tweet from the morning after just because.
May 24, 2014 - Radio 1's Big Weekend
May 28, 2014 - Barry's BC London
And link to post about the other tweets x
June 8, 2014
Nick attends One Directions show at Wembley Stadium.
June 12, 2014
Harry at Nick driving around London in a Ferrari.
and another tweet about the Ferarri sighting.
Then later that evening Harry went to Nick's for his World Cup barbecue and fans took pics with Harry outside Nick's house.
154 notes · View notes
tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: A Tale of Two Slaves (10/17)
Summary:  “Soulmates don’t exist. Fate doesn’t exist. Everything is a choice.” At that moment, Levi could only watch as she made the choice for him.“
Reincarnation AU. Levi remembers everything from their past life. Hange doesn’t.
Note: This took a while. I had this written out for a while, I just spent a good amount of brain cells trying to figure out where to cut this. It’s almost done actually. I’m expecting like (at the most) 5 more chapters so maybe I can get it done by the end of March if I muster up the courage and the effort to do all the final revisions to the last few chapters.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Other Chapters:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Link to cross-postings: AO3
As Levi soon found out, Hange kept a folder online tagged ‘Levi Ackerman.’
The oldest pictures were dated more than three years ago and the first had been one of his cool down after his performance at his first tournament. There was variety in the pictures and they covered everything, all the way from warming up on the bench, positioning himself to run and those few moments right after launching himself in the air to the peak of his jump. She had even snuck pictures of his interviews.
The first time he opened it, he had first checked the dates to make sure he hadn’t been dreaming or assuming she of all people had been a fan. The weirdly strong emotions he had felt at the realization of the existence of such a folder had only made him all the more vulnerable and the last thing he had wanted to do was an act on an illusion or trick of the mind.
The experiences he had on the field clearing jump after jump had become routine over the five year period. Despite the changes among the faces in the crowd, the cheers that had only been getting louder and louder and of course, the oval that changed with the venue, sometimes the only thing Levi did remember was the blue sky staring him down and gravity pulling from behind.
Maybe that was why he had ended up in a state of disbelief the first time she had shown it to him.
How did you not notice her? Levi was sure he wouldn’t have anyway. She was a stranger, one stranger in a crowd of people. Although she may have been one unchanging face in a crowd of thousands of changing faces, she was still a stranger to him. And strangers just tended to blend in more easily.
A valid point. Yet the regret and frustration were still fresh inside him despite it having been weeks since she first gave him access to that folder
She had first showed it to him the morning after that eventful night, after having dealt with a hungover Nanaba. It was only in the evening that day after Hange had escorted her three friends to the station did she sit next to him on the bed and scroll through the pictures herself with Levi right beside her. Naturally, she was still hesitant to show that side of her, she scrolled a bit too slow at times, while a bit too fast at other times.
For a while their roles were reversed and Levi found himself prodding Hange for more details. Eventually, she did share the link to the folder in exchange for links to his story and Levi was quick to comply. They were both exposed anyway, there was no need for any more secrets between them. Only one condition that had seemed a little too frivolous at first glance, yet somehow Levi understood it.
Hange requested that he go through the pictures when she wasn’t around. And soon after she requested it, Levi realized he preferred that too. Despite the fact that he did trust her not to judge whatever she may find on the folders, there still existed an uneasiness at baring one’s heart out to someone in words one couldn’t control anymore having written the stories out too long ago.
Consequently, he requested the same thing from her. Do not read it while I’m around. When he told her the stories, he at least had control of his tones, his diction and the packaging of the overall story. Watching her read them, he knew he would find himself doubting the words he had written while at the same time vacillating between decisions to correct his previous writings or let her read. The constant self consciousness that came with the second option had just been too stressful of a prospect. He decided himself, he would rather have full control of the exposition or none at all.
The decision to have no control and no input, to be absent when he bares his heart out was not easy to make. And he continued to feel the traces of that struggle in the way he so easily lost focus and ended up mindlessly scrolling through the folder. His mind had shifted to other things more specifically the prospect of whether or not Hange was doing the same thing then and there.
She was only a phone call away. He could ask. But it had just seemed idiotic. Of course she wouldn’t be checking on it, she had been cramming for an exam that morning in between preparing for her mid semester thesis presentation. She hadn’t even bothered to say any greeting but an ‘I’ll follow’ before he left for the therapist that morning.
He looked through the messages in the waiting room, and up at the time displayed on the upper right part of the screen.
9:43. She was still in the middle of her exam. She won’t be checking on it.
Levi looked at the ceiling above him, allowing the plain white view above him to ease him back to his reality. How long had he been staring at the phone? He closely felt for the aches and discomforts around his body. The dull soreness that made itself known as he stared up at the white ceiling above him only served as a reminder that he had been a little too exposed to quick scrolls and the unnatural glare of his phone for a potentially unhealthy amount of time.
It was his first physical therapy session and Hange had pointed out that he should be early just in case. Consequently, he had shown up at 8:30 for a session at ten.
Just in case you get lost. Just in case there is paperwork which still needs to be filled. Hange would have done the paperwork already. He had ended up clocking that little doubt and that need for a little prophylactic thinking to caution on their end. First times tended to make people a little more cautious. And more importantly, what else was there to do on a Saturday morning other than sleep in?
Either way, that long wait had left him with eyes a little too tired yet at the same time, he was bored out of his wits. He looked around the waiting room finding something else to entertain himself with.
I only have seventeen more minutes to kill. It shouldn’t be too hard.
The atmosphere of the waiting room was nothing like getting lost in nature or on the road. It was stark white, bleak and a little too rehearsed. In other words, it lacked dynamic and consequently. it was too boring to find any amusement in. Of course, they wouldn’t want to stress out any patients with anything too fancy or overwhelming. Yet, the only thing which Levi could have found worth giving more than a passing thought to were the people around him.
And only when Levi started focusing instead on the people and not on the off-white plastered walls of the waiting room, he somehow was able to distract himself from the dragging motions of time.
There was an old man with a knee brace. A middle aged man with an arm in a sling and a girl with a casted right leg. There were others who could have passed up for nothing more than a visitor, until they stood up and Levi noticed in their gait the slight hesitancy to put one foot in front of the other. A small detail which Levi probably wouldn’t have noticed if he weren’t looking for it then.
As he preoccupied himself and reflected over the small details that could have told stories of the people around him, that natural reflection to one own’s self had him a little too focused, a little too fixated.
The door to the waiting room slammed behind him and the trance disappeared as quickly as it came and as silently as a bubble that had just been popped.
Levi found himself irritably following the sound of the footsteps that came right after the slam of the door. It reverberated across the quiet and tense room, so loudly that if Levi did look around him, he would have realized he wasn’t the only one who had been so abruptly disturbed by it.
“Aaaand... My rounds are over for today,” The man said looking not at all guilty for that rude awakening. He wouldn’t have known anyway, and as Levi looked towards the front where the man had settled by the nurse’s desk, he might just have been the only one in the room rudely awakened by that sound.
“Ah, Doctor Jaeger, That was quick,” the nurse commented a little too pleasantly for Levi’s taste.
“Not too busy of a morning.” The man said, or as Levi soon deduced, was Mr. Jaeger. He recognized that irritating voice and as he looked up at the man, taking in the gruff features, the blond hair and beard and the rounded glasses, he quickly grasped for the name.
Zeke Jaeger. He hadn’t even said the name out loud just yet, but somehow he tasted venom. Levi though had enough awareness of his surroundings and his own ability to quickly yet correctly guess names to have kept silent. Regardless, he continued to watch as Zeke lowered his voice, possibly whispering something about going out for a drink and some dinner with the nurse in front of him. He found himself silently judging that audacious invasion of privacy as Zeke looked over at whatever paper was on the teacher’s desk.
If Levi had actually been a little more aware of his surroundings, he would have realized Zeke did not at all say the name loud enough for him to hear. It was the result of Levi having watched too closely as Zeke enunciated those syllables, having noticed as the nurse made eye contact with him and having heard peppers of conversations about a jumper and an injury.
“Oh… An Ackerman? Who does high jumps?.” Zeke confirmed it himself, as he once again spoke a few decibels louder, obviously with the intention of making himself heard.
It wasn’t anything new. The past few months, Levi started to realize that at the least, many people in the local scene were familiar with him.
“My brother’s best friend is an Ackerman too and she started jumping recently.”
“I don’t have any relatives who jump,” Levi answered, in an attempt to shoot that attempt of a friendly interaction down.
Zeke stared at him, looking surprised. “You sure? With how quickly she picked it up, I thought she should have been related to you.”
Levi kept silent, making no effort to look open at all to conversation. Somehow, Zeke didn’t seem to get the hint.
“She’s been sweeping their interhigh competitions since the start of autumn… With the pace at which she’s going, she might even replace you.”
Levi had gotten used to those types of comments, hearing them as whispers the few times he went out, seeing them on a few forums as people discussed his injuries. He shouldn’t have been at all bothered by the statement, having shifted his attention in life to things which weren’t jumping
The blond man in front of him had been crass and blunt and Levi was starting to feel the beginnings of a bad mood. The irritability only worsened even as Levi tuned out the blond doctor. His mind went elsewhere, as he instead decided to seethe silently at the insensitivity of that statement.
                                  A Tale of Two Slaves
Eventually Levi did get a break from that one-sided conversation. But the countdown to that break was slow and painful. He only noticed as he struggled under the trappings of that long and excruciating wait how long it really took for minutes to count down on a digital clock.
An eternity could have passed before Levi was called from the waiting room. As soon as the clock struck ten, Levi could not help but be more than slightly annoyed that she had been late.
If you’re early then you’re on time. If you’re on time, then you’re late. Any other day, Levi would have acknowledged the hypocrisy of that statement since although he was always early to training, he was never that religious when it came to academics. Having just bounced back from such an excruciating exchange with Zeke though, everything had just been pissing him off more than necessary.
It was almost remarkable how he managed to nod in return at the woman who met him at the exit of the waiting room. But Levi soon realized, as the anger quickly dissipated from inside him, she seemed like an old friend more than a stranger and like for all people, as long as there was history between them, he could save a little more patience points.
The woman who helped him up and led him to the room ahead was shorter than him yet had a way of handling herself that made Levi guess that she was at the least, a university student.
Levi didn’t need to guess anything else. Somehow, her name, her personality and the familiarity had all been somewhere in his head.
She cocked her head to one side in greeting and spoke up. “You can call me---”
“Petra,” Levi said. Somehow, he just knew her name. He had been inclined to complete that statement, only to make more real the nagging feeling in his head as soon as he had noticed her enter the room.
Petra’s eyes widened in shock. “Yes, how did you know?”
“It’s on your nametag,” Levi answered almost automatically, thanking the heavens she was wearing a nametag.
“Yeah, my bad. I get a little absent minded at times,” Petra patted her own head and gave Levi a wry smile.
Petra was hospitable. And when Levi thought that exact statement, he couldn't help but think how the word 'hospitable' had fit her so well. It was in her presence. She had this special talent, of finding ways at least to add color to the stark white hospital walls and the overly sanitized tiled floors underneath.
It could have been the tone or it could have been her word choice as she rattled off what could have been an outline of his physical therapy regime. As Levi did figure out, it could possibly have been the unique enthusiasm she had towards the whole patient recovery process
"So you're my physical therapist?" Levi asked. He never really did pick up what she was saying. He had heard enough about leg raises, timings on when to remove casts and knee bends that he at least guessed she knew enough about them to be one.
Petra though was quick to shake her head. "No actually. After college, I have plans of taking the exam. Then after that, I’ll be a physical therapist. I’m just taking advantage of this internship to learn more about the occupation.”
“It suits you,” Levi said. He kept his own comments brief. At that point, he did start to lose a little bit of awareness of his surroundings. His thoughts flew slowly back to his dreams.
Those first two encounters in the hospital had been two missing puzzle pieces. The stories had been an incomplete puzzle set of words and pictures and as he put it all together in his head, he couldn’t help but note how vivid the memories actually were. It took all his strength not to react, not to bolt out then and there, and go back home, to fill in the gaps on his laptop.
He put two names on his phone.
Zeke Jaeger. Petra Ral. Levi could have sworn there was more to remember and to write about.
And who did Zeke mention then? The other Ackerman? The other jumper?
The dreams were faint, as faint as the image an incomplete puzzle would make. Some parts were clear and vivid like a scenery behind a newly cleaned window. Others were hazy, his mind having filled up those gaps with blurry images. But the other Ackerman was there, and she moved fast enough to justify those blurs in the scene. Back when they fought the war, she flew in those cables much faster than he and Hange had.
I am strong. I am stronger than all of you.
                                       A Tale of Two Slaves
The pain that came with his first physical therapy session was excruciating and it only served to further aggravate the anguish and his eagerness to get home before the sceneries in his head faded into faint memories of something else.
He managed at least to keep himself in a good in-between, by repeating the mantra of that other Ackerman to himself as he went through each and every exercise.
They had started off slow, as slow as a walk in the park maybe, a few stretches here and there. While doing some of the stretches and the warm ups, he did wonder if he had attended the right therapy session. Some of the warm up exercises had nothing to do with his knee after all.
The actual challenge came when Petra and the physical therapist he had failed to get the name of, had him sit down. As soon as Petra unwrapped the brace and pulled it from underneath him, Levi felt the weight of his injury almost instantly. It didn’t help at all that he was looking right at it.
“We’re going to try bending it a bit. Maybe put some weight on it if we have some extra time” The physical therapist’s words felt ominous.
The surgical scars and the healed wounds on his knees from more than two months ago only served to rattle Levi a little more. He had avoided looking at the scars many times before during meetings with Erwin and Hange. The few times Hange did pull and prod at it, he had it stretched out on some pillow.
It was fragile. And it felt unnatural. There in front of him then, it was dangling from the exam table, gravity pulling it down from underneath. Levi swore that if he tried hard enough he probably could imagine it completely disconnecting from his body at that moment. And maybe if he did move it, attempt to stand up without the confines of a knee brace as support, it might just fall off.
“Hey, it happens to the best of us,” Petra said.
No, it doesn’t happen to the best of us. In the room at least, there were at least five other people struggling to do something so simple as to bend a knee. But Levi could have sworn, in the outside world he was surrounded by people who wouldn’t think twice about bending their knee.
“Just bend it as far as you feel comfortable.” Bullshit directions. Levi had to admit, he wasn’t comfortable having it bend at all. Just the sensation of having it dangle so easily in the air, at the mercy of gravity underneath was already unsettling.
Was it a challenge then? To get it to bend as far as he could?
The directions of the therapist were flawed and Levi naturally opted for a flawed response as well. The process of bending his knee had been slow and excruciating. Levi found himself closing his eyes a few times, finding some sort of a rhythm in the faint sounds of the heater in the room, the murmurs from all the way across the room.
Or maybe a mantra? From someone a little too familiar. I am strong. Stronger than all of you. Another Ackerman.
And the way Zeke had mentioned it was grating. Was it a challenge? A threat? Was it supposed to be pushing him to go further?
It could have been Zeke or it could have been that phantom Ackerman that had been a motivation at that moment. But something then had Levi’s heart racing, his mind going in circles.
I’m strong too. I’ll get out of this rut. He thought to himself, a weak yet still effective act of protest. It worked both as a catalyst for a burst of motivation and an odd source of rhythm. The flexibility of bending came in slow, steady but continued attempts. The rush of adrenaline came halfway through.
A few minutes later, he was sweating and maybe he had been shaking a bit before that. When Petra had mentioned the optimistic progress and the plan to at least attempt to put weight on his bum knee, Levi was quick to comply.
And maybe a little too reckless. They had least helped him next to a wall, a good place at least to lean his body in the off chance he did lose control.
“One foot forward then one back.” The therapist guided.
As he watched the therapist simulate that same position, Levi quickly followed suit. He remembered, he had put some weight on his leg. Back then the brace had kept his knee stable.
At that moment, the brace was off, and it would be his bum knee, exhausted from the prior exercises taking the full weight.
I’m strong. Levi repeated to himself. Bending wasn’t an issue before. He had been bending his knees, possibly before he even knew how to walk. It should have been nothing, The excitement of a while ago, the adrenaline rush, pushed him further. It had him so seamlessly balancing the weight from the back of his foot, to the foot in front.
And maybe his knee had been bending farther in, the weight of his body on it. Somewhere along the way he did start to feel the beginnings of a dull pain.
I’m strong. To keep going, Levi had to find an escape. Stronger than all of you. It was easy at least, to leave the movements to his procedural memory as he distracted himself with his own musings, willing himself not to forget what he had wished to write down.
Where did they all fit? The Beast Titan… The Survey Corps… The War… The Alliance?
“Levi, I’m sorry I’m late. The test ended later than I expected…” She came as a faint voice, but Levi was too far gone to hear it.
He had only felt her presence then, when the physical therapist called a break, when he had collapsed on the floor in exhaustion, his knee throbbing, his breaths coming in heaves. He only realized she had been watching for a good long while when he looked up to see the concern etched in her face as he caught her gaze.
“I’m fine…” He at least managed to say that much before he closed his eyes, allowing that few minutes of rest to gather his thoughts and steady his breaths.
“You shouldn’t have pushed yourself too hard. This is just your first session,” Hange said from right next to him.
He still had enough energy to process those words at least.
                               A Tale of Two Slaves
That night, Levi gripped his dream catcher a little tighter and pressed it close to the back of his phone as he scrolled through google links on the other Ackerman.
It hadn’t been hard to find her at all. Zeke’s tirade that morning had been more than a guide enough.
High school. Ackerman. High Jump. Those were the only three keywords he needed to figure out the whole name of that missing Ackerman. For a moment, he had expected to find his own articles, and had braced himself for the pain of sifting through old articles about himself in between looking at hers.
It turned out Mikasa Ackerman had been the talk of the high school high jumping scene for a while, and she had been the topic of at least 90% of the articles he was scrolling through on Google.
A few times they did allude to the other Ackerman. The older articles heralded her as a successor to the rookie Levi Ackerman, the newer ones that were dated past his injury called her the brand new Ackerman, a replacement.
A replacement to damaged goods. Levi had to add that part himself, an attempt to make a joke out of his shitty situation as he closed that last article. “Mikasa Ackerman,” Levi repeated those words so quietly to himself as he dropped the dreamcatcher haphazardly onto the table in front of him. It had been useless at that moment. Or maybe at the least it had been the reason he felt a little too frustrated at having looked through too many articles that evening.
He looked to Hange who was sitting on the dining table, looking deep in thought on something on her laptop. Mid semester presentations for her thesis proposal were coming up, along with a few new exams next week. She had been conscious enough to point that out at least and Levi happily gave her the space she needed.
The turmoil inside him at first seemed difficult to pacify.  Just watching Hange so focused and deep in thought had helped somehow quell whatever unresolved tensions and feelings were settling in his stomach then.
Maybe if he talked to her, the tensions might just disappear altogether. Levi deemed it worth the effort at least. “Hange? You okay?” He asked
Hange’s head shot up and she looked straight at him almost instantly. “Sorry, how long were you calling me? I’ve just been a little too focused on my exam on Monday and the thesis presentations on Wednesday… I don’t think I’ve been in the right mind for a while…”
Levi saw it in the way she looked at him, she hadn’t been focusing on his eyes. It was as if she were still probably seeing whatever words or numbers she was studying. She had been like that the past week since the line up of the thesis presentations were released along with the midterms schedules for all the exams.
Their kiss, their one night in the bedroom almost forgotten. Levi was sure though there was something that had been bothering her, maybe something that extended beyond academics.
I can ask about that after finals. Levi thought to himself, pushing aside that bout of concern. He could start with a light question at least, which didn’t involve Hange too much. “Have you heard of Mikasa Ackerman?”
“Mikasa Ackerman? The high school high jumper?” Hange asked. “Maybe I have been following her too… Lately...”
“She’s really good apparently.”
“Her jumping positions reminded me a lot of yours, so she had been fun to watch. I always did want to ask… Is she related to you? I did some research but I don’t see much which connect you both other than a few articles comparing you as jumpers and maybe speculating a relationship.”
Levi shook his head. “I never heard of her… Until today… A doctor mentioned her back in the hospital before my therapy session.”
“She only started making waves last month when her school made it to the regional competitions. No one really follows the district and the interschools… And apparently she only started jumping recently, during summer and she only started breaking records during the regionals,” Hange said. “That is… According to what I’ve read up on her.”
“So, you have been following her?”
“I still watch videos during study breaks,” Hange admitted. “And she just broke a few records a few weeks ago, of course they’d show up in my feed.”
“And you didn’t feel the need to ask me about it before? About an Ackerman doing the same jumping positions I did? You didn’t want to talk about it?”
“I thought of asking you about it maybe after exams. Besides, do you want to talk about jumping? After everything that happened?”
Levi put his phone down beside him and looked up at the ceiling above him. Of course he wouldn’t have heard of her until then, he had purged himself of all track and field news since the injury. The tournament with Nanaba and Mike and the round of research on Mikasa have been two exceptions and the feelings after that had only reminded him why he had spent his days actively making the effort not to think of the life he used to have. "I told you I'm fine," he said. He half meant that part at least, the writing had helped.
"No you aren't.”
Levi found himself shocked by how certain Hange’s tone had been. And for a second, maybe he had been a little irritated at the audacity of it all. Who was she to assume how he felt? But the surprise and the irritability had him silent and listening. Hange always had a reason for her conclusions. She never made assumptions so easily, he had known her enough lifetimes to be sure of that.
“There's a certain sadness to knowing you can't do what you used to before.” Hange continued. “I think everyone feels it, even a bit."
"A certain... sadness?" Levi asked.
"Wait, that does sound vague... Lemme think of an example." Hange paused for a second, looking up in thought. "Like maybe if you imagine people who’ve been skating or people who've been playing instruments their whole childhood. When they stop training or practicing these things altogether, these people can feel themselves lose their motor skills or their thinking skills that got them jumping double axels or playing arpeggios or pulling off vibratos like they’re second nature. And when they come back to it years later, I’m sure everyone feels the sadness or some sort of a frustration, looking back at their old self and processing the realization that they can’t bring their body or their mind to do something as effortlessly as they had done it many years before. Processing how they ended up so weak, so stupid after abandoning their old passions for so long."
“What if I’m an exception?” Levi challenged, still a little annoyed at such an assumption and at such a long unsettling tirade.
Hange shook her head. “You’re not. For a while, I wanted to entertain the possibility that maybe you and I are exceptions, maybe we can easily jump from one passion to another. When I was watching you during therapy though. I saw the terror in your eyes, the frustration, the sadness. ‘Why isn’t my body moving the same way it used to?’ Maybe you don’t want to think back to jumping because you don’t want to see how quickly your body has forgotten the motions, how quickly it had lost the flexibility and the strength to carry you over the two meter bars…” Hange trailed off. She avoided his gaze and for a while she had been staring at the blank wall in front of her. For a second after that, she did look to him, and there was a glint of realization in that. Realization at what she had just implied possibly. "But you know what, you might just be an exception. Maybe I’m just projecting." Hange added a second later.
Levi was sure though from the quick change of tone that accompanied those last words that Hange probably didn't mean it. On top of that, having heard Hange's small lecture, Levi almost immediately realized he wasn't at all an exception.
Her voice had been light as she mentioned that last sentence. It could have been a thoughtless comment. Hange didn’t make too many thoughtless comments though. “Projecting?” Levi asked.
Hange let out a short light laugh  “I’m talking too much, I should go back to work…” Her words seemed like a band-aid, a lazy coverup for whatever emotions had supported such a tirade in the first place.
Projecting? There was a reason behind that word use and Levi was more than eager to press on it.
Hange wasn’t listening anymore though. She was buried once again in whatever subject she had chosen to study for that night. She was in work mode again and she had gotten back to that mode as quickly as she had fallen out of it.
All questions can wait until after her exam week. Levi told himself. The word ‘projecting’ had stayed though. Hange’s words had left its mark and maybe it did have Levi reflecting on his own feelings, his own fear and his own frustrations at his regressing skills, the painful awareness of his body that was slowly forgetting the motions he had built over years. At the end of that tunnel of reflection, he did end up thinking back to that word.
Projecting. She had to be feeling something for herself to say something like that right?
Hange what are you projecting?
And that at least distracted Levi enough, enough for him to ignore the dull pain in his left knee, channel his focus elsewhere. The next few days, having been left alone in the apartment while Hange went about classes, lab work and library visits, Levi did manage to channel his energies to academics or to filling his gaps in his own stories: Levi Special Squad, the Beast Titan and something about some new rookies in the survey corps.
The pain in his knee never left though. It was nagging and annoying like a cavity. It was a pain Levi had assumed would disappear in time. His left knee had always been painful since the injury.
Yet, maybe his left knee had started to get a little frustrated at Levi’s negligence. Maybe it had started to get angry. It was a creature and Levi soon realized, it was a monster that demanded attention.
The night it demanded his attention so stubbornly, so angrily., it did it through sharp pains that coursed through him like bolts of electricity, it did it through a crushing sensation that left Levi almost unable to breathe.
And maybe it did have Levi hallucinating----Or could it have been dreaming--- of having saved one of his soldiers from being eaten by a titan.
                                      A Tale of Two Slaves
In his dreams, he had been too out of breath, or maybe a little too distracted to have reacted at the crushing pain that had spread through him like bolts of lightning. The dream was hazy that Levi doubted whether he had been completely rooted in anything or not.
He had been flying. He had been in pain. And he had been pushing past the pain, slicing at a titan in every direction. And when he had seen one of his soldiers unconscious, about to be eaten by a titan, he had jumped in between the titan and the soldier so instinctively, so desperately that the in-between had been a blur. He found himself in the midst of an excruciatingly painful ordeal. He gritted his teeth, biting back any attempt to scream. For god knows if he screamed, he might just run out of energy, he might just pass out.
When he woke up to the dark room though, he processed almost naturally the fact that the circumstances his reality had offered him were different. The view in the middle of the night, the faint sound of cars had been different. He wasn’t in a battle field and as if his body had been completely aware of that, it did push past his attempts to subdue any reaction.
Even before he realized it though, he had been screaming. Only when his throat burned and the sounds faded into a whimper, only when the tears started to run down his face, only when he closed his eyes and keeled over, a pathetic reaction to the bombardment of stimuli, did Levi realize the pain of having his leg almost bitten off by a titan was still there.
“Levi! I’m here. What’s going on? Are you okay?” Hange was right next to him. Beyond the pain, that was all he could process.
Hange hadn’t been there in the dream. God knows where Hange had been when he was flying from titan to titan. God knows where Hange had been when he found himself, jumping in between his fellow soldier and the titan that had lunged to eat him.
And god, it was painful. Even past the dream, even when he started to realize that Hange was right next to him at least in the dark room at 3am. The pain stayed and it was crushing his knee, it was leaving him unable to even take any sort of a decent breath, his own coping mechanism reduced to ragged breaths in between tears.
“Levi, breathe…”
How pathetic where his own breaths sounding for Hange to have to coach him like that?
“Oh god, Levi, we might have to get you to a hospital?”
How pathetic did he look for Hange to have to suggest a hospital visit? When she helped him up at least, when she slung her free arm over his shoulder and helped him to a sitting position, he did at least feel the unnatural weight on his left knee. What was going on?
Everything after that, came as a hazy dream. As hazy as the fight against the many unnatural looking titans. In that dream, Hange had been absent for some reason he could not yet comprehend. And Levi found himself trying to push it away, instead focusing on the Hange in front of him who had put a blanket over him, who had dialed a number on her phone and who was rattling off medical jargon to someone on the phone.
“Erwin… I…” Why would you need to call Erwin at three in the morning?
After that, Hange had helped put a hoodie over him, she had called one more number. And within a few minutes, Levi found himself lying down on a taxi, half conscious, only hanging on by a thread at the view of Hange under the dim light of the taxi and the city lights.
Somehow, he was terrified of falling asleep again. Hange hadn’t been there in the dream. And she might just disappear if he closed his eyes. As he unwillingly held on to the crushing pain in his knee and the view of Hange who sat next to him on the taxi, he was awake. Only barely, but barely was enough to not fall into another world of dreams, a world of wars and a state of complete chaos and confusion.
Eventually, he lost consciousness but it had been a gradual process.
He had lost some sense of time along the way, his body having been too focused on Hange. The darkness in the taxi had quickly shifted to the stark white of the hospital as he was helped onto a stretcher. Then along the way, he may have heard Erwin’s voice rattling off something about a swelling knee that was crushing his joints and a knee aspiration.
Then there was something about painkillers, an IV, a slight pain in his hand before everything enveloped him again. Maybe at his peripherals, Hange had been by his bedside.
It was a huge improvement at least from the messages of his own dreams. And maybe it was relief that finally had him letting go of his tight yet weak grip on reality. The crushing pain on his knee hadn’t been from a titan biting it off. Hange’s absence in the war had only been a dream.
The last few things he had processed then before completely letting the darkness enveloped him, may have been the sound of a laptop opening next to him, a few wires pattering on the floor below, the sound of the mouse and finally, the relaxing rhythmic clacking of the keyboard..
Hange was right next to him and she wasn’t leaving anytime soon.
                                          A Tale of Two Slaves
“Sorry.” It came out as a croak but Levi was still hoping she heard it. Despite the haziness of the first few moments as he opened his eyes to the light streaming into the hospital room, despite the discomfort which came with a dry throat, it had been Levi’s first instinct to apologize.
Hange looked worse off than last night. He at least picked up enough images of her to know that there was a stark difference between the Hange of a few hours ago and the Hange then. The laptop hadn’t moved, it was still on the table next to his bedside, just like he had guessed it to be having fallen unconscious to the sound of the clacking of the keyboard.
Right then and there, Hange’s hair fell in chaotic waves, her glasses askew. And compared to last night where he saw panic, in front of him, he saw calm etched on her face, an ominous calm that somehow seemed even more alarming.
“Hange,” Levi said a little louder. The concern he felt only gave him the motivation to push past the discomfort of having just woken up. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you saying sorry? Hadn’t everything to this point been my fault?” Hange’s voice was soft, reflecting the ominous calm. It was cold, maybe even frozen. “"The reason the fluid built up in your knee was overexertion apparently. They’re guessing it was the physical therapy session last Saturday." Hange looked away. "I can't help but think... If I didn’t bring you to the tournament or talked to you about jumping , maybe you wouldn’t have pushed yourself too hard."
Levi had listened closely and he could have sworn he heard a crack in her voice. “But the fluid is gone right?” He asked. He noted that his knee was numb and to his relief, the pain had devolved into a dull ache, similar to the one he had been dealing with the past month. Not at all as alarming as it had been the night before.
Hange shrugged. “Maybe it’s the painkillers or maybe it’s the fact that they drained the wound. But don’t count your eggs before they even hatch. Your back to square one. All progress, out the window. Fuck this. Fuck all this. And you wouldn’t have been in this damn situation if he hadn’t fucked up way too many times. Was I pressuring you to jump? Was I pressuring you to recover quicker? Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned Elijah, or maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned MIkasa? Maybe I shouldn’t have let you go to that fucking meet in the first place.”
Levi kept quiet. Watching what had been Hange, leaving her laptop open on the table, watching her pace around the room, avoiding his gaze as she fell into her soft tirade had been unsettling. Even he couldn’t tell how it was making him feel. “It’s over. It happened. So many things had happened at once, it couldn’t have been anyone’s fault.”
“Fucking hell Levi, when I’m supposed to be writing about your injury, when I’m supposed to be writing every single bout of mini progress, writing out the mechanics of the injury… I can’t help but see… you were in no condition to jump. You were exhausted, your wounds from the first time we met were far from healed. But for fuck’s sake, if I had told you to wait it out a week, instead of letting you do jump after jump, maybe you’d be in class right now or maybe you’d be preparing for your next tournament… I don’t wanna write this anymore. I don’t wanna reduce whatever is going on inside you to a fucking case study.” Hange slammed her hand on her keyboard, and sat so violently on the chair, she had pushed it a few inches back.
“You need to graduate,” Levi said. What will Erwin think? What will your parents think?
“At this point, who cares? I’m miserable. I can’t fucking get anything written. I write a paragraph, I get self conscious and I delete it. I write out my interpretation of the numbers, of my findings, my gut wrenches then I delete it again."
“Take a break?” Levi weakly suggested.
Hange had laughed at that. The reaction came out of nowhere and Levi found himself speechless and maybe a little confused. Take a break? That had seemed like a natural suggestion. He had at least spent a good few seconds thinking in between listening to Hange’s rant to have come up with such a suggestion.
Either way, from the way Hange had laughed it off and slammed her laptop close, from the way she had sat back on the chair and looked at nothing in particular, the way she had avoided his gaze through the whole tirade and the fit that had followed, Levi was sure that had been the wrong thing to say.
A little ashamed at his own ability to have come up with something a little more comforting, Levi kept quiet. And for a second, he looked up at the own ceiling above him, and maybe distracted himself by appreciating the view from the wide hospital window, following the birds that were doing some sort of dance in the sky
For a moment, he did forget about Hange. She hadn’t helped at all to make herself any memorable, having kept silent.
The silence in that moment had been too peaceful, had been too otherworldly that it was only natural that it would be broken by even the softest and steadiest things.
Like an off-rhythm knock on the door.
Levi recognized the voice even before his head popped up from behind the slightly opened door. “Moblit?”
Levi looked towards Hange. The latter sat unmoving on her seat, her head bowed down, her face unreadable. Even as Moblit opened the door a little wider and approached her, she hadn’t moved at all or even looked back to greet him. Levi bent over to get a better look at her and saw panic. A type of panic he had never seen before. Panic, confusion, maybe a little urgency. “Hange? Moblit’s here.” Levi managed to say. He kept his voice gentle, a natural gesture having to process Hange’s face at that moment.
“Hey Hange. Erwin told me you’d be here. The others were worried about you--- I was worried about you. You’re supposed to be presenting now."
Hange stayed silent. From what Levi could see, her face was frozen. Was that panic? Shock?
Moblit continued. "I explained your situation… They said they could push it back until this afternoon...You think you can make it?" Moblit paused as he got closer to her, as if waiting for her to say something. He had his phone out,as if ready to call the panelists at any moment.
"Hange. Go to the presentation," Levi said. It was difficult to bend over and make eye contact with her with her head bent down, her eyes downcast. He kept his words firm, hoping at least that was enough to reach her.
“I can’t…” She managed to say. She left her mouth half open, as if she had expected to say something after. She looked back up at Levi, then bit her lip. Levi could have sworn that was the first time he had seen her in such a loss of words yet at the same time, struggling to get something out.
“Hange, go. I’ll be fine…”
“You don’t understand, I can’t… present.”
“Hey, I’ll help you set up. We have until tonight.” Moblit scooched beside her on the table and typed out her password.
“No, you don’t get it, I have nothing…”
“Hey, I’ll help you get a powerpoint. We can revise your manuscript together. That’s what friends are for,” Moblit pressed as he pushed the laptop towards Hange. “Come on, type out your password.”
“No Moblit, there’s nothing in here. It’s over. I’ll try again next year.”
“It’s too early to give up Hange, remember how fast you got Elijah’s data processed? It helped me a lot.”
“You don’t get it do you?” Hange pulled the laptop towards her and angrily typed what could have been the password. The laptop booted to life and from where he sat, Levi made out the characteristic log in tone of the computer. “There’s nothing in the document. Just the introduction. No preliminary results. No observations. Nothing.”
Levi couldn’t see the screen from where he sat. But he did see the flashes of a changing screen through Moblit’s eyes. He could guess the results from the way Moblit’s jaw dropped and the way Hange just avoided both their gazes, keeping her eyes downcast.
Levi maneuvered himself to the side of the bed, getting Hange’s laptop at arm’s reach. His leg protested the action but that was the last thing on his mind. God forbid, what Moblit was seeing at that moment could have been Levi’s first assumption.
Hange… Didn’t you spend hours in the library getting everything written out?
Didn’t you spend whole days outside working in the lab?
Didn’t I fall asleep every night to the angry clacking of the keyboard?
Didn’t I wake up in the middle of the night to you in the dining room writing out your thesis?
She had been writing at least. The introduction, the review of related literature were all filled out. The methodology had been filled out. It was a far cry though from what she had made in high school. Each part had been furnished with links to sources, half completed sentences and maybe a few question marks here and there.
The observations and the results and discussions though, were all blank.
“Hange… You….” What were you doing? This can’t be it. Levi didn’t even know if he had said that last part out loud. His brain was on overdrive trying to prove his own quick conclusion wrong. He navigated through old versions of the document. His hands were quick, maybe they had been moving on their own and the PC couldn’t catch up.
A few times, Levi found himself tapping impatiently on the keyboard as the laptop loaded each version.
More links, more half completed sentences, and a very empty observations and results section. “We can get something written right? Help make a powerpoint? If we work together, we could get something presentable."
Moblit shook his head. He bent down next to Hange and spoke softly. “Does Erwin know about this?”
“I told him to just leave it to me… But I can’t. I can’t write this anymore.” Hange shook her head as she looked up at Moblit then up at him. There was some sort of a smile of resignation plastered on her face, reminiscent of the laugh of only a few moments ago.
That was what the laugh had meant when he had suggested the break.
Of course, she would laugh. There was no time for breaks. There was no time for work either. Hange was royally fucked.
Moblit left the room, neither Levi nor Hange asked for what. For a few more minutes, maybe for even an hour longer while Hange had been in her catatonic state, Levi did continue to look through her drafts, see what kind of sense he could make of the half complete sentences and the links to journals in her document with his limited knowledge on human anatomy.
His background had him very much unready to complete a thesis proposal on a technical subject he studied nothing about, let alone in the span of a few hours. Having been pumped with painkillers and sleeping drought only an hour before, his brain was in no state either to bullshit what he could. Despite all his desperate attempts to make sense of it, to write out something coherent, he found himself converting it back to the state he and Moblit had found it in.
Levi closed the laptop slowly and pushed it towards Hange. He was surprised and a little relieved to find that she did pull her weight, setting the laptop back on the table next to his bed.
Hange smiled at Levi and spoke up. “I appreciate you trying to do all this Levi but… I’ve given up already. I’m not getting this thesis done.”
It was a pained smile. A smile of resignation. A smile that was so clearly telling him that he had definitely wasted those last few minutes pouring through the versions of her document for nothing.
Levi took a deep breath and spoke up. “Then what’s your plan now?”
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