#anyway Its Gaster. lol
deltaruminations · 1 year
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i think about this a lot… if you backtrack in queen’s mansion you can find a swatchling outside kris’s room who says this. they aren’t talking about spamton here. spamton’s room was catty’s (confirmed by a different swatchling standing outside her door), and his name clearly hasn’t been erased. they talk about him openly.
a different guy… name unknown… used to live (or at least own a room) in the mansion but no longer does… same room as kris. the swatchlings know his pronouns but not his name… weird stuff
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velvetwyrme · 1 year
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DOG DRAGON?! // The Nebular Theory: Chapter 16
A sketchy comic for The Nebular Theory (@theundertalenebulartheory) which has been dominating my thoughts for the last while!!!
Please please PLEASE go read this fic. It's absolutely amazing and delves into some REALLY COOL exploration of timeline shenanigans and has a hella neat way of visualising that!!
I could sit and spout praises about this fic for hours but honestly just go read it, it's SO good.
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bonetrousledbones · 2 years
yknow what i love that i dont actually believe a single theory for real. like there are so many theories that lots of the fandom just straight up consider canon but i just kinda look at em and say Nah
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zarla-s · 1 year
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This isn’t saying you shouldn’t write bad or sad stories or anything, but from Gaster’s perspective as a character in those stories of course he’d want “happy” endings, haha.
But anyway, I kept telling you guys that when Handplates was over I would tell you. Well... here we are. After seven long years, here we are.
When I started I never thought I’d make it. To be honest, it doesn’t feel real to me at all. My brain still expects to do another page in about two weeks as it always does. I assume it’ll take a while to sink in. There’s a lot to say but this post is already incredibly long (sorry), so it’s probably suited to its own post.
But for all of you out there who read this story, whether you were there from the beginning or just came in now, thank you so much. And for all of you that were inspired by this comic, who created things for it, who blessed me with so many amazing gifts of art and fic and music and dubs and videos and so much more... I don’t know how to thank you enough. I never dreamed that an idle idea could have come this far or had such an impact on my life and so many people, but it did.
I kind of feel at a loss for words... again it’s very surreal. But I will say that Gaster wondering whether the kid is an actual human or not has an unintended level to it since my avatar is a fox but it’s TOO LATE NOW I GUESS lol.
( About how it’s a long, long, long journey that we’ve been on And it’s a long long long story that shall be told And it’s a long long day, and we’ve come a long long way But there’s still a long way to go
It’s a long long long way It’s a long long strong way It’s a long long long way Forward - [x] )
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dimeadozencows · 5 months
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I did misinterpret what you meant! :’)) I looked at it way too literally lol. Now that you mention it, their circumstances are super similar- you put it way better than i can, but through my watches of the different routes i collected moments that made me think of gaster; (i didn't know where to put them in my last post)
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The princess saying that the narrator used to be a person, but now he’s more of an echo immediately made me think of gaster- not alive, but not quite dead. actions reflecting on the walls of reality, mildly affecting it, after the person who performed them is long gone.
And also this line from the narrator himself:
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The tragic isolation and the dejected care and hope, gosh i love characters like them so much skdhfks,,,
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I imagine their conversations would be a bit more serious and somber than the typical silliness of the other “omnipresent friends” comics i made, but Gaster would try to comfort The Narrator about the unfortunate place in reality they share, maybe even get him to see it the way he does. As a sort of blessing in disguise.
Also wingdings,,, wing,,, bird,,,,, crow,,,, i think giving me a keyboard and a brain was a mistake
Gosh now that you bring up how gaster seems to be sort of uncaring towards Darkners- idk if he truly doesn't care for them (since there’s still a chance that he took away our ability to kill in the dark world) but he’s certainly on the side of light- and now i'm wondering about his stance on what truly is alive in the world of Deltarune- aaaaaaaa
Anyway, these two solitary gods of their own making are now friends. Gaster tries to give the narrator an egg as a gift but the narrator can just lay his own
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wily-art · 1 year
Been meaning to say this (if I have already said some of this in some form, I am sorry, hahaha), but I absolutely love ur portrayal of so many characters! Esp. Sans and Paps (Sans who is my favorite in the game, and Paps who is another one from the game I love very, very much. Though UT characters are generally just so good), Gaster, Frisk, Chara, and Alphys (been liking the stuff between her and Sans too)! U do them all so well!!
I also love Sans and Paps GB's and how they have personalities and stuff! Even though Sans seems to just think they are his magic and nothing else, while Paps, doesn't. Which is an interesting contrast between them.
The skelebros dynamic is also just so funny and on point. Frisk and Chara's dynamic is quite interesting (and the dynamic between Chara and Gaster puts me on edge. And the one between Chara and Asriel is just tragic like always). And Sans (both younger and present) and Gaster's dynamic is probably one of my favorite Sans and Gaster relationships portrayals I have seen so far. Like, they are such coworkers, and trust each other (to some extent), but there is also seems to be some tension going on w/ them. And Gaster is just terrorizing present Sans basically, lol.
And one of the most interesting dynamics to me, is the one between younger and present Sans. Idk, it is just so interesting and weird to see them interact. And it will always stand out to me younger Sans saying to older Sans that just because he stopped being him, doesn't mean he isn't Sans, in reply to older Sans wanting to give him another name. Idk, I just found that line interesting. And makes me wonder if older Sans will ever be more like younger Sans again.
On the topic of younger Sans. It is kind of heartbreaking to see how happy? (I say with a question mark, because like I said, Sans seems to kind of helping keep Gaster sane in some form, and I don't know how good that is for either of them, even though I love their relationship in this), and outgoing and just actually more enjoying life, to his present self, that is just so more worn down and tired, and depressed. It just makes me sad. Though it is also so interesting.
Saying that, I don't know if it is because younger Sans seems so happy and stuff; even more so in contrast to older Sans, but like, I don't trust him for some reason. I do actually trust older Sans; guarded and secretive as he is, but younger Sans, something about him. I just don't trust (I don't really trust Gaster either though). I love younger Sans, like I do older Sans, but he is suspicious to me for some reason.
Also, in reply to to another ask you did, I am very curious about Sans' yellow eye, and why that gets weird/messed up/whatever.
Last of all, ur animation looks great! Paps looks so awesome and expressive and badass so far in it. Though, it looks like in one of the frames, there is some geno stuff going on; which, oh no.
It is cool to see this comic; which already looks great, get an awesome animation like this. It is always cool to see gifs, animations, animatics, etc., sometimes like this with comics and/or etc.! Though, I also know they can take a lot of time, so take ur time and rest and stuff okay! Really excited for more of this series, but I can also wait!!
Oh man this gave me all sorts of warm feelings. It really hits me in the feelings when people enjoy my work especially the relationship exploration because its one of my favorite things to explore. Trying to find some key things about a character and see how they react and interact with scenarios and people that you haven't before.
For example the younger intern version of sans is, at his core, pretty much the same person. Just a version that hasn't "gone through" the same things yet.
And it sort of is an exploration of the relationship a person has with themselves and the people around them especially after they have gone through things and change.
But anyways thank you so much!
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hocuscroakus · 7 months
So, about that newsletter. For anyone who hasn’t seen it, here’s the mysterious disappearing letter:
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The general consensus is that this is Gaster. It has all the markings of him. Bad handwriting, captial letters, and similar grammar to the tree man dialogue (Well, there is not a man there.)
However, in japanese, this writing is very different to gaster’s. Its written very informally when gaster usually is very formal. So, it would be safe to say its not him. Its hard to deny that even in english it doesnt read the same as his other dialogue, which is usually written in short bursts of words.
Now, i started thinking of who else it could be. The top contender is the chapter 3 secret boss. But i was reading it more, and a speaking quirk didnt seem apparent. Until i realized the pauses as they speak.. they ask a question, pause, and respond like someone answered…
This reminded me of something. Remember in some kid’s shows, like dora and blue’s clues, when the character speaks to the audience? Sometimes, theyll ask a question, pause, and respond like someone answered.
The more we see of chapter 3, the more apparent that it’s TV themed rather than being themed around the whole house. And Personally, I think a cancelled children’s show character be a great gimmick for a character (or secret boss) in a TV themed world. Not to mention, a character “speaking to the audience” ties in WONDERFULLY with the themes weve seen before, particularly in spamton.
Anyway thats just my 2 cents on this lol
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The Undertale characters sit on a chair. The chair breaks under their butt.
Undertale Sans - His day is ruined. He decides it's more prudent to stay where he is than to try anything today. When Papyrus comes home, he finds him lying on the floor, the legs still above the chair, snoring like a dead bear. Sans and the worst freaking sleep positions ever. He could write a book about this.
Undertale Papyrus - He screams as all his limbs go ragdoll. He stays a few seconds on the floor, blinking in shock. Well, he hated that chair anyway. Good riddance. He's going to stomp on it until it breaks into even more pieces.
Undertale Toriel - Passing the first shock, she just bursts into small giggles, then into hysterical laughter. The worst part is that it happened in front of her classroom which is now impossible to calm down as her laugh is terribly contagious.
Undertale Asgore - He just sighs. That's not the first time and that won't be the last. Chairs don't like him. He just stays on the floor, looking sad :( Maybe he should ask Monsters to make one for him instead of buying more human chairs he's way too big for.
Undertale Undyne - What's left of the chair is flying through the windows as she is insulting it, its ancestors, and the ancestors of its ancestors. Alphys doesn't move from the couch and just says "Karma." Well, yeah, if she used the chair to sit and not flex with Papyrus and Asgore on it like she told her to, the chair would still be alive.
Undertale Alphys - Her face goes burned tomato and she prefers to faint to protect herself from embarrassment than actually confront the reality. Too bad it happened in the middle of a worldwide conference the entire world was watching live. Alphys cut all her social media and refused to leave her room for an entire month after that, rambling again and again as Undyne is gently patting her back and Sans throwing popcorn on her head.
Undertale Frisk - They put the chair back in place and sit on it again, on three legs. They don't really care. As long as the chair can still be used, it's fine. They're used to Asgore breaking all the chairs all the time and they don't have enough money to fix them all so...
Undertale Chara - .... They swear they broke their coccyx. It had to happen the only day the freaking only person present is that bloody comedian. Asking Sans for help is the hardest thing they have ever done, even more, when Sans realized they broke their butt, his smile extending to his eyes. Of course, Sans insisted on coming with them to the hospital only to make stupid puns all the way now that they can't defend themselves. Chara begs Toriel to come and throw him out of their room by texts, not knowing Sans is also texting Toriel telling her they're just melodramatic and salty because they broke their butt.
Undertale Mettaton - He does a triple salto and somehow still ends up lying on the floor like a dying sea star, all limbs tangled dramatically. He then screams like he's getting murdered, which forces poor Burgerpants to run for his help. Now, Burgerpants would have loved to help him if that idiot didn't keep trying to pose dramatically every time he touched him. Burgerpants finds himself stuck in the horrible mangle of mechanical limbs and now they have to call Alphys. Chairs are banned after this.
Undertale Gaster - His essay tube flies in the air. Gaster can only scream as the acid he was playing with rains all over him. His goop is making an uncomfortable "pssshhhhhhh" as he's slowly liquefying on the floor. He wants to cry. Why did he become a scientist again? He sucks at this job!
Undertale Grilby - He grins his teeth, angry. But, uh, too angry. His butt burns the chair. And his pants. He locks the door of his bar and won't let any of the usual customers leave before someone tells him who broke the damn chair. Everyone points at each other lol. Only Sans points himself with a huge flashing arrow somehow. This is going to be a long day.
Undertale Mufffet - All the spiders in the room froze, then starts to scream and run in panic as Muffet high-pitched screams angrily, throwing croissant bullets everywhere in the room. She's going to commit M U R D E R. It's the spider apocalypse. The next morning, there are a lot more spider dust pastries in stock. Weird.
Undertale Burgerpants - He jumps in the air and falls back on his feet. Wow. That was actually cool. Maybe he is not a loser after all. When he looks up, Mettaton is staring at him, a camera recording him. Ah, fuck. He's going to end as an internet cat meme, is he?
Undertale Flowey - His pot breaks pathetically on the floor. Welp. Now what. It's not like he could move through the tiles of the kitchen or anything. He's stuck. He grabs his phone, texts Papyrus that he's dying, and then goes to play The Sims while Papyrus is panicking, sending 250 messages in a row as he's getting on his way.
Undertale Gerson - He tries to stand up but... Uh, yeah, he stuck on his shell. And the phone is far away. Good thing Undyne is coming to eat for lunch. He just has to wait three hours like that. Welp. Time for a nap he guesses.
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Hi! Its the Gin with amnesia from before again (this time off anon cuz your community feels comfy) and I just want to say that I love seeing posts about your Gin pop up! I saw his design and it resonates with me strangely, I really like it. I feel kinda attached to him now. I also love that hes being shipped with everyone while Im aroace. If its not too much to ask, could you give me a quick TLDR about his story? Scrolling through tumblr sucks and Im very scatterbrained from the mentioned amnesia
gin's au got fucked by error, gin becomes an outcode w the help of ink and core, gin meets his outcode brother papyrus, gin meets his frisk again for a short time, gin has a nice time for a bit, gin gets possessed by a flowey, gin steals like 7 determined souls, gin and kin (paps)'s gaster permanently arrives to help (he was stuck w error), side character dies, FLOWEY dies by kin's hands, gin is alive but real fucking sickly, gaster is mad at kin cuz he just killed flowey in a fit of rage, gin "recovers" and hangs out with his family, gin DIES anyway, everybody grieves. hotaru (gin's frisk) is also in the void. an asriel gets revived somewhere in the omega timeline, another goopy asriel arrives in the omega timeline, revived asriel is taken to the infirmary, now everyone is currently talking post-grief about stuff.
i haven't made a summary abt the au in so long but decided this was a good opportunity, so this is going in the blog faq LOL
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deltaruminations · 1 year
i was bitching in my drafts about gaster fanon and fans using “b-b-but undertale’s timeline, papyrus seems too young” to argue against skelebro gaster as if undertale’s implied timeline relative to characters’ age-coding/environmental storytelling/etc. makes any fucking sense in the first place when interpreted via the rules of Real World Logic (i don’t really think it does, nor does it need to) and i probably won’t post that stuff because it’s needlessly salty and annoying. BUT i have decided that if we’re going to insist on Facts And Logicking about how long it “realistically” takes for a talking skeleton with a doctorate to arrive from an alternate universe, build a geothermal power plant, explode himself into the fourth dimension, then be replaced by an anthropomorphic lizard who creates a number of terrible abominations and proceeds to hide them long enough in her basement that it becomes an Even Bigger Problem etc. then i think we might as well file Sans And Papyrus Apparently Not Aging During This Time under “shit that might make more sense if they’re actually darkners.” like if we’re gonna overthink this then let’s overthink it. you know
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theninjamouse · 7 months
Hey! Not sure if you can answer this without spoilers, no worries if you can't. I started reading OoF recently, and I'm loving it so far! But you've mentioned gaster a lot, and I know you like the Grillby/Shore/Gaster trio. I personally am not as huge a fan of Gaster, so I was just wondering, is that trio where OoF is ultimately headed? If possible a heads up would be nice, cause like I said Gaster is not rly my fav character. (That being said its YOUR story of course!! If that is the case I wouldn't want you to change it or anything, I just want to know if I should be mentally preparing for it lol)
So I can't really answer without spoilers but I do want to answer your question so I've put it beneath the cut! This will have sequence of events kind of spoilers
So, in short, trio is where the fic is heading KIND OF. Story wise, Gaster isn't going to have massive massive role. OoF is in it's final arc now and I don't want to drag on a big rescue mission as an after thought to the story. Being frank, the original plan was to NOT have an ending where he is rescued. A line I was going to give him runs along like this:
"For every timeline in which I escape this place, there are just as many in which I do not. This, I am afraid, is one of the latter."
I wound up changing my mind on this, so yes he is going to be rescued so he'll be there in the end but it's more going to focus on the readjustment to the real world while Shore and Grillby deal with their own Trauma from ~End Game Things~. Might have done things differently if the trio had been endgame from the start but oh well, it is what it is.
It has been 10 years since the fall, so while yes Grillby still loves Gaster, it won't ever be quite the same. And he's not going to just leap back into what they had before because that's not fair to anyone, but especially Shore.
Gaster has changed as well, so it won't be the same for him either. It hasn't been talked about too much in the actual story but my version of Gaster is more on the demi-ace/aro side of things so he's not super big on romantic stuff anyway.
In terms of the overall vibe of the trio, I see it being more like this:
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Like, they're all together but Grillby is the center piece and Shore and Gaster are the chaos gremlins that would turn the poor elemental's hair gray if he had any. Shore and Gaster have more of the queer platonic sort of vibe that may or may not end up more romantic down the road but that won't be really explored in OoF.
If I wind up doing a sequel to OoF, which is in my plans, that story would be the one to dive deeper into Shore and Gaster's relationship and where they end up in terms of what their standing is with each other. So honestly if Gaster isn't your thing, you could technically reach a point in the story where the main story will be done and just kind of skim or outright skip the last few chapters that will actually deal with the Gaster rescue and the consequences thereafter. If you do read it, romance is not going to be the big focus between the three of them
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valduin111 · 1 year
Could Gaster ever travel to Gman's universe? Would he be able to?
Ooh.. what if something bad happens to Gman and Gaster is left alone in the dark about it for a good while
Gaster does not have the same interdimensional capabilies that allow gman to travel through universes and realities and all that, so no, he couldnt travel by his own volition.
At some point, gman gives him a tiny device of his own making, linked directly to himself, so wherever in the multiverse he is he will always be there in case of an emergency.
It's like a button of sorts, that alerts him when pressed. It's shaped like the vault in half life alyx (i dont quite remember what the shape itself is called) and is activated by twisting it. This is is not important but i wanted you to know anyways cause i thought it was neat lol
As for the second thing..... ooooohhh boy. Gman doesnt show up one day and Gaster thinks nothing of it (they are both busy men, sometimes things come up)
But then he doesnt show the day after either. Or the next. Or the next
And after a week Gaster presses the button, and hopes his boyfriend will show up and tell him it's fine, he was busy, and why would you use the emergency button, silly? Its okay, dont apologize, you were worried. Are you okay?
But he doesnt.
I dont know what couldve happened, tbh, some employer bullshit or a VERY powerful entity on one of his jobs managed to catch him off guard. The latter is more plausible i think. My idea of the employers is that they dont really care what gman does outside of his work hours; they wouldnt be antagonistic in this. Not to this level at least.
...oh my god im having ideas for an actual story for this. I. Would. Would yall read a fanfic if i did that?
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gasterofficial · 1 year
Thoughts on abc123a.ogg?
i think its sad that people disregarded it and leaked things from the game files anyway :( it sucks when thats the One thing you ask from the fandom and they do it anyway (besides like the merch thing thats also a One thing that the fandom did anyway)
idk if it really means anything with regards to gaster besides you know. the weird voicebanks lol
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dimeadozencows · 5 months
I was looking back at your past Gaster content from your old account (specifically the pieces where he’s interacting with other Narrators from other games), and I feel that the Narrator from Slay the Princess would be a natural addition to the gang.
In fact, I’d argue he’s a lot like Gaster in many ways.
I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to this! I wanted to give this ask the attention it deserves but i've been super busy- then had a few weeks off and decided to relax- but i'm doing it now!!
First of all, i've known about slay the princess for a while now, but because it's such a long game (and it seemed fascinating so i wanted to sit down and appreciate it) i didn't have the chance to watch a playthrough until recently (this ask was what pushed me to finally do it, so thank you!)
This game is seriously fascinating- its genre subversion pushed to the max and i seriously enjoyed every part and route- to avoid spoiling the game for anyone i'll continue after the cut :’))
Idk if i agree with the stp narrator being similar to gaster- we don't know gaster yet!
The narrator barricades the world, lies to us, hides the truth just so we’ll continue on with an impossible mission- one that he deep down knew was an unwinnable battle. The narrator was a delusional mortal man who wanted to free the world of the inevitable pain that comes with life- those are a lot assumptions placed on my peepaw
I'm not saying that there's no way he’s at all similar to him, he might be! That's the thing about not knowing who he is or what his plan and goal are yet! But so far, to me, Gaster seems like a nice and caring powerful being who loves watching us do what we want in his world. He might've been the one to make it so our choices don't matter, and if he was then yeah they're kinda similar! But idk. We don't know yet :’]]
But if i misinterpreted this and you're talking about vibes then yeah of course sdshdjs,,, romance repulsed gaster for the win he’s british too they're twins separated at birth. Although the narrator lacks gasters innate silliness imo
Also my favourite voices were the cheated, the smitten, and above all, the paranoid :’DD definitely didn't start whisper chanting 'heart, lungs, liver, nerves' as a vocal stim. (\sarcasm, totally did) and my favourite princesses were all of them
Anyway, some doodles cus i miss him hehe
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The story and vibe of Slay The Princess is so gorey and horrific compared to their games. They'd be scared i think lol (this is gaster and The Narrator from The stanley parable btw)
(Also i feel the need to mention that i DON'T believe gaster is the narrator in Undertale/Deltarune, i just like drawing him interacting with other godly and omnipresent silly beings in media i like lol)
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Hello haters!
Now if you know me you know I like two things:
HATING (and please don't call me an anti)
So! I have decided to combine these two things
Now, some backstory:
(Spoiler warnings for Xtale)
I was coming back from holiday in Port U Gal (it was nice, other than the fact i burned to death a lot) and decided HEY! I DOWNLOADED THE LAST EPISODE OF XTALE TO WATCH ON THE PLANE! I SHOULD DO THAT!
Before this, I had slowly been dragging myself through xtale (adhd means i needed to spread it out). I liked it, other than the fact I had no idea what was going on 30% of the time. Anyway.
So I watched Xtale episode the last, and suddenly Sans was relevant despite only having about two speaking roles beforehand. And suddenly he and CharaFrisk were claiming to be besties. And suddenly FriskChara tried to make him kill them bc... it would force XGaster into reseting, weakening him (i think).
All of a sudden everyone's memories were back and they were about to kick XGaster's ass. WONDERFUL, thought me. THIS CUNT'S HAD IT COMING FOR TEN EPISODES. But then GUESS WHO SUDDENLY DEVELOPS MARY SUE SUPERPOWERS AND DESTROYS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, BECAUSE... I genuinely do not know.
Did he feel CharaFrisk betrayed him by overwriting him? Maybe, but I think their actions were justified. They didn't see any other way out and they genuinely thought sans would be willing to help bc theyre besties for some reason.
Did he feel for Gaster bc he raised him? Valid enough, but if that's the case why did Papyrus (who was also raised by XGaster), Mr Spare a Genocidal Maniac, join the Gaster torture?
And again, WHY WAS HE THAT OP? There is no explanation for where those powers came from and I think that it is ridiculous he destroyed everyone and everything with full control over his powers, and then had the gall to wail about it. Like dude. No one was forcing you to do that?? Jeez.
And then Ink, who somehow failed to notice the Ten Variations of Hell Gaster created despite multiversal watch being his LITERAL JOB, comes in like. Oh! Hi sans variant in a destroyed universe! You're invited to the main plotline now! ;D
Nothing against Ink, but according to the poll runner server, Ink's inaction is kind of a thing that happens a lot in Underverse. Rip.
End of Backstory~
(Please don't hate on me if you like Cr#ss. If you are a fan of him, good on you! Enjoy the pleathora of fanon content, and feel free to block me. Just no hate pls)
To sum it up, I think Cr○ss Sans sucks but there is nothing on tumblr or ao3 or anywhere agreeing with me
So! I am starting a Cr♡ss Hate Club™ where we complain about him and make that hater content we've been craving, including shipping him with TECtale Sans (an oc of mine who is kind of the worst) and creating the "Cr□ss Sans is a Jerk" tag on ao3 (if swapfell sans gets one, SO DOES CR%SS)
The hate club will be a discord server, the link to which doesn't even exist yet. This is mostly a post to see if people are interested. If not, and I'm right about everyone's undying love for him then that's okay! I'll delete the post and move on with my life.
If you're interested but fear hate, feel free to dm me. But if anyone dms to yell at me for not liking Cr0ss, you're getting blocked.
And remember:
Me saying I don't like someone or something doesn't mean I'm saying you're not allowed to enjoy it, because guess what? People are allowed to have opinions! If he is your fave, good for you! Just please please don't send me hate.
Hell, send me Cr☆ss centered fics that portray him positively if you like, its good for me to broaden my horizons and shit. Also I like the Nightmare's gang found family stuff lol.
Yeah that's pretty much it. Will censor Cr◇ss's name so it doesn't come up when searched.
@inksans-unofficial @worstutcanonthingpoll
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vrnicky · 2 years
Introducing! Swaplustfell gold boys!
Of course this is my take- and au? No idea lol anyway:
This universe is all based off beauty standards and how you look, what people think of you.
Telling a monster they're pretty/have pretty magic color, is basically a BIG compliment and sometimes taken as a flirt.
These monsters have a lot of self esteem and may seem egocentric or even narcissist but thats just how they got raised.
Sans- Vino 
-He works as a full-time model, both for big brands of clothes and for lingerie. He is very known for both reasons lol. 
-He is very charming, confident and will always flirt with strangers even if its just a compliment, the way he just purrs at saying that really feels like a flirt. Unlike his brother, he is actually clingy and sometimes would get handsy but he will stop at hearing no, he is easy! 
Papyrus- Cappuccino 
-He works selling commissions, the.. nsfw ones lol. But he also works as a model with Vino, tho he always wears a mask everytime he will model anything. People love the mystery of who is he.
-He is a very quiet monster that when known he is very chatty and quite the flirt. His internet self is more friendly lol. He has haphephobia, he HATES being touched by anyone, except his brother. He just needs to start trusting to let someone touch him. 
Gaster- Gin
-He works as the manager of a very known lingerie company, he was at first the one designing until the models arrive and starting helping them pose. He slowly got a bigger and bigger position till now.
-He was the one giving magic to his soulmate, since he didn't wanted to carry the kids himself. His soulmate, Toddy, a pretty goat monster with cute cream fur was the mother of both Vino and Cappuccino. She actually just started dating Gin for some privileges until he started dating others… guess she just trapped him with a baby or well, babies. 
-He is very charming, Like a lot, just seeing his smile makes you weak somehow. He actually enjoys drinking with his boys and have a nice relationship with them! He helps them both while modeling. 
-She still works as the secretary of her soulmate and makes sure the fabric of the lingerie is just perfect to finally sell it. She is pretty harsh on it.
-She is a pretty jealous monster, she is pretty demanding but because she wants everyone to do perfect! So yeah, a perfectionist but she's very chill with her kids, she's so proud of them but couldn't say the same with their friends...
-Actually Cappuccino has a twin brother but he got stealed in the hospital, she thinks someone was jealous of her and her relationship with Gin.. she still thinks Noir (the name they choose for the other twin) is out there...
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