#anyway bruce decides to leave helena in charge of gotham in his place
suhmayzooka · 2 years
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helena bertinelli (huntress) in shadow of the bat #53
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cdelphiki · 5 years
Tim didn’t like the think about that night. 
It was painful enough just having happened. 
When he landed on the roof, his jaw aching and his lip bleeding, he had looked up and looked around and realized something. 
He was absolutely alone. 
In his own family. He was alone. 
But, no. It was worse than alone. 
Alone was back when he was living with Jack and Janet. Alone was puttering around a mansion, shifting between boarding schools and nannies and a housekeeper who checked in on him during the day and left him to his own devices at night. 
Yeah, being alone sucked, but Tim knew how to be alone. He thrived there. He’d been alone his entire life. 
This was worse than alone. This was…. unappreciated. This was mistreated. This was disliked. This was despised.
And Tim didn’t need this shit. 
If Bruce didn’t appreciate his love and devotion, then fine. Tim was done offering it. He put himself out there again and again, sacrificed himself for his family over and over, gave everything he had just to be pushed aside every single time. 
Every. Single. Time.
Tim was tired of always being the one pushed aside. Everyone was more important than him in this family. Damian was younger and cuter. Jason was bigger and stronger. Dick was older and wiser. Tim was… he was just there. He was a placeholder. Someone to sacrifice when needed. 
Toss aside. 
And now. Now, he was a punching bag, apparently. 
Because when he looked around, no one said anything. He saw a couple shocked faces, sure, but no one said a damn thing. 
It was just another night. Bruce was hurting. Bruce was broken. Everyone needed to move on and not press his buttons anymore. Be nice to Bruce and comfort Bruce.
What about Tim? 
Bruce didn’t even look sorry. 
That’s probably what set Tim off, most. 
Internally, of course, because externally all he did was wipe the blood off his face and stand, a little shakily. 
All this time. All these years. Everything. Tim had given Bruce everything. Even his name. He’d changed his name to Tim Wayne and given his all to help Bruce in his mission to save Gotham. 
But did any of it matter?
Because Tim didn’t matter. All that mattered was Bruce and his hurts.
And Tim didn’t need this shit. 
He didn’t have to take it, either. He wasn’t that little boy, all alone in a mansion, craving the attention of anyone who gave him the time of day. 
Tim was an adult now. Well… in the eyes of the law at least. Emancipated was an adult, even if he was still only 16. 
But he was an adult, and he had friends. 
Friends he knew loved him and cared about him. He didn’t need Bruce or anyone else in this stupid ‘family.’ He’d be just fine without them. 
When no one said anything for a solid minute after he stood, Tim decided he was done. He rolled his shoulders, took out his grapple, and made his way back to his apartment with a quickly swelling eye. 
The entire right side of his face felt both numb and on fire. It wasn’t a foreign feeling to him, but knowing Bruce had done it. On purpose. Out of anger. Just made it….
Tim didn’t want to think about it.
He was so tired of it all. So tired of giving so much of himself to just be hurt over and over. 
But he didn’t have to keep going this way. And when he arrived back at his apartment and changed out of uniform, he debated whether he’d ever work with the family again. Work under Batman. 
And looking at his puffy face in the mirror, he asked why he’d ever started in the first place.
Because was it honestly worth it?
- - - 
The first thing Tim did was change his name.
He’d always kind of hated himself, anyway, for changing it to Tim Wayne, back when Bruce adopted him. It had been the reason for one of his breakdowns, after all. Tim Wayne. 
No one had cared about that break of his, either, now had they?
Honestly, he just felt like an idiot for being strung along so long. But who was he kidding? No one had ever asked for Tim to be around. He just planted himself in the family. Pushed his way in and insisted he be included in everything. 
Like a fungus. 
It was no wonder he got back nothing but hurt. 
But that didn’t matter. He had his friends. They made him happy. They loved him and wanted him around. Why would he need anyone else?
His lawyer had looked more than mildly alarmed, though, when Tim met with him the following Monday.
The swelling in his face had disappeared by then, but the bruise had fully blossomed and looked rather painful. Deep purple right at the jawline, right where Bruce’s knuckle had hit, softening out to lighter purple and greens, the further away from the center one looked. 
It was clearly a fist print, too. 
And it took up a good fourth of his face. 
“Mr. Drake,” his lawyer, Esteban, had said, “if- if Mr. Wayne…”
“It doesn’t matter,” Tim said. He had purposely not covered the bruise in anticipation of the meeting. He knew what image it would broadcast. And he didn’t care. It would help his case, make his lawyer more sympathetic, mean there was no argument over the decision. Removing ‘Wayne’ from their name in Gotham, after all, was not something anyone had ever done. 
Wayne was a powerful name. Even more powerful when Bruce Wayne himself had given it. 
But Tim was done with Bruce Wayne. He was ready to just be Tim Drake. 
Tim Drake. Robin. A member of Young Justice.
Maybe he should think about his superhero name, now. Disconnect himself completely from Batman. 
He had certainly already disconnected himself from all of Bruce’s assets. It was probably only a matter of time before Bruce himself cut Tim off, so he’d just taken the initiative. 
It’s not like he couldn’t support himself on his own. Yeah, Drake Industries had gone bankrupt when Jack was still alive, but Tim had been working on it. And, ever since he became the primary shareholder of Wayne Enterprises, he’d been squirreling away as much as he could without arousing suspicion. 
He had more than enough to live for the next twenty years without changing his spending habits. If he put himself on a budget, though? He could live indefinitely. There was no need to be attached to Bruce’s accounts.
Besides, he took some pleasure in cutting every one of Bruce’s credit cards in half and placing them all in an envelope to mail to Bruce. Just so he could be sure, himself, that Tim was done with him.
“We can press charges,” Esteban said, after taking a breath and putting his best ‘lawyer face’ on, “if that is why, we should press charges. He still has another kid at home.”
“You’ve signed a NDA,” Tim reminded him, “just get my name changed.”
“Which doesn’t apply to child abuse,” Esteban said, “Which you knew.”
Tim did know that. He also didn’t care if his lawyer reported it. Damian didn’t need to be living with Bruce, anyway. And Bruce deserved whatever scrutiny such a report would bring down on him. Tim almost didn’t even care if it exposed Batman.
That ‘almost’ was the only thing keeping him from reporting it himself, to get Damian out of there.
“Yeah, well, I’m not a child. And Bruce didn’t do this. So relax.”
Damian could take care of himself, Tim was sure. He lived with the Teen Titans half the time, anyway. Plus the Kents adored him. They’d watch out for him.
Besides, it’s not like Bruce didn’t want Damian around, right? He loved Damian. So Damian had nothing to worry about.
He hadn’t really chosen Damian. The boy had kind of just… appeared. And stuck himself to Bruce. Demanded to be made heir and everything else. 
So there was a chance he would end up in the same boat…
Maybe he should report it…
But if Tim told Kon, he was fairly certain Kon would tell Clark, who would deal with Bruce himself. Clark was Bruce’s best friend, but he knew Clark would protect Damian from Bruce if he felt it necessary. There was no way he’d stand for Bruce hitting any of his allies. Especially not one he claimed as a ‘son,’ no matter how superficial the paperwork was.
Yeah. That was the perfect plan. 
That’s what he’d do. 
“Then who did it, Tim?”Esteban asked, gently, as if he were going to get Tim to open up and talk by simply being kind. 
Smiling his ‘Tim Wayne’ smile, Tim just said, “Timothy Jackson Drake is what I want my legal name to be.” 
As soon as he was done cutting himself off completely, he’d call Kon and talk to him. Then he’d start his new life, working with Young Justice and maybe finding a profession. 
The more he thought about it, the more excited he got about his life on his own.
It would be nice to live for himself for once.
- - - 
Weeks passed. 
No one seemed to understand why Tim left.
Even though he told himself no one wanted him around in the first place, he’d still been expecting… something. Someone to react to him leaving. To miss him for him. Not for what he was ‘doing to Bruce.’ 
But Bruce acted like nothing happened. When the media went crazy over the revelation that Tim severed ties, sold his shares back to Bruce, and changed his name, Bruce refused to comment. And still hadn’t said anything about it.
That didn’t stop the various members of the batfamily from trying to convince him to stop ‘hurting the family’ and ‘making everything worse’ by ‘blowing everything out of proportion.’ 
Honestly, Tim was tired of them all. 
‘That’s just how Bruce is,’ Babs had said.
‘He was upset,’ Helena explained. 
‘Dude lost everything,’ Duke reasoned. 
‘Master Tim, you must understand-’ Alfred had started, but Tim hung up on him.
Tim didn’t bother to ask Damian his opinion. 
No one understood, and Tim was done trying to explain it to them.
If he could go the rest of his life without thinking about it or Bruce again, he’d live a happy life. 
He didn’t need any of them, anyway.
Jason, though?
Well. Tim had not been planning on Jason. He was fine alone. Because, again, he had his friends. 
But someone told Jason.
Tim wasn’t sure who, but someone did. It was obvious, by the mere fact that Jason Todd was in his apartment, in the dark, waiting for Tim to get home.
It had been almost a month. 
And while he and Jason might not have had a bad relationship, they hadn’t been much more than friendly acquaintances. Ever. At best.
Hostile enemies at worst.
“Welcome to the club, kid,” Jason said, not even looking up when Tim cut the light on to reveal Jason sitting sideways in the armchair, one leg slung up over the side, as he read something on his kindle. One of the ones that lit up.
Tim didn’t really like kindles. He wasn’t a huge fan of reading, in general, but he definitely didn’t like kindles. Tim would have never guessed that Jason, being a book nerd, used a kindle. He kind of seemed like the kind of dork who would prefer to smell the books, or something, while reading.
“Go away,” Tim said flatly, as he dropped his bag down on the ground and went to fix himself something to eat. He’d been away on a mission with his team for the last week. All he wanted to do was eat a bowl of something. Soup, probably. Lie on the couch and eat it while he watched something light and funny, then fall asleep. Possibly right there on the couch. 
Talking to Jason was not any of those things. 
“Heard you cut ties to Bat completely,” Jason said, “Gotta say. I’m impressed.”
Tim rolled his eyes as he looked through the various cans of soup he had in the cupboard, before he picked a hardy chicken and rice thing. “Don’t care. Go away.”
“Bat’s pissed, of course,” Jason said, as if Tim hadn’t said anything, “it’s kind of great.”
He watched his bowl spin in the microwave, while trying to blow Jason up with sheer willpower. Maybe if he thought hard enough, he’d discover latent super power abilities and make Jason disappear. 
It could happen. 
“But what I don’t get is: What did you do?”
“What did I do?” Tim echoed, spinning to stare at Jason, “What the fuck do you mean, what did I do?”
“To piss him off.” 
“Does it matter?” 
It’s not like it took much to piss Bruce off enough to be on the receiving end of a blow. The more Tim thought about it, the more surprised he was it’d taken as long as it did. Bruce had hit both Jason and Dick many times while angry. And Bruce actually chose both of them. Right from the beginning. 
“Well, sure. You always seemed like a goody-goody to me. Daddy’s perfect little solider. What could you possibly do to-”
“I didn’t do anything,” Tim shouted, “Just like you didn’t do anything, and Dick didn’t do anything to deserve it. No one-”
“Let’s be fair here, Timbo. I tried to kill a dude.” 
“So?” Tim asked, shaking his head, “Why does that make it okay for Bruce, your literal Dad, to attack you?”
Jason opened his mouth, but then just blinked at Tim. 
He’d never really- They didn’t use that word. Tim wasn’t sure why he used that word. 
But, that’s what he was, wasn’t it? Even if he only adopted them out of convenience. Or obligation. That’s what he was. 
Bruce was the one who was there for parental guidance, right? He’d signed Tim’s report cards and everything. Gone to his school performances. Attended parent-teacher conferences. Taken him out for pizza and ice cream and to the movies. 
There had been good times. Several years of good times. Tim had felt… wanted. And loved. For years. Bruce even said he loved him. Loved them all. 
And yet, here they were. 
Dealing with the repercussions of living in a lie.
“He- He-” Tim said, absolutely flabbergasted by Jason’s apparent… acceptance? Of all this? Out of all the people in the world, Tim thought Jason would understand. 
Abuse was abuse. It was wrong. Regardless of what the victim did. Or who they were. 
“I didn’t do anything,” he said, as his hand started to shake. He stepped forward and gripped onto one of the bar stools at his island, and kept going, “And that’s what no one seems to get.”
And Bruce had… Bruce had abused him. 
That’s what this was. It wasn’t just an attack. It wasn’t just….and… he’d done it to Jason before him. And Dick before that. 
It didn’t matter how he came into Bruce’s life. What he’d ever done. Bruce had adopted him. Bruce had adopted them all. 
“Parents are supposed to- Dads are supposed to- supposed to love their kids,” Tim said, his voice quieting with each word, as his focus slipped from Jason, to off in the distance. 
Bruce was their dad. And he was abusive. 
“I was just telling him I cared,” Tim snapped, angry Jason was making him feel things when all he wanted was some soup and an episode of The Simpsons. Or, maybe something like Futurama would be better. “And he just- he just…”
Bruce had attacked him. 
For trying to say he cared about him. 
All Tim had done was love his dad, and that was how Bruce reciprocated. 
“I didn’t do anything,” Tim whispered, letting go of the bar stool to wipe at his eyes.
Jason slowly got up and came to the counter, then sat down on the other side of the island. He placed his hands on the counter, then splayed out his fingers while he stared at them.
Tim never had a good example of a parent. His parents had loved him, he was sure, but they weren’t very good parents. He realized that, now. They cared more about their careers than they did about Tim. So when Bruce came around and actually talked to him. Spent time with him. Smiled at him, as if just his presence was enough to make Bruce happy, Tim had been absolutely overjoyed. Enamored with his new dad.
But Bruce had never been a good parent, either. Had he? 
Nothing like Jack and Janet, but still unfit in his own ways. 
Abusive in his own ways.
Eventually, long after the microwave had beeped, and Tim had ignored it in favor of staring at Jason’s hands, too, while he tried to keep his vision from blurring any further, Jason said, “Sorry, kid.” 
“It was wrong,” Tim said numbly, and Jason just nodded, “it was wrong when he did it to you, too.”
At that, Jason scrubbed at his own eye, just briefly, before he seemed to realize he was doing it and put his hand back down on the counter. “It’s whatever,” he said, so nonchalantly that Tim realized Jason was a much better actor than he’d ever realized. 
“He’s our dad,” Tim whispered.
Tim didn’t know much about good parents, but he did know one thing. “That’s not how Dads are supposed to be.” 
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