#anyway free blocklist i guess
werelupe-king · 1 year
ppl being weirdly antisemitic @ the neoboards wasn’t exactly what i was expecting to see when i logged in today but here we are. neopets is a site that exists huh.
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captainchilly · 17 days
sometimes i think i’m delulu when it comes to spn but i just read some of the tags on that sam vs cas poll and i can honestly say that i might actually be normal about this show
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ssaltlicker · 2 years
If you refuse to include the lesbian flag in your pride posts youre literally just lesbophobic. Thats it.
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saspitite · 10 months
soooo terfs found my post about womens sports lol
kinda confirmed my whole point of the fact that people cant handle the idea of trans women being in women's sports. and yeah i was tooootally declaring death on women's spaces and them being able to play in sports to begin with. yeah totally.
anyways what i was ACTUALLY trying to say is that women's sports can exist. but only if people stop getting uptight about trans women and transfems going "hey i wanna do that too" because guess what. they're women. they can do that. and if you get upset about "biological advantages" those barely exist buddy. every single human being on this planet is different. shocker
also for the people who were like "this guy never played a sport in their life" i played hockey and soccer a lot lol. i only don't anymore because of my joint issues
so anyways i deleted that post, not because i'm a coward or something, but because i'm tired of people blatantly missing the point and acting like i hate women or something. please get some reading comprehension.
and if any terfs find this post too, you'll just become a free blocklist for all my mutuals<3
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just-antithings · 5 months
So I started following this blog where the blogger posted aesthetic pictures and the like. It was all cool and great, until they rebloged a post that mocked people who research their mental illnesses without going to a therapist(like myself). It also said something like "u are mentally ill because u spend your time watching animes lol!". Which I found offensive. Do they know know hyperfixations exist?? Anyway I decided to check the notes. Full of radfems and a free blocklist for me! Yay. But to be safe, I decided to check her blog too (the blog I followed which rebloged the post). I think u can guess the rest, her blog was full of transphobia(honestly not surprised),radfems,anti kink posts and she had rebloged some "u evil porn addicts!!!!" posts. I didn't read all of that, only the 3 top posts and checked some of the other posts' tags. I really didn't want to block her by mistake because we were from the same country(it's hard to find other people here), But I had to. I didn't want this kind of things on my dash.
Why I wrote all that? I never saw a radfem before. I always saw posts that said antis and radfems are similar but I didn't investigate. My bad, I should have. So antis, congratulations!!!
Most of you are radfems without the transphobia! Please grow out of it. For your own shake.
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femmeidiot · 3 months
Anyway thanks for the free blocklist I got by going through the notes on your response! I'm off to have lesbian sex with a hot butch because, unlike some people, I'm actually a femme 🫶🏻
it's cute that you're so obsessed with me that you can't stop yourself from sending more than one anon at a time enjoy blocking like most of the gay people on this website I guess
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itchyeye · 8 months
You are hands down one of my favorite blogs especially as someone else who REALLY doesn’t like JM and has no one to vent to about it so I hope you don’t mind me venting a bit of like
Why are JM shippers so violent 😭 I haven’t had ANY problems with any JoneElias fans, they’re so chill and stick to their own lane but JM shippers seem to go out of their way to insult JE fans so gruesomely at times even when you stick to your own tag ; (not like the main TMA tag is SWARMED with JM- even Jon’s tag is nothing but JM).
The fandom is so hostile if you’re not on the same page and it’s really hard to make friends if you’re not also a JM fan smh…
(It’s also funny HOW JM fans attack JE fans- like excuse you guys for enjoying… horror and fucked up aspects in a fictional pairing? From the horror and fucked up podcast? Uh…. Huh?)
Sorry if this is annoying feel free to ignore LOL I just have so much to say about this ship that I loathe and you’re so spot on with your posts 👌🏻
pleeeeease do not apologize this is so sweet of you 🥺
and tbh i don't know. i don't understand the vast majority of the fandom that surrounds this horror podcast because they are just very very very clearly people who hate horror and don't want to engage with it and to whom it brings no joy
one thing i will say about my little corner of tumblr at least is that while i very often see this sort of behavior, i have never had someone approach me directly to harass me. that is much more than i can say for the huge number of JE enjoyers/writers/artists who get regularly harassed over playing make believe about two imaginary men kissing. but at least speaking to my own experience, i have never been harassed for hating JM and loving JE. i attribute a lot of this to my ten-mile long blocklist!
but yeah i find basically any tag to do with the podcast completely unusable... even the elias bouchard tag is overrun with children posting about how much they hate "elias BITCHard"
shrug i guess!!! i don't tag any of my perfectly valid anti-JM diatribes i don't see why people feel the need to tag their sentence-fragment text posts about how much they hate elias with #the magnus archives #magpod #tma #tmaelias #elias tma #elias bouchard #elias bitchard #jonah magnus #the magnus institute
anyway if there's one thing i love more than tma, more than jon, more than elias, more than jonelias... IT'S COMPLAINING!!!!!
so if you ever have something to bitch about my ask box is wide open to you and i will be happy to accept your righteous anger at my doorstep xo
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nil-the-glitch · 2 years
So uhhhhhhhh I never checked their blog because I wasn't that invested tbh but one of my friends did and informed me that the person arguing in the notes of that Padel****ki post I made is actually a wincest shipper??? So uh yeah gross. Anyways free blocklist I guess if you want that. Idk do what you want.
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i guess i should make a pinned post for clarification here, too
“call me good girl” is because of GENDER i am NOT into misgendering nor do i reblog that content. i am simply very nonbinary and i am a good girl in bed. that’s just the facts
TERFs and transphobes, first of all if you’re here, why??? anyways fuck off and die, this is not a space for you. feel free to comment with some dumb bullshit so i can add you to the blocklist kthx💋
i use “transsexual” for myself for personal reasons because it just fits my experience better, NOT because i believe that a certain path is the only one possible for “true” transition. like, i’m not even getting bottom surgery, ever. i just feel that my sex characteristics were the things that changed, and i was just finally able to be butch in a body that felt right, which was my gender to begin with. being trans is a huge umbrella of experiences and there really is no such thing as being “fake trans” if that person is genuine in identifying that way
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francy-sketches · 3 years
“stop stalking me my post was untagged” babygirl so was mine how’d you find it
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pepperdee · 3 years
I'll take this opportunity to say now that if you're a terf/"radfem" get the hell off my blog. I don't tolerate that shit, and if I find anyone spreading that rhetoric you're getting hit with an instant block. trans men are men and trans women are women.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 3 years
(1/2) isn't it hypocritical of you to pick on cql fans for their purposeful misreading of canon (which some do, i'm not denying that at all) and then turn around and do that to someone who hasn't said anything critical of mdzs? that person was just listing the merits of each adaptation and you just tore into them as if them saying that cql has any merits at all is an insult to mdzs.
2/2 for example, you pick on the three bows thing, but that is novel canon too and cql shows multiple instances of people bowing in respect only twice, so it's not insanely far-fetched that the three bows are read as an acknowledgement of their marital status. anyway, you're perfectly free to see it as bows of respect, but there's little need to ridicule someone who says they see it differently and that they like cql because of it.
3/2 and i'm sorry if i'm taking too much of your time, i guess i'm a little upset because i've always seen you as a voice of reason in the fandom. to see you make multiple posts tearing down what is an uncontroversial statement (that canon and all adaptations have their own merits, and people shouldn't be judged for preferring one over the other) is a bit hurtful. you say you don't hate cql, but you certainly seem eager to shit on anyone who has anything nice to say about it? 
Hi anon,
I’m not sure I’d consider it hypocritical. I don’t think I’ve ever operated with the caveat that I should only be critical of the arguments of people who have been critical of the book in turn--I guess the baseline is that I am critical of all things I come across. I am not likewise sure I’ve “torn down” into that person or “ridiculed” them. I’ve quoted one part “all adaptations are equally good” and said (yes, as per usual, in a bitter and pretentious tone): “at least take the subjective route of equally enjoyable”. I don’t see how that’s being extremely mean about cql: my view was more that it irks me, for a lack of a better word, that people truly just push aside all the very real issues at a technical level (aside from anything that has to do with the writing or creative choices) that prevents cql, imo, to be considered comparable to other adaptations like the audio drama or the donghua even if it is not my particular cup of tea--but that this does not mean I said that c/ql cannot be enjoyable. I guess I have my issues with people generally being unable to distinguish with a well-made piece of fiction versus one they enjoyed. And that I am still a little bit flabbergasted that it remains a controversial statement to explain that c/ql, despite trying very hard, has many issues that directly impact it’s ability to stand as a well-made tv series.
Then, I think a few days later, I showed the arguments being leveraged by that same person to argue c/ql was just as good or what it ‘brought’ to the table that the other adaptations didn’t (partly because they were representative of many others I had encounter) and ‘responded’ to them one by one underlining how I was left unconvinced by them. I mentioned how one argument in favour (it includes more emotional scenes of wwx crying and being angry) could be read as a failure of the adaptation to stay true to the characterisation of the main character, who is textually said to rarely cry or get angry. I questioned whether it was such a “win” for c/ql to include more scenes of wq and jyl considering how we can infer why this change too place, and how it focuses on a quantitative reading--it’s less a ‘the book handled female characters sooooo much better’ argument than a a ‘we’re really going to give kudos to a tv series because we saw the female characters more often, regardless of how this impacts their characterisation, agency and impact on the story on a narrative and thematic level or why this change likely was made?’.
Then, the three bows thing. I won’t pretend to be an expert here, but my understanding which has come from discussion with Chinese or chinese-diasporic people, is that the third bow must be to one another (bow to the heaven and earth 一拜天地, to the parents 二拜高堂, then to each other 夫妻对拜). We can consider the three bows a wink-wink from the production team because that was the best they could do in the circumstances, maybe. But can we say that these can really be read as an “acknowledgement of their marital status”? It’s different from the novel because wwx talks about reserving that third bow to one another for later. This relates as well to the way fandom have sort of exaggerated aspects of CQL due to misunderstanding certain cultural or linguistic aspects of it, as we have with people being convinced zhiji must always be a grand romantic declaration. Is it a crime to choose to interpret/headcanon these things that way? Of course not. But does it make for good arguments to argue c/ql brought something special to the table that the other works didn’t? I don’t think so.
Overall, I won’t pretend I don’t have a very bitter and pretentious way of phrasing things but I do wonder if that’s where I consider it gets into ‘ridiculing’ territory--I didn’t call them names or anything, I just responded to their points. But the truth is, as you might think that I am targeting that person, whoever they are, for ‘liking c/ql,’ that’s just how I am in general, about all things: I am critical of any arguments I hear and I have no filter. I’m actually trying to be courteous by keeping my responses to my blog, not reblogging from their posts, cutting off the person’s profile picture or name, etc. because in any case more often than not they simply represent to me an illustrative example. Hell, I even get to re-read how I worded things which makes them come out way better than in real life.
You can of course consider that I was out of line! Perhaps it is the pitfall of considering a person a certain thing. Even if you think of someone a “voice of reason” you might also consider that some of the stuff they do or say is a little bit unreasonable. We all draw lines differently. Just because you generally agree with someone does not mean some of the stuff they say or do won’t make you shake your head in disapproval. And if you dislike these posts of mine but still want to stay for the rest, you can blocklist “brine corner”. Unfortunately, although many have tried to change this, I am an incurable critic who is terminally and brutally honest.
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icaruskeyartist · 3 years
tbh after the transmisogyny-explained blocklist fiasco I do think the homophobic slant to terfs and tirfs kinkshaming people who are attracted to men is on purpose. that that was never truly accidental.
It's a natural progression from second wave feminism, which is where radfem ideology has its roots.
Basically, lesbianism at the time became more than a label/identity for sexuality and not necessarily fitting into the confines of womanhood dictated by society (and mind you, this is a very Western perspective. I'm looking at this through the lens of the US American Civil Rights Movement and Stonewall, etc).
Any woman who wanted to cut ties from men could call themselves a political lesbian, and the (justifiable!) anger towards patriarchy started this whole lesbian separatist movement, where women would do everything in their power to be socially and economically free of men.
Interestingly enough, a lot of this coincided with bisexuality becoming more and more widely known as a label. Bisexuality has been around since the '20s as a word, but bi/ace/pan/gnc/trans masc folks could and would identify under the lesbian umbrella at the time.
Which, double side note, makes it very interesting to read about historical figures. Their gender and sexual identities weren't as "clear cut" as we expect them to be today! There were fewer words at the time. It must've been so freeing in a way, if aggravating to find people with more similar experiences.
Anyway, fast forward to like 2011-2014 when I first joined the internet and the lesbian separatist movement was still alive and well with many of the same tenets. Don't interact with men, don't interact with women who date men (sometimes even to the extreme of cutting out wlw who had experiences with men in the past, let alone bi women), etc. It was to the point where you'd see them alter the spelling of "women" to cut men out entirely.
Trans women weren't really talked about, but I imagine if/when they did come up, it was basically TERF rhetoric but not fully fleshed out like it is today.
So all of that has led to the logical progression of TERF/radfem ideology being something that, well, hates men. And unfortunately it's bled over a lot into other leftist circles.
Men are an easy target because after all, men represent the patriarchy. And it's easy to paint them all as bad, ignoring the intersections that are even loosely talked about in women's issues, be it color, mental/physical illness, etc. And because men represent the patriarchy and can and are all labelled as "bad" in some way, it's easy to feel shame for having an attraction to men.
For people who grew up in those circles, or hell, people like me who grew up conservative but felt Wrong in some way, that shame is all too easy to internalize.
No one is really safe from the shame. Straight women in conservative cultures still experience the same fear that women generally have in public spaces, even if they repress it. There can be closeted people who experience fear or shame, be they gay or trans or generally not fitting into the roles that they're expected to grow into. And then it continues into feminist spaces, and finally you end up with people like TERFs and radfems and lesbian separatists that just openly hate men and masculinity.
Wow that got away from me there. Hopefully there's not too many typos. But, yeah. I guess I have feelings on this topic lol. That's why I keep talking about men needing the space to talk about their issues.
Cause like, isn't it super weird that we expect men to overcome toxic masculinity and open up about their emotions and struggles, but we never give them space to, en masse? Idk, I think that's pretty weird.
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twinkluvr67 · 5 years
alright, now that my post limit is reset, this will likely be the last post i make. i’ll stick this at the end of my queue so it’ll be at the top of my page.
i have 323 followers as of writing this post. when i made the “list of users that i don’t like” list, i had maybe 316. my posts hardly get over 5 notes. i’m not some popular tumblr user that was trying to put these other people on blast... i honestly treat my tumblr as a public diary, and i make random posts just to get thoughts out of my system, and then i delete them at the end of the day.
i was never making a “blocklist”. i personally don’t give two shits if you follow those people, even though i don’t like them. so, like, stop asking to be “put on the list”... i’ve never even heard of any of you people in my ask box lmao... i don’t have any opinion on you so there’s no reason for you to even be on my “list”. honestly the fact that y’all saw a list and immediately wanted to be put on is kinda pathetic imo but that’s none of my business i guesssss
i don’t know anything about the people on my list..... i don’t even know the names of any of them. i don’t know their age, race, gender, anything... all i know is that toadprince is white and that’s basically it. and you know what? i don’t care. because guess what! it’s not a crime to dislike people who happen to be minors or poc. they’re annoying as hell and the fact that they’re my age (16) or people of color really does not change that fact. so uh... stop vilifying me for saying i don’t like them, lol. i’m allowed to have opinions and feelings.
umm, what else... oh, yeah. i don’t like homophobic jokes when they go too far. i don’t like that “y’all know homosexuality is a sin, right...?” nonsense. it’s nasty and makes me hells of uncomfortable. and the whole “i hate gay people my age” post by scammer... ugly as hell. unironically gay and homophobic (and transphobic, for making fun of neopronouns LOL). i don’t think making jokes like “i’m homophobic lel” or “i hate gay people” is bad, obviously..... i just hate when jokes like that go too far. sorry for having boundaries, i guess.
um, and i guess regarding some claims in my ask box? well firstly, i’m not racefaking, lol. my father is puerto rican and dominican and is literally brown and my mom is white. so yeah, i’m mixed latino/white. i’m not gonna drop family pics to prove it to you so you’re just gonna have to take my word for it and believe that i have literally 0 reason to racefake lmao... and about some other stuff, please stop pinning the blame on me for having this blow up. i really didn’t expect any of this to happen and it’s honestly really upsetting. also, there are some claims of nasty shit that some of those users did and i want everyone to know that whatever you say abt those users on the “list” i’m taking it with a grain of salt bc 1. you’re on anon 2. no sources and 3. lots of rumours surround popular users so it’s hard to take them at face value.
anyways, all this situation has really shown me is that i was right, lol. in all honesty? i’m not surprised at all that as soon as they caught whiff of my post, all their followers and mutuals came out of the woodwork to harass me. mean people attract mean people, after all! i mean it completely unironically when i say all of your vibes are rancid as hell.
so, i’m just taking this whole situation as a last straw for me and i’m going to finally quit using tumblr. i’ve been entirely too dependent on tumblr and the good it’s done me is over. it feels like everyday i see something upsetting and honestly the only reason i stayed was for my friends, and for all the art i love to see. i’ve been wanting to quit tumblr for a long long time and now that this whole thing happened, i’m really ready to let it go. this website is great for a lot of reasons, but ultimately the entire environment is just... really awful. even staying within my small circle of good mutuals and some other choice people i follow, there’s no real way to escape negativity. i’ve been doing really well with my life lately... i got a new hobby (friendship bracelets!!) and i’ve been taking meds for my mental health. i’m more active and getting out of the house and taking more care of my body, and i’m finally feeling more like a real person. but whenever i get back into using tumblr regularly, it feels like all that progress is taken away.
i just want to live my life without fear that everything i say is going to be scrutinized and/or taken the wrong way. i just want to live a normal life, free of weird annoying people who think they’re woke for bullying others. at least in real life people own up to their bullying, lol. 
but, yeah... goodbye, i guess. i’m gonna focus on my mental health now and get back into learning korean and practice drawing more and maybe learn how to knit and sew. maybe i’ll even start writing again! who knows. anyways, this site is poison and i really regret being here since i was 13. and, uh, get therapy. @ literally all of you
if you want to know what i’m up to or you want to talk or anything, feel free add me on discord (vera#0877). i don’t really use other social media, so discord will pretty much be the only way to reach me. if my discord changes and you can’t add me, ask @vrisdaves for my new one.
seeya o7
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facelessxchurch · 5 years
all the people are complaining about how shit the SP fandom has become and I’m just sitting over here like
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Like, years ago I went into the fandom motivated AF. Well, that died rather quickly once I realised that, on Tumblr, you’re straight up going to get excluded if if you don’t ship V.aldug, follow the herd and love the popular characters.
Y’all be complaining about how people don’t reblog stuff anymore, and I just... even while the SP Group like blogs like s.kulduggerydaily where still active which where suppossed to be reblogging ALL SP content I was being mostly ignored until I draw the populare characters. 
I used to put no limitations on art related ask memes but I always ended up drawing a bunch of characters I don’t give a damn about while my own favs got ignored completely.
While previously I didn’t care about the characters that don’t appeal to me, I have to admit, that I’ve grown to resent them. This is petty, I know, but it just really sucks that I produce so much content for my favs which is mostly getting ignored and as soon as I post any art with Skul, Val, Tanith or Dead Men related it just gets showered with love (reblogs + nice comments). And the thing is, I know that the positive attention has absolutely nothing to do with my actual skills and people just like the art bc it’s of fan-favourites and no matter how much effort I put into the art I do for MY favs, it’s never going to get as much attention. And that is just a really shitty feeling. And I know that just how things are. No one is to blame for this and I don’t want to force people to interact with my stuff if they don’t like it, but I still can’t help the bad feeling.
Things got better for me actually. The people that hate my guts have me blocked so pretty much no one is bothering me anymore, I occasionally get asks about my favs which I love answering (even if I’m sometimes slow AF) and there are actually a few more people that enjoy my favs too.
But I am no longer going to fake interest in characters and FC’s I don’t care about. I exluded them from art/fanfiction ask memes too. I’m not going to waste my free time on things I don’t enjoy doing.
It almost feels like I’m not even part of the SP fandom bc I like the wrong characters. Whenever someone asks for writing/drawing prompts/headcanons for SP stuff I always feel like they don’t mean SP stuff, they mean the good guy squad and the dead men stuff. Other blogs complain about the lack of SP content while completely ignoring every single thing I post, then complain about the lack of reblogs when it comes to them themselves.
And... don’t expect me to show courtesies you’re not going to return.
I try to talk with people, offer up an olive branch and get told off for not sharing their interests. Well, excuse me for trying to find common ground. I follow someone and reblog their stuff, voicing my support and instantly get vague posted about (I called them out and they aplogized, but I still unfollowed them). Most times I try to be nice or form new friendships I’m getting fucking bitch-slapped, so fuck me, I guess.
I don’t even want to join any fandom events since half of the fandom hates me anyways and I don’t feel welcome. I straight up can’t join the kinkmeme thing going on bc the admin has me blocked. I’m pretty sure that one person that claims to have blocked most of the fandom is running that blog, yet I still can’t tell if it’s bc of their long-ass blocklist that the blog isn’t experiencing much interaction or bc the fandom is just so damn passive. The fandoms passivity killed the Skulduggery-Weeks thing too and I admit I’m surprised the annual FicTrade is still a thing.Unfortunately that’s not really something I can/want to join bc writing is pain and I’d really much rather draw. I also feel like me joining would also harm any events, just bc, like I said, it feels like half the fandom hates me and I would scare them away and the event would fail bc of of me, which is probably absolutely arrogant of me to think bc half the fandom probably doesn’t even know me, I’m really not important after all.
I really am trying to be positive and kind despite my occassional bitching. If you go through my blog you can see that I’m mostly focusing on the things I enjoy. The posts where I’m bitter about my favs being dragged through the mud and/or criticizing/making fun of Landy are in the minority.
It’s kinda hard to act positive if there is not much to be positive about.
But the feeling of being hated and the general passivity of the fandom are real motivation killers. I really enjoyed hosting a christmas art exchange for my previous fandom (HTF), but for this fandom I can hardly be bothered to do the most low-effort stuff.
You know, this is exactly why we can’t have nice things.
TL;DR: I don’t hate the people in this fandom, for the most part I just don’t care about them anymore. I never felt a sense of community in this fandom, I always felt like the outcast, like most people hate me on here anyways and I’m only being tolerated thanks to my mediocre drawing skills. And I can’t leave either bc I’m just too obsessed with Mev.
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If you're interested it's @disgustingall. It's pretty much a blocklist for bylethxstudent ships, it's so stupid it's funny.. anti: time to block half the fandom i guess
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There is nothing about this image I don't find funny agdkdjsgdn
Good call using Rhea as your icon too dude, very on brand shfjdjxb "blocked blocked blocked, none of you are free from sin!"
Anyway this is extra dumb because Byleth doesn't have a canon age, that's driven home several times lmao. And you don't date the students when they're teenagers - the youngest Marriageable student is 20 by the time you're allowed to pop the question (and Byleth hasn't aged at all at that point either afawk)
I wonder if this is a troll. It'd be some dedicated trolling ngl but still. Imagine getting upset that people are shipping the protagonist of a video game with characters the game allows and encourages them to marry. Fucking wild dhfdhdvd
Bonus, I found this in someone's description and I laughed my ass off. How To Ensure You Never Interact With Anyone In A Fandom Ever dhddjdghdjd
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(do not interact with that blog, just block and move on it's not worth the time or energy)
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