#anyway happy gateway to the weekend
stinkman007 · 7 months
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giggles kicks my feet in the air
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meher-sumedha · 1 year
Gwynriel something maybe?
Azriel was never the one to indulge himself in the enigma that his brothers called "love". He felt that it was a waste of time, and instead of falling in love there were so many other things you could do.
You could fuck a different girl every weekend. Drink as much as you want without giving a fuck about your liver. You could probably kill yourself and absolutely no one would care.
Maybe the last part wasn't that appealing. Maybe it was what kept him up at night. That no one in this world truly loves him, not in the way he wanted anyways.
He had an amazing family. Though they were not connected by blood, they were connected in every way that mattered.
He was currently in his last year of residency. At the moment he was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about 'how it could have been if he too had found someone he loved.' 
But he had found someone whom he loved, terribly and deeply.
He knew he had fallen in love with her the moment she gave him his first friendship bracelet. Knew that if he had not run way, they would still be together. They might even be engaged. If only he had stayed and worked hard enough towards their relationship when things got tough instead of destroying it completely so that no remnants of it remained.
But those remnants never erased themselves. Not now. Not 2 years later after breaking her heart so that she would never return to him and live her own life happily.
But he knew that was not what he desired. It was just the whiskey in his blood speaking. He was not an alcoholic persay. Neither did he like to cry or punch walls to express his emotions. He simply needed an outlet every once in a while and found that whiskey was his gateway to heaven.
He knew he shouldn't have drunk so much and that he'd regret it in his family lunch tomorrow. The lunch at which Cassian would announce his engagement to Nesta officially. He'd regret it when he won't be able to fake his way through his day because he just didn't have the energy.
Aside from the times he was drunk, Azriel never regretted his decisions. His decision to focus on himself and his education because he believed that a relationship was not more important than his degree.
But what if it was?
What if she was the key to making him happy? Of giving him that happiness of simply being in her presence, something he hadn't felt at all in the past few years.
Azriel shook his head and got up from his bed. He immediately regretted his decision of getting up too fast as the world around him rotated. He reminded himself that he had graduated at the top of his class, he was an emergency surgeon in the Columbia University Medical Centre, and he worked damn hard for it too.
What if she's there too? A part of his mind whispered.
The thought of seeing Gwyn there brought a smile to his face, even when he didn't like it. He knew that she had only become more intelligent, smart, kind, beautiful.
Stop it. He reminded himself.
He didn't need anyone in his life. He was perfectly content. Working all day long so that he'd be so tired till night came, that he wouldn't have the energy to think about anything else.
Especially not her.
So Azriel went to the washroom and washed his face. He took of all his clothes and went to sleep, dreaming about the only woman who managed to plague his mind.
"Azriel," someone shook him. "Azriel," someone said again. "AZRIEL," someone threw him on the floor.
Azriel got up with a groan and his head pounding. He blinked against the bright light of his room and saw a figure standing in the middle of it.
"Cassian?" He asked,  trying to cover his eyes.
"Rise and Shine sunshine because WE'RE ALREADY LATE TO MY ENGAGEMENT LUNCH AND YOU STILL AREN'T READY!" Cassian said throwing Azriel's suit at him
Engagement? Cassian? Wait what day was it.
oh. fuck.
Azriel immediately started wearing his 2 piece suit and Cassian tied his tie, all the while telling him in a hundred different ways of how Nesta would have him by his balls if they were even a second late.
They got in the car and Cassian started driving away before muttering another word.
finally some silence.
"Are you drunk?" the dipshit spoke again.
just one moment of silence. that's all I need. maybe i'll answer him and he won't ask me anything again.
"no. I'm hungover, there's a difference, " he replied.
there was a beat of silence before cassian spoke again, "Is it because of her?" a small grin on his face.
"No." Azriel replied, pronouncing each syllable.
They arrived to their destination in 30 minutes, with exactly one minute to spare.
After greeting everyone, Azriel thought he'd finally find some solace, as he took his seat besides emerie, giving her a small smile.
But the smile she returned was nothing sort of amused. She then looked somewhere else and Azriel followed her gaze to his ex currently sitting in front of him conversing with the girl because of whom they broke up.
oh fuck.
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cooganbegs-blog · 9 months
Holy McFuck….otherwise known as “Wearing the Big Girl Pants”!!
Wow, well I made my first big under-pressure call yesterday!!
Here’s how it unfolded….
Woke at 1.15am and didn’t get back to sleep, a weekend of roadmapping will do that!! Meant I was tired but the brain was still well and truly in working gears (stood me in good stead!) ready for action!
First up, CTO and running him through the roadmaps, I actually got some feedback!!! Thought I’d done a good job, he understood it and was behind me!! He then dropped on me he wasn’t feeling well as he’d been working all weekend on incidents in our platform so was taking the rest of the day off ( I also worked all weekend and yet I’m powering on !?) Oh, and could I run retro and explain the new process….seeing as it was my bright idea!!! Gulp!!
Next up, CEO. Ran him through the roadmap and got feedback ( before I’d even finished ) with ways to improve. If he’d listened to the end I would have answered his questions. Fuck he can talk, and then some! Anyway, good conversation in safe topics.
Next, daily catchup with my much reduced team. My PO (who isn’t a PO!) advised there was an issue with some work we were doing and was I across it? My incompetent PO who left last without giving me a handover document despite numerous requests had not told me about this issue! I assured her I would look into it and not to worry she has enough on her plate!
Next, weekly catchup with the Account Management team. A deluge of stories of unhappy customers, bad press and shitty partners due to the issue I had just been briefed on! Advised I was aware of the issue and would be looking into it as soon this call was finished! Operations and support teams were in a fluff fielding way too many irate customers. Support raised it as an incident and off the call I jumped.
Next, emailed our account manager for the gateway we use to process <insert large multinational credit card company> payments and asked if she could escalate the ticket we had raised the week before.
Next, it all started to unravel very quickly!! Another round of billing had just been attempted and failed due to the issue and support was demanding a pause on the <well known credit company> work while they tried to rollback all the failed payment fees being applied! Then our gateway provider came back with what the problem was. What did we want to do?
So, no CTO, no Lead Engineer (both worked all weekend so taking time off…why am I still here??) engineering team asking what to do, ops and support screaming to shut it down! I stopped, took a deep breath!!! Uppermost was the fact we have had three months of billing incidents and have exhausted all credit with our customers, we are also in the middle of contract negotiations and this will not be helping. Customer comes before five months of engineering work! Fark! And then I realised there were business milestones with associated financial kickbacks from <big name credit card company> which would be put in jeorpardy. Fark! Decision was, we had to abort, but needed CEO to manage relationship and any fallout at the level above.
Pinged CEO, briefly explained my decision and requested he manage business side. He was across it in a second and agreed I’d made the right decision and to go ahead and he would manage everything else externally.
Pulled the abort switch and five months of fucking hard engineering work got rolled back.
Next, catch up with engineers, operations and support for next steps.
Happy fucking Monday!!
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restaurantify · 7 months
Explore the Ultimate Collection of 2023's Top Instagram Captions for Restaurants
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Ever found yourself at a loss for the perfect Instagram caption for your restaurant? Today might just be your lucky day. Captions aren't just words; they're a powerful tool for enhancing the dining experience and building your restaurant's brand. In this blog post, we'll explore various caption types tailored for fine dining, offering tips and ideas to spare you the frustration of finding the right words. Dive into the best Instagram captions for restaurants, featuring over 100 options, including the finest, funniest, shortest, and most enticing captions for different occasions. Get ready to make your Instagram feed sizzle! 
Best Restaurant Captions on Instagram
Indulge in a sensory trip with every bite.  
Life's too short for ordinary meals.  
Dine where champions eat!  
Your culinary haven awaits at our restaurant.  
Every bite, a journey of flavors.  
Short Restaurant Captions on Instagram: 
Savor the moment, one bite at a time.  
Good food, good mood.  
Food, friends, and a whole lot of fun.  
Taste the magic on every plate.  
Funny Restaurant Captions Instagram   
We love light 
Eat, play, die anyway. 
We cook the best for you and serve it with honor and respect. 
Come in with expectations. Leave a lot more. 
Pasta and magic go hand in hand in life. 
The best or nothing 
Less hate, more steak 
Food just tastes better when someone else pays for it. 
America Runs on Dunkin 
The food that lengthens life 
Food is always a good idea. 
It’s wine o’clock 
Quality is our food 
The house of soup 
We speak the good food language 
Tasty food with you always 
The classiest restaurant in town. #classy 
[food emoji] [food name]. 
Take a seat, grab a treat. 
Payless, eat more 
We cook responsibly so that you can stay healthy and fit. 
From the farm to the pan 
You’re the wine that I want 
The best or nothing. 
Dream. Then come to us for the food you've always desired. 
Delight your night with red or white 
Everything here feels so heavenly. 
The crazy place for crazy foody. 
Tasteful and beautiful things don't demand attention. 
Save water, drink wine 
Flavors and tastes galore. #flavors 
You can tell my mood by how I am eating and what I am eating. 
Seconds, thirds… who’s counting? 
Fast good food 
Winner Winner, Restaurant Dinner. 
We are here to serve you best 
Calories don’t count during the weekends.
Restaurant Promotion Taglines  
Delight in the Flavor, Experience the Distinction! 
Every Meal is a Reason to Celebrate. 
Great Food, Great Friends, Unforgettable Times. 
Enhance Your Dining Experience with Us. 
Experience Passion, Embrace the Love of Food. 
Embark on a Culinary Journey with Us. 
Beyond a Meal, It's an Unforgettable Experience. 
Bringing Global Culinary Delights to Your Plate. 
Discover Your New Culinary Obsession. 
Exceptional Ingredients, Moments to Remember. 
From Our Kitchen to Your Heart's Delight. 
Your Table, Our Blank Canvas for Culinary Creativity. 
The Artistry of Flavor, the Essence of Hospitality. 
Where Every Bite Weaves a Captivating Story. 
Embark on Your Culinary Adventure Right Here. 
Savor Flavorful Delights, Accompanied by Exceptional Service. 
Crafting Joy, One Dish at a Time. 
A Blend of Tradition and Innovation in Every Taste. 
Your Gateway to Delectable Delights. 
Satisfying Cravings, Evoking Smiles. 
Crafting Culinary Magic on a Daily Basis. 
A Feast that Enchants Your Senses. 
Join Us for a Journey into Culinary Delights. 
Creating Memorable Moments, One Meal at a Time. 
Exceptional Food, Exceptional Life. 
More Than a Dining Spot, It's a Destination. 
Your Joy, Our Culinary Formula. 
Food that Resonates with Your Soul. 
Order Now Captions For Instagram
Hungry? Hit that order button now!  
Your delicious meal is just a click away.  
Feast mode: ON. Order your favorites now.  
Craving satisfaction starts with 'Order Now.'  
Restaurant Promotion Taglines: 
Savor the Flavor, Taste the Difference!  
Crafting Happiness. 
One Dish at a Time.  
Your Happiness, Our Recipe.  
Creating Moments, One Meal at a Time.  
Order Now Call To Action Captions: 
Hungry? Don't wait, order now!  
Turn your cravings into reality with an 'Order Now' click.  
Satisfy your hunger with the tap of a button.  
Order now! We're here to serve.  
Don't keep your taste buds waiting—order now! 
Fine Dining Instagram Captions
The essence of fine dining lies in the shared experience, not just the food. #TheSharedExperience 
Our recipes are a testament to our love for food, with each bite exploding with flavor. #ThePassionExperience 
Fine dining transcends taste; it's about the stories woven into every dish. #TheStorytellingTable 
Our cuisine is a symphony of flavors, creating an experience beyond just food. #TheSymphonyOfFlavors 
Immerse yourself in the enchantment of fine dining at #TheMagicalTable 
Every dish unfolds a unique story at #TheTastingRooz 
Elevate your senses through the artistry of fine dining. 
Savor every moment, one exquisite taste at a time. 
Where culinary excellence harmonizes with elegant ambiance. 
Indulgence redefined with every luxurious course. 
An evening of sophistication, one plate unveiling at a time. 
Fine dining: where flavors are meticulously crafted to perfection. 
The table is set, the wine poured; let the evening enchant. 
Elegance, taste, and an unforgettable experience on every plate. 
In the world of gastronomy, we redefine the art of fine dining. 
A symphony of flavors awaits in our fine dining oasis. 
At the crossroads of luxury and taste, you'll find us. 
Prepare for a culinary journey that's nothing short of exceptional. 
Where every course is a masterpiece in the making. 
When dining transforms into an art form, you know you're in the right place. 
Crafting compelling captions is an art that can elevate your restaurant's identity and engage your audience. Whether you're promoting fine dining experiences or encouraging online orders, a well-thought-out caption can make a significant impact. Explore these diverse captions to find the perfect fit for your restaurant's unique style and offerings. Enhance your social media presence, attract new customers, and keep your audience eagerly anticipating the next dining adventure at your establishment. Remember, the right caption can turn a dish into an experience and a follower into a loyal customer. So, get creative, connect with your audience, and let your restaurant's personality shine through your captions! 
For more content like this, check out Restaurantify.  
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Barcelona <3
Hi everyone, and happy spring break :) 
This week started out very similar to my others here so far. Monday and Tuesday are my study days - and once again, I’ve found a new favorite coffee shop. This one is called Cafe Agrado, and I actually came here a few weekends back for brunch! All of my normal spots were pretty packed earlier this week, so I decided to visit and I can say that this is my new favorite place. It’s a bit more hidden away, so there are always seats available, and it has plenty of natural lighting. I had the best iced coffee here, which is integral to studying for me. I also tried a slice of their homemade pistachio - strawberry cake, and although I’m not much of a sweets person, I finished this in about 2 minutes. I love this place so much that it’s actually where I’m writing my blog from today! So safe to say I will be here a lot in the coming weeks. 
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Wednesday night I had some free time, so I visited Temple de Debod, which is the perfect sunset spot. On the weekends it can get pretty packed, but on weekdays it’s gorgeous. There were various musicians serenading the crowds as the sun set, and it was super peaceful. 
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This past weekend, I was able to travel to Barcelona and visit one of my good friends from high school. I’ve been trying to use some of these “colder months” (lol not compared to Michigan) to explore the cities of Spain, and so far Barcelona has to be my favorite! I arrived Friday morning as we had class off, and immediately started exploring. We visited Park Guell, which is home to beautiful mosaics and views. My only complaint about the park is that you have to pay €10 to get in - isn’t that crazy? But, I was really excited to explore the park so I went anyway. 
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The famous mosaic bench was created by the artist/architect Gaudi. He has a huge influence throughout Barcelona, and I’ll cover some more of his works that I saw later. The bench was beautiful, and the rest of the park was also super pretty! There were a lot of musicians around and I even saw a woman dancing Flamenco. 
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After visiting the park, we visited the Arco de Triunfo in Barcelona. I actually was unaware that there was one in Barcelona as I’m familiar with the one in France. It was pretty, and it serves as a gateway to the Parc de la Ciutadella, another famous park in Barcelona. Luckily, we did not have to pay for this park. It was a beautiful day, so we passed a lot of people on picnics on our way to visit the big fountain within the park. 
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After this, we took the tram to go on a cable car to overlook the city! This was super fun, and the views of the city from the cable car were gorgeous. At the top, there's a castle and beautiful views of both the city and the Mediterranean. We booked a round-trip ride, so we enjoyed the view for a bit before heading back down the mountain/hill. Later on Friday, we enjoyed a delicious dinner and then visited a local cocktail bar before relaxing and heading home. 
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Saturday was once again a jam-packed day. We started off our morning pretty early to visit the Sagrada Familia. I knew I had to visit this while in Barcelona, and I’m so glad I did! I will say, the price to go inside was a bit steep (about €38) but I didn’t want to miss my chance to visit and regret it. I was a little worried about the light shining through the windows as it was more of an overcast day, but this didn’t matter at all. The inside was breathtaking, and the colors from the stained glass windows were gorgeous. Gaudi was the main architect behind the Sagrada Familia, and now that I’ve seen several of his works I’m so interested to learn more about him. The Basilica was so intricate, I was blown away by the creativity and detail that went into it. 
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After this tour, we grabbed brunch and went to Las Ramblas. Las Ramblas is similar to Gran Via in Madrid, as it is the main street full of restaurants and shopping. We were able to kill a few hours here. After exploring the street and side streets for a bit, we went to El Paradiso. El Paradiso is one of the most famous bars in Barcelona (and the world), and was ranked #1 in the “World’s Top 50 Bars.” A friend of mine had given me some helpful information to get to the bar at 4pm when they open and sign up for a virtual queue, as the place is so popular it takes hours to get in. I am so thankful for this tip, or else we would have never gotten in! We went home, relaxed, and then signed up for the queue around 7pm. We then went back to the area around 9pm for dinner, and then finally got into the bar around 11pm. It was so cool - I would say similar to the idea of a speakeasy. We walked in through a very inconspicuous cabinet that actually happened to be a door, and the inside was dim and intimate. We ended up trying 3 drinks, and all were delicious with a fun artistic flair. It was my favorite bar I’ve visited so far, and definitely worth the wait. We spent a few hours there and then ended our night. 
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Sunday morning I took the train back to Madrid, and then immediately went to sleep when I got home. It was a long weekend, but so so fun. 
Abbey Almeda
Industrial and Operations Engineering
UP Comillas
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
My Hero Academia Main 3 Boys x Reader
Ch. 18 Code Names
A/N: Guess who’s back... back again.. shady’s back.. tell a friend- But really! Hey guys! I bet none of y’all missed me, but I deeply missed you.
So this is a little rant so you can 100% skip this and read the story! Enjoy! 
Anyways, I kinda stopped talking to everyone I met here on tumblr, and that makes me really sad. I mean, I have no one to blame but myself, but now that I’m in a better place, I hope things can go back to normal, so, @pocket-is-obsessed​ @pinky-the-elephant-room​ @sunnieskies02​ , and everyone else, I’m sorry. I love y’all, and I miss y’all.
If anyone wants to be added to the taglist, or if I missed you, please send an ask and I’ll add you!!
TAGLIST(ANY BOLD-I CANNOT TAG YOU FRO WHATEVER REASON): @rizamendoza808​ !(: @iris-suoh​ !(: @quicksilverfangirl​ !(: @shortperson202​ !(: @noodlenerd101​ !(: @matchamidoriya​ !(: @thorsbtch-captainnoobmaster69me !(: @pastel-prynce​ !(: @sunkissedneptune​ @monetfatalia​ !(: @legit-fandom-trash​ !(: @lovethewitchofendor​ !(: @dekuxlink !(: @water-melone98​ !(: @helena-way07​ !(: @nothing17-7​​ !(: @hopelessdisasterr​​ !(: @karmaboundlife​ !(: @lunamoonmint​ !(: @ihatemyselftoinfinityandbeyond​​ !(: @beew​​ !(: @kaylees1414  !(: @axerrri​​ !(: @icythotsenpai​​ !(: @iwantapoptartqwq​ !(: @acehyacinth​ !(:  @sspidermanss​ !(:  @httpswwwtbhkcom​ !(:  @omgthatonenerd06​ !(:  @mochicheeks-world !(:  @gvthic-gvrl​ !(:  @jinxed-egg​ !(:  @themagical1sa​ !(:  @cherriomilkmangos​ !(:  @1-800-schmacked​ !(:  @human-watching-ads-from-devildom​ !(:  
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The following days were spent resting up, allowing your body to heal from the taxing day you endured; any cuts or bruises that had managed to slip pass Recovery Girl were now reduced to nothing but a memory. Monday came by, quicker than you hoped, and you were on the train headed towards the school grounds. You basked in the steady hum of the engine, watching the scenery fly by, until the area around you began to break out into murmurs.
 “That’s Hakamata, isn’t it?”
“Best Jeanist’s daughter!”
“She won third place at the sports festival, it’s amazing!”
“Oh wow!”
“Hey, good job at the festival! I totally knew you were going to hit it big!”
“You were so close to winning!”
“Good luck!”
“Keep working!”
Exiting the train with a wave, you sigh in relief. While it left your heart fluttering with pride at the praises and recognition, it was still overwhelming to have so many people talking about you, to you, at once.
You arrived at the school gates, quickly rushing inside, shaking your umbrella off as you broke it down. You quickly grab what you need from your locker, placing your umbrella with the others before heading off to your classroom. 
Pushing the door open, you smile at the conversations that were going on--everyone seemed to be in high spirits, and you missed the rambunctious energy of your friends. 
“Hakamata!-” Denki was grinning and waving excitedly, turning to look at you as you sat down, “How was it coming to school this morning? I bet a lot of people noticed you! Isn’t it great how we’ve all been thrown into the spotlight after just a few days, huh?”
“I guess, it’s nothing much really. We should all be proud of how far we’ve gotten huh?”
“Of course! 1-A is awesome! Only 1-A kids took any of the top spots after all!”
Your attention is stolen as the door opens, catching the eyes of the boy who had been on your mind all weekend. Todoroki blinked at your stare, only for your eyes to be forced away as Kaminari demanded your attention on something. You struggle to focus, nodding along as you desperately try to make his words have meaning--since your thoughts drifted towards your last encounter.
“Aizawa-sensei, your bandages are gone!”
“Oh, I’m so happy!”
Your eyes snap to the front of the room, seeing your teacher--looking way better than he had previously. He looked as if nothing had ever happened, the only indication being the freshly made scar residing under his eye.
“Yes, they are. Thanks. However, more importantly, we’re having a special hero informatics class today…”
Silence hung in the air, each student desperately trying to figure out what could possibly be going on--a pop quiz, maybe?
“You all need code names.”
The class shouted in relief and excitement, only to have Aizawa glare at the noise. You all quieted down immediately, one menacing look from your teacher was all it took. Once settled, he explained further on the subject: how the code names worked, about the internships, and how these offers weren’t normally given to first years such as yourselves. 
“Here, the offers…” 
Aizawa clicked a remote, causing a holographic image to appear on the board, showing how many hero agencies put in offers for each student. The first three statistics were large, the rest of them dropping drastically from the thousands, to a few hundred and less. 
You see your name as the second highest ranking, shocking you, beating the first-place festival winner by more than 50 whole offers. 
“Normally the offers are more spread out, but this year all eyes were on these three.”
“Gah, there’s such a big difference!”
“Todoroki is first, Hakamata is second, and Bakugou is third…?”
“How is that, when Bakugou was the winner?”
“Seems the scores are the opposite of the sports festival rankings.”
“Guess some people may be too scared to ask a guy who had to be chained to his podium.”
“HAH!? What are the pros scared of!?” Bakugou whipped around, glaring at Sero for his comment. 
Ignoring the loud outburst, you glance behind you at Todoroki, who looked as unbothered as ever at the fact he had the most offers. You give him a small smile as your eyes once again connect, just as they did right before the start of class, and he--surprisingly--returns the gesture. 
“Despite these results, you’ll all be interning with pros. Offers or not.”
“So, we can all intern?”
“Yes. Seeing as you guys have had combat with real villains--thanks to the USJ incident. We believe it will be beneficial to see real pros up close, on the field, and to do that…”
“We need hero names!”
“Yes. They may be temporary, but take them seriously or--”
Aizawa was cut off by the sudden shout, the door followed by slamming open, stealing everyone’s attention. He sighed as the risque pro hero Midnight sauntered inside, smirking at the attention that fell upon her. 
“Midnight is going to have final approval over your names,” your teacher starts, pulling up his sleeping bag, “It’s not my forte--but just remember, the name you give yourself represents what kind of hero you want to be. It’s important.”
What kind of hero I want to be, huh?
You were handed a stack of white cardstocks, passing the remainders back as you grabbed one for yourself. It seemed like a normal, blank canvas, but you saw it as a gateway to your future as a hero. You remember all the times you tried on different hero names--mostly different variations of your fathers, even if now you cringed at the memories. 
You knew your hero name was important and necessary, a name to prove to the world who you were and what you were capable of. 
‘Your hero name is supposed to represent your desires-- to allow you to become your ideal self. What kind of hero do you want to prove yourself to be, or better yet, just--who are you?’
You take a deep breath, taking comfort in your father’s words as you write down your name…
“Now students, who is ready to share?”
You watch the students go up one-by-one; cringing slightly at the--extravagant--name Aoyama had chosen from himself, feeling bad for Mina as she was sent back to her desk to rethink, and giddy at the cute name Tsu had picked. The rest of the names went by alright until Todoroki had gone up to present his hero name.
“Oh,” Midnight blinked in surprise, “just your name?”
You frown slightly, Shoto hadn’t looked up, choosing to stare down at the podium with a blank expression instead. You watch as he trudged his way back to his desk, still no eye contact towards anyone as he sat down. Biting your lip, you try to shake the image from your mind. He had his reasons, and you didn’t have to know them. 
“Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi!”
“Oh, God of the Night! I love it!”
You snap your attention back towards the front, giving a small clap to Tokoyami as he presents his name. He bows at the class before sitting down.
Mineta and Koda present their names, both very fitting and true to their image. You felt yourself grow the tad bit eager as Bakugou was the next one to present his name.
‘I wonder what it could be? He excels in just about everything, he must have a really cool hero name picked out-’
The name wasn’t what got you, it was the serious look on his face as he said it that did. You slap a hand over your mouth, snickering as quietly as you could into your palm. You weren’t the only one holding back giggles, Eijiro, Sero, and Kaminari doing the same. 
“Um, I’m going to have to say that one is too violent.”
“Hah!? Whaddya mean-”
“Why don’t you be Explosion Boy instead!” Eijiro suggests.
“Nah, he should be Grenades!” You chime in, a smirk on your face as you mimic his gauntlets.
“Or what about ‘BOOM PSH BAWHH’, you know, explosion noises!” Denki laughs.
“How would you even spell that-”
“SHUT UP ALL OF YOU, OR I’LL SHOW YOU WHY MURDER SHOULD BE IN MY NAME!” Bakugou interrupts, a scowl on his face as he yells at the three of you.
“Maybe your hero name should be ‘Anger Issues’, it’s fitting, dontcha think-”
You were cut off by a growl from Bakugou, his face morphing into pure anger as he points straight at you.
You say nothing in return, standing up and making your way towards the podium, giving him a teasing smile as you got close enough.
“Go sit down and maybe you’ll see.”
“Good idea, go sit down and rethink your name a bit, Bakugou.” Midnight agrees, clapping her hands to diffuse the tension. 
He grumbles on the way back to his desk, and you just face the class with a sheepish grin. 
“Well, here’s what I want to be--who I will be; Luminary!”
You picked a name like Luminary because you wanted to prove that you were more than just another person; you wanted to be the guiding light, leading people to justice, leading people to their hope. Maybe you weren’t there yet, you did have a long way to go before you could be considered a pro, but that doesn’t mean you weren’t going to try. 
You’d be the light, shining in the darkness, for all others to see and follow. 
“Oh how sweet, you’ll be a very inspiring hero, I’m sure!” 
You shyly smile at the applauds, only for the demeanor to change, a smirk growing as you see Bakugou roll his eyes and look away.
After a few more people presenting, Izuku shakily stands at the podium, taking a deep breath before showing his cardstock.
Blinking in surprise, you zone in on the singular word on the card, raising an eyebrow questioningly at the boy. 
“Really Midoriya?”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yeah man, remember that can be your name forever.”
“Right,” He looks down, “I used to hate it, but then something changed… I guess, someone taught me that it could have a different meaning, and that had a huge impact on how I felt about it. So now, I like it!”
You smile wide as he makes direct eye contact, giving him a nod of encouragement. 
“Deku, that has to be my code name!”
“Now that that’s all done, we can go back to talking about the upcoming internships. They are a week long, and as to who you’ll be interning with; if you were on the board, you will choose from one of the offers you were given, as for everyone else, you’ll be choosing from a different list.”
The lists were handed out as soon as the bell rang overhead, signaling the end of the first half of the day, and the beginning of lunch.
“I wanna fight crime and bad guys in a big city!” Kirishima grinned, eyes taking in every name on his sheet of paper.
“I just hope I can intern at a place where there’s a lot of water!” Tsu sighed.
“Turn in your choices before the weekend.” 
“We’ve only got two days!?”
“Yeah, so you better figure it out. Dismissed for lunch.”
Aizawa shut the door as he and Midnight walked out, leaving the class to class among themselves. 
You read down the list, sighing in defeat as you had multiple papers of agencies stapled together. You should feel grateful, and you do, but there were too many places to choose from! Plus, you were probably just going to end up interning with your dad--
You pause as you read a specific agency, blinking before rereading it to make sure you weren’t seeing things. You weren’t, because right there in bold lettering:
“Endeavor Hero Agency”
What could Endeavor possibly want you to intern with him for?
Taking a look around the room you see most of your classmates breaking off into groups--some heading for the mess hall, and others staying in their seats. You spot Todoroki as he walks out the door.
“Ne, (y/n), what agency are you thinking of-”
“Sorry Eijiro, I’ll talk to you later,” You smile apologetically, standing up to race after the boy--not feeling the few pairs of eyes on your body as you leave.
“Todoroki, wait up!” 
He turns to you, confusion in his eyes but waits for you nonetheless. You stop in front of him, clutching onto the list you had brought with you.
“Yes?” His voice was vacant of emotion, and while it was normal, it made you feel nervous. 
“Uh, sorry, I just have something to tell you.” 
He tilts his head, an indicator for you to continue, and you take a deep breath before presenting him the paper. His eyes search the words, bewildered as he tries to understand what you were trying to show him. Pointing at the hero agency you knew he was familiar with, you see how his eyes widen ever so slightly. 
“Endeavor made me an offer…”
“I see.”
“Well, I just wanted to say I won’t-”
“You should take it.”
Your brows furrow, taken aback by his statement. 
He hands you back your list, looking straight into your eyes with a small flame of determination. 
“You should take it. It’s a great opportunity to be working with the number two hero.” 
“I was going to go for my dad, who still is in the top five, you know.” You respond, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Oh,” Todoroki’s eyes widen once more, “sorry. I didn’t mean to say your father... he is a great hero. I just… I may hate my father, but I know working with the number two hero will provide some benefits. His agency is pretty good with things like rescue and evacuation, along with battle. It’s a good opportunity, something different than what you see every day at your father’s own agency. Isn’t it good to want to get a new perspective on things? To take these ideas you learn, and make them your own, I guess?”
You’re unsure of what to say, agreeing with the boy internally as his gaze falls towards the ground.
“I know I want to be a better hero than my old man. I want to be seen as someone not in his shadow, not ‘Endeavors son’. And if that means I have to put up with him for a week, so be it. I’ll learn to be better, I swear it.”
“Um,” You rub your arm shyly, “so that means you’ll be interning with him, then?”
Todoroki nods in response.
“Well, I suppose that means I’ll see you there. If, um, if you’re okay with that.”
“Yea, I am.”
You smile, and a spark of emotion floods through his eyes as he mirrors your expression, and it somehow makes you relax. He was completely right; he had said everything you had ever thought about yourself, how you wanted to prove that you were more than just a daughter of a great hero. That you were a great hero yourself. 
With that in mind, you had no regrets as you turned in your list--even if it was Endeavors Agency.
You’d be ready.
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Crush: Raphael
Raph is a softie, we all know this. He’s also the most in-tune with his feelings! He immediately understands what he’s feeling, but he prefers not to label it, unlike Mikey. 
Raph sees feelings as more of a spectrum. A lot of feelings overlap and intermingle with one another, so there isn’t much use in labeling more complex ones. It just complicates things, in his opinion. He gets really flustered when anyone calls it a crush. 
He decides that he’ll just do what feels right and let your relationship progress naturally. He isn’t a planner, really. He’ll just figure it out as he goes!  
His guilty pleasure is rom-coms. He’s a sucker for a happy ending. As such, his advances tend to be pretty sappy and cute. 
He really likes the idea of giving you flowers! He’ll steal some from Donnie’s horticulture & botany garden to give to you in a bouquet. He’ll look up the meanings of them and write them on a little handmade card attached to the gift. Whether or not he guessed the flower correctly, well, it’s up to fate. It’s the thought that counts!
His handwriting is slanted and somewhat sloppy. He dots all of his I’s with little hearts when he writes for you, though! 
He loves to listen to you talk about your passions! Interests are one thing, but he strongly believes that passions are a gateway to the soul. That spark you get in your eyes as you talk about something you’re passionate about always leaves him dumbstruck. If you’re passionate about it, so is he! 
That’s one of the ways he looks for compatibility, too. If you listen to him talk about his passions, even if you don’t understand it, he’s much more likely to make a move. He’s really interested in you, but he wants to make sure that you like him just as much as he likes you before he solidifies anything!
Before you ask, yes, he absolutely has a love-stink. His brothers are tired of it. You just think that’s how the lair smells. 
(It smells like blood oranges.)
Raph gives the best hugs. He’s just...so strong. And he’s super affectionate too, so prepare for a lot of affection! He gets really flustered when you ask for hugs or piggybacks, but he always gives them!! The more you do it, the more relaxed he gets about it; but, it’s really cute the first few times. He gets this giddy little smile and stutters when he tries to talk. 
He’s kind of hoping he’ll never have to confess, honestly. The more he thinks about it, the more intimidated he gets. 
What if you reject him? What if he says it wrong? Does it matter how he says it? Does he actually want a romance? Is he experienced enough? Should he wait? Did he miss his chance? Why does someone have to confess? Why can’t you guys just fall into it naturally? 
He’s very overwhelmed. Planning just isn’t his thing! It shouldn’t be this complicated! He doesn’t work well under pressure
Honestly, pretty much everyone thinks you two are already a couple. If you want clarification though, you’ll probably have to be the one to initiate it. 
Of course, he might just blurt out “do you wanna go out with me this weekend?” while you two are chilling together. It’s super clumsy and abrupt, and he freezes up if you press him for clarification, but it’s sweet. Planning is overrated, anyway.
Things don’t really change much once you two start dating. He’s very excited to call you his partner, though!  
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bardic-inspo · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
Thank you for the tag @deacons-wig!! :)
Tagging in turn: @pchberrytea, @diredigression, @gingerbreton, @tanaleth, @valkyriejack if you’d like! No pressure if you don’t! Name: Megh
Fandoms: I really only write for Fallout, but casually partake in other fandoms (like Crit Role, Mass Effect, DA). 
Where you post: AO3, which you can find right here. I don’t post full fics on Tumblr, but do include links to them on AO3. Any WIP memes like WIP Wednesday or similar deals are posted on my Tumblr. 
Most Popular One-shot: No Rest For the Wicked - a sort of pining thing about Deacon showing up to MacCready and Natasha’s place after the fall of the Institute and some sleepy encounters putting Deacon in close proximity with the pair he’s maybe sort of secretly in like with. Overtures of future polyamory and all that. Your gateway drug into my favorite OT3.
Most Popular Multichap: Bring the Gasoline - my multichapter, in-progress slow-burn MacCready x Sole Survivor fic. Here’s a summary for you:
“Six months, huh? How much fast talking did you do to get here?” “Enough to keep me alive.”
“Really? Cause you don’t act like that’s your goal half the time. Hell, you throw yourself at everything like you’re jumping off a cliff.”
Sole survivor Natasha Sokolova is burning through friends faster than she can make them. Robert Joseph MacCready needs all the caps he can get. Problem is, the smooth-talking woman with a pistol and a job offer turns out to be more trouble than he’s counting on. They’re a match made in hell, but their little partnership might be the only thing that can see them through it.
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Bring the Gasoline is my baby, but so far I think I’ve had the most fun writing No Rest for the Wicked. It was the first thing I posted, nobody really knew I was working on it, and there were zero expectations about it. It was something I wrote purely because I wanted to and no other reason. It was also a huge sigh of relief for me to even hint at what the endgame of Bring the Gasoline is like because I’d been hermit drafting for a year while keeping my trap shut about most of what happens.
Fic you were nervous to post: All of them, every single one.  I was a bit nervous about In the Name of Love because it’s sort of an awkward situation. My goal was to balance the awkwardness with tenderness and show a sort of realistic moment where the OT3 have a little hiccup getting used to each other, but they’re helping each other through it. Not everybody’s cup of tea, but I do like how it turned out.
I was also super nervous about We Never Go Anywhere Nice because I’ve never done a gift fic before, and I was kind of trying to do a lot within one oneshot. Naturally, it turned out to be far longer than I initially envisioned, but I’m happy I tried my hand at it.
How do you choose your titles: Whatever strikes me. I try to do something thematic. For my BtG chapter titles, I try to play to themes or something a character says that sort of embodies the idea of that chapter. For my one shots, I’m okay going a little cheesier. 
Do you outline: Yes, I do, but I’m sort of ass backwards about it. I have three different outlines going on within each other like some sort of 3D chess operation. I have a pre-outline, which is the outline before I draft the chapter, usually broad or tentative plans with some specifics but not a ton. Then I have my working copy, which is literally in brackets within the document I’m typing the chapter in, and then I delete it out as I progress pass those plot points. And then, when I’m doing revisions, I bullet point every single little detail into a document called “Actual Outline”. I do this specifically in between drafts as a way for me to find plot holes and fill gaps, or see where things maybe need to be changed. Sounds a little backwards, I know, but it has really, really helped my editing process. There’s color-coding for who’s POV it is, and a scene-by-scene breakdown.
Complete: I have two complete one shots, and a third completed three-chapter “one shot”. But, the series those are nested in is ongoing and has no definitive end. It’s just sort of as I feel like it right now.
In progress: Bring the Gasoline is the only major fic I have in progress. I do one shots as they sprout in my brain, but I don’t have any in progress right now. My main focus is getting edited ahead one chapter on BtG so posting comes a little easier in the future.
Coming soon/not yet started: BtG chapter five is about halfway through a new draft, though I’ll want a new draft of chapter six before posting it. I’m making steady headway there. I have a very smutty WIP in mind for the OT3 with a special focus on Nat/Deacon. The prompt is that the two of them are spending a weekend away together, but MacCready has left some specific instructions as to how he wants them to spend some of that time. Like I said, it’s smutty, but I also want it to be sort of emotionally smutty. I wanted to write the OT3s first time together before writing any other smutty one shots for them, but realistically, I need to finish BtG before that could really happen, because spoilers, so it’s this domino effect waiting game. Which...makes me want to just go ahead and write the smutty one shot anyway. So, maybe. We’ll see. 👀 I also have another idea (also smutty) that might be a one-shot or a scene in a future fic. Basically, Nat and Mac and trying to have some intimacy but Deacon is staying with them which makes things tricky. So they seize the opportunity when he’s stepped out for a sec...but, maybe he’s not gone so long as they were thinking.
Prompts?: I sometimes use prompts as a springboard of inspiration, but I’ve found I’m no good with requests. I have a hard time writing something that I’m not personally excited about.
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I am really excited about the Gunners plotline for Bring the Gasoline. It’s my first real foray into canon divergence, and the arc I finished for NaNoWriMo last year, so it’s sort of near and dear to me. And it’s right around the corner - not so far as readers might think!  👀 
This is so, so far away, but I also have tentative plans that are starting to have some framework for a multi-chapter fic on how the OT3 get together after Bring the Gasoline. I have a secret wish that this could be my NaNo project next year, but that would involve getting a lot done with BtG, so we’ll see.
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stinkman007 · 7 months
WAKE THE FUCK UP IT'S THURSDAVE *flashes you this picture like opening your phone in the middle of the night*
Tumblr media
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domesticsns · 4 years
It common knowledge that the precinct does not like Sasuke Uchiha very much. They respect him for his skills. They love his husband. But his social skills are poor and he an be an ass.
One day Sasuke was home and Naruto asked if he didn't go to the precinct get-a-away. Sasuke seemed clueless and Naruro told him Neji had posted about on his Instagram story. Also he had asked him if he could come but Naruto said he was too busy.
Apparently when Naruto said he couldn't come. Nobody wanted to invite Sasuke. Which to Sasuke was good because now he wasn't forced to go or make up an excuse to not go.
Naruto asks if Sasuke was not feeling left out or even a little sad?
Sasuke says no he was glad.
Naruto said he should be feeling left out.
Sasuke says he doesn't.
Naruro explains why he should...actually be a little sad.
Sasuke asks if he pretend to be bothered will Naruto shut up about it?
Naruto says shakes his head.
Sasuke says he rather be with his husband over the weekend than some beach house with people he doesn't like.
Naruto said:"Whatever makes you happy, babe."
So the next work day Sasuke and Tobirama were in Kakashi's office, waiting for the man to return from a meeting. Sasuke asked Tobirama if he went to the detective squad get t gather and Tobirama seemed as clueless as Sasuke.
Sasuke explains how his husband persisted it was a bad thing they were left out.
Tobirama agrees with Sasuke that it is good thing now he doesn't have to come up with a lie.
Sasuke says maybe his husband is right maybe it is a bad thing most of the precinct hated them.
Tobirama says most of the precinct would be dead if they had gone through what they have.
Sasuke says he has some hope for Suigetsu and Neji.
Tobirama says they both would have died in the first month.
Sasuke sighed, muttering how annoying it was when Naruto made him rethink his feelings over.
Kakashi entered the office and asked his two detectives what they were talking about.
Tobirama quickly explained.
Kakashi states if it makes them feel any better he wasn't invited either.
Sasuke says Kakashi is their boss, nobody invited their boss. So he should not have to get in touch with his feelings about it.
Tobirama says if it makes Sasuke's husband happy. They could go on a team getaway. To a nice hotel, just for a night, king sized bed, candles to set the mood.
Sasuke pushed Tobirama away saying for somebody with a 0 sex drive he sure made a lot of dirty jokes.
Kakashi said Tobirama made point.
Sasuke and Tobirama looked at Kakashi.
"Okay three people one hotel room. I am up for new experiences-"
"Not that. A detective getaway. Just three of us." Kakashi says.
"Can we call it the detectives that do all the work in this god damn precinct getaway...because we carry those losers on our backs and we're getting tired." Tobirama suggested.
Kakashi said he could call it whatever they wanted.
Sasuke says if it was a gateway with anyone might as well be with them. They went over some suggestions and at the end it was a camping trip they settled for.
The day of the trip is there and they meet up in front of Kakashi's house. Everybody looks like loathing the weekend already. Before they even left Sasuke sees a little hint of a knife holder around Tobirama's leg and he asks why Tobirama brought a knife.
Kakashi and Sasuke both look at him suspiciously
"You know...wilderness..."
"Why did you bring two?" Kakashi points at the other leg.
"...More wilderness..."
Sasuke says he might have an idea why nobody invited them to any getaways.
Tobirama said Sasuke should not get high and mighty about it. How many knifed was she packing anyway?
There was a silence before he revealed like four knives.
"Four?" Kakashi arches an eyebrow.
"Hey if you two would to be trying to assassinate me, I had to get the upper hand somehow!"
Kakashi sighed and looked at his two top detectives."Raise your hand if you thought this trip was planned just so the other two could kill you and get rid if the body?"
Both Sasuke and Tobirama raised their hands. Kakashi raises his slowly too.
"It is not our fault! Who came up with the camping trip? Have we not been through enough forests back in boarding school. How many bodies have we gone rid of in the wilderness? It was a shitty idea to begin with!"
"Yeah!" Sasuke agrees.
A silence emerged.
"We could maybe go to a therapist as a getaway....?" Kakashi suggested.
Sasuke looked at Tobirama who seemed annoyed.
"Or..And hear me out on this...or...we just chuck it in the fuck it bucket and go get drunk?"
"I like his idea more.." Sasuke points at Tobirama, looking at Kakashi.
"Fine...let's get drunk..it no weapons leave them on the porch!"
Both Sasuke and Tobira whined but put all their weapons down....it was a lot.
"Was that everything?" Kakashi asks, putting his own down too.
"Okay...you carry a lot of weapons with you for someone who seems to have his shit together." Tobirama comments as he sees the weapons Kakashi puts down.
"Yeah you've been our of boarding school longer than us..." Sasuke notes.
"Not to mention your husband is kinda nice."Tobirama adds.
"What about Sasuke, his husband is an actual saint." All eyes turn to Sasuke.
"Hey what about Tobirama. His brother is the embodiment of a cinnamon bun l!"
"He smells like one too..." Tobirama says, "But I never pretended to have my shit together. Kakashi does!" He points at his boss.
"Enough...let's just get drunk and forget all our sorrows for a moment."
"Agreed." Both Sasuke and Tobirama said.
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ryqoshay · 4 years
So I just finished reading all of How to Handle a Nico and I absolutely fucking loved it, do you have any NicoMaki fanfic recommendations of your own?
I must offer my apologies for the delay in response. I did not forget you, Anon, despite answering two questions that came in after this one. However, I wanted to wait until I knew I had a good amount of time I could dedicate to making a proper list of recommendations worthy of my time in the LL/NicoMaki fandom, which is typically sometime during my weekend.
Also, please bear in mind that this list is not all-inclusive. NicoMaki has one of, if not the most extensive list of fanworks out of the various LL ships. If someone reading this list is a fan of, or the author of a given work not included, please do not take it personally, this is merely a sampling of my favorites. There are genres and tags that I tend to avoid for various reasons, and there are many perfectly good works with the NicoMaki ship tag that I haven’t read simply because they are not the primary focus. And due to current events, as well as those of last year, there is a sizable backlog of NicoMaki focused fics that I hope to get around to reading sometime soon.
And as I expect this to get long, I will put the list itself under a cut.
First and foremost, I must shamelessly shill an author whose first forays into NicoMaki fanfic are based on HtHaN. It’s been almost a year since the first one went up and I remain in awe that I was able to pay forward the inspiration given to me by other authors. For this list I will only be including said works based on HtHaN, though VNVdarkangel has written some other NicoMakis I haven’t read yet.  - Always there - Nico wakes up in the middle of the night. Some post-canon fluffy angst.  - On tracks to the heart - Takes place during the scene transition in Homecoming.  - Meet ‘n’ greet - Nico has a meet ‘n’ greet event and Maki shows up  - Part-time idol composer - Nico hires Riko to compose some idol music for Egao. Minor YohaRiko to keep up the casual connections between HtHaN and HL.  - Next steps... - A long, multi-chapter work that takes place after the numbered chapters of HtHaN. This work tells the story of NicoMaki as they take advantage of the research mentioned way back in Telling Mama. Yay science babies!  - Out of focus - Maki can’t focus on anything but Nico  - The door to dreams - Riko finds the piano from How to Celebrate a Maki and Maki finds Riko. More minor YohaRiko from HL.  - Idol trainer - A non-NicoMaki, RinPana honorable mention tied to HtHaN
Next, I must link a few things from jstonedd, whose works I can point to as being among those that helped cement NicoMaki as a my favorite ship.  - Buy Your Love - By the gods, I’ve honestly lost track of how many times I’ve reread this fic. It is also responsible for my headcanon that Tsubasa teaches Honoka how to skate, which I thusly include in Nico on Ice.  - Soldier Wars - If memory serves, this work earns its M rating less for lewd stuff and more for action movie depictions of violence, like an R rated Charlie’s Angels or something.  - After School Troublemakers - Earns its tag of Fluff and Crack.  - Babies Maybe - More Fluff and Crack I only skimmed the first few chapters of Otonokizaka Private Academy and it didn’t seem very NicoMaki focused or really much my cup of tea. But I’ve heard others like it, and it was finally completed a few years back, so there’s that.
One author with whom I’ve interacted moreso than any other - maybe not VNVdarkangel as of late, but... - is the creator of one of my favorite Fantasy AUs, which is often a genre I don’t read much as it so often leans on Harry Potter, of which I’m quite unfamiliar. Of course I say I often avoid Fantasy AUs despite now writing two... Anyway, we have a few differing headcanons and I must say it’s fun to have a civil discussion about them - as opposed to others that become heated and dissolve into ad hominum attacks like the one marked by Comment Deleted tombstones in the comments of HtHaN. Anyway, that train of thought derailed, so here are some of lonelypond’s works. Worth mentioning that most works take place in the U.S. instead of Japan, something that confused me for a few chapters when I first started reading, but have come to enjoy it, especially when places are mentioned that I know.  - Casual Lunacy - The aforementioned Fantasy AU as well as my introduction to this wonderful writer. Pulls in a quirky character from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, an adorable anime I’ve been meaning to finish. Maki is a werewolf. And I really need to reread this one at some point.  - PhotoJazz - Maki is a photographer and Nico is an actress.  - AU Yeah August - A collection of short 1 Shots. I haven’t read all of them, e.g. the Harry Potter one, but those I have were adorable, e.g. Summer Camp, Fake Dating and FWB.  - Christmas Confections - A collection of amazing Christmas themed works that rank among my favorite gifts each year since I first started reading them. I’d link them each individually, but they’re all amazing so just read them all; you won’t be disappointed. Maki and Christmas just go together and lonelypond writes them well.  - Can’t Get Started - To quote the summary “Nishikino Maki is trying to make it in the piranha fishbowl of movies, music and Hollywood. Yazawa Nico already has. And they keep crashing into each other.” Literally. It’s quite amusing. I’ve heard good things from other readers about the 1Kiss series but have only skimmed a few; they are high on my To Read list. The Idol House series came out during my troubled 2019, so it also remains on my To Read list. The Moonlight series seems to focus on NozoEli, which is fine, but for better or worse lowers it position on my To Read list. It’s lonelypond, so I do intend to read it eventually, but there are more NicoMaki focused fics that I’d like to get to first.
Next up is Lucia Hunter, a case where I must separate author from work. To this day I remain uncertain as to the details of the issues between this author and the denizens of Sukutomo, but the animosity exists nonetheless. Still, the listed works below were part of my gateway drugs into the wonderful world of NicoMaki fanfics.  - The Diamond Princess’s Melancholy - How NicoMaki came together.  - Love marginal - My favorite portrayal of KotoHonoUmi. NicoMaki is a side pairing here, and remain so through the rest of the works, but they’re still worth reading, imho.  - Shiranai Love*Oshiete Love - RinPana focus but NicoMaki still plays their role.  - Garden of Glass - de de deee de de deee Obviously NozoEli focused.
My first encounter with Rinforzando was a T rated cute and fluffy fic but they’ve done some pretty good NSFW works as well.  - Ten Years - Always enjoy a good adult NicoMaki fic. - Limbo - NSFW FWB NicoMaki - Caprice - NSFW 2nd Person post-canon NicoMaki. I’m not typically a fan of 2nd Person perspective, but this one was worth it.  - Cheers for Loving You - NicoMaki Secret Santa.
Hidekins is another author that has written a lot of NicoMaki I’ve enjoyed, but on a quick scan through the AO3 entries, few are jogging my memory with title and description alone. Perhaps I’ve read more here on tumblr? Perhaps I’ll come back and add more if I remember them better later.  - NicoMakisses - A set of five cute short NicoMaki stories about kisses.
Saberin writes a lot of 3rd year stuff, and that’s fine, but the NicoMaki collection is worth checking out.  - Prickly Love - As of writing this list, there are 10 chapters of cuteness
whoneedsapublisher writes a lot and I enjoy the style. Thus, when I see NicoMaki pop up on the account, I try to read.  - Couples Therapy - One of my favorite Maki headcanons is included here. Not explicit but earns its M rating and thus is NSFW.  - Subtle - Not particularly crazy about the Nico-taller-than-Maki, but that’s a minor complaint compared to the rest of this wonderful work.  - At Least Six Confessions - Presequel to the above work. Poor Nico had her work cut out for her with a romantically dense Maki.  - Keep Your Promises - Ten years later...  - Happy New Year - Sometimes stalemates must be broken by someone.  - Hidden Depth - Nico’s voice changes. And Maki likes it  - Pretending to Pretend - Not explicit, but earns its M rating so NSFW. One of my favorite examples of the Fake Dating trope.  - Merry Christmas Maki - I can’t think of a better present.  - No Lies Allowed - Truth of Dare, NicoMaki style.  - All Dressed Up - Based on a wonderful pic by noelclover  - Santa’s Stand-in - Guess who still believes...  - Switcheroo - Always love the idea of the girls trying to behave like the others. Makes me want to rewatch that episode.  - Tick, Tock - Some introspective Maki  - Insensitive - NicoMaki dating issues  - Tomatoes - Maki’s favorite food I’ve heard good things about Dazzling Warrior Nightshade, so it’s on my To Read List, but I must admit I can be picky about my Magical Girls stuff. Madoka set an... interesting bar for the genre for me and in most cases I’d prefer to watch it as an anime or read it as a manga/doujin. Still, the idea of Nico being a magic girl amuses me greatly, thus why the fic remains on my radar.
And here are some other random works I’ve enjoyed over the years.  - Smile, Nico Nico! - In which Nico drags Maki to the dentist  - Billiards - NSFW 2nd Person. Yes, I know I just said I’m not typically a fan, but this one was also good.  - Piano For Beginners - NSFW AU where Maki is assigned to teach Nico how to play the piano so as to be convincing for a film.  - critical rules for not-dating - NSFW FWB AU that I need to finish reading someday but was happy enough with what I’ve read that I’d still recommend it.  - 24 visits - Visits as in Nico the idol visiting Maki the doctor in the hospital.  - 24 dates - A NSFW followup to 24 visits
So yeah, that’s a fairly decent list to get one started in their AO3 NicoMaki delving. As mentioned above, this is not all-inclusive and there are a ton of NicoMaki works out there. I haven’t visited FFN in years, so there may still be some authors that post there exclusively and have written some amazing stuff, but I cannot recommend what I haven’t read, or at least skimmed. I also have some tumblr works bookmarked... somewhere, so if I find them I might compare them to this list and maybe add those missed.
Here’s hoping something here piques your interest and makes you fall a little more for the wonderful NicoMaki.
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isitgintimeyet · 5 years
Road To The Aisles
The Ties That Bind second arc
So, legal battle won, the hard work begins. In a year full of changes, Jamie and Claire must learn how to be parents, juggle work, friends and family, and deal with an ex and her mother. Not forgetting to fit in their own special ‘grown-up’ time…
… oh, and plan a wedding, of course.
This story starts just after the legal agreement reached in Ned Gowan’s office and before the final scene of The Ties That Bind. It will be clear where the two stories merge. It is a continuation and so will make more sense if you’ve read The Ties That Bind first.
Thanks to @mo-nighean-rouge, @happytoobserve and @wickedgoodbooks.
I aim to post every weekend, if possible. Hope you enjoy...
Chapter 1: An Awaited Introduction
“See how he clings to my finger. I’m sure he knows me already. He cries when the nurse takes him away. Oh Marilla, do you think - you don’t think, do you - that his hair is going to be red?”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne’s House of Dreams
Geillis looked around the small tea room with satisfaction.
“Thank god there are still places like this. I went tae a place last week… it had all the atmosphere of an aircraft hanger, but wi’ these stupid wee chairs, like a school. And the waiters, sae fuckin’ pretentious.”
She sipped her mug of tea with relish. “All I asked fer was a mug of tea and a jam doughnut. The wee fella looked at me like I was pond scum and told me in his fake Morningside accent, that they only served ‘high end teas’... or some such shite. Nae milk or sugar, and the matcha green tea doughnut looked like it was growing penicillin.”
She bit into her scone. “Anyway,” she spoke through a mouthful of crumbs. “I’m sorry. That’s enough of ma blather, tell me exactly what happened wi’ the lawyer yesterday.”
Claire smiled at her friend. “It was as good as we hoped. The lawyer John recommended was brilliant. Jamie got everything he asked for. Geneva didn’t have a leg to stand on. Shared custody of William. So Jamie will have William every Sunday evening until Tuesday, well, until morning drop off at childcare, I suppose. And then alternate weekends, from Friday evening. It’s a bit hazy at the moment, until William’s a bit older and in nursery.”
“But how do ye feel, Claire? This has all been about Jamie and the baby. What about ye? I mean this is pretty huge, is it no’? Ye’re gonna be a step-mother. That’s a forever thing. And ye’re always goin’ tae have tae deal wi’ Geneva… and her mother.” The look on Geillis’s face clearly showed her opinion of Geneva and Louisa Dunsany.
“To be honest, G, it’s only just hitting me.” Claire picked up her teaspoon and started methodically stirring her tea, clockwise then anti-clockwise, as she spoke. “Last night, after all the excitement, I lay in bed  while Jamie was asleep, just thinking about it all. I mean I’ve never actually met William yet. I know that’s hardly surprising… Geneva didn’t even let Jamie see him for weeks. And now I’m going to be a big part of his life.”
She put the spoon down. “It’s like… like… being on an express train. I had a choice, when Jamie first told me. I chose to stay, to get on the train and to deal with all this. And I don’t regret it, any of it. And then with all the problems with Geneva and her mother and the lawyers, well, I didn’t have time to think about it. All our energy was on sorting that mess out. And now the train has slowed, we’ve reached the destination and I’m thinking ‘oh shit, what do I do now that I’m here?’”
“Ye ken fine what tae do. Ye’re a doctor, ye can cope.”
Claire smiled at her friend’s words of encouragement. “Practically, I know I can cope. It’s not that. What if… what if… William doesn’t like me? What will I do? And what will Jamie do?”
Geillis got up from her chair and rushed to Claire’s side of the table. She wrapped her arms tightly around her friend and kissed her loudly on the cheek. “Hush, there is nae way that William will no’ love ye. Ye are amazing… I ken that, Jamie kens that and that wee bairn will too.”
Returning to her seat, Geillis continued. “So, was there no big scene in the lawyer’s office? Did Geneva no’ go after yer blood? I can’t imagine she’d be too pleased seeing that ring on yer finger.”
Claire held her hand out to admire the diamond solitaire once more before replying. “Sorry to disappoint you, but no scene. I did, however, have to put Louisa right on a couple of things.”
“Ooh, such as?”
“That she had no right to question me about my behaviour, I owed her no explanations. And what I thought about their little game-playing.”
“Ok, but more importantly, does she ken ye’re engaged? Did she see the ring?”
“I didn’t actually mention it, but I may have wafted it in her general direction a couple of times.”
Geillis laughed. “Fuckin’ brilliant. I think that’s game, set and match tae ye, Claire. Ye’ve won.”
Claire stood at the hob, stirring the Ragù sauce, a pan of water bubbling next to it, ready for the pasta to be cooked as soon as Jamie came home. She wiped her hands on her apron before taking a sip of her wine.
In the previous weeks, starting from the day of William’s birth, she had tried to increase her cooking repertoire and had found it both therapeutic and incredibly enjoyable. To her surprise, she was now the proud owner of not only an apron, but also a Mezzaluna and a mortar and pestle. Following recipes appealed to her logical mind and the very act of cooking gave her time to think and contemplate.
She thought about her chat with Geillis. It really didn’t feel like she’d ‘won.’ It wasn’t a competition in her eyes (although Geneva had obviously thought otherwise), but the gateway to a new part of her life. ‘Stepmother’ - Claire inwardly shuddered at the very word, with its evil fairytale connotations. She just wanted to love William, for all their sakes, and hope that he would come to love her as well.
Claire moved to the fridge as she heard the front door and poured Jamie a glass of chilled white wine. The image of a Stepford wife briefly came into her mind but she laughed it away. No Stepford wife would ever have hair as messy as hers, nor willingly immerse their hands in the amount of blood and gore that she did. She just had to remember that, in addition to their new roles as Da and Stepmum, they were still Jamie and Claire, they were still the same people.
Jamie came into the kitchen. Having finally got to spend time with his son, he was still clearly bursting with excitement. He came up behind Claire, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzled the back of her neck.
“Mmm, Sassenach, ye smell of garlic and basil.”
She turned in his arms and brought hers around his neck. Bringing her head to rest on his chest, she sniffed then pulled away. “And you, James Fraser, smell of… baby spit up.”
Jamie grinned. “Aye, weel, there may have been a wee bit of that after I fed him.”
“You fed him? With a bottle?” Claire spoke without thinking.
Jamie chuckled.
“Nah, with one of ma fully functioning man breasts… Aye, with a bottle. Geneva knows he’s goin’ tae have tae have the bottle when we… I…” Jamie rapidly corrected himself. “When I look after him here. And I changed his nappy. First nappy ever.”
"I can't believe you've never changed a nappy. Not even your nephew's?"
"Nah, I've always been more on the fun uncle side of things, ye ken. And before, with William, it took all ma effort tae get Geneva tae let me hold the bairn, never mind actually tend tae him."
“So, how did you find the nappy change?”
“Fer a wee bairn that’s only fed on milk, it was surprisingly… gross. It gets everywhere.”
Claire instinctively took a step back.
“Nah,” he paused and sniffed before confirming. “No’ on me. But the wee laddie drew his feet right up in tae it.”
Claire laughed. “You're supposed to hold his feet out of the way. Did Geneva not tell you?”
“Aye, I ken that now. But Geneva didna tell me or show me anything. She jes’ sat in the corner, watching every move. Like she was scoring me on ma performance. I tell ye, I canna wait until I can be with him and no’ have her peering over ma shoulder.”  
Claire passed Jamie his wineglass and turned back to the cooking.
“Sassenach, let dinner wait a while. I need tae ask ye something. Will ye come intae the lounge?”
Claire turned the hob off as Jamie took her hand and led her into the living room. They sat together on the sofa. Claire sipped her wine and waited.
“Sassenach, I canna tell ye how it felt tae spend time with William today. He’s such a braw lad.” Jamie paused for a moment, reliving the day’s emotions.
“Anyway, if ye’d like tae… would ye come with me tomorrow tae meet him?”
Claire’s stomach flipped. She took a larger sip of wine before answering.
“Jamie, you know I want to meet William, but tomorrow? Are you sure? I mean so soon. Geneva’s hardly even got used to the idea of sharing William. Have you asked her?”
“Aye, I asked her. She wasna happy about it, but what can she do? Ye’re a big part of ma life and will be a big part of William’s life too. If ye're willing ye can finally meet him."
“Of course I’d like to but...” Claire hesitated, unwilling to dampen Jamie's excitement at the meeting.
"Tell me, please. What's troubling ye? Are ye worried about Geneva? I willna leave ye, ye dinna even have tae speak tae her if that's a problem."
"It's not that. It’s just, well, this is pretty huge… life changing… and I am worried. Babies can be fussy creatures. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he won’t stop crying when he sees me? How will we cope?”
Jamie put his wineglass down. Claire reluctantly let him put hers on the table too. He tucked her curls behind her ear before stroking her cheek.
“Claire, I dinna think that will happen at all. But if it does, we will manage. William will grow tae like ye… tae love ye. Dinna worry about what might never happen. So, no pressure, do ye want tae meet him tomorrow?”
Claire nodded.
Jamie continued. “The only thing is, Sassenach, Geneva doesna want ye in her home, so we’ve agreed, if ye’re willing, tae meet at Isobel’s house.”
“That’s fine. I have no wish to spoil the, no doubt, perfect ambience of her house.”
Jamie grinned. “Aye, somehow I dinna think her interior design is going tae survive much longer, not once William’s mobile. I’m so happy you’re going tae meet him, Sassenach. I canna wait fer tomorrow.”
Claire stood nervously waiting on the front door step. Jamie took her hand, entwined his fingers with hers and gently stroked her palm with his thumb. He looked at her, checking that she was ready. She nodded as Jamie knocked on Isobel’s door.
Isobel had obviously been waiting as the door opened almost immediately. She shepherded them into the hall. The sound of a baby crying came from another room.
Isobel shrugged. “I’m afraid William’s being a little bit unsettled today. Geneva was up several times in the night. But I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
They followed Isobel down the hall. Before she opened the door to the living room, she turned and spoke to Claire.
“I’m so glad you’ve come to see him. Don’t worry, Mummy’s not here. I told her to go shopping. I’m not sure what you said to her, but she didn’t seem too keen to stick around and see you anyway. And I have reminded Geneva to be polite. Seriously, they’re more difficult to handle than my students! I’ll settle you and then go and put the kettle on for us.”
Isobel’s living room was bright, airy, and tastefully decorated. It was also filled with various baby paraphernalia. A changing mat lay on the floor next to a bag overflowing with toys, nappies and clothing. A baby gym was balanced precariously on a chair. William’s car seat was discarded on the sofa, a couple of muslin cloths draped over it.
Geneva sat in the midst of this, cradling a somewhat fretful baby. Isobel hurriedly moved the baby gym off the chair and indicated that Claire should sit.
Jamie stopped himself from rushing over to take William from Geneva as he stayed at Claire’s side.
“Hello, Geneva,” Jamie greeted Geneva formally. “I believe Williams’s being a wee bit tetchy today.”
Geneva looked over to Jamie and Claire. Despite the immaculate makeup, the lack of sleep was clearly evident on her face.
“That is an understatement.” There was no trace of friendliness or humour in her voice.
“Weel, have ye tried tae…”
“Spare me any misguided advice. He is fed and clean and dry… just not too happy. Here, take him. My arm’s gone to sleep.”
With a quick look to Claire, Jamie moved across to Geneva and took the baby from her arms.
Claire felt her chest tighten and tears fill her eyes as she watched Jamie, standing in the centre of the room holding William. She had grown accustomed to seeing him cuddling his nephew and baby niece, but to know this was Jamie’s son affected her more than she had realised.
Jamie looked directly at her and mouthed “You ok?”.
Claire nodded and blinked several times to clear her eyes.
“So, would ye like tae meet William?” Jamie asked, bending over and placing the baby in her arms.
Claire looked down into the red, creased face of Jamie’s son, a little whimpering sound now coming from him. She stroked his cheek gently.
“Hello there, William,” she whispered.
“You need to be careful you don’t scratch him with your ring... And remember to make sure his head is supported.”
Jamie turned to Geneva, trying to remain calm at her intervention. “Claire kens all that. She is a doctor after all. She’s used tae dealing with bairns. She doesna need ye tae point that out, do ye, Claire?”
There was no response from Claire, as she focused solely on William, studying his features intently. He grew calm in her arms, quietening before giving a massive yawn and rubbing one small dimpled fist over his face.
The door opened and Isobel popped her head in. “Geneva, dear, can you come and give me a hand? I’m not sure if this baby monitor thing is working.”
She winked at Jamie as Geneva reluctantly made her way out of the room.
Jamie sat down on the floor at Claire’s feet, watching Claire’s face as she lowered her head to kiss William, now drifting happily off to sleep. Jamie leant his head against her knee.
“How do ye feel, Sassenach?”
Claire thought for a moment, lost for words. “Jamie, he’s lovely… just perfect. And I can see you in him... that chin… and that red hair. I still can’t believe he’s here and going to be part of our lives. How about you?”
“Every time I’ve been with William, even though that’s been grand there’s always been Geneva, with her games and her comments and her resentment… and her mother. This is the first time I can see how it will be, when William comes tae our house and it’s the three of us.”
William stirred for a moment before returning to his contented slumber.
“Yes, Jamie, the three of us… our family.”
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myastrologyblog · 5 years
Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions for the Signs
Aries: Plan for your dreams
Aries is a fiery sign who is all about doing, doing, doing, but not so much about planning. They get bursts of quick energy with genius ideas but often never act upon them. This year, Aries, use one of those strokes of genius and see it to completion. Whether this is investing in a new property, creating a business plan, writing a manuscript or planning the trip around the world that you always wanted to take, make plans to take small, incremental steps to achieve this. Whatever big project that you always dreamed of doing, but always seemed so out of reach–now is the time to believe in yourself and see this project of yours come to life.
Taurus: Try minimalism
Taurus, with Christmas and New Years having recently passed, I’m sure you have a plethora of new gifts and clothes in your over-bustling wardrobe, while your poor desk fights for space with your new impulse buys. A good resolution for you is to give up your lesser-used objects and see how much more relaxing life can be without the clutter of them. Minimalism is a lifestyle all about appreciation and value. While not only being more aesthetically pleasing, it can teach you a lot about self-control, the purpose of items and freedom from material fixation. Plus, think of how shocked your friends will be when you stroll up to your next weekend getaway with only hand luggage!
Gemini: Pick up new books
In this busy, digital age, life can become a bit repetitive. We work or study, then we come home and procrastinate on the internet. Reading is a brilliant and great gateway between the two. It’s relaxing, fun and educational. Often in life, after we grow up and leave school, we forget to continue our learning and education. And often when we are in school, we forget about the fun and magic that can be found in learning. Being such a mentally curious sign, there’s no doubt you read a lot anyway, but setting a goal to read styles of writing you haven’t previously explored will open up your mind to new ideas, perspectives and worlds thus adding a bit of well-needed stimulation in an otherwise monotonous week. 
Cancer: Practise Gratitude
Cancer is a sign that truly appreciates the good things in life, it’s one of the many great qualities about them. But when things turn bad, Cancer puts on a pity-infused blindfold to the wonderful things and people they do have in their life. To combat those rainy mood days, try practising gratitude often to get you into the groove of positivity. Set a reminder on your phone, keep a gratitude journal or have someone remind you and begin to write down or say aloud three things you are grateful for that day. Gratitude is the opposite of lacking and so you cannot feel both at the same time. Gratitude can instantly turn a bad day into one of the best you’ve ever had, life is all about perspective and Cancer can benefit greatly from learning this!  
Leo: Spend more time in nature
In such a busy working age, it’s hard to find the time or energy to do anything other than commute to and from one industrial building to the next. Did you know that three-quarters of children in the UK spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? I’m sure the same can be said about adults. There are so many benefits of engaging with nature. As a bold Leo with so much energy and a real passion for adventure, the perfect resolution for you is to go on more hikes and spend more time doing outdoor activities such as sports or even gardening. Studies have reported how nature is good for our happiness and healthiness. It’ll give you, the ever-venturesome Leo, a sense of adventure as you discover new things, a sense of productivity and good use of your energy.
Virgo: Be kinder to yourself
Dear Virgo, you work yourself so tirelessly sometimes only to come home to more self-criticism. While being a perfectionist has led to many great things in your life, it’s important to remember that it’s okay not to be productive 100% of the time, and it’s also okay to take time to yourself. While your sign is naturally the provider/server of others, you need to learn to use that trait on yourself and serve your own needs. Learn that they are important and that kindness begins at home. You will only learn to be less critical of the world by starting with yourself. While you may not be the pampering type, some self-love and lazy days are exactly what you need in order to ultimately be your most productive and loving.
Libra: Strengthen your existing relationships
Libra, you are a social butterfly, you charm any room and your genuine politeness makes you a lovely gem in everyone’s minds. Unfortunately, you have a way of getting carried away with this gift and end up making more superficial relationships than deep ones. This becomes a problem when you face tough times and realise you are alone in your problems. Your resolution is to reach out to some old or existing friends that life has led you to lose contact with. They’ll appreciate it, and this way, you can rekindle some amazing friendships and thus create stronger, more valuable bonds with people. Taking time out to appreciate and spend time with the people in your life who have been there for a long time will make you, and them, much happier.
Scorpio: Solo-travel
Scorpio, the deep, mysterious and soul-seeking sign. Well, guess what? You’re not going to learn the mysteries of the world by sitting on the couch in your hometown. While extended solo-travelling may not be the most viable options in everyone’s lives, it’s good to experience a trip by yourself no matter how short it may be. It’ll not only give you more insight into the world but also into yourself. This time in a foreign place will allow you to truly be yourself as you shed any reputations you have back home and appreciate the benefits of your own company. You can also forge many new connections, experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and learn to trust in yourself, your independence and see the value in transient relationships.
Sagittarius: Start a blog or channel
You have so much to say, and not enough hours in the day to say it, so why not start a blog? Because you are such a busy and often convoluted talker, you might find your comments being brushed off or going unheard by others. However, by sharing your voice on a louder platform you may see the importance of your ideas. You have the gift of the gab so why not make use of it? Blogging, or vlogging, is a great hobby (or career) for an innovative and intelligent Sagittarius. It channels all your creative energy into an organised and thus readable (or watchable) segment that others can understand. Blogging always requires research as well, which makes you learn more every day. It hones many different skills that you excel in such as writing, research, creativity, planning and execution and also connects you with like-minded others.
Capricorn: Get off social media
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the planet of rules and restrictions. Yet, you have such a hard time with your unconscious addictions. More than any of the other signs, Capricorn relies on old-fashioned status for respect. That self-respect gets lowered when faced with everyone else’s highlight reels being broadcasted on Instagram and Facebook. Suddenly, you start buying things just for the likes or going places just for the photo-opportunity. Learning to live authentically, in spite of anyone else’s happiness or progress, is vital for you. By comparing yourself to others, you will always be striving for a false sense of happiness. Perhaps a good length of time disconnected from social media would be a great way to boost your real happiness.
Aquarius: Volunteer
Aquarius, the world lover. You are a unique paradox. As much as you love the idea of world peace, ending world hunger and bringing people together–actually having to react to people’s emotions is entirely uncomfortable and awkward for you. But, no true saviour lies behind a screen. People often donate some pocket change to charity at the end of the year and say they did their part, but this will not suffice you. By actively going out into the world and giving people your most important resources– your time and empathy, you will positively be helping the world, and the world will be helping you. This will bring you closer to overcoming your uncomfortable emotions, affecting people’s lives for the better and getting outside your own head with real life issues.
Pisces: Talk to strangers
Now, hear me out Pisces. I know you’re probably already pulling back just from reading the title. Talking to strangers–why would I ever do such a thing? You ask. Because there are so many benefits from this that outweigh the risks. Pisces is naturally a loving and social sign but you are often held back by your own insecurities. Try talking to that person on the bus, or introduce yourself to the cute person sitting alone in a cafe–you never know what will happen and you will be grateful you did it no matter the outcome. By building this essential skill, you will feel so much happier and more free from your internal restrictions. You will also be surprised at how receptive people are to being approached and gain so many new and wonderful connections this year.
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wackygoofball · 5 years
Gwenspiration: The Wacky Version Vol. 3 - The Moodboards
So, here I go again parading myself and tooting like there is no tomorrow.
As people still brave enough to follow me on Tumblr will know, I do a lot of moodboards, or at least I call them such. Others call them collages or storyboards or pictures with random text. Either way, for me, moodboards became a neat tool to somehow capture story ideas not yet anywhere near a level that I could write fic about them - or serve as inspirations for fics I am actually writing.
And it gives me opportunity to hoard unhealthy amounts of Gwen and Nik pics, in the name of moodboards. And science. And stuff. Whoozah!
So yeah, in this post, I want to share some of my personal favorites. A lot of them actually, because I can’t decide, really.
I will start off with a group of moodboards which took inspiration from the Marvel universe, since the Marvel universe was my gateway into the more active parts of fandom.
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An all-time fave is the Iron Man AU... I mean, what not to love about a JB AU with Jaime as sassy Tony Stark and Brienne as the not-taking any shit from you army doctor, am I right? But yeah, seriously, Jaime *is* the Tony Stark of the GOT universe, and I can’t be convinced otherwise. And neither should be you.
Also, the Iron Man suits just totally fit the color scheme for both, which made creating the moodboards all the better for me. Jaime and Brienne were made for armor, now in medieval or modern times, let’s not kid ourselves.
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Another Marvel fave has got to be Captain Westeros. Because if there is a female GOT Version of Steve Rogers, it’s gotta be Brienne of fuckin’ Tarth. This one is really close to my heart because it gave me a lot of feels coming up with plot bunnies for it, and the tragedy of those two people missing each other in time over and over again, always trying to protect one another, only to end up on opposite sides because of the machinations of others... *sigh*
And I mean, one guy loses an arm. The other is blond and strong... I don’t make the rules but this delivers me enough material to re-imagine this as a JB AU... so yeah, I do kinda make the rules after all. Anyway.
Since I realized that this post’s gonna get even looooonger, I decided to make a cut here and put the rest below, so not to have you scrolling for five hours.
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Although it’s not the most popular moodboard amongst my followers (you brave people, I can’t parade you enough for staying through the madness lol), I really, really love that Fantastic Four moodboard and the concept behind it. And I just know a lot of effort went into making Valyrian Steel Brienne, which took all of my three computer editing skillz brain cells. But yeah, here again, I liked to play with the idea of them not admitting to their love until shit hits the fan and then they hide behind that because... drama, angst, feels, pining, yadda.
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And we go from Marvel to DC little quick. Because Brienne is, most certainly, a Wonder Woman. Nuf said.
Now, let’s move on to other big movie franchises that give me all the JB feels:
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Jurassic Park (aka Valyrian Park) evidently holds a special place in my heart because JB fighting dinosaur-dragon hybrids and kicking ass while being disbelieving about what was bred out in Valyria thanks to some certain someones to rescue Brienne’s adoptive daughter Arya is just... a thing? For me anyway.
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More down memory lane, I don’t know how often I watched the LOTR movies, suffice to say it was a lot a lot. We had the extended versions DVDs of the first two and basically it was the one thing to watch when nothing was on (which was the case a lot). Either way. JB in MIddle Earth long after the days of Frodo et al. - why? Because I just loved the idea (and aesthetic) of Jaime as a ranger and Brienne as a knight of Gondor working in disguise. And Hobbipod. I mean, Pod as a Hobbit. Come the fuck on. And Tyrion as an asshole wizard. What could possibly go wrong? This moodboard was very time-consuming as I had to do a lot of edits (pointy ears, tiny up people, smudge Brienne’s face on a lot of Boromir and Faramir images, smudge Jaime’s face on a lot of Aragorn images, you name it). So yeah. No matter its popularity... I dig it. Despite not having read the books yet (I know, shocking), I continue to ogle at the idea and go like: Must. Write. But. Must. Resist. Either way. Mood.
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So yeah, I grew up watching these movies a lot, too (I grew up watching a lot of TV, period). And when Gwen was cast as Captain Phasma, I got a lot of JB juices flowing as a result. Mehe. I found it was a fun idea to play with, to basically *kill* Phasma so *Brienne* can come into play and assume her identity. And a rundown Jedi!Jaime who’s lost faith in himself and everything else safe for his partner in crime/resistance is just... I needz. So you gotta cope with it. I still adore this concept a lot even if others may not. :)
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This one’s just... gah. Feels. And I really liked the color scheme lol. And I watched Horse Whisperer A LOT. Because of feels. And horses. And Honor is a horse and he deserved better than be barbecued at Highgarden, dammit.
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The No Reservations AU definitely has to be in this post because I live for this dynamic. Brienne taking care of the girls, not knowing how, though, constantly doubting herself while always trying to be perfect and composed, not just in life but on the job as well. And Jaime being the laid-back guy who’s just a darn good chef but may carry his own baggage of problems that keep him from his happy ending story is just... mah jam.
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This one was a lot of fun to do because you don’t really think about Erin Brockovich when you say Brienne of Tarth in terms of character. But when you scratch away the boob jokes and the differences in where they come from, what you find are two hard-working women who fight for justice, so I found that close enough. And it was excuse enough for me to go down the lane of biker!Jaime because... dayum.
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Music and Lyrics is an all-time guilty pleasure romcom of mine. It’s so light and easy and I kind of love how everyone is basically a bunch of awkward losers. All the more perfect for Jaime as a singer (we need that in our lives after the infamous video Nik was in to sing to us about global warming...) and Brienne as the unexpectedly gifted songwriter. What I like about the moodboard per se is how the color scheme turned out because it’s all warm and bright and... makes me happy.
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Very much in contrast to the former stands this one. I still love the overall mood of it and I dig the story idea because I dug both The Prestige and The Illustionist because they presented something dark yet very different, which made it all the more appealing to put into a moodboard for me. While not the most well-known moodboard of mine, I keep going back to it time and time again to basically lust at all the illusions and magic and drama. And blue butterflies.
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What is there not to love about a Pacific Rim AU for JB, am I right? Right?! JB ain’t just compatible when it comes to the Drift, yo, that’s all I’m gonna say. Reasons why I like the moodboard a lot is that it’s very different, flashy colors, gigantic robots, and I was mostly alright with how the edits turned out. It is tough to get images that fit the angles, yo.
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Jumping back in time once more, I really adore this one even though it’s not one of my popular moodboards. I dug the fusion of elements from Cinderella Man while granting Brienne as the female lead more space to develop as a character and make her a badass sniper nurse who is about to get her doctor’s degree. And Jaime doing anything to make it work because he owes her a debt (and his love) by boxing his way to their shared life is just... nice.
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Another supposedly lesser known moodboard is this one, though I really adore it for its premise and the amount of work I put into it (all the giffing and moodboarding). I also found use for that image of Gwen with what looks like the veil of a nun, which was probably what had me inspired in the first place lol. The plot bunnies revolve less around Se7en and more the novel El ùltimo Catón (2001) because it has a nun solving a mystery revolving around Dante’s works. But Se7en gives us the Seven, which is a delicious parallel too hard to ignore. For me at least. If only I knew how to write crime, dammit.
Now, to  move more into the serial (smooth transition from serial killer to serial TV shows, I know, I know) way of life, here is some moodboards inspired by TV shows (although some have since gotten movies which I also took inspiration from... yadda):
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Childhood memory galore. I spent many weekends watching The A-Team with the whole family. When the movie came out, I was happy about the feels it gave me (and the “you spin my head right round” scene still cracks me up more often than it should). Either way. I found it absolutely necessary for Jaime to be Face, for Tyrion to be Hannibal, for Bronn to be B.A. and cuss at everyone and everything and Brienne giving us the strangest genderbend of a Howling Mad Murdock. It added some angst, which I always need because I am a thirsty hoe for it. In case no one noticed yet. Ha.
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This one is very remotely inspired by The Bletchley Circle and the Imitation Game (because both feature encryption and one features Charles Dance already, yo.) I just really dug the idea of Brienne being so good at this because she is such a straight thinker but being underestimated because “she a woman.” And of course her not being done just encoding messages but getting into action, very much to the dismay of the stupid soldier wanting to defend the bae from harm. What could possibly go wrong? Right. A lot.
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Then. Elementary. Let me count the ways in which I love that show... ALL THE WAYS. And I really dig it as a JB AU. I have so many thoughts and feelings, I can’t even begin to tell you. I especially had my fun basically making Jaime Sherlock without making him really Sherlock because that guy was the one who taught him how to be an investigator before disappearing and fucking up his life for bad. And Brienne as the army doctor turned sober companion turned private investigator turned love interest is just too delicious to ignore.
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Pants down I mean hands down, this may be the actual favorite (currently) amongst them all for the plain reason that I also grew up watching that series and still watch it and keep obsessing about it. Ever since Discovery launched and has since given me both joy and grief, I found myself intrigued by the premise of a JB Star Trek AU where Brienne would be standing *with* the Klingons during the war around the time Discovery takes place, and Captain Jaime Lannister having lost far too much to this war already to truly trust anyone, even less so a woman who ran to the Klingons, for what it seems.
You would not believe how many ideas I have for a fic based on it. You wouldn’t believe that I basically have a sequel to that fic already in mind. And you would definitely believe, knowing me, that I am nowhere near writing that fic. But a fangirl can dream and moodboard, right? The moodboard was such a fun way of going about it, not only for the edits but because I could sneak some secret Klingon messages in there. :)
Now, on to the last part, which are the moodboards not inspired by movies or TV shows primarily but really just spewed out of my wacky, wacky brain:
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This has a special place in my heart because it combines military and the traumas it comes with for JB and.... the aesthetic of farming. And both finding a kind of peace they didn’t know they were looking for as they struggle to adjust and find their way back “to normal” after the horrors they have both seen in war. And did I mention the aesthetic? And Jaime in plaid? All dirty and sweaty? Do I have to say more?
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Why this one? Because it combines angst and romance and falling in love twice because DESTINY. And paintings. I love me my artist AUs. So that was my go at it, combining it with the “mystery” to be uncovered about what history Jaime and Brienne actually share as he tries to put his memories back together.  Also. This moodboard gave me opportunity to try out new filters and create JB paintings. :)
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This one’s gotta be on the list since I also added the Horse Whisperer. Now it’s Dog Whisperer Jaime and Brienne who won’t give up on her dog who’s seen some shit in the warzone (as did she, but Brienne will put it all aside for her doggish best buddy, of course). While it’s not a very popular moodboard of mine, I really enjoy the premise of it and how the dynamics can so easily change between the two of them if you see it in comparison to the Horse Whisperer AU. Also. I just really think Jaime is a total pet person.
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Another lesser known moodboard, I’d assume, but I really dug the premise of it (still do), and it was intriguing to do some edits to make Jaime’s hand *truly* golden lol. With people having developed strange mutations which aren’t nearly as much fun as they are in Fantastic Four AUs. What I liked about it was the idea that Brienne would have a kind of mutation/ability that links to the mind, since she is such a physically strong fighter that she may rather rely on that than on her own mind, fearing that she cannot control that with discipline the same way she can train her body with it. What unites the two is their strong wish to protect the people in their care, in a world on the verge of collapse forcing two unexpected allies together (okay, I totally expected it, but they didn’t). Either way. Much love for this one. :)
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Aaaand the last one (not of all the ones I made but the ones I picked for Gwenspiration). I really, really, really adore this one because I was so happy with how the aesthetic turned out and how the colors all match. And I dig the premise. Like holy moly do I dig it deep. Jaime and Brienne both serving in military, but on different fronts, and almost accidentally ending up writing each other letters? I mean... the PINING. And Brienne having to decipher Jaime’s chickenscratch. Yeah no, but for real. I just love the idea so much. That they are both committed to the cause while also yearning for a home, for peaceful times, for sweet, sweet love. And them meeting up and acting like stupid teenagers, only for drama to keep hitting because. It’s eh me angsty Wacky.
Either way. I dig the premises of a lot of my moodboards (in fact... basically all of them or else I wouldn’t be making them, I guess). I spared you listing all of them, though I listed a whole damn lot already. Moodboards are an awesome means for me personally to visualize and (re-)imagine. And since quite a few people seem to continue to be onboard with them, I am all the happier to keep making them.
That’s all for today.
Much love! ♥♥♥
*flies away*
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batsupes-love · 4 years
Legend of Valors Echo
Part 1 Superbat playing an online MMORPG
Clark sank into his seat at home in his minuscule apartment and stared at the screen. Finally he'd saved up enough to upgrade his gaming rig and accessories that were a necessity. Even a capture card for streaming should he get up the nerve to record and post it to one of those streaming websites. It was the game itself that had him grinning.
Sure, it was an older game and he'd been playing it since his high school days, albeit only on weekends and with all the settings set to their lowest specs.
Yet the game, for him, remained a gateway to an illusionary world where the characters weren't human - even though they were played by humans, save for the NPC's.
Clicking on the game to load, once he'd finished set up and downloading all the essentials for the computer and online activity itself, he clicked on the icon on the desktop to start up the game.
He blinked as the loading screen was no longer black with a slightly lighter shadow. This time, because he was able to set the specs to their highest settings and still maintain a frame rate that he'd never dreamt of before he watched the running icon. In the shape of his most famous character in chibi form.
In Legend of Valors Echo he could be anything and anyone. Well, within the games parameters anyway. He'd long ago chosen a female avatar. In part because it helped to keep his identity a secret, though he'd run into countless other players who'd admitted that they weren't the same biological sex as their avatars. But he'd always given ambiguous answers whenever anyone asked him.
As his character loaded into the little village of Kokoro that he'd used hard earned in-game currency to start up and build he glanced to the right hand side to see if he'd gotten any messages.
Clicking on his inbox, he'd received a few.
"Hey Kala, I've sent you a birthday gift. Hope you like it. - Barall Fassh"
He grinned as he opened it and found a red gemstone. Rubayous. "Thank you, Barr." He'd been in need of one for his next project in black smithing.
The next message was from another of his guild members.
"Hi, Kala, happy birthday. Thought you might appreciate this gift. - Viktori Burg"
Clark, as Kala in game, opened up the box and blinked. Yellow ribbons. One of the rarer ribbon colors. He wasn't sure why, but he was happy to have them. They'd go well with the new outfit he was planning on crafting for his character.
"Thank you, Viktori."
"Greetings Kal, I hoped to see you on your birthday, but it looks like you won't be signing in. So I got you a gift and hope you'll consider my earlier offer. - Trytinion Agua."
Clark shook his head. Exhaled a sigh. "Thank you, Agua, I appreciate the gift. But as I've told you, my heart belongs to another." Yet it couldn't. It was a game after all. He'd have a better time connecting with the Justice League members, but none had come forth with their identities as yet. It was perhaps a bit too new.
He wondered if maybe he should send that gift back. A pink pearl. Well, at least it wasn't pink kryptonite. No one knew about that one. Not even Batman. He just imagined the ribbing he'd get if what it did to him came to light. Although it had once proven useful to use when he went deep undercover. Of course he'd gotten quite a bit of unwanted attention from uncouth womanizers. He shuddered as he recalled. 
There were other gifts. Even one from the Princess of Honor Kingdom. She'd started playing the game around the same time as him. So too had one other. The loner of the game who tried not to join guilds or parties for any quest. And somehow they always had the best gear anyway.
Walking through Kokoro Village, he went to the blacksmith forge to begin his task. Once he had his character, Kala's, new armor finished then the next quest he'd take. At least the game kept updating even after all the years it had been around.
When he heard a whoosh coming from the speakers, he chuckled. Pressed a button on the filter of his microphone so that Kala would come out sounding more female than him upon giving a giggle.
"Ah, my Moonlit Knight, what goth bring ye to my humble village? Tis a rare treat indeed for ye to grace me with thy presence." He never knew if he was speaking accurately, but no one had yet tried to change anything. It was simply his character and accuracy was not what any of them were after. The game was an escape. One he wished he could indulge in more, but between his duties as Superman and as a reporter there wasn't enough time.
"I wished only to see what has kept you from signing on, Lady Kala."
Kala placed her hands on her hips and stood akimbo, just as Clark made her do via the commands on the keyboard and mouse.
"Ye know I prefer to just be Kala, Moonlit Knight."
"I do know. Will you have time for a raid?"
"Once I've finished this armor, good knight, then yes. Why?"
"I require the aid of a mage elf."
"One of the new quests?" Kala asked as Clark clicked on the screen and got her to start a fire and use heat resistant gloves to hold onto the tool which held unheated metal. Placed it over the heat and waited a time so that it'd be hot enough to be malleable.
"You, good knight, must be sore livid that you need to enlist help at all."
"I prefer to work alone."
Clark chuckled and it came out a giggle from Kala. If his online gaming friend were to meet his colleague on the League he wondered how they'd get along with their similar trust issues and lone wolf personalities.
"Your metal is going to start melting, Kala."
Clark blinked and then had his character remove the piece from the fire and set it carefully on the anvil. Picked up a hammer and began to do detail work. "Thank ye for the warning, good knight. Do tell me about the quest whilst we wait."
The Moonlit Knight crossed his arms over his chest and grimaced. "There are seven trolls, thirteen black dogs, four krakens, and then a new boss at the end. No one has gotten to the boss as yet."
"Do ye think just the two of us can manage to get to the boss?"
"I believe so. You are the highest level mage in all the game."
"I am surprised to hear that, considering I've had less time as of late."
"Why is that?"
"Work for one."
Clark felt his face heat up and clicked a button so that his character did to.
"Alas, no, it has not been in the cards. What of ye, do ye have a girlfriend?"
"I do not. Nor a boyfriend."
"I had no idea ye were bi." He had Kala finish the detail work and then set the material into something that would cool it off and set it.
"It doesn't upset you?"
"Why should it? Go where your heart doth lead ye."
"I don't know about outside this game, Kala."
Clark had Kala stare into the Moonlit Knight's eyes. The knight always had a helmet on that kept his features from truly being seen.
"Be there someone in the game that has caught thy eye?"
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
Meaningful New Year’s Resolutions for the Signs
Aries: Plan for your dreams
Aries is a fiery sign who is all about doing, doing, doing, but not so much about planning. They get bursts of quick energy with genius ideas but often never act upon them. This year, Aries, use one of those strokes of genius and see it to completion. Whether this is investing in a new property, creating a business plan, writing a manuscript or planning the trip around the world that you always wanted to take, make plans to take small, incremental steps to achieve this. Whatever big project that you always dreamed of doing, but always seemed so out of reach–now is the time to believe in yourself and see this project of yours come to life.
Taurus: Try minimalism
Taurus, with Christmas and New Years having recently passed, I’m sure you have a plethora of new gifts and clothes in your over-bustling wardrobe, while your poor desk fights for space with your new impulse buys. A good resolution for you is to give up your lesser-used objects and see how much more relaxing life can be without the clutter of them. Minimalism is a lifestyle all about appreciation and value. While not only being more aesthetically pleasing, it can teach you a lot about self-control, the purpose of items and freedom from material fixation. Plus, think of how shocked your friends will be when you stroll up to your next weekend getaway with only hand luggage!
Gemini: Pick up new books
In this busy, digital age, life can become a bit repetitive. We work or study, then we come home and procrastinate on the internet. Reading is a brilliant and great gateway between the two. It’s relaxing, fun and educational. Often in life, after we grow up and leave school, we forget to continue our learning and education. And often when we are in school, we forget about the fun and magic that can be found in learning. Being such a mentally curious sign, there’s no doubt you read a lot anyway, but setting a goal to read styles of writing you haven’t previously explored will open up your mind to new ideas, perspectives and worlds thus adding a bit of well-needed stimulation in an otherwise monotonous week.
Cancer: Practise Gratitude
Cancer is a sign that truly appreciates the good things in life, it’s one of the many great qualities about them. But when things turn bad, Cancer puts on a pity-infused blindfold to the wonderful things and people they do have in their life. To combat those rainy mood days, try practising gratitude often to get you into the groove of positivity. Set a reminder on your phone, keep a gratitude journal or have someone remind you and begin to write down or say aloud three things you are grateful for that day. Gratitude is the opposite of lacking and so you cannot feel both at the same time. Gratitude can instantly turn a bad day into one of the best you’ve ever had, life is all about perspective and Cancer can benefit greatly from learning this!  
Leo: Spend more time in nature
In such a busy working age, it’s hard to find the time or energy to do anything other than commute to and from one industrial building to the next. Did you know that three-quarters of children in the UK spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? I’m sure the same can be said about adults. There are so many benefits of engaging with nature. As a bold Leo with so much energy and a real passion for adventure, the perfect resolution for you is to go on more hikes and spend more time doing outdoor activities such as sports or even gardening. Studies have reported how nature is good for our happiness and healthiness. It’ll give you, the ever-venturesome Leo, a sense of adventure as you discover new things, a sense of productivity and good use of your energy.
Virgo: Be kinder to yourself
Dear Virgo, you work yourself so tirelessly sometimes only to come home to more self-criticism. While being a perfectionist has led to many great things in your life, it’s important to remember that it’s okay not to be productive 100% of the time, and it’s also okay to take time to yourself. While your sign is naturally the provider/server of others, you need to learn to use that trait on yourself and serve your own needs. Learn that they are important and that kindness begins at home. You will only learn to be less critical of the world by starting with yourself. While you may not be the pampering type, some self-love and lazy days are exactly what you need in order to ultimately be your most productive and loving.
Libra: Strengthen your existing relationships
Libra, you are a social butterfly, you charm any room and your genuine politeness makes you a lovely gem in everyone’s minds. Unfortunately, you have a way of getting carried away with this gift and end up making more superficial relationships than deep ones. This becomes a problem when you face tough times and realise you are alone in your problems. Your resolution is to reach out to some old or existing friends that life has led you to lose contact with. They’ll appreciate it, and this way, you can rekindle some amazing friendships and thus create stronger, more valuable bonds with people. Taking time out to appreciate and spend time with the people in your life who have been there for a long time will make you, and them, much happier.
Scorpio: Solo-travel
Scorpio, the deep, mysterious and soul-seeking sign. Well, guess what? You’re not going to learn the mysteries of the world by sitting on the couch in your hometown. While extended solo-travelling may not be the most viable options in everyone’s lives, it’s good to experience a trip by yourself no matter how short it may be. It’ll not only give you more insight into the world but also into yourself. This time in a foreign place will allow you to truly be yourself as you shed any reputations you have back home and appreciate the benefits of your own company. You can also forge many new connections, experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and learn to trust in yourself, your independence and see the value in transient relationships.
Sagittarius: Start a blog or channel
You have so much to say, and not enough hours in the day to say it, so why not start a blog? Because you are such a busy and often convoluted talker, you might find your comments being brushed off or going unheard by others. However, by sharing your voice on a louder platform you may see the importance of your ideas. You have the gift of the gab so why not make use of it? Blogging, or vlogging, is a great hobby (or career) for an innovative and intelligent Sagittarius. It channels all your creative energy into an organised and thus readable (or watchable) segment that others can understand. Blogging always requires research as well, which makes you learn more every day. It hones many different skills that you excel in such as writing, research, creativity, planning and execution and also connects you with like-minded others.
Capricorn: Get off social media
Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, the planet of rules and restrictions. Yet, you have such a hard time with your unconscious addictions. More than any of the other signs, Capricorn relies on old-fashioned status for respect. That self-respect gets lowered when faced with everyone else’s highlight reels being broadcasted on Instagram and Facebook. Suddenly, you start buying things just for the likes or going places just for the photo-opportunity. Learning to live authentically, in spite of anyone else’s happiness or progress, is vital for you. By comparing yourself to others, you will always be striving for a false sense of happiness. Perhaps a good length of time disconnected from social media would be a great way to boost your real happiness.
Aquarius: Volunteer
Aquarius, the world lover. You are a unique paradox. As much as you love the idea of world peace, ending world hunger and bringing people together–actually having to react to people’s emotions is entirely uncomfortable and awkward for you. But, no true saviour lies behind a screen. People often donate some pocket change to charity at the end of the year and say they did their part, but this will not suffice you. By actively going out into the world and giving people your most important resources– your time and empathy, you will positively be helping the world, and the world will be helping you. This will bring you closer to overcoming your uncomfortable emotions, affecting people’s lives for the better and getting outside your own head with real life issues.
Pisces: Talk to strangers
Now, hear me out Pisces. I know you’re probably already pulling back just from reading the title. Talking to strangers–why would I ever do such a thing? You ask. Because there are so many benefits from this that outweigh the risks. Pisces is naturally a loving and social sign but you are often held back by your own insecurities. Try talking to that person on the bus, or introduce yourself to the cute person sitting alone in a cafe–you never know what will happen and you will be grateful you did it no matter the outcome. By building this essential skill, you will feel so much happier and more free from your internal restrictions. You will also be surprised at how receptive people are to being approached and gain so many new and wonderful connections this year.
Source: myastrologyblog
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