#anyway i love john and abi
pinkysberg · 1 year
"i don't like abigail x john bc they're toxic and she yells at him" u fool. uve missed the entire point! that they're imperfect and john DESERVES TO BE YELLED AT
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ravengards-rogue · 3 months
i thought of you so often.
arthur morgan x reader.
✧ tags : fem!reader (gendered language, explicit use of she/her in reference to reader), children / planning on children, generally sappiness, fluff, au where nothing bad happens to arthur hdskjsdkfhsj.
✧ wc : 2.4k (???)
✧ a/n : arthur morgan.... save me arthur morgan....also not a super original thought but i can't Stop thinking about it.
✧ synopsis : a collection of love letters, all unfinished, tucked somewhere you aren't meant to find them. oh, arthur loves you more than you knew.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
You try to keep out of Arthur's belongings.
He's owed some privacy, for one. More than that, you've never felt any reason to look into it. Arthur isn't a man of many words, though you catch moments of his introspection should you pry. He isn't stoic, neither. And above all things, he's kind. Really truly kind in a way that makes him different from other men.
You don't have any complaints about him is what you mean. Unlike the men you've loved before, there are no short-comings of Arthur that would drive you to wanting to investigate his own personal things. Especially something so personal like his journals, prior or present.
On top of that, you were there with him through everything. You were part of the gang and stayed by him when it all fell apart. It was towards the end of that that Arthur came to you near frenzied, told you his plans, his thoughts. Confided in you and no less than begged to go with him where he ran.
You loved Arthur enough to stay, and so things ended - and you ran. There isn't much his journal could tell that you couldn't surmise on your own.
It's been years now, and you've long since left that life. You live with Arthur quietly, peaceful in the moments with a garden and kitty sweet as sugar.
It's a good life. An honest, quiet one sometimes to the point of being boring. You rarely miss the action, though occasionally you'll take up a bounty just to feel alive and make some money.
Mostly though, you live as unassuming folk. No bloodshed, no wardens, no gunslinging.
Been talk between you both about having a baby, recently. Serious talk. You've made some money between here and there, and you've got a good life. You've traveled too. But it gets a little lonely, and you don't really get your fill with just Jack when John and Abi are ways away.
Before anything like that, though - you need to clear some space. Empty out some belongings and things collecting dust. Living in one place for too long creates all sorts of mess, you find. When Arthur is home to help, he does - but he's been busy lately figuring something out with Charles. Some business venture related to ranching that you know nothing about so far. They'll tell you when its ready.
Usually when you're tidying, you keep to just your things, or your shared things - but Arthur has lived more life than you. It shows in that big closet space filled with nick-knacks he has yet to toss.
You'd mentioned it to him not too long ago and he'd given you permission to go through them.
(A kiss to your forehead from chapped lips and hands holding your waist, Arthur hums in acknowledgement as you ask his permission.
"Ain't nothing I gotta hide from you. Do whatever you need.)
But like you said - you try to keep your nose out of his business if it's not necessary for you to be in it in anyway.
You weren't trying to look through his things, really. You started cleaning, worked your way to that last box. Up on a shelf in his closet, a little too high for you to reach easily. You made a misstep and dropped the damn thing. It barely missed your head as the whole thing fell open, and out came journals and papers and photographs.
You've always known Arthur to be sentimental, so none of it has been particularly surprising. A photo of wolves and him on a horse, the picture from John and Abigail's engagement. Some other scraps of sentimental value.
And then there was a journal. Not Arthur's journal that he's always using, but another you've never seen before. You know Arthur journals, seen the thing plenty though you never look unless he shows you first.
A journal with a dark brown stained leather binding, fallen open and your name scrawled out in pencil lead at the top of it.
The curiosity got the better of you, okay? Not your damn fault.
So you're thinking on it.
The fabric of your skirt is pooled out underneath you as you hold the thing in your hands, sitting down on the ground surrounded by things. You've stowed away everything else that fell out from the box after ensuring it was intact, including Arthur's journals. Everything with the exception of the one you're holding.
Some guilt eats at you. You don't wanna upset him potentially by having looked. Even if he gave you permission, looking in the damn thing is a little different. But your name was there so clearly, and well - you didn't think he wrote about you. Apart from here and there, maybe.
You hold the book out in front of you with a sigh, looking fondly at his name ingrained in the leather. You press your forehead against it with, resigning yourself completely.
"Lord forgive my pryin'," You mumble, hoping it's enough to absolve you.
Your heart feels funny as you let your fingers trace over the hard edge of the front cover, one eye shut as you start to open it slow.
The first few pages are nothing special.
A page outlining who the journal belongs to and when it was started, and some doodles of yarrow and oleander. The pages after that filled with mundane entries. About people he met or things he saw, all endearing to you. The corners of your lips tug up slightly.
You really love this man helplessly.
You flip through a few more pages, many of them blank before writing starts to appear again. Little by little, you find passages. You look to the dates up at the corner (though not all of them have one) and trace the timeline. This is from all the way back in Horseshoe Overlook.
It feels like ages ago now.
You look at a page with no date, and reading the writing in it. There's doodles of flowers and trees along the bottom of the page. The words are easy enough to make out - because Arthur has the most unusually beautiful handwriting.
There's some entries about you. At first, they all include your name in some context. Mentioned in the same way Arthur might mention Hosea or Abigail. The further you go, the less you see it. The more you become her and she.
It's a trend. The longer you read, the less there is about anyone else. Just you and all your silly idiosyncrasies tucked between pages. Something lovestruck and foolish lights its match in you.
Saw a body hanging at the tracks at Valentine. A gruesome sight. I told her about it and she laughed. Asked me to take her to see it. A strange woman, by all accounts.
You feel yourself smile a little as you continue to flip through the pages.
She joined me riding into town today. Said she had some business to attend but would not tell me any details. After, she came with me to purchase a new gun. I engraved a snake into it's handle, per her request.
Another few pages littered with drawings of delicate berries and waterfalls before you stumble across more writing. The more you flip, the longer the passages become you.
You can't tear your eyes away.
Rained today. Nothing too terrible or worth mentioning, except that she nearly caught a cold playing in it. I brought her coffee to keep her warm, but could not scold her further upon seeing her delight.
Another passage, this time written with messier hand writing. A coffee stain splatters on the white of the page.
Your heart tugs on itself. Swells about a thousand sizes. To think he wrote so much of your time together between these pages.
You read and read and read - and each passage is a little more mundane at the last. Some pages go on in vivid detail, but others are so short you aren't sure what to make of the fact he wrote them at all. As if such little details were important enough to keep in mind.
I picked a flower for her. I thought it would suit her taste. It was white with delicate petals. I did not know the name.
She wore it in her hair this evening. I find I can't stop grinning.
One passage on the next few pages, longer than the rest, catches your eye. From later in your time together, written when you were in Leymone. Near Scarlett Meadows and before the mess in Saint Denis.
After Arthur had been kidnapped.
I have gone on and on about the business with Colm O'Driscoll in many entries before this one. Yet, I find it difficult to forget. Many times I have come close to death, and still no experience lingers on my mind quite like this one. Everyone has done their best to look after me. For that I am grateful, though I do not care for being looked after. What use am I like this, I wonder? Perhaps, I should simply be grateful to be alive and in one piece, if a little uglier than I was. Alongside Miss Grimshaw and Miss Tilly, she has been by my side while I recovered. Such a carefree woman and yet I have seen her cry and weep over me countless times in the last few weeks alone. The decent man in me is apologetic for causing sorrow. Perhaps, it is the outlaw in me that feels some strange relief or satisfaction. Her fussing does not give me any grief. If anything, I find myself all the more endeared. Such a decent woman does not belong in a place like this. I hope she is able to go somewhere far away and live peacefully. I am not so shameless to want anything more. The time together we have spent, I will make sure to cherish.
Something painful and pitiful tugs at your heart. Even when Arthur admitted his feelings for you, he had started it on a similar tangent. You tell him often that you're the one who feels out of bounds with him. That a man as decent and as honest as him often feels like too much for you to have so easily.
A tear slips from your eye and you laugh at your own sentimentality, wiping it away before it can splatter onto the pages.
The further you read, the more sporadic entries become. You find that there are pages filled with sketches of you, but many of them are scratched out or half erased - like he did not find them good enough. Of your side profile, of your hands, of you pointing at a target with a gun. You feel a strange feeling of love wash over you.
Instead of concrete thoughts, you're met with Arthur's abstract. Subtle complexities and studies. There's honest tenderness in the way he sketches you and the words he chooses to caption each with. Lighter, thinner lines. Smaller doodles like stray daydreams caught onto a page.
You've never doubted Arthur in his love for you, quiet man he is - but it proves to overwhelm when presented to you in such a way.
You get to back pages. There, you're finally met with more writing. Except, instead of journal entries, there's the start of letters. You find your name at the top of the page.
Over and over. Love letters, all unfinished or scrapped. Written over and over and over, but not completed. There's tens of them at least. You've never received a love letter from Arthur before, though it's nothing you fault him for.
Now you're almost glad. You like this much better.
My darling girl My muse The better half of me, I must find some way to tell you all of what I think of you. It seems no words do it justice, I'm afraid. Still, it is in my best interest to try.
Damn that man.
When you find yourself starting to weep, you don't fight the feeling. You merely shut the book closed and set it in your lap before crying into your hands.
Such overwhelmingly happy tears. You feel off balance. If the whole world turned on its head this very minute, you're unsure you'd notice. What a decent, honest man you've come to love. What a tender one.
In the middle of your crying, you don't hear the door open or close. Nor do you hear Arthur's heavy footfall until he's in the doorway, with a voice worried half to death.
"Sweetheart, what in the hell?"
You turn your head to look at him, watching his eyes widen at your tear stained face. You clamber to your feet hurriedly, book dropping onto the ground next to you as you throw yourself at him as soon as you can.
Arthur is a steady enough man not to stumble when you do, though you can feel his apprehension. Eventually, he circles his arms around your waist. His hugs are strong. Bout strong as him and then some. An arm wrapped around your waist, the other crossed over your back all around your shoulder. Full pressure as he squeezes you tight, patting the back of your head.
"I leave you alone for a few hours. What has gotten into you, little lady?"
You pull back and and look at him, wet lashes and all, before leaning up to kiss him. Arthur meets your lips chastely at first before making a noise of surprise as you kiss him further. You use both hands to grab his face as you do, scruff scratching against your skin. His lips are soft, welcoming. He melts into the touch, so easily - blue eyes lovestruck as you pull away.
"You know I love you, don't you Arthur? More than anyone in this crazy world we live in,"
His face softens visibly. He smiles at you, touching his head to yours.
"Somehow, I do. Though, I'm wonderin' what the hell brought this on."
You tuck your face against his chest, feeling his laughter reverb through you at the way you cling to him so fervently. You sniffle as you talk.
"Found your journal. The one about me,"
He goes stiff, then silent. When you look up again, he's blushing red. He pinches his brow.
"Lord, I'd forgotten all about it,"
You shake your head.
"Ain't nothing for you to be embarrassed about. You are so wonderful,"
He pouts at you. Your heart swells. "You ain't helping with the embarrassment."
You hold him further. Hug him so tight, worried he'll disappear if you don't.
"I love you, Arthur."
"You already told me once, didn'tcha?"
"And I'll tell you one thousand times over," You emphasize, pouting at him. "Really. I love you,"
"I love you too sweetheart," His hand cups your face, thumb brushing along your waterline. "Don't cry no more. Spoils that pretty face."
"I'll try but I don't know if it's all out of me,"
Arthur laughs, pressing a kiss against your hairline. "Guess I'll just have to wipe your tears."
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
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HEAR YE HEAR HE, I have written more stupid ass modern au headcanons. Y’all know the drill by now.
Btw if u wanted to read any of the other silly headcanons I’ve written you can do that here , or here , or here :D and here and here you can find the ones I’ve blown up @blanche-elizabeth-devereaux ‘s inbox with!!
Anyways see you under the cut 😈
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-Charles and Arthur both like old man ice cream flavors
Pistachio, butter pecan, etc.
They have to buy a special tub for when Jack or Isaac are at the house because they always complain (as they should.)
-Arthur enjoys dressing up the dogs for Halloween, or at least attempting to
Charles doesn’t care for it but he has to admit that the bat wings are pretty cute. Ok just one more picture heheheh.
-Sometimes when Arthur doesn’t necessarily like a piece of art he made, he asks for Charles’ opinion, only to be all dramatic like “YOU’RE JUST BEING NICE BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO”
-I see Charles being very particular about how his laundry is folded and god bless Arthur but he does not do it correctly
-They love a little evening stroll around the neighborhood :’)
-When Charles goes on a morning run he makes a point of being non-threatening to any women he passes
He’s like “goooood morning!!!” Just so they aren’t spooked by this big ass dude sprinting past them
-John and Abigail didn’t have a full on wedding, just a sweet little courthouse ceremony
Arthur held it together until he and John shared A Moment afterwards and they both cried :’)
-John and Arthur are both the dads who do that thing where they toss the baby in the air and catch it and the baby goes crazy for it but every single time they do it Abigail is like PLEASE STOP
-speaking of babies Good Grandpa Dutch™️ bawled like a baby at the birth of every single grandkid
He’d never say it out loud but he cried the most when unnamed Marston daughter was born
He spoils all the grandkids but something about that little girl….. the sun rises and sets on her :)
-Dutch and Hosea have a sick ass pool at their house that’s mostly for the grandkids but those old men love floatin around too!
Abigail brings those little sinking toys for the kids to play with and keep them occupied, John absolutely plays with them too and is like “babe look I got one!!!”
-John and Abi are retired emo kids, argue with the wall on this one
Jack makes them feel ANCIENT when they’re like “hey bud whatcha listening to?” And he’s like “oh just this old band, My Chemical Romance”
-Arthur, John, and Abigail (and at one point, Eliza) have been to tons of concerts together
Arthur was the cool older brother who was in college and soooooo mature (he was not), John and Abigail were seniors in high school and they would all go see shows together
It made Hosea so happy to see his boys getting along and having fun together :))
As always if anyone wants me to keep going I will. And even if u don’t want me to I probably will. I love this silly comfort universe muahahaha😼
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dazednstoned · 5 months
hey. hey. HELLO! sorry i’ve been spam liking but AGHHH your posts and your thoughts especially on abigail and john’s relationship is soo. TRUE IVE NEVER SEEN SOMEONE EXPRESS IT THAT WELL. MY ENTIRE THOUGHTS anyways just want to show some appreciation for it and LOVE YOU and love your acc!! <33
OMG THANK YOU!!! I love abi and johns relationship!! tumblr and ao3 are the only places I can be annoying abt them loll. I'm glad someone agrees w me on them!! EEEH THANK U ILY <333
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frienderbender · 2 years
for those ships questions: rikki/nikki 11 (love), rikki/melm 2 (love), will/toki 2 (pre-relationship), jt/melm 4 (general), abi/skwis 4 (pre-relationship)?
this is gonna be loooong i love it THANK YOU
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
OHHH i don’t wanna spoil comic stuff but ah fuck it “Il Cielo In Una Stanza” is one of Their songs…….rikki introduced her to a lot of old italian love songs (introduced to him by his mother) and it’s nikki’s favorite thing when he sings them to her. they’ve spent many nights dancing together while his old records play and he sings along. she knows every word, even if she doesn’t understand it.
god out of universe though like my own rikki/nikki songs OH BOY. not to hit you with another italian song but “L’Uomo Che Non Sapeva Amare” is sooooo. oh my god. those sober-breakup-era vibes. insane. fucking uhhh “Lifeboat” by Lovage still gets to me. sorry for doing songs mike patton has sung i can’t help it. for other HAPPIER songs though like i know i’ve referenced it before but “Nikki” by Forever the Sickest Kids is still. them. “Lovefool” by the Cardigans is a CLASSIC and will always give me early relationship vibes. just stupidly, ridiculously, painfully in love. i’ll stop now i could go on😭
What are their primary love languages?
when rikki’s with nikki, he’s always doing stuff for her because he feels like it’s what he’s supposed to do, and he loves doing it, and never expects anything in return. call him old fashioned or whatever but he definitely strikes me as the “i’m the man i gotta do this etc etc” so when he sees melm he’s very much like “you’re a grown man.” anyway very convoluted way of saying he appreciates acts of service. physical touch is also VERY important to him but i think it takes him awhile to warm up to holding melm but once he does…….he’s not letting go. personally i think melm is a “words of affirmation” guy at his core but idk if he’s getting that from rikki so uhhh touch will have to do😭
What was their first impression of each other?
i mean toki wanted to be will’s friend immediately while will was definitely a lot more abrasive. but that’s just him. i think when toki got the impression that will didn’t like toki being Super Nice And Buddy-Buddy In His Face constantly, he started acting a lot more playfully rude which. well. i don’t know how well that worked out but it DID get more of a reaction. he did talk to him more. i think at some point they were both struck by “oh we might be the least respected in this group” and so kinda HAD to stick together by then. but being stuck or forced to spend time together really did open the door for them to get to know each other better. so it worked out in the end. mostly.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
i don’t think so. if we’re going all the way and saying like, some guys AU married and all that then yeah i think it was at least melm’s first marriage. john gives me once-divorced vibes regardless of AU though. ended on fairly amicable terms, probably. happened in his younger amazelingtons days. probably don’t talk anymore but it’s whatever. he’s got melmord now, whatever consolation that may be.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
i’m a sucker for secret hopeless romantic skwisgaar……i gotta say he did. i think things started out fairly casual between them, just some fun outings and maybe some casual sex, but the next thing skwisgaar knows oh my god he’s thinking about her all the time and how amazing and smart and creative and beautiful she is…..how he wants to hold her hand, do something monotonous with her, WRITE A SONG FOR HER….oh it’s all over😔 but abi for sure fell for his dorky swedish charm very soon. could 100% see the moment where skwis nervously tries to confess is when she realizes oh my god i think i love him too
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nityarawal · 4 months
Math= “Love Bomb You Anyways,” *2+2= 4
Morning Songs
“Of Course,” We Love You,”
Elon Drones
“Of Course I Love you,”
Of Course I Love
Of Course We'll
Love Bomb You
We Promised
“It's Hot!”
Love More Than
Anyone Before
Choose To Love
A Gay Man
With All Our Hearts
Fearing Anti-Semetic
Big Love
“Thunder From Down
Under,” Tragedies*
Love With, ”All
Our Hearts,”*
“Love Eternal,”
Love Our Stars
Love You Starlights
Agape Valentines
Love You Mammas
Even If You
Can't All Have
A Nitya Nanny
For Eternity
I'll Leave You
My Songs
I'll Share My Songs
You Can't Break Up
With Me
Because You Never 
Triangulated Me
With Government
You Can't Break Up
With Me
Because You Never
Matchmaked Me
You Can't Divorce
Because You Never
Conned Me
You Can't Silence Me
Because You Never
“F'd” Me
Because Vegas 
Never Got Me
Into Her Lair
Got Alot Of
Free PR
“Egypt Station”*
Gay Cabarets
No Tips
Just Condemnation
“Space X” *
“Solar City”
Eric Budd
Crypto Cons
“Boring Company”
Obviously Not
Gold Alot Of Doje
Was That With
Dojo Bernards
Or Joel’
Oleg Vydra
Day Traders
Born Again Kyle Cleveland
Lost The Spiritual
We Gave You Goddesses
Made A Fountain
Of Me Bathing
Pouring Water
Over My Head
We Gave You
Vayya Died Of
Breast Cancer
We Gave You
Helen Lost
Her Uterus
After She Married
Our Principal
And All Her Female
Bad Choices
Augmented Breasts
We Gave You
Ayni Raimondi
Was My Angel
Rolling Out Of
Pilots Fought
Principal Daddy
And Buzzed Around Her
Head To Be
Her Forever Dad
AirBnb Feds
Raped Us With
PNC Pfizer Banks
Rewind Scams
Close Rewind YouTube
Close The Silencing.org 
Byron Katie Coaching
Centers For Cons
At Courts
With Abi Odam
John Hochman
Ivette Havasi Hochman M.U.M.
Hungarian Greencard
And Monika Fodor Mullen 
On Football Crimes
Headhunting My
Grooming Maxes’
And Jacks
Probation Officers
Beyonce Lost 
Her Pants 
Cher’s Back 
At Court
In The Room
Is Our Children
Elephant In The Room
Is Our Sisters
Remover Of 
Dr. Wally
Daddy’s Pilot Mason
In The Room
Is The Mergers
With Brazil
Elephant In The Room
Was When
The Little
Russian Giggolo
At Sharon Stone’s
Wide Open
In “Basic Instinct,”
She Lost
Of Her
Elephant In The
Is Elon Crying
#Rockets Tears
Son Transed
Trying To Shake
The Lineage
By Airforce 
Nazi Spies
Since Elon’s
Grandpa's Days
But Especially
Trying To Shirk
Errol Musk
And His 
Ben Shaphiro 
On Parody
Sporting Dog Collars
Spoiled Boys
Can't Fulfill
Molded Last
Knight Standing
With Neuralink
Keep On Singing
More Flattering
Eternal Love
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
*Inspired By “Settings By Mona,” XO
**”Thunder From Down Under,” Is Adam Steck's Famous “Vegas” Gay Cabaret. 
*** “The Boyfriend,” Musical My Friends & I We're Trolled At Since M.S.A.E Maharishi School Of The Age Of Enlightenment.)
**** Elon & I are partners on Rewind- and I’m a silent investor on all projects he's involved in due to data crimes by our associates on various corporate/AI/Matchmaking/X/Twitter Cons. They obviously originated on Facebook with political hookers. I'd like to bow out of all US Corporate services and be sovereign when we rebuild for sincere Martians. We're done servicing court hookers- even our beloved BFFS that gingerly sold us and our children on black market. 
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vanillasakura · 2 years
(everyone who saw Dweeb’s post knew this was coming)
As I’m sure you’ve been able to tell due to my lack of posting, I’ve been pretty damn busy lately with finals, papers, research, the works. However, in between that stress, there’s been one thing I’ve been looking forward to, tracking every day….
And today my Abi doll finally arrived!! :D
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I’d like to start by saying that the packaging is so cute?? I’m so obsessed with the little extras, they’re for sure gonna go on my cork board
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The wax seal has a cute design on it too!
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Oh, and also!
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I actually gasped out loud and started going “ain’t no fucking way” upon seeing the packaging because it came with this cute little ring, just like the one John gave her!! It’s so adorable and also so tiny, here’s my pinky for comparison:
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Anyways, onto the main event!! Here she is in all her glory!! Dweeb said this was the first lady doll she’s made, and I would’ve never guessed based on how well she’s been done!! I’m so in love with her ahhh!
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But wait it gets better! If I take off the coat and pop on this shawl…
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Boom, Abigail’s epilogue outfit.
Anyways, thank you so so much to @dweebsfilingcabinet for being such a pleasure to work with!! I couldn’t be happier with my doll and I highly recommend ordering from her if you’ve been on the fence about doing so <3
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reddeadreference · 2 years
Blog Progress Update
Drafts: 68 - Queue: 60
Queue as of 4/13/22
Chapter 6: ALL
Epilogue 1: ALL
Epilogue 2: Half
POI: 6
Locations: 20
Stranger Missions: 3
Journal (Chapter): 2
I’m slowly getting to the point where I’ll start having the queue post multiple times a day.
Travel Blog Portion below:
Damn it Pearson glitched so I didn’t get the dialogue you’re supposed to get with him… I know it’s not a cutscene but still I wanted to have the audio… he also glitched in the fact he looks like chapter 1 Pearson (second attempt to get the audio to play) with his coat and hair on top of his head..
Omfg I’ve been trying to damn a damn waxing cider fucking whatever bird for the last real life hour… I’ve only found good ones and the one perfect I found I shot too many times UGH
Finally got the hunting stuff done just gotta get John Squirrelson
Mrs Hobbs… ma’am.. You wanna explain why the squirrel magically has the same hat and outfit as John? How. Did. She. Know? Also she just threw in the fact she tried this with humans once. Like OKAY O-O that happened apparently.…
Welp.. time to get home to play hide and seek with the Squirrel Cowboy… Abi you get your dolls, let me have this..
Taking photos of Jack’s room… WHO THE FUCK GOT THIS BOY A TRUMPET?
Did some chores until dinner, sat down and BAM Charles is magically glitched back… only… it’s Charles just having gotten shot because his wound is wrapped but definitely still bleeding… he also doesn’t have a bowl anymore.. Just a spoon. A note also popped up next to him on the table but i don’t think it’s anything. Also I’ve gotten a glitch where I can just continuously greet Uncle… “Hello… Howdy… Old man… Hello….Hi…” and Uncle just looks at him.. Occasionally he’ll say Hi back. THE LETTER IS A LETTER FROM TILLY!!!! Did… did Charles actually come back and bring the mail with him XD
Omfg I started reading it, standing right next to Charles and as I’m reading I took a sip of my drink “Everything okay?” and I just look at the screen to see him looking at me like “wtf?” and almost spat out my drink laughing XD I love that Tilly and Mary-Beth keep in touch Q-Q
Abigail can play the piano… LOOK AT HER! (I spent way to long editing this and playing it multiple times to try and add things to it.) Like the detail of her hitting the wrong notes and looking frustrated and looking like she’s having fun when she’s getting it right. I LOVE IT.
It sounded like the sprig of shelelli(idk) song Sean sang but at times like another song.…
I couldn’t figure out where to change my clothes… I can just imagine John “Abigail… how do I change my clothes?!” annnnd now idk how to sleep… do I have a side of the bed? Can I only sleep at night? “Abigail! How do I sleep?!”
Also… Uncle sleeps UPSTAIRS and by upstairs I mean UP THE LADDER? Lambago and he has to climb a ladder…
Woke up “You can now feed the chickens.” John wakes up all excited, confusing the heck outta Abigail “I can feed the chickens!”
Ahhhh to you too sheep
So in order for her to hide the statue John needs to leave the ranch so I’m gonna go do Miller’s first quest
Fast traveled to Manzanita post and I didn’t know that the NPCs there would keep speaking Norwegian or Swedish.. (I forgot which the guy was)
Ugh.. made the mistake of alerting the skinner brothers to my presence and they killed the person I was supposed to save…
"I am that most worthless of all creatures… a writer.” I know but HEY
John’s face when Evelyn Miller gives his name XD *shocked John-achu* (ya know like... like Pikachu but... I’ll shut up now)
“... Connecticut fops…” O_O I never hear my state said in media it always messes with me XD idk y
Second time finding the squirrel and I thought “what are you doing John?! The fireplace is on!” …. ON…. The fire is ON… omfg… V.V
Alright anyway I can get all the newspapers I missed now so that’ll be the trips away from home I take to get her to hide the thing.
I love that we’re hiding and finding and putting back the statue without a word to each other about it.
Went to Rhodes to get newspapers (kid’s missing so that’s glitched) but I stopped by the gunsmith and he apologized for “what happened” as if it wasn’t Arthur 8 years ago who freed the guy in his basement. John goes “We’ve all kidnapped someone.” “We have?” “NO Of course not!”
Stopped by the Gen store,
“Damn John you’ve been gone a long time.” OH COME ON so I’m never getting the dialogue I’m supposed to get yet you recognize me?! I wish we got some more special dialogue like if we buy coffee “I remember how much Abigail liked her coffee.” or a chocolate bar “That for Jack?” or something like that… NevEr mind! Hovering over a chocolate bar “Young Jack will like that.” damn but no Abigail coffee comment..
“I wonder how many of the others are still alive.” OOF 
“In case you’re wondering, I still make a damn fine stew.”  Q-Q
“You should’ve seen this town when the Gray’s were still in charge, pft.” Dude… I … I was there.   
“It’s a hell of a lot of work but I love this store and a life where I ain’t sleeping outside hehe.”
“I heard Swanson is a preacher in New York now, good on him!” dude it took like 5 real life minutes for him to finally say this… I’m legit just staring at the catalog and listening as I work on other posts.
“I went to Clemen’s Point the other day just to see it again. Brought it all flooding back.” (again this took to long to play)
“You always were indecisive” HEY
So I left and came back to Pearson after finishing the squirrel stuff and he mentioned wanting to send a letter! So hopefully I'll get that too. 
Last person I need to see is Rains Fall (I like how there's like one per major place. Mary-Beth in Valentine, Tilly in Saint Denis, Pearson in Rhodes, and Rains Fall in Annesburg.) Kinda wish we'd also see Trelawny maybe… but he would be in Saint Denis with his family so that would have taken Tilly's spot… oh and I need to talk to Charlotte Balfour (not part of the gang but still someone I need to see)
So the whole gang as of 1907
Dutch - On the run
Hosea, Arthur, Susan, Strauss, Molly, Sean, Kieran, Lenny, Micah - X (dead)
John, Abigail, Jack, Uncle, - Beecher's Hope
Charles - Beecher’s Hope -> Canada
Sadie - South America (?)
Javier - Mexico (According to the newspaper article Notorious Bad Man Alive  “telegraph from Mexico” reports he’s in the mountains)
Bill - On the run(?)
Pearson - Rhodes (running the general store)
Swanson - New York (said by Pearson and in a newspaper article)
Tilly - Saint Denis
Mary-Beth - Valentine (forgot if she said where she is now)
Karen - also X (dead via drinking ?)
Trelawny - ????
Is Trelawny the only one we don't have the confirmed or even suspected whereabouts?
I'm gonna try and make a timeline visual for when certain people joined the gang (as best I can cause certain people we don't have a definite start date) and a visual for the timeline of the game. It would most likely look like a sideways bar graph type thing. 
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Anyway it’s S20E14 time, which means the arrival of Queen Abigail Tate :)
Edit 1: Ooh, I’d forgotten this was a Joe Ainsworth one!
Also, remember when stuff that happened in Holby actually had consequences for the hospital? In late Holby, Ric would’ve been right back to normal the minute he arrived at work, despite just having spent months in prison.
Edit 2: Abigail saying she could ask Henrik for advice on being CEO. DON’T, Abigail.
Edit 3: JASON’S HERE, SEND HELP. Also argh Serena going “why don’t we leave Mr. Griffin here to do what he does best??” Jason’s not a child, Serena, even if the writers think he is.
Edit 4: Extremely funny how obsessed these writers were with the word “sapphic” solely to avoid having to decide if Serena was a lesbian or bi.
Edit 5: Fantastic little bit of dialogue. Roxanna, regarding a patient’s risky surgery: “A risk only an addict would take.” The patient: “What does that make John Gaskell?”
Edit 6: Fun fact: you don’t need a risky surgery to have your sense of joy and happiness destroyed, you just need to watch the last 4 years of Holby.
Edit 8: I love Johnrik flirting. Also - Henrik wearing pinkish-purple and John wearing blue. Love that.
Edit 9: John talking about “knowing when to stop” like he’s ever been able to do that in his life.
Edit 10: Abi and Fletch was the most forced het romance.
Edit 11: John being baffled by the patient calling Rox “Foxy Roxy”. I tell you he’s gay.
Edit 12: Very early-Henrik esque behaviour from John regarding pushing the patient to have the operation.
Also I’d forgotten what the fuck Abi did to the CEO office. Guy Henry hated it too, actually - the reason they didn’t stick with the green paint was because Guy demanded they change back to a more subtle design once Henrik returned to being CEO.
Edit 13: I checked the interview, it sounds like he actually meant he didn’t like the design of the CEO office around the time he first came back for his second stint (so in 2015). Whatever. The 2018 design still sucks.
Edit 14: Anyway I swear I’m about to start screaming at this patient’s ableist mum lmao.
Edit 15: Serena very hypocritically trying to confront the ableist lady in question lmaooo.
Edit 16: The John and Rox relationship was really fascinating. Do wish so much of the storyline hadn’t been spent on repetitive arguments between the two of them though lol.
Edit 17: “You said ‘thank you Henrik’. What did you mean?” “Let’s focus on the task at hand.” I’d forgotten entirely about this scene! Probably because this one is another episode I haven’t seen since 2018.
Edit 18: John being crazy (affectionate) on main in this episode.
Edit 19: HENRIK
Edit 20: “John, if I hadn’t been there... would you have carried on?” :’))
Edit 21: Abi deserved better than the forced Fletch romance.
Edit 22: Ah, the archetypical Holby “patient makes their injury worse in the middle of an emotional outburst” scene.
Edit 23: The first of several Frankenstein comparisons with Gaskell.
Edit 24: When John says they could try the surgery again, the patient says “So he can still get the headline?”. John bows his head and doesn’t respond.
Edit 25: This whole scene with Ric wondering whether he still fits in at the hospital and considering leaving is really, really sad in light of Hugh Quarshie leaving the show because of how much it changed.
Edit 26: Love John inviting Rox onto the trial because Henrik suggested it.
Edit 27: This patient’s mum is driving me mad.
Edit 28: I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN this John and Abi scene existed.
Also lol. Abi saying to John “if you screw up, we all go down”. Actually he screwed up majorly and there was no aftermath to it.
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pinkysberg · 1 year
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they make sense to me :)
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scarfacemarston · 4 years
Let John cry if he wants to, Rockstar!
RDR spoilers! Probably shouldn’t write that for a 10+ year game, but whatever. Why doesn’t John ever cry in rdr 2? As far as cutscenes go. I’m not saying he the character doesn’t have to if he doesn’t want. But Rob is fine with it. John cried multiple times in RDR 1. He cried after Javier died. He cried after Dutch died. He cried when he came home to his family. The only person he didn’t cry for was Bill. I know rdr 2 John is a bit different. I may be contradicting myself - but I firmly believe I caught John crying at camp at least once. I Have video , but I feel shy releasing it. Same with characters like Abi or Mary-beth. They’re fictional - but I still feel like I’m invading their privacy? What are your opinions? Anyway, I’m playing low honor Arthur to see all sides of the game. Abigail, and some of the ladies cried. I felt terrible of course! I didn’t expect Abigail to cry. But then John cried. He just said “I really can’t handle this, Morgan.” I then caught him in the woods wiping his eyes and again in his tent truly upset. Again, I felt terrible, but I wanted to make sure I saw what I saw with these character and wasn’t imaging it.  So that brings me to the story.  Why wouldn’t John cry for his brother that he has known since he was 11 or 12? The man he looked up to and worshipped. Yes, he had a falling out - but I think John didn’t realize his actions had consequences. I’ve done an analysis on their relationship and I think John’s heart was broken by Arthur more than anyone else. To have your brother and family member that has always had you reject you fucking hurts.
Rob even said he was going to cry for Arthur, but the directors said it “didn’t feel right”. Excuse you?  Rob knows the character better than anyone! He was John for a minimum of ten years. (Five years to make rdr 1, another for the DLC, and then rdr 2 which took eight years.) John crying over Abigail leaving him wouldn’t have been terrible either. I’m not saying he had to - but it wasn’t a crime. It’s partially why people don’t like John as much. He doesn’t seem as emotionally complex or mature as Arthur. His journal is the only way you know what he is feeling. Yes, he’s younger and more brash. But probably so was Arthur. But if Arthur cried - no one would have batted an eye. They would have all loved him more. Please note that I firmly believe Charles, Hosea, etc. any other character should have had the right to cry. 
 Yes, I know. Toxic masculinity. Men were this and that, but that’s partially wrong. Men were far closer to each other - more likely to hug and kiss - but be completely platonic. Some men didn’t. The West was a weird combo of both. But maybe John didn’t feel as safe? He has that right if he didn’t want to as far as in game reasons go.
 In Rdr 1, John is somewhat stoic - but his face betrays what’s feeling pretty often.  He’s alone. He’s scared. He’s suic*d*l. People are forcing him to commit crimes just for the chance that he can see his family. John does not know his family is alive for sure until the very end. Edgar even toys with him several times hinting that they’re dead.
Also, You telling me he didn’t cry after his little girl died? He had tears in his eyes when he said goodbye for the last time to his wife and son. While he wasn’t crying while talking to Bonnie, he was definitely emotional. So we know he feels.
This may seem like a dumb rant, but it’s healthy to see male characters cry. People responded well to John. He is the only reason why we have rdr 2. Roger says this himself. Tons of men, women and nonbinary people cried. John was voted one of the top ten video game characters on lists for nearly a full decade because of his complexity. I’m glad people like Arthur. I am. I know he has also the help of a great writing team, good graphics and his journal. I love him, too. But like I said: 
 Rockstar, why isn’t John allowed to cry? 
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John Marston for the ask meme? :)c
1: sexuality headcanon 
big ol bisexual!
2: otp 
jovier!!! there’s just something about best friends in love
also i am a huuuuuge sucker for john and abigail (like obviously there’s a lot that could be better with them and the writing doesn’t do it justice and i could write a lot about their issues BUT) john’s little I’M GETTING MARRIED and his flirting with abi in rdr1?? so good
3: brotp 
john and sadie, just from their relationship in the epilogue. I feel like sadie would challenge him to be better but she doesn’t have the same expectations of him as everyone else who’s known him longer so there would be less pressure on john, sadie doesn’t have all these years on john so it’s almost a fresh perspective on him. 
and i said this on the charles ask but john and charles for sure, i think they get along well, almost for the same reason john would get along with saide in that charles hasn’t known john for a long time, he wouldn’t have the same expectations for john. Charles isn’t the type of person to poke and pester and prod and I think John would appreciate that for him and John too with Charles, he respects him and wouldn’t try to force him to talk or perform for him in anyway the way others might expect out of charles, they work easily and quietly together and they can also act like idiots together. 
oh and john and kenneth of course
4: notp 
feel like this is obvious but john and any of his family, im not sure of many other john ships outside of those that make me extremely uncomfortable. john and bonnie is iffy but it’s mostly all based on how it’s written and all that because i do have wips of it lmao 
5: first headcanon that pops into my head 
first one is that he likes horror stories/movies, like john doesn’t get startled or easily scared by stuff like that. So if someone around the campfire told a ghost story, john wouldn’t be afraid, he’d enjoy the hell out of it. (modern au he loves horror movies) 
6: favorite line from this character 
“when a man with a sing song voice tells me to fuck off, it always concerns me boyo” 
there’s so many more things he says that are like deep and emotional and have an impact but like, i just love this one so much lmao. 
7: one way in which I relate to this character 
honestly i dont know?? usually characters i love and relate to have dad issues/abandonment issues but john IS the dad who abandoned his child so i don’t know what my deal is with him, he’s just very special to me. i guess maybe it’s in the inherent transgenderness of john not fully knowing who he is outside of other people’s perceptions and trying to form himself to fit those standards and expectations. 
i mean john does have abandonment issues and dad issues with both his father dying young and john not having positive memories of him and literally everything that happens with dutch 
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character 
literally any time he denies that jack is his kid like john. john please. also like the entirety of rdr1 where he’s acting like a boring centrist like please have just like Some morals for five minutes. 
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? 
i guess problematic fav even though i just hate saying that phrase lmao because so many people misuse it to mean they love bigots omfg but i mean really, i love john very much but he fucks up a lot and is very much a white guy from the 1800s. 
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gingernastyy · 4 years
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Arthur hasn’t really taken too much thought about the idea of being a father. He has this constant residual fear that no matter what he did he would end up just like his dad.
His dad was an outlaw and Arthur got roped into the life because of him and Arthur is sure that if he had a kid they’d be dragged into the life too.
Being with Mary changes his mind. He felt like maybe he could do the father thing. The way she talks about running away together gives him the hope of having a better life. He could see them having a nice place with a fence, with a dog that lazily lays on the porch and a couple of kids running around.
He swears if it can become true he would be a better dad than his was and would do anything, and he means anything, to protect his kids and Mary.
When they broke up he was devastated. It led him into a life feeling like no one would ever have him, no one would want him to father their kids.
It’s a sad and lonely night of him drinking when he meets Eliza. They start talking before hooking up; a few times from time to time. As harsh as it is she’s a bit of a rebound after Mary. They were friends but he never felt strong enough to marry her. It makes her getting pregnant feel even worse.
When Eliza had Isaac he felt lost and scared for the kid. He knew that his life would endanger the both of them sooner or later. But swore he would do best by Eliza and helped out anyway he could. Then when they were both killed he didn’t know how to cope with it. He repressed everything that happened to them, only a few journal entries talking about what happened. But those entries and the sketches of Eliza and Isaac where in the journal that he lost in a fire.
It’s after Isaac had lived and died that Abigail has Jack. Being around for the time that Abi is pregnant makes him reflect on when Eliza was. God, he wishes he could have been there for Isaac’s birth. He feels guilty for being around when his brother’s kid is born but not there for his own.
As much as he hates John for leaving Jack and Abigail for that whole damn year, he enjoyed stepping back into that fatherly role to help Abi. There was something that felt so natural about taking care of the kid, guess he did picked up some traits from the short time he had with Isaac.
Abigail had questioned him a few times on about how he’s so good with Jack. She swears she’s had to tell almost everyone who’s held him to support his neck but not Arthur. He bounces and sways while holding Jack that calms him down that she believes that there is no way that it’s the first time that Arthur has held a baby.
A part of him thinks he should propose to Abigail to make up for not marrying Eliza but he knows that it won’t make amends for what had happened. Besides he’s too caught up on Mary and Abigail is to in love with Marston that he knows he will be turned down.
When/if he gets out of the life he considers adopting. Even if he can’t find someone to marry, he’s okay with being a single dad. He’s also happy to adopt if it’s the only way he and his partner couldn’t physically have kids. He feels like Hosea would be proud of him for helping out a kid like Hosea and Dutch did for Arthur (though he would want to avoid the outlaw part). He knows going through the legal system would be challenging with the price on his head but if he found a kid like Hosea found John and himself, he’d gladly take them in as he own.
He finds himself to be a tough and not really an emotional guy but having his newborn baby and the first time his thumb is grabbed by that itty bitty hand he damn near cries.
Years of being an outlaw has been beneficial for one thing... when the baby cries Arthur is able to get up right away. Late at night he’s the one who wakes to change diapers or calm nightmares. He’ll put himself to exhaustion to let his partner sleep.
Usually he falls asleep on the couch or a chair after rocking his baby back to sleep, baby on his chest and his hand on the little ones back.
He’s very supportive of creativity- especially as an artist himself.“Pa and me” or the full family sketches are tucked in the front cover of his journal. He wants those drawings to be the closest thing to him. He always makes sure to tell his kiddo that they’re doing a real good job and are already better at drawing than he is.
Play wrestling and piggy back rides are what he’s great at. He’s always asked to do or straight up just climbed on until one or the other happens.
Luckily he’s taught a kid how to ride a horse before so he feels pretty confident in teaching his own. If he could teach Jamie to ride his horse, with his thousands of questions, he feels he can teach his own kid(s).
Teaching his kid(s) to read and write is much harder than Hosea ever made it seem when he was teaching John and Jack.
He wishes that grandpa Hosea could meet his family. There are nights he looks to the sky and wonders if he’d be proud of him, getting out of the life and having a couple of kids of his own. He knows that Hosea had wanted that for Arthur for so many years.
As bad as he thinks he is at hunting and fishing he’d want to teach his kid(s) how to do both. It’s always good to know how to handle a gun and also know basic survival technics. He’ll mumble a side comment about wishing that Kieran could be there; he was always better at fishing but say it was nothing if he was asked about it.
He would go a little into the overprotective category. If someone was threatening his kid(s) he would get real quiet with the person, put his hand on their shoulder and get close. He would explain how he has killed before, has enjoyed doing so in most cases, and if they don’t leave his baby alone, he will find plenty of enjoyment killing this person.
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Bessie and Hosea had always talked about having kids. They just were never sure when would be the right time, if there ever really is a right time when you’re a couple of outlaws.
Hosea jokes that maybe raising John and Arthur could be in a way, a test run before they have some of their own. They’re already almost fully grown so they could skip past the diaper phase and “terrible twos” and if anything could blame Dutch for the way they turn out.
Teaching John how to read really told Hosea that he does have the patience to have kids. He loves that boy dearly but it took a lot of work to get him to even focus to be able to educate him.
When Hosea and Bessie left the gang for awhile they set up in the Grizzlies East. During this time they tried to start their own family. If they were going to have kids it would be the time to do so. But either there was something with him or with her, or just unfortunate luck, they could never seem to get pregnant.  
When Hosea drifts back into the outlaw life they have moment of agreeing that maybe it was the best that they weren’t able to have a kid, as much as it devastates them both.
Hosea wishes that Bessie was still around by the time that Abigail has Jack. He knows she would have loved that kid like her own. She surely would have spoiled the hell out of that kid not that Hosea is any better.
He’s definitely had a moment when looking at the photograph of him and Bessie that he thinks that even though they weren’t fortunate to raise their own kids, but they skipped right to being grandparents.
As a father, Hosea is kind, patient and always there for his kid(s). He saw his father about three times in his life and would want to be there for his kids to make up the time he feels he didn’t have with his own dad.
As the comedian he is, or thinks he is, Hosea would be the dad who can’t pass up a good dad joke. He’d tell one about “you know the best way to catch a fish? Put your line in the water.” He would have to bring up the time that Arthur was suppose to go fishing and brought back a fish from the market, claiming he’d caught it and then next time that Hosea and Dutch when in town the store clerk asked Arthur how that fish that he bought was. Hosea we’ll find any opportunity to laugh at Arthur about it.
Hosea is the best at storytelling. He would tell his kid(s) stories every night. He’s able to work those years of stage acting into the voices he uses during his storytelling.
He and Bessie were always fans of playing dominos so he would want to show his kid(s) how to play. He’d often bring up how he always accused her of cheating during playing because she was that good. Arthur, though taught by her, didn’t seem to have her luck with the tiles.
On sick days he’s getting medicine, soup, crackers, pulling out blankets and whatever will help his kid.
He wants what is best for his kid(s) but also encourages them to write their own path. They can be whatever they like if they set their minds to it. No matter what, his love is unconditional and he wants to see them do their own thing.
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Dutch is a hard one when it comes to being a father. He wants a kid to enlighten them with his wisdom, to show them everything he knows. At the same time having a newborn with all that crying and loosing sleep, especially being the leader of a gang, doesn’t sound ideal. Toddlers tend to be very... sticky, which he wouldn’t be a fan of either.
He would want to have a kid, much like John and Arthur were already functioning on their own that he can already start having conversations with, being able to teach them how to fish, shoot, and talk about the injustices in the world around them.
If he had a kid, like about a toddler in age, he would read them Evelyn Miller and explain, even though it would be going over this kid’s head, that “what Mr. Miller is saying is... “
Dutch values an education but has little patience when trying to teach. Even with John and Arthur, Hosea did more when it came to helping them learn how to read and write.
He’d be less of dad that says “I love you’s” and more often be the one that says “I’m proud of you”
He would be able to playful tease his kid and his competitive side would be great when they get old enough to race and play poker.
His relationship with Annabelle was really the only time he considered having a kid of his own. He loved that women and if she wanted a child he would figure out a plan for way for them to have a kid.
He thinks that maybe once they are able to get one good robbery that when they leave to New York or Tahiti, where ever they may land that he considers the idea of starting a family.
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jjmaybankwildtimes · 4 years
That Beautiful Boy Pt. 3
JJ Maybank x OC
Summary// Eleanor Raines has been through hell and back in foster care. When she’s placed in a new home with an abusive foster dad and a beautiful broken boy inside, she faced with new adventures and forced to face her past.
Part 1, Part 2
WC// 1.1k
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Warnings// Mild Cursing, Panic Attacks, Mentions of Abuse (squint a bit), Skinny shaming, self doubt
Authors Note// Hey!! I hope you all enjoy this part and please let me know if I missed any warnings!! Also again I am not a very good writer but I hope you like the fic nonetheless. I’d love any feedback you want to share or suggestions<3 Also the flashbacks are back ;)
That morning I woke up earlier than either of the boys. I decided the least I could do was go and get some groceries for the Chateau. I looked around the small kitchen and noticed the snacks the guys had. Finishing up the small list I made, grabbing my money from the shift yesterday, I headed out the door. I borrowed a blue bike that was leaned up against the side of the house, praying the guys wouldn’t mind.
After finding the grocery store and loading up the bags on the handle bars, I headed off. Noticing a small thrift shop on the way back, I reminded myself that I needed some new clothes. I had to leave in a rush from the group home I was at, besides, most of my clothes were stolen by the other girls.
“A group home?” I whimpered to my caseworker Jordan. “Yes Eleanor, you know what happens when you are rehoused due to misbehavior.”. I admit, I had been a brat, but I had good reason. Also a group home would be better than being anywhere near Jonathan and his family. Maybe. Some deep and unwanted part of me missed them.
Shuddering, I returned from my day dream and trudged up the steps to the group home for girls.
I quickly hiked back to the Chateau, finding the boys to still be asleep. I happily put up the groceries and pulled out the pancake mix. After a minor issue with the stove, turns out two of the burners don’t work and one other makes huge sparks, I finished up a large stack of pancakes. I also got blueberries because they are my favorite and chocolate chips, because I’ve had lots of experience with boys and pancakes.
Suddenly, I heard two alarms going off. I began to rethink everything. What if they didn’t want me snooping in their kitchen? What if they are mad at me for using the bike? What if they don’t like pancakes?
When they walked out I began to ramble,
“I’m so sorry, I wanted to do something nice, so I got groceries but I looked through your cabinets and borrowed your bike and then I made pancakes, but I don’t even know if you guys like pancakes-“ I was cut off by two hands on my shoulders.
“Woah Ellie, breathe, you made pancakes, you are great!” John B reassured me.
“You’re not mad?” I meekly whispered.
“Blondie, you made pancakes? Damn, can we keep you around from a while?” This time JJ encouraged me.
“I got blueberries because they are my favorite, but I got chocolate chips too.” I smiled a bit looking up at the guys.
“Yum! Let’s eat!” John B grabbed a plate.
JJ stood and looked at me for a minute. It made me feel tiny, but not in a bad way. I was short, 5’2” and really thin. I had always thought to a fault. I had short, dirty blonde hair with beach like curls and pale olive skin with lots of freckles in the summer. My large brown eyes were definitely my best attribute in my opinion. Thinking of this brought me back to an ugly memory.
I was standing there with a tiny baby girl in my arms, screaming my head off, “I don’t want to Jonathan! I don’t want your help not if it comes with that cost!”.
“But why not?” he screamed back, “No one else would ever want that anyway! Not with that anorexic body!”. Tears streaming down my face, the baby in my arms began to cry. I rocked and shushed, trying to calm her down. I knew I couldn’t get her to stop, she was cold and her brother was a major source of body heat. I knew it, he knew, goodness even the baby knew it.
Looking to Jonathan, who had an evil grin on his face, I mentally kicked myself. But I had no other choice. Thinking about the chore list, the baby, and the four other siblings that would get home from school in an hour, I handed Jonathan his little sister. “Later tonight?” I questioned. “Yes, ma’am” He winked. I tried not to vomit in my mouth, as I went to clean the kitchen.
“Hey, Ellie? Ellie Belly?” JJ shook my shoulders.
“Sorry” Returned from my nightmare like daydream, “What’d you say?”
“Just that blueberries were my favorite too.” He smiled and patted my shoulder.
I spent the day surfing with John B and JJ. I wiped out, a lot. “So blondie, you are definitely not the best surfer in the obx!” JJ joked “Hey! Give me a break, it’s been seven years!” I laughed as we began the trek home.
I could barely stand by the time we got back to the Chateau I was so sore, but I didn’t care. Laughing as John B used a French accent you order pizza, I was quickly halted. In one split second JJ raised his hand to high five John B. Seeing this from my peripheral vision I flinched. Of course, both the boys noticed. Tearing up, I glanced down at my shoes. “Ellie, are you okay?” John B asked tentatively. I simply nodded and shakily went to stand up. I walked outside and didn’t stop until I got to the dock. Looking out over the water I told myself to breathe, but I felt that panicky feeling set in. No no no, this can’t be happening right now, but all I could think about was his hand and how many places it hurt me.
Preoccupied with sobbing and trying to regain control of my breathing, I didn’t notice JJ had followed me out the door. When I turned and saw him, he looked apprehensive. Despite this, he walked up to me. I though he was going to hit me or yell at me but he just wrapped me in his arms. “Hey, hey, Ellie breathe, just breathe.” JJ soothed. I tried and found myself focusing on his breathing which helped. A minute after I calmed down, JJ released me from his grip. Missing his warmth, I wrapped my arms around myself and smiled up at him. “Sorry.” I whispered. “No worries, believe me I’ve been there myself quite a few times.” We walked back to the Chateau in silence, ate pizza, laughed some more and went to sleep.
As I crawled into the guest bed, JJ knocked on the door frame. “Hey.” I said looking towards the absolutely breathtaking boy. “Hey Ellie Belly, if you ever need to talk, I’ve got you okay?”. I felt a warmth grow in my chest. “Okay, thank you JJ” I’ve never had anyone tell me that since my mom died. It felt happy. “Goodnight El.”, “Still trying new nicknames I see, goodnight JJ.” With a wink, he was gone.
I once again slept a deep sleep in the house I was quickly growing to deeply care for.
Sending lots of love and happy thoughts to each of you!! xoxo Abi
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frienderbender · 3 years
Having your brain taken over by an AU is the best, imo! Please tell us more about how all of the characters know each other? idk if you've mentioned it before, but how did they all meet, do they live on the same street, etc? I kind of imagine that all of the kids roam the neighborhood as a feral pack of friends together (probably cause that's what my friends & I did when we were little haha). (Also would you be OK with me drawing a tiny comic about your AU possibly?)
i agree!! AUs for things i love usually occupy like 90% of my brain, and this time around its this one haha
first lemme answer your last question: YES! ABSOLUTELY! go for it that would make me so happy omg. that goes for anyone: if you ever wanna draw my AUs or characters, you are totally welcome to do so! it makes me really happy when people like my stuff enough to want to draw things for it or inspired by it!! :'D
anyways, yes, the neighborhood itself. putting a cut because its gonna get a little long hahaha
i imagine its basically how you described, they all live in the same neighborhood and cause trouble. i actually like to think that jt and melm lived there first just so i can make the joke of john seeing all these happy families move in over time and be like "this used to be such a nice neighborhood smh"
im gonna try to explain this as coherently as possible because i feel like i can explain this so well out loud but when i try to write it down its very confusing but here we go. so i imagine whenever they move in ("they" being any of the families), theyre already together and have their kid (where applicable. toki and will dont have a kid, for instance, but theyre together). so like. the couples already know each other (their partners) and have a past together but moving to the neighborhood is when they meet everyone else, yknow? so like. for example. magnus and pickles are already together, and when they move to the neighborhood, its their first time meeting nathan and charles.
so as far as everyones pasts with their partners and just general info on what they are/were doing:
- abi and skwis met at a party. abi still works in music production and skwisgaar was doing some modeling at the time in addition to playing some gigs here and there. he ends up taking more of a househusband role after they have helena
- speaking of househusbands, john and melmord. i really love your mention of john being a physical therapist in this AU so i like to think that he and melm met there and eventually fell in love. john still works, melm is a professional househusband and stay-at-home cat dad.
- toki and murderface are college dropouts. well, they say dropouts but they both got expelled after one of their many schemes ended up destroying some school property.........they get by doing random jobs and babysitting lol
- pickles and magnus met while pickles was still in snb. they ran off together after snb dissolved. their marriage may or may not be official (they arent sure how legally binding drunken vegas weddings are), but after jules Happens they decide to settle as best they can. magnus has a podcast and pickles is still living off all that snb cash
- nathan is a bouncer (which is also just my headcanon of what he did during preklok times). hes a single dad to his daughter lucy, and charles is his lawyer and sort of boyfriend. who knows. the joke i have in my head is that trindle is lucys mother but she goes to jail for whatever reason and thats why charles is there in the first place. nathan and charles relationship started out professional but now charles is spending a lot more time at his place.....off the clock.....hmm
as far as the band itself goes?? theyre just fucking around in nathans garage when they get the chance. you know how it is.
the kids all hang out with each other, definitely in that way kids do when you all live in the same neighborhood together. causing mischief. making their own band or something. whatever they feel like doing that day.
its a very slice-of-life ordeal? a pretty mundane AU and thats what i enjoy about it! honestly i imagine it pretty episodic, if that makes sense. just kind of a day-to-day sort of thing, the happenings of these families in this wacky neighborhood.
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emily-strange · 4 years
Second Chances
Dabbling again with those different POV’s!
I also will actually leave camp at some point haha
Tagging @porkchop-ao3 @redeadepression @lucacangettathisasss @janewilson-rdo @gangofgunslingers and @fangirl-ramblings who asked but if you’d like me to stop let me know :)
For the premise of this story, Jack is a little bit younger. I just can’t hurt that boy’s feelings!
Summary: You’re Sadie Adler’s 18 year old daughter who was visiting when the O’Driscoll’s attack. How will you cope with gang life and your increasing feelings for someone who, on the surface, isn’t up for grabs?
Pairing: John Marston x female reader
Warnings: Sexual themes.
Chapter 5
“Abi. Whatta you doin’?” John asks while making sure the canvas is secure behind him. Abigail has one leg bent and uncovered from the blanket on the cot, showing that she’s only wearing her chemise and small cloth of underwear. She has her arms placed behind her making her breasts push out enticingly.
“Well, Jack’s off readin’ with Hosea…I thought maybe we could have some grown-up time.” She smirks while moving off of the cot and towards a stunned John. She pushes the jacket off of his shoulders and breaths in his sent from the crook of his neck, smirking when he shivers.
John moves to gently push Abigail back but before he can, she moves on her own.
“Why d’you smell different?” Abigail asks and John genuinely doesn’t know what she means, so he shakes his head and moves past her to sit on the edge of the cot.
“Abi you can’t be here. I got guard duty; I need ta sleep.” John rubs his hands over his face, missing the gigantic eye roll Abigail gives him. She saunters over to him and pushes on his shoulders lightly, making him look up at her. Before he can protest, she rubs at his tense, tired shoulders.
“Well, then let me make sure you get a good sleep.” Abigail whispers, kneading into the knots to loosen them. John groans and closes his eyes causing her to smile, “There we go.”
For a few moments they stay like this. Abigail standing between John’s legs, working on his tired muscles. She can sense him relaxing and places a delicate kiss on his non-scarred cheek, taking notice of the way his throat bobs as he swallows nervously. She bites her bottom lip and swipes her tongue against his Adams apple before kissing across his neck, the way she knows he likes.
John feels like he can’t breathe. Its been a long while since he’s been touched this way and his body reacts quickly. As Abigail trails her fingers down his neck to his chest, he feels his heart thudding away. Before Abigail can pop the third button of his shirt, he grabs her hands and clears his throat.
“Whatta you doin’ Abigail?” he whispers and with her crouching they’re just about eye level, “You…you’ve not so much had a kind word ta say since I’ve been back. Why now?”
Abigail physically bites at her tongue from annoyance but doesn’t let that seep into her voice as she replies, “Let’s not talk about that now John…..jus’….jus’ let me make you feel good.” And before John manages to say another word, Abigail gently collides her lips with his.
John’s hands clutch at her waist and she smiles into the kiss as he whimpers. Audibly whimpers. He closes his eyes and allows himself to bask in the tenderness. She’s being so gentle, she’s not usually so gentle. Abigail licks her tongue into John’s mouth and plants both bare knees on the cot either side of him, making his hands slip round to land on her lower back.
“I want you John. I always wanted you.” Abigail whispers against his lips and can’t help the knowing smile that graces her face when his eyes remain closed and his hands grip that bit harder against her, “You know what we have.”
John’s harder than he’s been in months and Abigail’s sweet words while she straddles him aren’t helping the matter. He knows, deep, deep down that she’s doing this for a reason. That she didn’t just wake up this morning and decide she suddenly just had to have John Marston. He knows this is about Jack or the gang or needing him on side for something but in the moment, he can’t find the strength to care.
“Do you want me John?” Abigail asks in that hushed tone women use when they’re playing the part, “Do you need me like I need you?” And when she pushes her hand up into his hair, scraping her nails against his scalp, he’s done for.
John grabs her backside and grinds his crotch up into hers, causing her to gasp. The feeling sends electricity through his body and he does it again even harder.
“Yes John.” Abigail moans as the feeling jolts through her as well. She brings his lips back to hers in a heated, ferocious kiss. One that causes them both to moan into the others mouth. Abigail rips at his shirt, sending buttons flying all over the tent and runs her soft palms down his chest. The feeling of her tender embrace and her skin on his is enough to make John’s eyes roll back and his hard cock pulse against her core.
Abigail pulls her lips away from John’s and runs her nose down his neck, breathing deeply before swirling her tongue around his pulse point. She nips her way up and down his throat while pushing down onto his erection. She sighs into his ear and John trembles at the warm feeling of her breath against him.
John moans quietly and feels the tightness in his trousers almost too much to bear. He shifts Abigail back a bit with the intent of opening his fly and Abigail’s eyes light up. As he works on the buttons, she brings his chapped lips back to hers while smiling and says, “See John, we could be happy.”
Abigail’s words cause John to pause and gently push her away from his face. He pants heavily and pushes the voice telling him to continue to the back of his mind. Her look of genuine surprise makes his heart clench but he shakes his head and pushes so Abigail is able to stand back up.
He picks up the skirt she discarded and hands it to her without meeting her eyes, “I really need ta sleep Abi. I think….I think ya should leave. ‘M sorry.”
Abigail breathes heavily through her nose and snatches the skirt from his hand. While she puts it on, she shakes her head and watches as he changes shirts.
“Ya know John. You really can be so stupid.” She states firmly and John just nods while buttoning up the new shirt, “You could have everythin’ a fella wants. The love of’a woman and a beautiful son. Well, you got the son so you best start payin’ attention ta the first part.”
John clutches at his cot with tense hands and bows his head, staying silent and avoiding her furious gaze.
Abigail fixes her clothes and eyes John’s discarded shirt on the floor. She snatches it up and moves to leave the tent before running her hand through her tousled hair. She takes a second to breathe before moving back to John and pushing the hair from his forehead; leaving a small, quick kiss in the middle.
When she leaves, John lies back on his cot and does up his trousers. He stares at the ceiling of the tent for a few seconds before feeling his eyes beginning to wet. He throws one arm over his eyes, shielding them from the light and places his free hand on his stomach. John clenches his fist, digging his nails into the palm of his hand as he quietly sniffs.
You sit back with the other ladies, carrying on with the remaining washing when you see Abigail practically skipping towards you. “Ladies” she greets brightly and everyone, including you, respond with a smile. Even if yours is a tad strained.
“Oh y/n” Abigail sings, “Can I add this to ya pile?”
Abigail hands you a shirt and you notice that most of the buttons are broken off. You weren’t planning on asking why but Abigail answers the question anyway, “It’s John’s. I’ll sew it back up afta it’s clean. He was uh….in’a bit of a hurry.”
Abigail winks at Mary-Beth, who giggles, then walks away to greet Jack who’s still sitting with Hosea.
You feel the cold shiver rising from your toes all the way to the top of your head. You place the shirt onto the pile and fight the feeling of tears that threaten to gather in your eyes. You know what she’s doing. You aren’t stupid. You just try to remember John’s your friend and nothing more. There’s no reason to get upset.
Unbeknownst to you, Tilly and Mary-Beth exchange a quick look of worry as Tilly smoothly moves the shirt from your pile to hers.
In the early hours you find yourself unable to sleep, so you go to the scout fire. The main campfire always has people sleeping around it and you just wanted to be alone.
After you’d finished the washing earlier you had an early dinner from your own supplies and went to bed. While in town last week you’d bought a tent, which you sometimes shared with your mother, even though it was a small fit. Tonight though she was with the other women, sensing you needed your space.
So currently you’re sat at the scout fire drinking whiskey from a bottle you also bought with your own money. Something about using your own stash made you feel less like one of the gang, which made it easier to convince yourself that this was only temporary. So you shouldn’t bother getting attached.
Unfortunately, because you’d gone to bed early, you weren’t aware of who was on guard duty until Bill arrived to take over.
“Hey uh….” Bill stutters.
“Y/n, Bill. My names y/n.” you respond to him when he comes up short. You take a swig from your bottle and don’t even bother to look at him.
“I know! You uh, seen John?” he questions and that does make you look at him.
“No. Why?” you answer but before he can respond, John shows up from the trees. Bill doesn’t say anything but goes to greet him and take the rifle. He wanders off to his post and John spots you at the fire. You avert your eyes from his but this doesn’t seem to deter him.
He comes to sit across from you at the little fire.
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