#anyway i'm old as shit apparently
winter-hoof · 1 year
It's fun to get nostalgic about the early 2000s until I remember that we used to ~*~*~*tYpE lIkE tHiS*~*~*~ and say kewl
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meirimerens · 9 months
you know i must have been bone-tired when this part of the herb brides lore didn't come to my mind when i discussed how the Kin fundamentally differs from the cultures it is inspired by um There Is The Human Sacrifice part. like it's an important part of pathologic 2 that you are doing human, or anthropomorphic (if you want to see the Herb Brides as closer to spirits, which comes with its own set of problematics regarding how to approach their oppression) sacrifice. it's an important part of pathologic 2 that you kill a woman, as part of the journey and in direct resonance with you ritualistically killing cattle earlier, and she offers herself to you with cultural and religious significance.
human sacrifices have been done across the globe for millennia, but i cannot, for the life of me, find any source at all that mentions the Buryats (since that was the discussion point) partaking in human sacrifices by the turn of the 19th-early 20th century (or even anything past the 16th). every single source mentioning offerings and sacrifices i've read mentions animals, things such as milk and vodka, and often both at once. would love to read anything about these rituals if papers exist, but i'm personally drawing a blank.
the Kin has Obvious and very Visible influences but it also differs from specific (in this discussion's case, the Buryats) or wider (here, turkic/mongolic as a whole) cultures from the area by so many pieces, big and small, that i wouldn't have enough appendages on my whole body to count them all. and sister. i have plenty of appendages.
#i AM reading a paper that mentions the human sacrifices at Mongol burials where people (typically servants or family) would be sacrificed#to accompany the dead; as well as the Shor practice of sacrificing women/girls (replaced apparently quickly by sacrificing ducks)#but those seem pretty old [the Mongol part mentions the 13th century] & like. nothing about the buryats in that time period#i'm like 85% sure i saw in the beginning of being into patho someone saying how equating the Kin; who practice human sacrifices [& others]#to correlate/be meant to represent Real Life ethnicities is insulting because They Don't Do That.#and like. everythingggg that touches upon representation/appreciation/appropriation/theft is subjective and#informed my how much leeway you're willing to give the creators so that's like#bro i'm just reading PDFs#also just found out the discussion of ''The Kin Is Obviously Inspired But Not Meant To Represent [x]'' is over 2yrs old. we're still at it.#as anon said. ''unless you're tolkien; coming up with a whole fictional language is hard''.#anyways appendage time. stuff that differs just out of the top of my head:#everything relating to the religion which is almost a complete inverse of buryat tengrist/shamanic faith + don't get me started on buddhism#the clothes. the homes. the creation myths; beyond the apparition of Clay; which is present in so many cultures on earth#no swan ancestor. no lake worship. no sky/heavens. no tens of named hierarchical deities. NO BURBOT! no hats. no hats (burts into tears)#NO HORSES? ON THE EURASIAN STEPPE?#the belief that earth mustn't be cut is so buryat. i'm sure i've read it. no idea if it is also in other mongolic peoples but buryat it is.#also a bull-ancestor/bull totem. that exists in buryat tribes; but they also have a bunchhhhh of other sacred animals (including. swans.#also horses. there's this [charm?] made out of horse hair there is)#neigh (blabbers)#i'm realizin how crazy i sound repeating shit that has been said 2yrs ago but like someone already mentioned the human sacrifice.#someone already mentioned the clothes. someone already mentioned the yurts/gers. someone already mentioned the religion#like i'm just. repeating stuff. and yet. give it up for year 2
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trans-xianxian · 2 months
I ran out of my anxiety meds which never happens because usually my pharmacy is good about sending everything on time so I called like hey whats up w that do I need to call my doctor and remind him to put in refills and they were like oh you have refills we just need a prior authorization from insurance. which has Never been a thing before I've literally been on these meds for almost ten years. anyway withdrawl will be super fun
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weaselshaped · 6 months
Hmm I need to make another embarrassing gender post but not right now I think
#Embarrassing in that like. I mean it's all embarrassing. It's embarrassing to have spent this long missing the point#And to talk about that in public. I am 27 years old and I have id'd as nonbinary for almost a decade and yet I could not refer to myself#as transmasc or incorporate that meaningfully into my self-concept until like. This year. Due to... REASONS???#I literally don't even know! There IS no reason! I just didn't want to deal with it because it seemed harder than resigning myself to being#mistaken for a woman for the rest of my life??? I guess???? Stupid and cowardly tbh#Meanwhile tying myself in knots over like. Disproportionately identifying with queer men in fiction and deciding this was some sort of Crim#'Here is a thing that transmascs often do. Not me though I'm doing it for some other reason' I wasted SO MUCH TIME on this#It's not even really important i just invested a lot of energy into repression for WHAT. and like also on the internet the way I have#described myself over time is like. I am probably revealing some embarrassing things about the way I have engaged with my relationship to#gender that were not apparent until I started getting over myself/moving on from that bullshit. So that's great#I don't know man I would like to feel unequivocally good about sorting my shit out and finally doing what needs to be done#but mostly I just feel like I took too long and now I'm making myself look like an idiot. Idk man. I suck actually!#Oh look I basically did make the post anyway but as tags. Extremely me behavior
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thethingything · 2 months
we got a new set of headphones and the audio quality is noticeably better than in our previous pair (which we've had since before I showed up in the system) and an unexpected side effect of this is that our auditory-tactile synaesthesia has been way more noticeable while listening to music through them
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It's so funny when people look at themselves in photos/videos/etc. retrospectively and whatever they have to say about themselves in the old photos/videos is often something like "I look like I'm 12" when they were actually quite a bit older than that. Culturally-approved response to aging.
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wotb-blog-2024 · 5 months
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WIP Great Chain drawing
#my art#wotb#wolves of the beyond#decided to make a sideblog to this old af book series that i'm getting back into apparently. started drawing this tn and then made this blo#old fandoms and hyperfixations rly do stick around huh#anyway it started with me being kind of afraid to post on my main account#it's so stupid esp bc i've posted art there for years but#it's like. i'm afraid of being judged or me being judged or ppl thinking it's not good or whatever?#but i've always loved to make art and share it#so. even if it's not on my main rn. here we go#it actually kind of works great bc this is such an obscure fandom#so this blog is a good place to not only post my own shit but to reblog other ppls art#my main blog is. well. my main blog. it has everything on it#it's not really a specific theme/fandom blog or even a mostly-art-blog anymore#i've usually been unable to bother to run or even start side blogs or fandom-specific blogs#but here's my attempt at a blog for this fandom lmao#anyway i drew this bc i'm rereading (on book 2 rn) and faolan has to carve the great chain#so i was like. that's a lot of shit to cram onto one bone/canvas let alone make look good and artistic and such#so i decided to try it to see how it would turn out#i'm drawing it according to the canon list (i think it's in book 1 but it's also on the wiki)#i'm adding some of my own twists tho. like the volcanoes by the gnaw wolf#and the mountains being in the 'rock' category and the fish being in the 'water' part of it#i also decided to make a great chain that shows the beauty and importance of every part of it instead of gnaw wolf mistreatment or other bs#i may eventually add things like worms and bones to the 'dirt' part as well#the things between the 'other four-legged animals' and 'plants' categories are the 'birds besides owls'#i may end up adding more and/or making those more detailed and recognizeable#if i add more shit to this or redraw it i may also add more owls and more gnaw + watch wolves#i don't know if i'll end up bothering bc it's A Lot but i may eventually do a colorized version#maybe on the computer with my tablet (which is not at school rn)#probably a good idea bc i have carpal tunnel and need to be careful w drawing and typing. tbh i also need to finish some hw and go to bed
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floating--goblin · 6 months
the fact that when he got with sister imperator, nihil already had a son that was (at least) in his 20s and two others who were ~10 and she STILL got with him and he STILL fumbled that so bad. truly only the most mediocre succeed in life
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
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2022 reads // twitter thread        
The Dawnhounds
adult sff
alchemical biopunk dystopian fantasy world
a thief-turned-cop is demoted, and then murdered
...then she wakes up, resurrected by ancient gods, joins a queer pirate crew, and tries to save her city from corruption
fungi and cool biotech stuff
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turner-strait · 1 year
oh hey i just saw one (1) person make (implied) pepstavo naughties on the bird app. yay.
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
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strifetime · 2 years
?????? my grandmother would rather stress her body from washing dishes and fully supporting herself on the counter because she's "tired of seeing a dirty sink" than hecking Let Things Be as if I (not we, just me, because my sibling is a Teen that doesn't Do Anything) won't wash the dishes
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rottingsick · 2 years
so sick and tired of every single intersex related post written by a perisex person always abt how intersex is some kind of "scientific gotcha token" ppl use in makin arguments and points or whatever. like please just stfu if all yer ever gonna bring up abt intersex ppl is the fact that we exist. double stfu if u only bring us up to try to aid other groups when u don't even give a shit abt us.
we are not just your footnote on why someone is bein transphobic. we are real people with real issues that no one gives a damn about cause all y'all do is treat us like a monolith.
small side note: can y'all stop tryin to claim intersex shit as other queer stuff just cause you cannot be assed to do any critical thinkin or quick google searches
#text#rotting#mine#got a lil upset abt how many intersex only spaces are heavily medicalized#so I went to tumblr to try to just vibe in more shit abt daily life rather than conditions that can cause intersex#tags flooded w perisex ppl just usin the intersex identity as a gotcha in one paragraph in their 50 paragraph post#sick of it. I'm sick of it!#shout out to other intersexist moments from ppl online includin but not limited to#the time someone tried to tell me if I was intersex that I was trans. that intersex is included under trans. when its not???#I sort of get ppl bein huffy abt my enby ass not bein trans as thats a hot topic but intersex??? really???#this entire post on tumblr of ppl violently misgenderin an intersex man because ppl so badly wanted him to be a trans woman#they called every single person correctin the post a terf. was wild. they didn't even kno who the guy was!#they just misread and ran with the poster's intersexist ass#someone called an old description of an intersex person 'omg bisexual??' and not in the old term for intersexuality#told someone I'm on estrogen after they knew I was intersex n had a chest....#they went 'oh I thought it was like born w penis and tiddies' and I was just so taken aback#after I already discussed I don't want any1 even tryin to guess what's goin on in my pants#not online but u kno what while we're here. thought this one dude was relatively chill but apparently not even after lots of time spent#this is another 'sick of ppl assumin my genitals'. anyways so I do majority of the time present femininely#masks are a godsend for hidin masc facial features let me tell u lmao#I had a very bad stomach ache that day and was bein dramatic abt it. homeboy literally kept tryin to ask if I was bleedin out#first of all I said Stomach Ache. Believe Me. second of all Why The Hell Would You Assume My Down There When We Talked Abt This#and I said that aloud cause I thought he was chill this wasn't even a internal me rant I said it.#homeboy goes 'wait so what is there' and Im just the What The Fuck. Don't Ask That.#oh yea also I'm not pressed abt trans fem ppl reclaimin f*ta altho I wish most also understood it fetishizes intersex folks as well#I know that ones a hot topic among some intersex ppl. Im mostly just pressed abt ppl treatin it as if it only fetishizes trans ppl#I think I'm in general pressed abt ppl presentin some issues or expereinces as only trans things when intersex can and will experience the#same exact thing. yes some intersex ppl are cis. a cis person can experience the same thing as a trans person.#if that makes u uncomfy please do reconsider whether you actually support intersex ppl or if we're just a monolith to you#note: I am not cis either in case someone who doesn't know me reads this
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wickedhawtwexler · 2 years
ok but if i DON'T cover my laptop with fun stickers that represent my personality and interests, then how will an attractive and likeminded stranger in a coffeeshop know to approach me and initiate our coffeshop au love story?
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poseiben · 1 year
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warcrimesimulator · 1 year
I found my old Russian professor's VK profile and her pfp is unironically a photo of the USA and Texas flags... ma'am...
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