#anyway jyst woke up
crazywolf828 · 2 years
Yeah so actually, turns outs, the best feeling is finding a really good fic that hasn't been updated in like six months, subscribing to it, then two days later waking up to a notification saying it updated.
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queencryo · 3 years
ughhhh i had an amazing dream abiut a dating sim visual novel.
its a 100% sincere dating sim for most of it, except at the very end it shifts very abruptly to straight-up horror as you desperately try to save... anyone, really, up to and includin yourself, from what is coming. which is, i think, either an expelled student (magic academy setting), or a game idea rhat was partially implemented before being abanxoned (or both), twisted and corrupted. they were... horrible to look at, as the player.
There was a crossword, which wasnt mandatory to fill out, but WAS the only way to find out some world information someof which was incredibly useful (60ish % of the crossworx could be filled out in any given run jyst with the info you were given). On ny second run, I found the horror's crossword, same format as mine. Some of the answers were right, but it looked like at some point they had given up and started guessing violent and spooky things. Interestingly, what appeared to be a correct answer (matched its space, natched the things around it), to the clue 'the best way to harm malevolent ghosts' was 'inhale', which is what id been taught in magic class and what id tried against the horror in my disastroys first run. It hadnt worked. Next to it was an X in the same pen the crossword qas filled out in, and the words 'WRONG. Threaten. You have to nake it afraid'. Cool
oh yeah, my first run. I wasnt really going for any route, but i did axcidentally get the sporty girl romantic interest expelled. She ran right out in her gym uniform, and none of us ever saw her again. Shortly thereafter, i went to my room to finish some homework. Afterward, the school was just aviut empty. Classrooms torn apart, doors wrenched off their hinges. I went downstairs to look onthe first floor: there was two people there. One was trying very hard to open the stairs door which was blocked, the other was walking toward her. I unblocked the door, and the girl pushed past me and ran upstairs. I saw there was blood on the floor down here. Gets fuzzy here, but basjcally this other person was the horror. Their art style became radically different (kind of like trevor henderson's?). I dont rememver much dialogue here, beyond that 1: everyone had died horribly 2: i died horribly 3: i didnt know *why* 4: i had gotten one of he worst endings, which is pretty easy to get actually 5: the only survivor was the sporty romance interest. 6: i tried go INHALE at the horror (which is supposdd to make it so mad about being dead thag it fries itself intednally??) but it. didnt work.
And so things end. Tried a second run, didnt get very far before I woke up. I dont thinj anything was wrongbor had changed, except that my player character/me was 1: aware of what had happened 2: kind of chill avout it
game took on a little more of a mystery vibe from then on, and i got a second crossword! this one was mostly about mystery ckues, and sometimes whsn i learned something it would autofill in the mystery crossword. I assume there are some clues that could only rsally be found by deduction / using that crossword. Still optional tho.
This wasnt in the dream, but i do find it interesting if romancing someone actually mafe them MORE likely to die, harder to save. ig because the horror hates you.
Anyway this game sounds dope as fuck ngl.
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worldsendgirlfriend · 3 years
seimeivector morning editorial incoming
i tryed i realy did..... i went to sleep around like probably 7am is when i actyally dozed off, mom woke me up around 8:30 flipping out bc its not Working, she just Cant connect to the wifi, wtf js Wrong she has so much Work, so i stumble downstairs w/o even putting my glasses on (so my face is 2 inches from any screen i have to read lol), she says she forget-ed the wifi and put in the new password but its Not Working!! What!!! so i was like ok. shoves my face up to her screen. rjght click forget network. didnt forget it for some reason, huh. try again. forgot it this time cool. put in new pass. 👍 all good. did it on her personal and work iphones too, both didnt forget first time either idk theyve just been connected forever nd i did manually punt a ton of devices off before even changing pass, who knows, worked the second time put in pass totally fine. she says she Did that and it didnt work it kept prompting her for stuf wtf did i do different!! vector, internally: im pretty sure u were doing sth else then. forgetting a network is like. does not prompt u. maybe itll ask u like Do u rly wana? idk bht like. its just basic. maybe its jyst me. but i just give a handwavey idk tech is weird blah magic touch who cares im goin back to bed. she azks if i can connect tvs again i say man i aint got glasses on i aint gonna be able to do ghat at this very moment nd im Tyred can it wait, shes like yah just before 4 pls. im like yea thas np sure, go upstairs, get back cozey and comfey, as usual cant fall asleep onbmy own so put on this like one specific asmr channel that this middle aged lady makes both soft spoken nd whisper vids (i hate all whsiper vids but her soft spoken is real good. like great volume yfm relaxing bht not too quiet that its whispery nor too loud. idk im a loser). fall asleep aft3r like idk 20 min.
wake up like 15 min after finally falling aslep. Fuckig Cold! turn on space heater but low setting so will be worm but hopefully wotn have to get up again to turn it off bc im boiling. btw i had to do that anyway. fall asleep p quick, thas neat, wake up again its hot asf turn it off back in bed. slep.
wake up. like 10:45am or sth. no idea how long ive actually slept for when i woke up at 8:30 i saw the time and thought "oh i got a few hours already at least" so like my brain hasnt has the mouse wiggled yet leave me alone. me: dam goin to bed later than i wanted, i kno i wont be able to sleep all the way till 1 uninterrupted but i can try at least. me: [gets a total of like i dont fucking know. at the very most like. 2.75hrs Maybe 3. tryna calculate rn] wow i slept so long thats cazy... and im refreshed so i kno i got good sleep :)
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scaredyjokes · 4 years
some important things just about everyone in this fandom seems to forget:
jerome was an abused child who most likely thouvht bitchmiah was dead when he killed lila
idk bout yall but that confession had major mental breakdown vibes
he was drugged, kidnabbed and held by the galashits undet the threat of death
also galashit the worse was absolutely grooming him. bad vibes
lets see, he got groomed, murdered, woke from literally being electricrally shocked back to life and had his face cut off. of course hes going to lash out
also do me a favor and try to think of anything that actually has abusive sibling and calls them out as being abusive. now let me guess, nothing other than maybe s2 and s3 of stranger things came up. maybe the unbrella academy. but thats it. youll hear about abusive parents, friends, partners, but never siblings. its always ‘sibling rivarly’ and ‘all siblings fight’. chances are jerome thought that anything jeremiah did to him was normal and just part of having a sibling. hell, een if you look yp abusive siblings its all just ‘do you have a narcissist/psychopath/sociopath as a sibling’ which doesnt help anyone and only serves to spread harmful stigma about mental disorders, but i highlry doubt jerome had internet access anyway.
this one is less of a characterizing thing but zach literally held jeromes arm in a pot of boiling soup?? that would do so much damage especiakly without good medical care??
anyways jerome isnt jyst some insane murderer who makes jokes, people just dont think. theres pne post i saw a bit ago that was about his diary in arkham which is also important
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babybadger · 5 years
Looking after Scott with his knee injury :(
“Babe please just take it easy tomorrow” you beg him as he says he’s going on to watch training even if he can’t participate. He was always so dedicated to being part of the team, it didn’t shock you that he still wanted to go in. “I will, I’ll even phone Ole and ask if you can come to help me, if that will stop you stressing so much babe.” He says looking down at you cuddled into him on the couch.
Scott was awake at 2am, then 3am and then 4:30am. His knee was in a lot of pain but he refused to worry you about it so he lay in bed with a grimace on his face. “Baby...babe are you in pain?” you whisper to him as you realise he wasn’t asleep and looked uncomfortable. “No babe I’m fine go back to sleep” You quickly check the time on your apple watch and realise that the pain was so bad it was keeping him up. “Scott you know you should have woke me. I’ll get you some painkillers, don’t move, I mean...sorry” You say realising he wasn’t going anywhere anyway.” You werent sure why but tears started to form in your eyes. One thing you’d always hated was how hurt Scott got from doing what he loved. You sneak downstairs with your phone and try call Mark. He was a physio at the club but also a dear friend of yours so you begged that he would pick up.
“Y/N what the fuck it’s 5am, I have to get up in like an hour.” You sniff down the phone and he realises you are upset. “Oh sorry I didn’t know you were upset whats wrong darling?” He softens his tone as he notices your emotion. “Scott hasn’t slept and he won’t admit it to me but he’s in a lot of pain and he hasn’t slept cause he didn’t want to wake me so now his body hasn’t had the time and rest to heal and I-” “Y/N SLOW DOWN” Mark begs as you start to mumble all your words out. “I’ll come over on my way to work with stronger painkillers but give him normal ones jyst now and loosen off the brace so he has plenty of blood flow okay? He’s going to be okay, his body just has to do its own job which is mend broken parts. The hardest bit for you will be keeping him still. He’ll be okay, okay?” You sniff and mutter back an “Okay see you at six.”
“Here take these” you demand passing him 2 pills and water. He thankfully took them with no fuss. “I’m gonna loosen this off so mark can look at it in an hour or so okay?” Scott just nods his head and you climb back in beside him in bed. “Do you need anything, another blanket, more water?” you ask. You always went in full carer mode when someone close to you was sick and this time was no different. “Babe honestly I’m fine, loosening the brace helped quite a bit and you said mark was coming? as in here? the house?” You nodd and he chuckles at you. “You get so paranoid whenever i’m in pain. It’s sweet you care so much baby, come here” He says pulling you in for a cuddle and forehead kiss while you waited on mark the saviour to arrive.
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Title: Rest  Summary: Sometimes you just need a break. 
(Queerplatonic KageHina, soft kiddos, cuddling, future fic, living together, late-night comfort and warmth)
Read on AO3
Tobio doesn’t know what woke him up. Or when he fell asleep.
He sits up straight, ignoring the awful crick in his neck. There’s a piece of paper stuck to the side of his face, damp and crinkled with sweat, and even the dim light of desk lamp is enough to make his eyes water. Drawn curtains shield a dark, cloudy outside.
Tobio blinks out into space until his eyes adjust. His textbooks are spread on the desk in front of him, along with a plethora of scattered pages and pencils and highlighters. Stifling a yawn, he reaches for his phone and checks the time. Before he gets the chance, he’s distracted by a message just below it.
[Dumbass ❤] [Yesterday - 11:31pm] gonna be home late again, sorry you dont have to wait up for me, i have my key
The digital clock reads 1:04am.
Tobio bites the inside of his cheek, hard. Shouyou’s been working godforsaken hours lately and always comes home exhausted; Tobio always does his best to be up when he gets home, so they can eat dinner together or doze on the couch watching a movie. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep.
He leans back in the chair, more awake now, and sends a response.
[Kageyama Tobio] [1:05am] Are you still at work? How late are they keeping you?
He keeps refreshing the screen, trying not to worry. His foot taps at the carpet anyway.
[Dumbass ❤] [1:06am] jyst got home. on the cough couch m gonna go to sleep
Tobio swings himself to his feet, flicks off the desk lamp and shuffles from the bedroom, down the hall, and into the living room.
Their apartment is a small one, fit to accommodate a single person, but it’s never given them any issues. A good portion of the furnishings came from their Karasuno team, who were so ecstatic for them that they went against their wishes and bought them a whole amalgamation of furniture and supplies. They even helped paint the fixer-upper.
The hall light is on. Shouyou’s shoes are tossed by the genkan, but it seems more or less like he flung them there as an afterthought. His bag, employee visor and set of keys are on the coffee table, also thrown haphazardly, and Shouyou has wrapped himself into a fetal position on the couch, still in his coffee shop uniform, with a blanket half-drawn over his legs like he’d given up midway.
Quiet as he tried, Shouyou must have heard his footsteps, because he stirs. “Tobio?”
“Yeah.” Tobio keeps his voice low. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.”
“S’okay,” Shouyou murmurs without opening his eyes. “Good to see you…”
Tobio smiles—something he hadn’t done a lot of before he met Shouyou—and settles on the couch by Shouyou’s head, careful not to jostle him. Shouyou responds by rolling over and digging his forehead into Tobio’s thigh.
“Long day?”
Shouyou nods. “Customer service sucks.”
“Yeah. I don’t know how you do it, honestly.” He used to hesitate when touching Shouyou, but now he runs a hand through his hair and it’s the easiest thing in the world. “I grabbed takeout earlier, I could reheat some for you if you want.”
“No, s’okay. I’d probably fall asleep in it. Thank you.” Tobio hums softly. “How’ws your day?”
“Pretty alright. Dropped a plate. Chef was pissed, you should’ve seen him, he had smoke coming out of his ears.”
Shouyou giggles, and it’s enough to make Tobio smile again. “But he didn’t fire you?”
“Nah. He apologized later, actually. It was pretty stressful in the kitchen today. One of the chefs was off their game, kept making the sauces wrong. I’m glad I’m just a dishwasher because the waiting staff was pretty stressed.”
“Oh nooo.”
“Yeah. It’s alright, though, everyone’s alright. We made it through the day without a lot of hassle. Tomorrow’ll be better.”
“That’s good.”
“Mm.” Tobio keeps stroking his hair. “How about your day?”
Shouyou makes a small noise of discomfort and burrows closer. “It was… it sucked a lot, not gonna lie. No one seemed like they knew what was going on, there was a new trainee so I was helping him, the manager never showed up, so Tamiko tried taking over but he didn’t know what he was doing a-and…” He stops himself there, curling his fists into the couch and sighing hard. “I’m just. G-Glad it’s over.”
“God, yeah, that sounds shitty.”
“It was.”
“Are you going in tomorrow?”
Shouyou shakes his head, the movement small but sure. “I… I can’t. M’not feeling well. I have a lot of sick days I didn’t use s-so… it—it’ll be okay.”
He says it like he’s trying to convince himself, or justify it in his head. Admittedly, Tobio is surprised, because there have been times when he’s had to physically keep Shouyou from going into work when he was sick or overworked. This is a huge step for him, taking care of himself, but it’s also an uncertain step for him judging by the tone of his voice. And Tobio can hear it; the unasked question that he’s desperate for an answer to. Shouyou doesn’t need to ask it for Tobio to know.
“Good, yeah, stay home,” Tobio says, nodding. He settles his arm around Shouyou’s shoulders and pulls him closer into his side. “If you don’t take time for yourself now, you’re gonna have to take twice as much time to recover later. It’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Shouyou nods, curling closer. “Yeah. Thanks.”
Tobio hums, Shouyou goes quiet, and Tobio takes this time to properly examine Shouyou’s features. It’s tricky in the dim lighting, but those dark circles around his eyes aren’t hard to miss. He looks simultaneously older and younger than he is. His hair has the knots and disarray of someone who’s been wearing a hat all day, and he still smells like coffee and plastic, so chances are he hadn’t showered when he came in. And he’s still in his uniform, too, sleeves bunched at the elbows and collar buttons undone. He’s still got his nametag on, actually, which Tobio removes carefully and sets on the coffee table.
Their work schedules are simple ones: Tobio’s shift down at the American-style grill ends around three in the afternoon (it only serves lunch); Shouyou’s usual shift ends somewhere around nine o’clock at night. It’s as simple as that.
But it’s past 1am now. For the third time this week—and probably the tenth time this month.
Tobio lets his hand drift from his hair to his shoulder and tries not to sigh. “You need to stop covering for your coworkers so much, Shou.”
“S’not always laziness,” Shouyou murmurs, a little disheveled now. He’s always so resolute about this, every time they have this conversation. It’s in his heart to be kind and helpful, to the point where sometimes it takes a long time for him to realize he’s being used. But that’s okay; Tobio can help with that. “S-Sometimes they just can’t make it…”
“If they can’t make it, then they can’t make it,” Tobio responds, letting his thumb swipe Shouyou’s hair off his temple. He feels a bit warmer than he should. “But if you keep coming in early and staying up late for them, they’re never going to learn. They’ll just use you as a doormat.”
Shouyou doesn’t reply, which usually means he can’t argue. Tobio sighs and squeezes his shoulder.
“I know you don’t like feeling like you’re letting anyone down,” he says, “but they aren’t your responsibility. Besides, they’re the ones letting you down in this situation. Don’t cover for them anymore, ‘kay?”
“Wh-What if they hate me? What if they really, really need help one day, and—”
“This isn’t a ‘one day’ thing, Shou. And if you think they genuinely need help, then you can make that call. I’ll help you. But you can’t keep doing this, you’re just hurting yourself.”
“B-But, I—”
“Look at yourself. You’re exhausted, Shouyou, you’ve been exhausted all month and it isn’t healthy. If your coworkers really hate you for not doing their job for them, they’ve got another thing coming. It’ll be okay.”
Shouyou takes his time thinking about it. Tobio has never been exactly patient, but he can be patient with Shouyou. Especially when he’s this out of it.
“... You’re right. I-I’ll try not to.”
Chances are it isn’t as easy as that, but Tobio will take it. “Good.”
Shouyou falls silent again, and Tobio gets more comfortable on the couch, leaning into the arm of it and maneuvering Shouyou until his head is settled on his chest and they can put their arms around each other. Shouyou’s breath stutters on the way in and out, and his heartbeat is just a little faster than normal. His weight is warm and familiar but limp and still. ‘Still’ should never describe Shouyou.
Tobio tugs him closer and draws a deep breath. He really is exhausted, huh…
“Hey,” Tobio murmurs into his hair. “You still with me?”
“We should go to bed.”
“Mmmnnn.” A pause, so long that Tobio thinks he might’ve just up and fallen asleep. “H… Have you studied for the English exam…?”
“Not yet.” Tobio smooths back his hair. “We can work on it tomorrow.”
“I was gonna do some of it tonight…”
“You’ll be able to focus better after you’ve slept, it’s alright. Come on.”
Tobio doesn’t try to make him walk. He swings his legs off the couch, settles one arm under Shouyou’s knees and the other around his shoulders, and gets to his feet. Shouyou makes a small, almost confused sound, but is too exhausted to do much else. He tucks his head under Tobio’s chin and Tobio holds him close.
The bedroom is barely a five second walk from the living room on a normal day, but it takes about three times as long this time, with Tobio moving slowly to avoid jostling Shouyou. Shouyou had been fairly dead to the world before, but now he’s even more so, teetering on the edge of sleep, bundled and warm and safe in Tobio’s arms, like all is well with the world.
And, Tobio is glad that he feels this safe with him, that he trusts him this much. Shouyou draws in stress as easily as people draw in air; seeing those lines on his face finally smooth out settles the leftover worry in Tobio’s chest.
Shouyou is pretty much asleep by the time Tobio crosses from the hall into the bedroom, and he makes the executive decision not to nag Shouyou about getting out of his work clothes and into something more comfortable. He seems comfortable enough already, and waking him up risks him not being able to fall asleep again. They can wash the sheets tomorrow, anyway, it doesn’t matter.
Tobio lets him down gently, and snorts when Shouyou’s fingers twist into the collar of his shirt. “I’m gonna drop you if you don’t let me go, dumbass,” he murmurs without bite. ‘Dumbass’ has become some sort of weird… term of endearment. He doesn’t know how else to describe it, but there’s no malice behind it. There never was.
Shouyou murmurs under his breath, incoherent, and Tobio rolls his eyes and pries his fingers off carefully.
“I’m coming back,” Tobio huffs, tossing the blankets over him, “I just need to turn out the lights. Gimme a sec.”
Shouyou blinks up at him slowly and dazedly, and Tobio takes a moment to press their foreheads together before heading into the living room.
‘Turning off the lights’ ends up being more than just that. He starts with locking the deadbolt, which Shouyou forgot to do on his way in (it’s a habit of his, which is why Tobio picked up the habit of checking all the doors before bed), and then he makes sure he really did put the takeout in the fridge because it’d be sad to wake up and realize he’d left it out all night (which is his bad habit that Shouyou usually balances out). He finds Shouyou’s phone on the coffee table, unlocks it (his and Tobio’s passwords are the same; the day they went to the Spring Tournament) and silences all Shouyou’s morning alarms.
The earliest one is set for 3:15am.
Tobio sighs heavily, powers down the device, and then he finally turns out the lights and returns to the bedroom.
Shouyou is completely out now, his breaths a gentle lull in the otherwise quiet room. Tobio enters as silently as he can, draping his jacket over the desk chair before settling in beside his best friend. They don’t have a name for what their relationship is yet, but they’ve never needed one. With or without a definition, they know what they have. And what they have is uniquely theirs and so, so precious.
When he’s sure Shouyou is soundly asleep, he envelops him in his arms and pulls him close, ignoring the scent of old coffee and instead relishing in his familiar warmth. Like clockwork, Shouyou’s arms immediately come to wind around Tobio’s waist and he snuggles closer, and Tobio doesn’t know what he did to deserve this. To deserve him.
“Shh. Sorry. I’m back.” He detangles some of the knots in Shouyou’s wild hair and smooths it back gently. “Go back to sleep.”
“Mm.” Shouyou breathes a long sigh of relief, letting his head rest fully against Tobio’s chest. “M’l’v y…”
Tobio snorts, holding him closer. “I love you, too, stupid,” he whispers. It feels like a promise, and his heart is so warm. “Get some rest.”
Shouyou makes a small, incoherent muffle of agreement, and Tobio shuts his eyes and lets the warmth and calm and peace wash over him.
He doesn’t know what to call this special thing of his and Shouyou’s, but he doesn’t need to know. Shouyou’s never cared, and neither has he. All that matters is what they do know, and that is that they have each other, they love each other, and they wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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robuttsinyourthighs · 7 years
I was having a lot of fun at anime iowa… Was. I was catching myself when I was getting salty over stuff beyond my control and making myself let go, let the past lie you know?
And because I’m overweight and have issues with my legs I know I need to not force myself to try and keep up with my thin and average friends and they’ve been usually very awesome and understanding. I’d made arrangements with one friend to use my own vehicle to bring me to the convention hotel and then go back and walk with the other friends with us.
Then Saturday night I was crashing since I have refrained from going into a soda binge. So I intended to take a nap so I could wake up in time for people to come back to our hotel for a movie viewing and shenanigans, a good Saturday night?
The friend that had driven me before had a little to drink and immediately we were both like no it’s not wise to do that. But I still needed to sleep. The shoes I was wearing for my costume were flat and walking a long distance is like the official “you are ruined after this” act, which I wanted to avoid hence the ride situation.
At least 2 friends among us had not drank anything and I asked poor group who planned on going to the hotel so that way I’m not just asking someone to stop having fun and go out of their way for me.
Everyone was going to be staying at the convention. I explained why and that I needed a ride or at least would appreciate if someone walked back, grabbed my car and picked me up, and then we rode to the hotel together and I’m not crippled?
“No we’re staying here to wait on another friend.” Okay that’s life whatever. My friend that would’ve driven me walked back with me and then… Everyone followed. Everyone that said they weren’t going to the hotel.
“Oh we’ll just meet the friend we were going to wait for at the hotel”
And I realize in that moment… No one would drive me anyway. No one wants to go out of their way for me even if their plans change and it wouldn’t be terribly inconvenient for them, no one considers me a priority in that way.
I think its just that they think I’m being lazy so they dismiss my requests? Like… I’m just the fat friend no one wants to humor anymore. Sure I need the exercise, but not in shoes that will fuck me up over a long distance? I planned to have a good time and now I’m in a lot of pain.
I laid down. Stared to nap. Everyone left to party which is cool. I wanted to rest up for the movie viewing and shenanigans at our hotel.
I wake up many hours later. No one is here. They’ve already come and gone again (the room was kind of a mess from their party without me while i slept). No one woke me up I guess not to be rude… But then I’ve missed everything.
So now I’m just laying here in bed in an empty hotel room jyst thinking how else I’ve not been able to join them and if they did more stuff without me.
If I find out they went to eat without me too I think that’ll be the icing on the cake. I’m just so sad right now and I don’t plan on going to any conventions anymore.
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