#anyway she tried making a beeline through the pouring rain and then changed her mind and kept to the edges of the yard getting to me
mabelsguidetolife · 2 years
uhhhh..... there was a crazy microburst just now and my neighbor’s shed just got yanked off the ground and crashed into our house by the wind
nobody got hurt but the man is at work right now and he’s in for a surprise in the morning
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aquidragon · 4 years
Purple (Part 1)
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Spencer Reid x Reader Summary: Spencer sometimes considered his eidetic memory a curse, however when he spots a gorgeous woman crossing the street with a purple ribbon, he can’t help but fall heads over heels for her. However, there’s more to her than it seems... Warning(s): Mentions of blood and alludes to violence Word Count: 2.2k A/N: Here’s my first ever x reader series! Thank you to @criesinreid​ for beta-reading this for me! (Part One: Here) (Part Two: x) (MASTERLIST) ---
      Spencer Reid POV
It was a sunny Tuesday morning when I saw her, with beautiful h/c hair that was tied with a purple ribbon. Maybe it was because of the color, since purple was my favorite, but I felt like I was drawn to her. I watched with a rather stupid expression as she walked past me, with a wide smile from across the street. I felt my heart flutter and my face get warm. She was gorgeous. My eidetic memory allowed me to picture her smile and her shining h/c hair as she chased after her friends. After a few days, I caught myself imagining holding her hand and taking her out on dates. Would she like attending the library with me? What kind of genres did she enjoy? I could tell that she at least could read, since she was holding a few books close to her chest as she ran. I could no longer focus the book I held in my hands, the words seemed jumbled and scrambled. Nothing made sense, except for the woman that had blessed my very mind. The few seconds that I had my eyes on her, I couldn’t get her picture out of my vision. I let out a small sigh as I closed my book, allowing my mind to drift to her again.
“Pretty boy has got a crush.” The familiar teasing voice of my colleague joked from right above me. I looked up from my slouched position on the jet’s couch, I snorted, brushing over my lower lip with my tongue. “I-I don’t have a crush.” I responded, which I knew wasn’t convincing as Morgan laughed and took a seat beside me. 
“Come on, you’ve been staring out into space.” He gently patted my shoulder, his dark eyes just dancing with playfulness. “So, who is she?” The older FBI agent asked, earning a small groan from me. “I told you I don’t have a crush.” I unintentionally let my voice lift up an octave, which gave away my lie. The look on Derrik’s face made me sigh and finally give in. “I saw this girl across the street from the coffee shop I frequent before work, Morgan she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” I knew it was rather dramatic, but it was true. “Well, did you get her number?” My co-worker asked, I shook my head sadly. “I didn’t get to her, she was running after some friends.” The sinking feeling in my chest began to drag down my mood. I suddenly felt like a dunce, how couldn’t I have just ran to her, asked for her name, her number, anything? 
I cursed my inept ability to flirt, or talk to women in general. Looking at my friend made my brain begin to curse itself. I wasn’t as confident as Morgan, I couldn’t even cross the street to go after the girl that I was really fond of. This made me bring my hands up to my face, I dragged my palms over my eyes, I was much too tired to think too much about my hopeless attempts at relationships. 
Morgan must’ve noticed my downwards spiral into hopelessness, because he patted my shoulder a few more times as the plane began to shake into the descent. “Hey don’t lose hope, she might live in DC, maybe you’ll see her again.” I looked up at him again, rubbing one of my eyes as the pressure rapidly changed. “How? Morgan I can’t just search DC for her, there’s 705,749 people that live in DC.” I challenged, hopelessness sinking deeper into my chest. I also felt frantic, I felt this paranoid need to find this woman again. 
Morgan laughed, shaking his head. “Oh I know you Doctor Spencer Reid, you’ll find this woman.” Before I could respond with more statistics about the likeness of me running into a random person I hadn’t even met, the plane started to rumble on the runway. The rest of my team all groaned as they were awoken from their naps on the five hour flight we had just endured in Seattle. 
After the plane was landed, I begrudgingly dragged my suitcase behind me towards the BAU offices. I wasn’t looking forward to doing paperwork, usually I could whisk through them with ease, but the nagging feeling in my heart made it impossible to think. All I could think about was her, and that purple ribbon that bounced with her movements as she ran. I scuffled all my paperwork back into a file, I would fill it out tomorrow morning, after my third coffee of the day. I was just about to leave when I heard the soft voice of my closest friend. 
“Leaving so soon Spence?”  JJ asked tiredly, I could tell that she was struggling to keep her eyes open. “Yeah- I’m too tired to do paperwork tonight.” I responded briskly, bringing up three of my fingers to rub one of my eyes. “Wow, Spencer Reid, too tired to do paperwork?” The teasing voice of Penelope came next, her entire body was limp and exhausted. I couldn’t help but crack a small smile, gathering up the last of my stuff. “Yeah-I have plans” I responded nervously. I couldn’t tell Penelope that I had a crush on a girl I randomly laid eyes on. I’m sure I could just tell the woman that the mystery girl owned a purple ribbon and she could find my crush within a couple hours. Tops. 
“Ooo plans?” Garcia asked, a little bit of excitement glittered in her eyes. I opened my mouth to tell her that it was just a trip to the library, but Morgan stepped on. “Woah now Baby Girl, we can’t have our pretty boy here giving away his secrets.” He sent a wink at me, which made me chuckle. “I gotta go guys, see you on Monday.” I walked out of the office, heading towards the silver elevator that would take me to the main floor. 
Now, I normally don’t believe in dream analysis. There’s just not enough evidence to prove that our dreams are somehow linked to ourselves. However, the events in my dream felt so unbelievably real. I saw the woman again, with her gorgeous h/l hair and sparkling e/c eyes. We were in a void, which reminded me of being underwater. My hair was fanned around my head, as if I was swimming. I looked back over at the woman, her hair was also floating around her pretty face. The purple ribbon was no longer on her head, but instead it was tied around her pinky finger. 
“Spencer, look!” She spoke, but her voice was echoed, and sounded like a weird mix of voices. “We’re connected.” I blinked, confused. “Connected?” I muttered to myself, before I felt a tug at my pinky finger, making me look down. Just like the woman’s, a purple ribbon was tight around my finger, and led just to her pinky. 
I let a joyous laugh bubble out of my chest. “I guess we are.” I looked back at the girl, she was now closer. Her face was slightly blurry, but it also seemed so clear.  She seemed sad, from the way her hands floated over my shoulders. “Please find me.” The woman with the purple ribbon whispered, her voice softening. “I need you.” Then I heard gunshots, screaming, and a woman screaming for help. I moved to protect the girl, but she was gone, I was now in a decrepit looking house. I unholstered my gun, approaching the door where I heard the noises. Blood began pouring from the crack between the door and floor. I let out a scream.
And then I woke up
---      Y/N L/N POV
Any method to get away from my psycho family was a win for me. Even if it meant hanging out with my shitty friends from high school, who did nothing but cause trouble and get high. Now I didn’t really have an issue with people getting high, I once dabbled in it when I was in my early college years. I only stopped when I started to fall behind in my classes. 
So today, I decided I was going to the cute little coffee shop I passed after stopping at the library. I’ve been in a desperate need for coffee anyway. Looking into the mirror of my vanity, I cautiously applied makeup to my face. Brushing a hint of blush onto my cheeks as I smiled at myself. I loved makeup, maybe it was because my parents never let me use it growing up. They believed it was “against God's will” or yadda yadda. 
It didn’t matter anymore, I lived in my own shitty apartment, so I could do whatever I wanted to myself. After finishing up the last touches to my face, I reached over to tie my ribbon. I didn’t know why, but I was always drawn to the color purple, so I bought a lot of purple-colored accessories. My ribbon was my most prized accessory though, I could tie it in my hair in whatever way I saw fit.
So, I tied it in my favorite way before admiring myself in the mirror once again. I tried to ignore the subtle scars marking certain locations on my face, but I felt like my makeup covered them well. Feeling satisfied, I switched off the lights, grabbed my phone and headed out. 
“Ugh seriously?” I exclaimed as I stepped outside, only to feel the subtle drops of rain on my hair. The coffee place was only a block or so from my apartment complex, and I really didn’t feel like digging for my keys again. So, I bolted, hurrying to the cafe as the rain started to pelt down harder. 
Once I reached the building, I threw open the door and got inside. Breathing heavily, I searched my purse for my wallet and made my way over to the line. The line went by fast, I ordered my coffee and went to sit down right by the window. A storm had rolled in, I sipped at my beverage as I watched people outside scramble about in hopes for shelter. 
One of them being a handsome lanky man that I swore I saw somewhere. He glanced at me from outside, through the window, and his face lit up. He swiftly entered the cafe, and made a beeline over to me. He didn’t order anything, but the baristas seemed to recognize him, one of them even waved. 
“I-I’m sorry is this seat taken?” The brunette asked, breathlessly, as he stood behind the seat next to me. I shook my head, scooting my chair over so he could get into the one he wanted. “Do I know you from somewhere?” I asked, curiously, I swore I recognized him. 
The handsome man seemed surprised, he took off his soaked jacket. “Uh, I saw you last Tuesday.” He mumbled, his voice squeaking a bit. I bit the corner of my mouth and observed him from head to toe. He was well-dressed, with a dark grey cardigan over what seemed to be a dress shirt and tie. He wore dress pants, but had two well-worn converse and two differently colored socks. 
Suddenly it came to me, I had glanced at him as I rushed to catch up with my friends. I remembered that I really wanted to look back at him again, but had a time constraint. “Oh yeah!” I grinned, taking another sip of my caffeinated beverage. “I remember now.” The man seemed pleased at my words, fumbling with the ends of his cardigan nervously.  “Oh, well, I’m Doctor Reid.” The man seemed like he wanted to shake my hand, but kept his hands as far from mine as possible. He nervously cleared his throat, looking at me in the eyes. “Doctor Spencer Reid.” Spencer gave me a hopeful smile, which I returned. “It’s a pleasure to formally meet you Doctor, my name is Y/n.” I didn’t bother saying my last name, I didn’t want to be associated with it. 
“No please, call me Spencer.” The fawn-brown haired doctor sounded tense. “No need to use formalities with me here.” He clarified, making me laugh. “Alright, alright. Spencer it is then.” When our eyes met, I swore that Spencer looked at me with so much intensity I thought I would explode. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, trying to say something.
“Oh sorry lemme get that.” The doctor scrambled into his pocket, pulling out an ancient flip phone and answering the call. “What? Already?” He paused, listening into the call, I began to become more intrigued by the minute. His face fell, his once bright and handsome face turned into one that resembled haunted somberness. “I understand, I’ll be there right away Hotch.”
“What’s wrong?” I asked, not bothering to suppress my curiosity. “It’s my-job.” Spencer answered sluggishly, making a face as he slid on his damp jacket. “Oh?” I watched as he scrambled for a napkin and he fished a pen from his satchel. 
“Call me?” The honey-eyed man asked hopefully, after sketching out his number on the paper. I nodded, taking the napkin into my hand, scanning over the haphazardly written numbers. “Of course-” I responded, but Spencer was already halfway out the door. I snorted, slipping out my phone and typing in the man’s number. Now THIS will be interesting...
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fanficsrusz · 5 years
My collection - part two John wick AU
A/n: so ive already wrote part 2 because ive been brain storming ideas all day at work and i just had to get some of them down. So this was the out come.
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A week had passed and y/n had found herself in front of her new college. This is where her life would begin and y/n felt a knot form in her stomach from nervousness and excitement. “So what do you think?” y/n turned to where the voice had come from and saw Tom. y/n smiled “it looks huge” she laughed and Tom wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Don't worry about it you will get used to it. Come on you need to get to your first class” Tom lead her around the college showing her the various points of interest before he stopped outside a lecture room. “So this is where i leave you. But I will see you at lunch and I will introduce you to a few on my friends” Tom leaned against the wall. “Thanks again tom. I don't have many friends yet” y/n laughed looking down. “Don't worry. You will have no trouble making friends here” he said before someone had called his name “ ok i have to go. See you later” he said “bye” y/n muttered as she watched him walk towards a group of guys who were all staring and watched as they all clapped and laughed as he got closer. y/n heard Tom say a quick shut up before they moved out of view. y/n giggled before pushing open the door to the lecture room which was still filling up with students.
She placed herself a few rows back from the front and pulled out various books and pens ready for the class to begin. “Good morning everyone.” y/n looked up and a small amount of panic set in as she saw John stood in front of the class in a suit, his hair slicked back:a complete 180 of the john y/n had met just a week earlier. She sat up straighter in her chair. “It's nice to see you all after such a nice break a…” John paused as he made eye contact with y/n and smiled. “I also see we have a new face in the class.” and just like that all eyes were on y/n. y/n wanted to jump out of the nearest window out of pure embarrassment but decided to give a small smile instead which john returned. “Ok moving on please open your books to page 70. We have a lot to cover this year people.” john said keeping intense eye contact with the new girl in his class.
y/n tried to focus as much as she could on the lesson but every now and then her mind would slip back to her teacher/ neighbour and why he gave her such a weird vibe.  She just couldn’t pinpoint why she felt this way about this man. He had done nothing wrong to threaten her in anyway shape or form. In Fact so far he had been a model neighbour. So why was she scared to be around him?.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the bell and everyone stood up rushing to go to lunch. y/n tried to put her stuff away as fast as she could.
It was as if john had super powers because he was suddenly next to her. “y/n. What are the odds that you’re in my class” john gave a smile and y/n gave the best attempt at a smile she could. “Small world John” she replied “dr wick” he said sternly, the smile dropping from his mouth instantly and was replaced with a look that could kill. y/n was shocked at the harshness of his words and john must have understood the confusion on her face because the smile quickly came back as if someone had switched a flip in him. “please call me dr Wick whilst you are in class. You don’t want people getting the wrong idea”. That sentence made y/n shudder out of disgust. Any other girl would have swooned and it would of had the same effect on her any other time but for some reason it didn't. Dr wick was a good looking man but there was that feeling again. The feeling that there was something off with this man. “Well i must be going. Im meeting friends for lunch” she hastily pushed past him running out of the class before anything else could be said to make y/n feel any more weirded out. It was at that moment she knew she was going to be seeing a lot more of john and she dreaded it.
John looked down at the table y/n had been sitting at and smirked when he saw she had left her planner on the desk. It was as if some unseen force was pushing john towards the young girl. He slipped into the seat and closed his eyes; the seat was still warm and he could smell her sweet perfume. John looked down and opened the planner and flipped through it all. There was nothing of any interest, a few notes for her homework and some to do lists. He skimmed over the words 'pick up veg' 'tidy pantry' ect. But two sentences took his interest 'gym meeting at 2pm sat' and ‘ parents visiting sunday’. He now knew where she would be this weekend and made a mental note of it. He finished flipping through the book until he got to the back and the smile that had previously been on his face had now changed to anger. He picked up a note. Reading the words slowly he felt the anger grow in his chest. John screw up The note tom had given y/n with his number on and shoved it in his pocket.  John knew tom and he would make sure he was going to stay away from her. He picked up the book and moved over to his desk and put it into his bag. Sighing he closed his eyes and pictured y/n.
Never before had john been so quickly drawn to a girl before. Was it her y/h/c hair? Or y/e/c eyes? John didn’t know. But he wanted her and that's all he did know.
Y/n walked into the canteen and saw Tom sitting at a table with a few other people. As she got closer Tom looked up and saw her, a smile grew on his face. "hi" y/n said and tom stood up "hi. Everyone this is y/n. She’s living in my grandads old house. Y/n this is sarah, jack and leon." they each looked at the new girl and greeted her, beginning a conversation and talking with her as if they had been friends for years. They made y/n feel at home and soon the encounter with john was pushed to the back of her mind. If only the same could be said for john.
Dr. Wick walked into the canteen and scanned for his new favourite student. He saw her sitting with tom and the way the two students looked at each other sent a deep hatred through his body.
John stormed over to the table. Y/n looked up and  her face went pale. "y/n? What's wrong?" tom asked. " Tom" john seethed  "what did i say to you about your work? It's terrible i want you to redo it again but this time i want you to do 50 pages. On my desk tomorrow. You also have 2 weeks detention for making me read such a terrible piece of work" john stormed off and the whole canteen was staring at the boy. "what was that about?" leon said breaking the silence. Tom shook his head "I don't know. I handed in my assignment a few days ago and he said it was perfect. He never acts like that. He’s always the nice teacher. I'm sorry I have to go. I won't be able to re-do the work in time if I don't start now. I’ll text you later y/n" tom quickly stood up and rushed out of the canteen. Leaving everyone to their lunch.
The school day had finished and y/n climbed into her car just as the rain started to pour. As she turned the key the car didn't start . "ohh come on" she groaned resting her head on the wheel as she tried several more times and nothing. She jumped out the car and started the long walk home, deciding on calling someone to fix it tomorrow . As she walked out the car park, a car pulled up beside her. It was a beat up old mustang and as the window rolled down she inwardly cried. John leaned out the window.
"miss y/l/n. Where's your car?" John asked with a weird tone in his voice. "it broke down. I'll call someone to fix it tomorrow" she said quickly as she pulled her jacket closer to shield herself from the rain. "I can give you a ride home. I mean you do live across the street" john laughed but y/n didn't. "um i'm fine really i ca…." john interrupted her "nonsense i am not letting you walk in this rain" y/n looked up “it's not really that bad I can walk “ and as if on cue the rain got heavier and thunderstruck. 'why do you hate me God' y/n thought. "sure. Fine" she said throwing her hands in the air and she walked to the other side of the car and climbed in.
As she got in the car she tried to sit back as far as she could in the car in an attempt to disappear but obviously luck was not on her side. "so what do you think of the college so far?" John asked as he began the drive back to their street. y/n looked out the window and replied “yhh i really like it actually. Everyone is so nice. '' John looked at her “good”
The rest of the car ride home was quiet only filled with the sound of raindrops hitting against the metal contraption that the pair sat in and soon enough john had pulled into his driveway.
“And we’re here” john smiled gently hitting his hands on the wheel.”thanks again John. I really appreciate it. I have to go. I've got a lot of work to do still” y/n climbed out the car and practically ran to her door. John stood in the driveway and watched as the girl entered her house. Even when she was out of view John still stood there watching in the pouring rain.
Eventually he made his way into his house, changed into comfy clothes and made a beeline to his chair where he continued to watch y/n. If only she knew that nets may work if it's light outside, but when it's dark out and the lights are on inside, it gives the world a perfect view.  This had becomes Johns new favourite pastime. Watching the pretty girl across the street. John could see y/n walking up the stairs and go into her room where she began the routine of undressing and walking into the bathroom to shower. Its was John's favourite show really and knowing no one knew what he saw made him buzz with excitement.  John had y/n routine memorised already. Come home, shower, tidy up, watch tv, eat and read. However this night the routine changed when there was a figure at her door. John stood up suddenly and watched as he saw y/n answer the door and suddenly smile. ‘Who was this? Why were they there? How dare they interrupt our time together!’ hundreds of questions and thoughts went through his head as he watched the two interact. As the mysterious figure came into the light, John felt the anger boil inside his chest once again and grabbed a glass from the table and threw it across the room smashing it against the wall.
The doorbell rang and y/n was confused. She never had visitors at this time or anytime honestly. She made her way to the door and opened it revealing a very wet Tom. “hi” he smiled “hi” she replied. “What are you doing her? Come in quickly before you catch pneumonia” she laughed dragging him in and taking his jacket to hang in the hall, the rain falling of it and creating a small puddle. The two walked into the living room and sat down. “Well, sometimes when it rains heavily the garden floods and i just wanted to check it was alright” tom scratched his neck and looked down. y/n laughed “ you're a terrible liar you know that right. What do you really want “ john looked down before looking her in the eyes again. “Well i wanted to actually ask you out. On a date. With me.” y/n smiled and walked forward placing a soft kiss on his cheek “i would love to. How about we watch a movie here? I have popcorn” tom nodded and the two began to make the preparations needed for the movie night to proceed. Soon enough the two were cuddled next to eachother as the film played, unbenounced to them that john was watching their every movement and planning to make things right once again.
Soon the pair were fast asleep, wrapped in a blanket to keep the cold air out and John saw his chance.
He slowly made his way over to the house and round the back to the patio doors where there was a clearer view of the couple on the sofa. The sight made john feel sick. She was his and his only. He grasped the handle with his gloved hand and it slid open. John walked in quietly making sure to close the door behind him. He looked around, the place just screamed y/n and he like it. All the little things she had collected throughout her life and all the pictures which held so many memories. John looked around carefully taking in every detail he could. He soon stopped when he heard a soft moan come from the pair. y/n moved in her sleep to get comfy again but didn’t wake up. John walked over to them quietly and looked over her sleeping form, bringing one of his fingers down to ghost over her body. Her hair was a mess over the pillow but somehow she still managed to look like one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. John could have stayed there looking at her forever but his mind was brought back to reality  when his eyes scanned down to her waist. Tom’s hand hugged her waist as they slept and john's mission had become clear again. Pulling out a chloroform soaked cloth he held it over tom's face. There was no struggle as toms slumber was took even deeper and john was free to continue. John slowly and carefully picked tom up as if he weighed nothing and hoisted him over his shoulder making sure not to wake y/n up. slowly john mad his way back to the patio doors where he had come in and just like that john had disappeared into the darkness, taking y/ns chance at love with him. There was no trace that john was even there.
The morning sun beamed through the open curtains and the quiet morning was interrupted by the sound of y/n alarm, signalling her that it was time to wake up for college. Stretching, y/n sat up rubbing the sleep from her eyes. As the memories of last night flooded back to her causing her to smile like a child in a candy shop. She looked around the room and was confused as to why she was alone. "tom?" she called out and was met with silence. She stood up and looked around the house but he was nowhere to be found. A little bit of sadness crept into her chest as she put two and two together. Y/n was not dumb. She knew when she wasn't wanted and it wasn't the first time she had been left. " see this is why I don't bother having a love life. They Are never interested" she said angrily to herself and stormed upstairs to get dressed. From today she was going to focus on her work and nothing was going to stop her.
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bnha-hcs · 7 years
Bakugou x Reader - Rainy Day Kittens + Happy 1,500+ followers!
Decided to post this without the the photo bc Sho is sick and I didn’t want to rush her with the sketch because she’s drowning in commissions, so we’ll most likely finish it on a later date. Also I guess this is sort of happy 1,500 followers now that I think about it lmao. Thank you all for the continued support, I’m very lucky to have such great followers!
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Words: 3,420
It was around  9pm and you were worried sick. You checked your phone for probably the fifth time this minute, hoping that a text from your boyfriend would suddenly appear on screen. Your previous texts had been ignored ever since you started texting him around seven. It was also good to mention that it was absolutely pouring outside, thunder and lightning crackling up the sky. Anxiety tugged at your mind and about a thousand thoughts were racing through your mind. Was he attacked on the way home? Was he knocked out cold and being held somewhere? Or maybe he secretly had a mistress and was cheating on you… You shook that thought out of your head. There’s no way that one was even remotely true.
You slurped up your noodles from your instant ramen cup since you had delayed dinner to the point where it was too late to make anything big. It’s a good thing Maru-chan always had your back for situations like these. Although Katsuki would would probably kill you for eating something so bad for you. You drank down the hot broth, savoring the warmth as the rain continued it’s downpour onto the the city. There’s no way he would’ve gotten himself in trouble. Well, not anything he couldn’t handle himself. You sighed, tapping your foot out to get rid of this anxious feeling in your chest.
When you heard the door to your house crack open you rushed to the over after setting down your finished cup noodles. Your boyfriend stepped into the house, kicking the door closed and letting an out an agitated sigh. You moved to stand in front of him and instantly grabbed his  face to pepper it with kisses, ignoring the fact that he was soaked to the bone. He didn’t do much to stop you since the warmth of your lips felt good on his cold wet face.
“Katsuki where have you been?? You had me worried sick I thought something bad happened…” You trailed off. After a few moments you looked at him as a whole and squinted. What was up with his jacket? It looked… lumpy and was it moving? Your gaze traveled to his face and he had the look like he was trying to hold back a stupid smile.
“What the hell is going on? You’re usually cursing up a storm and complaining about your day. What gives?” You asked pursing your lips. He glared at you.
“Just shut the fuck up and help me with this.” Katsuki grumbled.
You assumed he was talking about his lumpy and moving jacket so you cautiously went to unzip it. There was a noise and you stopped letting out a squeak. What the fuck? Is this some sort of prank? You listened for a second and heard it again. It sounded like… You went to unzip most of the rest of his jacket and your face lit up with happiness and surprise. This was too cute. As soon as light hit the little bundles of fur they started making a symphony of tiny mewls. You squealed with delight.
“Kittens! Oh but they’re covered in mud, poor little things.” You cooed.
“Don’t just fucking stand there, get them out of my jacket!” Katsuki demanded. You complied happily.
Reaching into his jacket you pulled out three of the kittens covered in mud, all the while going on about how cute they were. They squirmed in your arms and you could barely hold them. Katsuki was left with the other three. You looked at him practically radiating with happiness from this little surprise he had for you.
“Here, let’s go put them in the tub so I can wash them off. Then you can go change while I give them a tiny bath.” You smiled.
Katsuki nodded and mumbled something under his breath that you didn’t catch. He was probably just complaining about how cold he was from his soaked clothes. He followed you down the hall and to the bath and shower. You nudged the door open with your foot and used your elbow to flick on the lights. You quickly sat down to let down the squirming little fuzzballs onto the bathroom floor. They stumbled and crawled around as you scooted over to the tub to start the bath. Katsuki sat on the ground and let the other three down, going to shed his dirty and soaked jacket and his shirt that was under it until he was just left in his pants. You held your hand out in the tub waiting for the water to warm up and watched as the six kittens stumbled over to Katsuki who was busy trying to dry his soaked hair.
“Go over there to her you idiots I’ve already had enough of you.” He said with a frown plastered on his face.
It didn’t work because they kept on their path to stumble over to him on their tiny little legs. He hissed as one jumped up onto his leg and dig their claws into him. He huffed and picked up the kitten gently and put it down facing your direction, hoping it’d get the memo to leave him alone. It didn’t work obviously, and the kitten bounded back over to him, meowing loudly as if out of protest to being sent away. Katsuki gave up and soon his lap was covered in kittens. You laughed a little bit as the muddy kittens crawled all over him. He sat there looking unamused of course but he never handled them harshly even as they accidentally scratched up his thigh.
“The bath is ready for them, you can go change now.” You said grabbing a kitten from him and setting it in the two inches of water.
“If I can get these fuckers off me.” He mumbled in disdain.
“Then I’ll help you.” You chuckled.
You reached over and grabbed another one, and then a second one before you set them in the tub of warm water with the others. They meowed loudly in protest but it was for their own good. Well, and Katsuki’s. He handed you another two for you to put in the tub before he handed you the last one and stood up to head to your shared bedroom to get a fresh shirt and pants. Meanwhile you grabbed each tiny kitten and gently washed off the mud caked onto their fur. They kept trying to jump out of the tub and you had a fun time when one of them actually jumped out and and made a straight beeline for the door.
“Ah, no! Get back here!.” You called out. “Katsuki we have an escapee!”
An aggravated yell could be heard from down the hall followed by a string of curses. You also heard a tiny distant meow before you went back to trying to wash off the rest of the little turds. After each kitten was washed you didn’t even care as they jumped out of the tub and run out the door because you had a sneaking suspicion where they were heading anyways. After you cleaned the last one you caught them before they could escape and grabbed a towel to dry them off.
 As you were drying off the tiny kitten Katsuki walked in through the door looking very unamused. You covered your mouth to hide your smile when a small mob of kittens came trotting in after him. Oh how amusing this was… You let the kitten you had go and they ran to join the tiny herd. You watched as Katsuki tried to sit down by you and carefully plan each movement as to not accidentally hurt one of his tiny followers. When he had sat down the wet kittens automatically clambered on top of him and vied for his attention. You handed him a towel to help you dry them off and he begrudgingly took it before grabbing a screaming kitten. While he toweled off another kitten you grabbed another one and kept going until they were all dried off and romping around.
“I’m pretty sure they think you’re their mama.” You snickered seeing them needily try and climb over him.
“Don’t be stupid, all I did was rescue them from some shitty cardboard box.” He grumbled taking one of the kittens before holding it up to his face. “I’m not your mom.”
“I don’t think you can convince them that you’re not.” You said with a coy smile.
You reached over and took one of them, holding it and scratching under it’s chin with a finger. After setting it down it immediately went to join the others in their adventure to climb Mt. Katsuki. Meanwhile you boyfriend was trying to get them off of him so he could have some breathing room. At some point he gave up because he let him climb up and sit in his arms. You hated to break this touching moment but you didn’t really want to spend the rest of the night in the bathroom.
“I think we should take them into the kitchen and try to feed them” You said picking a kitten off of him.
“With what? We don’t have fucking cat food.” He said.
“Then I’ll go down to the convenience store down the street. It’s open 24/7.” You offered.
“I’m not letting you out in the rain at night.” He said sternly. “If anyone’s going anywhere it’s going to be me.”
“But you literally just got back and you’re going to get wet again!” You reasoned. He just brushed you off and the yelling kittens that went sliding off of him as he got up.
The kittens went running off after him and he had to be careful not to accidentally step on them while he trudged to the door. You were a little mad that he was going out instead of letting you but it was hard to stay mad watching him be so gentle with the six bundles of fur meowing at his feet. With a sigh you got up and started to herd the kittens away from Katsuki since he was yelling curses trying to scoot them away from the door. He nudge one back with the tip of his umbrella until he mumbled a goodbye and was out the door.
You noticed the kittens seemed rather lost without their appointed mother so you did your best to fill in. You ran off to find a blanket and made it into a makeshift pouch so you could place the kittens in it. Admittedly you felt some sort of weird cat burglar or some sort of stork carrying kittens around in a makeshift sack. You lugged them off and over to the couch in the living room and flicked on the tv so you could have something to do when not watching the kitties. Setting down the sack meowing kittens they nearly exploded out of the blanket and resumed their meowing as they wandered around the small space of the living room. You tried your best to keep them engaged using a ribbon from an old present bag.
Time ticked on and the kittens had gotten bored, opting to take a little rest on you or beside you. They looked like a bunch of tiny little sweet rolls curled up the way you were and you took out your phone to take a picture. You sent the pictures to your group chat with a few others before you went back you petting the resting kitties. Of course that didn’t last long. Your phone buzzed, letting out a text tone and startling a few of them. You looked at the reply to see that it was from Ochako.
“They’re so cute!! I didn’t know you guys had cats what are their names?” The text message read.
Names? That’s right… you really hadn’t thought of any names for them. Now you had something else to do while Katsuki was at the convenience store. Petting the kitten in your lap gently you pondered a few names, forgetting to text back to Ochako. You looked over to your cup of noodles and looked at the brand. You smiled and a light bulb went off in your head. This one would definitely be named Maru-chan.
Time marched on and you had settled on a few names. Maru-chan, Tama, Spaghet, President Theodore Roosevelt… You weren’t sure for the last two but it didn’t matter because the door practically slammed open alerting the kittens to a certain someone’s arrival. They hauled ass over to him and you heard a frustrated yell as you slowly got up.
“Oh for fucks sake I wasn’t gone that long. Piss off!” Katsuki yelled carefully shuffling his feet and nudging the kitties out of the way.
“See, I told you they think you’re their mama.” You snickered watch him try to walk over to you.
“Fuck off, just take this bag.” He said jutting out his arm in your direction. You took it and started going over the items in the bag.
Pulling out stuff you saw a lot of cans of wet cat food and then some cat toys. A large bag of cat food was slammed on the table next to you and you jumped making your boyfriend laugh. A few of the kittens jumped on the table and were inspecting the bag, jumping when it moved or something else moved suddenly to startle them. You puffed out your cheeks and let out a sigh a few seconds later.
“We need litter boxes, too.” You said under realization that cat do in fact, poop and pee.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Came Katsuki’s enraged response. “I’m not going back out again!”
“I’m not asking you to so calm your tits, babe.” You huffed back at him. “I think I have an old storage bin from when we moved. We can just fill it with the sand from those old sandbags in the garage.”
Katsuki grumbled something and hugged you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder. You sighed and leaned into his embrace. You’d just have to feed these little farts and get their litter box set up so the two of you could rest. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before going to grab some of the cans of food for the cats, but you swatted his hand away.
“No, I’ll feed them. You should make yourself something to eat I know you’re probably hungry.” You said reaching out and holding his hand in yours. “You need to eat too you know.”
“Fine.” He replied almost looking relieved.
You let go of his hand and watched him shuffle lazily to the fridge so he could make himself something to eat. It was well past ten so he deserved to eat something. Grabbing the small cans of cat food you went to rummage through your cupboards and get six small bowls, all stacked on top of each other. You walked a bit aways into the midway point between the kitchen and the living room before you set everything down. The kittens were still pestering Katsuki as you went back over to grab a spoon.
Opening a can of the wet cat food immediately made the kittens cast their attention over to you and they mobbed you like some sort of hungry crowd of cat zombies. You struggled to keep them away from the bowl you were scooping the food into and had to stand up and try to do it that way. If only you had some sort of forcefield quirk so you could make a little bubble for yourself. You set the already full bowl on the table and picked up another can to empty into another bowl. After a while you had gotten the bowls full but putting them down was the next challenge. You set two bowls down and they swarmed onto those.
“Oi you fat asses there’s more food over here.” You heard Katsuki say from behind you. He moved past you to grab and set down a few more bowls while you went to get the last few.
Katsuki bent down and took some of the kittens so he could deposit them by their own personal bowl of cat food. You watched him do the same for the rest and then sit there and police who was eating out of which bowl like the good cat mom he was. You laughed a bit when he stopped a kitten who already eaten all of their food from mooching off another one. Kneeling down next him you helped him on policing duty and moved to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. You could tell he appreciated the affection because he practically leaned into you touch.
“Didn’t I tell you to make yourself some food?” You asked teasingly. He half heartedly glared at you.
“I am making something, it’s simmering.” He said flatly. “Besides you were fucking it up over here.”
“How mean.” You said in mock hurt. “But if I knew having a bunch of stray kittens in this house would make you a bit softer, maybe I should’ve gotten a kitten sooner.”
“Whatever.” He said going to shoo a kitten away from the one that was still eating.
“It’s true!” You chuckled. “You’re very gentle with them, I’m surprised.”
The kittens finished their meals and while Katsuki ate his own food and dealt with them meowing at him for attention, you went to find the large plastic tub you were talking about. You rummaged around in the garage until you found it and then continued to lug a sandbag and slam it down inside. You grabbed a large knife, slicing an opened and then emptying the contents into the tub. It wasn’t the best litter box but it’d have to do for now until you could get actual stuff from a pet store.
After lugging the giant tub into the main room you yawned and flopped yourself onto the couch. One of the kittens, Maru-chan, had jumped on the couch with you and went to curl up on your chest. Not too much later Katsuki came over, kittens trailing after him as he crashed next to you. You hummed as he pulled you over to him, wrapping an arm around your waist as your head came to rest on his chest. Maru-chan had since moved and found another place somewhere else.
“You’re gonna make me fall asleep right here I swear.” You mumbled.
“I wouldn’t give a fuck even if you did.” He sighed taking his fingers and threading them in your hair. “I’ll probably pass the fuck out here anyways.”
“Then if I fall asleep and drool on you, you can’t complain.” You said stifling a yawn.
“If you drool I’m shoving you off me.” He said clearly unamused. You laughed lightly and snuggled into his chest even more.
With all six kittens around him Katsuki looked down at you, realizing you were his seventh. His fingers combed through your hair and he vaguely payed attention to the tv. You were a pain in the ass sometimes, just like the six furballs curled up at his side. But he loved you nonetheless, and nothing would change that.
“We’re not taking them to the shelter are we?” You asked sadly.
“Why the fuck would you think that?” He asked.
“Just making sure, I don’t think they’d be happy having to leave their precious mama.” You smiled.
“For the last time I’m not they’re mam- ow!” He was cut off when a kitten’s kneading got a little too much. He glared at the offending cat in question.
“Oh, did President Theodore Roosevelt get you? He had the sharpest claws.” You asked  craning your neck to look at him.
“President… what?” He asked.
“That’s his name.” You stated matter-of-factly.
“I… You’re so fucking weird.” He groaned taking his hand and pinching the bridge of his nose.
“H-Hey! Like you could name them better!” You said jabbing him in the side. “I still haven’t named two of them. Why don’t you do the honors?”
“Fine, then it’ll be King of Explosions and… Murder.” He said. You choked on your spit.
“Katsuki we can’t name him Murder! What if he gets lost we can’t just run around yelling ‘Murder!’ Someone would call the cops!” You shrieked.
“Oi, you fucking said I could name them!” He protested.
“Okay you can but…” You hid your face in your hands. “Please something, anything other than Murder.”
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