#things started flying past me on the porch and my dogs both went out.....
mongayakai · 2 years
Something about trying to move an rv with someone but had to pick up my dog slinky from my old house, but actually it was my nanas house, but also I got out to pet slinky on the porch and wave the rv for when it should stop and it started backing in and I waved it to stop but it kept going and it ran over half of slinky but instead of blood and gore she just sorta was split as if it's just an erased detail or something and I was freaking out trying to make sure she's OK and the rv driver got out to check what's wrong, and I'm still freaking out but slinky is acting fine and her back leg grew back so now she's a tripod dog and I'm freaking out more cause she's my cousins dog and he's on his way to the house. So I'm like "omg omg slinky is missing a leg and eddy is gonna kill me and this is like a permanent think omg slinky I'm so sorry omg omg" and then the dream shifts to a different plot.
I was like a robot themed character but also a spongebob-esque sense of wonder. There was this guy who was like the tutorial npc of a game but it was like Dark Deception sorta where like there were 4 different sections all of which focused on a different element and we had to solve puzzles and collect elements as like a Fuze box sorta thing that would open the exit back to the main area where the entrance to the sections were. Npc had like this "over it" vibe to him but like we went on an adventure and I got really attached to him. I got a robot element thing from 1 adventure, and he helped me get like this cube gum-like element thingie from another where we were tiny and outside a hedge fence and had to wrangle a bird to fly us over the fence. Apparently at some point he went on his own to get some sort of Snuff element and I had called him while I was at like this all-seeing God's office themed around an owl. When I called him the dream shifted to show that he was coming out of the snuff section in plastic latex like arms and leg coverings covered in blood and he was taking the coverings off as I called. I asked where he was, said he was busy and got a new element. I asked which one and he said we just need to worry about the cat element now. I asked him about something and it revealed that he had lied to me about something and I felt betrayed and started crying but I don't remember what it was about. To get the cat element we both entered at different times and tried to figure it out separately. It was like being in a giant house, but you could see the aura of people's emotions. It started as a dad and teen son sitting on the couch watching TV and everything was bright and happy auras, then the mother walked in yelling about how she can't find the cat and needs to take him to the vet. The auras died down into a gloomy red and Grey and it was revealed to me that the cat bed was right next to me. The fluffy cat got up from the bed and the element was around its collar. The son tried to pet it and the dad tried to stop him but the cat scratched the son really bad. I hid as the cat walked past because it would kill me if it noticed. The mother went to get the cat carrier in a room down the hall. Npc showed up and was already finding the tools for the puzzles. At some point the mother giant opened a Fuze box that was in the bathroom mirror cabinet and noticed me on a table behind her. She had previously tried to attack me when she saw me, but at this time she had grabbed 2 items from me and put them in the Fuzes. Turns out i already had 2 of the Fuze box tools, they were the elements we gathered, an antenna and cub of gum stuff. I don't remember how the dream ended.
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mabelsguidetolife · 2 years
uhhhh..... there was a crazy microburst just now and my neighbor’s shed just got yanked off the ground and crashed into our house by the wind
nobody got hurt but the man is at work right now and he’s in for a surprise in the morning
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matsbarzal · 3 years
can you please do fluff #15 with Jamie Oleksiak???
15. "i can't wait to see you." - jamie oleksiak
word count: 1.6k pairing: jamie oleksiak x reader
Jamie had left for Seattle the day he got the call from his agent.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t upset about how quickly things were changing. One second, he was a fan favourite of the Dallas Stars, next he was being left unprotected and easily getting swept up by the Seattle Kraken in the midst of the expansion draft.
He had promised you things wouldn’t change too much, that the two of you would be able to work everything out and figure out what you were going to do, whether you were going to follow him to Seattle or try to make it work from miles away. He had promised you that you guys would figure it out before engulfing you up in his arms, his body wrapping eagerly around you as you pressed yourself as close to his as you could.
Jamie bid you goodbye with an eager press to your lips, his body ducking down while your lips moulded against each other, the unspoken words flowing through before he pulled away, a quick press of his lips to your forehead and one last hug before he had to make his way through the airport.
That was three days ago, and you were already starting to lose it a little on the inside. Jamie was busy, you knew that it was inevitable, but the two of you had barely had the opportunity to talk, the Kraken hoarding him and his teammates during the short week they had with them before they let the players loose for the summer.
Every time your phone vibrated, or your watch dinged, or you felt even the slightest movement of your phone, you were pulling it up to your face and trying to figure out if it was Jamie messaging you or calling you, but it never was. Especially in the middle of the day.
Except for this time.
The FaceTime request shined bright on the screen in front of you, Jamie’s contact name evident at the top of the screen as the FaceTime sound made its way throughout the small deck you found yourself on. You were still in Jamie’s Dallas house, agreeing that he’d meet you there the moment Seattle let him go free for the summer.
His face appeared on the screen, a wide toothy grin crossing his face when he made eye contact through the screen.
“Look at that beautiful damn face, baby. I’ve missed you.”
Sticking your tongue out at him, you could feel your cheeks start to warm as his compliment. “Don’t go getting all sappy now, Big Rig, I still have almost a week until I get to see your handsome face in person.”
“What if it was… less than a week?”
Quirking an eyebrow at him, urging him to continue as you didn’t let any words pass your lips.
“I’ve been thinking. We have a lot of free time in Seattle, I’ve just been spending it with the boys, but Ebs is bringing his wife up on Thursday, and Tanev said he’s flying his girlfriend up tomorrow. You wanna come? See the city I’m going to beg you to move to?”
The immense joy that burst inside of you at his words was incomparable. That was the last thing you were expecting Jamie to say, you didn’t even let a thought cross your mind before you were nodding your head eagerly, a large grin taking over your face as you looked at your boyfriend through the screen.
“Oh my god, yes. Obviously yes, one hundred times yes.”
A wide grin took over Jamie’s face as he watched your excitement play out. He had barely given it a though when his teammates said they were bringing their wives and girlfriends to go house-hunting with them, citing the fact that it would be a better idea to get started now than at the end of the summer and right before training camp.
Jamie quickly jumped on the idea, knowing full well that there was no guarantee you were moving from Dallas to Seattle for him, but after all of the houses he had the opportunity to see in his few days here, he knew it would be easy enough to convince you how worth it the move would be. He just didn’t know how right he was.
“Glad you said yes, your plane ticket should already be sitting in your email. See you tomorrow at 10am, babe.”
Mock groaning at the early flight time, all you did was pout as Jamie continued to grin back at you.
“I can’t wait to see you, baby.”
“I can’t wait to see you either, lover.”
Your arms barely wrapped all the way around his body, your frame tucked happily against his own large one as the both of you ignored the hordes of people walking past. Solely focused on each other, Jamie whispered sweet nothings in your ear, telling you how much he’d missed you, and how happy he was to see you, and how excited he was for you to see Seattle.
The cool air of his rental car greeted you kindly, the warm Seattle air unexpected. You couldn’t deny that Jamie was right, Seattle was beautiful, and you did love it practically the moment you saw it.
His hand was pressed gently against the exposed thigh above your knee, eagerly pressing a kiss to your lips at every stoplight, squeezing your thigh with every laugh that passed his lips. You had missed him so much, and this was why. He was attentive, and kind, and just a constant figure, he constantly made his presence known and apparent, constantly made sure you knew how loved you were and how obsessed with you he was.
“I feel like we’re going the complete opposite way of the hotel?”
“How would you know where the hotel is, nerd? You’ve never even been here before.”
Pursuing your lips at him, you turned your head slightly to look out the back window, the downtown core of Seattle highlighted in the view you were currently looking at. Forcing your body back around to glance at him, you quirked an eyebrow in response.
Rolling his eyes playfully, all Jamie did was squeeze your thigh again and grin. “I’m showing you something that I think you’ll love. Brought you out here for a reason, didn’ I?”
Shrugging your shoulders with a smile, you grabbed his much larger hand and entwined your fingers with his. His response: a light and gentle squeeze before pressing the back of your hand to his lips and then moving your entwined fingers back to the top of your thigh.
The house began to appear, the downtown core slowly dissipating as Jamie made his way more and more towards the suburbs of Seattle. The houses were all beautiful, the minimalistic and cottage core-like aesthetic flowing through the area the deeper and deeper Jamie found himself driving.
It took a few minutes for Jamie to find the parking lot he was looking for, a playground parking lot the most vacant lot he could find in the area. Curious, you followed his lead, unbuckling your seatbelt and following him out of the car. His arm easily wrapped around your shoulder as he directed you on where to walk, the conversation flowing lightly between the two of you.
The area was quiet, there were some families on the playground, couples walking their dogs, but it was quiet, and homey. Similar to the area you and Jamie lived in, in Dallas.
Pointing with his hand that wasn’t attached to the arm wrapped around your shoulder, you averted your eyes to gaze at the object. Your eyes met the bright right of a ‘sold’ sign, the beautiful mint-coloured home behind it staring back at you.
“Jordan Eberle and his wife bought this house before they even looked at it. Ebs and I went yesterday, it’s so gorgeous in there. You’d love it. Open-concept kitchen, the living room couches won’t be pressed against the wall, the master bedroom has two walk-in closets. You’d be so jealous.”
You couldn’t deny the jealousy that creeped up inside of you at the sounds of what he was describing. Four things ticked off your list for the future house Jamie and you would one day hopefully inhabit, almost immediately? Sounded too good to be true.
The two of you continued, before stopping in front of a second house, just steps away from the previous one you had eyed.
“This house is almost identical. Except for the colour, obviously. But the baby blue and white are cute, no?”
Nodding your head at his words, you couldn’t deny that the house was cute. Minimalistic, a nice white porch, a swing prevalent just steps away from the front door. Just the outside alone was everything you had always dreamed of and more.
“Almost the same setup inside, except one of the walls on the main floor may have to be torn down to accommodate an open concept kitchen,” quirking an eyebrow at his words, you turned to him with a questioning look in his eyes.
“I want you to move to Seattle with me, I’m prepared to put an offer in for this house in 25 minutes if you say you like the house and that you’ll move here. I’ll even let you decorate it to your heart’s desire, be our own little interior designer or whatever.”
You could barely contain the smile of glee at his words, you had been on edge about following Jamie to another city after getting situated in Dallas for the second time, change was hard, but when it felt like change kept occurring every two years… well… it made things even more difficult.
It was like Jamie could sense your worries as he started again, “Seattle’s in it for the long-run. The contracts five years. I think here is it for us, baby. I think you’d love it here, and I think you’d love this house.”
“Show me our future house then, Mr. Oleksiak.”
note: I hope you enjoyed!!! thank you for requesting one <3
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prentissinred · 3 years
Life in Pink
Rated T (mild suggestive content) Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Emily Prentiss Word Count: 2.5k AO3
Hi friends! Guess what? This past weekend marked one year since I posted my first story! How crazy is that?!
I’m so utterly grateful to this community for being such a bright spot in a difficult year. To everyone who’s taken the time to read something I’ve written, thank you for being so kind and supportive. It means more to me than I can express in words. To the brilliant, lovely, talented people I now get to call my friends, I love you all so very much.
To commemorate the occasion, I wrote a little something. This is set in the world of The Wonder of You, which was the first story I’ve ever written – but you don't need to have read that to understand this :)
I hope you like it <3
“I mean it, JJ. Whatever happens, do not call us.”
“Yes, Emily. For the hundredth time, I promise not to call you.”
Aaron slipped his free hand into his wife’s and squeezed. “Sweetheart, it’ll be fine. Strauss knows we’re away, and our backlog is miraculously clear. We’ll be okay.”
He returned to packing up his things on his desk while Emily huffed and quietly muttered something unflattering about their superior under her breath. JJ chuckled and embraced her friend. “Go. Have a fabulous time and make us all incredibly jealous. We’ll see you in a week.”
After another round of goodbyes and poorly-veiled suggestive comments from Morgan and Dave, Aaron and Emily were in their car and on their way to Dulles, suitcases already packed and in the trunk.
It had been her idea. A holiday in Greece to commemorate their first wedding anniversary. There hadn’t been time to plan a honeymoon, their wedding in Dave’s backyard coming together with relative expediency. They had spent the weekend after the ceremony in a hotel, indulging in champagne and room service for 48 hours before returning to work the following Monday.
Neither of them thought much of it after that, swept up in both work and newlywed life. They moved into a new home, a classic Colonial in Arlington with extra bedrooms and a white wrap-around porch, and adopted a dog at Jack’s insistence.
And before either of them had realized it, it had been a year. Aaron had remembered the upcoming date over Saturday breakfast as he cut bacon into little pieces for Jack, which were then promptly fed to Boo who waited patiently under the table next to Jack’s chair. Emily and Aaron shared a look of bemused surprise as they came to the realization that neither of them had planned anything to celebrate the occasion.
“We could take a trip,” Emily suggested casually. “We haven’t been away before, just the two of us.”
He’d been doubtful at first, unsure if they could really manage to get the time away with such short notice. But it was clear how enthused Emily was by the prospect, though she hid it well under masked nonchalance. Though she always insisted she was more than happy to spend her time at home, appreciative of the roots they had cultivated after all the travel and displacement of her past, Aaron knew there was still a part of her that missed that heady thrill of exploring an unfamiliar place for the first time. And truthfully, he could think of little else that he would enjoy more than having his wife all to himself for a few days.
So they settled on Greece, a place new to them both, and, with some luck, managed to clear a full week on both of their calendars.
They had nearly reached the parking lot at Dulles — having already checked in with Jessica, Jack and Boo over the phone — when Emily’s phone pinged with a text message from JJ, “I’m so sorry.”
“Shit,” she muttered under her breath.
Before Aaron could question her, his phone rang, Chief Strauss’s number on the front screen. Panic flashed across both their faces before he reluctantly answered. Emily could hear brief snippets of the conversation as the pit in her stomach steadily widened.
“...apologize...New York...fourth suicide bomber in three weeks...escalating...need everyone…”
Once he hung up the phone, Aaron took the next exit off the highway, pulling up to the curb once it was safe to do so. They both sat in silence for an extended minute, disappointment heavy in the air. Finally, Emily attempted to break the tension, “Aren’t you glad I convinced you to get the refundable tickets?”
Aaron let out a weak, sad chuckle and leaned over the center console to kiss her, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” before starting the car up again to head to the airstrip.
When they walked onto the plane, the team was uncharacteristically silent, looking on at their boss and colleague with poorly concealed apology, as though they were personally at fault for this unfortunate turn of events.
It took five days for the case to come to an end, the team finding the next bomber with minutes to spare, leading them to the ringleader of the group orchestrating the attacks. The date of their anniversary came and went, with nothing to mark the day except a quickie in the shower before they left their shared room. Objectively, both Aaron and Emily knew they had made the right decision, compulsory or not. Lives were saved, and the team functioned at their best when they were a complete set.
Still, while Aaron wrapped things up at the precinct after sending Emily back to the hotel, he couldn’t help but feel sorry that the first year of his marriage had passed in such a benign manner. As he drove back to the hotel, watching people shuffle and hustle about their weekend, an inkling of a plan formed and he picked up the phone to call JJ.
He found Emily in their room, her back turned to him as she hunched over the bed in the final stages of packing. He leaned against the wall, taking a moment to admire her before asking, "What are you doing, sweetheart?"
She jumped a little, the close of the door too quiet for her to hear him walk in, then raised a brow at him. "Packing? Don't we have to be at the airport in an hour?"
"Change of plans." Aaron sauntered up to his wife, pulling her in by the waist so he could kiss her. "We're leaving tomorrow."
“Since when?”
"Since I decided that you and I deserve a night to ourselves." He chuckled softly at her confused expression, tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ears. "I'm sorry we couldn't get our time away. I thought we could spend the night out here instead. Celebrate the best year of my life with my beautiful wife."
She softened in his arms, molding herself to him as she pushed up on her toes and threaded her hands in his hair, kissing him breathless. “What about everyone else?” she asked, mouthing along his jaw, nosing the length of his neck.
The blood promptly rushed south from his head, a familiar occurrence anytime Emily’s hands ran over him as they were doing now. He swallowed, breathing in deeply to ensure he retained some semblance of control. "I told them to leave tonight; we could fly on our own tomorrow. But they offered to stay the night.”
She laughed against his throat, hot and ticklish on his skin, feeling almost giddy by this unforeseen development, “Okay then.” The hands on her hips tightened as she began kissing down to his chest, and she grinned up at him, lightly palming the front of his black slacks. “Are you sure you want to go out? We could just lock ourselves in here for the night.”
He narrowed his eyes, playfully pinching her cheek, “Cheeky, Mrs. Hotchner. But I have a plan and, tempting as you are, you will not sway me from it.” Knowing her go-bag always contained a nicer dress in case their work called for it, he added, “Now, get dressed,” swatting her ass lightly for good measure.
“Aaron, it’s Saturday night in New York City. You realize we’re not getting in anywhere halfway decent,” Emily pointed out while she unbuttoned her blouse.
“Ye of little faith, my dear wife. I told you, I have a plan.” Aaron also rid himself of his jacket and tie, replacing his shirt with a fresh white button-down and rolling up the sleeves. He went to clean himself up in the bathroom, and when he returned, he found his magnificent wife attempting to zip up a one-shoulder red dress. The same dress he’d slid off her shoulders in his bedroom after dinner on their first date. “Is that…”
"Would you believe I didn't plan this?" she grinned, turning her back to him. "Help me?"
Instead of doing as she asked, Aaron nudged the zipper, skating a knuckle up the length of her bare back and planting a kiss at the top of her spine.
“Aaron..." she breathed, tilting her head back against his, "if you don't cut that out, we're not leaving this room." He groaned into her neck, reluctantly admitting she was right, finally zipping her up and smoothing her hair back over her shoulder.
When they emerged outside their hotel ten minutes later onto the bustling streets of Midtown Manhattan, they walked the few blocks to Grand Central Station, just barely catching the subway headed downtown. Despite her initial doubts, Emily’s smile hadn’t left her, cheeks flushed with excitement.
Aaron led her by hand out of the subway when they reached their destination, climbing the stairs onto the southwest corner of Washington Square Park. The air was hot and muggy, New York in August, even as the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon. Music filtered through from the park, mixing with the din of the crowds enjoying the first stage of their evening.
“Do I get to know what we’re doing now?”
“Not yet. Come on, this way.”
They crossed the street, turned the corner, and Aaron finally stopped outside a red awning.
“Pizza?” Emily looked up at him, eyes wide with surprise as she took in the pizzeria.
“Or hot dogs, or Indian, or Greek, Italian, Vietnamese...We can go anywhere you want in the world in the next 10 blocks.”
She beamed up at him, catching onto his plan, and her grin was infectious. “Can we do them all?”
He laughed, “Lead the way.”
They started with pizza at Joe’s — a pepperoni slice for him and a Sicilian slice for her. Then a stuffed pita filled to the brim with fresh falafel, tomatoes, and hummus. A chicken tikka kati roll. And finally a shared plate of chicken and rice drizzled in white sauce from the halal food cart next to the park.
Their hands never strayed far from the other, the blissful anonymity of the city prompting more affectionate displays from both of them. Aaron stood behind her, hands on her hips or around her waist, as they waited in line. Emily ran her fingers through his hair as they sat on barstools, so smushed together from the crowd that she was practically sitting in his lap. They stood on the sidewalk waiting for their food to be prepared, their arms wrapped around each other and their lips moving together in languid kisses as if they had all the time in the world. To any stranger who could be bothered to look their way, they looked like any other couple smitten and blissfully in love, hiding every scar, hurdle, and hardship they had overcome to reach this point. Two figures floating amongst a sea of millions.
“I’m so full,” Emily moaned, clutching her stomach dramatically as they wandered hand-in-hand down Houston St. “I think you’ve killed me.”
“Not yet, sweetheart. We haven’t gotten to dessert.”
Two spoons and one cup of salted chocolate ice cream later, they made it back to the park, still lively as if the night had only just started. The marble archway was lit up, the Empire State Building in the distance peeking through the gap. People sat around the edge of the fountain, dipping their feet into the cool water.
Aaron and Emily walked through the students and artists and skateboarders and tourists, dipping intermittently into their shared dessert absorbing the infectious energy. They reached the other end of the park, stopping for a moment to watch a street performer, and turned down a new street, neither of them wanting the evening to come to an end.
The unmistakable sound of a piano floated out of a bar as two patrons exited, catching Emily by surprise as they walked past. She jerked to a stop, captivated, then tugged Aaron's hand to the door. He followed her lead, descending down a narrow flight of stairs that led into a darkened lounge. Tufted couches and armchairs in jewel-toned velvets lined the walls, dimly lit by rounded art deco sconces. Two bartenders seamlessly crafted elegant cocktails behind a lavish bar that took up the back wall. And in the center, a jazz quartet illuminated by a spotlight as couples swayed around them on a dance floor. Even in the dark, Aaron could see the way Emily's eyes lit up, entranced by this unexpected discovery, and he discreetly asked a waitress if they could be seated.
They nestled into the corner of an empty couch, Aaron's hand resting on Emily's knee as they both sipped their respective cocktails. Truthfully, he spent very little time watching the band, his eyes trained on his wife. He took in every secret smile, every small part of her lips when the melody soared to a peak. She was breathtaking, and she was his, and not for the first time in his life did he wonder how he had ever gotten quite so lucky.
The song shifted into something he recognized, a string of notes from the saxophone eliciting an audible gasp from Emily. He grasped her hand and tugged her up from the chair, smiling at the delight on her face. He pulled her in close, one hand low on her back, his cheek resting against hers, as they began to gently shift amongst the other couples.
After a minute, Emily’s voice came in whispers in his ear, her tongue curling beautifully over the French he couldn’t understand.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras Qu'il me parle tout bas Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour Des mots de tous les jours Et ça m'fait quelque chose
Il est entré dans mon cœur Une part de bonheur Dont je connais la cause C'est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie Il me l'a dit, l'a juré, pour la vie
She pulled back in his arms, her gaze locking on his. A droplet tipped over her lash and onto her cheek. Her love for the man who held her — her husband, hers — bubbled and popped and diffused in her chest, filling her until she felt like she was floating. Aaron brought his hand up from her waist to her cheek, his thumb wiping away the errant drop on her skin with enough tenderness and adoration to warrant a fresh bout of tears.
Emily shakily rose to press her lips to his, tightening her hold of him, just as the song trailed to its conclusion. Applause erupted, but at that moment, the world around them didn’t exist.
“I love you, Aaron Hotchner.”
“And I love you.”
Song: La Vie en Rose by Edith Piaf
Translation (thank you Google):
When he holds me in his arms He speaks to me softly I see life through rose-colored glasses
He speaks words of love to me Everyday words And that does something to me
He has entered into my heart A piece of happiness The cause of which I know It’s only him for me, and me for him, for life He said that to me, swore it forever
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thatshithurted8 · 4 years
Hurricane Season
Summary: Despite being awoken during the early hours of the morning JJ makes sure to comfort reader when she needs him most.
Prompt 32: “You come into my room at 4am just to cuddle?” Requested by @somekindofsapphic  
Warnings: Mention of hurricanes, storms and death.
Word Count: 1.9k
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Every time a hurricane was predicted to make land fall in the Outer Banks you found yourself taking refuge at the Chateau with John B, JJ and your dog, Coast. Kiara and Pope would always help you guys prepare with getting food and boarding up the house, but they would always go back to their houses where they would embrace the storm with their parents. 
JJ on the other hand despised going home so much that he wouldn’t want to be there even if it meant he was protected from a hurricane. Unlike Pope and Kiara’s parents though, JJ’s dad couldn’t give a flying fuck about JJ’s whereabouts and you all felt for him because of that. But that’s where your mom differed from the rest of your friends parents. 
Your mom cared and loved you deeply, but she was a nurse at the local hospital so she had to be there when first responders got there after the storm. With that being said she knew how scared you were of storms and hurricanes in specific. 
So you found yourself engulfed in darkness on the pull out couch in John B’s living room, with Coast laying at your feet. You could hear the storm brewing outside, the wind actually just started to pick up within the past hour or so, waking you up from your already reckless slumber. 
You listen as the wind gets louder and louder and the sound of the heavy rain hitting against the outside of the chateau becomes deafening.
You were already focused on controlling your breathing, but you could feel the panic wash over you. Like you, Coast was also awake and she sensed your discomfort so she gets up, stretches and lays down beside you. 
Appreciatively you pet your brown furred dog and pull her closer to your side for comfort. Luckily enough for you Coast wasn’t scared of storms, in fact she wasn’t phased by them at all she just hated the fact that she couldn’t go outside to pee. If she was afraid of them you don’t know what you would do since you would have to comfort not only yourself, but her as well. 
After a few minutes of distracting yourself with petting Coast the power goes out, leaving you in complete darkness. You let out a whimper as you feel around for your phone on the side table. Once you find it you check the time and see that it was 4:03am. You wondered if JJ or John B were awake as well. Surely they’ve woken up to the loud storm outside. 
You set your phone back down, not wanting to drain the battery considering you didn’t know when the next time you would have power. Coast nudges your hand with her snout, signalling that she wanted you to continue petting her. While you scratch Coast’s head a battle went on in yours. 
You were debating on going to see if JJ was awake or not. Your anxiety was starting to get the best of you and you could feel the panic attack slowly taking over your body. 
Taking deep breaths you try to convince yourself that you were okay and it’s not fair to JJ to intrude on his slumber just because you were scared. However, as much as you wanted your pep talk and convincing to work, it didn’t. Suddenly, something that sounded like a tree falling, crashes onto the ground outside, causing both you and Coast to jump in your spot. 
“Fuck this.” You mutter to yourself, quickly getting up with Coast following behind you. 
JJ stirs around in what used to be Big John’s bed when something outside falls down. Everyone knew that JJ Maybank was a heavy sleeper and could sleep through anything. Although as you open the door to the bedroom causing the wood to squeal against the hinges the blonde stirs around again and ultimately wakes up. It was like his body sensed that you were in his presence and he didn’t want to embarrass himself around you by drooling or something. After all, he has had a giant ass crush on you for as long as he could remember. 
“JJ.” You call out whispering while walking slowly over to the bed with your hands out to find it. 
“Mhmm?” JJ asks rubbing his eyes, trying to locate you in the dark room. 
“I’m really scared can I sleep with you?” You ask however JJ only hears the part where you ask to sleep with him. 
“What time is it?” He asks, ignoring your question. 
He leans up on one arm and lifts his eyebrow. “You come into my room at 4am just to cuddle?” He asks with a sly smile on his face. 
You stand there biting the inside of your cheek as rain continues to pour down against the chateau. “Well since I’m scared wouldn’t that be part of the deal?” 
“Wait what?” JJ asks sitting up, realizing he must’ve heard you wrong when you first came in. 
“The storm is making me scared and anxious so can I sleep with you?” JJ didn’t even realize that Hurricane Agatha has started her wrath against the Outer Banks until you mentioned it.
For most guys a girl coming into their room at four in the morning because they were scared would make them groan and fall back to sleep. But for JJ he could feel his cheeks flushing at the idea of you coming to him for comfort. Even though he didn’t want you to be scared or upset he couldn’t stop his heart beat from increasing at your simple question. It also made him feel good that someone was coming to him for safety and security. He has always acted like your personal security blanket, always protecting you from things, but it made the butterflies in JJ’s stomach flutter every time you came to him. 
Just as JJ was about to utter out a sleepy ‘yes, of course’ a loud rumble of thunder basically shakes the chateau causing you to jump into the bed with the blue eyed boy. He chuckles at your response to the loud noise and moves over a bit to give you more room before wrapping an arm around you. 
Once JJ looked at your face though he realized it was no laughing matter. From what he could see in the darkly lit room you were scared. 
“Hey it’s okay.” He says softly while bringing you close to his chest. In return you wrap your arms around his slender waist, finally allowing yourself to let your emotions out. 
Coast jumps onto the bed to see if you were okay as you start to whimper and cry into JJ’s chest. “Shhh it’s going to be okay. It’s just some bad weather and everything will fine soon.” JJ coos, resting his large hand on the back of your head and rubbing his thumb softly against your hair. 
JJ knew how scared you were of storms and hurricanes. At times he’s almost certain you have a phobia of them. It made sense for them to make you scared though, after all they were linked to the first traumatic event you’ve ever experienced. 
In 2011 hurricane Irene made land fall in OBX and the destruction was devastating. However, the destruction you saw outside wasn’t as close to the destruction hurricane Irene caused to your life. You remember vividly watching your dad leave your small house in the cut, blowing kisses to you and your mom standing on the porch before he left for work. He was a first responder and that was the last time you ever saw him alive. One storm derailed your entire life even at a young age. 
Your parents were already struggling financially to begin with, since the only source of income your family received was from your dad. Your mom was in school to become a surgeon and you guys were drowning in student debt because of it. However, it was going to be all worth it when your mom finally got her dream job, but that never happened. Once your dad died your mom dropped out of school and settled to be a nurse instead, which was still a good job however, it was still a horrible time in your life. 
As your panic attack takes full strength hiccups and coughs fall out of your mouth. It felt like the dark room was shrinking as your chest contracted and windpipe tightened. “I can’t breathe.” You gasp out while you push yourself away from the boy that loved you more than life itself. Your hand reached up towards your throat and you start to scratch at the delicate skin as if to make a hole so you could finally breathe.
JJ has been your closest friend since you could remember and he knows you like the back of his hand. With that being said he’s been there with you for countless of panic attacks. 
The blonde quickly sits up, disturbing Coast who just laid down at the end of the bed. He grabs your hand with his and brings it down to your side as he hovered over top of you. Your chest continued to heave up and down with tears streaming down your face. 
“Y/N look at me.” JJ says concerned, starring down into your red eyes. You listen to what your best friend had to say and made eye contact with him, but your panic attack continued. 
“Take a deep breath. Follow me.” He says taking a deep breath through his nose then letting it out of his mouth. You repeat what JJ does to the best of your ability, causing JJ to nod his head in encouragement. Not long after, your panic attack finally subsided and you were reeling from trauma you just faced physically and mentally. 
JJ moves the hair that was sticking to your face and drying tears before placing the blanket over top of you and lying down himself. “Thank you J.” You softly mumble out. 
“I’m always here for you.” The blonde simply says then places a kiss on the back of your head. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer when he hears the wind outside to continue to whip and whirl, but you were too scared and mentally drained to react to the sounds you hated. 
After a few moments of neither of you saying anything JJ decides to speak up, not knowing if you were awake or not. “Y/N?” 
“Yea J?” 
“I know storms and hurricanes bring back bad memories for you, but have you ever thought about it in a different perspective?” 
“What do you mean?” You ask pulling yourself closer to JJ’s chest when you hear a loud crack come from outside. Another tree just became another victim of hurricane Agatha. 
“Like what if when ever there’s storms and they get bad just try to think that it’s your dad saying hi to you or blowing kisses to you from where ever he is.” 
JJ wasn’t the type of person to talk about deep and personal stuff, but when it came to you he was an open book and vice versa for you. Although, since JJ was so used to being closed off in that sense he didn’t give the best advice, but what he just said was perfect. 
You’ve never thought about storms in that light, you would only associate them with negative experiences and emotions, but JJ’s simple sentence gave a whole new meaning and positive light to them. Of course his statement wasn’t going to get rid of your fear of storms, but it was a start. 
And in that moment you were so grateful for the blonde and blue eyed boy, more than he would ever know. 
Question of the day: Whats your biggest fear?
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kids au? or better human au? I do not know, but the allies and the axis are reunited with their first love s / o. To which they never managed to confess what they felt and S / o is better than they remembered. Some headcanons of the school time in the past and of the reunion of both.
This is a Hallmark AU (Hallmark is an American channel that has the most romantic, but cheesiest and slightly annoying romance movies. I'm talking like, that one miscommunication that messes up the almost official relationship, despite both the man and woman finally getting along after they tried to dislike each other even though it was painfully obvious they liked each other). But yeah, this would be a Human AU lol.
Allies an Axis reconnect with S/O!
His heart and body stopped dead on the college campus.
Standing in front of him was S/O. Someone he hasn't seen in years.
They had moved away the day he was going to admit his feelings to them.
He remembers the times they ran across the road they lived in, and played underneath a tree in the field.
He remembered the one time they cut open their knee, and he had to carry them back home. Even though they could still walk, he wanted to be their hero.
Time skip back to the present, they were back!
He ran to them full speed, and hugged them, telling them how much they missed them, and how much he loved them.
"Alfred? Alfie!?"
He sputtered as he realized what he had admitted too, and hearing the childhood nickname brought blush to his face.
His S/O smiled and pulled him in, repeating his vows of affection.
He scoffed at the group of people who were being a bit too rowdy in the town library.
He eventually had enough and was about to ask them to tone it down when he caught sight of a familiar face.
His S/O was standing in a group of their friends. Their happy aura making them twice as lovely as they were the day the had to go back to their hometown. Supposedly to help an old friend.
It seemed that even back then they spent most of their time reading the worst rated books to each other.
Joining all the little craft fairs the librarians held at the establishment. He still has the bracelet S/O made him.
He had to swallow the lump in his throat. Eyes eventually locking.
S/O had excused themselves from their group, and immediately ran to him, hesitating to hug him.
Arthur stopped them from doing so, and for some reason did the most cheesiest thing. He kissed the knuckles to their hand. No turning back now.
He complimented them, saying they looked just as beautiful they day he wanted to admit his feelings to them.
He was lucky they felt the same.
He spent his whole college career trying to make it into the modeling industry.
He had books and books of clothing designs to submit, but all had failed. And he was left working as a barista in some shady coffee shop.
He sighed as he heard the bell ding, a new customer who would probably complain about the mucky drinks.
But as he turned he was immediately taken back to the day his S/O first moved to town.
They lived across the street from him, and his S/O had turned around seeing him standing on the sidewalk, getting the mail.
They had both shyly waved to each other, and for a few days Francis left them small gifts, too shy to talk to them face to face, and never able to tell them his feelings.
But now, they're standing in front of him.
They hadn't recognized them, but he was so lost in thought the only thing he could manage was to wave at them
That waved must have rang a bell Because his S/O went "Wait- Are you the kid from across the street? The one who left me like, a pink paper airplane on my porch?"
His face went 50 shades of red as he started spitting out excuses and apologies.
After taking his order, he noticed they left their receipt behind. And a cell number.
Balance. Focus. Deep breathing.
All things Yào had for his martial arts training in the park. He was working on his Tai chi when some stranger's dog had ran under his legs, knocking him over.
All he could hear was someone apologizing, finally getting control of their dog.
He shot up to yell at the stranger but something stopped him.
The stranger looked painfully familiar, so once introductions were made, it dawned on him.
It was S/O. The two of them use to hide away from the other kids in grade school. He was the only asian in their class so he got picked on by everyone but S/O.
They had found an abandoned shack in the woods and they cleaned it up, making it their own. A base to go to when they were troubled.
Yào cracked a smile at them, and teased them about how he use to have a crush on them, a way to see how they felt.
He couldn't stop the blush that came with S/O admitting to crushing back at him.
He had met his S/O in his second year of College. It was unexpected.
They had came into the school year almost half way through so they seemed extremely lost.
Knowing how akward and hard it was to be in that situation he built up the courage to try and talk to them.
"E-excuse me. Do you need the- to be- shown round school?"
His broken english wasn't as bad as it once was, but his nerves caught up to him. Even hearing S/O laugh made his heart flutter.
He was surprised when it wasn't at him, and when they said yes- his stomach was doing backflips.
That was then, this is now. He had to go back to Russia, and they had said their goodbyes, thinking they'd never see each other again.
But after a year or so he decided to move back to America. Back to the town that gave him so much.
He'd be lying if he wasn't hoping to meet his S/O and maybe, just maybe, admit to what he felt.
He already knew S/O wanted to work at a certain place in town, so when he got the chance he went straight there.
To his sadness though, they weren't there. Nor did they ever work there.
Passing by the campus he was surprised at what he saw.
They were still in college?
Turns out a few class credits from high school didn't take, so they were slowly working on earning them back.
But the reunion was a welcomed one. Both had run into each other's arms at the sight. Ivan immediately showing confidence and asking if they were dating anyone.
"No, why?"
"Well, now you can be dating! Me, da?"
The smile his S/O was all he needed for a yes.
His college days were long behind him, including his dating days.
They were on his mind often, and even though he never told S/O how he felt, in his heart the time they spent together was all he needed to satisfy him.
That was until one day someone called his construction company to help get a roof fixed.
There was something about their voice that sent an odd, familiar sensation down his spine.
Curiosity getting the better of him, he went to the site himself.
The person who opened the door was S/O
The same person who helped him bring Feli to the nurse's office when he was "accidentally" pushed down some stairs.
They helped Luddy calm his anger and nerves over the days Feli had to recover from a fractured ankle and a broken finger.
Now he stood at the door, just as pleasantly stunned as S/O.
They hit it off like they weren't apart the last 5 years.
His heart sank the day his parents were rejected the ability to go to America.
The day they were supposed to fly in, was the day someone in an office lost track of some documents. Preventing them from even getting a green light to even go.
Even with the sad news, it wasn't going to stop him. He made all the calls he could, and decided to take a break after two hours.
Walking through town he soon spotted someone working outside at a cafe.
It was an old friend of his. It was S/O.
He wasn't planning on eating just yet, but he had to know for sure if it was them.
Years ago they had ran into him, more literally than metaphorically, and since then they would hang out when they could.
One specific memory was during high school, and they decided to play tennis. He couldn't help but laugh as his S/O got the ball stuck in the fencing more than once.
Sitting down, he waited for someone to take his orders.
To his surprise his waiter was S/O, who recognized him off the bat.
Deciding to take their break early, they got them and Kiku their desired food, and chatted.
Before going back in the clock, Kiku had asked them when they could talk next.
His S/O gave a day and address, and said "So it's a date then?"
Kiku could do nothing but blush and nod, maybe a bit more agressively than he wanted too.
Deep breaths. One step at a time, he tells himself. The very first day of middle school.
He was always a really shy kid, especially at school.
He can be a bit loud at times but he's really a gentle soul with a heart of gold
Sometimes, even in your own country, that can get you looked down upon. Sometimes it just takes someone from the outside to remember there's more on the horizon.
He first met his S/O (a transfer student for the next couple years) the first day school started. He was already too nervous, but his S/O saw the amount of alone time he has, minus his brother being near by, and decided to try and make friends.
The conversation went okay, the language barrier being a slight set back, but the more they hung out, the easier both of their languages became. By the time his S/O left, they were pretty fluent and Bilingual.
It's been almost years since then, but he spotted his S/I, ironically, the first day of College.
They were unmistakable from their signature laugh, and Feli had gained a lot of courage talking to people since he met them.
Tapping them on their shoulder, an odd wave of giddiness filled him. What he once thought was happiness from having a friend, he now recognizes as love.
It took him a few weeks, but he eventually asked them out, and the beating in his chest filled his ears as they said yes.
Thank you so much to the Anon who spotted the fact Italy was forgotten! Thank you~!
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staceysonier · 4 years
Little Red (MxF) *SFW* Part 1
*Gnoll Boyfriend!*
*Little Red Riding Hood~ish*
I remembered playing in the woods behind my grandmother's property when I was a little girl. There was this little dog-like creature that I played with--and though my 18-year-old brain has forgotten what his name was, I assume now that he was a wolf, a pup, and I thank God that I never met his parents because I surely would've been torn to pieces.
For some reason, I remember him running with me, but on his hind legs--like that was something that wolves did.
We only played when I went to my grandmothers and that wasn't but maybe once or twice a week, and then as I got older, it turned into once or twice a month and then once or twice a year...
Until I stopped going altogether.
And as my grandmother got older and none of her children or her grandchildren went out to her small clearing in the forest, the grass grew tall again, the trees and vines and poisonous plants invaded and it had been almost impossible to get to her by car.
"You have to go, Blanchette," my mother insisted with tears in her eyes after receiving a letter from a doctor who lived around my grandmother.
I huffed because I hated that name and I also didn't want to give up a whole weekend away from my friends just to go trudge through the woods to find out that my grandmother was fine and just as crazy as she had always been.
Remembering when I used to go stay the weekend with her, I recall her telling me of all of the creatures in the woods, the guardians and the monsters alike who would either help or hinder me depending on who I came across so I should stay close to the treeline.
There had only been one time that I got too far away and needed help and that's when I met my dog-like friend.
I scoffed quietly at the rambunctious imagination I had when I was a child.
"Fine," I huffed and went back upstairs to pack.
Going through my closet, I began to pick out the things that seemed the warmest as it wasn't snowing yet but it was still rather chilly out and I could only imagine what the temperature would be like in the woods.
Once I had a small bag packed, I stomped down the stairs and into the kitchen to tell my mother goodbye and that it was nice knowing her.
"Don't be so dramatic, Blanche, I'm sure it'll be fine. The animals stay away from your grandmother's house and if you leave now, you'll be able to make it there with enough light to actually get through the woods and to her house. I love you," she ushered me out of the back door and toward the carport.
"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled but sat down in the driver's seat and turned the key in the ignition.
I was just about to pull out of the driveway when my mother came running out of the house and toward my car. I kept my foot on the brake but rolled down my window as she ran up to it with a piece of red fabric that billowed behind her and what looked to be a picnic basket.
"Here," she huffed out of breath before shoving the material and the basket through the window, "This is that red cloak your grandmother made you for Christmas a few years ago, you remember? Wear it when you see her and maybe it'll cheer her up. And that basket has cookies in it, they are her favorite so none of you!"
I threw both into my passenger seat and nodded, "Yeah, mom. I'll see you later."
"Be safe," she cried as she watched me back out of the driveway, her hand raised high in farewell.
I left at 2:30 and grandmother's house was a three-hour drive, plus the 20 to 30-minute walk it would take to get through the woods to her house.
It was now about 5:45 and the sun was starting to set over the treeline as I parked my car at the end of the dirt--now overgrown grass-- road that led to my grandmother's house.
I grumbled as I grabbed the red cloak and threw it on before grabbing the picnic basket and my bag out of the back and hoisting it over my shoulder.
Locking my doors and making sure--twice--I placed my keys in one of the side mesh pockets of my bag and began my trek through the woods.
It wasn't cold, per se, but when the wind picked up, it was freezing so I placed the hood of the cloak over my head and bundled the cloak around me as I walked through the almost darkened woods.
And not even ten minutes into my walk up the trail and I started hearing things past the tree line.
It was a branch breaking here and there until it turned into what sounded like a cackling laugh--reminding me of a hyena--in the distance.
I grumbled as I pulled the cloak tighter around me, trying to protect myself but a huge gust of wind sent my hood flying back and the sides of the cloak billowing open.
"Fuck," I yelled as the cold air stung my cheeks but then all at once, it settled down, allowing me to replace the hood and tighten the cloak around me once more.
"You're back," I heard whispered just off to the side, past the treeline and into the darkness.
I quickly turned to the voice and held the basket of cookies in front of me for protection.
"Who's there," I called, straining my eyes into the darkness until I saw two glowing eyes and I gasped.
"You don't remember me, Chette," the voice whispered and it was closer.
I whimpered as a big mass stepped closer but still not out of the darkness. I could make out the huge frame but nothing more.
"How am I supposed to remember something I can't even see," I asked but listened to my voice tremble.
Was I dead? Did I die in an accident and this was some sort of hell or purgatory?
Or was I hallucinating?
"I would come out but I look different from the last time we saw each other," the voice rose above a whisper, but not by much and it didn't sound like anything I remembered.
"When was the last time we saw each other," I asked curiously but was still terrified that this might be some ploy for this...thing to kill me.
I heard the thing chuckled lowly, "You were a few years younger than you are now, the last time I saw you, but the last time we spoke, you were eight--just a little thing, as I was."
Racking my brain from around the time I was eight and coming here to my grandmother's property, when I finally remembered, I gasped.
"My wolf-dog friend thing," I stumbled through my words as I felt comfort from the memories I had with him.
He cackled, reminding me of a hyena, like the ones I had heard in the distance.
"You wound me, Chette. I told you back then what I was, what my family was. Think hard, love."
I whimpered and shut my eyes to pinpoint any discernible memory and not just a vague montage of happiness.
My eyes popped open with something that was on the tip of my tongue, "You're a...a troll?"
He laughed again, "No, but close. I'm a Gnoll."
"Oh," I blushed as I remembered now, "Tazzimo, right?"
"I go by Tazz now," he said lowly and he still hadn't stepped out yet so I moved forward.
"Don't come any closer, Chette. You wouldn't like what you saw. I'm afraid I don't look like the cub you last saw."
I stopped in my tracks and looked to the path again.
"Have you seen my grandmother, Tazz," I asked quietly, "Do you know if she's doing okay?"
"Hmm," he hummed, "Why don't you go and see. It's getting late and I don't want you out here at dark."
The memory I had of him when we were younger comforted me but his deep voice and the mass of darkness I saw beyond the treeline had me breathless.
"Go," he barked, causing me to flinch but I did as he said and began walking up the trail again until I finally made it to my grandmother's little run-down house.
Stepping onto the front porch, I looked out into the trees to see if Tazz had followed but all I saw was blackness as the sun was almost fully gone now.
I turned around and took a deep breath before knocking on the wooden door.
"One moment," I heard my grandmother sing from the other side.
"Well, at least she's not dead," I muttered and listened to her unlock the deadbolt and then pull the door open.
She gasped and then pulled me into a hug, "Chetty-spaghetti, you're here! What are you doing here," she asked as she pulled back.
"Mom was worried," I answered and gave her the basket I had been holding.
"She sent these. She said they were your favorites."
"Oh, goody," she cried and ushered me inside her house and shut the door.
Her house was still how I remembered it--warm, cozy, and comforting.
Quilts and cross-stitchings were placed all over--finished and not--and it smelled like how it used to--causing my mouth to water.
"Is that--"
"--Chicken and dumplings," she asked with a sly smile, "It sure is. I was wondering why all of a sudden I got a hankering for it! I should've known you were coming... It's just been so long..."
I hung my head in shame and nodded, "I'm sorry, grandma, but I'm here now and I'm staying the weekend with you if that's okay?"
She pulled me into another hug and kissed my head, "Of course, it is, dear. Your room is how you left it, sweetheart. Make yourself at home and have as much of dinner as you can stand."
"I'll get fatter than I already am," I grumbled and tried not to think about the pounds I needed to lose in time to look great during summer.
"Oh, you hush now, Chetty! You're plump like all of the women in our family are and there's nothing wrong with that. I'll let you know when it becomes a problem," she winked and sent me down the hall to my old room.
We ate dinner together by the fireplace and just taking the first bite...
"Ugh," I groaned and my eyes rolled back.
"That good, huh," she asked and when I looked at her, she was smirking, "Never knew my cooking could do that to someone."
I blushed but took another bite.
"It's just that I've missed your cooking. There's just nothing like it, not even moms! And I missed it here...and I missed you too, Grandma. I'm sorry I haven't been coming around but..."
"Oh, pish-posh, my love. it's all water under the bridge now. I know you're growing up and you're now in college. I couldn't have exactly expected you to keep coming out here like you had when you were younger... Though I know I wasn't the only one who missed you..."
I gasped softly and looked at her but her eyes were down and looking into her bowl.
"Who, Grandma? Who missed me," I asked, trying to see if she would say who I thought she would.
Her eyes met mine and I saw them twinkle in the light of the fire, "You know who, Blanchette. He's asked about you here and there...and, boy, has he grown up. He's definitely not as...small...as he was when you two used to play together."
"We're talking about Tazz, aren't we," I asked softly and watched her nod.
"So, all the stories you used to tell me...all the guardians and wood spirits and monsters--good and bad--its all real," and she nodded again.
"I'm not in the business of lying, Chette," she said and smiled and then her face fell.
"Your mother used to love it out here. She had friends just like you did. She played with any and all who would play with her...but like you, she forgot as she got older and when she would hear me telling you my stories about what's really out there, she would chastise me and call me a crazy old woman, but she remembers. Deep down, she remembers."
I was quiet for a moment before speaking up again.
"Did...did mom have a 'Tazz'?"
And I watched Grandma smiled and nodded, "Bazz, Tazz's dad, but Bazz couldn't wait forever for a woman who wasn't going to come back so he...met one of his kind and had children--as your mother did."
I smiled at the thought that mom had loved Tazz's dad, just as I loved--love--Tazz. I wondered what her life would be like if she had come back to Bazz after finishing school. She had met my dad in college and bought a house with him when they graduated...
But all I could think about was what she could've had if she had just come back.
"Don't forget again, Chette," My grandma's voice cut through my thoughts and I focused on her.
"Don't forget about Tazz. Don't miss out on a love that could change your life. Because like his dad, Tazz won't be able to wait forever...he waited until now but only because I kept telling him to wait for me to find a way to get you out here."
I gasped and smiled, "Did you forge that doctor's note? How did you know mom would send me out here instead of coming herself?"
"She's scared of what she'll come back to so she won't come out here unless she necessarily has to. Some part of her remembers and is afraid to face up to the past," she shrugged and stood up but not before taking my bowl to bring to the kitchen.
"I'll be putting the food away and then going to bed. I suggest you do the same. You remember how rowdy it can get at night around here, don't you," she called out.
"Yeah, I remember," I smiled and headed to my room to get settled in before the nighttime crowd came out.
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In A Storm
Bree gets stranded in a storm and just needs to find someone to give her a helping hand. 
Calum x Black!OC, Bree. Idk what happened. This post doesn’t actually exist. 
CW: 18+ Content (Briefest mentions of sex. It’s an almost fade to black moment, but there’s a tiny teeny amount of details.)
Enjoy my masterlist
You can support me on kofi.
Bree wants to laugh. The light on her car came on twenty minutes ago. She thought then, maybe she should pull over, call her dad and see what she should do. She was so close to her friend, Drew’s house. And maybe it was stupid to negioate with herself that if it went out in another ten minutes she’d continue on and worry about it in the morning. Her lower back and ass was starting to hurt from the long drive though and if Bree was to stop she only wanted it to be at her final destination so she could stretch out and sleep. 
Though in Bree’s defense, the light shouldn’t have gone out. If something was really wrong, then it would’ve stayed on. But it went out after a couple minutes. She was nearing her exit when it came back on. It was only another ten minutes according to the GPS. Just another ten minutes and then in the morning, she could get someone to look at the car. Now, not even two minutes from the new house, a whopping three blocks away, her car was slowly puttering to its end. 
And breaking down two minutes from her new place wouldn’t be that bad. Things happened. But it was of course during her big move from her parents' place and in with Drew up in the Hills. This move is only temporary. She had a job starting in a week and after stacking up a few checks, Bree was going to put in an application to an apartment complex not too far from her job. But, of course, her car would break down in the middle of a downpour. 
The rain was nice at first. Made her feel like she was in her own bubble down the winding roads of the highway. Though she was getting into heavier traffic closer to the city and folks were becoming a bit more impatient in their driving, the rain provided her a little bit of solace. It felt a renewal. Bree was flying the coupe and it felt right that even though it was exciting it was also a little sad. It felt right to have the rain hitting the roof of her car. It made her feel like she was shedding something--though she wasn’t sure what it was just yet. 
But she did not need the rain and her car breaking down. Bree flicks on her emergency lights. Fat would have this for her. Fate would have this stored away just for her, at just the most inopportune time. Pulling the car off to the side of the road, Bree listens to the rain falling around her. She exhales, thinking what her next step should be. She’d have to call for a tow. And she’d have to let Drew know that she’d be delayed getting in and she should probably call her dad just to make sure she was handling the situation right. 
Reaching for her phone, she taps to end the GPS’s route. She wouldn’t be needing that for a while. Her nails click over the glass screen and just as her fingers hover over her dad’s contact the screen goes back. Her phone started dying just as she got into the neighborhood and now without the car battery on, she was left with no charge. “Let this be a fucking lesson to charge your phone the night before your drive,” Bree tells herself. 
Her portable charger box was somewhere in the mass of bags and boxes in her car. She told herself she’d put in her purse before leaving but due to late night last minute packing, Bree’s sure she dumped it somewhere into the depths of those boxes and there was no way she’d be able to unearth it now. 
“At least you’re in a neighborhood,” she tells herself, looking for any signs of life behind curtains. “A light, a child, something,” she mutters, looking through the sheets of rain. 
And right at the end of the block, a house down from where her car gave up the ghost, Bree spots two dogs in the windows. One fluffy and the other one with a pretty white coat. Normally, Bree wouldn’t be so inclined to just walk up to any old house. But a house with two dogs made her feel better. It felt like a sign. Throwing her phone into her purse, she took a deep breath. 
She had just pressed her hair. And sure really it was not anything more than a blow out and a quick rod set, but still it meant that the second the rain touched her scalp her roots would revert, the curls would take back their natural form. Though, that would just have to be a fight for tomorrow. Right now she can’t be sitting in her broke down car with no phone or way to contact anymore. 
“Do or die,” she sighs. Sliding the keys from the ignition, Bree leans into the door. “I just did my hair though. God,” she huffs, opening her door. The rain is cool. It’s almost a relief. The door is wet within seconds. Her jeans are no longer the light faded wash but dark denim blue. 
It’s another moment before she fully pushes herself out of the car, locks it and then runs up the driveway, purse clutched tight to her side. The rain’s not a chill to her bones. But it’s like a refreshing sip of water. The jog’s stretched out her lower back a little. Under the refugee of this strangers porch, she shakes a little bit of the water from her hair and raps at the door. “Please don’t be a creep,” Bree whispers, biting the corner of her lip. “Also, not an axe murder. Would not be cool.”
Calum walks past the two dogs perched on his couch to the front door. Calum agreed to dog sit Moose for the day while Michael took South to the vet. The poor guy hadn’t quite been eating like before and Michael, the worrier that he is, decided not to wait to check him out. Crystal had gone out of town and rather than letting Michael have to fret over South and Moose, Calum happily offered to watch Moose while Michael took care of what he needed. 
Calum’s not really sure what he expected to find on the other side of the door. It could’ve been anyone really--Michael, a mailperson, possibly a random kid asking if they could get access to his backyard to retrieve a rogue ball. But not someone, completely drenched, nervously running her teeth over her bottom lip. “Sorry to bother you. I just need to use your phone. My car broke down. I’m a genius who doesn’t charge her phone before driving 5 hours across the state.”
Calum looks past her, over her shoulder to see a car--he assumes it’s her--pulled over to the side of the road. He looks back to her. The college sweatshirt hanging heavily from her frame thanks to the pouring rain. Her hair sticks to her face a little. Whatever eye makeup she was wearing has started to run down her cheeks. “C’mon in,” he waves hurriedly for her to enter.
“Thanks,” she smiles, stepping inside but not going past the indoor welcome mat. Her shoes squish as she walks onto the hardwood floor. 
“Is your car far?”
“Nah, just like a house down. I saw the dogs in the windows. Seemed like a safe bet.” She holds out a hand to the dog intrigued by her. The pure white pup happily sniffs away at her hand while the smaller husky colored dog watches from afar. 
Calum turns any shoes suitable to go out into the rain. “I can help you push it closer to my house, that way none of my neighbors get pissy. That’s if you’re okay with getting wet again?”
The woman laughs. “I think I’m passed getting worried about wet. You’re the one that’s bone dry.”
“Not worried about it really. I’m just sick of my neighbors, at this point.”
“Don’t want the HOA on your ass?” she teases.
“God, not again.” Into some old tattered boots, Calum faces her. “I’m Calum by the way.”
“Bree,” she turns, slipping her purse over her head. “Is it okay if I set this inside? The phone’s dead but I don’t want it getting wet or anything.”
“Yeah sure,” he waves to the coffee table. 
Both of them pause on the front porch. Bree’s already wet like she said, but now her hair’s truly fucked. There’s no denying that. “Really, I could foot the heat of your neighbors,” Bree offers, not really wanting to go back into the rain. 
Calum chuckles beside her. “Let’s say me and the HOA are on thinner ice than before.”
“Thanks. Even though I’m getting you wet. Just want to say that now before we’re both drowning in this downpour.”
“No problem.”
 The second her sopping wet shoes hit the first stair, Bree definitely notes the air is cooler now. And it could be because she was already wet once before. And somehow had managed to adapt in the two minutes she was inside Calum’s place to the warmth. Now in the rain again, the chill is definitely hitting her bones. She runs again to her car. Her keys are clicking between her fingers. 
Her grip slips around her keyes and she curses before picking them up. Calum’s already positioned at the trunk, waiting on her. It’s a bit of embarrassment that heats her cheeks, sitting inside her car. She hadn’t meant to make anyone else do so much extra work or have anyone else subject themselves to the rain. With fingers gripping tight to the steering wheel, she leans out of the window just a little to let Calum know she’s ready. 
Thankfully, she hadn’t coasted super far out from Calum’s driveway. Bree keeps an eye on the nose of her car. It’s slow of course with only one person behind to push. When they get just pass the mailbox, Bree gives a shout and puts the car into park. She throws her head into the steering wheel, exhaling.
Behind her closed lids, all she seems to see is the cut of Calum’s jaw. Why did he have to be hot? Why wouldn’t he have been just some decent guy with two dogs? But he had to be hot and willingly to subject himself to the rain for her. She still has to call a tow truck and Drew, and her dad. There’s not much time for wallowing in the misery life liked to hand her. 
Throwing up her door, she finds Calum right at the driver side passenger door. “I can throw your clothes into the wash while you use my phone. Sound okay?”
The rain is clinging to the lines of his face, washing down his cheek and riding the line of his jaw. Bree tries to focus instead of his eyes. But even the rain there, on his lashes, is so goddamn beautiful. “Thanks again, Calum.”
“Don’t worry.” They walk back up his driveway. Calum lets her go ahead of him to get inside. But he leads her down to the bathroom, where Bree stands, still dripping water onto his floor. 
The press that she worked so hard is gone. The roots have coiled around each other. The ends are curling and she knows soon, they’ll follow suit. It’s in the mirror that she sees the mascara’s run down her face. She can’t believe she has to look like this, showing up at a strangers door and that stranger being so attractive too. 
“I’m literally a drowned rat,” Bree exhales. 
“But a cute drowned rat,” Calum returns. In his hands, he holds a towel, washcloth, and a stack of dry clothes out to her. “Pardon that I lack any kind of underwear other than boxers, but I hope they suffice until your clothes are dry.”
Bree nods, heart thundering in her chest. Did he just call her cute? There’s no way her ears heard that. “Thanks. You’re like totally saving my ass right now. But also, like, I do have some clothes in my car. Just means going back outside.”
“Neither one of us is facing that hell storm again. You’ve braved it twice, Bree. By the way, the hot water’s a little fussy. I got it fixed recently but you still gotta talk sweet to  it.”
“Noted, charm the hot water.”
Calum points out where to find other essentials in the bathroom and then backs out of the room with a tiny wave, lips lifting into a tiny smile. It feels nice under the warm run of the shower head. Bree definitely needed a little bit of patience with the hot water but once the temperature evened out it became well worth it.  Just her luck to work out like this. But she’s immensely grateful Calum’s so understanding. If not, she’d most likely wind up stranded, or she’d be tied up in someone’s basement. 
It’s not a thought Bree likes lingering on. But it’s just a reality for her. She hadn’t necessarily helped herself. When the light first came on, she could’ve found a car shop nearby. She could’ve waited there for a few hours, got it fixed and saved herself this trouble. Bree won’t be making anymore negotiations when it comes to her car anymore. That’s a lesson that really only needs to be learned once and she’s received the message loud and clear. 
Outside the shower, she takes in the gray t-shirt with splotches of white on the lower torso and sweatpants offered up to her. It feels all too intimate, to be wearing someone else’s clothes. Bree doesn’t know anything besides his name. And well, he has dogs. And he’s cute. And he has a fucking nice house. Though she hasn’t seen a lot of it, Bree already feels how cozy it is. It’s lived in, with decent space. It’s full. Calum’s house feels full even if it’s just him in the house with two dogs. 
Bree likes that feeling, walking into a house and feeling how bright and warm it is. It told her more about Calum, that he had this very embracing and calm energy about it. But that didn’t fully negate the fact that he was a stranger. And she was a stranger to him and she was still standing in a towel. Slipping into the clothes presented, she gathers her clothes into the towel, hopefully to keep from making an even bigger mess of her evening. 
Outside the door of the bathroom, Bree’s immediately greeted by one of the dogs. She’d guess they’re a toy poodle, but she can’t tell for certain. “Hi,” Bree coos, bending down to scratch behind one of their ears. “What’s your name?” The pink collar and tag tap just a little in the excited pants. “Oh, you look ear scratches huh, girl?”
“That’s Moose. Old man’s Duke. He’s not a big of people. So I apologize in advance.” Calum’s comes from further in the house. His t-shirt and shorts now changed into sweatpants and a ribbed tank. 
“So Moose and Duke, your partners in crimes?”
“Moose isn’t mine, as sad as I am to admit it. She’s a friend and I’m just dog sitting for a little bit. Duke’s my precious old man.”
Bree’s heart shouldn’t clench like it does. Precious old man, why not just stick a knife into her chest. There’s no way to tell how long Calum’s had Duke but it’s abundantly clear that Calum adores Duke.  “We can say Moose is your partner in crime too. Even if it’s just for a day.”
Calum chuckles. “Yeah. And as you can see, she’s not afraid to get what she wants.” 
Bree nods, turning her attention back to Moose for just a moment and pressing a soft kiss to the top of the dog’s head.
 “I can take those, by the way.”
Calum’s hand is outstretched, ready to take the damp clothes from her. Bree shouldn’t be staring at the veins in his hands and forearm. Nor should she be wondering what the back of his knuckles feel like against her cheek. But Bree could absolutely wonder how to prove to Calum’s old man that she was trustworthy--and that is a much safer thought.
Bree hands over the makeshift sack. “Thanks, again.”
It’s a curt nod. The smile seems genuine though. “I’ll get this into the wash.” 
Bree stays where she is for the moment, both hands scratching at Moose’s chin.It’s safer to say here. It’s safer to just give into Moose and give her all the affection because if Bree stands, she’s going to do something reckless, like peek through a room or try to find the laundry room just to steal another glance at Calum. 
His departure doesn’t last long enough. Calum comes padding back down the hallway, the soft recessed light reflecting off his skin. The hum and rumble of the washer is clear as it echoes throughout the house. “If you’re calling for a tow,” Calum starts, holding out his phone. It’s unlocked and on the keypad. “You’re risking the rain again.”
Bree groans sliding to her butt and resting against the wall. “You’re right. I’m just moving in with a friend for this new job and I didn’t anticipate my car breaking down during my drive.”
Calum leans into the wall opposite from her. “How far away is it?”
“Literally it’s like two blocks from here. A light came on and I didn’t pay attention to it and I’m just a fucking idiot.”
“Hey, no, it’s alright. Shit happens all the time.” Calum sides down the wall, squatting. “You can spend the night here. I know it’s only two blocks, but the weather’s a fucking mess. I can help you move and you can get your car towed to a shop. It all works out.”
Bree wants to tell him to shut the fuck up. She wants him to take back everything he just said. There’s no way she can survive a night in this man’s home. “I don’t want to impose. Maybe the rain will let up.”
Calum shakes his head. “Really, just spend the night. We can transfer whatever you need into my truck in the morning and once the truck gets your car I can take you to your friend’s house.” Calum smiles softly when he spies Moose curling up into Bree’s lap. “Besides, Moose likes you. I think she’d be sad to see you go.”
“But your old man Duke, I might have to put some work in with him.”
“He’s gotten better. Just talk sweet to him.”
Their laughter is soft. Bree rests her head into the wall. She still has his phone and she’s reminded that she ought to call Drew. “You’re right. I don’t want to go back out into that rain.”
He motions with two fingers and Bree hands back the phone. The unlock is quick. “Make your calls. I got tea, coffee. I think there’s hot chocolate if you want that. If you haven’t eaten, we can figure that out too.”
“You do realize that I’m like practically a stranger. I showed up at your door like a fucking drowned rat. You didn’t even tell me my mascara had run.”
He knows all that. Calum doesn’t need to be told that. And sure it probably sounds dumb and definitely a little stupid. But there was something about Bree that makes him worry less. It helps that she hasn’t flipped, hasn’t given out any indication that she knows who he is. And maybe it’s not safe to assume that she doesn’t know. But he has a strong feeling that if she did, they wouldn’t be having such an easy conversation. His gut would tell him if something was suspicious. 
“You looked pretty stressed out. I didn’t think you needed to know that your mascara was giving you raccoon eyes.”
With the phone to her ear, Bree glares at Calum. It’s playful and he laughs in returns, before pushing up off the wall. Moose sits with Bree but watches as Calum carries himself into the kitchen. He ought to be ashamed. He ought to feel more guilty at the way he wonders what she looks like beneath his clothes. And it doesn’t help, not at all, that she looks cuter, in his clothes than he ever did. 
It’s comforting to know now at least Bree seemed to be less tress. When she first stood in front of him on his porch, her brown eyes were blown, shifting her weight. She looked somewhere between frustrated and almost amused. Like she had expected something like this to happen to her. Though, there was still an air of apprehension and worry. 
“I’m safe,” Bree says. Her voice carries throughout the house. “Just some car trouble. I’ll get it seen in the morning. Yeah, yeah, I’m okay.” 
The conversation soon ends but it’s only another minute before her voice picks up again. “Hey, Dad. Yeah, it’s me, Bree. Had to borrow another phone for like two seconds. Anyways, car went flatline on me. But I’m okay and safe for the night. Gonna get it checked out in the morning.”
There’s a pause. Calum pours a glass of water, figuring that’s the safest bet until Bree gets off the phone. “Yeah, Dad. Really I’m safe. In a..hotel...No the car’s not just out on some highway. Just--” Whatever Bree was about to say clearly doesn’t outrank her father’s statement. “I don’t have an estimate yet. Hopefully it’s not too much. I don’t know. I’ll worry about that tomorrow….Thanks. Love you too.” 
Bree’s glad the house isn’t a maze. It makes finding Calum a lot easier. But as she settles onto the barstool, sliding his phone back to him, she does wish she had more time to mentally prepare for Calum’s gaze. His eyes are warm, and inviting. That’s not a thing she needs to be worried about right now. Right now, she’s got to worry about her car and moving, and paying to fix her car. 
“Have you eaten yet?” Calum turns to the fridge, listing off the options he has, even offers ordering something for her if none of his options sound appealing. “Tea, coffee, hot chocolate. Which I’m like ninety percent sure I already offered, sorry.” It’s paired with a soft chuckle. 
Bree did eat. She made sure to text her dad when she stopped and when she got back onto the road. But maybe it’s just the adrenaline, the stress of her car, and maybe it’s partially something to do so she doesn’t say something stupid, or completely left field. “Hot chocolate would be nice.” 
Just as Calum sets the mug down, a buzzer sounds. Both dogs bark for a moment before quieting down. “I put a blanket in the dryer. Just in case you were cold,” Calum explains. “Did you want it or is that overkill?”
“You--you didn’t have to. But I appreciate it.”
“Yeah, no, of course.” He knows he’s staring. Her smile is bright and shows off all her teeth too. Like she’s not afraid of anything, or maybe she’s learned to put on a smile even when she’s terrified. His gaze lingers a little too long on her lips. The way she works her teeth over the skin, but they’re still full. Calum wonders if they’re soft too. “So,” he starts, spinning to face his cupboards, “you said you were moving? Just a couple blocks down?”
Bree nods, eyes trailing down his shoulders and back that flex as he grabs onto the blue box. “Yeah-yeah. Got a new job and a friend of mine agreed to let me crash with them until I got an apartment. Wanted to save up some more money before throwing myself into the woes of financially living alone.”
Calum hums, tearing open a packet. “Sounds like we’ll be neighbors. At least for a little bit.” Paws click on the floor. Too light to be Moose and when Calum glances down, he spies Duke lapping at his water bowl in the kitchen. 
“I mean, it’s a couple blocks,” Bree insists. If she says that, if she puts more distance between them, she won’t be tempted to drive through his neighborhood and she won’t be tempted to make a joke about staying over more often. She won’t make any moves tonight either. 
“Close enough,” Calum says. “A couple blocks, a couple minutes. I’m sure you’ll always remember this street though, after tonight.”
“Oh, definitely.” 
Her drink finished, Calum hands over the mug. Their fingers brush, just a split second in time, hardly enough time to really know it’s happening, yet they know anyway. Bree tightens her hold around the warming ceramic. It’s still too hot to really take a drink. But Bree sips from it anyway, after a couple gentle blows onto the dark brown sweet drink. She prays, chants to herself, that she most definitely should not linger too long on the thought or the way her skin felt electric. 
“You sure you’re not hungry? I really don’t mind ordering you something.” Calum clears his throat. There aren’t many times Calum’s glad that the bar seat has a counter at waist height, but this time in particular he’s grateful. His spine still tingles just a little. 
“I ate already, thanks.”
“Any dessert? I’ve got ice cream and there’s a great place not too far that delivers cookies.”
Dessert. It’s not even the fact that Calum asks. It’s how he asks. His brows shooting up on his face, thumb pointing over his shoulder to his fridge and freezer. It’s the way he bites his own lip, leaning into the counter on his elbows. Bree’s not sure if it’s some secret language, if he’s asking more than just the tub of sugary confection in his freezer. 
“Really, I’m okay. Thank you.”
Calum nods. “Yeah, okay. No problem. Well, I gotta check on that load of laundry. But feel free to watch TV, snuggle with Moose, see if you can champion Duke’s heart. You’re free to whatever’s in the kitchen.” 
It’s a curt nod as Bree works down another sip of her drink before Calum leaves. Once she’s sure he’s gone down back into the depths of his place, she drops her head onto her neck. Fuck me, she mouths. She can text Drew, let them know the true details of what the hell is going on. Though Bree knows the response will be a swift, You better fuck him and I want deeds. 
Her phone. It’s still dead. Turning on the stool, she spots her purse still on the coffee table and both dogs curled up on one end of the couch. They watch her with curious eyes as she walks over. Thankfully an outlet is nearby with a phone charger already snug into the outlet. Nothing was plugged into it. She hoped Calum wouldn’t mind for the time being. 
Plugging in her phone, Bree settles onto the far end of the couch, letting Duke have his space. But Moose is not shy and walks over, head resting in Bree’s lap. “Help me win over Duke, Moose.” 
Moose’s response is turning to her back, gazing expectedly. “Okay, sure, since you’re yanking my leg,” Bree laughs, rubbing her hand over Moose’s belly. Duke still doesn’t seem bothered by her presence. She can’t tell if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Though she’s inclined to say good. He could be barking, and yet, he’s just watching, assessing Bree. 
“I get it,” Bree states to Duke. “You’re thinking, sussing me out. I respect that.” Bree didn’t want to be the type to be nosey but staring at the living room and the house itself. What did Calum do? Drew had a decent break in the producing and DJing world and bought a house up here. Does Calum do something similar? And if so, why wasn’t he more worried about having some stranger in his house?
Bree’s phone buzzes. Text messages from Drew and her dad. Old alerts from various group chats and email alerts that were all muted all she drove. Just as she reaches back for it, a snout presses into her hand. “Moose, you’re literally getting snuggles right now,” Bree laughs. 
“Oh, he’s not going to like that.”
Bree looks up to Calum who’s grinning and then down to the snout. She gasps at the sight of Duke resting his head against her hand, his body curled up next to her. “Oh my god, oh  my god. Is this real life?” she whispers, looking up to Calum. 
“Yeah, this is real life.” 
“I would literally die for you and I just met you,” Bree chuckles mostly to herself, gently petting the top of Duke’s head. 
Calum tries not to think about how Duke really isn’t all that fond of new people. And for him to curl up next to Bree is an amazing feat. Does Duke sense something Calum can’t? Or maybe they’re both sensing the same thing, that Bree’s striking and funny. And above all, she’s safe. It’s almost like Calum’s known her forever, but maybe Calum just wants to feel that, so it makes everything he’s feeling and on the verge of doing make sense. 
“You do realize I literally don’t care if you want to change the channel,” Calum returns, settling on the opposite end of the couch. 
“This is literally your house! I don’t want to be disrespectful.”
Bree is a puddle of dogs and is sinking into the cushions of his couch. Calum risks a glance from the movie. He thinks it’s one in the Batman franchise but he can’t be sure. The curls have become evident, even though she’s tried to tame them into a high bun. Her cheeks are full, much like his. 
“So what brings you into town? I think you mentioned a new job? You don’t have to get too deep into it if you don’t want to.”
“Yeah, I interned remotely at this magazine for a while. Wrote articles, did some shoots for them. It was mostly music based, looking at underground and indie artists. They had to lay some folks off. But I was already looking to go elsewhere. Got hired and getting paid more so now  I’m moving into the city since it’s not a remote position. My friend Drew’s letting crash with her. I got hired like last week so I hardly had any time to find a place or anything.”
“Drew? Like Drew with the dreads who’s literally DJing at almost every club in this fucking state Drew?”
“You know her?” Bree asks. 
“Yes! I met her in the studio a couple times. I didn’t even realize she was in the neighborhood.”
“Studio?” Bree figured Calum had to be a creative type and very successful at that. She just hadn’t suspected that thought to be true. 
“I dabble,” Calum returns, shrugging his shoulders. Dabble sounds betters, doesn’t put too much pressure or anything. 
“Looks like dabbling is working out well for you.”
“So, do you shoot shows for certain bands or just whoever?”
“Just whoever. In some ways I want to be on the cutting edge. A few bands from the old magazine I covered caught a wave. I don’t want to say I’m the reason why, but,” the sentence trails off into a fit of giggles. 
“But you’re the reason why,” Calum concludes with a laugh. The two of them talk for hours. Bree telling Calum about the embarrassing trip to the gas station when she realized she had pulled in the wrong way to fill up her tank today and how when she was a kid she’d constantly mix up her left and her right. She still does if she’s honest, so she’s the worst person to ask for direction. 
Calum doesn’t share a lot, the occasional story about when he and his friends lived a house together and going a little too hard on the whiskey in coffee and how once he split his pants during a jig. Though mostly Calum just let’s Bree talk. He finds that she can go a mile a minute but she’s good about pulling at certain strings. When she brings up knowing Drew since they were kids, and Calum mentions his friends, she asks about them. Just what it was like growing up with them and what about living with them that he misses. 
“Honestly, I’d rather talk to you than be interviewed by any other talk show hot for a decade at least.” Calum states it only after realizing it’s nearing midnight. Michael’s come and gone to pick up Moose. Bree’s hot chocolate has turned cold. 
“It’s because I hate interviewing people. I like having conversations,” Bree returns. Duke’s settled between them, facing Calum now but doesn’t shy away when Bree scratches along his back. 
“I’m not much of a talker, normally.”
“If that’s your way of saying I’m talking too much, you can just say it. I’m used to it.”
Calum shakes his head. “No, no, not at all. It’s just, you’re easy to talk to, that’s all.” Bree curls up, feet tucked under herself as she faces Calum. HIs t-shirt seems to swallow her up but also she wears it like she owns it, the front tucked into the band of the sweatpants just a little. “Like really easy to talk to,” Calum whispers, trying not to imagine the sight of her beneath him. He hasn’t had something like this--a conversation that could last hours and the ease to almost spill his guts-- in years outside of the guys.
“I know I’ve probably said this like a thousand times, but really thank you. For helping me out. It means a lot.” Bree looks up from her lashes. She knows that look that Calum’s giving her. It’s the eyes from when he questioned dessert. She didn’t want to believe that he was into her, not like that at least. 
“You--Really, it’s nothing.”
His gaze hasn’t faltered, as if he’s reading every thought behind her skull. It’s intense and god, it’s not the thing she needs. Keep it together, she reprimands herself. “I’m just, I’m going to dump this.” Bree stands, taking her mug into the kitchen.  
“No, no let me,” Calum rushes, pushing to his feet. “You’re the guest.”
Bree wishes Calum had stayed on the couch. She needed to get away, just to breath and think clearly for two seconds. But Calum’s right behind her and his hand reaches out behind her to take the mug. At the sink, they face each other. Close enough that she can feel just how warm he is, smell the Old Spice body wash she saw under the sink on his skin. 
“Really, I don’t mind. You’re already doing a lot today.”
Calum didn’t realize just how tall Bree was until now. She stands just about eye to eye with him, only off by a few inches. Four or five, if Calum had to venture a guess. And it would be so easy to kiss her. Just drop his chin a hair and capture her full pouty lips. “Helping someone in need isn’t a lot.”
Bree exhales her laughter. “It’s not a lot when you’re a good person, that’s for sure.” She tugs at the mug just a little, pulling into her body just a hair. There’s not much space between them at it stands. “Please,” she whispers. She doesn’t even know what she’s saying please for. Is it please let me wash the damn mug and walk away? Or is please just kiss me already so there’s no more dancing around this tension?
Calum moves the mug, both of them moving along with his instrumentation. The mug settles into the basin of the sink with a soft thud, the spoon clicking against the sides. “Please what?”
And the words are falling from her lips before she can stop herself. “Kiss me.” 
Calum exhales just a hair and cups her jaw into his palm. Bree meets him though, closes the already centimeters between them. Their lips touch for a brief moment. It feels like the first sip of ice cold water on a hot water. It’s satisfying, makes you exhale in relief and it’s only in that moment as the first slides down your throat that you realize how thirsty you’ve been. Calum secures a hold to her waist, pushing her into the counter. Their lips meet again, and again, slightly harsh exhales as hands pull at t-shirts and tanks. 
Calum trails a hand under the hem of the t-shirt, running his palm over her stomach and side. Bree shudders at the touch, head falling back on her neck. Calum seizes the opportunity to lay a trail of kisses across her throat. Her sighs are like literal music to his ears. He sucks at the skin to hear it again. And he’s greeted with something much better. Bree moans, arms locking around his neck. Her fingers dance along his shoulder and back and when her head finally reconnects, she reconnects her mouth to Calum’s. 
The kitchen turns into a bedroom. All Bree focuses on is the feel of Calum against her, as shirts are shed and pants too. Calum swallows down every sound she gives him. He drinks in the sight of her, head thrown back into his pillows, and legs wrapped around his waist. Bree kisses along his biceps, teeth grazing over the tattoos on his skin. Their senses fill with each other, the sighs, the moans, the pleas, the encouragement and even the awkward shuffle and giggles. Calum never wants to hear his name for another set of lips ever. Not with the way it falls so easily from Bree’s mouth. Bree hums when she hears the grunted curses Calum exhales as his hips rock into hers. 
With Calum’s arm draped over her naked waist, he presses a kiss to her cheek. Bree turns to face him, a grin at her lips. “I’m washing that damn mug. Just so you know.”
Calum laughs, shoulders shaking and he squeezes at her waist. “Why am I not surprised at that fact?”
“I don’t care if I have to sneak out of the bed at 5 in the morning. I’ll do it.”
And true to her word, Bree does wash the morning. It’s helped of course when Calum’s alarm goes off and in the shuffle of him rousing awake and trying to turn if off, Bree slips out from the sheets. She throws on his t-shirt again and bolts to the kitchen. The morning is nice though, though she has to steal clothes from the trunk of her car before they can transfer all the boxes into Calum’s SUV. 
Calum closes the trunk down, wearing the t-shirt she borrowed and in jeans. Sunglasses cover his face while a trucker hat hides away the curls. “Tow truck said what time again?”
“10 am. So another,” Bree checks her phone, “10 minutes, hopefully. Thanks, again.”
“Really, don’t worry about it. And you can stop saying thanking me. I know it’s a thing you’re probably going to do like a thousand more times.”
Bree swats at his arm. “Look here, I’m trying to be polite. You can be a sour puss elsewhere.”
Calum cackles. “Sour puss? That’s a new one. Also, you sure you don’t want any breakfast? I know a place nearby. Great pancakes.”
“Not much of a breakfast person.”
He nods. “Noted. What about lunch?”
“Yeah, I’m definitely a lunch person.”
“Good, because they have good sandwiches and fries too.”
“Was-Did you just ask me on a lunch date?”
The rumble of a truck cuts through the open air. Both of them turn to see the tow truck coming down the block. Once Bree gets the finalized details about which car shop they’re taking her car and giving said car shop the okay to call her once it’s ready, Bree turns to Calum. “You never answered my question and if it is a date, I’m paying.” Calum insisted on helping her out by paying for the tow. 
Calum’s smile is bright. “I’m not a cheap date.”
“I’m sure you’re not.”
 “Is Drew home? Do you have a key? We can drop your stuff off, eat, and then check up on your car?”
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
“I know you said you’re bad with directions, but I need you to navigate.” It’s not hard or long before they reach Drew’s place. Not quite long enough for a full song to finish. Drew’s out on the porch when the two of them roll up. 
She laughs, leaning onto the railing. “Bree when you told me you got stranded I thought you landed on the side of the road. Fancy meeting you again, Calum.”
“Hi, Drew. Turns out we’re neighbors.”
Drew arches her eyebrow, looking at back at Bree. Bree holds up her hands. “I’ll explain everything later. Over dinner.” Calum tries to bite back his grin, but glances over to Bree. The question dances across his eyebrows, everything everything? Bree rolls her eyes, going to the trunk. 
When a knock sounds at Calum’s door, he almost doesn’t answer it. That laziness is helped by the fact that he was almost on the verge of sleep. But another knock immediately follows it. “Coming!” he calls out. He checks his phone first, but sees no text from Bree. 
As the door cracks open, Calum’s greeted with a bright smile. Bree stands at his door. No rain this time, no mascara running down her face. Just her full cheeks and pouty lips and bright smile. “You said you’d text me.”
“I made cookies,” she returns, holding up the carrying tray. “As a thank you.”
Calum laughs, opening the door wider to let her in. Bree walks in and immediately spots Duke on the couch. “My precious boy!” she coos.
Calum takes the tray knowing that she’ll get distracted soon enough. It’s been a little over three weeks since Bree showed up at his doorstep. Most days they call, or text. Occasionally, Calum drags her out of the house to grab dinner with him or a couple drinks. There’s some unspoken rule, an energy between them. They keep it casual. But even still conversations on the phone can go until 2 in the morning. Calum just listening to the sound of her voice. He asks nearly any question under the sun just to keep her talking. 
Bree asks more about the band, never crossing a line. Mostly to see how the other guys are doing, especially their dogs. Calum tells her a bit more about the music he’s making but work is mostly kept separate. Bree doesn’t want Calum to think she’s using him. Calum asks about projects but never makes her divulge more than she’s comfortable with. 
Calum cracks open the tray and sees a mass of chocolate chip cookies displayed in front of him. He picks one off the top and the center practically melts in his mouth. He hums at the taste but knows there’s no way he can have that many cookies in his house. “This is too many cookies,” he calls out over the bite. 
“That’s why it’s called sharing!” Bree returns, kissing the top of Duke’s head. She wonders into the kitchen, taking a cookie as well. “Did I interrupt a nap? I’m sorry.” His eyes are puffy and he keeps blinking. 
“Was trying,” he admits, lower back resting into the edge of the counter. 
“I’m sorry! I’ll go. Oh my god, really. I didn’t mean to intrude.” Bree is quick to push away from the counter and almost gets to the front door. Calum’s quick though and wraps her waist up in her arms. 
“Nap with me?”
“I’m not sleepy. I just wanted to stuff my face with cookies and cuddle Duke.”
“You can do that, just stay with me please.” He buries his nose into her neck, inhaling the scent of her shampoo. He covers her neck in kisses between pleas. Bree giggles at the light scratch of Calum’s scruff. He’s started letting the bread grow out, even though it’s a slightly pitiful excuse of a beard. 
“Fine, fine, fine. I’ll stay.”
With her head resting on his chest, she listens to the steady rhythm of his heart. His hold is warm, but not uncomfortable. Duke’s at their feet and Bree thinks maybe she could take a nap. It wouldn’t hurt at all. Especially not if it was a nap on Calum’s chest. It was crazy to her, to think that fate had stranded on the side of a street but also introduced her to a great friend. And maybe there was more. Maybe there’s more for them down the road. But for now, they had an understanding. 
“Did you think when you showed up at my door like a drowned rat this is what would happened?” Calum’s voice is soft and a little mumbly.
“No, I was bracing for you to be a serial killer. And instead you’re a serial cuddler, so I’ll that that any day of the week, hands down.”
They laugh, chest shaking against each other. “I’m a lover, not a fighter.”
“It’s much appreciated,” Bree says in a whisper. She lifts her head just a little. His eyes are close, lashes practically brushing long his cheek. She lightly traces the moles around his mouth and cheek. 
“That’s not napping, Missy.” Her response is a soft kiss and Bree rests her head against on his chest, arms squeezing at his waist. The moment is still and feels like it could never be broken. 
______________ Tagging @5-secondsofcolor for your morning reads. 
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redbowedblogger · 4 years
secret solenoid
my gift for @andresome04 for the secret solenoid gift exchange! my prompt was driftxracthet - humanformers romantic night in. i decided to go with their first romantic night in when they move into a new house. fic is heavily inspired by brakedownsbutlights human au. contains: fluff, mild smut, and nudity.
The gravel drive crunched under the moving truck’s tires as the house came into view at the end of the long path. 
" welp… it's not much, but it's home." Ratchet said as he parked the vehicle. 
"Oh ratty, this is- '' Drift was at a loss for words as he viewed their new home. Well, his new home. Ratty had grown up here. The large yard was overgrown and the west side was more ivy than house. The windows were covered with plywood to keep kids from throwing rocks, and the front steps sagged. Overall it was a magnificent house. " this is wonderful." Drift grinned. 
Ratchet grunted as he popped open the old oak front door. The entryway was lined with coat hooks and empty shoe cubbies. Drift wandered reverently from room to room. Furniture was covered in white sheets and naked bulbs cast a yellow white glare as Ratchet flicked them on. "Most everything we need should be here. Ma left most of it when she went to live with my brother and his family… the place is a little dustier than I remember but everything seems in place." Ratchet dropped the heavy bags down on the carpet. "Where do you want to start?" he asked. Drift grinned excitedly.
The first thing they did was unload the campulance and let the animals stretch their legs. The cat immediately ran upstairs in a flash of ginger fur and dust motes, and the dog set about securing the expansive backyard. Ratchet pulled the wood from where windows and flung them open to let in the afternoon light. Drift whisked sheet after sheet off of the furniture and beat life back into the area rugs. moths were evicted and lampshades were put back on their fixtures. By evening the living room and kitchen had been put into some semblance of an order, and pizza had been ordered. 
"And tomorrow we can do the upper floors and the  bathrooms. I can't wait to get the garden in order… It's probably too late for squash but we can get a few tomatoes and peppers before the season ends… the dining room could use a fresh coat of paint but the mauve color is good'' Drift rambled around his slice of veggie and olive. Ratchet was too busy staring at his husband. Drift. His husband! His husband Drift. All beautiful  grace and deadly accuracy and profound loyalty….and all his. 
"What are you looking at ratty?" Drift cut off. 
"You." Ratchet answered honestly
 Drift's red tattoos disappeared behind his embarrassed flush.
"Ratty…." He chided. 
"What! I can't admire my husband?" Ratty asked, a wicked grin splitting his face. 
Ratchet reached out and pulled Drift into his lap. "After all what's not to admire?" He asked as he planted a whiskery kiss on Drift's cheek.
"You have got to shave that thing!" Drift laughed as he gently tugged on Ratchet's ginger stubble. 
“But i like the way you laugh when it tickles you.” Ratchet defended as he planted kisses all over Drift’s face, neck and ears. 
“Ratty- no- stop!” he laughed as he tried to squirm away. 
“Nope no escape!” Ratchet cried as he began a full on tickling onslaught. Drift shrieked as he began to thrash, long arms and legs flying and kicking as Ratchet continued his attack. All the commotion gained the attention of the dog, who immediately bound up on the couch”
“Magnus down! No!” Ratchet cried in vain. The giant dane mix threw all his considerable weight on his people, and as a result the poor old sofa couldn't cope. Ratchet felt his center of gravity drop as the whole thing tipped back and fell with a large thunk. He and Drift lay sprawled across the floor a moment, silent and breathless, until laughter returned with a vengeance. 
“Hey ratty,” Drift started as he rolled over to lay on his stomach, head propped on one fist. 
“It's not going to be…. Weird with me here is it?” Drift chewed is bottom lip for a moment in thought. 
“I mean, you grew up here, and I never even knew you had a family until you suggested moving in here. I wouldn't want to intrude on any old memories-” Ratchet sat up in a hurry. 
“Drift. Nowhere could ever be weird with you. Because I love you. I thought of this house because you had said to me once you wanted space. If this isn't what you want i will pack up and leave tonight. I married you and that means I want you in all aspects of my life, past present and future. Nothing could change that.” Ratchet cupped the side of Drift’s face and looked into his golden eyes. 
“I mean it kid. I want you here. I want you to be happy.” Drift surged into Ratchets strong arms. 
“Oh ratty,” Drift took in the scent of Ratchet. Cologne and wood and something hospital that never quite disappeared. 
“I can think of a few ways to make new memories-” he whispered in his lovers ear before placing an open mouth kiss on the side of his neck. 
“You are insatiable.” Ratchet teased as he slid his hands under the hem of Drift's t-shirt to grip the slender hips underneath. 
“I'm going to fill every room of this house with memories of you.” he purred as he thumbed Drift’s waistband. 
First Ratchet took Drift right there on the floor of the living room, Drift slung over the fallen couch. Then they consecrated the hallway up against both walls. It was late evening before they made it to the bedroom, finishing the night slow and sweet. The next morning Drift sucked Ratchet dry in the shower, hot steam encompassing them. Ratchet then returned the favor by devouring drugs as he lay splayed out on the kitchen table. Over the desk in the office, against the shelves in the pantry, they even left peculiar patterns in the dusty attic. They got very little work done that day. Finally as evening fell for the second night in their new home, Ratchet sat on the back porch rocker, Drift seated in his lap. Ratchet was struck with the beauty of his lover silhouetted by the last light of murky twilight against a backdrop of a wooded yard and framed by the porches' support pillars. After they had finished Drift sat slumped against Ratchet's broad chest. Panting. Ratchet smoothed his hands up and down Drift’s muscled shoulders, soft and content.
“I think,” Drift sighed as fireflies began to wink on and off around them, “I think we are going to be very happy here.
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dirt-cup-draco · 4 years
Sirius x Reader- More To You (4/?)
tag list: @spacegirlhere @treestarrrrrrrr @slytherpuffgal @scaredofvscogirls @jenniseiblack
You found you wanted to pull Sirius back to you, feel the warmth of his body against yours, hoping it soothed him the way you realized it soothed you in this confusing time. “Goodnight,” You finally croaked, heart still aching form his admission.
“And a good night to you,” Sirius said, sinking back into that somber and tight lipped man that Azkaban had turned him into. You watched him go as you filled your glass.
You weren’t sure how but you were going to make sure Sirius knew that he wasn’t responsible for the deaths of the Potters. If it meant clearing his name and using your own resources, you were going to do it. If it meant standing in opposition to the Wizengamot and their wishes, you would do it. And if it meant standing by him with encouraging words and keeping him safe, then you would do it. One way or another you were going to free Sirius Black from his sullied name and his own demons, no matter what it took.
Summer was at it’s peak and the sun was blistering as you lounged in the backyard, Sirius zooming around the yard as his tongue lolled out of his mouth as he attempted to keep cool. You had a bowl full of lemonade on the porch for him as you sipped at your own.
Running around your small backyard was the only way he could stretch his legs some and you felt terribly guilty about that. He was always stuck inside the house and he could only watch the movies you had so many times before the boredom started eating at him. 
Whistling, you caught his attention and nodded to the door, picking up and going back inside. You appreciated the wave of air conditioning that met you as you waited for Sirius. Once he was inside, you closed and locked your door, pulling the blinds tight. 
“So,” You began, fanning yourself. “Any plans for the day?” 
Sirius gave you a funny look. “Was that supposed to be a joke?” 
You rolled your eyes. “I mean to ask, is there anything you want to do?” 
“Oh yes, tons of things,” Sirius griped, tying up his hair as it got too hot on his neck and if you were momentarily distracted by the column of his throat that shined with a thin sheen of sweat, you wouldn’t admit it. “Like clearning my name, and not being known as a murderer, and living in my own place and not having to pretend to be a god damn dog every time I got outside and-” 
“That’s not what I meant you drama queen,” You whined, “I mean, we could make ice cream or make a slide out of the stairs, or we could-” 
“Go campinig?” Sirius chimed in, a small smile on his face as you attempted to make his days less monotonous. 
“Camping?” You asked incredulously. “I suppose it’s a weekend... But I”ve never been camping before, and wouldn’t the ministry catch on somehow?” 
Sirius shrugged. “I can’t see how they would. We might have to go a bit further than usual, but we could manage. And nobody can do a better silencing spell than you-” 
“And you would know that how?” You interrupted. 
“When I’m bored I try to break the spells you have on your room, which I haven’t been able to do yet” He admitted without a bit of shame. “What I’m really curious about is why you have a silencing spell for your bedroom.” He winked. “But! As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me- your spell work is strong, if we need to be shielded, I fully believe that you can keep us safe,” 
You blushed for a thousand reasons but you felt pride that Sirius trusted in your abilities. “Well, I agree that I can keep us safe, and that we are going have to be a bit more.. muggle about this. I have a car, just to blend in really, but you can drive can’t you? I remember fifth year you drove a car into the greenhouse and Sprout nearly had your head.” 
Sirius smiled at the memory. “I certainly couldn’t drive then, but you’re right that I can drive now. I think we have ourselves a plan! Start packing,” 
With another notorious wink, he was racing upstairs. You smiled to yourself, glad that you had been able to cheer him up some. As the days passed you realized it was becoming easier to get Sirius to laugh and smile, yet at the same time he was losing faith in himself and he was becoming more guarded because of it. Hopefully, camping would be a good distraction. 
Two hours later, you were reclined in the passengers seat, legs propped up on the dash as Sirius hummed to some rock song he had found on a muggle station. Your bags were shoved into the back seat. You watched Sirius.His hair whipped around with the wind that rushed past you two. You leaned your head back, letting the wind on your face remind you of flying on a broom. Maybe driving wasn’t so bad. 
“Are we there yet?” You asked. 
“Asking every ten minutes won’t make us arrive any sooner,” He pointed out. 
Just to be obnoxious you asked seven more times in quick succession. 
“You are such a brat!” Sirius laughed, hand squeezing your knee as you grinned cheekily at him. 
It did seem to get you there quicker however as Sirius was turning down a remote path off some highway you had never been on, car rattling on the unpaved path. You drove quite a few miles inward. Sirius parked when he saw a lake and a clearing. 
“How did you know where this place was?” You asked, tossing him your tent and grabbing your bags of clothes and supplies as he set it up. “I was lost the entire way here,” 
Sirius was silent for a moment, and you nearly thought he wasn’t going to respond, but then he paused in his work and looked at you. “I came here once before,”
“Ooh, sneaky. I bet it was with some poor girl,” You teased. Sirius smiled but it was gentle, fond even. 
“No, actually,” He admitted. “I came with my friends. It was for Remus’ birthday and all he wanted to do was camp like muggles. We ate smores, fun little muggle sweets, and started a fire without wands and skinny dipped in the lake,” 
Sirius sounded wistful and you could tell these memories were bittersweet. Dropping the bags for a moment your wrapped your arms around his waist. “Sounds lovely, thank you for telling me,” You wanted him to know you’d always listen to whatever he had to say, that you were there for him. 
He kissed your forehead before pulling away too quickly, eyes darting around the campsite as a rosy hue tainted his cheeks. “I’m nearly done with the tent if you want to grab our blankets,” He instructed.
You made yourselves comfortably inside, the space bigger on the inside. You had nearly demanded it, you were one who strove to be comfortable at all costs. Sirius had, in the spirit of actual camping, confined you both to one room, but you wouldn’t complain too much seeing as he had given you ample space and a bed. 
Night fell fairly quickly and Sirius requested that you try those smores he’d been speaking of earlier. “I didn’t ask you to buy these for no reason,” He gestured to the marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate in his arms. 
“This is impossible!” You huffed not ten minutes later, having set another marshmallow aflame. Sirius laughed, grabbing your skewer and blowing out the puffed sugar. 
“It is not, you just have to have a certain amount of finesse,” With that, he presented you with a sandwich of sugar pressed between what looked like cardboard even if Sirius insisted it was edlible. “Eat up,” He encouraged and you moaned in appreciation as the melted chocolate and caramelized sugar hit your tongue in direct contrast to the crisp graham cracker. Sirius blushed at the exaggerated noise that fell from your lips. 
“Oh, Sirius,” You beamed. “This is delightful!” 
Thrusting your skewer back into his hand you demanded he make you another. With a mumbled “bossy, are we?”, he made you another. And another. And another. Until you were sick on sweets. 
Your licked your lips and leaned against Sirius as he accidentally burned his own marshmallow, distracted at the feel of you pressed against his side so casually. “Thank you for this,” You sighed happily. “It’s been awhile since I’ve left home,” 
“No thanks to me,” He sighed. 
“Hey,” You frowned, pulling away so you could grip his chin lightly between your fingers. “Nonsense, you here me? I get out far more than you can so don’t feel as if you are keeping me in, if anything I’m the one trapping you. I wish it could be different... I promise I’ll clear your name,” 
Sirius’ heart leapt at the conviction in your voice and your stomach filled with butterflies at his returning smile. “I know you will,” His smile was tender and warm but quickly morphed into a smirk. “Even if you are a brat.” 
You frowned and squished his cheeks a bit too hard. “You can clean up,” You announced. “I am decidedly going to take a dip in the lake,” 
Sirius stared after you. “Y-you mean you’re going to-?” He dropped off, unable to get his mind straight. He felt like a teen all over again. 
It took you a moment to understand what he meant but you went red immediately. “No! Of course not you foul man! I’ll have my clothes on,” 
“Oh! Right,” Sirius blushed with you. “I’ll join then,” He tried to play it off like he hadn’t been more curious about you, all of you. 
The water was cool and you squealed as you splashed into the water, the moon reflected off the water and dancing across your skin that prickled against the chill, hairs rising. You had stripped down to your underwear and you would have been embarrassed at your lack of clothes if you hadn’t been distracted by Sirius emerging from the tent moments later, only a pair of boxers on him. 
“How’s the water?”Sirius asked, but didnt receive a response from you as you tried to tear your eyes away. A wolfish smirk tugged at his lips. “Cat got your tongue?” 
Instead of answering, you plunged yourself beneath the cool water, the shock of it setting your brain back to it’s normal setting. 
You both swam around, feeling like kids as you goofed off and splashed one another. Sirius was currently hell bent on dunking you beneath the water even as your teeth started to chatter.
“No!” You yelled at him, swimming towards shore and then sprinting when you could. It seemed you hadn’t found your land legs yet as you rolled your ankle, yelping as you fell back into the water, luckily it was the shallows. 
“Y/N! You alright?” Sirius asked immediately, going to your side and pulling you up by your arms. He had filled out some in the past couple weeks, lots of meals and a sleep schedule doing him some good. 
“Y-yeah! Just rolled my ankle,” You complained, trying to stand but found it was still too sensitive as you bent under your own weight. In only a second, Sirius was gathering you up in his arms. “Hey!” You argued but your mouth went dry at the pointed look he gave you. He was terribly close, and warm. 
Sirius set you on your sheets after using a quick drying spell, hand prodding gently at your ankle. “Sit still,” He said softly, uttering a healing spell and you thanked him. 
He grinned and kissed your knee in welcome, and you pretended like the small action of affection had stolen your breath from your lungs. 
“I wonder how you lived without me,” Sirius teased, tugging one of the tshirts youd bought for him over his still damp hair. The smile and worry lines on his face told of his age but you couldn’t help but see the young teen you had known in school. You scowled. 
“I’d do just fine, thank you very much,” You sniffled in indignation. 
Yet, as you lay in your bed that night, listening to the owls hooting in the trees and Sirius’ snoring, you became aware that you wouldn’t be alright if Sirius left you. 
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justjessame · 3 years
Babysitting Butcher Chapter 59
After MM gave Billy and I our mediation session, he told us he had a date with two ladies who were far more entertaining than our sorry asses and to get our shit together because without our heads in the game - well, he was amazing at peptalking.  Kind of.  
“I can’t believe,” I sighed, as the door shut behind him.
“That he butted his huge fuckin’ head in where it didn’t have any right to butt in?”  Billy grunted, and I shot a glare at him.  “Look, Ronnie, you and me - we got our problems, sure, but we also got our own way to get past ‘em.”  
I was pretty sure I was going to have to learn to draw my eyebrows on if he kept challenging me like this, because for fuck’s sake, they were both going to fly off my fucking forehead soon.  “Really, Mr. Butcher?  And just how the fuck do you and I get past our problems?”  My arms crossed over my chest and I waited to hear just how my partner in everything would describe our ‘conflict resolution’ tactics.
“Well,” his voice had gone a few octaves lower and I warned my body to calm the fuck down, we’re mad at his sexy ass for God’s sake.  “First of all, you’re too fuckin’ far away -” his freakishly long arms reached out and pulled my chair closer to his.  “There now, ain’t that better?”  I rolled my eyes.  “Once we’re a bit closer, Ronnie,” he moved his hands from the arms of my chair to my legs, and I wondered how the fuck his skin could be so fucking hot that I could feel him through the fabric of my slacks?  “It’s just a matter of a hands on approach.”  
“You are such a fucking -” but I never got around to finishing the sentence, not when his hands worked their way to my waist and pulled me onto his lap, while his mouth silenced whatever I was planning on tacking onto the end of my sentence.  I would LOVE to say that I fought it, that I pulled away and argued some more, but once our lips touched, my traitorous hands were sliding into his hair and holding him as tight to me as his hands were holding me to him.  
We weren’t pulling clothing off or free, we were simply kissing and holding.  Tasting and reminding one another that we did love one another’s crazy, stubborn, stupid asses.  When we did finally pull back, only slightly and only because we needed oxygen - neither one of us were willing to mock the other.  Not now.  
“Missed that,” he murmured, hot breath fanning my face.  “So much.”
“We haven’t gone a full day without kissing,” I pointed out, but my fingers were still laced in his hair, my forehead touching his.  “What’s to miss?”  
“You, this.”  His eyes were on mine.  “You weren’t lookin’ at me.  No eye contact at all, was killin’ me.”  My heart clenched.  “I love you too fuckin’ much for that.”  
“I know, me too.”  I sighed.  “I hated it, but -”
“Hush,” he shook his head a little.  “I know, we still have shit to work out about Ryan.  But let us have this, would ya?”  
I nodded and nudged his nose with mine before kissing him again, swallowing his moan and feeding him my own when his fingers gripped me tighter.  He was right, this, us - we couldn’t lose sight of it.  Not again.  
We picked up Terror on the way home from work and Mom studied me with a maternal eye and I felt like squirming.  
“Good,” she said with a nod.  “The two of you looked like misery personified this morning when you dropped off my four-legged grandpuppy.”  She smiled at the dog in question, who was currently being given another treat by his grandpa and coaxed onto his leash by his daddy?  Jesus fucking Christ, she’s got me doing it too.  “I told you, he’s a good one - if a tad rough around the edges, and you’re good together.”  
“Yeah,” I shook my head as I watched Billy and my dad discussing Terror’s preferences in toys and treats.  “Yeah, we are.”  
Dinner was take-out, Billy insisted.  And once we were home, after Terror had terrorized the firefly and rabbit population of our yard, we settled in the living room at the coffee table with our dinner and drinks.  Billy refused to let me sit on my own cushion, pulling me onto his leg and holding me against his chest. 
“Billy,” I started to argue at the awkwardness of eating this way, but he cut me off.
“I’ll not spend more time apart than we have to, Ronnie,” he wound his arm around my waist and held me in place, his lips brushing against my earlobe.  “Not a single moment we don’t have to, you hear me?”  
I nodded, unsure that I still had the ability to speak with my heart stuttering the way it was, we ate, working together to feed one another.  We didn’t talk about work OR Ryan, not yet.  Dinner was for us, for closeness, for being near one another and just being sure of one another for a while.  Once we were full, we got up together to put what was leftover and refresh our drinks.
“Come ‘ere,” he pulled me along to the hanging bed on the porch.  Taking my drink from me, he set both down on the side table and laid down.  “Come ‘ere,” he repeated, and like a moth to a flame, or like Terror to a firefly, I was drawn to him.  Lying back, he held me, and instead of angrily arguing our sides in the debate over Ryan Butcher, we discussed it like the adults MM accused us of being.  
“I’m worried about him, Billy,” we were laying side by side, but also facing one another in the twinkle lights that ringed the mosquito netting of the hanging bed.  “He’s a kid and he’s suffered so much loss for his age.”  Billy’s eyes were locked on mine, and he was listening intently.  “Those people, they aren’t doing anything other than KEEPING him, that’s all.  And he deserves what she wanted for him -”
“I never wanted kids, Ronnie,” he softened the words by brushing my hair away from my face with his thumb.  “Never wanted to be a dad, never wanted a little shit running round me and demandin’ my attention.”  I listened while he told me what I KNEW from my report, but hearing him tell it, his childhood, his brother, his failure as he saw it, helped me understand why Billy Butcher thought he’d be shit at parenting.  “I need a kid like I need a big fuckin’ hole in my head.”  
I contemplated how to say what I wanted to say, but it was a memory of the worst thing that had happened to me - to us, so far that reminded me of something HE’D said to me.  Something he said when we were faced with it.  “In the ER,” his eyes narrowed while he was trying to remember that far, even though it wasn’t that long ago.  “When I first started steaming and puking, when that doctor came in and told us that I was -” his eyes went shut as his memory landed on it, what he’d said when I woke up alone with him in the room.  “You weren’t as opposed, Billy, you weren’t.”  
“It’s not the same, Ronnie,” he wasn’t pulling away, his hand met mine when I cupped his cheek and I was afraid for a beat that he was going to brush it off, but he didn’t - linking our fingers he held my hand in his.  “It ain’t, and you know it.”  
“No, it’s not, but you do know this might be our only chance, Billy.”  It was a low blow, but it was also true.  With his temper and his past, even having his name cleared - with my bank account and my own personal and professional background impeccable - the likelihood of even getting a private adoption to go through without a hitch were slim.  “You heard what the doctors told me,” his eyes were tight, and I knew I was causing him pain, but we had agreed to be honest and I was.  “Even if we could, it might end up -”
“If I ever figure out how to kill that bastard -” he growled and I sighed, not helping.  “Do you really think that Ryan would be safe with us?”  I was shocked by the question, I expected the question to be about OUR safety from Ryan - mine in particular.  
“I think, Billy Butcher,” I closed the small gap between us, “that I would bet my life on you protecting ANYONE put in your care, with your life.”  I kissed him, sealing my belief with all the love and trust I felt for him, because I meant it.  If Billy wanted to protect Ryan, then Ryan would be the safest little boy in the damn world. 
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stanbillyhargrove · 5 years
Demons pt 21
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Cat)
T/W: Self Harm (Cat), Abuse, Eating Disorder   Cat has a lot of issues
This will be a multi chapter series with fluff, smut, angst, all the things
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Billy's POV
Steve and I eventually made our way back into the house to find Cat curled into the corner of the couch, a steaming mug between her hands. Her eyes looked red and glazed as she stared into the mug and I noticed the plate in front of her. Steve must have brought her a pancake before coming outside. I swallowed thickly when I got closer and noticed that some of it was gone.
I knelt in front of her, placed my hands on her knees and whispered, "thank you."
Cat closed her eyes and leaned forward to press her forehead against mine.
"You okay? Wanna go back to sleep now?"
She hummed and nodded her head.
"Okay, Baby," I soothed.
I gentled the cup from her hands and placed it on the table before laying across the couch and pulled her between my legs to rest her head on my chest. She settled into me, humming softly as I ran my hand lazily up and down her arm.
Steve settled into the chair, wiping his face with a sigh, "fucking tired."
I nodded, idly drumming my fingers on Cat's arm. Eventually the room was filled with their soft breathing as Cat and Steve fell asleep. My mind was racing though, and I couldn't relax, I just wanted to leave, drive too fast and find something to put my fists through. My whole body thrummed with energy that I couldn't shake. When I couldn't stand it anymore I carefully slid Cat off me and left her sleeping on the couch to pace the kitchen, debating leaving. Cat would be fine here with Steve, would probably be better for her to have Steve's patience, his kindness. I looked outside and saw Rocky laying in the grass, looking bored as he stared at the house. With a huff, I decided to go outside to grab him.
"Come on, Bud," I mumbled, clipping a leash to his collar.
I walked around the house and out of the driveway, Rocky dancing excitedly beside my legs. Once we were down the street a bit I picked up the pace, eventually running as fast as I could through the streets. The burning in my legs and lungs distracted me from thinking about what was waiting for me back at Steve's. When I returned to the house a couple hours later, I was covered in sweat and gasping desperately for breath. Once I stopped, my mood dropped again as everything came rushing back. Inside, Steve was sitting on the end of the couch, Cat wrapped up in a blanket with her head in his lap while he studied.
He looked up at me when I came in, "hey, where'd you go?"
"Took the dog for a run," I huffed, letting Rocky go so he could find a comfy spot to lay down.
"Thought maybe you took off at first, then I saw the car still in the driveway."
I looked to Cat's face, seeing that she was still sleeping before answering, "thought about it."
Steve's mouth tightened, "well, I'm glad you didn't. Cat needs you around."
"She's got you," I shrugged, wiping my brow along my forearm.
Steve bristled, "you and I both know that's bullshit. I can't do this alone and there's only enough of me for one depressed asshole so you need to get it together."
My jaw ticked as I grabbed my keys and went to grab my clothes from the bathroom. Steve cornered me in the hallway, stretching an arm out in front of me so I couldn't shoulder past him.
"I'm serious. Either get it together or she's going to a hospital, one way or another."
Dead or alive, he means.
My lip tensed up in a sneer, "fuck off, Harrington."
Steve's arm dropped to press two fingers to my chest, "what? You're gunna walk out on her now? You wanted her so bad, figured out she's broken and now you're gunna toss her to the side? That's really fucking great."
"Harrington," I growled, "I came back, didn't I? Even though that's not Cat in there, I didn't leave her behind even though I don't know who that is anymore."
Steve's voice raised as he got angrier, "you don't know who she is anymore? That's bullshit and you know it! You knew who she was yesterday! And you knew she was fucked up this whole time, you just didn't want to see it!"
There was a small whimper behind Steve and when I looked over his shoulder, Cat was standing in the hallway, a blanket tucked around her chin.
"I can go home," she whispered, "if I'm a problem."
Steve's face fell, "that's not what-"
"No, Baby," I soothed, anger mostly dissolving as I stepped around Steve to cradle her in my arms, "you're not a problem. We're just talking, aren't we, Steve?"
He nodded stiffly, "yeah, just talking."
"I'm going to go pick up Max, you wanna come with me? We'll go back to your place? I'm gunna have to go home but I can probably sneak out to spend the night if you want. Maybe Steve can stay with you?"
"Yeah," he murmured, "of course I can. I'll be there around dinnertime."
Cat nodded slowly, "okay, Stevie."
I ushered to her to the front door, grabbing my jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders so she'd drop the blanket.
"Five o'clock, Steve," I muttered, "that's when I have to leave."
Steve nodded, "yeah, got it."
I pulled up to Max's school with Cat in the front seat, clutching my jacket around her and staring out the window listlessly. She'd been quiet and unresponsive the whole drive.
I reached over and laid my hand above her knee, squeezing gently until she looked at me, "you know you're not a problem, right? I don't think that at all. I just want you to get better, to be your happy self again," I swallowed the knot in my throat and cupped her cheek in my hand, "I just want my girlfriend back."
Cat looked at me wearily and leaned into my hand, "I heard you, at Steve's. You said you don't know who I am anymore."
I sighed, withering a little bit, "that's not..I didn't mean it like that..it's just, this isn't you. You're not yourself right now."
She frowned and looked from me to out the window, "you know I can't just flip a switch and be how you want me to be, right? I'll still be the one who tried to kill herself, who was drugged and, and raped and if that's too much for you, if you want to be with someone better, easier, then that's okay. I won't-"
"Shut up," I growled, "you know that's not what I meant, what I want. I just want to help you get better, I want to be here for you. I fucking love you, you know that, right?"
Cat nodded against my hand, "yeah, B, I know."
I looked past her at the string of kids leaving the school and saw Max running down the stairs, hair flying out behind her as she ran to the car.
"There's Max," I smiled tightly and pressed a quick kiss to Cat's forehead before getting out of the car and closing the door behind me.
Max noticed me get out of the car and waved at Cat in the window before coming around to my side, "hey Billy, how's Cat?"
I leaned against the Camaro and lowered my voice, "not good, Max. We need to try to lift her spirits. I was thinking we'd go to her place, you know, so we don't have to deal with Neil. You got any ideas? Girly shit that might make her happy?"
Max cocked her head to the side, "yeah, I think so. We'll have to stop at home first though."
I gave her a small smile and pulled her into my side for a quick hug, "yeah, okay. Thanks, kid."
We stopped quickly at our house so Max could run in and I turned to face Cat again.
"Baby," I murmured, taking her face in my hands, "I don't, I don't know what to do here. I need you to talk to me, tell me what's going on, what you need, okay? I'm trying, I'm really fucking trying to help you but I need you to try too. Can you do that for me?"
Cat closed her eyes and leaned forward to touch her forehead to mine, "I'll try, B."
I tilted her face up to kiss her gently, "thank you."
I had taken Cat into the bathroom when we first got to her house and dutifully wrapped her arms in new bandages that I was sure Max had seen when we came back to the living room but she kept her word to me and pretended not to notice, she didn't stare, didn't ask, just started talking. Max had grabbed a few bottles of nail polish from Susan and patiently painted Cat's finger and toe nails a soft peach color. When Cat's nails were dry, she had Max pick a color and slowly painted her nails, a light smile ghosting over her lips while they talked. Max was telling her all about her group of friends, their current game of DnD, how they were determined to beat the high score on a game at the arcade. She also told Cat that after the last time we had helped her with her homework she aced a quiz and asked if Cat would keep helping her. It took a while for Cat to start giving more than tired nods and short answers but she eventually was smirking and giggling along with my sister while I lounged quietly on the couch, watching as they enjoyed their girl time. It was nearing five o'clock when I heard Steve's car pull into the driveway and I slid off the couch to meet him outside.
I tapped a cigarette out and held it in my lips to light it as I waited for Steve to join me on the porch.
"Hey, how's she doing?"
I took a long drag off the cigarette and let out a puff of smoke as I smiled, "better, I think. Max and her were having a good time. She's actually talking now but I think she's getting tired again. I'll be back later tonight, have to wait until Neil's asleep to sneak out. Get her to eat something."
Steve nodded, "yeah, okay. I'll try."
I flicked my cigarette into the driveway, my smile fading as my voice lowered, "force feed her if you have to."
Steve's POV
After Billy left, I looked through Cat's kitchen for something to eat and decided on spaghetti and garlic bread. It wasn't long before the smell of garlic and tomato sauce hung heavy in the air, making my stomach rumble. Cat hadn't talked to me since I got here so when I turned around and saw her standing in the door of the kitchen I nearly jumped out of my skin.
"Jesus! You scared me," I huffed.
She smirked and twisted her fingers in the sleeves of Billy's jacket, "smells good, Stevie."
"I made spaghetti and garlic bread," I smiled, happy that she was up and talking to me again, "it's almost ready if you want to grab plates and something to drink."
Cat nodded and stepped around me to grab a plate from the cupboard and set it on the counter. After, she went into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of diet coke and set it down.
I frowned, "Cat, you also need a plate."
She scrunched her eyebrows together and shook her head before grabbing another plate down, "oh, right. What do you want to drink? There's water, diet coke or some juice."
"Water's good."
When the food was done, I scooped it onto the two plates and handed one to Cat who looked weirdly emotionless as she stared at the plate.
I carried my food to the living room and sat down on the couch, joined soon after by Cat. She flicked on the TV before picking at the food in front of her, moving it slowly around the plate. I watched her slide the food around her plate for a bit before clearing my throat.
"I really don't want to have to blend that and pour it into your mouth," I muttered through a mouth full of food.
Her lip twitched up with a smirk, "that might be easier, who knows?"
"Well if you don't eat it yourself I just might," I grumbled.
She stared at me for a second, like she was testing me, debating whether I'd follow through or not and then stuck a single noodle in her mouth, humming happily at the taste.
"See? Is that so hard?"
Cat scowled, "Stevie, you have to know it's not that easy."
"Okay, well tell me what's going on, cause I don't understand. You know you look like you're dying, right? You are dying. I don't understand why you want that."
Cat scoffed and dropped the plate onto the table, "fine, Stevie. I don't understand either, okay? All I know is I don't think I'm dying, I've got it under control and it's just a few pounds."
"A few? You've like, halved since I met you. Like, at that party when I brought you home I knew you were sick and there's so much less of you now! I don't know how your mom hasn't put you in a fucking hospital yet. Is that what you want? To be force fed in a hospital? To die and leave me and Billy without our best friend?"
"No.." she mumbled, "I just.. Stevie, I'm fine."
I set my plate onto the table and reached across the couch to grab her shoulders, pulling her so she was looking at me, "listen to me, Cat. You've tried to kill yourself twice and I've stayed quiet, I've been trying to help you but I will get you hospitalized if you don't wake up. Eat your fucking food."
Cat flinched when I let her go and pulled herself to the edge of the couch, hunching into herself as she ate. Sadness washed over me as I looked at her but I knew I couldn't sit by quietly anymore, I had to try to push her.
She finished a quarter of the plate and then set it back down with a withering sigh before settling back into the corner of the couch. It didn't take long before I noticed her starting to nod off.
I grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and laid it beside me, "come here," I mumbled.
She looked at me and hesitated for a second before sliding across the couch into my lap. I covered her with the blanket and leaned back against the couch.
"I'm sorry, Stevie," she whispered, "that you have to deal with me."
I sighed, "I wouldn't be here if I didn't care about you. I don't have to deal with you, I want to help you. I'm sorry, I just..get upset about it all. I love you, I don't want you to give up."
Later on, when I started feeling my eyes grow heavy, I scooped Cat up into my arms and carried her to her room and laid her in her bed as gently as I could.
She still woke up, her eyes fluttering open to meet mine, "Stevie?"
"Are you leaving?" She whispered.
"I was gunna sleep on the couch," I murmured.
Cat whined a little, her breath hitching, "stay, please. Don't leave me alone."
"Okay," I soothed, climbing into the bed beside her, "okay, I'm here. I won't leave you."
She slid forward to tuck her face into my chest and clutched at my shirt as she fell back asleep with my arms wrapped around her.
We were woken up hours later by the loud thud of someone sliding through the window into her bedroom.
I sat up with a start and fumbled to flick on the lamp beside the bed, illuminating Billy crouched on the ground with his head turned away from the light.
"Jesus, Hargrove," I huffed, "ever hear of knocking? Or a fucking door?"
"Old habits," he grumbled, keeping his face turned down to the ground.
"B..?" Cat looked over at him and slid out of the bed to pad quietly in front of him.
When he didn't say anything, didn't look at her, she took his face in her hands and turned it up and into the light, revealing bruises on his cheek and jawbone as well as a small cut under his eye. Instantly I saw a whole other side to both of them. I'd seen Cat hurt, caring, kind and broken but I'd never seen this before. The way her whole body tensed like it was made of steel instead of glass, the anger that burned in her eyes and made her jaw clench. She was seething, her own issues forgotten to care for Billy, to run gentle hands over his wounds. It was strange how alive she was now, when before she'd been near comatose.
I'd seen Billy with fire in his eyes, like he could tear the world apart with his bare hands, and I'd seen him crumble but I was taken back by the hurt and shame on his face when she turned him into the light. His eyes were locked on the ground and his whole body slumped forward like she was the only thing holding him up. He was soft, pliable in her hands, letting Cat twist and turn him to check him over.
Vulnerable, I'd never seen Billy Hargrove vulnerable.
She thumbed gently over his bruised cheek and muttered, "he did this didn't he?"
Billy didn't say anything, he just leaned his face heavy into her hands and wrapped his hands gently around her waist.
"Who did that? You got a bully I don't know about, Hargrove?"
I watched his lip pull back in a sneer, "go fuck yourself, Harrington," he growled at the same time as Cat murmured, "Neil."
Billy's shoulders pulled back, squared up as his jaw ticked against her hand, "Cat. Don't," he warned.
Cat looked up at him, "B, it's okay. He's okay."
"I'm confused, Neil? Isn't that your dad?"
Billy's hands clenched into fists against her back as Cat turned her face to look at me, "yeah, Stevie."
My eyebrows knit together, "your dad beats you? Why haven't you gone to Hopper?"
"What? Go cry to the cops like a fucking pussy? End up in a shitty foster home? Get Max put into the system? No fucking thanks, it's fine," he growled.
Cat smoothed her thumb against his cheek, "B, shh it's okay. Come on, let's get some ice."
She took his hand in hers and led him to the kitchen with me trailing behind, still shocked.
"What about your mom? Wouldn't she become your guardian? Or maybe someone you know could-"
"Jesus, Harrington," Billy whipped around and sneered at me, "what? I'll live with you? Mister, my parents don't give a shit about me and are across the fucking country? Cat's mom's never fucking around either and Susan doesn't have any money without Neil. It's fine. Leave it."
That stung but suddenly, I understood. I understood why Billy was always so angry, why he stomped around ready to challenge anyone who got in his way. I understood why he hadn't fully caught on to Cat's issues and why he couldn't understand how she was so nice. I understood why Cat hadn't told him anything, how she thought it would be better for him to not have to bear the weight of her issues.
"Okay, well, if I can do anything, I'm here," I offered as Cat bundled ice into a towel and handed it to him.
Billy grunted as he pressed the cold towel to his skin and turned away from me to go sit in the living room. Cat paused and walked over to me to place a hand on my shoulder.
She spoke in a low voice so Billy couldn't hear, "Stevie, he'll appreciate it later. I know he will, he needs a brother, needs more than me. Billy's just not good with emotions and stuff, you know?"
I nodded, "yeah, I get it. I should, I should get going, right?"
Cat gave me a small smile, her face full of a tired kindness, "you can stay if you want to, Stevie. It's late, don't want you falling asleep on the drive home," she patted my arm before turning and going to join Billy in the living room.
I waited until Cat pulled a slumping Billy back to her room before I made myself comfortable on the couch and quickly fell back asleep.
@charmed-asylum @savagesuccubus @elsie2018 @breadnbutternips @florenceivy @speedmetalqueen
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Fallen Idols: Final Part
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,811
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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“Yahtzee,” Sam grinned.
“What is it?” you asked with your head on Dean’s shoulder as he messed with his laptop. Sam wanted him to do some research, but he was playing an internet game secretly.
“The seeds aren't from around here. In fact, they're not from any tree or plant in the country. They’re from Eastern Europe from a forest in the Balkans, which is not even there anymore. It was chopped down, like, thirty years ago. Apparently, local legend has it that the forest was guarded by a pagan god whose name was Leshi. Um, a mischievous god, could take on infinite forms and feed from his worshipers. He could only be appeased with the blood from his worshippers. It would drain 'em, then stuff their stomachs with the seeds.”
“Okay, so how's he doing it? What, he touches James Dean's keychain and then morphs into James Dean?” you wondered as you got up from the bed.
“Hm. It's as good a guess as any.”
“Yeah, well, whatever. How do we kill him?” Dean asked the important question.
“Says here to chop off his head with an iron axe.”
“All right. Let's go gank ourselves a Paris Hilton,” he said with the most serious face he could muster up.
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Being back at the wax museum was mortifying, but there was a teenage girl’s life on the line. A flashlight was in one hand while you tiptoed through the museum, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Sam and Dean split up in different directions until you heard Sam whistle for you and Dean to join him. Walking over to the tallest Winchester, you noticed two signs on the door which might be where Leshi is. “CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS” and “DANGER DO NOT ENTER” hung on the door. Rolling your eyes, you broke the latch with your magic before entering the place. Dean had the axe ready to use in case Paris Hilton does show up.
The room was decorated to be like a clearing in the woods with a path leading up the middle to a white house with a wax figure of a man in a suit standing on the front porch. Upon entering, you noticed a woman tied to one of the trees, and you knew it must be Danielle. Pushing past the brothers, you barely made it to the girl before the axe in Dean’s hand went flying into the trunk of another nearby tree.
Leshi appeared behind Dean with a wicked smile before punching him multiple times in the face which caused him to crumble to the ground.
“Go help. I got her,” you whispered to Sam who rushed over to help. 
Leshi flipped her hair as you worked the girls’ binds. Leshi shoved Sam as hard as she could into the post of the fake house, effectively knocking him out.
“Awesome,” she grinned. 
She raised her stiletto-clad foot and stomped on Dean’s face which knocked him out. She finally turned to you with an evil smile.
“I don’t think so,” she declared as she raised her hand to use her powers to send your head flying into the tree that the girl was tied to. 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you collapsed in darkness.
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The sound of metal sliding against metal is what woke you up. The ground is what you saw first, and you realized from the restraints on your hands was that you were tied just like the young woman. Sam and Dean woke up not too long after you, and Leshi grinned when she realized you three were awake.
“Oh, I'm so glad you're awake for this. This is gonna be huge.”
“Super. Yeah, I wouldn't wanna miss it,” Dean grumbled. 
He looked over at you just as your eyes flashed blue to let him know you were going to get the ropes untied before doing the same to his and Sam’s.
“I mean, I've been stuffing myself with fast food lately. So, it's nice to do the ritual right. Prepare a nice, slow meal for a change,” she grinned as she filed her nails against the carving knife she had in her hands which was causing sparks.
“Just like the good old days, huh?”
“You have no idea. People adored me. They used to throw themselves at me, with smiles on their faces.”
“Yeah, I guess these days nobody gives a flying shit about some backwoods forest god, huh?” Dean snapped, and Leshi stopped filing her nails with a threatening glare.
“No, not since they cut down my forest and built a Yugo plant.”
“March of progress, sister,” he chuckled. Focusing all of your attention to the binds, you felt your magic dance around your wrist as they began to untie the ropes to set you free.
“For years now, I've been wandering, hungry, and scared. Scrounging for scraps. So not sexy. But then, the best thing ever happened. Someone tripped the apocalypse, and I thought, what the hell, I'm tired of watching what I eat. I wanna pig out. So, I found this little place. It's awesome. Adoring fans stroll right in the door.”
“Yeah. But they're not your fans,” Sam tried to reason.
“So? They worship Lincoln, Gandhi, Hilton... whatever. I'll take what I can get.”
“You know, I gotta tell you, you are not the first God we've met, but you are... the nuttiest,” Dean chuckled. Your binds were loose enough so they fell, and you kept your hands where they were to keep up with the illusion that you were still bound before shooting your magic over to Dean’s wrist secretly to have his binds untied.
“No, you, you people, you're the crazy ones. You used to worship Gods. But this? This is what passes for idolatry? Celebrities? What have they got besides small dogs and spray tans? You people used to have old-time religion. Now you have Us Weekly.”
“I don't know, I'm more of a Penthouse Forum man myself,” Dean smirked with a wink as his binds fell to the ground. He kept his hands here as well just as your magic bounced from his wrist to Sam’s.
“Maybe,” she stalked over to Dean, “but... there's still a lot of yummy meat on those bones, boy.”
“Well I hate to break it to you, sister, but, uh... you can't eat me. See, I'm not a Paris Hilton BFF. I've never even seen House of Wax.”
“No. But I can totally read your mind, Dean. I know who your hero is. Your daddy. Am I right?” she smirked and walked over to the axe she threw into the tree earlier. “And this belonged to him. Didn't it? Poor little Dean. All you ever wanted was to be loved by your idol. One distant father figure, coming right up.”
“Not today, bitch,” you grinned as your eyes flashed a bright blue.
She turned around just as a ball of blue magic hit her square in the face. She stumbled a bit from the impact, and Dean raced at her before tackling her to the ground. The binds on Sam’s wrists snapped, and he wasted no time in rushing over to the axe before yanking it out of the tree. Leshi punched Dean before you sent another ball of magic straight to her chest which knocked her off your boyfriend. She groaned as her healed lolled on the ground seconds before Sam brought the axe down on her neck… again… and again… and again… and then a final time. Her head rolled off to the side as blood poured from her body.
Panting, you looked over at Danielle who moaned in pain. Rushing over to her, you placed your fingers at her neck to search for a pulse. It was barely there, but there nonetheless.
“She’s alive. Barely, but still.”
“Not a word,” Dean groaned as he pointed a finger at his brother who had blood sprayed over half of his face.
“Dude. You just got whaled on by Paris Hilton!”
“Shut up,” Dean groaned in pain.
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After the motel was packed and cleaned out, you and the brothers left with your bags slung over your shoulders as Dean hung up the phone.
“That was Sheriff Carnegie. Danielle's gonna be all right. She's sworn off The Simple Life, but other than that, she’s going to be okay.”
“Glad to hear it,” you nodded.
“It gets better. Sheriff's putting out an APB on Paris Hilton. That ought to be good,” he laughed as he took out his keys and opened the trunk of the car. Putting your bags inside with the boys’, Dean sighed as he looked at his brother.
“Hey, listen, I was thinking about what you said yesterday. About me keeping too tight of a leash on you. Hell, maybe you're right. I mean, look, I'm not exactly Mister Innocent in this whole mess either, you know. I did break the first seal.”
“You didn't know.”
“Yeah, well, neither did you.”
“I wasn’t there for you when you needed me the most,” you sighed. Even though you had nothing to do with the apocalypse, you still had guilt for shutting Sam out when he needed you the most.
“I'm not saying demon blood was a great way to go, but, you did kill Lilith.”
“And start the apocalypse.”
“Which neither of us saw coming, I mean, who'd have thought killing Lilith would've been a bad thing? Point is, I was so worried about watching your every move that I didn't see what it was actually doing to you. So, for that I'm sorry.”
“I’m sorry too,” you added.
“Thanks,” Sam nodded as Dean closed the trunk.
“So, where do we go from here?” Dean asked.
“The way I see it, we got one shot at surviving this. Maybe I am on deck for the devil, maybe same with you and Michael and Y/N with Amara, maybe there's no changing that. But, we can stop wringing our hands over it. We gotta just grab onto whatever's in front of us, kick its ass, and go down fighting.”
“That we can do,” you grinned.
“Okay. But we're gonna have to do it on the same level.”
“You got it,” Dean agreed. “I say we get the hell outta here.”
“Yes, please,” you nodded. Sam and Dean were about to go their respective ways when Deans topped his brother with a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, you wanna drive?” Dean offered.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I could, uh... I could use a nap.”
“Hell shot gun!” you grinned before rushing to the front of the car. Both brothers laughed at this before Sam took the keys from his hand. Everyone got into the car before Sam started it and drove off.
“Next time, I’m driving,” you declared.
“Keep dreaming, sweetheart,” Dean grinned teasingly.
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My Point Part 1
Hey ya’ll this part one of the shitty fic I wrote when I was 15. I am reposting all my old fics. Who cares? nobody? okiiiii anyway I could not be bothered by the fact that this fic is written in both first and second person lmao. Sorry, this it the quality of it back in 2017, and that is the quality it will stay in now.
You walk to your room when you see Scott pulling himself up, and down, up and down in his bathroom door. “You can do as many pull ups, you still won’t make the lacrosse team.”  you tell him. He completely ignores you. You hear a strange noise on the front porch as you are about to check it out, Scott walks behind you with a baseball bat. “What you doing with that?” i ask, he slowly walks past you and sneakily walks to the porch as you follow him. When Stiles fell down the rain gutter, All of you screamed. “Stiles! what the hell are you doing.” Scott yelled, “You weren’t answering your phone.” Stiles said, you were half laughing. “Hi Angel. “ Stiles said, for a moment before asking Scott.” What are you doing with that Bat?” I take the bat out of Scott’s arm. “I thought you were a predator!” he exclaimed. Stiles was still hanging there upside down.  “A pred-” Stiles started his sentence, but you cut him off. 
“Stiles it’s late what do you want?” you ask him. “I know it’s late but my dad just had a dispatch call they are calling in every sheriff in Beacon Hills and even state police. “ he said, he looked too excited, it must be a murder. Stiles loved those. He loved thinking about ways it could have been done, how to solve it. “for what?’ Scott asked, “ A body.” You said, Stiles looked at you for a moment. “How did you?” he asked, then shook his head. “ Two joggers found a body in the woods.” he explained. You pushed Stiles, and he had to jump in order to land easily. “ A dead body?” Scott asked confused. “No, a body of water.” Stiles said sarcastic. Which made you smile a little. “Yes, Dumb ass ,a dead body” he said, Stiles climbed on the porch. He put his arm around my shoulder to lean on, as we both look at Scott while he is still trying to figure it out. “ You mean like murdered?” Scott asked, “Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl probably in her twenties. “ Stiles gave us more details. “Hold on, if they have the body what are they looking for?” Scott asks. “That is the best part, they only found half of it.” Stiles said too excited. But, you smile too you knew what Stiles wanted to do. “We’re going.” he said, he wanted to leave. “No.” Scott said, “You’re not coming with us.” he made a gesture of no after  you begged them if you could come. Stiles couldn’t care less if you came or not. He and Scott were best friends, and you did not always tag along. Almost never really. You never asked if you could except this one time. Sometimes they would ask you to come ,and you would accept. You and Stiles did spend a lot of time talking whenever Stiles was at your house(which he was a lot), you even let him make a spare key. He often came at your place when Scott wasn’t home yet, and then he would talk to you. Help you do stuff like laundry, cooking, homework. Until Scott would come home, then you would bug out. At school, Scott, Stiles, and you did spend a lot of time together. “Pleaasee. Come on. Scott its a DEAD body please.” you begged. “Fine.” Scott said, “But, don’t tell mom.” You made a little scream out of happiness and you started to smile like crazy. “ You two are psycho’s.” Scott said, as he saw that both Stiles, and his sister were over come of joy when they were allowed to investigate the woods late at night in search for a dead part body. 
* Time skip Scott, Stiles, and you were lying on the ground in the forest, looking at the cops with their flashlights. “Hey Stiles.” you said, he turned his head to look at you. “Turn of the light, you idiot.” you hissed at him. He then look at the light, and started fidgeting, and trying to turn it off. When Stiles jumped up, and ran forward. “Stiles.” Scott gasped. As Scott took another puff from his inhaler, you kept up with Scott”s pace as you followed Stiles. “wait up Stiles.” Scott hissed. Stiles looked back to see how we were doing. When he got startled by a big searching dog, and fell to the ground. A man started shouting, until you hear the familiar voice of Stiles dad, and sheriff calming everything down. “This little delinquent belongs to me.” the sheriff told the other man. “Hey dad, how you doing?” Stiles tried to ask casually.  “So, do you always listen to all my phone calls?” Stiles dad asks him. Stiles profoundly shakes his head. “No” he said,” Not the boring ones.”  the sheriff looked into the dark. He couldn’t see me or Scott. “Where is your usual partner in crime?” he asked Stiles. Stiles began to fake chuckle. “Who Scott? Scott’s at home, he wanted to get a good night sleep before practice.” Stiles Lied. “It’s just me, in the woods, alone.”. I couldn’t take it. While Scott hid behind a tree, you walked into the light. “Hello Sheriff.” you said, “Angel? what you doing here? “ The Sheriff asked me: “Did he drag you into this?” while pointing at his son.”You kids should not be looking for dead bodies.” he then continued.  You put you arm around Stiles waist, and leaned on his shoulder. “We weren’t looking for a body Sheriff. We were doing other things when we saw the search light, and we thought we would see what was going on here.”  you said, the sheriff began to laugh. “Nice try, Angel.” he said: “Scott, you out there.” while shinning the flash light in Scott’s direction. “Well, young lady, and man. I’ll walk you to your car.” he said, you let go off Stiles. “Dad, is it that unbelievable I would have a girlfriend?” He asked his dad after a few minutes. His dad looked at his son, and then to me. “A girlfriend, unlikely, that girl, impossible.” he said, while pointing at you. “I can’t believe you dragged her here.” he said: “If Melissa knows about this. Does Scott know?” he kept on walking. “Sheriff, me coming here wasn’t his fault, I begged him to let me come.” I told the sheriff. Stiles wanted to stop me from saying it. “Thanks for trying to take the blame.” Stiles said, when he parked his car in front of your door. “You’re my brothers best friend. “I said simply. you wanted to get out, as Stiles grabbed your arm. “I’m not only Scott’s friend, I’m yours too, and I really appreciate what you did.” he said, you lean back into the and kiss his cheek. “Good night, Stillinski.” 
The next morning, you and your brother biked to school. This jerk opened the car door against Scott’s legs. He walked to my brother. “ Dude, watch the paint job.” he said, you took out the keys of your bike.But, Jackson was already gone to some guy that called for him.  “Dude, watch the paint job.” you imitated Jacksons voice. As you made a small A on his car.  Scott had to laugh so hard. You met up with Scott, and Stiles after classes, you were all sophomores, but, you took AP and Honor classes. You were sitting on a bench at the lacrosse try-outs. You saw the coach talking to Scott, and Stiles sitting on the bench. The new girl that Scott had mentioned just before he went on the field was sitting on the tribune with Lydia Martin. Most popular girl on school ,and Beacon Hills, and Stiles life long crush. You then saw Scott take a ball in the face. When another player was about to throw. The ball was flying across the field, until Scott with lighting speed catches it with the stick. Then he catches another ball, and Stiles starts to cheer. You notice something peculiar, he is catching every ball. He never catched a ball in his life, and all of the sudden he catches them all. Those pulls up must have done something. Then Jacksons steps up, and takes a ball, with full speed Jackson fires the ball at Scott. Scott catches the ball, and everyone including Lydia Martin starts to cheer. * Time Skip The next day at school you decided you would  talk to Allison Argent, the new girl. After Scott told me about his encounter with her at the vet. Even you were curious. At lunch Allison was sitting at a table alone. “Hi, I’m Y/n, but everyone calls me Angel.” you told her. She nodded. “Lydia told me about you, I’m Allison Argent.” she said, You took a bite of your potato salad. “You quite made it, didn’t you. Being taken in by the popular kids in your first week.”  I said, she frowned. “Greenberg told me, that Lydia wanted you to become her friend, because she saw potential in you to become one of the most popular girls in the district.” Allison said,  I smile, ‘I couldn’t care any less for popularity. “  I said, “You were the only one to refuse such an offer from Lydia Martin, she dislikes you.” She said, I sign. “There is more than these four walls, try to remember that.” i told her as I got up, and walked away.
That night you hear the door to your house open. “Scott?” You yell down the stairs. “No, Stiles.” he said, “He’s not here.” I yelled: “ He’s at practice.” you hear steps on the stairs. Then his goofy face in your doorway. “ I know.” he said, you were laying on your stomach doing homework in your doctor who pajamas. You shuffle a bit to the side, and pat on the bed for him to come sit on it. “Shoes off.” I told him. he put off his shoes, and lied down besides me. “What is going on Stilinski?” you ask. he stared at you.”I think Scott might be a werewolf.” he said, your first instinct was to laugh. But, you didn’t say anything for a moment or two. “Angel?” Stiles asked. You nodded.” Yeah totally, did you see his moves at practice, he got this big bite mark so why not.” You said, Stiles signed,”But, where is the prove you just spend hours on printing out.” you said,  He dumped a staple of pages on the bed. “I spent hours trying to find evidence, that you would believe me, and you just believed me.” he said, you had to laugh. You went through some of the pages.  “Stiles we are the only people that know Scott the most. If we think something weird is happening than that is because THERE IS.” you said,  while you laugh. Which made Stiles laugh too. “So how are we going to tell him?” you ask. 
You were reading your book, with your ear buds in, and stiles feet over your lap. He was trying to sleep on three chairs while you were sitting in one of them. He was talking gibberish about stuff you didn’t need to know so you turned up the music. “Have they been here all night?” Lydia’s dad asks your mom. “Them? they have been here all weekend.” She said, Stiles suddenly wakes up. He looks at you. You take out the ear buds. “ You’re very dirty.” I said, he just awkwardly nods. “You get us some food, I’ll go find some coffee.” I said, The next day, Stiles called Scott to his house, when he got to Stiles room, and opened the door he was surprised to see his sister in his best friends bedroom.“Angel what are you doing here?” Scott asked, “We have been up all night, websites, books, we have all this information.” Stiles told Scott, he was being hyper active. “How much adderall have you had today?” Scott asks his best friend. “He has had too much.” I said, I sat down on Stiles’s bed. “Yes, a lot, doesn’t matter okay, just listen.” Stiles said, Scott got a smirk on his face. He threw his bag on Stiles bed, and sits down besides you. “Is this about the dead body?” Scott asked, you shake your head. “They are still questioning people.” You said, “Derek Hale specifically.” Stiles added. He sat on his chair in front of you guys, and held a staple of papers in his hand. “Oh, the guy we saw in the woods the other day.” Scott said, you frown at them. “When where you in the woods?” i ask, Scott hesitated a moment.  "We were looking for my inhaler.“ he said, "anyway.” Stiles continued: “Yes, but that is not the point.” . “What then?” Scott asked. Stiles waited a moment before saying. “ Remember the joke from the other day?” he said, “Not a joke anymore.” the smile on his face, turned serious. As we impatient waited for Scott’s reaction. “The wolf, the bite in the woods, I started doing all this research.” he said, “Do you know why a wolf howls?” he then asked, looking from Scott to me and then back at Scott. “Should I?” he asked, Stiles stood up. “It’s a signal Scott.” you said before Stiles got the chance. “When a wolf’s alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack.”  Stiles explained in more detail. “So if you heard a wolf howl, that means others could have been nearby.” he said, “Maybe a whole pack, that could be somewhere between 10 and 20.” you added to Stiles speech. “A whole pack of wolves?” Scott asked, you shook your head. You met Stiles eyes, and nodded that he needed to tell him. “No Werewolves.” he said, Scott was silent, he shook his head around looking from me to Stiles, from me to Stiles. “Are you seriously wasting my time with this? he said with a louder voice. "You know I’m picking up Allison in an hour.” he picked up his bag. “Scott, We are not joking.” I tell him. “Angel, I can’t believe you are actually believing this stuff.” He told you. “Scott, you’re acting strange you have been the whole week, you haven’t used your inhaler once.” I tell him, as I too stand up, not that it made much difference I was shorter than both Scott, and Stiles anyway. “I saw you on the field today,Scott. What you did wasn’t just amazing.All right, it was impossible.” he said, Scott rolled his eyes. “ Yeah, so I made a good shot.” Scott said, Scott was about to leave. “No you made an incredible shot. I mean your speed, your reflexes.” he said, while putting Scott’s bag down on the bed. “People can’t do that overnight, Scott.” you tell him. “ You’re vision and the senses.” Scott raised his eye brow at you. “Stiles told you about that?’ Scott asked. You nodded. "I can’t think about this right now!” Scott said, “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”  "No, we are talking about it now.“ you said, Scott gave you a glare. ” The full moon is tonight, Don’t you get it?“ Stiles tried to warn him. "What are you trying to do? I just made first line. I got a date with a girl who I can’t believe  wants to go out with me. Everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?” Scott yelled at Stiles. “ We are trying to help you.” Stiles told him. “You’re cursed Scott.” You shake your head. “Not cursed. Being a werewolf is going to be so cool.” I said, with my geeky undertone. Stiles, and Scott look at you for a moment. “Anyway, it’s not just the full moon will cause you to physically change. I will also happen when your blood lust will be at it’s peak.” Stiles said, Scott looked confused. “Blood lust?” Scott asked. “Yeah, your urge to kill.” I said, “I’m already feeling an urge to kill, you and Angel.” he said, while glaring at you. “You gotta hear this.”  Stiles said as he turned to his computer, he was searching for something. You picked up a book that was on his desk. “Stiles.” you said, he turned to you, and he grabbed the book out of your hand. “The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse. ” he said, “I haven’t seen anything raise your pulse as much as Allison does.” he said, I could how angry Scott was. Stiles went over the line. He stood up, and went to Scott’s back as he was fidgeting, trying to get Scott’s phone. “I’m cancelling your date.” he said, he held the phone in his hand. But, Scott pushed Stiles to the wall, While with his left hand he held Stiles to the wall, and with the other he raised his hand.“ You’re going to give it to me.” He said, his voice sounded different.  "Scott!“ you screamed. You pull at the arm that was pushing Stiles against the wall. Scott looked at the fist he raised at his best friend. He let out an roar, he let go of Stiles, and slammed Stiles chair. Scott breathed heavily as he spit out an apology to Stiles. "I gotta get ready for that party.” he stammered. He took his back, he waited at the door, as Stiles standing completely overwhelmed against the wall, Scott looked at him. “I’m sorry.” he said, as he walked out the door. Stiles put his head back, and it made a hollow sound against the wall. “Stile-” i was trying to say. he moved to pick up his chair. When you both saw the claw marks on the back of the chair. You didn’t say anything, you just gave each other a glance. “Pick me up at 8.” you told Stiles. He looked confused. “We have a party to go to.” you told him, as you walked out the door.
You walked down the stairs, with a party worthy outfit. “Where you going young lady?” you hear a voice.
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misstanalopez · 4 years
bottom of the bottle → solo.
where → santana and finn’s apartment. when → the morning after ‘when the party’s over’. what → hungover and full of regret, santana mulls over her actions the previous night, reads finn’s letter to her and tries to help him make it right between the two of them. warnings → mild sexual content, swearing. 
Santana awoke with possibly the worst hangover of her entire life. The room was spinning, her head pounded and her stomach ached with nausea. She let out a groan as she rolled over in her bed. Empty, save for her and an empty bottle of wine. The finishing act in the colossal fuck up that was the previous night. Like a bolt of fucking lightning, the memory of her dalliance with Sam shot into her brain. Fuck.
He’d cum, she’d cum, so why was he still here? She’d been musing the question in her head for several minutes, as she looked over at Sam, who was seated next to her on the couch, both of them naked and flushed. “Let’s go to bed babe, we can go for round two in the morning” he murmured, nuzzling her face with his own and she flinched away from him. “That’s not how one night stands work, Sam,” she replied with a roll of her dark eyes. She blindly reached around for a glass that still had some kind of liquid in it. “I fuck you, you leave and then I don’t get pissed when you brag to all of your friends, that’s what happens now.” Sam looked at her like a goddamn kicked puppy dog and furrowed his eyebrows, “I don’t understand Tana?” he replied, confusion lacing his voice. “Call an uber or a cab, whatever, I don’t care,” she replied dismissively. Too drunk to care, she shrugged her shoulders at his question. “You don’t sleep in bed with me because you’re not Finn, only he gets to come to bed with me. You just have to leave now, thanks for the sex and all, but bye Sam,” she drawled, eyes glazed over and unfocused from the alcohol and the realisation of what she had done sinking in. “Wait--Finn? You’re with Finn? What the hell Santana? What the fuck are you doing then? We just had sex?” he stammered out in total confusion. “No, you see, we’re through but I love him. So only he gets to sleep in the same bed as me, you just get to get the fuck out of my apartment now,” she offered in response, her words slurred from the alcohol. “Fuck you Santana,” he spat out, as he gathered his clothes from the floor and hastily redressed himself. She sat there, nursing the remains of whatever mixed drink was in the cup she’d procured. He left the apartment with a slam of the front door and she rose on unsteady feet, toddling through to the kitchen, finding a half full bottle of wine on the counter. She swiped it and padded through the hallway to her bedroom. She paused briefly outside of Finn’s room and went to knock on the door but then, she heard the unmistakable, all too familiar sound of him moaning and retracted her hand. They were both moving on then. She staggered into her bedroom, kicking the door shut behind her and flopped into bed, the wine sloshing all over her skin as she greedily gulped down the remaining liquid in the bottle. Eventually, she passed out, the bottle still in her hand and fell into a dreamless sleep. 
As the memories of the previous night flooded back, she shot out of bed, her hand clutched in front of her mouth. She ripped open the door with her free hand and ran into the bathroom, crumbling to her knees in front of the toilet as she vomited clear liquid down the bowl. Her stomach ached and her chest felt like she’d been kicked in it, as she continued to puke her guts up until there was physically nothing left in her stomach. After an extra ten minutes of dry heaving, she hauled herself up using the counter as leverage and leaned on it, staring at herself in the mirror. She looked as good as she felt, her eyes bloodshot, her body marked with bruised hips and small red bite marks, a calling card of the two men she’d had inside of her in the past 14 hours. Fuck. She grabbed her robe that was hanging on the inside of the door and pulled it on, tying the cord haphazardly around her waist, before glancing at the counter again. Their last words to each other strong in a sea of hazy memories.
“But this is obviously not meant to be.” 
“Finn? Please, I love you.”
“But that wasn’t enough was it?” 
She exited the bathroom, heading for the kitchen so she could chug a glass of water and figure out what the fuck her next steps were, when she stopped, visibly confused. The apartment was spotless, the only indicator that there had been a party at all the previous night was the blinding hangover that she had. “What the fuck?” she asked aloud, glancing around the living room. She shook the thoughts off for a moment and retreated to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge before she took a seat at the dining table. An envelope with her name on it caught her eye. Her heart skipped a beat, because she recognised the handwriting. Finn.
She opened the note first, her mouth immediately dry as her eyes scanned over the words that he’d written that morning. He loved her. He was sorry. He was moving out. Rachel knew. It was a thousand things to process all at once, her heart racing as she read and re-read the letter, until she was sure that she could recite it perfectly from memory. Hands trembling, she dropped it on to the table and lifted the envelope, cracking the seal and opening it. Two letters came out and she lifted the first, her face breaking out into a wide smile as she read that he wanted her to be his co-director. The second letter was Principal Figgins’ acceptance of his proposal. It was possibly the best gift anyone could have ever gotten her. She loved the club, loved the kids, loved to sing and she loved to spend time with him. Placing the three letters together, she sat them neatly on the kitchen table and rose to her feet, taking in a deep, greedy breath of air. She had to make this right, and she knew exactly what she had to do.  
As soon as she knew she was sober enough to drive, she grabbed a gift bag from the back of her closet and loaded it into her car, making the familiar journey over to the Hudson-Hummel house. She held her breath, as she stood on the front porch, pleading with every single deity that she believed in, that Finn wasn’t the one to answer the door. Her wish was granted when the sweet, warm face of Carole Hummel greeted her and Santana gave her a weak smile. “Santana darling, come in please!” she offered, to which Santana shook her head. “I’m going to visit my parents just now, so i’m just here for a flying visit to play belated Santa Claus,” she explained, holding the bag out to her. “Of course, i’ll just go and get Finn for you,” she replied and Santana’s face flashed with fear. “No!” she all but yelled, the older woman visibly startled at the outburst. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to drop this off quickly and get on my way. Please can you make sure he gets it?” she asked, to which Carole smiled and agreed, taking the bag from her. The motherly instinct in the woman was kicking in, but Santana didn’t seem much like speaking. As she made her excuses to leave, Carole wished her a happy holidays and closed the door. She left the gift bag outside of Finn’s bedroom, knocking lightly and informing him that Santana had swung by to drop it off. Inside the bag, there were several items. 
The first was a gift voucher to an online sex shop. Scribbled on the envelope, in her girlish and looping handwriting was written: 
Okay, so this is for me more than you but I was considering thinning out the “drawer”, kind of wanting to start fresh. Thought maybe you could pick some stuff out for us. To make it less ‘mine’ and more ‘ours’. As your good girl, I trust your judgement implicitly.
The main gift, the biggest one, was wrapped in red and gold paper, a large red bow around it. Inside the paper, was a large scrapbook. ‘New Directions 2020 - 2021’ was on the front. It was easily the cheesiest thing that she’d ever done. But fuck, if she wasn’t 110% committed to it. She’d gotten the kids help, they sent her photos, selfies and words of encouragement, their favourite performances. Ticket stubs from sectionals, fliers from their invitational, fabric scraps from costumes they had made, the receipt for the champagne that she’d purchased after he brought home the sectionals trophy. Even a throwback photograph that she’d dug out of the archives from their halftime performance from when they were in high school. The last page that was written on, was a photograph that one of the students had taken. Santana and Finn, standing together at the piano, one of her hands clasped around his, the other reaching up to tenderly brush his cheek. From their ‘only us’ duet. Underneath the picture, she had written out her favourite lyrics to the song.
What if it's us and only us. And what came before won't count anymore or matter? Can we try that? What if it's you and what if it's me? And what if that's all that we need it to be and the rest of the world falls away? What do you say?
Written on the page opposite to the picture was her confession. Her first admission of love. Immortalized on paper, in nervous handwriting. 
When I came back to Lima at the start of the year, I was broken. I felt like i’d failed out of everything; college, friendships, relationships, life, all of it. 22 years old and I was back living at home with my parents, about to go back to high school, albeit as staff but you know what I mean. And then, all of a sudden there was one beacon of light. A lanky, former classmate of mine, who stuttered his way through asking me to be his roommate. Accepting your offer of rooming together was the easiest and best thing i’ve ever done, up until the moment above. Agreeing to sing with you seemed like such a small favour in return for take-out and a back rub, but it changed my life. Because when we sang together, Finn, I fell in love with you. Completely, irrevocably and unmistakably head over fucking heels in love with you. I know, when we started this, we promised that it would just be casual. But with you and I, it’s never been just casual. I think there’s always been more under the surface. I’m sorry that it took me so long to get here. I’m a lot of things Finn, i’m stubborn, hot-headed, narcissistic. I can be rude to customer service staff, I leave people on ‘read’ way too often and I leave dental floss on the bathroom counter, even though the bin is directly underneath. But the one thing that i’m certain about, is how I am when i’m with you. I like the person that you encourage me to be. The badass with a big heart. You make me feel like it’s okay to be me, but just a little softer around the edges. It’s been a great start to the year, let’s fill the rest of the pages together. 
Te quiero. Te necesito.  Always, Santana.
Her hands shook the whole time that she was writing the note, she had even shed several tears as she did. The final piece of paper in the bag was a note that she’d stuffed in at the last minute. One she’d written in response to his one about what had gone down between them.
Thanks for the gift. If you’ll still have me, of course I accept the position. And thank you for the space and cleaning the apartment this morning. Sam knows too, I kicked him out last night and confessed that I was in love with you. Apparently yelling about how no one but you gets to come to bed with me. Which, considering we’d just fucked was ironic. But that’s neither here, nor there. I hope you like the gifts I got you too. They’re a bit...soft, but apparently that’s what I am around you. We should talk in person, maybe after new years? Maybe before? Before we go back to school? Whenever.
And when you’re ready, come home to me. To our home. Because honestly? It’s not home without you, Finn. You’re my home and you’re worth working for. 
I love you.
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helpinghanikan · 6 years
Pet or guilt trip, your choice
Avengers (and Matt Murdock) x reader
Sum: no home is complete without a pet, or second best
Steve Rogers:
           After the first attack on New York gifts and presents started pilling in the lobby. For every member of the team at that point, even the ones who the public didn’t know the name of. Flowers, candy, clothes, jewelry, and sometimes straight up cash. Most were donated (save for the drawings, and that one necklace Nat was not going to let go of), and among those gifts were Lady.
           She was a little golden retriever puppy, pink bow around her neck. Security guard (a wall of a man) was cooing over her when you had walked in.
           Accepting her on Steve’s behalf she fit snuggly in the crook of one arm. The other holding the files. Help from fellow employees pressed elevator buttons and open doors kept Lady from touching the floor.
           You sat Lady down after seeing him in your office. Opening the door and nudging her inside with the toe of your pump. She goes right for the next available source of attention in the room, Steve kneeling to her level. She whines and goes for his face, tiny paws trying to get traction on his shirt collar and get to more of his face.
           “Careful of Cujo there,” You say, papers on the desk.
           “I don’t- okay, later.” Another movie added to the list. “Who is this?”
           “Our child,” You said, an arsenal of guilt ready to be used.
         Tony Stark:
         You’d need more hands to count how many times you’ve tried to get a pet. Tony has dodged every attempt with legit reason; cats knock things over, dogs are a lot of work and messy, birds? No, just no.
           This helped create the “Stark adoption day”, your personal project. Part passion project, part proof that you are more than just some trophy on Tony’s arm. Working with any shelter that will have you (which was a good majority) and setting up the meet and greet with dogs, cats and everything else in the park. Unsurprisingly it was maybe an hour before people started asking about Tony.
           It was a little deflating that people were more concerned about Tony than the animals. This was why you had gotten to Tony before he made his entrance. Making sure he’s not wearing anything that he wouldn’t want ruined.
           Adoption rates went through the roof. Hand picking the oldest, least desirable pets and putting them on the for-front. Tony holding a single eyed orange cat was still being cycled around, another where you had stolen his sunglasses for a brief moment and placed them on the bridge of an old saint-bernard. Both of them were adopted within the hour on that day.   
         Thor had a horse, Thor had a big fucking horse.
           “What’cha got there?” A lame question with an obvious answer.
           He had this confidence that everyone should envy. Even when he doesn’t know where or what’s going on, he is still so sure. Just like now, holding black reins of this dun horse, tail black, mane matching.
           “Gail,” A simple name that he probably didn’t pick out. “She’s from the neighbors,” Neighbors who were over two miles away. “Come, come here.”
           His hand lays over yours, guiding you to stroke her neck.
           Whether you had experience with horses or not it didn’t matter. Gail was Thor’s girl. A free ranged horse that wondered your property, coming into her little barn when the weather is less than pleasant.
           Thor gets this look on his face when brushing Gail. Every bit of stress, every forced laugh and smile is gone when he mounts her up. How could you say no to that?
         Bucky Barnes:
           He hadn’t noticed you yet, sitting on the patio steps. The rented cottage was angled so the sun caught whatever rested on the porch. Usually it were local cats, this time they were joined by your man. Scratching his head at just the right angle, gleam of metal sending magic over the stone.
           He’s a tuxedo with white on only his back-left paw. Following the little white dots along the stone and up the wall. Both paws reaching out to slap at the light swishing side to side, following it left to right and back down to the porch. He was one of those outdoor cats, born in the wild. Scratched up ears and skinny body to match.
           Bucky raises his arms up and down for the sun to catch it. Kitty not having a care in the world no matter how close he got to the large man. Eventually attacking Bucky’s leg, pressing against it and bouncing back. Turning around and attacking again, maybe trying to confuse his prey.
           “Oh God, I love it.” Wanda had texted when you sent the video.
           Kitty was your host for the duration of the small vacation. Probably hanging around because of the food you had left out, letting out a jagged meow while trotting up whenever Bucky leaves the cabin.
           By the last day Kitty sat next to the bags stacked by the door. Staring, daring like he was daring you to try and leave without him.
         Natasha Romanoff:
         His name is Clint and he’s a bastard.
           Just like the man he was named after, the large African gray parrot hung out in the highest points of the apartment when alone.  Sometimes flying down to chill on the counter or couch when Nat was home, bouncing around the apartment while she would watch amused.
           He was adopted when Natasha officially moved in. Someone for you to be with while she was away. She really loved him, cooing at him when perched on her shoulder. Speaking in any language she knew as a greeting.
           Nat was Clint’s obvious favorite. The moment she was gone he would go into his corner. Waiting for you to be in sight before throwing an actual tantrum. There was a real chance that Clint was a cat reincarnated; going into your kitchen and knocking down the hung-up mugs, opening the cabinets and marching on the plates when he locks himself in. He’ll scream into the void between the couch and wall, grab at chips or snacks as your bringing them to your mouth. In those few minutes that he’s calm he’ll stay in front of you and just stare;
           “Bring mom back, or I’ll tear this house apart.”
           The worst? He can speak, but only in Russian. You hadn’t learned what he was saying, but he was likely cursing you out.
         Bruce Banner:
         She’s a street beggar that had a love for fried chicken. With a meow too high for a cat her age, not caring about dangers and stretching deep. Her front paws against your leg, as though she just happens to be leaning against you.
           She does this every day when you pass. Accepting whatever sort of meaty substance you have at the moment. Seeming to glare when you had the audacity to offer a vegetable. At one point she followed after eating the treat, it was a spur of the moment decision to scoop from the old cat, her nails barely pressing into the cloth of your sleeves.
           It honestly took a few days before Bruce noticed Peppermint. She was an older cat, her all black coat had some shimmer of gray from age. Long haired and only showed her bratty side at the vet, or when she was being brushed.
           You really, really should have told him about her when you first got home. He wasn’t home very often, a little house outside of a city. Even the mildest mannered of the Avengers was almost never home. This was among the excuses you had used for randomly adopting a cat.
           “She was alone, like me.” You are a real asshole sometimes.
           Of course, you never blamed Bruce for having to be gone. You’ve spent years separated until the Avengers brought you back together, another few more when he disappeared into the sky. Using all that for a cat? She better be one amazing cat.     
         The man has battle rhinos, you’d think he could handle a French bulldog.
           Cosmo was a spoiled coworker’s birthday present. She lost interest in him after he passed his puppy phase. Her comments about taking him to the shelter had perked your ears, swooping in to save the little boy right behind her.
           He’s a real brat, you love him, but he’s the worst.
           You’ve just never realized how bad he was until T’challa insisted you visit for a longer period then expected. This was the journey of many firsts for Cosmo; first time on a plane, first time leaving country and the first time in Wakanda. First time meeting Okoye, who just watched this little black ball raise on his paws and stare at her on the plane seat. He growled deep in his throat, whining up at her and she just stared back. Eventually he just started barking, sitting on his butt and barking to the sky. Demanding she pick him up.
           She just smiles down at him, head on her hand. Seeing how long this boy was going to whine until he gave up. Cosmo was going the entire flight, Okoye would make a great mother.
           Shuri’s face lighting up was worth bringing the little booger along. It wasn’t that there were no small dogs in Wakanda, or that she didn’t know what a French bull dog was, it was just a breed that wasn’t necessary to adopt from the outside world. With both hands she holds him up to her face, more than willing to watch him while you met up with T’challa.
           His face looking at Cosmo was one of “What did you bring into my home?”
           And he kept that face every time Cosmo stared up at him with that old man wheezing. Or when Cosmo would take a sock from those placed out, running from the room with it like he had just robbed a bank. His worst offense is to have the audacity to squeeze his firry butt between you and T’chall at night. Too deep in sleep to hear the names your man was calling your second favorite boy.
Pietro Maximoff
Nothing can cement a person to one place like a sleeping pet.
           They’ve been stuck to the same spot for the past hour. The black and white husky resting her head on his lap, one paw over the knee as a way to say “please, don’t move.”
           Pietro’s face was annoyed, but his dominate hand kept a good rhythm of petting Savannah’s head. The other flicked through channels, occasionally looking your way. Maybe to see what you were doing (still on the laptop), maybe to look for help. Not that you’d ever mess with your copper and white colored princess.
           She would nip at your legs, howl and scream when the food would take too long. Keeping Pietro wrapped around her paw whenever he left the house. Growling low in her throat when he’d tell her no. She would do this until he grabbed her leash, muttering in his mother language as she wiggled with excitement.
   Peter Parker:
           Peter held the little guy way too close to his face. Looking at the white and fawn spotted bunny in his hands, inspecting him as though he might not have been an actual rabbit. In his defense Happy was cute little guy.
           It was like a divorce from a marriage that never happened. Happy was a plan that took weeks in the making. Infecting each other with the Bun disease after watching one too many “how to care for your rabbit” videos in the wee hours of the morning. He spent most his life at your place, taking him Peter’s a few times a week during “Dates”.
           It wasn’t that Aunt May had explicably said no, she just gestured around the apartment. “We barely fit in here.” The woman was immune to the bunny charms, still more than willing to hold him, though. Making kissy noises and cooing.
           This was Happy’s life now. Seeing his Daddy every “date” night. The two of your sitting across from each other on the floor, legs stretching out for your feet to be flat against each other. Creating a tiny carrel for Happy to choose which parent he will be cuddled by.
         Stephen Strange:
         It wasn’t so much Stephen had said no that Wong did. He had the look of a man who had seen the effects of cats on old books and birds in wide open areas. Dogs don’t seem to be on the list of preferred pets for those working in mystic arts. They’re too good for them, anyway.
           “It’s good karma,” You had said, door chiming when opened.
           “Karma’s not real, Sweetie,” The nickname of condescension.
           “You’re fucking attitude is. Hi, Marisa.”
           There is probably a reason dogs aren’t chosen for mystic arts. They’re too much of a distraction, spending hours with these girls and boys. Filling bowls, washing cages and scrubbing puppies cleaned the soul.
           Stephen had stood off to the side at first. One of those poor kids whose parents had never let him have a real pet (maybe a fish, but you can’t pet a fish). Slowly getting more accommodated with the dogs getting too excited around him. Then he met Beorn, the adult male Newfoundland who was getting on in age.
           Because of his age he wasn’t the first option for adoption, a mass of black hair laying in his cage. Beorn nudged against his hand, a deep noise at the back of his throat that said, “I’m old and deserve pets. Get to it, youngster.”
           Stephen’s hands disappeared into the black mass. Reaching for miles before he found the body and Beorn groaned at the attention. Stephen fell in love with him at that moment. Going with you to the shelter and just so happen to wander towards Beorn. Taking credit for volunteering while he only stays with this old bear.
           “I want him,” He one day admitted on the way home.
           “Talk to your work-husband.”
         Matt Murdock:
         “I don’t need a service dog,” He says.
           “I’ll pay for it.” You says.
           “Sweetie, Angel, no.” The double pet name. It’s on now.
           “Come, how’d you get that busted lip?”
           Thug two was quieter than thug one
           “Walked into a door.” He says.
           “And your ribs?”
           Big crow-bar, bigger guy
           “Went hard into a table.”
           “You know what can keep you from doing that? A service animal.” Beers clink between your fingers while walking into the room.
           “I have you for that.” He says.
           “Wow,” You keep the bottle from his hands. Setting it on the coffee table instead.
           “I didn’t mean that,” He reaches for the bottle. Missing by a few inches, leaning forward and pushing it gently into his hands. “I think the cane says I’m blind enough. I don’t have time for it either.”
           “Dogs are suffering you know,” a drink of beer. You’re planning something. “And their shelter is underfunded.”
           There it is; his little, bleeding heart, angel. “What do they need?”
           “Lawyer on retainer, paperwork and stuff. “Another drink, a louder gulp. You hardly ever asked for anything, let alone a legal favor. “All your clients with them will be innocent. Ya know?”
           Matt nods, “Foggy’ll love it.”
Carol Danvers:
         “This is just a favor to a friend,” Mr. Fury says walking with you through the house.
           Middle of nowhere was an understatement, surrounded by fields owned by no one and woods belonging to the deer. You should probably ask if there was wifi in the place. That the phone line is connected out here is a serious long shot.
           “In exchange for that favor,” You’ve only known this man for a few hours. Long enough for car ride and brief introduction that told you nothing but his name. In that time, you have learned he seemed to like being dramatic. Grabbing the carrier on the kitchen table and setting it on the floor with a clunk for dramatics. “He’s your problem now.”
           The orange kitty inside obviously didn’t share Mr. Fury’s love for dramatics. Just sitting in the loaf position inside of his crate, barely acknowledging that he now had a way to roam around.
           “Carol has a cat?” You ask.
           The floor creaks as you squat down to see inside the crate better. Cat now acting like you meant nothing to him while he stretches out. Walking out and sniffing your outstretched fingers. A purr deep in his throat gets louder when he rubs against them, spinning to trail his tail between your fingers.
           “He’s more then that. Just make sure he’s in front of your if they break in here.” Mr. Fury says, holding out a card to you. “When that happens give me a call.”
It takes a minute to realize that a turtle had made it’s home in Shang’s apartments. It’s enclosure blending a little too well with the shelves, lamps and junk that decorated Shang’s living space.
“That’s Sheldon-.” Shang begins.
“LAME!” Yells Katy from the couch.
“-Xialing gave him to me a bit ago. She said he ‘matched the décor and my attitude.’ Whatever that means.”
Seeing Sheldon making his way around the room. You had to agree. Especially as it was a pancake tortoise that moved around faster than you’d assume it to be.
Now that you knew Sheldon was there he was hard to miss. He walked through the tiles of the kitchen when let out of his enclosure and chilled on the carpet when Shang would get ready in the morning.
“I thought I was your pushup cheerleader.” You said one morning from your shared bed.
It was a blessing and a curse that Shang used pushups to wake up in the morning. A blessing because who doesn’t like to wake up to a beautiful view? And a curse because of the constant suggestion that you join him.
This morning he was doing the set as usual. With Sheldon choosing to hang out right under his owner. Completely confident in his dad’s ability to not just slam to the ground.
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