#miles turned right around but Lucy rushed in without thinking and got stuck in a moreover area but she still got soaking wet for a bit
mabelsguidetolife · 2 years
uhhhh..... there was a crazy microburst just now and my neighbor’s shed just got yanked off the ground and crashed into our house by the wind
nobody got hurt but the man is at work right now and he’s in for a surprise in the morning
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vanillann · 4 years
the red dress incident (edmund pevensie x f.reader)
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it’s not in this request but they ask for #38!!! thank you for the request!! also kinda a modern au! also everyone is aged up but their is a bit of underage drinking.
warning: underaged drinking, creepy dude, the word hot used a lot, kinda ish slut shamming( DO YOU BEAUTIFUL), super long and i believe that’s all
“Lucy I don’t think this party is a good idea,” Susan stated from her spot on Lucy's bed.
Lucy stood in her closet, her finger tapping her chin. I laid across the floor of Lucy bedroom, a Rubik's cube in my hand.
“I kind of agree with Susan, we barely know the dude throwing it.”
Lucy shrugged and pulled a red dress from her closet, landing a top of my face.
“Here’s your dress (Y/N),” Lucy then pulled out a pale yellow dress, laying it on the bed with her all white tennis shoes.
“Thanks for that.”
I stood up, sitting beside Susan on the bed overlooking the outfit.
“Very Lucy.”
Susan nodded her head and looked over at me.
“Makes sense.”
“I can't help it. I don't like dark colors and leather jackets like you (Y/N).”
I shrugged and fell on my back, letting her soft blankets overtake me.
“Hey Lucy have you seen-”
I looked up to see Edmund standing in the doorway, his arms crossed.
“Why is she here?”
I rolled my eyes and looked up at Lucy's ceiling.
“I live next door and your little sister is my best friend, now please stop asking dumb questions.”
Edmund sighed turning back to look at Lucy.
“Why are you friends with her again?”
“Why are you in my room again?”
Edmund kicked off the doorframe, walking into the room completely. He picked up my red dress from the floor.
“Who's this?”
I waved my hand, giving him a deadpan look. He simply rolled his eyes and threw it at me. He then got on all four, looking under Lucy's bed.
“I left my wallet in her last night, have you seen it?”
Lucy walked to her dresser, pulling a leather wallet from her top drawer. He looked over at the wallet, standing up to grab it. Once he got close to her, she moved the wallet behind her back.
“You get it back once you apologize to (Y/N).”
I sat up, the wicked smile crossed my face in seconds.
“Lucy, that would be like Jesus apologizing to the devil.”
“I’m the devil in this, right?”
Edmund looked over his shoulder at me, his death glare better than it used to be as a kid. He gave me the middle finger looking back at Lucy.
“Why should I apologize to the girl who is a bad influence on my baby sister?”
Susan looked up at him, her face shocked. A stern “Edmund” fell from her lips but that didn’t stop anything.
“Bad influence?” I stood up from the soft pink bed, the sneaker gliding across the floor to Edmund.
“Yeah a bad influence, I mean look at this dress.”
He pushed past my shoulder, picking up the silk material from the bed with one finger, like it was going to bite him.
“I happen to like that dress,” Lucy pointed a finger at her brother. Susan grabbed the dress from his finger, holding to her chest.
“You’re mad that you know your sister is living to the fullest and you're stuck at home cranky all the time.”
I took a single step closer to him.
“I don’t think sleeping around is living life to the fullest.”
Edmund did the same as I did seconds ago, the room beside us felt like miles.
“At least people want to sleep with me.”
I took another step closer to him, noticing the small hit of hazel in his eyes now.
“Only cause that dress.”
He took a step closer while pointing to the dress Susan still held. Our noses were almost touched with how close we were. The anger breaths made the air around us both feel hot and steamy.
“You just hate to admit that this dress would look hot on me.”
“Trust me, I don’t think much can look good on you.”
I looked up at this wicked smile, the confidence I had moments ago gone. The anger bubbled inside of me.
“I'll finish getting ready for the party at my place Lucy, see you at 10.”
I moved to look over at Susan, a sad smile across her face.
“I think you’re very beautiful (Y/N),” Susan whispered as I took the dress gently from her hands.
“I know Susan, but you’re the hot one around here.” I gave a dramatic wink and left the room, waving to Lucy as I left.
The red silk dress hung from my waist, the leather jacket around me keeping me warm. The black combat boots made me feel empowered, but Edmund's angry face had me grabbing another drink from the cooler.
“Don’t listen to my brother, he’s just angry like he always is.”
Lucy held a water to her lips, trying to stay somewhat sober.
“Is your boyfriend here yet?”
Lucy looked at me, shaking her head and looking down at her phone.
“He’s in the bathroom, he’ll be out in a minute.”
I nodded my head, downing the rest of the drink in my hand.
“Three down, many more to go.”
Edmund sat in his room, watching the weird medieval drama play out across the TV.
The character came down the stairs in a bright red dress, Edmund looked away from the TV as he realized the color similarities from your dress.
The sight of your hurt face was on his brain since you walked out of Lucy's room earlier.
Suddenly his phone rang, he jumped so high in the sky he was surprised he didn’t fall off the bed.
The unknown number flashed across his phone, the confusion kicked in. He slowly answered, a quiet hello fell past his lips.
“I look so hot right now.”
Slurred speech took over the other line, (Y/N) voice could barely be heard over the loud music.
“Yes King Edmund, King of Opinions,” she gave a small giggle before a loud ‘off’ echoed throughout the phone line.
Edmund jumped up, now completely sitting up.
The sound of shuffling and groans were all he heard before (Y/N) yelled “Another please”, Edmund immediately jumped from his bed and ran into Lucy's room.
The small piece of paper with the address of the party sat on her desk table, just like Peter made her promise to do.
“I’m coming right now, stop drinking please.”
Edmund quickly hung up and grabbed his keys. The panic flooded him as he drove the 10 minute to the crowded party.
As soon as he stepped out of the car, (Y/N) stood on the porch with a small man standing beside her.
He touched her shoulder, to which he pushed away.
“I’m not that drunk bud.”
He finger ghosted over her shoulder again when Edmund finally reached them.
“I don't think that means do it again,” (Y/N) head snapped up, looking him over once.
“Told you, I look hot.”
(Y/N) tried to push off the wall, but fell to the porch. The guy beside went to pick her up, but Edmund quickly pushed the boy off. His anger was worse than it ever was when he was fighting with her.
He bent down and wrapped one of her arms around his shoulder.
“I got this.”
(Y/N) chuckled as he picked her up from the wooden floor.
“You wanted to see how hot I look, didn't you?”
Edmund looked at her cocky smile, her eyes completely closed.
“Why do you only ever describe yourself as hot?”
Edmund placed her in the passenger seat, closing the door and quickly running to the driver side.
“Maybe because I am.”
She shrugged and looked over at him, her eyes wide and happy.
“I always thought you were more than that.”
Edmund looked at the road ahead, knowing he could say anything since she wouldn't remember in the morning. The feelings from when he was a 15 year old boy came rushing back, the crush he had on his younger sister's best friend.
“We used to be friends, what happened?”
Edmund quickly looked back over at her, the memory of Peter dating Susan's best friend that ended horribly.
“Things got complicated.”
(Y/N) simply threw her head back, her eyes closing.
Edmund's house came into view, relief flooding his head. Without thinking Edmund passed the drunk girl driveway, pulling right into his.
Once parked,Edmund moved to grab her, the cute little smile spread across her face
“I like complicated things.”
Edmund sighed, quickly picking the girl up and walking into the house. He passed every room, heading up the stairs to his room. The same drama was still on from when he left.
He placed her on the bed, watching as she curled into his blanket.
He took his phone out his pocket, sending Lucy a quick text about you.
Suddenly a leg came in contact with the back of his own, his body went tumbling to the ground.
Soft giggles and sorry could be heard above him. He groaned, getting off his hardwood floor.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, sorry.”
Edmund stood up completely, dusting off fake dirt.
“It’s fine, just my floor.”
“I meant every time I said mean things.”
He looked over at her, her sad smile playing with his soccer themed blanket.
“I said meaner things.”
Edmund didn't wait for a replay, leaving to grab the makeup wipe Lucy uses from the bathroom.
When he came back, looked up at him and smiled. He couldn’t help the blush across his face.
“I think you fell in love with me tonight.”
Edmund shook his head as he walked closer to the girl. He dragged the makeup wipe across her soft face, dark browns and gold covered the once clean wipe.
“I didn’t fall for you, you tripped me.”
She laughed, her arms grabbing onto his biceps. He smiled at her, the nice her brought all those weird funny feelings back.
Edmund always liked nice (Y/N), but she became very rare after her car accident. With her new found anger and Edmund crush that could never happen, the fights came easy.
Suddenly (Y/N) stood from the bed and marched into Lucy's room, yelling something about “soft pj’s”, to which Edmund let her be.
He waited outside in the hallway until the door opened, she looked so out of place in a bright baby boy pj set.
Edmund wrapped an arm around her shoulder to Lucy's bed. She quickly moved from his arm and wrapped herself in the soft blankets.
Edmund turned to leave before (Y/N) grabbed his hand.
“You never told me if I looked hot.”
Edmund smiled, squeezing her hand once then letting go.
“I would use words more like stunning and gorgeous, but sure. You looked hot.”
Edmund left the room once he turned the lights off. As soon as the door closed Edmund phone dings. He fished it out his pocket to see a message from Lucy.
Lucy: Sorry about that, please remove her makeup or she will be grumpy in the morning
Edmund smirked, walking to his medieval drama playing on the TV.
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lexfritterwrites · 4 years
Let Lips Do What Hands Do - Part 13
Washington is much the same as she left it, Addie decides. Her students are fine, the other teachers are nice and the little house she’s renting is suitable. Leaving Taron was the hardest thing she’d ever done, and she struggles to think her current life is what she left him for.
They text constantly, just as they did when they were together, and Addie resolves to be friends.
Fall shifts into the air; leaves change and seasonal rain rolls across the state. It was always Addie’s favorite time of year, and she calls Taron to tell him so.
“Hi Taron! How are you?”
“Fine, thanks. Listen, Addie. We need to talk.”
“I can’t keep doing this,” he says. “I can’t move on if I’m stuck on you.”
Addie stops on the sidewalk, her heart clamping at his words. “I thought we were friends.”
“We’re more than friends, Addie,” he says, “and the decision was made to split and I have to honor that decision.”
“Okay, goodbye.” She disconnects the call and stumbles to the nearest bench, trying to catch her breath. He would cast her as the villain for leaving when he made no plans to see her or leave London. Addie’s heart races and her hands shake.
Dating. That’s the plan. She downloads a few apps, sets up her profile and starts conversations. There’s a date at a coffee shop, one at the little Italian restaurant and one with the choir teacher. 
“I give up,” she says, switching the phone to speaker mode. “Now is not the time for me to date.”
“Now is just the time for you to date,” Jack says. “You’re young, hot, you’ve got a house, a car and a job. That alone sets you miles above some of the others.”
“I just can’t,” she says. “The last guy met me at a seedy bar and kept nodding his head towards the bathroom. I am a lady and I need to be wooed first.”
“Undoubtedly so,” Jack says. “Have you seen the news?”
“No,” Addie says, “I’ve tried to stay off the internet.”
“Taron has been seen out with a costar.”
“Ofelia Montague,” Jack says. “They’re in that new Branagh project together.”
“Of course they are,” Addie says, googling Taron’s name. The pictures look like something from a magazine ad: Taron’s leading her down the steps outside of a fancy restaurant. She’s wearing a sleek gown with a full-face of makeup and perfect hair. Taron has her hand in his and his suit jacket over his other shoulder. They’re smiling at each other and Addie rolls her eyes.
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I knew this would happen.”
“I can’t tell you how to live your life,” Jack says, “but I would go get under that trainer at the gym you’ve been staring at.”
“He does have a remarkable ass.”
“How’s school?”
“It’s OK,” she says. “The kids are fine but I do miss my little British students. They always liked me.”
“So come home,” Jack says. “I miss you like crazy.”
“I miss you, too,” she says. “There’s so much about London that I miss.”
“It misses you! Come home.”
“Ugh, I thought I was coming home. I see my dad and Lucy once a week, but we would all be OK if I were across the pond.”
“Think about it, babe. I need my other half!”
“I’ll consider it. I miss those little meringue things.”
Addie is true to her word and gives up dating. Instead she gives herself into teaching and her hobbies, taking up baking and spin class. It’s mid-October when the call comes.
“Taron, what’s wrong?”
“Wrong? Why does something need to be wrong for me to call you?”
“We haven’t talked at all in two months! Are
you just calling me to shoot the breeze?”
“Addie, I’m sorry! I didn’t think how it would look. I actually have good news and a question.”
“First of all, are you well?”
“I am living,” Addie says. “How are you?”
“Great,” he says. “I am headed to Los Angeles a couple of weeks before Christmas. How would you feel about me coming to visit you for a few days after?”
“I miss you,” he says. “I miss having you around, and I want to see where you’re living and working.”
“You miss me?”
“Of course I miss you,” he says. “You were a staple in my life for a year and I’m aching without you around. I just want a platonic visit with one of my dearest companions.”
“December, yeah.”
“Okay,” Addie says. “We can do December.”
Addie sees the headlights reflect on her living room wall and she’s off the couch. She knows she should appear uninterested but this is Taron. He opens his arms to her as soon as she’s running towards him and he kisses her hair.
“Hi,” she says softly, her nose against his neck.
“How are you?”
“Better now that I am here,” he says, putting her at an arm’s length. “You look great!”
“I’ve lost thirty pounds,” she says. “Apparently when I get depressed, I eat less.”
“Apparently I’ve gained everything you’ve lost.” He chuckles.
“You still look great,” she says. “Let’s get your stuff inside. Are you hungry?”
“I could eat, yeah.”
They’re perfectly amicable at dinner, and her gut continually turns to mush. Her Apple Watch beeps every few minutes to alert her of a spiking heart rate, and she knows it’s because Taron is here.
Taron can’t keep his eyes off of her. She’s still just as lovely and wonderful as she was when they were together, and he’s contemplating making a career change for her.
It takes everything in him to not reach for her hand as they leave the restaurant and she drives him back to her house. 
Addie sighs and sags against the wall. She runs her hands over her face as she breathes, something like panic making her skin too tight across her bones.
"Addie, are you all right?" Taron asks, wrapping an arm around her elbows.
"You shouldn't be here," she mumbles behind her hands with tears welling in her eyes.
"What?" Taron asks, his face pinching at his brow. He heard her perfectly but thought perhaps he misunderstood her.
"You shouldn't be here."
"Why not?" God, his heart's racing and he's starting to feel rage boil from his gut to heat his face.
"We should never have broken up. We should have tried to make it work. We should have fought for us." Addie still has her knuckles pressed against her eyelids. It's easier to admit it if she doesn't have to see the dismay on his face. "I should have fought for you. For me. I love you. I still love you. Being with you like this is painful, to know what we had but will never have again. What could we have had? We'll never know."
"We'll never know?"
"You're with Ofelia now, aren't you? You're doing exactly what I knew you would. You've met a gorgeous, leggy thing with perky boobs and a non-existent waist. You deserve her, honestly, if she treats you right."
"Addie, I think you're drunk."
"I'm crying my eyes out to you, blubbering like an idiot with the things I've been feeling this entire time, and you have the audacity to tell me I'm drunk?"
"Well, not when you say it like that. I just want to be sure you know what you're saying."
"Of course I know what I'm saying," Addie says, finally dropping her hands. She runs her fingers beneath her eyes to stop the makeup from smearing further down her cheeks. "Go be with Ofelia."
"We're not together."
"Fe and I," Taron says. "Not together. We're just friends."
"You look very comfortable together."
"We can be because there's nothing between us," Taron answers. "It's actually not my place to say but Fe is a lesbian."
"A lesbian, Adelaide. She's got no interest in me and no use for my dick."
"I have interest in you and a use for your dick!”
They're like magnets, first their lips and then their bodies fusing together. Addie sobs at the feeling of his mouth on hers, hot and sweet and full of everything she had missed in his absence. His hand is on her back, pressing into her and Addie doesn't even know what her hands are doing aside from touching him wherever they can.
She whimpers at the word, having thought she would never hear him say her name that way again — the way that makes her heart race and her gut turn to mush. She's fighting against his sweater and shirt, wanting to feel the heat of his skin. Grunting, he pulls them off before taking her face between his hands and kissing her. Damn, he can't stop kissing her. He'd missed the taste of her lips and the warmth of her mouth, and he shivers as she runs her fingers through his hair.
He's tugging at the hem of her dress, lifting it just high enough to slide his fingers beneath her leggings and underwear. It's like a drug to him, the way her grip tightens in his hair as his fingers slip inside her while his thumb massages her clit.
Addie trembles against him as an orgasm rushes swiftly through her, and his moan echoes hers. She only thought he was hard until she feels the bulge pressing into her belly. She needs him inside her immediately.
It's a dance to her bedroom — pants here, a shoe there, her leggings a wadded heap on the floor.
Taron had imagined dragging things out for as long as possible when they were reunited this way, if they were reunited this way, but those notions are quickly forgotten as his body covers hers. Too long he's been without her sweetness, too long he's shrunk without her warmth, too long since her lips have sung the praises of their bodies together. She's warm and wet as he presses inside her, both of them exhaling at the feeling of having what was once lost. He can't kiss her enough, trying to touch her everywhere at once while keeping the rhythm of her heart with his hips. In turn, Addie can't get him close enough, knowing she could be without him again.
Taron needs to see her, to know she's really there, and the shock of her gaze meeting his sends him over the edge immediately. He's not even remotely soft afterwards so he continues to thrust into her, and Addie falls into that peaceful abyss.
She loses count after five orgasms and stretches her toes sometime later, Taron's head resting between her breasts. It's odd to her they should be in bed like this after being apart for so long, yet it makes complete sense. He is the love of her life, after all.
Taron snorts, nuzzling his nose against her ribs. "We're shite at just being friends, huh? What —with the distance and all that?"
"Actually there's something I've been meaning to tell you."
Taron's head pops up so he can look at her. "What?"
"You remember Dr. Williams, the man in charge of my degree program?"
"The good looking one with all the hair?"
"Precisely. His husband has just been named headmaster of a new school for gifted underprivileged children they're opening in north London, and he's offered me a position in the English department. I'll be able to teach how I want within loose guidelines and the students all actually want to be there. I could actually make a difference."
"You could make a difference anywhere," Taron says quickly. He gathers her fingers in his and very briefly kiss the tips. "Are you going to take it?"
"I report at the end of August for training."
"Adelaide!" Taron squeals, dropping his forehead to her chest. "You're moving back to England?"
"Yep." She runs her fingers through his short hair, his breath warm against her chest. She sighs when a tear falls against her skin, and she tilts his face up towards hers.
"I'm good, I'm good," he says. "I'm really good." Tears cling to his eyelashes but his lips curl upwards. "I just thought we were over, and here we are in your bed, naked, and you're moving back to England." He takes a deep breath, moving so his face is over hers. "I'm overwhelmed by the thought of you being with me again. You know, if you want it."
She feels the heat rise in his cheeks beneath her finger tips and she laughs. "Of course I want it. I was moving back to England because I love it there. It feels more to me like home than Washington does now, and having you there is just the cherry on top of the sundae. I'm moving in with Jack though, at least for a little while. I think that's best."
"I don't care where you live as long as we're on the same continent." He brushes her cheek with the back of his hand before kissing her deeply and long, but keeping it from becoming sexual. This is more than that — this is two souls becoming one rather than two bodies. "I love you, Adelaide, and I'm so happy you're mine."
"You think we can make the distance work until June?"
"There is no distance great enough to keep me from you."
"I love you," she says. "I love you, Taron David Egerton."
"Moving back to England!" He says. "That's so fucking brilliant, Adelaide!"
"God save the Queen," Addie cheers, wrapping her arms around him.  "Are you happy?"
"I'm ecstatic!" Taron cries, kissing her. "I'm over the moon." His lips land against her jaw. "I can't believe you'll be back across the pond in a few short months."
"I know," she says. "It's been torture not telling you. I wanted to make sure it was what I wanted and that the job was mine."
"Adelaide," he hums again, nuzzling her neck. She purs, shifting her head so he can kiss her clavicle. "I feel like bursting out of my skin I'm so excited!" He shifts so his face is even with hers once more. "Are you sure you want to move back? It's not just for me? I don’t want to sound bold in even asking the question.”
“Rest assured I am moving to England for me. I miss it so much. I miss the food, I miss hearing about the Royals when I walk down the street, I miss the history. I miss Jack, and it’s obvious how I’ve missed you.”
“Bang on, Addie! This is so fucking perfect, I can’t stand it!” He kisses her with such conviction she giggles, and all words are quickly forgotten as they move together.
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ratretro · 6 years
You probably don't do requests, but i was wondering if you could do a Nalu fanfic involving Natsu listening to Lucy's heartbeat and/or performing CPR on her (somewhat inspired by manga chapter 538)?
Title: Let’s Read a Book
Pairing: NaLu
Request: Natsu listening to Lucy’s heartbeat
Rating: T (edited because it wasn’t even M I just forgot to change the rating)
None of these characters are owned by me, they are all owned by the wonderful Hiro Mashima!
So, this was slightly inspired from when I went to the bookstore yesterday. Otherwise this would have sat in my WIPs for like a long time. I’m human garbage honestly sorry not sorry. I do take requests, but only when I’m not taking commissions. Luckily, I’ve decided to prolong opening commissions because I’m still hashing out a few extra details. 
           Lucy mumbled to herself as she struggled to turn the page of her favorite book. Natsu’s head was delicately pressed to her chest, and while it had caused her some mild strife at first they eventually found a position that worked for them both. Still, his sudden need to be right on her had thrown her off course. She’d been nose deep in her book as she’d come to the climax of the story. Her heart was pounding in her chest furiously with every page turn as Tom was rushing in to save the love of his life from danger. It’d reminded her of Natsu, and how he’d save her no matter what. Even if it meant his life – which she by no means wanted, and had he ever done it she’d bring him back to life just to murder him again. All of his actions tonight had her concerned, but she was trying not to mind it. She wasn’t going to question or pry.
             “Lucy.” A statement with no follow up. She was currently resting the bind of the book on the top of his head so she figured it was bothering him. She lifted the book from his scalp.
           “Yes?” he wasn’t even worried about the book. In fact, it had taken them nearly ten minutes to finally get comfortable, and if she wanted to rest a book on his head then so be it. Currently, he had his pressed into her chest with his right hand pulling her body to him, and his left draped across the bed. They were both laying on their sides with their legs in a tangled mess.
           He was in heaven with her heart beating in his ear. It rumbled strong, and steady with every single beat and a small sigh escaped his lips. His intense fear finally subsided after 20 minutes of her nose deep in whatever book she was reading that week, and him listening intently to the sounds deep in her chest. He chuckled when she came to a part that he assumed  was exciting since the steady thumbs had become frantic, and then they’d calmed down after 3 page turns. Finally, his nightmare rolled off his shoulders allowing him to relax. He’d been experiencing them frequently lately, and every time he couldn’t hear the thumping that normally lulled him to sleep he would panic. He’d awaken in the stark darkness of night with her missing from his side only to find that she’d gone to the bathroom.
           The terrors of his dreams constantly flashed in his mind of Lucy unmoving, and sticky, wet blood covering her eyes. They weaved together in an unmistakable pattern. Though settings may be different, or even the manner in which the incident occurred it always ended the same: Lucy without the echo he heard right now. He couldn’t let that happen, but if he told Lucy he was sure she’d say something that would ease his troubled mind. That wasn’t in his cards right now. The only thing in his cards was ensuring the life of the girl next to him. The girl who was slowly reaching her breaking point.
           Lucy was becoming anxious as he continued to say nothing. He just stayed pressed against her like his entire life revolved around this single moment. If he thought she hadn’t noticed his tossing and turning or the way he sometimes mumbled her name in his sleep he’d be wrong. Not even two nights ago had she been mindlessly staring in the mirror when a loud, anguished scream jolted her from her sleepy haze. She’d run into the room frantically to find him scanning the room wildly like something was missing and he was filled to the brim with desperation to find it. She was on the bed in seconds with a grip on his shoulders that could rival the dragon slayer’s own strength. His eyes set on her, and immediately he relaxed. He’d tugged her next to him in a swift motion, and with his head in her chest – much like now – he was fast asleep.
           “Please don’t leave.” His tone of voice caught her completely off guard as the pinkette had once again surprised her. Leave? Why would she leave?
           “Silly, I won’t leave you. Although, I think I reserve the right to at least one disappearance. But just be warned you started it.” today she was teasing. That was a variable topic. Somedays, she could tease and even laugh about it wholeheartedly. Somedays, it hurt her deep in her heart and she couldn’t stand to think of it let alone mention it. It didn’t seem like the time to be opening old wounds, and that was certainly a deep one so today was teasing. Still, her heart skipped a beat and Natsu’s grip on her tightened.
           “I did. I won’t leave ya ever again. I promise.” His promise filled the tension in the room, but Lucy knew better. If he’d left once he’d leave again. Hopefully, the next time he did she would be able to keep herself together. The thought that she’d fallen apart after his departure was a deep regret. She’d have to live without Natsu someday, but thankfully today wasn’t that day.
           “Right. We’re supposed to be together forever.” What hit Natsu like a freight train was how she said ‘supposed to’ as though it wasn’t a guarantee. He couldn’t really argue a point here since he was the one who left. He never once regretted his choice on that. What was the point of being strong if you couldn’t protect the ones you love?
           “And we will be. Have I—” he never finished his sentence, because for an entire year he had let her down. Even if he hadn’t intended to. He’d left a note, and he thought she’d be safe in the hands of the guild. He didn’t realize gramps was going to dissolve Fairy Tail the very next day. He hadn’t expected everyone to separate. He hadn’t expected that she’d be left all alone.
           None of it had occurred to him, because that was just never something that could happen to Fairy Tail. Except it had. His hands were rough, and scarred, from every battle he’d won, and even the battles he’d lost. That didn’t matter to him, or her, as his fingers threaded into her blonde tresses to push them from her face. His hands cupped her cheek as he nuzzled into her neck. Lucy quivered slightly, and it wasn’t hard for the pinkette to notice the reaction considering how their bodies were meshed together.
           “We will be.” She mumbled back even though she didn’t believe the words she’d just spoken. The celestial spirit mage’s heartbeat was hammering in her chest, and Natsu found his body vibrating at the sound. He tugged her even closer and what skin of hers was bare rubbed against his own. He’d started stripping his clothes off the minute he walked into her apartment, and at this point he was clad in a tight pair of boxers that hugged his lower body.
Lucy wouldn’t lie and say she’d never looked, but it was hardly the time to be thinking that way about her best friend. Did best friends even do these types of things? Holding each other close, laying tangled together? She didn’t feel like they were supposed to, but for her and Natsu it just seemed right.
           “If you stay naked all the time you’ll end up like Grey.” She teased him softly with a voice that sounded like there was something stuck in her throat.
           “And here I thought you loved me.” He said in an exasperated tone, clearly following her lead to usher them into a topic that would be comfortable for the two of them.
           “Alas, as an heiress to a previously well-known konzern it is impossible for a delicate lady such as myself to love a stripper.” she pressed her Fairy Tail mark to her forehead to follow the drama that had ensued.
           “Right. Delicate.” A snicker left him before he could stop it, and then it was full blown laughter that rumbled like thunder in his chest.
           “You’re incorrigible.” She huffed with a pout settling to her lips. Those red lips that contrasted with her pale as snow skin. Natsu had to tear his eyes from her face to look literally anywhere else.
           “I don’t know the meaning of the word.” He was trying to be sultry, and his voice even dropped an octave as he gently raised to his hands and knees. Honestly though, he had no idea what the word meant. His right leg was positioned between her thighs, and his hands were on either sides of her hips as he hovered over her body. Natsu finally allowed himself to look at her face. Most especially her eyes. They had a light haze to them, but he’d recognize that honey brown anywhere. The honey brown he’d almost lost to Dimaria.
           “N-Natsu?” she moved backwards ever so slightly until her back bumped into the wooden headboard she’d bought earlier that week.
           “Yes?” his lips hovered just inches from hers while he lay in wait for the sound of her heartbeat. His ears were finally able to focus, and dear Mavis Lucy’s heart was pounding a million miles a minute.
           “What are you doing?” the blonde mumbled with her voice low, and even though she was questioning him there was no doubt in his mind that she knew exactly what he was doing.
           Lucy Heartfilia realized in that moment that he might be trying to kiss her. The second thing she realized was that she wasn’t opposed to it. In fact, she wanted it. Her heart threatened to rip from her chest as the distance between them clouded her mind. He was going to hover, and torture her for all eternity at this rate. Stubborn dragon with his equally patient teasing. The fact that he could be so still for so long was what got her every time.
           So, she did what she thought was best. Her body moved barely an inch forward so their lips could meet for the first time. Natsu stiffened as the soft flesh met his chapped skin, and suddenly it occurred to him that his partner might actually have feelings for him. What kind of feelings? Only Mavis knew. Lucy, however, was torn between two choices. Since the dragon slayer hadn’t reciprocated the kiss she felt she had to correct the situation. One option: follow through with her decision and deal with the consequences. Two: end it and apologize. Both were appealing as one was fulfilling a moment she’d wanted, and then the second was allowing her a back track.
           Natsu was still frozen while he waited for his brain to finally reboot. He hadn’t thought she’d be the one to initiate, but here they were. Him hovering above her while keeping his weight from crushing her. His strength was draining quickly from the way she was effecting him. He didn’t want to follow through in case she was just rolling with the moment, but he didn’t want it to end either. If he proceeded then it could be a change of their relationship, and he didn’t want to ruin what they had. Well, shit. He pressed his lips to hers gently earning a small whimper. Oh Mavis, he had to turn back now or he might actually drown in this girl’s body and scent.
           She was reciprocating even as their teeth occasionally clicked together from their shared lack of experience. It was a tender kiss where his hands cupped her cheeks, and though his lips were cracked he still pressed to those soft pink lips that tasted like strawberry.
           “Promise?” he brought the question back to her during a small break while she gasped for air.
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Consequences of Our Emotions
I don’t even really know where this came from, but I just wrote 6 pages of a fic.  Essentially, it fibs a little bit so that Lucy and Alex are talking like crazy, Lucy is in and out of the DEO but still knows the low-down.
Maggie says no, I make up a reason, and bam, we have a fic.
Enjoy, as it suddenly turned into a chaptered fic.
Maybe future Director Danvers?
“Marry me,” Alex says, and watches as Maggie smiles.  Her heart swells with emotion and suddenly, Alex understands why her father used to talk about when he proposed to her mom, because if this is what it feels like, Alex wants to remember it forever.  It’s been 3 months since Alex was kidnapped, and she’s been waiting for the right moment for half of that time. Maggie’s been there through 3 rounds of pneumonia, and Alex is ready. She’s so ready to marry Maggie, to be her wife.
But then Maggie’s smile falls, and Alex’s heart stops painfully in her chest as Maggie opens her mouth and starts to speak.
“Alex, I was going to talk to you,” she starts, and Alex feels tears try to well up in her eyes. She feels her heart skip a beat painfully and fights to keep her emotions from showing.
That song from Frozen pops into her head before she almost laughs at the sudden thought, and kicks it back into the back of her mind.
“I-I started talking with Emily again.  Alex, I love you, but I don’t love you as much as I loved her.”
Alex swallows and looks down at her feet before her eyes fly back to Maggie’s face.
“What about when I was kidnapped.  What about what you said then?”
Maggie brings her hands up to take Alex’s hands, but Alex steps away from her grasp and swallows thickly.
“I guess – I guess this is goodbye, then? This is our breakup?”
Maggie looks hurt, even though Alex is the one who is having their proposal rejected, Alex is the one without someone else to love, and Alex is going to be the one alone again.
“I’ll come by tomorrow to get my stuff from your apartment,” Alex whispers.  “I’ll bring all of your stuff too.  Is that okay?”
She’s fighting back tears, putting the face of DEO Agent Danvers on instead of broken Alex Danvers, the kid from Midvale who grew up too fast when her alien sister came to Earth. The woman who has just been broken up with when she thought she was the one.
Maggie slowly nods, and Alex is walking away moments later, not even looking to find out if it were okay or not.
“Alex, at least let me drive you back!”
Alex raises a hand, shaking it as she walks.
“I’ll walk,” She bites out between hitching, uneven breaths.
Maggie doesn’t push it.
Alex puts a hand to her mouth as she starts her 5-mile walk back to the DEO, her chest burning with the exertion in the cold and how she bit back hiccupping sobs.  She let the tears flow down her cheeks unhindered. She’d get her stuff tomorrow – Her favorite Elements Table blanket, her Bare-Naked Ladies sweatshirt, the Comforter she stole from her dad after the man had slept with it while briefly away from Cadmus, and her toothbrush.  All others were collateral damage she didn’t want to fight about.
 Lucy’s eyebrows twitched as she furrowed them. Her eyes were stuck on Alex as she watched the agent – now normally filled with joy and, dare she say it, bouncing with excitement – as she sat limply at the lab table, squinting into a microscope.  She watched Alex sigh for the fifth time in ten minutes.
Sebastian, another lab tech, watched Agent Danvers.  His eyes were wide and whenever the senior agent moved even an inch, all eyes flickered up to look at her, back to their work, and then back at Alex.  
Lucy stood on the catwalk above the lab, listening as Vasquez spoke.  Both women were soft as they spoke.
“With all due respect to Alex, she’s terrifying me.  And she hasn’t left the lab in days.  Not even to go home or take a nap. I think she’s on day three!” Vasquez hissed.  
Lucy crossed her arms against her chest as she leaned back against the handrail.  The metal was cold against her back, causing her whole body to shiver violently. Lucy bit the inside of her cheek and glanced up at Vasquez before looking down at Alex.  
“When’s the last time she ate?” she asked, knowing that Maggie wouldn’t have let this go on.  
Where was Maggie anyway?
By the time that 12-16 hours had passed, Maggie was usually tugging Alex out of the DEO by her ear, chastising the agent like she was her mother.  If they were into hour 72, something was seriously wrong. Maybe they were fighting again.  Alex had been quiet ever since she’d confided in Lucy that she wanted to marry Maggie, and would ask her soon.
“I don’t know!” Vasquez sighed, speaking between her clenched jaw. She threw her hands up in the air before letting them flop back onto her thighs as she too leaned against the railing. Vasquez crossed her arms against her chest and looked down at the lab where Alex had now moved on to scribbling down notes.
“If I knew when she last ate, I would tell you.  I wouldn’t hide that.”
Lucy bit back a sigh of frustration and threw a sour look at Vasquez.  Vasquez looked at her pointedly before Lucy broke the look.  Lucy glanced down at the lab again, noticing that Alex was now adding something to the dish she was looking at through the microscope.
“Oh yeah,” Vasquez scoffed, “Kara would let Alex be up this long without sleeping or eating if she knew. She’s still out with Lena.  They come back tonight.”
Lucy ground her teeth as she looked down at the lab.  The catwalk was silent as she thought about the situation.  Lucy lifted her right hand and pressed her thumb against her lips, her elbow pressed against her right, crossed arm.  
She tapped her finger against her lips for a moment.
Kara would be returning to the city this evening, her trip with Lena finishing off with Kara flying them back.  Lucy’s stomach rolled violently with how much paperwork she would be helping Pam to draw up. She didn’t even want to think about how Kara told Lena.  One Danvers sister issue is enough for her day.
In any case, Kara would return, and Lucy needed to drag Alex out of the lab since Maggie was fucking off somewhere and not helping her girlfriend function like an adult.
She sighed and pushed off the handrail.
“Okay.  Call Kara, tell her what’s happening. Try and get her to come back early if she can swing it with Lena. I’m going to take her to Kara’s apartment, get food in her, and try to figure out what’s wrong,” Lucy announced. She hit the other guardrail with her palms before looking at Vasquez, a new decision popping to mind.
“Get the lab techs out first, I’ll walk in with food.  If I can’t get her to sleep, I will get her to eat,” Lucy explained.  Vasquez nodded and blew out a sigh.
“Thank you, Ma’am.  I was getting really worried,” Vasquez said. She turned on her heel and began to walk away.
“Me too, Vasquez.  Me too,” Lucy sighed out, almost too low to hear. She watched Vasquez leave before she looked down at Alex, frowning.
“God, what’s going on, Danvers? You were doing so good with taking care of yourself.”
 Vasquez clears the room without Alex even knowing, even though all of the people around her leave. Alex simply remains fixated on her experiment, dropping bits of radioactive isotopes on something akin to a Hellgrammite’s cells, trying to find a way to be able to feed them without actually requiring the right chemicals, which could be harmful to humans.
Lucy walks in with Chinese food in a bag by her side and a big bottle of apple juice.  Alex would never admit it to anyone at the DEO, but apple juice was her favorite drink other than alcohol.  Lucy wasn’t going to give her any alcohol at this point, so apple juice and waters it was.  
“Danvers,” Lucy says as she closes the door behind her. Alex picks her head up from the microscope, finally noticing she was alone in the room.  
Lucy placed the Chinese food on the table and began to unpack it, the apple juice sitting innocently on the table.
“We are going to eat, and I am going to take you to your sister’s apartment.  Or we can do that in reverse,” Lucy commands, her tone leaving no room for argument.  Alex sighs and looks down at her experiment.
Sensing the hesitation, Lucy stares at Alex with a hard, unemotional expression.
“Alex, I just looked at all the security tapes.  You’ve been in the lab for four days straight. Before that, you were in the field for a full day.  You got debriefed and then hit the lab.  You haven’t moved since. If you don’t come with me and eat and rest, I will bring J’onn in here and let him deal with you, and I doubt you want that.”
Alex takes in a few deep, shuddering breath as she listens to Lucy.  Her lower lip quivered, and a jolt runs through Lucy’s body as she realizes that Alex is 90% of the way to crying in the middle of the lab.  
Lucy leaves the food on the table and rushes to Alex as tears begin to slip down her cheeks.
“Alex, hey!” Lucy whispers as she wrapped her arms around the slightly-younger agent, holding her up as her legs all but fail to hold her up.
Lucy carefully lowers the both of them to the ground and just holds the agent, who is now curled into a ball crying.  She feels just how warm Alex is, and her heart skips a beat as Lucy notices that Alex is burning up with fever. She hadn’t felt a fever this bad before, and she wonders if Alex is emotional due to fever.
Alex Danvers isn’t one to suddenly burst into hysterics, but Lucy can only explain this sudden burst into tears as a concoction of malnutrition/starvation, sleep deprivation, fever, repression of emotions, and just pure exhaustion.  Lucy grips Alex close to her as they sit on the floor, Lucy’s legs splayed out with Alex laying back against her chest.
“Alex, what’s wrong?” Lucy asks as she tries to straighten Alex in her arms.  
At Lucy’s question, Alex just sobs, her hands clutching at Lucy’s as she flops back against the assistant director. Lucy’s heart races as she listens to Alex cry and feels the warmth burning against her own skin.  She doesn’t want to know how high the fever is, but knows that if she can’t get Alex to calm down, they’d have a whole different range of problems than just a fever.
She wasn’t the nurturing or coddling type.  When Lois had come home crying about boys, she had just watched blankly, not understanding why her sister was crying so violently.  She’d only watched as her mother clutched her sister to her chest, much like Lucy now did.
Oh God, please stop crying! Lucy thought. Please, Alex.  I don’t do tears well!
Even though Lucy practically pleaded with God and Alex herself, Alex’s hysterics only increased with her previous question.
Lucy took in a deep breath before she sat up a little more, letting Alex rest against her chest as the agent cried.  She didn’t think she’d ever seen Alex cry before, and if she had, it had never been this violent.  Alex’s breaths hitched up and down unevenly as she tried to slow the cascade of emotions, but just moments after her attempt, she began to hyperventilate as she wheezed in breaths between sobs.
“Okay,” Lucy whispered, knowing that Alex wouldn’t be calming down on her own.  She used one arm to take Alex’s right hand in her own.  She gives it a squeeze and hugged the agent tighter to her chest. “Alex, I need you to breathe with me.  You’re going to hyperventilate.”
When Alex doesn’t respond, Lucy briefly thinks she may have to call medical.  Then, Alex hiccupped a few sobs back and, slowly, she bit out a sentence.
“Sh –” Alex cut off for a moment as she coughed hard. Lucy winced as she listened to how deep and wet it was.
“I a-ah-asked h-her to marry me a-an-and she t-told me she-sh-shhhe’s leaving me,” Alex hiccupped through tears. “Sh-She meh-met up with E-Emily and w-wants her b-b-back.”
Lucy is stunned as she clutches Alex to herself, numb with shock.  Maggie and Alex, gone.  Done. Maggie leaving Alex for an ex, and god, that has got to sting, bad.
“Oh, Alex,” Lucy whispers, as Alex cries harder.  Her motions, however, had become less of a thrash, and more stillness has washed over the agent. Alex now simply laid back against Lucy, not a lot of energy left in her body.  Between the fever, the exhaustion, emotions, and malnutrition, it’s not surprising.
Lucy goes for her phone and drags it out of her pocket.  She types in a well-known number and puts it to her ear, hoping desperately that the other picks up.  
Thankfully, Kara’s voice rings through, and Lucy speaks shakily, her sentence surrounded by Alex’s soft sobs.
“Kara, you need to get to the DEO.  Now.”  
 Kara landed just minutes after they had ended the call, Lucy still sitting on the floor with Alex against her chest.  Lucy looks up at Kara, her outfit a bit singed, and at Lena, who looks stunned when she saw Agent Danvers, walls down and crying weakly on the ground.
“What happened?” Kara asks immediately.  She kneels in front of Alex and Lucy, reaching her arms out and taking her older sister into her arms.  
When Alex didn’t speak, simply curling up against Kara’s chest, Lucy was the one to speak.
“Alex and I had been talking about her proposing to Maggie,” Lucy said softly, trying to keep it soft enough that Alex wouldn’t hear, but with her super hearing, Kara would.
“She had a plan, but after the invasion, she leapt on asking Maggie.  Apparently, Maggie was already going to return to Emily.”
Kara’s eyes widen, and she hitched her sister into her arms, hugging her tightly.  She closes her eyes as she listens to Alex slowly calm down again, and feels the burning coming from her sister’s skin.  Her cells were raging attack against something. Just what, Kara couldn’t tell.  
“She was in the lab for a few days,” Lucy explained.  She still hadn’t moved from her spot on the floor. She pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them, however.
“One day in the field, then immediately to the lab for four days straight.  We’re all so used to Maggie making her leave that we forgot she gets this way.  I was going to get food in her, get her to your apartment for when you returned.  I told her I’d tell J’onn about her being up if she didn’t come, and she started sobbing.  I don’t know what happened.”
Kara nodded, standing up and pulling Alex into her arms. She took a deep breath before looking at Lena, who had moved closer to look at the agent who had dropped into an exhaustion-filled sleep.  
“I can get my stuff, take a look at her.  I did three years of medical school, did a residency.  I’m not a true doctor anymore, but I know enough,” Lena offered.  
Kara immediately nodded, ready to take Lena up on that offer.  She looked at Lucy, shifting Alex closer in her arms, and so that her head rested on Kara’s shoulder instead of simply being held bridal style.  Alex coughed, her cough wet and deep, the sound of mucus churning in Alex’s lungs making Lucy wince and bite back nausea.
“Lucy, can you take Lena to get her stuff and we’ll meet at my place?” Kara asked, anxiously shuffling as she held Alex close.  The thought of taking her sister back to the medical bay made her stomach churn violently. She’d never thrown up before, but Kara was fairly certain this was what a human would feel just before violently vomiting.  She swallowed thickly and, without either of the other two noticing, Kara began to walk out the door.
She found J’onn at the door into the parking garage.  His eyes immediately shot to his Earth Daughter, who was limply laying in Kara’s arms, her breathing audible and ragged as she tried valiantly to take in enough air to meet her body’s need for oxygen.  It was made difficult by the mucus that coated the inside, making the air exchange much harder than it should have been.
Kara and J’onn shared a look.  Kara’s, filled with anger and worry.  J’onn’s, filled with confusion.
“She and Maggie are done,” Kara whispered, glancing down at her sister.  “She’s sick, probably worked herself into another pneumonia reoccurrence. Lena’s going to take a look at her at my apartment.  I’m taking her home.” Kara said it all while looking at her sister, wanting nothing more than to wipe away the tears that were drying and leaving tear tracks on her face.  
J’onn felt his heart skip a beat in shock as he looked at Alex.
“Take her home,” he agreed. “I’ll send Dr. Hamilton to check on her as well.  We’ll deliver anything you need in order to keep her from having to go to the ER or check into the Med Bay again.”
Kara nodded slowly and her jaw clenched visibly. She looked up from her sister to look J’onn in the eyes, every emotion but pure sorrow gone from her eyes.
“Please, don’t do anything against Maggie.  I know we’re like your daughters,” Kara started, “but Maggie has a right to her own happiness as well.  If that happiness isn’t with Alex, then Alex will find her own happiness without Maggie.”
J’onn took a moment to look at Kara before he smiled and patted her on the shoulder.
“When did you become so wise?” he questioned, a small laugh bubbling out.
“I learned it from a great sister.  She’s about yea tall, short hair, currently freshly single.”
J’onn rolled his eyes and smiled at Kara before he looked down at Alex, still asleep in her younger sister’s arms.  She breathed in and out raggedly, and J’onn felt his heart clench almost painfully when he heard the bubbling in her lungs.  He bent over a bit, ran his hand over the top of Alex’s head, and the stood up again.
“I’ll send you a message before I stop by.  You can’t keep me away,” he said.  “Is that alright?”
Kara nodded and gave him the first real smile she’d had in the last ten minutes.  
“Perfectly.  Text me when you’re ready.  I’m going to take her to my apartment so she can rest.”
“Take good care of her.”
Kara walked into the light, where the ceiling stopped and the sky began, and turned back to J’onn.
“Always do,” she promised. She took off, starting her minute-long flight home.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Wishes - Chapter 28
Lauren would be lying if she said she wasn’t at least a little bit nervous for the day. It was the last day before her birthday and the final day of her three best friends being at Disney World with her. She had spent the entire night stuck in a bed with an aching back from Dinah kicking her repeatedly, and a pillow blocking her ears from Normani’s obnoxious sleep talk. She kept reminding herself through the night that it could be worse. She could’ve been stuck in a bed with Lucy after all. 
Lauren was still unsure of where Lucy and her stood. As far as Lauren knew, they were still friends. However, there was always that awkward sense when they were around each other. Lauren still tried as hard as she could to keep their friendship afloat. It wasn’t going to be something that could go back to how they were before the whole mess unraveled. It was going to take time. 
“Jauregui, get moving,” Dinah said as she hit the green-eyed girl with a pillow. 
“Stop it, Dinah,” Lauren mumbled as she pulled the blanket over her head. 
She had barely gotten any sleep during the night and wanted nothing more than a few minutes of peace and quiet. 
“Don’t be a cranky butt, Lauser. We have things to do and places to go.”
“It can wait." 
"We have reservations in a few hours so you better get your ass up,” Normani said as she came out of the bathroom. 
“Go without me.”
“Like Normani is going to let that happen,” Lucy giggled as she unplugged her phone from her charger. 
“Ugh,” Lauren sighed as she rolled over.
Normani was never going to let her skip the reservation. Even when they had reservations to local restaurants, Normani was sure everyone was ready to go. She was definitely the mother of the group. 
“Lauren, I’m not playing,” Normani said as she ripped the blanket off the green-eyed girl. 
“I told you I’m coming,” Lauren snapped back as she grabbed the blanket from Normani. 
“Damn,” the Polynesian laughed. “I guess someone hasn’t gotten laid.”
Lauren looked over at the Polynesian, giving her a death glare with her emerald eyes. 
“Lauren, I’m not going to tell you again. Don’t make me drag your Cuban ass out of this bed,” Normani threatened. 
“You guys are worse than my mom,” Lauren huffed as she threw the covers off her and pushed herself off the bed. 
The day was already starting off on a bad foot. 
As the day continued, Lauren only became more nervous. It was a day full of surprises, something that the green-eyed girl hated more than anything. Then, have Dinah in charge of the surprises, and there’s no knowing what the surprises could be. However, so far the surprises haven’t been as bad as Lauren expected. 
They started the day out by getting some food into their systems before moving onto the attractions. They started out easy by watching the Little Mermaid (Lauren’s favorite) before moving up into the more extreme rides like Tower of Terror and the Rock n’ Roller Coaster.
As the night went on, the girls surprised Lauren with reservations for Ohana for dinner. The five-year-old in Lauren came out as she met the characters from her second favorite childhood movie, Lilo and Stitch. Then, to top the night off, the girls surprised her with a Little Mermaid cake and balloons when they got back to their hotel room.
The day went a lot better than Lauren could’ve ever imagined. It was like they went back in time to the good o'l days. The days where they had fun and careless days with no drama roaming throughout the air. The only thing that could make this day better was if Camila tagged along with them.
Lauren made sure the keep the brown-eyed Latina caught up on her day. A numerous amount of text messages were sent between the duo including a long, heart felt birthday message written by Camila, and a little video of Alexa and Camila wishing the green-eyed girl a very happy birthday. Lauren saved the message and the video to her phone, along with a few pictures Camila sent throughout her day at Blizzard Beach. 
“Look at our little Lolo,” Dinah teased as she dropped her black suitcase onto the bed. “She’s so cute when she’s in love." 
Lauren rolled her eyes as she continued to text Camila. 
"So when are you going to get your lazy ass moving and officially ask her out?” Lucy asked as she threw the bag of dirty laundry in her suitcase. 
“I’m not sure yet,” Lauren replied, becoming a bit uncomfortable. 
“You better do it soon. Time is ticking away,” Normani added before she walked into the bathroom. 
“There’s no need to rush anything right now. I have all the time in the world,” Lauren said as she waited anxiously for a reply from the brown-eyed mother. 
“You really don’t,” Dinah said as she started to stuff things into her suitcase. 
“I don’t?" 
"If you don’t wife her up soon then I’m gonna have to go after her." 
"You wouldn’t." 
"Do you want to try me?” Dinah asked, raising one eyebrow. “A girl like her isn’t left out on the market for long. Sooner or later someone is going to come up and snatch her before you can. You better move fast Lauser, before it’s too late." 
"Dinah, you could barely utter a single word to Camila until a few days ago. There is no way you could ask Camila out,” Lauren laughed. 
“Don’t test me, Lauser,” Dinah threatened, making Lauren laugh harder. “Your girl could become my girl.”
“O-o-okay,” Lauren spit out between the uncontrollable laughter. 
“It’s not that funny,” the Polynesian said, glaring at the green-eyed girl. 
“It actually kinda is,” Lucy spoke up.
“Stay out of it Vives,” Dinah growled. 
“I actually think I’ll stay for awhile,” Lucy said as she plopped down on her bed. 
“You two drive me insane.”
“Welcome to our world. You drive us insane everyday." 
Dinah rolled her brown eyes and carried on with packing up her bag. The gang was definitely back to normal.
"Do you think she’ll like it?” Alexa said as she held onto the Little Mermaid crown. It was a duplicate of the one resting on the top of her head. 
“I think she’ll love it,” Camila answered as she looked down the teal and purple crown Alexa insisted Lauren needed. 
“May I knock?” Alexa asked, looking for approval. Camila nodded in approval before Alexa knocked her tiny fist against the salmon colored door. 
“Coming,” Lauren’s voice rang from behind the door. After a few seconds the green-eyed girl finally opened up the door. 
“For you my queen,” Alexa said as she held out the crown while being down on one knee. 
Lauren looked down at the little girl before looking up at Camila, and then back down at Alexa. 
“Take it,” Alexa whispered before putting her big smile back on. 
“Thank you my princess,” Lauren said as she took the crown out of Alexa’s hands and placed it on the top of her wavy Raven hair. 
“I’m a mermaid,” Alexa corrected as she stood back up. 
“Thank you my mermaid.”
“You’re welcome,” Alexa smiled happily. 
“So what do my two favorite ladies have planned for me today?” Lauren asked as she followed Alexa down the path to the bus stop. 
“Epcot!” Alexa shouted excitedly as she jumped up and down. 
“We were originally going to take you to a water park so you could have a day by the pool, but after hearing about your parents taking you there yesterday, Alexa and I decided to change our plans and go to Epcot instead,” Camila explained. 
“Lamp, we’re going to eat around the world!”
“We’re gonna look like the giant ball at Epcot,” Lauren said as she sat down on the bench. 
“I wanted to drink around the world but mommy said that’s only for grown ups,” Alexa pouted as she found a seat on Lauren’s lap. 
“Moms always kill the mood,” Lauren said as she wrapped her arms around the little girl. 
“We could’ve turned up on chocolate milk,” Alexa said frustrated. 
“Yeah Camila, we could’ve turned up on chocolate milk,” Lauren played along as she looked up at the mother standing in front of her. “Why’d you have to kill the party?”
“Maybe we’ll come back in a few years and go drinking chocolate milk in every country,” Camila smirked as she moved a loose strand of hair away from Lauren’s eyes. 
“I actually really like that idea,” Lauren perked up as she imagined a weekend getaway with Camila while they celebrated her 21st birthday. 
“I figured you would." 
"And she’s out,” Camila giggled as she caught Alexa’s head from falling forward. 
“It’s about time. Her little body was going a mile a minute,” Lauren said as she lifted the sleeping girl off the chair and into her arms. 
“Oh what I would do to have the energy of a four-year-old again." 
"And to have someone carry me back to my bed after a long day,” Lauren added as she wrapped a towel around Alexa’s body. 
“Did you see how fast she was running from country to country? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that excited or even move that quick." 
"It could have something to do with the ice cream we bought her in France." 
"She was all over the place after that,” Camila laughed as she remembered Alexa being hyper active during her sugar rush. 
“At least we were able to sneak in a few kisses,” Lauren smirked as she followed Camila out of the pool area. 
“A few?” Camila questioned. “There were at least ten in every country." 
"The shops kept the kid busy, so I had to take every chance that I could get. I try to treat every kiss like it’s the last one I’ll receive." 
"I should start doing that,” Camila said as she led them down to a desolated beach. 
“It part of me wanting to live in the moment more. It’s something I’ve been trying to do more and more even though I find myself slipping up at times.”
“What made you want to start living in the moment more?” Camila asked becoming interested. 
“I feel like this is going to be every Miami High student’s answer, but it was honestly our senior english class,” Lauren laughed as she sat down in the sand next to Camila. She readjusted Alexa and cradled the little girl in her arms. “As much as I hated Mr. Kroff, I actually learned a lot in his class. I always came out of his class wanting to cherish life more but I never stuck with it. It wasn’t until he had us read Tuesdays with Morrie that I actually made this a lifestyle. When I think back to childhood all I remember is wishing my life away. I always wanted to be in the next grade or turn a year older. I always thought I’d be happier after I finished middle school, but I wasn’t, so then I thought I’d be happier after high school and I rushed through my high school years. Now that high school is over, I’m not as happy as I thought I’d be. I was so worried about graduating and going off to college that I didn’t pay attention to the things that I had. After reading that book, I started counting my blessings. I either wrote or thought of three things that I was blessed with each day because any second those blessings could be taken away from me.”
“There aren’t too many people with your determination, Lauren. People always say they’ll do things and they might do those things, but they never turn it into a lifestyle. I’ll admit I’m one of those people.”
“It’s not easy. It’s not easy as all,” Lauren said as she caressed Alexa’s cheek before looking up to meet Camila’s chocolate eyes. 
“I really like your determination. It’s quite attractive,” Camila admitted before looking down at the sand. 
“Oh yeah?” Lauren asked, perking up. 
“Yeah,” Camila nodded as she brought her eyes back up. “I like a girl who knows what she wants." 
"I know I want you." 
"Then make me your’s,” Camila challenged as she moved in closer. 
“I will.”
The two paused for a minute. Their lips only a few centimeters away and the moon shining down on them like a spotlight. Lauren lightly started nibbling on her bottom lip as she debated on whether or not to make the first move. After a few seconds, Lauren couldn’t wait any longer and crashed her lips onto the brown-eyed beauty in front of her.
Camila took Lauren’s lesson into account and focused in on their kiss.  She cupped Lauren’s face with her hands, pulling the green-eyed girl in for a longer and stronger kiss. Her lips moved against Lauren’s soft plumped ones like it was the last time their lips would ever meet. 
Camila slowly backed away from the kiss, breathing heavy as she tried to bring more air into her lungs. Every kiss they shared felt better and stronger. 
“Camila, will you be my girlfriend?”
Hi guys!
I have some sad news. There’s only one chapter left of this book :( BUT don’t be too sad because the sequel, Dreams, is going to becoming out shortly after I publish the last chapter. 
I hope you all have a super, amazing, fantastic day/night!
- Ashley
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