#anyway this came to me at 2am
ourhouseishaunted · 1 year
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Vash and Chronica's terrible sibling game night
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grxceful-ly · 1 year
peter bringing mayday with him to do spider stuff because yeah, he had things to live for before--but now he has a child and he is going to raise this child and be there for her and maybe if she’s there, strapped to his chest, he’ll be more careful. he’ll consider his life almost as precious as hers. maybe bringing mayday to work is a precaution. 
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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sketches from @mipexch 's whiteboard a couple days ago!!
also feat. a very small reference to @onlineviolence :]
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lohstandfound · 2 months
what's wrong with the existing ship names why do we need new ones
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writersmorgue · 1 year
BNHA characters and the movies that make them cry
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Midoriya Izuku: Any movie.
The most gut wrenching sobs and body shaking cries can be coaxed out of him from any character death. Even a villain with an irredeemable past.
Bakugo Katsuki: It Chapter Two dir. Andy Muschietti
Look, he doesn't cry often, but combining the surprise of something so gutwrenching and tragic in what's supposed to be a typical horror movie, and right at the beginning too... But they were mainly shocked tears!!! Obviously. He's not a wimp. He definitely didn't also cry at Richie's end scene.
Todoroki Shouto: Room dir. Lenny Abrahamson
He hates ambiguous endings. All he wants is for the mother and her son to be happy like they deserve, but he can't stand the truth that trauma like that doesn't just disappear. Not even when they're free.
Ochako Uraraka: The Princess and the Frog dir. Ron Clements, John Musker
A movie about true love, childhood hardships, loss, and dreams coming true? Yeah. Balling her eyes out. Every time.
Kirishima Eijirou: Inside out dir. Pete Docter, Ronnie Del Carmen
It might be losing childhood innocence, it might be parental disputes, it might be Bing Bong. The only thing for certain is that he needs more tissues. It's his guilty pleasure movie for when he needs a good, manly cry.
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berry--blonde · 2 years
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The second chance I never thought we'd get
In which Akechi survives, chosing to lay low and not contact Akira afterwards, despite everything - and in which fate has it that Akira finds him years later, living on the same floor of the apartment complex he just moved into.
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everythingisubtext · 1 year
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You can’t watch XO Kitty and not see Damian and Anya in that scene
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fieryvoid-scout · 1 month
Every time I have to clean a bright red sauce from a pot. I think about this one time when I used to be a dishwasher at a country club. Long story short, the head cook at the time who was kinda a tool (not to do with his cooking prowess, he could cook, he was just a dick) that did the whole “sign this waiver to eat the Super Hot Spicy Chicken Wings” thing, you know, as many do. Well a group came in one busy busy day and ordered a bunch of wings and one of them ordered the Super Hot Spicy “You’ll probably be crying on the toilet later” Carolina Reaper Sauce (that looked fucking scrumptious I might add, but I never did get to eat it.)
Anyway, they order it, he cooks it, it gets slid my way to clean it. Shouldn’t even be a thing — a thought even. Except the way I clean dishes is by rinsing them out with a high pressure water nozzle. (Basically blasting the shit off it with water and THEN washing it w/ soap etc.)
The quick among you may be left wondering…
I basically aerosolized the entire kitchen full of fellow coworkers with Carolina reaper sauce, it was the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. It went like this:
At first I didn’t even realize there was a problem, sure it was a hot sauce, I was doing some coughs, but honestly it wasn’t that bad for me even with me being at the epicenter (for reference, I can handle spicy food, crave it even.)
But then the next thing I hear is the head cook coughing and sputtering and gagging after giving me more cooking utensils to wash on the far side of the dishwashing station. The poor bastard experiencing his creation in the least enjoyable manner. This is when it started to get comical because after this point the whole kitchen became consumed with the aerosol Carolina Reaper sauce, soon everyone was coughing, even the old grandpa line cook that was from mexico and always acted like stuff didn’t affect him kept having to “clearing his throat”.
By this point, all the waiters and waitresses are coughing too, beat red faces from trying to stop coughing and trying not to laugh at their coworkers faces while trying to work. Better outcome than expected really, at first I thought they’d be mad (we were having a busy day).
But obviously we’re making a bit of a commotion, so the event manager walks in to come see what’s going on, and I shit you not she took maybe three steps max into the kitchen and started gagging like a fish out of water. Trying to sputter out “What” Making us all burst out laughing all over again.
Probably my fondest memory of that place (it sucked, not the waiters tho they were cool), I want to do that to people again one day I feel like it’d be even funnier premeditated.
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iiwaijime · 2 months
me when i want to eat suna as in nom nom nom likr chicken fry but i need to be normal
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icedmetaltea · 2 years
So there’s an au where Sun doesn’t exist, it’s just Moon who kinda chills in the daycare to keep the peace and help kids sleep at naptime. The Afton virus stuff happens and people are beginning to get a sneaking suspicion that the bots have something to do with it but they can't prove it (not sure about the exact timeframe but yea) Enter a programmer y/n who somehow learns about the virus and wants to put a stop to it once and for all. They manage to program a “virus” of their own to infect the animatronics and kill the afton virus. Since they want to be able to monitor the bots at all times and watch the progress, they get a job as a security guard, secretly bringing their own laptop into the security room to run lines of code and infiltrate the system. The first animatronic to successfully be infected is Moon, and instead of killing the afton virus immediately, it sort of just… makes itself a host, who keeps switching back and forth between the consciousness of itself and the uninfected Moon (so basically a Sun is born lol) As long as this virus Sun is kept online, Moon can operate like normal- and he’s just as confused as he is relieved to finally be back to reality (though for mystery and angst purposes, he has no idea what’s happened since before he got infected dun-dun) Sun starts communicating with Moon (as much as y/n tries to stop it) and eventually he figures out something’s up, which inevitably leads to him finding and confronting y/n about it… and when he realizes what he did while infected… yeah, he kinda just literally shuts down. Leaving Sun to figure out how to take care of the responsibilities of the daycare while Moon is “sleeping” (don’t worry he comes back later but he has some trauma to process) On a less angsty note, Sun has absolutely no clue how to behave around people, much less kids, and has to base all his “normal” interactions around what he can research on youtube- all while not drawing suspicion from any of the other staff. He asks y/n how to act more naturally and they have no clue either since y/n’s an extreme shut-in who can’t keep a conversation going for more than 5 seconds as it is. There’s also a plot going on in the background of y/n trying to figure out how to get the virus to work on the other animatronics, since so far Sun was the only successful attempt. 
Even more fun if Sun has the ability to kinda travel through any electronic connected to wifi, and can remotely infect y/n’s computer at will if he wants to (giorejuigheughuir just imagine y/n’s tryna sleep and all of a sudden Sun makes a super loud pop-up play bc he doesn’t understand the concept of sleeping yet and wants to get their attention to ask them something- and it turns out to be something stupid like “time sensitive question: how to open bottle of glitter glue)  Also I just rlly like the idiot of a hurt/comfort side of things where Sun, even though he hasn’t figured out how the whole emotions thing works yet, ends up helping Moon heal from the trauma, especially since he’s available for venting to 24/7 lol. Like before this, Moon has worked in the daycare alone till now, so he ends up finding an unlikely friend in both Sun and y/n (well mainly bc Sun has zero filter and will blabber about everything he knows about y/n behind their back fireuigjregtuilg)
(and yes the roles could be swapped, as if you couldn’t tell I’m more of a Sun simp but I could absolutely see it working with an actual (non-afton) virus Moon. It’d certainly make more sense canonically… like over time he’d become less of a blank slate and more of a caregiver, so much so that management notices the shift in behavior of their Sun animatronic helping kids sleep during naptime (something he learned to do to get a stubbornly sleep-deprived y/n to sleep lol) so they modify Sun’s body to include Moon’s actual form.
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harvestmoth · 2 years
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no one asked for more of hisui melia but ive brought it out anyways
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syrenki · 6 months
does anybody know how to manage arachnophobia? i'm physically shaking, covered in snot and tears, tired, but unable to go to sleep because i don't know where the spider in my room went
#mine#i ran for the vacuum cleaner but the spider was gone when i came back#and oh my fucjing god i cannot possibly go to sleep#i fucking screamed then i WHIMPERED out of fear just trying to step into my fucking room#i thought since i have the vacuum here anyway now i could just vacuum all under and behind my bed even though it's 2am#but i'm terrified of moving my bed#i imagine some kind of a spider nest or eggs there i'm fucking SHAKING man i don't know how to function i literally need therapy i think#this is UNMANAGEABLE i hate being so terrified i'm still crying and there's NO ONE to help me#in fact i must somehow make it without screaming if i find it again#or it finds me#because my roommate will be angry with me#i just called my father shaking and barely able to speak begging him to come to my place tomorrow and buy me some anti spider spray#or else one of those electrical devices#they scare spiders away#but like i said#i??? really mean it when i say i cried and screamed#now i'm just standing here in the cold room dreading the idea of going to bed because I KNOW if they're coming from somewhere it's THERE#jfc#i have to have my father help me#ohhh my fucking god i think i'll puke.#i literally think i need some anti-phobia therapy honestly#i can't wake up my roommate again i can't#godgodgodgodgodgod#what fucking punishment is this i can't move i am frozen to this spot anyway i move it'll be there#i don't fucking know what terrifies me so fucking much They're just little insects but i'm still frozen in spot nauseous and crying
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dustyspines · 8 months
I’ve sought for months the opportunity to shoehorn the phrase dog days into a fic ever since miss swift performed evermore acoustic and it SPOKE to my soul and now I can sleep easily knowing the words are out there 🙏🏼🙏🏼 they are alive I have achieved my mission 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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n1ghtm4r3-p01s0n · 2 years
Horror High - Jigsaw Family Game Night
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After asking @1percentcharge (Anonymously, but none the wiser I asked her) what piece of Horror High fanart she wanted to see more, she said this one. So, here it is! Let me tell you - my wrist is fucking killing me, but I don't mind. This also started, btw, cause of a trap someone submitted to @shittysawtraps (which I have included below for those who don't know what I'm on about).
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If you wanna read about easter eggs and references, continue reading below. Other than that, I hope you guys enjoy this piece! ^^
The game they are playing is based on The Game of Life. Cause I found the idea hilarious.
There are four pieces being used by Seesaw, Kramer, Hoffman and Amanda. Seesaw has the Reverse Bear Trap, Kramer has the face of Billy the puppet (had to include him somewhere), Hoffman has a car to represent the Horsepower Trap (one of my favourites - not just because it featured Chester Bennington), and Amanda has John's favourite animal - a pig.
In Saw's lore, Hoffman (and possibly Amanda?) didn't know about Lawrence being another apprentice (which was used to explain why Cary Elwes couldn't film but in a way that makes sense in the plot), but I like to imagine that because Seesaw is there she by default WOULD know about Lawrence, and thus that cover would be blown well out of the water. (Would it change some of the events? Of, most certainly.)
In keeping with the mystery of just WHICH 'Jigsaw' Seesaw is the daughter of, I decided to have Kramer (and by defacto, Jill) be Seesaw's grandparents and Amanda, Hoffman and Lawrence (and possibly Nelson if Seesaw ever found out about him) to be her uncles and aunt. Who does she actually consider herself daughter of? You decide! (Lawrence, cause we ALL know what happened to John, Jill, Amanda and Hoffman.) That is what one of the doodles on the table is of.
The other doodle has a hidden Billy the puppet (covered by the family doodle) and a reverse bear trap with blood surrounding it.
The newspaper page hidden under the game board is based on TWO different newspapers that appear within the Saw franchise. The layout and general style of the page is inspired by;
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While (hidden) the story was written by Grover Cherry, in reference to;
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Lawrence is holding X-Ray sheets, showing a key in someone's chest. As a reference to both the Venus Flytrap, as well as when William Easton had a key hidden inside of his body.
On Lawrence's jacket is a custom logo I made for his second area of work; Saint Eustace Hospital.
I used SO MANY brushes from both CSP and Photoshop, it's actually unreal. As well as textures SAI 2.0 has.
Not a reference or easter egg, but; I explain the reason that Kramer, Hoffman, Amanda and Lawrence could all be in the same picture at the same time is because this picture is when Seesaw is a child, and takes place before the events of Saw 3.
One last one while I remember; see the newspaper? Specifically the picture of a man holding a baby? That’s a vector trace of a picture of Leigh Whannel holding a baby. I’ll leave you to ponder why.
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rachiller · 10 months
I actually had such a peaceful Tuesday off. Like, yes I didn’t get out of bed until like 2 & shower until 4 but I took it easy and didn’t put any pressure on myself and just like. Breathed and it was calm and I felt peaceful and just took time to be a quiet little slug.
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pxrxmoore · 1 year
out of the depths of fuckin nowhere while running a fever last night my torchwood obsession was re-awakened within me. and also apparently livejournal still exists and people still post there???????
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