#anyway this event is so fucking stupid (affectionate)
cremechees · 1 year
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some hells chicken doodles
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welcometoteyvat · 5 months
waterborne poetry you will always be famous
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electricsynthesis · 1 month
keith galraisms post
physical characteristics
-his hair grows like 3 times as fast as a normal persons. it grows unusually thick and weirdly layered and textured. i imagine it having a texture that isnt curly or wavy or straight, but is sort of coarse and pointed. dense hair. this is why he has a weird mullet. he cuts it and then he wakes up a week later and the mullets back. i reblogged a post with this exact hc like 2 days ago but i stg ive had this opinion for years
-somewhere around 19-20~ his canines fall out. literally like humans' teeth do with baby teeth. they get wiggly and then fall out. and then he grows extremely pointed fangs in their spot. when he tells coran this, coran explains that this is common in galra to lose their milk canines and grow adult fangs. lance compares it to wisdom teeth and keith gets annoyed
-on a similar note, the reason keith has a full set of teeth despite being a troglodyte child who beats people up when pissed off is because he just grows his teeth back once theyre knocked out. this didnt happen with his baby teeth but once his adult teeth grew in, he would just. Grow new teeth. this unsettles him deeply everytime he thinks about it because humans are born with both sets of teeth. how is he doing this .
-he can see in the dark
-he has prey animal hearing. his ears perk up when he hears sharp distant sounds
-obviously i think he growls when hes pissed and purrs when hes happy. Who do you take me for. i do think this is one of those things keith assumed was normal until he was older and someone he was fighting made fun of him for "growling like a dog". i think, pretty vitally, he does not sound like a human growling andor purring. i think he sounds like a cat. he also hisses but texas kogane trained him out of that as a kid. as an adult (post galra-heritage arc) he sometimes does it anyway. connecting with his inner child <3
-more generally i think his voice toes the razor's edge of sounding like a normal human's. i think it lowers to registers and heightens to heights that sound only just like a human could make that sound
-his ears have always been pointed enough to be noticeable (texas kogane had him trained to keep his hair relatively long so it would cover them) but they only get pointier the older he gets. they never stick out or anything but one day in their twenties allura sees them and is like hey! youre like a baby altean! and keith doesnt live this observation down for the entire rest of his life
-his stupid purple eyes are canon and go without saying. and the whole "go yellow and slitted when hes pissed" is also canon and goes without saying. im bringing this up because in home again's 'verse, by the time the events of the fic are happening the only people whos actually seen this happen are lance and shiro, because keith got a little upset at some enemy combatants on a mission with them once, and when they told him he was like. what the fuck are you talking about. fuck no. you imagined that. and they swear UP AND FUCKING DOWN that no, keith, your eyes literally turned yellow. they went slitted. we didnt imagine it that really happened--
-he bites people. in all contexts. violent. affectionate. sexual. if left unsupervised he will bite hard enough to draw blood so if its a lovebite you have to slap him away. unless youre into that i guess. this is one of those things he didnt notice until adulthood and he sat there like. head in hands. why is me being galra so fucking obvious in hindsight
-whether or not keith's temper and violent tendencies are the result of a childhood of violent bullying and general social neglect or if theres a genetic factor is entirely conjecture and everyone has a different, private opinion on the subject (keith's opinion is that it doesnt really matter), but its generally agreed on that his ability to power through lifethreatening injuries on pure adrenaline is a Galra Thing
-climbs trees like a spider monkey. generally likes being in places that are both high up and enclosed . if left to his own devices will start climbing around on shit. in the castle this is generally fun because theres big empty rooms that are entirely unused. but they all collectively realize this goes beyond castle exploration once they get back to earth and find keith on top of the fridge at 3 am. im talking completely relaxed while shoved as far in the upper corner of the room as he can possibly get
-hoards random shit he finds sentimental and keeps them shoved in various corners of his room. like a dragon. after they get together (sorry for sudden klance bias) lance is constantly accidentally finding his shit scattered around their room shoved into little corners. this is a love language to keith. hes hiding their beloved belongings in safe places. lance finds it EXTREMELY annoying because its early and he needs his moisturizer, keith, if its wrapped in my jacket underneath the bed again im gonna explode
the eternal question
-pidge: have you ever considered talking to a psychologist about you having autism keith: no. the orderly at the orphanage was convinced i was. but i'm obviously just galra. pidge: [exasperated silence]
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tickles-tea · 6 months
Testing Virtues
I know I’m cutting it extremely close but the day isn’t over yet! Anyway, without further ado, merry belated Christmas to @happyandticklish !! In a very funny turn of events, I ended up being your secret Santa for Squealing Santa 2023 ^^ I hope you enjoy this fic of Izaya fucking around and finding out ~ Also, a big thank you to @hypahticklish / @squealing-santa for hosting the event!!
Summary: After realizing that Shizuo is in a rather affectionate mood, Izaya decides to put his patience to the test. Word count: 2.8k
Shizuo Heiwajima could be a difficult man to read.
Despite how clearly he expressed his rage, it could be tricky to read between the lines of his surprisingly aloof resting face. Whether he was perfectly content or one second away from snapping, one could never guess.
At least, that’s what Izaya used to think.
After what he would reluctantly call ‘dating’ the man for several years now, Izaya could decipher his expressions with the ease of someone who had dedicated their life to the art. These little tells were so clear to him now, he couldn’t believe that he’d been completely oblivious to them in the past.
Like how Shizuo’s honey-gold eyes would light up with a childlike spark whenever they’d pass by a pastry shop. His lips were unmoving but his desires were spoken loud and clear. It was without a word from Shizuo that Izaya would lead them into the shop with teases already loaded on his tongue.
And when Shizuo’s shoulders hunched tight with tension-the line of them more solid than the stop signs he crushed beneath his fists- Izaya knew to keep his jabs light but deliberate. It was a bit of a balancing act, teetering between slightly bothersome and truly irritating. However, it was worth watching that harsh line ease whenever a particularly crude quip caught Shizuo off guard enough to make him laugh.
Izaya could always tell what Shizuo was feeling or wanting or needing.
But he wasn’t always generous enough to give it to him. Not without making him put in the work first.
When Izaya awoke to warm kisses being pressed to his neck and fingers creeping up his shirt with fluttery touches, he knew what kind of day it would be. 
It was the hesitation that gave it away, really; the slow progression, as if waiting for permission when they were both far past the point of being shy.
This particular mood didn’t strike Shizuo often, but it was always fun when it did. 
Izaya did nothing to dissuade him, and Shizuo’s touches grew more deliberate with increasing confidence the longer Izaya didn’t protest. A grin pulled at Izaya’s lips, but it had little to do with the hands that lightly tickled at his waist. Because as soon as it started, Izaya was sitting up and away, stretching his arms above his head with a groan. He turned to look down at his bed partner with a sleep-heavy smirk. “It’s not like Shizu-chan to be up so early. I don’t suppose you wanted to join in on my meeting this morning?”
Shizuo blinked away the drowsy confusion at the abrupt shift, now scrunching his nose with distaste as he registered Izaya’s words. “Don’t say stupid things…” He grumbled, a frustrated crease in his brow. He waited for a beat, and when Izaya only stared back at him with a knowing smile, he clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Can’t you stay in bed a little longer? I thought you said that wasn’t until ten.”
Even though Izaya was sure it was meant to be a frown, the unhappy twist of Shizuo’s lips could only be described as a pout.
“The early bird gets the worm and all that. We can't all afford to sleep in, you know?” Izaya chirped back, keeping the banter light despite the intentions already solidifying in his mind. “If you want to stay in bed though, be my guest. I can wake you up once my client’s gone.”
It was a simple offer but Shizuo still took his time answering. He looked at Izaya for a long few moments, lips pursed on indecision and his hands still resting idle on Izaya’s waist, before he let out a resigned breath through his nose and pulled his hands away. “Mm, yeah, that’s fine.”
And though he nuzzled back into the pillow and closed his eyes without any more complaints, Izaya didn’t miss the way his restless hands twitched with restraint.
True to his word, Izaya woke Shizuo up a few hours later once his client had left with a heavier heart and lighter pockets. He hadn’t spared too much time on the task of waking him; only ducking into the bedroom with a drawled out “Shizuuuu-chaaan~” and tossing an apple at his head when he didn’t stir. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it and it wouldn’t be the last, but Izaya still couldn’t help but snicker when Shizuo exited the room a few minutes later with the half eaten apple in hand.
Izaya watched as Shizuo finished it off in a few bites and threw away the core before immediately making his way over to Izaya’s desk. Strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind as Shizuo leaned in to kiss the crook of his neck. “Good mornin’,” he rumbled, breath hot against Izaya’s skin.
“It’s noon, Shizu-chan.”
Shizuo grumbled in mild annoyance. “Then good afternoon, you pest.”
He squeezed Izaya slightly to punctuate his words. However, his groused frustration was countered by those gentle fingers tapping at Izaya’s sides again. And just as before, they were light, questioning. “You busy?”
Not even the rough edge of sleep still clinging to his voice could conceal the quiet hopefulness behind his words. 
He ghosted fluttery kisses along the line of Izaya’s throat to spread goosebumps across his skin- once again testing the waters. 
And once again Izaya grinned.
“Oh~ What’s this? Did Shizu-chan need me for something?” Izaya questioned in a playful drawl, tensing beneath Shizuo’s touch. He traced mindless shapes on Izaya’s sides, veering closer to his belly to scrape the ghost of his fingernails over the sensitive skin. It took an impressive amount of restraint for Izaya to not react to the ticklish shivers that ran through his nerves.
“Izaya…” he started, shifting to murmur into Izaya’s ear to make him twitch. “C-“
He barely had a second to begin before Izaya was interrupting to answer his own question.
“-because I’m afraid I don’t have time to spare right now,” he clarified, spinning in his chair to face him and knocking his hands away in the process. The sigh in his voice was just subtle enough to pass as truly apologetic. At least somewhat. “Can it wait?”
Tipping his head up to meet Shizuo’s eyes, Izaya was met with an expression he knew well. Thick brows furrowed on growing frustration and a troubled twist to his lips because he couldn’t find a reason to be truly upset. A rarity for Shizuo, but even he could respect when someone was busy. 
He didn’t need to know that Izaya had just been playing sudoku before he walked in. It was his fault, really, for being fooled by the random document Izaya had pulled up at the last second. 
With another one of those pouty scowls, Shizuo gently knocked his forehead against Izaya’s.
It was a question despite bearing the bluntness of a statement.
Judging by the restless padding of feet across the hardwood floor and the too long-stares sent his way, Izaya knew that ‘later’ couldn’t come soon enough for Shizuo. 
He wasn’t exactly known for his patience and Izaya hadn’t exactly been making it easier on him. But that’s what was fun about these kinds of days, and who could blame him when Shizuo had such entertaining reactions? 
It was amusing to watch Shizuo clench his fists at his sides when Izaya stretched, raising his arms high above his head with a pleased groan as if he was oblivious to Shizuo’s plight. 
He’d nearly choked on his glass of milk when Izaya reached for a book on a high shelf, which caused his shirt -untucked for once- to raise and reveal a sliver of his belly. When Izaya had turned to look at him, Shizuo was staring resolutely at the ceiling as he chugged the rest of the glass.
It was terribly endearing when Shizuo thought he was being discreet. However, there was nothing subtle about how tightly his jaw was clenched when Izaya had him fetch a glass of water for the ‘tickle in his throat’.
Perhaps Izaya would feel more guilty about riling Shizuo up when he was asking for what he wanted so sweetly, but it was just too easy.
Izaya was an opportunist at heart, after all.
This secret game of his continued for another two hours, with Izaya coming up with new and subtle ways to drive Shizuo mad. Izaya was honestly impressed with how well Shizuo was holding up, but all things must come to an end, and Shizuo’s streak of patience was no exception. 
His breaking point came when Izaya settled into his chair, picked up a stack of documents, and kicked his feet up onto the desk. It must have been that it was so uncharacteristic of Izaya to ‘rest’ in such a vulnerable position that Shizuo was tipped off to Izaya’s scheming. Or perhaps it was pure coincidence that his fuse happened to burn out at that moment. Either way, Izaya wasn’t too upset when Shizuo shot up from the couch and stomped over to his desk with red-tipped ears and a snarl.
“Oi, what’s up with that pose, huh?” Shizuo growled, leaning far over the desk to meet Izaya face to face. His arms were tense with restless energy where they held his weight against the desk, bracing on either side of Izaya’s legs. 
Izaya smiled pleasantly at him. “Hm? Aren’t I allowed to be comfortable while I work?”
Shizuo glared down at him- and if looks could kill, Izaya would be six feet under. 
“You look a little too comfortable, if you ask me. Just how busy have you been, really?”
A strong hand wrapped around one of his ankles, and Izaya had to resist the urge to jerk his foot back on instinct. “Quite busy. You see, today I’m conducting an observational experiment of sorts. I suppose you could call it testing a beast’s ability to restrain itself and its needs in the face of temptation. Riveting stuff~”
Shizuo bared his teeth in an animalistic grin that sent a shiver of premonition down Izaya’s spine. “Oh yeah? What conclusion have you come to?” The grip tightening  around Izaya’s ankle might as well have been squeezing his lungs for how it caused his breath to falter in his chest. 
“That even beasts can possess an impressive level of patience and willpower, but even so, that control is temporary, and eventually they succumb to their urges. It’s in their nature, after all,” Izaya challenged with a smirk. However, his confidence couldn’t hide the way his hands clutched the arms of his chair in anticipation.
His heart was starting to thrum in his chest; because behind the irritation in Shizuo’s gaze, there was a certain glint in his eyes. Now that Shizuo knew of Izaya’s game, he was ready to play. 
Just the thought was enough to set off the butterflies in Izaya’s stomach.
“I see. If giving in is inevitable, why hold back at all then, right?” Shizuo gave him little warning before he was tugging at Izaya’s ankle to pull him closer and yanking him up by his shirt. Izaya yelped, trying not to knock over his monitors in his scramble for balance as he was pulled over and across the desk. He only had a second to be relieved that everything was intact before he was tossed over Shizuo’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Despite knowing that struggling was futile, Izaya fisted his hands in Shizuo’s shirt for stability and tried his best to kick at Shizuo’s thighs. If he felt the hits, he certainly didn’t show it. “Wait a second! What kind of brainless logic is that?!” He shouted, trying to twist his head around to see where he was being taken. He had an idea, and a turn towards the staircase confirmed it.
“Are you sure you should be mouthing off like that? Ah, but maybe you don't care since you’ve been asking for it all day,” Shizuo almost murmured to himself, his anger having faded to an infuriating breeziness.
Izaya’s cheeks flushed despite the absolute ridiculousness of that statement. “Me? Have you forgotten how many times you-!” His words were interrupted by a yelp when Shizuo gave a warning squeeze to his thigh. 
“Shut up.”
Any further protests from Izaya were met with more squeezes to his thighs, each one making him jump more than the last. Shizuo knew very well how sensitive his thighs were, and he was giving Izaya this chance to back down before he used that information against him. And while Izaya was not the kind of man to give up, every once in a while he could accept when he needed to concede. 
He had been orchestrating the setlist all day after all, and now it was time to face the choir. 
He wasn’t, however, expecting to be part of it, and the pitch his voice reached could put the star sopranos to shame. 
“Nahahaha! Shizu-chahahaha-!” His voice cracked on a cackle as Shizuo drilled his thumbs mercilessly into his hips. Upon entering their bedroom, Shizuo had wasted no time in tossing Izaya on the bed and relinquishing the control he’d been holding onto for the past few hours. And he seemed to be making up for the lost time if his zealous start was anything to go by. 
Izaya shook his head back and forth, frantically trying to pry Shizuo’s hands off of his waist, but there was no give to his iron grip. Izaya couldn’t help but wonder which would be easier to free yourself from: a bear trap or Shizuo’s merciless hold.
He quickly settled on the bear trap when Shizuo began kneading at his lower belly, sending sparks of sensitivity crackling across his nerves. “AH! Shit! Stahahahap, you beheheheast!” Izaya threw his head back on shrill laughter, his legs kicking wildly behind him in a stark contrast to Shizuo’s smug composure.
“What do you mean ‘stop’? You were showing off this spot earlier, weren’t you? You think I’m too stupid to notice you untucked your shirt before you stood up?” Shizuo drawled with a satisfied smirk. He suddenly switched from kneading to scratching lightly at Izaya’s belly to pull frenzied giggles from his lips. “It was like you were saying ‘please, please, please, tickle me here’.”
Izaya’s face lit up with a brilliant red flush at the realization. In teasing Shizuo over how much he wanted to get his hands on Izaya and tickle him to tears, Izaya had practically been asking for it the entire time without shame. What was even more mortifying was how-underneath the amusement at Shizuo’s struggle-he’d been just as eager for Shizuo to break. 
He’d choke to death on his own laughter before he ever admitted that though. 
“D-don’t blame me for your lack of self-control!” He scolded before falling into a fit of giggles when fingers skittered along his waistline. “Ehehehe! Wait, wait, wait!” 
His eyes widened into saucers when Shizuo suddenly caught his hands and pinned them above his head, learned anticipation thudding his heart against his chest.
“You were showing off this spot too, weren’t you?” Shizuo asked casually, impervious to the way Izaya tugged at his wrists like his life depended on it. “Can’t be helped then.” He followed his words with a shrug before spidering his fingers under Izaya’s arm with a practiced skill. 
The response was instantaneous; Izaya shrieked, arching his back in a desperate attempt to protect himself and failing to gain any reprieve. Shizuo knew all of the ways to drive Izaya up the wall and he wasn’t afraid to utilize them now. He was surprisingly thorough in moments like these- taking the time to try everything from rubbing his thumbs into the dip of Izaya’s underarms to lightly scritching at his biceps.
The latter had seemed merciful at first, as Izaya’s biceps weren’t normally that ticklish. He quickly learned that wasn’t the case, though, when Shizuo lingered there long enough for the sensation to become absolutely maddening. 
It took an embarrassingly long time for Izaya to find his words again, but of course he found a way to talk through the flood of mirth.
“Ahahaha! D-don’t try to act like this isn’t-“ his words were interrupted by a loud bark of laughter when suddenly Shizuo pinched at his upper ribs. “Like this isn’t whahahat you’ve been begging for all day!”
That seemed to finally get under Shizuo’s skin enough for him to scowl and lean in close. If Shizuo had to fight to keep that scowl from twitching up at the corners, neither of them mentioned it.
“Well, if this is what we both wanted, I guess I should go all out right?”
A shiver ran down Izaya’s back, and despite the squeals and protests that soon echoed through the apartment, Izaya couldn’t say that he minded it all that much. He could handle the fingers dancing along his skin, no longer restless now that they were focused on the goal of making him wheeze out desperate laughter. He could handle the lips pressing sweetly against his own, turning that same laughter muffled and breathless.
Shizuo had earned this fair and square, and in a way, so had Izaya.
Now all that was left was to enjoy the fruits of their labor. 
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quinloki · 1 year
Birthday Request Event
"It's my birthday and I'll write what I want to \o/"
Gift Details ♥ Reader: AFAB!reader Character: Trafalgar Law Kink: #4 Orgasm Denial Prompt: #1 "Beg for it." Gift Giver: @likesugarandcyanide
Summary: Law has you on edge, and that's where you'll stay until you've stated your needs in a properly detailed manner.
Content Notes: so much dirty talk, oral given, vaginal sex, use of slut affectionately, pet names, swearing, loads of begging.
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This birthday party is 18+, consensual unless explicitly stated otherwise, and BYOB
You struggle, twisting futilely in a hold that doesn’t afford you as much movement as you expected. Save for a pair of socks, you were naked in bed, a fully-clothed Trafalgar Law between your thighs. One leg was over each of his shoulders, your legs dangling in the air as he’s crouched beside the bed. His hands are holding your wrists, and so you can’t squirm away, you can’t move closer easily, and you can’t force him to continue.
His lips are wet with your pleasure. Your face is wet with frustration.
“Law, by the fucking seas, please!” You cry into the room. He’s brought you to the edge three times now and you were almost painfully horny when the evening had begun.
“You can do better than that.” He muses, giving your clit a lick and making your body shiver. “You can be precise.”
Keeping his hold on your wrists his face pushes back into your folds, shaking his head side to side until he’s parted your lips with his own and given his tongue direct access to your clit. Your words garble in your throat, and you throw your head back as the pleasure makes your body shiver. You couldn’t even bring your legs together to try and push him away and give yourself a break.
He wasn’t going to let you cum, so the building pleasure was almost more torture than it was pleasure, but your legs were shaky and tired. Nearly cumming was still an exertion and you were covered in sweat, breathing heavy as your twitching legs slipped down his shoulders while he pushed himself in closer.
“Laaaaaaaw,” you groan in frustration, body arcing against the building pleasure again, your toes curling, you knew he wasn’t going to push you over, but you chased after the sensation anyway. Desperate and needy for release, if only you could keep your mouth shut.
But it wasn’t your sounds that gave you away. It was the fingers against your wrist that made him lean back.
“Beg dirty for me,” he commands, licking the inside of your thigh, causing your entire body to flinch. “Show me how creative you can get.”
“I caaan’t,” you whimper. “I can’t get creative when I can’t think!”
“Desperate then,” Law teases, pushing his tongue past your labia and plunging it deep inside you. He lets out a satisfied grunt as he pushes in deeper, letting his nose tease your clit as his tongue works inside your pussy.
“Fuuugggnnnnnh!” You nearly swear, legs spreading wide on their own, wanting him deeper since you couldn’t be rid of the stimulation. “Fuck, Law, please! Please just fah-fah-fuck me! Fill my – my, hnnngh, pah-pussy with your cock! Please! Please just ra-rail me you bastard, please!”
You’re gasping and whimpering as Law leans back and gives you a look.
“Fuh… fuck me stupid, please.” You whimper.
“Desperate and vulgar.” He muses, a crooked grin spreading across his face.
He stands up, unzipping his pants and setting his hard cock against your wet slit, rubbing it against you slowly. “Don’t stop,” he commands, grabbing your ankles as he continues to tease you.
“Ahmm – please, please put it… in me.” You gasp as he holds your legs out wide. “I’m be-being good, so please.”
“It?” He quirks an eyebrow at you.
“Your cock!” You cry, covering your face for a second before you move your hands away. “Please put your cock in my pussy, Law I am dying.”
“That’s my sweet snowdrop,” he grins, pushing into you slowly. The pressure, the stretch, the sensation of him inside of you is its own relief and you grab onto the sheets beneath you as the pleasure soaks through your body.
Your legs twitch in his grasp as his hips connect with your thighs, filling you entirely. He shifts a bit, pushing your ankles back as he slips a little deeper into you. You gasp at the sensation as your body welcomes him in deeper.
He begins to move, slow and long thrusts, nearly pulling out entirely before he pushes back in, grinding against you, his body teasing rough against your clit before he pulls back out. Despite the slow pace, you can feel pleasure rippling out through your body.
“Please, please Law, fa-faster.” You beg, your hips twisting and shifting as much as they can with his control of your legs.
“You’re twitching and clutching me so sweetly already.” He teases, moving only a little bit faster. “I can fill your sweet little cunt just like this.”
You nod, gasping in pleasure from his actions. “Please, please fill me up, let me, let me cum, Law, please!”
“Let you cum? This entire time, you’ve only been begging for me to fill you up.” He points out, picking up his pace as he licks his lips. “Now, suddenly, you want to cum? All this time and you were just being a greedy slut, hmm?”
You cry for a second, frustration and the hazy bliss building in you, made it hard to sort out little more other than the fact he was threatening to leave you hanging again.
“Together!” You cry in desperation. “I want to cum with you, please!”
Law’s pace hastens and your body’s shuddering with every thrust as he finally starts fucking you how you’ve wanted. “I didn’t say you couldn’t be a greedy slut,” he muses, letting your legs drape over his elbows as he grabs your wrists again. “But… you are beautiful when you’re… cumming as I fill your precious little cunt.”
There’s a shift in his voice and his angle and suddenly he’s hitting all of your sweet spots. His abs keep teasing your clit as he thrusts and grinds into you, sending jolts of pleasure racing through you and scrambling your already addled brain.
Your legs twitch and tense as the pleasure pools inside you, coiling tightly and forcing you to breathe in heavy, whimpering gasps.
“Almost.” He huffs, his pace picking up even more as he pins you between his body and the bed, railing into you as you had initially requested. The smack of skin against skin is off-set by the creaking of the bed as your body is pushed into the tight springs.
“There you go,” Law grins, pulling your arms to your hips as he leans down and assaults your neck, pushing your building pleasure over the edge in a rush.
You suck in a gasp of air as your entire body tenses. You squirm under him, trying to get away from the overwhelming crash of pleasure as you clamp down on his twitching cock. You can feel the slick mess as he empties himself inside you and your body reacts to it by nearly orgasming again, the jolt of pleasure making your body twitch and shudder.
Law’s hands are on you, caressing you and keeping you steady as he pulls out, soft kisses following the line of your jaw. He gives you a moment to catch your breath before he kisses your lips. A quiet smile, a small peck on the tip of your nose, and he steps back, setting your legs carefully onto the mattress.
“See? I knew you could be precise.” He teases, laughing as you stick out your tongue and give him a tired middle finger.
Check out the event - requests are accepted until 7/31/2023 EST
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bishy437 · 5 months
Hey! I know it’s a bit late but I just saw your polls and your recent own opinion and thought I’d add my two cents. Scum Villain is my personal favorite and tgcf is my least favorite. Like many others, tgcf was my first danmei and first mxtx novel and svsss is my most recent.
I liked tgcf but it didn’t really feel like anything was happening, the pacing was very slow and a lot of the arcs felt really disconnected from eachother (which makes sense considering the scale and all the characters but..) a lot of the arcs that heavily featured side characters didn’t really grab my attention as well as, for example, the Yi City arc from mdzs did. I tried to latch onto the characters, I really did but they just didn’t leave much of an impact on me at all, which is strange because pretty much everyone in svsss interested me.
While svsss may not be perfect, it was just so engaging! i read the first 3 books in two weeks and I had so much fun! I felt so much! sy’s stupidity (affectionate) was just sooo infuriating in all the right ways and his relationships with the cast were super fun! There was definitely a clear progression of events and thinking and just a huge looming of stakes (even though a lot of them were just made up in sqq’s head). The character development too! Svsss was just a delight to read. So many of the side characters are just so amazing too: sqh and mbj have become some of my all time favorites and just all the extras were so good!
Anyways I just have so much love for svsss and I guess I just didn’t connect enough with tgcf. Thanks for reading :)
hi! i agree with everything you’ve said!
i read the books in the order of mdzs -> tgcf -> svsss and i didn’t expect to enjoy sv the most at all considering I had initially liked mdzs due to its horror and tragedy aspects. Tgcf had plenty of tragedy + some horror but as you said, the characters were somewhat unstimulating.
although i do feel the need to give a shoutout to QuanYin. That sidepair actually had me invested the most out of all the other side characters in hob. it’s a shame the fandom tends to sleep on them (i’m guilty i need to draw them Soon!!)
i think what i love about sv is that it’s more of a ‘show don’t tell’ book compared to tgcf. Tgcf took ages explaining things that didn’t need to be explained.
Moshang were barely even in the main story and yet the “Fuck! he can’t fly!” scene had me laughing for literally half an hour and fully believing in moshang supremacy!! mxtx did that with only a few lines during the final showdown!!! and yet we had an entire arc for beefleaf that only made me interested in the sibling dynamic between shi qingxuan and shi wudu 😩
i know sv has its faults—all the books do—but i do think it gets a more of a bad rap than it deserves.
thanks for sharing :)
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firedragon1321 · 4 months
Okay it's time for me to rant about Digimon again because. Because. I want to talk about this-
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These two clowns (affectionate) tried to fight giant monsters with their bare hands. Which is how they ended up getting strangled. Tai thought it was a good idea to poke Shellmon. With no sense of critical thinking, he decided it was the best idea. Matt was trying to save TK, with no regard to his own safety. He could die right there and who cares, right?
I'd argue these two were actually at their worst when the digivolution occurred.
Tai: Reckless idiot moron, angers monster with unga bunga tactics, could have put the rest of the group at risk if he and Agumon didn't sneak a snack earlier
Matt: Also reckless idiot moron, puts TK's safety above his own life, was perfectly ready to die for his brother, sees himself as disposable as long as TK is safe
Not only is this a perfect example of their flaws, but this behavior also leads directly into both SkullGreymon and Matt's fall to Cherrymon.
With SkullGreymon, I feel like Tai wasn't just taking known data (partner in danger, Digimon must be fed, etc.) and executing it at random. I feel like he was trying to recreate the events that led to Greymon. Other than feeding Agumon too much, what does he do? He runs up to the giant monster and yells at it.
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In desperation, Tai does what he knows has worked in the past. He's willing to face certain death trying to unlock the Ultimate level. By now, he understands that digivolution helps protect the group, and he's putting all the weight on his shoulders.
But the crests rely on personal growth to work. Tai isn't growing. He's not ready. He's lost and confused and doesn't know anything except he's the only one with a crest. Result? SkullGreymon.
Matt had plenty of stupid moments similar to this (i.e.- putting all the weight on himself and throwing himself into danger, though he's more focused on TK only rather than the whole group). I think the reason most of those moments didn't result in dark digivolution is because Matt is more introspective. He's more likely to ruminate over something for a million years instead of taking action. Which leads me to Cherrymon.
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Cherrymon plays with Matt's insecurities. He's already worried that TK is spending more time with Tai (and the rest of the group, though Cherrymon focuses it on just Tai). TK's recent victory in Puppetmon's gun game proves he can protect himself. Between this and his growing connections to others, Matt feels useless. He's made his entire existence about protecting TK- the very thing that created Gaurumon to start with.
I always wondered why there was never a dark digivolution after this. Because I am a fucking nerd, I did some research and BlackMetalGarurumon wasn't actually released yet. It was on a card that would come out three months after this episode aired. So let me introduce to you-
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SkullMammothmon digivolves from WereGarurumon, existed when this episode aired, and is a "skull" Digimon as a nice thematic bonus. Imagine if Matt came riding back to the group on this big guy! The SkullGreymon parallels! The Tai and Matt parallels! The wasted potential!
I love how Tai and Matt are both idiots who would readily give up their lives to protect others. But they're also so different. Tai does stupid things for the sake of the entire group. Matt does stupid things because he sits on his personal issues too long. Tai does the first thing that comes to his head, whether or not it's actually a good idea. Matt will suffer from behind-the-scenes angst and not tell anyone ever. Unlocking Greymon/Garurumon stems from their issues, just as they unlocked the Ultimate level through their strengths.
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miscelunaaa · 2 years
flurious | ksj
pairing: seokjin x female reader
genre: college au ig. slice of life?? really I have no idea tbh
summary: it's fine, you're not mad at your best friend at all! in fact!! you're so fine that you're going to work off some steam just to prove how fine you are!!
rating: T for too much swearing
word count: 3k
warnings: Based On Real Events™️ (at least in part). Reader can’t ice skate. Lots of swearing. Reader is a stubborn piece of shit (affectionate). Himbecile Namjoon (derogatory). Unrequited crushes if you squint. Very cold winter environments. Small college vibes. Lots of talk about falling on one’s butt and bruises and common impact injuries associated with learning how to do coordinated things like ice skating for the first time; reader’s a tough nugget, she’s doing great. She might also have a slight pain kink oops. Vague prejudice against tenors I’m sorry. Crack if you squint. Angst if you squint. The only thing fluffy about this fic is Jin’s coat tbh, it’s intended to be more of a slice of life than anything else.
notes: Hi. It's missing Seokjin hours in the emothy household so have a short oneshot that I started months ago and randomly finished last night when I couldn't sleep. This really is actually based on a real experience I had, but that's all I'm going to say about the matter alksjhfalsjkdh
For once, I’m not feeling super long winded, so we’re going to leave it at that! Enjoy <3
my masterlist | my disclaimers | read on ao3
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The student union is vacant when you walk into its warm, welcoming arms. It’s perfect. No one can judge you for what you’re about to attempt and that’s exactly what you want.
“I’d like to rent a pair of skates please,” you ask the student worker at the desk. 
She blearily looks up from a thick textbook and asks for your shoe size before standing to fetch them from the equipment closet. In return for the skates, you leave your student I.D. The entire exchange takes mere seconds. You haven’t even regained the warmth in your nose before you’re stepping back out into the cold night and stomping off to the shabby, makeshift ice rink on the quad. 
It’s a clear evening. The stars flicker coldly above, making the eerie yellow light of the campus’s many lamp posts seem warm in comparison. It’s a Saturday evening; no one’s wandering around the tiny college at this strangely late hour, not with a foot of snow pack on the ground, so there’s no one around to watch you angrily try to teach yourself to ice skate. 
Anger comes naturally to you. It’s easy, if not outright comfortable, for you to just sit and stew in the emotion. Yet still it’s all to your detriment, making you feel frazzled and out of control. Times like this call for full body distractions, and what’s better than teaching yourself something you’ve literally never done before?
Falling on your ass is the perfect distraction from your asshole best friend’s bullshit right now. It’s fucking perfect and nothing is stopping you from doing this, least of all him. After all, he’s the one who came back from winter break with a fancy new hair cut and now allll the girls are like “uwu Joonie you look so nice without the perm.” While he’s getting all that attention there’s nothing to stop you from sneaking away, because why on earth would he pay attention to you, his fucking best friend, when he could be paying attention to girls far cuter than you even if they’d thought he was gross when he had the perm? God he’s so fucking stupid. 
It doesn’t bother you at all. You don’t really see the difference anyway. He’s still a total freak even without the perm so you don’t really get the hype. It’ll take five minutes for the fawning to cease because in that time he’ll open his big dumb mouth and anyone with two brain cells to rub together will see how much of a dweeb he still is. Even so, the people continue to come in flocks and crowd you out. There’s alway someone new who wants to look at the newly pretty boy. 
Fuck ... being ignored like that (to your face!!) fucking hurts. Anger is always preferable to the sting of being ignored. The anger means that you’re at least trying to be productive, even as you hide yourself away from the world. The cold is as good a shield as any. 
You sit on the rickety edge of the rink and kick off your boots. Carefully, you pull on each skate and lace them up tight, making sure that your ankles have no room to roll. You find yourself swearing angrily as your gloved hands struggle with the laces, but your anger bolsters your persistence. Nothing can take you down from this high, not even the threat of absolutely biffing it like you know you’re going to.
It takes a moment to talk yourself into standing once you’ve set the blades to the ice. “Just stand to start” is what you tell yourself. After a few moments, and a flash or two of dimples in your mind’s eye, you get yourself to stand. 
With arms flailing, you stay upright for a good ten seconds. Your fatal flaw, however, is hubris. In your hubris you thought you could take a tentative step forward. 
As it turns out, ice can smell fear and has an impact play kink. 
You stare up at the sky for a moment after your first fall. Your ass hurts and will probably ache like a bitch tomorrow, but honestly you’re kind of a masochist; you’re not not into this. Why else would you be in this situation, so angry with your annoyingly cute freak of a best friend that you can hardly function? You knew he was handsome underneath the questionable aesthetic choices, and you knew he was dumb enough that he’d start ignoring you to talk to people he was more romantically interested in as soon as he fixed his appearance. You always knew this would happen, and yet you invested time in him anyway. You always rate last; experiencing this pain was only a matter of time. 
And yet, the seconds tick by. You steel yourself and carefully stand, avoiding a second slip, but only just. You narrow your eyes at your goal: the rink wall opposite of where you started. You’re going to fucking do this, falls be damned. It’s like ten yards. You can totally do this. You’re going to make this stupid ice your bitch.
Eight seconds later, you’re on your ass again. But hey, you made it a few feet forward. Progress is still progress in spite of accrued costs.
And so you stand again. You try doing that pushing thing with the blade of the skate, but something in your body doesn’t expect to move, so you wobble unsteadily for a moment. A breath, and then another push, more gently this time. Ah, you’re doing it! Yet another push and—
Well ... At least the stars make good company. Your elbow hurts this time; you must’ve whacked it in the fall. Feels like it’ll bruise but that’s just the cost of doing business with this rink and your own stupidity. You carefully scramble up, and try again. 
When you finally make it to the other side of the rink, you’re so excited that you trip into the little wall. At least you can catch yourself with your hands this way. And hey, moving to a sitting position isn’t so hard! The cold soothes your achey butt as you let yourself relax for a moment. 
Maybe this was a stupid idea. You can feel the high of white hot rage beginning to cool. You’re not sure if it’s the pain or the exertion. Maybe it’s time to pack up and return the skates. It’s getting late after all, you probably need to at least try to sleep. 
You’re so mired in your thoughts that you almost miss the backlit figure appear, exiting the student union. Whoever it is is wearing a big puffy coat, and they have something odd looking in their hands. After a moment you realize, heat crawling up your neck, that the item in their hands is a pair of skates, and they’re walking across the quad to the rink.
You stand quickly, albeit unsteadily, as if to show that the rink is occupied, but alas, they seem undeterred. Shit. The only thing that could make this worse is if you were to suddenly loose your balance.
Lo and behold, fate has a sense of humor, and you do just that before you can think to do anything else.
You grimace as you sit up. You weren’t expecting an audience for this. As the figure approaches, you see that it’s one of the guys who works the student union’s cafe some evenings. He’s always seemed nice enough and ugh, he’s cute too. He’s got these broad shoulders that your friends love to stare at while they wait for their drinks to be made. Definitely not the audience you’d prefer if you must have one. As you scramble back upright, he sits at the edge of the rink and starts to unlace his boots. 
“Hello,” he says quietly, glancing up as he pulls on a skate. His voice is low, with a rich timbre you didn’t expect. He sounds like he might be a tenor. You hate tenors. You hate musicians. Namjoon’s a musician too, the bastard.
“Hi,” you reply flatly, trying not to grit your teeth in frustration. You don’t even look at him when he looks at you; you don’t need his approval, and looking at him will just make you shy. You don’t have time for that shit, damn it. With care, you try to push forward again, before stopping, arms flailing. You only just manage to preserve your balance and straighten up so you can try again.
The intruder watches you warily as he starts to pull on his rented skates. You can feel the press of his curiosity on the back of your neck and you don’t know how to politely ask for him to simply not.
You’re pretty sure you see him flinch when your skates suddenly, but inevitably, slip out from beneath you, leaving you sprawled out on your ass, the ice beneath cold yet soothing for your bruised buttocks. And yet, he says nothing as he pushes off from the side of the rink, gracefully no less. He says nothing as you pull yourself up again, only to fall again as well, just as you were finding your balance. You take a deep breath, fog slowly coming from your lips as you let it out. Once you’re to your feet again, and without falling this time, you can’t help but let yourself smile, just a little, just to yourself. 
Giving up whomst? You could never. 
For a moment, you just stand on the ice, breathing and letting yourself feel the skates wrapped around your feet and ankles. Just a small push now. Can’t let this rando see you sweat now, can you?
The stranger watches, his handsome face blank but for curious eyes, as you make it a whole fifteen seconds before slipping and falling again, this time onto a knee and your hands. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch him grimace as you look at your hands and dust them of with a huffed little “fuck.”
He’s literally skating circles around you. It’s fucking obnoxious, but damn it, you want to be able to skate like that too. So you stand up again, and vicious cycle begins anew.
“You okay?” the stranger suddenly asks. It startles you, the wobble almost sending you to the ice with a crack yet again. 
“I’m fine.” Your tone is clipped with frustration. You sure as shit don’t sound fine.
He drifts across your field of vision, going fucking backwards on his skates. It’s like it’s nothing! Fucking show off. What a fucking d—
Alright. That fall kind of hurt for real. Your poor elbows. They might be having a worse time than your knees. Did you just knock the wind out of yourself with that one?
His words come from a little closer this time. “Are you sure you’re—“
“—I’m fucking fine.”
You didn’t mean to snap. You really didn’t. Everything was fine until this dude just joined you out here out of the blue with his stupid face and his stupid talent and—
“You’re really scrappy, you know that right?”
You glare at him as you push yourself back to your feet. His plush mouth splits into a heart-rending smile. Fuck, he’s cute. Bitch, do not do this to yourself.
He keeps talking as you struggle aright. “I mean it. I’ve never watched someone keep falling like that just to get up and try again.”
You’re not even sure what to say to that. You’re glad you’ve got the built in focus of trying to do something out of your comfort zone and skill set, so an immediate reply isn’t expected. But you do have to say something in reply eventually. The comment was just ... kind of unexpected. And honestly, you think he meant it well, and it’s hard not to let the pride push a smile to your face. You fight it, of course, because you’re supposed to be angry, not pleased.
“I’m too stubborn for my own good,” you finally grit out. “But thank you.” Ah, that was good. Keep that shit up, and maybe he won’t think you’re a total freak by the time one or the other of you leaves. 
“There are worse things to be.” His smile is warm enough to melt the ice beneath the blades of your skates. Cold? What cold? You feel nothing but blistering heat creeping up your neck. You’re not used to this kind of attention from anyone, if you’re being honest, let alone cute barista boys in puffy coats. “Tenacity isn’t a bad thing.”
“The bruises on my ass say otherwise.”
When he laughs, it’s low in his chest, velvety like the milk he steams for the cute folks that come to him for lattes and London fogs. You’d be swept away by his charms completely as well if you weren’t too busy being swept off your feet by your own stupidity. 
You hardly feel the thump when you hit the hard surface of the ice this time. You’re not sure if it’s because you’re cold or if it’s just you’re used to falling now. The numbness of either is the same after a certain point; that’s the point of numbness, after all.
For a moment, you stare at the sky. It gives you a moment to catch your breath. Watching the stars twinkle and flicker as if they’re laughing at something reminds you that, right, you’re not alone out here on the ice. You hope the stars aren’t laughing at your shitty attempts to flirt with this stranger. 
When you pull yourself up to sit, you see that the cute stranger is carefully skating backwards, his head turned and tilted so he can see where he’s going. Good lord, he’s handsome, even like this. In the grimy street lamp light, you can see that his face has been kissed by the cold, but it doesn’t do much to make him look less attractive. The focus on his face makes it almost look suggestive as he bites down on his plush lip. For a moment, you allow yourself to watch, thankful that he’s not looking at you.
When he glances at you, still sitting on the ice with your legs spread haphazardly, your eyes meet his. He smiles at you. Suddenly, the air leaves your lungs as if you’ve fallen again, the wind knocked from them like you’ve taken a blow. And then as soon as it happens, it stops, for one moment he was smiling at you, and the next he was sprawled on the ice with a thud and the smallest, cutest “fuck” you’ve ever heard in your life.
The look of surprise on his face is so aghast that you can’t help but laugh. 
“I’m so—“ wheeze “—s-sorry, I shouldn’t—“ fuck, that’s hilarious “—laugh b-but the look on your f-face!” 
The shock fades, only to be replaced by a pout that cracks at the edges as he tries not to laugh with you. 
You start to push yourself forward him, half crawling, half crab-walking. Soon the pout breaks into a smile as you sit beside him and poke his cheek with a gloved finger. Where on earth did that fucking come from?? You’re poking strangers now?? 
“How does it feel to be a mere mortal?” you ask. Maybe the question will distract from the ... random face poking? Maybe the cold really is getting to you. 
“Never said I was good at skating,” he says, still smiling at you. “Though I can’t say I feel like getting up and trying again after that.”
You scoff. “You’re giving up too easily. What’s the opposite of tenacious?” 
“That’s fair. I’m not even sure if I can feel my ass at this point.”
He laughs, and the deep sound seems to rumble in his chest, just like it had when you’d first heard it. But then he does the unexpected, and holds out a hand to you. “I’m Seokjin, by the way.”
You shake his hand and introduce yourself in kind. “You work at the cafe right?”
“Yeah. It gets hot back there, I like doing something in the cold after a shift if I can.”
You nod. “I get it. I’m out here because a friend pissed me off and I needed to work through it.”
“Can’t kick their ass so you’re letting the ice kick your ass instead?”
Not even the heat of embarrassment can heat up your cold cheeks at this point. He’s read you like a book. You’re poking strangers, and he’s reading you like he probably reads his homework. 
“Alright, it��s getting really fucking cold out here,” Seokjin suddenly says. He pulls himself towards the nearest sideboard and sits on top of it. “I’m calling it a night.”
You don’t expect his expectant look. “What?”
“You’ve been out here longer than me. Can you even feel your fingers at this point?”
“Um.” There’s some small part of you that doesn’t want this to end, but lying about it feels futile when you know he’s going to see right through it. “No.”
“I think it might be a good idea for you to head in too ...” he says, and then: “I could sneak back into the cafe for some hot water. Want to have some tea to warm up? Maybe you could talk about this friend who pissed you off.”
It’s late, if you’re being honest. You should probably go home and lick your wounds. But as you pull yourself up onto the sideboard with Seokjin, you decide that staying out might be worth it. Staying out in the first place is what got you on the ice. Staying out kept you here, which in turn meant you got to meet Seokjin. Staying out meant you got to talk and have this moment. It’s a relief to just be able to talk, rather than fight for someone’s attention.
What’s another few minutes?
“Sure, I’d like that.”
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Thank you for reading! Drop me an ask and tell me what you think. Find me in various places at my carrd :)
©miscelunaaa 2022. My work is only found on this blog and under my ao3 pseud. Do not, under any circumstances, copy or repost my work. Thank you.
posted: 12.6.2022
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underragingwaves · 1 year
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Rating: Teen & Up Audiences Word count: 1.4k Warnings: incest, mention of suicidal ideation Written for: day five of the @vikingsevents Vernal Equinox event, which featured the picture prompt that I used in the above banner. A bit later than planned due to a bit of a writer's block that has been resolved with the help of friends. (Y'all know who you are, merci. 💕) Also, this is a modern AU because reasons.
“Don’t be such a baby!”
“I’m not,” says Hvitserk, pouting with hurt and cradling his stinging hand against his chest. “You’re being mean to me. Ubbe”– he demands in the next moment –“tell her she’s being mean!”
His older brother heaves a sigh. Stretches his legs out so far that he has to slide down in his seat just a bit. “You’re being mean,” says Ubbe, tapping Amma’s shin with his bare foot. His grin broadens far too much for Hvitserk’s liking. “Just so you know.”
Amma huffs. “Enabler.”
“Me?” Ubbe raises his hands as if surrendering. “I’m not doing anything.”
“Except what he tells you to,” snipes Amma, jerking her chin at Hvitserk, “and indulging that bratty behavior of his to boot while I’m standing here working my ass off – no, that is not an invitation to ogle my ass or touch it”– she snaps out, swatting Ubbe’s reaching hand away and dancing out of his reach too expertly –“and neither one of you has lifted so much as a finger to help me.”
“I wanted to help!”
“You nearly set yourself on fire!”
Hvitserk blinks rapidly. Glances down at the section of the table Amma just slapped him away from. Sure enough, there is a burning candle that he’s pretty sure wasn’t there a minute ago. Or, well, he’s sure that it might have been there but he definitely did not register it being there – let alone saw its flame – and so he heaves a sigh and fixes Amma with his best apologetic look.
“Stop it.”
“Are you…” Ubbe actually leans forward in his seat, looking perturbed and interested all at once. “Are you trying to give Amma your best puppy eyes?”
Hvitserk inhales. Nods vigorously in response.
He scowls when Ubbe’s initial chuckle of mirth erupts into a full-blown laugh. Gods help him, his brother actually snorts and grins broader than Hvitserk’s seen him do in at least four months.
“It’s not that funny,” says Hvitserk, pouting all the worse for it.
“Ha!” Ubbe’s nose wrinkles, amused, when he leans back in his seat again and gestures airily at Hvitserk. “No, really, keep going, I want to see her crack and do unspeakable violence to you.”
“She wouldn’t!”
“She would!”
“She definitely would,” says Ubbe with no small degree of relish as Amma’s snap lands an octave higher than her usual ire. “Keep going, brother, and she’s going to mix something else into that herbal tea…”
“Don’t be stupid, Ubbe, these herbs leave traces. And we’re making a compress, not a tea, because somebody here doesn’t know when to call it quits on the free parkour or whatever the fuck that was.” She shakes her head, multi-colored braids swinging to and fro as she emphasizes her discontent, and fixes Hvitserk with a stare that is eerily reminiscent of the looks his mother gives him when he’s shit outta luck and needs to start counting to ten. “What on earth were you thinking, climbing that tree and then attempting to jump to the other tree? Oh, let’s see all the ways I can kill myself today?”
“I wasn’t going to kill myself,” sulks Hvitserk, “not in front of the dog, anyway.” He bites his lip as Ubbe’s stare suddenly turns a good deal darker than usual. Hvitserk’s the first to look away, as he always is these days since… No. Not since anything. “I just… got the distance wrong. Like when I was out skating”– he explains –“and I flipped the wrong way on the pipe and boom. Happens.” He shrugs. Hisses as the movement sends a sharp, searing pain through his shoulder. “I’m not used to trees.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” rumbles his brother, in such a way that Hvitserk full well knows there is a more-or-less affectionate eyeroll attached to the words.
“City boy,” hums Amma good-naturedly as her hands deftly ground some of the herbs into a fine pulver. “However did you survive all these summers in Kattegat, hm?”
“Luck,” offers Hvitserk, though Ubbe’s “me!” rings out louder.
Amma’s smile dimples her cheeks. “Bit of both, maybe,” she concedes, heading off any sort of would-be argument with a well-practiced air. “Honestly, though, Ubbe, you picked a fight with a sheep only yesterday. Seems like you’ve got a thing or two…”
“Hey, that sheep is evil.”
“Mister Fluffers?” gasps Hvitserk, chancing a glance at Ubbe’s rather impassive face now. “You dare speak such things about the Supreme Lord of Woolgathering?”
“The fucking what now?” asks Ubbe, raising his voice over Amma’s wild cackle of laughter that makes Hvitserk grin too. “Hvitserk! You called it what?”
“Oi, Sigurd wanted to name it Patrocles,” says Hvitserk rather sourly, “and Ivar wanted to kill it and name it Mutton Chop retroactively. Because, you know, our gay brother and our psycho brother are totally normal people who can be trusted to name a sheep.”
“And you called it”– glares Ubbe –“Mister Fluffers, Supreme Lord of Woolgathering, instead?”
“King of the Silent Lambs, Master of Pufferjackets,” adds Hvitserk, rather unhelpfully, “First of his Name, Guardian of Feta Cheese. It had to be named something and you were… not here,” he finishes lamely, knowing exactly where Ubbe had been. “Someone had to…”
“Gods spare me.”
Hvitserk fidgets. “You don’t like it?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” interjects Amma, “we’re not doing this. Nope. I’m not listening to either one of you waffling on about what name was given to this sheep as if you’re picking the name of your firstborn child.” She tosses a bundle of herbs at Ubbe. “Pluck,” she instructs, “leaves and flowers off the stems. Please.”
“Don’t I get…”
“Here,” sighs Amma, moving around the table and pressing a mortar and pestle into Hvitserk’s hands before unceremoniously dropping flowers in his lap. “Crush them best you can, hm? You’ll likely smell like roses and arnica for a bit, though.”
“The yellow ones,” mouths Ubbe, already diligently plucking away at lavender and other herbs Hvitserk doesn’t know how to name. His brother’s frown is very apparent as he looks at Amma. “Are you sure this will help?”
“He’s already taken a painkiller,” says Amma, shrugging, “and Ingrid makes these herbal compresses all the time when she’s got a moment to spare. She made me help too many times. Seen it work just as many times, though. It’ll work for him.”
“I’m fine,” grounds Hvitserk out, though the act of slowly grinding the petals is sending fresh aches down his arm. “Just… need to…” His cheeks flush with warmth as Ubbe and Amma fix him with twin stares. “You’re creeping me out, doing that.”
Amma’s brow arches. “You’re in pain.”
Ubbe’s flinch is barely perceptible, but Hvitserk has grown too accustomed to registering his brother’s every move by now. There’s a bruise on his hip the size of Ubbe’s hand, give or take, and he isn’t entirely sure how Ubbe thinks they’re going to hide that detail from Amma when she finally sees the damage the tree and then the ground did to the rest of him. He can’t even ask Ubbe about how to talk around it, now, because she’s been right there since he climbed that damn tree to get away from… from…
“I’m fine,” he says again, swallowing the taste of his brother’s lips back down into the roiling pit of his belly. Hvitserk fidgets in his seat. “Let’s just.. get this done. And Ubbe can help me put it on, later.”
“Scared I’ll do unspeakable things to you when you’re shirtless, little waffle?” leers Amma, using the stupid childhood nickname she gave him years ago when they first visited the farm. She shakes her head. Wrinkles her nose for good measure. “You ain’t my type. Nor you,” she adds, nudging Ubbe’s foot with her own. “I’ve sworn off all men, you know.”
“Your greatest victory is our biggest tragedy,” grins Ubbe, handing her the separated flowers and leaves one by one. “How’s Thora faring these days, hm? Still bullying Ivar every chance she gets?”
“Someone has to,” snorts Amma. “That man is the very definition of play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Did I tell you about the time he had gotten it into his thick sku–”
Thanks, mouths Hvitserk wordlessly, meeting Ubbe’s eyes and maintaining that contact for the first time since this morning. His cheeks color an even deeper red by the feeling of heat that rushes through him at his brother’s patient, unwavering gaze. Were they alone…
Later, gestures Ubbe behind Amma’s back, smiling that soft smile that he somehow always manages to reserve only for Hvitserk while also tilting his head and humming along in all the right places with Amma’s long tale about Ivar, Thora, and a wild horse. Ubbe’s eyes never leave Hvitserk’s face. When it’s just us.
Hvitserk is the first to look away.
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sugarcherriess · 1 year
I am just dropping in and then saw your event 👀 so I'm thinking tsundere adonis and relentless fool in love hyunjae and the first time tsundere adonis tells him you love him and his reaction 🥺 - 🥛
😡😡😡😡 i made it not soft at all as retaliation because a confession would NEVER go down well between us
Relentless Fool In Love!Hyunjae x Tsundere!Adonis:
cw - smut, very specifically catered to me, please do not proceed, i slap a bitch, yes its in third person, cameos by milk and pup, an ongoing breeding thing, cnc? I don’t know what to call it bc we all know i consent to fucking him more than anything else
The story revolves around a very stupid boy Hyunjae who keeps bothering an orb of spite and hatred named Adonis
He tries his best to make their life a living hell
By acting hot asf but also adorable like how does that WORK?
And being generally the perfect fit for them
And wearing shit that makes Adonis’ blood boil
Because Adonis is just as stupid but their pride is the size of mount everest
But then so is their possessiveness
Anyway thats not the point of this story
Or is it?
Hyunjae has two main minions (affectionate): milk and pup
Milk and pup help Hyunjae’s loser ass try to score Adonis every chance they get
If they don’t get a chance
They make it
Their techniques include:
Texting Adonis about how large Hyunjae’s shoulders are?
Telling Adonis how Hyunjae is the best person to raise a family with
Also finding out personal preferences from big mouth Adonis and snitching to Hyunjae
So Hyunjae can use them against Adonis
“Why the fuck are you going around telling people you’re gonna start a family with me?!”
They slam his dorm room door and burst in uninvited
“Because I am,”
His annoying smile spread on his annoying loser face
“Do you have any idea how humiliating it is to be associated with you around campus?”
Adonis yells in his face
“Thought that was a kink of yours?”
His eyebrow raises in interest
“What?” Adonis asks incredulously, “How could you possibly think that?”
“You’re so easy to read, bunny,”
Adonis is flabbergasted
“Who the fuck said you could call me bunny?”
His smug ass sends a stupid loser smile Adonis’ way
“I have my sources,”
“I will destroy your sources,”
He gasps, scandalised
“You will do no such thing,”
“Watch me,” Adonis spits venomously
“My lovely sources will mention you carrying my babies slightly and you’ll crumble, don’t act so big and bad–“
Adonis shoves him against a wall before he can finish the sentence
“Shut. The fuck. Up.”
“Hmmm,” he puts a finger on his chin and pretends to think, “No!”
“I swear to god, I’ll fix your head on a spear and hang it off the college roof,”
He bends his face to look Adonis in the eye
“So intimate,”
Adonis tells him to shut up again
But ofcourse
He doesn’t
“Admit it. You’re in love with me,”
He fold his arms and leans against the wall
“And why the fuck would I do that?”
“C’mon bunny, I know you wanna be mine. Why do you play so hard to get?”
Adonis would roll their eyes hard enough to risk dislocating them from their socket
“Is that one of the fantasies you use to fuck your hand at night?”
“Not really,” he shrugs, “I mostly think about your mouth on the other end getting stuffed by my cock–“
His face whips to the side from the sheer force of Adonis’ slap and his tooth accidentally cuts his mouth
“You disgusting piece of shit,”
Hyunjae laughs as a bit of blood drips from his lip
“I was told you’re into blood too… nature’s giving you a perfect chance to kiss me,”
Adonis slams his shoulders against the wall again
“I would rather take a shot of snake venom neat and die,”
“Aren’t you full of heat,” Hyunjae giggles mockingly, “We’re perfect for each other,”
“I wouldn’t choose to spend five minutes with you let alone an indefinite eternity,” Adonis scoffs,
Adonis would be all smug and continue
“Besides, I already have my eyes set for Juyeon. I believe his star athlete genes would be perfect for my children,”
Hyunjae’s eyes darken then
He grabs Adonis’ arm and quickly spins them around so their back is to his chest
And their arm is bent in a way that they can’t move without breaking it
“Let me go you fucking freak,”
“Don’t you know how much I love you? Why do you always bring up Juyeon?”
“I said let me go,”
“Never. It pains me to leave your side. You know what I have to do because you won’t let me be with you? I sneak up to your dorms every night and watch you sleep,” He seethes in their ear
Adonis futilely tries to escape his hold
“You know something? Even unconscious, you beg for me. Wanna tell me what that’s all about?”
Adonis whines when he bends their arm more to get a reaction
“You sound exactly like that, begging for me over and over again. Do you dream of my cock? Is it me stuffing your womb full every night?”
Hyunjae wraps his free hand around Adonis’ neck when they begin to shake their head, cutting off their blood supply and making them lightheaded
“It could be your reality if you’d just be a good bunny for once and eat your useless pride,”
“S-stop calling me bunny,”
They’re almost on the verge of passing out
“Why? Does it make your fertile little uterus pulse? Does your pussy widen on its own to welcome my cock? Does your body’s reaction to such a simple term embarrass my baby?”
Adonis’ head falls in shame because it’s true and it’s fucking stupid
He bites their neck hard enough to make them scream
Hyunjae’s hands sneak down to cup their crotch
“I can already feel you drenching your panties. A little birdie named pup told me they’re always pink. Shall I investigate the claim?”
He doesn’t wait for a response before bending them more and ripping away their tights
“So it IS true! So cute!” He coos, infuriating Adonis even more
His hands would be all over their pelvis and thighs
His stupid beautiful hands that caress everything like its made of satin in its most beautiful form
“Touch me and I’ll scream,”
“That’s what I plan to do,” he would reply in a single breath
And continue shredding the unfortunate piece of white tights that showed the bright pink panties underneath anyway
But he just loves being extra doesn’t he
He would push his annoying face into places it should never be in: Adonis’ covered cooch
“Hyunjae get off!”
But he’d just ignore all of their pleads in true Hyunjae fashion and continue onwards
He’d take his time and efforts lapping at their folds through the fabric
He wants Adonis to feel truly filthy
Like he knows they are
Hyunjae would push his tongue into the crevices of their lower half that make way for his appendage like sired vampires
But body parts
His evil ass would stiffen his tongue and play with their clit through their underwear because ofc he knows it’s sensitive 👍🏼
When he’s done being a little bitch with his mouth he’d suck on his fingers and shove them inside the only cavern within his vision
Already braindead Adonis would only be able to cry at the intrusion of his fingers inside them without prep
“I find it personally offensive if any part of you is left unfilled by me,”
“I know you want this,” he’d push Adonis into the wall so they’re completely suffocated by him, “You can’t bullshit me darling, I know you better than you know yourself,”
“Jaehyun oh my god–“
The pace of his fingers would be brutal leaving Adonis panting and twitching
Their sad little orgasm would be ripped out by his stupid fingers from the deepest pits of hell
“I’m gonna–“
They wouldn’t be able to finish their sentences without shrieking
“Tell me what I wanna hear. I won’t hold your orgasm hostage just stop running from me,”
Adonis may as well be sobbing
“Wha-t… what–ah, what do you want me to s-say?!”
“Tell me you love me. I know you do,”
“Jaehyun,” they’d whine losing their sense of self
“Say it!”
Hyunjae would bark, his patience tested to the max
“I– I can’t,”
Hyunjae would smush his face in their neck, exceeding his speed
“Won’t you be my good little bunny and tell me you love me?”
Milk i hate you for doing this to me
“I do! I love you– oh my god– Iwantyousobad,”
Adonis would cum right then
Both left panting from exhaustion and disbelief
“That wasn’t so bad now was it?”
Yeah Adonis is. They’ve lost it
“What? What does my bunny want?”
“Wan’ your c-cock,”
“My cock? Why do you want it?”
He’d know but being an asshole is a way of life he can not refuse
“Want it to breed me…”
Adonis would probably be incomprehensible at this point
His loud annoying laugh would ring in the entire room
“Where's your bite now huh? Your snarkiness? Where did it go? Did my hand fuck you that dumb that you don’t even remember your pride?”
Adonis would start crying at being teased at such a vulnerable state
And push him away to leave the room
“I k-knew you only wanted to humiliate me! I. I hate you!”
He’d grab their arm and pull them back
Wiping their tears away and cooing at them again
“I’m sorry I made you feel that way, bunny. I just thought I should rub my victory in since you’ve been depriving me from it for so long,” he’d raise an eyebrow bc well. It’s a logical response.
Adonis would still be pouty and upset
But it’s okay
They’d end up with loads of kisses on their wet teary face
“Maybe if you confess again, I’ll breed you the way both of us want?”
“Why? Won’t I get it otherwise?”
“You will but I also need proof of my victory to send to milk and pup,”
“Excuse me??”
“Now,” he’d push the recording button on his phone, “What was it you were babbling to me while I was making your toes curl and legs close with pleasure?”
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otacringe · 1 year
so since s4 is ever impending i wanna post the full laydown for my current headcanon before i like. actually make a good drawing of it:
fuckin. jerma-type twitch streamer klaus.
his username is probably like klaussy or something stupid as shit (affectionate)
originally got popular with the metal gear community because while they were playing the game they dropped various information about themselves that made it clear that they were like literally. fucking irl otacon (war boyfriend named dave, shit dad, dead sibling, etc.)
again definitely very jerma-esque. weird ass fuckin guy that nobody really understands but in a fun way.
they currently live in a one-floor house w/ five so "five spottings" are like a celebrity event for viewers
five has been on a few streams. usually because he feels like it but once klaus dragged him in for silent hill 2 because of the mannequins. he said they were inaccurate.
his fanbase generally takes the "i used to see ghosts" thing as a bit. also they refer to themselves as a cult which klaus just finds entertaining.
anyways klaus and five are still besties in s4 and if not we strike at dawn
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celiaelise · 2 years
Just remembering the time I was like having a breakdown or whatever in my dorm room because as usual I had like 4 hours to figure out how to not fail one of my classes with an assignment that I hadn't even started yet. I think I was doing things like pacing around and laying on the floor.
Anyway, for whatever reason, I was running through ALL my life problems or concerns or whatever in my head. I might have even been making a physical list. I like to make lists to help me prioritize when I'm stressed. It helps like 50% of the time, probably.
And I REMEMBER THINKING, "also I might be gay, not ace. I think I might like *******," and that was like mentally catalogued in my little list. Like, "Do assignment A. Do assignment B. Send an email. Figure out if I'm gay and if I have a crush on my friend/study partner." I think I actually did write her name down on a list somewhere.
But I was LITERALLY like, "okay but I don't have time for that right now because I have to do this FUCKING assignment." (It was a really stupid assignment. Also that ended up being the only class I passed that semester. Not because of that project though, just because I'm good at art.) And then I went on identifying as ace for several more years, like, at least two more years after I left school.
And the thing is, I'm pretty sure there was kind of a thing between me and this girl? But I literally did not reflect on it and fully realize for years. So, like, academia kind of ruined my gay awakening, and that sucks.
I'm not certain, because of course neither of us said anything directly. But we spent a LOT of late nights and all-nighters studying for linear algebra together. We would spend all night doing mathematical proofs or whatever, and then walk over to the dining hall together when it opened to have breakfast. She was much taller than me, but would always noticing if she was outpacing me, and make a point to apologize and adjust her stride. (I have tiny little legs.)
I went back up to see all my school friends for my birthday the summer after that class. We all met up at Main Event to spend the evening there, and when we left, she and I knew there was no guarantee we'd see each other again. She was transferring to a school in another state for the next year. And, ugh, I don't know how to say this without sounding cheesy?? But we just kind of had a long nice hug when we said goodbye. And I may have imagined it, but I got the sense that it was a little awkward for my other friends, that they didn't quite get what was happening. (I think perhaps because she was not usually particularly affectionate?) I remember that not bothering me, though, cause I felt like she and I had an understanding, which was what mattered in that moment.
but, BUT, she also TOLD ME ABOUT HER BOYFRIEND? But in literally the most minimal way possible. She was studying abroad from literally the other side of the world, which is where he was. I remember she showed me where he lived on a map of her hometown, likely not realizing that a quick glance at a map means literally nothing to me.
(We were actually always doing that; sharing our interests and experiences with each other even though there was almost NO overlap, but enjoying it anyway. She was an accounting major! I let her tell me about the stock market!!! And she was so confused every time I talked to her about art 😅)
Anyway, she told me she had a boyfriend, showed me where he lived, and told me LITERALLY nothing else about him. Not his name, not how they met, how long they'd been dating, nothing. I think maybe she only told me because she was just pointing out places she knew in her city? I know she indicated her parent's home and her high school as well. And that was the only time she ever mentioned him. She video called her parents every week, (I was often nearby) but never seemed to keep in touch with him.
Anyway, whatever that was, she does have a husband now. Not the guy from back home, an American. I've actually met him, and he seems very nice! We met up a few years ago, before they got married, when she came back to Texas for a week, and I spent the evening with the two of them. They seem really happy.
And I'm not broken up over the loss of her, though I do still think she's very cool, especially for an accounting major. But it does kind of bother me that I probably missed out on a chance to a explore a part of me that I still haven't yet. And it also bothers me that I don't know for sure what potential was there. Not enough to ask her about it, though! 😅 We're friends on facebook, but we definitely haven't kept in touch, and it would be a very awkward conversation. I don't think she even officially knows I'm gay? How do you even ask something like that?? (I mean, I'm sure those more socially savvy than I could manage no problem, but I still sometimes have to spend shifts figuring out what words to say to customers, so, like.)
(Like, "hey, I know you're married, congrats btw, he seems great. But, well, I know now that I'm a lesbian, and I think I might've had a crush on you? Is it possible that you may have had a crush on me?? No worries if not, obviously it would not work between us now either way, because, you know. Husband, you live in the Northeast, so many reasons. I swear I'm not trying to come onto you. Anyway, hope you're well. 😬")
But, like, not just her. The whole time I was in college. I think, even more than homophobia, struggling to wrangle my mental illnesses into the confines of academia took that exploratory time away from me. I couldn't focus on getting to know myself because I was struggling to make it from day to day.
And I know I still have plenty of time, and I'm honestly not particularly concerned about it, and I would never assert that you have to be in college or your early twenties to discover your sexuality. But I am just a little sad for the possibilities that were lost.
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burningcrab · 2 years
9, 13, 27, 28 for the blb asks!
9. favorite stupid blaseball moment (e.g. tot fox kills the sun, bases loaded with summers pony, grand unslam, crowvertime)
oh fuck yes this one is so niche. short circuit 3 was full of funny shit like our full team reverb that gave us four new pitchers who all sucked even more than the previous pitchers.
but BY FAR my favorite was dulce large, dulce small. dulce large was possibly the worst of these new pitchers who spend a week and a half losing blaseball games and getting frozen. i think we made them a little puppy creature made of flan. and stuff. anyway near the very end of the season dulce large pitched their final game. a couple days later they ate a peanut and had an allergic reaction and lost like 60% of their stars. dulce small did not have any more games to play. we were not in the playoffs on account of being terrible. the universe was ending in like two days. literally so mean to them for no reason
13. favorite “major” character (player who’s very commonly discussed)
does layna count. i commonly discuss layna. if not her then idk. jessica telephone. girl what the fuck is wrong with you (affectionate/derogatory/worried)
27. major plot event you weren’t around for but really, really wish you were
probably the jaylen lottery pick. insane to me that the shadows and the hall used to be like “the fucking what now” instead of normal things we all discuss
28. plot event you’re STILL mad about
not sure how to quantify plot event so uh. 1) aforementioned dulce large incident. mean to them. 2) yeah idk. plot is as plot does i dont get too bothered by it much? turntables was a. frustrating season i guess?
also im joke-mad about parker surviving s24 i think it would have been so funny if he just got incinerated like anyone else one day. or if he got redacted. or if he died on a team the way the mints did. something like that. so long hotboy
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vitospaghetta · 12 days
Tell me more about Abby? 🥹
I'M SO HAPPY TO!!!! I'm really bad at telling people about my OCs because I have so much lore constructed for them in my head and so many disjointed fragments of writing for them scattered around my computer that it's hard to properly articulate it all in a way that's organized, but I'll try my best!!
My plan is to eventually have art commissioned of her, but I self-indulgently made her in BG3 (as close as I could get her to how she looks in my mind's eye anyway, with the help of a ton of mods lmao. I got her pretty damn close!!). She's 33 by the time Death Island occurs.
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This is going to sound super weird I'm sure, but when I was coming up with what I wanted her to look like/dress like/behave like, I had this idea of 'I want her to look like what a Distillers or Hole song sounds like.' Aloof, sarcastic, and seasoned with enough unsavory life experience that she isn't afraid to be confrontational. Very 'do no harm but take no shit,' if you will. Despite her aloof demeanor, she's actually pretty personable. Just in a snarky, detached kinda way (unless you're special) lmao.
I could go into the backstory I have for her, but I'm sure you wanna hear about how this all relates to Leon so I'll get right to the good stuff, because their dynamic is seriously one of my favorite things to write.
She met him working as a bartender in D.C. He walked into her bar one night, ordered a drink, and, like the human pest he is, started flirting with her as soon as she came over to ask him if he wanted another a bit later on. Literally looked my girl in her eyes and told her "It's too bad you're the bartender, because I'd love to buy you a drink" like the fucking cringe factory that he is, and shockingly, she showed mutual interest by throwing his stupid pick-up line back in his face by giving him his next drink on her. They've been a pain in each other's asses ever since. 🖤✨
It started out as Leon just wanting to sleep with her, but he realized about halfway through their first date just how much chemistry they had, and is then struck with the fear of fucking things up. And then the fear that dating her would actually be worse given the circumstances of his life. But after a lot of 'will I, won't I,' he decides it's worth the risk, hoping that his happiness won't ever come at the cost of hers (though this guilt will haunt literally every waking second of their relationship).
I live for drama so I've spent the most time writing stuff/fleshing out what I affectionately call The Alcoholism Saga™ which takes place around the events of Vendetta obviously and is the lowest point in their relationship, but they're ultimately stronger when they come out on the other end of it. I'm not that cruel.
I don't wanna ramble too much, but if you have any specific questions about her or her relationship with Leon PLEASE feel free to ask me because I seriously love talking about them so much. 🥹
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fireflysprincess · 20 days
how about uhhhh 69 for the jokes lol and ummmm 24 and 36
f/o ask game !
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F/O CHOSEN: Azuma Mic.hi.na.ga !
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Which is nice because there's so. So. Much.
Link for the lore please appreciate my insanity
So here's some silly facts: my s/i calls him azu ! All the time. Frequently
He also takes every cow, bull, or buffalo plush he finds and buys it and then shows it to azu and is like "this is u"
He annoys azu so much but in an affectionate way ya know
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F/O CHOSEN: Ignis !
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This insane bitch
Okay ! So my s/i works for guts-select ! And accidentally sees kengo turning into trigger one day and well. Cover blown. Not that kengo was hiding it well.
So he is dragged into so much chaos and well! Fucking ignis appears. And takes and interest in him bc he's fucking insane..and tries to attack ignis with a giant hammer. It's fine.
ALL JOKES ASIDE the two start to get closer and at some point have a genuine heart to heart when ignis is ✨imprisoned for his crimes✨
Fun fact the confession is actually dumb as fuck bc there's an ep where everyone's hallucinating their desires and well. Guess what happens to my s/i ✨ and guess who is there to see it ✨
It's fine it works out Ignis is ecstatic
Though Ignis does still do some insane ass shit (plan to sacrifice himself to kill the guy who destroyed his planet) ONCE EVERYTHING IS SETTLED AND OKAY they go travelling through space together!!! Yay !!!
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F/O CHOSEN: Shuichi Ki.ta.ok.a !
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Uh beware there is slight nsfw talk here but it's not detailed
Okay so me and twin have uh. Complex lore for ry.u.ki in which we changed up a lot but also not a lot at the same time. So my s/i is similar to think like. tsu.mu.ri in ge.a.ts, kinda helps explain shit and keep things running properly
Only because he and his twin got dragged into the blast that started all of this and also got kinda. Trapped in-between the mir.ror world and regular world
ANYWAYS THID BITCH will NOT leave my s/i alone constantly calling him up to ask stupid questions and bug the shit out of him
A lot of shit happens, the two actually at some point begin a fwb type situation lol because ichi is annoying and is into him and my s/i is always stressed
Eventually he finds out about ichis illness and why he's even agreed to take part in the ri.d.er war, and yeah.
The two get in an argument at some point about ichi nearly dying which leads into my s/i confessing in a panicked moment of fearing losing him and well. Yeah.
Goro is also involved! It's a poly relationship all three are dating each other but he wasn't the one rolled so we won't go deep into that
ANYWAYS ichi eventually succumbs to his illness WHICH IS SO FUCKED and that mentally destroys my s/i and goro takes ichi places to try to win to wish him back BUT WELL THST GOES BACK TOO AND PAIN AND SUFFERING.
And then the world resets ! Fun !
But hey everyone is alive again ! And it's all ! Totally okay! Totally! Sure ! Let's say that. Alas they all forgot their memories
Though me and twin decided fuck that and they do get them back after a while (similar mechanism to bu.il.d we decided) and well!! Happy reunion !!!!
This is such a watered down explanation of events BUT GOD. SO MUCH. HAPPENS. IN THIS DAMN SHOW.
The three are happily married the end JENDJDJJD
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He took me out for Mothers' Day lunch celebration today. It was a sweet gesture.
Today I also learnt that I'm on the low list of priorities for vacations or getaways that may demand more cost involvement, even when I pay for my portion by myself and have NEVER, in the last 6 years of knowing him have I ever had or expected a vacation treat from him, on him. I've been independent like that I guess I always will be.
But it's a bummer to think that I would never enjoy a vacation with some level of luxury or just in a manner that it could be nice to splurge a little once in a while, with my man, for that extra comfort, privacy, romance and a jolly good time. I'm sure he spends a lot more on all his events and travels for events combined. Doesn't make him a bad guy, just that his needs and priorities are obviously not about us together. Oh well he loves his phone phone over me anyway 😅
We're both earning fairly well and we can afford it. We're about to have a second child, I'm going to be a mom to an infant aka prisoner all over again for nobody knows how long exactly, naturally expenses are going to rise, we're never having a good break together again in a manner without worrying about the level of expenses. And there's this stupid stereotype about Spanish men being the most romantic and affectionate, that's as true as me calling myself a white ass 😅
I will continue to live these needs with my peers. And maybe myself. Or perhaps some group travel buddies that I'll make some effort to find and be a part of in the future.
This brings back memories of my travels with his friends. What was meant to be "OUR" travel with his friends joining but it was like I joined a Spanish tour group 😂😂 activities were fun but to call it our trip without Enzo for some "our time" was plain fucking bullshit 🤣🤣🤣
We shagged maybe once? Or twice at most? I don't even remember it was so insignificant. Once in a pool I was feeling affectionate while his friends weren't there and I wanted to be affectionate, and receive in return, it was hoooooooribleeee 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
He looked most concerned about his friends catching us making out in the pool. Lol. So much for it being a trip about us without Enzo. Feels more like a trip I shared with him so we could split shared expenses such as hotel and food 😂
Story of my life about marrying a good wonderful man by the books yet I complain too much. Sigh.
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