#anyway this is a great show so far and i dread to see whats coming up it has to end in tragedy
just-a-simple-dyke · 2 years
The child actors in the king of pigs are so good though wtf....cheolie's actor especially is giving EVERYTHING he has it's scary
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Steve’s crying on the porch of his parents' house, with a duffel bag and baseball bat, when Eddie pulls into the driveway.
“Jesus, Steve, what happened?” Eddie crouches down to get eye level with Steve. Despite being dark out, the sun set long ago, and the outdoor lights weren’t on. Steve turns to look at his parents' car in the driveway and thinks back to when the lock had distinctly turned shut on the front door. They were around to switch the lights on; they just didn’t care anymore to do so.
Steve is grateful for the moonlight, as he can see the pretty lines on Eddie’s face. Even if they currently curve into a frown.
“Hey Eds.” Steve’s voice cracks.
“Stevie…what happened?” Eddie asks again, this time it’s gently. It cradles Steve and holds him softly. He wishes Eddie’s hands would do the same.
“Did you know hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backward?” Steve sniffles.
Eddie’s face scrunches in confusion, “What? Birds? You lost me.”
Steve pushes past Eddie’s confused face. “They are the only birds to fly backward. Surprisingly, it wasn’t Dustin to teach me that out of the munchkins. It was actually El. She’s apparently going through a bird phase. And I don’t think the others are very interested. So I try to pay attention when she talks about it. And she taught me about hummingbirds.”
Eddie settles on his knees, “That’s great, man and those little shits should listen to her more, but I’m not sure what that has to do with what’s wrong. You called me to come pick you up and hung up before I could even answer.”
Steve bites his lip, “Sorry, my dad clicked the phone off.” Eddie’s face shows surprise, but Steve keeps talking before he can interrupt. “And well, I guess hummingbirds have nothing to do with anything. It’s stupid, really.”
“No, no. It’s not stupid. Tell me about the birds, Stevie.” Eddie’s hand finally reaches out to Steve. He brushes the fallen hair out of his face, and something in Steve just sets him off.
“You see, they can fly backward. And well, no, I’m getting ahead of myself. You see, my cousin Tucker is here to visit. And let me tell you, he is the worst. Like Eddie, you would hate him. Conservative, capitalist enthusiast, real bootlicker kind of guy.”
“Sounds like the worst. Especially if he made you use the big words.” Eddie’s hand falls away, and Steve mourns the loss. Normally, when people make jokes about his intelligence, it stings. It makes him feel small. But when Eddie does it, it isn’t mean or a poke at how stupid Steve is. With Eddie, it’s almost like he’s reminding Steve that he is smart. That maybe Steve is the one making himself small.
He is.
“Anyway, he’s visiting, right? So my parents come home. And I haven’t seen them in months, since before spring break. It’s nearly October, and I haven’t seen them, and I can’t tell if I’m excited or dreading their arrival. It’s always a fight when they are around, how I’m not good enough, how I should be more. Their visits always end up being cut short, and me feeling like shit. But this stupid, stupid part of me was hoping it would be different this time. They haven’t seen me since the “earthquakes.” Surely they’ll be happy to see I’m okay, right?”
Eddie stays silent, his face revealing nothing.
“Of course, it’s not. They only came home because my cousin Tucker was in town. All the way from Indy cause it’s so far. And my mom ‘made’ dinner, as in she ordered it and pretended she made it. It wasn’t even that good, but we all pretended it was the best thing ever made. Cause that’s what they do, pretend. And the dinner is fine, boring. Most of it is just me staying silent while my dad and Tucker talk about the business. Tucker runs the Indy office while my dad is in New York. Ya see, Tucker has been gunning to take over for my dad when he retires, which is another word for dies—“ Steve let’s put a bitter laugh; he wonders if his parents are listening. He doubts it.
“—and they are going on for the whole meal, and I’m almost through the home stretch when my dad brings up me, coming to work for him.”
Eddie reacts finally, “You’re going to New York?” His voice is strained, like he is trying very hard not to yell, not at Steve, but at anyone who will listen. Steve is quick to correct.
“No, no, I’m not. This was news to me to Eds. I have no interest in my dad's business, and as far as I was concerned, he didn’t want me a part of it either. Guess that has changed. Has? Had? I don’t know…” Steve trails off.
“Don’t call me that. It makes me think you’re mad at me. Besides, it doesn’t fit me anymore.” Steve bites.
“Sorry, Steve. I’m not mad. I promise. Just, what do you mean?” Eddie’s head tilts to the side, his curls cascading down his shoulder. It reminds Steve of a river, dark water rippling in the moonlight.
“I was so shocked, Eds. When he said that. That I was quiet, I should have corrected him, maybe. Maybe I could have fixed it. But Tucker was so quick to act. He was pissed. He knows my working for my dad means me being set up to take over. And Tucker, he’s worked too hard to make sure he does get the business. But instead of yelling, he just gets this concerned look on his face. And he…”
“He what?”
Steve wrenches his eyes shut as he recalls the rest. As he recalls the way Tucker’s face faked worry as he struck. Like he has been waiting for the right moment to ruin Steve. He manages to open his eyes eventually, only to see Eddie’s face once again. The honest look on his face is enough to push Steve on.
“In the summer, Robin was feeling sad. This was before you guys knew about each other, and I was the only one who knew about her. And she was sad cause nothing had happened with Vicky and she felt so alone. And I hated seeing her like that. And so, so I took her to Indy. And, and—“ Steve starts to hyperventilate.
Eddie takes him by the shoulders. “Breathe for me, Steve. Come on, baby, match my breaths. It’s okay. It’s okay.”
Steve matches Eddie’s breath. Ignores how the word baby calms him down instantly. “Tucker told my dad that he saw me in Indy. That he saw me come out of a gay club, Eddie. And he went on about how they should focus more on getting me help, than putting me in a power position, again Eds, which I don’t even want! And how I would be a bad look for the company. How would it look if a company whose whole image is family values, only successor, turned out to be gay.”
Eddie flinches a bit, but doesn’t let go of him. Steve feels instant regret. “That isn’t what I meant, Eddie.”
Eddie shushes him, “I know, sweetheart. You’re just upset. I know. Did you tell him that you weren’t there for you? Or maybe that Rick was mistaken; it was a regular club?”
Steve rubs a hand down his face, “And what? Tell him that my two best friends in the entire world are gay? So that I can be shipped off to New York and never see them again? Yeah right. I’d rather face the bats again than be removed from you two. And I’m not going to out you guys like that.”
Something warm crosses Eddie’s face, “So, you lied then?”
“Before I could say anything my dad reacted.”
Eddie freezes, a darkness swims in his eyes. “He put his hands on you?”
“No, no!” Steve panics, and he purposely leaves out the ‘not this time.’ Eddie isn’t necessarily a violent person. But he does have a protective streak. As admirable as it is, Steve doesn’t want him to get hurt.
Eddie relaxes but only slightly.
“He was actually pretty calm, which is even more terrifying. I expected him to yell, throw things. But instead he just turns and says, ‘Is this true, Steven?’. And what gets me is they didn’t even question why my cousin was anywhere near that club in the first place. Why did he see me there? Instead, he just asks me if it’s true. And it’s the first time in a long time, if ever, that my dad asks me this. He always just assumes I’ve fucked up. And this time, he really asked me about the truth. And I couldn’t, I couldn’t lie. I don’t know why, but it felt wrong to. So I didn’t. I just told him, ‘Yes. It’s true.’”
Steve throws out a bitter laugh, “And you know what? He still doesn’t freak out. He just tells me I have five minutes to get my shit and get out. That I needed to call a ride because the car was under the name Steve Harrington, and I was no longer a Harrington. And he was so calm. And my mom just sat there, and I just listened. I didn’t fight. I am so tired of fighting.”
“Steve, why not just tell them the truth? Tell them you were there for a friend?” Eddie’s tone isn’t scolding, only curious.
“See, that’s because I started thinking about hummingbirds, Eddie. I started thinking about how they fly forwards and backward and how they are the only ones that can do that. Isn’t that fascinating? These small birds are so strong and interesting, and can do something no one else can do. But no other birds understand; the rest of them just fly forwards Eds. And I—I feel like that sometimes. That I’m not flying in one direction, ya know?”
Steve feels like he isn’t making much sense, but then Eddie nods and looks at Steve. Like really looks at Steve, and sees him. And Steve feels raw, stripped of his skin, exposed, and it should hurt, but it feels so fucking good. And Eddie stares deep into Steve’s eyes and says, “Yea, I know.”
“I didn’t want to lie. Because even though Tucker was wrong, he was also right. I wasn’t there for me, but I think I needed to be there. To get it. And I think that I’m flying backward, Eds. And I’m worried it’s wrong of me, that it shouldn’t be allowed. And that there is no purpose to me flying backward if I can just go forwards. If I can just fly with the rest of them. But I don’t think, I don’t think I’ve ever really taken flight before. Not before I understood I could also go backward.”
It’s in this moment, where Steve is covered in tears and snot that Eddie finally takes his hands and cradles Steve’s face. Steve’s never felt safer.
“Listen to me, sweetheart; there is nothing wrong with you. Okay? Nothing wrong with you. Just because you can fly forwards doesn’t mean you have to, doesn’t mean you should. Sometimes you’re going to have to fly backward; you’re not going to have a choice. It’s just the direction you’re fast, huge, hummingbird heart takes you. And it might take you a bit to learn that. To understand that, but I will make sure that you do. Because you, Steve Harrington, are fucking fearless and fucking beautiful, and I am so goddamn proud of you.”
Steve finally reaches his breaking point and collapses in Eddie’s arms. Full body, ugly sobs wreck Steve. He is sure that he is soaking Eddie’s favorite Black Sabbath t-shirt to the bone, but he can’t find it himself to care. His fingers dig into Eddie’s back as he clutches tighter as his breathing picks up.
“Breathe, baby, breathe. Remember that. I got you. I got you.” Eddie whispers into Steve’s ear.
Steve picks his head up when he finally calms down, and looks at Eddie. “You.”
“What’s that?” Eddie says softly, rubbing circles through Steve’s polo.
“I called you. Because, I think—no, I know, that I’ve been flying backward, to you. For a while now. And I knew that, even if you weren’t too, you’d still show up. And I just—just need you to know that. I am so grateful you showed up.”
Steve knows he should feel nervous telling Eddie all this, but he isn’t. He strangely feels like his dad at this moment, calm and unmoving. Steve doesn’t understand many things in this world, but he understands that even if Eddie doesn’t love him like that, Eddie still loves Steve in plenty of other ways.
It’s still nice, though, when Eddie leans forward and kisses Steve’s forehead. Steve closes his eyes and releases a breath.
Eddie slides his head down slightly so their foreheads are pushed together affectionately. “Stevie, I’ll always fly backward to you.”
Although it’s awful how they got here, Steve can’t help but feel happy at this moment. He also can’t help the silly giggle that comes out of him, “I think we have just lost all meaning to this metaphor at this point.”
Eddie snorts, “Oh, have we? And here I thought we were having a nice moment, a poetic one at that, telling each other ‘I love you.’”
Steve blinks at him, “You love me?”
Eddie frown lines finally turn upwards, “Yea baby, I love you.”
Eddie cuts Steve off. “Tell me in the morning. When your tears have dried, and I’ve woken up with you in my arms. I want to hear it in the daylight. Okay? Let’s go home.” Eddie stands, offering a hand to Steve.
“Yea home, got to fly back to our nest.”
Steve can’t help the snort he releases, “Dork.”
Eddie just smiles, “Thought I told you to save the ‘I love you’ til the morning.”
Steve smiles back as he takes Eddie’s hand, “I didn’t…”
Eddie squeezes Steve’s fingers, “Yea, ya did.”
I’m back, not dead, and in my feelings. Thinking about expanding on this one. I hope you guys like it. 🧡🧡
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flanaganfilm · 2 years
Hello and Howdy Mr. Mike Flanagan! I'm excited to see you here on our humble hellsite. I have so much to say and ask about your netflix shows but for the moment, I want to ask about Doctor Sleep because I enjoyed that movie immensely - it filled me with a pleasant sense of dread, which possibly makes no sense, or a lot of sense.
What was that creative process like? Reconciling book and movie canons, following Kubrick's legacy, working with Ewan and Rebecca and Zahn and everyone else. I'm obsessed with King adaptations and I'm just fascinated with Doctor Sleep.
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Alright! Buckle up for yet another long read.
Thank you for your question, and for this opportunity to go back and talk about DOCTOR SLEEP. It's a very special film to me, and a very special time in my life as well.
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It all started with a general meeting with Jon Berg at Warner Bros.
The meeting itself started pretty wild - Adrien Brody walked out of the office as I was waiting to go in. Jon introduced us and we chatted for a few minutes, and I was a little out of whack for the rest of the meeting because I had a very potent "wow that was Adrien Brody" buzz going.
We were meant to talk about DC Comics and see if there was anything to do there. I was really hoping to chat about a horror-slanted Clayface movie, and about my favorite superhero: Superman.
Neither conversation went very far. I had just finished GERALD'S GAME, and Jon was a King fan, so he asked about the production. And then he asked if I'd ever read Warners' script for DOCTOR SLEEP.
I had. In fact, I had tried very hard to get a meeting at the studio when the book was first published. Warners owned the rights to DOCTOR SLEEP outright - it was part of their deal going all the way back to THE SHINING - so they immediately began looking into movie options when the book was published. Akiva Goldsman had written a script, and it was one of the first projects I asked about when I signed with WME as a client years before. "That isn't going anywhere," they told me. "I don't think that movie gets made."
They had tried to get me the meeting anyway, but no one at Warners responded. I never got in the room.
But now, here I was. What did I have to lose at this point?
"I did read it," I said. "I'd take a different approach." Jon sat back and smiled. "I love the book, Rose is one of the great villains of all time," he said. I agreed. He probed. "What's wrong with the script?"
"I don't think it follows the book closely enough."
"What would you do?"
"I'd do the book. Streamline it, combine some characters, and you'd have to rethink the True Knot a bit. But otherwise, just do the book. As long as it's a three-hander between Danny, Abra and Rose it'll work. With one big asterisk."
"What's that?"
"I think you have to bring back the hotel. Kubrick's hotel, I mean."
Jon smiled wider. "Yeah, it's a bummer the hotel burned down. King goes out of his way at the start of the book to emphasize that - no Overlook, look no further."
This was my biggest gripe with the book.
I said "When I read the book, all I could see was Kubrick's hotel. I think you do the book as close as you possibly can, until the big fight at the end. Instead of it taking place in an empty field, let it be in the hotel."
Jon: "Do you think King will be upset if you change his ending? You know how feels about THE SHINING, right?"
Me: "What if we gave him THAT ending? What if we let Danny have Jack's ending? Jack sacrificed himself to save his family and destroy the Overlook - why not let Danny do that? Change the ending, sure, but give him the ending Kubrick denied him."
We shook hands, and I called my producing partner Trevor Macy to tell him it was a good general, but nothing was coming out of my DC meeting. By the time I'd made it back to my car, though, Jon had reached out to Stephen King and asked if he'd be interested in me taking a swing at it. Steve, who had enjoyed GERALD'S GAME, said yes.
I was immediately petrified when the call came in that they might want to engage me on a rewrite of DOCTOR SLEEP, with a directorial attachment. I'd have to rewrite the script from scratch, and I kind of felt like they were calling my bluff. But the deal was made and quite suddenly I was adapting DOCTOR SLEEP.
First order of business was to make King aware of what I intended to do. I had just established a tentative relationship with my hero over GERALD'S GAME, and the last thing - the very last thing in the world I ever wanted - was to upset him. We weren't in direct communication, we spoke through agents and emails at this point - but I had to make him aware of the Overlook thing.
I put together a proposal that outlined what I wanted to do - use Kubrick's visual language, and keep the Overlook standing as a setting for the final battle. The initial feedback we got was "no." King really, really didn't like Kubrick's film, and his priority was to adapt DOCTOR SLEEP - not to revisit THE SHINING.
I told him that if he didn't want me to do it, I wouldn't - I'd walk away from the movie before I made something he hated. But as a last ditch effort, I said "imagine the Overlook, decrepit and rotten. And imagine Dan Torrance having walk in to 'wake it up,' the lights coming on above his head as he walks the halls. He finds his way to the Gold Room. To the familiar bar, where an empty glass is waiting for him. And we see a familiar bartender ready to pour for him, saying 'good evening Mister Torrance.' What if that bartender is his father?"
After a bit of a delay, King got back to us. "Do it," he said.
Writing the script was tough. I immediately felt like I had stepped into a very unsafe space. "This is going to piss everybody off," I figured. Kubrick fans would be livid that the movie was being made. King fans might be angry that Kubrick's imagery was being homaged. There was no way to please everyone, so I set about writing the movie I wanted to see most.
It was a slightly nauseous feeling that would stay with me until the movie came out.
I sat down to write with a hardcover copy of DOCTOR SLEEP to my right, and a hardcover copy of THE SHINING to my left. I read both cover to cover, sticking post-its throughout the pages with ideas, or flagging lines of dialogue (or even prose) that I wanted to protect. I managed to put together a basic outline for the movie, which was intimidating and sprawling.
I finally finished the draft and sent it off to Warner Bros. and King at the same time. I was shooting THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE at the time, and thought it would take a long while and a few more iterations before SLEEP would go anywhere, if it ever did.
Warner Bros. shocked us all by coming back with a green light. I've been told that it was one of the fastest green lights in the recent history of the studio, and I believe it.
It happened so fast, in fact, that Steve hadn't read the script yet. I got an email from him on a Friday saying "I read the first half, and I absolutely love it - my son's getting married, so I'll pick it up in a week or so and finish it, but great so far!" I was nauseous... because I knew everything that King was likely to hate was in the second half.
When he finally did finish reading it, about a week later, he reached out and said:
"I think it's really good. In my experience, this is the kind of script studios don't make, because it's TOO good. Hopefully I'm wrong. But no matter how it turns out, thanks for treating me so well. - Steve"
I had the distinct pleasure of being able to write him back and tell him that Warner Bros. had just greenlit the movie. And we were off to the races.
The pressure was enormous. They were spending a lot of money on this movie, and because of the insane box office success of IT: CHAPTER ONE, expectations were very high.
We were given access to Kubrick's blueprints for the Overlook hotel set, which were still held at Warner Bros. While we set about rebuilding the sets, our attention turned to casting.
For Dan, we met with a handful of actors: Dan Stevens, Chris Evans, Matt Smith, and Jeremy Renner all came in to chat about the movie. But Ewan McGregor, who himself was eight years sober (just like Dan), was the obvious choice. "Let's not talk about the Shining yet," he said. "I want to talk about recovery." He was the guy.
For Rose the Hat, we talked with several actresses, including Anne Hathaway, Nicole Kidman, and my dear friend Karen Gillan - but Rebecca Ferguson knocked our socks off on a 90-minute zoom meeting, and the part was hers.
Finding Abra Stone was more difficult - we auditioned more than 900 girls for the part. We'd narrowed it down to a half-dozen very promising and successful young actresses, including Lulu Wilson (who I'd worked with several times before and adore), but Kyliegh Curran's self-tape audition rose to the very top of the pile. Ewan flew to Atlanta to read with our final picks, and when Kyliegh - who lived 15 minutes from our office, was local casting, and had never booked a job before - finished reading, he turned to us and said "I mean it's her, right?" It absolutely was.
When we cast her, we invited her back to the office after school one day to get oriented. The crew was so excited for her that they decorated the production office in her honor.
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As the rest of the cast fell in, we started doing our camera tests and getting excited about what we were putting together. My feeling over overwhelming nausea only got stronger.
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We started shooting in September of 2018. The shoot was long, but never exhausting. The cast and crew were uniformly pleasant and happy to be there, and after the soul-crushing slog that had been THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE, it was a relief to enjoy working again.
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Kate was pregnant with our daughter Theo at the time. She visited as much as she could, but finally couldn't travel any more. Being away from Kate and our son Cody was hard, but I'm so grateful that we got to share some time on set together.
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All things considered, this was a smooth shoot. But something happened for me while we were making it that would change the course of my life forever.
See, THE SHINING is about alcoholism. King wrote it while in the throes of his own addiction, and it is a novel about the anxiety he felt about what he could potentially do to his family if left unchecked. It's one of the reasons he was so upset with Kubrick's adaptation - all of that was taken away. This is a profoundly personal story for King.
When he wrote DOCTOR SLEEP, he was decades sober. The story of DOCTOR SLEEP is the story of recovery. This was something that Ewan knew very well, and why he was perfect for the part. He knew what the journey felt like. He wasn't alone - there were a number of cast and crew members on this shoot that were sober. In fact, just about all of the actors who played main characters were sober. I was still drinking at the time, though it had already become obviously problematic in my life, I hadn't taken any meaningful steps to change it.
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This photograph was taken on 10/12/2018. This was taken on the day I got sober. I quit cold turkey, in the middle of production. I was clinging to vices at the time. Note not only the cigarette in my hand (I was smoking almost 2 packs a day), but the ash tray that had been rigged to the top of my viewfinder by the camera department. (I don't smoke anymore either, just about four years without cigs as well... and I still miss them.)
I had been writing about addiction for a decade. It was all over my work, going all the way back to ABSENTIA. I didn't realize just how much I was writing about myself, and I still can't believe it took me this long.
I vividly recall writing the scene between Dan and Jack at the bar. My wife pointed out to me after the fact that she could see it then, that something was changing in me when it came to drinking. Something was waking up, and I was processing a desperate need to sober up. That scene represents an internal conversation that is profoundly personal to me. It's still my favorite scene of the movie.
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I've been sober now for over 4 years. DOCTOR SLEEP helped me finally make that decision. I finished the shoot sober, and came home to my life with a lot of uncertainty and insecurity. But with the unflinching support of my incredible wife, and some amazing friends, my life started to really blossom. It was pretty immediately evident that this was one of the best decisions I'll ever make.
Meanwhile, though, I had to finish DOCTOR SLEEP.
I LOVED the movie we'd made, but I was still terrified of what King would think of it - not to mention Kubrick's estate.
When we finished the cut, I flew to Bangor to screen the finished film for Steve. It was the first I'd meet him in person, and one of the most insanely exciting and humbling days of my life.
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We watched the movie together, and I was acutely aware of each and every little reaction he had throughout.
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(With Trevor Macy, my producing partner at Intrepid)
When the show as over, Steve turned to me and said "You did a beautiful job." And ultimately, he added that this film had made him warm up to the Kubrick movie as well.
A week later, we heard from Kubrick's estate that they had also loved the movie.
With King's blessing, and Kubrick's family, I felt that nausea finally subside. I said to Kate, "that's it. That's all that matters. Doesn't matter if the movie crashes and burns - we already won the important battle."
And then, the movie crashed and burned.
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A group of us went to see it opening night at Arclight Hollywood (my favorite theater). We were just about the only people there. And I knew immediately that we were going to have a bad weekend.
The movie didn't perform very well. Warner Bros. was disappointed, and ended up scrapping the Dick Hallorann movie we were planning, as well as the Overlook Hotel prequel.
I was pretty crest-fallen. I'd spent years tossing and turning over whether audiences would be divided between the King and Kubrick camps. I'd been petrified that they'd be furious, venomous, run me out on a rail... I'd never considered that they'd be utterly disinterested. Apathy wasn't even on my radar.
Steve called me the Monday after opening weekend with some words of encouragement. "I remember when THE SHINING bombed," he said. "And SHAWSHANK. Give it some time. It'll find its audience. It's a really good movie."
That has turned out to be true. While it didn't set the world on fire theatrically, the movie has over-performed on VOD and streaming. And when Warner Bros. released the Directors Cut (I'm still so grateful that they did that), it popped even more.
So yes, to answer your question - the pressures were enormous. I hope this paints a little picture of what it was like. The biggest gift I got out of it, though, was sobriety.
I reached out to King a year later, on my first sober birthday. I hadn't told him I was sober, but it felt like time to do it. I got to thank him. "I never told you this, but I sobered up while we were shooting DOCTOR SLEEP, and I don't think I would have done it without your words. Living in that story, and marinading in the concepts of recovery and redemption made it possible. I just want to thank you."
He wrote back his congratulations, and then mentioned "as it happens, I'm off to celebrate 30 years myself. It only gets better and better."
And he is absolutely right.
DOCTOR SLEEP was the perfect project for me after the nightmare that was HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE. I fell in love with making movies again. And I found a new and wonderful gear for my life. It has only made everything better - my marriage, my work, my experience walking around on planet earth. I'm so grateful for it.
When I think of DOCTOR SLEEP, I think of Ewan sitting at the bar and looking at the glass in his hand. "Man takes a drink, drink takes a drink... and then the drink takes the man. Ain't it so, dad."
Ewan understood those words better than I did when I typed them into the script. I understand them much better now.
There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not profoundly grateful for my time at the Overlook. And for myriad of ways my life has been changed because of it.
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Back to School Night
Roy Kent x Teacher!Reader
Warnings: Language, gross dads hitting on their kid's teacher
1.2k words
Teach Me Tonight Masterlist
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You survived two more weeks of corralling twenty-four eight-year-olds, standing outside for drop-off and pick-up duty, and accepting smiles from Roy Kent. It was a good first few weeks of school, full of getting to know a pretty great group of students and avoiding making a fool of yourself in front of the football coach who insisted on saying hello to you whenever your paths crossed.
Now you returned to your classroom at just after four, refreshed in a nicer dress than usual and a little pair of heels, makeup retouched and hair down. Back to school night- the most dreaded and exciting night of the year. In about an hour, parents would be wandering into your classroom, inspecting every inch of your classroom and asking questions that should really be addressed in a proper sit-down meeting. Some of the dads would give you the onceover, which would have some of the mums giving you icy stares. At the end of the night, you’d be desperate to take these shoes off and get a glass of wine in your hands.
At least this year you’d be seeing Roy Kent.
You flittered around the room, straightening things up and keeping an eye on that clock that was moving much faster than usual. As you pushed in the couple of chairs that the kids had forgotten to get, Leanne poked her head in.
“Ready?” Her voice had that teasing lilt she’d adopted ever since that first happy hour of the year, when she chuckled watching you sip the drink Roy Kent had sent over.
“Ready as I can be,” you huffed, blowing some hair out of your face. “You?”
She shrugged, stepping into your classroom. “Same.” Her eyes scanned the self-portraits you had hanging on one wall. “Those are great.” She pointed to one. “Nice to see Miss Phoebe’s moved on from drawing the female form.” She smirked. “Wait’ll her mum sees this.”
“God, I hope she comes.” You folded your arms across your chest. “Three weeks and I haven’t met her yet. She’s the only parent I haven’t seen.”
Leanne tilted her head at you. “What d’you mean? You haven’t seen her when she drops off Phoebe or picks her up?”
You shook your head. “It’s always Coach Kent, isn’t it? Dr. O’Sullivan must have shit hours, poor thing.”
“Interesting.” Leanne’s smile was mischievous. “I swore Phoebe’s mum dropped her off about half the time. What a coincidence that Uncle Roy has to handle things this year, when Phoebe’s got a very pretty teacher.”
“Oh stop,” you begged, rolling your eyes. “He’s probably just enjoying the way I get all flustered when he’s around. Little ego boost for him. Stupid Roy Kent and his stupid handsomeness.”
Leanne’s smile widened as she glanced at the clock, which showed almost five. “Well, better get ready to see that stupid man.”
“No, I am not married,” you repeated for the third time, your cheeks hurting from the fake smile you wore as another dad stood far too close. “Anyways, Lily sits right over there, feel free to take a look at the letter she wrote for you and her mum.”
Relieved to have distracted the dad whose wandering eyes made you feel like you needed a shower, you let out the quietest sigh you could manage. Other than a handful of forward fathers, the evening seemed to be going well. Most parents seemed pleased with the classroom and assured you that their children enjoyed having you as their teacher. You weren’t sure whether to be relieved or disappointed that you had yet to see-
That gruff voice had you actually gulping.
Fuck, fuck.
Plastering on that teacher smile for the millionth time in the last half hour, you turned around to find Roy, hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. Beside him was a woman in scrubs and a ponytail, eyeing you with curiosity and a coolly raised eyebrow.
“You must be Phoebe’s mum,” you gushed far too cheerfully, offering her your hand. “So nice to finally meet you.”
She smiled, her eyes shifting to Roy for a flash of a moment before shaking your hand. “Yes, sorry we haven’t met yet.”
You shook your head. “No, I understand. I’m glad you could make it tonight.” You nodded towards Phoebe’s table. “Pheebs’s desk is right over there. She wrote you a letter.” Knowing you were failing at suppressing a grin, you glanced at Roy. “She wrote one for you, too, Coach.”
His smile could probably bring about world peace, you thought. It was just that damn wonderful. “Little idiot really made more work for herself, writing two letters,” he hummed, earning a glare from his sister. He offered you that little salute, the one he gave you most mornings and afternoons, and turned to follow his sister to Phoebe’s desk.
Your entire body grew warm when you heard Dr. O’Sullivan playfully hiss, “So that’s why you insist on dropping my kid off every day.”
When Roy glanced over his shoulder to look at you, you pretended to be busy looking at a child’s work. “Shut up,” he mumbled, unable to hide the red tips of his ears and his embarrassed grin. “Maybe I just like my niece, ever think of that?”
Dr. O’Sullivan’s laugh rang in your ears. “Then why are you blushing so hard, Roy-o?”
You had to turn your entire body away before either of them noticed your own blush. With your back to them, you allowed yourself a smile, vibrating with giddiness at the idea that Roy Kent came to school to see you. That you made Roy Kent blush. Even with the way you tried to suppress your little crush, it was thrilling to think that he might genuinely have one too. After all, it was one thing for nosy coworkers to tease you; it was another for Roy Kent’s sister to tease him.
Remembering where you were, you busied yourself with other parents, chatting about what a pleasure it was to teach their children and how excited you were for the new year. After avoiding the touch of a particularly well-known father, you found yourself face-to-face with Roy. He quirked an eyebrow as he watched the man scamper away.
“They really have no shame, do they?” He wrinkled his nose. “You should keep a flask in your desk. Every time a dad hits on you, you take a swig.”
You rolled your eyes. “Poor kids wouldn’t learn a thing. Their teacher’d be sloshed all the time.”
His small laugh had you blushing. “Maybe not the best idea, then.” He gazed at you for a moment, as if he was thinking. You raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to say something, anything. He opened his mouth, then closed it again. Finally, he stuck his hand out. “Well, have a good night.”
Praying he didn’t feel you trembling, you shook his hand. His sister’s teasing had you feeling bold enough to give a small squeeze before letting go. “Good night, Coach.”
Roy paused again, still thoughtful. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he finally murmured. “At drop-off.”
Absolutely failing to hide your silly grin, you nodded. “See you tomorrow.” You quickly said goodbye to Dr. O’Sullivan, who’d wandered over while you drooled over her famous brother. Her smile was far too amused and had you blushing even harder than you already were.
On their way out the door, Roy couldn’t help but look back and offer one last little wave, that stupidly perfect smile playing on his lips.
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Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten @gothicwidowsworld @taytaylala12 @amieinghigh @klaine-92 @misshall14 @rosesheerio @goose-101 @gee72sstuff @alainabooks143 @lwritesstuff @hayden-maximoff @optimisticsandwichgladiator @veryprairieberry @scott-mccall-could-lift-mjolnir
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cringe--is--dead · 8 months
formally asking for part two of misguided hearts, please!! it was an amazing read!! I'm so excited to see what will happen next :) your writing is absolutely phenomenal ❤️
A/N: We are gonna pretend it hasn't been for forever since I've not only posted on here, but done anything with DBZ. Anyways! Here we are!
The Blind (No Longer) Leading the Blind (Part Two)
Misguided Hearts (Part One)
"I still think you should let Gohan and I spar."
Trunks was on the same topic, pouting, though he'd argue he wasn't, as you fussed over your hair and your makeup, finally settling on an outfit with your mom's help. You sighed, turning to where he was seated on your bed.
"And I told you-- no fighting my friends."
"He made you upset though," He was looking at you as if you were the one who made no sense in this situation.
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head fondly at him, "Gohan didn't upset me."
Though he didn't believe you, "I could stop being friends with Goten?"
You moved to sit across from him, watching as he held one of your pillows to his chest, glaring at your comforter.
"Trunks I appreciate you being ready to fight on behalf of me, but you don't need to. And you especially don't need to drop your best friend for me." You ruffled his hair, and laughed at the offended noise he made, trying to bat you away.
"Whatever. If you come home crying I'm gonna tell dad."
You narrowed your eyes at him, all affection leaving, "You wouldn't."
You hadn't even told your dad you were going on a double date. The man would more than likely have a conniption. The first time a guy showed interest in you he declared no mortal good enough for his daughter and declared anyone after your heart and your hand needed to beat him in a match. You had been thirteen. It was embarrassing. Yet part of you had reveled in his protectiveness of you.
"I would."
You heard your mom shouting your name downstairs, and the jitters that had mellowed out hit you full force. You stood, motioning for Trunks to do the same.
"No hanging out in my room when I'm not here, brat."
He stuck his tongue out at you, "I don't wanna be in your dumb room anyways."
He dodged the smack you sent towards his arm and left you alone. Taking a deep breath, you forced a light expression on your face. Delaying the inevitable wouldn't do you any good.
"You at least look lovely honey," Your mom comforted you, and you smiled at her.
"Thanks, mom."
You made your way to the door, grabbing a thin jacket in case it got nippy, and opened the door, unprepared to see Gohan, Videl, and Erasa at your front door.
You blinked for a moment, staring at the three of them-- Erasa was your date for the double date?
"Sorry," Gohan rushed to apologize, "Erasa insisted we all went together."
The blonde beamed at you from where she stood, and though you were dreading this interaction, you could never dread hanging out with Erasa, and her happiness was always contagious.
"It's alright," You smiled back, shutting the door behind you, "Let's just hurry before dad finishes with his morning training."
Gohan shuddered at that, and the four of you moved to head off. Erasa was practically bouncing as she walked, far more excited than she had been earlier this week. Videl was with her, moving every so often to keep her from drifting into the street or getting distracted by something near by. You couldn't help but smile at the pair, Videl was always so soft with her friends.
"So," Sucks that it meant Gohan had to be stuck walking with you instead of his date, but hey, you'd soak up the time, "My mom says hi. And that you need to come over for dinner soon."
"Well, I'll never pass up an opportunity for Chi-Chi's cooking," He smiled at that, a bright look on his face as you continued, "We still have that project due soon so I could come over some time this week?"
"Yeah! That'd be great. Sorry in advance for how mom will be." He paused, "And dad, come to think of it."
You quirked an eyebrow at him, "I've known your parents since I was a kid, Gohan. I know how they'll be."
"Yeah, but this will be different. Well not really, for us I suppose. But for them. Mainly mom." He sighed, as if already exhausted by the dinner that hadn't even happened yet, "And dad's just excited that that gives him more excuses to hang out with Vegeta."
"That it-- what?"
He laughed as if your confusion was not only expected but entertaining to him, "I know. I told him that just because we're seeing each other it doesn't mean he gets to go over and bug your dad every day. Not to mention I think it'll just be another reason for Vegeta to not like him. Or me."
Your mind was reeling, and you felt yourself slowing down your walk, trying to process and make sense of what he was talking about. Gohan seemed almost too lost in his mind to notice at first.
"I wonder if there's some Saiyan tradition he's going to make me partake in. Or-- hey, what's up?"
He turned, and you realized you had gone from slowing down to not walking entirely.
"Gohan-- what are you talking about?"
It was his turn to look confused. "Well I mean, dad doesn't know a whole lot about Saiyan traditions so he never really did anything special with mom. I figured Vegeta would probably remember more so if there was one he'd force me to do it. It probably has something to do with sparring, knowing him."
"Why would-- why would you need to know about Saiyan traditions regarding-- what does my dad have to do with this?"
By now both Videl and Erasa had turned to look at you two, confused as to why their trip was pausing. Gohan looked from you, to the pair of them. The cafe was within sight, so he told the pair to go ahead, and you two would catch up in a moment.
Head tilted, he looked at you curiously, "Because if I'm taking you out then he's either going to have my head or make me partake in some... Saiyan courting ritual I know nothing about." He grinned slightly, joking as he said, "I'd like to get a head start on it so I don't lose against him."
"Why would you need to fight my dad in a Saiyan courting ritual to date Videl?"
You were met with silence as Gohan stared at you, mouth parted slightly.
"What are you talking about?" Before you could respond he stepped closer to you, "I'm-- I'm not interested in Videl? I asked you on this date?"
"No you didn't!"
"I did!" The pair of you seemed to be growing almost frustrated with each other.
"When we were working on the project in your room-- I told you about the double date and you said you wanted to come!"
"Yeah, you said you and Videl wanted me to come on a double date. Meaning you and Videl were one couple, and I was--"
"Oh my God," He muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes under his glasses before pausing, looking at you with the biggest puppy eyes you had ever seen on him, "I messed this up."
He stepped forward, gently taking one of your hands into his, and you found yourself unsure of what to do or say.
"I... was asking you out. I wanted to come here with you. Videl had managed to get herself to ask Erasa out, but was too nervous for a one-on-one first date. So the agreement was I had to man up and ask you out."
"You... didn't do that well."
He laughed quietly, "I'm realizing this now." He paused, "Does this mean that... your answers changes now that you--"
"No!" Your voice was louder than you intended it to be, "No, no I... God, Gohan I was practically heart broken that I thought you were into Videl. I love her, don't get me wrong but I've had the biggest crush on you since we were kids."
His grin grew, becoming soft and almost dopey looking, "That's funny. I've had a crush on you since we were kids, too."
You could have face palmed then and there, could have cried or screamed with the amount of emotions you were feeling. Apparently, despite taking after your genius of a mother, you were an idiot.
"Oh," You blinked, "That's why Trunks was mad at you."
"I was..." Moping. "Upset cause I thought you liked Videl. He heard me complaining to mom and wanted to fight you."
"Oh," He looked contemplative, "That... checks out. I'm just glad he hadn't told your dad yet."
You giggled, "He said if I came home crying he would."
"Well," He took your hand in his more securely, tugging you gently towards the entrance of the cafe, "I suppose I just have to make this an excellent first date."
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Hey bestie popping by with a random ask: what have been your favs so far from your old jbl project?
Hi! Thank you for the random ask.
I was actually just working on my monthly breakdown so I was trying to write just a couple of sentences about what I watched this month so this comes at a good time because this month I definitely saw one of my favs.
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The Novelist. I don't know if I can coherently convey my thoughts about it but I'll give it a try. I think there were several factors that made me take so long to watch it. I never read full reviews about it, because although I don't mind spoilers in general, I also like to go into some shows as unbiased as possible. That was not easy. I basically went into it thinking it was depressing and it involved a lot of sex that I wasn't sure where it would land of the consent scale. I don't really remember where I got this idea tbh. Anyway.
Although after hearing people like you, @twig-tea and @bengiyo talk about it in different contexts I was less wary about it for sure. So I went into it with a more open mind, even with reservations. I mean I basically went through the lighter parts of the ojbl list first, so part of me was dreading the rest. I don't mind darker stories, or darker bl's. I have way darker ones coming up on the list. But I always feel like I need to be in the right frame of mind for them. Because I can get too emotionally invested and my moods tends to swing easily.
All this to say, I wasn't expecting a story about two lonely people 'using' each other to fight that loneliness. As I was just writing in my breakdown post, Kijima was such an interesting character to me. Because in the beginning I was just curious about him, like there was something odd about him, his demeanor. And when I realized that he was faking part of it and just using Kuzumi I hated him. So much. But, and I have to give major props to the actor, because in episode 4 when Kuzumi leaves and Kijima in on the table just listening to the record and crumpling the pages, I was gone. I fully saw him for the first time. That man is lonely and hopeless and I felt so much for him in that moment. And that of course lasted through to the end and that smile
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I was practically clapping. Brilliant. It was such a beautiful ending. I felt like the show broke my heart a bit and it was all healed in this moment.
So to recap, not only was this a wonderful surprise that completely obliterated my expectations, but it's so beautiful. Everything is good. The cinematography, the music, the acting, everything was brilliant. So good. So if everyone that reads this has not yet seen for some reason or another I urge you to do it. I still have yet to see the other installments so I can't speak to all of it but this one is so worth it. I honestly can't believe that Kijima has become such an important character to me.
I think before this one, my favourites were for sure the first two I watched. Ai No Kotodama and No Touching at All.
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They were both such great surprises. Let me just quickly look through my notes because my memory might betray me. Oh okay.
Ai no Kotodama I really enjoyed how it was shot and edited. I liked how they used several things to mirror the relationship, the perfume , the stair gazing and the other couple. I felt everything served the story in a really interesting way. I also like that the girl wasn't the usual bl girl and in the end she was actually jealous of their relationship more than in love with either of them. I also really like how the film made me unsure about their relationship almost from the start, because it makes sense in this case. My confusion mirrors Shinya's confusion and fear.
I also really liked No Touching at All's directing. It was really interesting how they used the camera work. For most of the film the couple is usually far away from us, the camera is on the other side of the room or something like that. And it's almost keeping us at a distance. So when the camera finally gets close up, it's during their break up, which I thought was intentional to cause the most emotional impact. Like now you should be invested in this moment because so are they. They are being honest for the first time so there are no more barriers for us because they are being truthful and removing their own. I also think Shima's internal struggle was really well portrayed, I liked the fact that he initiated the break up for self preservation reasons and so Togawa coming back to him at the end is what allows him to trust it. It makes me believe more in their future together.
This got a bit longer than I intended. These three are definitely my favourites but I'm really enjoying this project, even if I don't love everything, I think there's always something positive about all of them. At least the ones I've watched.
Anyway I hope that answers your question. My next one will probably be Mood Indigo and I'll have to look at my list again but I know I have a couple other ones on there still to watch.
Thank you so the question.
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fumifooms · 9 months
Marchil crumbs part 5
Part 1 - Part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 6 - part 7
The anime has come and since I have my shipping goggles on I am going to notice so much. This part will be less spoilery for anime onlys (tho if you want to see me talk about why I ship them and why they’re complementary this is not a good part to start with haha). Edit: After completing this part I can confirm it’s fully anime-onlys friendly and spoiler-free! For manga veterans though there are still some fun tidbits to be found, some recontextualisations and new extra content.
Holy shit guys they’re mirroring each other in the mural and reaching out to each other AND looking towards each other?!!!! Their pose is so striking and like perfectly align?! Which means it was so intentional and the staff wanted to highlight them (for an aesthetic and/or narrative purpose I’m sure but it happened)! I will never let this go we won so fucking hard let’s goooooo we are so back
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Character foils!! Dynamic duo!!
In the opening at 1:16 he looks at her to see if she’s really going to it as the most critical of monster food & muster up courage to dig into it himself lmao… "Marcille doesn’t look too grossed out, she’s picky so this food must be fine then" Aka treating her as a poison taster/good cuisine judge lmao
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Doodle from the animation director (source). I should translate it but I’m procrastinating on it so uh director’s brotp? Anyways they hanging out look at them :]
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Laios is thinking to himself there (he’s the one saying the subs), and in the meantime Marcille and Chilchuck talk, likely figuring out the money situation. Strategizing duo back at it again not wasting a second
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In the beginning of ep 1, when Marcille is rambling about where they could go to get food and what to grab, Chilchuck listens with a big smile & even closes his eyes as they walk. The implication is that he’s thinking about food, but man the scene hits different now that it’s voiced and I remember that indeed Chilchuck is closing his eyes to her voice and enjoying hearing her talk and ramble. I may be too far gone into the marchil pit
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I feel like already they’ve come far from when Chilchuck dreaded being alone with Shuro and Marcille, waiting for the Toudens and Namari to arrive.
Ok this might actually be smth I’m gonna complain about but I feel like blushes have been drawn too vividly so far. Why does Chilchuck look like he’s confessing when he tells her she’s not a burden and he didn’t mean to make her feel that way. It almost comes across as "Woah she cares what I think?" 💀 The banter ensuing is of course also great
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Ep 2 was an episode centered on them both that had the "Magic/Traps are my domain, don’t interfere!" parallel… And now with ep 3 we’re back to them being haters together. That’s her emotional support man
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In ep 4, it doesn’t show well with a screenshot but when Senshi talks about his unmanned vegetable stand with a treasure chest, while in the manga Marcille and Chilchuck both think the same thing, "That’s why that treasure chest akways had money in it…", but in the anime instead they literally finish each other’s thought. Talk about being on the same wavelength.
Ep 5 is a marchil goldmine actually, it showcases perfectly how much of a package deal they are lol. Always sticking close to each other. Glancing at each other during meals… They literally nod at each other before they try a bite to steel themselves. They exchange a serious thoughtful glance when Laios talks about Falin truly being gone atm. They argue a bit but they go right back to sitting right next to each other after the meal <3 My god I can’t deal with them they are so…… "Hate this bitch, not my friend" 3 secs later "Heyy bestie!!" Also he’s worried he brought her mood down after mentioning Falin. Made a post about ep 5 collecting even more screenshots.
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Episode 6 my hero my beloved… Again I made a post about the ep collecting all my screenshots here, and even a clip! But this IS the marchil crumbs masterpost thus I must collect the major ones here as well. First of all, fun staff drawings for the first screening!
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I already posted a screenshot from the trailer of when Chil had his head on his knees sitting next to her, but after seeing episode 5 I think it’s a fun and interesting trend to notice that they sit next to each other way unnecessarily close wow. They continue to banter a ton, she continues to be very casual with touch, and they’re really cute! I love just how much Marcille blushed damn- It’s really cute too when you remember with the bicorn chapter that Chilchuck teases Marcille BECAUSE he enjoys getting a rise out of her, flustering her and seeing her reactions. I support the teasing -> laughing because her reaction is over the top all-Chilchuck economy. Also she apologizes for having let him go alone and be gone for so long by helping him with sewing his cowl… Cuties
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She looked so happy when he opened up about his age!… And then seemed… Disappointed? When he "truly was just a kid". "So you really are a kid! How boring…" This implies that her intent was to tease him for funsies… Ok lads we reached 30 pics see you next post, I’m gonna cover the "wake up clumsy head" manga-anime differences and we’re gonna go back to our usual spoilers yummy schedule.
Here’s Marcille cosplaying as a succubus in the newest Daydream Hour… She may not be a half-foot or have deep-set eyes but let’s be real I think he’d explode
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part 6 here!!
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Built for Love Part 8 (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
A/N: Ummm this chapter has a little bit of everything... Family, fluff, a bit of smut, slight angst. It also has a time jump because we gotta keep shit movingggg. And I could write 100 chapters of fluff with these two butttt we're here for the drama! lol Also another gif that has nothing to do with anything LOL But I imagine this is what our girl wakes up to every day and I love that for her
Warnings: brief mentions of DV
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“So Charlie, are you excited to be back on the stage?” Michael’s mom asked as they settled around Michael’s dining room table for dinner.
Though it was a small affair, the table was weighed down by Donna’s decadent and delicious cooking, his mom cooking both he and Charlotte’s favorites for their goodbye dinner. Once his father had said grace, initial conversations had given way to the sounds of forks and spoons clinking against china as everyone passed dishes and savored Donna’s cooking. Though Michael’s family was used to it, Charlotte’s were too busy stuffing their faces to be much conversationalists.  
Her face had been drawn up in a bright smile since her brother, Lauren, and Jazz arrived. The tone around the table was a bittersweet one, joy for Charlotte and this opportunity everyone knew she deserved and needed, but melancholy at having two staples of their respective communities gone, even if it was only a temporary absence. 
Between the press tour and preparing to leave, the time had flown by and the move that once seemed so far away was hurtling toward them like a high speed train. Charlotte still found herself shocked that Michael was willing to move with her. As the date inched closer and closer, she half expected him to find an excuse not to accompany her. But that never materialized. Instead, he took it upon himself to do all of the planning. Time to find an apartment? Already done and vetted by Michael. Furnish the place? Interior decorator was already on it with images of both of their homes to capture their respective styles. All day, every day, he sent her restaurants and places he wanted to try, some Charlotte had been to and some she hadn’t, or asked her about her favorite spots to add to the list. His excitement was contagious, which counteracted the stress, dread, and anxiety Charlotte felt. For him, this was just the first of many adventures with the woman he loved. For her, it was returning home after running away. And that was never easy.   
“Yea I really am. It’ll be an adjustment for sure. Next two months’ll be crazy. But I… really missed it. I’m coming in a few weeks behind in rehearsals but it’ll be good to be back.” 
Michael’s hand, which had rested on her thigh since they sat down, squeezed gently to reassure her, soothing her anxiety. 
“Only on the choreo. This girl could perform the show and songs forward and backwards right now if she wanted.” 
Charlotte smiled. “He might be right about that. But the choreo is the harder part for me anyway.” 
“Yea the girl was born with every talent but rhythm,” Jackson called down the table causing everyone to laugh, Charlotte leaning behind Michael’s chair to flip him off without everyone seeing. 
“He never gives her credit. Charlie is a great dancer,” Lauren chimed in, not allowing her husband to joke at her best friend’s expense. “Remember the spring production of Oklahoma our freshman year??” 
Charlotte groaned. “Ugh don’t remind me! Some of the worst weeks of my life.”
“What happened?” Michael asked. 
“There was a nasty norovirus going around campus and Charlie, one of the only freshmen in Juilliard history to play the coveted lead of a spring production, caught it the second day of rehearsals. Was out for two weeks. The director planned on bumping up her understudy.” 
“A senior who despised me and was probably hoping the virus would kill me,” she laughed. “Director said there was noooooo way I could learn the staging and choreo in the two remaining weeks before opening night,” Charlotte interjected, rolling her eyes. “He was just worried he took a chance on a freshman only for her to crash and burn.” 
“Since I was dancing in the production, I could record rehearsals. Charlotte watched every rehearsal, learning every move, lyric, and note while she was sick. Sis showed up once she was cleared by the doctor and you wouldn’t have even known she missed two weeks of rehearsals. She looked and sounded better than some folks who’d been to every rehearsal.”
“Messed up one or two steps,” she admitted. “But nothing that couldn’t be fixed in the time we had left.”
“How���d you manage that?” 
She shrugged. “I just rehearsed and slept in between trips to the bathroom,” she laughed. “My doctor thought I was completely insane but as they say, ‘the show must go on.’” 
“Will you have enough tickets for us all to come to opening night or do we need to come at a different time?” Jackson asked.
“I definitely can get everyone tickets for previews, those start mid February. Not sure how many I can snag for opening night though.” 
“What are previews?” Michael’s dad asked. 
“Oh, sort of a test run? Just an opportunity to perform the show to audiences before the official opening night. Gives you a chance to work out issues and fix things before critics review it. The show ran off-Broadway first so our previews are only a couple weeks. So we have a month and a half of true rehearsals and then previews and then the show premieres March 1.” 
“And how long are you all gonna be there again?” 
“In total? 8 months I guess with rehearsals? I only signed on to be on the cast for six months though… March to September.” 
“Knowing you, you’ll extend it,” Jackson offered with a knowing smile.
Charlotte shook her head. “I dunno. Chris would love that. But doing 8 shows a week for six months is a lot. And gets old after a while,” she admitted. “Maybe I’d do a different show, but I'll probably come back here. I promised Chris six months so that’s all I’m committing to.” 
Everyone nodded in understanding, the conversation drifting away from Charlie and to separate topics. Charlie glanced around the table, a soft content smile on her face as she watched the two groups interact. It was not just each family chatting off to themselves. Lauren and Michael’s mom and sister were deep in a conversation about the struggles of parenting young children; Michael’s brother and Jackson were arguing about the Lakers vs the Clippers; and Jazz and Michael were deeply enthralled in a story told by Michael Sr. And everyone seemed genuinely happy to be there and interact. This was their first time truly combining the groups but she thought it boded well for when they all met the rest of her immediate family on the East Coast. If Jazz, Lauren, and Jackson liked them and fit in, the rest of her family would too. 
As dinner winded down, Charlotte stood up from the table to bring out dessert. Michael offered a soft peck to the inside of her wrist, which she returned with one to the top of his head, before she grabbed his plate to take into the kitchen. She hummed to herself as she loaded the dishwasher and pulled out the cake his mom prepared earlier that day. It was Michael’s favorite, her rum cake. Charlie could not deny it was one of the best cakes she had ever tasted, hers included. 
As she moved the cake to the island, she lost her balance on her heels, almost falling. She was able to sit the cake down quickly, it wobbled slightly in its glass case but remained unharmed despite her clumsiness. 
“There you go, tripping over air,” she cursed herself, annoyed and thankful she had not destroyed his mother’s cake. As she moved the holder on the island, a wave of deja vu hit her, a vision of a cake and cake holder smashing to the ground filling her brain. She paused, studying the glass cake stand, her stiletto-shaped nails gliding over it gently. Just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, the memory too foggy and distant to make sense of. During most of her deja-vu moments or flashbacks, the memories hit her like she was being forced in front of a movie screen. But as much as she racked her brain, she couldn't think of anything related to this moment.
“You ok, dear?” Donna’s soft voice interrupted Charlotte as she zoomed through the Rolodex of memories in her mind.
“Hm? Oh yea, I’m ok,” Charlotte answered, glancing up. she noticed the plates in the woman’s hands before abandoning her thoughts and grabbing them from her. “Let me get those.” 
“Thank you, dear. Your family is lovely. They fit right in,” Donna offered as she moved to grab a knife and small plates for dessert. 
Charlotte smiled, “Thanks. I’m excited for all of you to meet the rest of them. Everyone else is fairly tame in comparison,” she joked. 
As she loaded their dishwasher, she glanced at his mom. 
“This was all delicious, thank you. Thank God he picked up your cooking skills or else we’d starve in New York.”
The older woman laughed. “Well anytime you want to learn, you let me know. Though I think you’d give me a run for my money with those desserts of yours.” 
Charlotte could not help but beam a bit at her compliment. 
Charlotte dried her hands on a dish towel, anxiously twisting the soft fabric in her hands and chewing on her lip as she watched his mom. 
“I hope you don’t mind…” she started, pausing as the older woman looked at her with confusion. “M-Me stealing him away for a while. I’m honestly still a bit surprised he wanted to do this at all. But I know it’s probably hard when he’s gone for a long time. I feel kinda bad?” She admitted quietly. “I know he’s gonna miss you guys so much.” She stared at the wall that blocked Michael and everyone at the table from their vision, her face falling a bit as she felt the guilt of pulling him away from his family and community in LA. Even though he offered, she could not help but question whether she should have accepted it, accepted taking him away from his family like this.
“If I may?” Donna’s hands wrapped around Charlotte’s, halting her anxious movements and towel twisting. “I know it hasn’t been that long but I’ve never seen my son as happy as he is with you. One thing you should never doubt is how much that man in there adores you. I dare say he would try to move a mountain if he thought it’d bring you joy. You should never feel bad for accepting the manifestations of his love and commitment. Because I dare say, this is just the beginning.”  
Charlotte felt a tear start to fall, not from sadness but from the love, grace, and compassion his mother always showed her. From the moment they first met to today, she never acted like those dreaded mother-in-laws her married friends moaned about. Charlotte’s mother would not be considered a constant presence in her life, a rarity at best. And through everything she had been through, the one thing she had always hoped for but never had was a mom. Michael’s mom did not know about her mom’s absence but she seemed to recognize it was something Charlie still needed, a mother’s love, support, grace, and word of wisdom. And she offered it in droves. 
“T-thank you,” she whispered, whisking the tears away just as Michael rounded the corner to check on them. 
“Hey, you two alright?” 
“Yes of course, baby.” Her face immediately brightened as he entered the room, not even just to hide her and his mom’s emotional moment but just from his presence. “Just hounding your mom for this amazing rum cake recipe so I can make it for you in New York…” 
“But… I told her she’s gotta be officially in the family first for me to share it. So get to it,” she whispered to Bakari with a sly smile and a peck on the cheek as she returned to the dining room with the rest of the family. 
“Damn, she’s not subtle at all, is she?” he asked as he grabbed the cake while Charlotte grabbed the plates his mom pulled out. 
Charlotte laughed, patting him on the chest as she passed him to return to the dining room. “No, definitely not.”
Their moans created an orchestra filling his bedroom as Michael kept Charlotte’s eyes trained on his as he fucked her slow and deep. 
They rarely had sex in missionary these days, both of them finding other positions far more interesting and fun. However, when they were both in the mood for something slower and more sensual, missionary hit the spot for both of them. It offered them something deeper than pure pleasure. It was an intimacy and comfort they both needed for their last night in Michael’s bed for a while. 
Looking into each other’s eyes was a meeting of the minds, beyond merely connecting with their bodies, they connected with their souls. They saw all of each other, all of the excitement, anxiety, joy, and fear of what tomorrow would hold for them. And every moment, every movement and touch between them was an effort to honor those feelings. Every touch and whispered adoration told the other that they were here and they were ready for everything the universe had in store for them. 
There would be time for fast and wild later. Tonight, they were just cherishing the moment and each other before their first real adventure as a couple began. 
“J-Just li-like that. F-Fuck, I-I love you,” she moaned, having already lost count of her orgasms as Michael pushed her to the edge of another one. 
She could tell he was close as he picked up the pace a bit. Her hips rocked slightly to meet his, her core pulsing and tightening around him causing a primitive moan to escape him. 
It only took a moment for him to fill her before he rolled off of her. 
“You good?” He asked, a question he usually asked when they finished up, whether the session was slow and sensual or had her doing acrobatics. And the answer was always in the same vein: she was more than good.
“Excellent. I could fall asleep j-just like this,” she yawned, knowing that her sleep after sex was always elite, Michael tiring her out to the point where she could not do much else. However, before she did, she got up to go to the bathroom, Michael talking to her as she groped her way through the darkness of his room. 
“You ready for tomorrow?” He asked as he found his briefs to slide on and climb back into bed. 
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess,” she called back. “You sure you still wanna come? Not too late to back out. Well, we signed a lease, on a way too expensive apartment, I might add… so it’s a bit late. But you could still do it.” 
Though her tone had the intent of a joke, Michael could still hear it, her hesitation and fear that let him know she was still concerned he would abandon her. He knew she would not truly believe him until they were moved in and settled but he was genuinely excited to go with her. Not just to support her and provide her with some sense of safety while she was there, but to witness this next stage in her career. This was her dream and he saw no better use of his time than watching her fulfill it. He knew why she was hesitant, they had only been dating for mere months. However, when he looked at Charlotte, he saw a perfect glittering gold path to a future he had never given much thought to because he had always been too focused on the hustle, a marriage and a family like the one his parents had built. To him, this was one step down that path and he would never regret taking it. Part of him was annoyed he would have to return to LA in June for another project before her time in New York ended but he decided he would savor the initial six months of uninterrupted time together. 
“You ain’t gettin’ rid of me that easy, honey bee. And after living with me in New York, maybe that’ll convince you to move in with me when we get back?” He asked as she washed her hands. 
She poked her head out into the room to look at him, finding that his face matched the seriousness of his tone and words.
“What? Y-You want me to move in? Here?” 
He continued to surprise her with his level of commitment and dedication overall. However, just as she was about to doubt he truly meant it, his mother’s words floated back to her mind. 
"Well, it wouldn't be here forever. Just till we found a new spot… something that's ours," he emphasized. “We’re gonna live together for at least 6 months in New York… if it works out and you don’t absolutely hate me by the end,” he joked, “Why not? What? You don’t think we should?"
She shrugged as she climbed back into his bed. “No, no, I’m not saying that at all. I mean I basically live here as it is,” she admitted. “I g-guess I just didn’t think about what living together in New York would mean for when we got back? Of course, you thought of it though. You think ahead and have a plan for everything.” 
Michael was glad she could not see his face as she settled against his chest. She truly had no idea how far ahead his planning went when it came to her. 
“Well, I just know what I want and I don’t believe in wasting time. But I’m not sayin’ you gotta decide now or anything. Let’s see how New York goes. I just wanted to see if you’d be interested in it.” 
“Yea, I’m interested.”
He nodded. “Now are you gonna tell me what you and my momma were talking about earlier? You looked upset?” 
Charlotte chuckled, she turned over so her chest was against his, her ear pressed against his chest. The light thumps of his heart filled her ear like a soothing drumbeat. “I should’ve known you weren’t gonna let that go… I wasn’t upset. She j-just said something I needed to hear.” 
She felt his lips press against the top of her head, her eyes falling closed for a moment. She appreciated that he did not press any further for information. 
“Yea, I don't know how she does that. It's kinda creepy, honestly… that mother's intuition."
“Yea, its like she sees into your soul or something." Her last words turned into a mumble as she yawned and her eyes fell closed.
All Michael could do was chuckle before kissing her forehead and falling asleep himself, her gentle snores filling his ears.
Charlotte glanced out of the floor-to-ceiling window of their new apartment on the edge of the Upper West Side. It was as beautiful and pristine as the pictures Michael had shown her. They were high enough to have a great view of the city from their balcony. It was in the perfect location too for work and there was so much around for her and Michael to do. The furnishings were perfect, the exact mix of her and Michael’s individual interior style. She knew he hired a designer but it was clear the person knew their shit. The house already felt warm, cozy, and safe, all the things Charlotte needed, and they had only been in it for an hour.
“What are you thinking?” He asked from the couch as he scrolled through his phone, both of them avoiding the dreaded unpacking they had to do. 
“I’m thinking about my crappy little studio apartment when I first graduated… and my two bedroom with one of my college friends for those few months…” she paused, that apartment was a graveyard of bad memories. “Before I moved. I’ve j-just come up in the world, I guess.” 
Bakari beckoned her to him, the young woman leaving her perch against the window to join him. The moment she was in arm’s length, he gently pulled her down onto his lap, Charlotte nestling into him with ease. 
“This place is insane, Bakari. I mean I love it but I still think it’s too much,” she remarked, she raised her hands as if to surrender, knowing she was bringing up a touchy subject for them both. 
“Aht aht. We came to an agreement on that,” he lightly kissed her bare shoulder. 
She nodded, neither of them wanting to fall back into their first true argument of their relationship a few months earlier. 
“So what do you think?” 
Charlotte laughed. “I think I could fit 5 or 6 of my first apartment in that place,” she gestured toward his laptop as he flipped through photos of a high-rise three-bedroom apartment. “I mean it’s gorgeous but I don’t think I can afford it.” 
“Yea but I can. It’s perfect. Really solid security, there’s only one apartment on each floor so it’s pretty private. And it's only 15 minutes from the theaters so when you finish up evening shows, it’s not a long drive. It’s perfect for us. Don’t think about the cost. Do you like it?” 
“Yes, I love it but,” she chuckled. “Creed was my first real check in two years, babe. And I still gotta pay for my apartment here. I don’t really have the luxury of not thinking about the cost of things.” 
“Ok but I’m sayin’ you don’t have to think about it cause I got it.” 
“Well how much do you want me to contribute a month? If we go 50/50, it would be tight but I could swing it then, I guess.”
Michael rolled his eyes. “ I wasn’t expecting you to contribute anything. We ain’t roommates, Els.”  
She shook her head, pushing off of the couch to pace in his living room, her annoyance officially rising. Finances continued to be a touchy subject for the pair. However, usually, Charlotte only put up so much of a fight before she gave in. But she could not give in on this, not today. 
“It’s one thing for you to always pay for dinners and shit like that but you can’t pay all of our rent while we’re there. That’s ridiculous.” 
“Why can’t I?” He asked, his tone signaling that he did not understand the seriousness of the conversation for Charlotte in the slightest. He still did not quite understand her hang up with finances. He knew it was part of the cycle of abuse but he had no problem spending money on her if need be. She had only just stopped fighting him on paying for dates. Though he was not the type of celebrity who blew all of his money on frivolous things, Michael also did not pretend money was a significant consideration in his decisions because it just wasn’t. And he would never apologize for wanting to spend his money on her, for wanting to support her. 
“B-Because I…” Charlotte stopped herself from finishing the sentence, Don’t want you to be able to control me that way. But she knew that was not his way.“T-then it’s y-your house a-and not mine. I-I would just feel more comfortable i-if you let me contribute something. L-Let me pay for half? Besides, you’re gonna be in LA sometimes, full time in the summer. You shouldn’t pay the full amount every month like you’re gonna be there the whole time.”
“It’s really not that big of a deal, Charlotte. I don’t need your money and I don’t want it.” His tone signaled that he hoped to get the final word in and end the discussion.
She could not help but feel frustrated like he was not hearing her. But she understood why he did not see this situation through her eyes. “I-It’s not about you n-needing it!” She cried out, Michael suddenly realizing her unexpected outburst meant more simmered beneath the surface than her just wanting to contribute. She took a deep breath, not wanting to start an argument with him. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just…” 
He rubbed her shoulders and nodded, “Ok just breath for a second, babe. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it would bother you this much. I just.. I wanted you to have a serene, safe place to live and work while you’re there a-and I wasn’t gonna ask you to pay because money wasn’t a factor when I chose it. I just want you to be comfortable while we’re there.”
She sighed and rubbed her forehead. She knew she shouldn’t push him on the finances piece so much. But she refused to ever let a man hold her livelihood over her head again. Where she laid her head was important and even though she stayed at Michael’s most of the time, she could at least retreat to her home if she ever needed it. She did not want the only place she had to lay her head to be not in her control at all. 
“Look, I-I appreciate it. That place is beautiful a-and perfect. I love it, truly. But… t-this is the first time I’m living with a guy since Shaun a-and the a-amount of times he held t-the fact that it w-was his h-house instead of mine o-over me…” she exhaled deeply as if she could release the memories into the air with her breath. “I-If I d-don’t contribute something then it’ll be your house and not ours. I k-know you don’t need it o-or want it. But I need it. I need it to feel like I have an equal claim to it. Please.”
At that, Michael decided not to push any further. He understood her triggers were real and legitimate and if it gave her a sense of autonomy and control to pay him, he would not let his ego get in the way of that. 
“Understood. I’m sorry,” he kissed her cheek. “I didn’t think about that. This’ll be our home and I want you to feel like it. How about you deal with all the utilities and I get the rent?”
She could not help but laugh a bit at his “compromise.” “Those things aren’t comparable at all, babe,” she muttered. 
“Monetarily? Nah. But what’s the point of an apartment without lights, wifi, gas, water?” he listed. “All of those are necessities too and without them, this would be a pretty terrible apartment.” 
They squared off for a moment before she nodded, realizing he budged about as far as he was willing to on the subject. 
“We came to an agreement, yes. But don’t think for a second I like it. Anytime you wanna accept that 50/50 split, let me know.” 
Michael gave her a peck on the nose. 
“Not gonna happen. Let me treat you to this one thing, baby. But what could happen is us christening some of this furniture?” His eyebrow raised suggestively, his intentions clear in his words. 
Charlotte smiled slyly. “I like the sound of that… if we start with the counter.” 
“Charlotte. Baby. Stop eating your breakfast like it’s a drive by. Sit, relax, and eat. You got plenty of time. Don’t have to be there for another hour.” 
Charlotte nearly catapulted out of bed that morning, a wrecking ball of nervous energy flitting around their apartment. Michael did not know how she was moving so quickly and chaotically, since all she did was toss and turn the night before. And as soon as the Sun was up, she was out of bed and out on a run through the neighborhood. And when she returned, their bed quickly turned into a wreckage of clothes, the young woman changing her outfit no less than 10 times. 
“Did you get any sleep last night?” Michael asked as Charlotte forced herself to sit at the island and eat Michael’s apple cinnamon pancakes, her favorite, and a couple pieces of bacon. Though this was her favorite breakfast meal, she found it difficult to eat, believing her time would be better served practicing or running her lines again rather than just sitting there. 
She scratched her head as she stuffed her face quickly, her eyes zooming across her sheet music. “Couple hours. Lots of tossing and turning before I just gave up and reviewed the music again.” 
Michael laughed, “You know every song by heart, even the ones that aren’t yours. You’re gonna be great today.”
She shrugged. “I don’t feel like it.” She glanced at her watch and bit her lip before abandoning her half eaten breakfast. “Thanks for this, Bakari, but I think I should go practice the songs one more time. The run in the Act I closer is fuckin’ killing me. I can’t get it just right a-and if Chris has us practice that part today, I don’t want to look stupid.” She paused her ranting to practice the chorus and run right there as she paced by the counter. She sounded flawless in Michael’s opinion but he could tell she hated it the way her whole face scrunched up in frustration. “See? Can’t get it. But you know… maybe I should practice my ballad first though… it would make sense he’d want to start there since it’s earlier in the show. Do I have time to do both…” She was no longer talking to Michael, only rambling and muttering to herself as her questions about which song to use her precious last few minutes to practice started to become inter spliced with actual lyrics from the songs as she studied the music while she walked through their home. “Babe! Have you seen my script?? Maybe I should  run through all my lines for Act 1?” She checked her watch. “I s-should’ve used the time last night to do that. UGH.”  
Her incoherent stream of consciousness and half singing were interrupted by Michael who put himself in the path of Hurricane Charlotte and their bedroom. Her favorite room to practice in was the bathroom because the acoustics were the best in the house. Imagine his confusion and slight amusement when, the first thing she did when they arrived after throwing her bags down, she started singing her ballad in every single room to test the sound quality before deciding the bathroom was the best option. 
It had not been 24 hours yet and he already learned one critical thing about her: she was a perfectionist chaotic nutcase. He had never seen this “behind the scenes” look into her process and work ethic. When they worked on Creed, she showed up to set every day the picture of an actor, in the zone, focused, and ready to work. He had never seen what it took to get to that picture and it was a perfect frenzy that he could not hope to understand or follow if he tried. 
And still, he found that her perfectionist nature that drove all the practice and ramblings only made him fall deeper in love with her. He imagined this is what he looked like to his friends and family when he was prepping for a role, so much energy and time spent to become someone else and embody their souls and personas. So much attention to detail and time rehearsing to give each moment in front of the camera your all. This was so much like that, and yet so much harder because Charlotte could not just yell cut to redo something. Every night she got on that stage, she had one opportunity to show her talent at its fullest. He could completely understand why she pushed herself as hard as she did. 
“Honeybee… you gotta calm down. No more practicing,” he grabbed the sheet music out of her hand, Charlotte offering mild protests as he walked to her bag and slid them inside, secretly adding a little card of his own. “You still have weeks of rehearsals. Keep doing this and you’ll lose your voice,” he warned, his lips twitching from the laugh he forced himself to stifle at the look of objective horror on her face, as if she had never even considered that was a possibility. But he imagined for her, losing her voice was the worst type of illness she could have. “Exactly. Rest the vocals for a bit. Sit, finish your breakfast and we’ll drive to the theater together.” 
With his hands on her hips, he steered her back to the island for the third time that morning and watched her sit down to resume eating, this time far slower and more measured. 
“You don’t gotta take me like a child headed to kindergarten for the first day, dad,” she bemused with a soft smile. “I’ll be good.” 
“I know I don’t have to, but I want to.” 
She nodded, talk of Michael’s plans for the day filled the rest of breakfast before she grabbed her bag, filled with her script, sheet music, and mid-day snack. Michael had to stop her from triple checking her bag before he slid a perfectly made chai in her hands and ushered her out the door. 
He kept his hand on hers as their driver took them the short ride to Abernathy Theater. She had not told Michael but she had performed in this very theater in her very first Broadway production out of college. It felt like a full circle moment to be back there. 
“Ok, this is it, babe. You got this,” he kissed her on the lips. “Can’t wait to hear all about it tonight.” 
“Thanks, love. See you tonight.” She took a deep breath before gathering her things and exiting the car. 
Charlotte glanced back at the black car before she opened the theater door, the window rolled down, to find Michael giving her a thumbs up as if he knew she would need an extra push to walk through the door. She knew her nerves were somewhat foolish. She had spent the better part of her life in theaters and on the stage. And yet, she still felt like a fish outta water. So much time had passed, so much life had happened. Chris thought she still had what it took but would everyone else? She had given up this dream. And though she had never admitted this out loud, she felt so much shame for how easily she had casted it aside and resigned to leaving it to die behind her. As she walked through the theater, her first time in one in over two years, she questioned whether she even deserved this second chance at it after she had squandered the first one, regardless of her reasoning for doing so. 
But now as she walked through the theater, taking in the opulence of the insanely tall ceilings and their perfectly preserved murals, the dazzling gold arches and trims, and the sea of ruby-colored seats, she knew one fact to be true. No one and nothing would tear her away from this dream this time. She had breathed new life into it and she would not lose it again.
Her visual survey was interrupted by Chris who waved at her from the stage. She smiled and made quick work of making her way to the stage where he waited.
“It’s so good to see you,” he mused, pulling her into a tight hug. “The rest of the cast is trickling in. But I wanted to show you around personally and introduce you to everyone. I’ll take you backstage.”  
He looped his arm around hers and led her backstage, the two laughing and chatting like old friends as he took her around and introduced her to everyone. He was showing her her dressing room when a familiar man’s voice filled her ears. 
“The prodigal daughter of Broadway returns… You know I took bets on when you’d be back.” 
Charlotte whipped around to find Malcolm Roberts, one of her costars, leaning against the doorway, his usual sly smirk etched on his face. 
She sauntered up to him, a similar smirk falling on her face. “And? Is the Tony award winning Malcolm Roberts poorer or richer these days?” 
“Richer…” At her surprised expression, he shrugged. “I learned a long time ago to always bet on you.” 
She laughed and immediately pulled him into a tight hug, the man lifting her feet slightly off the ground. 
“It’s so good to see you. I owe you dinner so you can catch me up on everything,” he said as they hugged. “You look amazing, still as gorgeous as ever.”  
Malcolm had been in her last production before she moved. She followed his career after leaving theater and his star had only risen higher and higher, as he deserved. And now, he would be playing directly alongside her and she couldn’t have been more pleased. If there was one person she trusted undoubtedly to act alongside, besides Michael, it would be Malcolm. 
“Thank you! Should’ve known Chris would call in the heavyweight champ,” she laughed. 
He merely shrugged. “A friend calls and I answer. That's how he got you outta hibernation too?” He asked as they walked to the practice room for rehearsal, their banter drowned out by the hustle and bustle of the team as they worked to build the set and gathered props around them. 
 “Naturally. One day you’ll have to tell us how you convince everyone to do whatever you want?” Charlotte told Chris who merely smiled slyly. 
“Win me another Tony and I’ll tell all my secrets.” 
The two actors glanced at each other and rolled their eyes. “As if you need anymore!” 
“Does your house even have room for another one and that big head of yours?” Malcolm teased as Charlotte snorted. 
“Well, my partner says I can’t convert the kids’ room to a trophy room. So I guess when you two are done sweeping, I’ll have to buy a new house.” He winked at the both of them before grabbing his assistant director to chat, leaving Malcolm and Charlotte alone. 
“How was the move?” He asked as he interlaced his arm with Charlotte’s as they walked. 
“Oh totally fine. Michael took care of everything, of course. All I did was say yes or no.” 
“Ah yes, the new boyfriend, aka my wife and sister’s celebrity crush. Remind me never to invite the two of you over for dinner?” Charlotte let out a deep belly laugh. “But I’m glad to hear it. Looks like you found yourself a good one?” 
“Yea… I think I did.” 
She raised her eyebrow as he stopped walking to study her for a moment, his face drawn up in a look of pride and something else she could not place. Understanding? Knowing? She could not read it. However, before she could ask him, he merely patted her hand, which rested on his arm and said, “Well no one deserves that more than you.” 
Before she could inquire more, they arrived at their rehearsal space, each of them settling into their spots. Chris did quick work of introducing Charlotte to everyone else who she hadn’t met and embarrassing her with his praise. She was thankful when it was all over and everyone started to pull out their scripts and sheet music to run through Act I. 
As she pulled out her materials, a small card fell out of the stack and onto the table. She picked it up and examined the card, Honey Bee written out on the front in Michael’s handwriting. She half listened to Chris share notes and information from the last rehearsal as she slid the stationary out of its envelope. 
I would say good luck but I know you don’t need it. You’re gonna kill it, as you always do, and remind everyone there today and in this world, who you are. Take a deep breath and remember you, not only deserve this moment but, you were made for it.
Your biggest fan  
If she had not been in a room filled with people, she would have bursted into tears. She slid the note back in her bag after reading it once more and taking the deep breath he instructed her to. She grabbed her phone as the cast started the table read and sent a quick but simple text. 
Thank you ♥️♥️
She knew she did not need to elaborate and that he would recognize the meaning. Not a whole minute passed before her phone buzzed with a similar simplistic response. 
A month later
“Oof, that’s it. That’s the right spot,” Charlotte moaned as Michael massaged her aching limbs. “You got the magic touch, baby.” Her eyes lulled closed as he did the Lord’s work, kneading and massaging the tense spots on her legs and back after another long day of rehearsals. "First show is in two days and I can barely feel my legs.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” He placed a soft kiss to the top of her spine before continuing his work. 
Though Charlotte did not mind the quiet, the silence that settled over them both as he worked, she found it odd. Most evenings, she and Michael never stopped talking, the pair catching the other up on any and everything from the moment she walked into the door until the moment they fell asleep. However, today, Michael’s head seemed to be elsewhere. 
“You ok?” She inquired. 
“Y-Yea, yea. I’m good.” 
She laughed. “I know you well enough to know when you’re good, Bakari. What’s wrong?” She gestured for him to move so she could sit up. She slid her robe over her nude body and slid into his lap.
“I just had an interesting call with Ryan today.” 
“Oh? Got another project for you?” 
“Actually, yea.” 
She motioned for more details, unsure why he was being so coy and secretive. “Ok… you gotta give me more than that, babe. What’s the role? And why are you acting like he threatened to kill you?” 
“It’s a Marvel project.” 
Her eyes immediately grew wide. She gracefully tumbled out of his lap and onto her knees, excitement filling her previously lethargic body. While she had only just started to get into anime thanks to Michael, both of them bonded over their love for comics. Growing up with her brother, she and Jackson spent far too much time in the comic book store and she made a point to see every Marvel movie that came out. 
“It’s Black Panther, isn’t it??” She squealed, her excitement radiating off of her. 
“How’d you guess that so fast??” 
She scoffed and smiled. “Marvel’s been talking to Black directors for months for that project. A-and Civil War is coming out soon with Chadwick. Ohh,” she shook his shoulders. “You HAVE to do it, baby.” 
He laughed, getting up to go into their in-suite bathroom. “You don’t even know what the role is, love.” 
She shrugged, following behind him with an extra pep in her step. She did not understand how he wasn’t more excited about this. 
“I mean I could sit here and go through all the Black Panther comic lore if you’d like and guess. But that’ll just make you horny,” she teased, knowing Michael got a little too excited when she put on her nerdy hat and talked comics. “And my legs hurt too much for acrobatics with you today. Why aren’t you excited? You said yes, right?? He wouldn’t’ve called unless the role was yours.” 
He pushed himself up to sit on the bathroom counter. “I want to say yes, the role is fantastic a-and his vision is spectacular. I s-spent the whole day reading up on the character and everything. It would be a game changer for sure.” 
“Of course it would. But I sense a but coming?” Her hands inched up his warm bare chest and wrapped around his neck as she stood between his legs. 
“I’d have to go back to LA for a couple days to screen test with Chad and a couple of the other confirmed actors, meet with the execs… and between Kevin Feige’s schedule, Ryan’s and Chadwick’s… only one week before like June works for everyone.” 
At the annoyed and guilty look on his face, Charlotte immediately understood. “Opening weekend of the show?” She prayed she was wrong but at the small nod, she let out a disgruntled sigh. 
“Yea. A-and I don’t want to miss that, Els. It’s such a big deal and I moved here to be all in on us and support you. I asked Ryan if we could find a different date or if we could do something out here instead but I dunno yet. I didn’t want to mention it because I didn’t want to disappoint you if it’s not a sure thing.” 
“Babe. I so appreciate you and that you even thought to consider me and the show before saying yes. But you can’t put your career on hold for me. This is the MCU, babe, I would miss opening night of my own show for Kevin Feige. You have to go.”
Michael’s jaw almost unhinged at her statement. That was not what he was expecting at all. And when he searched her face for a hint of disappointment or sadness, he failed to find any. Her joy for him was natural and authentic, not the forced type people give when they are trying to hide their own emotions. 
“I’m joking,” she amended but she quickly shook her head. “Actually I’m not. I would totally ditch schmoozing investors and the nausea of waiting for reviews for Marvel,” she laughed. “Seriously though, I’m gonna be doing 8 shows a week for months. You’ll see me on stage so many times, you’ll get sick of my voice and the show. You don’t have to be there opening night to support me. Honestly, I’d rather have you there the first night of previews in a couple days so you can see me on stage for the first time anyway. Opening night is only a big deal in that critics can finally review the show. And there’s a party for the cast and producers and investors and all that shit. You moved across the country to support me. That’s all I need.”
She walked back into their bedroom and grabbed his phone, her slippers shuffling lightly against the floor as she went.. She held it out to him. “Call Ryan.” 
“Babe… I just don’t feel right abandoning you on such a big night.” 
She tilted her head to study him. She found that she was not just saying those words because she knew she should not stop him from pursuing an opportunity. She actually meant it. Now that she was back in the swing of things, her anxiety had eased quite a bit. It had only been a few weeks but she had not seen or heard a peep out of Shaun, her promo for the show being reduced to one mention in a Broadway.com article, thankfully. And she knew she would have to handle a few days here and there without him before they got there. It was still early so she was still beyond thankful to have him there, but she could survive a couple days without him if he was needed elsewhere.   
“You aren’t abandoning me. You’re following your dreams, you’re moving your career forward. Ryan picked you, the role is yours. Meeting with the execs and a couple screen tests are the only hurdles you gotta clear. And you shouldn't put that off. Would I love to look out into that crowd and see you opening night, sure. But would I prefer to see you snag a killer role in what is already a highly anticipated project, 100%. I know you’ll be there in spirit.”
“You sure you aren’t gonna secretly hate me?” 
“I could never hate you. Besides, shit like this is gonna happen… we’re both two busy body ass actors. We aren’t always gonna be able to be there physically but I know you’ll be cheering me on as I will for you.” 
His phone still hovered in her hand between them, Charlotte giving him an cocky grin before unlocking it and finding Ryan’s number for him. 
“You sure?” 
“I’m giving you the push you gave me. Call him and tell him he’s got his Killmonger. Hopefully he doesn’t bust your fuckin’ ear drums like Chris did mine.” 
His eyes grew wide. “How’d you do that shit?? I never even said his name.” 
She chuckled as she turned to walk back into their room, her shoulders shrugged. “It was a lucky guess… that you just confirmed,” she smirked at him. “Now…” she sexily allowed her robe to open and slide off her shoulders, the silk fabric pooling to the floor around her feet. “Don’t stay on the phone with him too long.”
He raised an eyebrow suggestively, his thumb hovering over the call button. “I thought you were too tired?” 
She shrugged. “Consider it the last bit of encouragement you need to make that call.” She winked at him before sauntering off to their bed, delighting in the way his eyes followed her perfect ass as she climbed onto their bed. 
“Well, I think that part could use a bit more emotion from both of us?” Charlotte remarked as she and Malcolm reviewed their notes from earlier in the day. 
The stage was filled with chaos as many in the company practiced off to one side while the staging and lighting folks tried to get everything ready for their last rehearsal before previews started the next evening. Rebecca and Jonathan, the supporting actors in the play, were tucked in a corner just like Malcolm and Charlotte reviewing their lines. 
“For sure. We shouldn’t hold back. They haven’t seen or spoken to each other in years. All that pent up aggression and anger and hurt… it really should feel like something is simmering beneath the surface and then an explosion on stage before the number.” 
Before Charlotte could agree with him and practice a bit more, Chris’s voice grabbed their attention. 
“Heads up, everyone! So don’t hate me. But a lot of the investors can’t make previews tomorrow night but they want a peek before opening night so they asked if they could sit in on rehearsal after the producers’ meeting happening upstairs. Should be wrapping up in about 15 minutes. So we will have a small but mighty,” he emphasized, “Audience today. So everyone should give this their all and we’re gonna do it in our costumes. Go get changed. Sorry for the change of plans.”
Light mumbles and grumbles could be heard through the company as everyone filed back into their dressing rooms. Charlotte and Malcolm merely shared a smirk, the actor whispering to Charlotte, “The investors and producers say jump…” 
“And we say ‘how high?” she grimaced with an eye roll before shutting the door to her dressing room. This was the only part of her job she hated, schmoozing people whose only credentials for being there was the hefty check they wrote. Charlotte’s outfit was quick work, a simple dress, cardigan, and heels so it did not take long for her to change. 
She sang a few chords to herself, warming up her voice, while she waited for the backstage cue to return to the wings of the stage. When the lights flashed, she made her way to the wings, stopping by Malcolm who had his face drawn up in a grimace. She was thankful to find another actor who also hated the politics of it all. She followed his line of sight to the parted curtains, revealing center stage where Chris stood with a group of men in suits. They quickly reminded her of all of the men she met at Shaun's office parties and events, her distaste had not changed. Most of their backs were turned to them until Chris noticed the entire company was assembled and waiting and waved them over. 
“Let the jumping begin,” Malcolm moaned lightly as they all started walking toward the group of powerful and wealthy men. 
“And these are the stars of our show, Charlotte Bennett, Malcolm Roberts, Rebecca Sloan, and Jonathan Rivers,” Chris gestured toward all of them, the group turning around to greet them. 
However, the bright smile that Charlotte put on as she pulled on her dazzling actress persona immediately fell as her eyes locked with one of the men. Her movements halted, her entire body going cold and rigid as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice water on her. 
Everything around her went silent as if someone had pressed the mute button, she could not even hear her pounding heart in her ears. But she could feel it, beating against her rib cage as it threatened to burst out of her chest. She forgot where she was, who she was, as he offered her a menacing and knowing smirk. 
Instinctively, she took a step back, increasing the distance between them as the rest of the cast continued forward to introduce themselves. Only one person noticed her change in demeanor, her low, shallow breaths that were drowned out by pleasantries and greetings. 
Malcolm touched her shoulder, Charlotte almost jumping out of her skin with shock, finally taking her eyes off of a man she never expected to see here of all places, in her safe space. 
“You good? Look like you saw a ghost,” he chuckled nervously, though his eyes were filled with concern.
Her mouth felt bone dry, the words caught in her throat but she forced them out anyway. 
“No, no. Not a g-ghost. J-just…” she shook her head. “I… um, just need a minute? Tell C-Chris I’m r-running to the b-bathroom. N-not feeling great.” 
She turned and rushed out of the theater, her legs carrying her as fast as they could without breaking into an all out run until she found herself near a concession stand in the deserted lobby.  She needed as much distance as she could between herself and him. She stopped and leaned against the counter, her hand pressed into her chest as she tried to calm herself. She wondered if she would have rather seen an actual ghost. That would have been less terrifying than what awaited her back in that theater, a different monster haunting her from her past. 
Shaun Parker. 
Tag List: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @hi888888sworld @msniaimani @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @chaoticevilbakugo @blackerthings @pipsqueak-98 @miyuhpapayuh
A/N: So good news… we got some fluff!! Bad news… some niggas we don't like have found their way back. Thanks for reading! *drops this off and runs away*
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silent-raven13 · 3 months
A boi!
Now, everyone knows Billie loves her big brother, Miles, she basically his number one fan. When she came to this world, she remembers his warmth, his kind words and his bright smile. Something about that just click to her, that she loves so much. She loves that he's always around for her, always loving her, always being there! No matter what she's always happy to be his little sister.
Especially when he's Spider-man! A great hero, always risking his life to save those in need. When he took her around during his normal patrol as Spider-man. She knew, even for being so small, she knew this is a secret she will have to keep! For being responsible, and a protector of her Big Bro's secret identity, it is a great duty for her to keep.
However, her loyalty can go so far...
It's a beautiful day in Brooklyn, the weather is perfectly nice because it's Spring and the breeze is nice. Three year old, Billie chilling on her dad's armchair while watching her Doc McStuffin, she suckled on her pacifier as she enjoyed her show.
Her big brother being busy with sweeping the floor, he wore a tank top and shorts with some flip flops as he cleans the house. Miles wanted to help his parents out by cleaning the remaining chores, he spend the day with laundry, washing dishes, organizing the family's inventory closet. Now he wanted to sweep, and mop before putting new sheets on his parents' bed. "Boo-boo, you want a snack?" He wipe the sweat off his forehead, then check his gizmo to see the time.
"No..." Billie shook her head, she still was full from breakfast.
"Okay, Łęt me know when you're hungry or thirsty." Her brother said while he continues to sweep the floor.
She kept watching her show, after thirty minutes the doorbell rang. Miles went to the front of the door, "That must be him." He said to himself.
The little girl assume it's Hobie, which she got her web-shooter ready. It's weird that her brother's boyfriend would come through the front door like that. Doesn't he always come out of a big magical portal? She stood on the big comfy recliner glance over to the hallway, hearing her brother talking to another boy?
Miles opens the door to find one of his high school friends, Judge coming by to drop something off for him. "Hey, man. Long time no see!" He gave his friend a quick hug.
"Hey, my dude. What's up! You know, working, school and keeping the ladies in check." Judge said, he hold a bag, "Oh here you go, man. I hope you like it. It's a bit jack up."
"Nah, it's good." Miles happily look in the bag to find the action figure, "I know how to repair it and it'll be a great gift for Ganks. Hey, you wanna come in."
"Sure, man. Been awhile since we hung out." Judge playfully wrapped his arm around his high school friend's shoulders, "Ay, man. You gotten so tall!"
"Pfft, you too. You act like you're 5'4"." Miles jokes as he shut the door as they came down the hallway.
Billie peaks over being more confused, "Who's dat?"
Miles turns to find his baby sister standing on the armchair, "Hey, Boo-boo. This is Judge. You remember him?"
"Wow, she gotten so big. I highly doubt she remembers me." Judge chuckles.
That's right, Billie doesn't remember him. Then again, she never cared about other people beside her big brother. She looks up to study Judge is a dark skinned male with glasses. He wore so expensive shirt, jacket, jeans and Jordans with some short dreads. He smiles at her, "Hey, Billie. Been a long time!"
"Hi..." She reached out to her big brother being nervous with this random stranger. She had no clue who was this was. "Mmm!" She whines at Miles.
"What's wrong, Billie? Awe, don't be scared. You met Judge. He's a great guy!" Miles calms her down by picking her up giving her hugs and kisses on her forehead. "Sorry, I guess she doesn't know you."
"It's alright, man. She was a little baby when I saw her, haha. I'm not surprise she doesn't remember me." Judge chuckles before adjusting his glasses. "Anyway, man. What's up with you? I heard you and Ganks are at Columbia."
"Yeah, man! That place is great." Miles put his sister back at the armchair before taking Judge to get him a drink, "You want some soda? Also, I heard you went to Japan! That's so cool!"
"Yup, I went three times. I'm planning to go to aboard for a class." Judge grins widely, "It's great to visit tho. I dunno about living there, tho..."
Billie watch the two as she suckle her pacifier, she didn't like how show off-y the stranger was. Maybe she didn't know him too well, and she knows she shouldn't judge him. Still, her guts was telling her, "What about Hobie? Does he know this man?"
She watches them seeing her brother sitting close to his friend after serving his a glass of soda. Judge kept talking on and on about his journey to Japan, while Miles' eyes gleam with wonder.
The three year old went back to watch her show, she accidentally stepped on the remote control changing the channel to a Spanish Soap Opera.
"I'm sorry José, but I've been cheating on you with Juan!" The woman in a red dress dramatically said to her boyfriend. "We been talking about old times and fallen in love."
Billie slowly sat down as she watches her mom's favorite show. "Hmm?" She suckled her pacifier with her head tilt.
"But Maria, we been together forever. My love for you burns like a thousand suns. My heart is real, my passion is raw for you!" José said being heartbroken.
Juan smirks with his handsome charm as he did a dramatic chuckle, "Ahahaha! I stolen your beloved Maria by talking to her and listening to her sorrows! I am the only man for her." He held Maria who's being dramatic. The two held each other while
José cries out, "Mariaaa, nooo!"
Billie glances over hearing Miles and Judge cracking up about something they were talking about. In her eyes she thought she saw Judge being flirty and quickly assumed he wanted to steal away her big brother.
"I must tell Obie! A boi! A boi! Is he-wuh!" She thought in her head, she looks down to her right side to find her iPad tablet at the end of the bigger long couch. Normally, she only plays her fun games but quickly get bored, since she loves playing with her dolls.
Anyway, the three year old quickly jumps over to the long couch trying to be like Spider-man. Wobbling over to her with each step on the soft cushions, she must be careful not to get their attention.
When she reached her iPad, she quickly jumps over like she was making a touchdown at a football game.
"Got it!" Quickly, she sat up straight placing her iPad upward. It quickly scan her face leading to an opening scene. She starts slamming her tiny hands on the messenger logo.
"Okay, we getting somewhere...mmm" She tries to remember the symbols and letters of Hobie's name. Ever since she learned how to write words, she was able to read them as well. Although she is three years old, she came make out names. Since she been using the tablet for a while she kind knows how to text.
Hopefully with all the observation she done with her family, she can send Hobie a message. Now, where to start.
"Hmmm, Obie? Where is Obie?" She saw the contact list seeing the number one responders are her papá and Miles. Normally, she would FaceTime her daddy because she misses him from long hours of work. Sometimes she likes playing with the filters and funny emojis, too. Her finger scroll down to her little contacts, she saw her mom's name, her grandmother, and her eyes lit up.
"OBIE!" The little girl spotted Hobie's name typed in as 'Obie' with a guitar emoji. She happily tap the name leading her to a chat section. Okay, now she's heading somewhere.
Her ears caught her big brother laughing out loud, "Dude, ain't no way. You literally are dating three girls at a time? That's crazy!"
"Aye, man. I got game." Judge smirks.
Billie didn't like the bragging, so she had to hurry. Her hand slap on the keyboard seeing the same letters as she learned.
Texting to Obie;
Billie: OBIE! OBIE! Obie!
She sent that first before texting another word.
"Umm... ummm.." What else can she spell? She only knows so little words.
The punker saw her text having to write.
Obie: Lass? You texting me? Or this Miles?
Billie couldn't only understand her brother's name.
Billie: OBIE! OBIE!
Needless to say Hobie being at home was caught off guard by the random text, he did remember his Sunflower put the family iPad's number on his Gizmo for emergency. He thought it was weird Billie sent him a text, in fact he didn't know she could send a text.
Hobie: Lil Blu? Dat u?
Billie stares at the screen seeing Blu and U, she understood and type: YUS!
Hobie being impressed: Wow, good job at texting me.
Billie type again: Obie! OBIE! Miles Miles
She needs to figure out how to say, "Strange man is here!" If only she can spell more words.
Hobie tilted his head, then sent: Miles, okay?
Billie tap on the emoji section and sent: Miles ☹️
That took the punker off guard: Miles 🙁?
Billie: 😣
"Sad face... sad face...." She pushes another text.
Billie: Miles a b
She didn't know how to spell BOY, so she tries to remember.
Hobie: Miles a b? 😂 Lass, u too funny.
Billie: NO! NO! 😡
She type again: MILES MILES ☹️ a boi
She thinks that's how to spell boy.
Hobie looks at the screen.
Hobie: Blu gender is a social construct.
Billie types again: A boi! A boi! Miles & boi!
She remembers when her dad takes her to Tony's & Tony's pizza, her dad always said 'and' and the symbol & would there. She figure that's what that symbol means.
Hobie stops to reread the message being so surprised by Miles' little sister. Did she mean the way he think she meant?
Hobie: Blu, Miles & a BOI?
Billie types: Yus.
Then she slap on the camera she press the ten second button, with her two tiny hands she lift the iPad to give her a selfie with her big brother and Judge laughing in the background being close. She capture the photo and send it to Hobie.
Billie: Miles & BOI!
Hobie stopped for a few second then text her.
Hobie: I'm coming, lass
She could read that, being very proud she became successful. "Boo-boo, what are you doing?" Her big brother came by wanting to check up on her only to find her on her iPad.
"Nuthin'!" She muffled through her pacifier.
Miles blinks a couple of times at his little sister's response, "Re-really?"
"Huh uh!" She set her iPad aside, got up with her two little legs and reached her arms out, "UP! UP!"
Miles picks her up having to carry her, "What's wrong, boo-boo? You hungry?"
"Mmm!" She snuggles her big brother a bit more, then she spotted Judge eating her Cheetos puffs! Oh, he's gonna get it. "Cheetos! Cheetos!" She squirms with her hand tugging on her big brother's tank top.
"Oh you want some Cheetos puffs?" Miles took one to give to her.
Judge chews, "My bad, cheetos be fire with soda." He almost finished the whole bag.
"Nah, it's cool, man." Miles giggles.
Billie took the Cheetos puff and pull out her pacifier to take a bite, "Cheeto!" She pouts at Judge, "My Cheetos!"
"Billie," Miles frowns, "That's not very nice. Judge is our guest. Hey, you need a refill?" He looks at his friend.
"Sure."Judge said while eating the rest of the Cheetos bag.
"Awe," Billie gasps at her favorite snacks being gone, she pouts at her brother.
"Don't worry, boo-boo. We got another bag. Remember sharing is carrying." He had her on his hip, holding her with his left arm. Miles went over to the fridge to pull out a bottle of Cola, he twist the cap with his thumb and index finger. Billie watches her brother pour some soda in Judge's cup, "So, after Japan are you going to South Korea or Singapore?"
"Awe, man. I would love to go to Singapore, man. That place looks so fire. South Korea... hmm." Judge thought for a second before saying, "I kinda do want to go but probably later one. I'm planning to go to Germany to visit my cousins."
"No way, you got family in Germany?"
"Yup, since on my mom side is mix with Moroccan, her family is mix with African and Arab descendants. So some relatives move to Germany for education, some to France or Britain." He pop Cheetos puff in his mouth.
"Damn, I never knew that. That's pretty cool. So ya'll visit them often?"
"I use to, but my mom wants to go to visit my aunt and her family." Judge shrugs, "What about you? Aren't ya going somewhere?"
"Well... with school and work. I've been so busy. I do want to visit my grandma and family in Puerto Rico, but I'm not sure if I can. My dream is to go to Japan and see all the cool stuff there." He fantasize going to Japan for the culture and anime stuff.
"You should go. You can totally survive with 2k of dollars if you're smart enough to budget." His friend explained.
Billie chews her Cheeto puff very slowly waiting for Hobie to come. "I guess, but I don't got 2k to spend like that. I need to pay for books and stuff, you know."
"That is true, dude. You're at a Legacy school!" He said.
The two talk some more unaware of a Celestial portal opening in Miles' bedroom, they didn't hear the heavy thud of combat boots or the chains dangling against each other on a buckled belt.
The door slowly opens having to reveal a punker with a dark look on his face, his eyes narrowed as he spotted the random boy in his Sunflower's home.
Miles' felt his Spider Senses going off when he noticed an unease sense of his punker. "Hmm, Hobie?" He turns over his shoulder after he saw Judge's face fell into a frighten stare.
"Dude, who dat fuck is that?" Judge asked out loud.
Billie turns her head with a big smile on her face, "Obie! Obie!" The punker actually had a more intense punker outfit with everything being black and silver, his makeup look more intense. He painted his eyes into a black smokey bar lines, black lipstick and red contact on one right eye and an Anarchy symbol white contact on the other. He got a lot more accessories having this "Scary" look.
The Morales family got use to this style so this didn't phased them. Not even Billie was afraid, instead she happily giggles, "Obie! Obie!"
"Bae..." Miles looks over at Judge knowing he can't ask him why he's here instead he lied, "Your awake. I didn't think you would wake up."
"Hey, Sunflower." Hobie put one arm around his boyfriend's shoulder with a glaring mean mug directing at Judge. "Who's dis bloke?" His voice deep, rasps sounding a bit dangerous.
"BAE? Miles, who the heck is this?" Judge looked very confused and scared at the punker. "Weren't you dating some rocker dude? Now your into some guy looking like he's part of Metal band?"
"Judge, this is Hobie. He's just dressed different." Miles kisses his boyfriend's cheek, "Bae, this is Judge. Remember him. You met him a couple of times at parties..."
"THIS IS HOBIE? Bro look so different." And frankly, scary as fuck! If he could say the rest of his sentence.
"Not a clue." Hobie grunts being like a guard dog to his boyfriend.
Miles arched his eyebrow, knowing his partner is jealous as hell. "Bae, Judge is just a friend."
Billie pouts at her brother, "Miles and boi, Obie! Obie!" She tugs on Hobie's shirt, "Boi!" She pointed having to squint her eyes at Judge.
"Wah?" Judge saw the glares he got from the two, especially the way Billie squint her eyes at him like a cat.
Miles said, "Hold on, you two. You guys need to be nice to Judge. He's a friend from high school! Stop it." He had to scold his boyfriend a baby sister. Then apologize to his friend, "I'm so sorry, man. I didn't expect this from them."
"It's all good, man. I didn't think you were with him... I thought he was a fling then again, we rarely hang out after high school." His friend trying to ease the tension down.
"Hah, I know, everyone didn't think me and him would be together." Miles kisses his boyfriend on the cheek, again. This calms Hobie down.
Billie felt at ease with Hobie here, "Obie! Obie!"
"Yes, lass." He took her off from his Sunflower's arm to hold her.
She patted his cheek, "Hehe." Then snuggles against him being happy he's here.
Miles blink a bit surprised at his little sister, and his boyfriend gave a small chuckles, "Don't worry, lil blu. I'll always protect your brother." This made Billie calm enough to take a nap, all this tension exhausted her. So she suckled her pacifier while she fallen asleep in the punker's arm.
Judge nervously said, "Heh, so this been something..."
"Hahaha, don't worry about them. They just love me so much." Miles said with a small smile on his face.
"I can see that." Judge will never admit to Miles that he's envious having this much love.
After Judge left, Miles finally asked his man what happened. Billie finally woken up from her nap. Her big eyes still in Hobie's arms.
"Sunflower, lil Blue send me a text. Check the iPad. It's bonkers, I know, but she was worried for me. She literally thought you were cheating on me." Hobie explained.
Miles being disbelief went to get his sister's iPad, instead of freaking out he was amazed that his little sister text Hobie! "NO WAY! Billie texted you! This is crazy! She even responded back?" He scrolls seeing how his little sister did the best she could. "Wait, she thought I was cheating on you! Boo-boo!"
Billie shrugs, "A boi!"
"See. You gave made her scared, Sunflower. Never saw a bloke like that and all alone without me around. Scandalous." Hobie jokes.
"Oh hush, you were all 'grr, don't touch my Sunflower'." Miles huffs.
"I have to be scary. It's my nature." Hobie chuckled, "Besides this look was meant for a concert."
"Obie not scary. Obie good." Billie patted him.
Miles sighs, "Well, at least she has your back, bae."
"Hah, and she texted me first!" His boyfriend gave a smug smirk.
When Miles' parents came home from work, they were surprised to find out Billie knowing how to text. The three year old happily demonstrated her skills by sending them a text.
Billie: Miles & a boi! A Boi!
Rio giggles, "A boi? Does she mean Obie?"
Hobie chuckles, "Actually it's a funny story."
"Let me guess," Jeff rub his chin, "One of Miles' old friends came by to visit and Billie thought it was weird. Then she went ahead to text you?"
"Wow, that was fast?" Miles asked his dad.
"I'm good at my job." Jeff smirks.
Hobie sips his soda, "I scared him good."
"How?" Rio asked having to hold her daughter.
"My looks."
Jeff and Rio tilted their head not being afraid of the punker's style. They gotten so use to it, it felt like one of his normal clothing. "Hmph, I don't see it." Rio said.
"Maybe if you add red eyeliner underneath?" Jeff crossed his arms giving advice.
Miles giggles, "I didn't know you an expert, dad."
"Just giving some advice."
Hobie said, "I'll try that next time, pops. So, mamí Morales, what's for dinner?"
"Hmm, how about some Shrimp con Mofongo y arroz con habichuelas?" She wanted to cook something easy today.
"Habichuelas! Mamá, yo quiero arroz con Habichuelas. Por favor." Billie spoke in Spanish being so hungry for rice and beans.
"Sí, mi amor. Just hold on for a few minutes. Miles, take out the pot from the fridge."
"On it!"
Rio handed her daughter to Hobie, whiles she gets to cooking. Billie and Hobie sat watching the two. They couldn't wait for dinner.
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dearbaji · 2 years
She's Mine (Chifuyu x Reader x Draken)
CW: Cheating, pregnancy, birth, angst, dash of fluff Word count: 1396
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Chifuyu sits beside you on the hospital bed, stroking your hair as you lay your head on his shoulder. Your daughter has been in the nursery for almost an hour, allowing you to get some much needed rest. His phone screen lights up on the chair he (barely) slept in during the night, showing his new love's sleeping face along with a caller ID. He gets up slowly, not wanting to disturb you. Denying the call, he sends a text in reply: “5th floor, room 14 come on up :)” 
He sinks down next to you again, browsing through and answering previously ignored texts. 
Draken’s tall frame emerges from the elevator. As he passes the nurses station, he sets a case of vitamin drinks in front of one of the nurses on the phone. His hands are still full, one holding flowers, balloons, and a teddy bear, the other carrying a bag and another vitamin case. As he approaches your door he knocks gently, not knowing if your baby was sleeping or even in the room. Chifuyu opens the door and lets him in. “Hey, you can sit your stuff down over there. Thanks for coming!” Chifuyu says, motioning towards his area where he stayed for most of your visit. “Of course,” Draken says as he makes his way over to the table by the window, setting down the flowers and the balloons. You groggily open your eyes, barely seeing Draken hand Chifuyu a teddy bear. “Hey Ken, you came,” you say, rubbing your eyes. “Yeah, I would’ve come with Mitsuya but I had to handle some stuff at the shop first,” he says smiling down at you. “Is she in the nursery?” “Yeah I’ll go get her!” “No you don’t have to, I’ll come with you to go see her,” “No it’s fine, it’s almost time for her feeding anyway, right babe?” Chifuyu asks. You look at the clock on the wall and nod. “I’ll be right back”. Chifuyu stands on the opposite side of the bed from Draken and leans over to kiss you before he nearly runs out of the room, ready to see his daughter again. Draken pulls up the guest chair next to your bed and sits down. You almost know what’s gonna happen next and you’re dreading it. The thought was pushed down so far you wanted to forget, for it to not be true. Draken looks at you, seriously this time, and asks: “so, when are you gonna tell him that she’s mine?”
“Ken, please don’t start. It was one time-” “But the timing adds up. You two were broken up for a month when we got together. Then 8 and a half months later there’s a baby? There’s no way she’s his kid.” Your eyes start to water as you know he’s telling the truth, it breaks your heart. Chifuyu was a great partner, now a great husband, and so far a great father. When you first broke up 10 months ago it was because he stood you up for the nth time to help out Taemichi, and you’d had enough. Being together for 3 years he still managed to prioritize his friends over you. It was your choice to break up and he begged for you back every week: sending texts, flowers, prepaying for your order at your usual spot, and even leaving cute notes on your door for you to see when you get the mail. One night, you went to Draken’s shop to hang out. You knew he liked you and you liked him as well, but Chifuyu snatched you up first. You remained friends through your relationship, though it did hurt Draken to witness. Late night talks between two people clearly attracted to one another and a missing coworker plus an empty locked shop led to a few pieces of clothing on the floor and a back room filled with grunts and moans. It was one night. You felt guilty afterward for cheating on Chifuyu, even though you weren’t together at that moment, you were considering taking him back. 3 years was a long time to be with someone, and honestly you still loved him. But Draken was there, he told you everything you wanted to hear. He treated you how you wanted to be treated. A few weeks later you felt off, so you took a couple of pregnancy tests. One negative, two positives. You call Chifuyu in hopes of reconciling your relationship and he agrees, you two belong together. He went to your house and you welcomed him with open arms. After a quick dinner you both wanted to make up for lost time. As you held him while he rocked against you in bed, all you could think about is that night with Draken, and the end result. Another couple of weeks later you told Chifuyu you were pregnant. He was over the moon, so ready to be a father, but he wanted to be a husband first. Chifuyu proposed to you then and there, it wasn’t how he originally wanted to do it but it was enough. A simple courthouse wedding with a few friends and immediate family happened before you really started to show, and Draken was there. You kept him updated through the pregnancy without Chifuyu knowing. After each ultrasound and appointment you sent him photos and small updates. Whenever Chifuyu asked about what you were doing you simply replied “just showing my friends our baby”, which technically wasn’t a lie.
Now here you are, torn between two men with a baby and at least one broken heart. Your choice seemed clear, you’ll stay with your husband Chifuyu and raise your daughter together, and sometimes let “uncle Ken” visit or babysit so he’ll still be part of her life. Draken had a different idea: you tell Chifuyu the truth, leave him, and raise your daughter with her biological father. It’s what she deserved at least.
Draken holds your hand as he sees the tears form. “Please, Y/N. I love you. We can raise her together, you can move in with me or we can get a bigger place.” You shake your head and try to blink away the tears. “I can’t Draken. I married Chifuyu. He already signed the birth certificate.” He puts his head down and squeezes your hand, the wedding band shimmered under the hospital lights. “You never said you loved him”. Your head whipped over to look at him. “You said you married him. Not that you loved him.” “No Ken I do, I do lo-” you were cut off by the sound of the door opening. Draken sits up and wipes his face, you move your hand back to your lap. “Here we are! You want your mama don’t you? Yeah?” Chifuyu says as he wheels the cart next to your bedside. The swaddled newborn squirms in the bassinet as Chifuyu picks her up and places her in your arms. He looks at your face and notices your misty eyes. “Woah what’s wrong my love? Are you ok? In any pain? Do you need me to call the nurse?” He panics. “I’m fine. Just missed her is all,” you lie. Chifuyu chuckles and kisses the top of your head. Draken watches as you feed her with Chifuyu by your side. He considers the already established family that he’d be breaking up, but that’s his daughter you’re holding. “Do you wanna hold her once she’s done? Chifuyu asks him, snapping him out of his thoughts. “Uh, sure”. He leaves to wash his hands, ready to finally hold his daughter. While he’s gone, Chifuyu strokes her cheek with his finger. With a shaky breath, you start: “Honey, sit down please”. Chifuyu smiles at you and takes Draken’s previous seat. “Chifuyu, there’s something I have to tell you…”
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mae-dwrites · 10 months
A Bundle of Heliotropes - Chapter 1 - Marking
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After two people have turned 16 they get a soulmark, a near-exact, or complementary, mark or as some referred to it as a tattoo. This can be anywhere on the person, sometimes they're simple, small, or inconspicuous on occasion. Other times they take up a great deal of space, elaborate pieces of work, their meaning so clear much clearer more often than not.
When Marinette Dupain-Cheng was younger she couldn't wait for her mark. She hadn't cared what it would look like because no matter what it would be beautiful, because this was her way to her one in the Universe.
When she fell in love with Adrien she was sure it was him but slowly felt as though she was wrong as she failed to confess or even have a normal conversation with the blond. Why would the Universe give her someone she couldn't even talk to?
This led to her officially letting him go and giving Luka a wholehearted try, that was until he got his soulmark. Akumas, being Ladybug, and Guardian duties had already been putting a strain on their relationship so Luka getting his mark was just the icing on the cake, and Marinette thought it would be better for them to break up and remain friends.
Marinette spent months of hopeful vs. hopeless, and as her birthday drew near a feeling of dread came upon her. The day came when she woke up with her collar area burning with her mark.
It was beautiful, just below the center of her collarbone a circle resting with elm branches coming from it going across to end at her shoulders. In the circle was a giant ladybug, along with robins sitting on the branches of her tree.
Looking in the mirror left her almost breathless, she brought her hand up to the mark almost scared to touch it. For fear if she touched it would fade the canvas of her skin forgetting what had been.
The only problem was it was far too telling. A ladybug? As if that wouldn't reveal her. She couldn't show this, not without someone realizing what the ladybug truly represented.
She could show Alya, she had told her identity at the beginning of the school year. She trusted her not to blab about it, especially when a few months ago Alya was going through the Ladyblog rewatching her videos and trying to see if any of them could be of help. Then she stumbled upon her interview with Lila to realize that she couldn't possibly be best friends with Ladybug when that was in fact her. She apologized to Marinette when she realized her mistake and how it took her this long even after Marinette had already told her and proved she was Ladybug.
“Marinette!” Tikki’s voice broke through her trance. The Kwami had been admiring her mark, while it wasn't the biggest or the flashiest. It was certainly something to admire. Big and flashy had never been Marinette’s forte, perhaps her soulmate and her had that in common?
“Sorry Tikki. I just,” Marinette glanced into the mirror again looking at the branches and its’ birds. “I can't believe it.” The teen said the last bit breathlessly.
“Guardian, as beautiful as your mark is,” Wayzz floated up. “You’re going to need to hide it. Someone could put it together, even with the quantum masking.”
“Wayzz is right,” Marinette turned to face Tikki as she spoke. “We can't count on the Miraculous magic to hide your identity when a mark so clearly refers to your heroine persona. While our magic is ancient that doesn’t mean it’s entirely dependable either.”
“You're right,” Marinette sighed. “I can show Alya at least. I'm sure she's gonna freak.”
Marinette wore a shirt that covered above her collarbone, unable to wear her usual white tees. She wore a light pink top so that if the shirt got wet the mark wouldn't be seen through the fabric. Marinette had already been making it a habit not to wear her usual whites anyway, with how many times Lila had caused “accidents” that ruined them. It wasn’t like she was dumb enough to keep wearing something that would be affected the worse.
Marinette already knew that Lila would try to say she must not have a soul mate if she wasn't willing to show her friends. Honestly, Marinette could care less about that, as Lila probably wouldn't share hers either when she got hers later this year. Not to mention there were others in the class and friends that had been getting their marks recently and not all of them wanted to share. Also, Marinette might be the younger between her and them, if her getting the mark on her birthday was anything to go by. Which it was.
Marinette made her way downstairs while tying her hair back, over the last few months while she still was late for things she had gotten better at waking up early. It made her friends excited, that's for sure. Marinette was proud, she may not get all the hours of sleep needed for a person her age but at least she started her day earlier.
She grabbed an apple and made her way down the stairs. She didn't want to risk Lila trying to claim she had done something when she was least likely to have. So she made her way as quickly as she possibly could, despite her having more time to get to school; it helped to get there as soon as she could around a certain time. As the more people around to see her the less likely Lila could make her claims.
Marinette passed through the bakery giving her maman and papa hugs and kisses before snatching up croissants into a bag to share with some of her friends. Mainly Alya, Nino, and Adrien of course every morning hung out with her. Many of her other friends would sometimes join them, sometimes they were in a rush or just forgot to grab something to eat.
Everyone mostly “played nice” as Adrien tried to keep it. While Adrien seemed to play peacekeeper along with Alya they both had very different reasons. Adrien being so Lila wouldn't say anything to his Father and risk his freedom, and while they understood that it still hurt when Adrien sometimes took more of Lila’s side in the conversation, even if it was for the sake of “keeping the peace.” Over the months Chloé, Kagami, and Marinette had been able to convince Gabriel to be more free with his son, even Natalie had surprisingly shown support. But Adrien still turned the arguments in Lila’s favor a good chunk of the time.
Alya on the other hand had been slowly sliding more to Marinette, so as to not cause Lila into a fuss. Alya hated it, that much was clear, but it seemed as though Lila didn't notice as long as the Créole teen was spitting articles of her amazing life. Alya had made a separate blog to “support her friend” but what Lila hadn't noticed was that the writer’s name wasn't Alya but a pen name. But it had come to light for Lila that Alya still cared about Marinette and wasn't entirely leaving her. Alya gave excuses, true and false, but we're good enough for the Italian. But Lila taking notice had only been a recent thing.
“Marinette!” Alya shouted as Marinette made her way into the courtyard. Some people turned to see the dark-haired teen make her way to her friend, some of those students happened to be Max and Rose. Score, Marinette couldn’t help but think as it meant if Lila tried to say something they would most likely doubt her, especially if she was with Alya.
“Hey Alya,” Marinette smiled before hugging her best friend. As she pulled away she wasn’t even halfway out before Alya was practically buzzing.
“So?” Alya stretched the word out while bouncing in place. “Did you get your mark? Or is it not there? And if there isn’t one then that’s okay girl! Remember your soulmate could be younger than you and hasn’t turned sixteen yet. And even if you don’t get a mark I won’t think any less of you, it just means that you're free to choose your own destiny and-” and before Alya could continue rambling, something that she had picked up from the Asian girl, that Marinette cut her off.
“Alya! I got my mark,” Marinette laughed before finally letting go of the other girl’s hands. Alya’s face slowly went from blank to pure glee. She grabbed Marinette’s shoulders and shook her, “You. Me. Bathroom. Now!”
Alya dragged her to the bathroom, while others would be upset at the other’s demanding antics Marinette just laughed. Alya pushed the bathroom door open and surveyed the room, “Which stall is empty?”
Some girls gave her weird looks, but those who were friends or knew the girls personally giggled or simply smiled. One of them pointed to the one at the end. Alya declared “perfect” and brought Marinette in with her. Some of the girls said happy birthdays to Marinette while giggling as Alya dragged her into the stall. As Alya shut the stall door it could be heard some girls going “Oh” as they realized why the two went into the stall.
“Show me now girl!” Alya cried, the stall at the end wasn’t as small as the others but it certainly wasn’t one as big as the one closer to the door. Alya had mentioned that her mark might hint at her heroing, as a theory. It wasn’t uncommon for soul marks to represent someone’s work or passions, so it was safe to assume that Marinette’s could reference Ladybug.
Marinette pulled her arms out of her shirt before taking it off, her tank top left a perfect view of the mark. Aside from the straps, it’s not like it really mattered. Alya let out what had to be the loudest squeal Marinette had heard come out of her, and she had let Alya try many Miraculi on just for the fun of it. That sleepover had been the loudest squeals and laughter that came out of Alya to date. Till today that is.
“Are those tree branches? And robins?”
“Yes, and yes,” Marinette said before bringing her shirt back on. “Elms if I’m not wrong. But I studied plants for that one nature-forest-themed fashion competition.”
Alya finally opened the stall back up when Marinette had her shirt situated, and with Wayzz and Tikki away. Alya just seemed to be radiating from excitement. If Alya was the type to jump up and down when excited that would be exactly what she would be doing now. Though Marinette had a feeling it had to do with how nervous Alya was for Nino’s birthday.
Nino’s Birthday was just four days away, Alya’s was last month. She didn't get a mark so she held out hope that Nino would be her soulmate, while being soulmates didn't necessarily mean it was romantic you couldn't blame the girl. As for all they knew, Nino or Alya may have a romantic bond with someone else. With how close they were and how much they loved each other it made sense to be scared of such possibilities.
Marinette was honestly scared hers wouldn't be romantic, not that there was anything wrong with a platonic bond. But for Marinette, it just meant finding someone to have her big house with three kids and a hamster would be much harder.
Marinette subconsciously touched where her mark lay, What if they don't like that I'm the one they're soul bound to?
The said girl looked up to see Adrien, Nino, and Kim waiting for her. A smile came on her face as she saw them. Kim waved at her overdramatically before raising a sign that read “Happy Birthday To The Bread Child.”
Alya and Marinette laughed at the sign, it had been a joke between mainly Kim and Marinette that she was “The Bread Child”. When they were in early collège their class had done a project about names and their heritages. From then on Kim liked to joke about her father’s last name.
Her other friends had slowly made their ways into the joke calling her bread-related nicknames. Adrien and Nino were the worst, as they were puns. It honestly made Marinette think their favorite hero was Chat Noir rather than Ladybug.
“Happy Birthday!” Nino and Kim shouted at their long-time friend.
“Happy Birthday Marinette,” Adrien smiled at her. The girl's insides swirled around a little at his smile, it was charming, one of his real ones even. Despite letting go of her crush on him he still made her flustered from time to time.
“Thanks you guys,” she felt a bit embarrassed but she couldn't care. Her friends always made her feel like that on important occasions, but she enjoyed it nonetheless.
“I'm assuming by Alya’s face and that she was practically skipping her way over here that you got your mark?” Kim raised his eyebrows at his short friend. Though most people at Françoise Dupont were shorter than Kim.
“Yes,” her cheeks flushed as she admitted it.
“That's amazing dudette,” Nino said in his usual fashion.
“Can you show us?” Kim looked between the two girls.
Marinette swallowed before opening her mouth to speak, “I don't want to lie to you but I want to keep it myself. I would love to show it but for now, I would like to keep it to myself.”
Marinette looked everywhere but her friends while she said this. They were gonna think she was selfish, or that she hates them when she doesn't! But because they think she hates them they’ll start hating her, and they’ll all leave her. She’ll have no friends because they’ll tell everyone and then she won't ever make friends for the rest of lycèe. Since no one likes her she’ll never get to be a famous and successful designer, and when she finally finds her soulmate they’ll think she’s horrible and hate her because she has no friends and that she's a failure. And then she’ll be alone for the rest of her life. She’ll never get her big house for her hamster and three kids, and-
“Marinette!” Her friend's voices snapped her out of her panicked state.
“S-sorry!” Marinette cried.
“Marinette, it's okay,” Nino said.
“We understand and we won't push you to show us,” Kim pulled Marinette in for a side hug. “We would never hate you for being private.”
“Exactly!” Adrien said with a reassuring smile. “It's your decision. Also soulmarks are very personal things, it only makes sense if someone decided not to share theirs.”
“It’s in your full right to decide who you want to share your mark with,” Alix said from behind Marinette. Marinette would have jumped if Kim hadn't been hugging her right then. “Honestly I don't think I will share mine with anyone when I turn sixteen next year.” Alix admitted before continuing in a joking tone, “Unless it’s something sick like a dragon or snakes. Then I would show that sucker off for all it’s worth!”
Everyone laughed at Alix’s statement before heading to their classroom.
When Damian Wayne first didn't get his mark he thought maybe he didn't have one, and he was fine with that. Even pleased one could say. As it would be one less person to care about, to protect, or to be used as a weakness.
His family reassured him that his soulmate probably just hadn't turned sixteen yet. Truly that didn't, as the League had certain beliefs around the topic. All Damian saw was that it was the Universe giving him that one person that anyone could use against him.
Lo and behold they would be right; just a few months later would he wake to his shoulder blades burning as a mark finally made itself upon his body.
Damian looked at his back with the mirror in his bathroom. It was…magnificent. It was the only word that could come to mind that held everything he felt about it, the young Wayne couldn't help but look at it.
A circle between his shoulder blades with tree branches that went across his shoulder blades and stopped just as it went to wrap around, clearly cherry blossoms were the branches that came out, ladybugs in flight or resting in the branches. While it made no sense it was still a beautiful sight. In the circle was a robin, its back to the viewer and its head turned up so you could see its face, as best you could with how the view of the mark portrayed it.
Damian swallowed, his body showcasing the form of nervousness without his consent. He couldn't help it though, looking at made his chest tight and his fingers flinching, desperately wanting to touch the mark. His arm made its way up and his hand came down-
He clenched his jaw as he turned his hand into a fist and brought it away. He huffed leaving the bathroom, and his face became a scowl. As he got dressed two parts of him berated him. He took a moment to calm himself, it’s just a mark. But it wasn't like a regular tattoo, it couldn't come off.
It was one of the reasons you, internationally, couldn't get a tattoo until you were eighteen, because you were one: a minor. And second, you didn't get your mark until you were around the age of sixteen to nineteen. At least that was the average range of the current day, there were some larger age differences here and there, but it wasn't as common now. Guess the Universe seemed to catch on to how humans had been viewing age differences in recent times.
Damian didn’t understand why the Universe had decided that soulmates would be part of the staple of its rules. An absolute that had become the conclusion long ago that no matter what you were bound to meet your soulmate, in one life or another. At least that was according to magic users and what the League had from hunting down certain magic users.
So under no circumstances could his family find out about this mark. He may have come a long way from who he was when he was ten years old but even still he did not wish to entrust them with everything. While they were family, his most trusted, and partners, he couldn't stand them over insignificant things. This mark did follow under the file: “Keep Out Of Knowledge For Long As Possible.” or as he formally called it “My Business.”
It was his business, and as it was his business it meant his brothers would poke and pry their way into said business. Damian stifled a groan as he made his way down the hall. Damian could only hope his brothers would stick to their recent “level 1: giving space” tactic, but that would only last for so long. He might as well enjoy the peace that came with it.
“Damian we're going skating after school!” Grayson exclaimed upon the young Wayne entering the dining room.
As much peace that would come with the level 1 space.
Being Tagged is always an option.
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onceinawhilemoon · 5 months
Finished the Mycroft’s Pride DLC and you bet I have some thoughts to share. Long read ahead and Spoilers if you haven't 100%-ed the DLC!
Interesting how you can look at the DLC as Mycroft's way of distracting Sherlock from uncovering the past, like if he can't talk him out of it, he might as well distract him as much as he can and hope for a miracle, similar to how Jon distracts him with all the childhood memories and the treasure hunts and challenges. The psychological implications/interpretations of that last one are vast: Sherry is deep down dreading the truth enough that he wants to stall as much as possible, or maybe he realized he missed Cordona so much and wants to spend as much time as possible here before leaving for good, or maybe it's a coming-of-age thing where he sees it as a chance to revisit and relive his best childhood memories and interests before he grows old and out of them, or all the above.
Either way, I really appreciate FW making Mycroft more prominent in Sherlock’s life and depicting him as a parental figure who clearly takes so much pride in having raised him and, in Mycroft's words, shaped him into the fine and productive young man that he is today. Despite all the miscommunication and the bickering and arguing, the only thing that remains solid and unwavering in their turbulent relationship is that Sherlock is Mycroft's pride and joy. (omg look i said the thing)
I lose it every time Sherlock goes into tsundere mode and makes a show out of how much he does NOT want to accept the request.. before he accepts it. He goes “let me guess.. it's urgent and important and lives are at stake and Mycroft’s too busy with his tea parties and keeping the Crown's jewels to do it himself? Alright, give it here. I'll handle it. I'm far better equipped anyway.” like stop you’re killing me with those lmao especially since I'm sure this is a nod to the canon ACD universe where Mycroft is portrayed as lazy and can't be bothered to make his own bed whereas this Mycroft is too diligent for his own good; running multiple operations at the same time and losing agents left and right and probably losing his mind with stress and not to mention the constant worrying over where Sherlock is and what he's doing and what sort of trouble he's got himself into and whether it's serious enough to require intervention. I mean, the man has long earned the right to ask for some help lmao.
Funny thing is, I finished the Muse From Abroad case and unlocked the cabinet of curiosities just before finishing the DLC, so they just had a tense argument and Mycroft stormed off and then sent Sherlock a letter right away asking him to drop everything and pursue one more thing for him, even said it like "consider it a holiday!" and Sherlock was like sheeeeeesh Mycroft and his errands and then, as usual, he went and did the thing anyway.
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Like no matter how tsundere he wants to get about it, this man still can't find it in himself to refuse his brother’s requests (for the most part) and I think that's freaking adorable, like don't tell me he doesn't secretly revel in his older brother's "Well done" and “Great work” just like when Mother used to praise him for figuring shit out and Jon said it’d be the happiest Sherlock’s ever been. This boy is still at an age where he craves and cherishes praise. After all, he made up an entire person to be his cheerleader (among other things) and to constantly tell him how great he’s doing and how much he’s proud of him.
I can also see Sherlock begrudgingly agreeing to take Mycroft's requests as him never wanting to miss on a chance to outperform his older brother, and probably even keeps a record to guilt-trip Mycroft into returning him favours, like "remember that one time you sent me to all sorts of ungodly places just to fetch a book? How about when I almost died busting a gang operation for you? See how much you owe me? now give me all the dirt you can on this dude." (the "almost died" is dramatic exaggeration. It was me who almost died fighting the Eels. Sherry on the other hand is a badass I'm sure it was a piece of cake for him lol) I love this headcanon also because him having a little competitive sibling rivalry thing going on with Mycroft is even more adorable, no matter how one-sided it is because I doubt Mycroft cares as long as Sherlock gets the job done and learns a few more tricks of the trade.
And it makes me sad to think this has all probably changed now that their relationship is in a blender dangerously set to start blending on the highest speed...
Anyway, here's the real reason why I made this post:
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... to tell you how loud I screamed
(Ngl I was hoping for like a bonus Mycroft cameo at the end or something but THIS made me giddy like a schoolgirl)
But back to serious talk..
Jon said something in the Missing Shopkeeper case when they found the body along the lines of “the ugly reality of being Mycroft's agent,” and I agree. These requests serve to give Sherlock a glimpse into the nasty reality of Mycroft's day-to-day job; he's getting to learn just how grim and dangerous it actually is—that it's not all cushy and royal tea parties and getting to rub shoulders with the rich and powerful as Sherlock would like to think, if only just to poke fun at his older brother's career choices.
I also love how even Mycroft's agents and acquaintances have depth and intrigue and backstories.
Like Ursula Oni, the well-respected chief archivist in City Hall. She's so good at her "other job" that she managed to hide a whole other- other job as a grave robber for a considerable time, so much so that even Mycroft himself (probably) was unaware of her nightly exploits. (For real though, discovering her body genuinely saddned me. She seemed nice enough, and I kept interacting with her every time I was in City Hall hoping she'd give me a quest. Alas..)
There's also Yeasmin, the Cordona Chronicle editor-in-chief, who's not only a hardcore Holmes stan and just here for the tea, but turns out to be the wife of the murdered agent/shopkeeper. And the way she reacts when Sherlock tells her the truth by leaving Mycroft's service is interesting; like there are layers here: there's distrust and resentment toward her boss for hiding the truth from her, indicating that there's limit to Mycroft's elusive and covert methods that his agents won't tolerate, and there's some light shed on how messy things turn out when interpersonal matters become entangled with the professional.
What boggles me is that Mycroft specifically gave the letter about the husband going missing to Yeasmin of all people to deliver it to Sherlock, with strict orders not to read it, and, with total faith in her boss, she complied without asking any questions.
I'm starting to actually consider if this case was a test to see what Sherlock would do and how he'd handle the situation. Will he tell Yeasmin about her husband's death? or keep it from her knowing that Mycroft will never tell her. I mean it's all possible. I mentioned in an earlier ramble how I believe Mycroft carefully researches and chooses the "errands" he sends his brother on beforehand to ensure his safety. Anything could be a carefully planned test.
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Quick two cents on In for a Penny:
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I wonder why Mycroft has a particular dislike for the Manghir? I assume since it was gifted to him by the governer, it's having to do with how corrupt Sinclair is.
Maybe the governer offered it to him as some sort of lowkey bribe to keep some dirt on him in the ground aka "invaluable help" and Mycroft begrudgingly accepted it because he knew his little brother would be ecstatic to have it among his collection? (or maybe it's just the fact the manghir has a freaking cthulhu head engraved on it and Mycroft’s prophetic big brother senses were itching…)
But yeah, again, Mycroft making time in his overpacked schedule to put together the coin quest for his little brother is the sweetest thing, like I can totally see that being his love language. He knew exactly what kind of things interested Sherlock and what would keep him entertaind (and educated, Mycroft not wasting a single opportunity to subtly train his little brother in espionage is kind of hilarious) I appreciate the mentor-protégé dynamic that FW set for them in this adaptation.
It's a shame that Sherlock never got to finish the coin quest in time before shit hit the storm and they had to leave Cordona for good, thus he never got to have that meeting with Mycroft and report his findings and share what he'd learned, something that Mycroft was looking forward to with great anticipation as he expressed in his quest letter… it would have been a precious bonding moment for them and it's a real shame that they never got to have it...
Anyway, back to the outfits. Look at Jon???
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Look at him!!!
More screenshots because I couldn't help myself:
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(don't pay attention to Jon's feet clipping through the carpet lmao)
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He looks so embarrassed here and I totally get it. Sherry you're so brave I could never wear my sibling’s clothes in good faith. And you look stunning btw.
I wonder if this game also changes your outfit back to default in serious scenes because I would do ANYTHING to see Sherlock confront Mycroft like this. I'm sure the exchange won't suddenly spike to 90 degrees awkward; your brother catches you screwing around in Cordona dressed as him… can't begin to imagine the level of embarrassment.
Anyway, time to run around town and fuck shit up officially. 🕴🕴🕴🕴🕴
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dea-doesnt-do-d1ck · 7 months
Family line
★≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺★
Kiyosumi was nauseous.
Additionally, he had the biggest hangover he's had in weeks, all because he had gone on a bender over the weekend.
So now, here he was, Monday afternoon, nauseous, lying on his futon, the nasty looking bedside table that functioned as a nightstand beside him starting to tremble as his phone that was laying screen down on the booze-stained wood began to vibrate.
Groaning in annoyance and clicking his tongue,the man picked up his phone,his brows furrowing causing deep wrinkles to set on his forehead as his eyes tried to focus on the bright white screen which irritated them, considering the rest of the room was bathed in darkness due to the man having closed his curtains before trying to take a nap.
"Whaddya want...?"
His voice was gruffy and clearly communicated even more than his rude words that he was in no mood to talk or even interact with anyone. Well, anyone other than his cat that was currently lying in her bed that stood next to his.
"Hello kiyo, how are you? Good? Great. Anyway, do you know what we're celebrating this Saturday?"
The person on the other end of the phonecall sighed a bit, before letting him know it was Keichi's birthday. Kiyosumi's brows furrowed even more as he told her he didn't care, his sister cutting him off before he could say anything more rude than that as she told him that they'd be celebrating at their mother's home.
"Look, neither I nor him expect you to bring a present but you're coming. Bye bye, see you Saturday!"
Before the Japanese man could protest, the older woman hung up the phone as kiyosumi resisted the urge to toss the smart device across his room, instead just slamming it down on the night table, as if to show his upset despite the fact that there was no one around to see it as he tried to snuggle back into bed.
But there was something stopping him.
He almost screamt in frustration as, additionally to the nausea and headache already plaguing him, a third, even more annoying and useless source of pain joined as he held his arms over his stomach. The dread he held for this Saturday caused a stomach ache to plague his already plagued body.
★≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺★
Kiyosumi wanted to die.
Not seriously, or at least not entirely seriously, but he didn't remember the last time he had felt so bad, so useless, so stupid so.... So weak.
He was often brushed off and disliked by many as just some cocky karateka asshole who was way too arrogant and needed to be taken down a notch, and while partially, it was true (He was both a karateka and an asshole after all), he was also incredibly insecure and, towards people he actually respected, oftentimes almost soft.
Like baki. In the begining, he had thought of the boy as some arrogant 17 year old, but now, things we're different. He admired the boy's ability to fight and his unbelievable strength. It was a bit similar to how he felt about Katsumi.
Sure, he was the grandmaster's son, and sometimes, too cocky to be likeable, but he was also an incredibly kind and strong man that Katou had long admired, and who astounded him when he asked for Katou to act as his master.
Of course Kiyosumi being Kiyosumi had acted as if it was no biggie, but in reality, he had been really proud of himself that Katsumi admired him enough to make him his master, even if it was just for short.
All this to say that Kiyosumi was by no means 100% some cocky asshole, he was often rude, but he had other moments too and he wasn't ashamed of that.
Right now though.... Right now he was ashamed. He had never done as horrible during training as he had now, it disgusted him and made him feel weak and he hated it.
He didn't even bother changing out of his gi, his apartment wasn't far and it was smer so he had only taken off his jacket while keeping on his wife beater that hugged his upper body tightly. Before he could leave however, Suredo peeked his head into the changing room, making Kiyosumi scoff as he didn't even make eye contact.
"Yoy wanna go out and get a beer?"
The large redhead asked as Katou looked like he was deep in thought before saying he had beer at home. Atsushi nodded slowly as Katou wanted to brush past him only to be stopped.
"You wanna drink at your place?"
An all too familiar need arose from deep within his brain as he huffed, but nodded, Atsushi following his 'comrade' to said man's apartment.
And then it began.
Soft, almost sensual kisses against eachother's faces and lips, necks and throats as Kiyosumi was seated on his dresser by Atsushi who's never ending sloppy, insecure but incredibly affectionate actions gave Kiyosumi some warming ease that separated him from the anxiety and that seemed to stop him from spiraling into what might've become a depressive episode.
Sure, mental issues were no simple thing easily stopped by a bit of affection, but this kind of affection at least caused his mind to be focused on other things than the dreaded feeling of weakness and uselessness.
And when he was pinned down on his futon, his muscular calves caging in Atsushi's waist, both him and the man currently working on bringing both of them closer and closer to release moaning and groaning, he only thought about that.
How good it felt, how warm he felt, how dizzy he was but how good even that felt. Even afterwards, when he was sticky with his own semen and smoking a cigarette, his mind was fairly calm, atsushi laying by his side, holding him.
It was pretty nice.
Kiyosumi would never say that, but he liked this, however, he was unusually needy and touchy in the moment, so Suedo understood him just fine, even without words.
And then, he raked his hands through katou's damp and sweaty hair, asking him what was going on in a surprisingly non-chalant way. Neither his caring and sweet actions, nor him asking was normal for this man, but Suedo couldn't help it.
Kiyosumi took a long drag of his cigarette before putting it out and rolling onto his side as Suedo huffed before hugging the black haired man close.
In the middle of the night, Kiyosumi just randomly woke up, turning his body which caused the sheets to shuffle with his muscular form as he looked at Suedo's sleeping face illuminated by the moonlight.
Biting his bottom lip, kiyosumi curled up again, all that peace of mind leaving as soon as he once again came to the realization of what he had done like how he did every.single.time.
God, kiyosumi felt so pathetic.
>≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺<
"Kiyosumi, I'm glad you came!"
Cringing at her high pitched voice, Kiyosumi gave his sister a soft glare before putting out his cigarette as the both of them headed into the house in front of them, the door opening upon his sisters ringing of the door bell.
"Oh dear, you two came! I'm glad!"
The short, frail looking woman said, smiling up at her children before gently cupping kiyosumi's face.
"My, what a handsome young man, you look just like your father-"
"Mom, let him get inside first."
Hana said, gently swatting at her mother's wrists, the woman nodding, releasing kiyosumi's face, the man clenching his jaw. He hated when his mother did that.
Both him and Hana took their shoes off, the black haired woman putting them away neatly just like him. He was good mannered when it came to certain things, after all.
Once inside, he handed off a messily wrapped gift to Keichi, wishing his younger brother a happy birthday as the young man beamed with joy, smiling at the man he admired.
God how Kiyosumi both hated and loved that stare.
He loved it because,especially when he and Keichi were younger, he always protected his little brother and just loved the way said boy's whole face would light up with admiration when he saw him. He'll yeah, he really was the world's coolest older brother, that's right Keichi, and don't you forget it! Call him strong again, go on, he really was insanely strong, wasn't he? Even if a certain grandmaster rarely acknowledged it.
It started in high school that he began disliking it deeply. Sure, he was still cocky about how strong he was like before, but now there were... Other things. His constant smoking, boozing, fucking, those were things he didn't want his younger brother to do.
Sure, they made Kiyosumi cool, (except for the last one, because this was before he would've ever tried having sex with men and he was incredibly awkward during and after sex with women since, well, he just wasn't really meant for it) but they could easily fuck up Keichi's life.
And then, after his first time having sex with another man (Probably someone from the dojo), he began absolutely fucking hating it. How could his little brother look at him with such admiration when he did something so shameful and wrong....?
It would've baffled anyone else to find out that Kiyosumi Katou hated being admired, since, at the dojo, he looooved whenever anyone even praised him and was generally pretty cocky, it even baffled Kiyosumi a bit now like he'd ever admit it, but it was probably because of their parents.
Kiyosumi came from a rather traditional family, A salary man father, a housewife mother and two siblings, his life could've been lived pretty normal. Except for the fact that his parents, despite their plain jobs and normal appearances behaved in ways that would surely cause at least some heads to turn.
Take his father for example; Hardworking salary man that used the weekend to unwind and go on camping or fishing trips, spending little time with his family, and when he did, usually just being a rather stoic, not very emotional man. He never really did much with Kiyosumi, other than occasionally taking an hour on a Sunday to teach him basic 'manly' skills, which to his father meant, teaching him mechanical things, maybe helping with mathematics homework and one time very reluctantly taking him out to fish.
His mother, whom most people pitied because they thought she was some poor, unloved housewife, was one of the most mentally unstable people he'd ever met, and while he partially felt bad for how his father treated her, he couldn't handle her outburst.
She could go from being overly affectionate, mainly physically, to the point it started freaking Kiyosumi out, to crying and screaming at them for the smallest slip up and just looking at them and treating them with disgust. Sometimes she'd just sit at the kitchen table, crying about why her husband didn't love her until Hana would just come up and try to escort her mother to the bedroom so the woman could sleep.
In those moments when his mother had her breakdowns, he felt bad for Keichi who was completely overwhelmed by all of this. Not like Kiyosumi ever did anything to comfort him, he'd just leave and go to the dojo or hang out with his delinquent buddies, but he felt bad, he truly did.
"Thank's Kiyo!"
Keichi cheered, clearly excited over the gift as Hana nodded with a small hum of surprise that her younger brother actually managed to get Keichi a gift. Kiyosumi just gave a curt nod before the four of them sat down for tea and cake, his mother smiling, her hands folded in her lap, the table next to her also set as he took in her appearance and realized she had dolled herself up a bit, wearing makeup and jewelry, her long black hair down instead of in its usual bun.
"Your father promised to join us later!"
She excitedly announced as Keichi smiled happily. Out of the three, he was the one who craved their parents attention the most. And while Hana tried to uphold at least basic communication and social interaction, Kiyosumi just completely ignored them.
"Now, how are you doing? Hana, have you found a boyfriend yet, because my friend, she has this son, around your age, you used to play together-"
"I have a girlfriend, mom. You've met Chiyo before, I don't need a boyfriend."
His mother frowned a bit.
"Hana,you can't possibly expect to be happy with a girl by your side. What about children,how will you have those?"
"We can adopt or maybe, I just don't want kids? Not every woman has to live that picket fence dream, you know that, right?"
The woman responded, clearly annoyed with her mothers old fashioned attitude as the woman told Hana not to paint her out to be the villain.
"I'm just worried, that's all, don't be mad at your mother for worrying!"
She said, her voice taking on the hurt one she always put on when she wanted to act like the victim. Kiyosumi hated it, but he just clicked his tongue slightly. Goddammit he needed a cigarette right now.
Then, his mother continued trying to make small talk, Keichi and Hana joining in, but Kiyosumi couldn't care less.
"Ah, Kiyo, how about you? You're doing so much of that karate, you've become such a good man, are there any cute girl's you're interested in?"
"Well, I suppose it's just like in middle school. All you cared about is that karate, I guess that means there's no space in your life."
His mother chuckled.
"But I know this other woman, her daughter is such a good girl, I'm sure you two would be a perfect pair! Why don't I give you her number, hmm? Or even better, she could come over and-"
"No. I'm not interested-"
"Oh don't be like that, I'm sure once you meet her-"
"Mom, I said I'm not-"
"But you can't be happy with just that karate! A young man like you should experience love, you should kiss and go on dates and-"
Kiyosumi clicked his fingers against his thigh, clearly starting to get annoyed, but before he could scream at her, Keichi interrupted them both.
"I-I met somebody too!"
Kiyosumi raised a brow at his younger brother's flustered behaviour before the boy spoke up again.
"They're really kind and sweet and I wanted to maybe...introduce them to you today-"
"They're? Do you mean she?"
Kiyosumi scoffed as Hana elbowed him in the side and Keichi froze over.
"That's wonderful news, I'm sure she's a lovely girl! Why didn't you tell me about her earlier?"
"Because it's not a girl."
Hana smacked Kiyosumi over the back of the head at this statement,the man just glaring at her as her mother looked at Keichi in confusion.
"Keichi, she's a girl, right?"
He sounded like he wanted to add something,but he didn't,kiyosumi's dark eyes picking up on how his younger brother let his nails sink into his thighs.
And then, just as Keichi seemed to reach a certain determination to speak up again, the front door opened, which seemed to turn their mother into a whole different person as she rushed to the door to greet her husband and kiyosumi scoffed while Hana squeezed Keichi's hand under the table.
"It's fine if it's not a girl Keichi."
"It is a girl!"
The young man's insistance made his statement seem less true, but Kiyosumi couldn't care less. Or at least that's what he told himself.
Once his father and mother entered the room again, what ensued was the worst dinner Kiyosumi had ever had, but despite his uncaring attitude,he could tell it was worse for Keichi.
Fiddling with his fingers, the boy seemed overly anxious to say something that never made it past his lips, and Kiyosumi kind of wanted to tell him to man up and say something, but he refrained. Why should he care?
Eventually,the pressure seemed to wear him down enough so that he finally spoke.
"I'm not...I don't feel like Keichi anymore. Now that I'm eighteen, I think I can finally say it with certainty."
Kiyosumi quirked a brow.
"The hell you mean, you don't feel like Keichi anymore?"
He asked, his mother looking at Keichi and his father between short, worried glances.
"What are you saying sweetheart-"
"I'm not a man. I don't feel like a man."
And once again during the short time the five of them had been together in the tidy living room, there was silence.
"Oh, that's perfectly normal, congratulations on coming out-"
"So, what, you're a crossdresser? A ladyboy?"
His father's words were disgusted both in tone and what he chose to say as he wiped his mouth with his paper towel before getting up.
"Darling, please, I'm sure he didn't- K-Keichi, you don't mean it, yeah? You mean, you're a bit feminine, right? You're still my son, right?"
Kiyosumi just looked at Keichi in confusion. This was... Was Keichi Transgender?
He had heard of that, probably from Katsumi or something.
It was almost a bit funny to Kiyosumi if he was honest to himself, that both of his parents were so old fashioned and homophobic, and his sister was a lesbian, he was, though he'd never openly admit it, gay, and his little brother turned out to not be a brother at all.
"No it's nothing like that, I'm not... I'm not a crossdresser or anything. I don't feel like a guy or a girl I just-"
Keichi was babbling,cleaely sweaty as keichi tried explaining keichi's feelings.
"Oh, you're non binary, that's completely normal!"
Hana assured Keichi who, in all of Keichi's panic looked at Kiyosumi for help.
There it was.
That look they had always given him when their mother had a break down.
Sadly for Keichi, Kiyosumi still wasn't one for comforting, so he grumbled something about smoking, getting up and going outside as Hana looked after him in disappointment while she tried comforting Keichi.
Their mother was a sobbing mess at this point,asking the world how she deserved this, begging Keichi to say they were joking and to apologize to their father.
Meanwhile, Kiyosumi was standing outside, having a smoke, Hana eventually leaving, screaming at their mother how insensitive she was and whatever, brushing right past Kiyosumi, Keichi stumbling out until they stood by their brother's side.
"Kiyo... Is there something wrong with me?"
Oh god keichi shouldn't be so vulnerable around Kiyosumi. The Japanese man took a long, maybe even too long, drag of his cigarette before staring at Keichi.
"I don't know man."
Upon Keichi's crying, Kiyosumi lazily wrapped an arm around Keichi, before telling them not to listen to their mother.
"Look I won't... I won't pretend to be super supportive or whatever. I don't care if you're my brother or sister or whatever,we never hang out anyway."
He put his cigarette out on the wall, right next to him before just staying quiet as Keichi sobbed into his chest.
This was part of why he didn't want Keichi to look up to him.
Part of him believed that what he hated most about himself, who he loved and who he was had influenced Keichi like this and he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty.
And yet, he also felt jealous. His younger sibling, who had always looked up to him had managed to tell both of their pparents something like that, while Kiyosumi still hid that he wasn't interested in women one bit out of sheer and utter fear. How pathetic.
"W-Will they hate me now...?"
Keichi sniffled and Kiyosumi shrugged.
"Yeah. But who cares anyway."
Keichi's crying increased as Kiyosumi said something that shocked him even more than it did Keichi.
"Why don't you come to the shinshinkai with me?"
He wasn't even sure why he said it, maybe because he had found comfort in the dojo?
Maybe because he saw doppo and natsue as better alternatives to his parents? He had no idea. But before he could take the words back, Keichi spoke.
"I'd really love that."
Well fuck.
Now he couldn't take it back.
But, he thought, maybe it'd be fine. Maybe they'd have a good time, maybe Kiyosumi could feel good and like not so much of a disappointment with his younger sibling there to admire him.
Yeah, he liked that idea, so much so, it managed to make him smile a bit, so much so that it managed to make his stress and anger momentarily melt away as for the first time in years, he felt like an actual good, respectable older brother.
He liked it a lot.
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strangelypenned · 1 year
Hello All! I figured since ao3 is down I’d post the first chapter of my fic Heavy Metal Healing here for those looking for something to read! I hope this helps you get by in the drought. If you enjoy this check me out on ao3 under the same username. The next three chapters are up there whenever the site comes back online. Enjoy! 💜
When rockstar Eddie Munson and the battle-scarred Steve Harrington collide their journey begins with pain, but quickly turns into something extraordinary. As Eddie embraces his dominant side and Steve explores submission, their connection becomes a steamy oasis of healing and love. Amid pleasure and pain, they rewrite their stories in a harmonious and unconventional embrace. And let's not forget the party and Robin, who never miss a chance to tease them along the way! It's a provocative tale where hurt transforms into hope, and two hearts find solace in the most unexpected places. Get ready to feel the heat!
Chapter 1:
There were a thousand other ways Steve could be spending his Friday night. He had two papers due within the next week, a birthday party to plan, and a doctor’s appointment he was dreading. Yet here he was, allowing Robin to repeatedly stab him in the eye with an eyeliner pencil. Eyeliner he really didn’t even want to be wearing. Going to a show he was about 75% sure he wasn’t going to enjoy.
“Quit blinking Dingus. Unless you want to lose an eye." Robin barked as she jabbed the flat end of the pencil into his ribs.
"I'm only blinking 'cause you're stabbing me in the eye with a sharp object. Also, how much longer is this going to take? If we want to get to Indi on time we need to leave in like 15 minutes." He glanced at the clock over her shoulder. They had been playing dress-up for over an hour and a half now, and the venue was roughly that far away. If they didn't leave soon they'd likely miss the show altogether.
"Fine. Fuck, we'll just call this good then. I got what I wanted mostly done anyways. " She was franticly throwing stuff in her small makeup bag, finally releasing the iron grip she had on his chin. Standing on sleep numb legs Steve took a look at himself in the mirror.
He almost didn't recognize the person looking back at him, Robin had outdone herself. He was wearing her clothes for the most part. A pair of black jeans that fit a little too tight. He remembers watching her cut the holes into them a few weeks ago in a bored crafting fit. A faded black t-shirt that fit a little bit snugly around the biceps. A large golden sun painted across his chest. It matched the yellow polish on his nails, painted by a smiling Jane earlier that week.
What stood out the most though were his eyes. The dark liner drawing attention to the warm hazel. She had even done his hair, It floated around his head softly, looking fluffier than normal. Yes, Robin had certainly outdone herself.
"How do you feel? I didn't overdo it did I? I know it's different than what you usually wear, but you went on that tangent the other day about wanting to change your look. And I know you don't want to touch your move-out savings to do so so I thou-" He caught her eye in the mirror.
Turning he placed his hands on her shoulders, her outfit was a reflection of his. The differences were the denim vest she had covered in pins and patches, and her shirt being actual merchandise for the bad they were seeing. A large 'CC' was pained across her chest above a flaming coffin.
"Robs I love it. You did a great job. It's definitely different, but I wanted that. Now can we please get out f here before we miss the show?" She nodded her head enthusiastically as he tied his favorite yellow sweater around his waist.
"Normally I would harass you about bringing the comfort sweater, but It kind of works. That, and I know I'm pushing you pretty hard already taking you to a metal show and all." She threw the words over her shoulder as they trudged down the stars. Making sure to stand closer to his good ear.
" Well, you've been talking about this group nonstop for like three months now. So I might as well give them a chance. Plus the volume may ring through my thick skull a bit better." His doctor had mentioned something about music with heavier tones being easier to enjoy. Something to do with the base and the vibrations. It was one of the few reasons, other than making Robin smile, he agreed to go. Smiles didn't come as easily after their final round with the upside down.
"I really think you'll enjoy yourself if you give it a chance Steve. She gave him a knowing look as she buckled herself in. Probably picking up on his thoughts with that freaky telephony thing they seemed to have ever since the Russians.
"I promise I'll give it a chance Robbs. God knows I could use some fun," he mumbled the last part as he backed out of the driveway. She laughed at his words as they coasted up the street, hopefully heading for a much-needed night of fun.
According to Robin's hour-and-a-half-long lecture about the band, they were extremely lucky to be seeing them at this venue. Normally they played for significantly larger crowds, but this is where they had done one of their first shows. They tended to perform here whenever they were in town for nostalgia's sake. It being such a small place meant tickets were normally gone in a flash. Robin, the lucky bird, had won some radio contest. So not only did they get to go to a sold-out show, they got to go to a sound check and a meet and greet post-show. Truly the pinnacle of luck.
He was glad they would be arriving early. This would allow him the chance to survey his surroundings before the crowd set in. His nerves being shot ever since the final battle, as the kids had started calling it. Either way, being able to spot all of the exits before the show started and the people packed in helped. He felt some of the ever-present tension in his body abate at the thought.
He allowed himself to be tugged along by Robin who was all but skipping in excitement. It was nice to see her so amped up. Her excitement tugged at the corners of his lips, and he caught himself chuckling as they grew closer to the venue. The place was a converted bowling alley that still had a few lanes for guests to use before and after shows.
"Did I tell you we even get two free drinks? The royal treatment I tell ya. Must remind you of the good ole days." alluding to the high school nickname he grew to detest with time. She knew better than to actually call him it though. Something about it rattled his heart in the most unpleasant of ways.
"You didn't mention the drinks bird brain. Here I thought I'd be shelling out for overpriced beers. " She gave him a dead look over her shoulder. Both of them knew that he hated the taste of beer and mostly drank it for appearances in school.
They stood in line behind a handful of people, a select few also had early entry tickets. They were snapping bright red bracelets on the wrists of those with VIP entry.
In what felt like the blink of an eye, they were standing in front of a long bar. Robin was shoving a brightly colored cocktail into his hands. He had checked out again. A gift left behind from his fourth concussion. He looked at Robin with a questioning frown.
"It was about ten minutes this time." She rattled off looking at the watch she had taken to wearing when the checkouts had started. That was shorter than the last one so at least there was that. He had grounding tips for when he was at home or driving, but they tended not to work when out and about.
He nodded sluggishly and began to look at his surroundings. Ten or so people were floating around the space while a few people tinkered with equipment on stage. There were doors that led to what appeared to be a balcony, probably a smokers section. The bowling lanes glowed in various neon shades of pink, blue, and purple. They weren't in use but still shined brightly to the left of the stage. And there was the exit, perfect. He felt the slight tremble in his hands ease up when he located the doors.
"Hey Robs I'm gonna go take a quick smoke break and I'll be right back okay?" She looked at him with a question in her eyes, 'Do you need me to come?" He shook his head softly and gave a tired smile before heading for the balcony. He had quit smoking for a while at one point. But after the final showdown, late at night when the sounds of the upside down were loudest in his mind's eye, he found relief in the smoke.
As he stepped outside he noticed the air had picked up a slight chill. He set his drink down and quickly tugged his yellow sweater overhead. The worn fabric brought a level of comfort he rarely found in his closet these days.
Tugging his cigarettes out of his pocket and placing one between his lips, he came to the abrupt realization he had left his lighter in the car. He let out a quiet 'fuck'.
"You need a light?" A melodic voice asked from off to the side of him. He felt himself flinch, he hadn't noticed anyone else outside.
The link since ao3 is now back online:
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lux-et-astra · 3 months
analysis of what each sink scene represents - session one
i'm going to try and be as clear as possible about which scenes i'm referring to! obviously massive spoilers under the cut
do not read this yet if you haven't finished the sink
anyway thank you tash for the reams of analysis material!!!!
for reference, i'm calling fire/dry girl/narrator kate, and her victim/best friend birdie
sonic the hog: characters in this are a man (trapped), a woman, and her partner. i think we can pretty safely infer the woman as a representative of birdie - things are Happening to her in a woods. the first scene being set in the woods establishes it as an important backdrop for birdie's dreams in general, and we can see that it recurs many times. the woman finds something trapped in the woods and tries to help it - i'm hesitant to call mr sonic the hog a representative of kate, since he seems pretty passive in this scene, so i would suggest that the scene more shows how birdie's conscience and repressed feelings of guilt and helplessness when it comes to kate affect her relationships. she can't do anything to help sonic ("Oh God you’re too heavy", "He’s – he’s trapped, Roy.") however her inability to move on causes her to push others away ("This is not about us!" from the woman, "I’m going, alright!" from Roy)
too big (book interview): characters in this are a female interviewer disguisedly antagonistic towards a man. i struggled with figuring out how this one connects! in one sense it shows how a female figure talking to you who initially seems kind can turn hostile and not be what you imagined ("Please give him a very warm welcome." and "Great success!" turn into "Upsetting to hold, and far, far too big, that’s the Telegraph." and her continuing to needle him), which parallels the initial belief that "the narrator" is there to help and the realisation that she is in fact. not. not sure if it links in any other ways to kate & birdie, but there's also the suggestion of repressed memories? "MAN: Sorry, is that – is that knocking, do we –? // WOMAN: We don’t need to worry about that." the man clearly senses something is going on that he can't quite reach, but his subconscious represses this.
beany hag: characters in this are a woman seeking cleansing (literal & figurative) and a priest! i do not think the priest represents kate in this scene although the woman definitely seems to be birdie - it parallels the sonic the hog scene in that birdie's relationships seem very strained. here we can see more explicitly that it's some guilt she is hiding - the caginess over it being a red substance ("Just – uh, just some tins of red, uh…") implies physical injury/death, which is definitely what birdie thinks happened to kate. "Tell them all. Tell them what you did." suggests that she feels personal responsibility and culpability for what happened, underlined by her putting herself down ("I know, you just – he thinks I, I’m so… and, and I’m not, I’m a – a saucy, beany hag!) and her image of herself as dirty ("Yes, uh, silly mix up, I, I thought it should be dirty.") this scene builds on the feeling of guilt and how it affects her life - the woman clearly dreads getting married when she clearly doesn't feel that she's "clean" enough (possibly a theme somewhat echoed in the narrator's words? "We’ll play your bad dreams back to you, so that you can rinse them off and finally sleep clean." - she uses a lot of clean/dirty language)
birdman 1: ahhh the start of the birdman scenes. this features two men (john and jim), and discussion of the birdman! due to what we later learn about the girls' game "birdman", we get the dynamic of the birdman (scarecrow) as the hunter and the birds as the hunted. this scene plays into that a little, putting forward ideas about fear & truth ("Yeah, you can’t be scared of dreams, can ya?" followed by "Which was the dream, was it that –") john & jim seem to be the men whom birdie found after fleeing the camping trip fire, a meeting which is cut off here by the narrator ("Oh dear, it’s gone, that’s okay, don’t try and squeeze that bit out right now. Let it go, let it drip off. Here’s a secret for you. The important ones come back!") which establishes the birdman as a theme and the meeting in general as something important. the scene's primary function i think is to build fear of "the birdman" and to show how scary it is to be a bird, laying the groundwork for bird mentions to inspire fear and frame the bird-referenced people as prey/victims.
cat ashes: gotta love this one. the characters seem pretty obviously to represent birdie and kate, birdie being the speaker and kate being james tuft, the boy referenced throughout. more than anything this shows the relationship between a girl and someone more dangerous than she is, yet highlights her conflicted feelings about them and how she is still drawn to them (not necessarily based on anything at first - "I mean, we weren’t friends, really, he didn’t even notice who I… you know, why would he?") which parallels birdie's friendship with kate, someone who is clearly more dangerous than her, yet a friendship she clings onto (before the camping trip at least) - a sentiment which we see a little of later in the bath and the tent scarecrow scene. one key detail of this scene is the mention of fire - it is the very first mention of fire in the whole of the sink (for reference: outside of the narrator's speech, "dry" doesn't come up until dip day) and shows a kate-parallel as having fire in their history ("He wasn’t even gonna do it, because he couldn’t afford the train, and his car had been in that fire.") this is a point in my theory that kate had a formative & traumatic incident with fire in her childhood but more on that later! this scene has some speech from the speaker which correlates pretty directly to speech we get from the real laser gun action monologue section, which is textually closer to being a "true" recollection of birdie about kate, so it explains fairly directly birdie's feelings about kate ("I would’ve done anything. Some people, you know, they just… they have that way about them. You can’t help it." - from cat ashes, "Just for you. Just for you. And so, when you see her, for the first time, she’s leaning over to open the door, and you look at each other, and you just think… oh no. And right now, with – with her looking right at you, is the last moment you’ll, sort of, be alive. Because it – it was all a different life, after that. You were a different person now." - from sherbet)
that ended up being a Lot longer than i thought it would so i'll do each session separately rather than all together like i was going to!! anyway hope you enjoy & feel free to rant at me if you have any thoughts/think i'm wrong <33
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newpathwrites · 4 months
Arms Wide Open - Chapter 4
The coldness in that familiar voice stopped you in your tracks as you rounded the corner of the cabin.
Dread and even a bit of mild rage seized your heart.  
Was it all an act?  How could you have misread the situation so badly?  The force had never led you so far astray…
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Main Masterlist Series Masterlist
Summary: Your budding relationship is cut off at the pass.  Can you recover from this misunderstanding?
Notes: We’re about halfway through, and there will be some mild, very temporary angst and misunderstanding in line with the movie storyline that inspired this fic.  But guess what will come once they’ve moved past it?  The good stuff… 😁  Stay tuned.
RIP Carl Weathers.
Warnings: Angst, misunderstandings, mild implied threats.
Word count: 1.6k
Read on AO3
Din awoke with momentary confusion.  Why was he sprawled on the couch instead of comfortably laying in his bed?  This did not bode well for his sore back.
Oh, yes…
He couldn’t help a boyish smile as he recalled last evening’s events.  Spending half the night talking… falling asleep with your head on his shoulder… your touch… your patient understanding…
He almost didn’t dare to dream that this could be something.  He hadn’t felt like this since he was a boy with his first crush.  
But could he really have this?
Besides the nature of his work, of which you were aware, there was also the issue of the creed.  You had been curious about it, asking a lot of pointed questions, but appeared otherwise unbothered and not the slightest bit judgemental.  Ultimately, though, would you really be interested in a relationship with a man who could never show you his face?
You’d left at some point, but he tried not to read into it.  It was late morning already, and you likely had places to be.  It wasn’t like he didn’t know how to find you.  In fact, your own cabin was only a short walk away.  
Maybe he could pay you a visit later and thank you for dinner and a pleasant evening - perhaps ask when he might see you again…
His musings were cut short by a rap at the door.  Probably Karga making his morning rounds.
But to his disappointment and great annoyance, it was instead a former guild colleague - one with a decades-long chip on his shoulder, who blamed the Mandalorian for his own shortcomings.  The humanoid was generally harmless, in line with his less-than-stellar bounty hunting skills, but Din had always kept a wary distance - the man seemed to be a loose canon at times.
Din didn’t even bother greeting him by name.  He just wanted him off this property before Grogu woke up.  “Why are you here?”
“Nice to see you, too,” the man responded sarcastically.  “I saw a woman doing the walk of shame from your cabin this morning and thought I’d come by to offer some wisdom.”
Din didn’t respond.  The impassive visor would do the talking for him.
The awkward silence enticed the man to keep speaking.
“Anyway, you know as well as I that men like us don’t get to keep nice things.  A lady like that is a weak spot, even for you.”  He shrugged, adding, “You wouldn’t want anything to happen to her…”
Within a fraction of a second, the visor was not an inch from the man’s face.
“Do you have a habit of harming innocent women?  Because that would be a problem for me,” Din stated coldly.
“No, no, Mando, I…” the man shook his head wildly, panicking thanks to his own stupidity.  He was still smart enough to know what the Mandalorian could do to him.
“She is innocent.  She is nobody.  You leave her alone, or you answer to me.  Understand?”
He nodded, too scared now to speak.
“Good.  Leave.”
Din pushed the incident out of his mind as he woke Grogu and prepared for the day, thoughts again and again turning to you.  Gosh, you were really doing a number on him - and he was enjoying every second.
You were practically walking on air.  What a lovely feeling.  Whoever said romance was reserved for the young?  You might have thought so, too, had you not met Din yesterday.
He was so real and respectful and interesting.  He didn’t appear capable of leading you on, honest nearly to a fault, and it was him who slowed things down - wanting nothing more from you in this first rendezvous than a quiet evening of conversation.
And it was so refreshing.  Men pulling you in with pretty words and then leaving you high and dry once your clothes came off was the reason you’d given up some years ago on meeting people, getting by instead on romance novels and your own devices, resigned to a fate of perpetual solitude.
You did have one reservation, though.  And it wasn’t about his face - you honestly didn’t care about that.  But would his cultural and religious restrictions really allow him a relationship with an outsider?  That was something you’d need to seriously discuss if this went further.  
Maybe you were getting ahead of yourself here.
For now, it was best to focus on what you could control - a quick morning visit with a fresh pot of steaming caf and the promised reading material in tow and to perhaps set a date for another meeting.
“She is nobody…”
The coldness in that familiar voice stopped you in your tracks as you rounded the corner of the cabin.
Dread and even a bit of mild rage seized your heart.  
Was it all an act?  How could you have misread the situation so badly?  The force had never led you so far astray…
Maybe he was just like everyone else - playing the long game just to get you in his bed.
Without further thought, you turned on your heel and walked quickly back the way you came.  
Perhaps there was an explanation?  No - that was only wishful thinking.  You’d spare yourself the humiliation.
It was a hard pill to swallow, but it had become clear to Din after nearly a week of you turning the other direction each time you came into his line of sight.
You didn’t want to see him.
Was it the creed?  His work?  Did someone enlighten you about any of the many terrible things he had done in his past?
There was no way he had misread things between you quite so badly.  He wasn’t that oblivious.  And the mutual attraction had definitely been acknowledged, albeit not in so many words.
But he supposed he had no choice but to accept it.  It would be both disrespectful and rather creepy to continue any pursuit when you’d made your disdain so clear.
Fate would have other plans.
“You called for me, Greef?”  Din addressed his old friend as he stepped through the already open office door.
Greef was at that moment in a meeting with another party, but the man stood and welcomed Din in his typical booming manner, arms raised in the air ostentatiously.  “Mando!  You are just the man we need.  Do you think you could set up security for some greenhouses?  Here now, have you met our lovely plant doctor?”
He gestured to the human sitting across from him who swiveled their chair around.
“Flora…” Din addressed you in surprise.
“Mr. Djarin…” you returned cooly.  Kriff, you weren’t even using his name now.
Greef looked between you both quizzically.  “Do you two know each other?”
But his question was ignored.
“You left,” Din stated.  “And you’ve been avoiding me.”
You steeled yourself against the hurt manner in which he spoke - it was only part of the act.
“Why do you care?  I’m nobody.  And you’re a bounty hunter - you could have found me if you really wanted to…”
Din was silent for a moment.  Your entire demeanor was so angry - what had he done to foster such resentment?
“Well, I don’t use my skills to stalk women…”
Okay, he got you there.  But still, you owed this man nothing.  He was the one who deceived you.
Din turned toward Greef who was utterly confused at this point.  “I’ll take care of the greenhouses, if that’s what she still wants.  Send me the details later.”
Damn, this was awkward.
“Thanks,” you offered half-heartedly.  “I guess.”
He turned back toward you.  “Look, Flora… I won’t bother you again, but I don’t understand why you’re so angry with me.  Could we just talk?”
Well, kriffing damn it…  The hurt and confusion in his voice was breaking down your walls.  You didn’t want to trust him, but it sounded so genuine.
You sighed, resigned.  He would have this one chance to explain himself.  You were way too soft.  “Fine.  Meet me at the cafe in an hour.”
Din nodded gratefully and took his leave as you turned back around to face Karga.
“You’ve been holding out on me, doc,” he said, eyes twinkling with amusement.  “You got a little thing going with our resident Mandalorian?  It’s fitting, actually.  As soon as I met you I thought you two might get along.”
What did Greef think of you, then?
“I have no interest in cavorting with that womanizing liar,” you returned, voice stony.
But your simmering anger was cut off by Karga’s booming laugh.  “Womanizer??!!” he chuckled in delight.  “A word I never thought I’d hear associated with Din Djarin.  Oh, that’s hilarious!”
“I don’t understand…”
Karga calmed himself and grinned at you.  
“Flora… that man may have the emotional intelligence of a rock, but he is anything but a rake.  I reckon he’s got the worst case of blue balls in the entire parsec.”
He shook his head, smiling fondly as he continued.  “In the old days, when the other hunters would buy an hour with one of the workers, he’d head out directly on his next job.  And now that he’s settled, I’ve not seen him so much as socialize with another human being.  He’s refused my every offer to go to the twi’lek baths.  Even his few female colleagues are not ones to be interested in men if you know what I mean…”
Even as Greef poked fun at Din, he did so with great affection.  Apparently, he knew him well - and for a very long time.
“Oh,” you responded, a bit dumbstruck.  “Perhaps I’ve misjudged…”
“He’s a good man, Flora.  He’s protective to a fault, brutally honest… but he’s respectful and honorable.  I think you should give him another chance.”
In the short time you’d known Greef Karga, you’d come to greatly respect his opinion.  And so you gave in.  You hoped your impression would be proved wrong - because you’d really, really liked Din Djarin.
“Okay, okay.  I will.”
Next chapter
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