#anyway yeah rejecting him showed me how lame he is
that broke unemployed guy has been sending me multiple messages trying to reject me after I already rejected him, it's been multiple hours..... like dude get a grip
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It's amusing how men can hear a "you're nice but that doesn't sound intentional enough for me, but that's fine, I can tell we'd connect great as platonic friends though, also I am busy on the days mentioned" and think that requires any further messages
their egos are fragile.
anyway i think to myself, "we are dodging mutual bullets! i like men with money who are willing to worship the ground i walk on, you like down-to-earth girls who are able to date your unemployed poly ass!"
I already have a roster of platonic and romantic connections who can get me food and movie tickets, I'd rather not have one more that can do even less, but I appreciate the offer!
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helyiios · 24 days
Frosted tips and friendly political terrorism
Or that one time Benji got butthurt and almost made British Intelligence collapse in return.
“Yeah, yeah,” Luther says, “I did hack into some pretty important databases back in the day. Still do sometimes, when I’m really bored.”
“Have you ever done that, Benji ?” Ilsa jokingly asks to her friend, staring at him over her pint of beer. “Is it a hacker, huh, tech thing, to hack into, I don’t know, the Pentagon ?”
Benji stares back, mouth barely open. He’s thinking deeply about her words, considering his options. He could lie and brush the question off, or he could humour them. And anyway, he was already more than a little flushed, so his usual restraint regarding his past was down. Not smart, but funny nonetheless.
“I tried to get into MI6, when I was 20,” he offers, voice light. That seems to take his friends aback.
“Really ?” Ethan asks, “I didn’t know that.”
“It was a little before I worked for the weaponry tech firm, I think, two years before ? Something like that.”
“And you didn’t…stick to MI6 ?” Ilsa wonders, an eyebrow raised, “what a miss, we could’ve maybe gotten to know each other.”
“No, I didn’t manage to pass one of the tests,” Benji replies, the picture perfect of casual.
“Weapon evaluation ?”
“How do you manage to fuck up a psych exam ?” Brandt snorts, albeit not unkindly, “all you have to do is agree with the examiner and maybe lie a little.”
“Well,” his friend shrugs, downing a good portion of his beer, “I was 20. I was young, unstable, and overall very angry.”
“When aren’t you ?” Luther jokes.
“Oh, you’ve not met little me. I was a shit show, if I’m honest. Anyway, I got rejected from MI6. It really, really hurt my ego.”
Ethan laughs into his glass, cheeks and ears nicely reddened by the alcohol. It was so rare for the younger man to admit to having an actual self-esteem, but it wasn’t all too bad.
“So I hacked MI6,” Benji finishes off, shrugging again.
“You what ?!”
“Yeah, yeah. Fucked with their access codes, made them even more encrypted, and then I leaked private information from really well secured and hidden chats. There was a lot of dick pics in there,” he laughs. “There was also some talks of treason, I think, but it’s not like I remember it perfectly. I was just wounded in my pride, so I leaked everything to the, huh, agents and workers at MI6. Then I erased my traces, and never looked back. Really fun times, it was when I had frosted tips and an eyebrow piercing.”
He looks at the table again, taking in each of his friends’ reactions. Brandt and Luther were smirking like idiots, Ethan looked genuinely impressed, and Ilsa was…
He frowns.
Ilsa had blanched, and looked like she might faint at any second.
“You good, mate ?” he asks worriedly, reaching out to pet her hand, “you look a little unwell.”
“Benji, tell me you’re joking.”
“Huh ? About what ? The private chats thing ?”
A nod.
“What ? No, I’m not. Why would I lie about that ? It’d be lame.”
“You did not,” she starts, clearly struggling with finding her words, “cause the Great fucking Leak.”
It’s his turn to look surprised, looking at the others for precision.
“What, it has a n—you guys named it ?”
“Oh, I remember it !” Ethan suddenly exclaims, “I was a bit new to the IMF too, but I’d heard of it. MI6 was furious, apparently. Someone had hacked into their system and the IMF and them couldn’t work hand in hand for a little while. They also had to fire and disavow a bunch of agents, I think ? Made a lot of noise, in the milieu.”
“And you’re telling me, the author of one of the most massive MI6 fuckups is you ?” Luther says, barking out a proud laugh at Benji, shaking his shoulder happily, “man, we’re in the presence of a celebrity !”
“I wasn’t at MI6 when it happened,” Ilsa adds, still very pale, “but it drove my superiors mad that they never caught the person who did it.”
Benji pouts, leaning back on his seat, arms crossed.
“Well, Jesus. I never knew you guys got so pissed at my little joke.”
“It has nothing of a joke !”
“I mean, the IMF knows,” he still protests, “I had to mention it when they recruited me.”
“Hunley knows ?!” Brandt yelps, “that’s crazy, man.”
“Hunley, Brassel, Kittridge,” Benji doesn’t appear too phased, “they actually kept me in the basement for a little while when I got given the Choice.”
“You mean, with the other techies ?” Luther asks, “I mean, I do recall meeting you there.”
“Yeah, yeah. After the weapons disaster I caused at the firm, and when they learnt for MI6, they told me to keep it on the down low. They actually insisted that I stayed on L-2 clearance for a bunch of years,” he sighs, “so I was just,” he gestures vaguely, his beer held safely in his left hand, “doing boring shit for some time. That is, until you and Ethan came to me asking for the Rabbit’s Foot, an’ all.”
“What,” Ilsa frowns, “was the IMF scared of you, or what ?”
“I mean, I tried to look as unassuming as possible. Fat, bald little technician,” her friend grins, eyes mischievous, “I mean, it’s not like I had killed anyone.”
He grimaces.
“Not directly, at least.”
“Sounds like they tried to contain you to low ranking tasks in case you’d feel yourself get bored enough to hack into our databases,” Ethan notes, slightly turned on by his boyfriend’s revelations. “How come they let you join the field agent program ?”
“I told them I grew a conscience after meeting you,” Benji laughs, and they all know he’s only half joking. “No, more seriously, I was way more stable by then. I pinky promised them I’d be a good boy, and that I’d listen to orders. I mean, have you seen yourself, E ? Thank God I’m here to hold you back, am I right ?”
“What I’m hearing is that we have two manic freaks in our team,” Brandt supplies, cheek resting limply on his closed fist. “Benji, be a sweetheart and keep your prescriptions up to date.”
“Oh, bugger off. Being L-2 was boring, though, y’know ? I was obviously better than the other technicians, so I sort of ended up doing my own stuff in my little corner. They said they found me broody,” he groans, rolling his eyes. “I’m glad I don’t have to talk to them anymore. Hey Will, did you know I fucked with the CIA’s codes during that time Ethan was away ? I kept it lowkey, but remember how you guys kept having connexion problems, and identification issues, especially with our passes, and rem—oh, oh !” he yells excitedly, pointing at him, “remember that time Hunley turned his work computer on and loud porn sounds came out ?”
“What ? That happened ?” Ethan worries, a little grossed out, “in public ?”
“Yeah ! And it was me ! I created him a whole file of porn with the nastiest things out there, there was some piss king, incest, grandma stuff and all—not that I’m judging, in there, it took them a week to clean his computer completely !”
“I’m starting to wonder if you’d taken your meds, during those six months,” Luther snorts. “Wish I’d seen that, though.”
“Yeah, no shit you failed the psych exam,” Ilsa grumbles. “Remind me to never annoy you. Ever.”
“I’m just a tech guy,” Benji unashamedly lies, smiling wide, fangs sharp. “Say, who’s up for round four ? It’s on me,” he adds, getting up without waiting for a response and trotting up to the bar.
The remaining agents stare at each other, a little disabused.
“Your boyfriend is terrifying,” the British agent says flatly, looking at her friend. “What is wrong with him ? I’m saying this with all the love I have for him.”
“The word you’re looking for is batshit crazy,” Brandt supplies with a cackle. “The whole porn thing was actually insane. I wish I’d taken a video.”
“That’s part of the charm,” Ethan simply replies, eyeing his partner up and down, watching him collect their drinks, his gaze setting on the other’s rounded ass. Mm, those pants really shaped it nicely, he thinks. “Anyway, don’t be mean to him when he’s paying for drinks.”
“I wasn’t,” Luther calls out, index raised. “I think it’s thrilling, that he’s that weird. What a fun guy. We’ll have to exchange anecdotes more often.”
“He’s not wei—“
“Eh, sort of.”
“I mean, aren’t we all ?” Ilsa offers graciously, “it’s sort of part of the job.”
There’s a contemplative silence.
“Hey, did I mishear or did Benji say he used to have frosted tips ?”
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omori-mlb-au · 3 months
I think a Balcony Scene™ between Basil and Ladybug would be very sweet! Say they got rejected by their respective crushes (or perceived themselves rejected anyway) and had to talk to one another for comfort à la the show.
I can imagine Ladybug telling Basil about how Catmint is so great but also so cold to him and Basil being like "Yeah he's the worst, huh?" and Basil telling Ladybug about his massive crush on his bestie and Ladybug saying "I bet he's not that great." And them bonding over their (failed) attempts to rebound while self-deprecating/boosting each other up. —Kae.
Oooh well almost spot on! I mean, it is the obvious route for their relationship – I really like those dialogues aaaaa thanks Kae !!
Here, have a doodle of them
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(@theokusgallery is the one who wrote almost all of Ladybug's tirade yippie)
Aaaa I just- (tiny little ramble below)
Basil is so down bad for Sunny and Sunny really cares about Basil because he is his first and only best friend but Basil has low self-esteem and thinks he's just too lame, unworthy of his friend and just cannot imagine himself going out of his way to confess to him. Sunny thinks that he's just some guy with anger issues who's just not suitable for friendships or really, any kind of relationships. He honestly sees himself as a bad guy, the kind to think of themselves "If they discover I'm such a horrible person they'll leave me" and. Poor fella. Man 🥹 One single argument or disagreement and bro will distance himself to a point of isolation and drown in negative emotions - and you know it's bad 🦋
Catmint is being a moody emo guy and Ladybug is tired of his shit but also kinda into that (who would blame him)
But yeah, deep inside, it does hurt Ladybug to be treated that way sometimes. Wait until he explodes 🤓☝️
Not revealing too much but even if being Catmint is synonymous of freedom for Basil, sometimes, he really hates being this cold sarcastic guy. Sometimes, he really, really hates being Catmint.
I ended up rambling fhdjdbhdudd I had to get a little bit out
Thanks for your ask Kae ! It's always a pleasure
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bicmason · 9 months
SFW Alphabet – Simon "Ghost" Riley.
★ Well, besides my presentation, this is my first post!! Hope you like it :) <3
★ Synopsis: Fluff of how Simon is in a relationship with you, reader!
★ Warnings: None, I think??? I'm new to this warning thing by the way!! If you hear anything that needs warning, please put it in the comments!!
But, I think the main thing is that this is my vision of Simon, if you don't like it, that's fine but don't hate me :)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
– I feel this man has a vibe that he's not very affectionate, not now.
– Maybe, if we talk about him before his whole family was murdered, I think he would be more affectionate, but as I said before, not now. This man has changed.
– However, he's not total ice. He'll do things for you - leave notes around the house (maybe before he leaves for a long mission), bring you flowers, organize your things when he has time to spare, maybe cook for you. He's also a good listener, take advantage of that. Talk to him, he'll appreciate it. He's a man of service and nothing will change my mind 😭😭
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
– Maybe you were friends with Soap first, thus getting close to Simon too. You would initiate this. It would probably start with you trying to talk to him, few things, but you still got closer.
– And this man is a good friend, believe me. Are you having problems with a mission? If he's not TOO busy, he'll help you, believe me. Personal problems you need to vent about? He is there. He doesn't like to give his opinion, but you know he listens to you. He also makes some lame jokes to make you smile a little.
– He would also do you favors, as long as he was available for - that's his only bad point, if he's busy, forget anything you've asked him to do, he won't do it ☠️
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
– In a relationship, I believe it would take a few weeks? He doesn't care about your touch. He literally doesn't care, he just finds it strange in a way, he's not used to really affectionate touches.
– Anyway, the first time you asked him (in a romantic relationship) he refused. Not because 'uh he rejects touch', he just... thought it was weird. He thought about the idea later, and when you asked - hesitantly - for it again, he accepted, still a little stiff.
Spoiler: He likes to be the bigger spoon, but if he's totally relaxed around you, he can and will want to be the smaller spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
– I believe so, he will want to settle down with you. Maybe not so quickly, but he would like the idea.
– And, he's a good cook, even though he doesn't make food very often! (Headcanon that he buys food that lasts months because he doesn't even spend much time at home so buying perishable food will just waste his money for nothing)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
– Like… it depends on your relationship. You two really get along really well but he's just too broken to make you happy for the rest of your life?
– Then he would give clues - long conversations about how you would react if he broke up, he would slowly pull away and a few more things as subtle as a feather, but that would have a huge weight for him. Believe me, he doesn't really want to break up with you, he just thinks he needs to.
– But, if you are a little "boring" (I don't know how to describe this in English, forgive me) with each other, believe me, he will disappear from your life, quickly and simply. There's nothing to explain, he'll disappear like a ghost.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
– Yes, he likes the idea, yeah! But he doesn't want to get married. He already finds dating a bit... tiring for him, I don't see him as very emotionally responsible, sorry, but just look at him. (That includes the fact that you live together - he doesn't want something official, you know?)
– But of course, with the power of imagination, let's just say that maybe you would change this man's mind? Oh yes, implant little ideas about this in his head, and he would propose to you in an official marriage - No big parties, please :^
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
– Like I said, this man is not used to touching. But touch him. Touch his hand, touch his arm, he's okay with it.
– Just don't touch him 'intimately' - don't get too close to his chest/neck in public, maybe his inner thighs and don't kiss him too much...passionately in public. He doesn't want that.
– But he is kind, believe me. He can touch your cheek, hold your little fingers hidden under the table. He's also kind mentally, a little at least. He thinks of you, he remembers you. He knows he can come back to you and you will want him back. He will want to come back to you and tell you a little about his day, he will want to listen to you because he feels like he is doing it right. He doesn't want to scare you or make you feel trapped by him in any way, he wants to be okay with you, and he wants you to be okay with him.
– ☆ Bonus points if you make his favorite food, he'll praise you until you don't want any more.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
– He likes hugs!! But only from specific people - If you're a rookie recruit, don't even think about trying to touch him, for God's sake. But it's not the same for you, dear reader. He loves your hugs, they bring comfort, hope that he can be Simon again, and not Ghost.
– It’s not that frequent. He won't be uwu hugging you for any reason or anywhere.
– The only part you should be surprised about is if you guys are in public, really exposed and he does this. Otherwise, normal programming - Hugs when you get home from missions, hugs when you go to sleep, maybe the occasional hug from behind just to smell you after a nightmare or when you're cooking.
– And it’s not a strange hug. Maybe the first and second time yes - this man doesn't hug anyone, I swear - And then he's already more relaxed under your touch.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
– He doesn't say, at least not until at least 10 months into the relationship. And he would tell you that when you were sleepy, probably.
– But, he writes them. He does this around the 7th or 8th month of dating. He starts writing letters with little sloppy hearts and an "ily." dry at the end.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
– He's not jealous. This man is too confident! (Remember, he's confident he's handsome in "quite the opposite," yk. That doesn't mean he doesn't have sad days, they just aren't as frequent.)
– If he's jealous, you'll know with the soft looks he gives you! 🥰🥰 (He will stare into your soul and that of the rookie who is flirting with you, biting himself with jealousy beneath that mask).
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
– They are chaste, quick kisses. When necessary, he will kiss you properly - A little slower, his hands holding your waist tightly.
– He likes to kiss your cheek. He thinks it's cute and innocent - things you guys aren't.
– And he likes it when you stand on tiptoe to kiss him on the lips. It just boosts his ego, he can't help it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
– I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS PART! GOD- have you ever seen him talking and playing with his nephew?!?!?!? This man likes children, please!!! ;(((
– Anyway, he likes children. Yes he is scary but there is always that one child who sympathizes with him. He's just squeamish about it, he's a killer dealing with children. He feels weird but he still likes it because it reminds him of his little late nephew :((.
– I don't know if it made sense, but this man is simply soft on children. He will teach them how to be little devils-
– And about having children, he is hesitant. He has some not very cool ideas, he's not to blame for that. He grew up being traumatized. He is afraid of taking it out too aggressively on his son/daughter for silly reasons, so please, if you want to have a child with him, you will have to change him and manage to keep him calm.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
– They are lazy. Not that you'll go back to sleep, you'll spend a few more minutes lying down, just gossiping about the other soldiers while exchanging some kisses and smiles, with his strong arms wrapped around you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
– Oh man. This is complicated.
– Firstly, he is a very light sleeper. If you move a lot in bed, he will wake up every time. A sound a little too loud like a falling feather? He will listen. He just can't change it.
– Secondly, he has nightmares. Oh yes he has them. Just imagine you're sleeping peacefully and then you feel him grabbing you, almost hurting you because of his grip. You will have to fight to wake him up from it and the marks will stay for a few days. He feels bad about it. Many times he would rather spend days on the couch than sleep with you next to him again.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
– He is neither too slow nor too fast. He opens up a little if you ask, but only what you ask. He will say this calmly, pausing and sometimes finishing explaining or adding more details the next day.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
– He has problems, but I think he is as calm as possible, at least with you. He is angry on missions. he gets nervous a few hours after them when they go wrong, but he calms down when he approaches you, when he sees that you are waiting for him and are ready to listen to him.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
– He remembers many details about you, but sometimes they are strange things. The way your eyebrows look when you doubt something, the way you eat, the way you write. Maybe some more normal details, like what you like to eat, what you really like, the type of movie/series/book you like.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
– I believe the day you ran into his arms after a mission. The first time he felt that there was someone who loved him and waited for him after so long.
– Probably also your first kiss, this man was nervous and clashed his teeth with yours. Forgive him, he was nervous >:(
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
– He is not very protective, he knows your strength.
– But if you ask, he can almost be a distant shadow of you.
– and he likes and doesn't like being protected, you know? He wants to be protected - when you are alone, when you are lying down and he is afraid of nightmares, but he also wants to protect you, he wants to be your guard dog, he will check doors and windows if you focus in fear of a noise at night.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
– I feel like he has a little memory problem for dates. He can't help it, he's so busy killing other people, how can he think about his relationship anniversary?
– But when he remembers, he'll write big letters and probably buy you something like a teddy bear. He tries as hard as he can.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
– He doesn't usually take a shower right after arriving from missions. He's too tired, so he just plops down on his couch, it's all dirty and you feel like making him sleep in Riley's little house because of it, but you understand him and you let him rest.
– He drinks and can say nasty things. Not in a bad way, but he can just be a little rough with you when that happens. That would be one of the reasons he would break up with you - his brutality.
– I feel like he might be a bit of a complainer. He adores you, God, there's nothing he loves more in the world, but don't make a serious mistake around him. He will tell you things that a BORING father would say until you feel bad and maybe start crying. He will calm down and hug you, trying to calm you down.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
– He’s not really worried about himself. God, he just wears that mask for everything-
– If you insist, he could wear something very different from what he usually wears, but this would only happen when he can be sure he is safe at home, because then he can do without the mask for you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- Oh yeah. His little heart hurts when he gets hurt a little too much on a mission, because he knows you're going to cry. You cry over anything that involves almost losing him!
– He sometimes misses you when he needs to sleep in an abandoned building. If you are a soldier of the TF-141, sometimes Price can send you to different locations and this ruins your beloved Ghost. He likes you a lot.
X = Xtra (a random headcanon for them)
- I feel like he has an allergy to sweet smells. Not a very serious allergy, but he may sniffle his nose if you wear a very sweet perfume around him.
- I don't know, but I imagine he has tourette :(. This came when I saw a video of him on Tik Tok, he keeps moving his head to check the sides (Of course, rightly so) but I feel like sometimes he has some attacks, where he might be talking to you and suddenly he turns his head to the side, sometimes raising his shoulders in a defensive manner or reacting with his hands that ends up almost punching you. It's something that came from trauma/PTSD, please take care of this little big man. He only has you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
– Sorry messy readers (and myself) but he doesn’t like clutter at home. At least not when he doesn't arrive tired from missions, he's strange. He will organize things perfectly, so please keep things clean.
– Also, please don’t try to irritate him on purpose. You'll end up hitting a nerve and he'll hurt you, either by accidentally slapping you or pulling you away from him. He has a problem with that, but he bears your irritation upon him. Just don't overdo it, beauties.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
– In fact, his snoring is strange, it’s choking, you know? (pls say yes)
– Please hold his head close to your chest. He likes listening to your heartbeat, he thinks it calms him on bad nights.
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You’re jealous but you can’t do anything because you’re not dating him - Part 5
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7
Pairings: Lev x Fem! Reader
Genre: Angst to Fluff
Requested by: @sad-b-tch
A/N: Only one story in this part because I am travelling for a few days and I won't find the time to write for a while. This was written in a hurry and is not proofread so pls 2 forgive any errors.
I'm not sure how exchange programs happen in Japan but when my friend went to Germany, she lived with a student's family who had agreed to host exchange students at their home. That is the concept I followed in this. Also, since it was never clarified which of his parents was Russian, I have assumed it was his mother in this story. Also, I have used like 2 Russian dialogues in this fic with the help of Google so if they're wrong, I'm sry pls lmk I am not friends w any Russian people. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!
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Haiba Lev is a friendly guy.
"A little too friendly sometimes", you think as you watch him grab Sofia's arm and drag her away to her next class, leaving you in the hallway.
Of course, Lev had been assigned to host and guide the new exchange student from Russia. Sofia Volkov. A girl who is so breathtakingly gorgeous that she might as well have descended from heaven. Hell, she is so beautiful that even you find yourself developing a girl crush on her. Ever since she arrived at Nekoma a week ago, at least 9 people have asked her out on a date. She, however, rejected them all.
Even though Lev does not speak Russian and Sofia cannot speak a word of Japanese, you can't help but admit that he was the perfect choice to be her guide around Nekoma. Sofia seems to have warmed up to him quite a bit in such a short time. He is just that kind of person who can communicate with others so easily and effortlessly.
"Did you see Lev hold Sofia's hand just then? Do you think they are dating?"
"I wouldn't be surprised if they are. She seems to spend all her time in school with him even though she's already living in his house."
"Yeah. If anyone in this school can match Sofia in good looks, it is Lev."
Every hushed whisper you hear about Lev and Sofia feels like a stab straight through your heart.
Stupid rumour mongers. You know they are not dating. Lev would have told you if they were. Yet, thinking about the possibility of them getting together...
You see Lev returning from Sofia's class. He has a giant smile on his face that makes your heart do backflips. God, why did he have to be so pretty?
"Y/N! Thanks for waiting!"
"Of course!" you smile at him, "How is Sofia liking it here?"
"I think she is settling in well. Mom seems to have fallen in love with her. They keep chatting away in Russian late into the night. I have heard more Russian in the past week than I have in my entire life."
You chuckle. "Aww. Your mom must be happy to have someone from her homeland around. She must miss it awfully."
"She does. If it were up to her, she would probably keep Sofia with us forever. She even joked about me marrying her just so she could stay here."
The smile on your face disappears as soon as you hear that. It was a joke. Just a simple joke. You try to console yourself but the worry shows in your face. Thankfully, Lev is too busy chatting away to notice.
"... So I thought I would show her the Tokyo Skytree tomorrow. I think she'd like it, yeah?"
"Yeah, she would."
"Mum insisted I take her at night because it is prettier with all the lights."
It's also more romantic.
"Yeah, night sounds good. She will like it."
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
You look to your side and find Lev looking at you, his head cocked and brows slightly furrowed with worry.
Your internal battle must have shown on your face. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry. I'm all good, I was just trying to remember if I finished the assignment for the next class."
It is a lame reason but it is all you could come up with on the spot. The bell's ringing for the next class saves you from further questions.
It has been 2 days since you last met Lev or even spoke to him properly. He was, understandably, busy showing Sofia around town. He had invited you to accompany them but you had been busy with family stuff and couldn't join them. Still, when he did not reply to your texts as fast as he usually does, you couldn't help but feel a little upset. It also didn't help that your mind ran wild with the possible scenarios of Lev and Sofia getting together.
But as you go about your day in school as usual, chatting and laughing, you begin to feel a little stupid for getting so worked up over nothing.
That was until you met Sofia after school.
She had been waiting to walk home with Lev outside the school gate. As soon as she saw you two approaching, she waved in your direction, a big smile on her face and said something in Russian. As soon as Lev heard her, he turned red as a beetroot.
However, before he could respond, he was hailed by someone from the Nekoma VBC.
What the hell was that about? You think as you watch him sprint towards Yaku-san, still blushing furiously.
Sofia's voice pulls you from your thoughts. She is standing right next to you and is smiling at you. You can tell that she wants to talk to you. You smile back and patiently wait for her to speak.
"Eyy- uh -" she looks around and points at Lev.
"Lev? You want to tell me something related to him?"
She nods eagerly and points at him again, "Boyfriend."
It feels like someone has suddenly dropped a brick in your stomach.
"B-boyfriend? Are you saying Lev is your b-boyfriend?"
"Da! Yes! Boyfriend! boyfriend!!" she jumps up in excitement at finally getting through, smiling and nodding eagerly at you, "Lev Boyfriend? Da?"
The smile on your face is long gone. It is all you can do to keep yourself from bursting into tears right there.
So that's why he was blushing.
"Hey, sorry about that. Yaku-san wanted to tell me about the club meeting later tonight. We can walk home now."
You had not realized Lev had made his way back to you. You turn your face away from him so he won't notice the tears that are now forming in your eyes.
He comes up to Sofia and repeats the same sentence to her in broken Russian.
You definitely won't be able to maintain your composure the entire walk back home.
"Actually, you guys go on ahead. I have some things I need to buy for mum so I'm going in the other direction."
"We can come with you!" Lev says, smiling.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure you'll just get bored there. I'll text you once I'm home," you say and start to sprint away from them, not wanting to spend another second there.
"Wait! Wait! Why are you running away? Y/N!" Lev's extremely confused voice calls after you as you try to get away from them as quickly as you can.
From the corner of your eye, you see Lev start to run after you but Sofia grabs his arm and stops him. That gives you a few moments to slip away, tears streaming down your face as you run.
It doesn't take him long to catch up, though, as you hear him huffing and puffing behind you just a few minutes later. "Y/N! Please! Stop!"
You quicken your pace and try to give him the slip again but it's impossible to keep up with his long-ass legs and you feel a strong grip on your shoulder, trying to get you to stop. You finally do.
Lev gently turns you around to face him and he is shocked to see the fat tears rolling down your face.
"Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no! I am so, so sorry. Sofia told me that she told you. I am really, so, so, sorry."
"I- It's o-okay. Y-you have nothing to apo-apologize for. You d-did nothing wrong," your silent crying has now turned to full-blown sobs now that Lev himself has confirmed the worst.
"I did. I should have been the one to tell you. I told her not to say anything, I wanted to tell you myself but she got excited and jumped the gun. Please, I am so sorry, I never wanted to make you cry like this," Lev's face is contorted with worry and it looks like he might cry too.
" 's ok. I w-will be fine."
"And it is totally okay that you do not feel the same way. Please believe me, I am happy with being the way we always have been."
His words give you pause.
"Sorry, sorry! I shouldn't have brought it up right away!"
"What do you mean I do not feel the same way? The same way about what?"
Lev stares at you blankly. "Uhh, Y/N, what did Sofia tell you?"
"That you're her boyfriend?"
"Did she really say I am her boyfriend?"
"Well, I couldn't understand most of what she said. She was pointing at you and saying 'boyfriend' and when I asked her if you were her boyfriend, she got excited and started saying 'Da' and 'yes' and 'boyfriend'".
"Oh. OH," Lev's eyes widen as realization hits him. He suddenly starts blushing again.
"Y/N. Sofia was not saying that I am her boyfriend. She was asking YOU if you would like me as your boyfriend."
You stare at him blankly, unable to make sense of what he is saying.
"Y-you see. We were talking about crushes and stuff and I accidentally told her that I had feelings for you. She got excited and wanted me to confess to you right away but I... Well, honestly, I was scared. She was so sure that you liked me back and I was just being dumb by not confessing so she decided to take matters into her own hands. But...wait! If you misunderstood her, why did you run away crying?"
"Because she was right."
"She was right about me liking you back. When I thought you two became a couple... ever since she has been here, everyone is always talking about how beautiful she is and how good you two look together. I am not blaming her at all. She is gorgeous and really nice. It is just that... even the thought of you being someone else's had been making me sad for a while. When she spoke to me, I jumped to the worst conclusion and I just couldn't hold myself together so I ran away."
"REALLY?! You really like me back?!" Lev's expression has changed from worry to that of pure joy. He is smiling so wide that you can't help but smile at him through your residual tears.
He takes your hands in his and brings them up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on each of them.
"Ty budesh' moyey devushkoy?" he says, his green eyes glazed over with a softness as he looks into yours.
You giggle. "What does that mean?"
"It means 'will you be my girlfriend?'"
You lean to place a kiss on his forehead, smiling widely as you pull back.
"Da. I will."
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1K notes · View notes
yoonpobs · 3 years
bad boy good thing ix.
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pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: smut, jungkook is really an asshole, the angst hurts a lot tbh, unhealthy relationships (?)
words: 3, 844
summary: a series of drabbles where you're confused and jungkook's confusing
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Jungkook recognises that it’s, to a fault, extremely unhealthy for him to pretend like his problems don’t exist and bury them under a blanket of social interactions that were meaningless to him and excessively working out at the gym so he could get his mind off things.
Granted, it was always how Jungkook dealt with things and he was a creature of habit. He was stubborn and irrational at most times, and usually pretending like his problems didn’t exist did him relatively well. Because like most things in life, problems passed and if people were his problem then he’d just not talk to them. Simple, really. Jungkook had it figured out right to the o.
Well, until he realised that a huge chunk of his problems, though irrationally, was working out right beside him.
“You almost done?” Namjoon grunts, finishing his last rep as he drops the weight to the ground as it sounds through the empty gym.
Only because Namjoon and Jungkook were the only people that were crazy enough to work out at eleven o'clock on a school night. But realistically speaking, Jungkook only asked the football group out of formalities and did not expect his own captain to have responded.
Maybe because you’re too busy hanging out with _____, came Jungkook’s bitter thought. But surprise, Namjoon was very much sweaty and engaged in the workout session that has Jungkook’s head spinning.
“Yeah.” Jungkook huffs, dropping his own weight before he dabs the hem of his tank top to his forehead to catch the bead of sweat before it drops.
Namjoon walks over to pick up his own bottle and toss Jungkook his own before he chugs the liquid in one go.
Jungkook has half the mind to be a petty motherfucker and rejects it but he was way too parched to deny the tempting object. Besides, he could pretend like Namjoon wasn’t the bulk of his many problems. Even if he knew Namjoon was unsuspecting of everything, it was easier to blame him for the fact that you weren’t keen on hanging out with him than himself.
“The circuit today was intense.” Namjoon points out, shooting a raised eyebrow expression in Jungkook’s direction. “You nearly killed me, man.” He finishes with a teasing tone.
Jungkook huffs dryly, “Maybe that’s a sign for you to work out more.”
He’s being bitter, he knows that. Because Namjoon was huge and hit the gym as frequently as Jungkook did.
Namjoon, however, is oblivious to this. “Maybe.” And Jungkook hates that he accepts it so easily.
Jungkook’s mind is all over the place and never mind that he’s burnt enough calories to last him his workout quota for the next two weeks, but he has the urge to pry. To ask Namjoon things that he no longer had the privilege to ask you anymore.
But before he can say anything, Namjoon beats him to the first word.
“You and ____ are close right?”
Jungkook pauses, fist tightening around the bottle before he clears his throat. “Um. Kind of.” Because he wasn’t sure anymore, so he settled for that instead you conveyed otherwise to Namjoon. But he knew that you wouldn’t, you weren’t petty like that. “Why do you ask?”
And Jungkook doesn’t like the way that Namjoon looks nervous. Call it his sixth sense, but he just doesn’t like the insinuation behind the way Namjoon fiddles with his fingers.
“Well, you, Jimin and Tae are, right?” Namjoon asks. “And Yena, but I already had this conversation with her anyways.”
“What conversation?” Jungkook immediately asks, eyebrows furrowed.
“I think it’s pretty obvious to most people that I’m into her.” Namjoon snorts, but Jungkook can’t find it in himself to laugh.
“Things have been going well and so far all the hangouts we’ve had were friendly,” Namjoon says with a small smile.
Jungkook doesn’t know what to do with the information he was receiving or why he was even receiving it in the first place. Sure, Namjoon and he were close because they were under the same football team and chemistry between players was definitely a prerequisite when it came to bagging wins.
“That’s nice to hear.” Jungkook grunts.
Namjoon nods absent-mindedly as he plops onto one of the workout benches, swinging a towel over his shoulder. “I told her that I wouldn’t rush into things with her but I really do like her. And I want to ask her out. Officially, that is.”
Jungkook quite literally freezes all his limbs when the words tumble out of Namjoon’s mouth.
“And because you’re important to her, I just wanted to know if you were okay with that? I mean—she has to be okay with it but you’re someone she cares about so your opinion does matter to a certain extent. Either way, I’m going to do it but I thought it was just courteous of me to let you know.”
And damn you for being courteous, Jungkook curses to himself mentally.
“What?” Jungkook croaks because that’s all he can manage.
He’s heard it from Jeonghan, Yugyeom and Jaehyun when it came to locker-room talk but he’s brushed it off because what did they know, right? Even if Yena was heard whispering to Jimin conspiringly, he’d pretended he hadn’t heard a single word just so he could delude himself into thinking that it wasn’t real.
But for Namjoon to directly confirm it to his face, Jungkook feels like he’s been punched in the gut.
“I don’t know, man.” Namjoon sighs, “She’s really something else, you know? I’ve been kind of admiring from afar for a really long time because someone wouldn’t introduce her to me”—he shoots a playful glare to a stone-faced Jungkook who can’t even respond—“and getting to know her personally just really solidified the fact that I really like her.”
Jungkook is a level-headed man, most of the time at least, but there were things that threw him off. Overly salty food, flash mobs, microwaves; but most of the time he was able to recover.
Most. Not all.
Namjoon freezes, and so does Jungkook. But for two very different reasons.
“I’m sorry, did you just say no?” Namjoon asks dumbfounded.
Jungkook can’t stop his mouth. “Yeah.” He swallows. Stop talking. “No.”
Namjoon furrows his brows, “Yeah to you saying no or, yeah to literally the context of this conversation?”
Jungkook has never resented Namjoon more than right now, even when he’d made the team run extra laps as a warm-up.
“You can’t.” Jungkook deadpans. “You can’t ask her out.”
And for as long as Jungkook knew Namjoon, he knew that under the calm and collected exterior that he took most of the time because he was the captain of the football team, and diplomacy was necessary. He was petty, and to a certain extent, immature. But he did a far better job and conveying his displeasure compared to Jungkook.
“Okay, and who are you—her dad?” Namjoon scoffs.
Even if it was made explicitly clear by Namjoon that he was doing so out of respect for you, Jungkook still felt the need to defend himself.
“Her friend.” Jungkook snaps. “And you’re my captain. That’s just—weird.”
He knows his excuse is lame, and so does Namjoon.
“Really,” Namjoon says dryly. “That’s your excuse?”
“Not an excuse. Facts.” Jungkook retorts childishly.
Namjoon snorts before raising an eyebrow at Jungkook who is all but making eye contact with him.
“Does this have to do with why you weren’t keen on introducing her to me in the first place when I asked?”
Jungkook nearly drops his water bottle when he swings around, face scandalised in a way that shows that he’s been caught but attempting to deflect.
“What the fuck are you even saying.” He splutters.
Namjoon is as calm as ever, “You tell me, Jungkook. I don’t see a legitimate reason as to why I can’t ask her out.”
Jungkook scoffs, cheeks red. “I told you. It’s weird. What if you guys break up? How’s that going to be for Jimin, Tae and I?”
Namjoon blinks.
“I can be civil.” He shrugs. “The question is, can you?”
Jungkook narrows his eyes into slits as he observes Namjoon. He’s never gotten into any conflicting situations with Namjoon, purely because he never had a reason to. He never knew his captain could be so … retort-inducing, but here he was. Ready to snap back, for a very childish reason he wasn’t ready to unpack just yet.
“Look. How bout’ you think about it a little more?” Jungkook feigns disinterest when he fiddles with his gym bag as if he was looking for something. It was an escape to this conversation. “The two of you just started hanging out and she’s not the type that likes it rushed, anyways.”
“I’m not asking her to marry me, Jungkook.” Namjoon blinks.
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “I know. If you were I think I’d have a stroke.” He mutters. “Thing is, there’s probably a lot of things that you don’t know about her yet so you may as well just … wait.”
His excuses are getting a lot more pathetic by the second, and Namjoon clearly feels the same because he shoots a frown at Jungkook.
“That’s the point of asking her out … to get to know her.” Namjoon drawls slowly, stating the obvious.
Jungkook lets out an exasperated sigh and he wants this conversation to be over because he’s already let out more than what he’d like.
“She’s just not the type …” Jungkook lamely defends.
Namjoon purses his lips. “And that’s coming from you?”
Jungkook glares at Namjoon who doesn’t look like he’s going to back down.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Namjoon rolls his eyes. “It means—you’re not her so you have no right to be assuming shit about her. I don’t care if you’re her best friend or whatever the hell you are to her that makes you think you automatically know what she wants or doesn’t. The reason why I’m telling you all of this is purely out of respect for her, and her only. Frankly—I couldn’t give a rats ass about your opinion on this.”
Jungkook gapes at Namjoon because this is the first time he’s seen him anything less than cool and collected. But perhaps this was why he was always taken so seriously in every context he’s found himself in. Namjoon was diplomatic when he need be, and firm when necessary. This was one of those occasions and Jungkook hates that it’s him on the receiving end under the context of you being the topic of conversation.
“And, if you have something you want to say to her.” Namjoon sighs, throwing his gym bag over his shoulder and levelling a look so serious that it sends a shudder down Jungkook’s spine, “Be honest to her. She doesn’t deserve anything less than that.”
Right before Namjoon turns around to leave, Jungkook has to ask—
“How did you know?”
He doesn’t have to say what, because Namjoon clearly knows what he was talking about. The stiff chuckle he releases is enough to prove that.
“I’m not stupid, Jungkook.” He says. “First it was not introducing us to each other and now it’s the unwarranted possessiveness. It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together.”
Jungkook purses his lips, feeling his blood run cold because if Namjoon knew then …
“So what? You’re going to tell her?” He accuses.
Namjoon scoffs. “Jungkook, I like you. You’re a good friend of mine. I’m not going to fuck you over like that. That’s your own issue to deal with.”
“Sure doesn’t feel like it,” Jungkook mutters dryly.
Namjoon sighs, turning his body to face Jungkook as he offers him a blank expression that he can’t quite read.
“I don’t know about you but I’m not the type to conflate my personal life with my friend's personal life. Sure, we like the same girl—” Jungkook winces, but Namjoon continues anyway. “—but life goes on. I’m a big boy and so are you, right?”
Jungkook tongues the inside of his cheek when Namjoon offers a slight smirk with a raised eyebrow.
“So you’re backing off?”
The slight hopeful tone that Jungkook has is naive, and he knows that. But a selfish part of him just wished that Namjoon would so he could figure out how to solve and fix things between the two of you without the interruption of his own football captain in the mix.
Namjoon snorts, “No way. What did you take me for—a pushover?”
Jungkook gapes, “Then what—?”
“I’m still going to ask her out. Your feelings are your own and it’s not my responsibility to look after them for you.” He shrugs, turning on his heel to leave the gym. His hands are on the knob when he turns around. “She’s single. Nothing’s stopping you or me from doing anything.”
And he leaves, not before he adds: “Don’t be late for training tomorrow. We have circuit training.”
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It’s been a week since you’ve last spoken to Jungkook and two weeks since he’s apologised to you at your apartment. You still remember the ghost of his lips, the heat of his hands when he held you close.
You still had moments in between where you were distracted, but there was something oddly compelling about a person you were trying to forget for the time being that haunts your every thought. And you hated yourself for it, for still wondering if he was okay or how he was doing when you were the one that put distance between the two of you.
Maybe that’s why your hand reaches out to your phone, but it’s as if God had sent you a Guardian Angel when a hand grips your wrist.
“I thought we weren’t touching our phones?” Namjoon has a teasing tilt to his voice when he murmurs the words.
You flush, meekly retracting your hand as you send him a playful glare.
“What are you? The exam invigilator?” You scowl.
Namjoon snorts before rubbing a thumb between your furrowed brows. You can’t help but flush harder, pouting at him when all he does is grin at you.
“I’m meant to be the person you’re paying attention to.” He returns, voice husky and you feel yourself grow flustered.
Obviously, because Namjoon was attractive and he told you on occasions that he’d intentionally raised the pitch of his voice because it was way too deep for people to understand.
“Grow up.” You mutter, but your tone is light when you roll your eyes at him.
You’ve grown much more comfortable with Namjoon in the recent times you’ve hung out with him, purely because there was something very welcoming about a person like him. He was understanding and calm, yet he was absolutely hilarious without even needing to try. There were moments where he’d make you laugh until you cry which resulted in the librarians shooting you glares from their desks.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He hums, definitely recognising the way you were a little out of the loop even throughout your study session.
The library is quiet during this hour because it wasn’t exam season and rarely were students willing to spend time on a school night at the library against their own will.
“Just … stuff.” You sigh.
And Namjoon frowns ever so slightly because you were always like this, tucked away in your own compartment as if you were afraid to reveal anything more.
“You can always talk to me, you know?” He whispers, eyes focusing on your face when he leans down.
You purse your lips and you nod. You knew you could, but your problems were far more complex than what you could describe in words. Besides, you knew that Namjoon had some … form of feelings to you—so how the hell were you supposed to explain the fact that you’ve allowed your best friend to touch you in a way that a lover is meant to?
“I know.” You sigh, fiddling with your fingers when you bring yourself to look up at him through your eyelashes. “It’s really complicated and I don’t want to unload onto you.”
Namjoon smiles at you so gently you feel even guiltier for feeling the way you do.
“And I’m a pretty simple guy. Say anything and I’ll take it at face value.” He jokes.
You roll your eyes at him and shove at his chest. Only then do you realise how close the two of you are. When did his face get so close to yours? Why were you only realising his breath on your cheek?
It’s late, and you’re tired from the copious amount of studying so maybe that’s why your eyes involuntarily dart to his lips that were much closer to you than you’d realised.
“Can I do something?” He murmurs, and you watch his lips move when he asks.
You find yourself blindly nodding, too caught up in the moment.
Namjoon reaches a gentle hand around your jaw, cradling it so softly as if he was afraid to hurt you. A touch you’re familiar yet new to, enough for you to remember and think of Jungkook even if it’s Namjoon in front of you.
The logical part of you tells you to push Namjoon away, to not subject him to this unfair treatment when you know your heart lays elsewhere. But you’re human and you’re selfish because you’ve never been doted on like this—never looked in a way that shows you that he wants you.
Namjoon tilts your head up so that he’s looking straight into your eyes and you’re positive your face is on fire. It feels … nice. But that’s it. You don’t feel exhilarated like you did when Jungkook held you, and you curse yourself for always comparing the two.
He leans in so slowly that you’re quite literally gripping the edge of your seat. You realise this, though.
Namjoon is strategic when he maps out the journey to your lips, both careful and calm when he brings you closer like he’s been preparing for this for a long time. What you remember, is Jungkook—a spontaneous lover who smirks against kisses and tugs you closer in a rush that makes your head spin.
The two are so different, and you’re inclined to want Namjoon too. But you’ve always been a sucker for adrenaline.
But you push those thoughts away and try to focus on the way Namjoon is treating you so tenderly.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers against your lips and you feel your response before you say it.
“Yeah.” You breathe, fingers digging into your seat.
And Namjoon looks stunning up close, suave and handsome like you always knew him to be when he closes the distance.
He presses into your lips so softly that you barely feel it at first, not until he’s tilting his head to bring you closer and his other hand cups the other side of your face.
Your face is hot because he’s the second person you’ve ever kissed and it feels … it feels. You like it. That’s what you think.
You don’t dare go further than return his kiss, and Namjoon is far too gentlemanly to prod at your lips.
Your hand instinctively reaches out to wrap them around his neck, but a voice interrupts your movements.
Immediately, you pull away—remembering where you were and how easy it was for you to be spotted locking lips with Namjoon.
You flush, turning to the source of the voice to mumble a sheepish apology until you realise who it is—and your face pales.
Not only because is it Jungkook, who’s staring at you and Namjoon with a hardened gaze. But because of the company he has.
“Cute,” Jennie smirks, arms looped around Jungkook’s and you feel your throat clam shut.
Namjoon notices the drop in your expression that you try to hide, and he reaches out to squeeze your hand in an attempt to offer consolation. He doesn’t need to guess why.
“What are you—?”
“We were about to leave, right?” Namjoon murmurs so softly that you barely catch him. Not until you realise that Jennie has her eyebrow cocked, awaiting your response.
You blink before you turn to Namjoon who’s still looking at you so gently.
He didn’t deserve this.
“I’ll go.” You say curtly, softly taking your hand back from where he’s squeezing it as you offer an apologetic look to him. All while Jungkook is still staring at you.
“Wait, ____—” Jungkook reaches out to grab at your elbow, and you immediately pull away as if you’ve been scathed.
You knew you didn’t have a right to feel this way, not when you made it explicitly clear that you needed time away from him. But you also thought you made it clear how you felt about him and he was around her … again. It’s like a bucket of cold water that’s been washed upon you and you feel like utter shit when you see Jennie smile up at you, completely oblivious to the conflict you were having in your heart.
“I’ll walk you back.” Namjoon stands up, even as you attempt to protest. But Namjoon levels you with a firm expression that has you snapping your mouth shut and sighing to yourself, begrudgingly allowing him to stand by your side; almost towering over you and even Jungkook when he shoots him a withering glare.
“I’ll do it.” Jungkook snaps back, shaking Jennie’s arm off of him.
Before Namjoon can respond, you’re doing it for him.
“There’s no need, Jungkook.” You say softly, avoiding his eyes.
You don’t have to look at him to see the fall in his face.
“I just wanted to talk—”
“There’s nothing we can’t talk about with them here, right?” You smile stiffly at him.
Jungkook pauses, hands too as they reach for your shoulder.
“It’s not what it—”
You’re cutting him off again, tired of hearing the same thing fall from his lips, “you don’t need to say anything.”
But your heart wants to stay even if your mind knows it’s a bad idea. You’re lucky Namjoon was there because he’s tugging you aside with his arms.
“Let’s go, okay?” He whispers into your ear, soft enough so only you can hear.
You nod your head, turning to leave when you feel your heart break for the same reason again. You hate that your first instinct is the hotness behind your eyelids.
“So you’re with him?” Jungkook huffs, and you can tell he’s exasperated.
You’re about to retort, but Namjoon shakes his head—turns around to mouth something to Jungkook you can’t be bothered to see before he’s leading you out the library, leaving Jungkook and Jennie there.
Right before you step out, you hear Jennie say:
“We should do a double date.”
Namjoon hears this too and wraps an arm around your shoulder as he squeezes. He’s nice enough that he doesn’t ask why you were sniffling on the walk back to your home.
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738 notes · View notes
if ur ok with requests can u analyze knight of space :0c
Yeah, I'm okay with requests! I actively encourage them, in fact!
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Okay so: The Knight of Space. (Disclaimer: Pretty much everything here is speculation. I’m mostly doing this because I find Classpects really really interesting, so this might not be super accurate. Also, I will be looking at cookie cutter examples for personality. Those parts are mostly for 1.) Making characters and 2.) Being like “Oh my god that’s me wow that’s so cool”. Okay anyway lets actually do this thing. WHERE MAKING THIS HAPEN)
The Knight class is very powerful, especially considering they get a lot of their powers before god-tiering. (im jealous - the page) The Knight is the active version of the Page class, and they would manipulate their aspect, or manipulate through their aspect. Looking at the canon Knights (excluding Latula because I find her hard to analyze), we have Dave Strider, the Knight of Time (Endings, Death) , and Karkat Vantas, the Knight of Blood (Companionship, Bonds) (OMG GAY PEOPLE!??/?!!??!?!?)
Anyway, Dave Strider. Dave had an inherent talent for his aspect, and got the hang of time travel and time loops pretty quickly. (He also self-prototyped, which might be a time player thing considering they already surround themselves with clones anyway.) He also very actively exploited Time to get rich. However, he rejected parts of his aspect, specifically the death and endings part, and tried to cover up his lack of comfortability with his own mortality with a constant "cool guy" routine. Knights also are very likely to show up in sessions lacking their Aspect, and Dave was in a session that had only about a day before the reckoning.
Karkat Vantas is the Knight of Blood, and while Blood is less flashy than Time, he still exploited the hell out of his aspect. He basically used Blood to have everyone rally around him, in a positive way or not. He had everyone basically unite in sort of hating him, and that held the session together. Trolls are a very violent race on Alternia, and so there was a lack of Blood, but Karkat pulled everyone together. He rejected how much he loved his friends by putting on a "I HATE EVERYONE" façade.
Space is one of the “big two” aspects, Time and Space, which are both necessary for a successful session, and both have an aspect that elaborates on one facet of the aspect, Doom and Life. That being said, Space is about creation, the laws that govern reality, and well, physical space. Personality wise, this results in most Space players being creative people, and ones who are interested in science, typically some branch of astrophysics. Some Space players manifest their aspect as nurturing behaviors, although this is most commonly shown in Sylphs and Maids, the two “Caretaker” classes.
The Knight of Space would probably be really creative, but tunnel vision on one part of their aspect. For example, a Knight of Space might be very creative, good at drawing, really like puzzles, etc. But, they would only focus on say, making cosplay. They would likely be interested in all the other things, but think that they were too "lame" or "soft" to be interested in. (Have I mentioned that Knights seem to desperately try to be cool to everyone around them? That's not just a Dave thing.)
As time went on, the Knight would realize that they are allowed to like what they like, even if it's "cringe" or "lame". They would take off their mask of coolness, and allow people to see who they truly are, and if they didn't like it, they could just buzz off! The Knight, at heart, would be pretty excited about Space-y things, and be pretty good at them too!
As I said, the Knight of Space would be pretty powerful before god-tiering. In the beginning, they could probably get some low-level items spontaneously generated, like a Perfectly Generic Object or something along those lines. I can also imagine a Knight of Space having a planet with some sort of teleportation gates, and they would find out how to use them.
At higher levels, the Knight would be able to instantly appear an object, and probably game that ability for INFINITE GRIST. Alternatively, they could also game that ability for INFINITE BOONDOLLARS. It's their choice really. The Knight would also be able to teleport themselves and other objects.
Knights also protect their aspect, such as Dave protecting the timeline, and Karkat protecting the bonds between everyone. A Knight of Space might be very protective of things that are still growing, so they might be a very protective older sibling, or even somebody that would KILL for their cactus.
So, a Knight is a pretty powerful class. Especially considering the fact that Space is a pretty gosh darn powerful aspect in itself. To reach their full potential, a Muse of Space would, as usual, be pretty useful. However, I can see a Seer of Rage showing them how to be skeptical of their own front to cover up a part of their aspect. The Knight would also be really good at creating the Genesis Frog, and in general the Knight would be pretty good at "Space Duties", unless they fail to remove their front, in which case they may not be successful at all. (The Knight would also be very very homosexual and gay /j)
Feel free to recommend a Classpect, or to ask me about other SBURB stuff. Or just random questions.
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Hello! May i request headcanons with Akane Aoi slowly falling for his clingy (and obvious about her feelings, sometimes saying it straight up like Akane does with Aoi) and popular childhood reader? Before falling for her recently he always found her quite annoying
Akane with a clingy, popular, blunt reader headcanons❣︎
Warnings: None!
A/n: Omg I was waiting for someone to request Akane yeeeee!!
I added a very short oneshot at the end because I had this idea!
I'm sorry for Akane giving you such a cold shoulder at the beginning...
Okok!! I hope you enjoy! Have a good day!
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I feel like the main reason he would not like you is because you are getting in the way of him being with Aoi…
But he isn't the guy to just leave his childhood friend likes that so he just grins and bears it sometimes
Like people would think you two are dating from the looks of it-
You are always hanging around him and hugging him like you two are dating
“Hey Lemon! Can we go to the confession tree so I can practice a confession for Aoi!”
“Confess to Aoi? I thought you were dating y/n.”
Lemon showed him a picture of you with him
Akane was annoyed
You often go into class and latch yourself on his arm
So cute-
Everyone thinks its cute
Akane is trying to get you off...
If someone says that you two are dating he would go out of his way to explain you two were not
Since you were popular this rumor spread like wildfire
Wasn’t good for Akane-
Once he starts to fall for you, he would blush to you more
After a while you become more blunt about your feeling he is even more annoyed/flustered
For example: if he forgot his lunch and you gave him yours
“Why are you giving me your lunch y/n?” He asked grabbing the nicely wrapped box you prepared for yourself this morning
“Because I love you!” You smiled
He would blush when you say stuff like that
He would ignore the feelings tho and focus on Aoi
But of course, the more you deny her the more clingy she's going to be!
But once he starts having feelings for you he becomes a bit of a Tsundere!
Like he is very stubborn about liking you and will always tell himself he like Aoi
Aoi and you: “No, that's wrong-”
He seems like the type of person to think ‘I wonder what’s it's like to kiss y/n? WAIT YOU LIKE AOI NO-’
I personally don't think he would pick up on his feelings by himself
It was most likely Aoi who told him about his own feelings
“AOI-CHAN! I LOVE YOU, PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!!” Akane grabbed her hand and went down on one knee.
“Hm, what about y/n?”
“I-I don’t love her! I love you, I always loved you!”
“Really? You always blush when she's touching you or confessing her feelings. Are you sure you dont like Y/n-san?”
After a talk with Aoi, Akane starts to realize his true crush
It took a while and a lot of stubbornness from him-
But he found his true feelings finally
He learned it was more of the thought of dating Aoi than his actual feelings
He just needed someone to tell him that
(Y/n could have told you that so many times man -_-)
“Maybe I do like y/n…”
“That's great!” Aoi cheered “I didn’t like you anyways and I always thought your confessions were kind of lame!”
She would help him confess to you when he’s ready
Like he honestly expected you to reject him and he would have to do a whole process with you that he did to Aoi-
He was so shocked and happy when you said yes!
He would hug you, so happy
I feel like in a few day, maybe even the day he confessed, he would say sorry
He would explain what he felt
How he thought you were annoying
How you kept getting in the way
How he just kept telling himself he like Aoi hoping he would believe it
He would want you to know
He would feel guilty
Hug and kiss him please.
He becomes a possessive simp over you now
Like its a totally different side than what he showed you before
“Hey Akane-kun!”
“Yes y/n? Do you need anything? You okay? Do you feel sick? Do you want a hug?”
He loves your clinginess
In a way he's just a clingy
He loves holding your hand walking down the hallway
Since you are popular, he will definitely become more popular
Not that he wasn’t popular before
“Omg that’s y/n bf? Akane right? He’s really cute!”
“Sorry ladies, I’m taken.” He would nervously smile and continue walking with you
If someone said they like you tho-
“I’m sorry sir, but y/n is taken by me. Her boyfriend.” Akane would glare
He would then tell you to go on ahead to class and that he would be right behind you
Once he knows you are gone he can really rage on this guy (We all know Akane has a yandere mode-)
Give him a cookie for good effort
I just had this small oneshot idea-
Manga spoilers for like the clock keeper arc!
“Akane-kun!” You called out and hugged his left arm smiling brightly.
“Huh… morning y/n…” He slightly blushed and averted his eyes from your figure. After a while of silence, he looked back down at you. You tilted your head cutely and looked up at him, thinking about something. Before he could react you stole his glasses off his face.
“EH! Y/N! What are you doing?!?!” He put his hand up to his face, acting like he couldn’t see. He looked down at you and blushed way more than he was earlier. You had his glasses on and looked up at him with a smile.
“What do you think Akane-kun? Do your glasses look good on me? Oh wait, can you even see me without your glasses… woah, you have like no prescription whaaaaaa?” You trailed off as he watched you. He heard laughing and looked to the source. He looked up and saw Hanako in the air laughing his ass off-
“HAHA!! Awwww come on~ doesn’t she look cute with your no prescription glasses~?” Hanako continued to laugh at the flustered boy.
“Akane-kun?” You snapped his attention back to you. He wiggled you off him and took his glasses off your face.
“Yeah whatever… they will probably look better on Aoi-chan anyways…” He mumbled and walked to his desk. Even though he couldn’t see Hanako now, he could definitely hear him.
“AWWWWW COME ON KID!! YOU KNOW SHE LIKES YOU AND YOU OBVIOUSLY LIKE HER BACK!!!!” Hanako whined, causing the boy to tense up.
He really wanted to punch him right now...
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bokuroo-squeals · 3 years
"I love you, and you love me. Isn't that enough?"+ Best Friend's Brother with Osamu
If this does well, I might do a part 2 but I seriously don't think this is good. It's written a little to awkward for my liking.
Event masterlist here.
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Stolen glances were your favorites, getting to be unapologetically in love with someone and your secret unknown to the world. In silence,you could appreciate him, the color of his eyes, the tip of his nose, how his eyes crinkled in delight when he laughed. Delicious moments where you could enjoy him.
By stolen glances was the only way in which you could reach Osamu like the idiot in love you were, because you knew that if his brother ever found out how hard your heart beats for him, not only would he be scandalized, you also believed that he would also feel betrayed. After all, Atsumu had vocalized plenty of times his disdain at the thought of you and his brother together.
You were a good friend, you really were, and while you couldn't stop from falling har for his brother- yet you admit that you loved every second of your feelings- at least you did stop yourself from acting on them, as much as it was possible. Of course you tried, though it was hard when his own brother looked at you with a glint so fond on his eyes, when his warm hands seemed to find yours with no problem when you were close, but never reaching for them, just enough to brush yours and give you a taste of what they feel like.
You continue to watch Osamu form the distance, in your seat next to his brother while the younger twin laughs at something Suna said, and his laugh could be at his friend's words, but his eyes are on you. He turns his head to the game they're playing, the sofa small with two big bodies like theirs seating in them.
"Say, Y/n" Atsumu calls for your attention, looking at the sealing deep in thoughts. "Would you be interested in me setting you up with someone"
The spit in your mouth makes you choke with his words.
How were you supposed to react to the sudden proposition, and what were you supposed to say? Should you tell him that the only guy you're interested in at the moment was his twin? The brother that he prohibited you from dating since day one?
You're eyes travel again to Osamu, who isn't looking at you, but with the way his eyebrows furrow, you are aware of him listening, and your poor heart can't handle the pressure. By the sight of it, he doesn't seem to happy about the conversation Atsumu is intending to have, and neither are you but it's not like you can't tell him that, so with a sigh, one you hope sounds tired and annoyed enough to convince him, you kindly reject the direction he wants to take.
"No, thanks" cool, calm, you remember, stay cool and calm. Yet, Atsumu can't read the room, or chooses not to do it, as always, and continues despites it.
"C'mon, you can't be single forever. I know this guy, he saw a photo of you and he's interested in meeting you" he moves to face you, a self-satisfied smile on it, as if he is about to make something incredible by setting you up– he's not, in fact, you think he's really stupid in this moment– and his brows nudged towards you like an invitation to say yes.
By now, you're too afraid to turn to steal a glance at his brother, being it for a fear of how pissed you think he might be, or because of the fear of the blond catching you, either way, your eyes stayed focused on your idiotic best friend.
"I don't care, you're lame and so must be your friend" with a hand pushing him away, you're about to end the conversation "Anyways, instead of focusing on my love life, you should start one yourself" you huffed, ending the talk.
Atsumu pouts, and while he's not pleased with your crude answer, he listens, leaving you alone. Although that doesn't mean he's dropping his irritating antics, finding another prey, his brother.
"How about you, 'Samu? There's this girl I already rejected, but I guess she'll be interested on a date with you. Obviously, I am the handsome twin, but you're not that bad yourself"
It's not your place, it really isn't, to say no, to tell your friend to fuck off and leave Osamu alone because you want to be the only one for him. But you seriously want to do it, shout that he can't set up his brother with a random girl because you feel like he already belongs to you. And you know it's selfish, that's why you stay silent, with an invisible scowl and gritted teeth and fists clenching a little too hard.
For the nth time that night, Osamu's eyes land on your figure, meeting your's in the process. The difference is, that this time, he's look is both cold and hot. Cold as if they're telling you how tired they are, and hot as if to tell you he's ready to make you step up your game, almost challenging you.
"Yeah, of course, just know that once she's met me, she'll have clear who's the better twin. Won't even remember a thing 'bout you" Osamu's smirk is teasing, and everyone could say it was towards his brothers, but you knew better. It was dedicated to you.
A pang of something hurts in your chest, maybe of jealousy, and maybe it's the pain of hearing him giving up on whatever you're supposed to have. It's wrong, you're feeling the guilt of those sensations, because you're the one that has pushed him off, denying every single advice that could have been done, and still, you want him just for you.
It isn't until hours later, when Suna has left and Atsumu has fallen asleep when you talk for the first time this day, aside from the greetings.
You stand in the kitchen, a glass of water in your hand, trying to calm how agitated your insides are. At this point, the twins have left a disaster of your mind and heart, coming like a hurricane of emotions that hits you hard enough to hurt. A part of you wants to scream, declare your undying love for him, for his deep voice and calming irises, declare that he's yours and yours only– you remind yourself that he isn't– but the other side of you is too afraid, afraid of hurting the one person that has been next to you through everything and anything, the one who has picked up the broken pieces and helped you come back as one stronger version. You don't want to hurt or hurt anyone, which it's so damn hard in your position, but you know that you'd never forgive your heart if you let down Atsumu, if you even dare to disappoint him.
Osamu's entrance pulls you out of your trance, successfully taking your attention towards him, although he appears to ignore your presence, walking past you without a word. Painful, that's too painful for you.
"Osamu…" you trailed off, trying to make you as small as you can.
"Save it. I'm not in the mood to talk to you" he's cold, and you hate it, he's never been like this to you, but you can't blame him either. While he's cold, there's just the tiniest hint of anger on his voice, making you more unsettled.
"I'm sorry! I don't want to hurt you, you know that, is just that–" he interrupts you. He's pissed, his eyes show it, his chest puffs and shoulders tense, a sight you never want to see again.
"It doesn't matter, it's not like we're anything, anyway" his words cut deep inside you, damn they do.
You wished you could unhear the pain behind what he says, but it's right there, and it shows his vulnerability.
"That's not true… you know how I feel about you"
"Then let's do something about it! I love you and you love me, isn't that enough?!" The raw emotion touches your insides in the most painful but delicious way. You want to hold him close and comfort him, yet you don't think you have the right to do it. "So what if my brother doesn't approve it?! Are we supposed to forget about how we feel? Am I supposed to ignore how much I love when our hands meet? How much do I adore the way you look at me?! Or pretend that I'm burning to kiss you?! I'm sorry, Y/n but I don't care anymore about anything Atsumu has to say at this point."
He comes your way with big steps, and you coward a little at the sudden movement, and then he kisses you. A kiss is full of irritation, annoyance, love, care, all the bottled up feelings showing in a kiss that says more than words.
"I'm not hiding up how I feel anymore, so this is me officially asking you to be mine. You can reject me and we'll forget this happened, or you can accept and we'll face Atsumu, together".
Your answer is obvious, coming in the form of another kiss, one that's more tender, sweet and short.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
(i won’t say) i’m in love
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― Bakugou’s feelings for you are true, but he can’t seem to utter those three words no matter how much he wishes to. ―
pt 2
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
warnings: fluff, angst, cursing, alcohol mention, bakugou katsuki is bad at feelings
word count: 6,625
a/n: this was supposed to come out yesterday but I sort of got lazy and didn’t want to edit. anyways, I hope you enjoy, stories like this one are always fun to write and if you’re the anon who requested that bakugou thing like... a week ago, this was inspired by you.
The first time that Bakugou really noticed you was during the final year at Yuuei. 
Three years of vigorous and intensive academic and heroic work at the esteemed high school had led him to this very moment. While Bakugou was not the intensive hothead he once was when he was sixteen, he was definitely still hotheaded at the prime age of eighteen. With the end of the school year approaching, heavily enforced by the fact that a crowd of third-year middle schoolers had just left campus with hopeful and tired expressions on their face, he was grumbling while making his way back to his classroom.
For the practical part of their final, they were paired off to handle some insane over the top final as always. If Bakugou knew any better, he would be paired off with someone lame like Mineta or some shit. How he missed the days the teachers thought him and that damn nerd couldn’t get along enough to pass tests together… they had been paired up so often that first year - on top of finally establishing proper respect and an unadmitted friendship - it had led them to become an unbeatable force.  
While Bakugou climbed the stairs after his loudly chattering classmates, he was sunk in his thoughts about who he would be with. Bakugou was versatile, and while he was often a pain to work with, he worked well with just about anyone. ‘Who hasn’t he worked with yet?’ he thought, his fingers fisted in his pockets while they gathered onto the floor where their classroom was located. 
“MINA AGAIN?!” was the first noise to break through the aimless chatter to hold truth and knowledge. 
Bakugou looked at Kaminari and Mina, who were both holding each other and crying. 
Every single final, they had been paired up together, each time facing off the principal to be utterly demolished. Bakugou snickered at the thought of them failing the practical final for the nth time again.
“Looks like I’m with Todoroki!” Kirishima pointed out, his hand waving at the half and half bastard who was also seeking him out. 
They had three weeks until final exams took place, and the fact that they were announcing the teams this early definitely sat the slightest bit uneasy with Bakugou. And with his attention back onto the role list, Bakugou found himself praying that Deku’s name was next to his. If there’s anyone left who wouldn’t hold him back, it would be him.
“Bakugou!” a voice yelled, and Bakugou looked away from the list to see you walking over with a wave of your hand. “We’re paired up!”
Just like that, Bakugou realized that during his three years here, he had never once been paired up with you, and his lips turned into a frown. Interesting.
“You’re not busy right now?” he didn’t even wait for you to confirm his thoughts, “Let’s go, the TDL should be free right now.” Bakugou practically commanded, uncaring that you were definitely not in clothes to be doing anything physically demanding. 
“I needa change! I’ll meet you there in ten minutes!” was your unaffected response and Bakugou’s eyes narrowed when Kirishima jabbed him in the ribs, his eyes telling him to play nice.
“Tch. Fine, just don’t take forever.”
By the time you had returned to the TDL, Bakugou was still warming up, his hoodie pulled up to help his cold ears while he stretched.
“I don’t think we’ve ever been paired up or teamed up before!” you called out while stretching your arms above your head. “You think they kept us apart for so long for that very reason?”
“Like hell I would know,” Bakugou grumbled, refusing to look at you while you finished up your warm-up routine, by the looks of it you had run from the dorm here; that was a good enough warm-up. “I don’t know what kind of crap they’re going to try and pull on us at this exam, but I want you to let you know that you better not fuck this up,” he stood up, his hands rotating in circles, relieving the built tension in his wrists while he stared at you for the first time. His calm gaze meeting your strong one. “I plan on walking out of here with a perfect score.”
A smile spread on your face while you nodded, “I plan on it, too.”
Pleased with your response, Bakugou’s lips quirked into a smirk, his stance lowering immediately, and he watched while you readied yourself. 
“Come at me.”
Bakugou sat on the floor, his eyes wide with his shock and personal embarrassment. 
The practical final exam had been a fear-induced, villain crawling, pro hero gone bad filled nightmare. A test designed with the help of Support Course students and a teacher who generated physical and real items based on whatever she thought had caused a most horrendous scene for Bakugou and you. It was then that Bakugou realized why both of you had been paired up - your fears were one and the same.
Failure, rejection, not being enough. 
While both of you had been so good in the beginning, powering through every obstacle at alarming power and speed, there had been a hitch in the road right before the finish line. When a ‘villain’ took on the form of All Might and blamed him for this downfall that society knew. He had thought he was long past breaking over that, he believed that it was something he had healed over two years ago. This faux All Might carried himself just like the retired hero, changing between his big form and the small one, his words and accusations dropping like boulders on him with every broken whisper that passed his lips. Unlike you, Bakugou wasn’t able to fight this terror, wasn’t able to beat the thing that still tripped him up.
The loud ringing in his ear wouldn’t quit while he fell down, his breathing short and scattered. He couldn’t hear your screams while you were battling your own opponents while All Might drew closer to him.
His fault, this was all his fault.
But a bright light exploded across the room, and Bakugou eyes felt heavy while you threw him onto your back and took off. His last exam ever, and just like his first one, it finished with him being carried across the finish line, but where the first one still felt like a victory, this felt like a complete failure. 
“Bakugou!” you exclaimed, your hands finding his pale, clammy cheeks in your hands while the victory tune carried lightly in the background. “Bakugou, can you hear me?!”
Of course, he could hear you, he wanted to snap as his body instinctively wished to push off his insecurity with anger. But his tongue was too heavy in his mouth, his eyes merely focusing onto your terrified face. You had taken a blast in the face earlier, and the bruising swollen lip you had was an indicator of the failure you came across. 
“Hey, hey, you’re okay!” you reassured, your smile spreading wider, brighter on your face, your calloused fingers rubbing softly against his face. “You’re okay! It was fake, remember!”
“It wasn’t fake, though,” Bakugou heaved, his fingers trembling with his grief and suffocating anger while he shoved your hands from his face. “It wasn’t fake. I’m the reason fucking All Might is gone, why the world fell into chaos! You were there that day, weren’t you? The day I was taken from the fucking forest.”
Your eyes widened from the statement, but Bakugou couldn’t blame you for that. No one but Deku, Aizawa, and All Might knew about these feelings. Still, the emotions that sat heavily on his throat seemed to pierce themself further into his throat while you very obviously thought about the circumstances of that fateful night three years ago.
“How was it your fault you were taken?” you asked, your head tilted, arms folded across your chest. 
Bakugou’s eyes widened, not at all expecting you to care or even try to calm him down. There was no point for you to either; it wasn’t as if you two were close after all. 
“I was a fucking dick back then,” Bakugou grumbled, his head turning to the side his gaze refusing to look at you. No one had ever questioned his thoughts on this statement, everyone had always left it at that.
“You’re still a fucking dick,” you half teased half spoke truthfully, and your body sank to the floor, sitting before him with a tilted curious head. “A lot of people are dicks, but that doesn’t mean dicks are targeted by villains. I mean look at Endeavor, he was sort of a flaming dick back in the day, but he’s a hero.”
“But it’s different, I was barbaric to the point where they tied me up during the sports festival,” Bakugou reasoned, his gaze turning back to you, and was slightly shocked (not that he would show it) to see annoyance in your eyes.
“Yeah, and that was total bullshit of them to do!” you exclaimed, pushing a hand onto his grenade gauntlet. “There was no reason for them to do that for you, you didn’t think you won, and they should have just let you be. Giving you a medal like that was completely idiotic of them. Should you have behaved like that? No, you shouldn’t; it was childish and dumb of you, but they’re also the adults… they should have known better before strapping you up like a rabid dog in front of the world.”
“I get that we’re not… close friends Bakugou, but if you think that the League capturing you in an attempt to make you cross sides was your fault, which would lead to Kamino… I mean, it did lead to All Might losing his ability to use his quirk and all, but this has nothing to do with you,” you affirmed, your eyes deadly serious but with a type of kindness that Bakugou wasn’t used to. “You were trying to make a name for yourself in this competitive field, and you did! I mean… don’t let this inflate your ego anymore than it already is-”
“-But you’re someone to fear. You’re strong and capable, and from everyone who was shown in that sports festival, you were definitely the one to watch. But it was the adults who fucked up that day, they’re the ones who ultimately set the scene in painting you like a deranged loose canon - which you are at times, but you’re not evil. The League thought you were that way, and I’m sure there is no doubt in All Mights eyes about what he did for you. You were someone who needed to be saved, and All Might is the world’s number one hero for a reason: self-sacrifice. It could have been you, me, or even the grouchy pork bun lady down the street - he would have given it all to save. Don’t even get me started on the fact that Japan became too comfortable with All Might and held him to the status of a god and not a human that he is… so… yeah, I’m not good with this kind of stuff, but I want you to know that this isn’t your fault. You’re in the story as to why he lost his ability to use his quirk, but All Might’s will carries on in all of us, especially in you, so unless you give up, he’ll never truly be defeated.”
It was at this moment that Bakugou finally saw you.
The way that you had been exceedingly kind and ever so gentle with him. Your words rang heavily in his ears, and a heavyweight felt freed from his shoulders the more he digested your words. He wasn’t sure when your hand began to hold his, but while he looked down at his gloved hand, he let out a shaky breath at the sight of your hand in his. 
“You’re pretty amazing, Bakugou, please don’t forget that,” you smiled, nothing but sincere truth on your tongue, and finally standing up, you looked down at him. “Well, it’s time to see how we fared, yeah?”
But there was something different in the way that his hands sweated. He knew that his hands were always perspiring. There was a normalcy to the nitroglycerine sweat that his hands emitted without a single thought, but the tightness to his stomach and the way that the sweat poured nervously from his palms made him realize that no, this was different. But what exactly? His stomach flipped at the still and happy appearance on your face, and a shadow of realization flooded through him… oh no… he knew why, but he knew he shouldn’t believe it.
He couldn’t.
With a sigh, he pushed off the floor, standing beside you, a smirk daring to pull at his lips at the way that your eyes traveled up in your surprise to his height and closeness.
“Let’s go.”
“Watch where you’re fucking running, dunce face!”
“I was watching!”
Bakugou’s head snapped over to your giggling face while you lay on your own towel a few paces away from him. Today was Mina’s birthday, and instead of going to a restaurant for a birthday celebration like any average person, she had decided she needed to tan. How someone who was pink could tan was beyond Bakugou, but while he had no intention of hanging out with his old classmates on his day off, Kirishima had asked him to go for him. That wasn’t enough, so when Kirishima had included that you were apart of the group that was going, Bakugou considered it for about ten minutes before finally agreeing - but he would never say it was because of you. 
So here he was practically babysitting a bunch of nineteen-year-olds while he lounged under the sun’s hot rays. He needed to get rid of the funky tan lines on his body.
“What are you laughing about?” Bakugou grunted, his eyes narrowing at your figure, which was relaxed against the soft towel you were using as a blanket of sorts. “I’ll kill you.”
“I’m sure you could,” was your smooth response, your head adjusting on your arms to look at him easier. “I just think you should rub your sunscreen in better, Sero did a horrible job at applying it on your back. Unless, of course, you want a penis tanned on you.”
“Why the hell would I want a fucking penis on my back?!” Bakugou growled, his hand grabbing his SPF 100 sunscreen and slapping a handful onto his back. 
He heard you push off the sand ground and felt you stop behind him, and Bakugou froze when your warm fingers pressed against your back. “You’re a bit helpless at this sort of stuff. I figured you’d be the type to carry around a stick of sorts so you could apply it to yourself with no issue.”
“I don’t come to sunbathe ever,” Bakugou countered, his ears lightly burning at the feeling of your hands rubbing the sunscreen against his paler back. “I’m typically covered from head to toe.”
“Oh, I am more than aware of that,” you sagely nodded, pulling away when you were done to fall back onto your towel with a grin when he finally turned to look at you. “Still, you’re a big enough nerd to do it.”
Bakugou’s jaw dropped at the accusation, his eyes narrowing and his defenses on high alert, “The hell?! I’m not some damn nerd!”
“You graduated third in the class, unlike the cool kids who graduate ninth in the class,” you teased, your class ranking lower than his but still nothing to be ashamed about with who was in their class.
“That doesn’t make me a nerd, just makes me smarter than you damn idiots!”
“You’re the only person who flosses every day, always eats healthy foods, probably rivals Midoriya in hero trivia, listens to everything authorities say, never broke a rule or got detention, and sleeps at eight p.m.”
“How is any of that nerd shit? Just sounds like I’ll live longer and be better! Besides, how you know all that shit, you sound like some creepy stalker.”
A glint of amusement sparked in your eyes before you slipped on sunglasses, leaning down onto your towel with a proud grin on your face. “I have a strange fascination with nerds, sorry to disappoint you.”
Blinking in disbelief, Bakugou shook his head, settling back onto his own towel with a snort, “You’re a bigger asshole then I thought you were.”
“I hide it very well behind this pretty smile,” you flash a disgustingly pretty smile his way, and Bakugou rolls his eyes again.
“So… uh, how have things been for you at your agency?”
Bakugou would then find himself having a rather informative conversation with you. The both of you trading stories of how it was to work as a legit hero now, to no longer have to think of UA’s reputation or the fear that taking action in stressful situations would cause their learning licenses to be removed. He was also quick to discover that he really enjoyed talking with you, his often limited conversation energy never feeling drained as he continued talking.
Stories were shared, snarky comments exchanged, which left both him and you in laughter until the party of two became more.
He could barely keep a hold on his fake annoyment when both of you were being hauled into the cold ocean water, your loud shrieks as Mina tackled you into a crashing wave, making him grin as he quickly tore off Kaminari and Sero from his arms. That is until you reappeared from under the water to take him entirely off guard and tackle both of you into the water, your screams loud in his ear.
When he emerged from the salty water looking akin to a wet dog, everyone froze up in their poorly concealed concern and fear: this was war.
It had been a fun day at the beach, even if Bakugou had a hard time admitting to it, but as the sun set, the hot summer day fading into a warm summer night, and they all sat around a bonfire Bakugou felt as if the sun was still beating down on his tan skin. There was no reason for the explosive warmth invading his skin except that you were huddled at his side, your attention on the others. At the same time, you playfully fought with them, your eyes occasionally falling on him in hopes of a verbal back up. 
He agreed with you every time, growing more and more pleased with the fact that your eyes glimmered with great joy and how the others booed and disagreed until finally, they had to go.
“I miss hanging out with you,” you admitted when you all piled into the car, exhaustion sitting heavy on all of you after a good but long day.
Bakugou’s heart skips a beat, and he licks his lips, nodding slowly, not wanting to let you see how he was coloring in his embarrassing agreement.
“Yeah, whatever,” he looked at your still smiling form, letting him know you didn’t buy his statement even for a second. “...I do, too.” And the smile that consumed your face nearly killed every willpower he still had left.
It was then that Bakugou had to admit that he never thought he would have to consider.
He liked you.
“Bakugou is that you?!”
Bakugou had been going home. Dressed up in a formal suit, he thought he would be unrecognizable and left alone with his head hanging low and earbuds in, but he guessed no matter what, the laws of having earbuds in went ignored.
Today had been hard. Today had been the day of the funeral to one of his colleagues who had perished in a black market raid he and the agency he worked at had embarked on. It had been a perfect raid, something that hailed his name in the spotlight for quite some time, but it was for naught because a friend of his had died. Those who had been close to his fallen friend were forced to take the rest of the day off and get okayed by the agency’s psychiatrist before resuming duty. It wasn’t something Bakugou wanted to follow; after all, crime didn’t take a day off, but he had no choice (he had been threatened with more days off, and stupid Deku had pulled him away before a real scene could emerge).
But he felt weird in this get up, the suit just felt strange on his body, too nice, too formal for the lifestyle he held. Why it was inappropriate to show up to a funeral in your hero attire was beyond him. As it was midday, Bakugou had hoped that he wouldn’t have to see anyone on the train back to his province, but to his dismay, even with the classical music blasting in his ears, he heard someone yelling. 
He turned his head slightly and paused when he saw you running towards him with a bunch of paper in your arms, your face sweaty from what he assumed was exhaustion.
“You’re looking handsome!” you chirped, sighing heavily when you stumbled to his side, your cheeks pinched into a genuine smile. “Why you all dressed up for?”
“A funeral,” was Bakugou’s dry response, and your smile quickly fell off your face, a flustered and mortified look replaced the smile, and if it had been any other situation, Bakugou would have barked in laughter.
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry!” you awkwardly state, your condolences heavy on your face and quickly emitting from your tongue while you bowed in your embarrassment. “I didn’t remember that Slingshots’ funeral was today.”
Bakugou’s jaw tightened at the name, his head nodding with a stiff shoulder, “Not a big deal, he’s been gone for a few days now.”
Your eyebrows knit together, your eyes looking at him concernedly before you shook your head, “Doesn’t really matter, it’s still the death of a friend of yours.”
Bakugou shrugged again, his hands moving out to grab half the stack of papers in your hands and holding them for you. He always remembered his dumb nerd friends telling him that it was a kind act to do for people you liked, Kirishima always raved about how it worked for him at least.
“Well, um… Kirishima told me that you moved into the building across from mine! How crazy is that?!” Bakugou knew immediately that you were changing the subject for him, something he truly and deeply appreciated because he was not ready to talk about his feelings about Slingshot - well, at least not in public. Damn paparazzi always seemed to catch his most embarrassing moments.
“Kirishima’s telling you that shit about me?”
“Oh yeah, Kirishima loves to gossip all about your life,” you state matter of factly, your head tilting with a wink. “I know all your dirty little secrets Bakugou Katsuki! We have a class group chat where Kirishima and Midoriya spill all their knowledge on you.”
Bakugou wasn’t precisely sure how false that statement was; all things considered, he knew those damn idiots would do something like that should the old class actually want information on him. Sighing, he nodded towards the train that pulled up to the station, and the two of you climbed on, taking the first two available seats together.
“What’s my biggest secret, then?” Bakugou decided to play along, his head resting on the train window, his eyes falling onto your softly smiling form with shielded amusement.
A shit-eating grin grew magnificently against your face, and Bakugou almost regretted asking because you leaned in close, your lips whispering to his ear despite the empty train cart, and uttered something that sent horrified dread through his veins. 
“You’re one of three owners of the super exclusive and rare All Might Bronze Age trading card.”
Embarrassment blazed on Bakugous face while you continued to laugh, your hands holding your papers flat against your body while you shrieked for air. He rolled his eyes despite it all and just stared at your snorting form since you failed to recompose yourself at what was your lying attempt to disillusion him and worked. 
It had been seven months since Mina’s birthday, and since that fateful day, his feelings for you had only grown more extensive and more real. He could never admit it to anyone, but he texted you nearly every day - the days where there was no communication would often come from your end of the conversation or because one of you had an extremely exhaustive day at work. 
He watched how the soft winter sun shone through the clouds, piercing through the window to brighten the color of your eyes, making them look even warmer and more delicate in his opinion. How he was never interested in you during high school was beyond him. You were - on a personality level - identical to when you were in high school, he had confirmed that suspicion of his with Mina, who had been appalled on your behalf that he hadn’t noticed you before. It was times like now that he regretted it, he wondered if he would have felt the same way as he did right now back then. 
He hadn’t exactly changed much at all either, so he figured he would have liked you back then too.
You were witty, sweet, kind, but no pushover. You had helped to ease his worries and anxieties in a single night, where professionals failed to do so in years. It made no sense to him why it was this way, but as you asked to listen along to the music he played, he slipped off one earbud and handed it to you with sweaty fingers. 
You graciously accepted it with a broad and exciting grin while placing it into your ear, your amused groan making his heart flutter with warmth while you complained about his old folk music selection.
“I still don’t peg you as a Beethoven guy!” you exclaimed, your head swaying in time with Symphony No. 9. “I thought you were a Led Zepplin sorta man.”
“That shits bad for your brain, you have to keep your entire body healthy or you might as well die off like some shitty extra.”
“You really think you’re some main character in this world, don’t you?” you ask, your smile teasing and your eyes so warm and smooth Bakugou felt his heart stop with just your stare. He licked his lips, his mouth feeling dry, and his hands that usually never stopped sweating felt dry when he placed them on his lap. 
“I’m the main fucking character,” he corrected with a smug smirk. “Don’t you dare fucking forget it.”
He would never say it, but his favorite sound and sight in the world became this moment right now, the hardworking city fading in the background and even his music fading into nothing while your hands pressed to your mouth, and a charming giggle escaped your mouth. 
“I won’t.”
He won’t admit it, but when you hugged him later that day as a means of goodbye, it took every ounce of self-restraint to keep himself from tilting you backward and kissing the lights out of you.
Bakugou was in trouble.
It wasn’t anything that warranted immediate concern or any type of life-ending trouble (although his heart was hammering so fast he thought it could be life-ending), but he was in trouble. 
His hands were clenched together, and his head was down while he listened to Jirou and Mina screaming some sort of punk-pop duet that was in English together. It had been over a year since the train incident, a year for Bakugou to shift through his feelings for you and what they meant and if they were meant to be pursued. It was weird for him to have waited this long to begin with. He was a man of acting quickly and thinking later, a fatal flaw of his if he would, but you were so different to him - a situation where he couldn’t behave like some hot head or else he would regret it.
Today was Kirishima’s twentieth birthday, and he had wanted a simple stay in party with everyone, a shit ton of alcohol, and a karaoke machine. It was to no surprise that it was a party that the entire class 1-A ended up showing up, each and every one of them ready to have fun with the drinks and karaoke machine. But as he watched you up there doing the stupidest poses (alongside seven others) known to mankind while singing some diva song, something hit him.
His once amused smile melted off instantly when you smiled widely, your head tilting backward into a peal of laughter when Aoyama knocked you straight into Hagakure and Mina. 
He was in love with you.
He was in fucking love with you.
That was a problem! That was not okay!
He had gotten up from the crowded bedroom (something you had insisted they perform in to really push that karaoke room feeling). He walked into the living room, a harsh comment about how he needed some fresh fucking air being thrown behind him while he slammed the door shut. No one questioned him, and the party continued. 
A part of him was relieved that neither Kirishima nor Deku followed after him, he didn’t really wish to be a damper to the party even though he sure he was one right now. But what he didn’t expect was for your body to slip out of the bedroom door, beads of sweat rolling down your face while you met his gaze.
You smiled broadly, walking over with a wave before flopping onto the couch.
“It was too hot in there, I was sweating like a goddamn pig,” you exasperate, your hands fanning your face for added coolness. 
How Bakugou wished he was that half and half bastard so he could help you cool down.
“I think you’re sweating more than a fucking pig,” Bakugou pipped in, giving his unneeded opinion.
You chuckled, your lightly sweating forearm smacking his side while you chuckled, “Yeah, true. I’m sweating like you right now.”
“You’re an asshole,” Bakugou grunted, his eyes shifting to look at you.
Despite his harsh words, he was looking down at you with no malice in his gaze. Breathing heavily out of your nose, you pushed off the couch and sat on it properly, looking at your best friend with a grin.
“And why are you out here exactly? Kiri wants to sing a song with you, Midoriya, and Todoroki like really badly.”
“Well shitty hair can come ask me to sing a song with him and those idiots if he wants, I’m not going back in that disgusting room until I have to.” Bakugou waves off, his thighs shifting against the soft couch and his arm falling on the sofa behind your head.
“Don’t be a party pooper!” you groaned, your hands shoving his side softly, but your smile remained on your face. “What’s eating you up? Come on, you can tell me anything, ya know!”
Bakugou freezes a bit, those words relaying in his mind like a broken record. 
What would happen if he told you if he was in love with you?
Would you hate him if he did?
He was sure you wouldn’t say it back - that was for sure.
“I won’t say,” he breathes out shakily, the words ‘I’m in love with you’ pounding on every cell of his body.
He loved you. He loved you more than he thought he could ever love anyone.
He wanted to tell you, and the look of utter disappointment in your face only made his stomach twist with guilt and failure that he didn’t tell you. 
“I promise I won’t tease you… I won’t do anything to upset you! You know you can trust me, right?” you plead, your hand taking his sweaty one, and Bakugou flushed at the warm contact. 
He loved you, he loved you, he loved you.
There’s a look of guilt that twists on your face, and you sigh, your head dropping and Bakugou freezes when you begin to shake your head. “Sorry, that’s… that’s rude of me. If you don’t want to tell me, I won’t make you, but if you want to, I promise that I won’t judge.”
Your concerned eyes rose back up to meet his, and Bakugou felt his spine go stiff.
A shaky breath of air expelled past his chapped lips, and Bakugou’s fingers trembled, “I have something to confess…”
Your eyes widened in shock and silent glee that he was going to let you in on his secret, but he wondered if you would look the same after he confessed.
“Y/n!” a shout interrupted, and Bakugou froze while both of your heads snapped over to see Kirishima pushing out of the door with a bright grin on his face.
“Ei!” you smiled broadly in return, your voice almost breathless at his arrival, your eyes filled with emotions that Bakugou could only dream were directed towards him. Immediately his stomach twisted sickeningly at the sight of his red-headed best friend take three long strides to get to the couch before planting the biggest kiss he had ever seen onto your lips.
Bakugou’s stomach filled with bitter acid at the sight of you and Kirishima passionately kissing despite having him no more than two centimeters away from you. Giggles and the purest sounds of two people in deep, deep love emitted from the both of you, and it took everything in Bakugou not to split his skull in half in raging jealousy.
“I was missing you so much! I looked away, and you were gone!” Kirishima pouted, his tone a low whine, but his mouth continued to press flustering kisses against your mouth until you were gently pushing him away. Embarrassment obvious in your posture because shamelessly making out in front of any audience always left you uncomfortable. 
“I was… checking up on… on Bakugou,” you pathetically moaned against Kirishima’s mouth, your hands helpless against his chest while you attempted to push away your tipsy and loving boyfriend. Kirishima let out an understanding ‘oh’ before pushing away from your lips and collapsing onto the couch next to you. 
Bakugou was silent and frozen as he looked at his feet, his nostrils flaring in his anger and embarrassment because what was he ever thinking?! Confessing to you when you had a boyfriend?!
“How’s Bakubro doing?” Kirishima cheered, his hand slapping against Bakugou’s taut shoulder with a wide grin. “Is he being a good friend?”
“You know he always is,” you laugh, your lips pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. “He was about to tell me something, though!”
Bakugou froze when he felt your gaze and Kirishima’s fall on him, and acid shot to his mouth.
You had been dating Kirishima since the start of the third year at UA. It was a relationship he was always and has always been aware of because Kirishima never was secretive about his puppy love crush on you! Still, he knew this and fell for you. You were his best friend’s lover, and he fell in love with you. He could never say he was in love with you, not if he knew what was best for you and Kirishima. 
But even if he wasn’t the sixteen-year-old boy with anger issues from hell, there was a part of him that would always be that, and in a time where he needed to be calm and lie through his teeth, seething anger exploded in his chest.
“I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”
Both you and Kirishima froze, “W-What?”
Bakugou was a good hero because his quirk was powerful. Explosions were powerful, and they were deadly if misused. He wasn’t someone who could use his quirk as a means to save - sure he saved people every day, but he would never aim a blast towards a victim. That would be idiotic. Bakugou knew he wasn’t his quirk. He was explosive and bitter and mean at times, but he believed he was more than that. He was better than that. And for the past three years, he had been working on that part of himself, only for it to fall and collapse in an explosive fury right now.
He was dangerous.
“This entire time, I only gave you a shot because I knew you were seeing Kirishima. You’re fucking annoying though, an airheaded, a coward, and so fucking nosey, I wonder just how Kirishima is still with you! He can do so much fucking better than you, and it’s embarrassing that you can’t even see it!”
“You don’t mean that,” came your soft and utterly broken voice, your face pleading for him to say it was a lie, pleading that this was some joke. 
Tears burned at the back of his eyes but refused to form, and Bakugou wished he could say he was done after that, but the thing about destruction is that there was always more than just one wave. 
“I tried to be your friend, I did, but it was the worst mistake I made. You’re a shit friend, a shit hero, and a shit significant other. You’re not someone I admire or think of as an equal, and I think it’s best if you just left me the fuck alone.”
“You’re an asshole,” you laugh humorlessly, your eyes stone hard and staring daggers into Bakugou’s skull, but to his own horror, a steely laugh escapes his lips he shrugs.
“I’ve been called worse.”
You stood up, storming away from the loud room and slamming the door so loudly behind you it rattled the walls.
“What the hell was that, Bakugou?!” Kirishima gasped, his eyes wide in a fury and hurt, the once tipsy glaze to his eyes gone and only full of sober anger and disbelief. “That was the unmanliest shit I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth?! The fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Fuck off, go take care of the fucking crybaby,” Bakugou heaved, the tears burning even more as he folded his arms, his gaze focused on his feet once again.
“Did you know that y/n used to fucking like you?! All three years in high school y/n had the biggest fucking crush on you, and even when we got together… I knew those feelings still existed…” curling acid shot up his throat at the critical information. You had liked him? “For three years y/n tried to be your friend, and it didn’t work until the very end and you just… why did you do that?! You’re a fucking dick, Bakugou.”
Bakugou wasn’t sure if he was grateful or not when Kirishima pushed off the couch, his footsteps shockingly sober as he moved to chase after you. But the moment that Kirishima was out of sight and the karaoke room began to play the Disney classic, I won’t say I’m in love, something twisted in his soul and tears pushed through his eyes.
He loved you so fucking much, but as he always seemed to, he had destroyed every good thing in his life because of his attitude.
You were Kirishima’s, and it only really hit him now… how could you ever forgive him?
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scripturiends · 3 years
stole all the air from my atmosphere
Read on ao3
Summary: Han Joonhwi thinks maybe pulling all-nighters wasn’t so bad after all, even when you’ve practically finished studying ages ago.
Rating: T
Word count: 1,577
Notes: Inspired by a poem by Timothy Joshua. And totally optional, but I recommend listening to this song while reading.
Hey, all. Thanks for waiting patiently for an update. This fic is in response specifically to a request I received here. I know a lot of people have been requesting for a sequel to ‘gave me no compasses, gave me no signs’ as well; truthfully, I’m not sure if this fic is in the same ‘universe’ as that one — all I can definitively say is that this still follows the canon. So, I’ll leave it up to you to decide if it’s the same timeline or not. I have a lot of fic ideas lined up for an “official” sequel, anyway. ;) 
The Solhwi brain rot just gets more potent as we anticipate the new episodes — I absolutely love receiving plot ideas from all of you, and while it’s a challenge to interpret it in my own way, I still hope that it’s on par with your expectations. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments. You can send me a message anytime too! I know I say this often, but your continued support really really keeps me motivated to write. Would love to make new friends as well, if we can help it.
Okay, the note is getting too long now. As usual, the fic is under the cut, and all mistakes in this fic are mine. Enjoy! 
There was that moment, when you stole all the air from my atmosphere; when my heart pounded within the might of all the planets.
It’s the third time Han Joonhwi has bit his tongue in the past ten minutes, attempting to stifle his oncoming yawns, trying not to cause any disturbance. He fights his drowsiness as best as he can, hoping that his companion wouldn’t notice — and yet, as his luck would have it, the moment he couldn’t hold it in any longer just so happened to be the exact same moment the person next to him lifted her nose from the book it was buried in.
Without looking at him, she flips another page. Tone commanding but masked with concern, Kang Sol mumbles, “Just go to bed already.”
So much for being lowkey, he thought. Joonhwi stretches himself awake, thinking of the perfect response: casual enough to make it look like he doesn’t care, but caring enough that she wouldn’t push him away. “Not until you’re done,” he finalizes.
Sol scoffs, tossing her pen lightly on the table. “You don’t even take this class.” 
Well, of course he knew that. But Kang Sol A — truthfully, he prefers to omit the distinction: no matter how many Kang Sols there are in Korea, or hell, even in the entire world, he’s only got eyes for one — is not getting anything out of him. If getting Joonhwi to admit his true feelings was her goal, she’s far from reaching it.
“You know why I’m here,” he sidetracked. 
Unconvinced, she turns to him with a provoking look, and Joonhwi already knows she’s about to go on a long-winded rant. “Yeah, yeah, I do,” she started. “You want to hang out with me but instead of just asking like a normal person, you make up this lame excuse about how I need to study even though I was already planning on doing that anyway. You practically finished studying ages ago so you just sitting there doing nothing is really rubbing salt in my wounds.” 
He watches her with both his hands on his head, suppressing a smile. Finding an opening, Sol pushes his chest lightly. “I don’t need you here. Get out.” 
She said it so weakly that he knows there’s no way she could have meant it. Making sure she doesn’t lose her balance, Joonhwi quickly takes hold of her wrists and gently places them back on the table. “You talk too much,” he breathed. 
Sol purses her lips in annoyance and propped her chin up with her hand. “Yeah, well, that’s why you’re dating me,” she pouted.
If she keeps putting him in his place like this, he might actually have to walk out, but not for the reasons she’d expect him to, like his supposed exhaustion. Joonhwi knows Sol doesn’t do this on purpose, but she naturally has a way of making him flustered, and he’s trying really hard not to lose his cool right now. 
She stomps her feet lightly on the ground, groaning. “This is too difficult,” she complains, leaning her head on Joonhwi’s shoulder. 
Really, really hard.
It’s funny how Sol can say something one minute and then completely contradict it by the next. She says she doesn’t need him there, but clings onto him like her life depended on it. Not that Joonhwi was complaining — but he does want to have a little fun with her. He wanted to stir her a bit with something like, I thought you didn’t need me here? He knows she hates being called out for snappy remarks that she only ever means as a joke.
But a quick glance at Sol, in her favorite pajamas and one of Joonhwi’s sweaters, on the very rare occasions she has her hair down, bangs falling on her eyes, Joonhwi decided against it. Her vulnerability shouldn’t be treated with ridicule; it should be met with an equal amount of softness. After all, no one else but Joonhwi gets to see Sol like this — he finds that as a privilege which shouldn’t be taken for granted. 
“Okay.” He gives in. “Let me have a look.”
Joonhwi holds his palm out to ask for the reading material, which, as usual, Sol rejects. “Didn’t we already talk about this?”
He feigns innocence. “Talk about what?”
Her head feels heavy on his shoulder. “I need to be able to stand on my own if I’m going to survive law school hell,” she reminds him. “You can’t keep coming to my rescue for every little inconvenience.” 
“So this is just a minor setback?” Joonhwi teases. He couldn’t help it. 
“No,” Sol cries, “it’s a major obstacle.” 
She snuggles up against him, and Joonhwi could literally feel the heat rising to his face. Nonetheless, he lightly holds the side of her head for support and asks, “So what? Are you just going to give up?” 
“Of course not,” she mumbles, her breath hot on his neck. Joonhwi knows the law well, but he feels like this should be illegal. 
“But sometimes I wish I was just naturally smart like you.”
He lets out a soft sigh. Like many other things, the pair have talked about this before, and Joonhwi has never denied that he and many others have had a significant head start over Sol. But this is what he’d always tell her: 
“If everyone in this school had half as much of your wit, every crime in the world would have been solved by now.” 
To which she’d grimace and respond with, “Yeah, tell that to the F I got in Criminal Code.” 
But tonight was different. Sol wasn’t coming from a place of defeat, she was saying this out of frustration. She was probably thinking that maybe, had her life choices been different, she would have had it easier. That maybe, had she been as lucky in wealth and opportunities as everyone else, she wouldn’t need to work twice as hard as them. So that maybe, like Joonhwi, she could just comfortably sit in silence with him and enjoy his company. 
Right now, he’s treading murky waters and he’s afraid that one wrong move could give Sol the wrong idea. Joonhwi has never been the type to open up to people, but she never made it difficult for him to do so. With Sol, honesty was just the default. Telling her things he’d never entrust with anyone else came as easy as breathing. 
He takes her hand and gingerly intertwines it with his own. “I didn’t have it easy at the beginning either,” he admits. “Law school wasn’t even a part of my plan, and yet here I am.” 
This is at least one thing he knows Sol could empathize with. After being betrayed by the last person he’d ever expect to hurt him, Joonhwi’s life took a turn. To an extent, he was motivated by rage. But mostly, he was just trying to find a way to turn that pain into something useful, trying to make sure no one else has to go through what he did. And call him foolish for being too hopeful or optimistic, but he believes this is something he and Sol can do for each other. They’re two sides of the same coin: the law owes Sol an apology, and Joonhwi is coming to terms with the fact that he might never get one, ultimately being robbed of the opportunity after his uncle’s untimely death. 
Joonhwi knows his words bear significant weight to Sol. There’s a lot of things he wants to say to her but right now he just settles with, “I think you’re smart enough. If anything, you need to stop going overboard. What if you get sick again?”
She lifts her head and stares at him with doe eyes.
“That’s why I’m here.” He raises their interlocked fingers to show to her. “Why do you think I’m holding your hand? It’s so I can pull you out from under when you’re drowning in all of this.”
Sol slowly breaks out into an endearing smile, trying to repress her laughter but failing. “Heol. Han Joonhwi, since when were you so sentimental?”
Joonhwi doesn’t know where this newfound bravery came from, but he kisses Sol on the forehead lightly. “Since you needed it.” 
Sol blinks, her expression unreadable, and Joonhwi fears that he may have done the wrong thing. But much to his disbelief, she instead grabs him by the collar and closes the gap between her lips and his. They crash against one another in perfect rhythm, and Joonhwi mentally slaps himself for not doing this sooner. Never has he felt more at peace than at this very moment, which was ironic considering he was supposed to be the one doing the comforting. And yet, the lines blur when he realizes that even when their methods are vastly different, they’re at their best when they’re in tune with each other’s needs.
And right now, this is what he needs the most.
Much to Joonhwi’s dismay, Sol finally pulls away; they’re both out of breath. 
Still in a daze, he musters up the courage to ask such a stupid question. In fact, he’s surprised he could even speak at all. “What was that for?” 
“You’re not the only sentimental one here. If you’re going to kiss me, do it right.” 
That was when I knew, you were worlds more, than just a first kiss.
Send me your thoughts here!
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lifebeginsbyleaving · 4 years
Welcome To The Jungle
Stiles nearly fell out of his chair laughing. He shoved Danny's shoulder hard enough to make both of their computer chairs spin.
"It's true!"
Stiles wiped tears and replied, "Oh my god I cannot believe that!"
Danny held up a hand. "On my mother's butter mochi recipe, Coach and Greenburg walking out of the cinema hand in hand."
Stiles let out another disbelieving bark of laughter. "How the times have changed- Unless..." Stiles squinted at Danny. "You don't think they- while school- you know back then?"
Danny shook his head. "Dude, Coach is so against that. He would never. I called Jackson immediately and apparently Greenburg started one of Coach's courses he does at the college. I don't know man, love must've blossomed."
Stiles still looked bewildered. "Yeah, but Greenberg? I always though the Coach hated him."
Danny shrugged. "Maybe it was in a 'You're so hot, but you're my student so I'm going to hate you.' kind of way." He instantly wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Although, I have a hard time seeing anyone think of Greenburg as hot."
Stiles thought for a moment. "Well-"
Danny swiveled his chair. "Oh no. No! Stiles, I know we haven't always been the closest, but now I consider you a friend. If you have been so deprived of dick lately that you are thinking of Greenburg as cute, in any way, I have failed."
Stiles put his hands up. "I'm just saying th-"
"No! You stop that immediately! That's it. I'm taking you to the jungle next Thursday night. No more lame excuses or pack emergencies that Lydia says didn't actually happen. Next Thursday. Nine o'clock, don't be late. And I swear to God if you don't wear those tight black pants I will force you into an outfit of my choosing."
"Danny you know I-"
"No. Lydia tells me all about how you won't let her set you up on dates, because dating isn't your thing. Which I know is a lie. So casual sex it is. I know you like sex, good God you won't shut up about it, so stop. I can barely stand your sexual frustration anymore. We have to work on patching the bestiary mainframe for at least two more weeks, so I'm not dealing with your huffing and short fuse every five seconds for that much longer. You're so god damn snippy. We're going to the jungle unless you can detail your last sexual encounter well enough for me to believe it wasn't months ago." Danny crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
Stiles shifted in his seat. He couldn't go into great detail about his last sexual encounter to Danny, so instead he let out a sigh. "Fine, but I'm going just to appease you, and under no circumstances do I have to leave with someone."
Danny raised his hands, but he had a triumphant grin. "Hey that is entirely up to you. We'll go and see how the night takes us, or who takes us."
Stiles rolled his eyes. "There will be no taking. I'm going out to appease you. That's it."
Stiles' nerves went up seeing Danny's devilish grin. He knew that grin, that grin meant he would definitely try to set him up. It wasn't that he wasn't excited to go out, it was just Stiles hadn't been to a club since he got back to Beacon Hills after college. He'd been back for eight months and he'd rejected all attempts by the pack to set him up. If he left the jungle without someone on his arm Danny would know something was up, and it wasn't just him wanting to settle back in anymore.
Stiles was saddened when he found out no one from the pack was going to college near him. When Danny accepted Berkeley's offer he felt slightly better. Even if they weren't really close and not exactly pack it was good to have someone he knew going with him. The first year they barely talked at all. But right before the start of second year the nemeton started a shit fest and Danny needed a ride back. It was easier to go together, despite the painfully awkward first hour of the trip. Somewhere around hour three they found a groove and many things they had in common.
Stiles expected for things to go back to the way they were before once they got back, but Danny texted him with a time and the address of a club they had talked about. After that they went out to parties, studied, and were unexpected friends. Their third year they moved in together. Danny had been there through all his college relationships and hook ups, and for most of the best ones he had been the one to introduce them. Danny was good at knowing what people liked and how they would be together. He was the main reason Stiles got so many experiences, and mistakes, out of college. Stiles liked being around him. He made you feel like you were better than you actually were, that you could be more if you tried. Stiles could tell why him and Jackson had been such good friends. At first Jackson tried to insist Stiles kept his nerd cooties away from his best friend, but they could tell he was glad two of his pack members were taking care of each other.
At one point Stiles even confessed his high school crush to Danny. The asshole just said he knew and that every questioning boy had a crush on him. When Stiles asked him if he thought they would be good together Danny just shook his head. He told him he would date him, but he knew Stiles was the type you marry and he wasn't ready for that. Stiles had been awed and flattered by that and as soon as he asked, he knew they wouldn't ever go there. They were just friends. Some how that didn't bother him, it made him feel settled in the relationship they already had. Because it was good enough.
Stiles snapped back to attention looking at a talking Danny with a fond smile. "What?"
"You did that freaky zone out thing, didn't you? I swear one of these days you're going to walk in front of a bus. I said look hot and wear the cologne too."
Stiles gave a lazy salute and started to pack up. "Alright, I should head home soon. Dad will order pizza if I don't get there in time, and I don't want to have to wrestle a meat lovers out of his hands again. It was messy."
Danny nodded with a smile. "I'm busy tomorrow, but I'll see you Wednesday, and then Thursday."
"You got it."
"Dad I'm home." He rounded the corner to see his dad frozen with the phone in his hand.
"God damn it, I almost got it ordered in time. Tell Danny he needs to work you harder." He set the phone back down with a harsh look.
Stiles rolled his eyes as he set down his things. "We're just patching the bestiary, I don't actually work for him. I do have an actual job you know."
"So you're paying him for his help?"
Stiles shook his head. "He's helping out the pack. He said he would do it on his free time." He walked to the kitchen to start supper.
His dad leaned against the counter. "So is he in the pack? I thought you said he wasn't."
Stiles turned to look at his father after grabbing the chicken and veggies from the fridge. "Yes and no. Most of us consider him pack because he is to Jackson, but Danny hasn't accepted yet. He says he doesn't want the responsibility of it. He always shows up and helps when we need though." Stiles set up his knife and cutting board in silence.
"And what do you think?" The rhythmic sound of a sharp knife hitting a cutting board filled the kitchen until he was finished speaking.
Stiles looked down and started to move the board around. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, you said, 'He says,' instead of saying something like he doesn't because of whatever. You think he says something, but what do you think he means? And why won't you look at me when you talk about it? Son, did something happen between you and Danny?" His dad had been really nosey and pushy lately. He supposed it was because he could tell Stiles was hiding something, but it was still annoying.
Stiles popped a slice of green pepper in his mouth and turned to his father with a contemplative look. He looked in his father's eyes for a moment.
He sighed after making up his mind. "Nothing happened between us. Danny doesn't join the pack because it's a commitment. It's basically a family. He doesn't want the weight of that. He also thinks the only ones that want him there are Jackson and I, which isn't true. He just gets freaked out by people being there all the time, always knowing everything about him. He feels like he might lose them at anytime. The more you love something the more it hurts once it's gone, you know?"
His father looked at him with sad eyes. "I know."
Stiles nodded. He bit his lip to hold in the question begging to slip out.
"Why wouldn't you look at me before? I know it wasn't just because of something with Danny. There's something going on with you lately."
Stiles couldn't hold it in any longer. "Do you ever regret loving mom?"
"Never." It was immediate and without hesitation.
Stiles fidgeted. "Yeah, but what if you knew you would find another wife and son you would love just as much as you love us. Would you want to save yourself the heartbreak of loving someone you lost?"
His father's eyes were glistening as he walked up to Stiles and pulled him into a hug. "I wouldn't trade you both for anything. That I promise you kid. Never." He kissed the top of Stiles' head. "Never, ever. You're my boy, and she was the love of my life."
Stiles nodded into his chest and gripped his shirt.
His father pulled back and looked at him assessing his face. "Why do you think you're loving someone you're going to lose Stiles?"
Stiles closed his eyes, but his tears fell anyway. "There's something I haven't told the pack, and I can't tell you yet either. And I need you to be okay with that. I shouldn't have even started to talk about it. You can't push okay?" He opened his eyes to look at his father pleadingly.
His father gripped his shoulders and looked at him sternly. "This is serious Stiles. The last time you didn't tell the pack or me about something, you had been assaulted on campus. You have to be straight with me here, no lying. Is this like that? Should we know?"
Stiles once again felt the guilt of keeping him getting beat up on campus from his family, but he knew they would've gone ballistic. Besides, he could and did handle a cocky omega. The only reason they knew now was because Danny let it slip to Jackson on break and Jackson came to him spitting mad in front of everyone. Jackson got in touch with some of his families friends within two hours. It was dealt with soon enough, but they still were angry at him for keeping it from them. Scott and Lydia felt betrayed and the rest of them seemed hurt, but Derek just stood there with his arms crossed looking like he was ready to murder Stiles.
But this wasn't like that. This wasn't him keeping something from them, this was him waiting to tell them. "I do plan on telling them, I just have to see how somethings work out first."
"Do you think they could work out in a way that hurts you?"
Stiles hesitated. "Yes. But if they do it would be better for everyone if they didn't know." He saw his father's confused face. "It would be easier for me to heal without them poking."
His dad sighed. "Kiddo I hope you know what you're getting into. Hell, I hope I'm doing the right thing by listening to you."
"It's always the right idea to listen to me pops." Stiles smiled and winked.
"I take it all back. Tell Scott right now. God, what was I thinking."
"Har har. And to think I was going to let you have full fat cheese with your rice tonight."
Stiles tried to stuff his hands into his jeans, but they were so tight his fingers barely went down. He pulled them out and stuck his arms out before letting them slap against his legs. He huffed and checked the door for him again. Danny was always either way early or a half hour late. Stiles decided to get a booth to wait out the next twenty minutes.
Stiles was sipping his half empty drink when someone slid into his booth and stole his attention. "Um sorry, this booth is taken."
The unfamiliar man gave him a charming smile. "Right, okay. I'll only be a minute." The man ducked his head and Stiles looked behind their booth to see who he was hiding from.
There was a loud redhead at the bar that immediately stuck out. She had a small gathering of laughing men around her.
Stiles turned back and the man was staring and smiling at him in a way he supposed was to be disarming. "So, did you run into an ex?"
The man scoffed. "Not on your life. It was that woman." He laughed and made a face like Stiles should immediately understand.
Stiles narrowed his eyes. "Was she rude?"
The man looked flabbergasted. "She's a woman, hitting on men." Stiles raised an eyebrow. "In here! In a gay bar! I went up to her to give her a piece of my mind, but those jerks stood up for the bitch."
Stiles got the full picture now and started to get angry, but kept his cool. "She could be bi. Also you know friends can come here too right? Like sometimes people just come here to have a good time."
He looked at Stiles like he was the one not understanding yet. "Yes, but she was flirting. With a guy."
Stiles took a breath in. "The guy could also be bi. Or it could've been her boyfriend. Or he is gay and as long as she backed off, big whoop."
The man scoffed. "If they are straight they shouldn't be here. And if they're bi, I don't see why they would be here looking for a hetero relationship. They can find that anywhere. I mean, you come to a gay bar for one thing."
Stiles couldn't take it any more. "Yeah. Acceptance. So if you're going to be an exclusionist asshole or a biphobe troll I think it's you who should leave. Anyone that respects other people has a right to be here without fear of rejection or judgement. Maybe they're bi, maybe they're straight, maybe one of them is trans or non-binary, maybe one of them is asexual. Maybe that or a ton of other things, but one thing they sure as hell are is none of your damn business! This is a safe place, and you can fuck right off if you're going to threaten that!"
The man got up, but still tried one final attempt. "Look, I just mean if there's so many of them invading our space, soon enough there won't be enough room for us." He spoke with stress on certain words.
Stiles gave him a sweet smile with murderous eyes. "There's always room for love. This isn't the Titanic jackass. And if you're referring to me in that, 'our' I'll have you know- I like tits too. And I'm too proud of it to allow a self centered prick like you to bully me into feeling bad about it. Have a nice day up on that high horse trampling all over the people that helped build this safe space you think is just yours. Yee-haw, ride your intersectional bigot ass right out of here!" Stiles was two seconds away from throwing his drink, but he thought that might be a bit much. He thought he got his point across well enough.
The man opened his mouth.
Stiles rolled his eyes. It appeared not.
Stiles tossed his drink right in his face as Danny came into view.
The man instantly began making a commotion.
Danny looked shocked. "Dude what the hell? Who is he?"
Stiles saw a bouncer looking inquisitively at them as he drew closer. The jungle had a strict no drink throwing and no bitch slapping policy. It upset the vibe and sales. Stiles apologized as loudly as he could, so he was heard by many people over the music. "Sorry. Biphobe. Thems the breaks. Sometimes you gotta toss a drink in an asshole's face for saying you don't belong here." The people around them instantly gave the soaked man dirty looks.
The tall bulky black man gripped the asshole's arm and started to pull him towards the door. He had an intimidating aura, but Stiles could tell there was kindness and understanding behind those completely unnecessary glasses for the dark club.
Stiles noticed a magenta, blue, and purple pin on the bouncers jacket. He gave a thumbs up. "I like your pin."
The bouncer just gave him a private smile. "I like your eyes."
Stiles gaped and looked to Danny. When he looked back the bouncer was gone as was the man.
Danny looked at him shocked. "Dude, Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch just flirted with you! No fair!"
Stiles calmed and fell into the conversation. "What do you mean no fair?"
Danny scoffed. "I do not, and do not picture myself having a daddy kink, but if I did it would be for one man, and Bubbles from Lilo and Stitch only."
Stiles tilted his head back and forth in tentative agreement. "I guess he does exude a vibe of protection."
They were enough drinks in that he was still in control, but his vigorous nodding made the room shift slightly. "His hands! You're absolutely right! I've been a fool!"
Danny laughed and pushed away his face. "You're loud."
Stiles stuck out his tongue.
Danny pushed his empty drink to the edge of the table. "Why aren't you trying to find someone to hook up with?"
Stiles was taken off guard more that he would've been sober. "What? What do you mean, I'm enjoying a night out with my boy."
Danny looked sympathetic. "Did ending that thing with Jason when we left college hurt you more than you thought it would?"
Stiles had to wrack his brain for a moment to think of who Jason was. "What? No. He was just a booty call. No feelings there."
Danny looked puzzled. "Then why?"
"Maybe I've had enough dating in college."
Danny scoffed and shook his head. "I introduced you to my friend Marcus who loves comics and puppies and is so your type. I pointed out a great fuck that you turned down, and we both know from college we don't mind sharing. I told you about a guy I've seen around a few nights that only talks to guys that look like you. You've shot them all down. You, Stiles Stilinski, who loves to date, to have sex, and just generally get to know new people. I've been keeping Lydia off your back, but now I want to know. What happened?"
Stiles started to sweat and he tried to come up with a lie that normally would already be off his lips. He tried to think of a way out, but couldn't find one.
The song switched right as he opened his mouth and Stiles thanked the gods. "This is our song! We haven't danced all night!"
Danny looked firm, but he cast a glance to the moving bodies. "Explanation after?" Danny was terrible at interrogation, he usually didn't care unless someone wanted to tell him.
Stiles nodded knowing full well Danny wouldn't leave the dance floor, without finding someone to leave with. "Let's dance."
In college Stiles had managed to figure out that songs had rhythms and had become quite the dancer. His hips moved sinfully and he knew where to put his hands now, but every once and awhile he would throw in a move that reminded Danny of just how far he had come.
They had separated several songs ago and found new partners. Stiles had danced with a lot of people, but never the same person twice and if they got too handsy he moved on. He was just there with his friend to have a good time. He was actually starting to have fun and enjoy the night without worrying.
He had pushed away some rather insistent wandering hands when Danny came up behind him to whisper into his ear, "There's this really creepy guy watching you."
"What?" Stiles' mind instantly raced. Was it a werewolf from a rival pack? Kanima? Witch? He pissed of an incubus one time. Scratch that, he's pissed of pretty much every supernatural being he's ever met at one point or another. He couldn't see through the moving crowd enough to catch any faces.
Danny leaned in and grabbed Stiles' hip so they didn't get separated on the dance floor. He repeated a little louder, but if he wasn't so close it would be lost to the loud music, "There's a creepy guy watching you. I think he'll go away if he thinks we're together."
Stiles heart had picked up and he leaned back into Danny's comforting embrace. "Okay." Stiles wondered if he should call someone, just in case it was a supernatural issue.
Danny turned him around, but kept glancing over Stiles' shoulder out of the crowd to look for the creep. "He's still staring. Grind on me."
They had done this so much in college to lure cute boys Stiles didn't even think twice. He tried to seem like Danny and him were together. They danced for a few verses.
Danny shook his head with worry. "Okay, he's clenching his fists now. I don't think it's working Stiles. I'm going to kiss you."
Stiles' eyes went wide. "Wait Danny I have a-"
Danny kissed him.
It was chaste, but still made his stomach roll. "Well, did it work?"
Danny was squinting his eyes, but they went wide with shock and something like fear. "Shit, no. He looks like he's going to murder me! Fuck, he just slammed his drink and is coming over here."
"What! Oh my God we have to call someone!" Stiles' voice was panicked. He could fight, but he was slightly tipsy and if Danny was worried, Stiles was. Besides, if he was supernatural Stiles didn't have a chance without something to defend himself with.
"Take my hand. We have to go closer to the bar." Danny laced their fingers together.
Stiles had just hit dial as a firm hand grabbed his arm not currently being dragged by Danny. Stiles let out a shriek. Before he could turn around to face the attacker he was pulled out of his grip by Danny and was now behind him.
"Leave him alone asshole!"
A phone started ringing.
The guy looked absolutely murderous. "I want to talk to Stiles."
"How do you know his name creep?!" Danny spat at him.
Stiles peered around Danny, "Wait... Derek?"
"Stiles do you know him?" Danny asked unsure, he looked at the semi familiar man and tried to place him.
"Yes he does." The man stated gruffly.
Stiles flushed with embarrassment. "He's my boyfriend."
Danny's face lit with recognition, then confusion again. "Cousin Miguel?"
"Derek." He spoke with that same cold, flat tone. Derek still looked terrifying as he reached into his pocket and answered his phone staring at Stiles.
Stiles lifted his own phone and spoke, "Um, hello?"
"You better have a really good explanation that takes less than five minutes, or I'm dumping you."
Danny looked at him with a shocked look. "I didn't buy that Miguel story for a second, but you're dating him? Wait Derek as in, alpha hottie Hale, Derek? You're dating the pack alpha?! Does the pack know? Well, that explains why Lydia couldn't set you up. Huh, I guess Issac wins the pot. He was the only one who thought you had someone else. Wait till Jackson hears he was wrong about you getting a girl pregnant."
Stiles' eyes went wide. "You can't tell them!"
Derek interjected with a blank face. "Yeah, especially since in about four and a half minutes he won't actually be dating me anymore."
Stiles turned to him frazzled. "Can you just stop for a moment!"
Danny had his phone out and went to unlock it, but Stiles batted his hands down.
Stiles huffed. "Look, everyone stop! I need to explain to both of you." He turned to Derek with a pleading look. "I have to talk to Danny real quick, but I promise you." Stiles' voice was filled with emotion and dripped with sincerity, "I promise you, nothing is going on with me and Danny and I can explain everything, but if I don't talk to him first, he will text Lydia while we're talking and you and I agreed we don't want that. He has had too much liquor to not know it is a bad idea, and not enough to be incoherent enough for Lydia to not believe him."
Derek looked deeply into his eyes and sighed. "You're lucky I know when you're lying."
Stiles let out a relieved breath and rested their foreheads together. "Thank God for heartbeats."
In the next second he was snatching Danny's phone and dragging him off to another side of the club.
Derek uselessly whispered after him, "I don't need your heartbeat to know."
Stiles pulled Danny to a quiet and private enough corner.
Stiles was breathless and spoke in a rush, "Look, you can't tell the pack. Now before you get snippy about them needing to know, just listen. Derek and I started to text a lot our second to last year. We got close, but decided not to date until I was done with college. We both didn't wait for each other, but we never got into something too serious. We've been taking it slow ever since I got back. And we don't want the pack to know yet."
Danny gave him a speculative look. "How slow?"
Stiles rolled his eyes. "We've had sex. Lots. The whole me being frustrated thing? Different type of frustration. Definitely not from lack of sex."
Danny put his hands up with an easy grin. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't squandering all of that. Like hot damn Stilinski. You got a good one."
Stiles' face went soft. "Yeah I do."
"Then why don't you want the pack to know?"
Stiles looked over to where Derek was standing. He was far enough back to not be able to hear them, but close enough for Stiles to be able to signal if he needed help. He had a beer and one of Stiles' favorite drinks in the table beside him. He had found Stiles' hoodie and draped it over the chair so they wouldn't forget it. He knew Stiles always forgot his coat when he was drunk. Stiles smiled at him, even though he wasn't looking before turning back to Danny. "Because he's the type you marry."
Stiles scratched the back of his head and continued, "And I don't want to mess that up, but if I do, the pack knowing would make it a thousand times worse. They would be all sad and comforting and they would look at us if we're ever in a room together. And I don't want that. Even if things go wrong, I don't want us to feel weird. We're pack. And if we did split I don't want everyone thinking they had to pick sides or that we can't be friends anymore. I guess that's what I've been worrying about so much lately, if we are right for each other. I just want to know that this is right, that we are sure before we involve the pack or my dad. I just, I've been worried about losing him and how much it would hurt. God I've always worried about losing people since my mom, but I don't think I could lose him. Especially not if we tell everyone. If we tell them it makes it real, it means it will hurt more if we don't work out or if something happens. The pack means everything to us and if they know it means it has to work." Stiles looked down.
Danny nodded. "I get that, but when are you going to tell them? When will you know? Because it sounds like you already know Derek is the type you marry. Stiles, you don't actually have to marry him to be sure. You just have to see it. When you think of your future, is he in it? You talk like you're sure, just scared."
Stiles instantly pictured a big restored house and family enjoying themselves in the yard. He looked over and Derek was smiling at him with the smile he had only seen when they weren't with other people. He reached out to Stiles with a hand that had a silver band.
Stiles looked up to meet Danny's eyes and then he found Derek's across the room. Despite the weird circumstances Derek still smiled at him. Not like he was doing it as a courtesy. Like he loved him so much and he couldn't help it. "He isn't in it. He is it." Stiles turned back with a wide smile and tears in his eyes. "He's my future Danny."
Danny smiled back. "I won't tell the pack, but I think you should."
Stiles nodded as a giggle bubbled out of his throat. He started to back away as he spoke, "Do you need a ride?"
Danny smirked. "I think I might go home with tall, dark, and into me, but if not I'll use my app to call a ride. Go get your boy."
Stiles nodded and turned with a grin.
He found him where he knew he would be. Derek was a pensive drinker so his beer was almost gone. When he got to the table Stiles chugged his drink and Derek raised an eyebrow. "I have to tell you something, so I need the liquid courage."
Derek set his jaw. "I don't want to do this here. It's too loud. Let's go to my car."
Stiles was practically bursting with nerves by the time they got in the car.
They sat in silence for a few moments while Derek brooded and Stiles chewed his lip. When Derek reached to turn on the car Stiles stopped him and grabbed his hand. He smiled at it before pulling it close enough to push his lips softly against his knuckles.
Derek looked pained. "Stiles-"
"I love your hands." He snorted. "Even more than Bubble's"
Derek looked at him with raised eyebrows. "How much have you had?"
"Too much so I want to be as close to you for as long as I can, but sadly not enough to not know I can't cuddle you every second of every day."
Derek considered it for a moment. Fuck it, if this was going to be the last time he was close, he was going to be so close it hurt. Derek reached between his legs to the lever and slid back his seat. He tilted it to the perfect angle they had found and Stiles brightened. He climbed over the console and straddled his lap. Stiles settled in on top of him and tucked his head into his neck. Derek tried to not lose it as he felt the emotions welling up. He held onto Stiles' legs to ground himself.
Stiles kissed his neck softly. "I kissed Danny because he said some creep was staring at me." Derek could feel his smile pressed to his neck, then Stiles poked his side. "That's you. He thought you would go away if I was spoken for."
Derek gripped his legs harder.
"But if I would've known it was you, I could've told him that wouldn't work at all. Because, you see, I am spoken for. By you. Only by you. I only belong with you Derek."
Derek's grip relaxed, but he still asked, "Why were you there with him? I went out to pick up food and when I saw your Jeep here I was so confused."
Stiles didn't know where to start with that one. "Because he told me I'm the type you marry. And be-"
Derek grabbed him by the shoulders enough to pull him back. Derek looked positively sick to his stomach. "He wants to marry you?!"
Stiles tried to figure out where the conversation had been and where he meant it to be, all the while trying to figure out how the hell it got were it was. "What?"
"What did you say?"
"Nothing! He doesn't want to marry me, that's why he said he wouldn't date me!"
Derek looked no less hurt or shocked, but somehow more confused. "You asked him to date you?!"
"What? No! In college I asked him why he wouldn't date me. That was his answer, because I'm the type you marry."
Derek took a deep breath. "You're so confusing when you're drunk." Derek laughed lightly. "You're so confusing when you're sober."
Stiles looked petulant. "Can't you focus please?"
"Can't you make a point please?" Derek snarked.
"I'm the type you marry, and you're also the type you marry. Well not you, me."
Derek's eyebrows furrowed. "Stiles if you're suggesting we get drunk married in Vegas, you do realize I have to be drunk too? So that way I can't be the voice of reason."
Stiles sighed. "Ughhh you're not listening!" Stiles put both hands on each side of Derek's face with a bit too much force. "Danny tried to take me out to set me up, but he just made me realize something. I want to marry you. Not yet, but I do. Sometime. I don't want to be engaged yet either, but I wouldn't be opposed to that happening. Then we could get married. Maybe in the fall. Not the next next fall, that's too soon. Maybe summer though, because the next next next fall is too far away. I want to be married to you." Stiles looked into his eyes with tears brimming. "I want to love you every day of my life."
Derek just sat there with an open mouth and raised eyebrows. "I don't even know what to say to that."
Stiles smiled, but fidgeted. "Do you want that too?"
Derek spoke immediately, slightly breathlessly, "Yes."
"Then I think you could say, I love you too Stiles."
Derek pulled him by his neck down to kiss him. He leaned back and looked into Stiles' eyes with shining ones. "I love you too, Stiles. I want to love you for the rest of our lives."
Stiles smiled and kissed him again before leaning his forehead against Derek's.
"God I hope you're not too drunk to remember this. Or regret it in the morning."
Stiles smiled at him. "Take me home and fall asleep with me. Let's find out in the morning, lover."
Derek hugged Stiles to his chest with a crushing grip. "I will kill you if you forget this."
Stiles nodded into his neck. "Noted." He pulled back and climbed back to his seat.
"Please tell me Danny doesn't need a ride."
"He's fine. I checked before I left. He's more sober than me, and hard pressed I could probably fool my father in all except the breathalyzer."
"I don't think you'd pass any test. You got drunk enough to say you'd marry me."
Stiles looked over to him and shook his head. "I didn't get drunk enough to say it, stupid. I got drunk enough to finally realize it."
Derek pulled out of the parking lot and Stiles jolted. "Oh and I think we should tell the pack now!"
Derek smiled. "Yeah? Because of the proposal?"
Stiles rolled his eyes. "I did not propose. I just said that I would eventually be open to asking or saying yes."
Derek reached over and placed his hand on Stiles' thigh and swept his thumb in soothing motions. "I think we should too, darling."
Stiles laced their fingers together and smiled at the road ahead of them.
Stiles had a wide grin as he looked at the green lawn around him and the pack that filled it. It was a perfect summer day for the party. There was a game of frisbee and gossip circles his dad was even milling about close to the congrats cake hand in hand with Melissa.
Stiles looked down to the cool metal he was still getting used to. He smiled at it resting against the picnic table. The day had been filled with many congratulations and more than enough tears. Most from his father. Who joked he'd never thought he'd met someone stupid enough to propose to Stiles, but when he met Derek he knew. They both had been offended by that, but quickly forgave him when he said he had to give his two boys grief. Scotty had just beamed at Stiles and said he was happy he found his Allison. Jackson even showed up with his husband and smiled at them.
He was brought out of his thoughts by Danny sitting down on the side opposite of him.
After Derek knew he wasn't trying to steal his man, and was the reason they finally pulled their heads out of their asses about telling the pack, he took a liking to him. Stiles was awed by how well he fit in with everyone and some how he hadn't been there before. Eventually the pack wore him down enough that he joined. Erica was a menace and the best recruitment agent.
"So I guess no matter how awesome I was in college, I didn't get this one right. Some matchmaker I am."
"Actually..." Stiles smiled and went to his pocket for the piece of paper he had brought for this moment. It was crinkled from when he crumpled it to throw away, but saved last minute to show Scott.
He slid the smoothed out post-it note over to Danny and he read it out loud, "Stiles, marry 'cousin Miguel' He's hot and so not your cousin."
Danny let out a bark of laughter. "I forgot I wrote this."
Stiles shrugged. "So you were right."
He looked up when he heard someone clear their throat. Derek held out a hand and Stiles' eyes were drawn to that silver band. "I think it's time for cake, before your dad eats it all with his eyes. Come along beloved."
Stiles rolled his eyes, but took his hand as he got up. "You can't call me that if you don't call me that when we're all old and wrinkled."
Derek used their entwined hands to yank him closer to his chest. "If I don't call you pet names when we are old and wrinkled, it is because I have forgotten every word that compares to how much I love you."
Derek grinned. "You love it."
Stiles rolled his eyes and looked into Derek's. "I love you."
Derek beamed and held up his hand proudly. "Yeah you do! You're gonna be stuck with me."
Stiles replied with adoration in his eyes, "I already am."
"Guuuys! Cake."
Their eyes didn't move from each other as they spoke in unison.
"Shut up Cora."
"Cora fuck off."
Stiles dropped his voice lower, "I think we should stay here and make them wait. Or we could excuse ourselves for a moment and have sex upstairs."
"You're terrible. Utterly deviant. That's such a good idea." Derek rested their noses together.
"I know."
Derek smiled. "But cake. You love cake."
Stiles grinned lecherously. "I also love other things I can put in my mouth."
"Dude, gross!"
"Eavesdrop on the newly engaged couple and you deserve what you hear Scott!" Stiles shouted.
Derek was beaming and Stiles looked at him confused. "You hate when I embarrass you. Wha-"
"You're engaged to me. I'm engaged to you. We're engaged. It sounds so..."
Stiles finished for him, "Weird. But good."
Derek had a momentary flash of doubt. "You feel like this is right too, right?"
Stiles nodded. "The kind of right that makes you sure nothing but this was ever supposed to happen. I'm meant to marry you Derek Hale, and you're meant to marry me. Come witches, werewolves, Jackson being a lovable asshole, or fighting over what colors to paint the house I'm going to be with you through it all. Our lives were meant to be given to each other. Why else do you think I keep saving your sourwolf ass?" Stiles' emotional face faded to a smirk.
Derek looked contemplative for a second before he looked certain. "Were you exaggerating when you said you didn't want to plan a wedding and have a big fancy party?"
Stiles looked suspicious. "I don't need any of that. What are you talking about Derek?"
Derek looked excited. "Look me in the eyes and tell me everything you need for your future isn't in this yard. Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want to start that life."
Stiles still looked confused.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want it today. Just say it and I'll wait. I'll wait for you to decide which flowers you like best. I'll wait to think over who's side Erica is on. I'll wait to let you pick out a tux. I'll wait for you to go back and forth on a venue until you realize that under the tree right next to our house is perfect. I'll wait for the day saying things like our house doesn't make me feel impatient. I'll wait for that God awfully long walk down the aisle. Tell me right now and I swear to God Stiles I'll wait for it all. But if you want it today as bad as I do, I'll carry you to the courthouse."
Stiles grinned at him. "I'm the type you marry, Derek Hale. So what are you waiting for?"
They met in the middle and there was so much love in that kiss it almost ached.
Erica smirked and shouted as everyone handed her and Melissa dollar bills. "Everyone get your ass in a vehicle. It doesn't matter which one. We have a wedding to attend."
Derek and his father both signed the papers with shaky hands and teared eyes.
When they were declared the Stilinski-Hales Stiles let out a punched breath. He looked over at Derek through the tears left over from their vows and he smiled.
Derek beamed wide and bright as Stiles thought to himself. This, this is what my future looks like.
This is for @sterek-bingo
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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reidswritings · 4 years
the three times that it was obvious
word count; 1.9k
warnings; nothing i think-- just fluff (and a lame ending and also probably some spelling errors haha)
authors note; this is like part 2.5 of times they were just too cute so read those is you want, but you dont have to cause it’ll make sense on its own,, anyways, as always, i hope you enjoy! [ part one and part two ]
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bonus— times Spencer was just a little too in love with his girl
There was no one he loved more. That was a fact. Another fact was that everyone knew that. No one questioned his love for the Pretty Girl— well, no one except aforementioned Pretty Girl. That was usually on her bad days though, but on all of the other days, she knew it better than he did. There was many times that he proved it to himself— though, not that it was a competition or anything. 
It had just been so long since he was able to openly love someone as much as he loved His Girl. Growing up in the closet, he was never able to be open about who he loved— in fear of getting beat up, not that that saved him from any beatings. Then, when he was older, he fell in love with the beauty that was JJ. But she got pregnant and then fell in love with his best friend— Emily Prentiss. Not that he was questioning her taste in women— because Emily was probably the hottest one of the whole BAU Team. There was no competition on that one. 
And once he finally got over her, it was on to the beautiful Doctor Maeve Donavan— but that was over before it even began. Damn stalkers, damn unsubs, damn everything that came with the horrible situation. 
That one crushed him. Took away his spirit along with his belief in love. Took away his belief in anything that wasn’t himself. Well, maybe even took himself with it too. That was the one that left him with more trauma than he cared to admit. 
That was the one that he was afraid that he’d never heal from.
But then there was her. Then, he met the love of his life. Then was the moment he felt his heart begin to stitch itself back together. 
The moment the beauty walked through the huge glass doors was the moment he felt like he could breathe again. He was beyond grateful for the Pretty Girl. And he’d spend the rest of his life making it up to her, even if she was never actually his. 
Luckily though, the universe owed him one and she was head over heals for the scrawny agent. It didn’t take long for them to find each other, actually it only took a week of knowing each other (and Spencer following her around like a lost puppy), until he asked her out to coffee. He had learned from his mistakes before. He had learned not to wait— he had learned that nothing was guaranteed. Not even the next breath. 
He learned to go for what he wanted— even with his fear of rejection, it was better to know. 
Spencer Reid was not the best with words— ironic, considering he knew all of the words, even ones in different languages. The one thing he was good at, though, was showing her (and everyone) just how much he loved his Pretty Girl. He wasn’t aware of it at first— he just did the things. It was second nature to him. It was as easy as breathing for him.
The only reason he was fully aware now was because of his lovely friend, Derek Morgan. It was a normal day at the work place— bad guys doing bad things and innocent people dying because of it. 
His girl was being sent out to get said bad guys while he was forced to stay back and work on the geological profile (not that he was complaining, he loved doing it). The only down side of loving someone on The Team was watching them run into danger rather than from it. 
He never underestimated his girl— he knew she was a badass who could handle her own, but it was still nerve-racking, not knowing if he’d see her again (he was as dramatic as he was genius).  
So, with his heart thumping with anxiety, he had kissed her, like it would be their last time, just before she ran from the police station, and said, “We kiss before and we kiss again after, okay?”
She had agreed to this like it was nothing— because it made sense to her. She wanted that last kiss, just in case. 
Just in case. 
The dark-skinned hunk had witnessed the whole thing. The older man had snorted and muttered under his breath, “Smooth, Reid. Didn’t know you had it in ya.”
Derek never let him live it down. And Spencer let his friend poke fun, because that meant that he got another day with his Pretty Girl— he knew the day that Derek stopped teasing was the day that he no longer got to love Y/N. And that was a day he wasn’t willing to have. 
Another time he noticed it was again because of a BAU Team Member. It was yet another long night at the office— paperwork calling their names and sleep calling them even harder, stress headaches creeping into their skulls and necks aching from leaning over desks for so long. 
The Genius had watched his Pretty Girl yawn for the umpteenth time and he sighed, leaning back in his uncomfortable chair. It was routine, she’d groan in frustration, yawn, flex her shoulders and then get back to burning the midnight oil. He assumed that she was growing frustrated with the seemingly growing pile of folders on her desk— Spencer had made his way through his stack and was now finishing up his last. Not everyone had his special power of memorization and speed reading.
The young agent stood, cracking a few bones as he did so. Grabbing his now empty coffee mug, he stalked over to his girl’s desk. Upon reaching, he leaned against the large table, cup balancing on his folded leg. Y/N looked up at him, eyes tired and longing to be taken home. Though, she smiled at him and it warmed the boy’s heart. 
“Hey,” it was soft, only meant for her. He was smiling too, he was smiling the smile reserved only for Y/N. Emily, who still sat at her desk, looked over and welcomed the break from the gruesome paperwork on top her cluttered desk. 
“Hi,” it was no louder than Spencer’s words, but loud enough for Emily to hear. 
“You doin’ alright?” Spencer’s head was ducked down towards his girl. One of his large hands was still wrapped around his mug while the other one had found its way to the shoulder of one very tired Y/N. Her head was leaning on his hand, leaving a small kiss. She smiled at him like he was the only person in the world that mattered— and in her small world, he was. “You want me to take some off your plate?”
She sighed, leaning back in her chair now. Emily watched still, smiling. She was happy that the two had finally found happiness away from the horrible world they all had created for themselves. “No, it’s okay. Thank you though, Spence.”
He smiled. She continued, hands holding another empty mug. “You know what you could do, though?”
“Hmm?” The boy raised his eyebrows, mouth shrinking into the smirk that make Y/N weak in the knees. 
“Get me more?” She smiled, lips parting to show her teeth. Spencer blushed, ducking his head again. His hand moved to take the mug from her, standing. They had been dating for awhile now, but she still managed to make him breathless. Their fingers brushed and he felt his stomach erupt in excitement— he hoped that feeling never went away. He would give up forever with her just to keep feeling the way he did in that moment. 
“Anything for you, my love.” He bent down to her level, a kiss leaving itself behind on her forehead. Their eyes closed, savoring the moment— that is until the loud voice of Emily Prentiss rang out. 
“I could use some more, too!” The lovebirds looked over at their mutual friend. She was cheekily smiling, arm hanging in the air, fingers closed around her own empty mug. The Genius Boy straightened up, frown present on his once smiling lips. 
“What?” She laughed, red lips still stretched into her characteristic smile that she more often than not wore, “You’re going that way anyways!”
Spencer’s mouth opened to protest—probably— but Emily spoke again. “You’ll get Y/N some, but not me? After all I’ve done for you? My heart hurts.”
The boy snorted, “Yeah? Well, I’m in love with her, not you, Em.” 
The last time that proved that Spencer loved his girl more than anything was something that everyone in the office knew of. The lovebirds liked to pretend that it was their little secret, but in reality they both knew it was one shared with most everyone. 
It wasn’t a secret that Spencer and Y/N were hopelessly in love with each other— in fact it was very clear to anyone who walked through the BAU doors. Though in love, they were not the biggest fans of PDA. However, Spencer and his Pretty Girl were still very, very, lovey with one another at the workplace. 
Of course, that doesn’t mean they were making out against Spencer’s desk or having secret sex in the BAU bathroom— no, it means that they often shared glances from across the bullpen and small touches when the other is getting just a bit too frustrated and knowing smiles every other hour. 
It was the little things they did that kept them on their toes— kept them head over heals. It was special to them that they kept up the romance, no matter what was going on in their very hectic lives. 
For example, the two very often left small little notes for each other around the BAU. Nothing inappropriate or out of line, it was usually just something that would be sure to make the other smile. And it wasn’t anywhere that was obvious either, it was almost always in a spot that would only be discovered by Y/N or Spencer. 
And sometimes, just sometimes, another member of The Team would stumble across the colorful sticky notes stuck to the back of a chair or to the side of one of Spencer’s many, many, books or to the tip of a pen or even on a coffee mug in the cabinet— unfound by The Lovebirds yet. The Aforementioned Team Member would just smile like they were in on some little secret—because they were—and place the note back so it could be found by a Lovesick Agent later. 
They were sentimental people, keeping each and every note— which The Team so desperately wanted to poke fun at, but they let them have this. They let them stay in their little bubble just for a little while longer— as long as it made The lovebirds happy, it made The Team happy too. 
In fact, once JJ and Emily had stumbled across the small box that held each and every sticky note. They didn’t pry— well, they tried not to, but curiosity got the best of the two girls. They ended up reading each one, and they were so goddamn adorable, they just about cried. 
If there was one thing The Team could agree on, it would be that Spencer and Y/N were perfect for each other and that they all would rather die than let anything happen to the two. 
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Baked Chicken
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Submitted by @mylittleladysblog :
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A/n: Shoutout to Greg Townley, though I pray he never sees this.
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It was the first week of shooting the newest Spider-Man movie, and you were finally wearing costumes. Getting to wear MJ’s comfortable clothes was always an exciting part of the film making process for you. You saw your stunt double in the same white t shirt and ripped black jeans as you were in and gave her a high five. She didn’t wear her wig unless she was filming, so you could easily be told a let. Unlike Tom and Greg, who were impossible to differentiate between when they were wearing the same costume and facing the back.
“Hey you.” You spotted Tom with his face buried in the script and tapped him on the shoulder. After two movies together, now working on your third, you were best friends.
And it is perfectly normal to be in love with your best friend.
“Hey Y/n.” Toms stunt double, Greg turned around with a surprised smile.
“Greg! What a surprise!” You laughed in shock and tried to hide your embarrassment for mistaking Greg as Tom.
“Surprise? You tapped me on the shoulder.” Greg reminded you, not realizing you had been looking for Tom. You nodded and decided to lie as to not hurt his feelings.
“And it’s very surprising that you turned around. I could’ve been anyone. I could’ve had a knife!” You laughed awkwardly at your lame attempt at a cover up and Greg saw right through it.
“You thought I was Tom.” He said matter of factly.
“I did, yes.” You admitted. “But getting to talk to you is a lovely surprise.”
“Right.” He laughed dismissively and you instantly felt guilty.
“I’m sorry. I am happy to see you, though. You’re doing a really great job with the stunts.” You told him sincerely and he gave you a half smile.
“Thanks. Its really not that scary if you ever wanted to try it. I could even show you.” He offered with a certain kindness to it.
“Haha, thanks but I think I’ll let my stunt double handle that. I’m not a huge fan of heights or falling to my death.” You said and he laughed.
“Nonsense. I wouldn’t let you fall.” He shrugged shyly. 👉👈 I’ll put them in every story just watch me
“Thanks, Greg.” You smiled, pleasantly surprised with how the accidental conversation had gone.
“Hey, Y/n.” Tom came from behind you and put his hand on the small of your back, something he did when the paparazzi on the red carpets were shouting a little too loudly or if someone got a little too close to you. “Hi, Greg.”
“Tom!” You leaned into his touch, sensing he was a little off.
“I’ll leave you guys to it.” Greg nodded and walked towards the trailers.
“Since when are you and Greg friends?” Tom asked as soon as Greg was out of earshot. He kept his hand on your back and you realized he felt threatened.
“Since we started rehearsing in costume and I can’t tell you guys apart from the back.” You told him to ease his mind.
“That’s too bad.” Tom laughed lightly, relieved to know the playful shoulder tap was meant for him.
“It is too bad. I just wasted some perfectly good flirting on your stunt double.” You joked and Toms angst was immediately alleviated. Neither of you dared to say it, but you both knew you had something going on. Tom was just as hopelessly in love with you as you were with him, but the fear of getting rejected and then having to continue playing love interests stopped you from confessing.
It just didn’t stop you from flirting.
“Oh yeah? Maybe I should start doing my own stunts, then, like Tom Cruise.” Tom said and flexed his arm to make you laugh. “Makes the action shots look a a lot cooler anyway, you know?”
“I have never seen a Tom Cruise movie.” You said as you playfully squeezed his muscle.
“Really?” Tom asked.
“I don’t even think I’ve seen a trailer of his.” You realized. “I doubt I could even name one of his movies.”
“Mission impossible.” Tom told you.
“Well, I don’t think it’d be impossible for me to name one but it might take a while.” You disagreed, not realizing he was naming a movie.
“No I was- you know what? Never mind.” Tom laughed fondly and you had a feeling you missed the joke. Not wanting the conversation to end there, you gave him a soft shrug.
“Maybe we can watch one together one day.” You suggested as you fixed them collar of his shirt.
“I would love to.” He said with a faint blush.
That night, you watched about 47 minutes of a Tom Cruise movie before falling asleep in Toms lap. He made it midway of the movie before dozing off as well.
You woke up first the next morning and jolted a little when you didn’t recognize where you were. You quickly realized you were in Toms trailer, smiling softly when you saw his sleeping body next to you. Your legs were practically braided together, so you couldn’t move. You nudged him a little and in his sleep, he pulled you back on to the bed and held you to his chest.
“Morning.” You giggled as he rolled on top of you, still half asleep.
“Good morning.” Tom said groggily, opening his eyes a title. “What time is it?”
“7. We have to be in makeup by 8.” You checked your phone. You pushed him off of you but he held on tight, leaving you with your chin resting on his chest as he stared down at you, arms clad around your waist and resting on your back.
“I kinda want to stay here all day. Is that bad?” He said with a sleepy smile.
“It’s not bad if I want to do it too.” You smiled and brushed a hair off his nose. “We can stay here a few more minutes and then go get some breakfast. Sound good?”
“Sounds perfect.” He nodded and ran his fingers through your messy hair.
You spotted Tom later in the blue plaid button up he was wearing as Peters costume. After the morning you’d had together, you were less worried of his rejection and more focused on sealing the deal. You walked up to him with confidence and gave him a hug from behind.
“Hey.” You wrapped your arms around his torso, missing him after a long day of shooting separate scenes. You were surprised to hear a deep sigh come from his mouth, as if he wasn’t happy to see you.
“It’s Greg.” Greg said and you quickly let go as you realized you were hugging the wrong boy.
“Oh shit.” You whispered as Greg turned around. “I mean, hey Greg! Don’t be silly, I knew it was you.” You lied through your teeth.
“You did?” Greg asked with a hint of skepticism and a hint of hope.
“Well of course! I just had to give my special guy a hug, like I always do.” You said with unnatural cheerfulness. You were a great actress, but a terrible liar.
“I thought you only hugged me when you thought I was Tom.” Greg said and you felt stuck.
“What? Me? Never. I hug you because I…love you.” You blurted the first thing that came to your mind. You barely knew Greg and now you were telling him you loved him.
“You love me?” Greg said with a bright smile.
“Who doesn’t love Greg? Not me, I’ll tell you that.” You slapped his arm. “Love me some Greg every now and then.” You committed to your lie.
“Thanks, Y/n. That means a lot.” Greg was somehow unaware of your deceit.
“Anytime, pal. Anytime.” You punched him lightly on the shoulder. As he walked away, you made a mental note to double check before hugging anybody in a plaid shirt.
You went two full weeks without accidentally hugging Greg after that. All your hugs had been given to Tom, who they were rightfully meant for. He enjoyed the affection from you and at the same time, Greg began to miss it.
“That was amazing! God, you take my breath away.” You threw your arms around Toms shoulders and squeezed after a strenuous shoot with lots of wire work. He put his hands over yours and gave them a light squeeze before turning around.
“Aw, thanks Y/n.” Greg smiled and you felt like an idiot.
“How the hell does this keep happening?” You thought.
“Greg!” You said with a fake smile as you scanned the background for Tom.
“You thought I was Tom again, didn’t you?” He asked, a little disappointed.
“Would you stop with that? I always know it’s you.” You blatantly lied to his face
“You don’t have to say that, Y/n. If you were expecting Tom-“ Greg began.
“I wasn’t expecting Tom.” You cut him off, even though you were completely expecting Tom.
“So I take your breath away?” He tested you.
“Absolutely.” You let out a fake scoff.
“That’s funny.” He said with a small smile.
“Why?” You asked.
“You do the same to me.” He said timidly.
“Oh.” You said softly.
“See you around.” He nodded and walked away, leaving you confused and questioning what he meant.
The next time you waited for Tom after filming a scene, you made sure it was actually Tom. You waited until Toms sweet brown eyes met yours before you ran to him.
“Tom! Great job.” You threw your arms around him and buried your face in his neck. Tom happily picked you up as you wrapped your legs around his waist. He set you down gently and squeezed your face between his hands with an endearing grin.
“Thanks, princess.” He said. The nickname made your heart skip a beat. You smiled brightly at him until your eyes trailed to the right. Tom followed your gaze and saw Greg leaving set. You broke out of Toms embrace and went to Greg.
“Greg! Awesome work!” You said honestly and gave him a quick hug, which he happily accepted. Tom felt jealousy bubble in the pit of his tummy at the sight of you and Greg. He had no idea when it started, but he seemed to be seeing you and Greg together everywhere he turned.
“Thanks, Y/n. Catch you later.” Greg smiled and left the set.
“I didn’t realize you and Greg were on a hugging basis now.” Tom said, sounded less friendly than he intended. He was annoyed, and you could tell.
“I just have to convince him that I hug him on purpose.” You said and Tom furrowed his eyebrows.
“What does that even mean?” Tom inquired.
“I’ll explain later. Come on. I’ve missed you all day.” You tugged him by the hand and the pit in his tummy was replaced with butterflies as you tugged him towards your trailer.
“Hey man.” Greg said as he walked up to the snack table and stood behind Tom.
“Mate, awesome work today. The stunts look great.” Tom complimented.
“You’re doing something great work yourself.” Greg returned the favor.
“Thanks. I could never do what you do, though. They must’ve dunked you in that water a thousand times.” Tom kept the conversation light.
“It’s worth it. Especially this next scene.” Greg smiled to himself.
“Next scene?” Tom asked as he stirred some sugar into his tea.
“When MJ dives in the lake after Peter and kisses him through the mask.” Greg said with a light blush on his cheeks. Tom knew the scene was being shot today, but he assumed it was going to be between Greg and your stunt double.
“Oh, right. You’re excited to spend all that time underwater?” Tom forced a laugh before taking a sip of tea.
“I’m excited for Y/n to kiss me.” Greg laughed and Tom choked on his tea. He snapped out of it and tried to keep his cool as he continued the conversation.
“Oh, yeah? I thought her stunt double was gonna do that.” Tom said as he dabbed his chin with a napkin.
“Nah, man. That’s what makes her so cool. She said something about seeing a Tom Cruise movie for the first time and wanting to do her own stunts. She’s gonna be the one diving in the lake and kissing me underwater. Best job ever, right?” Greg nudged Tom playfully, having no idea how much Tom liked you. Or how much this conversation was killing him.
“Right.” Tom laughed nervously. “Are you into her or something?”
“God, I am in love with that girl. And I think she likes me back.” Greg said confidently and Toms heart stopped. You were always talking to Greg, and usually seemed very happy when you were. You hadn’t mentioned anything about liking someone, but then again, you never talked about that stuff with Tom. Toms mouth went dry at the thought of you losing you to his stunt double.
“What makes you so sure?” He asked curiously, a little afraid to hear the answer.
“She’s always running to see me or hugging me from behind. And she compliments me so much, it’s insane.” Greg chuckled. “I think she might really like me.”
“And all the hugs from behind, are you sure they’re meant for you? I don’t mean to burst your bubble or anything, but she and I are very close and she could be mistaking you for me when we’re in the same clothes. Or something.” Tom stammered.
“That’s what I always thought, but she assured me it wasn’t true.” Greg smiled to himself at the thought of the conversation you had once. “She told me I take her breath away, man. How cute is that?”
“Adorable.” Tom gulped. He didn’t know you said that to Greg, and it made him upset to think about you giving such a sweet compliment to someone else.
“I’m gonna ask her out.” Greg decided. “I’m tired of waiting. I’m just gonna do it.”
“Ask her out? When?” Tom panicked.
“Next time I see her. You’re shooting a scene on set B later, right? She usually hangs around when you’re filming. I’ll probably catch her there.” Greg drew up his plan.
“Ha, yeah.” Tom laughed weakly.
“Alright. See you later, dude.” Greg patted Toms back and walked away from the table.
“Later.” Tom said, but Greg was already gone.
Tom left the snack table and started furiously texting you, asking you to meet him anywhere as quickly as possible. He entirely missed you walked past him until he heard your voice.
“Hey Greg.” You said as you walked by, also buried in your phone. Tom stopped walking and looked at you curiously.
“It’s Tom.” Tom said, a little bitterly, and you stopped in your tracks. You turned around with a surprised smile and walked back to him.
“Oh My God, really?” You said in disbelief, looking him up and down to make sure it was true.
“Were you expecting Greg?” Tom worried after the conversation he’d just had with Greg.
“I am literally never expecting Greg. That’s my problem.” You laughed and fixed Toms hair that had fallen into his face.
“What?” Tom asked, feeling better now that you were being your usual flirty self with him.
“Nothing. Long story.” You shook your head and stopped touching his hair, content with how it looked.
“Okay. You ready for that lake scene later? I heard you’re doing it yourself.” Tom faked a smile, desperate to know your thoughts on shooting the scene with Greg.
“I am! I’m really excited for it actually. You’re gonna be there right?” You asked for confirmation.
“Definitely.” Tom assured you, trying to read your reaction.
“Cool. I like when you watch me film.” You told him and he perked up a little.
“Having me there doesn’t make you nervous? Every time I know my mum is watching a take, I forget how to blink.” Tom eased up and you laughed.
“It’s different with you. I feel more at ease knowing you’re watching. It calms me down.” You told him and he couldn’t help from smiling.
“I’m happy to hear that.” He said honestly. “And you’re doing the scene with Greg, right?”
“Yeah. Greg.” You nodded slightly, not wanting to change the subject.
“Great guy.” Tom commented with an uneasy smile.
“No, totally.” You said stiffly. You did not want to be talking about Greg with the boy you liked.
“Are you excited to kiss him?” Tom blurted and you looked at him strangely.
“Excited? Bleh. It’s through the mask anyway and it’s in the script. It’s nothing like what we shot yesterday.” You tried to bring the conversation back to a place where progress was being made. Toms face flushed when he thought of the climatic kiss you shot yesterday. After 18 takes of kissing you like he’d never see you again, Tom went home dizzy with a dreamy smile on his face.
“Yeah I um, I enjoyed yesterday.” He looked at the ground and smiled shyly. 👉👈 I’ll never stop.
“We should do it again sometime.” You said boldly and Toms attention whipped back to you. He had to stop the giant smile that wanted to break through from surfacing.
“I agree. Maybe without the camera though.” His mouth moved faster than his brain, but you seemed to like it.
“Yeah.” You smiled and took a step closer to Tom. “I meant to tell you this before, but you’re doing a great job with this film. I love staying on set to watch you do your scenes. Especially the emotional ones, Tom.” You sighed in content. “You take my breath away.
“I do? Me?” Tom asked when he recognized the compliment you had told Greg.
“Yeah, you.” You laughed at his strange response. “Why?”
“Can I ask you something?” He became serious.
“Anything.” You assured him.
“Have you ever hugged Greg thinking he was me?” He asked if as casually as he could to not make it weird.
“Um, only like everyday. That’s why I was so surprised it was actually you earlier. Why?” You wondered how he had caught on to your ongoing dilemma.
“There’s something I need to tell you.” He said, all playfulness gone from his tone. Tom wanted to tell you about Greg’s plan, not necessarily to steal you from Greg, but to prepare you for what was coming. If Tom was putting the pieces together correctly, all your flirty banter with Greg was intended for Tom. Now Greg was whipped and you were about to look like the bad guy.
He also wanted to steal you from Greg.
“Tom Holland to set B. Tom Holland to set B.” A voice rang through on the announcements at the worst possible time.
“You can tell me after. I gotta head to makeup anyway.” You smiled and Tom felt his panic rise. “It’s just a touch-up, so I’ll be by soon to watch your scene. Good luck.” You squeezed his arm and walked away. Tom watched with dread as you left before he had a chance to tell you what was coming.
Tom stood on his mark and listened to what the director wanted him to do in the scene, even though his mind was a million miles away. He only barely heard them call “action” and began to deliver his lines with his focus all over the place. His eyes trailed off his scene partner and landed on Greg, slowly approaching you as you watched the scene with a giddy smile. Toms mouth went dry and he purposely flubbed his line so they could stop filming. The director began to give him some more directions, but Toms focus was pointed at you and Greg.
“Hey, Y/n.” Greg taped your shoulder and you turned around.
“Freaking Greg.” Tom muttered through gritted teeth.
“Hey Greg. Come by to watch the scene?” You asked politely.
“I came to see you, actually.” Greg said, making your head turn.
“You did?” You asked, not used to him initiating the conversations you had.
“Yeah, there was something I needed to tell you.” Greg smiled nervously and Tom felt himself beginning to sweat, the cold kind that chilled your spine.
“Oh, sure. Go ahead.” You said and gave Greg your full attention.
“No no no no no no.” Tom whispered in despair.
“What was that?” Kevin, the director asked.
“I said ‘woah woah woah woah woah’ because this scene is just so good.” Tom lied and turned his attention back to you.
“Can we go somewhere private, actually?” Greg requested and Tom nearly fell to the ground. He wished he could leave the set and ask you to stay, ask you to be his instead, but he couldn’t. He had to stand by and watch as another boy whisked you away. A boy in the exact same freaking clothing as Tom was in.
“Okay.” You made eye contact with Tom and Greg began to lead you away. You weren’t blind to the look of devastation on his face and gave him a quizzical look. Tom shrugged sadly and you began to wonder if this had anything to do with what he was trying to tell you before.
You and Greg walked off set and found a quiet space near the trailers. Your tummy did flip flops as Greg cleared his throat, obviously getting ready to tell you something. You took a deep breathe and lead the conversation.
“What did you need to tell me?” You asked.
“I guess I’ll just be straightforward. I like you, Y/n. I like you a lot.” Greg admitted. “I wasn’t gonna say anything because I didn’t think I’d ever have a chance with a girl like you, but then you kept hugging me and complimenting me and I don’t know. It made me think you liked me back? Am I right when I say that?”
“Greg, I…” You absorbed his words and let them sink to the bottom of your tummy like a rock. “…am a jerk. I’m a total jerk.”
“That’s not true. You’re the nicest person on this set.” Greg insisted and you felt even worse.
“I’m not.” You sighed. “I do admire your work and I am always happy to see you, but I have never approached you thinking you were…well, you. I’m always-“
“-looking for Tom?” Greg finished your sentence.
“Yes.” You came clean. “I shouldn’t have lied to you, but I just felt so bad. I didn’t want you to feel unappreciated, because I really do think you’re great. I didn’t realize lying would make the situation worse.”
“I had a feeling you weren’t actually excited to see me.” Greg laughed halfheartedly. “Probably should’ve listened to that feeling.”
“I’m so sorry.” You apologized and squeezed his arm.
“You know what? It’s okay. We wouldn’t have worked out anyway.” Greg said with a sincerity you appreciated. He didn’t seem hurt, just relieved to get it off his chest.
“Why do you say that?” You asked out of curiosity.
“Well, like I said. You take my breath away.” Greg said and you felt guilt again. “You make me so nervous, it’s not even funny. And there’s this study that says if you meet someone and they make you nervous, and your palms get sweaty, and your heart races out of your chest, then they aren’t the one for you. It’s not until you meet someone who makes you feel totally calm that you’ve found your soulmate.”
“Oh.” You said quietly, taking his words into consideration.
“Have you ever had that? Someone who makes you feel at peace?” He asked quietly.
“I don’t know.” You told him, too deep in thought to give him a better answer.
“Greg Townley to Lot A. Greg Townley to Lot A.” Rang over the announcements.
“That’s my cue. I’ll see you around, Y/n.” Greg gave you a kind smile.
“See you.” You said sadly. He walked away and you felt your heart sink with every step he took. You didn’t want to be with him, but you also didn’t want to break his heart. He was so kind about your rejection that it made you even sadder. He deserved better than an “I don’t know.”
You took a walk to clear your head and didn’t get back to your trailer until the sun had set. You’d taken a lot of time to think, asking yourself what today was supposed to teach you. If Greg could put himself out there and confess his feelings, you could too. You could also tell him the real reason you had to turn him down. You opened your trailer door and jumped when you saw Greg in there already, facing the wall and flipping through a magazine. You took a deep breath and prepared to rip the band-aid off.
“Greg! I need to talk to you. Remember when you asked me if I had someone who made me feel at peace and I told you I didn’t know?” You asked. “I do know. It’s Tom. It’s always been Tom. You are so sweet and talented and kind but I am so in love with that boy, it’s unbelievable.” You let out a laugh. “I really appreciate you telling me about your feelings and I’m sorry I can’t reciprocate them, but it has nothing to do with you. It’s just because I’m in love with someone else. I’m sorry.”
Greg had stopped flipping through the magazine at some point and stood frozen, facing the wall. You were out of breath from your rant and his stillness wasn’t helping your anxiety.
“Please say something.” You begged. Greg slowly turned around and lo and behold,
It was Tom.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me.” You yelled, not to anyone in particular, but it was slightly aimed at God.
“You’re in love with me?” Tom asked like it was the craziest thing he ever heard. You gave him a shrug, not knowing what else to do.
“Now it’s you? Why hasn’t it been you the 500 times I’ve given Greg the best hug of his life? The one time I need to talk to Greg, and it’s you? Really?” You asked the Heavens why you consistently made that mistake. “Oh and yeah, I am.” You sheepishly answered his question.
“I thought Greg was gonna ask you out.” He said, hurt evident in his tone.
“He did.” You told him, once again talking about Greg instead of your budding romance with each other.
“And you said no?” Tom tilted his head to the side.
“Did you not hear my whole rant?” You practically yelled at him out of frustration.
“Well, not the first part because I was reading a recipe for baked chicken-“ Tom glanced back down at the magazine and pure rage filled your body.
“TOM!” You yelled to regain his attention.
“It was a good recipe!” He defended as he pointed to the centerfold. “It has sweet potatoes.”
“I’m trying to tell you how I feel and you’re-wait, sweet potatoes?” You pretended to be caught off guard at the new information.
“Yeah, look.” He handed you the magazine as you glared at him for not getting your sarcasm. You smacked it out of his hands and he stared at it on the ground. You both stood in silence for a moment, staring at the magazine before Tom started to laugh. You were angry at first, but started laughing as well when you realized he was messing with you.
“You don’t care about the chicken.” You said indefinitely.
“Nope.” He shook his head.
“You’re messing with me.” You realized.
“Yep.” He nodded with a cheeky grin.
“I hate you so much.” You whined and stamped your foot.
“I may be in love with you, but you’re always gonna be my best friend before anything else. And there’s nothing I love more than messing with my best friend.” Tom took your hand and pulled you against his body. You let out a little surprised laugh but quieted down when you saw the look on his face as he took your face between his hands. “You think I care about baked chicken when my princess told me she’s in love with me? You think I’m worried about sweet potatoes now? At a time like this?”
“That was half sweet and half absolutely ridiculous to listen to.” You berated him and he laughed. You could feel his body moving against yours as he laughed and it had a certain effect on you.
“Was it the part about the sweet potatoes?” He pouted and you wanted to smack him.
“No.” You huffed and he pressed his forehead against yours.
“The baked chicken, then?” He asked.
“Say baked chicken one more time and I promise you-“ You were interrupted by Tom kissing you. You’d kissed plenty of times before for the camera, but this one felt different.
This one felt earned.
Tom pulled away after a minute and let out a soft chuckle.
“I’ve been in love with you for years, and all it took was Greg and some baked chicken for us to finally get together?” He whispered to not disturb the peace.
“Don’t mistake my gentle tone for calmness because I can assure you, I am filled with waters of rage,” You said sweetly and Tom laughed, “but I dare you to say baked chicken again. I dare you.”
“Alright, I’ll stop.” Tom smiled and pecked your lips again. “We can’t go to far from set, so I have some ramen and Cheerios if you want dinner. It can be like our first date.”
“God, ramen and Cheerios? You spoil me too much.” You teased him over his food choices.
“Says the girl with nothing in her trailer but popcorn and no microwave.” Tom teased you.
“It’s not my fault that they took away my microwave after I accidentally put the mental cup in there.” You shot back. Tom bit his lips as he stared at you with a dopey smile. It wasn’t long before you smiled back.
“Tell you what princess, as soon as we get a break from filming, I want you to come over to my house for a real date.” Tom said as he wrapped his arms around you. “I have plans for us.”
“Plans?” You asked with a cheeky smile.
“There’s this great recipe-“ Tom didn’t get to finish his sentence, as he was smacked across the face with one of your pillows.
More like this: If We Were A Movie
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twink-frank · 3 years
hi i’ve noticed the pencey prep gay conversation going on over on @awsugar and i have spent lots of time dissecting pencey prep lyrics and subjecting nathan @faggot-frank to my deranged ramblings so Here is my pencey prep super ultra mega gay lyrical analysis masterpost. it’s very long so its all under the cut but i will include a TL;DR for those who dont wanna read paragraphs of my deranged ramblings: Pencey prep uses lots of themes of: heartbreak, forbidden love, keeping love a secret, and toxic relationships. which none of that is gay on its own but combined with them almost never using gender indicators in their songs and the “nail in the coffin song” of 8th grade it ends up being a very Fruity Album.
I will be going through heart break in stereo in order and pointing out which lyrics and elements of certain songs jump out to me as Super Mega Gay and then summarizing my conclusions at the end <3
1 ) PS Don't Write
PS don't write is about leaving a toxic relationship, it has notes of moving on and leaving someone behind. "packed up all my shit / stole back all my tapes / left your spare key under the mat / this is not a joke / you'd better learn to take a hint / 'cause i'm not coming back / maybe you'll understand / when you're waking up alone / in a cold and empty bed." it has no gender indicators or pronouns which is the case in a lot of pencey prep songs, and something i'll bring up quite a bit. it also has general "coming of age" themes, something common in lots of pencey prep songs. which Yeah apply to straight people to but read in this context combined with future evidence can be pretty Fuckin Gay. "somewhere along the line / i found a hidden strength / i didn't know i had / standing on my own / cutting all the strings / that you used to control / surprise surprise / i am long gone / if you thought you could hold me down / by holding me up / you were wrong / you don't call the shots anymore." not to say only gay people can find inner strength and the room to love themselves but combined with other context it is a really poignant message about accepting yourself for who you are.
2) Yesterday
Yesterday is very repetitive and has a lot less to analyze, but the constant themes of wanting to "run away" strike me as very Fruity. once again, not saying gay people are the only people who can want to run away or escape from something But Combined With Other Context. and once again a song with no gender indicators, doesnt specify who the speaker is running away with or what they are running away from. just that they want to Leave. "i wanna run with you / i don't care what we do / gotta get out of this place / because it feels like yesterday." also saying "it feels like yesterday" could mean that the town feels backwards or old timey in its beliefs, implying homophobia. how the speaker wants to run away from an old fashioned town.
3) Don Quixote
i'm going to bring up the cultural significance of this title and literary reference first. Don Quixote is a classical novel by Cervantes which is about a crazy dude who thinks he's a knight, and goes on weird adventures with his best friend. It's typically used as a symbol of following your dreams and breaking free from what people expect of you. In the context of the song its used as a symbol of following your dreams with Someone. once again this someone is given no gender indicators. "you say it's not worth it / been burned too many times / if your spine's receding / you can borrow some of mine / don't go and quit right now / cause i'd follow you through hell." "you say so many things / and not a word of it was true / if you're still in that state of mind / i'd still vacation inside of you / cause i think you're worth every minute / and every dime that i spend / i'd spend all my time fighting dragons / just to keep you alive and talking." it's about wanting to spend time with someone, wanting to be with them no matter what. and its also about how this person feels unreachable, like being with them would be a fairytail but the speaker Still Reaches for it. "your imaginations running wild / round your deceptive heart / this is my crusade / and you're the unreachable star / but i'm reaching." talking about this person being unreachable and unattainble. which isnt gay By Itself  but again combined with the other context. FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
4) 10 Rings
another breakup song once again with no gender indicators, are you guys sensing a theme here? anyways this song is about someone cutting you off and then coming back suddenly wanting to talk again after breaking your heart. it has a sense of forbidden love, like this person Told the speaker they cant be together for Whatever Reason ;] and is now trying to come back and repair their mistake when the speaker is already hurt and reeling. "learn to live with decisions you make / i learned things from the break i can't forget / catch you doing drive-bys at 1 AM / it must kill you to know we can't be friends." "end of the summer you cut me off / i cut you out all the pictures i have." which this Isnt Gay By Itself. but bringing that phrase back with other context this is such a uniquely gay experience. being in love with someone and they cut you off Because theyre weirded out by that and then they try to come back, convince you it meant nothing.
5) The Secret Goldfish
my FAVORITE pencey song. this one has a lot. it's another breakup song about heartbreak and loss and im not even gonna dwell on the no gender indicators because yall see the theme now. it has themes of heartbreak and losing someone who is very close to you and having to let go of them and having to accept that this person cant be yours and you cant be with them. "land of the lost / i found myself in nothing / this time, promises broken find me / clutching to you for something / something that you're not / believing in what you say / it makes me lie awake at night / the truth, the truth is not what scares me / it's why you have to lie / all the time." here we see these themes of having to let someone go because they just Aren't The Same as you. "clutching to you for something / something that you're not." maybe like chasing after a straight boy and getting rejected? also the repetition of "heartbreak is forever" when you're young and gay losing that first person you felt some kind of love and attraction to can feel like the end of the world and can be a huge deal because of the lack of representation and guidance young gays get. and the themes of nothing lasting forever, the fact that gay people never get promised eternal love the same way straight people do.
6) 8th Grade
this song is the nail in penceys fucking coffin honestly. the rest of these songs have a lot of plausible deniability, just vague enough to maybe Not Be Gay. but framed in the context of 8th grade they all start to get a lil fruity. Im just gonna go through lyric by lyric for this one. "caught staring again / like a deer in the headlights / when you can't move fast enough / i take a hit for the team / pretty girl is blushing / i can't tell if she's disgusted / laughter starts to swell / someone gets the joke." this kid was staring at some cute boy ass and got caught and everyone is laughing at him for being gay. the "pretty girl" here is what most people think he's staring at but with the rest of the song it's obvious she's not the one he's looking at. "bells ring, i make my escape / helps a little, but doesn't save / beat downs a common thing / with us every day / maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools / so maybe i like the abuse / or maybe i just like you." literally This is the nail in penceys fucking coffin. "maybe i like the abuse or maybe i just like you." this kid purposefully takes beatings from his bully who is Obviously male if you take into context the next verse. because he Likes Him. "maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools" literally willingly taking beatings from his bully bc he has a crush. "another confrontation / you've got something to prove / your girl can't tell how tough you are / when you beat me up in the boys room." this just confirms that the subject of the song is a boy, and a tough macho boy with something to prove. maybe also hiding his own internalized homophobia through bullying? "well i made a big mistake / but i can't help who i like / this may not cost my life / but i am branded forever lame." LITERALLY ITS RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. "can't help who i like" "branded forever lame" do i even need to fucking explain this oh my god. he got outed as gay, he Can't Help Who He Likes and is now branded forever as "the gay kid." the rest of the song is general "im gonna get back at my bully" stuff but literally THIS. THIS is the song that brands all penceys other very vague songs as 100% verified super mega ultra gay.
7) 19
this song has a lot less, and is more about internal struggle than anything. but it is the only song with a "she" pronoun in it. but there is one thing i wanna mention. "I scream out loud / but no one hears a sound / i take my life with lack of sleep / i believe the things i feel / the things i see are fooling only me." this song is about not believing what the world shows you, believing what you think is true in your heart and what You feel. not what anyone else tells you. which is a gay experience. believing in yourself and your heart and your feelings, believing theyre right and theyre true and valid. Also this song has a significance in coming right after 8th grade on the album, going from being 13 to 19, from being unsure in your feelings and angry about the people who dont like you to lost and hopeless but somewhat grounded in yourself.
8) Trying To Escape The Inevitable
this song is about an abusive and toxic relationship, knowing you Need to escape it but being so infatuated with the person you literally cant. “i have this reoccurring dream / you make it hard for me to breathe / i gave you everything i could / i gave up everything i owned / and when you smile it’s not for me / you offer little sympathy / your grasp so far exceeds your reach / i wake up, this is not a dream.” “i have this reoccuring dream / where you admit that you’re not happy / i know that you will never leave / you’re here just to torment me.” which like again this isnt an exclusively gay experience but it is very interesting when framed that way. in that gay people are way more likely to throw themselves into abusive and toxic relationships because they dont feel like they can get anybody else. the repetition of “i know i should run” makes it seem like the speaker Knows he should get out but he just Cant because what if he never finds love again? and the little reprise in the middle “i have a new dream / and everything is perfect / the sky is pink, yellow, green, blue, and orange / and all the past has been forgotten / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and i fell into your trap.” implying that even if he escapes, even in his dreams he still falls for this person because he feels like he cant have anything else.
9) Lloyd Dobbler
another love song about wanting to have someone but not being able to because of Unspecified Forbidden Reasons. “why are you so far away / even when you’re standing next to me? / your eyes give you away / telling secrets your mouht don’t feel like talking.” falling in love with someone, maybe sensing that they like you too. that they Are Like You and that they have a Secret they dont want to vocalize. do i even need to explain it at this point? and in the chorus “That I’ll be your lloyd dobbler / with a boom box out in the street / and i’ll be there if you need someone / even if he isn’t me.” saying you’ll be there for someone even if that person isn’t you, also the use of Pronouns which is big for pencey prep. which yes the use of “even if he isnt me” could imply a straight girl ooorrr....Fruit Behavior. also this line “There’s a norman rockewll painting / of two kids sitting on a bench / it reminds me of all the stupid things / i’d like for us to share, but i dont care.” normal rockwell is a painter that paints traditionally “american” scenes. like the american ideal, that maybe he wants with this person. but he knows he cant have, but its stupid and domestic and he wants it but he Cant Have It because of FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
10) Florida Plates
another of my favorite pencey songs, and this one brings back those tragic “love but we cant have it” themes, except with a more somber tone. instead of being angry or resentful or spiteful in the face of adversity. its an Acceptance, of what they had and how good it was and how it just Cant Last. “kiss a mouth to open eyes / stall one last moment before goodbye / drive in different cars in different directions / never write all the letters full of good words, better intentions / it’s for the best although we don’t know it / paper words will cheapen the moments we shared / it’s better if i say nothing at all.” it’s about knowing you have to leave someone, even if having them in the moment is great they Can’t Stay and you can’t even talk or write about the moments you had. which do i even need to explain it at this point? forbidden love, not being able to have each other, not even being able to Talk about it. its a secret, and painful one but its beautiful while you have it. Conclusion alright!!! thank you so so much if you read all the way through that i Know it was long i Know it was a lot of repetition but i wanted to make my point. pencey prep has very big gay themes in their music. with forbidden love, letting go, heartbreak, keeping secrets, toxic realtionships. which none of it is gay on its own but in the context of: almost none of the songs having clear gender indicators and always speaking really vaguely about the subject and Eight Grade the “nail in the coffin song” you can see my point thank you and goodnight.
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Chop It Like It’s Hot
Chapter 8: Penne for Your Thoughts
Food and shenanigans. Need I say more?
Tag List: @peanut-in-the-goal @whataboutmyfries @raxelle-nite-in-gale @heyoitslysso @spookydiyharrypotterbat
Chop It Like It’s Hot Masterlist
“When you said you were cooking for an entire hockey team, I thought you’d stick to the basics. Maybe a salad appetizer and something easy to make that feeds a lot of people.” Dorcas looked around at Leo’s countertops, which were covered in flour, measuring cups, and homemade pasta. “This seems a little overboard.”
Leo rolled out more pasta dough and mentally took note of the different kinds he’d made so far. Linguine, fettuccine, penne, pappardelle, farfalle…
“I just want it to be good, ok?” He finally looked up from his dough and rolling pin and stopped cooking for the first time in several hours. “Besides, this is a good outlet for me. If I focus on cooking, I don’t have to focus on-” He cut himself off, then added lamely, “Anything else.”
Dorcas sighed. “That’s not how you face your problems and you know it. Talk to me.”
Leo didn’t even fight back about talking about his problems. That was Dorcas’ first clue about how bad this was.
“I can’t do it.” He rubbed at his forehead in frustration. “I can’t be ok with being just friends. I can’t be ok with taking a step back and distancing myself. I can’t be ok with trying to get over them. And I don’t know where that leaves me.”
“I only see one other option here. Talking to them.”
“They’re already perfectly happy together-”
“And who says they won’t be with you?” Dorcas demanded. “You’re only imagining two possible outcomes – talking to them and being rejected, or not talking to them and keeping this a secret. But they could also be in the same position you’re in right now. The only way you’re going to know is if you talk to them.”
“I don’t think I can do that, either. Even if they feel the same, that doesn’t change the fact that they are in love with each other. I can’t get between that.” He laughed dully, and the sound tore at her heart. “My mama would kill me if I became a home-wrecker.”
“Who said love is only between two people? Leo, I know you know this. So why is it so hard to grasp now?”
She could see the second he began to shut down and sighed. “I’m going to hug you now, okay?”
Dorcas wrapped her arms around him and glared at the wall. She was ninety percent sure Logan and Finn both felt the same way and clearly none of them were going to bring it up.
So now it was her turn. And she didn’t hold back her punches.
Those two hockey players were going to get a severe talking-to tomorrow.
“You guys have to promise to be more well-behaved tonight.” Logan told the team as they drove to dinner. Next to him, Finn was nearly bouncing out of his seat in excitement. “Please.”
He got several grumbles in response, but no teasing – which was a surprise.
“So are you two finally going to ask him out?”
And there it was.
“Are you guys finally going to mind your own business?”
“It’s not like we don’t want to.” Finn sighed. “We just don’t know if he’s interested.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.”
“He’s cooking your entire hockey team dinner. That’s dedication right there.”
“Also did you even watch the episodes of your show?”
“You just had to go and run your mouth.” Logan groaned, shooting Finn a look. He just shrugged apologetically as their charter bus pulled into the parking lot.
“Do you know what’s for dinner?” Someone asked from the back of the bus.
“He said it was a surprise.” Finn responded as they all filed out of the bus and inside the restaurant that had been kind enough to host them.
Leo and Dorcas were standing in front of several tables covered in food, which took Finn back to three months ago. He smiled broadly and waved at the two of them. Leo waved back and waited for everyone to settle down before explaining dinner.
“I figured a build your own dinner was probably the best idea for so many people. I hope pasta’s alright with you guys.” Leo said, then began pointing to each variation of noodle as he explained, “We’ve got regular noodles, gluten-free noodles, and then some cauliflower noodles for y’all to choose from. Then we’ve got sauces and proteins to choose from, including some vegetarian and vegan options. Everything is labeled, so go ahead and grab a plate and help yourselves!”
Everyone clambered to get in line and grabbed portions that were way to big for the day before a game. Their nutritionist watched on in horror.
Finn was watching Leo talk to Loops when Logan nudged him with his elbow. “Finn, look.”
“Hmm?” He asked, turning back around to look at what Logan was pointing to. There in front of them was a pot full of creamy white sauce, bacon, and sausage with a little label that read: carbo’hara.
Finn melted.
He’d told Leo that joke during their first conversation and how he and his brother would have it the night before every hockey game as kids. And he had remembered.
“Logan.” Finn said, not bothering to hide the yearning in his voice.
“I know.”
Dorcas was watching all of this with growing frustration. Were they blind or were they just stupid? All of this could be solved so easily with a single conversation, but none of them were willing to take that first step.
She really shouldn’t get involved. It wasn’t her business. But-
“It’s painful to watch, isn’t it?” A stranger’s voice asked. Dorcas turned to look at a girl with blonde hair and mischievous brown eyes. She stuck her hand out.
“I’m Marlene. And I just want to say that I am so sorry you’ve had to deal with the three of them for months now.”
Dorcas smiled and shook her hand. “So you’ve noticed, too?”
“I think everyone has.”
“You’re thinking about interfering?”
Dorcas shrugged. “It’s either that or waiting for them to get their acts together.”
“And who knows how long that’ll take?”
Dorcas laughed, looking appraisingly at her new companion. “I like you already.”
The other girl grinned. “I told Leo when he was in Gryffindor that he should introduce us. He said it was a terrible idea.”
She smiled back. “He was right.”
“So I’ll take Leo, you take the other two? I’m assuming you’ve been trying to talk to Leo but haven’t had any luck.”
“He’s being really stubborn about the whole thing.”
“From all the complaining I’ve heard from the team, so have Logan and Finn.”
Dorcas rolled her eyes. “After dinner I’ll talk to them. Normally I wouldn’t interfere, but this is ridiculous.”
“Agreed. Good luck.”
“You too.”
“Hey,” Marlene spoke up, “Can I have your number? You know, for meddling purposes.”
Dorcas grinned. “I really hope that’s not the only reason you’re asking for my number.”
“Guess you’ll have to see.” Marlene said with a wink.
Oh, boy.
Dorcas was in so much trouble.
But she had other things to focus on right now.
She marched over to Finn and Logan and stated firmly, “You two. We need to talk.”
A dark-haired guy in glasses sent her a wide-eyed stare. “You’re terrifying.” He looked to his teammates. “What did you guys do?”
“Now.” Dorcas said, ignoring the others entirely.
“Rest in peace.” Glasses guy said solemnly as Logan and Finn got up nervously. “It was nice knowing you.”
Logan shared a worried glance with Finn, but they both followed her to a quiet hallway where she turned to glare at them.
“Are you two actually interested in Leo or are you just stringing him along? If it’s the latter I won’t hesitate to punch you.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Logan asked, then frowned. “Fuck, does he think we’re stringing him along?”
“So you are interested?”
Finn looked confused. “I thought that was obvious.”
“What’s the holdup, then?”
“We’re not sure he’s interested.” They shared a sad look. “He’s never given us any reason to think so.”
Dorcas pinched the bridge of her nose. “Oh my god, you three are so stupid. It’s not that he doesn’t like you, trust me – he’s terrified. Think about it. He likes two guys who are already in love with each other, which would be daunting for anybody. And he’s worried that if one of you didn’t feel the same he’d come between the two of you and ruin everything. Not to mention that if he got rejected he’d be rejected not once but twice.”
They stared at her, then turned to stare at each other.
“Fuck.” Finn stated simply.
“Fuck is right.” Dorcas agreed. “Now what are you going to do about it?”
“You were so wrong when you said introducing me to Dorcas was a bad idea.”
Leo laughed and turned to face Marlene. “Hello again.”
“Hey, cooking guy. Anyways, I’m in love.”
“Oh, really?”
“She’s awesome. And terrifying. And I really want to take her out on a date.”
“If you hurt her-”
“Oh my god, are you giving me the shovel talk?”
“No. All I’m saying is that we had entire class of knife skills in culinary school. She knows how to properly butcher things. You hurt her, you’d better prepare for the consequences.”
Marlene blinked, then broke into a dopey grin. “Fuck, that’s so hot.”
Leo laughed, shaking his head a little as he grabbed an empty pot and brought it back into the kitchen to clean. Dinner had been a huge success – almost to the point of them running out of food. Leo had noticed the nutritionist shooting him glares all night and made a resolution to send him an apology letter. He just hoped it didn’t affect their playing too much tomorrow.
He was scrubbing the pot down when another pot was set down on the counter next to him. Marlene shoved his shoulder to get him to move to the side a little. “Figured you could use some help.”
“Thanks.” He said with a smile as she grabbed a sponge.
“So,” She started, and that’s when Leo knew he was in trouble. “I know Dorcas talked to you earlier. And I’m sure you don’t want to hear any more of that, but I wanted to let you know that no matter what happens, it’s going to be okay. I mean, yeah, it might suck for a while, but at the end of the day wouldn’t you rather know than be left guessing forever?”
Leo stopped cleaning out his pot and looked at her, surprised at the turn this conversation took.
She shrugged. “Just a thought.”
He’d never really considered it that way before.
There was a knock on the doorframe, which startled them both. Leo turned around to see the head coach standing there.
“We’ve got to head out soon to get to our hotel at a decent time. Thank you so much for dinner! My guys will be talking about this for months.”
“I’d be happy to do it again sometime.” Leo said, then winced. “Maybe something with a more controlled portion size, though.”
The coach laughed. “That might be for the best.”
After all the goodbyes, Logan and Finn were the last two inside, seemingly reluctant to leave. Leo took that as a good sign.
“We’ll see you tomorrow, right?” Logan asked, green eyes hopeful. “At the game?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” The bus driver honked the horn, clearly fed-up with waiting. “You’d better go before they leave you behind.”
Logan and Finn gave one last wave before heading towards the door while Leo began making his way back to the kitchen.
“Hey!” Logan called suddenly. Leo turned back around to look at them. “Can we take you out to dinner tomorrow? After the game?”
Leo’s stomach churned at the wording. He gathered up all his courage, took a deep breath, and asked, “Is this a date?”
Finn and Logan beamed. Leo’s heart skipped a beat.
“I sure hope so.”
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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