#anyway yes i downloaded this app again just 2 make this post will now continue sleep attempts
nerice · 2 years
tge minor title is 'the quiet place'!!!!!!!!!!!!
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butlerbarb · 5 years
Sweets (Leviathan x Reader)
i suppose i should start this blog off with the first fic i posted on ao3!
Staring at yourself in the mirror as you fiddled with your uniform, you sighed. It just didn’t fit right! Diavolo had said he found the one that matched your human world size the closest, but apparently demons and humans were different in more ways than you thought. With another tug at the chest area, you groaned, deeming it good enough for now. You’d get Asmodeus to fix it later.
Exiting your bathroom, you grabbed your D.D.D just as it buzzed to life with a text. Catching Leviathan’s name on screen, you smiled and unlocked your device. Taking a quick look at the text Mammon had sent you – something along the lines of wanting you to skip with him again – before you opened Levi’s.
Leviathan: Gud morning. Are you going to RAD today?
[Y/N]: …I HAVE to go.
Leviathan: Why do you have to go? You’d have a better time skipping school and playing games with me all day.
You rolled your eyes. Really, what was it with these demons and wanting you to skip school? It was everyday that at least one of the more troublesome brothers asked you to skip and do something else with them. Even if some days you wanted to skip, you knew Lucifer would have you hide if he did, so you tended to avoid any of their persuasion.
[Y/N]: I AM a student, after all.
Hitting send on the text, you clicked your phone off and shoved it into your pocket. Pulling the door to your room open, you were immediately greeted by Mammon, fist already raised into the air to knock on your door. His eyes went wide, and he laughed, his hand falling and landing on his hips in typical Mammon fashion. His shocked expression quickly morphed into a grin that oozed confidence, again, typical Mammon fashion.
“Are you psychic now, Human? Or were you just that excited to see the GREAT Mammon, that you came rushing out of your room?” Mammon spoke, as cheerful and loud as ever. You stared at him, shaking your head at his overflowing confidence, he was very annoyingly cute.
“Yes, Mammon, I was just SO excited to see you this morning I came rushing out of my room as soon as I heard your footsteps.” You spoke sarcastically, hoping Mammon would catch it. He didn’t. Instead, your words only seemed to inflate his ego more. You watched in disbelief as his grin grew wider and a small blush dusted his cheeks.
“Ha-ha! Of course, ya’d be excited to see me! I am the GREAT Mammon, after all!” He boasted again, leaning down slightly towards you. You laughed, rolling your eyes again and reaching a hand towards his waiting head. You gave his hair a ruffle, bushing a part of it out of his eyes.
“Yes, yes of course, you are very great, Mammon. Now let’s go to breakfast please, I’m starving.” Mammon let out a quiet, happy cheer at your praise, refusing to pull away from your hand until you pushed him away. He took off down the hall, leaving you to walk by yourself, to which you wonder what the point of him coming to your room was anyway. With a shake of your head, you pulled your phone out of your pocket as it buzzed again.
You snorted at the text, getting read to type a reply when another two texts popped in from Leviathan.
Leviathan: Well, go on and go if you’re gonna go. Come back home quickly tho. Leviathan: I can’t do any of the co-op dungeons by myself, you know.
You laughed, smiling to yourself as you walked down the stairs to the first floor. You had forgotten that Leviathan had made you play on of his PC games with you the other day, claiming that it wasn’t cause he liked you, he just need someone to do the two player dungeons with and you were the most reasonable choice. He was cute.
[Y/N]: Roger, boss! <3
You watched in amusement as he read the text immediately and the three dots popped up, disappeared, popped up a second time and then disappeared again. Leviathan never ended up replying, much to your amusement, making you think he simply went into emotional overdrive and shut down. He was really cute.
You pocketed your phone right as you stepped into the dining room. Claiming the seat in between Mammon and Beelzebub, you greeted everyone at the table and began piling some food onto your plate. Beelzebub always made comments about how little you ate – although everyone ate very little compared to him – not realized that you couldn’t eat most of the stuff demons ate. Monkey brains, spider legs, you swore you caught Satan downing a vial of poison before. Demons ate things you were sure would kill you in the most painful way possible.
After breakfast, Mammon and Beelzebub accompanied you to your class – Mammon unwillingly, of course – and you spent most of the morning trying to get both brothers to focus on their work instead of slacking off. You felt your phone buzz a few times, but you made sure not to make a habit of checking your phone in class, you didn’t want your teachers, and subsequently Lucifer, getting mad at you.
Around lunchtime was when you finally pulled out your phone at Mammon’s insistence. He demanded you check out this new game he had playing, claiming you would like it as well. You noted that you had a few texts from some demon friends the brothers said would be okay for you to talk to, most just asking if you were busy after school, wanting to hang out. You would have, had you not had plans with Leviathan. Texting them back, telling them you were busy, you then proceeded to the app store to download the game Mammon wanted you to.
You opened it up, both Mammon and Beelzebub now leaning over your shoulder to watch you play. It was a rhythm game focusing on cute, demon idol girls. It also contained gacha elements, so you knew this was just another game Mammon would blow all his money on until he got bored. It was fun, and you had no trouble picking up how to play, having fallen victim to plenty of rhythm games back in the human world.
Mammon complained as you easily S-ranked even the hardest difficulties, claiming he was only able to do up to normal, hard on some songs. Beelzebub laughed at him, claiming he just didn’t have any rhythm himself, which of course, set Mammon off on a tyrant. You ignored Mammon’s insistent yelling, tuning both brothers out as you focused on a particularly difficult song. You tuned them back in once you were finished, only to watch as Beelzebub full-combo-ed an especially difficult song on max difficulty. You high-fived the younger brother, laughing as Mammon complained in the background.
Turning back to your phone, you caught a glimpse of a notification banner sliding off-screen. Closing the rhythm game, you opened your messages, seeing Leviathan’s name at the top. Seeing as he completely ignored your last message made you chuckle.
Leviathan: What’s uuuup? Ur still at RAD, rite? Could you hit up Lament and get some Bufo Egg Milk Tea for me on your way home?
Smirking to yourself, you typed out your reply:
[Y/N]: My services do not go free of charge
You could feel Levi rolling his eyes at you as he typed his response. Once Levi had started warming up to you after making a pact with him, you realized he enjoyed it when you gave him playful responses and teased him lightly. He was always annoyed when his brothers did it, but for some reason played along when it was you.
Leviathan: FINE, be that way [Y/N], I’ll give you some cash so you can get something for yourself, too. I’m still gonna ask you to pay me back tho lol. Thanks in advance 👍
[Y/N]: Aw, you’re the best Levi! I’ll be home in a little, you better have snacks ready :3
After your conversation with Levi, the bell rang for the end of lunch. You headed back to your classroom with both brothers in tow, happily anticipating the end of the day. Your last classes were fairly laid back, meaning time passed by in a blur. Once you and everyone else were released, you insisted Mammon and Beelzebub take you to Lament, knowing you’d probably get lost on your own. You made the trip as quick as possible, knowing if you stayed there for any longer than necessary Beelzebub would try to order everything in the café. You got what Levi wanted, and a snack and drink for yourself with the money he sent you. Mammon demanded you buy him something as well and pouted when you told him you only had the money Levi lent you.
After waiting for an extra 15 minutes so Beelzebub could get his absolutely massive order, the three of you headed back to the House of Lamentation. You quickly ditched the second- and sixth-born brothers in favour of the third-born. You knocked on his door gingerly, entering quickly after you recited the secret password. Leviathan was reclined on his bed, phone in hand as he gazed up at you. He held his hand out expectantly, and you took the hint to hand him his drink. He shifted over slightly in the bed, allowing you room to scooch in beside him.
“What’d you get?” He asked, gesturing to the drink and paper bag you held in your hand. You only shrugged in response; you weren’t really sure what you got yourself. Mammon had pointed out the things that were most “human-friendly,” so you just got that. Explaining that to Levi, he only nodded in response before going back to his phone. You took an experimental sip of your drink, slightly scared about what it would do to you, only to find that it was actually surprisingly good!
You hummed happily as you continued to sip on your drink as Leviathan laughed beside you. Taking the pastry you got out its bag, you started at it in slight horror. It looked… strange to say the least. It was a cupcake that you had thought was adorned with a fondant eyeball and icing. As it turned out, this guess was very, very wrong. The eye seemed to follow you as you moved it around and to your utmost horror, it blinked. Had you not been in Leviathan’s room, you most likely would have thrown it across the room. With a grimace, you held it out to the demon beside you.
“Is this like… safe for me to eat? It feels like it’s gonna attack me if I do…” You spoke quietly, eyeing the cupcake warily. Leviathan laughed at your question, grabbing your wrist to bring the item closer to his face. He sniffed it, before letting go of your hand and shaking his head.
“Nah, I think you’ll be fine, lol. I think it’s chocolate.” He replied, using his pinky finger to swipe a bit of the icing off of it. Bringing it to his mouth, he nodded in confirmation as he licked the sweet icing off his finger.
“Yeah that’s chocolate. The eye won’t hurt you, it’s not actually real.”
“No buts! Just eat it or go give it to Beel.”
With a sigh, you hesitantly brought the dessert to your mouth. Taking a small bite out of it, your eyes lit up at the taste. Surprisingly, it was just as good at the drink! You happily took a bigger bite, no longer feeling creeped out by how it was seemingly living, you were free to enjoy how yummy it was.
“See? I told you it was good, normie.” Leviathan laughed, his hand reaching out to pick off a piece of the actually cake for himself. He hummed to himself, muttering under his breath about telling the guys on the forums to check this out. You snorted, was all that all he was thinking about? People he only knew through the internet? He was so lame, it was cute.
“What does your drink taste like?” You asked, now suddenly curious of the cup he held in his hand. His eyes widened as you reached out to grab it from him, jerking his arm away from you. You frowned, reaching out further for it, only to have him pull it further away from you. This continued until you were practically on top of him, yet he was still just barely able to hold it out of your reach.
“Levi,” you whined, sprawling yourself on top of him as you tried to reach for his drink. “Let me have a taste!”
“No way! That’d be like, an indirect kiss or something!” He protested. At his words, you practically deadpanned, staring him right in the face. No longer reaching for the drink, you let your hands fall to his chest as you continued staring at him. You watched as very noticeable blush dusted his cheeks a bright red colour, as well as the tips of his ears.
“What? Quit staring at me like that!” He pouted, turning his face away from you in an attempt to cover his quickly darkening blush. You nudged his chin with your hand, forcing his gaze back onto you. You stared down at him until he finally met your eyes again, a pout on his lips. God, when he looked like this you could have sworn, he was the Avatar of Lust, not the Avatar of Envy.
“You’re so worried about an indirect kiss, does that mean you’ve never actually kissed someone, Levi?” You asked quietly, leaning down closer to the demon underneath you, watching him squirm in panic at your question. He refused to meet your eyes, the colour on his ears darkening more than you ever thought possible. Although, seeing as you were in the realm of demons, you supposed anything could be possible now.
“Quit it…” Leviathan muttered sheepishly, his bottom lip jutting out more and more. Moving your hand from his chin, you slide it up the side of his face and into his hair. Just like his older brother, Leviathan was weak to having his head rubbed and hair played with.
“I’ll stop if you want me to, Levi. I won’t use the pact to make you stay if you don’t want to.” You offered, backing off slightly and getting ready to remove yourself from him. He stopped you, however, his hands shyly resting on your hips to keep you in place. He refused to meet your gaze, but you could tell by the way his fingers dug into you slightly that he didn’t want you to leave.
“Tell me what you want, Levi.” You teased, using the hand that wasn’t tangled in his hair to trace the side of his face. The embarrassed glare he shot at you was so adorable, you almost cooed at him like a child, but you knew that would only ruin the mood. You slowly dragged your hand from his cheeks to his lips, using your thumb to pull at his bottom lip slightly. The noise that left his mouth, similar to that of a kitten, was adorable to say the least, and you could feel yourself swooning at his cuteness.
“Levi, you’re so cute.” You whispered, leaning down to ever so slightly brush your lips against his, watching in amusement as he stretched to fully connect your lips with his. You moved to brush your lips against his again, but right before you could, you swerved to the left slightly. Grabbing his once discarded milk tea and bringing the straw to your lips, you took a sip before scowling at the taste. You assumed it was probably because of the weird, slimy texture of the Bufo eggs, but something about it was off-putting.
From underneath you, Leviathan groaned, frowning up at you. You feigned innocence, tilting your head to the side as if to ask did I do something wrong? Before you could react to anything, Levi’s hands that were once on your waist moved to cup your cheeks in the blink of an eye. He then, suddenly feeling bold you assumed, brought your lips to his forcefully. The kiss was awkward, clearly showing his inexperience, but it made it more endearing to you.
Leviathan, the socially awkward, shut it nerd, was willingly giving you, a human, his first kiss. This was the best day of your life, really. You sure hoped Levi was enjoying it as much as you were, if not you were sure the situation would quickly become awkward. You definitely didn’t want this to ruin the friendship you had with him, and his brothers as well.
Demons, as you just found out, could hold their breath much longer than humans. When you pulled away from him, he was nowhere near as out of breath as you were, but you could probably blame that on your own excitement and the way he kissed you without warning. You weren’t complaining, though, you liked the bolder, confident side of the normally awkward and sheepish demon.
Leviathan frowned up at you, obviously upset that you pulled away when he wasn’t finished. You rolled your eyes at him, poking his cheek lightly as he tried to pull you back down to him. You rolled off of him, curling into his side. He sighed, wrapping one arm around you as his other grabbed his previously discarded drink. You didn’t realize when you had let go of it, more than likely sometime when he was kissing you.
“Weren’t we supposed to be playing games?” You asked, peering up at him from under your lashes. He glanced down at you, a hint of a smile on his face as he shook his head at you.
“We were, but you seemed more interested in stealing my drink from me. Can’t believe I let a normie like you kiss me.” He replied, setting his drink down of his nightstand to grab his phone. You watched as he loaded up a website, one you certainly didn’t recognize, and began furiously typing on his phone. You snorted at his response, batting him lightly on the chest.
“Oh please, Levi, you’re the one that kissed me. You’re so cute when you’re confident, by the way.” Levi’s typing slowed to a stop at your words, his cheeks flaring to life once again. He refused to look at you, his eyes staying focused on his phone screen as he tried to finish what he was typing.
“Whatever, it’s not my fault you teased me like that.” He spoke, trying to sound as confident as possible, although you knew he was freaking out on the inside. He blew a strand of hair out of his eyes, the arm he had wrapped around you tightening slightly. He was embarrassed for sure, but you found it all the cuter.
Peeking at his phone, you caught a brief glance of what Levi was typing and had to suppress a laugh.
You guys aren’t gonna believe but totally just kissed a super cute waifu! LMAO!
You didn’t know what a “waifu” was or why it was a “LMAO” moment, but it didn’t really bother you.
Leviathan really was the cutest.
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indecisive-v · 3 years
NINJAMUFFIN DOING ANOTHER AMA ON TWITTER, HERE'S MORE SHIT FOR YA! keep in mind i'm just sharing the funkin related stuff, though i am including WAAAAY more than what i shared before 👍 go check out ninja's twitter profile for questions about stuff like ritz! questions in blue, answers in orange. if yall don't wanna read everything i MIGHT make a version of this post where i replace the answers with my own summaries of em (and if the questions are long, those too)
and here's a link to the ama tweet itself! dunno if it's still goin
Q: I figure the answer will be yes but do you have more plans to implement more guest appearances from people in the newgrounds community into FNF? Or are you all gunna focus on OG lore and stuff going forward
A: for guest appearances, I think we have always seen it as getting a healthy mix of both. PERSONALLY I'd like to lean towards having more OG stuff than guest stuff, BUT it's all a matter of what other boys think of that as well. I'm not the sole person working on game!
Q: Are you gonna release the full FNF game or are you gonna be releasing week after week? Like, are you gonna release week 8 or are we gonna wait some years until The Full Ass Game comes out?
A: Release plan for FNF right now is a few more updates or whatev to the 'demo' we have out right now, and then a long silence of probably no updates whatsoever until the full game is done (which will likely be a few years). That's partly why we made kickstarter for game.
Q: Hey so like, how much will Fnf cost after it's finished? And when will you ask the supporters what they want the game on?
A: It's all subject to change, but right now it prob gonna be standard 15-25$ lil steam indie game.
We will ask Kickstarter pledgers and whatnot what they want the game on SUPER close to when its released, to keep options open if we get onto anything like a console people want.
Q: 1. how was your day
2. are you releasing a week 8 song early like week 7, or are you goin full lockdown
A: I am doing GOOD today, and I think recently I've been good in general.
up to the mood, but so far we doing good about not having anything leak or whatev, so I think it'd be fun to have update come out with people not knowing what to expect at all. Build dat intrigue
Q: Will fnf ever get official plushies?? Seems like an untapped market
A: FNF plushies will prob happen some point, we have a lot of current merch stuff on our plates already though! (Mostly kickstarter type stuff, shirts, pins, posters, and all the physical OST stuff) Its a lot to sort out, but in time more and more stuff will happen. We r jus 4 boys!
Q: did you ever expect your game to blow up as it did? what was your first reaction to seeing it become super popular
A: FNF never had a humble moment, literally day 1 before the prototype even came out, the vid on twitter had like 5K likes overnight. Then when ludum dare version came out, it got 5K likes again, like it wasnt just a fluke. Was crazy, and def felt like somethin was different wit FNF
Q: Do you plan on getting other people to come in to help with the music? That seems like a lot of work to dump on one person, what with the erect mode and whatnot.
I guess the question could apply to all aspects of development. Will you be bringing on more people to help?
A: We definitely are getting help from other people. We are always keeping an eye on people for various different things. In terms of programming, already I've gotten 2 people (MtH and Geokureli) to help with certain Week 7 stuff (charting/polish, and loading stuff). Shit like dat
Q: Oh, also, will the Steam version be Workshop compatible? That'd really help streamline the process of downloading mods.
A: Steam version of FNF will likely NOT be Steam workshop compatible, because we want all the mods to NOT be spread out through different places. There WILL be modding support that is as streamlined as Steam workshop though. Mainly for non-steam versions of the game!
Q: Are there any chances that the game will have a physical release? Also any updates on a switch port? I remember one of you guys talking/joking about it.
A: Not impossible for FNF to get a physical release. We would want to see how far we could go with it though. I think it'd be super easy to do something wit people like LimitedRun games or whatev, but I think stuff like that can only go so far. I wanna see Funkin in mf Walmart!!!!!!
not that LimitedRun isn't going to be an option! Just we consider and pursue many different things! FNF release is years away, so we have time to think about everything. Whole mindset can be different just a few months from now.
Q: Out of curiosity, how are you dealing with all the popularity? It blew up so fast id barely be able to handle it if I was in your shoes.
A: The only way I've been able to handle it is having the other boys on the crew and being able to talk to them about all the overwhelmingness.
Part of it feels very lonesome, feels like NO ONE can come close to comprehending exactly how I'm feeling, except them. also other PALS!!!
Q: Do you own any of the bootleg FNF merchandise? Like any bootleg plushies or anything?
A: i dont, i genuinely think they r a waste of money, and I know any bootleg shit that gets made, we can prob go about and make it, and make it 100x cooler because we actually put effort into shit. bootleg shit just in it for the coin, so they aint gettin that from me
Q: How did you go about getting in contact with sr pelo for skid and pumps vocals?
A: Pelo i think was familiar and pals wit PhantomArcade a bit thru various Newgrounds things and collabs and whatnot.
pelo retweeted the first OG FNF posts first ever, and brought a LOT of attention to it. to pay him back, we put skid and pump in game! ask dave for more info prob
Q: what's the plan for having the full ass game open source if it's gonna cost money? couldn't people just download the source and compile the game for free?
A: when FNF is fully released, the full source code will be released as well.
the game will be DRM free so it will be way easier for people to redistribute the released/offical .exe instead of compiling it, so that's not the issue anyways. people will pay for things if they like it
Q: What are the chances of it getting on consoles like switch or Playstation, ps5 would definitely be my preferred way to play
A: it'd be a matter of hiring someone to build out backend stuff for those specific consoles. someone who knows their way around all the wacky code stuff, AND knows console hardware stuff. Then its just a matter of hittin up those console manufacturers (Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo)
the CLOSEST one is SWITCH. pretty much all of that backend is already made, so it just a matter of gettin all that access and shit.
i think in any case though, there's a lot of NDA stuff required, i dunno how much we'd be able to talk about it even IF we get that stuf sorted
Q: any ideas of releasing it on epic store or another platform?
A: Right now, the only thing that is 100% confirmed and WILL happen is a Steam version, itchio version, and mobile versions on respective app stores. Other storefronts aren't out of the picture though, but we don't want to spread ourselves too thin with it.
Q: Will you continue using HaxeFlixel to make the rest of FNF?
A: yes, because it is what I'm the most technically proficient in, and generally is VERY flexible. just a matter of ME becoming a better coder. It's ALL open source, so if I need something done a certain way, either I can do it, or we can hire someone to do it.
Q: have you seen game theory's videos on your game yet and if so, what do you think about them? (not talking about his predictions because i dont want spoilers. i like mystery)
A: it is always good silly fun to watch the Game Theory vids about Funkin with some pals, and see what matpat thinks of the game. i lov the vids, but wish he used my face less! Or at least used a cuter pic of me like this one!!
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Q: Ok so: What does the future of FNF look like to you?
A: future of FNF is a rhythm game that not only exceeds every expectation that people have of it, but subverts most expectations and conventions as well.
Q: Do you plan on retouching on older weeks once the game is fully out? Like reanimating sprites, redoing some charting, updating the background, etc
A: retouching and probably overhauling certain aspects is almost definitely gonna happen. Everything is fluid and can be changed (and should be changed when necessary). i dont think anything should be too attached to, especially this early on in development
Q: I honestly do not care if the answer to this is vague as hell to keep surprises and shit lol but… Since Week 7 was the closest we’ll get to a playable girlfriend (still bf controlling tho), do you have plans to make girlfriend playable in spin-off things or just freeplay?
A: wouldnt be out of the picture for a playable GF, i don't think we've had some hard thing AGAINST it. just a matter of what we want out of the game, and what sort of story or whatev we could do with that concept
Q: How do BF and GF manage to meet famous newgrounds characters (such as pico, tankman and the others to come) like is this all in one universe/ timeline or are they being brought in?
A: i think they are all just there existing. i think there's a lot of wacky things in other media that try to justify crossovers, like MULTIVERSE bullshit or TIMELINE shit, but i dunno, its like subspace emissary. Captain Falcon and Olimar from Pikmin just hang out. Shit like dat
disclaimer that all lore shit is in phantomarcade head pretty much and maybe there is wacky dimensions or somethin
Q: Will the game have dlc?
A: its not too unlikely that we'd have expansions of some sort, but i mean right now we plan on packing in as much as we can into base game, and trying to make that as pure as possible.
if there is ANY dlc, i would personally want it to be 100% free updates
Q: How did you meet Phantom Arcade, Kawai Sprite, and EvilSker? And what do you think about the community and its controversies?
A: me and phantomarcade been fukin around NG for years so years and years ago we naturally crossed paths and became pals
about 2 years ago i found kawaisprites music on NG, and started talkin wit him, made Ritz wit him and we fell in lov
and evilsk8r i met cuz of FNF!!!
quik elaborate on evilsk8r, wanted artist for gamejam FNF was for (ludum dare), and OG person i asked wasnt available, so he referred me to evilsk8r, who I have never met or talked to before ever.
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weatheryellow203 · 3 years
Download Sailor Dressup For Mac
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Sailor Dress Up
Download Sailor Dress Up For Mac
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Old Sailor Dress Up For Kids
Download the apk file of the application you need (for example: Sailor Dress Up - Girls Games) and save to your phone 3. Open the downloaded apk file and install Open the downloaded apk file and install. Download Gacha Studio (Anime Dress Up) For PC Windows and Mac can be easily installed and used on a desktop computer or laptop running Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 and a Macbook, iMac running Mac OS X. This will be done by means of an Android emulator.
I hated it! Because 1: They aren't even Salior Moon characters duh! They are Precure girls! 2: Hummy ( the cat ) isn't even part of that Precure group! 3: We all can agree it's the worst app in this play store.
How to use The Sailor Dress Up for PC and MAC
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It's not sailor moon it's pretty cure I don't know how to put the hair on the non sailor moon people
It is not sailor moon is pretty cure but I don't care is a good game
That is not sailor moon I know be cuse I even orderd super sailor moon
I love the game but can you make a different glitter force like toca Boca life glitter force thank you by
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It is Pretty Cure anyway, not Sailor Moon. No sound and boring, please improve it.
It's not sailor moon but ok, it still pretty good
Not Salior Moon The Anime Is Yes Precure 5 Gogo Not Salior Moon Someone Is Mixing The Anime Titles And Salior Mercury Is Spelled Wrong Like Geez People Come On
Stupid it doesn't let u do ANYTHING DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT'S A WASTE OF TIME!!!😡
Sailor Dress Up
It won't let me play it without it saying that the app can't be downloaded😕on my phone📱.
Not sailor moon but I love precure and Yes!Precure 5
Good This is not sailor moon this is pretty cure but still a good game
Great Well...at least I get to turn them into The Glitter Force
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Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up is going to take you to the fantasy lands of Gacha. But the bad is trying to take over the Gacha universe and corruption has become common and is back now in the universe. But there are always some good things that are trying to finish the bad ones and make things neutral again. Similar is the case here and there are some summoners and heroes who are finding a way to bring down the corruption once again. Furthermore, they are trying to make the universe re-surface again from the darkness and make it brighter.
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Start the journey in this universe and explore the lands that have never been explored before by anyone. There are hundreds of different units in the game, each with their own capabilities. So, make sure to use the units effectively and as per condition to win the scenarios. help these summoners dress up with the best looks possible. There are several things to choose fro that makes the characters look better in the universe. Select from the dresses first and then give them the perfect hairstyle and make over.
Once you have designed the perfect makeover for the character enter with it in the scene you want to. Your goal is to now create the scene right after you design the character. Moreover, add text to the scenes and several props to choose from and make the perfect scene possible. With it make your own story and once you have created the best one, share it with your friends and see theirs to see who has more creativity and talent hidden inside.
Now, if you are looking for How to Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC then move on to guide below. You can download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up on Windows and Mac and enjoy it on bigger screens now. There is no official way to get Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up on Laptop & PC. But you can use some emulators to download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC. You can download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP and Mac OS. So, follow the steps given below and Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up on PC on both laptop and Desktop PC running Windows & Mac.
Also Read: Dunk Line For PC & Laptop – Free Download
Old Sailor Dress Up For Kids
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How to Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC (Windows/Mac)
First of all, Download any of the android emulators given below.
BlueStacks | BlueStacks 2 | BlueStacks 3
Now, Open the Android Emulator you just installed to Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC.
Enter all the Credentials required to start using your Android Emulator. You will also have to enter your Google Account credentials to continue using Play Store.
Now, you need to follow Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up and there are three ways you can get it.
First of all, you can get it by following the Download button given in the Play Store box at the end of the post. If you want to do it entirely from the emulator then follow steps given below.
If there is a search icon in your emulator then enter “Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up” in the bar and click on the “Search using Google Play” option. Once you find Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up, install it. If you don’t have Search using “Google Play” option in your emulator then follow next step.
Go to the My Apps Section of your emulator and trace the System apps there. From the list of apps open Google Play Store and search for Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up there. Once you find Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up start installing it immediately.
Once you have installed Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up for PCusing the sites given above find it from Apps section. If you have Search bar type Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up there and select it to start enjoying Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC.
Developer: Lunime
That’s all for How to Download Gachaverse RPG & Anime Dress Up For PC. There is a bundle of other similar guides that you can follow on TechnicDroid and solve your issues. If you like the guide please leave feedback and Share with your friends. All your feedback and queries are welcome, So, feel free to do so.
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bxcksdoll · 5 years
Pairings: Thor x reader
Summary: Y/N teaches Thor how to use instagram.
Request by @gbadwal : Heyy can you make a thor x reader where she is teaching him how to use ig but he posts a picture of her sleeping coz he has like millionssss of followers
Warnings: none
A/N: Chris Hemsworth is do pure in the gif below uwu
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“What is that?” Thor asked from behind you, as you sat curled up on the couch next to Natasha.
“What’s what?” the redhead responded, glancing behind at him.
“That thing you’re on, on your phone,” he moved around the couch and squeezed in between you, causing the two of you to move into more space and complain as you did so.
“Uh, you mean Instagram?” Natasha laughed, dryly, clicking different keys on the screen to show him.
“Yes, what is it?” Thor leaned his finger closer to her phone, attempting to touch it, but she snapped her hand away from his.
“Oh no, big guy, you’re not messing with my phone. Last time you held Tony’s you almost dropped it so stay the hell away from mine,” she protested and Thor nodded in agreement, reluctantly moving his hand back.
“Do you both have Instagram?” Thor asked, turning his head from Natasha to you.
“Yeah, everyone does,” you giggled. Thor felt a hint of embarrassment at not knowing what it was and felt he must have it to be like ‘everyone’.
“Then I want it too!” he gleamed, hiding his slight embarrassment with an adorable smile that always made you melt.
Natasha burst out laughing. Thor turned to her, a confused frown plastered on his features. Natasha, quickly, regained herself as her expression went serious again. “Oh, you’re serious?” she asked with disbelief.
“Very much serious,” he nodded.
“Do you even know what Instagram is used for, Thor? Or how it works?” you asked.
“Not really but that doesn’t matter, I’m sure you can teach me how it works, my love,” he gave you another heart-warming smile which you couldn’t say no to.
“Um, sure,” you replied. “I’d be happy to help!”
Natasha burst out laughing, again. “Good luck, Y/N! I think I’ll leave you too alone for a few hours to see how long it takes for Thor to figure out how to use it,” she teased, leaving the room.
Thor grumbled something under his breath which you couldn’t quite hear - you assumed it was some snarky remark about Natasha.
“Do you have your phone with you?” you asked him.
“No, it’s in the kitchen I think. I’ll be back in a moment.”
After Thor returned, you downloaded Instagram on his phone and started setting up his account. Annoyingly, he didn’t have an email yet so you had to create one first in order to start his account.
“What do you want your username to be?” you asked, scooching closer to him.
Thor paused, his brows furrowing, “my...what?”
You facepalmed, laughing to yourself. “It’s what you name yourself on social media - how people know it’s you. For example, Bruce’s is @brucebanner - he kept it simple but Natasha’s is @thisisnatasha.”
“Oh, I see,” Thor nodded, “I think mine should be...@godofthunder!”
“Hmm, sorry, sweetie, but that username is already taken.”
“What?! How? That person is an imposter! I am the only god of thunder!” Thor raised his voice as you giggled in response.
“They’re not really a god of thunder, Thor. They just decided to have that username, that’s all. Anyway, one thing you’ll learn about social media is that lots of people pretend to be people they’re not - so be careful,” you replied, placing your hand on his knee.
“Oh, right. Of course,” Thor laughed, slightly embarrassed. “In that case, should my username be @sonofodin?”
“Yes, that’s a good choice and it’s free too!”
After setting up his account, you showed him all of the pages he would use.
“This is your feed - you haven’t got any right now since you don’t follow anyone. And here is the search page where recommendations will pop up. If you click this bar you’ll be able to search for anything you want. Here, I’ll make you follow the others...and if you now go back to your feed and click on the top right you can message any of us!”
Thor grabbed his phone from you and turned it so that you couldn’t see it. For a moment, you were confused but then you felt a familiar buzz from your back pocket; you sat up slightly to take your phone out of your pocket. Switching it, on the screen read: ‘@sonofodin: Hello, my love😉’.
You laughed out loud, smiling up at him. “When did you learn to use emojis?”
“Stark put them on my phone a few weeks ago. I think they’re rather amusing,” he grinned back and turned his phone towards you, once again.
“Okay and now if you go on your feed you can see what everyone posts. See, there’s Wanda out on a date with vision! If you scroll down you’ll see more - ah it’s Clint and his daughter!”
“And how might I post my own photos, love?”
“You press this middle button and your camera roll comes up like this,” you helped him.
“Thank you, Y/N. I can’t wait to try this out! How do I receive these followers you talk about?”
“Well, if you post something they will start following you. Oh, you see that circle below the heart?” Thor nodded. “That means someone has either liked a post of yours or has followed you. See, Tony, Natasha, Sam and Bruce have already followed you back!”
“Woah, that was rather fast...do people spend their whole lives on this app?” he scrunched up his face.
“Yes, some do,” you laughed. “You just have to make sure you don’t get too carried away.”
“I’m sure I won’t use it too often.”
Just then, Sam came skidding into the room.
“Since when did you get Instagram, Thor? I didn’t even think you knew how to turn on a phone!” he shouted.
Thor sighed, frustrated. “Does everyone around here think I’m some incapable old man who can’t work a simple device?!”
“Well, you are over a thousand years old, sweetie,” you giggled, kissing his cheek.
That night, you barely got any sleep. Usually, you would stay up on your phone for most of the night but tonight it was Thor. You lay in bed, turned away from him as he sat up, his face close to the blue light of his phone.
“Thor, hunny, can you turn the brightness down? I can’t sleep!” you complained.
“Sorry, my love, but I’ve turned it to the darkest it can go,” he replied, continuing to scroll through Instagram.
To your surprise, you managed to get some sleep and woke up as the sun shone through your eyelids. Turning over, you admired Thor sleeping on his back, his phone rising and falling on his chest. You laughed to yourself and took your phone from the nightstand beside you.
Opening Instagram, you decided to go on Thor’s new account to see what he had been posting. But, so far, he had only posted one picture. Your eyes widened in shock and embarrassment as you clicked on it.
Thor had posted a picture of you curled up in bed, the blanket around you positioned securely. He had taken a picture of you while you slept. Glancing down, you saw that the caption read: ‘Hello, Instagram! This beautiful woman helped me set up my account and showed me how this all works. Excited to be here.👍’.
He had gained 5 million followers overnight which shocked you and, as you looked down you saw that the post had over 2 million likes.
You sighed, deeply, annoyance running through your body. However, when you turned to look at him your annoyance melted into content and love - he looked so relaxed and happy, which you couldn’t stay mad at.
Looking down in the comments you sighed and laughed, again, at the other Avenger’s commenting:
@starktony: She may look peaceful now but just wait till she sees you’ve posted this. It was good knowing you, buddy.👋🏻
@stevengrogers: Yay!! You finally got it! Y/N looks so cute here.
@wandamaxi: HAHA! She’s adorable.🥰
@thisisnatasha: Awwww my bby is so cute!
@jamesbbarnes: You’re dead once she sees this, pal.
@imsamw: Thanks for this, now I can blackmail her with it😈
You shook your head, moving closer to Thor. You wrapped your left arm around his torso, laying your head on his chest.
“You’re gonna have to make this up to me when you wake up, Thor,” you smirked, trailing small circles on his chest.
Tag list: @xmarveled
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
I know that the chapter is short, but also, the couple of folk that are still here are pretty understanding and I told y’all, I haven’t been well. But, I did wanna push something out for y’all and hopefully get my joys flowing again. Thanks for reading. As always, Tumblr changed my format. And as usual, I don’t feel like changing it on the post. 😄
Wedding Plans
Charlotte was going to tough it out and let Jasper give her a tattoo for her 21st birthday anyway, so getting it done a little sooner (and now it was more significant than whatever she was probably going to decide on), was great. And, she could now say that she’s had it done and never has to do it again. She did not have a high threshold of pain, like Jasper did. It was only a few minutes, but she felt like she was being tortured and she was not a fan of it, in any way, shape or form. But, she liked the way that Jasper spoke really soothing to her while she whimpered and kissed her on her nose and asked her if she wanted him to continue. He was so damn sweet and affectionate to her. 
Jasper was the type of partner who, without fail, every month whenever her period showed up (first of all, he downloaded the same calendar app that she used to keep up with hers and any changes); he brought her supplies and catered to her, even if she didn’t particularly “feel bad” during the week. He monitored the dogs, in case she wanted to keep them cuddled beside her, or in case she did not want them anywhere near her. Periods could be tumultuous for her sometimes and he tried to pay extra attention and anticipate her needs when she was going through it. This particular one, she wanted to be positive and encouraged, but her body decided that it was going to try the exact opposite route. 
Despite being exhausted with his internship, class and everything else on his plate, Jasper made time to prepare an extra special care package. He had gotten some tips from Adanna on some remedies and she had prepared him some of her favorite go to concoctions and mailed them to him. He put the glass jars and pretty bottles into the basket that he used every month for her care package and went to her apartment. He let himself in, of course, and she was asleep, so he was able to work in silence. The dogs were on the patio, which was gated and had their dog house and feeding bowls outside, set apart from the little table and chairs that they usually sat at whenever they had an outside date night. Having the peace of the place at his disposal, Jasper lit candles in each room, prepared tea, started on breakfast and set her basket and the card he’d gotten her on her dining room table, a bouquet of her favorite flowers and a set of “period crystals” (Amethyst, Moonstone, Obsidian, Quantum Quattro) that he had gotten her, but she had yet to actually use.
She got out of bed whenever she smelled food and limped into the room, ready to have tea and medicine, because her entire lower body was aching. “Morning, Babe,” she said, and kissed his tricep from behind, because that was the easiest thing for her to reach. He loved all those little random place kisses she gave him.
“Morning, Beautiful. Have a seat. Breakfast is almost ready.” 
She smiled and sat down, “I can’t believe that you made time to do all of this, this time. You have a lot to do, Jasper!” 
“Not so much that I’m gonna stop loving you the way that I love you,” he said and shrugged his shoulders. She gushed and he leaned down to give her a kiss on the lips. She quickly allowed it and backed away. She hadn’t brushed her teeth yet. “Anyway, I’ve gotta eat too, why not here, with you?” He presented a plate to her and sat down with his own. Charlotte looked at the time on her phone. If she took some medicine now, she should be functional enough to go to class with minimal to no pain. After breakfast, they washed up and headed out. 
That week was difficult for him, because he definitely wanted to be sure to take care of her, but he also had a lot of important things to do. Classes in the morning, internship in the afternoon, sleeping until late, moonlighting at the tattoo parlour, and a nighttime nap until morning. “How do you get a chance to work out with this current schedule? You won’t be ready to play if you don’t keep up with your exercise.”
“Baby, I don’t think that I have time to keep up with sports. This internship is kicking my ass. I wouldn’t even be at the parlour, if I didn’t need the money.” He looked exhausted and she hated it. “Not only do I need to survive, but we’ve got a wedding coming up. I mean, I don’t know when, but I know that they cost money.”
“We don’t have to do anything fancy. We can just have our closest friends and a cake!”
“I’ve been waiting my whole life to find somebody who would be willing to marry me and you think I’m gonna commemorate it with “a cake,” Charlotte?”
“I just don’t want you breaking your back for something that isn’t necessary. Jasper, we’re as in love as any married couple, already. I’m committed and I believe that you are too. All we need is a legal contract and witnesses that we care about… and yes, a cake. A Charlotte cake, for me. I always wanted to have that as my wedding cake, even though it isn’t usually made for such a special event.”
“We can have Charlotte cake for everybody,” he said, making notes in his Wedding Planner… which she just noticed. 
“Hey, what you got there, F Sized?”
“Our wedding planner. I’m putting all of our notes in it, separated by these little tabs, and I’m gonna get with Henry on the best ideas so that we can make it happen. Oh! He’s calling!” Jasper cheered and answered the phone, “Yo, yo, yo!!!” Jasper yelled and got up and left the room. Charlotte sighed and texted a group chat that she had recently created, titled “Matriarchal Matrimony Advice,” including herself, Rosemary Page, Jasper’s Mom Pansy, and Adanna Blackfoot. 
“Hey. Jasper is running himself ragged and not listening to my sound advice. How do I get him to think it’s his idea to take a break?”
Jasper’s Mom: You would know before I would. If you figure it out, let ME know.
Mom: Let him do what he feels like he needs to do and just back him up whenever he falls short. No need to manipulate or trick. Just, let him do him. He most likely knows his limits better than you do. Even if he isn’t that responsible, he knows that he’s got you to think about now.
Adanna: My advice. Just let him know that it is really important to you that he takes some time for himself and gets some rest. You want your lover at his best and it makes you happy whenever he can be. To be at his best, he’ll need to get some rest.
Charlotte: Thanks Moms!
Charlotte’s birthday was nearby and even though Jasper hadn’t posted a video in a while, he wanted to be sure to do a Birthday Tribute episode for her. It would probably be the last one that he had a chance to create, with his schedule, so he wanted to check in with his fanbase to let them know and also to celebrate her, at the same time. He had done an engagement announcement video, but it was basically a couple of minutes in which he cheered about her saying yes, told the brief proposal story, and got her to show off the ring that he gave her. The outpouring of support was fantastic. He lived for it and hoped to see as much or more whenever he made a video for her birthday.
Now, Charlotte was trying to keep things lowkey for her birthday. Yes, she was turning 21 and that was supposed to be monumental, but with the exception of her adding wine to her diet, she didn’t think any real changes were happening in her life because of the birthday. The biggest real change that she had ahead of her was becoming the next Mrs. Dunlop… Or Page-Dunlop, or Pagelop… “Hey, what’s your opinion on last names when married?” She asked at dinner.
“My opinion, or what I want?”
“Those should be the same thing.”
“My opinion is that everyone should have whatever name they choose to have. But… I… do want you to take my name… Not as like ownership or anything! I just want us to have the same last name.”
“You could take my name, or we could do one of those combined last names, or both have both last names and have them hyphenated…”
“Okay. I wasn’t tryin’ to pressure you. You asked, so I answered…”
“I know! I’m just… I never thought about it because I never planned on getting married and now that I’m planning on getting married, I have to actually think about it. Plus, a wedding… A ring! I don't know where to start on any of it, or when I'll have the time."
"I'll have the time. Summer's in less than 2 months and you know I won’t have classes,” he said, not really seeming very worried about it as he teetered on his phone. 
“You’ll have the time to do what… select your own ring? Aren’t I supposed to do that?” She checked the Clueless Bride App and said, “It’s on MY checklist!”
“I can pick one out and just tell you what I found, although, it really doesn’t matter to me what ring you get. The being married to you part is the prize.” She curled her lips and gave him a doubtful look. There was no way his sensitive ass wouldn’t feel a way if she didn’t get him some kind of exquisite, stylish, and probably expensive ring to wear for the rest of his life and she was not buying what he was selling right now. He smiled, “Just, do your best. I love you.” She folded her arms. Jasper was WAY too used to getting greatness out of her for her to be able to skate by with his wedding ring. 
“Okay,” she said, and rolled her eyes, still knowing better. 
Whenever Jasper pulled her into the show for her birthday, she was sheepish, being on camera with Jasper’s audience. They were… not the same kind of people she spent much time around and sometimes said weird things. Everything from too strong of an interest in their sex life, to trying to push children out of their relationship, to… just weird things that didn’t even make sense to her. But, he wanted it to be a treat and was so excited that it was her first birthday as his fiancee and future wife that she went along with it all. 
They made the video pretty early in the day. She was glad to have already been awake and doing things around her apartment whenever he got up and insisted that a day of magic was ahead of them. Charlotte had gotten a few gifts via mail and several of Jasper’s fans sent stuff to his PO Box for her, too. All that she had asked her loved ones and associates for were engagement/wedding donations. She was accepting funds, coupons, gift cards, and contracts for goods and services. If someone’s aunt was a baker, she wanted to get in touch with them. If a friend was a musician on the side, she wanted to talk to them. She really just needed to know that people who cared enough about her to want to give her anything would just give her help with this one thing that she had never thought about and was totally unprepared for. All she really had ever considered was her dress! And that was because of her interest in fashion, probably.
Adanna offered to be her “road to marriage” spiritual counselor, do wedding and house blessings and make jewelry, if she wanted. She totally accepted all of those things that she hadn’t thought about a moment before they were mentioned.
Henry told her that he’d search for Jasper’s ring for her. “I know ya basic!” He’d typed on her post about accepting charity and assistance on the wedding for her birthday. She just thanked him and didn’t even argue with that insult. It wasn’t worth it when she needed help with the ring. 
Patina had told her that if she needed any help with the dress, she would be more than willing to help out. She was always SUPER VOCALLY supportive of Charlotte and Jasper, possibly out of relief that Jasper stopped bothering her at long last, some time shortly before he gained an interest in Charlotte. “The dress, I actually know exactly HOW I want it, but I’m not sure about how much it’ll cost me and stuff like that.”
Piper: Make a Dress Creation Committee.
Charlotte: Tell me what that is.
Piper: You, me and other people of your choice that you trust will be a group that helps find material and seamstresses and stuff to make sure that your design is made into reality and whenever you can’t personally handle stuff, somebody in the committee can pick up the slack.
Henry: What, like a dress making village?
Piper: Yeah. Just like that.
Henry: I’m down.
Piper:... No. It’s like bridesmaids and stuff.
Henry: Yeah, that’s me. The And Stuff Man.
Charlotte: (At) Adanna, Mom, Jasper’s Mom, Auntie Cohort, availability??? (Grimace emoji)
Jasper’s Mom: I have a lot going on, but just keep me in the loop.
Cohort: I might not be available for dress things, but I still have a lot of stuff in storage that you might be able to repurpose. Never wound up getting rid of a lot of our things.
Rosemary: You know good and well your mama is on board to help with your wedding. ANY mother should be on board to help with her child’s wedding!
Jasper’s Mom: Let me know when everyone meets. I’ll do my best to be there.
RAY offered to throw an engagement party for her (and Jasper), for her birthday. She didn’t know why she would NEED an engagement party. Everyone was tagged for the proposal. Everyone knew that they were engaged! She told him that he could use whatever resources he would have used for an engagement party to redirect towards wedding things. “Because you were very ungrateful about my generous offer, I am going to instead throw Jasper a bachelor party!”
“Good luck. The frat bros will throw him a bigger, better, MANLIER one.”
“How dare you!”
Henry made an effort to be in town more in the summer. He and Jasper were working on the wedding plans, even though they hadn’t decided on a date yet, and fuel for the Man Copter was less than affordable, but the drive took so much longer and he also loved that he was now able to fly the copter whenever he wanted to.
“So… How’s the work schedule turning out?” Henry wondered, setting his things down in Jasper’s room. The dogs were there, because Charlotte had classes and Jasper just preferred that they were locked inside all day when she did. 
“It’s gettin’ there. I was more concerned about this issue with my major.”
“What’s the issue with your major?”
“I still haven’t picked it yet.”
“That’s a major issue.”
“Yeah…” Jasper agreed, then they both laughed a little, before he elaborated, “Whenever Char first started talking to me about it, at the end of sophomore year, we were just getting back good and I didn’t want to make things uneasy. So, I told her that I was gonna do business, and minor in finances.”
“That sounds like a good plan.”
“But, I think I wanna major in economics and minor in finances. I think I actually want to get a business degree and an economics degree, but I’m at the end of my junior year and my advisor is needing me to decide like yesterday, more like last year, and now I want to double major? I can’t. I don’t have the time or the credits. But, also… I can’t let Charlotte know that I didn’t do what I was supposed to. She’ll lose confidence in me. I’m supposed to be marrying her in the near future. She’s gotta be able to trust that I’m gonna do what I say, or she’s gonna chicken out.”
“Maybe, but she’s also gotta be able to trust that when things didn’t go as planned or plans change, that you’ll be honest with her. Charlotte cares so much about you, she’ll help you through it. She’ll really be pissed when it inevitably comes out and you didn’t let her know.”
Jasper sighed and nodded, “You’re right.”
“So… What are you gonna do about your major?”
“I’m… gonna double major in Economics and Business. The internship should help me to be able to only have to add an additional year to my college career, if that. I’m getting a lot of experience and stuff from working there. If I get hired on, after this… I could make a lot of money. I’ll make more with the right degree. I’ll make enough to start a family, and if I work hard, after a little while, I can make enough to be the man of the house. Charlotte will only work because she wants to, but she won’t have to, and for me… that’ll be refreshing. She works so hard, Henry. Like, ALL of the time. She hasn’t taken a break since we got here. She works nonstop and her peers are so crappy to her. She EARNS their respect, but they refuse to give it. Meanwhile, I just show up to class and there’s excitement in it. Everybody thinks that I’m working too hard and stressing out too much, but she’s really the one doing all that and she’s not even having a good time. You know how skilled she is. I caught her crying because one of her supervisors talked to her like she was an idiot for 15 minutes, in front of a group and even though she remained calm in front of everyone and explained clearly what her position was, several of them basically told her that she should have just shut her mouth and it would have been over sooner. She’s so emotional all of the time, but can’t show it, because she’ll be criticised and ridiculed and all of her hard work would be discredited, in their eyes.”
“None of those things even make sense!”
“Yeah, but that’s her life! And, she’s wanted to work for so long in this field and she tries to remain strong and still do her job, but honestly, to me, it seems like everyone tries to beat her down. I hate it. I’m gonna do whatever I have to do to get her to where she knows that IF she doesn’t want to put up with that shit, she won’t have to.”
“The bad thing is that knowing Char, she’ll keep it up, just to prove that everybody is wrong about her.”
“Most likely. What I’m hoping for is that she accepts that no matter what you do, some people, you just won’t get to acknowledge your greatness. Even I know that there’s just no pleasing some people, and I have a fun sized brain!”
Henry laughed about this, but turned his attention to a vision board. “Dude, is this what I think it is?” Jasper glanced over. “Is this one of Charlotte’s vision boards?”
“That’s MY vision board that Charlotte helped me with. We started with my aptitude test results, feedback from professors and Charlotte’s affirmations about me to try to concoct a five year plan for me. Of course, it’s changed a little since the engagement and the major and the internship. But… It’s actually changed for the better, so we’re gonna revisit it senior year and probably make a new one based on the current trajectory.”
“She turned you into a brain!” Henry teased, loving it.
“Hardly. I try to pay attention to things that will help me be better because I really can’t stand the thought of failing her again, or ever, in any other way. You know? Well, I don’t know if you know. You never even go on dates. Where are you at, romantically speaking, anyway?”
Henry squirmed nervously and tilted his head from side to side, “I just… You know, gotta focus on making Junk N Stuff into a more reasonable and sustainable cover, and getting better at my other job, you know? I don’t have time for… any of that.”
Jasper made a face, “Don’t have time, my butt! Charlotte is studying for multiple degrees, works in a laboratory, is involved in extracurricular academic organizations and political efforts, and has an overgrown child to raise and two dogs!”
“You and Charlotte have a kid?” Henry joked, laughing uncomfortably.
“You… deserve to find somebody who’s gonna share all the stuff that you have to do with you. Charlotte worries about you all of the time. That you’ll wind up like Ray.”
“Ray’s awesome.”
“I know! But, she thinks that he probably should have somebody other than work friends in his life, and I think you probably should too. Did you guys even ever replace us?”
“There was no need. Turns out that you didn’t do much mandatory work and Schwoz can do everything that Charlotte can, and he does it right away, instead of arguing when it’s a horrible idea.” Jasper rolled his eyes. “I’m not looking for anybody and if something happens, cool. If not, oh well.” Henry shrugged his shoulders. “Nobody NEEDS a relationship.”
“No, nobody does. But, whenever I’m stressed out at the office, and I can call Char and hear her smiling through the phone, I know that everything that I have to put up with on my job is worth it and I get reenergized and motivated to do a better job than I did the day before. Or, when we’ve both been working so long that we haven’t really seen each other or talked or anything, instead of coming together and boning it out like a lot of our friends do in their relationships and wind up doing it to a complete stranger that they’ve drifted away from, we plan Talk-N-Touch Dates…”
“What’s a Talk-N-Touch Date?”
“It’s when we catch each other up on stuff, and talk about what’s going on all across the board in our lives and touch while we do, Not anything dirty, just holding hands, or playing in each others hair, or like her scratching my belly, me giving her a massage, whatever. Non sexual touch, so that our only time spent together in periods of hectic schedules isn’t just pushing around those hormones and chemicals in the brain, but actually connecting. And AFTERWARDS, sex is AWESOME! It’s the best that we ever have on those nights.”
Henry was surprised, but happy that Jasper was finally willing to mention that type of intimacy between he and Charlotte to him. It made him feel like they truly were back, in full effect. Jasper added, “I’m not saying that you need somebody to have a Pimple Popping Party, a Period Pampering or Wash Day with, but IF you had somebody who’d get rid of your blackheads and back pimples, or someone to treat like a princess her whole period, or somebody you love enough to spend HOURS trying to help her get her hair cleaned and moisturized, those are some really good building blocks for the stuff that you’ll face as spouses.”
“Well, I’m surely not trying to be a spouse, but living vicariously through you is sufficient. We should go out and have drinks tonight. Char said she’s off tomorrow.”
“Yeah. That’ll be cool. You’ll get to see my Drinks for Gifts Hustle.”
“I… You know what, instead of asking, I’ll just wait to witness it.”
This actually began before Charlotte turned 21, but now that she was and enjoyed having drinks to unwind after craziness in the lab or in class, it got elevated. It started with coeds with crushes and flirtatious lab associates trying to impress her. They’d pay for her coffee, or lunch, or saw something and thought about her and even though she’d let them know that they didn’t need to do things like that and that she actually had a boyfriend who loved doing things for her, they didn’t mind and probably figured that they’d get to be on the bench, if things went wrong between them. ESPECIALLY with their break up scare. Charlotte, an honest woman who talks to her boyfriend all the time always let him know whenever somebody did one of these things. Part of her wanted to see if he’d be jealous, but the other part didn’t want it to be something that became an issue later, because she knew that she didn’t too much like it when women did things to woo Jasper.
But, Jasper didn’t respond to things the same way that Charlotte did. He didn’t get jealous, like she did. He got proud. He was always delighted to find out about a new or a constant person who wanted what he had and just couldn’t have it, because HE had her. But, he also didn’t care too much for people always trying to do stuff to impress her. SO, what he did was estimated the cost of things. Like, if she said, “Farud got me a caramel macchiato with a doubleshot of expresso for our lab assignment. Saved. My. Life,” He knew that meant about a $13 gift from Farud. Or “Cicely GAVE ME a bottle of vanilla body scrub from Scrubbies!” He knew that was about a $20 gift. He kept record of it in his documents, and at the end of the month, put the full amount into a Charlotte savings. Every now and then, he’d get her some kind of special treat, “just because,” and know that at least in his mind, he’d outbought anybody trying to impress her with their trinkets here and there. 
It became much more of a challenge/more fun when she began drinking, because Charlotte was HOT and now, she seemed to know it. So, he told her never to be ashamed to accept free drinks from anybody and that she could decide whether or not she even wanted to let someone know that she had a boyfriend. SO, she always drank for free and Jasper never “had to” buy her drinks, AND, he got to put aside the money that he would have spent on her drinks to buy her special and memorable things later.
“Wow! Did you come up with that idea by yourself?” Henry wondered, watching it happen.
“Uh, yeah. I wasn’t gonna be outdone by Charlotte’s non lovers.”
“Jasper, that’s a super great idea!”
“Yeah, I have great ones about 1 out of every 15. So, if I just keep pushing out ideas, the more likely that really good ones come out. This was WAY better than that Buckets o’ Meat idea that I had.” 
Henry vaguely remembered Charlotte talking about Jasper wanting to have a food truck at which he’d cook and serve any meat that you wanted in buckets of various sizes. She’d asked him how much he’d charge for a bucket of steaks, just to see where he was mentally and he said, “I don’t like 100 bucks maybe?” Which… She promptly told him that his idea was terrible and she wouldn’t support it. By now, he was definitely more financially aware. He had this gift of appraisal that he discovered through his aptitude test and Charlotte encouraged him to practice honing. Turned out that somebody who could tell you the features of thousands of buckets over the years could assess materials, labor and workmanship with other products too. He’d always been a good salesman, as well… Well… He was good at speaking up the qualities of stuff and not focusing on the negatives of it. Henry gave him a hug at the bar and he looked confused. “We used to worry about you, but I think you’ve got a damn good handle on your life, Man. I’m proud of you.”
“Awww, Henry!”
“I’m proud of her too, and of the two of you together. I SERIOUSLY thought there was no way that this would ever go this far.”
“Awww. Henry…” The tone was less positive than last time and a little bit cautionary.
“Now, there’s nothing that I support more. I’m really excited about your future together, with how well you two have done together thus far.”
“AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! HENRYYYYYYYYY!” This one was the happiest and Jasper gave him another hug, then looked to see what Charlotte was ordering. “Hmmm…” He pulled out his phone to snap a photo. He wasn’t sure what drink that was, but he’d find it and account for it.
Jasper was knocked out whenever Charlotte got up. She usually didn’t get hungover, no matter how much she drank and Jasper didn’t drink at all, but typically slept in whenever he could. She and Henry had plans today and Jasper would have to be at the firm in a few hours for his internship. She got up and went to wash up and get ready for wherever Henry was going to bring her today. Coming out of the bathroom, Jasper was awake, but barely sitting up, brushing his teeth with the morning breath kit that she had for him in the drawer of the stand on his side of her bed. “Morning F Sized!” She cheered.
He smiled, rinsed, spit, and sat up to receive her. “Morning. Is Henry on the way?” 
She nodded. “You should be asleep.”
“Yeah yeah,” he said and kissed her.
Henry took Charlotte to a few places in her area that he’d already spoken to or looked on their websites for things related to the wedding. “I… Just really don’t understand how or why you think that you don’t have time for a relationship, when you find the time to do things like this. You could be focusing on a relationship with this time,” Charlotte observed.
“I am focusing on a relationship. On the most important relationship of my life - mine with my two best friends, who happen to be getting married and it’s literally the biggest deal.”
She smiled. Okay. Well, where are we off to first?”
“Well, we can’t do cake. Jasper made me promise that BOTH of you gotta be there for cake, since it’s the only thing that you actually care about.”
“That’s not accurate…”
“So, since the thing you need to be concerned about is his ring, I looked up some and wanna how them to you in person. Also, I’ve got Jasper’s finger size and head size.”
“Whhhhhhhy do we need his head size, Henry?”
“Because I found something at one of these jewelry stores that’s gonna blow your balls off when you see it and I think we HAVE to get it for him…”
“Blow my…” She sighed and followed him into the store. But, whenever Henry showed it to her, she knew that he was right. It was a crown. A yellow gold medieval looking thing that had red stones, clear crystals, and silver accents. “I can get that made with jasper stones, and clear calcite or quartz. I can make him a WEDDING CROWN???”
“He’d love that, right?”
“RIGHT! I was gonna get him a trophy, but this is even better.” She gasped, long and hard, “What if I do BOTH?”
“I’m on team both!”
“Me too!” She was about to alert the jeweler, but then thought about it and said, “I wonder if Adanna can make one!” She began texting her and jumped up and down, “She can!!! What about the ring? Is there a ring here that you wanted me to look at?”
“No. That’s a different store, but… the ring is just as perfect…”
“Take me to this perfect ring!” Charlotte said, the most excited that she had been about any of the wedding planning since the proposal. Henry really was… great at this. “You oughtta be a wedding planner, Dude.” He laughed. “I mean, that’s not something I think that guys normally do, but the way that you know flowers, and how easily it seems for you to find stuff for us.”
“That’s because it’s you and Jasper, Dude… But… It has been fun.”
“You could have a little office in the shop of what you’re doing with Junk N’Stuff.”
“Flowers and Wedding Gifts, with a consultation to see if you want a wedding planner…” Henry thought out loud. “I could help fit the ceremony to the couple’s needs and also discount the flowers if I’m used for any other planning services. Might be able to expand it to be a bridal shop, someday, with an in home florist, because that’s gonna be a part of the store, no matter WHAT I end up doing with the space.”
“This is perfect! And whenever I have free time, I could design a few dresses and they could be in there, boutique style for those brides that want something a little different!”
“And if you get tired of those snooty science dudes treating you like crap, WE can go into the business together!” Henry cheered. She stopped smiling for a moment, then laughed it off.
“Maybe, Hen.” She said and shrugged her shoulders, “Few years ago, I would’ve insisted that I wouldn’t touch Jasper if the ghost of Carl Sagan told me that all the knowledge of the universe would be known if I did it. Just last year, I would have assured you that I’m not getting married, no matter how in love I fall. So… Hell, by the time I graduate and have broken my back to get where I wanna be, maybe I MIGHT just decide to make dresses in Swellview.” She laughed again, and he joined in. It sounded even more ridiculous now that she had spelled it out. But, it was still pretty sweet to dream with your friends.
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kikaiz · 6 years
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If you don’t understand why there’s so many dislikes and uproar about Nintendo’s online service that’s launching tomorrow, let me just provide ya’ll a list, because I feel terrible for the majority of folks that don’t know. And no, this isn’t about the price, it’s about what we’re paying for.
Disclaimer: Let me know if any of this information is wrong with evidence, and I’ll update the info. Everything will be under the Read More so that misinformation doesn’t spread and because frankly, it’s long. 
The overall comparisons!
Note: There is a bit of bias here because I am angry and because I don’t care about NES games. Also not everything I’ve listed are things I care about but I know would bother someone out there so they’re in this list. Also here’s the links for the American and Japanese trailers if you’re curious how the dislike ratio has become since this post.
**Price per year**
❎ $60 (Xbox) 🅿️ $60 (PlayStation) 🆘 $20 (Switch Online Service)
❎ Dedicated server 🅿️ Dedicated server 🆘 Peer to Peer WiFi (your own internet server)
**Online and Party Chat**
❎ Need service to play online however, you don’t need it to access apps and services. Membership required for Party chat (thru the system itself). 🅿️ Need service to play online however, you don’t need it to access apps and services or Party chat (thru the system itself). Members also gain a few extra features, including automatic downloads of game updates, early access to some betas, and extended game trials of certain titles. Allows you to share one subscription with all users of the console. 🆘 Need service to play online. Splatoon becomes unplayable offline. No apps available (Netflix, YouTube, browser). Requires smart phone and app in order to Party chat. No Netflix, YouTube, or browser. No themes or messaging.
**Cloud Saves**
❎ Cloud saving for all games as well as free usb transfers. Cloud is also available Free to Everyone and not just paying members. 🅿️ Cloud saving for all games as well as free usb transfers. Unsubscribed members cloud saves are kept for a 6 month grace period. 🆘 Cloud saves for games except Splatoon 2 and Pokémon. No way to back up data otherwise, despite SD card saving being available on Wii, Wii U, and 3DS. Edit: One week after the service launched, we finally got information that there is indeed a 6 month grace period for your cloud saves if you’ve unsubscribed. (Technically 1 year, 6 months, 22 days for this information if we’re counting from when the switch launched.)
**Free Games**
❎ 2 free Xbox one games and 2 Xbox 360 games every month, all new triple A quality. If you unsubscribe, you’ll lose access to these games. However if you resub, you will have access to them and their saves again. Xbox 360 games can be kept regardless of subbing. (Note: xbox 1 is backwards compatible that’s why I’m listing Xbox 360 info) 🅿️ 2 free new triple A games every month. If you unsubscribe, you’ll lose access to these games. However if you resub, you will have access to them and their saves again. 🆘 20 NES games. That’s it. Just these twenty 33 year old games with “more to come”. However they will cycle. When 20 new ones come the old 20 are gone and you do not own them. If you are away from wifi for 7 days (whether that be a storm or a vacation), you cannot play the NES games you paid for. Edit: The co op plays with friends seems seamless and fun for games I don’t plan on playing. WARNING: Do not use the CRT filter on the NES games because they’ll have a temporary “burn in” effect on your switch screen due to how the pixels vibrate. This eventually goes away on its own over time (and not by turning on and off your system) but I wouldn’t chance it, personally.
**Game Discounts or Special Offers**
❎ Many discounts for members but there are a few sales for non members too. 🅿️ The store regularly has discounts for everyone. However members may get a better deal. If a game is 60% off for a regular, it could be 80% off for a member. 🆘 So far the only special offers are NES controllers (only available if you’re a member of the Online service. This means you’ll be paying $80 total) and exclusive sports gear for Splatoon 2.
**Other Info**  🆘
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A personal rant from a Splatoon fan! 🦑🐙
When I’d heard about the online being mandatory for Splatoon 2, I was saddened but I understood, especially under the assumption that I would be paying for servers to run to improve disconnectivity drops. I had no problems with just that. And the price was affordable for me to boot.
Then I learned that I cannot back up my save data. I heard about 3rd party docks bricking switches and losing saves, of people who’s switches were stolen at E3′s and losing their saves.
Then I learned that Splatoon 2′s saves aren’t tied to the account or to Nintendo but to each individual switch itself. 
Then I found out cloud saves will not work on Splatoon 2 and upcoming Pokemon games “to prevent cheating”. So not only can I not back up by SD card like we have been for the last 12 years, but I can’t save my 700+ hours of Splatoon at all. All to prevent save scumming... despite there already being plenty of Splatoon hackers already that do a lot worse than save scumming. And there are solutions to these problems so that cloud saving is possible for every game!
I just can’t protect my Splatoon 2 data... Not all the weapons I’ve bought, every outfit I’ve bought and leveled up, not my ranks. The only game I would actually care about losing my progress cannot be backed up.
Then I found out I’m not even paying for a better server. It’s going to continue to be peer to peer using our own wifi.
I do not play other online games. Sure some games I would love to play with friends like minecraft and dragon quest builders 2 and pokemon, but I can live without it since local multiplayer is still free. Splatoon however becomes unplayable offline. You cannot even go to the store to buy new outfits. The only part of Splatoon I could play offline are the single player mode and DLC but I’ve already 100% those.
The Splatoon series is my favorite... It’s the first time a game made me feel good about myself and my aim and actually made me improve myself irl. I don’t mind paying for online if I’m actually going to get something out of it. It’s been over a year of delaying this online and they haven’t changed anything for me. 
I’ll probably cave in the end... I just love Splatoon so much and I want to play all the new updates and keep getting better. But for now, I’ll try to boycott for as long as possible, maybe use my 1 free week trial for the October splatfest if it’s spooky. But until then, I hope people who will boycott with me will return to Splatoon 1 until Nintendo adds something. I don’t expect this boycott or our message to get to Nintendo in the end. I think there are already too many people blinded by the cheap price and lack of information and upcoming Smash game. I don’t want to pay for something like this. 
What would make me feel better about this service:
I just want to know that I won’t lose my Splatoon progress if my switch gets damaged or stolen. 
I want confirmation that my Splatoon progress is tied to my account not my system. 
I also think Cloud Saves in general should be free for all if there’s no other way to backup saves. (I would say give us SD card backups but I don’t believe games like Splatoon and Pokemon should have those because that’s local save scumming and we don’t want that.) Right now, Nintendo is the only ones charging us to protect our saves. 
I want a word from Nintendo that servers will improve in the future, otherwise Peer to Peer should be free and dedicated servers should be paid for. I know for sure that hardcore Smash players would pay for dedicated servers. 
Personally, I don’t mind about NES (because I won’t play them) or the phone app (splatnet2 is great and I can just keep using discord or like the actual phone). HOWEVER, I really really need a real way to block/ban players in splatoon 2 in-game and not using the App, (as well as a way to Un-yeah a post in the lobby from accidental clicks but that’s more a splatoon problem than a phone problem.)
Sure what I asked for is taking out all the good stuff from the Online service but imagine this. Imagine if Switch Online actually had things worth paying for. Imagine your themes and browser apps and mutual best friend messaging. Imagine games other than NES coming to that service they’re providing eventually. Imagine bigger sales available on eshop that notifies you when games on your wishlist are on sale. It’s so cheap many more people would buy and keep a subscription without all this controversy. It’s taken them a year to pull this off and they’ve got nothing for it. Why? Because they know people will pay for it anyway. 
I want to be wrong about all this, trust me. At the very least, Nintendo is at fault for making about 18k people really really upset and anxious with poor communication.
“You knew you were going to have to pay for a service so you shouldn’t have bought a multiplayer game like Splatoon.”
I was under the impression for over a year with no other info that I would be paying for dedicated servers along with the Online.
“Stop complaining, this was a really long free trial and you knew that.”
Yep! And they kept delaying it. And delaying it. And delaying it. So I think we were all assuming Nintendo had a big surprise they were delaying all this for to make it worth the wait. It’s not.
“It’s $20 a year, that’s way cheaper than the competition. Of course it’s not going to have a lot of offers.”
Yes, I agree! But for me this is less than what I expected and trust me I was not expecting much. This is less than the basics.
“So you bought a $300 switch, $60 game, $20 DLC, and $70 pro controller but you can’t pay $20 a year? Sure.”
I want to pay $20 a year for a service not a hostage situation. Sorry if I seem upset about having a gun to my head.
“The Wii U was a failure. Nintendo needs the money. Do you want them to go bankrupt?”
Don’t sympathize with billion dollar companies like they have feelings. We have problem of treating large companies like people instead of money producing companies, especially if there’s nostalgia attached. “Don’t be mean to Nintendo, they’re having a rough time.” The sooner more people realize this, the better. And no they’re not in need of money. They have $10.5 billion in the bank. For some perspective that’s 35 million switches. For further perspective if just one second was a dollar, that’s 333 years. They’re fine.
“Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”
Because I want Nintendo to succeed. I don’t want them to have EA levels of controversy. I don’t want them to worm their way to EA levels of anti-consumerism. We already have loot boxes in a free mobile game. And now the free online we’ve had for 12 years is under a paywall. I’m not mad about either of these. I just don’t want it to get any worse than that. I don’t want Nintendo to think they can get away with the bare minimum just because “they’ll buy it anyway.” Nintendo has been making great leaps forward with the switch but things like this severely set them back.
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fluentlanguage · 6 years
#clearthelist October 2018: I Went To Wales And You Won't Believe This Crazy Language I Spoke There
It’s time again for my language learning update with #clearthelist, the monthly language learning round-up sharing language learning goals, support, and accountability.
What Happened In September?
After all the summer’s travels, it was nice to spend a consistent bunch of weeks at home. I got back into my usual language routine — only to the extent that that routine actually exists! I’m not a “1 hour at this time every day” kind of person. In fact that kind of schedule would drive me crazy, so instead I focused on the goals for the month and making sure I maintain that daily contact level.
All in all, a good month for language! Plus, I’ve now started meeting on a weekly basis with Lindsay and Shannon again because we’re putting on a Women in Language sister event in November. Make sure you’re on the Women in Language list to stay up to date!
In other activities, the month was full up with promo, planning and bookings for the next Fluent German Retreat, which will be Christmas themed in December. I. Cannot. WAIT!!!
Travel in Wales: Is Welsh Useless After All?
At the end of the month, my husband and I spend a week travelling in Wales. It was lovely, we visited the Brecon Beacons, I swam in a lake, we walked in stupendous landscapes. By all measures, this trip was a success.
Except…I hardly spoke the language! You may have read how much I spoke in just 3 days at my last Welsh visit, the Eisteddfod in Cardiff., and wonder how come I didn’t get as much practice in this time?
In truth, I couldn’t find anyone who spoke Welsh. You may have heard before how the Welsh language was pushed out by English over the last 100-200 years. In the Brecon Beacons, this is super evident. Lots of people told me about parents and grandparents who “got beaten up in school for speaking Welsh, so they stopped”.
Make of that what you will. I think it’s not funny.
Where I grew up in Germany-near-Luxembourg, it was common to head to another country and for the border region folks to be bilingual. Yes, even in a tiny language like Luxembourgish. No one EVER would call Luxembourgish useless. Yet here in the UK, people do it to the Welsh (and probably the other UK languages) all of the damn time. Why would you have this presumption that a language is “useless”?
Anyway!! Do you have thoughts about this? Share them in the comments below, or come to the Polyglot Conference, buy me a drink and let’s put the world to rights.
The Fluent Show
The Fluent Show celebrated European Day of Languages (26 September) in style this year, with a HUGE 20 language quiz edition hosted by me and Lindsay. We quizzed each other and you lot. I’ve yet to find anyone who recognised all 20 languages. Could it be you?
Listen Here To Take Our 20 European Languages Quiz
Language Goals and Progress
Let’s have a look how September went in terms of language goals. I’ve got a feeling about this one!
The goal was to switch the radio on in Welsh 2-3 times per week. I managed this in week 1 (starter’s enthusiasm) and in week 4 (the car radio had Radio Cymru). In between, I did watch a few shows on S4C including coverage of Ironman Wales. I’d say 8 out of 10 for this goal.
Sgwp, Sgwp, Sgwp. It’s the book that keeps on giving. I’ve not set up a pretty good routine of reading the chapter, highlighting vocab, looking it up and putting it into my notebook, and reviewing previous words while I’m there.
I got through more chapters in September, but feel like more reading in Welsh is necessary.
Speaking was pretty great! I had two meetings with Nicky and arranged to meet my friends Dafydd and Gavin while I was in Cardiff on the Wales trip.
I also set the goal to get through Say Something in Welsh 2 up to level 18, and in fact I’ve just finished level 19. Da iawn!
Well…I did download the exam papers. But then I didn’t look at them in detail. In fact, I totally forgot about this goal so it’s time I got back to it.
Through instant messaging in Welsh, I’m noticing that slowly I’m better able to translate “what I want to say in my head” into Welsh language without hesitation. Writing is always a slower skill for me, because speaking comes naturally with my extrovert/gregarious personality.
But as my tax advisor said…”you can’t hand wave through everything”.
Monthly Contact Goal
September looks pretty good, with 22 days out of 30 checked on the “daily contact with Welsh log”. Even when I didn’t speak Welsh to people on my trip, it was contact every day through bilingual signage and Radio Cymru in the rental car.
Other Languages
There’s always a chance for other languages to sneak in, and I did a tiny bit of playtime on the Drops app in Chinese and watched some Netflix with French subtitles.
Goals For October 2018
In October, I’m planning a trip to Croatia and a talk at the Polyglot Conference in Ljubljana, so it’s a busy one. Are you coming?
In October, I want to keep up the current Welsh level and play with a few other languages such as Chinese. I’m hoping to spend a good amount of time with Lindsay and Shannon, so maybe I can annoy them with my practice of tones.
At this stage, I feel it’s important for me to get lots more realistic spoken Welsh input so it’s definitely key to keep that TV or radio habit up. The goal’s 2-3 times a week, as before.
It’s not a particularly inspired goal, but I will continue to make progress with Sgwp and have a book of short stories lined up for afterwards. Reading is such a great way for me to grow my vocabulary. At this stage it’s more helpful for new words than online lessons!
Taking into account the big amount of travel I’ve got coming up, my goal is 5 chapters of Sgwp.
I want to dedicate the rest of the time to picking up the good old Chinese in 10 Minutes a Day again. Perhaps I should actually spend 10 minutes a day on it and then I’ll learn way more Chinese!!
I will continue to book in an hour or so every week for a virtual paned a sgwrs (cuppa and a chat) in Welsh when my friends can spare the time. I am also craving contact with more speakers, so am considering putting together a Meet-Up Cymraeg here in Canterbury in the next month.
Tricky! I do want to work on that exam paper, but this month I don’t feel ready. I’ll set a different goal and park this one. My goal is to post a Welsh language caption on Instagram at least once a week.
How Was Your Month?
So that’s it for this month’s goals! Be sure to check out the linkup for #clearthelist, hosted by Lindsay Williams and Shannon Kennedy.
By the way, if you want to hear more about what you can do when you’ve failed to meet a goal, check out September’s Fluent Show episode about goals with tips from me and Lindsay.
Are you setting goals, too? How do you feel about your target language and its usefulness?
Leave a comment below to tell me all about it!
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ayacxo · 6 years
The 2018 Relationship Age,Instagram,and more.
Firstly, thank you so much for reading this. I am used to journaling and this is my first time writing for public eyes, so enjoy!
Now to lets get straight to the point; the modern 2018 relationship. Do we believe its harder now than it was in the 1920's? Oh absolutely! I mean as a woman we’ve been exposed to propaganda our whole lives on the fairy tale where your fairy godmother blesses you with perfectly fitting, comfortable glass slippers(we all secretly prayed they would be the louboutins we all still dream about to this day) and we'd ride off into the sunset with prince charming and the end. Sorry ladies, never gonna happen! Why would we want it to be that way? We are the bad ass take no sh*t millennial's who swipe left if we think based on someones picture and 2 sentence bio we have a "connection". Sorry my tinder/grinder users, as basic as I just made it sound is truly how basic it is but this is a judgement free zone! But lets go down the list of the modern relationship of 2018.
YAS! Thank you fairy godmother!
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As Aaliyah said, "Age ain't nothing but a number!" If you're 23 like me that song has been in your life as long as you can remember(if you haven't heard it pause your reading and play it now). So maybe that was drilled into our minds through sultry R&B or its just simply the truth. I'm leaning more towards the simple truth. In my personal relationship my boyfriend and I are 7 years apart. As time has gone on, I have realized that everyone around me is dating with a 7-10+ year gap between them and no one's complaint is ever "He's just too old." I will say though there is always an occasion when I'm calling or getting a call that says, "...like he's my dad or something!" I always question this part of things like is this just how men try and show they wear the pants, or do these men just want us to not repeat their previous mistakes because they are older than us? I think its a sprinkle of both, and for us modern day relationship doers, my best advice on age gaps is 1.) trust your partners knowledge 2.) trust your life experiences as well to asses situations for yourself 3.) always stress the necessity for reciprocity in decision making, that way you both wear the pants. To conclude this I think that in 2018 it's better to date for what YOU like and want, rather than feel like because your close in age it won't be as successful or because there is an age gap he has all the answers. Don't be afraid to take charge trust me, you don't want to go to sleep dreaming of your man struggling to get into a pair of skinny jeans(no? just me? okay.)  because your subconscious is telling you to make that decision.
Again, listen to the song if you haven't already!
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I  planned to write this part last because it probably should be its own post, but I believe I can word it perfectly without over doing it so lets get into it people! Instagram is probably the most consistent social media platform I use currently, it has everything all on one app and I ask for nothing more. But I can admit it's created small issues in my relationship (truly small guys) and I mostly was the one with the issue. I grew up where dating meant you the put your anniversary date in your bio, posted every single picture you could with the sweetest caption from your favorite Drake song and you waited for all of your 900 followers to like it to show the world, you are in a relationship and a happy one. And then you date someone older than you and you realize, they don't give a f*ck about posting you let alone themselves on instagram.
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"wait so you're saying you don't have instagram?"
And then we all are Jaden Smith, thoroughly confused as to how another human can exist with this mindset. And now this guy is your boyfriend and your 4 months in passing all the holidays without getting posted and you're like whatever its just Instagram I am a mature young woman, I am confident in myself. But as I recently discussed with one of my best friends is that what we really need to be saying to ourselves? Deep down everyone wants validation which is why Instagram is so important, just 10 likes and you know you're on to something, but what does it mean in the modern 2018 relationship, when you're not getting your recognition? Well here's how I can answer that by telling you my word for word head on experience:
Me: So why don't you post me on your Instagram? Are you just not that guy, or is it because we are still new?
Him: No, 1.) its MY Instagram so I post whatever moves me and 2.) I don't want to post you because it's no ones business
Me: Oh okay.
Me in my head: SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT I AM A SECRET?! IS IT BECAUSE ALL THE GIRLS IN YOUR DMS WILL THEN STOP SENDING DMS? AM I UGL...Wait no, that's never the case. *continues to rant*
So as you could imagine it took me about 3 days to wrap my millennial mind around this concept, and I came to the conclusion of "What more can I really ask for?" I am with him almost everyday, we talk all day, and when we don't we usually know each others plan for the day. Did Instagram really have to define what we're doing? No. And so ladies and gentleman (because don't get it twisted ladies men are usually way more offended you aren't showing them off than you'd think) here's my advice for this part of the modern 2018 relationship 1.) Post whatever the f*ck you want, whenever you want but don't do it for validation Instagram was meant to entertain the user 2.)Older men may or may not like to post you but if their friends and family know who you are then no Instagram post can give you anymore validation than that. 3.)Don't sit on your words,if something makes you uncomfortable say something because 9 times out of 10 what we think isn't what it is. All in all we young millennial gals take way better photos anyway, so its probably best we do the posting.
And finally the more..
So guys we are nearing the end of this post, and again thank you SOOOOOOO much for reading this far. But lets finish this strong; 2018. The year where you can barely tell pop culture and political news apart, is also the year of so much LOVE. And sometimes it's going to be love our parents can't understand, and that doesn't mean their advice isn't valid or your friends advice isn't valid. I just believe this is also a time to figure love out for ourselves. Figure out what we really do and don't like, who we do and don't like. What are the things that motivate us individually to want to spend time with someone? These are things that take time and self care to learn but it also takes WORK. Yes, relationships are work and not always the fairy tales we think they should be and that is okay. To conclude this I will give you my most modern 2018 fairy tale moment in my own relationship.
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We actually laugh in bed like this over stand up jokes we try on one another before bed.
So if you know me you know Beyonce' is EVERYTHING I proudly stan for her and she put on the most epic amazing performance at Coachella this you (curse you but also bless you if you saw it live) and I was super bummed because I was working the day it was streaming completely missed the whole thing, so the next day I am sulking around watching everyone fan girl out and watching sad Instagram videos of the bits and pieces of this epic performance, my boyfriend who knows everything about anything on the internet is like, "Why are you watching it on Instagram I can just download it for you" I am still not trusting his computer smarts, "Like HD version not like someones phone like actual video?!" he's like, "Yeah." a few click clack patty whacks later he's like, " Here's the file when it's done it'll ding but if you want I am going to the roof when I come back I'll watch it with you." Now ladies this isn't the best story but understand not only did he get me Beyonce' but he wanted to watch it with me so now I am just reeling! Long story short, we watched Beyonce' cuddled up and thoroughly enjoyed it and that was my fairy tale. I want all of you reading this, skimming it, pretending to read to walk away with just this one thing; in 2018 no one but YOU can define what your relationship is and that is okay as long as it speaks to your character and serves YOU equally in happiness, and joy then do it, talk about what you do and don't like and remember that every fairy tale ends differently, and no fairy tale is the same.
Or maybe we do get to ride away into the sunset.
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My Boyfriend pretended to hate this picture up until he saw my photog skills and proceeded to pose until we came out with this
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maylovexhs · 6 years
Hi darlings! It’s May! So first thing first, THIS IS NOT AN IMAGINE OR UPDATE. ITS JUST ME TELLING MY EXPERIENCE ABOUT MY HARRY SHOW. YOU DON’T HAVE TO READ IT IF YOU WANT TO. I saw a bunch of people doing threads and posting about how wonderful their time is and I was like I want to do it! I, in no way am trying to show off or brag about it. I just want to post it here because I’m friendly with y’all and I’ll just have the story on here for safe keeping. So ignore if you want(I put the keep reading for that) but yeah here’s my concert experience. WARNING: BELOW THE CUT IS A LONG LONG LONG POST. ENJOY THE SHAKY VIDEOS AND MY ANNOYING VOICE. This all happened one month ago ughh procrastination is the devil
. . .
he knows I exist.
Harry Styles knows I goddamn exist.
okay, let’s me backtrack a day or two before my concert. Actually a week, shall we?
So, it’s a week before Harry’s shows in nyc and I’m at home in Brooklyn with no harry tickets for none of the nights because of course 1. Both nights are sold out 2. I couldn’t buy tickets online from strangers cause y’all ever heard of scams? So, I’m at home in misery cause all over my twitter all my mutuals are tweeting how excited they are to go and I’m like “fUcKiNg GrEaT!” I’m pretty sure I posted shit of me gloating on here. ANYWAYS FAST FORWARD TO JUNE 21st, 2018(Harry’s first night/show at msg) and I’m on my living rooms couch on twitter. AND I DONT KNOW IF IT WAS THE UNIVERSE SAYING ‘WE GOT YOU HONEY’ or just a coincidence but the first thing i See is on my timeline is a tweet from ticketmaster saying along the lines of “Due to miscounting . . . There are tickets available for Harry Styles at msg night two . . .SALE” and I . . .i can’t even explain how I felt. It was like destiny. Like “SIS YOU WERENT MEANT TO GET TICKETS A LONG TIME AGO YOURE SUPPOSED TO GET THEM NOW. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE” and I was like “fuck it! I’m going to see my mans in concert and I couldn’t care about how shitty the seats are. It’s Harry of all people” so, I download the Ticketmaster app and ask my mom and my chill ass mom is like ‘really? The day before? This is a sign. God must really want you to see harry” and I’m like “YES”. So I use my moms card(I payed her back after) and buy the two tickets. AND LET ME JUST SAY! THE TICKETS! I GOT LUCKY WITH THE TICKETS. My tickets were seat 8 and 9, row 7, section 113
DO YALL KNOW WHERE THAT IS? THATS RIGHT NEXT TO THE STAGE! THATS THE SIDE BACK OF THE STAGE. And remember Harry’s stage is 360 honeys so I was hyped up. Honestly I thought it’s row 7, it’s not like we are in front! It’s not like he’s gonna see us. I’m bringing this up later cause well, you’ll see. But just remember I’m row 7. So I print out my tickets and I text my friends “HOES GUESS WHAT?” And I immediately text my best friend emmy(her nickname) “BISH IDGAF ABOUT YOUR STRICT PARENTS I WILL DRAG AND SNEAK YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE FOR THIS WE AINT MISSING HARRY. WE AINT MISSING SEEING THE MAN IVE BEEN IN LOVE WIG SINCE 2012” and thank god her parents said yes. Emmy and I spent like the next two hours like “Oh let’s make a sign that’s says sing Shania Twain still the one Harry!” and we talked about “what should we do in the city tomorrow before Harry’s show?” Our show day was a very busy day for us. Ready? Let’s go!
So, in the morning I had a college orientation with Emmy and my other friend(I’m calling her Anna for privacy reasons). I arrived there early so from 9:15 am, Anna Emmy and I were learning about our college and making our schedule. We left around 12:30 pm. Emmy and I decided to leave for the city after but we had to pee first so THANK YOU ANNA FOR LIVING CLOSE TO COLLEGE AND ALLOWING US TO USE YOUR BATHROOM. GRACIAS. Oooooh, fun fact: June 22nd was also my graduation date but Emmy and I wasn’t going in the first place so YAY!
Anyways we said goodbye to Anna and we took the train to the city. We stopped at canal street and went to Greenwich village? Why? My friend Emmy is a huge fan of Justin Bieber and 5 Seconds of Summer so we were just like “fuck it! Let’s go hunting for them! Maybe today’s our lucky day” so we are in Greenwich which justin was spotted in but with our luck we couldn’t find him. We were like ‘oh well! Let’s just stroll around’ so we walk and GUESS WHICH APARTMENT BUILDING WE WERE ABOUT TO WALK PAST BY?
HARRY’S. WE WERE ABOUT TO PAST HARRYS APARTMENT. WE WERE ABOUT TO WALK WHERE HARRY WALK. IM TOO HEADASS FOR HIM(btw I don’t stalk him, I didn’t stand outside his building, his apartment address is publicly online and I did not mean to walk past his apartment, IT JUST HAPPENED) I take out my phone and tell emmy where we were and luckily I took a sneak picture low quality of the building. BUT EMMY! EMMY! She was like “I WANT A GOOD QUALITY PICTURE!” Emmy goes, takes a picture of the doors and the security guards give her a mean look from inside the building. And we are like “ABORT MISSION! ABORT!” Moving on, we’re like if we can’t find Justin, we’ll try 5 Seconds of Summer. And guess what? We can’t find them either! At this time it was like, 3 or 4 Pm? And I really need to sit down cause ya girl has no energy whatsoever. So we take the train and go to the area where msg is and we get pizza. Btw msg area is mad busy. Like really busy. Continuing, we finish our pizza. We go check out the outside of msg and I learn that we aren’t allowed in until 6 pm(I heard it from girls outside) And i’m like okay? So Emmy and I buy and get these pride flags and we go to wait and sit outside where the driveway is. So we wait there for like an hour hoping we see anyone but we don’t cause that’s out fucking luck. But we saw like a dressing bag like the ones where suit and dresses are carried in. We highly doubt it was Harry’s suit but hey? Oh and I took a picture right here
Anyways it 6, we go inside, get through scanning and while we are in line, everyone decided to airdrop one direction memes and of course I joined
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We were let in at 6:45 pm and we were going to our section. By going, WE RAN. Literally we had to be stopped by a security guard to see our tickets. I’m getting off point but we get to our section and I’m expecting us to be in the middle cause it says row 7. And Emmy tells me we are in the second row and I was just like “??? Our ticket say row 7” and Emmy shows me that the section starts with row 6 and I was just like “BITCH WE’RE CLOSER THAN I THOUGHT. WE’RE ROW 2 ACTUALLY”. So we were seated between where Sarah and Adam was going to be. This was our view
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Then we put our shit down, I went to get my harry merch(I got a shirt) and we sat there in our seats waiting for Kacey to start at 8:30 and KACEY IS SO CUTE YALL HAVE NO IDEA SHE IS THE YEEHAW QUEEN. I USUALLY DONT LIKE COUNTRY MUSIC BUT THIS SISTER GOT SOME TUNES. Here’s me singing along(eXcUsE my cringy premature voice I’m 19) I was going crazy during crazy
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Then Kacey leaves and we gotta wait another 40 minutes for Harry. I kid you not the whole arena was singing Olivia by 1d even the security guard was shook af
As I was saying, we had to wait 40 minutes more for Harry so it was like 9:30 and FUCKING FINALLY HE COMES OUT AND I SWEAR EVERYONE LOST IT 
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I WAS FUCKING SHAKING. CAUSE I WAS CERTAIN DURING THE CHAIN HE BLEW A KISS BACK AND IF HE BLEW A KISS AT ME DURING ONLY ANGEL IT WOULD BE THE FIRST OF TWO my heart is racing just remembering it. I’ll continue. So he finishes only angel and he introduces himself and he’s so cute I can’t even
Then they play woman and someone threw a bra on stage and I was screaming inside
Then they play Carolina, Stockholm syndrome, Anna, esny, jalboyh and finally fucking MEDICINE. I was going crazy during medicine as we all should. Sarah and Adam were fucking ripping the song up and I couldn’t be more proud. Then Harry talked to the crowd more and THIS HOE CALLED THE BACK(aka us) HIS BEST FRIENDS AND IM JUST LIKE THANK YOU. Then they start to play meet me in the hallway and the goddamn back screen goes down, blocking us from seeing Harry perform the song. EMMY AND I KEPT SHOUTING DISRESPECT AND THE GIRLS IN FRONT OF US WERE LAUGHING. then he the screen lifted up again as he finished the song and he goes down the walk to the b stage with mitch. Mitch is so cute fam. And we could see him get a bunch of flowers and I’m like “it’s what he deserves”. So he’s on b stage now and he begins to sing sweet creature and iicf AND DURING IICF WE ALL HAD OUR FLASHLIGHTS ON IT WAS SO NICE AND LIKE HEAVEN. MY BABY HARRY STARTED TO TEAR UP DURING THE SONG AND I JUST WANTED TO HUG HIM. OOH AND WHILE THEY WERE ON B STAGE, SARAH ADAM AND CLARE WENT OFF THE MAIN STAGE. ADAM AND SARAH WERE TALKING OFF STAGE NEAR US I THINK I HAVE A VIDEO BUT ITS TOO DARK. BUT BASICALLY THEY WERE TALKING AND I GUESS IT WAS ABOUT HOW THEY WERE PLAYING CAUSE ADAM KEPT MAKING A GUITAR GESTURE AND ADAM HAD SUCH A GREAT SMILE AND SARAH WAS SO HAPPY So Harry and Mitch come back and they all play two ghosts and then wmyb 
They finish wmyb and Harry talks to the crowd. He talks to a fan who was visiting from another country and he’s like “what did you do here?!?” being all excited. Then he talks to the girl who came with “I AM WITH CHILD” sign and then we found out she lied and harry criticizes her and he’s like “WE’RE ALL TRYING!” and I couldn’t stop laughing. Emmy said she lost some brain cells during that part. So harry begins to talk about sign of the times and me and Emmy were like “let’s shout FUCK TRUMP out loud”. WE DIDNT. We didn’t have the chance to but WE TRIED. The girls in front of us were smiling and laughing at us. I blame Harry cause he kept on talking so he couldn’t hear it anyways. Anyways sign of the times plays and everyone has their flashlights on. IT WAS MAGICAL.
So harry and the band leaves to do something and I’m like “wtf u going” so I start to record and they go under the stage. I guess they were doing a photo down there but they come back on a minute later.
They perform from the dining table and I WAS SO SAD I WAS READY TO FIGHT WHOEVER HURT MY BABY. then from the dining table was over and Harry’s like “I’m gonna sing another song” AND I FUCKING TOLD EMMY “WATCH IT BE STILL THE ONE” and BITCH I WAS CORRECT. So he brings Kacey on
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The chain ends and they start to play kiwi and I get sad af because I know it’s the last song and harrrys like “this is the last song” and inside I’m like “I KNOW HOE DONT RUB IT IN MY FACE” I have to applaud miss Sarah jones whose fucking drumming was amazing. She fuckingkilled it. Kiwi plays and everyone was losing their shit having the times of their lives and then in the middle of kiwi some girl splashed Harry with water and he sings “YOURE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT” HE GOES STRAIGHT SAVAGE AND SOAKS HER AND EVERYONE AROUND. kiwi finishes and Harry does the whale water spit and oh my god it was ICONIC AF. Harry leaves first then the rest of the band and I was just standing there like SHIT. Emmy had to drag me out. I felt wasted after the concert IT WAS A ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE. LET ME JUST TELL YOU IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE TO SEE HARRY LIVE GO FOR IT DONT MISS YA CHANCE. A WHOLE DIFFERENT SIDE OF ME EMERGED THAT NIGHT SO THANK YOU HAROLD I HAD PROBABKY THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE THANKS TO YOU. EMMY AND I GOT TO DANCE WITH OUR PRIDE FLAGS AND WERE SO HAPPY. HARRY MAKES HIS SHOWS SO WELCOMING AND HAPPY. MISS CLARE IS SO CUTE. MITCH AND SARAH ARE SUCH PARENTS AND ADAM IS SUXH A GREAT FRIENDLY PERSON I MISS THEM SO MUCH THATS IT I MISS MY CONCERT SO MUCH I CRY
ALL PHOTO AND VIDEOS ARE CREDITED TO ME AND MY FRIENDS. DONT STEAL. I’ll post the full versions of the videos i have on my twitter. TUMBLR IS A DICK FOR ONLY ALLOWING GIFS of them. 
Btw should I also write about my 5sos iheartradio experience and seeing Harry at the Dunkirk premiere? Tell me if ya want to know byeeee
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swordboiis · 7 years
Congratulations on your one year anniversary~! Man I can't believe looking at that 1 post of yours led me to creating a Tumblr account just to follow you I think at the time it was 3 months old? And now much later you're still my favourite blog~ I wish you lots of luck and happiness for the future and onward! Ah anyways Pro questions! I'm aware that you're a fan of Idol games so including all the idol games that you play who's your top 5 idols? And is there anything that had you sold for them?
Thank you so much anon aa I’m so happy to hear you’ve been supporting me for so long I hope I can continue to keep entertaining you!!
But idol hell and sword boy hell are the hells I suffer from most yes. If you’re really asking me to pick five from all the idol games combined I have to say you’re the cruelest anon I’ve ever met. Just to make it clear I play Love Live, Ensemble Stars and Idolish7 regularly. I’ve had I-chu and Tsukipara around on my devices and downloaded Utapri yesterday or something but don’t know the characters well enough to include them. Even so just between the three games I’m really into this is still really cruel but I’ll try.
To do it countdown style, 5 has to be Yohane from Love Live, she’s a queen. I love her cute character, I love how adorkable she is. Her voice is probably my favourite from Aqours too. Honestly her being a chuunibyou is what made her stand out to me and endeared her to me. She’s obviously best Aqours girl and has blessed me with many great cards it’s hard not to be in love.
4 is Shinobu from Enstars, he’s honestly my best boy from it but he’s a precious son so he ends up a little lower. Again, chuunibyous are super cute. Shinobu especially is a crybaby so I want to see him happy and succeed! Ryuseitai is just one of my favourite units of the game (Akatsuki and Fine are my other favs for reference), all of them manage to bring me joy and encourage me but Shinobu has just always managed to be a stand out to me?
3 is Nagi from I7, another character who is a big dork I just want to support. He stood out because of his unique way of speaking and is my second best boy of the game. He’s just so pure with how much he loves his friends and group members I care about him and his happiness. It’s literally just joy, he makes me feel so much joy. If I open up the app and hear him greet me I know the day is going to be a good one.
2 is Wataru from Enstars, I was drawn to him because of how gorgeous he is. It’s not unusual for me to suddenly start crying because he is so beautiful. His heart is just as beautiful, I love his oddness and his confidence. He’s the reason I fell for Takuya Eguchi’s voice. Also, dance floor Wataru Hibiki 5* WHICH I NEVER SCOUTED BUT IT’S STILL A BLESSING.
1 is Yuki from I7, one of my absolute strongest fictional crushes, truly great husbando material. Again, a little of what made him catch my eye is that he’s gorgeous, but more than that I was quickly interested in him. Such an aloof idol just made him stand out so much. Without rambling on too much and talking about story spoiler stuff I grew to love him, reading on in the story really made me feel for him and damn he’s my type. Plus just with how cute and funny re;vale is it’s hard for me to not adore him.
If anyone thought I was going to name five megane idols shame on you wearing glasses doesn’t guarantee a spot as my fav.
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scotlandandbeyond · 5 years
A Week, (well 87 hours), of Living Dangerously
Remember the movie, “A Year of Living Dangerously”? It was a 1982 movie about the 1965 Indonesian revolution. That in itself is interesting because I seemed to remember it being about the 1970’s Khmer Rouge...go figure.
Anyway, for Craig and I we had 87 hours in a whirlwind; in particular the last 70 hours. That was when we last showered and dressed in clean clothes. Now that we’re home in Canada and in our 14 day isolation, I’m starting to process it all. This post is part of my own processing. Here’s the timeline of those hours:
Hoi An, Vietnam, approximately 2pm local time, (midnight Pacific time), our bus to Hue is pulled over and everyone is checked for a temperature. Passports are also checked for visa date, lots of paperwork about where we’ve been and where we’re going. We have an epiphany: if ANYONE on this bus tests positive, we’re all going into a lockdown facility...and they’re not using hotels for this...it will be in a fairly dire place. That night in our hotel, we make the decision to leave Vietnam early and head to our place in Mexico, (where we were to arrive in early April). All flight dates changed at no cost, however on the all with Turkish Airlines they tell us that our original flight date to Amsterdam had already been cancelled, but no one had let us know...good job I called. Other flights into Cambodia and back to Bangkok are cancelled, (who knows what we will recoup from those as wait times are too long to deal with refunds). Cancelled our hotel Siem Reap.
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Wednesday midday Vietnamese time: we receive an email saying our flight time to Bangkok has been changed. Now instead of a direct flight, we are going via Ho Chi Minh city. We’re told there is no other option. This still gives us 4 hours until our flight out of Bangkok so we accept the change, but we’re uneasy. We also need to be in Hanoi the night before, so we cancel original flights to Hanoi and rebook. Again, refund...who knows???
A few hours later, we get another email saying our flight time has changed again, but we need to call to get the change. 3 hours later, after being on hold and cut off 3 times, we have both of us on phones, and the hotel reception calling locally as well, we get two different stories: English staff say we no longer have enough time in between flight from Hanoi to HCM and the connecting flight from HCM to Bangkok, (we have 1 hour and 25 minutes), so they’re cancelling the 2nd part of our flight, (the one to Bangkok), and we will have to rebook. Vietnamese people tell hotel, no all is fine, but these people need to check in again at the airport. We don’t quite trust the Vietnamese answer and know that if we can’t get to Bangkok in time, we will miss out flight out. We book another direct flight, (that interetily wasn’t an option earlier in the day), and keep the original flights. We know have 2 bookings and hope that one makes it out. We sleep fitfully and arrive at the airport just after 8am for our 2 noonish flights. The airport is ominously quiet with only Vietnamese airlines at the gates. Wearing a mask is mandatory. Thank goodness our friends Tom and Shaun brought us two skookum, (a good Canadian word), ones:
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We manage to get the newly booked direct flight to Bangkok...hallelujah...but not before getting gauged for $85CDN for overweight carry on luggage. We were over the secret allotment amount by 3kgs. Ironically we were under by 9kgs in our checked bags...had we only known. Craig asked if this was just a “money grab” and a lovely Vietnamese young woman, with limited English smiled sweetly at Craig, (behind her mask), and said, “yes.”
We arrive in Bangkok just after 2pm local time, (midnight Wednesday morning Pacific Time), where we are told we need to download an app and fill out the online form before we can proceed to Customs and Immigration. So, along with hundreds of others we are doing our best with the airport wifi. We had to take a photo of our passport photo page, and upload it along with the form that asked our flight and seat number of the flight we arrived on, as well as our future plans and whether had had any of the individually listed symptoms. Then we submitted it all electronically and got a confirmation receipt that we had to take a photo of and show before proceeding on to have our temperatures taken and finally on through Customs etc and baggage claim. Once through, we are relieved to finally be out of Vietnam and are happily set to board our still flying flights out to Amsterdam via Istanbul where we are set to overnight before flying on to Mexico on Friday morning, (Amsterdam time), when....cue the music...we get a notification saying that all flights out of Amsterdam to outside the EU have been cancelled. Now we’re panicked: while we’re relieved to be out of Vietnam, what are we going to do if we’re stuck in Amsterdam for an indefinite period of time? And what if we DO somehow manage to get to Mexico? Will they let us in? We have property there, but no legal standing as residents. Online we go, and after looking at our options we decide to head for home, and to use a reliable carrier, (Air Canada), who thank us for our patronage by charging an obscene amount for 2 one way tickets, (but hey, they waived baggage fees). So we wait for 8 hours in Bangkok, and again we try to cancel our original flights to Amsterdam, but we can’t get through to anyone. Finally, Craig goes to their check in when it opens and explains the situation. Again we don’t know if there will be any refunds. Meanwhile I did a modern version of “working the phones” trying to find a place to stay when we returned, as our house is still rented out.
Take a look at the itinerary below: in addition to our 12 hour layover in Tokyo, (yes Tokyo), we didn’t look that closely when we booked in a panic, but fortunately Craig asked at check in if we needed to claim our bags or if they would just go straight through? The woman at the ANA counter looked at us as if we were insane and said, “Of course you will have to claim your bags in Tokyo because you have to take them to the other airport!” WHAT??? What “other airport???” Yes, we had to change airports.
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Arriving into Japan, we had our temperatures taken again, and after claiming our bags, and an hour bus ride later we arrive at Narita airport where we have a 10 hour wait. Craig finds a lounge that our credit card gives us one free access to, and we head in there for its comfy seats. This turns out to be a great decision as during out 8 hours there we are two of only 4 people for most of the time. Meanwhile we keep checking that our Air Canada flight to Vancouver is still “on”.
At 4 pm Tokyo time on Thursday, we checked in for our flight. Relieved to have boarding passes in hand we anxiously waited. I have never been so happy to see that familiar Air Canada plane when it arrived! After having our temperatures taken once again, we boarded just before 6pm and finally we were headed home! Our previous flights had been maybe 1/3 to 1/2 full so we had been able to have a row to ourselves and I could lie down and sleep. Not so for Craig, due to his height. However, I was awakened on our flight to Tokyo, but Craig’s voice, obviously upset. Apparently when he went to use the bathroom, an overzealous flight attendant, picked up his mask that his had replaced in its resealable container, and disposed of it. I thought Craig was going to lose it; a combination of stress, exhaustion and fear that like in Vietnam, we would be denied boarding without one, almost pushed him over the edge. The mask had been put in the garbage, but it was on the top, and in a sealed container, so they were able to retrieve it and sprayed the container with a sanitizer and all was restored. It’s just an example of fragile our emotions were at this point.
We were unsure what to expect upon arrival to Vancouver, but we certainly did not expect how relaxed it seemed to be: our temperatures weren’t checked, and Border folks just asked if we had any symptoms, and where we had come from? We told them Vietnam, and didn’t get into our circuitous routing as we figure they must know how tough it’s getting to get back, as multiple airlines collapse their flights into one. We were given a sheet of paper outlining how the 14 day isolation works and we were off to baggage claim. It has NEVER felt so good to land back on Canadian soil.
This was not how our adventure was to play out. We are still dealing with our emotions around this and no doubt will be for a while yet, but we are home. Not that we’re safe here from this virus, but we know how the system works, we have a great healthcare system, (and we will do over very best not to overwhelm it), and we have family and friends.
I think what really got me through these days were two important things: Craig was a ROCK...seriously...and the never ending support of family and friends. Your continual messages via social media were great. I tried to keep people updated without sharing too much of our emotional rollercoaster, but your responses were propping me up. Thank you.
I’m happy to be home. We will spend our time in our trailer, (where we would live was one of our main concerns about coming home early). Our “personal shopping” team comprised of friends and family have bought groceries for us, and people have stepped up offering us their property to set up on, and a generator to charge our trailer batteries. We’re still finalizing where we will stay, (having rented a place for 2 nights to give us some breathing space to get our vehicle insured, etc).
I’ve learned a lot about myself this past week, (mainly about my shortcomings), but that’s for another post, (I had to share the photo of unguarded toilet rolls in a the bathroom at Narita airport!)
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irvinilisa · 3 years
Champions League - Scores & Fixtures - Football - BBC Sport
All champions league games today - UEFA Champions League schedule, scores, results: PSG beat Bayern, Chelsea top Porto -
The only free way to watch these games in English is to find a free online streaming todaj, Google should come in handy in finding them.
Again, UEFA fumbled these arrangements very badly. If we are lucky…. More matches will be all champions league games today on TV too just chapmions soon as the decisions are made on which matches will be on All champions league games today TV. Thank you Christopher Harris for all your help and information.
This page must have been updated to include a lot of all champions league games today and useful current information, which I had not seen before. We soccer fans appreciate all your good efforts. Stay well and wish you all the best. Today, July 25, all champions league games today, I checked what I read the following on the top of this page here: Manchester City vs.
It is possible that this schedule has not been updated yet …. If and when this information is ever updated and corrected please share it here. Of course, they can always change their mind. Hi Christopher Harris, thanks for your prompt reply and explanation. You could be absolutely right as I too expect toay scheduling information to be corrected todag updated closer to game day.
Thanks a lot for all your help and directory, we all soccer fans appreciate all that you champipns here. Have a wonderful day and stay well and healthy, we need you. The advantage is you can watch this all champions league games today on your TV with this new coming app and without needing to all champions league games today it through your Goday or Internet.
Check with your TV provider. Good luck all. Chris do you think CBS is really only going to show the final on all access? That seems horribly inconsistent with their prior claims. When Turner had the rights, none of the games were on over-the-air television. My question is will I able to watch the Champions League through my Prime account or will I have to pay for a separate subscription?
If anyone can answer this question it is greatly appreciated. Thanks Chris. If you pay…. You are right Christopher. Amazon Prime does make available many shows all champions league games today channels to Prime members, the sad fact is that many of all champions league games today available offers are Tames free, the customer is forced to buy their selected packages at extra cost besides this website for Prime membership.
I made this fact very clear in my earlier post which was deleted from here, I assume because I was unkind to Jeff Bezos. Hopefully this one will be fixed in time. There is no DVR offered. A great relief to have that in place. Or does coverage begin at the Playoffs? Group Stage on? How much do those rights in the past cost. How in the world does acompany only get half a tournament. I guess this is toady new streaming world we now live in. Is CBS interesting getting that or later?
Real played very poorly today to have any chance to eliminate Manchester City. The only consolation for Real fans is that at least we won the La Liga championship this season. Now we have to continued till the next season starts. It has been a very sad day for all Real Madrid fans. Real Madrid lost and got eliminated because of their French Connection. He picked all champions league games today players for this very important game and did not replace players till the game was almost over.
Even though Zidane is highly regarded as a brilliant coach his stupid stubbornness is also this contact form downfall. I will not be sad if and when Zidane departs Real Madrid.
His personal stubborn and poor decisions have hurt this team enormously, Had he planned smarter and more logically Real would have had a much better chance to win and advance to the quarter-finals. Champion: Bayern Munich. You are welcome to use my tips and call your bookie and get rich. Hi guys, anyone getting rich with my accurate picks? So far all champions league games today today I am right so far, correctly picked 2 out of 2.
Third match is next Sunday. I picked Bayern to be champions. Hi all, how about hitting the Trifecta……getting all my picks correctly and perfectly 3 out of 3. I hope some of you are richer now if you had listened to me and followed my 3 picks…. Good and enjoyable season, although Covid tried its best to leeague it for us.
See you soon here. Is there a continue reading to access them there? I cannot believe that TUDN is putting both channels of simulcasting.
I prefer the matches at 3 pm putting 3 games on tv instead of 2 games. Midtjylland vs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Tuesday, April 13 pm EDT. Free Trial. Browse Offers. Collin Werner July 29, April 11, Each tkday of teams plays two matches with the results combined for a final score.
Bryan G August 12, Christopher Harris August 12, Bryan G August 13, Christopher Harris June 9, Bry G August 16, Didnt you just show legia warsaw on fox sports 1? Why are the channels changed? Christopher Harris August 16, CJ Armstrong January 14, Everything was a lot better when FS1 was showing the games! TNT sucks. Kirby Grimes August 16, David K September 11, Christopher Harris September 11, Christopher Harris September 12, Bobo Vieri December 7, AupaAtleti April 27, Christopher Harris April 27, Russia April 28, Mccort April 28, Unfortunately no!
Which sucks! David August 30, Robert January 10, Christopher Harris January 10, Oliver Tse January 12, Henry Reichman January 14, Christopher Harris January 14, Brian White April 9, Has this offer expired?
Christopher Harris April 9, Mark V Stivers May 1, That means the free-to-air FOX? David May all champions league games today, Yes, the final is over the air on Fox. Christopher Harris May 4, Henry Reichman May 4, LIguy May 4, Unless they make a deal with Turner no, they had a deal with Fox to rebroadcast a game.
UEFA Champions League Fixture Schedule & Results
Eddie May 4, Unfortunately the answer is no unless Turner does a deal with them, which is unlikely. AC10 May 17, latest blog post Christopher Harris May alp, No simulcast on FS1. Brendan May 17, Cantona May 18, Brendan May 18, Me to. Well said Cantona. Christopher Harris May 27, Gabriel July 5, Eddie July 5, What about univision deportees coverage? Christopher Harris July 5, Jb July 17, Eddie July 19, All champions league games today G July 6, Christopher Harris July 7, Gabriel July 7, Tony G July 7, Bobby July 7, Looking forward to this is Sept.
TonyG July lague, Is it live bleacher report. Brendan July 11, No commentary except the Celtic game. Naz July 11, Orgullosamente hecho en Ciudad Universitaria July 19, Christopher Harris July 20, Aldegundo Pineda July 20, Eddie July 22, When turner sports is gonna show a promo commercial on TV. Steve August 1, Are all 4 of these channels available in the US through cable or satellite?
Eddie August 1, Rakesh August 15, David August 16, Andy August wll, Bobby August 15, Tolulope Ajayi September 18, Does FUBOtv have an app that works on smart tv? Christopher Harris September 19, Christian August 28, Donald Burton September 12, Where can I sign up for TNT. David September 13, Christopher Harris September 13, Tony October 3, Justin Putter November 7, Henry Reichman January 8, Are the all champions league games today on Wednesday February 20th champons on TV?
Christopher Harris January 8, All of these games needs to go back to FOX! They need to get the leabue back! Scott March 10, Chris, Can you watch champions league replays, via the univision now supscribtion service?
Christopher Harris March 10, David the Yank April 11, Christopher Harris April 11, Azer April 12, otday Sarah April 8, Steve April 10, Christopher Harris Lrague 10, Elliott Butler April 10, Ajax vs Juventus and Manchester City vs Tottenham next week please! All champions league games today west May 20, Rich September 16, Ben September 16, How can we have access leaue tudnxtra? Ritchie September 16, To be honest, I consumed most all champions league games today my UCL last year via the univision networks anyway.
Monte Reed September 16, Kinetik December 18, Christopher Harris December 19, John February 16, Gammes Harris February 16, Mank February 26, Rich June 24, Turner opted out of UCL, and may not cover games in August.
FK Sarajevo. FK Sileks. Floriana FC. GNK Dinamo Zagreb. Inter Club d'Escaldes. KAA Gent. KF Drita. KF Tirana. KuPS Kuopio. Legia Warszawa. Linfield FC. Liverpool FC. Maccabi Tel-Aviv FC. Manchester City FC. Manchester United FC. Molde FK. NK Celje. NK Lokomotiva Zagreb. Olympiacos FC. Olympique de Marseille.
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Paste this link into your preferred calendar Outlook, Google, todau. How I can do this? Click on the downloaded file to add the fixtures to your calendar. Install in your calendar. Added to your calendar. How to add a calendar? If you're using Outlook 1 Read here for the 'Open calendar' button in all champions league games today upper menu.
If you're using Google Calendar 1 Look for the 'Open calendar' button in the upper menu. If you're using other calendars you should all champions league games today for similar options to add this calendar. OK, got leqgue. Filter by Filter. Tel-Aviv Man. City Man. MD Preliminary round draw. First qualifying round.
Second qualifying round. Chxmpions qualifying round draw.
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jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
🔴 I Have Changed My Bitcoin Strategy [2020 Update] | Fold Bitcoin Rewards Card Review
All right. Welcome back, everybody, to altcoin Daily units Austin. This is a big update. I am changing my Bitcoin strategy for 2020. Now keep in mind, I can’t see the future. Always do your own research. But to me, it’s becoming increasingly clear to me from where we are on a global macroeconomic level. The ever increasing global debt, the nonstop money printing from the Fed. Right? Trillions of dollars printing money from thin air. How the Fed reduces your purchasing power and makes you poor. Because remember, remember when your grandpa told you that Houston able to buy a coke a can of coke for a nickel? Now that Coke is $2. Well, guess what? That coke isn’t worth 40 times more than nickel is worth 40 times less. And it continues to grow weaker every day. This is our reality. This reality combined with Bitcoin’s fundamentals, meaning combined with the fact that Bitcoin’s network continues to grow more decentralized, more secure. And the fact that there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin ever, ever. Because of that, I’ve updated my strategy. I don’t want to look back in 20 years and realize that I missed the boat on stacking as many Satoshi as possible. That’s me. So I’ve downloaded the full DAP as well as signed up and joined the waitlist for folds. All new bitcoin rewards debit card. There’s a link down below in the description. Check it out. But both of these allow me to earn bitcoin passively just by making daily purchases by retailers that I already shop at. Now, for those of you who subscribe to the channel, you already know that I use foaled that I like to fold. You may have even already joined the waitlist. But for those of you that haven’t. Let me explain. Basically, foaled was created for the everyman or every woman. The app is available. IOW as well as on Android. You can download it now. I like fold because you really don’t even have to take any risk in terms of you don’t have to spend your money on bitcoin. You earn bitcoin passively by spending your money on purchases on retail shops that you already shop at anyway. Here it is. Now the way the Fold app works is that you linked your credit, your debit card with the folding app. You choose a retailer, whatever you like. You choose a denomination that you want to purchase. Maybe it’s 25, $50, whatever it is, you buy a gift card and then you earn bitcoin back. Do we get it? Am I beating a dead horse? If it sounds that way, it’s just because when I first saw this, I really liked it. I think this could really help onboard a lot of new people into bitcoin, really help with mass adoption because with this, it’s no risk. You don’t have to necessarily understand Bitcoin and you don’t even have to do anything differently than you normally do in everyday life. You just keep shopping, whatever you normally do, and earn bitcoin rewards if you have a different opinion. Let me know down below in the comments. But fold just came out with their all-new bitcoin rewards debit card. First of its kind. Watch this. A brave new world deserves a brave new card. Introducing the world’s first bitcoin rewards card from full spend dollars bitcoin on every purchase you meet the full cost of the full app to supercharge the experience, protect your privacy and keep your personal data safe. Toll puts you in control, not the things. Welcome to the Bitcoin Privacy-Preserving Card of the future. Welcome to FULL. Yes. Again, link down below if you want to join the waitlist. Do your own research. This stuff just works for me because with this unlike other cards, you were in bitcoin, not points. Every time you swipe the folded card, you get a percentage of your purchase back in bitcoin. It’s real bitcoin that goes right into your fold account, which then you can transfer into your wallet. Hey, by the way, foaled teamed up with Visa to issue these cards. So you do have that security, whether you’re paying bills, shopping online, whatever it is, you can earn some bitcoin back. And if you’re asking me, hey, Austin, sounds like all positives. What about the negatives? Because foaled did hit us up to make this video, introduce this information to you and to me when it comes to Bitcoin, to me, it’s all positive again, based on where we are on a global macroeconomic level. I don’t want to look back in 20 years and wish I would’ve stacked more sets when bitcoin was cheap. That’s the video for today. My name is Austin. If you have a referral code, feel free to drop it below in the comments. Let’s all use each other. But for those of you who do want to stick around, one more cool thing that I do want to show you. For those of you who have downloaded the app is something called Spin Wheel. It’s pretty simple. It’s just it’s a fun game. It’s a roulette wheel where you spin a once per day. That’s all you get. And depending on how lucky you are, you win. You know, extra stats on your next purchase. Free stats, even bigger amount of resets. It’s a fun game. You spin the wheel every day like this. All right. Anyway, pretty cool. That is foaled and let me know what you think. See tomorrow.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/i-have-changed-my-bitcoin-strategy-2020/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/615814991265890304
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latesthollywoodnews · 5 years
We Finally Understand What Happened With The Rock And Tyrese
We Finally Understand What Happened With The Rock And Tyrese
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
We Finally Understand What Happened With The Rock And Tyrese, Walt Hollywood Pictures Celebrities.
Upcoming Celebrity News 2017, A Wrinkle In Time Latest Story Song, We Finally Understand What Happened With The Rock And Tyrese.
New Hollywood Celebrities 2017 Celebrity News 2017 top Pixar Animation Studios, is an American computer animation film studio based in Emeryville, California that is a subsidiary of The Walt Hollywood Company. Pixar began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the Lucasfilm computer division, before its spin-out as a corporation in 1986, with funding by Apple Inc. co-founder Steve Jobs, who became the majority shareholder.
Can you watch Hollywood Celebrities anywhere without Internet?
Downloading a Celebrity from the Hollywood Celebrities Anywhere app saves the video file onto your device so you can watch it without an Internet connection. You will need to be connected to the Internet to download your Celebrity. Once you have finished downloading, you can watch your downloaded Celebrities offline and on the go.
What does Mulan’s name mean?
In the original poem, the heroine’s name is “Mulan.” According to the Chinese- English dictionary, the name means “lily magnolia.” Mulan is often given a last name, “Hua,” which means “flower.” The Chinese pinyin spelling of the name is “Hua Mu-Lan.”
How did Walt Hollywood begin?
The Walt Hollywood Company started in 1923 in the rear of a small office occupied by Holly-Vermont Realty in Los Angeles. It was there that Walt Hollywood, and his brother Roy, produced a series of short live-action/animated films collectively called the ALICE COMEDIES. The rent was a mere $10 a month.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was once a wrestling legend who dabbled in acting. But he didn’t become a bona fide action star until he entered the billion-dollar Fast & Furious franchise as Luke Hobbs, in 2011’s Fast Five.
But by the time the eighth installment, The Fate of the Furious, rolled around, Johnson took the private behind-the-scenes drama public, sparking a feud with co-star Tyrese Gibson that would last for years.
The online feud began in 2016 with a since-deleted Facebook post where The Rock blasted his male co-stars, per ABC News. After praising the “incredible” crew as well as the franchise, the former wrestler didn’t hold back, saying,
“My female co-stars are always amazing and I love ’em. My male co-stars however are a different story. Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t. The ones that don’t are too chicken s— to do anything about it anyway. Candy assed.”
Flash forward to 2017 when Tyrese Gibson took to Instagram to ask Johnson not to do the Fast & Furious spinoff, Hobbs & Shaw, writing,
“You…have purposely ignored the heart to heart moment we had in my sprinter. I don’t wanna hear from you until you remember what we talked about…Fast Family is just that, a family…We don’t fly solo.”
According to Entertainment Weekly, later in 2017 Universal Pictures announced Fast & Furious 9 would be delayed due to the planned spin-offs. Gibson obviously didn’t take the news well and blamed Johnson for the delay. He wrote on Instagram,
“Congratulations to The Rock…for making the Fast and the Furious franchise about YOU. Will this be another Baywatch? Guys, guys just relax I’m just a passionate film critic.”
Shots fired.
A day later, Universal announced the release date for Hobbs & Shaw. Gibson responded to the news by taking his beef to Instagram once again, posting a throwback pic of the cast without Johnson, writing,
“Diversity, love…Fast Family. Until [Dwayne] showed up. I guess this whole time he had a problem ’cause he wasn’t the ONLY ONE on the movie poster.”
Gibson went on to add that Paul Walker and Vin Diesel were both offered franchise spin-offs, but turned them down at the time. Johnson posted the teaser trailer for Hobbs & Shaw on Instagram later that week claiming that Universal approached him about the spin-off years prior. He explained his reason for agreeing to the film was to quote “create greater opportunities” for his fellow Fast & Furious franchise cast mates, but his parting shot came with the hashtag: CandyAssedNeedNotApply.
Gibson then ratcheted up the feud by posting a video of Johnson criticizing Gibson’s 2015 R&B album, Black Rose. In the now-deleted video, via E! News, Johnson said,
Gibson captioned his post,
“Haters come in many forms. In my Kanye voice Black Rose is one of the greatest R&B Soul Albums of all time.”
“This is my first number one album…I’m on a mission to save my genre. R&B, like real R&B fans.”
The feud died down for almost a year until Gibson hopped on Instagram again in November 2017, and threatened to walk away from the Fast franchise if The Rock continued to be a part of it. Misspelling his own character’s name, Gibson wrote:
“I’m sorry to announce that if [Dwayne] is in Fast 9 there will no more Roman Peirce [sic], You mess with family and my daughter’s survival I mess with yours…Close your eyes dude you’re a ‘Clown.'”
On August 2, 2019, Hobbs & Shaw hit theaters and roared to number 1 at the box office in its first two weeks. Johnson took to Twitter to thank his fans, and take another shot at Gibson while he was at it. He wrote:
“Thank you everyone for makin’ this an exciting first week of box office for our lil’ spin-off Hobbs and Shaw. Number 1 movie and $333M worldwide, ain’t too shabby. And remember, the best way to shut the mouth of a [clown] is to flex with success and a smile.”
In its first month, the film earned over $600 million worldwide.
However, in yet another since-deleted Instagram post, via People magazine, Gibson called the global opening:
“NOT a win…Breaking up the family clearly doesn’t have the value that one would assume it does…Again my respects cause he tried his best.”
On September 6th, 2019, Deadline reported that Hobbs & Shaw surpassed $700 million at the box office, making it the highest-grossing non-Disney, non-superhero movie of 2019. You can probably smell what The Rock was cooking when he read the article. Yes, another shot at Tyrese: an Instagram post where the action star posted a screenshot of the Deadline story.
We’re not sure if The Rock and Gibson will appear together in Fast & Furious 9 or not. But if they do, we’re buying all the popcorn.
Watch the video for more about What Happened With The Rock And Tyrese
#DwayneJohnson #TheRock #Tyrese
New Hollywood Celebrity News 2017 Ratings Videos, We Finally Understand What Happened With The Rock And Tyrese.
Hollywood has been criticized for its influence over children in that it endeavours to appeal to children at a young age and develop their views and interests according to Hollywood’s portrayal of major themes as well as prepare children to become early consumers of their brand. Hollywood Celebrity News 2018, We Finally Understand What Happened With The Rock And Tyrese.
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bizmediaweb · 6 years
28 Twitter Statistics All Marketers Need to Know in 2019
Whether it’s the latest news or the latest meme, Twitter consistently punches above its weight in our cultural consciousness. And it’s an important space for brands to make an impression on potential customers. We’ve gone ahead and compiled all the Twitter statistics that you need to know to market among the microbloggers in 2019.
Bonus: Download the free strategy guide that reveals how Hootsuite grew our Twitter following to over 8 million users and learn how you can put the tactics to work for your business.
General Twitter stats
1. 500 million tweets are sent each day
That’s 5,787 tweets every second.
Yes, this official number is impressive, but let us please note it was first announced in 2014 and hasn’t changed in the years since.
2. Twitter only became profitable in 2017
It wasn’t til Q3 2017 that Twitter posted its first profit: 91 million dollars. And according to analysts, that was based more on cost-cutting (in sales, marketing and R&D) than business growth.
However, Twitter has been consistently profitable for the last four quarters, and it posted its largest profit ever in Q3 2018. The stock market likes this bump: Twitter was #21 on Forbes’ Top 100 Digital Companies list for 2018 (beating out Facebook at #26).
3. The most popular emoji on Twitter in 2018 was the laugh-cry face
Followed by heart-eyes at #2, and cry-cry at #3.
What better way to celebrate #WorldEmojiDay than with some ????✨data✨?????
These are the most used emojis on Twitter the past year: ➖???? ➖???? ➖???? ➖❤️ ➖???? ➖???? ➖???? ➖???? ➖???? ➖????
— Twitter Data (@TwitterData) July 17, 2018
(Okay, you didn’t really need to know that. But you wanted to.)
Twitter user stats
4. 326 million people use Twitter every month
That’s nine million fewer than in mid-2018, and four million fewer than late 2017. Management blames bot purges, Europe’s new data privacy laws, and some technical issues for the decline.
5. 9% more people are using Twitter on a daily basis
While monthly users decrease, the number of daily users has been increasing consistently since 2016.
Source: Recode
This lines up with Pew Research’s finding that 46 percent of American Twitter users visit the site at least once a day.
CEO Jack Dorsey stated that Twitter is focussing on making the platform “a healthier and valuable everyday service.” If these numbers reflect Twitter’s goal to be more attractive to good users while booting bad ones, they may translate to higher-quality audiences for advertisers.
6. 80% of Twitter’s users aren’t American
259 million of those 326 are international users. Twitter supports these users with 35 offices around the world, and the platform operates in 33 languages. (34 if you count emoji.)
Additionally, Twitter actively supports uptake in the developing world via Twitter Lite, the app’s data-friendly alternative. Twitter Lite is available in more than 45 countries, and this dedication to growing new markets has translated to increased international revenue growth for Twitter.
7. 24% of US adults use Twitter
Of those adults, Twitter users tend to skew urban, educated, and higher-income.
Source: Pew Research
For more detail, check out our comprehensive breakdown of Twitter’s demographics.
8. User growth is predicted at less than 1%, in the US
Emarketer predicts that Twitter will only add 500,000 American users in 2019. Most of the new users will be adults over the age of 25.
9. Only 6% of US teens say Twitter is the most important social network
According to Statista, teens don’t prioritize Twitter over other platforms. (Yes, Snapchat still reigns supreme.)
Source: Statista
10. 80% of Twitter users are affluent millennials
That’s what Twitter says, anyway. This number lines up with what we know about the platform’s general demographics. 45 percent of American 18- to 25-year-olds say they use Twitter, for instance.
But does it line up with the fact that the most retweeted tweet of all time is a plea for free chicken nuggets?
Twitter usage stats
11. 71% of Twitter users are reading news there
And, according to the same study by Pew Research, that works out to 12 percent of all Americans. No other platform rivals Twitter for bleeding-edge news and up-to-the-second happenings.
This relevance is quite possibly the reason Twitter continues to be such a major player in the social media landscape, despite size and reach. After all, Twitter invented the hashtag, and live-tweeting. (And Vine. RIP Vine. Never forget.)
12. Twitter is the number one platform for government leaders
Twitter outdoes Facebook and Instagram among powerbrokers. According to the 2018 Twiplomacy study, 187 governments and heads of state maintain an official presence on Twitter.
And in related news that is surprising to no one, Twitter is politically polarized. But since outrage is the most viral emotion on the internet, at least marketers can count on Twitter users being engaged. Just keep the relatively volatile nature of this environment in mind as you build your Twitter marketing strategy.
13. People are 31% more likely to recall what they saw on Twitter
This, as opposed to what they recall while browsing online in general.
Apparently, Twitter maintains a special place in its users’ hearts and minds. Or is it just that pithy content is stickier? Regardless, this is a notable lift that’s worth capitalizing on.
Twitter stats for business
14. 75% of B2B businesses market on Twitter
Source: Statista
And 65 percent of B2C businesses are marketing there. That means Twitter outranks Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat.
15. 85% of SMB Twitter users say providing customer service there is important
One of the top reasons businesses feel they need to be on Twitter is customer service. It’s almost de rigueur now to @ your airline about every twenty-minute flight delay.
However, smaller brands can also jump on the opportunity to turn frowns upside down.
16. Only 3% of customers will @ you when they complain
According to Edison Research, brands need to put in some legwork and broaden their Twitter customer service horizons.
Check out our full guide to social listening here. Or, if you haven’t already, demo the sentiment analysis tools from Hootsuite Insights.
Twitter advertising stats
17. Twitter posted a 50% increase in ad engagements between October 2017 and 2018
As of their Q3 2018 conference call, ad engagements on Twitter continue to rise. If Twitter’s ROI wasn’t competitive last year for your industry and audience, it may well be now.
18. Twitter also saw a 14% decline in cost per engagement over the same period
Likewise, given lowering prices, if you’re not paying for Twitter ads right now maybe it‘s time to crunch those CPC and CTR numbers again.
19. Twitter ads are 11% more effective than TV ads during live events
More effective at “stimulating mental engagement,” to be precise. (And 9 percent better at memory encoding). This is according to a NeuroInsight study that also found people spend 4 percent more time on Twitter during a live event than they would normally.
Take, for instance, the 4.8 billion Tweet impressions during Superbowl LII last year, most of which—I can only assume—was everyone looking at pictures of Nick Foles holding his baby.
More than any other platform, Twitter lives for major events. That kind of predictable surge in interest is worth experimenting with in your paid strategy.
20. 40% of users say they’ve made a purchase because of an influencer’s tweet
Twitter is an indispensible platform for many experts and thought leaders, not to mention comedians. Have you considered complementing your traditional ads with a well-placed shout-out from the right voice?
Twitter publishing stats
21. The half-life of a tweet is 24 minutes
In other words, a tweet gets half its interactions in the first half hour, and then starts a long, slow decline into the fog of time.
This is why some guides don’t have upward limits on the number of times a brand ought to tweet in a day.
22. Brands tweeted an average of 122 times a month last year
Source: Statista
What does that work out to, four tweets a day? Six per workday?
Although, we hope they aren’t only tweeting on workdays. A better idea: schedule your tweets in advance to catch your audience when they’re online and engaged.
23. The best time to tweet is 3 p.m. on weekdays
In our studies we’ve found that engagement on Twitter peaks around mid-afternoon, if you’re a B2B brand.
B2C brands might have even better results scheduling around working hours. (Think commutes and lunch hours.)
That said, check out your audience’s habits using Hootsuite Analytics if you want to fine-tune your timing.
24. Tweets with a GIF get 55% more engagement
Twitter studied 3.7 million accounts in order to reach this, the conclusion everyone already knew.
But it’s nice to know the exact percentage, right guys?
Twitter video stats
25. 93% of Twitter videos are viewed on mobile
This statistic from Twitter’s internal data is a good reminder that video content needs to be equally effective whether or not users have their sound on.
In fact, mobile optimization across the board is a good bet: short, punchy, and vertical.
26. Tweets with video attract 10x as much engagement
We’re all still smarting from Facebook’s (um, alleged) inflation of video views, but this is a pretty compelling number. If you haven’t brought your video assets to Twitter yet, now is the time.
27. Promoted tweets with video saved 50% on their cost per engagement
Since Twitter Business is the one who came up with this statistic, it feels almost like they’re announcing a discount. However, it could make for an easy ROI lift for those of you with spare video content in your back pockets.
28. In-stream video ads lift purchase intent by 6%
Twitter’s new type of video ad is pre-roll before video content from Twitter’s publisher partners. Essentially, you can position your 15 second ad before desirable, “brand-safe” content (think: sports highlights, models talking about dogs) from big publishers like Condé Nast, Fox, Reuters, et cetera.
According to Nielsen Brand Effect’s data, these ads are performing effectively for their brands and are worth considering if you’re looking for a new tool to reach your audience.
Source: Twitter
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28 Twitter Statistics All Marketers Need to Know in 2019 published first on https://themarketingheaven.tumblr.com/
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