#anyway. incoherent rant over.
1nfine77 · 4 months
hhahahaha i disappeared again. woops.
scripting/worldbuilding wrt dr ramble under cut. no promises for this making any sense.
anyway - i've sat down and properly started getting to grips with my script, now that i'm done with exams, and the sheer amount of worldbuilding i want to do first is... oh boy.
shifting to a modded version of a video game universe, particularly mc in this case, is an... experience in trust when you leave it all alone, i want to say, because of how many mods do not integrate with one another. you'll get add-on mods and you'll get mods that acknowledge one another or will use one another's components, but in terms of the story or base mechanics of each mod, you tend to end up with a lot of disparate parts with their own separate and unrelated progressions and ways of dealing with base game things. in order to progress through two progression-based mods, you need to do them at the same time or else you'll be at end-game with one and then returning to square-zero in order to do anything with the other.
(better yet, you'll get mods with conflicting storylines or progressions, where trying to build a world where you focus on one will, on an in-game story level, lock you out of another, or where doing two mods at once will essentially mean you're tokyo drifting across what are essentially two very different belief systems without ever really trying to cohere them. which is whatever, but it does me in.)
or you'll get one mod completely overpowering another in terms of what it can achieve, and i want to level the playing field a bit and make some things more powerful and others less in order to counterbalance this a little. or at least have one be a natural progression of another, or have this one thing be useful in this case but in the general case, this other thing is preferred, etc etc.
and since i'm here with notion in front of me, i may as well grapple with the problem i have just noticed and shape a solution for it myself rather than leaving it up to chance.
(i also have like... ten separate 'magic systems'* i want to try to develop as different explanations for and beliefs surrounding the same or similar sets of phenomena**, each with their own key figures in their development, but... fuck, that's a task, i've realised lmao, especially because i am dealing, in the dr, with a truckload of forgotten and lost history due to the nature of the dr.)
i essentially need to deconstruct every single component of what makes up my dr and decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether to synthesise it with a previously unrelated part of a different component, dismiss it entirely (either because i don't like it or because it doesn't fit), treat it as its own phenomenon or adjust it so that it no longer leans on cr-related, and therefore dr-foreign, concepts.
and again - there is technically no need for me to fight with this. but i'm here and i may as well, and having the extra bit of knowledge of where i'm headed is likely going to help.
honestly my entire script sucks because of these... major oversights. sure, i have changed major mechanics on the way, which doesn't help, but then there's things like this that are genuine sandpaper to my brain. i visualise myself doing a specific thing in my dr and get taken completely out of it by the hard-clash of that thing and some other fucking thing from another fucking mod, both of which apparently sit comfortably in the same universe from which they both originated (anything that can be explained from 'idk it came from outer space/another dimension/etc.' is being left that way thanks).
this is a long-winded way to say that i may as well write a book at this point if i am going to be this fucking bent on logical consistency in a god damn fantasy setting. if i get too in the weeds with this and start going down the rabbit hole of conlangs, and then trying to make creole languages out of those conlangs, then i guess i better give up and admit i'm subconsciously trying to be tolkien.
*oh - and i finally realised, after four fucking years of being bent on the same exact dr, that no, the laws of physics and reality will be different there than they are here, and so what i am seeing as a magic system may well be equivalent in sense and rationality (with regards to explaining external phenomena) to. idk. physics. wards - as in, physical unopenable doors and literal invisible barriers - may well be as common and usual as fucking gravity, and it's my cr headspace - and the way these things are treated in the mod, honestly - that's making that complicated for me.
**i do have some 'magic systems' that touch on, like, specifically plants, or specifically astrology, that i can pretty much leave alone because they have their own... spheres of influence that other systems don't really interact with, but even with these i want some mutual acknowledgement.
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corfisers · 10 months
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i really need to finish this one day
#one of my fave ideas but i keep getting stuck or starting over. third time's the charm hopefully#anyways. posting it as an excuse to rant because i'm losing my mind over this rn for no reason#incoherent but i just need to Talk or my brain won't shut up#you ever think about how fucked up it is that aoi feels guilty over what happened. i do. i think about her a lot#he can't even look at me. we aren't even blood related but he still had to go to jail because of me. i still love him#in reality none of it is her fault. it shouldn't be about doumeki in the first place. baby girl you were 15 when it happened.#you can say that yashiro is cruel in his dismissiveness (on the surface) of doumeki's trauma but you can see where he's coming from#you got a glimpse of what your sister was going through? of what i went through? and now you're sooo guilty over it? and who does it help?#doumeki's so focused on his own feelings that he ignored aoi when they were living together. “saves” her by pure chance#proceeds to focus on his guilt and ignore her again. if yashiro didn't get involved she'd be sitting in the rain for god knows how long#yet she still loves and to some degree idolizes him#yashiro and aoi both saying that doumeki isn't the type of person to be a yakuza too. doumeki's good doumeki's better than that#and then ch 24 happens. where yashiro says that he's going to throw up and doumeki's response is “i probably won't stop even if you do”#“guess i am like my father after all” and yashiro still goes “you're not. you're pure and im the problem”#(touches doumeki's face. rare gentle gesture. he's gentle afterwards too before leaving. man.)#he's not cruel enough to repeat what he said in the earlier conversation and he doesn't actually believe it anyway#but i wish yashiro was cruel there. it shouldn't have been about doumeki and his feelings. again.#something about yashiro throwing a knife at another person and it flying back at him huh#for all the talk about how doumeki supposedly romanticizes yashiro it really is the other way around. always has been#which is a whole other conversation but yeah. everything about aoi and yashiro in relation to doumeki makes me so fucking sad#but this is also what i mean when i say that aoi doesn't haunt the narrative per se but still has this weird presence?#she's in the parallels. she's in the brief but important mentions. she's in the “your sister was lucky she had you”.#wips tag
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1o1percentmilk · 10 months
so yeah i think theres a problem/i don't personally like it with how loose the definition of roguelike is now and i feel like people use roguelike as a buzzword now? it's the trendy thing to do? increases replayability and whatnot? people see it and think its automatically a hardcore leetskillz game? and suree you can do whatever u want and make whatever game u want have a gimmick idc idc but if u put sum shit in the roguelike tag that isn't. like Rogue. i will judge you.
vampire survivors is not a fucking roguelike.
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nvuy · 4 months
oh, the eldritch horror! — scar
summary. venturing out in the woods to clear your head was supposed to be relaxing, so why is this twisted abominable nightmare of a beast growling in your face?
notes. i rewatched shrek because i was bored and i snatched the donkey & dragon scene right out of it. but like, instead of a dragon, it’s literally baphomet. does this count as monsterfucking bc idkkk… anyway yeah it’s like scar but his goat form. i thought it would be funny. this is just painfully self indulgent.
idk wtf is going on in wuwa but my brain shut down when this loser came on screen and started ranting about shepherds and sheep. whatever you say beautiful.
warnings. scar, very minimal crack (it’s inspired by shrek. idk what to say bro…)
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This has to be the worst day of your life.
The creature snaps its drooling jaw in your face.
It looks like a goat from Hell. Like a black sheep that’s wandered from its herd. You can’t see much of its face, but the ginormous pair of curled horns are sharp at the edges. The cartilage could easily slit your throat in half if you were to make one wrong move and lean in too close.
Four yellow beady eyes glare at you, way too close to your face. You can see your warped reflection along rectangular pupils. Giant ears peeled back towards its skull, pierced with two matching golden earrings in the shape of crosses that are the size of your hands.
You laugh nervously in its face.
Oh, god, it’s going to eat you alive. You know it.
You try to take a step back, but you’re met with the roots of a tree at your feet and the trunk digging harshly into your back.
Bad idea. Oh, this was all a bad idea. The bad luck streak should’ve been an indicator right from this morning: you slept through your alarm and were subsequently late for work, you fell over twice at work, you lost your house keys, and then you decided to clear your head and go for a walk.
You ended up venturing off deeper into the trees to search for herbs to help back at the clinic in Jinzhou. You don’t even know which direction the city is anymore.
And now, there’s a creature—and it can’t be a Tacet Discord—growling and snapping its teeth in your face. It’s huge. It’s way too big to be absorbed, let alone actually taken down with brute force. Whacking it with a stick certainly didn’t help.
All that did was manage to slash a decent gash into one of its hind legs and anger it even further.
It snarls at you.
A bead of sweat rolls down your temple.
Uh oh.
“Oh, what large teeth you have!” Your voice comes out shaky, and you’re trembling as you stare up at it.
A low guttural noise escapes from the depths of its throat, and its jaw unhinges.
Your eyes pinch shut. “I-I mean, white, sparkling, teeth!” You let out a nervous huff of laughter, your words almost incoherent. “I know you probably hear this all the time from your food, but, you must take really good care of those pearly whites, ‘cause that is one dazzling smile you’ve got there!”
The creature’s slitted eyes narrow in suspicion. Its jaw snaps closed as it pulls only a few inches away from your burning skin.
You quickly wipe your sweaty palms on your hands.
You clear your throat. “I’m so grateful that your beautiful smile will be the last thing I ever see. Y’know… when you eat me… ‘cause I’m sure you must be hungry!” You prattle on and on, and your knees are weak and wobbly. “Not that you have to eat me. I’d prefer if you didn’t, but– yeah! So grateful!”
You were praying to whatever Gods could hear you that your mindless babbling saved your life. Or some superhero came through and took this thing down in one swing.
The giant creature seems to preen at your words. Its sharp teeth retreat behind a now closed mouth. Its horn suddenly don’t appear as sharp as they were before, and the curl of them against the creature’s skull look softer and more defined. They were different to the ghastly sharp edges you saw before.
Your legs can’t keep still. Your hands interlock in front of you to try and quell the shaking. Your bones feel like they’re vibrating beneath your skin.
You try to control your breathing. “Beautiful hair–fur, by the way.” You raise a finger to point at the greyish locks behind its horns. For such a mangy beast, its hair looked a bit silky. Maybe unwashed, and it was full of twigs, but slightly soft. “And I smell a hint of berry…” Lie. “…Did you… wash it?”
Stupid question.
You try to control your breathing.
Maybe the beast isn’t a beast. Maybe it’s a nice creature cursed with being ugly.
The creature is still eyeing you.
Can it understand you? Or is it trying to survey whether you’re a threat or not? You can’t tell. You heard somewhere that dogs don't like when people look them in the eyes. You didn’t even know if that was true.
The correlation is stupid, regardless. This beast is far from even remotely resembling the canis genus.
Its head is huge, even when its jaw is shut. Its nostrils are the size of your hand, and it breathes puffs of hot air in your face. You reel back further into the tree. Your stomach drops impossibly lower than it already has. Your skin is soaked in sweat.
The creature bumps its nose against your sternum and inhales sharply.
You glance to the left.
Is it… smelling you? Is it trying to figure out if you’re edible? Oh, Gods, then you’re embarrassing stalling would have been for nothing. What a day. As if it couldn’t get any worse than it already had been.
You can't outrun it. It’s huge. By the time you’ve sprinted ten feet away it can simply lean over and pluck you by the back of your collar and pop you into its mouth.
Your insides churn at the thought. You were afraid you’d hunch over and vomit out of fear on the creature’s face.
Bad plan? Maybe then it wouldn’t eat you, at least. Or maybe it would. You were afraid to take the chances, and swallow the bile rising up your throat.
Its oddly bent arms smash into the dirt on either side of you. A low garble echoes in its throat and bubbles with saliva.
It sounds like a croak of sorts.
The lamb creature bumps its sharp snout into your stomach. Those beady eyes blink—you notice it has vertical eyelids. Gross. It’s like a giant lizard, almost.
Its teeth are gone for the moment, though, so it offers you a moment of reprieve. Or maybe it’s trying to calm you down so your blood tastes sweeter, or something. Sweat continues to roll down your neck, and you swallow the giant lump in your throat.
The red sashes of the torn clothes on its back pull with its form, ripping at the seams even more.
Your eyes flit nervously to the wound on its leg. It’s a small smear of crimson against grey fur, barely noticeable, and you’re sure the creature can’t even feel the sudden pain from it anymore. It seems to be walking fine, and it does not exhibit any discomfort when it shifts its weight to each hoof.
You wince when you spot the gnarly gash you left on it.
The lump in your throat doesn’t dislodge.
You try to ignore it.
The creature’s long neck pulls into view again. It’s watching you silently.
You figure if it wanted to eat you, it would have done so already. Hopefully you seemed inedible to it. Maybe it was an omnivore or something—but those sharp teeth were definitely not just for chewing on leaves and berries in the wild.
Morphed fingers dig deeper into the dirt beside your feet.
You stare into its eyes.
Its still eyeing you.
It’s… curious. It blinks slowly, one eye at a time, as you slowly, and so slowly, slower than you’ve ever moved in your life, raise your hands.
Then, you navigate around its giant leg beside you and step towards the gash on its hind leg. Your foot tramples onto a twig and it snaps loudly. The creature watches you with lidded eyes, but there’s a flash of teeth in warning. You gulp.
You kneel before its wounded leg and pull your satchel from around your waist.
The creature does nothing. Its teeth disappear behind its mouth again.
“Sorry,” you whisper with a wince. You hope it can understand you’re not a threat. Maybe it’s scared of you. Wouldn’t that be a spectacle? A giant predator, some eldritch abomination in the middle of the woods, scared of a little flesh bag. “Um… I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was just scared, y’see?”
You had meant to hurt it, but you’d spit little white lies if they saved your life.
The creature blinks creepily again. That uneven slow blink, like a frog.
You’re more disturbed than anything. You’re amazed that ginormous tongue locked behind its teeth hasn’t come forth to lick its sclera wet yet. Then you’d be more convinced.
You try not to let it show. “But, um…” You dig around in your satchel before you pull out a small glass vial. “I have something that might help.” The vial is made of a crystal glass with a cork in the rim. The liquid inside is a deep blue, like the blueberries growing on the nearby bushes, or like thick ink.
The creature lowers its great head down towards the bottle.
It stares at your hands expectantly before trying to sniff around the glass.
Hesitantly, you remove the cork and hold the rim closer to one of its nostrils. It most certainly doesn't smell good; it’s made up of a mixture of herbs and alcohol, but you know for a fact it does a damn good job at shielding wounds from infection. It was fool-proof medicine; you made it. And you don’t settle for less than perfection.
The creature seems displeased with the scent for it seems to flinch away from the rim. It does not swat the medicine, but it turns its head away.
It looks grumpy.
“It might help the bleeding.” It will help the bleeding. You know it will. It will heal the entire wound. But, you didn’t come here to gloat, so you keep your lips zipped shut. “It’ll sting, though.”
The creature makes a noise. It does not sound like a warning, nor an acceptance of your words. It’s simply an acknowledgement, like a toneless hum, but you also don’t speak eldritch lamb, so you could be far from the truth. For all you knew, it was hyping itself up to open its mouth around your head or take off into the trees.
Alas, it does neither of those things.
It sits back on its hind legs despite its wound and then falls into the grass.
Its eyes shut and it stills.
You blink in wonder.
Did it… die?
Nope. It’s still breathing. Its nostrils flare with every breath. There’s a giant pitiful feeling of disappointment, but at the same time, a smaller pang of relief in your stomach.
Your hand reaches out to touch the tender and raw skin around its wound.
The creature remains still. Maybe it’s sleeping. It did chase you around the forest for a good long while.
You hum. It’s like a giant dog, you think. Like a scary, huge, dog.
You take loose cloth from your satchel and dab the medicine generously into the cotton until it soaks it thoroughly. You don’t have anything to properly clean the wound with, but it will have to do. You do have a wrap of bandages, though, and it’s better than nothing.
Gingerly, you press the soaked cloth to the tip of the wound.
The creature blinks its eyes open and snarls.
You try again in the spot next to it, gently pulling any flecks of dirt you see from the gash.
It hisses then, low and horrible, and you flinch away. It watches you cautiously, hind leg pulled towards itself protectively.
“I just need to clean it,” you say desperately. You know there’s a pleaful gleam in your eyes.
The beast tilts its great head towards you before it snorts and rests down on the grass again.
When you press the cloth back to its wound, it makes a noise, but it does flinch.
So, you work gently. Slowly, like you’re treading through thick murky waters. It feels that way. The creature puffs annoyed noises through its nose, but you dutifully ignore it, watching the shimmer of the medicine in the evening sunlight to make sure it was spread evenly over the gash.
When you’re satisfied, you take its giant hoof in your lap and wrap the bandages around its leg. The size of its calf takes up almost all of the roll, but you make it work, tucking the ends into the wrap. The creature does not deter away from the treatment.
You hope it isn’t too tight.
It’ll give the beast another good reason to close its jaw around your head.
The creature blinks its gross eyes open again, those rectangular pupils drawing thinner. It’s surveying the bandaging like it’s foreign; it probably is, given the creature has probably never received treatment in its life. You notice the ghastly scars drawn over its face.
Still, you’re frightened. The noises that pour from its throat are guttural and flagrant. It’s still huge, even as it lays in the grass. When it raises its head, it’s still taller than you.
You feel a drop of sweat slip down your spine.
It probably hasn’t eaten you because you smell unappetising. You’re thankful, internally.
You stay knelt in the grass, dirt staining your pants as you watch the creature warily.
Then, it coos. It’s snout bumps into your stomach and it coos. You flinch away from the noise, hands raised near your head defensively. Why is it cooing? Does it like you? That’s better than hating you, at least. The creature huffs and puffs against your stomach, and washes of hot air waver over your sweaty face.
You shakily rest a palm on the top of its snout, mindful of the deep scars.
The creature only stares blankly.
Huh. “You’re not so bad.” You swallow nervously. “You’re sort of like a giant puppy.”
The creature lets off a low garble. It sounds innocent, like a passing noise of pleasantries. Like it’s enjoying your attention.
Your hand smooths over the strange fur. It’s coarse between your fingers, withered with age and scars, but it still somehow retains a slight softness. It’s nice. It smells suspiciously like livestock, but that’s better than smelling of blood and sinew.
The creature drowns in the feeling of your hand against its head. The gold earrings are cold against your skin.
Then, it reels back.
You almost jump when its mouth moves towards your face before a long and slimy tongue drags up your cheek. You almost gag as saliva drips from your skin, but you try not to let it show. You shiver instead, mostly out of disgust.
The creature seems pleased though.
You’re glad to be of service. And to still be alive.
Nice puppy.
You try to ignore the slime stuck to your skin as you thumb over the creature’s horns. They’re enormous, much larger than the width of your arm, but the cartilage is so delicate, and you notice chips in the black curls.
It bumps its nose into your sternum and makes a noise.
When you say nothing, it makes the same noise, but it’s drawn out and higher, more irritated. Petrified, you stumble back slightly. You have a clear shot of running now. There’s no trees trapping you with this thing. You could try and make a beeline towards where you think Jinzhou is.
The creature stares expectantly. There’s a slow kiss of a blink, and hot puffs of air fan over your face and send jitters down your spine.
“I don’t– um…” You try to settle your trembling. “I’m not understanding–”
The great creature lets out a frustrated huff, and lowers its head towards you. You think not to place your sweaty palm on its snout for pets again. It doesn’t seem to warrant them at that moment, either.
It’s getting dark now, and you’re growing nervous again. Does it grow violent in the night? Is it warning you? Oh, God, maybe it’s going to pounce.
A cloying scent fills your nose. Your eyes refocus from the tears that melt along your bottom lashes.
You watch, mortified, as the creature warps.
Those giant hooves shrink in size, followed by an engorging shadow of smoke and red dust like sand. It burns your eyes and floods your lungs wrong, and you cough, fanning your face desperately. It stinks. It smells like metals and burnt soil. This mustn’t be good for your health, inhaling all this stuff.
The creature horns curl smaller until they disappear. You can’t see much of it, but what you can see is almost disturbing. It looks painful. The silhouette of the great beast continues to shrink, and those beautiful tresses of white and grey hair curl along what can be assumed to be a more normal looking face.
Its silhouette vaguely resembles a human, but there’s much too little to see you’re not quite sure. Black ripples down those long arms and pulls away the fur covering them.
There’s the snapping and straightening of bones. You almost puke at the sound. You force yourself to look away. Sweat pools in your throat like an oasis.
When you find the courage to glance back, the shadows then peel away from the inky red fog and dust.
You gulp.
It’s a man.
It’s the beast, and you know it is because the scars on the creature’s head match the lines and pulls of his skin. He’s devoid of fur now, and his hair is dramatically shorter, small curls imitating those giant black horns twisting around the now fleshy lobes of his ears and his neck.
His clothes are the same. Ruined and tattered, but still that red coat. His shirt is caked in dirt and his pants are torn where the gash is. It’s still covered by the rolls of bandages.
He is on his hands and knees in the grass. He looks exhausted, like he’s trying to recover from the most painful transformation you’ve ever witnessed in your life.
“Um…” It’s the only thing that can seem to form coherently from your mouth.
A grin cracks onto the man’s face. “Hi.”
You nod slowly in a greeting.
Your spine snaps rod straight in fright.
The man stands to his feet slowly. His bones crack and continue snapping as he moves, and he lets off an annoyed sigh before he stretches and pulls knots from his joints.
Then, he suddenly looks alive. “That’s better. God, have you ever been trapped in your own body?” You briskly shake your head, to which he scoffs playfully and continues, “‘course you haven’t! Silly me.”
“Are you–” You feel stupid for asking, but there’s something forcing you to say it. “Are you a Tacet Discord?”
The man’s face morphs to answer your question. “Do I look like a Tacet Discord?”
Well. He did. About five minutes ago. It takes effort not to respond with irked quips, eyes flitting towards your satchel that’s still resting by his feet where you had left it.
He notices you staring at it and kneels down to pick it up. The thin strap you swing around your body is pulled over one of his fingers like the bag is a foreign object entirely.
You figure he might try and rummage inside. He won’t find much if he plans to rob you.
Instead, his eyes narrow playfully at you. “You are so interesting.” He grips the strap of your bag tight and takes one calculative step forward. “Usually, humans bore me. They’re all cut from the same meat platter, after all.
“But, you…” A pleased, airy little giggle escapes his throat. “Oh, I like you.”
Oh, this is very bad.
That smile on his face says it all.
Very, very bad.
You sucked up way too much to the beast.
You’re in for it now.
You laugh awkwardly in return. You’re not flattered in the slightest.
You hoped the world ended at that very moment. That would fix the problem.
You clear your throat quickly. “I appreciate you not eating me, sir. Really, I do! But I need to get going now. It’s getting dark, y’see, and… and it’s not safe for me to be walking around in the dark…” You’re stalling again. It worked the first time. You hope it works here again.
That doesn’t appear to be the case.
The man watches you closely.
“C-could I have my bag back?” You curse yourself for letting the waver in your voice slip. It sounds hopeless.
As expected, he only snorts. “Nope.” He swings it over his shoulder. “You’re not going anywhere just yet.”
You really need your stuff.
Your feet remain planted into the floor.
He’s scary. His smile isn’t normal. The scars pulling around his eyes make it so much worse, too.
His head tilts curiously to the side. He’s walking right towards you now. His eyes rapidly move from your face down to your legs, surveying every inch of you he could.
You want to fall through the floor and disappear.
“What’s your name, little lamb?”
Your heart spikes in your chest. He’ll follow you right back to the city, you know it. You can see it in his eyes, and his expression—where’s that stick to swat him off? Your eyes frantically search the ground as you move for some sort of branch to stave him off.
Your hands raise in front of you to keep him away, but of course your little frail body isn’t going to deter him in the slightest.
If anything, he only coos again.
You tell him your name reluctantly when your foot stumbles over a stray root. You don’t topple over. You can’t imagine what would happen to you if you had to start crawling away from him.
He repeats it once.
Then, his grin softens. “I like it.” It looks relatively normal now, like he’s not about to dig his teeth into your flesh. They’ve straightened up from how sharp they were prior, but you’re sure those canines could do enough damage. “I like you. You’re so nice. So small. So silly.”
You swallow hard.
He says nothing else.
Your brows knit together in worry. “What’s your name?”
His eyes flit down to himself as if he’s wracking his brain to remember. Then, he says, “Scar.”
Underwhelming. It’s like calling a kitten ‘Cat.’ You don’t voice your disappointment. At least his name is simple, and easy to remember.
Your eyes swarm to his bandaged leg.
He’s not even limping. The gash seems like nothing but a fleeting thought.
The man, Scar, hums thoughtfully, a nail pointed onto his cheek. “It’s not everyday you find a little white lamb away from its flock. It would be unwise to give you up to the other creatures in the forest.”
You swallow whatever courage you have left in your bones. “I don’t need protection, but thank you.”
He can keep your satchel. You are out of here.
You turn away from him this time and continue walking forward.
“Oh, but didn’t you just say it’s not safe for you to be out here in the dark?” His words taper off into a chuckle. His smile twists into something grotesque again. His arms are pulled open into some sort of mocking await of an embrace. “Come, little one. I promise I am gentle.”
You don’t believe him.
You’re sweating again. Hot ash clings into your lungs. You stifle the urge to choke on your spit in fear.
Your head turns back to watch him, suddenly alarmed. Gooseflesh raises on your arms.
Your foot catches onto a thick protruding root in the dirt again, but this time you do stumble to the floor. Your head smashes against the ground but you can’t pay it too much mind. You’re panicked, and ice rushes through your veins like blood.
You push yourself up instantly, but he’s quicker, and a foot stamps down onto your calf. It doesn’t hurt, no, but it’s firm enough to keep you there.
His knees hit the dirt on either side of your legs and you’re cornered. You try to sit up to the best of your ability, but he tuts as if he’s reprimanding a child. “Now, now. You’ve hit your head. You could be seriously hurt, y’know?”
“‘M fine!” You push on his chest when he leans down far too close to inspect you. “Get off!”
There’s no physical damage except for a small welt. You feel dizzy, but that’s to be expected.
There’s something alight in his eyes.
This is a game to him.
Scar lets you sit up, though he’s still very much straddling your lap.
That same wobbly grin pulls onto his lips.
Oh, gross. You should never have treated his wounds. Now he’s staring at you like you’re the only thing that matters to him. You’ve caused some great beast to grow delusional because you wanted to be nice.
You’re never stopping to help lonely animals in the forest ever again.
You swear you see hearts bubble and pop from his head when he blinks at you. He hums a small giggle before his arms wrap around your neck and draw his chest into yours.
He squeezes you tight and you buzz with the excitement that radiates off his skin in heat waves. More and more hearts float from his head, and you’re sure his pupils are a shape to match.
“I want to keep you.”
He squishes his cheek against yours.
“Uh…” What the hell else do you say? Especially to this thing that’s swamped over you like a giant teddy bear. You can’t even breathe.
“So small. Are humans usually this tiny? And you’re so warm–”
You claw at his arms. His grip loosens over your neck.
He doesn’t look the slightest bit apologetic. Instead, he looks intrigued and experimentally squeezes around your throat again. “Oh. I always forget just how fragile humans are.”
You sigh in defeat.
Oh, boy.
This is going to be a long night.
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yourstrulyrika · 8 months
Leon’s tits appreciation fic ♡
no warnings as usual, just fem!reader. it’s really just Leon’s chest appreciation because damn.
also. a small rant at the bottom of the fic? just a disclaimer btw. it’s nothing triggering me thinks, it’s about Leon so that’s why i’m putting it here i still encourage you to read it.
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also this one might be a bit messy i just started taking my new meds and my body is going crazy. i’m really sleepy & dizzy all the time so yeah. sorry if it’s a bit out of my usual style or something ♡
you love Leon’s chest. that much is obvious — because he loves yours too obviously. you two love each other, body, soul, heart and mind. this includes your and his chests. Leon loves sleeping on your chest, and you love sleeping on Leon’s chest, too. it’s common for you two.
but, you definitely love playing with Leon’s chest the most. it’s just so plush, feels so good to touch. Leon’s chest is his soft spot, to say the least. when you touched his chest for the first time, he arched his back so prettily, leaning his head back. his nipples harden under your touch, his body getting warmer and eager for more as his cock grows harder.
“Dear god,”
he sighs out when you touch his chest, and it only makes you grin in return. you rarely get him to such state. sure, he lets out a grunt or two, but this? and he actually blushes. just a tiiny bit, but it’s still a blush! so you decide to take it further, planting little kisses all over his chest, feeling his heart subtly flutter under your lips. Leon is only this vulnerable around you, no one ever sees this side of him — he feels safe around you. safe enough to let himself be the submissive one for once.
Leon is unable to take it anymore. he tugs at your pants, sliding them down along with your panties to expose your pretty pussy to his eager gaze. your cunt is glistening wet, making Leon drool at the sight. he places a subtle slap on your pussy, before repeating it, making you twitch your hips. his cock is hitting against your thigh, wanting to be buried in your warm insides.
“Getting this worked up over playing with my cheee—ngghmh!!” he lets out the hottest whimper one can think of. as he speaks, you decide to shush him, rather effectively. you wrap your lips around his nipple, gently tucking on it while flicking the other one. Leon is actually losing his mind, he’s leaking precum already.
“Fuck, baby, please just let me slide inside you,” he grunts out, guiding his cock to tap against your clit, begging for entry. he’s giving you the puppy eyes, the ones you can’t say no to. besides, with the way the tip of his cock is leaking so much just gets you so eager. once given the permission he almost jumps on you, but you keep him down by biting on his nipple, getting another, louder moan.
“Tease,” he pants out, breathing hitching and getting heavy. he closes his eyes, lips parting slightly, chest heaving up and down. you decide to do something— you push two fingers into his mouth, and he immediately laps at them, sucking them like it’s your pussy that he’s so starved off. he finally guides his cock into your insides, his length already twitching and throbbing as it sloppily moves in and out. he’s mumbling something incoherent to himself, babbling about it feeling so good. this, mixed with you constantly sucking his nipples, kneading his chest while also pushing your fingers into his mouth? it’s heaven. he’s in heaven.
it doesn’t take long for him to cum. in fact, just a few more minutes of you playing with his pretty nipples mixed with your cunt gripping him so well just drives him nuts, cumming inside you after a while. he obviously makes sure to make you cum too— before pushing you beneath him, now cupping your breasts
“My turn, huh? Your chest needs some loving, too.” he says this so confidently, already kneading at your chest.
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rant time! sorry guys, today’s one is shorter bc i dont feel so well :( but anyway, here’s my little rant about tiktok and honestly most of the fandom.
i hate the fact that people oversexualize Leon so much. this, and also not understand his character — caring only about his looks. people hate vendetta leon but i literally love this man. he’s fucking beautiful. all the resident evil characters are so misunderstood, oversexualized and ignored. i just hate it, and yeah i know i know — it’s just fiction, sure, but i just don’t like it. i wish more people took Leon seriously because this man is literally so much of a sweetheart, meanwhile people just sexualize him 24/7 :( he’s so much more than his looks. he’s literally so sweet it hurts.
rant over, just wanted to get it off of my chest. i just love him so much and people reduce him to various sex related things. smut and all that is good obviously, i just dislike when people constantly make Leon a completely different character than he actually is. i love both smut and sfw things, but man. tiktok is so full of people misunderstanding Leon, it’s annoying. they reduce him to completely different man — and let’s not even talk about the 18+ audios that they’re posting…. i just.. idk.
anyway. love you all! thank you for reading <3
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virahaus · 6 months
Thinking more obikin thoughts,,,,
(I should make this a series at this point aknsksns)
Anyway in a fix it universe where padme and Anakin are just besties, and Obi-Wan promised Anakin that after the war they could do whatever they want (comic compliant that's right),,, we arrive to completely-oblivious-of-his-feelings!Anakin & trying-to-woo-your-former-padawan!Obiwan combo 👀
Obi-Wan trying to give Anakin presents and bring him out on dates all over the galaxy, keeping his arm always around Anakin's waist and being affectionate,,,, all of this and Anakin, while drinking it up like a sponge, just doesn't get it. He thinks Obi-Wan is being affectionate because the war is over and after their last almost-death situation the council just doesn't care to reprimand about their obvious attachment anymore.
All of this is resolved, impossibly, by anonymous fanmail. The Jedi (even if they survived in this scenario) took a mighty blow on their public imagine with all the subtle propaganda Palpatine sprouted about them so they are trying to reply to the galaxy concerns and misconceptions about them. All jedi who are knights and masters are eligible for this fan mail stunt and the more famous they are the more of it they get.
Anakin gets a lot of fanmail where they gush about his and Obi-Wan romantic relationship and while at the start he's totally dumbfounded about it, the more they cite things he and Obi-Wan have been doing in these last few months (and years, let's be honest) the more he being (unknowingly) in a relationship with Obi-Wan makes sense. He gets his freak out with padme (who thought they were just being discreet and smacks some good sense into Anakin) and so for the next outing Obi-Wan organises for them, Anakin tries to up the game to see how Obi-Wan responds,,,, and Obi-Wan is Enthusiastic™ about it (poor man was going mad thinking he was doing something Wrong and now all of a sudden Anakin begins to initiate,, some more encouraging touches so he's Ecstatic).
Just think: them going on romantic dates for months, but with no kisses, Obi-Wan staying patient because he knows Anakin has never done this before but getting progressively more depressed thinking he may have interpreted this wrong, and then out of the blue Anakin kisses him after their date. Obi-Wan mind is blown. Man is going to worship is boy now that he has the all clear lmao
(even funnier is thinking about Obi-Wan pestering other jedi about it and getting smashed while crying that Anakin maybe changes his mind. Quinlan just drops him into his apartment and vows to never ask about Anakin again while Obi-Wan drinks: it only gets him Obi-Wan dirty old man rants or his infinite sadness rants. No in between).
Even more hilarious is the fanmail being explicit at some point (everyone says to Anakin that he must be enjoying Obi-Wan big dick energy so much) and Anakin first thought is be offended that ppl would think of him as the bottom - and then getting turned on by the thought of being fucked into incoherence by Obi-Wan. Classical Anakin behaviour Mr."I want to be in control" and then having a meltdown the second he gets the supposed control he wanted. Poor boy just needs to be fucked pliant and he'll be good.
Anyway, that's it. My 1 am obikin thoughts strike again.
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softspace-fics · 29 days
I have a rant and it's stupid but it's a rant
I do not like milk I have NEVER liked milk and in my brain milk is ONLY allowed on cereal and with cookies (also I'm probably lactose intolerant or something because the bathroom trips are NOT worth it)
Now with all that being said I understand littles wanting that nostalgic feeling when drinking milk or you might like it in general idk whatever the reason you do you
But I need to read a fic with a sleepy little and one of the Marvel men carrying they around the kitchen while setting up the tea kettle, then walking over to a cabin with decades worth of a tea collection (calling myself out rn I have tea from before I was born passed to me from my grandma it's still good) but after preparing the bottle with beautifully brewed tea they sit with they're little feeding them till they pass out
Anyway thank you for coming to my rant/Ted talk you can 100% ignore this I hope you have a good day
Cabin time!
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Steve rogers x Bucky barnes x Little!gn reader
Masterlist - All my work!
A/N - I really hope you like this! I was so excited to write this because I absolutely relate to you, I hate milk, I write it in a lot of my stories because I know a lot of littles love milk, but I absolutely agree that it's just not worth the bathroom trips at all-. But this story is one of my favorites that I have written so far. I hope you like it!! (P.s I was so tempted to write this as Strange x Tony but I feel like Steve and Bucky would have centuries of tea that they collect)
Warnings: None! Pure fluff.
You buzzed with excitement as you watched the trees past you. The smell of the rainforest surrounding you in the car as your two favorite caregivers sit in the front seats, a lofi playlist playing softly through the speakers.
You clutch your favorite stuffie in your hand, your paci safely in your mouth, giggles filling your throat, alerting your papa that you were awake.
“Morning sunshine, were about 10 minutes out.” Steve glanced back at you from the rear-view window, smiling as he sees your relaxed but excited state.
You mumble something incoherent behind your pacifier as a response which makes both of your caregivers chuckle. Bucky turns slightly in his seat to face you in the back seat watching the sparkle in your eyes that grows every second from seeing the trees that you all love so much.
You, Steve, and Bucky all like to go up to your cabin every November where its a little colder and stay there for about 2 weeks, away from anything and everything that could take them away from you. They make sure that they leave their jobs back at home when they're with you in the cabin, being your caregivers and loving you dearly.
When you guys arrive at the Cabin, your Dada climbs out of the passenger seat and helps you out of the backseat, carrying you with his metal arm as he helps Steve carry some bags with his other.
He walks up to the cabin with you clutching his shirt and you happily laying on his shoulder, comforted by his touch and his smell. He kisses your head as your papa opens the door. ITs later in the day, the sun begins to set behind the trees and the night creatures begin to wake. This means that the boys want to get you in and settle in time to hopefully get you down for bed at a reasonable time.
Your dada sets down the bags he carried in before heading to drop you into your play pen that looked like you left it when you left last november. Your precious toys need a serious catch up of blabbled and stories, so your dada sets you in there so him and your papa could unload the car.
You pick up the bunny sitting near you and begin to play, telling your old friends about your best friends Peter and Stephen, how you guys would cause your caregivers a hard time all for the giggles and laughs. Getting up to no good is fun with your best friends.
The two finish bringing in the items from the car before steve comes over and scoops you up with your bunny and turtle friend, kissing your nose and crading you in his chest.
You look up at him with droopy eyes, the nap in the car not sufficing for keeping you awake to far past bedtime. You drop one of the stuffied to ball steves shirt in your hand before burying your face in his chest, the comfort of your papa settling in.
“Does my sleepy baby want some tea?” Steve softly whispers as he begins to walk to the cabins kitchen. You nod into his chest, your favorite drink sounds wonderful right now.
You had always struggled with the taste texture and how milk made you feel, so you loved tea, any time you could, big or little you were drinking tea. When you were little it was your favorite thing to have before you go to bed, some nice herbal tea while being held by the people you felt the safest with.
Steve carries you around the kitchen, filling the kettle and placing it on the stove while keeping you securely in his arms. He leaves little kisses on your head as he grabs your favorite tea out of the cabinet, and grabbing a bottle that can safely hold the warm drink.
Once the kettle gets warm enough that the waters just almost boiling, he pulls it off the heat and carefully puts together your tea. Making sure to keep anything hot away from you until the bottles made and ready for you to drink.
You both walk out of the kitchen to bucky on the couch in comfortable clothes and some blankets surrounding him, he has your favorite movie to watch when you get to the cabin set up and hes so ready for some cuddles.
Steve sits down next to bucky with you in his arms, he puts the bottle of tea to your lips as bucky softly pulls your legs onto his lap, rubbing gentle small circles on your calf as he presses play on the movie.
Life was perfect.
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thechibilitwick · 6 months
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As an honorary Shidou apologist, I am breaking my silence. I’ve finally decided to go on a rant on why I don't think Kirisaki Shidou is an organ harvester.
(fair warning I like absolutely suck ass at organizing my thoughts, so if some of this is incoherent or if it seems like i'm repeating myself my bad 😭 I mainly wrote this for fun)
So, I'm aware that this theory is the most popular consensus when it comes to Shidou (and tbh, I think part of it is because a lot of people kinda look over him? Like at least a tiny bit more than the others, considering a lot of people also don’t realize how his main victim was probably his son and not his wife, but I digress) (plus I think all milgram characters are looked over to a certain extent). While I do think parts of it are probably accurate in some way, I don't think he was a full-on organ harvester (as in he actively stole from patients through illegal means. emphasis on actively) and that the theory in and of itself is flimsy at best. He's morally questionable, yes, but it’s more in the sense that he’s a somewhat apathetic guy who lacked understanding on how his own set of morals and values (i.e. pushing for organ donation) could be seen as wrong. So if he were an organ harvester, wouldn’t he be aware that it’s illegal? That’s what confuses me whenever people bring it up. I don't actually doubt that he may have done something illegal for his family's sake, it’s just that I still highly doubt it was something he actively did. And that seems to be what a lot of people think when they refer to the theory. (if i’m wrong please forgive me, i just assume organ harvester shidou = people think he did it as a job)
Anyways, more under the cut for those interested (it's a bit lengthy my apologies)
It then kinda trickles down to how his guilt stems more from the consequences of his actions rather than the actual action of taking organs. The root of his guilt comes from the realization that basically asking families to pull the plug and use their loved ones' organs for donation is a very, very hard decision; one that he kept pressuring for. If he was an illegal organ harvester, and was aware that his actions were in fact illegal, why the hell would he feel so guilty to the point that he’d start having suicidal ideations? That’s the key difference between his profession and his possible criminal activities; one is a burden both emotionally and morally, the other is more or less a literal burden. And based off of Shidou's character, he seems to be much more emotionally affected. That's also why I think a lot of people jump to the conclusion that his guilt stems from his actual actions rather than their effects. (does that make sense oh lord i am going ☝️🤓 so hard rn)
I get that some parts of his MV or lyrics seem to be suggesting that, but also it’s important to note that Shidou has a very strong bias against himself and definitely painted himself in a negative light. I mean, that's why he thinks every single preceding patient before the final incident is a victim to him, why he shows himself staying professional in a professional setting as apathetic (minus the pressuring part), and why he literally equates his job to STEALING. Not only that but, imo, it's also a little too unrealistic and might not actually fit the criteria of Milgram. Milgram is for crimes that are in a morally grey area. So if it really was organ harvesting, is it really in a grey area? (though I guess you could say that doing it for family's sake would be, but that's only for his family. He'd have no reason to do it otherwise). Plus, it'd make more sense and fit the theme of touching upon social issues (i.e. abortion, bullying, societal standards, mental health, etc.) if shidou’s entire dilemma was in regards to (albeit questionably done) organ donation, a complicated ethical topic in Japan.
Throw Down actually gives a pretty good rough idea of Shidou's thoughts towards his crime and his feelings in regards to it. He felt like he was blinded by his own values, and that inadvertently caused him to be unaware of the suffering he caused through his job. It really does shock me that he somehow was able to pull-off getting a forgiven verdict in T1 because he certainly comes off as cold and uncaring in regards to his work.
I think the final bridge in Throw Down kinda summarizes his entire mindset, actually.
​​Now slowly close your eye, put your regret on display Wishing you for someone else's sake With the same expression no matter who comes I don’t feel scared because I don’t know
Shidou doesn't quite understand the feelings of his patient's families, and therefore he acts remorseful and sympathetic more than he actually feels. Why? Well, because he didn't know. Up until that point, he never understood the weight of his actions, and focused on his role as a doctor. "This is an upsetting subject, yes, but it's for the greater good, right?” A braindead person has little to no chances of living, so why not use this as an opportunity to donate their organs? Moreover, as a doctor I believe it’s typical to be "emotionally detached” (for lack of a better word) since I’d assume becoming emotionally connected with a patient would make things at least a bit messy.
His mindset comes crumbling down though, presumably because he experienced the same or a similar situation. This part remains muddy for me, since we don't know much about what the actual cause for Shidou's guilt is. There are several possibilities, with the most plausible ones being:
he lost his own family member and had to go through with the same decision,
he tried to save a family member using donated organs, but failed, making it seem like everything he has done as a doctor was in vain
(a secret third option would be him making someone he cares about make that decision but it's very unlikely and also requires too much mental gymnastics)
But no matter what exactly he did, it all trickles down to the validity of his morals. After realizing the pain of losing a loved one, the struggle of trying to save them, and the unfortunate failure which left all efforts practically pointless, Shidou would understand the actual weight of his actions and why all those families were so reluctant to let go of their own.
This is even more evident in his T2 voice drama, Asclepius.
"In order to save the life of someone you don't know, please let me kill your family," I told them. It doesn't even take much thinking to realize how cruel that is, but… I didn't realize it until the very end.
This is the gist of Shidou's crime, or at least part of it (considering he says "Well, about halfway" when Es asks if their judgment was right). Again, this tells us that Shidou's guilt comes from the act of the effects of organ donation rather than the literal action. And this also implies that his "murders" did in fact have to do with being in a medical situation, it's just the way he went about it was at the very least morally questionable.
I will also acknowledge that he says he killed for selfish reasons, which most likely relates to trying to save his own family member. Here he could possibly have actually done something illegal such as tampering with patients or illegally taking their organs (latter is a stretch imo). Plus, his distorted T2 voice trailer line is literally "You're in the way, hurry up and die" which would only make sense in the context of waiting for a patient to die. But it could also just be him continuing to pressure for organ donation, but now with his own selfish motives.
Going back to the "halfway" comment, while I personally believe it might have to do with how Shidou views his crime as more than just taking organs, it more likely implies that something else happened that Shidou would consider murder. That being the actual death of his family member. It's implied through Throw Down that he was trying to save someone but failed, which he was responsible for. Then from there it'd make sense to assume that he would feel some form of guilt for the rest of his patients, either for the reason of failing to actually utilize donated organs even with the opportunity of being able to save them, or for just realizing the what it actually feels like to have to give up on your loved one. (does. does that make any sense.)
So yeah, I don’t think he’s an organ harvester due to what’s known regarding his crime, the reasoning for his guilt, and with the way he is as a character. The most I’d personally believe is that he decided to harvest organs for the sake of his loved one, but even that seems like a stretch to me. Thus, that is why I believe Kirisaki Shidou is not an organ harvester.
Anyways I’ve rambled on long enough, thank you for reading if you did and remember to drink water and vote shidou innocent in trial 3 because i will shit my pants if he doesn't get inno
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deus-sema · 7 days
So, I was sent this link which seemed suspicious at first and I was warned to open it at my own risk. It was being said that it contained leaked scenes from the finale. Now, of course, I wouldn't have fallen for such an obvious scam but curiousity got the better of me and I clicked it anyway.
What saw before me was an unforgettable scene. There was a thrilling chase which resulted in Sauron stopping Galadriel from leaving and they made out on the grass. It was a kiss. A proper French kiss. It was beautiful. I couldn't believe what was happening before me. I savored each and every moment of it before me. I badly wanted to rewatch it but it got taken down. After that, I came online and was anticipating mixed reactions. It was utter chaos. Reddit was in an uproar. Even Tumblr was furious. Everyone was ranting incoherently about how RoP has desecrated Tolkien's work and what not. Some Tumblr users - bless them - had posted fantastic gifs of the makeout session which I duly reblogged before going on to check the discourse.
At first, I naturally assumed this outrage was over the kiss. But, to my surprise, no one was talking about the kiss. Not a single soul on Reddit or Tumblr seemed to bother about the kiss. Rather, what pushed everyone over the edge was the chase sequence in which Galadriel in her armour was driving away in her Buick with Sauron, dressed as Annatar, in pursuit of her in his Aston Martin. He blocked her path and both got out of their respective cars. That was why everyone was unanimously mad. For a moment, I was baffled that after all the hue and cry over the Kissgate and weeks of mental gymnastics, everyone was ignoring it as if it never happened and focusing on the cars instead. Then, it hit me that Galadriel and Sauron shouldn't be driving cars in the first place. Cars shouldn't be here at all. This couldn't be happening. Did RoP finally decided to completely embrace the fanfic route ? Either way, the presence of cars in the First or Second or any Age of Middle Earth is unacceptable
Then, as I was typing my own rant, the alarm went off.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
I’d Do It Again For You
Pairings: Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
Summary: The tracksuits set fire to Kates apartment while she’s out on a mission with Clint. What will happen when Kate realizes you’re still inside?
Word Count: 3,872
Warnings: Apartment Fire | Violence | Hospitals
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Kate was woken up by a persistent ring coming from her bedside table.  She opened her eyes and blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room and process what was going on.
When she realized it was her phone, Kate carefully reached over to grab it as she didn't want to wake you up; who was sound asleep with your head laid on her chest.
She looked at the lit up screen which read Clint Barton. Kate mentally groaned and pressed the green button to answer the phone, bringing it up to her ear, "I swear you're like nocturnal. Do you ever sleep?" Kate spoke quietly to not disturb you.
"The work for a hero never stops. You busy right now?" Clint asks from the other end of the phone.
Kate glances at the clock on the nightstand, "Yeah, it's one in the morning. I'm busy trying to sleep with my girlfriend which is something you should be doing too." she replied before going quiet, thinking about the words that just came out of her mouth.
"I- I'm not trying to sleep with Y/N like- like that. I mean I am, but- but not right now. And you shouldn't be sleeping with Y/N too, obviously. I meant that you should be sleeping with- with Laura, but also not like that, you know? You should be resting your eyes—"
"Are you done yet?" Clint questioned, interrupting her rant.
She squeezed her eyes shut out of embarrassment, "Yeah, yeah I'm done, sorry."
"Meet me at the end of the street in fifteen. I need your help with something." he informed her.
Kate gazed down at you, debating whether to go or not. You got so excited yesterday when she told you that she would take you out for the day today, and whenever she goes on missions everything is very unpredictable. She doesn't know if she'll be back in time to follow through with her promise to you.
But Kate knew she couldn’t turned this down, "Fine. But I have to be back before eight. Y/N's an early bird so she normally wakes up around that time, and I promised her I'd take her out today."
"I'll make sure you're back by then no problem. It should only take a couple hours anyway." Clint assured.
"Okay, see you in fifteen." Kate responded, ending the call.
She sighed and stared down at you for a couple more moments, brushing a few hairs out of your face before slowly slipping out from under you to get ready.
She put on her purple archery suit and the back quiver that held her arrows. She considered just leaving a note on her pillow in case she wasn't back before you woke up, and so that she didn't have to wake you. But she at least wanted to hear your voice before she had to leave.
Approaching the edge of the bed, she laid a hand on your side to coax you awake, "Hey, princess? Can you wake up for me for a minute?" she whispered.
You mumble some incoherent words that were slurred together from your sleepy state, making her lightly chuckle, "Hey, I've gotta run out and take care of something with Clint. Are you gonna be okay here until I get back?" she spoke softly.
At that, you opened your eyes and tried to focus them on her, "Are we still going out later?" you murmured.
"Yeah, of course, baby. I'll be back before you even wake up." she answered, caressing your side to reassure you.
"M'kay." you mumbled. "Be careful, Katie? Don't make any dumb decisions. Promise you'll come back to me in one piece."
A smile crept across her face, "I promise, darling." she leaned down to press a kiss your forehead, letting her lips linger there for a few moments before pulling away.
You frowned and gently grabbed her hand when she turned to walk away, and a confused expression settled upon her face.
"You missed." you said.
She noticed the pout on your lips and playfully rolled her eyes, returning to your side to bend down and give you a few long, soft kisses.
"I love you." she whispered against your lips.
"I love you too." you replied before she grabbed her bow and trotted down the stairs of the loft. Once you heard the front door shut, you closed your eyes to try and fall back asleep, knowing that your girlfriend would be there when you awoke again.
As Kate exited the apartment building and walked down the street, she saw Clint already waiting at the corner.
"Who'd you piss off now?" she joked, approaching the well-known archer.
He scoffed, "No one. It's the same guys from last time. They somehow found more men to carry on their work."
"Alright, let's make this quick. I have a girl to get home to." Kate said, walking past him.
"You say that like I don't too." Clint responded, watching the young girl stride down the street.
"Well then hurry up and let's go!" she called out.
He started jogging to catch up with her, "You're going the wrong way!"
"Okay, move faster and show me the right way!"
A couple hours later, you woke up once again. You were confused as to why since the clock only read 3:24 am. It was only then that you realized you had to use the bathroom.
You laid there with a sigh, not wanting to get out from the comfort of your bed until you got the motivation to finally get up. Right before you closed the bathroom door, you thought you heard yelling coming from outside. But you brushed it off, thinking that you were just tired.
What you didn't know was that you had heard right.
"Kate Bishop!" a man called from outside, but you didn't hear him now that the door was shut.
There was another yell of your girlfriends name followed by a bottle that was lit on fire being chucked through the window, shattering and setting fire to everything around it.
A few more flaming bottles were thrown through the other window panels, causing the fire to spread even more. Neither the fire alarm or sprinklers in the apartment room went off because they had broken, and Kate never got around to getting them fixed.
So you were completely unaware of the situation until you heard the crashing sound made by part of the ceiling falling down outside the door, effectively blocking it.
When you heard that, you quickly reached to open the door to figure out what was going on. Though you winced, flinching away when your hand came in contact with the burning hot door knob.
You covered the knob with the hem of your shirt to hopefully minimize the heat, but when you tried open the door again you couldn't.
It was as if there was something blocking it. You turned the handle again, pushing on the door this time but it still wouldn't budge. That was when you noticed the smoke coming into the room from under the door, and you started to panic.
There wasn't anything in the bathroom that you could use to block the gap between the door and the floor, so you started banging the door, screaming for help.
"Help! Hello, can anyone hear me?! Help!" you desperately yelled, but deep down you knew that probably no one could hear you.
The longer you were stuck inhaling the smoke, the harder it got to breathe. So you eventually got tired of screaming, and passed out on the bathroom floor.
"Dude, the way you fought all five of those guys by yourself was crazy! You've gotta teach me how to do that thing where you rolled and still made the shot!" Kate said, reflecting on everything that happened during the mission.
Clint shrugged his shoulders, "Their fighting style was pretty sloppy anyways. I don't know if you did it on purpose, but when you did that thing with the flip and then the arms; that was pretty cool."
"I know right! I surprised myself with that one. I didn't even know—" Kate's rant was cut off by something that sent an unsettling chill down her spine.
"Hey, Kate Bishop!" she heard a man's voice call out.
She looked at Clint with furrowed eyebrows, turning down the street of her apartment building. But the scene that she was met with made her heart drop.
The infamous Tracksuit Mafia; lighting bottles on fire and chucking them through the windows of her apartment, flames engulfing the floor.
Black smoke poured out of the windows and into the outside air. At that point, there was only one thing at the top of her concerns.
"Y/N." Kate whispered to herself, shrugging off her bag of arrows and dropping her bow to the ground, darting down the street with Clint hot on her heels.
"Kate Bishop! Nice of you to finally show your face!" One of the tracksuits spoke up when he saw her.
But the smile was wiped right off of his face when Clint punched him square in the nose. He took care of the rest them, holding them off while Kate made a b-line for the front door.
She unlocked it with trembling hands, and then bolted up the stairs, taking them two at a time.
"Y/N?!" she called out as she opened her apartment door, the amount of smoke stunning her, "Y/N, baby?!?" Kate yelled again before coughing into her elbow.
She ran around the apartment, looking for any sign of you. When she came up empty handed, she took the stairs up to the loft multiple at a time. She noticed that the blankets on the bed were pushed back, yet you were nowhere to be found.
Her eyes quickly scanned the room, pausing on the bathroom door that was obstructed by debris. Kate rushed to the door, almost tripping on her own feet in the process.
"Y/N?! Baby, are you in there?!" she yelled, pressing her ear against the door. "Please, say something if you can hear me!" Kate practically begged. When she got no response she attempted to haul away the rubble blocking the door.
Kate struggled a lot, but she was determined.
After moving the last piece of wood with a grunt, Kate swung the door open, choking on the smoke that left the room. Once she could see clearly, she saw you lying on the floor, unconscious.
"Shit, Y/N!" she cursed, swiftly kneeling before you.
Kate put her ear to your nose to make sure you were still breathing, which she thanked god that you were even though the breaths you were taking were uneven and shallow.
She lifted you into her arm's bridal style and stood to her feet, "Alright, baby. We're gonna get you some help, okay? I've got you." she reassured even if you couldn't hear her.
Kate exited through the fire escape just as Clint knocked out the last tracksuit, "Clint!" she yelled to get his attention.
"Is she okay? Is she still breathing?" he spoke out of breath, approaching her.
"Yeah, but she needs actual help, Clint. I don't know how long she was in there before I got her out, but she's struggling to breathe. We need to get her to a hospital." Kate said, listening closely to your breathing.
"Kate, you know we can't go to the hospital under these circumstances. It's dangerous." he responded.
"I know. I know the risks, Clint. But, she needs professional help and we can't give her that. So please, help me get her to the hospital." Kate was pleading, tears threatening to gloss over her eyes.
The sounds of sirens could be heard from around the corner, making Clint sigh, "Okay, let's go." he said and they quickly made their way to his car that he parked on the side of the road earlier.
Clint got into the drivers seat while Kate slid into the backseat so that she could still hold you, "See, baby? We're getting you help. You're gonna be okay." she softly spoke to you.
Kate started to take your hand into hers until she noticed the red mark forming on it. She held your hand out to examine your palm, her thumb ever so gently caressing below the burn.
"I've got you now, princess."
When Clint pulled in front of the hospital, they bursted through the emergency room doors, "Can somebody help us, please?" she called out in an urgent manner.
A doctor led her to an empty bed for her to lay you down on, "What's her name? What happened?" he asked.
"Her name is Y/N. There was a fire, and she passed out i'm assuming from the smoke. It took me a few minutes to find her and get her out, but I don't know how long she was in there for before that." Kate quickly explained.
"Alright, let's get her on oxygen and an IV." the doctor ordered his colleagues.
"She's gonna be okay, right?" Kate asked as she moved to your side, holding your non-injured hand.
"We treat cases like this all the time, but I can never promise anything." the doctor answered, "In the meantime, you need to get yourself checked out. Your friend as well."
"Me? No, i'm fine. What—" Kate was interrupted when a nurse started to lead her to a different area.
"Those cuts on your face and burns on your hand say otherwise." the nurse spoke.
She gave up on arguing, not wanting to cause a scene while Clint did the same, leaving the doctors to take care of you.
"Hey, how you holdin' up?" Clint asked as he pulled back the curtain of the room Kate was sitting in.
It was about an hour later, and Clint was all bandaged up. The nurse suggested that he take it easy for the next few days, but he obviously was not going to listen.
Another nurse had given Kate an oxygen mask. Although she wasn't in the fire for as long as you, they just wanted to be safe.
Both of her hands were wrapped in bandages to allow the burns on her hands to heal from when she was trying to get the bathroom door open.
Kate took the oxygen mask off of her face to speak, "Fine. You?"
"Same." Clint answered.
They sat in silence; Kate stuck in her thoughts, and Clint trying to read her facial expression, "None of this is your fault, you do realize that, right?"
Kate shook her head, looking down, "Yeah, well it sure feels like it."
"Beating yourself up over something you couldn't control isn't going to get you anywhere, trust me it's just gonna eat you up inside. It happened, so all you can do now is move forward." Clint said, giving Kate some of his dad advice.
"I'm the one who pissed them off. It should've been me in there, not her." Kate spoke in a low voice.
"But it wasn't you, it was her. Y/N wouldn’t haven’t wanted it to be you in there either. So right now she needs you to be there for her, not filled with anger and guilt." Clint put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Kate took a deep breath, "You're right."
"When am I not." he responded, making Kate roll her eyes.
"But when we get out of here I am planning on beating the living shit out of them." Kate said, only half joking.
Clint shook his head with a small smile, "Now we both know going into fight fueled by rage is a recipe for disaster. Believe me when I say I got a pretty good hit on all of them."
Kate lightly chuckled for the first time since all of this happened. She knew that everything Clint had said was true; it always was. But she wouldn't admit that.
Just then, Kates head perked up at the sound of the curtain being pulled back, revealing the doctor from earlier. She immediately sat up straighter, anxious about what she had to say.
"You're here with Y/N, correct?" the doctor asked.
Kate quickly nodded, "Yeah, yes. Is- is she okay? She's okay right?"
"Y/N inhaled an alarming amount of smoke, so we still have her on oxygen to treat that. She also had a minor burn on her left hand that we wrapped up, but she'll be fine and make a full recovery." he informed the two archers.
At those words, they both exhaled a sigh of relief, a weight feeling like it's been lifted off of their shoulders.
"Thank you so much. Is she awake? Can I see her?" Kate questioned.
"She's not awake at the moment, but she should be anytime now. If you follow me i'll take you to her room." the man answered.
Kate glanced at Clint who nodded his head. She stood up and followed the doctor out of the room. After making numerous turns, and walking down multiple long hallways, Kate almost ran into him when he suddenly stopped in front of a door.
"She's right in here. If you need anything just ask or press the red button on the wall." the doctor said, and Kate mumbled a 'thanks' before he disappeared down the corridor.
Kate opened the door, shutting it behind her before dragging a chair over to your bedside and sitting down. She gently took your right hand into her bandaged ones, letting her thumb caress over the back of it.
She gazed down at you; watching the way your chest steadily rises and falls thanks to the nasal catheter in your nose. Your eyelashes tickled your cheeks, and she reached a hand over to brush some stray hairs out of your face before letting it stroke your cheek.
She wanted to talk to you. To say at least something to let you know that she was there, but Kate just couldn't find the words. Luckily, she didn't have to because your hand shifted in hers as a few tiny whimpers escaped from your lips.
Your eyes slowly fluttered opened, but immediately shut again at the bright lights in the room. You blinked a few times so that they could adjust to the light before your tired gaze landed on Kate.
She exhaled in relief when your eyes met, "Hey. Hi, babygirl." she cooed, fixing the hospital gown that had started to slip off your shoulder, "You're finally awake. You gave me quiet the scare." she lightly chucked.
Kate noticed how you were slightly squinting when looking at her, "Are the lights too bright, baby? Here, I can turn them down." she said, standing up to dim the lights before quickly returning to your side, "Is that better?" she asked, and you nodded your head.
"Good. How are you feeling?" Kate questioned, grasping your hand in hers once again.
You took in your surrounding; noticing the monitors and machines beside your bed, the IV in your hand, and the window where you could see all of the people walking back and forth through the blinds.
"I'm okay." you answered before furrowing your eyebrow, "What happened? I thought you were taking care of something with Clint."
She took a deep breath, "I was." she started, "We finished the mission, but when I came home, the tracksuits had set the apartment on fire...with you inside. Clint dealt with them while I got you out when I realized you were still inside, and then we brought you here." Kate had to slowly explain since the memory of it all would haunt her forever.
You didn't exactly know what to say as you were just in shock. You didn't really know how everything had happened; you just remembered feeling scared and frantic trying to get out of the bathroom as it filled with smoke.
"I know," Kate said, letting a hand comfortingly stroke you cheek again, "I know it's a lot to take in, but I've got you now." she spoke in a soft, reassuring tone.
As she caressed your face, it felt a little rough on your cheek compared to how soft the skin of her hand normally felt. That's when you noticed you were feeling the white bandages that both of her hands were tightly wrapped in.
You frowned, "What happened to your hands?"
She glanced down at her hands, and then back to you, "I burned them when I was trying to get you out, but it's nothing I can't handle. I'd do it all over again for you."
Your gaze softened as you stared at her until your mouth dropped into a big yawn, making Kate gently smile, "If you're tired, princess, you can go back to sleep. You need to rest while you recover." she said.
"If I do will you cuddle me?" you asked.
She got up from the chair and laid next to you in the small bed. There wasn't a lot of room, but you made it work. It just gave her another reason to hold you closer, "I'll be here the whole time. I won't leave you again, I promise."
You moved into her open arms, resting your head on Kates chest to which she pressed kiss to as you did.
You sat in comfortable silence.
Kate was focused on comforting you by running a hand up and down your back, while you were stuck in your thoughts.
Although you were exhausted, you couldn't help but think back to being trapped in that room with no way out as it filled with smoke, screaming for help just for no one to hear you.
The memory of it was too overwhelming and your eyes started to glaze over, "I was so scared." you whimpered out.
It was so quiet that Kate barely heard you, "I just had to use the bathroom, and then the fire started but I didn't know since the smoke detector didn't go off, and I couldn't get out because there was something blocking the door and then I couldn't breath—"
"Shhh," Kate cut you off, noticing that you were starting to work yourself up and choke on your words. "It's okay, Y/N. You're safe now I promise you. You're not there, anymore. You're here in this moment with me, safe and sound in my arms." she spoke gently, pressing another lingering kiss to your forehead.
"You don't have to tell me about it now. I know you're tired, so get some sleep, baby. I'll still be here when you wake up." she gently assured you.
"You promise?" you asked meekly.
"I promise," Kate responded. "I love you, Y/N." she said.
When Kate got no response back, she looked down at you just to find that you were already fast asleep. Her lips curled into a sympathetic smile, relieved that you were back in her arms, and making a silent promise to you and herself that she'll never let anything happen to you again...also making a mental note to fix the sprinklers and smoke detectors.
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jazzmynerule · 2 years
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prompt: y/n is over at her boyfriends stiles’ house keeping him company as he watches some funny youtube videos without realising she starts to drift off to sleep as stiles starts explaining random things to her
warnings: nothing but pure fluff
“stiles your girlfriend is here” noah, stiles’ dad, yelled from the front door giving me a welcoming hug “hold on give me one minute!” stiles yelled from his room as i heard a big thump “he fell didn’t he?” noah sighed as i just laughed making my way up to my boyfriends room “stiles are you okay?” I asked opening the door to find him on the floor with his shirt tangled in his arms “oh my god you’re an actual child” i cackled watching him wiggle out of his shirt and detangle it “no I’m not” he huffed putting his shirt on correctly and grabbed onto me “I missed you’re sweet perfume so much” his head was dug into the crook of my neck sniffing my perfume “I saw you not even 4 hours ago stiles” I rolled my eyes at the clingy boy “yeah and those 4 hours away from you felt like an eternity” i smiled at his beautiful face and wriggled out of his grasp “I’m gonna watch some videos you’re more than welcome to join me or chill on my bed” he said as he turned his computer on “I’ll chill on your bed I’m kinda tired anyways” I yawned mid sentence “I’ll be in bed soon so wait for me” he chucked on some video and started rambling on about how he never gets to do this anymore cause Scott and his werewolf ass “like come on why am I always robin? I wanna be Batman!” He scoffed swinging on his chair “mm Batman” I was already half asleep not even comprehending what my boyfriend is saying “hey hey no sleeping yet” he snapped his fingers in front of my face “sleeping? i’m not sleeping” i scoffed with half shut eyelids knowing damn well in another minute or two i’ll be asleep “whatever you little liar” he chuckled turning back around to watch the rest of the video he had on
stiles was on another rant about some bullshit to even realise y/n fell asleep “and that’s why i should get a dog so it can actually eat my homework and i won’t get into trouble for not doing it, y/n you’re dating a mastermind” stiles cackled turning around to see half of y/n’s body hanging off his bed soft snores escaping her lips “i told you to wait little sneaky” he smiled getting out of his computer chair and lifted y/n’s body onto the bed “what are you doing stiles?” she mumbled in annoyance“you were falling off my bed baby i was helping you so you didn’t get a concussion” he said as he kissed her forehead and she mumbled some incoherent words stiles couldn’t understand “goodnight beautiful”
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rxttenbxnes · 4 months
Hello! Do you have any fun headcanons to share about Idia? Honestly, I just find it painful to see how badly this guy gets butchered in headcanons sometimes. People always forget that he is in fact a complete ass with a massive superiority-inferiority complex and not just a sad boi, or they overplay the weeb part and ignore how he has other interests like science and art, or they make him too pathetic by assuming he would still be a blushing incoherent mess like a year into marriage, etc. Anyway, it’d just be nice to hear the headcanons of an actual Idia fan since that’s the only way to get anything sane.
Omg totally, first I'mma do a little rant, I'll make sure to label where the HCS begin so y'all don't have to read my rants 😭
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Okay we gotta acknowledge the fact idia is indeed, an asshole you guys. 💀Well not completely obviously but he's not just gonna be nice to you for no reason. He's not just some depressed dude needing sympathy.
The way Idia is so Infantilzed by the fandom it's actually gets me tweakin, You guys this actually makes me mad, he's not some sensitive bottom uwu boy that stutters 50 times every sentence In fact I honestly cannot see him being submissive half of the time, this man is actually a asshole on the low. Most people get the fact that idia would be submissive from his shy and closed off personality which is just SO wrong to me.
Idia is extremely pessimistic and if we're being real Idia is actually not a good narrator for his own experiences, the constant self deprecation mixed in with his his thoughts about being superior to others is so fascinating to me, one moment he sees himself as nothing but a piece of trash while in the next moment he's boasting about how he's the only one component enough to be ignihyde's dorm leader. He's such a complex character I can Yap about him constantly
I get making jokes and stuff but some people genuinely think idia is some stinky incel creep that hates women and just purposely chooses to not go outside and be chronically online. Like yeah, he has nerdy and loser like hobbies but this man literally has trauma and chronic depression, along with an anxiety disorder, it's not something he can just make disappear. He likes science, engineering, art, anime, games etc which is all just cool, it's not like he's some creep that's afraid to talk to people, nor is he some super submissive guy that'll fold for you in a tiny interaction.
Had to get ts off my chest 💀
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܀⊹ ིྀ𝐼𝑑𝑖𝑎 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠 🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
🎧 Caramelldansen. Idia adores this song unironically. At first he had just saw the meme and quickly ended up falling into the whole thing, laying on the floor completely dazed out of his mind as the colorful lights flash in the background from the music video playing on repeat lol
🎮 I said this in my earlier post but Idia definitely draws his crushes all the time. Luckily he has a little self control and draws anime/manga characters in most of the pages, he's really protective over his sketch book due to 1.) His social anxiety and 2.) The fact that he doesn't want anyone to know that he likes drawing and observing people, especially his crushes.
🎧 Idia constantly has his headphones on, I know of a fact that Idia listens to Nightcore, anime OSTs, Vocaloid, animation meme music, Vkei, video game sound tracks and breakcore religiously. I think idia would honestly listen to everything he can get his hands on
🎮 I feel like he had a 2020 alt kid phase lol. I feel like quarantine would've been his time to thrive, his peak enjoyment of life would be set during this time lol. Being able to express himself like he wanted without others seeing??? Sign him up
🎧 Ironically, he's not super weak. I feel like he just sucks at physical activity, especially running since he doesn't leave his room much. His hands/fist are definitely strong, I feel like he has a strong hit.
🎮 That being said, I think Idia’s hands are large, thin and boney. They definitely have a few scars and calluses from all the machinery he works with, you can't tell me that his hands aren't pretty rough.
🎧 Idia is a fashion icon, in games. Not irl, he would never due to the attention it would grab him, though he definitely is into all of the alternative and Gothic fashion stuff. He'll give his characters the most perfect and pretty outfits and make sure everything is customized perfectly, not mind at all if it takes him hours to do so.
🎮 This man definitely collects figures. I feel like they're all anime and video game figures; he's even commission artist and such to make custom work of his favorite interest and brag online about it.
🎧 Has an habit of repeating words and phrases he likes over and over again. It doesn't matter if it's from an obscure meme that literally only 5 people including him know or if it's in a different language, he'll constantly reference and repeat it like no tomorrow.
🎮 He's a biter. He bites a lot of things randomly, he'd bite someone out of love if he got the chance. I'm telling you he'll just naw on random stuff, not caring if it's edible or not. It could literally be a plushy and he'll randomly bite it while he's hugging it.
🎧 Idia definitely finds confort in the rain and gloom weather. Really, he just enjoys typically gloomy things. It's extremely comforting and relaxing to him to just be able to sit on his bed with his headphones on while it rains harshly outside, making the world around him dark and gloomy.
🎮 Curses, like a lot. Gamer rage is real you guys and he definitely has it. If he loses a game too many times or gets too frustrated with his teammates, he'll curse like a sailor. His anger isn't directly to his teammates or anything, it's of him being frustrated with everything in general.
܀⊹ ིྀ🕸 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫🎮ೄྀ⊹܀
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lemonavocado · 9 months
i have many many thoughts about the portrayal of elizabeth (and henry) in adaptations of frankenstein and they need to be broadcasted immediately. feverish incoherent raving about this subject under the cut. tw for very brief mention of SA
so. elizabeth lavenza. by the time of the wedding, elizabeth is rather obviously portrayed to be just as morose and brooding as victor is, she just isn't as susceptible to episodes of mania and psychosis so it doesn't seem nearly as dramatic compared to victor's trauma. she's been through the gutter herself, being an orphan for starters, then being adopted into a family and having to assume the role of caregiver in the frankenstein family because of the coercion of her dead mother to not only take her place as the maternal figure in the family but also marry her surrogate brother (or literal cousin, depending on which version you read). then her surrogate younger brother william dies, and the within weeks she has to watch her closest heterosexual life partner justine be unjustly hung by a corrupt justice system. and she vocalizes, actively, her pessimism and hopelessness in light of these many tragedies. tldr she's fucked up and rightfully so, and while she's a little less crippled by depression than victor, she still has the distinct appearance of being rather ill, listless, and tired, especially towards the end of the novel. anyways my point is in the novel, the most important thing about elizabeth is not that she's a woman and victor's bride. yes, that's obviously the purpose she was created for, but shelley went out of her way to give elizabeth an extremely definite and unique character. she's gentle and maternal like most woman in early 19th century literature, but she's also introspective, intelligent, and perceptive. she displays agency and self-awareness repeatedly (her guilt over the locket, going to the execution of justine even when alphonse tells her not to, waxing poetic on the failures of the justice system, asking repeatedly and rather pointedly if victor actually wants to go through with the marriage, obvious anxiety and solemnity concerning the wedding) we also have to take into account that elizabeth's personality is being relayed to us BY VICTOR, and he wants to see elizabeth as docile and femininely passive, even if a lot of her actions themselves in the novel actually seem to contradict that. also, i am peppering in that many people can (and have) made a genuine and convincing argument that victor and elizabeth are not in love and were groomed to accept their union by their weirdo parents - that they care for each other, but the text includes important nuances that make it evident that victor doesn't feel anything for elizabeth like that. it is a legitimate interpretation of the book - dare i say it's the correct interpretation of the relationship between victor and elizabeth. but that's another essay for another day and it's not SUPER integral to my rant here today. it just highlights the complexity of elizabeth as a character.
so. for some fucking reason, writers do not understand this when they are adapting the novel, and do not want to apply more than eight seconds of critical thinking and the absolute shallowest 3rd grader levels of reading comprehension to this character, so they simplify her from what she was in the original novel, freshly complex, opinionated, and introspective to boring useless incest lady. victor is never portrayed with the same amount of nuance he deserves in any adaptation (also another essay for another day), because adaptations also have a very surface level reading of him as "guy who was ambitious and played god which immediately cements him as an irredeemable self-aggrandizing asshole and/or a raging insufferable narcissist who's a dick to everyone around him EXCEPT for elizabeth" but at least SOME adaptations are able to kiiinnnddaaaa capture the sympathy meant to be felt for the character in the novel. not so for elizabeth. her character in basically every adaptation can be boiled down to this: "omg victor my brother let me hammer in that you are my brother. im just going to stand here and look clueless and annoyingly naive for the entire time im on screen/stage. im just a little girl and idk what's going on victor but im gonna stay blindly devoted to you and ask numerous but completely useless questions 🥺 let me stare at you with tender worry in my eyes and treat you like a child even though we have absolutely no romantic chemistry and you're an objectifying dick towards me and we have nothing in common and the audience is actively dry heaving as we sensually make out for no other reason than to have characters in this movie sensually make out. im basically a carbon copy of original-novel-henry expect super boring and super useless because im a woman which means the doylist explanation for why im here HAS TO BE ONLY for the main character to fuck me and to hold the attention of the male viewership. now time for me to get SA'd by the creechur for basically no reason" we can observe something approximating this in basically every frankenstein adaptation i've ever seen: kenneth branagh's (my enemy) 1994 film, the 2004 hallmark miniseries, the musical, and the ballet. also in the 1931 film, but that one isn't really trying to be book-accurate so it doesn't really count for this rant.
with this understanding of elizabeth, writers then attempt to artificially generate more romance between these characters, mostly by, yes, replacing a lot of henry's role in the novel with elizabeth, hence why we see so many adaptations (1994, 2004, ballet) make elizabeth nurse victor back to health in ingolstadt instead of henry, which generates... so many problems. one problem with this is that it just sorta ruins henry's original role in the novel in one go. writers recognize that henry is supposed to be victor's character foil, but now they don't have much for him to do so he can demonstrate that role in the story since they gave all of the romantic tension moments to elizabeth. meaning that in adaptations you can tell the writers didn't really know what to do with henry because he's reduced to a comic relief bumbling idiot (1994, ballet, 2004 to an extent) with his only personality traits being "random xd" and "morals good playing god wrong!!!! 😠" (2004, musical, several independent stage adaptations). they keep him as a character foil, but just replace all of his compassion, tenderness, and devotion with elizabeth, while effectively draining henry of all of his original appeal and charm and stamping those traits onto their already stripped-of-all-nuance elizabeth. so now both henry and elizabeth are not only extremely different from their original roles in the novel but extremely, woefully less charming and complex. this especially pisses me off because it's explicitly stated in the book that henry was victor's only friend precisely because he was victor's intellectual equal, so seeing henry reduced to a smiley idiot and/or stupid generic male side character with Morals fills me with a visceral rage. writers will also sometimes make victor and henry meet in college (ballet, 1994) and try to strengthen the bond between victor and elizabeth by making it appear as though she was victor's ONLY childhood friend and companion. other times, victor and henry will be friends pre-ingolstadt (2004, musical) but most of the relationship development will be between elizabeth and victor. those two have all of the tender bonding moments while henry is just kinda inexplicably there sometimes. but i digress. this post is supposed to be about elizabeth. but IF YOU NEED A CHARACTER TO BE A SUNSHINE SOFT OPTIMISTIC LOVER FOR VICTOR IN A FRANKENSTEIN ADAPTATION, HENRY IS ABLE AND WILLING ARE YOU STEPPING ON MY BALLS
clervalstein is true. anyway
elizabeth is somehow more complex and powerful as a female character than the literal adaptations produced almost 200 years later. in adaptations, the most important thing about her is somebody else. the development of all of her character traits (which usually never go beyond standing around and looking helpless) are solely dependant on victor. she feels more like an appendage of the protagonist than an individual with thoughts and experiences separate from victor, and her character is loosely defined and flimsy so the writers can have her conform to her actions in the book whenever it's convenient and then change things up entirely that completely contradict her characterization in the book whenever it's convenient. i have no idea why the fuck this keeps happening with frankenstein adaptations (it's misogyny) and because it isn't looking like guillermo del toro's film (from what ive heard) is going to be super book accurate, i dont foresee too much of a shift in frankenstein adaptations.
look i get it. it's a movie/play/ballet which lasts like 2 hours and you have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. i understand you have to make sacrifices for brevity and these characters are, frankly, a lot less interesting and exciting than victor and creechur. people didn't come to see john hughes levels of charm and complexity in the side characters, they came to watch the creechur do scary shit and for victor to say IT'S ALIVE 😱 and be an evil mad scientist you love to hate. they came for their values of "it's wrong to play god!!!" and "too much ambition bad!!!" to be re-cemented even though that's not even the original point of the novel. which is why imo if you're going to adapt frankenstein in a manner that does justice to the beautiful and sublime subtlety of the original novel, it needs to be either a miniseries or a REALLY LONG film. it's a short book, but it's very eventful, and imo for an adaptation to work you have to let the audience sit with it. which is why you all need to donate to my gofundme so i can produce an honest to god frankenstein adaptation. in fact, im running for president in this year's primaries :3
just a disclaimer: im not an academic or a scholar or anything. i just like the book. i probably have no idea what the fuck im talking about. but im a very very passionate little guy and this has been my rant
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angelscorpses · 5 months
cherry valance rant bc GOD cherry hate infuriates the shit out of me i need to let this out
made smth like this before but it was so incoherent lmao, im aiming for this one to be a little better worded/constructed. literally just gonna be a whole rant defending cherry/refuting common counterarguments i see
im being so genuine, can yall tell me a GOOD REASON why you hate cherry. every single reason i hear is so stupid, all of her actions that make her "hated" are incredibly understandable if you had just taken a moment and tried to imagine what it was like given her situation.
a good example would be "she didn't visit johnny in the hospital" :: johnny killed bob: cherrys boyfriend. johnny is her boyfriend's killer. name one person who would wanna go see their partner's killer. and a counterargument to this i see a lot is "johnny defended her against dally" :: which, yeah, maybe that made cherry somewhat like him a little more, but she had never even met him until the drive in. and, i simply believe someone killing your partner outweighs the one good thing that they did for you.
"being rude to ponyboy" :: socs couldnt really be seen with greasers because it would ruin their reputation, and rep is very important to both socs and greasers. i do agree it might've been a bit selfish, but you have to take into consideration the time period and their situation. this also can apply to the scene in the movie where cherry didnt wave back to ponyboy at school. but, cherry explicitly stated that she probably wasn't going to say hi or wave back, and told him not to take it personal because she would if she could: "you're a nice boy and everything, but we just couldnt let our parents see us with you" bringing back my point about reputation being important. she obviously WANTED to talk to him more, but couldnt due to social expectations
cherry disregarding ponyboy's issues by saying "things are rough all over." if you read the parts whenever randy spoke, you'd know this argument is pretty weak. and even then, she wasn't even disregarding them, she just wanted to give pony a sense that he's not alone.
a lot of this just boils down to trying to put yourself in her shoes; you have to understand where she's coming from. i've made this point a couple of times within the paragraphs. she's also only 16.
also, i've seen a lot of people who hate cherry also love dally? .. how are you gonna hate a character who's actions are pretty understandable if you just put yourself in their shoes, but like the character who's does FAR worse things, mostly just for fun (jumping little kids, cheating, drinking, etc.)?? talk about hypocrisy... i feel like this lowkey has some misogynistic undertones too but whatever.
anyway, you dont have to like her. like her, dislike her—whatever, just maybe come up with a good argument
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mftango · 1 year
I just wanna go on a rant about Bionicle and age and how people apply ages to the matoran, turaga, and toa Matoran are not children, Toa are not adults, and this is the big one Turaga are not old, they are not "village elders", they are never called "Village elders" "elders" or anything of that sort in any official Bionicle media that i know of (correct me if im wrong) and the closest you will ever get is the movies, which code them as old, and the movies are dubiously canon. of course your interpretation of what exactly is "the bionicle canon" can vary but Greg didn't seem to regard them as canon If you really want to compare toa, turaga, and matoran to something more recognizable to non-bionicle fans, I suggest cells in a body (the original intent, the toa are an immune system, the turaga and matoran are cells) similarly ant colonies also work as a comparison of what is effectively an organism of many organisms. going back to the Turagas age thing though, I think the interpretation of the turaga as geezers has done a massive disservice to them and what they originally were, Mataus 2001 character bio describes him as a warrior! they wield elemental powers! they have mask powers! this was before the conceept that they were originally toa, these aren't scraps of leftover power, devoid of the context of toa and before the toas arrival they were the most powerful people in mata nuis society, not just because they lead the villages but physically, strength wise. the movies having them all hunched over and using their **tools** as walking sticks is very stupid. but what about characterization? well sure they're "wise" but so are gali and onua and they aren't "old" again with 2001 character bios
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Quick temper, quick reaction times they were never coded as "old" before MOL I think it's also worth noting that whoever was working on G2 probably knew this, and the protectors were an attempt to lean harder into this direction to make it more clear that these guys do some fighting, have powers, etc. anyway sorry for this insane and probably borderline incoherent rant but I hope if nothing else it atleast made you consider how you see the turaga and how they were meant to be seen
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stef-rambles · 3 months
started watching the wind breaker anime some weeks ago and got so hooked on it that I immediately switched to the manga and boiii...
I'm literally done for. like, I'm such a goner for the story in general and all the characters...
there are just so many amazing characters and ships and I cAN'T DECIDE WHICH ONE'S MY FAV YET BC THEY'RE ALL JUST SO GOOD ugh
but there's one ship that already grew so much on me and it's, ofc, a throuple (yea, no shit sherlock, this is me we're talking about after all)
lemme rant about SuoSakuNirei for a bit to get this outta my system 😩 (I hope I got the ship name right, pls forgive me if not 🥲)
I'll try to keep it spoiler free but I won't guarantee it, so pls beware, just in case
I can totally see how they complement one another with their personality traits and abilities, and while I can absolutely see Nirei being completely upfront about stuff, like how he mostly is, Suo would, ofc, be the one teasing all the time (duh!), and Sakura would just be his flustered and blushy, bratty self (he's so cute pls 😩)
yet, the moment a situation gets serious or they're in a fight, one can easily notice how much they respect, value, and depend on each other. they'd work together in synch, like clockwork, and nobody would even be able to so much as breathe into any of their direction bc they would always have each others' backs and protect one another
but I can also totally picture them enjoy spending time and being silly together, and to just relax in each other's company during their off times
Suo would probably read a book in silence with a soft and content smile on his lips, while casually drinking tea, and absentmindedly stroking Nirei's hair, whose head is laying on Suo's lap
and Nirei would excitedly update Sakura about all the new info the blonde has gathered about whoever he got the chance to observe in their last fights or during whichever meeting they had, while gesturing wildly with his notebook in hand and more than once almost knocking it against Suo's head, who simply dodges it
Sakura, on the other hand, would sit across them both, stiff and upright with arms crossed over his chest, and cheeks flushed in a most beautiful shade of scarlet as he desperately tries his best not to combust whenever he sneaks a peek at Suo and Nirei. and all the while an internal fight is raging in his mind about whether he wants to join them or tries to convince himself that that's bullshit and he's certainly gone insane now, bc how could he actually want that?! (a.k.a. affection 😒)
but they'd still challenge each other, especially Sakura with his cheeky mouth would still constantly blabber about wanting to fight Suo and Nirei, too
and Suo would tease Sakura until he'd lunge at him but Nirei would immediately scold them both to cut the crap and yes– they would actually listen to him 🤭
or they would settle on arm-wrestling, which would end in Sakura literally combusting and sputtering incoherent words and sentences bc Nirei won against him –by unfair means– bc Suo told Nirei beforehand to surprise Sakura by suddenly giving him a kiss before he could win 🤭
and it would all end up in Nirei and Suo laughing wholeheartedly as Sakura only watches them, stunned to silence, while his mind's reeling, the same word repeating itself over and over in there
before he startles, blushes furiously, and hastily stumbles out of the room bc he's totally overwhelmed by his emotions...
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