#anyway. mutuals do to the opposite of this with ❤️
steelycunt · 1 year
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can you conceive of anything fucking worse
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ghostbite0 · 6 months
So, baby Trio naptime:
I feel like Giyu would be like "ah yes, the sweet relief of sleep." except in baby mode because "Oooh, what's that? And that? And that thing over there. Omg is that my hand!? :D" so you'd need to do the little blanket tent over his and whoever is holding him's heads like I did with my nibblings when they were babies too curious to sleep.
Sanemi is kind of the opposite. He's just to angry to sleep! What do you mean baby rage takes a lot of energy? He's a damn Hashira and doesn't need a naptime. And then one of two things happen, he either exhausts himself to sleep and naps with the angriest little baby frown or eventually goes baby mode snuggles himself against someone and has the calmest sleep. There's no in-between.
Obanai meanwhile, I see as being find with naptime. Thing is, even in adult mode, he can't stop his suckling reflex when asleep so he often ends up waking up with something in his mouth, usually a blanket corner, or a lock of Muichiro's hair, much to his own embarrassed upon waking up.
Also, I'm wondering since a year is a lot of time for a bay's development, who's the oldest/youngest?
Anyway, love all the baby and children content, they are all adorable deserve love❤️❤️
omg anon im so sorry i thought i had responded to this . i absolutely adore this this is all canon anon you get me
to answer your question; they're all six months old!
Giyuu still considers himself the eldest, so he watches out for the two. Sanemi is physically a little bigger and stronger, and he's just like fuck yeah . im not the youngest anymore. take that. meanwhile, Obanai is tiny for his age; he looks more like a three-month-old
so... just judging by their development and how they get with their baby modes, i would say Giyuu is the eldest, Sanemi is in the middle leaning towards eldest, and Obanai would be considered the youngest (he's mortified by this)
Regarding the three concerning sleep, Giyuu is the easiest to put down for a nap, and Sanemi will raise hell. he's the baby crying at 2 in the morning. which results in the other two babies waking up and also crying. the horrors
give Giyuu a plushie and he is set. if he's awake its probably got something to do with Sanemi whacking him and fussing.
you're exactly on the nose with Sanemi-- he's just too angry to sleep. when he's in baby mode, he's just too energetic and all he wants to do is crawl around and play!
Obanai is somewhere in the middle. he usually can't sleep if he's alone, and when he's in baby mode, he really doesn't like being put in the crib. he much prefers sleeping in someone's arms
usually, the sleeping arrangement favors having Obanai in the middle. Sanemi and Giyuu recognize he's a lot more fragile and weak than they are so there's a mutual agreement to watch out for him when they can. this is also because Sanemi doesn't want to sleep next to Giyuu
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bonefall · 1 year
Oh! Elder Bones, sorry if this has been asked before, but what did Bloodclan think when White Hart was destroyed? I imagine that it was pretty bad on a logistical level, given the trade routes that had been established, but beyond that? Did they mourn their tentative allies? Did they offer aid? After generations pass, do they still remember their forest-bound neighbors? Is there any contact between Bloodclan and the Lake Territories?
Also, I wanted to say once again that your blog is a gift! Your worldbuilding has affected my creative process so much in such a positive way, and I'm very thankful for that ❤️ Have a nice day!
Not everyone in BloodClan was happy to be trading with the very cats they'd organized in opposition to! Scourge did not think the inner workings of his group was the business of his new allies, and while he was setting up trade routes to their mutual benefit, there were elements within BloodClan plotting a change...
BloodClan's leadership changes paws in a (currently unnamed) "competition." To compete, you must have four teeth in your collar currently, and to win, you must produce an impressive tooth to complete it.
The "Impressive Tooth" doesn't need to be the largest one, though Scourge was able to take leadership from Brick before him by felling a hound. Brick was able to submit the tooth of a Clan leader-- Pinestar, given willingly. In fact, you don't need to acquire the tooth alone.
So Scourge was trying to pre-empt the anti-Forest members of his Clan by essentially appointing someone, Claw, and he would pass on one of his own teeth. He didn't need to do this in the end-- Fury attempted to kill Claw and he took one of her teeth instead. BUT ANYWAY, politics of Ferncloud's Parting aside, that's for another time...
Scourge offered aid to the Forest Four in TNP. They were grateful for this.
While the trading is nothing but mutually beneficial, opinion of Clan cats is not 100% positive.
There is a deep history of animosity between the groups, and that never fully went away.
When the Forest Four are driven out, opinion generally gets more positive. It's easy to miss an idea, and their exports are missed.
There is very little contact between the groups, as it's just too far to travel. The Forest Four went VERY far north.
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thasorns-archive · 3 months
tag game ✨
I got tagged a long time ago by a mutual who went private... it's friday night and look at that I HAVE some time to do it :)
1. why did you choose your url?
just look at Emi and then we can talk again. Have you seen her? <3
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
juhotonin - is a kpop blog (even though I neglected it a bit)
alexreggies - yes, sometimes I reblog different things on this (thasorns) blog but this one is specifically for western things
kaiosmichiru - anime
I have another one where I only post gifs but never told anyone about it
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
probably since 2009. I used to have another blog but moved to my current one in 2012
4. do you have a queue tag?
used to have # queue to my life, # queueing things bc its quarantine things but now I'm just using q. bc I’ve become lazy
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
before this blog I was a dedicated fanblog about marko marin and sideblog was very multifandom and then I moved and stayed multifandom 
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
buttercup is THE mvp
7. why did you choose your header?
a tale of thousand stars do I need to say more (if you didn't watched it, THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this, mind that I was a beginner in gif making and you can see that in this 
9. how many mutuals do you have?
maybe I forgot one or two but the last count was 79 love you all 💕
10. how many followers do you have?
 more than i would expect and deserve but I appreciate every each one of you 🥰
11. how many people do you follow?
I'm surprised that after 12 years I don't follow more but I also go on a unfollow spree sometime anyway it's 372 people
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
no. don't think so. I used to say a lot about shows I watch. does this count as a shitpost? Idk
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
is that really a question? like? every day
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
no i'm staying in my bubble and be happy
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
i dont do it to be oppositional 
16. do you like tag games?
even though I try to participate as much as I can and not forgot about it I'll do it because they're fun and it's nice to see other perspectives or opinions on things
17. do you like ask games?
I rarely do it because I think no one would send me asks
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
the first which comes to mind is sabrina @moonkhao
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
what does crush even mean?
claire @clairedaring @poomphuripan is such a cutie. The way she does so much for the msi community but at the same time highlights other lakorns and find the strength and time to gif it, so other ppl on here could watch it. always so nice and patient ❤️
an honorable mention: cata @kittychicha because I would've never thought that we would become friends and talk on a regular basis about everything and it is fun and lovely to talk with you and get to know you 🧡
Another honorable mention would be vish @morkofday because have you met her? Her mind is already enough. The way she thinks and sees things in perspectives - a reason to fall in love. Not even joking. Our dead friend forever days were precious for me 💕
20. tags?
@morkofday @itsallaboutbl @clairedaring @pondsphuwin @patchanons @milkpansa @kittychicha @jimmysea @loveisactivated
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sleepymccoy · 2 months
I expect people don't really need to hear this, but I'm feeling it right this minute so imma talk about the chronology of how i write
I used to think to create a cohesive story you had to either write everything down in order, or fully plan out the story before starting so you didn't get lost. I am so glad I stopped doing either of these a long time ago
Now I just write what suits me, and if I go against an earlier scene I either rewrite that or scrap it. There's a lot of scrapping tbh
With fanfic I can kinda get away with it cos I know the characters well enough to be familiar with their emotional arc and jump around the beats pretty nimbly. It's different w original stories cos I don't know the characters so well yet. My first run at it I tried to plan AND write in order, which is the opposite of what I naturally do
Now I'm doing what I want. And I'm rediscovering how easy it is to write like this! And I'm meeting and learning who these guys are as I go, which informs everything else
My early scenes are pretty rough and dialogue/setting heavy. Not a lot of internal thoughts or opinionated observations. After I write a scene (not before!) I summarise what that scene has in it. Some are just "show what meal times are like" and I kinda know the characters are also meeting for the first time. But their dialogue is gonna change, I'm gonna write some throw away line in two months time that reshapes the whole first meeting and then I'll go back and rewrite the interactions to fit. Or put it in another scene. But I'll always have something based on this that shows what meal times are like. And that's great. Cos rn the scene is done, I've given it it's little green colour label on Scrivener, and I can move tf on. Later, I'll know these guys better and it'll be a better scene.
I know this is what a first draft is, but I always had in mind that the first draft is done when you finish the ending. But I'm on the third draft of some scenes and I'm not even at the second act. And those third drafts are my guiding rods for characterisation cos by this point they're supporting each other in this complex foreshadowing, emotional beat, cross referential ways that make the whole thing cohesive. The other scenes, well, they're place holders to keep me moving forwards. Even some of the really hot ones.
Like, the scene where they fuck in the sapling room is sexy, but ultimately is probably gonna change cos it's such a pivotal moment and I don't know how it'll reverberate yet. Whereas the scene where they spontaneously decide to try edging? That's had a few rewrites and has some cool complex emotions and foreshadowing going on, as well as toe dipping into mutual dependency, and I like it very much now. It's doing what I want and any changes from here on should be pretty small.
I can particularly remember laying in bed two weeks after writing the edging scene and going 😶 he's being too open about being upset about the day, there's no way he'd discuss that yet. And disappointedly decided to remove all of the motivating force and put that sex somewhere else and face rewriting the whole emotional beat. But I reread it and was like... Hang on... The motivation can stay as long as he lies... And then the pov character can establish some of his thick headedness in not noticing... And it's not exactly heathy... Yum
But that needed two weeks of noodling for me to realise. And now it's foreshadowing the act three plot twist! That I haven't written yet cos I have too many ideas for how to do the reveal and they're all juicy
Anyway, I'm loving being free to rewrite and change stuff constantly. And like, also gives me the freedom to drag and drop things into different points in the chronology if I wanna try it out with relatively little editing cos so far the scenes are mostly surface level.
It's good. I'm good. It's been like seven weeks of free form writing when I feel like it and it's at like 25k without breaking a sweat so. I'm happy ❤️❤️
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naradivision · 1 year
Happy Pride Month!
I saw many divisions making a post to explain their characters’ romantic and sexual orientations in this month last year (and also this year), so I kinda want to follow suits even if it turns out to be this late (´∀`;)
To be honest; although I’ve spent quite a time doing some research, I’m still not so sure about them! Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy my assumptions and my greatest apologies if I unintentionally offend someone.
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Heteroromantic Demisexual 
Despite being a good friend towards any gender across the spectrum, Yuuya has pondered over his feelings multiple times before coming to the conclusion that he can only see romantic potential in the opposite gender. Thus, he doubts it may stem from his strong attachment towards his big sis and his mother in his childhood.
And although he is certain of never looking at his older sister in any sense of romantic way, he still couldn’t shake off the fact that it’s a high chance he might definitely pursue for her semblance in his significant other —That’s also a part of many reasons why he has shied away from dating unless he could get over his own complex soon. Besides; the idea of getting attached to someone again scares him a bit. He’d always be happy to help his friends get together-together though.
On matters of sex; even if he knows the basics from various sources, he isn’t so enthusiastic about it as others around his age. He has yet to engage in one as well. To him, establishing the mutual understanding is a must before delving into another level of intimacy. Yes, kinda old-fashioned but he wants to ensure his relationship is going to be in the long run so that’s it.
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Panromantic Questioning 
Asahi loves any topic about romance and everyone knows it! He may be a bit clueless but he is definitely a curious soul who is highly interested in meeting new people and likes exploring their perspectives about love. 
However, his impression on romance is likely to be through a rose-colored lens than the realistic way owing to many novels and manga he has read. He also has never been in any relationship before. Right now he seems to enjoy himself taking the role of a passionate supporter rather than to have a real part in one.
And to anyone’s surprise; when it comes to sex, his twenty-year-old knowledge regarding this matter is no better than that of an elementary kid —To the point his two teammates (and even one being younger than him) have to question just how sheltered his grandmother has kept him until these days.
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Demiromantic Graysexual (Sex-Neutral)
Because of his trust issue, Saigo is undoubtedly skeptical whenever it comes to making connection with other people. He is also known for turning down everyone his family tried to set him up with in the past. Having said that, deep-down he acknowledges the existence of love but doesn’t believe relationships will just work out for everyone. And just as he is currently chill with his alone life while still prioritizing his privacy, he isn’t eager to seek a partner anytime soon. 
Moreover, he thinks people have rights to be whoever they want as long as they are conscious of their own choices and decisions.
On matters of sex; he is neither completely interested nor thoroughly disgusted by it. He might be a bit more curious at his younger age, but now he holds little to no interest in it due to his daily stresses on many things. Normally he deals with those whimsical feelings by just ignoring them or keeping himself occupied with something serious (e.g. work) until they die down.
Happy Pride Month everyone! You matter and who you love and who/what you identify as matter as well! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖
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kodzuken-chan · 2 years
Monster Trio + Law and the types of Hugs they give to their S/O Headcanon
A/N: Sooo I got this Idea while I was doing the dishes, these ideas really appear at the weirdest times. Anyways, Enjoy this tiny SFW Headcanon until I post the final chapter of Regret Veins 🫂
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Luffy: The Bear Hug
A Genuine and meaningful hug
And its given by Luffy so you can't ask for a better thing
He might seem like an air head sometimes
And probably won't give you affection at the times you want
Except when you/him/both are super clingy
But when he wants to show you how much he loves you
He would just appear out of nowhere
Without a single alert
And jump, wrapping his stretchy arms around you
Giving you the tightest yet warmest hug you could ever ask for
He's not that dump, so whenever you're stressed, anxious or tired
He would give you his iconic bear hug and it never fails to makes you feel relieved and loved
Luffy's bear hugs always gives you the reassurance of how much he care for you the relationship you both share❤️.
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Zoro: The Long Protective Hug
A comforting and a Strong hug
Zoro isn't a man of words
Yet he's a man of actions
He seems like a tough man that is rarely interested literally in anything
Of course except for his swords
And you
To him, showing affection isn't something he's good at, especially verbally
But when he wants to show you how much he loves and cares for you
He would just pull you into his embrace
And let you snuggle into his chest as he rests his head on the top of yours
His buffed arms would be wrapped around you in protective manner
As if he tells you that as long as his lungs are breathing air
He'd be there for you, to protect you at all costs
You wonder how he does it
But you swear that he can read your mind
Because whenever you're feeling Low or sad
He'd be right there holding you tightly with his strong arms
And it lasts as long as you part away willingly telling you're feeling much better
Zoro's protective long hugs will always provide you with warmth and emotional support
It just speaks your incredible Love chemistry💚
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Sanji: The Straddle Hug
A Deep and an Intimate hug
Opposite to Luffy and Zoro, Sanji is extremely a romantic lover
You can't have enough of the unique ways he shows his affection to you
He nearly showers you in hugs and kisses every minute
But when you're alone or its the before bed time, he loves to express his affection in a different way
Because to him, hugs are good physical connection between lovers
Wherever you both were, cuddling on bed, or giving each other comapny in the kitchen alone
He'd place you on the counter or pulls you closer to his lap on the bed
And gives you a full body embrace
With a deep eye contact, delivering what can't be expressed in words
He'd snuggle his face in your hair, stroking it gently with his fingers
And you'd inhale the colonge scent in the crook of his neck
It feels like time have stopped
Until you hear your captain's desperate hunger whines from the distance
Or when tiredness has the upper hand and both of you end up sleeping
Sanji's straddle hugs highlights the mutual love and feelings between the two of you💙
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Law: The Back Hug
A Fonding and Surprising hug
Similar to Zoro, Law isn't a man of words
But of course not to Zoro's level
Law's actions and words appear when you let your guards off
He never shows intimate affection towards you infront of his crew
You can't say he's a shy person
But to him, showing his love to you should take place in private, between just the two of you
He'd show that he loves and cares for you in other different way during the day
And in ways that you will only understand
He would surprise you with a warm back hug while you're standing infront of your dresser table
He'd lock his arms around your chest and buries his head in your shoulders
You can tell how he signifies his deep feelings each time he back hugs you
And how those gentle backstrokes can express what a million words cannot
As if he tells you how fond he is of you in his own way
Law's back hugs indicates the mutual deep trust and love you share towards each other 🖤.
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m-jelly · 2 years
hey! I'm a little new here so I'm sorry if I say something wrong. anyway, could i order a levi x reader where the two are childhood best friends? they met in the underground, where the two competed to see who had the most popularity or something, even though levi didn't care much about fame, he did it because he liked to compete. an enemies to lovers, basically. I wanted to ask for their first kiss. y/n is a person (pronouns she/they) quite sociable and outgoing, quite the opposite of levi. when she found out about her feelings for him, she started to invest. and it's not as if levi would openly reciprocate, any more than she would, but he was giving very subtle signals, unconsciously. and since y/n is a person who knows how to read others well, he soon discovered that his feelings were mutual.
anyway, their first kiss is behind the bar/cabaret where y/n lives – even though she spends more time at levi, isabel and farlan’s house – the trio had gone to visit her and they ended up drinking a little, andanyway, their first kiss is behind the bar/cabaret where y/n lives – even though she spends more time at levi, isabel and farlan’s house – the trio had gone to visit her and they ended up drinking a little, and except Levi. y/n offered him a sip of rum, just one and she would leave him alone – since the girl had been fucking insisting that he drink too – he accepted. was playing levi's favorite song, and y/n took him to the back of the bar, where he pushed him against the wall and kissed him. even if levi wasn't that experienced with it, he reciprocated fervently.
I also wanted to ask you to do the details inspired by "My only one" by Sebastian Yatra and Isabele Merced, if it's not a problem.
Anyway, this one got a little big, sorry. I was listening to the song and this whole scenario came to mind.
I eagerly await your reply! ❤️
Okay, so I got a bit confused with this ask. I've read it a few times and I know I'll get it totally wrong. I don't know the song and I have read the lyrics. Also, I won't be including the song in the fic because there were no music players in the canon world and I think, by your ask, you want it to take part in the canon universe. I'm sorry if this turns out terrible, I just got a bit confused. I also won't be adding the part where we pressure Levi to drink with us.
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Sweet lips.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Canon AU, fluff, romance, first kiss, flirting, cute, confessions, reader and Levi drink some rum, flustered Levi.
Concept: You and Levi have known each other for a few months. At first, Levi didn't want you around because he was a criminal and you weren't, but after time he liked you so much he kept you around. You often visited him at his home, but a few nights in a row you're not there. Levi goes to the bar you live above and helps run to find you're overworking and helping your older brother run it. Levi helps you out, then at the end of the night enjoys a nice bottle of rum with you. You clean together and go out back to check on the alley, which is where you both share your first kiss.
Note: All characters are in their 20s as Levi is in his 20s in the canon world during a choice with no regrets.
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Levi felt frustrated. You'd walked into his life, worried the hell out of him because you were too cute and sweet for the underground city. He kept you at arm's length, but he couldn't resist you. He wanted to protect you and look after you. He'd started catching feelings and now they were here, you'd suddenly disappeared.
He hurried through the street to the bar you lived above and helped run. He shoved the door open to see the usual drunks inside. His eyes scanned the room until they fell on you rushing around with jugs of beer. He could see you looked stressed and overworked.
He shoved his way through the bar to you. "Oi?"
You jumped. "Levi!" You cleaned your hands with a rag. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to see how you were doing. I was worried."
You blushed a little. "Oh, wow..." You hummed a laugh. "Thank you."
He looked around. "You're busy."
"Yeah, my brother's staff decided it was better to commit crimes instead of work in the bar, so now it's just me and him. I'm sorry I haven't been around."
He sighed. "Let me help."
You smiled and welled up a little. "Thank you so much." You fast walked with him to the bar and grabbed him and an apron. "Could you work behind the bar?"
"Got it."
"I really appreciate this."
Levi blushed a little. "I'm glad I could help."
You smiled softly before rushing around again and taking orders. You ran backwards and forwards with food and drink for those coming in. You avoided grabby hands by twirling away and jumping out of reach. You'd become a pro at keeping yourself safe and Levi was impressed. He was in awe of you and his feelings for you were just becoming stronger.
Your brother walked over to the front door and slammed it shut after the last drunk left. He locked it up and huffed. "Finally. Hey, Levi? Thanks for helping out. I knew you crushing on my sister would work in my favour in the end."
Levi went bright red. "Tch shut the fuck up."
You cleared your throat. "I'm going to clean the tables and then check out back. I'm going to put things in the bins and whatnot..." You slipped away and started wiping the tables down as your brother and Levi talked quietly.
You grabbed a bottle of rum and took a swig from it. You let out a long sigh and went out of the back of the bar and started drinking and cleaning up. You went to grab your bottle to find it missing. You turned to see Levi drinking it. "Help yourself."
He gasped. "Thanks."
"I was kidding."
He hummed. "I know." He offered you the bottle. "Here."
You downed more. "Thanks for giving me my rum."
He grabbed a broom. "I'll help you clean."
You frowned. "What's going on? You're usually snarky with me."
He shrugged a little. "I don't feel like it anymore."
You hummed a laugh. "You're cute."
He stopped sweeping and walked closer to you. "Do you mean it?"
You turned to him and looked him in the eyes as you blushed. "What?"
"Do you mean that?"
You blushed a little. "W-Well, yes. That okay?"
He walked closer to you. "Well, I think you're beautiful, cute, funny, sweet, smart, a pain in my ass and yet I can't help but like you. You make me a mess internally and I like it. I like you." He back you up against the wall and leaned his arm on it by your head. "I really like you."
You grabbed Levi's shirt and yanked him close. You pressed your lips against Levi's and felt him stiffen up. You hummed at him and went to pull back thinking you'd made a mistake. Levi pressed his body against yours and chased your lips. He tilted his head and cupped the side of your face. You'd both never kissed before, so this was a first but it felt so good.
Levi was shaking a little he was so nervous about fucking this up, but he wanted so badly to keep kissing you. He nipped your lip before pushing his tongue into your mouth a little. His heart skipped a beat when you parted your mouth and moved your tongue with Levi's. It was shy and unsure at first because you both didn't know what you were doing, but then it became something sweet.
You both hummed and sighed in delight. You moved with each other and squeezed each other skin. You smiled a little when Levi's hand moved up and cupped the bottom part of your breast. You moaned when he massaged you.
Levi pulled back and blushed. "I'm so sorry." He pulled back. "Ah! I umm grabbed you...I'm sorry."
You giggled and took his hands. "Don't be sorry. I liked it. I moaned."
He blushed. "A-Ah, right. S-So um...I l-like you and I ah...I'm sorry if it was a bad k-kiss. I've never...that was my first."
"Mine too."
He smiled. "Y-You were good."
"You too, but if you weren't happy you can try again."
He frowned. "Try?" It clicked. "Oh! You umm...clever."
You giggled. "I have my moments."
He leaned closer and lightly kissed you. "Yeah." He winced when your brother shouted for you. "M-maybe later?"
You nodded. "Climb in through my window."
"I-I will, yes...ummm."
You slipped away. "Just for a kiss and cuddle, nothing else."
"I-I know!"
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loveemagicpeace · 3 years
❤️Valentine's Day❤️
🤍Pluto symbolizes the power in whatever house it is. The power you feel in yourself and the people around you. Strong experience of feelings. For ex.:5th house- privacy, romance, jealousy, strong emotions, strong happiness, attitude towards things and the things you do you have a strong will for them. Love, devotion. Obsession with changing partners maybe or with affairs.
❣️Mars in 3rd house- passion comunicatiors, they love adrenaline. You are curious and chatty. You like to receive new knowledge and share it with others. You are passionate about getting new experiences, starting new projects and chapters of your life. might fight a lot w/siblings, but will always defend them.
❤️The Sun in the partner’s 8th house is unsettling for both partners. Both partners initially feel afraid of this relationship, and yet bewitched at the same time. You’re drawn to each other the way people are drawn to watch horror movies. You know you shouldn’t look, but you look anyway.
🎈Moon in 8th house synastry this creates a relationship with intense emotions. There is a deep emotional connection between these two people. These emotions are usually accompanied by strong physical desire which often becomes overwhelming. The attraction which wasn’t present in the first moment might start growing, or, in the opposite case, it might begin fading until it completely disappears.
🍓Venus in 8th house is highly sexual, and even in relationships where sex is not an option, a sexual tension will be noticeable. You find the house person very sexually attractive.
🍒If you have a lot of aspects in pluto or 8th house placements with a person ,your relationship will be very deep, intimate, obsessive. Relationship can be like a drug or can be felt like that.
❤️‍🔥Scorpio symbolizes deep, very emotional, dark, mysterious, transformation. He is obsessed with things and likes dark but deep things. Hidden from others. Scorpio often loves things that only he can see related to the mystery. That is why every relationship with him looks unique, special, different and unforgettable.
🌹Aspects with the 7th house represent romance, balance, peace, beauty. Thats why many aspects with venus or placements in 7th house symbolize a beautiful relationship, a healthy relationship.
🥀Libra symbolizes beauty, romance, dreamy, balance. So many times in this relationship you feel understanding, beautiful, happy.
🥀Sun in 7th house- Symbolizes brilliance among relationships and marriage will be a big part of your life.
💋Venus in 7th house: A very good placement for all love relationships aswell as business related relationships. It’s important to find balance in giving & receiving. Balance the mutual need for compromising to much.
💋Moon : Emotional involvement is a strong theme. Giving security to each other is needed aswell as balancing the emotions of both people.
💋Mercury : Equally sharing is a theme. Communication is strong, but also the point that needs to be balanced inorder for it to work.
❣️ Prices for astrology reading (synastry chart)are lower today, click on valentine’s day ❣️
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maiverie · 3 years
hi I saw this on my dashboard can you ship your mutuals with idols you think they will fit best
oh god HI ANON 🕵️‍♀️ i’ve been seeing these on my dash too GHEHEHE this is so cute except you’re asking the wrong person since i feel like i’m so new to tumblr and know nobody 🧍🏻‍♀️ but anyway imma do u one better and write some fic ideas based on what i think their relo would be like 😳
@yerion ship her w jyp obviously 💪 she always talks about how she wants 2 be an idol so she can have a whole ass delicious record executive in her dms??? duh??? the math be mathing 🥵 #enemiestolovers #agegapau #ive never noticed how beautiful his eyes are au 💓 i bet she would like rock up to the jyp building and be like hey give me a contract and the man would be completely enamoured by her at first sight and she’d be like 😍 ure so rich daddy 😋
@seungstarss heeseung it’s heeseung OF COURSE IT’S HEESEUNG i gotta give my girl full rights to her man 😭 no but idk heeseung is such a quiet kind of nice that i feel like sei and him would make such a cute couple 😭 LIKE I SWEAR THEIR LOVE STORY WOULD BE SO CUTE AND FULL OF FLUFF like maybe sei would lowkey like one of his friends until one night she needs help and he’s the only one that pulls thru for her #theyre in an friend group and they’ve never been alone tgt until one night and she’s like damn actually he’s kinda cool and cute but wait y is he looking at me like that au or maybe #neighbours au IDK JUST SOMETHING WHERE HEE LIKES HER FROM AFAR
@vmpnoo i…. i wanna say sunoo so bad EXCEPT THIS BITCH IS LITERALLY A HORROR/GORE WRITER AND SHE STANS THE FLUFFIEST FLUFF BALL THAT IS KIM SUNWOO?????!!! SOMETJING AINT CLICKING 😭😭😭 so maybe it’d be like an opposites attract au but tbh i also see fray with like niki cause they’re both chaotic af like i can see fray scaring the shit out of niki bc she finds it funny 😭 she’s legit gna wake up in the middle of the night and be standing over his bed dressed up as a masked killer and threaten to stab all of his lil plushy toys HAHAHAHHSHAHAHAHAHAHA #romcom # chaotic evil (her) vs chaotic good (niki) couple dynamic
@hoonsilk OUR KDRAMA QUEEEENNNNNN SHE DESERVES ALL THE ROMANCE JSDKKDD SO IMMA SAY SUNGHOON SINCE SHES PROLLY GNA KILL ME IF I SAYANYONE ELSE BUT ALSO IM GETTING A JAY VIBE TOO (ik …. giving up my own bias for u… that’s how u know i love u) BC JAY IS GNA GIVE U ALL THE ROMANCE U NEED!??? he’d literally plan out all the coolest most thoughtful little dates omg bye i’m jealous now—
@wonvelvet YEONIEEEE OMG THIS IS KINDA HARD SINCE WE ONLY JUST MET 😳 BUT IK U LOVE JUNGWON AND U ALR GIVE ME BFF ENERGY SO IM TOTALLY CONVINCED U GUYS WOULD HAVE THE MOST ENERGETIC ADORABLE RELO EVER?????? gotta be liek a school au where yeonie is the new kid and jungwons is the student president and he has to give u a tour and then uh oh he accidentally leads u the wrong way and now you both have detention bc turns out he’s dumb af and doesn’t know his way around the fucking school 😭😭
@twilightau i think it’s cos i read ur godly prince au series but i see u with a tall handsome prince gentleman THATS GNA TREAT U RIGHT AND FIGHT OFF OTHER SLEAZY ASS MEN 🤺🤺🤺 SUNGHOON IS OBVIOUSLY A PRINCE AND HES GNA TAKE CARE OF U SO WELL HE’LL LITEDALLY TREAT U LIKE A PRINCESS #royalty au DUH
@miiiwaa THE LOML IM HANDING OVER NERD!HEESEUNG LITERALLY CHERRY/HEE SHDKEKKFKSJX HOW CAN I NOT when i feel like ud treat him so well and give him all the reassurance he needs
@jaeyummies WHERE ARE U U WERE MY FIRST FRIEND ON TUMBLR AND NOW YOURE GONE 💔💔💔 heart been broke so many times but anyway you’re the kindest sweetest soul you’re literally my aussie bestie so duh duh duh i ship u w jakey!????????? i’ll gladly be the third wheel and we can all take trips to bunnings and muzz with the eshays on the train 💪
p.s. here’s to a year of more interaction ❤️❤️❤️ HOPEFULLY ONE DAY I CAN DO A PART TWO OR SMTH…….. hoping to get to know more people around here on engene tumblr so if you’re reading this pls don’t be afraid to reach out ☹️💓💖💞
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38 yr old anon here.
You’re just 4 yrs apart, and she had such concerns?! I am glad it worked out after all. It certainly seems like the subtext here on tumblr that the two of you have a very happy mutually satisfying and healthy relationship!!! My ex and I met when I was 30, and he was 25. The age difference never occurred to me, but when I was specifically asked about it, or when people spoke about an age difference in a relationship.
I guess what made me so weirded out out here in England was that we only had a 5yr difference, where I was older, and we had a woman at work from the same country as me (who was younger than me), and she met an English guy 20yrs her senior. She was 25, and he was 45 when they met. And I had to watch all of the well wishes, and the discussion about their relationship by third parties that really talked the relationship up. That was really weird.
And I am unsure of how much has to do with indirect racism (because both my ex and I are foreigners, and in her case, she is a foreigner, and he is English), and how much is just good old sexism, because in their relationship the man is older as it should be [according to my father (He always wanted me to date a boy in high school exactly two years older than me????! That’s a strangely specific age difference, which also happens to be the exact age difference between my parents, who started dating in high school…)]
Anyways, I would love to hear the opinion of an ethnic English individual here!!!!
Yes, that’s that anyways. I guess having such a direct comparison def freaked me out about the English and their perception of age differences in relationships. 🤣🙈
I’m glad to hear it seems to be different in Canada. My friend recently moved there, and she will spend the next 5-10yrs there. So, I am more than happy now to visit her in British Columbia ❤️
PS: As a rule of thump, I def support the “half age plus 7 years” rule. It shouldn’t get any more extreme than that, and I would feel creepy. Meaning, I am 38, divided by two is 19, and then plus 7 is 26. Hence, I shouldn’t date anyone younger than 26. Which is a reasonable rule I think. Have you heard of it before?! What do you think of age differences in relationships?!
My parents (specifically my mom) are just very protective of me. I hadn't been in more than one relationship and they were just worried that he might be a creep trying to steal their youngest child's virtue ;) That was not the case at all, and in fact, the two of us were friends and friends only for a year before we actually began dating.
The double standard is definitely real and I'm not really sure that I have any confidence that will change? My parents are two years apart in age as well! However, I do have an aunt who is married to a man 20 years older than her and they are very happy and in love. I will say that there was a lot of judgment (and probably still is), but if it was the other way around, it would be a lot worse, I'm certain.
I hope your friend is enjoying Canada! They are on the opposite coast, but BC is lovely.
I have heard of the half + seven rule, yes. When it comes to age differences in relationships, I think that it's really more about the people than how old they are. I think the reason that we often pair up with people relatively close to our own age is because we identify with them. We have similar life experiences, we are of the same generation, etc. However, I really think age difference matters as much as we grow older. I'm sure that when I'm 45, 50, 60, I will still find people in their 20s attractive. My 65-year-old mother-in-law thinks Dylan has "sparkly eyes and a beautiful smile". Appreciating attractive qualities in other humans doesn't stop just because you put on a few years. I suppose appreciating those things and dating someone is different, but yeah...
I think it's complicated, and for me, it is more of an individual situation kind of discussion than a broad-reaching standpoint? If that makes sense. I also think there are complicating factors when one party is much more advanced in age (e.g. predatory, both against younger and older individuals) that make it a whole can of worms to even get into and there are definitely problematic issues that can occur as a result.
However, generally, I feel like two consenting adults of sound mind should be allowed to be together as long as no one is getting hurt.
You can read this anon's previous messages HERE and HERE
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