#anyways i hope this post wasn't like too grim or anything because this is just a small idea i had for it
plasky · 7 months
I just had a really dumb character idea
So you know how there's like mimics n stuff to which they transform/mimic and object/thing/person
I then also thought of a cuckoo bird and how it inacts brood parasitism
What if let's say this was translated to a sort of mimic thing where the mimic leaves their child to some random family and the child shifts to look like they belonged to that family although still looking more off/off-putting
The mimic child then causes "accidents" to the rest of the children in the family leaving only them in the end to have all the food and everything they need for themself to live
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mydarlingbat · 3 months
!!! Sorry for the long message. Just. Many thoughts. I have so many thoughts about the Arkhamverse games in regards to Batjokes, and your post about choking scene inspired me.
I think one could make the argument that the later Arkham games lean more into the romantic angle of B and J's relationship, but I feel that Asylum, especially in regards to the story, definitely has elements of that side of their dynamic.
Like what you said with the choking at the beginning of the game!! What did Bruce do that for? If you see that he hasn't done anything, why not let go? Why deliberately drag him closer and hold him there?
Not to mention that Joker has basically done all this FOR Batman. Sure, the Titan is important to Joker, but he's also focused on trying to get Batman to go crazy and join him. He convinces Scarecrow to help him with it, he encourages Batman to go mad over the course of the game, and says he, "just wanted to bring down your grim facade, and for once let you see the world as I see it, giggling in a corner and bleeding!" He even tries to take his own life (or at least, tries to trick Batman into thinking he would, if we're to go with the idea that becoming a Titan was part of his plan) because Batman wouldn't give into the madness and join him - as one of the lines Joker says in the Visitor Center is, "According to [Scarecrow's] notes, you should have come over to our side by now. "
Just. ugh. I love this series so much and this game deserves just as much love as the others (at least in regards to Batjokes content. Hehe.)
And thank you so much for all your posts!! :D
Speaking truthfully I truly don't dislike long messages. I find them fun to read. I love anything that's more descriptive in words, and my goodness it's such a joy to know you enjoy my posts, and find them inspiring as well. I just desire to voice that you're absolutely right. The Arkham games has so many wonderful elements. The relationship between Batman and The Joker is so wonderfully done. Yes, Batman has no reason to still be choking the Joker at that moment. He's still locked down. There's no reason to continue to choke him. He has no reason to yank him so close. This leaves me to believe something else is transpiring here. Batman Arkham asylum is my second favorite game out of the Arkham games. Arkham City is my first, however back to what you were explaining to me. I think mostly everything he do is for Batman. The Joker was having so much fun in that game though. The Joker had so many chances to kill Batman in Arkham asylum, but he just plays around with him instead. I think the Joker knew Batman would jump in front of Jim, then he'd be infected with the titan, but Batman fights with everything he's got. Yeah, i think he did want Batman to think he was about to take life. He did say the exact words 'I have nothing to live for' hahaha! Although the Joker takes the titan, hoping Batman would battle with him, but that's not exactly how it plays out in the end. The Joker also was just playing around with Batman at the end too. He kept telling his boys to handle him. I mean he could have easily murdered Batman. I mean all the Arkham games has there batjokes moments, and especially Batman Arkham City. The flirting the Joker does with Batman in there. Batman letting the Joker sit on his lap, without any discomfort. He didn't even grit his teeth. Not even a simple get off of me, but he just listens to the Joker. Then there's Arkham Knight where the Joker says things that's flirtatious and straight up sexual. Now this is all in Batman's head. This is what Batman is imagining?? Joker also call him Bruce. Notwithstanding it's Bruce who's really hearing all of this. I can't get over some of the posters Bruce was seeing. The amount of batjokes in Batman Arkham Knight is just wow! Anyways thank you again for this wonderful message. I promise you i love long messages 💜 if you wanted this to be a analyses, get back to me, because i wasn't sure.
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maristane · 1 year
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Some of my illustrations for Modiphius' Fallout - The Roleplaying Game: Winter of Atom Book. As some of you can imagine, this meant a lot to me so here is a gigantic text wall about it:
I only have two tattoos so far. A skull, inked at a time my old life was dying in a vortex of meaninglessness, and a new one was yet to be born: the life I have now as an artist, but I didn't know that at the time. A classic choice for a memento mori, a reminder of the impermanence of all things. Also, it was at a discount and I like skulls.
My other tattoo is a Vault Boy, from the Fallout games. It's one of my favorite franchises, in part because Fallout 2 and 4 accompanied me through some hard times, and it has heavily influenced my work and tastes as an illustrator. It's one of the top 3 IPs I wanted to work with the most and for the longest, dating back to when I was a literal child; the other two being Conan and Diablo.
So you'll have to imagine how I feel having worked with MODIPHIUS creating many illustrations for Winter of Atom , a supplement to the officially licensed Fallout TTRPG, because I can't bring myself to describe it.
All this crazy thing of abandoning a career in computer science to chase a random dream because nothing else felt real... Leading to this kind of moment. From tears of complete despair and uncertainty, to tears of the most surreal joy. Flowing from the grim skull of my life's apocalypse to a reassuring, although sarcastic, Vault Boy guiding me through the aftermath.
I wish that what I'm writing here brings hope to some, especially artists in earlier phases of their journey.
Because this first illustration shown here, in fact, was not made in a time of joy. There are dark clouds in the sky for artists and creators of all kinds as companies steal our legally protected works to build their plagiarism toys while trying to weaponize the general public against us. I'm talking about plagiography, cleptography, pseudography, or as some call it, "AI" "Art", while it's neither AI nor art. As the fires of this debate raged wildly by the end of last year, I was using my very little remaining mental energy to work on this piece.
This image wasn't meant to be happy anyway, so I was in the right mood for it. Tired travelers resting shortly in a post-nuclear setting, now with a stern winter on top of it. I was tired too, still am, witnessing a world where catastrophes also seem to only pile up. "War, war never changes", says the narrator at the beginning of most Fallout games.
But guess what, peace never changes either.
It can still be found in the coldest of places, in the darkest of hours. And it begins by believing another world is possible. Other ways of doing things. And like the survival of this weary group, peace is easier to build and keep... together.
I know an artistic career seems impossible to many people. I know this deep in my heart because it seemed impossible to me until not many years ago, alone. Countless people have helped me in making it possible. With the winter of generative machines upon us, things only look harder, especially for beginners.
But, if this inspires someone, I eat impossible for breakfast these days.
I'm not infallible or anything, I even got rejected for an important conference just a few hours ago, and my unapproved or cancelled works that'll never see the light of day could fill an entire artbook by now. I just mean that I keep going, and that we should keep going, even in the face of a shining neon sign that says such a silly word as "impossible".
And, well, no winter lasts forever. You can count on that.
P.S: If you want to see more images that I worked on, and in higher resolution, you'll have to acquire the book.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
Uhhh Desi and Xen WIP.
Xen is calling me... She needs me help.. I can't move... My stomach, he put a hole in my stomach.. He's calling out my name, they need my help and I can't help them. What kind of friend am I? I swore to protect them and I can't...
That smell... It makes me hungry.. more hungry than before. We can't afford much food so we are often hungry but this... This feels different. It feels like starvation... In hungry but Xena needs me. Get up. Do something. Anything.
Just get up. Get up. Before I know it I'm running towards Xena screams and that intoxicating smell. That other demons attacking. Get away from them.
Xen/a POV:
The other demon that was attacking me flew into a tree. Or was rather kicked into a tree. "Desi..." How? I thought he ripped a hole in his stomach. Well his shirt certainly tells that story but there's no hole... He's ok.
He's ok, he's alive.. He always had quite the appetite but this feels different. He's not just hungry, he's starving. If his growling stomach didn't say he's hungry the fact he's saying he's hungry under his breath sure did.
Plus the fact that he's drooling a waterfall... I highly doubt they'll let us go just because he kicked one of them into a tree... "You look like your a starving dog. What? Gonna flip the tables? Go ahead, eat me alive" a mistake on the demons part.
I swear I've never seen him move faster... The sounds of ripping flesh, breaking bones and screams quickly fill the air. I walk away and let Desi continue his 'feast' I knew he wasn't a picky eater but damn...
"Are you done?" Desi nods and holds up brown bags filled with grim. "Hope you didn't eat to much, now we're gonna eat real food, come on" I say grabbing his bloody hand and leading him out of the forest.
I'm probably not gonna post this on my Tumblr to avoid people confusing this and my main Oc.
Bows for barb
Oh, is that something that people do? Confuse OCs? I have so many at this point, but they're all part of the same story currently so I'm not sure what the norm is for this kinda thing. But I suspect you could post it without people getting too confused!
Anyway, it sounds like you have an interesting start here! I like the shifting pov. It's always interesting to get different characters' perspectives.
Demons better watch out 'cause they're gonna get eaten otherwise...
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twillightteaparty · 3 years
Is it okay if i request Crowley or Vil and Rook reacting to MC being in a pact with a demon? And this demon follows them around everywhere but never in their human form, they usually chill on their shoulders as a cat or a crow, but they won't hesitate to change their human form in front of potential threaths to defend them. And maybe everyone thought they were a regular animal until they changed form.
MC With A Demon Pact!
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I feel like that Crowley response is just, *double checks student file*. this man is like how? when? why? he has many questions and he shall make demands to get answers. because 'im headmaster and I must be aware of whats going on!'
if mc has to help in over blots before one demon pact was found out, they most certainly are expected to help out now. probably to the demon friends(?) dismay most likely.
will make an off hand comment about how he totally knew there was something up with the Cat/Crow before. (though it's hard to believe him, and even harder to tell if he's lieing.)
overall he may be a little surprised but he's going to try his best to take advantage of this situation for better or worse. It's very unclear if he secretly harbors any fear for the demon. just add onto the pile of things he wont tell us.
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Vil's interest has been piqued! I can only imagine his surpise when they cat/crow in question leaps into action only to take on a more human form that still harbors Demonic features.
He'll probably also ask questions but he won't be so demanding as the headmaster. he more so has genuine curosity and also like- are there any good inferanal skin care routines or like its that just a natural hellish glow? he'd like to know for future references.
Might ask why their demon friend hangs out as cat/crow more often than their humonid one. is if for convience? is it so people don't freak out about horns or something? will try to convince them to rock their look more often, because i don't think many people will be too concerned about such oddities here.
after the intial, hehe neat! I don't think Vil will make a big deal of it all. probably checks in occasionally to see how the two of you are doing lately, but otherwise meh whatever.
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he is E C S T A T I C. we can at least be thankful that he can hold his composure rather well. he will go about various ways to find the weakness within the demons abilities and the pact its self. he is just c u r i o u s, not that he plans to do anything with his knowledge.
probably gonna bombard the demon will all sorts of questions of what its like where your from? Rook is gonna keep them in a conversation for as long as possible and learn as much as he can.
if progress is haulted in the learning bell he may come to a hault and take a beather, a step back. or he could just get more creative about what he is doing.
Please now imagine rook petting the demon in their cat/crow for at any given oppurtunity and gushing over them or something.
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Please grim is going to be so confused- he is just going to be like, excuse me! Why didn't you tell me! your roommate! rude!
meanwhile internally he is just thankful he wasn't the one to piss mc off or their demon friend. Grim is absolutely shooketh.
just a 'i took a cat nap with them????' struggles to wrap his mind around the concept of cat/crow friend being a literal demon. it's not going well for him
gets a little sad when he realizes he can't get them to do the same things they do for mc for him. smh.
I threw grim in as a treat, hope that's okay. because I can only Imagine Grims horror, to be honest. brings much amusement.
Also, my plan is to be posting every Monday from here on out, to give me time to do things and just not overwork myself.
this is the part where I apologize because I feel like my work is lackluster. anyways have a good day
Signed, Admin Tea
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