#anyways natsu is ace
aampharros · 2 years
i said “teehee natsu is ace” as like a joke when my friend said he doesnt understand romantic cues bc i was like haha i relate to that and i am AND SHE WAS SO MAD SHFJFBDJFBFJFB SHE WAS LIKE “no its cuz he was raised by DRAGONS natsu loves BOOBS” and it was so funny
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sammygems · 9 months
Things I Have Noticed/Remembered from my MCDiaries rewatch
I will be updating this as I continue my rewatch, currently everything listed is out of order, cause I've started writing this as I am on episode 64 of season 1 and I don't feel like fixing it to be in order, so sorry!
What the fuck was Garroth's "plan" he mentions to Zenix in the first episode 😭
Zenix seems to be younger then Garroth in Diaries, considering the way that Garroth talks about him, but I think in MyStreet, Zenix is either the same age or slightly older then Garroth, so far this is like, the only obvious age difference between the series (besides Travis and everyone else of course)
I forgot how entertaining Brendan's character is, he's far less annoying then I remembered
I love Vylad, but I legit forgot how much he was in Diaries season 1, I thought he was in it far less
Currently at the stage of Diaries where there is no lgbt+ people, i'm very disappointed by this (we haven't even reached the queerbaiting)
KC's character is....not as bad (racist) as I was expecting, still not great though. I'm choosing to believe that KC is from Tu'lu and Maid Cafes are a thing there, and "Kawaii~Chan" is just a stage name for her work.
Y'all know how Cadenza went missing and she was actually turned into a chicken? Yeah, the way Hayden, Castor, & Laurance talk about her to Aphmau makes it sound like Cadenza is a small child. But then it turns out she's the same age, if not older, then Laurance and Aphmau.
Aphmau should've just made Joh and Hayden lovers, I'm so serious, it would make the whole Cadenza and Laurance being "close like siblings" in season 1 to I think actually being called as siblings in season 2 and in MyStreet a lot easier to understand and make a lot more sense.
Why does Kenmur have like, some sort of romance with all the girls from Meteli??? He was engaged to Sasha and is stated to have feelings for Cadenza.
I love when the episodes open from Sasha's POV, and she goes and talks to Gene and there's just no voices. I love having to pause to read what they're saying. (this point is sarcasm)
The way literally everyone reacted to learning Laurance was blind was....icky. Like, I understand Cadenza and Aphmau reacting as like "we need to find a way to bring his sight back", but the fact that it was literally EVERYONE who decided he needed to get his sight back was so weird.
I don't mind Laurance ACTUALLY getting his sight back, but I wish it was done differently. Like, personally, I'd have him like, have to wash his face with the water of the fountain of Lady Irene.
Emma & Corey, Dale & Molly, and Logan & Donna are very sweet couples.
After Zoey and KC were able to turn Cadenza back to her human form, Zoey mentions that she "recognizes Cadenza from somewhere", but I don't think this goes anywhere???? I'm assuming it was supposed to hint at like, Cadenza's backstory.
ngl, I kinda wish we got more of Zane and Kiki's relationship, I really wanna know what side of Zane Kiki actually saw.
Anyway, Kiki is currently expecting.
Nicole (my beloved) has showed up. I've decided I won't question the logic behind her iron fists being able to break bedrock, and instead say that her referencing her iron fists just made me think of Ace from One Piece and Natsu & Gajeel from Fairy Tail.
I need to mention that in one episode (before Aphmau went to Scaleswind and learned about Lady Irene), Garroth says to Aphmau "by the seven", which I think she was hurt, but the use of "by the seven" is similar to how the same phase would be used in Game of Thrones or to how irl lots of people say "oh my god", so I'm really wondering if there were originally supposed to be 7 Divine Warriors instead of 6.
The way when Aphmau found Levin and decided to keep him and Garroth IMMEDIATLY decided he would be Levin's father figure.
The way when Laurance found out that Aphmau had a kid, his response was to play with Levin and say to Aphmau "you didn't tell me you had this little buddle of joy/energy".
That's all for now, I'll like, update when I have more to add.
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base0h · 2 years
I’ve been watching fairy tail Lately and I’m up to a scene where Lisanna asked Natsu when their grow up can she be his wife (teasing of course ) now I’m wondering how would asl boys react if their childhood friend asked them that ? Love to hear your thoughts ! 🧚‍♀️
a/n - I just watched JJK 0. … I’m not gonna say anything else- 😭 this is so adorable anon- tysm! 💜💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, fluff :)
It’s a promise <3
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It was a normal day of fun, running around, trying to catch Luffy in your daily game of tag. Unfortunately, Luffy was unusually quick, and he had boundless amounts of energy, and at this point, you didn’t even know where it even came from. Luffy looked behind him to see you following him closely, he laughed, not realizing the root of a tree sticking out in front of him. He tripped, falling straight onto his face, making you trip over him and fall over as well. You tumbled through the grass until you gently hit the trunk of a tree. He laughed, sitting up with a huge grin, smile spreading from ear to ear. You always played with him, everyday was filled with so much fun that you barely remembered the feeling of loneliness. You could never be lonely with Luffy, his personality couldn’t let you be lonely. You wanted to make sure your days like this would never end. That this adventure would never end. “Lu! When we grow up, and you’re king of the pirates, can I be your queen?? Then we can both be king and queen of the pirates!” You said with a smile and a laugh. Luffy giggled, “We’ll be the strongest together!” He said, giving you a high five as usual. You didn’t realize that your question sounded a bit like you wanted to marry him when you two were older, but you two were children, naive enough to not understand. “It’s a promise!” You said, holding your pinky out, waiting to intertwine it with his. He nodded, squeezing your pinky gently with his, and now this promise of yours was forevermore.
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Basking in the sun with none other than your best friend, Ace. Turning to look at him, his skin was lightened by the warm gaze of the sun, his freckles speckled across his cheeks. You two were inseparable, no one could ever hope to keep you two apart. And if you were separated, it wouldn’t be for long. You fidgeted with your hands, you honestly never wanted to part with Ace. When he would leave to become a pirate, you wanted to come with him, you wanted to stay by his side forever. “Hey Ace.. Can you promise me that we can stay together forever?” You asked, making him sit upright quickly. He was shocked, and quite flustered, “Married?!” He asked, his cheeks flushed a bright tomato red. You never said “married”! You bonked him on the head, “I never said that! But- yeah kind of.” You replied, struggling to maintain eye contact with him. Honestly, you gave up in trying to get the answer you wanted, it was a weird question anyway right? “I promise, we’ll never be separated. Happy?” Ace asked, hiding his blushing face as he held his hand out for a handshake. You smiled, shaking his hand up and down, making him dizzy, “It’s a promise then!”
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Reading books with Sabo was just a different kind of happiness. It was a feeling of peace that you couldn’t even describe. Listening to him rant on and on about his favorite books was one of your favorite things to do. Today’s story was a fantasy about a Prince, escaping his suffocating family, his home that chained him down. “I want to escape someday like him..” Sabo said with a hopeful smile, continuing on with the story. This prince had a person that he also wanted to escape with, he wanted to travel with them far away, on and endless journey of love and joy. It was a sappy fairy tale, but a beautiful one nonetheless. You wanted to be that person. You wanted to be Sabo’s “forevermore”. This was your chance, you couldn’t possibly let Sabo leave to become a pirate like his brothers without you! “Sabo… Can I escape with you? And be your forevermore?” You asked with a smile, one that always made Sabo’s heart swell. You paused, and Sabo’s face exploded with a tomato red blush. He couldn’t speak, you’ve rendered the little reading prodigy speechless. At least you got your feelings out, now it was his answer you were desperately waiting for. “Y/n. Let’s escape together, I promise that we’ll escape!” Sabo said, managing to get himself together as he held his pinky out for a promise. Your heart brightened, now you could remain with the boy that made your days the best forever. “It’s a promise.” You said, intertwining your pinky with his, your huge and warming smile bringing such a content feeling to Sabo’s heart.
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a/n - ah yes. now im a sappy writer 😭 this was adorable-
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amjustagirl · 2 years
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chapter 14: burn away your fears
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chapters: 14 / 15
pairing: miya osamu x f! reader
genre: romance / angst / fluff
word count: 5.4k
summary: miya osamu does not dare set fire to his heart. it burns anyway.
(prev / next)
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A year later, it’s surprising how much things change. 
Atsumu, of course, has the most dramatic change of trajectory. He announces his professional volleyball after a lightouts game against the Adlers where he wins with a setter dump and a record four dramatic aces. The stands are silent, the audience tearful when he bows to them with uncharacteristic humility, kneeling down to touch the polished wooden floors one last time before he leaves the arena. Olympic medals, V-league medals, two stints in Italy (the second one sanctioned by Kaiyo and the kids), and he closes this chapter of his life on the highest of highs.  
He knows it’s difficult for Atsumu to envision what’s next because volleyball has been all he’s known from the age of eight, and gods does Atsumu mope to no end, hanging around the restaurants with a long face until he has to banish him for scaring his customers, growing more despondent after unsuccessful career talks with Meian Shugo (now, a professional sports agent), Bokuto (a junior coach), Kiyoomi (a suit in the JVA). 
It’s lucky he has Kaiyo on his side. 
She very shrewdly sets up a meeting with her cousin Azumi, now happily married to Sakusa Kiyoomi, a sports writer with numerous contacts in the sports media industry. A deal is cut quite quickly, because corporate sharks move in to capitalise on Atsumu’s marketability - good-looks and a charming Kansai accent with the credibility from being an Olympian. He’s booked as a commentator for both Inter High and Spring High -  much to Shino’s dismay though, in her first year of high school volleyball she has to deal with her dad bawling into the microphone when her team wins a match, but it seems be a success because jobs flow in after that, and Atsumu is jetting around the world for gigs, even going viral when he’s filmed on a flight to the volleyball world championship in Rome loudly professing his love to Kaiyo to the consternation of the cabin crew who just want him to turn off his damn phone. 
Shino - well, she breaks her father’s heart (an exaggeration, she’d say, with a flick of her ponytail) by taking a scholarship to Niyama Girl’s High School in Sendai instead of staying in Osaka - her uncle Hinata’s delighted because that’s Natsu’s alma mater, though Atsumu’s somewhat pleased that it puts distance between her and Meian Makoto. Not that it works, he walks in on them making out during a school break when she’s back home and Shino runs off to Kita’s farm in Hyogo to complain and give her father more heartache. 
“Kids are a pain”, Atsumu whines. 
“Nah, just yours. Cos they take after you.” Osamu retorts. 
Shoma’s his usual self, a snack perpetually in hand, intent on learning to cook more dishes so he can feed Asami-chan whenever he visits the Kitas on their farm in Hyogo - Kaiyo and Ichika of course are planning their kids’ wedding more than a decade too early. Not much has changed other than surprising his dad by voluntarily joining volleyball as a club activity. He’s actually pretty good, for an eight year old, though it’s not settled whether he likes setting or spiking better yet. 
Kaiyo’s just her usual self. Everything’s right in her world - she has no more friends to meddle with (maybe she should deal with Suna, hrm), she’s happy with her job, her family doesn’t give her too many headaches (well, other than Shino finding out that ‘Tsumu was a shit husband and dad for the first three years of her life and throwing a snit about it, the aforementioned debacle of Shino running off to Hyogo, Shoma buying tickets and nearly running off to Hyogo by himself) - okay, maybe her life isn’t exactly drama free with two madcap kids and a husband who behaves like a lovesick kid, but it’s pretty smooth sailing nonetheless. She and Ichika regularly have sleepovers (no one’s ever too old for a pyjama party with pizza) and you’re often invited along as a third of their unholy trio. 
Though…you did call out of the most recent one, saying you weren’t up to it. 
He chalked it up to stress from work. Your business is growing strong, though you still find the time to help out at his restaurants, despite him protesting that he doesn’t want to eat into your free time, that you should take your off days seriously, laze in bed or go out to cafes with Kaiyo or Suzuki-san, anything other than rolling up your sleeves to make batches and batches of onigiris with him and the crew. 
“But you’re here, aren’t you?” 
He finds himself unable to argue with that. Even though you’ve finally given in and moved into his apartment, insisting on paying rent to him (now it’s funny because you’re each other’s landlords) which he only accepts as your pre-condition to moving yourself and Kombu-chan in. He’s squirrelling that cash into a little fund for - well, he doesn’t quite know what to do with it, but he has plans that potentially involve a long holiday to Thailand and a ring. 
For now, it’s nice having you to come back to every night after a long day of running the restaurants. It’s a little more crowded, a little messier - a litter box and cat bed that he trips over in the living room, a ludicrous amount of kitchen utensils and never enough space on the countertops, but it’s all the better for it. Catching each other’s eyes in the toilet mirror whilst brushing teeth and cracking up over a joke you just shared, playing tetris with a too-full fridge, babysitting Shoma and introducing him to the wonders of a blanket fort party when Kaiyo and ‘Tsumu go for their weekly pizza dates - he never thought he could be this happy so easily. 
His apartment truly feels like home. 
“What time are you coming back?” 
A text from you isn’t amiss around this time. It’s past the lunch crush and he usually heads back to the apartment for a quick nap, since he’s usually covering the dinner shift as well. You’re often in the kitchen experimenting, drawing up the menu for the weekend, and he should find you there. But the apartment remains quiet even after he calls out a cheery tadaima, so he goes to investigate, kicking his shoes off in the genkan, padding around until he finds signs of life in the toilet. 
The door is locked, but he can hear the unmistakable sound of someone emptying out their guts. Alarmed, he jiggles it open, and you just groan, head lolling against the seat. 
“Hey”, he murmurs, approaching you gingerly, the way one might with a feral cat (like you and Kombu-chan, a funny coincidence). 
You hug the cistern for dear life. 
He picks you off the floor as if you weigh no more than a bag of rice. Wipes your mouth with a damp towel, urges you to gargle your mouth while he mixes day-old rice with the chicken stock he always has on hand in a pot, serving it to you in a bowl when it comes to a boil. You barely take three spoonfuls of it before pushing it away, claiming you’re full.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, rounding the table to kneel in front of you, taking your hands in his.
“Nothing”, you say, but it’s as unconvincing as Shoma claiming he’s not hungry when he’s staring at food with eyes the size of dinner plates. 
“Shall we make an appointment to see the doctor? I think we should, if you’re not feeling well.” 
“I think you should”, he argues, unconvinced. “You’ve been feelin’ so sick recently, I don’t know whether it’s been a particularly bad batch of shellfish, maybe. And lately you’ve been getting more and more tired, even though you’re going to bed early and sleepin’ in.” 
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s something”, he stresses. “You’re clearly not well - cos you’re pukin’ and you’re tired, and I gotta be honest, you’ve been a bit moody and your back hurts even though your period hasn’t come in the past -” 
It finally clicks. 
“Sweetheart”, he says gently. “Are you pregnant?” 
You confirm his suspicions by breaking down, burying your face into the cradle of your arms, you bawl brokenly. “I can’t do this”, you cry. “I can’t, I - I can’t - ”
It’s not that you’ve never talked about having a family before. In truth, you’ve both left it up to chance, being lax with - well, protection, because if fate decrees it - then well, it’s meant to be. He definitely dreams of a family, made up of you and him and Kombu-chan and a kid that’s got a little bit of him and a little bit of you. And you’re so good with Shoma (he follows you around, convinced that you hold all the secrets to the kitchen in your hands), with the kids who visit the restaurant, going out of the way to add little decorations to their onigiris - a smiley face cut into the nori sheets, an extra bit of fruit sliced into stars and bunnies and hearts. 
But your happiness is worth far more than any of that to him. 
“It’s okay”, he says, measuring his every word. “You don’t have to have it. The baby, I mean - cos’ you’re pregnant, aren’t ya? Iif you don’t want to.” But then he trips himself to add (because the spectre of ‘Tsumu in his chaotic, storm filled years looms, large and ominous), “but if you want to have it, I’m gonna be here for you, every step of the way. It’s your choice, sweetheart, and I’ll support whatever it is you choose.” 
It just makes you sob harder. There’s nothing he can do but rub circles into the small of your back until you hiccup into his shoulder. 
“I don’t know what to do.” 
“It’s okay”, he says, because really, what else can he say? “It’s okay.” 
But it isn’t okay because you keep him at a distance over the next couple of days, even though you cancel the next few engagements you have to hole up in bed, your eyes red and puffy, and you refuse to eat more than a few bites of all the treats he offers in an attempt to lure you out of the fort you’ve built with all the pillows and blankets you have at home. 
He waits, not because he’s a patient man by nature, but because he knows that burns hurt, raw and red. Rushing back to the kitchen before the memory scabs over will leave one too scared to approach the roaring flames in the stove. And if you need time to consider the implications of how your life might change, ponder your choices, weigh what you want your future to hold, you have every right to. 
He’ll wait for you. He’ll support whatever decision you make. 
(even if he dreams and hopes of you and him and well - it’s not his choice to make) 
He waits until you stick a hand out of your blanket fort, fumbling around in the dark to grasp his hand, doesn’t say a word until you croak, staring up at the ceiling, counting the cracks. 
“I can’t do it. I don’t know how to.”
“Neither do I”, he admits, though he burns to add that he’ll try, gods does he want to try with you. 
“I’ll be a terrible mother”, you say. “I don’t know how to keep a kid alive. Do I feed it rice? What if I drop it? What if I start resenting the kid for hijacking my life - I mean, it’s literally a parasite isn’t it, at this point? What if - I don’t know, I mean - my parents weren’t exactly great - and what if, what if my kid ends up unhappy, I wouldn’t know how to make a kid happy, what do I do - what do I do -”
“I’m scared too.” 
Your grip tightens. “Yeah”, you exhale. 
He waits for your breath to even out to unearth you from your hiding hole, removing each pillow from your carefully constructed tower, brick by brick before wrapping himself against your back, arm over your sternum. “It’s okay to be scared.”
You only hiccup. 
“But”, again, he chooses his words with care, mindful not to imply that it’s anything but your choice. “Whatever you choose to do, you don’t have to be brave by yourself.” 
Again, you hiccup. “And if I chose to have it? A baby, I mean.” 
“Then I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
His heart leaps, skips a beat, then two and he almost forgets to breathe when you laugh, a watery sound but a laugh nonetheless. 
“You’re a brave man to promise that, Miya Osamu.” 
“Not as brave as you”, he replies, because it’s true. 
Having courage doesn’t have to mean going out into the great, wide world, performing bold, dashing feats of heroism. It’s as simple as putting one foot in front of the other day after day without letting your fears and insecurities chase you back into your safe hiding place. Life can be hard as fuck sometimes, and it’s so easy to lose sight of your dreams and passions, but you’re trying your best to leave your ghosts behind, overcome everything that’s been placed in your way and by gods, does he love you for it. 
So it just seems like the right time, a week later, to get down yet again on his knees before you, a box with a gold ring inside instead of a bowl of porridge. “Marry me”, he says, the entire speech he’s prepared for the occasion flying out of his head, all he can think of is here and now and there’s nothing he wants so much as to solidify that you and him and the baby and kombu-chan are a family. 
His family. 
You ruffle his hair with a rueful smile. “You shouldn’t propose just cos’ because a baby’s on the way.” 
He’s startled into a laugh. “D’you seriously think I’m proposin’ cos of the baby?” 
“Nah. That’s not why I’m proposing.” 
He gathers you into his arms, meets your frown of confusion with a kiss on top of your nose. 
“I love you. I’m proposin’ cos I’m greedy and I wanna make sure I can tell everyone that you and Kombu-chan and that baby in your belly is my family.” 
You push him away, gaining some space between you and him. “Why me?”  
“Why you?” he echoes. “It’s always gonna be you. There’s never been anyone for me but you.” 
Your frown deepens. “But…I’m just me.” 
“That’s right”, he tucks your hair behind your ear. “You’re you. And that’s all I want.” 
There’s a smile creeping onto your face, spring sunshine after a long, dark winter. “That’s not answering my question.” 
“You want me to give you a list of reasons why I wanna marry you?” You tweak his nose, and he thinks that means yes. “You’re brave, even though there’s so much to be scared about. You’re kind, even though life is hard and the world can be a shit place full of shittier people. You’re smart and gorgeous and funny and patient and all of you makes me wanna be a braver, better man so I can catch up with you and be by your side.”
“Sweet talker”, you poke his side. 
“Well, you asked”, he chuckles. “So, how ‘bout it?” 
“How about what?” 
“Sweetheart”, he groans. “You’re killin’ me.”
A few beats pass, the longest pause in his life, where he’s waiting and hoping at the crossroads for you. But then you take the box out of his hand. With shaking hands, you slide the ring onto your fourth finger, a shimmer of gold in the shadows. 
“You make me happy, Miya Osamu.” 
He takes your hand, the hand with his ring on it. He wants to tell you that he’ll keep trying his best to make you happy, because you’ve made him the happiest man of earth by agreeing to be his family (you, kombu-chan and the baby in your belly), but there’s a tidal wave of emotion that swells in a rush of salt and water in his eyes, tears that you wipe away with a tender smile. 
You take his hand, humming a tuneless melody as you dance in the kitchen, laughing like children as you trip over each other’s feet in an uncoordinated waltz. Heedless to the world spinning off its axis, crashing and burning. He has you and Kombu-chan and the baby and as long as the lot of you are headed in the same direction together (a family), then he’s happy. He has all that he wants. 
He sets fire to his heart, lets it flare bright in the blue dawn sky. 
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It is not a lie. It is not a dream. 
You are happy. So incredibly, impossibly happy that you have to pinch yourself to convince yourself that it’s real, this is your life. Like champagne bubbles that pop, you have to savour every sip. “D’you think grillin’ these onigiris will counterbalance the sweet glaze?” Osamu asks when you wander out of the bedroom, long after the sun hangs in the sky. 
“You can always try”, you offer, still groggy as you slip into a seat by the breakfast counter. 
“Eat up”, he passes you a plate full of onigiris and pork bone soup and pickles and - when did he get up to get all of this ready - “You and the kid needs feedin’.” 
“Osamu”, you murmur. He drops everything to pay attention to your every word, leaning his full weight on the countertop. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You’re not sure if it’s the raging hormones, or the fact that you’re just overwhelmed by how happy and content you are, but you’re suddenly overcome with the need to weep and belly laugh and tell Osamu how he’s made you so, so ridiculously, uncharacteristically giddy, that you do all of the above. 
“Hey, no - sweetheart, c’mere. Why’re you cryin? Was it somethin’ wrong my big mouth said?” 
You let him gather you into his lap, rocking you as if you’re the baby (and not the one growing one), hiccuping and crying and giggling and - yes, you’re definitely going insane - it’s too much but not too much at the same time. 
“I’m - I’m too happy, ‘Samu - and we have a wedding to plan!” 
The tense line of his shoulder relaxes. He presses a kiss to your hairline, smoothing out the wrinkles in your brow. You can feel the curve of his smile grow against your cheek. 
“There’s no such thing as too happy, sweetheart. And don’t worry ‘bout the wedding. Leave everything to me.” 
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That was what he intended. 
But leave to Kaiyo to have everything in hand when she finds out that not only are you pregnant, you also need a wedding planned, stat. It’s not that either of you made a big announcement, wanting to wait until you were at least twelve weeks along, but she deduces it for herself when you religiously avoid any alcohol or raw food at your next izakaya get-together, even asking to meet somewhere which bans indoor smoking.
She swings herself (and Ichika) into full wedding prep mode with so much enthusiasm he has to tell her to calm herself down, because she whips out her old Shiromuku kimono that both she and Ichika wore to their weddings and starts chattering about making arrangements at the Miya family shrine, the traditional wedding venue where she and Atsumu got married more than a decade ago - 
“We were thinkin’ of gettin’ married at Kita’s farm instead.” 
Ichika squeals and calls Shinsuke immediately. Kaiyo just gives him a small smile of understanding. 
There are too many parallels between him and Atsumu as it is. 
A baby before a wedding - of course, it’s not quite an accident since you and he left the question of a baby to chance, and it wouldn’t be the whoopsy daisy accident that Shin-chan was to ‘Tsumu and Kaiyo, both on the cusp of starting their careers. And a wedding that’s accelerated because a baby’s on the way - not that he needed to be walloped on the nose to marry, gods he can’t wait, but still, but still, he’s not the foolish, selfish Atsumu of yesteryear. 
“You’ll make a great dad.” 
Shoma’s over in the kitchen with you, eight years old and holding a knife without any fear whatsoever, producing neat, evenly sized slices of fish that even adults would be hard pressed to do. Atsumu’s ‘hanging out’ with him - though that’s just a euphemism for crash my brother’s shop and bug him to make a load of fatty tuna onigiris for me. 
“Thanks for the vote of confidence”, he replies, tone drier than that awful pitcher of sake Gintama produced in his backyard. 
“You’re welcome”, Atsumu says cheerfully, gobbling up yet another onigiri. “You’re damn good with Sho-chan, he probably wants to hang out with you more than he does with his dear old dad-” 
“Because I always have food and that kid thinks with his stomach-” 
“And Shin-chan comes to the restaurant to mope whenever she has a bad game - ”
“Reminds me of a certain someone, huh.” 
“The point is”, Atsumu swallows a mouthful of rice. “Thanks, y’know? For steppin’ in and helpin’ with my kiddos and Kaiyo even though you didn’t need to. And now it’s your turn. You’re gonna do great.” 
You don’t need to thank me, he wants to tell his twin. Cos you’d do the exact same for me. 
But it’s two o’clock in the afternoon and he’s not about to reach into the well of his emotional depths. “You’re just laughin’ that I’ll be having sleepless nights with night feeds in my old age.”
Atsumu gets it though. He always does. 
“I mean, I’ll help whenever I can! Commentating for games means my hours are kinda chill now, so -” 
Osamu pinches the bridge of his nose. “If your ‘helpin’ means teachin’ the baby to set with frozen grapes, then I’d much rather not, thank you.” 
Strangely enough, his twin does not take offence. He just remains seated, placidly sipping his miso soup, whereas if Osamu’d said that exact thing to him (save the commentating - that’s a recent career move following retirement), he’d have been at the risk of being severely throttled, ‘cos ‘Tsumu’s a hothead like that. Osamu squints at him. Old age perhaps (but that means he’s old too, and he’s not). Or maybe fatherhood has finally mellowed him out (a more probably explanation, cos parenting Shin-chan would tire anyone out - she’s like ‘Tsumu but female and with Kaiyo’s smarts, a lethal combination). 
“Why’re you starin’ at me like that?” 
If he shares what exactly is flitting through his mind, he’s definitely in for a beating, and it’s too late in the afternoon for that. “Nothin’”, he mutters. 
Thankfully, Atsumu’s attention is diverted by the last onigiri on the plate. Or at least, that’s what Osamu thinks because when Atsumu wipes his plate clean, he’s still oddly quiet, whereas typically, he’d be chattering about the mundane shit that happens throughout his day or week - like the fact that he pissed Sakusa-san off during a recent tournament by pointing him out as a former teammate on camera, even though he’s no longer a professional (but it’s Omi-Omi! Even if he is a stuffy suit with the JVA, he’s still one of the best spikers ever!) or when he interviewed Shin-chan before Spring High and asked if she plans to win, as is the Miya family way and promptly got embarrassed, because she pointed out that Inarizaki never took home the title with them (I mean it’s true, but she has NO TACT), never mind that’s exactly how Atsumu himself would have responded as a cocky fifteen year old. 
But now, Atsumu is oddly quiet. The calm before the storm. 
“What’s with you?” Osamu asks, impatient. 
Atsumu takes his own sweet time to reply. Takes far too many beats, as if he’s considering his words which he’s probably never done in his entire life. 
“D’you think we’re livin’ up to Oto-san’s standards?” 
Osamu promptly takes a swig of Gintama’s sake from a flask he hides under the counter for when he encounters a stream of tough customers and requires a break. “Woah. That’s way too deep for two thirty in the afternoon.”
Atsumu throws back in his head and laughs. “I guess he’s probably just relieved that I didn’t end up gettin’ kicked out by Kaiyo. He’d be proud of you though.” 
It’s not the alcohol that burns the back of his throat. “You think so?” Osamu croaks. 
“I don’t think it, I know it”, Atsumu pronounces with the cheesiest grin ever, and he’s about to reach over and slap it off his face when he realises that there are cracks in the facade, a dull shine in his twin’s eyes that telegraphs regret, guilt perhaps.
As much as he shits on Atsumu’s past transgressions, he’s more than made up for it - at least vis a vis the kids. He’s attended every single game of Shino’s that he’s humanly able to, rushing from practice to sit at the stands and yell encouragement after every spike, successful or unsuccessful, so vociferously that she’s tried to ban him from her games until he learns some semblance of volume control (imagine her horror when her FATHER is the commentator for Spring High). For Shoma - he’s never once expressed any jealousy that the little boy prefers hanging out in the kitchen with him, buying child-appropriate kitchen utensils and watching umpteenth youtube videos about cooking and food for the kid, even worriedly checking if Sho-chan’s really, truly, one hundred and twenty per cent sure that he wants to join volleyball as a club activity in elementary school (I didn’t want him to feel like he had to play volleyball cos I did, he explained).
“I think you’re a good dad too.”
Atsumu sniffles. “If I’m ever a bad dad, make sure you punch me.” 
“Happy to.” But even as Osamu rolls his eyes, he adds. “And if I’m ever a bad dad to my kid -” 
“I’d be happy to break your nose.” 
“Don’t sound so happy when you say that, it’s gross.” 
“Sho-chan”, Osamu hears you chime in from the kitchen, airily light but with a hint of steel. “Please don’t listen to your ‘to-san or ‘ji-san when they talk about breaking people’s noses, okay? If we’re going to nourish people with our cooking, we shouldn’t harbour thoughts about hurting them.”
“I broke ‘Tsumu’s nose ‘cos he was a jerk to Kaiyo.”
 “Yep.” Atsumu confirms. “Definitely deserved that.” 
You shake your head. “You are both good fathers, despite your penchant for violence. Sho-chan, make sure you don’t learn from them. I’m sure your Okaa-san would agree with me.”
Shoma pipes up. “‘Ka-san told me to kick anyone who says cookin’ is for girls. They’re wrong. Cooking’s for everyone.”
You look horrified, especially when Osamu nods his head approvingly at Shoma. Atsumu just guffaws. 
Thankfully, you’re still willing to marry him despite your horror at the Miya family’s penchant for violence. The entire Miya family decamps to the Kitas’ farm, much to the delight of Kaiyo and Shoma, the guesthouse is bursting the seams with wedding guests - the entire Inarizaki team, the Onigiri Miya crew, your adopted Thai aunties you kept in contact with and their families, even Nishinoya Yu - he remembers him as the libero Atsumu targeted the first time they played Karasuno (it almost bowled him over to find out that you ran into him in Chiang Mai, what even are the odds of that!).
Much of the day before the wedding is spent catching up with his old classmates - heck, even Aran flies back for the wedding despite coaching duties in the States, and a very rowdy afternoon is spent reminiscing about their school days over pints of beer, before everyone convenes for dinner, the spread prepared by you and your Thai aunties - curries and fruit salads, salt grilled fish cooked over an open fire. His crew will take over for the wedding lunch tomorrow as their wedding present to him. With all the chefs in attendance for this wedding, everyone’s stomachs will be kept very, very full. 
Shoma even gets in on the action, volunteering to wake up early with Asami-chan and Obaa-chan to cook porridge for breakfast tomorrow morning, before everyone will make their way to the village shrine. A simple ceremony conducted by the Shinto priests, taking three sips of sake (alcohol free for you), before celebration over lunch back on the farm. From the sound of murmuring between Morita, Ishida and Miyamura, it seems like they have no plans for lunch to stop anytime before supper, so it’s going to be a raucous, all-day feast, for sure. And between speeches by Atsumu and Kaiyo, Suzuki-san and Kita, it’s going to be a long, long day. 
Luckily it’s summer, where the days stretch past the horizons, the season of love. “You should look for your bride, make sure she hasn’t run away yet”, Suna says without bite. So he takes his leave from his friends, finding you under the forsythia shrub, sheltering from the multitude of well wishers and the summer heat. 
“Have you eaten yet?” 
“Too much”, you groan. “People keep trying to feed me. And Kaiyo and Ichika had this weird competition in the kitchen that they made me the judge of, where they’re trying to deep fry the weirdest things in a vat of oil - which is made even more ridiculous by the fact that it’s summer and it’s boiling hot.”
“You try eating deep fried kimchi stuffed in a bittergourd - “ 
“I’ll pass, thanks”, he laughs, shuddering as he plops down on the grass beside you. 
You both fall silent, listening as the cicadas chirp, the evening breeze whistling through the wheat fields. Birds sing to each other, calling each other home as they wheel about in crazed circles in the still bright sky. 
“I was wondering”, you say conversationally. “Whether my parents would be proud of me now.” 
He stiffens but you don’t seem to notice, or perhaps you do and continue anyway, chuckling to yourself. 
“I have the feeling that they’d be horrified at what I’ve done. Shutting down the restaurant, spitting in years of tradition by changing up family recipes, getting pregnant before getting married - I’d probably get disowned. They’ll probably even pretend that I don’t even exist. And I used to wonder why - everyone else seemed to have parents who cared, parents who didn’t force their own expectations and dreams on them - and I just didn’t. And I spent years trying to get over it, hating what I was trained to do, aiming low out of spite even though really, it only affected myself.”
Your voice cracks. 
“It’s the night before my wedding and I hate that I’m still worrying about my parents even though they’re long dead.”
“Does it matter what they think?” he asks. “Look at how far you’ve come despite them.”  
There’s no use railing at ghosts. Death takes them beyond the veil, leaving behind ash and bone and a trail of troubled memories, nothing else. To his relief, the corner of your mouth quirks upwards, not quite a smile, but far from a frown. 
“You’re right”, you reply. “I’m lucky to be where I am, right now.”  
“For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing great.” 
“Of course you’d say that, you’re marrying me tomorrow.” 
“Yeah”, he breathes, suddenly giddy. “Definitely doin’ great.”
He’s still on a high when you laugh and kiss him good night, hardly able to drift off to sleep between his excitement for tomorrow and Suna’s snoring, and it’s remiss of him, but he almost, almost forgets this conversation amidst the sheer joy that simmers in his heart long after you exchange vows to be each other’s forever, your gathered family and friends erupting into whoops and cheers once outside the solemn Shinto shrine, the party lasting late into the night until everyone nearly collapses from too much food. 
“We’re married”, you whisper, lying back on the grass.
“We’re married”. He echoes almost in disbelief, hand in yours. 
Even with the glow of lights from the farm, there’s a glimmer of starlight in the violet-dusk sky. Fireflies dance over the sea of flowers in bloom, the wheatfields singing in the wind.   
“I’m happy, ‘Samu”, you say, unbidden. “I’m happy.”
He grips your hand tight. There’s no need to say what you already know.
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a/n: we are finally, finally within sight of the end :) hope you guys like this chapter!
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starrysmiling · 11 months
hc names!
about time i talked about them, so... we stumbled upon this tweet a long time ago and, knowing that francis and fresia have jp names, decided to commit to the bit. while deciding on them all, we ended up accidentally setting down a seasonal theme, so we committed to that bit too!
fern, shimoyuki hanata (霜雪ハナタ)
the word 霜雪 is read as ソウセツ sousetsu, comprised of the kanji 霜 shimo, meaning frost, and 雪 yuki, meaning snow, but we've appropriated it as a surname. very fitting, hm? we've kept hanata as it is in the tweet. we think it's cute to keep the pun. also, yukihana means snowflake and i think that is very fucking neat.
jax, natsubane koujaku (夏羽黄雀)
夏羽 natsubane is a word that is read as is, and means summer plumage. it's literally the kanji 夏 natsu, meaning summer, with 羽 hane, meaning feather. in hs au, jax uses the name hane in games he plays as a character name, which leads to fern's first nickname for him, 羽さん hane-san. 黄雀 koujaku is a type of sparrow, which is a bird we associate with him. he prefers people calling him コウ kou if they're close enough to be on a first-name basis, which is what he gets fern to call him after knowing each other for a while. the cherry on top is that jaku sounds a bit like jax. haha you literally can't fit more bird references into this guy.
fresia, yukimine tokiha (雪嶺トキハ)
雪嶺 as a word is read セツレイ setsurei, and is actually one of the surnames i came up with when brainstorming a name for fern. i think it's really fucking banger, like. it literally means snow-capped peak. she lives in a place called frozen heights. it's fucking perfect. we've also kept tokiha from the tweet as well!
ace, umezaka ace (梅坂エース) and melony, umezaka melony (梅坂メロニー)
the symbolism i wanted for ace and melony wasn't as clear, because i did want their names to be a bit representative of spring. we went for 梅坂 umezaka from 梅 ume, meaning plum, and 坂 saka, for hill. plum blossoms are in bloom during spring, after all. the other thing with this name is that 梅 is in the word for rainy season, 梅雨 tsuyu, which happens in tropical areas (such as their home region hoenn!) that said, because ace isn't from borrius, we've kept ace as his name in katakana. similarly, melony's name is just her name in katakana, メロニー! fresia calls him エー助 e-suke as a joke sometimes. 助 is a common male name ending and um. yes! it's how we've localised her acey-boy nickname.
and as an extra... jax's fake identity from bodyguard au, which isn't even in canonverse but i think is important to go over anyway to complete the seasons:
wren, shuusou yuu (秋霜ユウ)
wren's name was chosen before jax even meets fern. log doesn't tell jax the name of aros' son before he sends him on the mission, so the surprise he gets when he realises the 霜 sou in his name, is the same kanji as shimo in fern's name shimoyuki. we wanted to complete the seasonal theme, and wren's clothes are pretty damn orange, so we went with 秋 shuu for autumn. the origins of ユウ yuu are 友 like in 友情 (yuujou, meaning friendship), 勇 and 雄 like in 勇者 (yuusha) or 英雄 (eiyuu), both meaning hero. also, ユウ looks kinda like コウ, right?
this (super old) name chart too for reference!
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5-7-9 · 1 month
I forgot how weird it was for the author never canonizing natsu’s and lucy’s relationship. i never really put thought into Natsu potentially being aro/ace until now despite my known feelings about aroace luffy, because it seemed pretty obvious that they were supposed to be pushed together narratively. I never had any issue with their relationship, only the fanservice, which i mentally block and ignore anyways, and is imo easily forgettable that i doubt it weighs enough barring on the plot. Oh, and Lucy’s magic but that’s a separate thingy.
I just feel like Natsu’s situation is very different from Luffy. Unfortunately I too think Natsu’s feelings are extremely ambiguous! It’s one thing to make a character with Natsu’s personality have romantic/sexual feelings and still hold stronger familial friendship feelings, but Natsu hasn’t really gotten to the point where it’s clear or obvious or at the very least hinted at!!! Which is frustrating and even i’m unsure how they should develop! The best way i think they’ll “officially” get together is by Natsu acting like it was obvious they’ve been dating for years now 😓
He’s better off aroace but i don’t feel like he should be? Idk. It seems too easy and laid out perfectly like some kind of trap. He has sorta suggested sexual attraction like once (when lucy was in the shower?) and maybe a few other times idk. I don’t remember the admission but i thought it was obvious that Natsu romantically liked Lisanna before. Actually, this whole situation doesn’t seem perfectly laid out 😣
Biggest issue i have then is needing Natsu to be more direct about his feelings. Which is nuts when other relationships panned out sorta forced but sorta fine. But all this forcing of fanservice and damsel in distress and nothing???
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quetzalpapalotl · 4 months
Anyway Hikaru ga shinda natsu is not BL because it's published in Young Ace Up and not because being a BL is beneath it or whatever
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zaruba-needslove · 5 months
I think there must be some form of miscommunication lol! but I still love the response you gave me. What I meant was, how would the Geats cast react to Lucy, in her Bujin Star Dress, accessing the weapons of the other forms as stated in this breakdown. https://www.tumblr.com/zaruba-needslove/748945265336172544/given-that-someone-has-actually-requested-an
And I was asking for Sara's, and Win's, and Kekera's reaction to seeing a stranger have a set of clothes that's similar to Bujin Sword XD
Ngl... it's actually easier to imagine their reactions in the context of Keiwa wearing the star dresses lol cos at times my brain is like Ace, loving any opportunities to bully Keiwa
Keiwa most likely gonna keep his eyes on Lucy to try taking note on how she would utilise the Bujin star dress's power to fight, alongside the variants (after all, he only ever used Monster n Boost while in Bujin form, and aside from Ninja he didn't really use the others much so it should be usefull). Neon would go on complete nerd mode and insist they do proper documentation on how well Lucy used her new star dress so Keiwa take note! Sara would be so intrigued... like Neon did show her the notes about the other players b4 so she'd be very pleased to see Neon go all out to help Keiwa by studying the Bujin star dresses' powers 😃
Ace would also take even more interest on Lucy but in a completely diff way like if Bujin's powers are compatible with Lucy does it mean that Lucy was very similar to Keiwa? Would she be as fun to bully with as how it was ALWAYS fun for him to bully and prank Keiwa? 😃 (Keiwa: Eh wait... no Ace no you don't! Natsu-san, please take Lucy away from this silly fox!)
I dunno what to do with Win but Win always like to spectate people's random antics anyway so yeah.... let's order more popcorns we gonna start running out now...
I don't think there would be any change in Michi's reactions regardless if it's Keiwa or Lucy cos what's important was Zombie since Zombie belongs to him there shouldn't be other better users for Zombie than him hey won't anyone else be interested in Ploison Rage star dress? Bet it coud be better--(Ace, Neon & Keiwa: Nope nope... don't think it'll work like that was it possible for you to use other buckles while still in Ploison form? Nah...)
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nunkisketches · 5 years
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Natsu had a bad day at school.
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kopilang · 3 years
who in hq!! watches pride and prejudice?
a/n: my headcanons as i rewatch pride and prejudice and reread the hq!! manga
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i know this ace and captain here is a hardcore pride and prejudice fan. aran has always given me a family-oriented type of character, given how he has a younger brother of his own and have the miya twins growing up. even though him and the miya twins may not have shared the same blood, they are still family, shown by how atsumu looks up to aran as a model older brother. aran would relate to both jane and elizabeth bennet (just the bennet family in general), and i think thats very sexy of him you know? anyways, i love aran. probably the type of p&p fan that had already read the book several times before he went into his honors/advanced placement high school courses and was very excited to have it be required reading. tried not to show how much he loves excited knows about it. probably had collected any jane austen-related books. have considered studying literature in higher education for the amount of times he gushes about the book. the type of fan who came across it himself in one of the movie channels, one time there wasnt any volleyball practice. ever since then, aran ojiro is a pride and prejudice fan.
miya twins:
they most definitely started watching pride and prejudice probably from either their mother or aran. or both, since both are good. again, similar to aran, both the miya twins really relate to the big family dynamics of the bennet family. would also be the type to plan fun little movie nights. i picture these two gremlins hunched over their shared computer, looking at pinterest board inspiration for a pride and prejudice themed movie night. osamu is lowkey considering having a pride and prejudice drinking game (oh god no osamuuu), while atsumu thinks he’s the coolest with making pride and prejudice memes and posting it on the internet. elizabeth bennet’s number one protection squad. atsumu probably had discourse in the internet over it. osamu spends a lot of time looking into regency era style cooking and wants to know if the boiled potatoes were excellently boiled as mr collins puts it; while atsumu window shops through etsy and the like for pride and prejudice themed stuff because why not and life’s too short anyways.
similar with the twins, yachi probably found out about pride and prejudice by proxy of her mother’s influence. she probably had heard her mother talk about it once, and because she looked up to her so much, she would watch it whenever her mom works late, and that always happen (hence yachi memorizing the lines by heart). probably was the type of p&p fan that had read the book before she went into her honors/advanced placement high school classes and tried to really reign in her excitement over going through the book but in class format. she probably had gay panic watching the kiera knightly version. or bi panic, ‘cause of that one ballroom scene. also the type of fan to recreate the movie or play poster just for funsy. she had saved up her money to purchase tickets for her mom and her to go see the play adaption. made it a whole day trip as they traveled to the theater. she most definitely loves the aesthetic of the regency era and here for the gay-bi panic.
ok hear me out….there’s no way that hinata was surrounded by both natsu and his mother and not have heard about jane austen at least once (im just kidding…unless). hinata probably saw that his mom purchase the 1990s manga adaption. hinata is a huge manga fan and when he picked it up, he at first didnt like it ‘cause it gave him shoujo vibes, but then he was devouring it like he did with one piece. he probably talks about it with his mom over cooking or setting up the table. he also may have scoured through his local dvd shop and tried to find the kiera knightly version, because natsu really loves kiera knightley. surprisingly not surprisingly, he really likes darcy as he is an older brother of a very talented younger sister, but he’s not gonna tell natsu that. no, no. he also wouldnt be looking into buying a set of three tickets to the play adaption once he gets up to the v-league and saved enough money for his mother and natsu, no, no, thats top secret, so secret he cant even tell kageyama ‘cause kageyama isnt immune to natsu’s charms, no, no.
LISTEN UP FOLKS. this beach blonde gives me chaotic academia and i love that for him. i genuinely believe this chaotic schemey captain is a pride and prejudice fan and flaunts it. no shame, doesnt hide; he just is one. the type to carry a beaten up pocket size book around w so many annotations and jokes and doodles. maybe have used the book to slap someone during a fight who knows. he probably bought all the used copies from his local thrift store to give it to his friends and teammates. considered tattooing a quote before his mom caught wind and proceeded to chew his ass out. he not only loves the family dynamics of the book, but the word play. he loves the banter and how darcy and elizabeth go head to head. also their hairstyles in the kiera knightly version. jeez, he was excited to see the various hair, he mostly paid attention to jane and elizabeth’s. the type of fan to keep making fun of mr. collins and lady catherine de bourgh. had probably planned to dress up as lady catherine just for shits and giggles for halloween. the one in the classroom discussion talking shit about mr. darcy’s lacking in the flirting department. thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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vs-redemption · 3 years
So I started watching MHA recently so if you don't mind i might include some characters from there every so often.
Iwaizumi purposely keeps the ac on full blast in his home so that you either have to cuddle him for warmth or have to ask for one of his hoodies.
Kirishima is the best at calming you down from a panic attack. His sweet words and comforting arms never fail to make you feel better.
Tendou has a drawer of all the things you need when you come over to stay with him. This isnt limited to just clothes either he has a toothbrush, hair products, ect
Sakusa has a pair of reading glasses that he only allows you to see him in. He also has a tendency to leave them in odd places and have you help him look for them.
Bakugou is actually a really big fan of cuddles especially after a rough day. His favorite position is laying his head on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat.
Hinata and you will hangout with Natsu at least once a week and do something fun together. This has included going to arcades, having movie nights, going hiking, ect.
Yamaguchi loves to do couples cosplays if you are into that and will even do his best to play the part of the character.
Tsukishima loves to give commentary on whatever movie you two are watching together and loves to try and guess the ending of the movie.
Bokuto wears a little charm bracelet with your name on it to every single game especially if you cant be there for whatever reason. He claims its his good luck charm.
Kuroo loves sending flowers to your job with the tag reading "secret admirer" you and all of your coworkers know its him but that doesnt make the action any less cute.
Wow! I'm so excited that you're watching MHA! I'm rewatching it with my sister right now so I've been really into it again. I am more than happy to hear your soft headcanons for those characters too!!
Soft Sunday Headcanons Haikyuu and My Hero Academia
(with: Iwa, Kirishima, Tendo, Sakusa, Bakugo, Hinata, Yamaguchi, Tsuki, Bokuto, and Kuroo)
Iwaizumi: omg! What a clever boy. How could you possible be upset about it though when he looks so happy after his plan works and you're curled up next to him all cozy and warm in his hoodie.
Kirishima: He's the most supporting partner you'll ever have! He's super positive and optimistic, but he knows what it's like to have bad days and would never judge you in those times you might need to lean on him a bit more.
Tendo: I love reading headcanons that just make me nod and say "yep." This sounds like Tendo all the way. He's the overachieving boyfriend that always somehow anticipates your needs. I love him!
Sakusa: *casually googles for fanart of Sakusa in glasses* This is so cute omg. We may never know why he's self conscious of other people seeing him in his glasses but it's an endearing trait. Also, Omi, why are your glasses on top of the refrigerator?!?!
Bakugo: Gosh, it takes so long for him to be okay with being that vulnerable around you, but once he gets there it's heaven! Bakugo gives the best cuddles. He's so warm and it feels so safe with him laying on top of you while you run your fingers through his hair.
Hinata: Natsu doesn't really give you guys a choice. She's always been close with her brother, but she also clicked with you right away. She immediately considered you family, and she loves spending time with both of you. Hinata always had a feeling you were the one, but seeing how well you fit in with his sister sealed the deal. There's no escape for you now! (why would you want to anyway!? I would love to be part of this sunshine family!)
Yamaguchi: Wait! Yamaguchi! Please be the Midoriya to my Todoroki. That would be awesome! It would be fun to do cheesy halloween costumes with him too! Show up as ketchup and mustard bottles just to make other people roll their eyes.
Tsukishima: Okay, but cuddling up with him on the couch while watching bad scary movies to point out the cringey effects and bad acting. Sometimes he forgets the movie though, getting lost in the sight of you giggling and making sarcastic comments about how dumb some of the characters are. His heart feels so full. How are you so perfect for him?
Bokuto: What a precious boy. Sometimes he's a little too superstitious but he appreciates when you play along. It makes him so happy when you hold the bracelet for a moment, passing your good luck onto it before putting it around his wrist yourself and sending him off to his game with the promise that you'd be in the stands cheering as loud as you can for him.
Kuroo: He's so dorky in the cutest way. He knows just how to make you swoon for him. Knowing how jealous he makes your coworkers with his sweet gestures is just an added bonus.
Send in ideas for Soft Sunday!
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fairy-serigala · 3 years
003 + Gray and Lucy💜
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gray fullbuster
how i feel about this character | gray is, without exaggeration, my favourite and the most important character i have ever come across. i don't know how to express the fact that i literally don't know who i would be, as a person if i had never found gray. i love him with all my heart.
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character | the easy answer is "anyone but juvia who is an appropriate age", but specifically: natsu, lucy, erza, loke, hibiki, cana, jellal, mirajane, lisanna, yukino, gajeel, laxus, sting, rogue, erik, levy, laki, rufus, freed
my favorite non-romantic relationship for this character | gray, ultear and lyon, i just prefer them as siblings~
my unpopular opinion about this character | you know those memes where tired people are taking care of gremlins, and how they usually put lucy as the tired person? i think gray is the tired person and lucy is the gremlin.
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon | i wish gray was actually characterised as natsu's equal, instead of just... implying that he is, and leaving it up to fan-interpretation which more often than not instead sees him as natsu's inferior.
favourite friendship for this character | ( isn't this the same question as favourite non-romantic relationship? ) anyway, gray and lucy, or gray and natsu in which both parties are ace/aro. in gray and lucy's case, they're also both trans and gray helps lucy really come into herself and become the woman that she always knew she was.
my crossover ship | i don't really do crossover ships, but i can tell you the one that i will FOREVER stamp against, which is gray and edens zero's weisz!
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lucy heartfilia
how i feel about this character | a really cute character with a lot of potential, especially earlier in the series when she was more angry and hot-headed, but as of recent i've been struggling to remember what her personality is which... i'm a creative writing student and i'm studying characterisation, so ( from my perspective ) if i can't describe her personality, then that really isn't great...
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character | gray, loke, erza, levy, lisanna, cana, yukino, minerva, and pretty much any other female character you can think of.
my favourite non-romantic relationship for this character | natsu and lucy, they just work better as friends.
my unpopular opinion about this character | i really don't like the idea of lucy's star dresses. firstly, they step on erza's toes more than i'm comfortable with. but also, they make lucy into a brawler which she was never meant to be, she's much more of a support unit, and that's where a lot of "lucy's useless" arguments come from. but showing different types of fighting and characters with different capabilities isn't a bad thing, even if the fandom at large disagrees. lucy should've been allowed to stay a character who relied on support and supported fighting styles, because it also helps vary the action up with the rest of the main cast already taking the brawler role, themselves.
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon | i want to see lucy in a suit, she's look incredible!
favourite friendship for this character | same answer as gray's, i just really like that idea~
my crossover ship | still don't do them, but lucy and one piece's nami would be cool, i think
ask game link
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 years
Been looking forward to future arcs of HTRYDS in the last few days, and the longer I think the more I wonder : how long are you going to be able keep the story on a similar path as the original one ?
I mean, just take the Phantom Lord arc which should be up pretty soon after DT. If PL is the same guild as in the manga, the current FT will absolutely flaten them. So how are you gonna get around that? Do something different from an open guild war? Will half of FT be on missions at the time? Will you bring in new (or not-originally-in-PL) characters ? (Besides Acnologia can't be sleeping, right? It's summer... He'll defeat the guild single-handedly). I mean, I don't think they're the ones is possession of that dragon poison... (they're just small fish after all, you would most likely keep that ace for a more important foe) so the original PL doesn't stand a chance over this stronger FT.
Then we skip a couple no-longer-relevent arcs, to end up most likely fighting the Oracion Seis. And helping Mystgoan with Edolas (though with all those dragon slayers, once again, won't it just be too easy?).
What I'm wondering about most of all is Tenrou. Just....... How?! Are you?! Gonna?! Deal with that one?! Not only should Acnologia have removed Zeref before the trial ('cause he's not an idiot), but there's also a good enough chance that Acnologia would come to the trial, given that 100% of S-class mages went originally. (And that Zeref being a contradictory annoyance, there's always the chance the guy didn't listen or just forgot or stayed 'cause he suddenly wants to see Natsu so Acnologia should make sure none of these happen, no?). So would Grimoire Heart even show up? Well, probably, cause they're idiots. And as I said, Zeref may still be on the Island. A lot of potential angst here, we'll all love that. Anyway, while Grimoire Heart is most likely the ones with the dragon poison trump card, that shouldn't change the outcome of the war much, overall. But then... No time skip? So? What then??!
That's when your story tips into the unknown, cause while future allies and enemies still exist, the timing is...! So weird!
Are they even gonna fight Tartaros or Arvalez at all? (I can just imagine the dragon fam's unimpressed looks when Mard Geer announces their guildmaster is END. No, even earlier, Acnologia just going to chase Zeref down and bring him back by the scruff of his neck so he can clear his mess.)
So yeah, I'm positively thinking about all this way too much.
Anyway, lots of love to you!
Hey Penguin!
Heh, yes those are all very good thinking points. The short answer is that things are absolutely going to spiral into the unknown post-Tenrou, though there are still some events that will still happen after that, being that some of these third parties are still scheming their schemes. (Though other people are affected by the changes and their arcs will certainly be adjusted or dropped accordingly.) As for what exactly happens in some of those post-Tenrou arcs, y'all will have to wait and see, though I did drop some hints places already, with more to come :P
As for the earlier arcs, yes, power wise a lot of it would be a curb stomp, absolutely. Buuuuuttt that doesn't mean that I can't get some emotional mileage out of it. After all, I'm more interested in the resulting character arcs in this series than the big shonen worthy fight scenes anyway. (Plus, some antagonists would be keen to alter their plans from the original version, since some of these changes are public knowledge so there's some room to make adjustments from the onset.)
Besides, with some of the canon arcs zoomed forward or altered, I get more room to play with the forgotten plotlines of Fairy Tail >:)
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . all those dad headcanons are making me so SOFT 🥺✨🥺 do you think you could make some for kuroo, akaashi and atsumu as dads if u haven’t done them already??
❝ ― submitted by @ nonnie <3 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ miya atsumu <3
[ trigger warnings ━ slight manga spoilers !! ]
-ˏˋ playing soleil's tape ˊˎ-
[ 📼 ] . . . hi bubs!! hopefully you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing them at 12 am <3 kuroo's will be uploaded tomorrow along with kenma, while akaashi's the day day after; hope it's alright with you👉👈
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➜ atsumu was scared, he really was; he already had his life planned out for him; getting into a good division 1 volleyball team, a good relationship with his brother and a great girlfriend that has supported him though and through ─ especially at volleyball.
➜ but getting you pregnant at the ripe age of 24 was not part of his plans
➜ don't get him wrong, mf loves you ─ like a lot, but atsumu was well, terrified
➜ he really should have wrapped his willy
➜ he wasn't even the best boyfriend, how could he even be a good father ? but nevertheless, he wanted to start a family with you; even if it was unexpected.
➜ he was a perfectionist, it could be seen with how badly he exhausted and beats himself up with his tosses ─ but atsumu would never let him treat his children like they're a mistake
➜ getting through your first pregnancy had a rough start for the journey, atsumu doesn't know  s h i t  about being pregnant
➜ all he knows is HOW you got pregnant um chile😳🔞
➜ but of course, being a loving boyfriend he is, he tried learning the basics as fast as he can just to show his support to you ─ he'd go out every night just to buy something to satisfy your obscure cravings, would try and message your ankles whenever it would get swolen & he even asks for hinata's help because sure enough, bb boy's got a lot of knowledge after taking care of natsu
➜ but of course ─ we're all just humans anyway, every now and then, he'd get doubtful ─ was he even going to be a good dad? will he even be able to support his children even if he has volleyball work to be done?
➜ just like the first person he talked to after finding out that you're pregnant, he once again talked his feelings out to osamu
“ and to think that i thought that i will have a better and happier life than yo ─ ah! ”
“ ─ don't say that as if y/n being pregnant is a burden, are you fucking dumb because i will literally shove this freshly hot onigiri DOWN your pants. ” osamu hits atsumu on the back of his head before continuing.
“ you may not have the best circumstances right now, but i know you'll be a good father. ”
➜ and so he did, he really became a good father. right after your twins ─ aito and akio were born, atsumu would always have a schedule on his day to be with you guys
➜ promising to himself that he would always be apart of his sons' life
➜ he bathes them, he would always create weird depictions of a shark with bubbles on top of aito's hair and a deformed volleyball on akio's
➜ he'd also feed them and they would always fall for the airplane trick ─ though, they actually prefered you feeding them as they are a mama's boys
➜ they got his dad's adoration towards you, so the three would usually fighting for you; but of course if you picked anyone from them, the other two would be upset
“ aito baby of course it's you ” your were guilty, victimized by his glossy puppy eyes as the two other boys puffed out their cheeks, eyebrows furrowed
➜ he loves his sons and all, but he would never let him hand you over to them
➜ he also doesn't take care of their diapers, mama that is all on YOU
➜ and right after your twin boys turned two, he decided he wanted another one
➜ having strong genes, he got you pregnant in an INSTANT ─ but with twin daughters this time 🤪
➜ after bringing nari and natsuki to the world, you bet they got atsumu wrapped around their little chubby fingers
➜ while aito was a sweet, animal loving son that rarely cried when he was a baby, akio was a picky yet bright child ─ a smartass, you would like to say, always finding ways on being a little sly mf
➜ the two resembling a bit more of you yet has their father's hair and eyes
➜ on the other hand with your twin daughters, nari had both inherited his dad's attitude and a bit of her uncle aswell. and with natsuki, she was a very peaceful child as well, prefers you over her dad while nari prefers her dad
➜ the two, taking in more of their dad's appearance but have your hair
➜ atsumu would ALWAYS try and dress up your kids the same style he used to pair with osamu, would either pair by twin, or girl and boy.
➜ reminds him of the 'old days'
➜ sir, you're barely even thirty, sit DOWN
➜ after a few months on giving birth to your daughters, you guys got married with both your daughters as flower girls and your two sons as wing bearers
➜ the afterparty was WILD
➜ hinata running around with akio on his shoulder, osamu having a staring competition with nari because?? why dafuq does uncle look so much like dad and why do i kinda look like him??
➜ sakusa taking a liking towards aito as they LOWKEY TALK SHlT ABOUT HIS FATHER LMAO
➜ natsuki being in your arms because bb girl just loves you a lot and not to say you have favourites but ,,
➜ by the end of the afterparty, nari almost drank her father's wine, akio and aito were dead asleep in their father's arms while natsuki was still side awake wondering wtf happened
➜ the type of father that curses around his kids and would always be the first suspect whenever you hear nari and akio repeat them countless of times
“ fuck ” your head whipped around to scold atsumu for saying such language in front of your kids, but got caught off by nari saying it as well
“ hngg fuck! ” your daughter giggled saying it countless of times as you watched in horror when she made akio do it as well
“ oh my god nari, honey, no ─ ”
“ uhh . . fuck?" akio looked at his baby sister, raising an eyebrow as atsumu was dying of laughter nodding his head as you keep hitting his shoulder
“ yes, fuck ” making them laugh as they thought they really did something
➜ as i said it in my older brother headcanons, atsumu is actually kinda good at baking; while osamu's speciality was at cooking
➜ being a daddy's girl and apprentice, if she wasn't trying to learn volleyball from her dad, nari would always be baking in the kitchen with atsumu ─ fascinated with everything her dad does, nodding intently at everything he says as they bith wear matching aprons that say “bad bitches bake”
➜ they make the BEST GOODS Y'ALL, their chocolate cookies were impeccable along with their brownies
➜ the four kids would usually play volleyball with their dad whenever he wasn't busy, atsumu would teach them all how to do an arm breaking serve to akio and nari since they both wanted to be an ace, setting to natsuki and receiving with aito since he stated he wanted to be a libero because their uniforms hit different LMAOO
➜ of course they're not the same words he used though
➜ also if they ever played volleyball, expect to have another kid in the backyard because as osamu said; atsumu's mental age drops down to 5 years old while on the court
➜ and he knew damn well natsuki just wanted to gain your attention and praises
➜ atsumu is the type of father that would be so proud if one of his children ever memorizes one of niki minaj's rap
➜ like imagine walking into your husband, trying to teach his kids one of the lines from STARSHIPS by niki??? LMAOO
➜ as they grew up, their bond has never been more stronger, weekly volleyball practices with their dad & occasionally with his team, while you also sometimes joined in
➜ school was natsuki and aito's top priority though while to nari and akio was volleyball
➜ sometimes nari and natsuki really present their dad whenever they get too hard on themselves, either on studying, or volleyball
➜ also going to their father's games & probably half of the time skip school?? HAPPENS MORE THAN YOU THINK SHHJKTSA
➜ anyways, overall, even if your first pregnancy was a total shock to both you and atsumu ─ unexpected and all, but you guys wouldn't want anything else from the world, as you guys believed it all happened for a reason and your beliefs did not falter when you guys saw how everything just falls right back onto the right places in the end
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karasuno-volley · 4 years
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( ft. daichi, suga, asahi, hinata, & kageyama ) 
warnings : none.
a/n : first dates !! each one is about a paragraph. i'm planning on writing a few more of these in order to finish up the karasuno boys, but if you want to see a specific team / character with this prompt let me know. likes / reblogs appreciated, no reposting please !! love, volley. 
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     He takes you to a coffee shop, but was immediately embarrassed because you didn’t actually like coffee. The volleyball captain really hadn’t thought to ask about that one key detail-- he’d been flustered enough that you’d agreed. Daichi spent the majority of the time panicking over whether or not you are supposed to kiss at the end of the first date, and by the time he’d walked you home, he was too nervous to do anything like that. Of course, you take the initiative and kiss him first. Daichi goes home with a blush permanently plastered on his cheeks for his siblings to tease him about. Your next few dates go smoother, once he finds out your preferences. You start wearing his club jacket to his games, and you’re pleased to see the blush reappear on your boyfriend’s face.
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     The library became the setting for your accidental date. He had planned on something more elaborate, but the exams he had to take tomorrow unfortunately took priority. Suga texted you to apologize and to hopefully reschedule, and you hadn’t responded. He’d worried that he’d messed everything up, that you’d never agree to go out with him again, when you appear from behind, carrying a bag of snacks and drinks to help him through the night. Suga’s more than pleased, rushing to hug you and making so much noise that the librarian shows up and shushes the pair of you back to silence. You spend the next three hours watching as he makes his way through his books, but he doesn’t do much studying, too distracted by your hand in his own. (He does fine on the tests anyways).
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     Maybe he’d tried too hard. Or too little. Either way, he ends up outside your house with flowers before the date has even officially begun. You had told him that whatever he came up with was fine, but you didn’t expect this amount of affection from Karasuno’s ace. He’s so intimidating on the court, but outside of games, you soon discover Asahi’s softer side, complete with a trip to a local botanical garden. You walk over the nearby bridge, and when he isn't looking, slip your fingers between his. Asahi tenses a bit, but soon relaxes-- if anything, he becomes more talkative, pointing out flowers and plants and butterflies. He doesn’t let go of your hand the whole time, and when you arrive back home, he tries to say goodbye. Asahi stutters when you manage to kiss his cheek before sliding inside and gently shutting the door. Maybe he didn’t try too hard, after all.
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     A theme park is not a surprise for your excited boyfriend to take you to. His little sister coming along is, however, a surprise. Hinata had apologized for having her accompany you two on such short notice -- their mother was out and couldn’t get a babysitter -- but you didn’t care. With Natsu being so young, there isn’t a way for the pair of you to go on larger rides, but the smaller ones are more fun than you’d expected. Hinata felt bad the whole time, but then noticed how good you are with Natsu-- attentive and caring and buying her snacks. At the end of the visit, with Natsu  already half asleep on the way home, Hinata grabs your hand. For once, he doesn’t quite know what to say, and Natsu, though tired, sees her older brother get his first kiss, and doesn’t hesitate to yell out how gross that is. Both of you laugh, but Hinata’s planning for the next date to be just the two of you, for sure.
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     Okay, fine. He takes you to a volleyball game, even though you’d admitted you know very little about the sport. Looking back on it, maybe that’s why he insisted on going. You watch the fast movements, losing track of the ball. Kageyama leans forward, backward, groans, smiles -- all sorts of expressions you didn’t know he had in him when he’d managed to ask you out. Over the roar of the crowd, you manage to ask him about the game. ( “How is that not their point?” “It hit the blockers.” “Oh.” ) He takes your first question and then anticipates the rest, explaining the game as he goes. He forgets that you obviously don’t know the positions too well, but listen to him all the same. It’s rare to see Kageyama enjoy himself so much, and seeing him care so much about something, hearing him explain with so much passion, causes your heart to swell. When he asks you afterwards if you’d enjoyed the game, you say yes, of course. But not for the reasons he did.
master taglist : @beanst0ck​, @owlnymph​ ( send an ask or message to be added ! )
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fandomisnotsosalty · 3 years
Tagged by @redhairgreeneyes1 :)
Favorite color : Warm yellow
Currently reading : Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès (I don't know the title in english, sorry)
Last song : Saint Bernard by Lincoln
Last serie : I'm gonna assume that it's about tv serie, and mine is White Collar (and I honestly don't remember my last book serie anyway).
Last movie : Iron Man (I know I know MCU bad etc, but this movie is still one of my biggest guilty pleasure. I love it so much)
Sweet/Savory/Spicy : I'd say sweet
Currently working on : I'd really love answering with some fandom stuff but no, I have to prepare all the activities I'm gonna do with the bunch of little 3 year-olds I'm gonna take care of during the next two weeks. (Not that I don't appreciate it, it's just way more tiring)
Three ships : Dickkory and Birdflash from DC Comics, Klapollo from Ace Attorney
First ship : I'd say Natsu x Lucy from Fairy Tail but I'm not sure? It was a long ago
Currently consuming : I'm about to eat some crepes with homemade butterscotch lovingly made by my older sister, thank you very much :)
Currently craving : some fucking sleep
I'm tagging : @seekingxanadu @narcissistic-and-proud (Just if you want honestly)
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