#anyways these have been plaguing my mind for the past few days
dizzybizz · 1 year
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some memeatronic,,, if you will
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Summer Concussions
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
Summary: You and some nevermore students decide to enjoy the sunny weather at the lake. Your girlfriend Wednesday hates the sun, but agrees to go anyways. While you are swimming Xavier challenges you to jump off a ledge into the water. You agree hesitantly but soon change your mind, and Xavier doesn't allow that.
Warnings: ooc Wednesday, insecure Wednesday, Xavier being a dick, concussions, blood, mentions of drowning, hospitals,
Words: 3,180
a/n Wednesday is kinda mean at the beginning I'm ngl, but it's just bc shes overheated and stressed I swear
You were rather excited for the day, considering it had been rainy and cold for the past few weeks at Nevermore. Enid decided to seize the good weather while it lasted and organized a day at the lake with Yoko, Divina, Ajax, Xavier, Eugene, and Wednesday. You were surprised your girlfriend actually agreed to come along, considering her distaste for the sun and anything considered fun.
Here she was though, sitting beside you under an umbrella and looking mildly displeased, as per usual. She wore a long sleeve swim shirt and knee length shorts, which you thought were far too hot for the level of humidity today. You had offered her one of your short sleeves but she had quickly rejected the idea. She said it was because she didn't want any more of her skin exposed to the "harmful UV rays" than necessary. You knew that was a lie.
Wednesday may always seem perfectly confident and strong and self assured but you knew she was insecure. It took her three months of dating you to feel comfortable enough to wear a tank-top around you, and another two to wear shorts shorter than knee length. You always did your best to reassure her and tell her she was beautiful- perfect even. Your words could only do so much however, when her own self image was so skewed.
"Do you want to go swimming, Wednesday?" You asked her with a grin as you stood up from where you were sitting on your towel in the sun. She glanced at you with an unimpressed look.
"No, I don't feel the need to flail around in the water like an invalid." She snapped, her tone clipped. You wilted under her words, feeling a bit dumb for even asking.
"Oh." You mumble, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry. Well- do you mind if I go swim? Or do you want me to stay here and keep you company?" You ask shyly, shifting on your feet. You really wanted to swim, you were sweating already and Xavier, Ajax, Eugene, and Enid were playing with a beachball in the water, which looked way too fun. If Wednesday wanted you to stay you would stay however, you would much rather keep her company than leave her to sit alone in the shade. Especially since you felt guilty for dragging her along.
"No, I don't mind. Just because I don't find it enjoyable doesn't mean you can't have... fun." She said the word 'fun' like it plagued her. You searched her expression to make sure she was certain, and you couldn't help but smile at the the way her eyes softened as she looked at you. She let out a tiny sigh and you noticed the sweat beading at her brow from the humidity.
"Okay. Well if you want to join me feel free." You say with an inviting smile, leaning down to give Wednesday a kiss before leaving. She leaned slightly away from you before you could, and you pulled away, giving her space. You noticed the way her eyes darted to Yoko and Divina who were sitting a few feet away chatting amicably. When she was sure they weren't looking in your direction she leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. You couldn't help but giggle.
"Wednesday, they know we're dating, why do you care so much if they see us kiss?" You tease as Wednesday rolls her eyes.
"Public displays of affection are not my forte." Is all she offers as she leans back on her hands and looks up at you with a nonchalant expression. You see through it though and notice the blush tinting the tips of her ears. The truth was Wednesday was a bit shy when it came to openly expressing her affections with you. She did love you, and she has said so many times, but she also found it embarrassing to be so openly vulnerable in a public space. She felt off put by her own feelings, so used to always being stoic and unaffected.
"You never care when Enid sees us kiss." You protest with a smirk, and an exasperated expression crosses Wednesday's face.
"Yes, well. That's just Enid." She replies simply, shrugging slightly. You found it sweet how comfortable Wednesday had grown with her best friend. It made sense, considering how close the two are after the Hyde attack. You still found it adorable how much Wednesday trusted Enid, even with all her reservations about the werewolf.
"Whatever you say baby." You say with a grin before standing up again and skipping down to the water. As soon as you stepped into the waves you tensed. It was cold. You could feel Wednesday's eyes boring into your back so you turned around and gave her a bright smile and a thumbs up. "The water feels great, you should join me!" You shout, trying to convince your girlfriend to swim. She simply offers an unimpressed and dismissive wave, and you shrug, turning back to the water.
You slowly wade into the lake, moving over to Xavier, Ajax, Eugene and Enid. Enid spots you first and excitedly splashes over to you, causing you to flinch as cold droplets of water land on your face.
"(Y/n)! Want to play pass with us?" Enid asks enthusiastically, gripping your shoulders with her cold hands. You shiver under her touch but smile nonetheless.
"Of course!" You reply enthusiastically causing Enid to squeal in delight. You follow her over to the boys and join in the game, laughing as you dive to try and keep the ball in the air. You play for quite a while before the boys decide to climb up a ledge near the water and jump off.
"Come on (Y/n), aren't you gonna jump too? Or are you too scared." Xavier taunts from the ledge as Ajax does a flip into the water. You know Xavier is just trying to goad you, he's been jealous of you ever since you first started dating Wednesday. You're about to say no when Ajax resurfaces with a laugh.
"Come on (Y/n), it's fun I swear!" He insists as he climbs up on the ledge once more, watching as Eugene jumps off next. Xavier is smirking down at you as he thinks you're about to say no, and you feel indignance rise within you. You glance back at the beach to see Wednesday watching the interaction with a bored expression. 'I want to impress her.' The thought is sudden and loud in your mind, and despite your better judgement you begin the climb.
"Alright, you guys ready to see a real splash?" You ask with faux macho as you climb up beside Ajax. He grins and claps you on the shoulder encouragingly.
"Hell yeah! Just try to jump a bit more to the right since there's more rocks to the left. You'll probably be fine, but better safe than sorry right?" He says, smiling at you as he gestures to the deeper part of the pool. You nod, feeling nerves rise within you as you look down at the water. It seems so much farther once you're up here.
"Tsk, come on are you gonna jump or what?" Xavier scoffs, rolling his eyes. You glance at him and clench your jaw in determination.
"Yes! I am! I'm just- psyching myself up for it." You stall, glancing back down at the water. The longer you look at it the more you don't want to jump.
"Hey, you don't have to jump if you don't want to. No shame if you're too scared, it is a pretty big drop." Ajax says gently, his gaze reassuring. You are about to chicken out completely when you hear Xavier scoff once again.
"Oh come on, she just needs a little push-" With those words you feel two strong hands shove hard at the center of your back. You try to catch yourself, to compensate but you are too thrown off balance. Your feet slip off the edge, and your back scrapes painfully against the rock as you slip. You hear Wednesday and Enid shout your name as your head snaps against the rock, the thud sickening.
You're in the water, choking as water flows out of your nose and mouth. You gag and retch, someone is dragging you to shore. There's blood in the water.
"Yoko, go get Weems!" That was Wednesday's voice. You tried to look around for her but everything seemed blurry and dark. Your nose and throat burned from the water, and the back of your head throbbed steadily.
"Oh my God, oh my God- Wednesday is she going to be okay?" Enid's voice frantically filtered into your ears as someone gently laid you back on the grass. Your back stung at the contact with the ground. The sun was beating down on your face and you squeezed your eyes shut. It was too bright.
"(Y/n), can you open your eyes for me?" Wednesday's calm voice soothed the ache in your head. Someone's hand was resting on the back of your head, pressing firmly. It hurt, but Wednesday's voice made it hurt less.
"Wednesday?" You ask in a small voice, feeling confused and scared. You weren't sure what was going on. Your head hurt, you were cold. You were confused.
"Yes, I'm here cara mia, you're going to be okay." Wednesday's steady voice responded and you felt a shadow move over your face. You opened your blurry eyes and saw Wednesday staring down at you. Her expression was so worried it made your heart race with anxiety. What's wrong? Why is Wednesday so upset?
"Wednesday." You whisper again, more pitifully as years burn your eyes. A whimper rises in your throat as you see Enid hovering behind Wednesday looking horrified. What was wrong? Why was everyone so upset?
"Shh, it's okay." Wednesday soothed, her eyes scanning your face. Your eyes were unfocused and you looked deathly pale. She hoped Weems would hurry up.
You noticed water dripping from Wednesday's braids, and realized she must have jumped in the water and dragged you out. You grew more confused at the realization. How had you even ended up in the water? Oh, right Xavier pushed you.
"Move away from her, let me see." Weems voice spoke suddenly, her tone tight with worry. Wednesday moved out of your line of sight and you were met with a worried Weems. Her eyes scanned over you before she hastily scooped you up in her arms. She was speaking more to Wednesday, or somebody else you weren't sure. Her words sounded like gibberish, and her movements felt like they were in slow motion. You shied away from her, feeling afraid as tears streamed down your face.
You felt strange and hazy as you were placed on a bed of some sort. You were in a vehicle, you determined from the way you swayed in the bed, which you were strapped in to. There were strangers who kept shining lights in your eyes and poking you with things. It was scary. You wanted Wednesday.
Then you were some place else. A bed still, but this one was in a room with machines in it. You weren't sure how you got there, or how long it had been. You felt a bit more attentive than before; more awake. You blinked slowly, the throbbing in your head dulled by whatever was in the IV attached to the back of your hand.
"Wednesday?" You mumble, eyes slowly scanning the room. You were alone, aside from a woman fiddling with your IV. She noticed you were awake and smiled warmly at you.
"What was that honey?" She asked sweetly and you shrunk into yourself slightly. Who is that?
"I want Wednesday." You mumbled, your eyes sliding away from the strange woman to scan the room again. The nurse looked confused.
"No, sweetheart it's Saturday the twenty ninth. What day do you think it is?" She asked gently, trying to bring your attention back to her. You were growing increasingly upset. Why didn't this woman understand? You wanted your girlfriend. You needed her.
"No- I want-" Your words were cut off as the door to the room burst open. There she stood in all her glory, looking damp and disgruntled. Her eyes were wide as she stared at you, worry evident in her gaze as she marched up to your bedside.
"What were you thinking." She scolded, her eyes traveling over your face quickly, like she was searching for injuries.
"Miss, I'm sorry but we can't allow visitors at the moment, she's-" The nurse tried but Wednesday silenced her with a glare.
"She's my girlfriend, I'm not leaving her." Wednesday snapped, leaving no room for argument. The nurse let out a resigned sigh before leaving the two of you alone. Silence fell over the two of you like a blanket as you stared up at your girlfriend, smiling at how pretty she looked. Her bangs were still wet and clinging to her forehead, and her braids dripped steadily on the floor.
"Wednesday." You say with a smile, your tone overflowing with admiration. The brunettes eyes meet yours and her expression softens, the tension around her mouth easing as she gently brushed her fingertips along your cheek.
"What is it, mi sol?" She asks, her voice impossible gentle. You melted at her tone, she only ever talked to you like this when you were alone. How you loved when she was tender with you.
"I missed you." You announce with a grin, and Wednesday can't help the smile that curves at her lips. She leans down and kisses your forehead so lightly you hardly feel it.
"I missed you too." She pauses, her expression growing worried once more. "How are you feeling?" She asks, and you find the question peculiar. You felt completely fine. Better than fine actually, you felt incredible. Your body felt fuzzy. Whatever was in that IV was working.
"I feel floaty." You say, and you can't help but giggle. Wednesday sighs, resting her palm on your chest gently. Her brows are pulled together in concern but she keeps her voice smooth as she speaks.
"Then the drugs are working." She pauses, seemingly deep in thought. "I'm going to murder Xavier." She announces, her jaw clenching in anger suddenly. You blink at her in surprise. You know she didn't like Xavier, but what did he do to make her so angry like this?
"Why?" You ask, your tone curious. She blinks down at you and frowns slightly.
"Darling, he pushed you. What do you remember about today?" She asks, sounding reproachful. You blink at her and try to think back. Everything is fuzzy. You remember swimming with Enid. Playing with the beachball. Wanting to impress Wednesday.
"Uhm... I don't know." You murmur lamely as you blink up at her. "Swimming with Enid." You offer with a shrug and she seems more irritated at your words. You feel a flash of guilt and anxiety. What did you say wrong? "Sorry." You apologize hastily.
"No, don't apologize." Wednesday soothes you hastily, gently cupping your face in her hand. "I'm not upset with you." She reassures as she places another kiss on your temple.
"Xavier pushed you off a ledge into the water and you fell and hit your head. You nearly drowned in the water, and I had to drag you out. You were taken to the hospital, which is where we are now. You also suffer from a mild concussion. I am unsurprised you don't remember much." Wednesday explains patiently, her fingers running along the skin of your face and neck absentmindedly. You loved when she did that, she called it the Rivers. She'd gently trace imaginary patters on your skin while you lay together.
"Oh. Yeah I don't remember that." You say simply as you shut your eyes with a smile, enjoying Wednesdays touch. "Am I going to be okay?" You ask hesitantly. You felt alright now. Your head was still woozy and you were still a but confused, but Wednesday was with you and your head didn't hurt so you were okay.
"You'll make a full recovery. You needed seven stitches on the back of your head, and you had various lacerations on your back, but they will heal. Weems said you can take a break from classes for a week while you recover, and I will take notes for you so you don't miss anything important." Wednesday explains, her voice feeling like honey in your ears. She was so sweet, and warm, and perfect. You felt tears well in your eyes as you opened them and stared up at her. Her expression froze at your tears and her shoulders tensed.
"What's wrong?" She asked, her voice thick with worry, which only caused you to cry more.
"I love you so much Wednesday." You sob pitifully as you reach up and grab her hand weakly in yours. "You're so sweet and- and thoughtful." You blubber, and Wednesday looks extremely put off and uncomfortable.
"I- thank you." She clears her throat nervously as she tries to navigate your drug induced breakdown. "I love you too." She offers, trying to placate you. You simply sob harder at her words, messy tears streaming down your face. She looks panicked as she tries to shush you.
"It's okay. You don't need to cry, everything is fine." She attempts at calming you, her voice sounding uncharacteristically uncertain. She gently wipes away your tears, biting her lip nervously. "What- do you need anything from me?" She offers, trying her best to comfort you. You sniffle, blinking up at her.
"Can we cuddle?" You plead, pouting at her sadly. She hesitates and you are about to burst into tears again when she heaves a sigh.
"I am still wet from the lake." She protests lamely, and you simply frown. You reach out and grab her swim shirt, pulling her closer to you.
"I don't care." You say firmly, staring her intently in the eyes. She looks lost, like she wants to protest but after a moment she gives a resigned sigh. She carefully climbs into the hospital bed with you, awkwardly lying beside you. You go to turn on your side so you can spoon her but she presses her hand firmly to your chest and pins you down.
"No." She scolds firmly and you immediately relent, her tone leaving no room for argument. She shifts around, stiff and awkward until she lays beside you, her head resting on your shoulder as her arm drapes across your waist. You smile contentedly as you lace your fingers with hers, your eyes sliding shut as exhaustion tugs at you.
"I love you Wenny." You mumble as you begin to fall asleep. Wednesday doesn't even bother protesting the nickname, simply pressing a kiss to the side of your neck before holding you closer.
"I love you too, cara mia." She whispers, and her voice is the last thing you hear as you slip into sleep.
a/n I've never been concussed so if this is inaccurate that is why 🫶
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Bro, infinite darkness Leon is plaguing my mind I’m being so fr rn. So my req is like DomInfiniteDarkness!Leon and like this reader who rlly sarcastic and bites back and shit like that and the plot is (porn 🫶 obvi) that he asks reader to ride his face (after a few days of sexual tension) and like she’s taken aback at first but then she’s like ‘he’s hot tho’ (not rlly I can’t think of a better response, u can choose) so she rides his face yeah, and he has this grip on her thighs that she can’t even try squirming away
And omg, there should be like this one part when he’s eating her and like she grips his hair and he goes feral and sucks harshly as a motion to continue the grip on his hair, also the stubble that he has should like graze her poussay and like she clenches bc of it and Leon notices 😮‍💨🤭🤭
Leon just gives pussy-eater vibes, is it jus me? 😭 anyways in not asking this anonymously bc I need this shit so bad
If u wrote anything similar, I’m sorry 😭 😭
Tyyyy ♥️♥️♥️🫶🫶🫶🫶
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( I had to, he’s so fine)
ID Leon is a plague in my mind he never goes away. I was actually writing a request super similar to this so i hope the other person who requested this sees this!! I honestly don’t think it’s that good but i try my hardest FOR YOU GUYS. I made the reader plus size deal with it and if you hate it so much just block it out with your mind okay because i needed to write a lil something for me in this one. Sorry i haven’t been posting much writing i hit little blocks sometimes and feel like my writing sucks but nothing a little sleep couldn’t fix!
Disclaimer!!! This blog is 18+ only! If you are underaged please don’t interact with my posts thank you!!
mentions of afab slighty plus size reader x ID Leon!!
Warnings: Angsty kinda! Mentions of yelling, holding guns and close to death experiences. Leon forces reader to sit on his face, he’s kinda rough with her
word count: 2,826
Heavy. Your arm hanging from the metal that had been broken not even seconds before. Though you and Leon had far to many disagreements he was still your partner. Just the way his head tilted up and his hand gripped at your wrist you knew he was so angry that you would throw yourself so close to death just to save him. The metal beneath you made a loud creaking noise as you gripped at Leon's hand, your other arm folding over to pull him up onto the platform with you.
“You have a death wish?”
Leon yelled as he tried to carefully crawl up next to you as you let go of his arm. You leaned back on your arms, catching your breath, your eyes followed Leon standing up, his hand reaching down to help you off the floor.
“That must’ve really bruised your ego huh, kennedy.”
Mascara caked a bit under your eyes due to all the running and the tank of water exploding all over you. Your hips swayed side to side as you put your hand up waving goodbye to Leon, yelling something about how you’d see him next week.
Leon’s jaw tightened watching your hips sway, the way your soaked shirt clung to your body. You were his rookie once, he trained you from the ground up. Once your promotion hit you never let Leon talk down to you again, and he hated it. Snarky comments about his aim, about the way he talks, how he looks in his suits.
His body screamed at him for relief, preferably whiskey. The bar was quiet and he couldn’t help but thank the god he didn’t necessarily believe in. His fingers traced over the rim of his glass in front of him. The man had too much trauma, a troubling past and current that just weighed on him so heavily that it made everything he does difficult.
“I knew I’d find you here.”
Your silky voice snapped him from his day dreaming, his chin tilting down as his eyes traced every dip and curve of your body before he brought the glass to his lips, the liquid stinging his throat as he tilted the glass against his mouth. You wore that pretty black dress you had been wearing back in Grahamas office, but of course you had to change when actual shit started to go down. It hugs your hips and thighs so good, your plush legs crossing over each other as you sat down staring at your partner.
“You okay?”
For once you seemed genuinely concerned for him, Leon’s head nodding as the bartender poured more whiskey into his glass. Your delicate hand reaching forward and pulling the glass from him. Leon sighed turning himself to you in full, his hands reaching down to unbutton his jacket that held it to his center.
A smirk quickly grew on your lips as you took HIS whiskey down your throat, your nose scrunching as you pushed the glass back to him. He was so tired of your bratty demeanor, it’s so unprofessional, so unclassy. Your hands reached out to fix the collar of his white button down as you still processed the burn of the alcohol.
“I worry about you sometimes.. Anyways, I was looking for you then Claire told me you were rambling about desperately needing a drink.”
Leon couldn’t help but admire the way your hands moved when you spoke, your eyes rolling at the mention of his small drinking problem.
“Drinking everyday is bad for your liver Leon.”
Leon groaned at your lecturing, his hands coming up to shush you.
“Fuck you..”
He grumbled, causing your mouth to drop open. Honestly you were offended. For once you were really concerned about the man which was rare from either of you because if you weren’t working, you were fighting.
“You’d like that too much, old man.”
“Cmon Le.. Let's just have one more drink.”
Leon’s hands held at your waist as you stumbled into him. So while you lectured him for drinking so much you downed shots one after another right in front of him. Leon watched you ramble all night, the night he was supposed to spend for himself. After he pulled the both of you outside, you shivered pointing to your car, you hand grabbing for your keys in your purse.
“Okay bye Leon.”
You slurred as a whistle left Leon’s lips, his much taller frame coming in front of you to catch you yet again. Your hands nudged at him, trying to push him off you as you whined about it being cold and how you wanted to lay down. His hands worked at his jacket, shrugging it off and reaching for your arms and slipping it onto you.
“Stop talking and walk, let’s go, you're not driving.”
You were an idiot. Leon’s head shook in disappointment as the two of you began your walk down the street in silence. Even through your drunken fog you could see he was upset with you, your hands playing with the long sleeves of his dark blue suit jacket. He did have his moments where he got genuinely upset with you, like when you had accidentally stabbed him during training, or when you stepped in front of him and Chris during a mission to take the damage of a blown hit. You didn’t belong in this field and he had no idea how you even made it this far. He reached into his back pocket pulling his keys out before he pushed open the door, turning himself back to you.
His palm rested against your lower back as you stepped inside his home, your eyes adjusting to the lighting change. Leon pulled the jacket off of you and threw it on his couch before he leaned on the counter staring at you. Standing in the middle of his living room. His annoyance was making you sober, playing with your fingernails as he glared at you. His back turned to you as he pulled a glass from his cabinet, turning on his faucet to pour water into it. You flinched as he slammed it in front of you.
A laugh left your lips as you reached for the glass, taking a sip. But Leon didn’t seem to find it as funny as you did, his hands resting on the beautiful marble counter.
“Lots of one word responses tonight huh.”
You asked as you finished off the glass of water, your hand rubbing your stomach. He was in his own world, it was shocking he cared as much as he did.
“Yeah, goodnight.”
Leon mumbled as he pulled the glass into his sink, pointing to the blankets on the couch. Watching his figure walk down the hall made your skin crawl. You wanted to tell him how scared you were today, how you almost lost him. How he didn’t notice the bruise on your right shoulder from almost breaking your shoulder saving him.
A loud thump of a pillow hitting your face shook you from your sleep, your hand reaching for your gun as you sat up.
“Oh calm down. Let’s go Grahams called.”
Leon spoke as he handed you your shoes. You yawned, pushing your heels on before running out the door after him. It’s your favorite time of day, even though you have a violent hangover and it feels like you are going to puke with every step you take trying to catch up to Leon. Out of breath finally walking beside him you push your neck forward, nodding with that stupid smug look on your face that Leon hated.
“You clean up really nice Leon, what straightener do you use?”
How could you be so bitchy at eight in the morning, Leon’s eyes rolled, his lips pressed together as he got into his car, you not falling too short behind. Out of all the people in the department he didn’t understand how he ended up with you as his partner.
Leon stood next to you, him and the president sharing a glance as he sighed.
“Listen, Leon told me what happened yesterday and we decided collectively it would be best for you to go work for another agency.”
Your jaw grew tight, it felt like your teeth were being grinded down and your cheeks were flushed a deep red in anger. Your head snapped to Leon, your eyes squinting at him. How could he file a complaint about you saving his life? He is lying directly to the source but you had no proof he was lying which is what made the situation so much worse.
“Fuck you.”
Your words smacked Leon in the face, your body purposely shoving into his shoulder- and hard too. The sound of your heels clicking filled the hallway, your anger building in your chest as you stormed out the back door. This was your life purpose, being an agent. When your younger brother had died at the hands of Umbrella you tried working your way up to demolish it all. None of it mattered anyways because when you met Leon and Chris your life had completely changed. Even though you and Leon had too many unsolvable problems, you thought he still cared? Now you were left jobless, clueless. You looked down at your phone as it buzzed in your purse ‘Leon’ Flashing on the screen.
Stupid son a bitch.
Loud banging on your door woke you up, your eyes fixing on the clock on your nightstand. Three in the morning? Sitting up quickly you pulled your handgun from your dresser, tip toeing into the living room area of your flat.
“Who is it? I have a gun!”
When not at work your self defense skills were beyond poor, the banging stopped, the sounds of shuffling were heard before a small thud was heard against your door. Peering into the small eyehole of your door, there stood Leon. His eyes squeezed shut as he rested his palm against your door, you immediately swung the door open causing Leon to fix at his posture.
“Jesus christ Leon, what the fuck?”
Leon’s body pushed into your flat, slamming the door behind him. His hands grabbed at the gun in your hand, laying it on your counter. Your lower back smacked against your couch as he towered over you, his hands reaching down to hold at your face before his lips smacked into yours. No alcohol? Leons teeth nipped at your lip, pulling a low moan from you before you put your hands out pushing him away from you
“What are you doing?”
Leon’s chest heaved as he stared at you, you still looked so sleepy, your pretty nightgown resting so beautifully on your thighs. Your hair was a mess and now your lips were all puffy, he couldn’t fucking stand you. Leon’s hand ruffled through his hair as he looked down the hall to your room, your bed sheets a mess. Leon’s hand gripped your upper arm, walking down the hallway with you in his hands.
“Leon! Stop! Look at me”
Pretending you didn’t like the way he touched you was a joke, and you knew Leon could tell just by the way you reacted to his touch. A whine spilled from your lips as he shoved you down onto your silk sheets, your fingers reaching down to fix your nightgown that had flown up. The sound of Leon’s knees hitting the floor echoed through your ears, your upper body lifting as you watched him lick at his chapped lips. His head shook at the sight of your glistening folds in front of him, your thighs squeezing together as you stared down at the man. Stammers of protest left your lips as Leon’s fingers dug into the flesh of your meaty thighs, of course he was strong but you didn’t know he was this strong. A deep groan emitted from his chest as he lifted his hand, his tongue running across his fingers. His eyes finally met yours, his fingers slick with his spit rubbing small circles on your clit.
“Not so much to say now, huh?”
Oh. Your heart dropped as you remembered the paperwork you had sent in placing a complaint for him. Talking about how unprofessional he was, how he drinks on the job, and stuff about his personal life in general, your lips shook as your mouth opened, a moan ripping from your throat as Leon's thick fingers pushed into you, your hand reached down grabbing at his wrist but he pushed it off to side as he rose his way up your much smaller body. His other hand gripped at the inner part of your knee, locking it beside him as he pushed his fingers into you.
“God you piss me off, Grahams was so mad at me you know? But unlike you I didn't lose my job. You had me with your little comments but I swear if you try something like this again, I will do more than fuck you stupid, Do you understand me?”
When did Leon get the capability to be so fucking mean? Your head nodded up at him, his fingers drawing from you. Leon’s head shook in disapproval as he pushed himself off you, laying down on his back.
Great. Back with the one word responses. You sat up confused as your hand reached down to cover your exposed self. Your gaze shifted to Leon who looked so pretty sprawled out onto your black silk sheets. His pupils were blown with lust.
Laughter came with the question as Leon tilted his head to the side to admire you tilting your head back as you laughed at yourself. His hands tugged you towards him, making you lose your balance. “fucking brat.” He mumbled as he dragged you onto of him, your body sitting on his chest.
“Sit on my face. I know you’re not stupid.”
Leon spoke up to you as he pulled your hips towards his face but you pushing yourself back made his eyebrows raise.
“Leon, I'm going to kill you..”
You sat up slightly trying to take more weight off his chest. You weren’t the skinniest but Leon knew that you were always a bit self conscious about your weight, and the amount of times he has caught you has been extremely surprising. One look down at him changed your mind, he was looking at you as if you were the only person in the word, his tongue continuously licking over his lips, you let out a shaky breath before you brought yourself forward grabbing at the headboard. Hovering over his face still too scared but Leon’s hands reached up, pushing you down onto his face.
“Leon!- oh-”
Screams of worry turned into soft cries of pleasure, Leon’s hands reaching back to cup at your ass in his hands, somehow pushing you further into him. Your eyes finally fluttered open, staring down at Leon who seemed to be enjoying much more than he should. Never did you imagine Leon’s face so deep into you, your thighs pushing against his cheeks, the scruff on his face scraping your soft skin. His eyes opened hazily, staring up at you as he pushed his tongue into you, his hands still rocking you into him.
“Leon wait!-”
You cried out as a boiling burn started to build in your stomach, your body going to crawl off of him. Leon’s arms wrap around your thighs before you’re flipped over, his thighs laying over his shoulder as he laps at your folds on long strokes. Your hands reach down, grabbing at his soft hair. Leon moans out, vibrating your entire body as he uses his fingers to hold your folds open. He’s sucking at your clit so fucking good, your hands trying to push him away as he hold you’re hips down. He could have this view forever, the way you’re crying for him and the way you taste so good in his mouth. The amount of times Leon has wanted to force you down and suck on your pretty little clit was too many to count on his hand.
Your scream could probably be heard from all the flats around you as your orgasm flashed through your body, causing tears to drip from your eyes. A cry left your throat as Leon sat up, his fingers gently rubbing small heart shapes on your clit with a big smile on his face. He looked so beautiful, your slick covering his chin and his lips swollen from sucking at your folds for so long.
“Le.. s’ too much.”
Leon shook his head as he leaned down, sloppily pressing kissing on your lips, your own taste filling your mouth before you screamed out at the feeling of Leon once again pushing his long fingers into you.
“Jus’ give me five more of those pretty.. I'm enjoying this too much.”
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faeskiss · 5 months
Zaros x reader!
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I am not a stranger to weary days, in fact I’ve been nothing but weary for the past couple of weeks…
I cannot for the life of me recall the last time I could peacefully allow myself to lay my head down and give in to sleep, it’s been so long since I’ve had a pleasant dream, cruel and unbearable ones plague me instead, making my nights excruciatingly miserable.
How am I supposed to study and give it my all in the trials if I’m not well rested? Everything in life worries me and I feel utterly powerless, it’s funny actually, how can an earis, someone who’s birthright is power itself, feel devoid of it? It’s all just a big joke
I can clearly hear the storm outside grow worse and worse, lightning cracks and rumbles relentlessly, I usually enjoy rain, but this, this is absolutely terrifying and it’s fuelling my unease by the second
I keep tossing and turning, trying to breathe and collect my thoughts, but it’s no use, it seems my own mind hates me just as much as everyone else.
After a few more torturous moments of pure agony I decide to go outside, I know the storm is raging and growing like wildfire but I can’t stand to be cooped up in my room like this…
I step outside of my room and as soon as I do I am met with a breeze that’s fervently cold, the walls of this palace echo the rage of the storm, it’s truly a ghastly night
I pull my shawl closer to me and wrap my hands inside of it, trying to grasp whatever warmth I can, I slowly pace the halls, passing various rooms, my feet can’t help but abruptly stop in their tracks…
I find myself standing just outside of Zaros’s room and a wave of nostalgia washes over me, I remember all the times we hid from the uproar of the sky, he HATED storms..
I don’t know what’s happening, but it feels like I’m not in control of my reflexes, I immediately go up to the door and knock, knowing full well someone might see or hear me, knowing I’d regret it later
“The earis invited themselves into Zaros’s room the other night, it seems his notorious ways are finally rubbing off on them, what a shame”
Heaven knows what other things these nobles would say, why don’t I ever learn?
The horror of what I’ve done suddenly seeps into me, and before I can even turn around to save face, I am much too late
He opens the door….his green eyes look tired and worn down, the usual charm and gleam is missing in them
“Uhm…..hello?” He asks, obvious confusion painted on his face
I clear my throat, and try to answer
“H-Hello, I- uhm” I reply, absolutely failing to come up with an excuse as to why I am here, in the dead of night, unannounced, barely decent
“You are the last person I would ever expect to show up at my door, in the thick of night” he says with a soft, unexpected laughter
“Trust me, I am just as confused as you are” I reply with a faint laugh
“It seems that I’m finally rubbing off on you huh?” he says slyly
“Oh please! it’s not like that, I-‘’ before I can finish my sentence a loud clap of thunder booms and reverberates through the halls, startling us both
“I JUST don’t want to be alone, during this outpour…….I’m sorry but I just didn’t know where else to go” I say, surprising myself
His eyes soften, and a warm, empathetic smile forms on his face, something I thought I’d never see from him, ever again…
All of a sudden, he reaches for my hand, gently and slowly pulls me in the room, and I just let him
He then shuts the door behind us
I cannot believe that I’m in Zaros Atha’llin’s room……..at night…… the nobles would have a field day if they ever caught wind of this, but the truth is, that I don’t care, when I know I should and that gravely concerns me
“Look, I’m so very sorry I interrupted your sleep, I didn’t-“ I say
“It’s okay, I was awake anyways” he cuts me off
“Couldn’t sleep?” I ask
“You of all people should know how much I loathe storms” he adds
“How can I ever forget” I reply softly
“I see you haven’t grown to like them either”
“Ha! Never” I reply
“I think we should sit down” he says as he moves towards the bed
“ah yes, of course” I reply as I follow him
I seat myself beside him, another frantic wave of nostalgia crashes against me, I always sat next to him back in school….
“I know there’s something troubling you, something other than the storm” he says in a calm yet stern voice
“I- I just” I try to reply, but I just can’t, it’s quite abnormal being vulnerable to him, the last time him and I had a heart to heart was quite simply a lifetime ago
“Please do not feel obligated to talk about it, take your time” he says
“I just have the worst, most obscene amount of anxiety these days, and it only gets worse and worse as the weeks pass” I reply, this took a lot of courage and valour, it took all the strength in me to even say these words to someone
“I-I understand you more than you might ever know, it seems that these trials have not been kind to either of us, the stakes are unachievable and the water’s rough, you are not alone, I feel it too” he says in a somber tone, his expression is filled with gloom
His words shoot right at my heart, making me feel understood and protected, I would have never imagined that anything he’d said would have this affect on me, but I don’t despise it, not even a little bit
“I wouldn’t wish this entire ordeal on my worst enemy…..which,would be you I suppose” he ends his sentence with a unexpected burst of laughter, which in turn makes me laugh too
“I suppose so” I reply, giggling like a child
Me and Zaros, actually laughing together, as if nothing’s ever changed, I never would’ve imagined
“From best mates who are absolutely inseparable to enemies who are fighting for the throne, how the tides change” he says, looking directly at my face, I am unsure of the intention behind his tone
“It’s all written in the stars, what can us mere mortals do about it?” I reply, fidgeting with my fingers
Silence creeps into the space between us for a few moments, it’s absurdly comforting, sitting next to him, I can feel his warmth, it’s familiar and safe, it feels like home….he feels like home
“I cannot believe that I’m actually about to say this, but I feel as if I have to, for my own sanity” he says
“What are you trying to say?” I reply, puzzled as ever
“I-I really wish I never left, I wish I stayed by your side, I wish I never lost the eight years I could have had with you” he says, desperation laced in his voice
I look at him with wide eyes and shock painted on my face, I have a very strange feeling that I know what he’s about to say
“Zaros, plea-“ I try to interrupt him
“No, just don’t!” he snaps
“I have felt this way for quite a while now, and sometimes, it’s all I can think about, I wish we never had that wretched fight in the first place!” He exclaims
I am left utterly speechless by his words, nothing could have ever prepared me for this
“I really wanted you to trust me more!” he adds
That sets me off, how can he ever expect me of all people to trust him? After his relentless insults and torments, he is so delusive
“Don’t start!” I snap
“What? Are you that scared of the truth?” he interrupts
“Well you have not made it easy for me, have you now?” I sneer as I jolt up, out of the bed
“What do you mean?” he replies as he gets up
“How in the name of Gods can you expect me to trust you after everything that’s happened? You agreed to contest against me, we are competing AGAINST each other or have you forgotten? How can I trust you any which ways? You are my rival!” I say with all the anger my voice can muster
“I had no.other.choice” he replies sternly
“And besides is that all I am to you? Just a rival, an enemy you want to overthrow? Or did you forget us and everything we were before our fallout, did all that mean nothing to you? You are deeply imbedded in all my memories, all my feelings, all my thoughts, there isn’t a corner in my soul where I can’t find you….you, you were everything to me, still are” he says
I want to absolutely scream at his words, he can’t just say that and the worst part is I can’t decide if I’m angry with him or yearning for him
“Please….don’t do this” I say, almost in a whisper, my voice shakes a bit
“How much longer are you going to pretend that you were never in love with me?” he snaps
I can feel my heart stop, my mind starts to fog up and I can barely breathe, a dull, crushing gust of pain swims across my chest…that is until I feel a violent rush of anger flow through me, red and fiery
“You…“ I rage
“I-I’m sorry, I went too far, I shouldn’t have-“ he says
“And you want me to “trust” you, I should’ve never come here in the first place” the hurt in my voice is evident and loud, and I might just burst into tears any second
I abruptly turn and sprint to the door, but before I can open it, he yanks my hand and pulls me to him
“I am so sorry, I know I’ve crossed way too many lines, I am a reckless fool, please forgive me, please stay” he says in the most desperate tone I have ever heard
“Give me one good reason why” I hiss
“I can’t” he replies
“I know I’ve caused you nothing but pain ever since I came back, I can see it on your face every single second, minute and hour I am near you, I have no excuse and no reason, I-I won’t force you to stay or do anything you don’t want to, but just know, how very sorry I am, for it all, we don’t even have to speak if that’s what you want, I care about you way more than I can ever express and I can’t handle seeing you so upset, I won’t hurt you, ever again, I promise, no matter what happens after the trials, it won’t change how I feel about you, nothing ever will” he says
I don’t reply, not because I don’t want to but because I just do not know how, my heart is heavy with a feeling I’d rather not feel, especially not for him, but I can not help it
“I don’t expect you to forgive me and-“
I don’t know what comes over me, but I wrap my arms around him in frantic desperation, as if he’s going to run away from me, as if I’m going to lose him all over again…
He slowly envelopes me in his arms, it’s very gentle, I can feel his heartbeat against my own, his warmth is infectiously addicting, I could practically fall asleep like this
“Don’t ever leave me, ever again, do you understand?” I assert
“I promise you with all my heart, I am never going away, my sweet earis” he replies in a soft, honeyed tone as he places a kiss on my cheek
“Zaros” I call to him as I pull away
“Yes?” He replies as he looks at me eagerly
“I have something very important to confess” I say
“What is it?” he replies as his expression grows more serious
“I am so very sorry I called you a leech” I say, not being able to hold back the mischievous smile forming on my face
At that we both erupt into laughter, and I embrace him once again, feeding off of his warmth
“And I’m sorry I called you a palace brat…though you still kind of are one” he says in a playful mocking manner
“Oh please , you love it” I reply in a calm, unbothered tone, my head resting his shoulder
“Yes, yes I do” he replies as he holds me tightly in his arms
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madaqueue · 5 months
what a waste | "army dreamers" x kate bush
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synopsis: on what would have been his twentieth birthday, you visit geto's grave
pairing: suguru geto x reader
themes/content: semi-canon curse au. angst. language. death/loss.
word count: 1.3k
a/n: here's some angst bc i've been in a mood for the past few days and am allergic to being happy!
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The grass is damp under your skin, the rain from this morning clinging to your clothes, the smell of wet earth lingering despite the absence of clouds in the sky. This is the closest it’s gotten to raining on this day in years, what would be a sign of late winter opening into spring, but today it just feels dreary and cold.
Sighing, you place the bouquet of lilacs - his favorites - onto the stone, careful to not cover the plaque adorning the granite. At this point you could recite it in its entirety without needing to see it, the words burned into your mind from the countless days you spent reading and rereading it, hoping that the shape of the characters would finally make it sink in.
Suguru Geto
Cherished and loved.
The epitaph still feels halfhearted, empty. Even though you and Satoru spent weeks trying to figure out what to write, everything you came up with felt hollow, unable to capture his essence. You wanted to do him justice, but you just couldn’t; he’s more than a plot of land and some words engraved in stone.
Of course, it’s a moot point: the grave is empty, anyways. After the fight against Toji, Shoko had to completely destroy his body, the risk of it being used maliciously too great. A shudder runs down your spine as you picture it, the cruelty of using your best friend’s corpse for something malevolent.
Would he notice? Would it bother him to know what had happened to his flesh? What makes a person, anyways; is it the body, or is it something else? You hope he doesn’t mind what had to happen to him after his heart quieted and his breathing stilled.
Are you at peace, Suguru?
You can’t help but wonder if, after everything, death brought him a respite from the pain he endured while alive. You knew the nature of his cursed technique, the necessary consumption of evil; in absorbing it, did it make him, too, evil? Was he plagued by the darkness he was destined to destroy?
You hope not. Despite the wickedness he witnessed, he nevertheless dreamed, hoping for a brighter future.
“What did you wanna be when you were a kid?” you ask through a mouthful of ramen.
Suguru sits across from you in the booth, forearms resting on the table as he eats his lunch. “What do you mean?” he questions, tilting his head ever so slightly.
“What did you want for a job? There’s no way you wanted to be a sorcerer,” you chuckle. “Like, I wanted to be one of those people who makes the cool brick patterns along sidewalks.”
He holds back a laugh at your answer. “I’m not sure, I don’t think I ever really thought about it.” He pauses, taking another bite of his food. “But I guess if I had to pick, probably a musician or something, maybe guitar, I always liked how they could make something sound beautiful with just their hands,” he muses softly.
“I could totally see you on a sick guitar,” you grin.
“Yeah, but I got my cursed technique too early. I never really got a chance to do anything but this,” he shrugs. “Maybe in another life.”
“Maybe,” you smile.
Now, the guitar you picked out for him, an acoustic one crafted in dark wood, sits in the back of your closet collecting dust. You were supposed to give it to him for his birthday. He was supposed to play it. He was supposed to be here, be alive, be celebrating with you.
Pain shoots up your palm as you look down, realizing your hands have been clenched into fists, your nails beginning to draw blood. Shaking out your arms you take in an uneven breath, a desperate attempt to steady yourself.
All the things he never got to do.
“I’m sorry, Suguru,” you whisper to yourself, placing a bloodied hand over the grass covering his grave.
He should be here. He never even got to turn twenty, never got to have kids or the family he wanted, hell, he was just a kid himself when he died. Just a fucking kid.
“That…that can’t be right,” you stammer. “There’s no way.”
“I’m sorry,” Satoru places a hand on your back, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks. “I - fuck - I couldn’t save him. I was too late.”
“No, no, no, no,” you begin to spiral, gaze rapidly shifting over the ground as you process his words.
Suguru was dead. Killed by a man named Toji Fushiguro, trying to protect the Star Plasma Vessel, the one who was supposed to assimilate with Master Tengen.
“I don’t…I don’t know what happened,” Satoru chokes out, “But…I saw his body. He’s gone.”
A scream echoes down the corridor - was it yours? Everything feels far away as Gojo wraps his arms around you, sobs racking your body as you cry into one another.
Shaking your head, you wipe the tears that have begun to fall as you remember the day you lost him. Despite the years that have passed, you remember it like it was yesterday, the way the setting sun covered you and Satoru as the night air came in, unable to move from that spot as you wept together.
The sickest fucking part was that it didn’t even matter.
When Riko Amanai, the Vessel, was found dead, they just got a replacement, another body to stand in for Master Tengen’s needs. They told Suguru to protect her with his life and he did, but ultimately the loss of hers was inconsequential to the upkeep of Jujutsu society; just as one flower died they plucked another.
But they couldn’t regrow Suguru’s soul.
Four men.
That’s how many it took to carry his body from the basement of Jujutsu High. You watched in silence as they passed you, unspeaking, unwavering, unbothered as they bore his weight.
It feels wrong, somehow, like he should be heavier. He always had this gravitational pull, this universe-sized soul that drew everything to him - shouldn’t they be able to feel that?
How heavy is a body? How heavy is the grief it carries?
“Hey,” a voice pulls you back to the present, the sun beginning to hang low in the sky as you ground yourself, idly tugging at the dirt beneath you. “I’m glad to see you,” Satoru greets warmly as he walks across the graveyard towards you.
Since the last time you saw him he’s aged, the creases around his eyes deeper than a twenty-year-old’s should be, an air of sadness clinging to him like wet clothes after being caught in the rain.
“You too,” you smile as he sits next to you in the damp grass.
Neither of you explicitly make plans to see each other here every year, yet you both tacitly know you wouldn’t miss this, the annual reconvening one you simultaneously cherish and dread. Suguru deserves to be celebrated, but it’s also a reminder of the time he didn’t get, the birthdays cut short when his life was stolen from him.
The two of you sit in silence for a while, content without speaking as a cool breeze picks up, dusk settling in.
“He should be here,” Satoru mutters, his knees tucked up to his chest.
“I know,” you murmur as you lay on your back, gaze unfocused on the darkening sky above you.
Another momentary pause falls between you.
“Did you love him?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you answer truthfully. “Did you?”
You let out a shaky breath. “Satoru?”
“Do you think that was enough, that we loved him?”
He tilts his head to look down at the grave that separates you, the lilacs you brought now lightly covered in a layer of dew. Sighing, he brushes away the tears that had been forming along his lash line. “I hope so.”
“I hope so, too.”
He reaches an arm out to you, holding your hand in his as you both place your empty palms onto the dirt.
“Happy birthday, Suguru,” you whisper.
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onmyyan · 1 year
Sharing is Caring (2/3)
A/N:OKAY BABES ITS HERE AHHHAGGH SO EXCITED THIS TOOK AGES BEC LIFE N SHIT BUT ANYWAY WHOOO SO EXCITED Anyway few things, this chapter gets kinda steamy but all the explicit smuts will be in part 3 its gonna be pure filth, after editing this mf came out to 28.3 pages and 10,275 words so I had to split it up, for those of you disappointed by the lack of horny never fear, the smut chapter is about 60% done and as soon as I post this I'm going back to working at it anyway please enjoy hope you like it!! feedback is welcome. Mi amada = My beloved
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To say your day had been a bad one would have been putting it lightly.
It started out fine enough, you awoke to several of your usual good mornings, each Delmont had their own unique way of greeting you, and after taking the time to sleepily respond to each of them, you started your morning routine, fighting the urge to fall back into the warmth of your bed, your eyes struggled to remain open.
See you'd spent the better half of last night scrolling through your personal feeds, hours upon hours of cute couples blaring their love in your face, blatant affection everywhere you looked, shameless PDA, and grand romantic gestures.
The tooth-rotting fluff didn't usually bug you, but something about this particular onslaught of romance brought out this tidal wave of loneliness and envy.
It felt murky and heavy and you hated every second of it.
The five Delmont boys had grown into your found family, and usually, their antics didn't allow you the space to feel alone, but even that immense affection couldn't fill the hole that had steadily begun to grow in your chest.
Years upon years of no one showing genuine romantic interest in you had slowly but surely carved out a pit of self-loathing in your gut. Something you managed to hold off being consumed by until now.
Falling in love seemed like such an expected life event, from movies to songs and stories, people falling in love were everywhere you looked, and even though the little voice in your head tried to reassure you that you were just a late bloomer, the dark thoughts still haunted you well into the morning.
Brushing your teeth with a focused vigor, your mind began to reel as you stopped to really think about it all, the state of your love life or rather, lack thereof, how you've never been in a relationship, never been on a date, hell if it weren't for Marcos, you'd have to add never been kissed to the pitiful list, the older twin had been your first and only kiss when you were seventeen, but that was just him being a good friend in your time of need, of that you were certain.
You can remember it so clearly, sitting idly in your room, still living at the Delmont house, you'd been silently stewing in your sadness for a few hours by the time he found you.
What brought on this sour mood was a few offhanded jokes at your expense, you know those people you're only 'friends' with in class? Well, one of those girls, Lisa, had teased you relentlessly for the entire hour of biology when you'd accidentally let it slip you'd never kissed someone before.
And while she may have been joking, the words still left the strangest sting in your stomach, it made you feel weird, an odd cocktail of shame and embarrassment, and it wasn't as if you didn't want to kiss someone, you just didn't have many- scratch that, any options.
No one but the boys ever talked to you at school, for some strange reason, everyone else seemed to avoid you like the plague, cruel whispers of your name said behind even crueler stares, the twins usually swooped in before you could think to question the odd looks, but it was impossible not to notice.
Marcos found you curled into a fetal position on your bed, stuffed animals surrounding you in a protective barrier, he'd originally come upstairs with the intention of collecting you for dinner, there was this unspoken rule between the boys that whoever brought you down got to sit next to you at the table, but when he entered he could practically feel your sadness hanging in the air, his brows furrowed at the sight, instantly clocking your upset mood, he quickly switched gears, his face scrunching in visible concern.
One thing about Marcos was his inability to hide how he was feeling.
"What's wrong? What happened?" he toyed with the small silver ball in his ear, his nerves on edge at the sight of that look on your face, he hated seeing you upset, all the boys did, he didn't wait for an answer before rushing the rest of the way inside, kicking the door shut with his foot.
"No Co'- I'm fine, just tired." You used his nickname, trying in vain to put on a brave face but you knew in your heart of hearts that trying to lie to a Delmont was all but impossible. "Is dinner done? I hope she made adobo again god it's so good-" You tried to get up and walk downstairs but he stopped you with a gentle push of your shoulders, gently leading you back into a seated position, he gave a comforting squeeze before letting go, now standing before you with his hands on his hips, the image made you want to laugh, he looked a lot like his mother when she was about to scold him for something.
"Nah- we ain't leaving this room till you tell me what's up."
His insistence caused you to roll your pretty (e/c) eyes at the taller male, the way you crossed your arms, paired with that damn pout on your lipgloss-lined lips was a foul combo that had his heart skipping all kinds of beats. It took all his willpower not to squish your cheeks together.
"Why do you assume something's up?" 
"Cuz' I know you dummy." He said so softly, it immediately disarmed you, his hand gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, and you felt your chest tighten at the action.
"I swear I'm good okay? Can we just go eat? My stomach is touching my back." Usually, by this point, your puppy-dog eyes would make him fold, he was, and still is, rather weak to your whims, but he held strong.
Flopping beside you on the bed, he shuffled to lay on his right side, making sure to maintain eye contact, his hand began toying with one of his longer necklaces, his red eyes rolling as he spoke, "Mhm, right, okay. Quick question, how are you sitting there so calmly when your pants are clearly on fire?"
You gasped laughing slightly, "How dare you come into my domain and call me a liar? Have you no shame?" He smiled to himself knowing his plan to cheer you up was working, "C'moooon tell me whats wronggggg- I won't stop whining till ya fess up pleaseeeeeeee-" you threw a pillow at his head, "Okay! okay just shut up! Damn.."
You felt yourself hesitate, as if not speaking the words made them any less true.
"-Lisa kinda clowned me in class today cuz' I," the words turned to ash on your tongue, the embarrassment flushing your skin with an uncomfortable heat, to be admitting something so childish to someone as promiscuous as Marcos, felt all the more humiliating, and you didn't think you could handle him laughing at you.
"You can tell me anything Mi amada." You could hear the sincerity in the soft way he spoke, all playfulness gone.
How seriously he took your emotions managed to ease your fear of rejection enough to blurt out, "I haven't ever um- kissed anyone, and it made me feel, I dunno kinda bad I guess?" you laughed softly, that uncomfortable wave of shame echoing through your body, "She was just kiddin' around." You added that last bit knowing how overprotective he could get, god forbid he told Manny, you tried again to laugh it off, beginning to play with the ears of the blue stuffed bunny Gabe had given you years ago, the action was a wonderful alternative to holding Marcos's now burning stare.
He was quiet for a moment which was concerning since Marcos was never quiet. Suddenly sitting straight up, he ever so softly took the stuffed bunny from your hands to interlock your fingers. His intense, warm gaze held you frozen in place like a statue.
His tongue poked out to flick over his bottom lip, a nervous tick of his, and he swallowed before whispering,
"Kiss me then."
Marcos spoke it so softly, sounding so breathless. You laughed on instinct, thinking he was teasing, but when he remained silent, smiling at you like you held all the stars in the sky, you felt the heat crawl up your skin.
"Ha ha very amusing Co'-" you threw a pillow toward his chest with your free hand, "Cides' I don't want my first one to be some kinda' pity kiss from my best friend because he felt bad." Once more you played it off, trying desperately to ignore the funny feeling that had blossomed in your stomach, waiting for him to quit the game and stop the joke.
Only Marcos wasn't laughing.
"Who the fuck said anything about pity? You should know me well enough by now- I never say anything I don't mean." He leaned over, close enough where you could see the small constellation of freckles just under his eyes, you'd never noticed them before. He was far enough away not to pressure you, but the invitation was clear. 
"But- we, um I-" Your mind was racing with hundreds of thoughts, and as if he sensed this, he let go of one hand to brush the hair from your face, his thumb lingering to swipe across your cheek in a feather-like touch, it felt like he had electricity in his fingertips, he stared into your eyes with an intensity you couldn't quite place.
"Don't think so hard." He smiled as he spoke, the words whispered against your lips, you were so close you could feel each of his shaky exhales, he looked back and forth from your eyes to your lips, waiting on bated breath for your response.
Allowing your eyes to flutter shut, you relaxed your posture and simply fell into the moment, now both of his hands were on your face, pulling you in that much deeper, his lips were soft and tasted faintly of cherry chapstick, one of his hands moved to cradle the back of your neck, holding you against him as he moved his mouth against yours in what felt like a well-practiced dance. His tongue swiped against your plush lips ever so slightly as you pulled away, skin flushed and hearts pounding.
He didn't allow the budding tension to take over, instead, he sat back with his familiar grin. "There, easy fix." he swiped at his lips with his thumb, sticking the appendage between his teeth in a daring display. The way you tasted, how perfect you felt in his arms, he could feel the addiction settling in, and happily surrendered himself to it.
He knew at that moment no one else would ever compare to you, to the way you made him feel. And despite how simple, the relatively innocent kiss you just shared was, it had him the hardest he'd ever been in his life, thankfully you seemed so flustered and dazed he was able to hide the tent in his pants with a well-placed pillow.
You'd both gone down to dinner after locking pinkies and swearing never to tell another soul, you assuming he simply didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about you two, but really he was covering his ass, knowing if any of the others found out he'd gotten to be your first kiss, he wouldn't be walking for a while, Gabe had promised to break both ankles if he ever touched you, a threat he knew was no joke, but to Marcos, it was well worth the risk, he hated seeing you so upset about something he could very easily change, so he did, and he couldn't be happier.
The two of you had matching, knowing smiles on your faces that night, he even shot you a wink before bed, you couldn't get the giddy feeling to go away for weeks, even though you knew it was just him being a good friend, the warmth that had blossomed couldn't be undone. 
These spiraling thoughts haunted you like a ghost, that is until you looked down at your coffee pot and remembered the cute guy who slipped you his number a few days ago. Normally you'd just let the small piece of paper go unused, too afraid to make a fool of yourself to actually reach out, but today was different.
Fueled by your melancholy thoughts, you quickly texted him before you could talk yourself out of it, and it seemed to be going well, the banter was flirty enough, if nothing else it would be fun to play dress up, so you began a feverish rush to get ready, and in that time, Manny had invited himself in while you rushed through a shower.
The redhead did this often, so you didn't blink when you heard him enter in his usual brand of loud. "Oh, honey I'm home!"
"In the shower!" You felt rude leaving him out there so you sped through the last of your routine and found him lying comfortably on your bed, face buried in his phone. He offered you a familiar, wolf-like grin before turning his attention back to the screen, you'd known him so long the action of dressing in front of him wasn't anything to bat an eye at, "Sorry- didn't know you were coming over or I woulda' showered sooner, you don't mind if I get ready right?"
"Mmhm" was his simple response so you continued with your routine, rambling nervously about your plans.
He appeared as chipper as usual, that is until you told him about your date, it was as if the energy in the room shifted into something- else.
He seemed to be in this state of disbelief, questioning how and when this happened, ignoring the sting in your chest at the thought of him not believing you, and all the ugly thoughts it brought up, you continued to browse through your wardrobe, hoping the search for a cute set of bottoms would help you push through your nerves about it all before you could ask why he found the concept so unbelievable, you'd heard his rushed goodbye, the slam of the door made you jump in place, nearly dropping the garment because that was weird as hell.
Manny always hugged you goodbye, so his running off made you pause, it was instinctual for you to comfort him when he got worked up in that way only Manny could, so you were just about to call him to double-check but were interrupted by your date's number popping up on the screen.
His name was Michael and he sounded so shy when he called to double confirm your attendance, you found his eagerness cute. you silently vowed to check in with your friend after the date and hyped yourself for the night to come.
As the evening began, you found yourself waiting idly by the table, he'd chosen a bit of an upscale bistro as your meeting spot so you felt the need to dress up a bit, a cute black turtleneck dress covered your body like a second skin, hugging your curves in all the right ways, the cashmere number was a gift from Gabe ages ago, and his flustered reaction to seeing you come out of that dressing room is what pushed you to bring it home, you knew your ass looked incredible in the outfit, paired with the knee length, black crushed-velvet boots, you felt hot as hell and were excited to see your date's reaction.
Only you never got the chance.
Thirty minutes go by with no sign of Michael.
What was supposed to be a fun night out quickly soured into an evening of humiliation as your date ignored your call for the third time since you'd arrived. You felt the shame creep up as you faced the cold hard fact, you'd been stood up.
Feeling utterly stupid for getting all primped and preened for some douche who didn't even have the nerve to cancel, you resigned yourself to the sad reality. 
I mean he asked you out! He even bothered to make sure you were coming, all that to so coldly blow you off?
A disheartened breath escaped your lips as you let your head meet the table with a thunk. You quickly excused yourself from the restaurant, tossing the money for the wine you'd had with shakey hands. Tears had rushed to your eye, building at the waterline, but you didn't want to cry, not yet.
You'd done well not to fall to the urge to curl up and sob, kicking your boots off at the door, uncaring of the way they nearly knocked over a plant, it wasn't until a second later when the silence of your home became glaringly loud, did it all become too much.
Throwing yourself onto the couch, you buried your face in the soft cushion and wept like a baby. Shoulders shaking, voice cracking cries left your form. After a good fifteen minutes of crying as hard as you could, you wiped at your flush face and shuffled your way to the bottle of some half-empty whiskey, Marcos had left in your cabinet ages ago.
He'd pitch a full fit if he saw you chasing his 100$ liquor with the Coke you had in your fridge, the thought of the male made a new round of sobs bubble past your wet lips, you'd always held a candle of affection for the tall redhead, of course, you loved all of the Delmont's but you'd always had a little crush on Marcos, you compared it to the feeling of crushing on a celebrity, where your subconscious mind knows they're out of reach, so it feels like a harmless fantasy.
Love came to him so effortlessly, and he discarded it just as easily, the nasty feeling of envy came up and you quickly shook your head, choosing to drown the thoughts in the burning amber liquid rather than face them.
About an hour after your failed excursion, you found yourself resting comfortably on the kitchen floor, back pressed into the cool metal of your fridge, the whiskey bottle now empty, you'd taken to rolling it back and forth between your foot and the wall, allowing yourself to just be lost in the hazy sensations around you.
The shrill ring of your doorbell burst your blissfully drunk bubble.
"Go 'way.." you slurred from your rather relaxed position on the floor, the sexy outfit you'd put on just to show off was bunched at your waist for comfort, the knock came again, this time followed by the voice of one of your best friends.
"Sugarplum? It's us, can we come in?" Manny whined from behind the wood, you could practically see the pout on his face, of course, he had a key so it was really more of a formality than an actual question.
He didn't wait for your response, instead shuffling his way inside, the greasy takeout in his hand had you crawling across the floor to meet him halfway. 
A happy and clearly drunk gasp left your wine-stained lips, "Manny! you didn't gimmie a hug earlier what was up with that?-Oh shit is that Taco Bell?" He made a noise of agreement holding the bag towards you. "Sure is, and m'sorry about before Hun, I was in a mood but I promise it wasn't your fault."
His voice was like warm sugar as he spoke, now kneeling beside you, he held his arms out eagerly accepting the somewhat sloppy hug you threw his way. "Now, can you let Marcos pick you up so you can eat baby?" His hands rubbed up and down your arms, bringing goosebumps to the surface.
With a few slow but determined nods, you happily agreed, turning to face Manny's other half.
The older of the two had squatted down beside you, his ring-clad hand moved to brush a few sweat-soaked curls from your head. "Hey princess." He smiled softly at your pretty flushed face, the way you stared up at him, had his pulse thumping. "Heeey good lookin' you come here often?" You threw your hands around his neck which gave him the perfect opportunity to scoop you up, he led you to the couch, setting you down as if you were made of porcelain. He sent his twin a subtle nod as he moved you.
"How was your date?" Marcos's honey-dipped voice cooed from his position beside you, the action sent vibrations down your back making you flinch away from him with an airy giggle. "Wellllll, kinda hard to rate it when the guy doesn't show up." You sighed hastily digging through the bag Mammy had given you.
"What a scumbag- I'd never leave you by your lonesome like that." He cupped your flushed cheek, gently rubbing his thumb along the underside of your jaw. Food momentarily forgotten you dropped the bag in your lap, shoulders sagging with all the weight of the failed night, "Promise?" You asked, getting teary-eyed all over again.
He felt his chest tighten at the sight, as pretty as you looked right now, he was the only one allowed to make you cry, anyone else doing it was basically a war crime in his eyes. "Cross my heart and hope to die, baby." He threw an arm over the couch allowing you space to cuddle into his side.
When you were good and comfy he turned you to face him with the lightest touch to your chin, "You see this?" He slipped the ring on his pointer finger off, and gently lowered the band around your thumb. "This makes my promise official."
Manny had suddenly appeared before you, a small cup in his hands.
"Hey sweetie, you finished off Marco's bottle huh?" He smiled at the dazy way you nodded yes, fighting the urge to gush over your cuteness, "Well I don't want you to be sick tomorrow, can you take these for me? Good girl." You'd opened your mouth without question, having nothing but trust in the two men before you, you let him hold the cup to your lips and swallowed, mumbling a sleepy "thank you." into the skin of Marco's neck. His full body shiver goes unnoticed by you.
The twins watched you fall under with laser-focused eyes, the hardest part would be peeling Marcos away from you long enough for him to do his job.
Once they had both you and your stuff tucked away snugly in the car, Manny insisted on being in the back with you, holding you close to his chest, in your sleep, you held him back, quickly becoming overwhelmed by all the good emotions pumping through his veins- at his love for you, he felt himself get a bit teary at the sight of you finally where you belonged, safe in his arms.
Marcos made good and sure to wipe away any evidence of them being there, and all but ran back to their car to begin the long drive to your forever house.
Back at said home, the eldest of the brothers was doing one last walkthrough to make everything perfect for his Honey's arrival.
Caspian had managed to make the home feel lived in from the few hours he had to prep, a fully stocked kitchen, your favorite scent wafting gently through the air, Ricky had the foresight to install dimmer switches in every room because he knew how you loathed the 'big light', your bedroom had the biggest bed Caspian had ever seen, he'd made sure everything was ready for your arrival, even taking the time to warm your blankets in the dryer.
He moved around the space with a fluidness surprising for someone of his size, already familiar with the layout, the eldest Delmont made his final rounds around the home, making extra sure all the locks and exits were secure, he knew eventually, you'd come to love it here, but he also understood you'd need some time to adjust, these were just precautions.
He nearly squealed when he got the text from the twins, you were finally here! Finally home. He couldn't wait to hug you, kiss you, and give you all the affection he'd been forced to hold back. But he was a patient man and knew you'd be overwhelmed if he did, so instead, he settled for scooping you out of the car, much to his younger brother's displeasure.
You snuggled into his warmth in your sleep, to which he couldn't help but coo over. "Welcome home Honey," he whispered into the crown of your head, a small kiss left as he gently, but hurriedly rushed you inside and away from the snowfall that had just begun.
Manny nearly tackled his twin when they entered their new house, his energy was off the roof, practically buzzing in place as he took in their dream home. The living room had a 70's style conversation pit where you all could relax and they could smother you in the affection you so clearly needed.
A part of him was still bitter about the date, not at you, never at you, but the feeling was there, and all he wanted to do right now was hold you to his chest and let the lull of your heartbeat calm him down. Marcos plopped himself on the soft cushioned couch with a troubling sigh and waved him over.
"What's up? You got a weird look on your face." Manny couldn't fathom his twin being anything other than elated right now, so the odd air around him didn't sit well with the youngest.
"C'mere for a sec Little man- we gotta go over some ground rules before she wakes up." Manny's smile fell as he complied, sitting with a pout, "Ground rules are how we ended up here in the first place." He all but sneered, arms crossed in visible frustration.
Marcos held his hands up in a show of surrender. "I get it, but this is different."
"I know you're excited, god I am too, but there's a real chance she won't be too happy when she wakes up." The older of the two now sat hunched over, his elbows on his knees as he tried to find the right words to explain to his other half.
"What do you mean? This house was literally made for us all, we're in the woods like she's always talked about- she's gonna love it!" Marcos sighed taking his younger brother's hand, already he could feel him panicking at the thought of this going anything but swell. 
"Think about it like this bud, she has no idea how we feel, this is gonna be the first time she hears it, and we feel a lot, so we gotta be delicate."
Manny felt his face scrunch in confusion, not able to understand why you wouldn't be happy. You'd never have to lift a finger again, no more bills, work or slimy coffee house creeps to prey on your sweetness, he knew you'd be your happiest here!
"Not to mention the whole waking up somewhere she didn't fall asleep thing." He licked his bottom lip, knowing he had to toe the line in fear of causing his younger brother's next breakdown.
"I'm just sayin' this in case she freaks out okay? I don't want you to be caught off guard- if she says anything mean or hurtful you can't lose your cool aight'?" Marcos watched his younger brother as he processed his words. Knowing his reaction could go either way.
After a tense moment of silence, there was a shift in Manny's expression, as if something clicked. He rubbed at his chin, and Marcos could practically see the gears in his head turning.
"..Okay, it's sorta' like when we brought home that feral kitty, can't hold it against her if we get a few scratches right?" Marcos felt himself relax nodding with a smile that mirrored Manny's. "That's exactly right Bud, C'mon when Cas comes out we can go in there, we should be the first faces she sees dontcha' think?"
Ricky and Gabe arrived at their new home at the same time. The ladder immediately headed straight for the shower as whatever it was he did to your date still stained his hands crimson. Gabe couldn't wipe the wild grin from his face if he wanted to, he felt like he'd just won the lottery.
Ricky had done exactly as he said he would and left a convincing trail of evidence that you were feeling a bit free-spirited and decided to take a little vacation, of course leaving out the where and with whom.
He made his way around your new home with a feeling of accomplishment, everything was perfect now.
You were safe, and once you got over whatever adjustment period you needed, he knew everyone would be happier than ever before. Caspian greeted his younger brother with a bear hug, his smile wider than Ricky had seen in years. "You did good Ricky, real good. This place is perfect." The praise made a weight lift off the long-haired man's shoulders, Caspian was the one he looked up to the most, so to hear such positive confirmation made him let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"I'm scared she's gonna' freak out- I don't want her to hate us-" he found his anxieties tumbling past his lips without permission, Caspian had that effect on people.
"She won't. Know why? Because this was the right call, we have all the time in the world to show her just how much we care okay? Don't stress it." He clapped a hand on his shoulder and began dragging him to the kitchen.
"C'mon I got too excited and kinda' made too much food." 
Gabe took his time in the shower, letting the perfectly hot water wash away his sins of the night. Scratch that, he didn't consider his acts sins, or that of violence, rather, it was an act of love, putting that bastard in the ground for you was just him speaking his particular brand of love language.
The wicked smile curled upon his lips only widened as he watched the pink water turn clear, he was giddy at the thought of you sleeping peacefully just a few rooms away. You were here, like actually here. Nothing or no one would ever hurt you again, and most excitingly, he didn't have to hold back anymore, once you woke up he was going to spill his guts, and if his words of love weren't enough to convince you, he'd just have to show you how you effected him all these years.
Waking up in a slightly hungover haze in an entirely different place than you passed out in should have sent you into a panic, but the familiar feeling of being sandwiched between the twins killed any fear that may have come up, even half asleep and a little hungover, you knew you were always safe when a Delmont was around.
Before you could try to wrap your head around your new surroundings both Manny and Marcos were pressing a big fat kiss into each of your cheeks. "Morning sunshine." Manny sang sweetly, Marcos gave you a hug from the side mumbling his greeting into the skin of your neck. When they pulled away you were far too flustered to ask all the questions burning in your mind, instead, you returned the greetings and mutely followed behind them as Manny took your hand and began to lead you away from the wonderful room you'd woken up in.
Manny led you to the dining room of the seemingly massive house you resided in while Marcos went to shower (not before inviting you to join him of course), the youngest Delmont was as chatty as ever, rambling about everything and nothing but his words weren't registering, you definitely didn't remember coming to wherever the hell this was, and him acting so normal made you feel even weirder, as you shuffled forward the familiar sounds of the rest of the boys got louder and louder.
"Gabriel Miguel Delmont if you touch that bacon one more time I'm putting you outside like a dog." Caspian rarely yelled, even now when he was scolding the blue-haired giant he sounded more disappointed than angry, but it was his voice you noticed first.
"C'mon Cas I'm hungryyy-" you could hear the pout in Gabe's words, "I wanna' eat, there's no reason to wait it's not like we're running out of food anytime soon."
"Yeah well, people in hell want ice water so tough." 
"Gabe shut up- Cas stop readjusting the silverware she's not gonna' notice."
"But she might!!" As you both rounded the corner the conversation fell deathly silent. Each man was overcome with their affection for you, it didn't help that you looked so damn cute rubbing the sleep from your eye.
"Mornin'?" You said after a good thirty seconds of them just staring. This seemed to restart them all as Caspian jumped to pull out a chair, his warm smile was infectious, and you found yourself returning it as you sat. "Holy hell Cas you made enough to feed an army."
The spread before you was truly something out of a movie, from savory grits to big fluffy waffles, he seemed to have made every one of your favorite breakfast dishes, and each looked picture-perfect, he was all but beaming as he stood beside you. 
"Hope you're hungry." He laughed a bit, nervously flattening the baby pink apron covering his wide chest, he picked up the plate before you, staring down through his thick lashes with such warmth it made your heart race. "May I?" He gestured to the buffet and you nodded, mouth slightly agape as your brain tried to process the scene. 
Ricky sat across from you, his long hair in a messy bun, a few strands fell out, framing his face, which speaking of was fixed in the most peaceful expression, you couldn't recall the last time he seemed so relaxed. For once he didn't look like he was moments away from falling asleep, instead, he seemed refreshed, like he'd caught up on all the rest he hadn't gotten over the years.
He stared at you with the softest look, licking his bottom lip before speaking, "Good morning love, did you sleep well?" He sipped at his mug, the cinnamon coffee scent wafted through the room, that cat-like stare of his never once leaving your form.
"Slept like the dead actually-" You figured now was good a time as any to bring up the elephant in the room. "Probably the best sleep I've gotten in ages- speaking of whose bed did I just wake up in?" 
"Sorry for the holdup! Water's still warm if you wanna shower sweets." Marcos cut you off as he entered taking his seat by Manny who sat directly to your right, as he eagerly drank you in, the youngest seemed to be vibrating in his seat. 
"You should eat, lord knows the last time you did." Gabe teased from his spot beside Ricky, he was the most unabashed in his staring, it felt as if he was just barely holding himself back from leaping across the table, to do what you had no idea, but the grip he had on his fork was cause for concern.
After Caspian deemed your plate full enough he set it before you, his large frame cast a shadow across the table as he leaned over, it almost sounded as if he smelled your hair as he pulled away to take the seat by your left.
"Okay everyone eat up, after you do I'll answer all your questions okay? No lies. Complete transparency." Ricky spoke as if reading your mind, he gave you that smile of his that always made you feel like everything was under control and you relinquished yourself to the five-star meal before you.
If you could ignore the new location, the scene you found yourself in felt rather familiar. Each man bickered with each other as you all ate, you could almost pretend you were back at their house. Gabe finished first as usual, going in for seconds when he asked you to pass him the eggs, his much larger hand gently brushed over your own, and based on the grin he was sporting after, the move was intentional.
Once everyone was finished you thanked Caspian for the meal and turned your attention to Ricky, who looked a bit nervous now. "Soo. This isn't my house?" Despite your casual and light-hearted tone, the atmosphere seemed to shift at that second.
"Yes, it is, just not your old one. And to answer your question from before, that was your bed you woke up in."
"Right. Okay sure- where exactly are we? It's snowing outside." Ricky took a moment to finish off his coffee before responding.
"We're home. Our new home and it's winter Darling, snow is expected for this area." The long-haired man seemed to choose his words carefully, putting extra emphasis on the word our.
"Okay. Um and how exactly did I get to this area? The last thing I remember was chilling at my place with things 1&2 over there." The twins stared at you bashfully, both suddenly looking everywhere but you.
You flicked your gaze over each of them, all looking rather anxious, Ricky opened his mouth to answer but Marcos beat him to the punch. "I- we brought you here last night." He gestured to his twin who was beaming at you. "We couldn't just leave you alone in the state you were in." He added, not technically a lie he reasoned mentally.
You nodded to yourself, wondering how to ask what you really wanted to know.
"You're wondering why right?" Caspian spoke up, his voice was gentle as if talking down a wounded, cornered animal. 
You nodded, brows furrowed in confusion, not trusting your voice.
"Well-" he seemed to look to his brothers for confirmation before continuing, a red hue growing on his cheeks as he racked his mind for the right words, he had so much he wanted to say to you! Everything got all jumbled in his brain causing the eldest Delmont to visibly fluster.
"God I've been thinking about this moment for years but now that you're actually here I'm blanking." He let out an embarrassed laugh, rubbing his hand over his face as he stumbled over his words.
"Okay I'll say it since these bozos forgot how to talk or somethin'," Gabe rolled up his sleeves and leaned over on the table all business-like. 
"You are ours now-" he gestured to the rest of the men in the room, "Sorry, I say 'now' like you haven't always been, but officially, you're ours." He gave a self-satisfied grin, leaning back into his chair. "Yours? what?" He cooed at your frustration, reaching across the table to take your hand in his much larger one.
"Ours to protect," he kissed your pointer finger, "To love," another kiss, now on your palm. "To fuck." His searing stare was only broken when he took the tip of your finger between his lips, gently sucking as he pulled away. 
You felt like liquid putty as if he was the only thing grounding you at the moment.
Marcos rolled his eyes at his brute of a brother, jealousy came off him in waves as he sat on the table, taking your other hand he began laying on a few of his own possessive kisses, between each one he spoke "What that meathead is trying to say is we want to take care of you," another kiss, "-all of you." Another. "In every way." He added as if it cleared up any of your steadily building confusion.
Between the tingling in your lower abdomen to the confusion-headache beginning to pulse, you felt breathless.
"Sorry- just let me get this right. You took me out to some fancy cabin in the woods to take care of me?" Your face scrunched in confusion, and gently, you took back both your hands in an attempt to calm down, fanning your face you shakily laughed,
"Why? I'm okay guys really-"
"No, you're not!" Manny interrupted with a teary-eyed huff. "You feel lonely. I know you do, you told me so! You said you were gonna go out with that loser cuz you felt unwanted! That doesn't sound okay to me." The jealousy practically seeped from his words, his bright orange eyes held this darkness you'd only seen in him once or twice, and while he'd always been rather protective of you, this level of hate for someone else at your expense was new.
He had worked himself up and out of instinct, your hand found his own, immediately it calmed his tantrum down, resulting in him just sniffling instead of screaming which he very much wanted to do.
Brushing your thumb against the back of his hand in what you hoped were comforting circles, you hushed his tears, wiping them away with a practiced tenderness.
"It's okay Manny- don't get upset, not for me. I'm just trying to understand all this, can you help me understand?" He nuzzled into your palm like a pup, sighing deeply, he leaned over to rest his forehead against your own.
"I love you- we all do."
"God- I love you guys too, you're my family-"
"No! No! No! Not like that!- we love you." Manny had leaped from his seat, falling to his knees like a worshiper at their God's alter. "I love you like... I love you like the moon loves the sun. I crave you," he kissed his way from your feet to your calves, his hands rubbing patterns into the flesh, "I need you more than I need air in my lungs!" he whined looking up from between your knees.
"I adore you darling- we all do, can't you see?" Bending down, you wipe at his tears once more, and he melts into your touch, muttering this next bit into your skin, "My heart beats for you."
Heat as you'd never felt before rushed through your veins at his bold confession. Your heart raced, blood pounding in your ears as you looped his words in your brain.
A thousand emotions whirled inside you as you stared at them all, there was a small part of you that thought this was all some dream your lonely mind concocted after a night of getting hammered. But then you felt Manny's tears begin to soak into the fabric of your sweats, and the reality of the situation hit you like a ton of bricks.
Your mouth gaped as you struggled to find the right words. "You're in love with me? Like all of you?" Manny had resigned himself to leaning in your lap, head buried in your thighs as you combed through his curls with one hand.
"I don't know what to say." You spoke honestly, staring at each of them, you expected sadness from your lack of response but only found warmth in their gazes.
"And you don't need to, I'm glad you're even hearing us out," Caspian spoke, taking a hesitant seat beside you as if he was afraid to scare you off. "Of course, I'm hearing you out you guys are everything to me, sure you went about telling me in the absolute wildest way possible but I don't know what I'd do without you- all of you." 
"And you never have to. I meant what I said, you're ours now, we got all the time in the world for you to catch up." Gabe said, his eyes flickered over his youngest brother, still in your lap, and instead of animosity, he stared with a knowing grin. "Okay little man, you worked yourself up, c'mon let's take a walk." 
A muffled shout of 'No!' could be heard from Manny, his grip on your waist had become like iron, but Gabe persisted. He scooped the skinner male up by his arms, much like a cat grabbing their kitten by the scruff of its neck, and dragged the pouting male outside with a well-timed wink. "See you in a bit Ma." And with that, they left. 
You offered to help Cas clear the dishes, if only for a sense of normalcy but he quickly ushered you away, sending you off to rest with a quick peck to your cheek.
In an attempt not to overwhelm you, each Delmont was off to their own devices, Gabe and Manny still hadn't returned from their walk, Marcos was hotboxing the basement and Caspian was humming his way around the kitchen, which left you to wander the large estate you'd found yourself in. 
Retracing your steps led you back into the room you'd woken up in, the large space was open and seemed almost tailored to your tastes. You took the time to search the drawers and see your clothes, the bathroom connected to the room was fully stocked with your favorite brands, and much to your growing confusion, even had stuff from your wishlist.
You looked for your phone in all the typical places it usually was, purse, nightstand, etc. But came up empty-handed. You had a sneaking feeling this was intentional as everything else you could have needed for this impromptu vacation was accounted for. 
Feeling the burn of more questions you sought out the man who swore to answer them. 
He wasn't too hard to find, and the sound of soft music coming from a record player led you straight to him, the room he was in looked like an upgraded version of his office, he was writing in a leather-bound journal so intensely he didn't notice you walk up. He always looked so pretty when he was working, chin jutted out just the slightest as his eyes flickered back and forth, you always told him how he looked like he belonged in a modern art museum.
"Hey, Ricky?" His head snapped towards you with breakneck speed. "What's up?" He seemed eager as he snapped the book shut and shoved it in a drawer, his small smile was enough to relax you, quickly turning to give you his undivided attention, he waved you in.
"You know where my phone is? I couldn't find it with all my stuff." He smiled at you, taking his glasses off with finesse as if he was prepared for this question. "The boys must have forgotten it." He said matter of factly.
"Well can I use yours?"
"It's dead."
You scoffed feeling your irritation spike at his dismissive attitude, you turned to leave before he spoke out again. "What are you so eager to do on the phone exactly?"
"Oh my god- nothing, I get you guys are trying to- well do whatever this is, but you can't just keep me from my life Rick- I don't need to be coddled." He leaned back into his seat, brows furrowed at your tense form.
"And what exactly are we keeping you from? An empty apartment? A job you despise that sucks the joy outta ya?" He sighed through his nose, tucking a runaway strand behind his ear, "You don't need to worry about any of that shit anymore okay? Have you looked around the house yet?" He asked changing the subject smoothly, you shook your head no, anger fading as quickly as it had come, and watched as he rose, pausing to crack his back. 
"Well c'mon, there's lots to see and you oughta be familiar with your own home." 
The two of you walked side by side as he took you along the tour, so far not including the rooms you'd already been in, you'd seen a reading room, but what made you pause was the living room itself. It had a flat screen that took up a whole wall, a working currently lit fireplace, a few hanging plants and well-placed candles, and dead center was what you considered the crowing jewel, a mauve and orange themed conversation pit, one you'd always dreamed of having. You couldn't fight your excitement as you rushed past him to flop on the soft cushion.
"I think I've died and gone to heaven." You mumbled into the fabric, Ricky stared on in amusement, more than pleased you seemed to be enjoying the home he'd painstakingly brought together for you. Every inch of the house was managed with you in mind, he'd kept amazing notes on your likes and preferences throughout the years, but seeing your genuine excitement had to be his favorite part.
"I promise we can come back here but there are literally three floors to this mother fucker." He smiled down at you, holding a slender hand out, he felt his heart swell as you took it, but instead of rising to his level, you yanked him down to your own, pulling him over, he bounced on the couch with shock written on his features.
"No way my guy- tour is officially paused until we test this here T.V. out okay?" His face flushed as you curled up beside him, "Yes ma'am." He laughed a bit to himself, loving how easily you were entertained. He pulled the remote out from a cleverly disguised compartment on the couch and watched your eyes light up even brighter. 
"Holy shit secret couch pouch."
"Focus woman, I paid good money for this T.V. and you're more interested in the furniture." He turned on a random movie and let himself relax at the moment. Drinking in the sight of you so at ease, his heart about exploded from his chest when you snuggled into his side, his arm wrapped around you snuggly, hand rubbing patterns into your flesh.
You didn't feel like racking your brain with a million questions about why you were there or where their sudden confessions came from, instead, you chose to focus on what you did know, Ricky was comfortable, and despite everything, you still trusted the Delmont men, as they were all you knew.
Maybe subconsciously you knew this was wrong, that keeping you here was wrong, but it didn't feel wrong. It felt right. Like you were supposed to be here at this moment.
You ended up passing out in the tall man's arms, your small snores and completely relaxed face had Ricky's skin flushed cherry red, he couldn't wipe the grin from his lips if he tried, Gabe and a now calmed down Manny returned shortly after you fell asleep, the older of the two insisted on carrying you back to your room, only he stopped by his room to tuck you snuggly into bed, wrapped in his soft Egyptian cotton black sheets, he felt himself twitch in his pants at the sight of you so safe and sound.
He stood over you for a while, happy to stand there and drink you in all night, only to be interrupted by a text from his older brother.
"Okay so, how do we think it's going?" Caspian asked after summoning them all to the still slightly smokey basement, he held a tablet in one hand, the cameras placed around the house were mostly for his peace of mind, so he could be sure you were okay no matter where he was.
"She seemed chill at breakfast, I say a win is a win." Gabe shrugged, eager to leave this little meeting and cuddle up to you. 
"Yeah I'm with Gabe on this one, she seems okay, do we have to keep up with the whole 'give her space' thing?" Marcos asked from his spot on the couch, he was lying on his back tossing a foam football up and down.
"I wanna sleep with her- s'not fair Ricky got to." Manny piped up from his seat on a beanbag, the pout could be heard in his voice.
"I was just in the right place at the right time, not like I planned it." Ricky defended himself, but the satisfied smile on his face made it hard to believe him. "And it could just be the shock, give it a few days before you lay into her, and I'm looking at you three." Gabe and the twins made a noise of disbelief.
The next morning you awoke not on the couch but pressed against the big chest of one Gabriel Delmont. The bluenette had one hand behind his head and the other securely wrapped around your middle, holding you against him, he rarely slept in a shirt so you were used to his statuesque features, but it felt different now, after his bold claim at the breakfast table, it all seemed rather intimate to be face first in his naked chest.
As if he sensed you were awake, he soon started shuffling close toward you.
"G'mornin Mi Amor." His morning voice was husky with sleep, it sent a warm tingle down your spine as he shifted, pulling you even closer. "Morning Gabe." He stared at you for a second before tilting your chin up with his free hand, his pillowy lips were on yours in an instant, warm and cozy, he hummed as he pulled away, his smile turning wicked at the obvious heat on your face.
"I uh- I fell asleep on the couch?" Was all your brain managed to say after the heated kiss, still processing the tingly way it made you feel.
He huffed a laugh, leaning over to place another kiss, this time on your neck, "Yeah I may have stolen you from Ricky but you can't really blame me." He mumbled into the flesh of your neck, the sensation made a ghost of a whimper leave your lips.
He froze against you before his lips turned to teeth, "Keep making those pretty noises for me n' We're never leaving the bed." He sounded breathless as he nipped and sucked his mark into your skin. Breathy little moans left your lips, "Shit- hold on a second-ngh."
Your hands buried themselves in him, one in his hair the other trying to find purchase on his toned back. His chest began to rise and fall, his heart pounding as he fell into the delicious sensations, your hand tugging at his locks, the other digging into his skin so hard he felt the crescent-shaped indents you were leaving, the mental image of your own mark on him had him rolling his hips into yours, his boxers suddenly all too tight, he rolled himself to lay comfortably between your thighs, suddenly, he lifted himself just enough to stare in your eyes. "You want my tongue or my fingers first Ma'?" The sinful smile he sported was enough to short-circuit your brain.
But before you could stumble out an answer, a few sharp knocks came from the door, so hard they shook the wood. 
"Put your dick away Gabriel, food's ready." Marco's voice carried through the barrier instantly popping whatever heated bubble you two had been in. Gabe growled something obscene under his breath, his angry stare melted back into a teasing one as he met your gaze once more.
"To be continued Baby girl."
Your second breakfast at your new home was a lot like the first one, only this time before you could sit Manny pulled you into his lap, his surprisingly strong arms locked around your waist, fingers dancing along any skin he could find. "Missed you." He mumbled into the back of your neck, goosebumps exploded across your skin at the timber in his voice. "But you just seen me?" You couldn't fight the giggles that escaped you as he started trailing little kisses along the column of your throat, nosing just below your ear as he knew you were ticklish. "So what? I didn't wake up and see you so it's been too long." He reasoned, basking in the perfect way you fit in his arms, how soft and warm you were.
"Oi, let her eat." Ricky pointed his fork at the youngest, his tone full of accusation. "Hmm that's fair, my baby does need to eat, hey Cas, little help?" Manny asked hiding his wolfish grin by kissing your nape. He knew what he was doing.
"Well of course." The eldest Delmont was quick to bring a fork full of food to your lips, the heat in your stomach only worsened as he stared down at you so lovingly. Being hand-fed was embarrassing, but with each passing moment the electric feeling of Manny's wandering hands paired with the downright lustful way Caspian was staring at you, and each of the little proud noises he made whenever you took a bite, quickly wiped away any embarrassment. 
You managed to usher Caspian to his seat so he himself could eat, Manny seemed much too preoccupied caressing your body to feed himself, so you cleared your throat, it was almost comical how each of their heads snapped towards you, like a pack of puppies waiting for their next command.
"So- uhm, what's on the agenda today?" It was hard to keep your voice steady, Manny's fingers danced up and down your sides in an addicting manner.
"I've gotta head into town with Manny and Gabe, pop needs us for a few hours but when we come back I'll make it up to you okay love?" Ricky spoke first seemingly genuinely upset at the prospect of leaving you, the other two mentioned visibly deflated at the news, and the younger twin tightened his hold on you.
Once those three departed Marcos loudly announced he was taking a bath and how lonely it be, oh if only someone would help him, only leaving when Caspian launched his slipper at the devious Twin.
Which left you with the gentle giant of the house.
You helped Cas clear the table no matter how adorable the pout on his face was. It felt so normal, drying the dishes as he washed, a soft song playing in the background.
"How are you doing? I mean really doing." He spoke so gently, so earnestly, the truth couldn't help but come out of you. "I feel like I'm dreaming. Like I'm gonna wake up any second and all of this will have been some strange concoction by my lonely brain." You laughed as you spoke, but it was true.
It was as if you were waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Why do you say that Honey?" He seemed so concerned, enough to set the plate he had in the sink, dry his hands, and turn and face you fully. "Well- I mean it is all very dreamy, plus you guys all- I mean what you said at breakfast yesterday, that you all um-" For some reason, the words refused to leave like you were embarrassed to say them Incase you were wrong.
"Love you?" He asked, gently taking each of your hands, "Yeah- I mean I'm flattered, fuck any one of you being into me is like a dream but all of you? I'm just kinda, scared I guess? That this is another one of those jokes where I'm the only one not in on it." His frown was so out of place on his face, how disturbed he seemed. Before you could backpedal he was lowering himself down just enough to scoop you up and sit you on the kitchen counter.
"I'm so sorry baby, my poor girl." He sighed, thumb brushing against your cheek. "Your brain is being mean to you, that's just not gonna work for me." He rolled up the sleeves of his sweater and undid his apron with a finesse that had your thighs clenching together. "We shoulda' told you how we felt years ago. Then it be unquestionable. I guess I just gotta convince you some other way right?" He had this look in his eye, the bass in his voice made your next words come out shakey.
"What did you have in mind?"
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evilgaygothgf · 1 year
I Know What I Said
Quackity x reader (any pronouns)
Please send in requests!! I’m aching in my bones for things to write please please please
“I’m not looking for anything right now.”
The words repeated in your mind day and night, gripping and tugging at your heart. You’ve wanted to admit your feeling to Alex for the past few months after coming to terms that they wouldn’t just go away on their own. You’ve know him for over a year now, and the feelings only keep growing stronger. “The worst he can say is no,” is what your friends kept telling you, but he’s already said the worst thing in your opinion.
“I’m not looking for anything right now.”
You thought you’d bring up the topic of dating in general to him and try to gauge his feelings before admitting your own first. Kind of just beat around the bush. You thought maybe he’d just come out and admit he had a crush on you and then you could easily slip in how you felt about him too. Or maybe he’d pull the old “well my friend has a crush on their close friend they’ve known for a while but he just doesn’t know how to confess without ruining their friendship” and you could respond with “well he’ll never know unless he confesses, right?” and then he’d confess his feelings and turn out to be the “friend” who wanted to confess the whole time. Just like in movies and fanfics, right? Right? Wrong.
When you brought up the topic he went into a full rundown of how he just doesn’t see himself dating anyone anytime soon because he’s just so busy with his career right now and blah blah blah. As soon as he started talking you had just tuned it all out. His voice was drowned out by the voice in your head telling you to pull it together and choke down the icky feeling in your chest. The unrequited feeling. The only part of his entire response you heard loud and clear was the part you keep hearing play over and over in your head.
“I’m not looking for anything right now.”
Well shit. What do you do now? Respond with a chuckle and a “haha yeah me either”? Cut him off and tell him that he’s wrong and that you’re what he should be looking for? Admit your feeling regardless? Your thoughts were cut off by him asking you the question right back. “Sorry I feel like I really went on for a while. I didn’t mean to unload all that on you. Anyway, what’s your opinion on dating stuff?”
He asked the question so simply like he had no idea why you had asked him in the first place. “Umm,” you started, “well I mean yeah I guess I can see where you’re coming from. I guess I’d feel the same way if I was in your shoes. I don’t know. I guess for me dating is just like something I’m ready for now in my life. Im kind of tired of being single honestly, but hey, you know at least I’ve got you around, right?”
Alex grinned at the end of your last sentence. “Yeah, of course! I’ll always be here as your best friend so you don’t have to feel like a loner,” he chuckled. “But hey, you know if you’re trying to look for someone I’ll be the best wingman to ever walk this earth. And if anyone starts giving you shit or mistreating you, send em to me.” He turned from you and started throwing punches at the air and you couldn’t help but throw your head back in laughter. Alex was such an amazing friend to you and you started to wonder if wanting him as more than a friend was too much to ask in the first place. You were already lucky enough to have him care for you on a friendship level. The words still plagued your mind regardless.
“I’m not looking for anything right now.”
It’s been over a month since that happened and you continued to hang out with Alex like normal. You tried so hard to push your feelings for him down and appreciate the friend you had in him. The two of you had been hanging out all day and at the end of the night, he offered to drive you back home. The car ride to your place was more quiet than usual; void of loud music and laughter. It had been a long and eventful day and you were both exhausted from all you had done that day.
Alex pulled the car up to the front of your place and you reached to the floorboard of the car to grab your things and tell him goodnight before getting out. Before you could unbuckle your seatbelt, Alex’s voice broke the silence.
“Hey. I just…can I tell you something?”
“Uh yeah sure,” you responded as you placed your hands back in your lap and turned your body to better face him in the car.
He looked down from your face to his cup from the fast food restaurant you both ate at earlier as he played with the straw. “I lied. I lied to you and I’m sorry.”
You were too confused to respond as your mind raked through all of the things he could’ve possibly lied to you about.
He started up again, “I know I..well when we talked before…fuck like I didn’t mean to really say-“
“Alex spit it out. You’re making me nervous,” you said in a half speaking and half laughing voice trying to cover up the waver in your voice. Your fingers were already toying with each other as you tried to ease your nerves for whatever was to come.
“y/n I know this is gonna be awkward and I’m so sorry but I should’ve said it then and I’ve been making myself sick trying to think of a time to tell you this.” He brushed the pieces of hair back that were falling over his eyes as he finally looked back up to you. “I know I told you before that I wasn’t really looking for anything but the truth is that I’ve actually been falling for you. So hard. And before you interrupt and ask me why I said what I did, shit, I don’t know. I just..I just freaked out because I wasn’t expecting you to just ask me that out of nowhere.”
“Alex, Im sorry I didn’t mean to-“
“No please don’t apologize I should’ve just owned up to it and told you then because I really and I mean really wish I had. It’s been gnawing at me so bad that I didn’t take the opportunity to tell you. You honestly make me kinda nervous ever since I realized I wanted something more than friends with you.” His eyes dropped from yours again and went back to playing with the plastic straw.
“I make you nervous?” You could help but grin as you said it. You couldn’t believe he actually admitted to being nervous around you.
“Yeah yeah yeah go ahead and make fun of me, whatever, I knew I should’ve left that part out,” he scoffed as he rolled his eyes and sat back into his seat.
“No I’m glad you told me. I think it’s cute.”
“Oh so you think I’m cute?” He sat up straighter in his chair and smirked. “So you like me?”
You rolled your eyes at his sudden comeback in confidence after all the nervous toying with his straw he was just doing moments ago. He always ate up any little compliment you’d given him and you hated to admit you loved it.
“Yeah honestly I’ve had feelings for you for a while, and if you must know, I was actually trying to confess to you back when I asked your opinions on dating but wouldn’t you know, someone cough cough shut me down before I could. Mr. I’m not looking for anything right now.” You said the last part with finger quotes as you playfully rubbed what he said into his face.
He reached up and lightly smacked your finger quotes out of the air while trying to make an obviously forced angry face. “You should’ve just said it anyway. We could’ve been going on a date today and not just hanging out as friends. And then I could’ve kissed you goodnight when I dropped you off,” he wiggled his eyebrows as he said the last sentence.
Your face already started heating up. You knew exactly how a lot of your days spent together could’ve gone if you two had already been dating by this point. You practically thought about it every time you hung out together and every time you laid your head down on your pillow at night.
This time, you were the one to break the silence. “I mean, we still could,” you said quietly in the darkness of his car. “Only if you want to I mean I know we both just now told each other how we feel but I’m okay with-“
Your rambling was cut off with his lips shutting you up. It was just a peck, but as he pulled his head away you instinctively reached up to pull him back in. It was just a series of small closed-mouth kisses, but it was more than you could’ve imagined receiving from him just 15 minutes ago.
You pulled away from the kiss but kept your face close to his as your eyes scanned his. “I can’t believe you lied to me,” you whispered through a smile in the darkness.
“I’ll make it up to you, baby, don’t worry,” he whispered back as he closed the distance between the two of you again.
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catsoupki · 5 months
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SUMMARY: Katsuki has settled into a routine-like dance with you ever since your debut as a hero. He takes care of you like harmonious clockwork, but as he peels layer after layer, he’s caught up with his own tantalising feelings when he finds your blood staining his hands. You teach him, slowly, of what it means to fall in love.
TAGS: pro hero au, fem reader, banter, hurt/comfort
When you wake up, the sight before you is beyond gorgeous. 
Last night, plagued by the heavy sleepiness in the afterglow of sex, you two had tumbled onto the bed before he had the chance to shut the curtains. Now, rays of golden sunlight stroke themselves across Katsuki’s face meekly, as if they’ve afraid of being grazed by the sharp corners of his visage. The ash blond of his hair becomes sandy in colour, edges rounded as he stirs in his sleep. You breathe, and you get lungs full of him— woody caramel sweetness. 
You fight the urge to hold his face with all your might, so much so that your concentration wakes him from his slumber. He looks domestic in the way he slowly blinks to get the drowsiness out of his eyes, eyelids barely staying open as his pupils begin to focus, and you see the moment everything registers in his head, the memories flowing from last night and the view in front of him right now clicking— and he lets his eyes widen and his lips part, before yawning and rolling into the bed again, with you in his inescapable hold. 
Getting up proves to be difficult after that, only with the umpteenth ringing of your alarms that you finally decide it’s time to leave the safe haven and begin your day. 
You can tell he’s in a chirpy mood, despite not being a morning person. The way he shuffles from hallway to bathroom and back, the way he slips on his clothes, they’re all done with less aggression. 
You also cannot deny that your mood has been lifted from the slight change in routine. Your morning run was shorter— two minutes faster than your usual time; when you had your shower at the agency, the cold water hit your back more pleasantly; usually insufferable sidekicks became more compliant, easier to deal with. 
An hour before your first patrol, your manager stalks into your office with a cheshire grin, demanding you to tell her every little detail of last night’s rendezvous with the Nation’s favourite hero. You put up little fight, though you knew you’d tell her someday anyway, you comply and begin the retelling of your favourite story, how careful he had held you in his palms, how loving he had been shampooing your hair, and all the other moments in between that are still burned into your mind as clear as day. 
Your work goes by in a breeze. You find that little inconveniences in your life can be smoothed over by imagining how Katsuki looks when he wakes up, but recalling might be a better word. 
It’s six o’clock, you’re packing up and getting ready to leave the office, your glass desk is wiped clean, shreds of paper thrown away. The door knob is cool when you hold it, you have your earphones in your pocket, for when you finish greeting the passionate interns working overtime out in the hall with tight-lipped smiles. 
The evening sun is particularly orange when it hits the tall potted plants, giving the sacramento leaves a brownish shine; the off-white walls look old, like they’ve already been filled with memories of past owners. When you walk through the corridors and lobbies, you’re thankful that you haven't lost your quirk, your heartbeat, nor your Katsuki. Maybe a few months back, the disappearances of these everyday occurrences wouldn’t cross your mind, they’re regular constants in your life that have made their markings on you— made you a mosaic of them. It strikes you that just as Magnesium is a metal, death is always walking next to you, no matter where you go, he’ll be stepping with you when you cross the road, when you go on the balcony, and when you cook dinner. An inescapable truth that cannot be denied by anyone, not even the most powerful parts of society. 
So when you leave the door of your agency and see a familiar-looking Lexus parked on the side of the road, with that unruly bunch of blond hair that you’ve found yourself too enraptured by, your smile is uncontrollably vehement. 
When Katsuki drives you home, it’s done without a word. You know this path by turn, every street name and every corner is familiar, you know that he’ll strum his fingers against the steering wheel aimlessly while he waits for the red lights to turn green, and when he pulls into his penthouse building’s parking lot, you know that the monthly cost is roughly ¥70000 and that his assistant pays it on the first day of each month. 
You know him, so you’re not surprised when he opens the door for you, his house unfurled and vulnerable in the dimming golden rays, laid bare in front of you, letting you take in all its glory when it’s still daytime, and similarly, you do the same to him, Katsuki. 
You think he had just finished showering before he came to pick you up, the way his hair sticks up is funny-looking, wild in every sense of the word, when he walks past you to grab your bags and shoes to set them down, the woody scent trails after him. You wonder whether you look awkward and out of place, unmoving in the entry with your hands at your sides, covered in fabrics that are dark in an apartment that is warm and next to a person who is bright. 
He doesn’t let you think far, he soon takes your hand in his, and gently leads you to his living room, where your feet drag and thump on the carpet in dull thuds. He leaves you, awkward and out of place, in the middle of the room, in front of the TV and next to the signed All Might poster he framed, he walks over to the— oh, the record player you gave him for his first ‘Hero of the Year’ award. It’s placed neatly on a dark wooden stand, and under it are stacks of vinyls, from local bands to overseas artists that you introduced to him, he clicks it on and gravity takes you with both hands as you put one foot in front of another, stumbling along the rhythm of music. 
Bakugou has always been a hummer, but when he sings to you for the first time tonight, it’s thick and heavy, laced with something he can’t say aloud, it sounds a lot like a confession that soothes over you like a second skin.
In a few, dinner will be served, you two will eat shoulder to shoulder with a quiet chatter, and in between are the whispers and soft spoken words, as if there’s someone eavesdropping behind you, he’ll lean closer towards you as the night settles in, drowsiness and exhaustion will begin to creep onto the way he speaks and into the way he looks at you with half-lidded eyes. 
In an hour, you’ll be hands deep into his sink, scrubbing hard at the dishes while he stands next to you with a torn rag in hand and with a dish rack to his right, he’ll take the two plates and the four chopsticks you hand him, then he’ll place them tidily into the rack, like you’ve been doing this for years— like harmonious clockwork. 
You’ll shower, then his fingers will tease and dance around yours under the sheets, you’ll feel for his callouses, the rock solid proof of his hard work, and you won’t be able to brush lotion onto them, but only snuggle your head closer and tighter and more intimately to his shoulder. 
He’ll learn to say I love you on his own terms, he’s got all the time in the world. 
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egcdeath · 2 years
wine night
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pairing: joel miller x reader
summary: joel takes care of you after a night out. part of the soccer parents alternate universe.
word count: 4k
warnings: AU: no apocalypse, alcohol consumption, established relationship, fluff, mentions of vomiting, the reader is kinda an annoying drunk but joel is a sweetie anyway, explicit language, no y/n
author’s note: i am so addicted to writing this pairing. they have completely taken up all my brain space
“I mean, can you believe that he tried to get with my sister? That’s just not right,” your friend exclaimed, clearly deeply upset by her situation.
Wine nights have been a sacred ritual between you and your friends since your college days. Between routine catch-ups, book clubs, and emergency meetings, you could always rely on a wine night to pull you out of whatever funk you were in. Wine nights were a safe space to share whatever had been on your mind–whether it was juicy gossip you’d heard while attending a HOA meeting, or whatever personal drama had been plaguing you. All done under the influence, of course, so that the words you may have been holding back flowed off your tongue with far more ease.
Tonight fell more into a routine catch-up than any of the other categories. Although, given that you’d been swamped with work for the past few wine nights, there was much for you to catch up on.
“He’s a dick,” Andrea said sympathetically, setting a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “You deserve better, and I have complete faith that you will find someone better.”
A chorus of agreements went on around the room, as you all attempted to uplift your saddened friend.
“If you ever need anyone to talk to outside of wine nights, you know you can call any of us,” you expressed. “I mean, we all kinda hit the lottery with shitty exes. No one understands you more than us, and we all have your back!”
“Hey, speaking of shitty exes, how’s Chlo?” Jennifer asked, swirling her drink as she turned to face you.
You lit up at the mention of your daughter, although one might argue that with the amount of glasses of wine you’d had, you were already quite lit up. “She’s good! Her and her friend just had to do this ridiculous science project. Here, I’ll show you.”
You fumbled typing your phone’s password in, the flowing drinks making your fingers loosely flow as well.
In the video you pulled up, Chloe and Sarah began to explain their experiment while the torso and arms of Joel carried out the experiment. You smiled to yourself as you recalled the night; thankfully the girls had given you enough of a heads up before their project was due that you were able to plan a nice night around it, having a little family dinner before setting up and filming their project. After that, the children insisted on doing something fun which led to doing horrible karaoke. What a good night.
“Cool right? Aren’t they so cute?” you gushed, beginning to flip through your camera roll through pictures of your daughter—some by herself, some with Sarah, a few from the night you, Joel, and the kids attempted to make pasta from scratch, a few group photos you’d taken on your weekend road trip to San Antonio. Looking at each picture, you began to realize more and more just how much you missed your little family, and your heart yearned more and more to be with them.
“Are you soft-launching your boyfriend to us right now?” Andrea asked with a giggle, flipping back a photo to a picture of you and Joel on a picnic.
“No!” you laughed. “Boyfriend?”
“The one who’s in half of these pictures?” Michelle laughed, taking your phone and scrolling through for herself. “The one who’s checking in on you right now? ‘Let me know if you need a ride home, heart emoji?’” your friend imitated a deep voice and you laughed out loud.
“Ugh, ‘boyfriend’ just feels so juvenile,” you sighed. “But yeah. We’ve been seeing each other for a while now. Now gimme my phone back. I need to text back so he doesn’t think I’m dead or anything.”
“What?! You can’t just say that and not tell us more!” Heather gasped, leaning in closer to you as if she were afraid to miss out on any details.
“Well, our daughters are best friends, which is very convenient. He’s also just a really good dad. I mean, you should just see the way he interacts with Sarah, but he also treats Chloe like she’s one of his own. He’s just a really good, sweet guy, who treats me really well. He actually punched Nathan once, and I’m not even joking. He also happens to eat pussy like it’s his last meal on Earth. Did I mention that he’s gorgeous? I couldn’t ask for more,” you shrugged.
There was a collective ‘ooooh’ throughout the room, a clear indicator that your friends were interested.
“So when can we meet him? You’ve obviously been together for a while, but you’ve also been keeping it from us… So is this even serious enough to warrant a meeting?” Michelle poured herself a little more rosé and offered you some, which you politely declined. Your brain was already too fuzzy from the amount you’d drank throughout the night.
“Did you see that camera roll? Of course it’s serious enough.”
“Well, what’s with the secretiveness? Is there a catch or something?”
“Is he married?” Andrea sighed, exasperated.
“Oh my God. That would make so much sense. He has a daughter, so...” Michelle attempted to piece together
“That was once and it was an accident. I broke things off with him as soon as I found out,” you huffed, crossing your arms. “And for the record, he’s a single dad.”
“That’s hot,” Jennifer remarked, the words seemingly slipping away from her before she could catch them.
“You’re gross,” you countered before getting back to the topic on hand. “I guess… I don’t know. It feels weird to be in such a serious relationship after my last serious relationship. I just keep wondering if I’m gonna fuck it up or something, and I don’t wanna lose half my friends again because they all like Joel more than me.”
“Hey! We could never love a man more than we love you,” Jennifer explained.
“I don’t know. He’s pretty damn charming,” you hung your head and Michelle set her glass down to give you a hug.
“Babe, I swear, nothing will ever get in between our friendship. Especially a man. What would any of us ever do without you?”
Now that your friends had really reassured you, you were feeling slightly better about the whole situation. Maybe, just maybe, you’d let them meet Joel. They’d certainly approve of him, which was a plus. You glanced down at your device, which now had one unopened notification from the man of the hour.
Having fun? he asked.
id be having more fun with yoh, you replied.
miss u :(
We miss you too.
Uno wasn’t the same without our favorite cheater
Now we’re talking about you and im sad bc i miss you and im more sad i missed uno
I’m sorry.
We’ll play Uno some other time.
Very soon.
As the conversation moved away from your life update, you began to evaluate the situation. You were far more drunk than you anticipated being tonight, and it felt like you were only becoming less and less sober with every minute that passed. At the moment, nothing sounded better than the idea of crawling in bed with Joel, and cuddling with him until you fell asleep.
Can u come pick me up? I miss you too much to stay
Sure! Are you going back to your home or want to stay at mine?
You’re home
*Your. I’ll be over soon
No i meant it
See you soon
“I gotta retire,” you faux yawned, stretching your arms above your head. “So sleepy.”
“Uh-huh,” Andrea looked over at you, then back at your phone skeptically. “Did you get a better offer than wine night?”
“Is your man coming to pick you up?”
“Tell him to come in and say hi! We want to see him at the very least. Don’t tell him that part, though.”
You agreed with less reluctance than you probably would have if you hadn’t been reassured by your friends that they were loyal to you, and let him know (somewhat incoherently) that your friends wanted to meet him.
When a few knocks at the door were heard from the living room, your friends immediately paused their conversations to listen in. Andrea got up, as she was currently the most sober—which wasn’t saying much—of the bunch, and opened the door for him.
“Hi,” she greeted in her best customer service voice. “How can I help you?”
They exchanged some back and forth that you couldn’t quite make out before he entered the living room and waved at your friends awkwardly, before beaming when his eyes fell upon you. He looked at you like you were the only person in the room, and maybe it was just the wine speaking, but you felt like it too.
“Ready to go?” he asked you, approaching the couch you were sitting on.
“Mhm,” you hummed affirmatively. “You want a cracker?” you asked, reaching over to the barren charcuterie board on the coffee table and holding one singular cracker up.
Joel clearly bit back a laugh, but leaned down so you could pop the cracker in his mouth. “Yum. Need any help getting up?”
You shook your head and stood up, legs a little wobbly from your inebriation and the fact that you’d been sitting for hours.
“Isn’t he just perfect?” you directed your statement towards your friends once you finally managed to pull your attention away from Joel. “So handsome and so kind,” you hugged his side. “My perfect man,” you murmured into his shirt. “Now you see why I’m scared to mess everything up.”
Joel blushed under the praise and awkwardly smiled at your friends. “Oh? Bye guys. We’ll have to catch up sometime. Nice meeting you all,” he said as he began to direct you towards the door.
“Bye!” you called out as you exited the room.
Once Joel got you situated in the car, double checking you were strapped in and whatnot, you sighed as you looked over at him.
“I missed you so much,” you sighed. “You’re not allowed to leave me alone ever again.”
Joel smiled to himself at your drunken words. Sure, he knew you cared about him, but it was sweet to hear your uninhibited thoughts.
You continued your drunken rambling on the drive back, giving him a play-by-play replay of the night, up to the point where he came in. By the time you’d finished your story, you were back at his place.
You held Joel’s hand as he led you up to his bedroom, you giggling behind him as you copped a quick feel of his ass.
“Shh,” he reminded you, gesturing to the room where your children were having a sleepover.
“Sorry,” you whispered apologetically before following him into his room and flopping onto his bed. “I just missed you. And that ass.”
“You’re funny,” he said quietly. “I’ll be right back.” As he disappeared, you rolled onto your stomach and buried your face into his pillows, deeply inhaling his smell. You would have his scent made into a candle if you could.
While Joel was gone, you realized that you weren’t particularly fond of the jeans you decided to wear to your friend’s place. By the time he was back, a large glass of water and bottle of Advil in hand, you were helplessly struggling to get out of the clothing article.
He set the items down on what you’d declared as your side of the bed’s nightstand, then moved away to rummage in his dresser, eventually finding a pair of athletic shorts you’d left behind at some point, and heading back over to you.
“Need some help?” he asked despite already knowing the answer as you ridiculously wiggled around in your jeans.
“Yes, please,” you stuck your legs out and Joel was clearly fighting laughter at just how incompetent you’d become. Despite your previous squirming around, you were happy to let him unbutton and unzip your uncomfortable pants.
“Lift,” he directed, tapping your hip. You did as you were told, eventually ending with your uncomfortable pants off and your cozy shorts on. You sighed out a sound of relief as you propped yourself up against the headboard, the gentle touch of Joel’s hand on your thigh only further soothing you. You were finally ready for bed.
Before Joel left your side, he reached over to your nightstand and set the glass of water in your hands. “Alright, drink up.”
“What would I do without you?” you mumbled, taking a few big gulps from the glass he’d placed in your hands.
“Probably have a nasty hangover and shitty sleep in those jeans,” he sat back down next to you on his side of the bed, propping himself up right next to you.
“I mean, what would I do if I never met you?” you asked, rolling onto your side so you could get a good look at your partner. “If you never argued with me at games? Or never took us to that tournament? Or if our daughters never set us up?”
“That would be very sad,” Joel turned to face you as well, looking at you very earnestly as he humored your drunken ramble.
“Yeah,” you agreed, wiping at your eyes that had begun to well up. “I would be so sad without you.”
“Oh sweetheart,” Joel sighed, softly cradling your head and gently pulling you over to him as you began to bawl into his shirt. “You are so drunk.”
“No,” you protested, pulling away from some so that you could look up at your partner with watery eyes. “I just love you so much, and you mean so much to me. I hate imagining not knowing you.”
He gently thumbed away your tears. “Then don’t imagine not knowing me. I’m here with you right now, right?”
“Yeah,” you murmured. “I just missed you so much.”
“You’re sweet. I missed you too,” he rubbed small circles onto your back.
“Can we live together so I never have to miss you again?” you asked, burying your face back into his shirt.
“Someday, probably. I’m thinking this is a conversation we should have when you’re sober, yeah?”
“Maybe,” you agreed, sniffling and closing your eyes. “Joel?”
“Yes?” he asked, thumbing away the last of the tears on your cheeks.
“Do you know that I love you?”
“I do,” he confirmed.
“And that I wanna marry you someday?”
“And you and our daughters are my favorite people, like, ever.”
“Well, I could say the same about you and our kids. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
“I just love you so much,” you repeated.
“I know, honey. I love you too.”
“No, Joel. I love you. Like, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and grow old with you. Because that’s how much I love you. Do you understand?” you were almost worried you weren’t getting your point across. “I would swim across every ocean to be with you. ‘Cause I love you so much.”
Your words were definitely slurring at this point, both from the alcohol and the sleepiness setting in, but Joel didn’t seem too bothered by it.
“I do understand, and I would do the same for you,” Joel was clearly quite amused by your earnest, but inebriated sentiment, yet his fondness for you managed to shine through. “I’ll tell you all about how much I love you in the morning. Why don’t we try to sleep now?”
“Okay,” you agreed. “Only ‘cause I love you,” you didn’t protest as Joel hit the lamp on his bedside table. “I’m gonna miss you while I sleep.”
“I’ll be right here,” Joel assured you as you somehow managed to snuggle up even closer to him.
“I’m gonna try to dream about you,” you mumbled.
“Let me know how that goes,” Joel yawned.
“I will,” you promised before mirroring his yawn.
Joel fell silent and closed his eyes, something you could just barely make out in the dark. You attempted to fall asleep too, but failed. Your brain was simply too loud for you to will yourself to go to sleep.
“Joel,” you said quietly, testing to see if he was still awake.
“Mhm?” he hummed, not opening his eyes.
“Do you remember when we stayed at that hotel together?” you began to reminisce, thinking back to that first night the two of you shared a bed. If only you had known then what your tiny little crush would’ve turned into.
“Mhm,” he affirmed. “How could I forget?”
“I dreamed you held me all night. It was great,” you giggled, somehow being able to recall that moment despite your inebriation.
“I don’t think that was just a dream,” Joel admitted, figuring that you probably wouldn’t even remember this conversation in the morning. “I woke up with my arms around you, which was why I got out of bed so fast. Felt like I violated you.”
“You could never violate me,” you slurred. Of course, your mouth was moving faster than your brain, but in a way there was some backwards truth to your words. You would trust Joel with your life. Of course he could still do something awful to you, but you certainly trusted him enough to believe that he would not.
“Honey, that’s not as romantic as you think it sounds,” Joel responded, sounding somewhere between exasperated and exhausted.
“Oh. Oops,” you acknowledged. “Well, you know what is romantic? That I love you,” you countered.
“Love you too,” he mumbled sleepily, surely tired of repeating the phrase at that point.
“Good,” you nodded mostly to yourself, just checking in to confirm that your partner still loved you. “I’m going to sleep now,” you announced.
“Sounds good.”
“Don’t let the bedbugs bite,” you murmured.
“I’ll try,” Joel said quietly.
“Ow,” you whined.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, sounding slightly more alert now that you might’ve been uncomfortable.
“Bed bug got me,” you explained, doing your best to keep your act of pain up.
“There are no bed bugs.”
“How do you know?”
“I asked them. Let’s get to sleep.”
“I am asleep.”
“Are you really?” Joel cracked open an eye and chuckled at the sight of you.
“Yes,” you declared, despite very obviously being nothing clearly wide awake. You made eye contact with Joel, who know was at least looking at you. “Have I ever told you how hot you are?” you asked.
“A few times, maybe.”
You reached out to the man across from you and pushed your fingers through his hair. “Hottest man in Austin.”
“Hottest woman in Austin. I suppose it’s a good thing we found each other.”
“Right?” you grinned, leaning into the touch as he reached out to hold your cheek.
“Right. Now it’s time to get your beauty rest, beautiful woman,” he laughed softly, clearly fighting sleep as it looked like each blink was more and more of a struggle to keep his eyes open.
“If you insist,” you replied, impulsively sticking your tongue out and touching Joel’s finger with it. “Sleepy boy.”
“Ew,” Joel remarked, retracting his hand from your cheek.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” you explained with a giggle. “I’ll go to sleep now.”
“Okay, good. I’m also going to sleep now,” he said seriously, a hint of finality in his voice. “Like, seriously, I’m going to sleep.”
“Well I seriously am too,” you shrugged.
“Prove it,” Joel attempted, one last shot at getting you to go to sleep.
“Fine,” you countered, closing your eyes. “Goodnight. For real this time.”
You relaxed into the mattress, finally ready to sleep—or so you thought. You only lasted about ten minutes until your eyes opened once again, this time you found Joel quite soundly asleep, the deep rises and falls of his chest clueing you into just how tired he’d been.
You resisted the urge to wake your boyfriend up again, but rather pulled yourself in closer to him, looping your legs around his waist and your arms around his torso as if you were some kind of koala. If you were even slightly more sober, you were sure you would be completely uncomfortable with the position, but drunk you couldn’t think of any other way you’d rather be sleeping.
“Goodnight,” you whispered, melting into your partner, and eventually succumbing to sleep.
The wine was not kind to you in the morning. A pounding headache and waves of nausea rolled over you, waking you up prematurely as your brain signaled to your body that you were absolutely going to throw up.
You held a hand to your mouth as you slipped out of bed, sprinting to the en-suite and dangling your head in the toilet for what felt like a lifetime as you emptied the majority of the contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl.
As soon as Joel heard the sounds of your sickness, he was right there with you in the bathroom, sitting on the floor next to you as he held back your hair.
First, he took care of your drunk ass, and now he was taking care of your hungover ass.
“I’m getting too old to drink that much,” you groaned, curling up on the cold floor once your body was finally finished punishing you for what you had done to it the previous evening. “Remind me never to drink again.”
“If it makes you feel better, you were having a lot of fun last night.With your friends, then back here with me,” he rubbed your back as you groaned on the floor.
“Did I say anything stupid?” you asked, watching Joel get up to grab your cup of water and temporarily mourning the loss of his comforting touch.
“To your friends? No idea. To me, you were just being extra affectionate. You kept telling me that you love me, and at one point you were crying because you kept thinking about not knowing me. I was pretty entertained.” He sat back down next to you and passed the cup over, along with two little pills.
You groaned at the description of your night and took the Advil you’d been offered before drinking down some more water.
“You also refused to let me sleep. It was pretty cute. Well, not in the moment because I was pretty tired, but thinking about it now, it was pretty cute.”
“Oh boy,” you softly chuckled to yourself, careful not to disturb your pounding head too much by laughing too hard. “I’m sorry. I may need to be a sober participant at our next wine night.”
“Don’t worry about it. You had fun with your friends, and that’s what matters most. Now are you feeling any better?”
“A little,” you nodded, at the very least no longer feeling nauseous.
“Then let’s get back to bed?” Joel suggested, posing it more as a question than anything.
“As much as I would love to, I don’t know if I’m physically capable of getting off of this floor right now,” you confessed. You were in pretty bad shape after last night.
“No worries, I got you,” you weren’t exactly sure what Joel meant at first, until his hands were under you and he was scooping you up in his arms, carrying you back into his bedroom where he gently set you down on his mattress.
“You are a saint,” you expressed, stretching out on your side of the bed before curling up onto your side and facing your partner. “How did I get so lucky?” you asked, reaching out to play with a strand of his hair.
“Not that lucky,” he remarked.
“No way. I can’t think of any other guy who would put up with my drunken antics, then proceed to take care of me like this in the morning,” you explained. “That, and all of the other ways you improve my life. Remind me, and I’ll get into them when I don’t feel like my head is going to explode.”
“I mean, I’m not gonna argue with someone telling me how great I am,” he lightly chuckled, reaching down to lift your blanket back up and over the two of you.
“Good. I’m in no shape to debate you right now,” you muttered, snuggling into the duvet and succumbing once more to a peaceful and content sleep.
“Good. I’m in no shape to debate you right now,” you muttered, snuggling into the duvet and succumbing once more to a peaceful and content sleep.
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Could we maybe get a part two of TLR Mikey x reader where she confesses her love to him as he’s dying and they have one last kiss 👉👈
Even Better: part 2 (Angst) (18+)
TLR!Michelangelo x reader
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Part 1
A/N: You certainly can!🧡 But given the nature of the first part, I just had to add smut into this one as well, and once again, my smut breaks weren't working. I was all cuddled up in bed, but then had to turn my heating off, only to start crying right afterwards. Anyway, hope you enjoy, even if you cry😭🖤
The reader is at least 20. Mikey is in his 40’s.
Warnings: Loss of loved ones, age difference, groping, mutual masturbation, pornstar-ish fingering, dirty talk, manhandling, hard sex, suicide mission, description of blood and death, reader my experience what can only be described as an emotional rollercoster.
After that first night with Michelangelo, everything had so much better than you could have ever dreamed of. Sure, Mikey was still his gloomy self during the day, brooding and training, talking to himself, laying a plan for the day he would take down Oroku Hiroto. Heck, he even became your sister’s sensei, training her in the ninja arts that he and his brothers had been brought up with.
But that was what happened during the day. Night was much different. Every night, once you were sure that your mother and sister had gone to bed, or left for the streets of New York City above your head, or gone to black market during the night, you would make your way to the Splinter’s old room, which Mikey now called his. That or he would already be standing outside of your door, waiting for you to let him in.
Every night was the same. Mikey would hold you close, and ask you about the dreams you used to have about him. What thoughts had been through your mind, as you touched yourself with his name on your lips. He wanted to know. And once he knew, he would make sure that it would become reality, doing anything you asked him to do, his big hand covering your mouth as he fucked you through out the night, drawing one earth shattering orgasm from you after another.
Each night, after Mikey had made sure both of you had been more than satisfied, he would rest down beside you and hold you close, his thick fingers running circles on your skin as he looked at you. In this position he would slowly open up to you, and tell you all the things that had been plaguing him the past 20 years. The faces of those he had lost, and the many things he had to do in order to survive. You would forever remember that night, where he wondered out loud, how his hands, the hands of a monster, that had taken so many lives, was able to bring such a beautiful creature like you so much pleasure. That comment had stuck with you, in a way that you had not expected it to, running through your head, whenever you saw him walk through the lair.
But as the days passed by, and you and Mikey’s nights became more and more. You could not deny the feelings you had been growing for him. It was more than just physical attraction, stemming from an old fantasy. No, it was stronger. On a short period of time, you had developed strong feelings for Michelangelo, and with each passing day, they only seemed to blossom further.
Then came the day he, your sister and your mother went to Stockman’s island. You hated every minute of it, staying back with a few resistance members, trying to keep up the communications, while making sure the base of operations stayed hidden. But when you lost communication with your mother you almost broke down, and in the short time you lost contact with Mikey and Casey Marie you almost fainted. You feared the worst, remembering how Mikey had said he hated the plan.
And then the power went out, leaving all of New York City in darkness. Whatever they had done, it had worked. And once you heard their voices on the intercom once more, you were overjoyed to know that they were alive.
“I think we won”, Casey Marie said.
“The battle, not the war”, your mom answered her.
“And not at a price I’m willing to pay anymore”, Mikey growled, his voice vibrating through the intercom. At that moment you were too relieved, knowing he was alive, to think about what his words meant. Looking back, you wished you had taken the time to think about what they meant…
You raced to the lair in order to find your family, wanting to celebrate their safe return home in some shape or form. But they were nowhere to be found. Your sister was not in the dojo and your mother wasn't in her lab. But what you did find was a bunch of water, creating small puddles on the floor.
You stared at the water in confusion, wondering where it came from, when you heard a familiar low vibrating sound from Mikey’s room. Your heart started beating fast, as you ran to his room, bursting through the door to find him standing by the bed, wearing his overalls, his body covered in small bandages. He showed no reaction when you came in, instead moving some of his things around, his shell turned to you, walking through the small puddles that had formed on the floor, as if they never were there.
“Mikey”, you breathed out, holding back a sob from pure relief, watching as he slowly turned towards you, his face as scolding as it normally was. “Oh, Mikey, I’m so happy that you’re alive! I was so scared, I thought-”.
He caught you off with his hand wrapping around your neck, before pulling you in for a hungry kiss. You gasped, fumbling to grab onto his overalls as his tongue made its way into your mouth, his other hand roughly grabbing onto your ass, pulling your body against his large firm one, with such ferocity, that you would not think that he had ever touched you before.
“Mikey!”, you gasped, pulling from the kiss, your breathing heavy. His eyes were dark, so deep and dark. “My mom could be here! Casey too!”
“Like I care”, he growled, moving his hand from your throat to your chin, forcing you close to him once more. You yelped as he smacked your still clothed behind, making him growl at the sound that left your mouth. “I need you now, (Y/N)”.
You shivered at his words as they shot straight to your core, all thoughts and worries about your mother and sister disappearing, leaving only the thought of Mikey back. He noticed the effect his words had on you, feeling as you subconsciously started rubbing your thighs together, coupled with the strong aroma he had grown familiar with, ever since that first night with you. You smelled just as amazing, as the day he caught you staring at him, and the night he walked in on you touching yourself to the thought of him.
Mikey pulled you in for another hungry kiss, and this time you returned it with just as much need and hunger. Your lips moved together, as if you had thirsted for years, and the only way to quench the scorching desert in both of your mouths, was by the tongue of the other.
Any other night, Mikey would be calmer, almost back you shiver in anticipation as he asked about your dreams of him. But not tonight. His hand on your ass groped you, pushing you up against his clothed cloaca, grinding onto you. But you could not complain. It was exciting to have him growl and groan against your lips.
Suddenly Mikey let go of your neck, in order to place both of his hands on your rear, roughly lifting you up off the ground. You instinctively tried to wrap your legs around his broad torso, your arms hanging on to him for dear life, still deeply engaged in the wet and sloppy kiss.
Without looking or letting go of you, Mikey moved towards the metal spring bed. He stopped just before the bed, once again moving your hips against him, drawing a needy moan from you. Then suddenly, once against catching you totally off guard, Mikey dropped you onto the bed. The old springs creaked under you as you hit the mattress, falling onto you, staring up at the large terrapin, as he towered over you. You bite your lower lip at the sight of him. Even when he just stood there, still clothed, the very sight of Mikey just did something to you, making your stomach tingle in ways you had never felt before meeting him. And now as he stood over you, it reminded you of that night, where he pulled your blanket off, revealing your naked lower half to him. It did not matter how many night you and Mikey had spent together, that one would always remain at the forefront of your mind.
“Take it off”, Mikey grumbled, nodding towards your clothing. You were stunned for a moment, shocked by how three words could get you so hot and bothered. The way his dark hooded eyes watched you, made your skin feel as if it was on fire. It was becoming too hot with your clothes on. You stared into his eyes as you started undoing your top, another rush of excitement washing through you as you saw his own hand move towards his clothed crotch, slowly tracing over his cloaca as the fabric left your skin.
Mikey hummed as your shirt hit the end of the bed, watching as you started opening your pants, his hand now flatley rubbing against himself. “That’s my girl”.
You sucked a breath in as you pushed your pants down your hips, before throwing them next to your shirt, seeing the vein in Mikey’s neck becoming prominent as he was hit with the strong wave of your arousal, almost making his mouth water. As you sat up on your now naked knees and reached behind your back to undo your bra, Mikey started undoing the straps on his overalls, a growl escaping him as your nipples emerged from their hiding place, becoming hard in the cold air of the lair. That was when Mikey stepped out of his overalls, his hardened member already fully exposed from his cloaca, small droplets of pre-cum gathered at the opening. You reached you for him, wishing to touch his shaft, the inside of his mouth begging you to take him in, but he slapped your hand away. He then grabbed a hold of your legs, pulling them forwards so hard that you fell back onto the bed once more, your legs now spread wide open for him, your dripping core still covered by your underwear.
“Touch yourself”, he demanded. “Show me what you used to do when you thought of me”.
You whimpered at his request, before thinking back to all the times you had touched yourself in your room, fantasizing about the mutant that stood in front of you right now. One of your hands slowly went up to your breast, circling your nipple, while the other went down to the waistline of your underwear, your fingers slowly dipping in. You sighed out loud in pleasure as your fingers found your clit, letting you index finger and middle finger rub slow circles over your little bundle of nerves.
Mikey watched as your hands slowly began to work on yourself, his own hand making its way to his erection, where his thumb started rubbing the top of his spongy head.
The fingers on your breast started pinching your nipples, and the fingers in your underwear moved in faster circles. Mikey let go of himself momentarily, in order to pull your underwear down in one swift move, making you scream out in surprise, before being left bare in front of him.
You watched as Mikey’s hand wrapped around his length, just as your own fingers were finding your entrance. Pushing two fingers into yourself, you let out a pleasurable moan, the hand on your chest grabbing on to your round form. Mikey in turn started moving his hand up and down his shaft, matching the speed of your fingers, small but deep groans escaping him.
Resting his knees against the bed, he leaned over you, his lust blown eyes staring into yours. “Does it feel good?”, he asked, his voice raspy and deep and his eyes strained in focus, making you clench around your own fingers. “Does it feel as good as me?”
“No, Mikey”, you whimpered in response, speeding up the movement of your fingers, curling them inside of you. “This doesn't feel as good as you do”.
“That’s right”, Mikey growled, the speed of his hand increasing to match yours. “Because I can do better than that. So much better”.
“Mikey”, you moaned, letting go of your chest in order to reach out for him. But with a roar like groan, Mikey grabbed a hold of you once more, lifting you up from the bed and holding you against him. He quickly laid down on the bed with his shell resting against the wall, bringing you down with him, pressing your back up against his plastron. One of his hands kept your legs open, while the other sneaked up between your boobs, before grabbing onto your neck, using the forearm between your mounts to keep you pressed against him. Instinctively you held onto his arms, gasping as you felt his large member poke against the small of your back. So many nights had he fucked you with rod poking against you, but here you were, still finding yourself shocked at how big he was.
You turned your head, trying to get a better look at the handsome hold turtle, but he turned your head forward, his hot breath fanning over the side of your face. You shook in anticipation, as you felt the hand that had kept your legs open, glide from your thigh and down towards your yearning center.
“From now on”, Mikey grumbled against your ear, his big fingers getting closer and closer to your core, your hips scooting forwards in order to meet them. “When you touch yourself, you’ll always think of what I’m doing to you tonight”. With those words, two of his fingers found your now overly sensitive clit, rubbing them just like you had shown him. You moaned out loud, letting your head fall back against his shoulder. It was no surprise to you that his fingers felt better than yours. Even though he did almost the exact same thing as you, he did it even better.
On instinct, your legs tried to close your core off from the strong stimulation Mikey’s fingers provided your clit. But that was not passing by the old turtle. Hooking his legs around yours, he forced them apart once more. Your hips started to buckle as Mikey inserted one of his thick fingers into you, curling it upwards, before thrusting it hard and fast into you, making you moan louder than you ever had before. Your mouth wide open in an O shape, as you watched his fingers work on you. The wet sounds from your cunt were lewd, along with the sounds that escaped your lips.
“You love this, don’t you, (Y/N)?”, Mikey groaned into your ear, nibbling on your earlobe. “All those times before we met, you’ve wanted my hands instead of yours, didn’t you?”
“Yes!”, you practically screamed. “I fucking love your hands, Mikey!”
As if that had been a code word, Mikey removed his hand from your tight cunt, letting go of your legs, before throwing your back onto the bed. You moaned, not expecting that Mikey throwing you around like a rag doll would turn you on so much. He climbed on top of you, positioning himself between your legs, keeping them wide open for him.
“We both know you love my dick more”, he growled, lining himself up with your entrance, not waiting for your permission before he started moving. You almost screamed out in pleasure, holding on to his broad shoulders as he started fucking you, harder than he had ever done before. You were moaning so loud that you were sure that if anybody was home, they would have heard you long ago. You wondered if the streets of New York could hear it. How good Mikey was fucking you and how you begged him not to stop. The bed was creaking and moving so wildly, to the point where you were sure it would break at any moment. But Mikey did not hold back. Instead his big hand found your chin, holding your head still, making sure you were facing him, while his other hand found way down between the two of you, his thumb working furiously on your clit. You closed your eyes, feeling your high coming closer and closer, threatening to take over your body at a moment's notice.
“No”, Mikey growled. “Look at me, (Y/N). I want to see your eyes when you cum”.
You opened your eyes and held on to Mikey with every fiber of your being. You were so fucking close, and you knew this one was going to be big. The biggest and hardest one Mikey had ever given you.
“What’s my name?”, he growled.
“What’s my name?!”, he roared, the bed hitting the wall with each thrust into you.
“Mikey! Oh my god, Mikey! Fuuuuck!” Your moans came out as screams as your body shaking orgasm took over. You cried out as Mikey held your spassing body against him, riding out your high and chasing his own as fast as he could. He came with the loudest moan you had ever heard from him. Your name falling from his lips, so loud and clear you would never be able to forget it. And you never wanted to forget it.
Normally, this was where Mikey would hold you close, taking sweet care of you and making sure that you were okay, before the two of you would talk about whatever was on your mind. But like said before, this night was different.
Mikey took care of you, cleaning you up as needed, before pulling the blanket over you. You didn’t think much of it, expecting him to lay down beside you at any moment. But he didn’t. Instead he just sat down next to you, looking at you with an unreadable expression. Quietly he placed a soft hand on your cheek, tilting your head towards him, before placing a soft kiss on your lips, his lingering against yours for what felt like an eternity and a short time, all wrapped up in one. No hunger, no tongue, no frustration. Just… sadness.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), but I have to go”, he said, getting up from the bed in order to put on his overalls.
“Mikey?”, you asked in confusion, watching him as he wrapped up his arms, before taking on his gear. Sudden realization hit you, as he pulled the black bandana down over his eyes. “Where are you going?”
Mikey stopped in his tracks for a moment, wondering if he should tell you. No, he couldn’t. You were only 20. He could not let you know, and ruin the bright future you had ahead of you. Or at least, whatever bright future that was possible in a world like this. Maybe it was his own emotions holding him back. The fear of not being able to do it if he told you. Or maybe it was the fear of the hurt there would be in your eyes. But he had to tell you something. That was the least he could do before he would go on with his plan.
“Too many innocents are gettin’ hurt”.
That was when it hit you. Like a wall of bricks. You knew what he was going to do. You yelled, tears forming in your eyes, telling him not to go, but Mikey did answer. Instead he looked down towards his feet, took a deep breath, before turning and walking out the door. You jumped from the bed, your hands and legs shaking as you struggled to put on your clothes. You yelled out the door, screaming and begging him to come back. But he didn’t. And now the water was rising throughout the lair.
Your legs were hurting as you and Casey Marie ran down the sewers, with your mother’s tracker in hand. Both you and Casey had wanted to find him. Either help him or get him back home. But with the power outage and the rising water levels, you had to stay back and help your mother.
“We’re almost there!”, Casey yelled over her shoulder. And she was right. You were almost there. But just a little too late.
You and Casey jumped out of the sewer and onto the rocky beach. In the brown water you saw the white and partly silver body of Oroku Hiroto floating around with his face down. And on the beach, you saw the unmistakable shape of a mutant turtle. The sight of him laying there, almost unmovable, made your stomach turn and your knees buckle. It took you a moment to gather your senses.
“Sensei!”, Casey yelled, running ahead of you. She fell to her knees next to him, tears running down her face as she pulled out his journal from her backpack. Reality finally managed to catch up with you, as you ran to his side, tears falling down your face as you crawled to his side, your sister already crying.
“Mikey”, you whispered, trying not to choke up, watching the blood run from his mouth.
“I’m… sorry, (Y/N)”, he whispered back. “Had to… do it… it was… my duty… my… destiny. For my family”.
“But we’re your family now. I’m your family now”, you said, fighting the tears that was pushing their way forwards. “And… and I love you, Mikey”, you choked out, watching his dazed eyes become more and more blurred. “I love you so much”.
Mikey’s hand lifted from the ground, before letting it rest against your face, as he forced his last will to look at you. To admire your every feature. The face that had provided him with the last bits of hope he had needed. The only face that had made him feel truly happy for these past 20 years. He felt your warm hand on his, holding him close to you, just like he had held you close all those nights.
“I love you too, (Y/N)”, he whispered back. “Thank you… My time with you… has not just been amazing… but even better”. A tear rolled down your face as slowly let your lips meet, feeling him use his last powers to kiss you, with a tender soft kiss. This time there was no sadness in his soft kiss, but a small bit of happiness and gratitude. Mikey finally knew peace. And with that peace he took his final breath, his hand becoming limb in your grip, and his eyes becoming black. You broke down in tears, cradling his hand against your face. Michelangelo, the last of the ninja turtles, and the man that you had fallen in love with, was gone. His spirit now living peacefully with the rest of his family.
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hermesgoestojuvie · 8 months
remember this one perpollo fic that was just so good. it was a oneshot i think, and i forget the name and i'm going through my bookmarks but i can't seem to find it. (i'll link it if i do! or if anyone remembers the name-)
but i remember it was like, this intense world-building where there literally was a war between the demigods and gods. like they were full on killing the gods and eating(?) i think, their hearts and consuming their essence. and yet some of the gods were, while def at war with the demigods, still careful and caring for their kids, or at least the implication was there, with poseidon not going after percy, and apollo unleashing a plague on the demigds, but tailored so that it would not affect his kids.
and i love that fic, and i LOVE perpollo, but rn im in a very permes mood, so im kinda thinking abt a permes take.
espcially as i just finished reading Lore by Alexandra Bracken, in which descendants of heroes (like the house of odysseus, the house of heracles, the house of theseues, the house of Iason, etc.) have a three day hunger-games like thing called the Agon, where seven (i think it was seven) gods (as a punishment from zeus for trying to overthrow him) get turned mortal and can actually be killed, with the promise that whichever hero kills them, gets to become the new god. of course, to keep it fair, this "new god" can also be killed in the next agon by another hero and have their power taken. i think i remember these gods as poseidon, hermes, dionysus, the twins, athena, and ares. also aphrodite, so maybe it was eight.
(this was tragic for me bc i was attached to WAY TOO MANY (like 4?) of the gods before i even started the book considering my love for pjo lol, and i didnt want to see them go)
but now im just thinking of it, a war, demigods v gods, maybe after the giant war? idk. and its such a complex position for percy bc he hates the gods! he does! but he cares about his father. he cares for hermes. and yet he also cares abt his fellow demogods, his friends, his family. he is loyal to his core, but he is also just very tired.
and then, what do the others think regarding percy anyways? the gods will see him as a weapon no longer in their hands. the demigods see their friend yes, but also the kid who DOES care about his dad and is loyal--the guy who was close to ascending on his own right down there in tartarus before he somehow stopped himself.
like. its so interesting and i do want to do smth with that, but i also have like. three other permes ideas, one of which already has a 13 page incomplete outline written out, and that has actually stumped me on how to continue it for like, the past year and a half, so. who knows if i'll even manage to commit. but im def toying with this, its been on my mind for the past few weeks.
EDIT: found the fic! its here
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Backslide, Vignette, Snap Back, and Oldies Station are so desperately important to me.
For the past few years, I’ve been struggling with a self-destructive habit that I haven’t been able to break. Even though my family has been super loving and understanding, I keep feeling like THIS time is going to be the time that they get fed up and give up on me for good. “Do you think that now’s the time, you should let go?” I feel like I’ve asked that question a thousand times. And the repetition, which sounds (to me) like he’s TELLING the person he’s talking to that they should let go. They SHOULD get tired of me. My self-destructive habits are hurting the people I cared about. I should have fixed it for THEM if not myself, I should have loved them better.
Vignette just sounds like a relapse to me. The way Tyler sings “Man, it’s been a long night” and “Where do I go from here?” are so filled with exhaustion and desperation. The mental image of people he cares about finding him in the woods, covered in bites, as someone finding you after a relapse and seeing what you’ve done to yourself.
Snap Back is. just. Sometimes you can FEEL your resolve getting weaker, you can FEEL yourself buckling under life’s pressures and going to familiar coping mechanisms. You want to be stronger, to have more resolve, but you’re so freaking tired and it feels inevitable. After all, it only takes ONE weak moment. You have all day to relapse. You have all night. You have all week. Can you REALLY stay determined that long? You’ve done this before. You know you can’t.
(And this line of thinking is inherently self-defeating. You’ve relapsed so many times that you’ve lost faith in yourself. You don’t have faith in yourself, so you can’t win. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.)
And at the end, when you’ve tried everything and said everything to the people you love as they’re sad and angry and worried and afraid and proud and everything else over the years… “I’ve run out of excuses for why I am this way.”
Finally. Oldies Station. Because life is going to keep coming, and you’re probably going to relapse. You’re still learning to deal with fear and pain without hurting yourself in the process. But you’re still here.
“Make an oath, then make mistakes. Start a streak you’re bound to break.” This philosophy is one I’ve been trying to adopt for years. No matter how many times you relapse, you NEED to keep fighting. There is so much freedom in staring again, KNOWING you’ll probably fail, but putting your all into it anyway. Because sometimes, your all isn’t enough. Whether that’s because life is too hard or you’re too weak doesn’t really matter. That’s not what you need to be focusing on. When darkness rolls on you, when you’re filled with grief and shame and whatever emotions plague you in a vicious cycle, you push on through.
You get better. You get stronger. It’s so slow, but it happens. You’re still here.
And when you do relapse again, you may be disappointed, but you can feel yourself on the come up even when you’re at a low point.
You fell into a backslide yet again, but you don’t quite mind. And isn’t that the goal of healing?
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anxiousgaypanicking · 6 months
Moceit (Patton x Janus) Hypnovember 2020 Day Fourteen: Tail Warnings: hypnosis, pet play, plugs, barking, blowjobs, humping, crying
Though Janus's eyes look as though they're focused on the TV in front of him, he's truthfully staring at Patton in his peripheral. As some generic host drones on and on on the screen, Janus pats his hand against his thigh, mostly just a subconscious action. 
He'd been doing it for the past few minutes, but had only recently realized Patton was staring at him. Staring at his hand. 
He was doing it noticeably, too, head turned fully to look at Janus. While Janus was good at being subtle, Patton absolutely was not, and so Janus seized the opportunity to observe his strange behavior. Patton was the one who'd turned this (otherwise uninteresting) show on; why would he pay more attention to Janus's hand than an engaging television series? 
Finally, as the show goes to commercial, Janus turns to Patton, who's face flushes as his eyes dart up to meet Janus's. 
"Oh!" Patton exclaims, as though he's been caught doing something he's not supposed to, despite Janus having said naught. "Sorry." 
Janus raises an eyebrow. "For what?" 
That has Patton closing his lips immediately, and turning to look at the television. He shrugs instead of answering, but that only furthers Janus's curiosity. As Janus hits his palm against his thigh again, Patton's head is immediately whipping towards him once more. 
That has Janus humming in amusement. "Do you want to sit on my lap or something?" 
His playful comment only worsens Patton's flush, who stammers over an answer before his hands come to play with the sleeves of his cardigan. Patton reacts like Janus patting his lap is an invitation, in such a way that Janus equates him to a cute puppy, though that though additionally stems from just how embarrassed Patton seems to be at his own actions, like they're involuntary. 
Janus doesn't even bother to hide his amusement, a grin spreading across his face. After a few moments of Patton's flustered silence, Janus playfully murmurs "you know, typically, when someone asks a question, they expect an answer."
"Sorry," Patton squeaks.
Janus chuckles. "Is your attention truly so easily captured by someone patting their thigh? How cute."
Patton stumbles in response, unsure how to answer. Luckily, Janus keeps talking, giving him little opportunity to respond.
"Patting your lap is commonly how one would get the attention of some yappy little puppy! Patting at their thighs, baby talking the thing." Janus hums, glancing at the television, before looking back at Patton. "Honestly, if there was a cute little dog around, I'd be a lot more entertained with it than with whatever's on TV right now."
Janus motions to the slop shining over their screen.
"Neither of us are paying much attention to it, anyway."
In order to emphasize this point, Janus softly drums on his thighs with the palms of his hands, this time directly staring at Patton. Teasingly, Janus asks "what urges are plaguing your mind right now, love?" smirking slightly, he's quick to add "and would you like to act on them?"
He's overly confident in his words, despite the fact it's stemming from a rather intense bit of speculation, considering Patton hasn't implied in the slightest he'd be willing to do something so forward.
And admittedly, Patton's initial response has Janus briefly doubting his assumption, wondering if he perhaps overstepped. He's staring at Janus, mouth agape, unsure where to focus his gaze, and so his eyes flicker nervously around the room.
And yet, rather surprisingly, Patton scoots closer after a few moments, pausing just short of Janus's thighs. It has Janus letting out a closed mouth chuckle, before he teasingly asks "do you need help, love?" already moving to slide his hands around Patton's waist, and with a bit of effort guide Patton onto his lap. Patton's hands quickly find and grasp Janus's shoulders, with his legs straddling Janus's thighs.
Janus's hands rub over Patton's pudgy stomach, before sliding up his sides. He cocks his head to the side, grinning at Patton. "Are you satisfied now?" he inquires, though his words are overly playful. "I could tell you'd been wanting to sit in my lap for the past fifteen minutes, at least."
Patton chews his inner cheek, before softly mumbling "yeah."
Janus lets out a pleased hum, continuing to rub over Patton's stiff body, before he murmurs "you're like a puppy." And when Patton perks up, overly interested in the comparison, Janus continues. "A dumb puppy," he clarifies, pushing his knuckles teasingly against Patton's temple, "who just wants to sit on his owner's lap, and be held. Do you want to be pet, too?"
Janus's hands stop their rubbing, awaiting Patton's answer.
But Patton just shifts his position on Janus's lap, avoiding eye contact as he replies "no! No, of course not. That's-" Patton bites his bottom lip, before taking in a deep breath, and turning to face Janus fully. "You're being silly. I think... I think I just want affection right now. Normal, standard affection."
Smile falling, Janus gives Patton a rather dramatic pout at the answer. "What a shame," he sighs, leaning back against the couch cushions; his hands are still on Patton's hips. "Having a puppy around to pet would entertain me quite a bit." Janus then bitterly flicks his wrist towards the TV. "Much more than whatever's on the tele."
"You can change the show if you don't like it," Patton quickly insists, but Janus just squeezes Patton's waist firmly in turn.
"There isn't any way I could possibly reach the remote now," Janus argues, though he holds Patton tight enough that Patton couldn't slide off of Janus even if he tried. "Besides, petting a puppy sounds way more fun than watching TV. And I'm lucky to have a rather cute puppy right in front of me! You are a cute puppy, right?"
Patton hides his face, attempting to obscure his bright red cheeks.
Janus ignores his embarrassment, and keeps speaking. "The main type of affection puppies receive is petting, love. It's the type of affection a puppy like you would crave. But... if you don't want that, that's fine by me."
Janus shrugs, and then shifts to get comfortable, before dropping his hands away from Patton's body.
He lets Patton just sit there for a moment, while Janus leans partially to the side in order to act like he's watching television, even though the show was in fact incredibly boring. However, Patton shifting around on his lap at the sudden loss of attention is anything but, and Janus has to bite back a grin when a whimper slips past Patton's lips.
"Fine," Patton finally says, rather meekly. He's playing with his fingers. "If... if you really want to, then I guess you can... I guess you can pet me."
He struggles to say it, but his eventual admission (and subtle shift of the blame from his own wants to Janus's) are incredibly cute, and so Janus lets it slide.
Leaning closer to Patton, Janus's hands plant themselves back on Patton's waist, and pets over his body a lot more sensually than before. His hands rub over Patton's ribs, around his back, and then over his waist. With his hands around Patton's midsection, Janus pulls Patton closer, until they're pressed chest-to-chest. Then, his hands are sliding down further, caressing his lower back and upper ass, before his palms circle around to Patton's spread thighs. 
Janus is confident with all of his touches, which further encourages Patton to avoid meeting Janus's eyes, even though he's very noticeably enjoying himself as Janus feels him up. And he lets himself be touched casually for a bit. That is, until Janus is leaning his head against Patton's soft chest, tilting his face upwards with knowing eyes. His hands still against Patton's legs, and a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Whispering, Janus says "I know you like this, but... I have a feeling you want a little more."
Janus very lightly squeezes at Patton's thighs, pushing his thumbs slowly into the fat, and rubbing deep, firm circles into his legs. "Lucky for you," he continues, "I have a wonderful idea. Would you like to hear it?"
Patton's still visibly flushed, especially at Janus's implications that he himself might want more (which is an overly accurate assessment), but he slowly nods his head.
He squeaks when Janus finally runs his hand over his crotch in turn, teasing the front of Patton's khaki pants and rubbing over what is obviously the start of an erection. While touching him so lewdly, Janus insists "I know how to turn you into a proper puppy. Sure, you're acting like one, but you don't look the part."
Janus suddenly squeezes Patton's bulge, making Patton gasp and moan as his fingers curl around Janus's shoulders.
"And once you're nothing but a cute, dumb pup, I'll get to spend all day taking care of you," which are words Janus emphasizes by rubbing more harshly over Patton's front, making Patton buck his hips as he tries to rock his clothed cock into Janus's hand. "Would that be something you'd enjoy, my dear?"
"Yes!" Patton shudders, rolling his hips against Janus's palm. "Please!" 
With a rather enthusiastic verbal agreement, Janus has no qualms in pushing Patton off his lap, and standing up, pulling Patton up off the couch before releasing him and beginning to walk towards his room. And when Patton doesn't immediately follow, Janus turns to face him.
With an amused look on his face, Janus pats his thighs, saying "come on, boy. Aren't you excited to come with me? Excited to get a nice treat?"
Patton visibly shivers, but quickly shuffles forward, until he's at Janus's side, and following him obediently to his room, his face bright red. As they walk - both of them fast-paced and thrilled in their own right - Janus praises Patton, offering soft compliments such as "what a good puppy!" and "such a good listener," which has Patton tugging at the collar of his shirt, feeling as though he might start panting if Janus is any more casual with this. 
Once they're in Janus's room, the door is being pushed shut, and Janus is already moving towards his closet.
"Be a good boy and strip for me, won't you?" Janus asks, as he sifts through his closet, luckily finding a headband with attached puppy ears and a tail plug - which he's been keeping on-hand "just in case" - as well as a thick collar.
Patton undoes his clothes slowly, but manages to get fully nude by the time Janus turns back to him, arms full of accessories. As Janus lays them on the mattress, he guides Patton to sit on the edge of his bed beside them, and praises Patton for being so obedient when he does.
Patton's thighs press together as Janus lifts the headband first and foremost, and turns it side-to-side to show Patton how the cute, blonde puppy ears move.
He slides them into Patton's hair, careful not to accidentally pull and hurt him, until the band is nestled perfectly atop Patton's hair. Janus's fingers then pet through Patton's locks, rousing his curls until the headband itself looks mostly hidden, and the two ears look like they're sprouting from Patton's own head. Then, he's taking the collar and clamping it around Patton's neck, with a nice, long leash being hooked on one of the loops quickly after.
Janus gives it a firm tug, Patton being yanked forward, before the leash is dropped and Janus is smiling, satisfied with the way Patton moans at the brief choking sensation.
"Flip yourself over for me, love," Janus then instructs him, as he grabs some lube from his nightstand. "Bend yourself over the bed."
Doing as he's told - like a good puppy would - Patton turns over, his feet hitting the floor and his chest hitting the sheets. As he presses his body into the bed, the collar presses into his neck, making him while. But what really excites him is when Janus's hands squeeze his ass, before one hand gropes and spreads his cheeks apart, while Janus's fingers - coated with an excess amount of lube - presses against his hole.
Janus is teasing at first, circling his index finger around Patton's entrance, before slowly pushing his pointer and middle finger in, scissoring Patton slowly and carefully.
Patton moans as he feels Janus's fingers curl inside of him, and gasps loudly when the tips of his fingers suddenly push against his prostate. He goes to beg for more, but Janus is already giving it to him before he can, slowly thrusting his fingers against that spot while Patton's cock rubs against the side of the bed.
"Please," Patton moans, as he grips the mattress tightly, drooling when Janus adds a third finger, stretching Patton open.
But after just another minute or two, Janus's fingers are slipping out. Patton whines at the sudden loss, and opens his mouth to complain, only to suddenly feel a plug be pushed inside of him moments later, and fur brush against his ass.
Janus leans over him, jostling the plug as he both rubs Patton's waist, and pets through his hair. "There," he proclaims, sounding overly proud. "Now you look like a proper puppy. Isn't this wonderful?" 
It's hard for Patton to look at Janus while feeling overwhelmed with humiliation, but he still feels compelled to react to Janus's question, and so nods his head. 
This is wonderful, albeit embarrassing.
He gasps a little out of surprise when Janus presses his hand firmly against Patton's back and pushes his chest farther into the bed, humming in thought for a moment before pulling back and stating "hm. This simply won't do."
As his hands slide away from Patton's body, Patton is turning his head to face Janus, worriedly asking "what's wrong?"
His voice is trembling, revealing his desperation. He doesn't want this to stop - he feels more aroused than he's ever felt in his life! - but Janus's tone is making him nervous. He briefly worries if he's messing this up somehow, especially as Janus stares at his exposed body, as if evaluating him.
"You're so, so close to being the perfect puppy, but you're still a little... off," Janus explains, tapping at his chin. His eyes are narrow as he scans over Patton's back, and meets his eyes briefly, before Janus is maneuvering Patton onto his back instead, chuckling in amusement at the way Patton immediately squeezes his thighs shut to hide his hard cock. This new position - with his hips further up on the bed - causes the plug inside of him to shift around, making Patton whimper.
Patton's rush to hide his body though has Janus suddenly lighting up, and going "this is what I mean! A proper puppy would just pant and drool-" Janus slides between Patton's legs and slowly pushes them apart "-and keep their legs spread like a good mutt. But you're held back by that silly mind of yours, which still insists you're a human with pride and dignity." 
Janus runs his hand up Patton's stomach. "Will you even bark for me, love? Go on. Bark."
Face going bright red at the command, Patton can only muster a squeak, being silenced by his own humiliation. He can't bark for Janus, regardless of how hot the command is. It's too embarrassing! So, instead, he murmurs a soft "sorry! I'm sorry. I can't."
He covers his face with his hands, while Janus rubs over Patton's stomach softly, attempting to silently comfort him. Then his hands slide up further, and he pulls Patton's hands away in order for Janus to kiss his lips.
"I'll help you," Janus assures him, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'll ease you into becoming a perfect, obedient puppy, but you have to trust me."
"Okay," Patton whispers.
Janus helps him sit up. "Relax, love. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Trust me. Trust me. Do you want me to help you, Patton? Would you like me to turn into a shameless, obedient pup?"
Patton nods, but Janus just chuckles.
"Speak, puppy. Yes or no."
"Yes. Yes, please," Patton stammers, and in turn has his chin tilted up by Janus, enough so that he meets Janus's eyes. And spirals activate within Janus's irises.
They swirl and spin in such a mesmerizing way, captivating Patton entirely and causing him to breathe in heavily, and breathe until his chest feels empty. Janus guides him to relax further, telling him his body is so heavy; so heavy he can hardly move. His brain is empty and open, waiting to be filled by Janus's words. And once Patton's dizzy and drooling, Janus blinks away the spirals in his eyes, and rummages around for the plug's remote. One he didn't tell Patton about, as to not spoil the surprise.
Without hesitation, he's suddenly turning the plug to the highest setting.
Patton's body arches, a sluggish, loud moan spilling from his lips, but he's been walked so deep into a trance that he's luckily not broken out of it. Janus would pat himself on the back for his trancing skills if he wasn't already so enraptured by Patton's blank, mindless stare, and his cute, pleasured jerks as the plug buzzes inside of him. 
"I'm going to take care of you," Janus coos, thumbing away a trail of spit that's leaking steadily from Patton's mouth. "You'll be a proper, silly pet. Are you excited?"
He's not surprised when Patton doesn't answer with anything other than a tired moan, gasping when Janus's finger rubs over Patton's slit, with his other hand slowly clicking the intensity of the vibrator down. Once it's to the midway point, Janus speaks once more.
"The higher the intensity of your cute little plug gets, the dumber you get. Do you understand that?" Janus lowers the vibrations lower, and lower, until they've nearly stopped completely. "Each time that buzzing gets more and more intense, more and more of your thoughts will slip away. Your shame will, too. You'll be an obedient, barking mutt after just a few rounds. Okay, puppy?"
Janus raises the intensity a bit, watching as Patton's eyes roll back into his head, before he adds "you won't have any embarrassment or inhibitions stopping your urge to hump and rut against the nearest surface. You're just a puppy; of course you want as much pleasure as possible!" The vibrator speeds up, and suddenly Patton's hips buck, looking as though he's struggling to stay sitting up. "The only thoughts in your head are about how you're a good, cute puppy, and you love to obey your owner."
He flicks the vibrator up more, and watches Patton stupidly try to hump the air, cock straining for attention. 
Janus flicks the intensity up again, making Patton cry out as he's forced deeper and deeper into an obedient, shameless, puppy mindset. Then, the vibrations slow, until Patton's cock is leaking just as much as his mouth is.
Janus thumbs a bead of pre away from Patton's cock, and then holds his thumb in front of Patton's mouth.
"Lick, puppy," Janus commands him, and watches as Patton stupidly leans forward, taking Janus's finger into his mouth and sucking over it desperately, his tongue slobbering all over Janus's digit until Janus pulls it away. As a reward, his plug is turned up again, until it's at about a medium level. Enough to be noticeable, but not enough to overwhelm Patton sooner than Janus wishes to. After all, there's quite a lot he wants to do with Patton; it'd be a shame to have him overstimulated too early!
"Puppies love to be pet," Janus then says, cementing his words into Patton's brain. "They love to bark, they love to obey, they love to crawl and kneel and pant. And they love to be pet."
He then gently runs his hands up Patton's thighs, and is delighted when Patton's tongue rolls out of his mouth, a dumb smile on his face and his eyes nearly crossed. He happily pants at the touch and tries to lean into it. Moaning, Patton arches into Janus's hands as they caress his stomach, moaning in excitement as Janus's fingers brush over his body.
He feels so good, and that's all he cares about.
Not the drool dripping off his chin and onto his thighs, or the way he obediently keeps his legs spread to make sure Janus has more room to rub him everywhere, which Janus does. Janus slides his hand anywhere he can reach, cupping Patton's face, stroking his hair, groping his chest; Janus's palms glide anywhere but his cock. Then, he uses his hands to alter Patton's positions. He moves Patton fully onto the bed, and then onto his knees, with Janus wiggling his face mockingly once Patton is kneeling on the mattress.
As he brushes some of Patton's curls out of his face, Janus asks aloud "do you know how to do any tricks, love?"
As expected, the only response Janus gets is a mindless, drooling smile, and soft moans as Patton lightly fucks himself back on his plug. Janus can't help but admire just how cute Patton looks, but only appreciates the view for just a moment before going "speak, puppy. I want an answer."
He watches as the command takes a moment to register in Patton's mind, before Patton excitedly barks, not seeing anything remotely humiliating about it!
He's a puppy, and good puppies bark!
"Good boy!" Janus immediately praises him, scratching the underside of Patton's chin with two of his fingers. "You're so good. Do you know what good boys do when they're happy?" 
Patton looks a little confused at the question, not having any thoughts in his brain aside from what's already been put there, but his confusion just encourages Janus to sweetly call him "a silly boy," as he shakes his head back and forth with amusement.
"A good puppy wags their tail when they're excited," Janus generously explains. "Can you show me how you wag your tail, pup?"
Almost immediately, Patton is pushing more of his weight onto his arms in order to lift his hips up, and wiggles clumsily back and forth, enough to have the tail inside of him swaying side to side. He quickly falls into the rhythm of doing it and becomes more absent-minded and excited, moaning as he feels the plug jostle and shift inside of him. 
"Good boy," Janus coos, before he steps away. "Though, last I checked, pets aren't allowed on the furniture. And here you are, sitting on my bed! Silly mutt; you belong on the floor."
Janus pats his thigh, calling Patton to his side, and watching as Patton looks over the edge of the bed, before carefully sliding off of it, and landing on his knees on the floor. Eagerly, he crawls forward until he's seated before Janus's thighs. As a reward, Janus flicks the vibe up again, and watches as Patton cries out in pleasure, his head lolling dumbly to the side.
"Do you want a treat, puppy?" Janus then asks, already reaching to undo his zipper. "A treat for being so good? Bark for me; tell me you want a treat."
With drool streaming steadily down his chin, Patton barks, before smiling happily, feeling good when he obeys.
Janus pets through Patton's hair, whispering soft praises at him in a babying, almost mocking way, but Patton can only understand Janus's tone, and Janus seems happy, so Patton is happy. He pants as he's pet, while Janus works his pants down just enough to pull his cocks out.
He guides Patton closer by his hair, until Patton's sitting back on his calves in front of Janus's hard cocks. Patton stares at them, almost entranced, before cocking his head up at Janus and rubbing his hand over Janus's leg the same way a puppy would paw at someone's thigh. Janus chuckles at the impatience, but doesn't scold Patton for it, instead musing at his desperation.
However, after a few seconds of nothing, Patton leans forward to lick over them, giving into his arousal and instincts. This immediately gets him scolded though, as Janus pushes him back by his forehead.
"Bad puppy," Janus tsks, though softens a bit when Patton shrinks at the chastising. "You're not allowed to move without my permission. Good, obedient puppies listen to their owners. Don't you want to be a good, obedient puppy?"
Patton barks quietly at first, hips rolling against the floor, before barking louder with a mixture of apology and desperation, eyes struggling to stay focused up at Janus's face when all he wants to stare at is his treat.
Patton whimpers as Janus keeps his palm rested against his forehead, pouting as he stares at Janus's cocks, before looking up at Janus with wide eyes behind his circular frames. He attempts to push his nose against Janus's wrist to be affectionate, and when Janus pulls his hand away, Patton rubs his face against Janus's thigh instead, making cute whining noises as he does so. And Janus really can't resist him any longer.
So, he runs his hand down to Patton's collar, and grabs his leash, twisting it around his hand a few times until he's got a firm grip on it, and Patton's pulled close to him.
The tips of his cocks bump against Patton's mouth, teasing him. Antagonizing him. But Janus just softly counts down from three, before going "go ahead, puppy. Accept your treat," once he reaches "one." And Patton does, immediately rubbing his face against Janus's shaft like a whore. His tongue sloppily drags over the slits of his cocks, before he suckles on the tips of them, and then pulls away, a thin line of spit connecting his lips to Janus's cocks.
He crosses his eyes in order to stare up at Janus, panting happily with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.
Janus reaches his free hand over Patton's head, briefly scratching behind his faux puppy ears, before suddenly grabbing a fistful of Patton's hair and properly shoving one of his cocks into Patton's mouth. He lets the other drag across Patton's face, rubbing Patton's own spit back into his foreheads as beads of Janus's pre drip into his hair.
He winds up more of Patton's leash so that Patton doesn't have enough room to pull away, and makes Patton moan at the pleasant, tightening sensation around his neck, as well as the way Janus's cock feels pressing against his tongue and pushing deep into his throat.
It makes his already foggy head feel even fuzzier. He gags, but he's hardly aware of it, and doesn't bother trying to pull away in the slightest. Because he doesn't want to. He wants his treat. 
Patton’s messy and intense with his sucking, moaning when Janus guides him fully down, making him choke around the base of Janus’s cocks, nose pressed against Janus’s pelvis, before Janus loosens his grip on the leash and lets Patton pull away.
Once more, he has to push on Patton’s head to keep him from immediately going back down.
Patton whimpers and whines when he’s denied yet again, but Janus just chuckles before he’s grabbing both of his cocks with one hand.
“Can you be a good boy for me and take both?” Janus asks, watching Patton’s dumb brain slowly process the question. Patton blinks, audibly panting, before suddenly smiling wide and barking. He again tries to move forward, but this time Janus lets him, petting through Patton’s hair in order to praise him.
“You’re so cute, pup,” Janus coos, “so cute and eager and obedient."
He lets Patton move at his own pace, and quietly moans himself when Patton sloppily licks over his cocks once more, before beginning to slowly guide Janus’s cocks into his mouth as Janus holds them still. It makes his jaw ache, but he sucks anyway, moaning at the heavy weight pressing into his mouth and the way Janus’s pre tastes leaking down his throat.
He cries out messily when Janus turns his plug up even higher, and pushes his head further down Janus’s cocks, until they’re about halfway in his mouth. He gags, eyes welling up with tears.
Unable to get them past that point, Patton takes to pleasuring them with his tongue, moaning around them and making Janus sigh in pleasure in turn. He stays stroking through Patton’s hair as Patton chokes on his shafts, and listens as Patton tries to shift his hips and drive his plug further into him while simultaneously humping the air.
With the leash pressing into his palm, Janus suddenly gives it a light tug, urging Patton further down and watching him struggle.
“You’re such a dumb pup,” Janus muses, in a babying voice, which has Patton looking immediately more confident and excited. “You hardly know what’s going on! All you know is being stupid and happy, and sucking cock.” Patton’s tongue drags over the length of his shafts at the praise, hips jerking excitedly.
It doesn’t take long before Janus slides one of his legs between Patton’s thighs, giving him something proper to rut against. And Patton does, immediately grinding his own cock over Janus’s shin, and whining immediately at the friction. Janus moans quietly in turn due to the pleasant vibrations coursing up his cocks.
Patton’s own precome smears over Janus’s pants as his pelvis humps desperately against Janus’s leg, desperate for any little bit of pleasure while his mouth is used as Janus’s fleshlight. He’s sucking obscenely, and making even lewder noises while his cock rubs against Janus. He’s needy and horny, and stupid and obedient.
“Good puppy,” Janus moans, becoming less and less careful of Patton’s headband while petting through his sweaty hair. “Such a… such a pretty boy.”
Janus has to bring his knuckles to his mouth in order to muffle any particularly embarrassing noises that threaten to spill from his lips as a result of Patton’s messy, noisy sucking. He’s bobbing his head quickly, swallowing as much of Janus’s cocks down as possible, before sliding back the tip and drinking down Janus’s pre, and then sinking again.
His fists press against Janus’s legs to keep himself from clumsily falling this way or that.
With his eyes welling up with tears, Patton’s humping becomes more clumsy and intense, grinding his cock feverishly against Janus’s shin. He’s moaning repeatedly with each slide against Janus’s pants, and when Janus rubs his leg against Patton’s cock in turn, Patton just lets out a choked cry. A few tears spill down his red cheeks, as he feels his orgasm rapidly approaching.
Janus watches Patton’s face contort in pleasure around his cocks, a mixture of drool and tears smearing over his slick, sweaty face. Patton’s a mess, and it’s beautiful.
“Are you close, my puppy?”
Patton makes a slew of dirty, wet noises in response, no doubt affirming Janus’s question. He’s so hot and close, and his dumb little puppy mind just can’t hold himself back! He’s got no restraint. No humiliation. Nothing holding him back. So when Janus turns his plug vibrator up all the way, Patton feels overwhelmingly pleasured and mindless. He pushes himself down on Janus’s cocks, gagging himself once more, as his hips stutter against Janus’s leg. He comes quickly over Janus’s pants and his own thighs, making a mess of them both. His eyes roll back into his head as he humps sloppily throughout his orgasm, before he stills, more slowly bobbing his head as his foggy mind struggles to remember that his real treat is still yet to come. So, Janus graciously helps him out.
With his fingers curled in Patton’s hair, Janus takes to thrusting his cocks down Patton’s throat, making Patton choke as his mouth is used like a toy. But he likes it. He likes being good for his owner.
With quiet moans coming from his own mouth, Janus eventually shoves Patton’s face halfway down his cocks and comes down his throat, having to bite his bottom lip hard to keep his noises repressed. Patton chokes on his semen, but swallows down all that he can, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows twice, thrice, and then is allowed to pull away.
Panting, Patton slumps against the floor, watching with tired, foggy eyes as Janus tucks himself back into his pants, and then kneels down beside him.
Being careful of the come decorating Patton’s own stomach, Janus slides his hand along Patton’s front, petting over his body. “Good boy,” Janus whispers, soft voice echoing throughout the hot room. “You did so well. How do you feel?”
And in response, Patton barks.
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atths--twice · 6 months
Germs and All
After attending a conference, Scully falls ill. Not wanting to be alone, and missing Mulder, she heads to his apartment.
I've been fighting through a cold the past few days. As a result, I've had extra time on my hands as I've been resting. Because of this, my mind wanders to MSR more than usual. I love stories where they take care of each other and so, I've written this little fic.
Hope you enjoy. 💓
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Scully woke up, her mouth dry and nose stuffy. Groaning, she rolled over and glanced at the alarm clock before closing her eyes in the gray light. Opening her eyes again, she looked back at the clock as she drew in a breath. 
It was eleven thirty? 
Sitting up, she looked around the room and then picked up her watch to be sure the time was correct. 
“Oh, God,” she whined softly as she fell back onto the pillows, sniffling deeply. “How is it so late?” 
Rain hit the windows and she sighed as she sat up again and laid her watch back beside her half drunk cup of tea. Pushing herself up, she groaned again, her body aching. 
Stumbling to the bathroom, she used the toilet, washed her hands and brushed her teeth. Staring at her reflection, she sighed and made a face before turning off the light and leaving the room. 
Shivering, she grabbed the comforter off of the bed and wrapped it around herself as she groaned again and opened the bedroom door. 
Pausing just past the doorway, she looked to her right and saw Mulder sitting on his couch, smiling at her. 
“Hello,” he said and she frowned with another groan. “I take it you’re not feeling better.” 
“It’s eleven thirty,” she complained and he nodded, glancing at his watch. 
“Nearly quarter till twelve now,” he said and she whined. 
“Why did you let me sleep so long?” she asked, kicking the comforter back from her feet as she walked over to him. 
“Let you?” he asked with a chuckle, as she sat on the end of the couch with a huff and then laid down, her head resting against his thigh. 
“I’m tired,” she complained, letting out a deep breath. “And my nose is stuffy.”
“I know,” he said, his fingers rubbing her head and running through her hair. “Well, about the stuffy nose anyway.” 
“I slept all night. How am I still tired?” she whined and he chuckled again. 
“You have a cold, Scully.” 
“Mmmm,” she moaned with a frown. “This is all Skinner’s fault. I didn’t want to go to that stupid conference. He made me.” 
“Hmm,” Mulder hummed, his fingers rubbing her neck. 
“That feels good,” she whispered, her eyes closing. 
“Skinner wasn’t sick,” he mused and she sighed heavily. 
“No. But someone there was and I got it from them. You didn’t go, so you’re fine.” 
“I won’t be in a couple of days, seeing as you brought all the germs with you. This place is ground zero now. The bedroom in particular is highly contaminated.” 
“I know. I should’ve gone home,” she admitted with a nod. “I just…” 
“I was just teasing,” he said, his thumb pressing firmer into her neck and causing her to moan. “I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Even though I’ve…” She sniffled deeply and let out a deep breath. “God. Even though I’ve brought the plague upon you?” 
“It’s just a cold,” he said, laughing softly. 
“Feels worse.” 
“You say that every time you’re sick.” 
“Because it does. It always does,” she whined, breathing through her mouth as her nose had become far too stuffy. 
“I’ll get you some medicine,” he said, scratching her scalp lightly and moving gently from the couch. “You want anything to eat?” She moaned and shook her head. “Tea?” She shook her head again and he chuckled softly. “Okay, just the medicine.” 
She nodded as she burrowed into the comforter, finding a more comfortable position. 
A kiss was pressed to her temple and she smiled. 
“Even full of germs, and wrapped like a mummy, you’re adorable,” he whispered, kissing her again before he left the room. 
She smiled and then coughed, groaning as she shook her head. The comforter was pulled even closer and she took a stuffy breath. 
“Hey,” Mulder said and she opened her eyes. “Here’s the medicine and some water. You need to sit up to take it and the cough syrup.” 
“I hate cough syrup,” she grumbled and he hummed as he helped her sit up. 
“I know,” he said, handing her the syringe in his hand. 
“You like using this, don’t you?” she asked, putting the syringe in her mouth and pressing the plunger, swallowing the medicine quickly. Making a face, she took a sip of the water he offered. 
“I do. I’m glad you gave it to me,” he said, smiling as he handed her two large liquid filled pills. “These should help too.” 
She took them and placed them into her mouth, swallowing them with the rest of the water in the glass. Pouting, she handed the glass back to him and then coughed, turning her head to avoid coughing directly on him. 
“I’ll get you some more water,” he said as she coughed again. She laid back down with a moan, cursing that stupid conference. 
It had been monotonous, uninspiring, and lonely without Mulder with her. And then the last night there, she had felt the telltale signs of a cold brewing as her throat was scratchy when she swallowed. 
Waking up to a stuffy nose and achy body, the flight home had been miserable. Hailing a cab, she had given the driver Mulder’s address, closing her eyes as she rested her head against the window. 
When she had made her way to his door, her suitcase feeling exceptionally heavy and clumsy, she swayed as she knocked twice and waited. 
His happy smile had vanished at the sight of her, concern quickly replacing it. 
“I don’t feel so good,” she had said, pitching forward and falling into his arms. 
“Aw, Scully,” he had whispered, pulling her and her bag inside. 
He had brought her into his room, turned on the shower to warm up, and helped her undress. 
While she had been in the shower, he had changed his sheets, found some clothes for her to wear, and made her some tea. 
When she had dressed in one of his long sleeved shirts and a pair of cuffed sweatpants with the drawstring pulled as far as it could go, he had sat her down on his bed and blown her hair dry as she moaned repeatedly, her eyes closed. 
When he had finished, he brushed her hair and kissed her on the forehead. 
“Why don’t you lay down and I’ll go get you some medicine?” he had asked and she had nodded. “Come on, come and lay down.” 
He had helped her up and led her to the other side of the bed, pulling back the covers and then tucking her in once she had laid down, her head pounding. 
“I’ll be back soon. Rest.” He had kissed her head twice, ran a hand down her side, and whispered goodbye as he left. 
He had woken her to take some medicine, sitting with her until she had fallen back to sleep, stroking her hair as he spoke quietly about his last couple of days without her. 
She had woken throughout the night, his arm around her waist or fingers locked with her own, her nose stuffy and head still aching. 
“Hey,” he said softly and she opened her eyes, looking up at him. “Do you want some more water? Luckily, I found a bendy straw so now you don’t have to sit up.” 
“Hmm,” she hummed, nodding slightly. “I’ll have a little bit. Thank you.” He sat on the coffee table and held the glass and straw for her as she took a few sips. 
“Feeling any better at all?” he asked and she sighed as she pulled back from the glass of water. 
“Not at the moment,” she said, closing her eyes and sighing again. 
“Well, hopefully that medicine will help soon. I brought over another box of tissues and a paper bag for the used ones. Do you need anything else?” 
“No, not right now. Thank you,” she said, attempting to breathe through her nose and giving up to take a deep breath through her mouth. “I’m just so tired.” 
“Rest, Scully,” he said, kissing her temple again, the glass of water set on the coffee table. 
And she did, dozing in and out as he sat on the couch beside her, his fingers in her hair or resting on her shoulder. She heard baseball being announced, the crack of a bat, and organ music playing. Then she heard the dialogue of a movie as she turned over and sighed, the comforter tucked around her when she did. 
“Thank you,” she breathed and he hummed as his fingers rubbed her scalp again and she fell back to sleep. 
Her bladder woke her and she moaned as she stirred, extricating herself from her comforter cocoon. 
“I ordered some food,” Mulder said as she stretched and rolled her neck. “Matzo ball and chicken noodle soup. Waiting for you, whenever you’re ready.”
“That sounds good,” she said, her voice hoarse. “Not sure how much I’ll be able to eat.” 
“I know. But you haven’t eaten anything all day. You need something.” 
“Okay. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” 
When she came out of the bedroom, she was wearing one of his hoodies, as she had lost the warmth of the comforter. She had also put on a pair of his thick socks and pulled her hair back into a small ponytail. Yawning, she padded to the dining room and sat down. 
A small bowl of matzo ball soup had been placed at her spot, the spoon resting inside of it. She smiled at the sight of the cut up matzo ball, making it easier to eat. Glancing up, she watched him walk in with his own bowl of soup and a plate of sliced bread. 
“You cut my matzo ball,” she said with a sniffle as she reached for her spoon. 
“Yeah, I did,” he said, setting his stuff down and sitting beside her. “Easier and quicker for you to eat.” 
“Thank you,” she said, filling her spoon with broth and a piece of matzo. 
They sat in silence as they ate, Scully taking her time to eat as much of the soup as she could. 
“I can’t taste any of this,” she said, shaking her head, leaving her spoon down in the bowl. “Not one bit, but I’m sure it’s really good.” 
“It is,” he said and she nodded as she pushed the bowl from in front of her. 
“I’ll take your word for it,” she said, watching him finish his bowl of soup. He smiled at her and she smiled back, suddenly overwhelmed with affection for him. “I love you.” 
He stopped eating and stared at her, his smile growing. 
“I know I’ve told you before, but I just wanted to say it again,” she said, sniffing and letting out a deep breath. 
He set his spoon in his bowl and made to move towards her, his hands reaching out. 
“No,” she said, putting up a hand. “Contagious, remember?” 
“Ground zero, remember?” he asked, his hands now cradling her face as he smiled. “The damage has been done. Therefore, a kiss on the lips won’t cause any harm.” 
“Hmm,” she hummed, closing her eyes as his lips met hers. 
He kissed her gently, his thumbs slowly rubbing against her cheeks as she hummed again. Needing air, she pulled back slightly and drew in a breath, before his lips were on hers again.  
“I love you too,” he whispered, kissing her one more time. Smiling as he pulled back, his thumbs stroking along her cheeks. “Germs and all.” 
“Ha ha,” she said, opening her eyes and looking at him. “Ugh. I think I need to lay down.” 
“Yeah,” he agreed, moving his hands from her face. “Let me clean this up and get you some more medicine. Then bed.” 
She waited at the table for him as he quickly cleaned up. More cough syrup and pills were brought to her along with a glass of ice water. She took it all with only minimal complaints, thanking him with a nod. 
“Come on. Let’s get you to bed.” 
He led her through the apartment, turning the lights off behind them. He grabbed the comforter and followed her into his room. 
She went into the bathroom, used the toilet, washed her hands, and brushed her teeth. 
Mulder had put the comforter back on the bed and pulled back the covers on her side once again. Waiting while she laid down, he tucked her in and kissed her head. 
“Be right back,” he said and she hummed as she closed her eyes. 
When he finally laid down, she was nearly asleep, but she opened her eyes to look at him and give him a small smile. 
“Thank you for taking care of me,” she whispered, closing her eyes as she reached for his hand. 
“That’s why you came here, isn’t it?” he asked softly, kissing her knuckles. “Knowing you were ill? Wanting to be cared for?” 
“Yes and no,” she said, moving closer to him. 
“How’s that?” he asked and she opened her eyes again.  
“I missed you. I wanted to see you,” she said, her eyes rolling back as she shut them again. “I didn’t plan on being sick. I just missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” he whispered, pulling her close. “I’m glad you came over.” 
“Germs and all?” she asked, her words slightly slurred. 
“Yes. Germs and all,” he assured her, kissing her forehead and whispering his love for her as she fell asleep, held safely in his arms. 
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aralezinspace · 1 year
Send Me to Sleep
Requested by anonymous: fluff with insomniac reader and the prompt "why are you still up?"
A/N: Here have some tooth rotting fluff, I am not responsible for your dental bills xD fun fact, the thing Dream does to help reader sleep is the same thing I do to get my tiny humans to go to sleep, made this slightly bittersweet to write b/c after next Friday I won't be working with tiny kids anymore i'll be working with college age kids ANYWAY hope you enjoy!! 💖💖
~~Requests are open!~~ ~~Current WIPs~~
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
It was almost as if the ticking of your antique alarm clock was mocking you, loudly reminding you of every passing second you spent awake when you should be dead to the world.
Your insomnia was nothing new, it had plagued you since college. It was conditional on your stress levels, which was somewhat ironic: the more stressed you were, the less you slept. The less you slept, the more stressed you became.
Since figuring out that pattern your senior year, you had done everything you could to keep your daily life stress free enough for you to sleep, and it had been working out for the most part, aside from busy times of the year when work, family, and friends all collided in a few hectic weeks. Times of the year like Christmas, the height of summer, and for some reason, the entire month of April.  
This week was not supposed to be one of them.
You stuffed your face into your pillow to muffle your frustrated scream. It was now going on 3:30am, and you had to be up and getting in the shower at 6. You sat up with a heavy sigh and ran your fingers through your hair. Sleep was obviously not coming tonight, so you decided to get some chores done around your apartment.
Under the hot spray of the shower two and a half hours later, you groaned as you felt the heaviness behind your eyes that indicated your body was ready for sleep. Of course it had to happen when you were getting ready for yet another busy day at work… which would probably stress you out to the point where you wouldn’t be able to sleep, or your body would just shut down out of sheer desperation.
“Ugh, Dream’s gonna kill me,” you grumbled into your towel. “Well it’s not like there’s anything I can do about it.”
If anyone else had been this invested in your sleep schedule, it would have been extremely weird. But the fact that it was your partner, the ruler of the Dreaming and Nightmare realms. Sleeping was kind of his thing, and once again the irony was not lost on you: a conditional insomniac, in love with the literal sandman.
Your day was just one thing after another, mostly phone calls. More than the usual volume at work, then a call from your dad, then another one from your aunt for some reason, then one from your brother that you sent straight to voicemail just to have a break. Future you thanked past you for that, turns out he just wanted to once again complain about his boyfriend.
When you got home, your mind was fuzzy with exhaustion, and your body jittered and shook from the after effects of the four cups of coffee required just to get through it all. You felt like crap, and probably looked like crap too.
You shambled through changing into your pajamas and making dinner, barely tasting the food as you chewed. You barely registered what episode you were on, thankfully it was a show you had seen before. Your “bedtime” wasn’t for another two hours; you were ready to drop, but fucking up your sleep schedule even more was a recipe for disaster.
You dragged your hands down your face and groused, “Ugh fuck me.”
“With pleasure.”
The rumbling chortle came from the shadows by your front door, making you spring to your feet. The rush of adrenaline rendered you wide awake, at least long enough to process who was currently standing in your apartment.
A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as Dream of the Endless strode into the light of your living room, hands in the pockets of his signature coat. It slowly dropped from his face as he took in more of your appearance: the blue, almost black bags under your eyes, the pallor of your skin, the slump of your body as if the immense burden of his responsibilities rested on your shoulders.
“My love,” he pressed, almost like a parent trying to get the truth of some mischief out of a child, “It has been some days since I have felt you in the Dreaming for longer than a few moments. Have you not been sleeping again?”
The way your entire body sagged in defeat was all the answer he needed.
He stepped closer to you, gently resting his hands on your shoulders. “Darling, when was the last time you had a good night’s rest?” You shrugged, your brain struggling to come up with an answer that you were allowed to give. Once again, your body language gave him the answer.
“Then why are you still up?” He didn’t sound angry, only deeply concerned. “Why did you not call for me?”
You swallowed hard before mumbling, “I didn’t want to bother you.” A heavy sigh pushed itself out of Dream’s chest and his hands moved to hold your face in his hands, taking the weight of your head off your shoulders. “Beloved, you are never a bother to me. “I would not be a worthy monarch of the Dreaming if I could not even ease my own partner to rest.”
You couldn’t help your chuckle; it was the closest you had ever heard Morpheus come to humility. Your smile brought a tiny mirror of the gesture to Dream’s face as he rubbed his thumb over your cheekbone, trying not to focus on the deep shadows beneath your eyes. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, letting his lips lingered as he inhaled deeply through his nose, taking in your essence. It stuck in his nose, tainted by your exhaustion. He breathed his words into your skin, “Let’s get you into bed.”
Swift like quicksilver, he scooped you into his arms, drawing a startled squeak out of you, closely followed by a bashful giggle. Dream carried you to your bedroom, staring lovingly at you the entire time. Your bed was still unmade from this morning, and he gently deposited you in it before pulling the blankets over you.
You snuggled into the covers, drawing them up to your chin. You smiled at Dream as he sat next to you on top of the covers. Cool fingers brushed your hair out of your face. You murmured, “Gonna use your sand to send me off?”
Dream chuckled, soft and low and slightly smug. “No, I will not need it to get you to sleep. I need only do this.” His forefinger settled between your eyebrows (some would say over your third eye) and gently rubbed the skin there. You hummed softly, wiggling deeper into the comfort of your bed. Dream’s eyes practically glowed in the darkness of your room, distant, even though he was sitting right beside you.
You were more than bone tired, and sank easily into his soothing touch. Your eyes flickered and fluttered for a moment before finally falling shut. Dream’s touch on your forehead was the only thing that existed in the blackness behind your eyelids, safe and comforting. You could practically feel the stress leaking out of you and into the mattress.
In your last moment of lucidity before you drifted off, you heard Dream murmur, “Sleep well, beloved. I will see you soon.”
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baek-at-it-again95 · 2 years
Deja Vu (Spiderman! Yunho x reader)
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Synopsis: It had been three weeks since you saw him. The masked stranger that seemed to appear out of nowhere, protecting your city from crime. The people of the town call him Spiderman, and he has plagued your mind day and night since he saved you.
Warnings: violence, very brief mention of a near death experience, sort of suggestive but not really, I do not know anything about chemistry so please forgive me
Concepts: best friend yunho x reader, ex choi san, angst, fluff, romance, comfort
A/N: hello beautiful atinys! A lovely friend of mine had this genius idea that I had to bring to life. we were totally not inspired by a tiktok edit. It has very similar plot points to the original spiderman movies. I hope you enjoy! <3
"But...who do you think he is?" you ask your best friend, Yunho. He holds the door open for you as you leave your chemistry class together.
"Who knows...but you worry about Spiderman more than you worry about yourself these days, Y/N."
"What can I do?" you ask, throwing your hands up haphazardly. "I almost died falling off a building. That's kind of traumatic, Yunho. Might as well talk about the guy who save me." He sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"I understand. Stay out of trouble, will you? I worry about you being out and about on your own. Hell, I worry something's happened to you when you don't respond to my texts within a five minute window." 
"Clingy much?" you tease, knowing how much of an overthinker your best friend is.
"N-not in like a weird way!" Yunho sputters, dragging a hand down his face in embarrassment. "You're my best friend, Y/N. It's my job to be worried about you. Besides...who else am I going to study chemistry with?" He shoots you his usually goofy grin and you laugh.
"Not me, you know I hate this class!"
"Oh come on, you're the only person that will listen to me talk about it."
"I guess that's my job in this friendship." You shrug. "I will say, it's just so sexy the way you talk about ionic compounds. I can never stop listening." You snort.
"Good to know," he retorts, grabbing your backpack to keep you from running into people on the way to your next class. "Study at the usual spot tonight?" he asks.
You laugh. "I'll be there, sexy."
The past few weeks after the incident have been rocky for you, and since you made it halfway through this week without any issue, it gave you a false sense of hope that things could be back to normal.
But no. As if your night couldn't get any worse...
About thirty minutes ago, your boyfriend, Choi San, told you that he wants to take a break from the relationship. You know your relationship has been strained recently, but you thought that it would just pass with time. Maybe it's for the better, but for now, your emotions are still high. Oh, and you found out that you bombed your chem test earlier today. And as if that wasn't terrible enough, the icing on the cake was that it had started pouring on your walk home. 
At least no one can see my tears in the rain, you think to yourself, head down as you walk to your dorm.
You sniff, quickly wiping at your face on instinct. When you look up, you come face to face with Jeong Yunho. You muster up the best smile you can to greet him, praying he doesn't ask any questions. If you have to answer anything about your miserable day, you'll surely crack and start crying even harder. "Hey Yuyu." His eyebrows crease with worry, and you think he might have caught on to something. 
"You're going to get sick out here," he comments.
You breathe a small sigh of relief. "No worries. I'm almost home, anyways. No use in calling for a taxi. But...what are you doing out, Yunho?"
"Oh, well I...um...I accidentally fell asleep at the library." 
"Again?" you ask.
"Again," he confirms, hands in his pockets and eyes on his feet.
"Well, let's get home quickly. God, I can't wait to be out of these clothes," you groan, the wet fabric sticking to every part of you and making you uncomfortable. You just barely catch the soft pink of Yunho's cheeks in the low light of the street lamps. "Look, you're already getting sick. Go, hurry home," you push, shooing him away.
"I'm going, I'm going. Goodnight, Y/N."
"Night, Yuyu."
You continue on in the direction of your dorm, eyes on the ground as you make a sad attempt not to splash in deep puddles. The walk seems to drag on longer than usual as you're left alone again with your thoughts.
"Hey!" A voice rings immediately after you turn the corner. It sounded like it came from across the street. You don't stop, just turn to glance at what's going on. That's when you see about four men, dressed in black, walking towards you. You quicken your pace, heart beating rapidly in your chest as you hear the men moving closer. You turn down an alley in hopes of losing them, but they're too fast.
"Hey sweetheart, give us your bag and we'll leave you alone."
"Wait!" you call out. Your thoughts run at a million miles per hour, trying to process the entire situation that occurred in what felt like seconds.
"Or not." Another one chimes in, laughing. You barely have time to process anything as one of them pushes you, shoving the side of your body into the wall. You cry out, closing your eyes and bracing yourself for another hit.
But after a moment, nothing comes.
You hear some shuffling and some shouts in front of you. Lowering your hands from their protective position in front of your face, you open your eyes, seeing one of the men running away. What is happening? As he runs, a force pulls him back quickly. He's pulled by...a rope? No, a web. Spiderman appears right before your eyes, kicking the man to the ground. The criminal scoots back, turning and running away in the direction he and the others came. Spiderman then quickly disappears around the corner.
When you turn to leave, he's right in front of you, hanging upside down from a web. A small gasp escapes your lips.
"You seem to be a danger magnet," he comments.
"It seems so. I suppose you're dangerous, then?"
"No, quite the opposite." You smile.
"There must be some way to thank you," you wonder aloud, taking a step closer. You bring your hands to his face, hesitating as your fingertips touch the hem of his mask.
"Wait," he starts. But he doesn't say anything more. You gently pull the mask up until it stops just over his nose.
"Thank you." You gently bring your lips to his. The kiss is slow and passionate, so lovely that you don't want it to end. But that would be against your better judgement. It's getting late, and he must have other things to attend to. You pull away just slightly, slowly pulling the mask back over his face. And with that, he shoots a web and swings up into the air, gone as quickly as he came.
"Y/N," Yunho repeats, waving a hand in front of your face. "Are you okay?"
"I had possibly the worst night ever last night. So, no, not really," you reply curtly.
"What happened?" 
"Where do I even begin? Oh, for starters, San and I are taking a break," you huff, continuing before he can insert his words of pity. "Which is basically inescapable relationship purgatory. Then I found out I bombed our chem test, got poured on, and after running into you, I almost got jumped." You choose to withhold the information about Spiderman, still trying to wrap your head around your interaction with him.
"Y/N, that's awful," he replies, concern etched on every inch of his face.
"Yeah, it was, Yunho." 
"Are you sure you're alright enough to be at school right now?"
"Yep. I pay for this school, so it makes me feel better when I come to class, even if I don't pay attention. Plus, it's Friday. I can push through until the weekend." He looks like he has more to say, but he just nods. 
"Do you want to stay at my place tonight?" he asks suddenly. You look at him curiously. Sure, you've been to your best friend's apartment, but only to study or to pick up something before heading out somewhere. You've never stayed the night. "N-not like, I mean...we can just hang. Maybe it will help you take your mind off things. And you'll be safe," he adds.
"A sleepover? With my bestie? How could I say no?" Yunho smiles his adorable smile in response, and you can't help but think about how sweet he is. You haven't exactly returned his kindness lately with everything going on, and maybe you can talk to him about it at his place...at least give him some sort of apology.
"That's so you!" says Yunho, pointing at a character in the movie he put on. 
"Absolutely not!" you exclaim, throwing a piece of popcorn at him. 
"Ah, not nice!" he laughs, grabbing your wrist. Your smile falters and he lets go as soon as he notices. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" he asks worriedly. 
"No, no, it's okay. I just...I remembered I needed to talk to you about something." He tilts his head, looking at you like an innocent puppy. 
"Oh, what is it?" His tone is soft, with maybe a hint of nervousness.
"I just...I've been so in my head recently that I feel like I haven't been involved with you. All the time, you check on my wellbeing, and I forget to check on yours. I mean, when was the last time I asked how your life was going? You offer me nothing but kindness, and I have not returned it to you. And I'm really sorry, Yunho."
"Y/N, it's not like that," he assures gently. "I understand that you've been through a lot of stressful things recently. It's only human that you would react negatively to these stressors. I just want you to know that I'm here for you. No one is perfect, and no one's life is absent of hardships. People need guidance; they need care. People need stability in a time when their life is thrown off balance. Just know that I will be that stability for you, Y/N."
"Yunho—" you choke out, the all-too-familiar burning sensation in your throat as you fight back tears. 
"Oh, don't cry." He glances around nervously, not really sure how to comfort you. 
You laugh through your tears. "I just...what did I do to deserve you?" You practically knock him over as you crash your lips onto his, relaxing into his arms. Your kiss slow and passionate; warm and comforting. It's blissful, and it seems...oddly familiar. But you've never kissed your best friend before. Maybe in a dream? Your ex surely didn't kiss like this. You gently pull away from him, eyebrows scrunched.
"What?" Yunho asks, scanning your face.
"I just...got deja vu," you mumble.
"Strange." Yunho shrugs, pulling you back into a kiss. You push away again and giggle as he tries to chase your lips. The familiar feeling is still present. The only person you've kissed like this is....
The thought that pops into your head seems so unbelievable, so embarrassing that you don't dare give too much away in fear of being wrong. 
"You're...him?" you whisper. 
"Who?" he asks with big eyes, a smile tugging at his lips.
"You know who!"
"No, I don't know what you're talking about, Y/N." It feels as if he's teasing you. You groan out of frustration, not wanting to be wrong about such an outlandish idea. Yunho suddenly tenses a bit, setting you gently on the couch as he gets up.
"Well...perfect timing. Something's going on downtown," he says, disappearing into his room. You watch with a confused look until he emerges, clad in the familiar blue and red suit, mask in hand. Even though you had just made the connection...it didn't seem real. Your breath catches in your throat as you watch him.
"You just told me you knew. Why are you all shocked?" he asks.
"I didn't know I was right," you manage. Your nerdy best friend? A superhero that fights crime? Unbelievable. Yunho slides a window open before he looks back to you. 
"I'll be back in a few, okay?" You nod, coming over to him.
"Okay. Be safe." You peck his lips before he puts on his mask, climbing out the window. He leaps off the balcony and your heart practically stops, only to start back up again as you see him swinging on his webs from building to building. "Oh my god," you mutter to yourself, running a hand down your face.
You have a lot of things to say when he gets back. Starting with the fact that this was way sexier than ionic compounds.
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